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Male Vs. Female Emotional Expression in Text Messaging

Stephanie Gruner

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Part of the Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons Male Vs. Female Emotional Expression in Text Messaging

Stephanie Gruner


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for obtaining


Department of Communication Studies along with the Honors College at EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Charleston, Illinois


I hereby recommend this thesis to be accepted as fulfilling the thesis requirement for obtaining Undergraduate Departmental Honors

12!;3/11 Date I


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This study focused on gender differences in emotional expression in text messaging. It sought to discover whether men or women use more emotionally expressive tools and words in texts and whether the gender of the person receiving the message affects a person’s emotional expression when creating text messages. Fifty female and fifty male college students completed a two-part study in which they created text messages displaying particular emotions according to given scenarios. The participants were instructed to create each message as if they were texting a member of the same sex, and then a member of the opposite sex. A total of 1,400 text messages were analyzed to find that the data supported the hypothesis that gender differences in emotional expression in face-to-face communication are also present in computer-mediated communication because the average number and type of tools used to express each emotion varied according to the sex of the participant and the sex of his/her text message recipient. MALE VS. FEMALE 3

Male Vs. Female Emotional Expression in Text Messaging

The differences between the communication styles of men and women have contributed to a most intriguing and extensively researched area of study for quite some time. It is fascinating to think about all of the misconceptions and misinterpretations of meaning that have led to communication problems between members of the opposite sex. And it is unfortunate, yet encouraging, to think that many of these could have been avoided if only we better understood one another and the differences between us.

Most of the past research on this subject focuses on men and women’s dissimilarities in face-to-face interactions. It is typically agreed that in general, men are less emotionally expressive than women, women are more relationship-oriented while men are more task- oriented, and that male-male friendships are more activity-based while female-female friendships are more talk-based and emotional. However, in a world that increasingly relies on computer- mediated communication (CMC), can we suppose that these findings are also true of interactions carried out through text messaging?

Previous research indicates that although many of our face-to-face communication tools are lacking in CMC, such as body language and hand gestures, voice inflection, tone, pitch, and volume, and facial expressions, there are ways in which we compensate for their absence so as to still succeed in expressing our emotions through this medium. Assuming this idea is true, it would make sense that men and women not only differ in their levels of emotional expression in face-to-face interactions, but also that these differences are present in CMC. And because CMC is a less rich communication medium than face-to-face communication, it may be even more likely that gender differences in communication styles will result in communication difficulties between men and women in CMC. Therefore, this study seeks to demonstrate the differences in MALE VS. FEMALE 4 emotional expression in text messaging between men and women with the hope that these findings will contribute to a better understanding of the problems of miscommunication between members of the opposite sex.

Review of Literature

As previously stated, there is a great deal of information available concerning the emotional expressiveness of men and women. For example, a study of college students that investigated gender differences in same-sex friendships used a role-play method and questionnaire to find that male relationships were more activity-based and centered on doing things together while female relationships were more talk-based and centered on emotional sharing (Caldwell & Peplau, 1982). In another study, the participants filled out a questionnaire measuring their level of emotional expression. There was a significant difference between the female and male participants’ scores and the women in the study scored much higher in expressiveness than the men (King & Emmons, 1990). These two studies show that in general, women are more likely to express their emotions than are men. The study presented in this paper hopes to illustrate how the face-to-face gender differences in communication styles revealed through these two studies, and many others, are also present in CMC in that females are more emotionally expressive in their text messages in general than are men.

In order to research this claim we must first understand how emotions are expressed in

CMC. According to a study of five hundred and forty-four participants’ text messages, CMC involves “paralinguistic restitution,” which means that when communicating through texts we have to compensate for certain features of face-to-face interaction, such as vocal cues, facial expressions, body language, and gestures, that are absent in CMC. Some of the methods participants used to convey emotions through texting included the use of abbreviations and MALE VS. FEMALE 5 acronyms, onomatopoeia, exclamatory punctuation, and (Thurlow, 2003). Another study of seventy-two participants found that they made “linguistic adjustments such as the use of letter/number homophones, non-conventional spellings, accent stylization, omission of punctuation marks, lack of word interspacing, use of onomatopoeic expressions/exclamations as well as complex capitalizations” when communicating through texting (Elvis, 2009). In addition to these studies, the researcher also completed a study on emotion in text messaging in which participants used all-capitalized letters, emoticons, punctuation, onomatopoeia, abbreviations, and profanity to express their emotion (Gruner, 2010). If the gender differences in emotional expression present in face-to-face communication carry over to CMC, women likely express more emotions in their text messages and therefore are likely to use more of these tools in their text messages than men.

When it comes to the tool, other research has shown that women do in fact use it with more frequency than do men. In a study that sought to determine whether or not it is possible to predict the gender of the writer of a text document based on linguistic clues, the researchers found that females and males tend to use words differently and have different writing habits when it comes to computer-mediated communication. Their results showed that smileys, other emoticons, and emotion-carrying words are distinctive of the female writing style

(Kucukyilmaz, Cambazoglu, Aykanat, & Can, 2006). In another study, the hypothesis that gender differences in CMC would make it possible for participants to correctly identify the gender of the writers of email messages again proved true when the subjects of the study did so with 91.4% accuracy in the first part of the study and with 87.5% accuracy in the second and third parts (Thomson, R. & Murachver, 2001). MALE VS. FEMALE 6

As stated before, a possible explanation for these findings is that men are more task- oriented and women are more relationship-oriented. A research study on CMC group work concluded that males are more task-oriented and engage in “report talk” while females are more relationship-oriented and engage in “rapport talk.” It also determined that males are more outcome-oriented, which may explain why they don’t find it necessary to always convey emotion through texts; and females are more process-oriented, which may account for why they do include emotionally expressive tools in text messages (Flanagin, Tiyaamornwong, O’Connor, &

Seibold, 2002). Additionally, another study concluded that context was a factor in determining the level of emotional expression in CMC. Participants in the research used more emoticons during online communication when the context was socio-emotional than they did when it was task-related (Deerks, Bos, & Von Grumbkow, 2007). This suggests that if men are more likely to engage in “report talk” that is task-oriented, they are also less likely to use the CMC tools that convey emotion in their texting interactions; whereas females are more likely to express emotion because they more often engage in “rapport talk” that is relationship-oriented and therefore emotionally-based.

Recent interviews conducted with men concerning their use of emoticons further support this idea in that the men reported rarely using emoticons when talking to other males online.

While most of the interviewees claimed they liked to use emoticons as a way to express their emotions without words and to improve their conversations online, they were still hesitant to use them in same-sex interaction (Chen & Rust, 2009). This implies that they don’t use emoticons in male-male interactions, perhaps because those interactions are less-emotionally-based and more task-oriented, and that when they do use emoticons they are communicating with females.

Similarly, a study on same-sex and mixed-sex focus groups found that instead of the females MALE VS. FEMALE 7 being “silenced or muted” by the males with whom they interacted, as was expected, the men actually took on the females’ habit of expressing more emotion and used more emoticons when communicating in the mixed-sex groups as compared to the male-only group (Wolf, 2000).

These two studies imply that while male-male CMC interactions may be less emotionally expressive, perhaps males are more emotionally expressive when communicating electronically with females rather than with other males.

While all of these studies’ results are generalizations of typical male and female communication styles, it is important to remember that gender is socially constructed and that we are taught what is considered “normal” behavior for each sex. The authors of the article

“Gendered Communication Styles” argue that sex and gender are two separate classifications and that while most males are primarily masculine communicators and most females are primarily feminine communicators, most people also possess qualities of each and that it is possible for males to be primarily feminine communicators or for women to be primarily masculine communicators (Wood & Reich, 2006). These ideas can help us understand that males and females may be socialized from birth to display a certain amount of emotion, whether it be in face-to-face interaction or computer-mediated communication, and ignorance of this fact may account for the misinterpretations and misconceptions that males and females have of one another when communicating.

Area of Study

The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not gender differences in emotional expression that are present in face-to-face communication are also present in computer-mediated communication, particularly in the medium of text messaging. The research will focus on the MALE VS. FEMALE 8 number of emotional tools, words, and phrases used by the participants to convey emotion in their text messages. The research questions include:

RQ1: Do men use fewer emotionally expressive tools than women when text


RQ2: Do men use fewer emotionally expressive tools when texting other men than

when texting women?

RQ3: Do women use more emotionally expressive tools when texting men or when

texting women?

And finally, the research hypotheses are:

H1: Women are more emotionally expressive in CMC than men in that they use more

emotionally expressive tools in text messages than men do.

H2: Men are more emotionally expressive in CMC interactions with women than they

are in CMC interactions with men in that they use fewer emotionally expressive tools

when texting men than they do when texting women.

H3: Gender differences in emotional expression in face-to-face communication are also

present in computer-mediated communication.



The data for this study was collected over the course of two semesters, in the Spring and

Fall of 2011. Convenience sampling was used to choose participants on the basis of their availability, the disposability of their time, and ease of access to the researcher (Baxter &

Babbie, 2004, p. 134). Responses were gathered on the campus of Eastern Illinois University MALE VS. FEMALE 9 and in the surrounding Charleston area from students ranging from freshmen to graduate students.


The questionnaire (see Appendix A) provided to the participants consisted of two parts.

In part one, after responding to demographic-related questions about gender, ethnic origin, class level, age, and texting frequency, the participant was instructed to create seven different text messages according to the prompts provided. Each prompt described an emotional situation in which the participant was to communicate with a person of the same sex. The participant was directed to write the text message as he or she normally would when using this form of communication and to express the idea, feeling, or emotion outlined in each scenario. The concepts that the participant was asked to convey included anger, sadness, happiness, amusement/laughter, excitement, annoyance, and insulting/joking. For part two, the participant was given the same prompts but asked to create the message as if he or she were communicating with a person of the opposite sex. In this way, the frequency of emotionally expressive tools, words, and phrases used by each sex could be analyzed to determine which sex is more emotionally expressive when communicating through text messages; and any variation from part one to part two in the number of emotionally expressive tools each individual used could help determine the differences in expressing emotion through texts when communicating with the same sex versus the opposite sex.


The questionnaire was developed by the researcher and submitted to Eastern Illinois

University’s Institutional Review Board for approval as Exempt from Further Review. Once the study’s classification was confirmed, students were enlisted to participate. The students MALE VS. FEMALE 10 completed their responses on the researcher’s personal laptop where they were saved with an name of “Participant X,” with the “X” being a non-identifying number. It was necessary to have the students complete the questionnaires on a computer, rather than handwriting their responses, in order to maintain accuracy as the purpose of this study was to research computer-mediated communication. Handwritten responses would not authentically represent a typical text message because the usual tools of a computer keyboard or cell phone number pad are not available. The data was printed and stored in both electronic and hard copy form.

After collecting one hundred typed responses, fifty from each gender, the data could then be analyzed to determine which sex is more emotionally expressive in text messaging and whether or not emotional expressiveness varies when communicating with members of the opposite sex as compared to members of the same sex. In order to determine the emotional expressiveness of each gender, the data was entered into a table (see Appendix K) that compared the text message each participant sent to a member of the same sex to the text message he/she sent to a member of the opposite sex for each emotion or concept that he/she was asked to communicate via text. In other words, the table compares the participant’s response in Part One of the questionnaire to his/her response in Part Two for each prompt.

The number of emotional tools, words, or phrases that the participant used in his/her text to each sex for each prompt was counted by the researcher and entered into the table. The difference in the number of emotional tools, words, and phrases each individual used when communicating with each sex for each prompt was then calculated, as well as the total number used by each individual and by each sex as a whole. The average total number of emotional tools, words, and phrases used by each male for each emotional prompt was compared to the MALE VS. FEMALE 11 average used by each female for each prompt to determine which sex was more emotionally expressive in their texts for each emotion or concept they were asked to communicate. Both the number of male participants who used more emotional expression in their text messages to other males versus the number who used more emotional expression in their text messages to females, and the average total number of emotional tools, words, and phrases used by each male when texting another male versus when texting a female, were used to determine whether males are more emotionally expressive when communicating with the same or opposite sex. This same strategy was used to calculate the female respondents’ differences in emotional expression when texting another female as compared to when texting a male. The whole process was repeated to determine gender differences in emoticon use.

To determine what constitutes an emotional tool, word, or phrase in the text messages, the researcher relied on past research that found abbreviations and acronyms, exclamatory punctuation, emoticons (Thurlow, 2003; Gruner 2010), onomatopoeia (Thurlow, 2003; Elvis,

2009; Gruner 2010) lack of word interspacing (Elvis, 2009), and complex capitalizations (Elvis,

2009; Gruner, 2010) are tools people use to compensate for certain face-to-face tools that are used to express emotion but aren’t available in CMC. These tools, as well as any words or phrases that generally carry emotion in a face-to-face interaction that the participants used in their texts, were all considered emotional tools, words, or phrases in this study.

For data entry purposes, each instance of an emotional tool, word, or phrase used in each text was assigned a “point” value, and the number in each column of the table represents the total number of points for that category. To illustrate this, an example of one participant’s responses to the anger prompt is provided in Appendix B. A number “2” is written in the column labeled

“# of CMC Tools/Emotional Words Used (in Same Sex Text).” This means this participant used MALE VS. FEMALE 12 two instances of emotionally expressive tools, words, or phrases in the text he sent to a male. A number “4” is written in the column labeled “# of CMC Tools/Emotional Words Used (in

Opposite Sex Text),” meaning the participant used four instances in his text written to a female.

The next column totals these two numbers, the “2” and the “4,” and states that the participant used a total of six emotional tools, words, and phrases in his two texts. Finally, the difference between the number used in the text sent to a male and the text sent to a female is two. A plus sign (+) is written before the two to indicate that the participant used more instances of emotion in his text to a member of the opposite sex than to a member of the same sex. A minus sign (-) indicates that the participant used more in his/her text sent to a member of the same sex and a zero (0) indicates that there was no difference. All instances of an emotional tool, word, or phrase were bolded in the table located in Appendix K.

CMC tools that carried an emotional “point” value included onomatopoeia, such as

“grrr,” “ugh,” or “wah,” emoticons such as smiley faces and sad faces, capitalizing entire words or sentences, abbreviations such as “” or “smh,” and punctuation such as an exclamation point. A point was given for each sentence that used “all caps” and abbreviations that were not considered to involve emotion did not receive any point value. For example, certain abbreviations like “brb,” which stands for “be right back,” are used to simplify the time it takes to text. But others like “smh,” which stands for “shaking my head,” may communicate disgust, disappointment, disbelief, or disapproval. So the abbreviations that have an emotional purpose aside from the practical purpose of speeding up the texting process received a point. Also, if the person wrote out the phrase that an emotional abbreviation stands for, such as writing “oh my gosh” rather than “omg,” the point value was considered the same. MALE VS. FEMALE 13

The use of an exclamation point counted as one instance of emotional display, but if the participant used multiple types of punctuation in a row they received a point for using the exclamation point in the first place, plus a point for extending the punctuation. For example, writing “!” at the end of a sentence represents one instance of an emotional tool. But “!!!!” or

“!?!?” represents two instances. Likewise, if the punctuation was extended five times or more, the participant used three instances: one for using the punctuation, one for extending it, and one for extending it five times or more. Some examples of this include “!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” and

“!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. This differentiates between someone who writes “!”, someone who writes “!?!!”, and someone who writes “!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!!!!” because the emotional intensity increases as the number of punctuation marks that are used increases. This rule applied whenever a participant used excessive grouping or repetition of a tool, word, or phrase. For example, if a student extended the word “ugh” to “ughhhh,” he/she would receive two points. If someone wrote

“LOLOLOL!” he/she would receive four points, one each for using “lol,” extending it, using all caps, and adding an exclamation point. Another way that punctuation was used to emphasize a statement was the use of periods in between each word in a sentence, such as in the phrase “O.

MY. LANTA!!” that a female participant wrote. The periods suggest that the reader pause between each word, emphasizing the emotion behind the statement, so this tool was also assigned a point.

Other emotional words and phrases that the participants used were similar to those used to convey emotion in face-to-face interactions. Explicitly stating the emotion he/she was feeling gained a participant a point. For example, some students wrote “I’m upset,” or “I just want to be alone” for the sadness prompts. Insults or compliments in regard to self or others were also given a point. Some examples of these include “You’re a jerk for losing my wallet” for the MALE VS. FEMALE 14 anger prompt or “I’m the man” for the happiness prompt. When students used an adverb or added emphasis to an emotion, insult, compliment, or other tool, they received another point. So if a student wrote, “I am annoyed,” he/she would get a point, but writing “I’m really annoyed” is worth two points because of the added emphasis of the word “really.” Other examples include

“you’re so dumb,” and “I’m literally laughing out loud.” Likewise, when students added statements such as “no joke” or “totally” to their texts, each counted as a point because they add emphasis to what is being said in the text.

Exclamatory phrases, like “woot,” “sweet,” “awesome,” and “wow,” were given point value, as well as other emotional phrases such as “I can’t believe” or “how could you,” which display hurt or disbelief, and “guess what” which shows excitement or implies that the words following this phrase consist of some exciting news. Words and phrases like “seriously,”

“really,” and “you’ve got to be kidding me” represented disbelief or disgust, and therefore counted as a point. “Really” and “seriously” were also used to exaggerate or emphasize something being said, like in the sentences “I srsly lol’d” or “I could really use a hug.”

For the happiness prompt in particular, students often used descriptive emotional phrases to communicate their success on a test, such as “I kicked that test’s ass” or “I freaking destroyed that exam’s life.” Phrases like these were considered emotional because they conveyed more excitement or pride than simply writing, “I did well on my exam.” Similarly, a few students made use of threats or assigned blame in order to communicate their anger, by writing phrases like “find my wallet or I’ll kill your ass” or “it’s your fault, I can’t believe you.” Instances of threats or blame were also given a point.

Another emotional phrase that earned a point was “thanks” or “thank you.” While it sometimes communicated a feeling of gratitude, as in the texts that thanked the recipient for MALE VS. FEMALE 15 helping the student study for the test he/she aced, many times it communicated sarcasm or bitterness. In the annoyance texts, it was used in sentences such as “Thanks for the food I didn’t order, jackass!” or “Really enjoying my salad, thanks for ordering that for me Mr. Stupid

Cashier.” In the anger texts, students wrote sentences like “thanks a lot for losing my wallet man” or “whatever, thanks a lot.” In these cases, “whatever” was also considered an emotional term that represented annoyance or passive-aggressive resentment. Pet names, like “boo,” “bay,”

“babe,” and “sweetheart,” were classified as emotional terms and sometimes were used to soften the blow of an insult. For example, in the insulting/joking prompt one female student wrote “u dumb as hell lol but u my boo tho” in her text to a male and a male wrote “Jk, lol. love you ladybug!!!” after his insult in his text to a female.

Finally, profanity was used to express each of the seven types of emotion. Each instance of a curse word was assigned a point and if it was used as an insult or for emphasis, the term was considered to represent two instances of emotion. For instance, the term “dumbass” is both an insult and contains profanity. Therefore, there are two points present. “I’m mad as hell” contains three instances of emotional tools because it explicitly states the emotion felt, contains an emphasizer for the emotion, and makes use of profanity.


The following findings were used to answer RQ1, which asked if men use fewer emotionally expressive tools in texting than women do, and to support H1, which predicted that they do. These findings were also used to support H3, which predicted that emotional differences in face-to-face communication, such as females generally being more emotionally expressive than males, are also present in CMC. The data showed that the women used more MALE VS. FEMALE 16 emotional tools, words, and phrases on average than the men did for each of the emotional prompts (see Appendix C).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their anger toward the text message recipient, 94% (47 out of 50) of the male participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases to do so in one or both of the two text messages they sent in Parts One and Two. The average total number used for each participant was 4.18 for the two messages each created.

Ninety-six percent (48 out of 50) of the female participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases to express their anger and the average total number each used was 5.46 (Appendix C).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their sadness, 84% (42 out of 50) of the male participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and 2.56 was the average total number used by each participant. Ninety-six percent (48 out of 50) of the female participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and the average total number each used was 4.48

(Appendix C).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their happiness, 98% (49 out of 50) of the male participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and 5.26 was the average total number used by each participant. One hundred percent (50 out of 50) of the female participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and the average total number each used was 8.08

(Appendix C).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their amusement or laughter at something the text message recipient had said, 100% (50 out of 50) of the male participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and 5.36 was the average total number used by each participant. One hundred percent (50 out of 50) of the female participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and the average total number each used was 6.9 (Appendix C). MALE VS. FEMALE 17

When prompted to create a text message depicting their excitement, 96% (48 out of 50) of the male participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and 4.82 was the average total number used by each participant. One hundred percent (50 out of 50) of the female participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and the average total number each used was 8.6 (Appendix C).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their annoyance, 90% (45 out of 50) of the male participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and 3.88 was the average total number used by each participant. Ninety-six percent (48 out of 50) of the female participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and the average total number each used was 5.36

(Appendix C).

When prompted to create a text message depicting an insult directed toward the recipient that also shows they are joking around, 96% (48 out of 50) of the male participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and 6.5 was the average total number used by each participant. One hundred percent (50 out of 50) of the female participants used emotional tools, words, and/or phrases and the average total number each used was 6.74 (Appendix C).

The following findings were used to answer RQ2, which asked if men use fewer emotionally expressive tools when texting other men than when texting women. These findings did not support H2, which predicted that men do use fewer emotional tools when texting men than when texting women. The data showed that the majority of male participants used more emotional tools in their texts to males than in their texts to females for the anger and annoyance prompts, the majority used more emotionally expressive tools in their texts to females in the sadness, happiness, excitement, and insulting/joking prompts, and the majority used the same number of tools in their texts to both sexes in the amusement/laughter prompt (see Appendix D). MALE VS. FEMALE 18

In their anger prompt responses, 56% (28 out of 50) of the male participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Eighteen percent (9 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 20% (10 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 6% (3 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 2.5 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 1.68 (Appendix D).

In their sadness prompt responses, 20% (10 out of 50) of the male participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Forty-two percent (21 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 22% (11 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 16% (8 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 1.16 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 1.4 (Appendix D).

In their happiness prompt responses, 28% (14 out of 50) of the male participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Thirty-eight percent (19 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 32%

(16 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 2% (1 out of 50) did not use any at all.

The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 2.64 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 2.62 (Appendix D).

In their amusement prompt responses, 20% (10 out of 50) of the male participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Thirty-two percent (16 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 48%

(24 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 0% (0 out of 50) did not use any at all. MALE VS. FEMALE 19

The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 2.52 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 2.84 (Appendix D).

In their excitement prompt responses, 34% (17 out of 50) of the male participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Forty-eight percent (24 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 14%

(7 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 4% (2 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 2.42 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 2.46 (Appendix D).

In their annoyance prompt responses, 36% (18 out of 50) of the male participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Twenty-two percent (11 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 32%

(16 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 10% (5 out of 50) did not use any at all.

The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 2.14 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 1.74 (Appendix D).

In their insulting/joking prompt responses, 32% (16 out of 50) of the male participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Thirty-six percent (18 out of 50) used more in their texts to females,

28% (14 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 4% (2 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 3.04 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 3.46 (Appendix D).

The following findings were used to answer RQ3, which asked if women use more emotionally expressive tools when texting men or when texting women. The data showed that the majority of women used more emotionally expressive tools when texting women for the MALE VS. FEMALE 20 anger, happiness, and excitement prompts, the majority used more when texting men for the annoyance prompt, and the majority used the same number for both sexes for the sadness, amusement/laughter, and insulting/joking prompts (see Appendix E).

In their anger prompt responses, 44% (22 out of 50) of the female participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Twenty-six percent (13 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 26% (13 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 4% (2 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 2.96 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 2.5 (Appendix E).

In their sadness prompt responses, 34% (17 out of 50) of the female participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Twelve percent (6 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 50% (25 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 4% (2 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 2.6 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 1.88 (Appendix E).

In their happiness prompt responses, 38% (19 out of 50) of the female participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Twenty-eight percent (14 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 34%

(17 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 0% (0 out of 50) did not use any at all.

The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 4.3 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 3.78 (Appendix E).

In their amusement prompt responses, 28% (14 out of 50) of the female participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts MALE VS. FEMALE 21 they sent to males. Thirty-two percent (16 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 40% (20 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 0% (0 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 3.4 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 3.5 (Appendix E).

In their excitement prompt responses, 52% (26 out of 50) of the female participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Thirty percent (15 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 18% (9 out of

50) used the same amount in each text, and 0% (0 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 4.82 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 3.78 (Appendix E).

In their annoyance prompt responses, 30% (15 out of 50) of the female participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Thirty-six percent (18 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 30% (15 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 4% (2 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 2.68 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 2.68 (Appendix E).

In their insulting/joking prompt responses, 26% (13 out of 50) of the female participants used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Thirty-six percent (18 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 38%

(19 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 0% (0 out of 50) did not use any at all.

The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 3.3 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 3.44 (Appendix E). MALE VS. FEMALE 22

The following findings were used to answer RQ1, which asked if men use fewer emotionally expressive tools in texting than women do, and to support H1, which predicted that they do. These findings were also used to support H3, which predicted that emotional differences in face-to-face communication, such as females generally being more emotionally expressive than males, are also present in CMC. The data showed that for each of the emotional prompts, a greater percentage of female participants used emoticons in their texts compared to the percentage of males who did, and the average number used by each female was greater than the average number used by each male (see Appendix F).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their anger toward the text message recipient, 10% (5 out of 50) of the male participants used emoticons to do so in one or both of the two text messages they sent in Parts One and Two. The average total number used for each participant was 0.1 for the two messages each created. Twenty-two percent (11 out of 50) of the female participants used emoticons to express their anger and the average total number each used was 0.26 (Appendix F).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their sadness, 44% (22 out of 50) of the male participants used emoticons and 0.6 was the average total number used by each participant. Seventy-four percent (37 out of 50) of the female participants used emoticons and the average total number each used was 1.98 (Appendix F).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their happiness, 20% (10 out of 50) of the male participants used emoticons and 0.26 was the average total number used by each participant. Forty-four percent (22 out of 50) of the female participants used emoticons and the average total number each used was 0.84 (Appendix F). MALE VS. FEMALE 23

When prompted to create a text message depicting their amusement or laughter at something the text message recipient had said, 22% (11 out of 50) of the male participants used emoticons and 0.3 was the average total number used by each participant. Thirty-two percent

(16 out of 50) of the female participants used emoticons and the average total number each used was 0.48 (Appendix F).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their excitement, 22% (11 out of 50) of the male participants used emoticons and 0.3 was the average total number used by each participant. Forty percent (20 out of 50) of the female participants used emoticons and the average total number each used was 0.68 (Appendix F).

When prompted to create a text message depicting their annoyance, 12% (6 out of 50) of the male participants used emoticons and 0.12 was the average total number used by each participant. Eighteen percent (9 out of 50) of the female participants used emoticons and the average total number each used was 0.26 (Appendix F).

When prompted to create a text message depicting an insult directed toward the recipient that also shows they are joking around, 48% (24 out of 50) of the male participants used emoticons and 0.64 was the average total number used by each participant. Fifty-six percent (28 out of 50) of the female participants used emoticons and the average total number each used was

0.94 (Appendix F).

The following findings were used to answer RQ2, which asked if men use fewer emotionally expressive tools when texting men than when texting women, and to support H2, which predicted that they do. The data showed that of the men who used the emoticon tool, the majority used more emoticons when texting women than when texting men for each of the emotional prompts (see Appendix G). MALE VS. FEMALE 24

In their anger prompt responses, 4% (2 out of 50) of the male participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Six percent (3 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 0% (0 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 90% (45 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 0.04 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 0.06 (Appendix G).

In their sadness prompt responses, 4% (2 out of 50) of the male participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Twenty- four percent (12 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 16% (8 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 56% (28 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 0.2 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 0.4 (Appendix G).

In their happiness prompt responses, 0% (0 out of 50) of the male participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Fourteen percent (7 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 6% (3 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 80% (40 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 0.06 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 0.2 (Appendix G).

In their amusement prompt responses, 0% (0 out of 50) of the male participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females.

Fourteen percent (7 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 8% (4 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 78% (39 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number MALE VS. FEMALE 25 used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 0.08 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 0.22 (Appendix G).

In their excitement prompt responses, 0% (0 out of 50) of the male participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Eighteen percent (9 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 4% (2 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 78% (39 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 0.06 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 0.24 (Appendix G).

In their annoyance prompt responses, 2% (1 out of 50) of the male participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females. Ten percent (5 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 0% (0 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 88% (44 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 0.02 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 0.1 (Appendix G).

In their insulting/joking prompt responses, 6% (3 out of 50) of the male participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to males than they did in the texts they sent to females.

Twenty-eight percent (14 out of 50) used more in their texts to females, 14% (7 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 52% (26 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a male was 0.2 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a female was 0.44 (Appendix G).

The following findings were used to answer RQ3, which asked if women use more emotionally expressive tools when texting men or when texting women. The data showed that of the female participants who used the emoticon tool, the majority used more emoticons when MALE VS. FEMALE 26 texting women than when texting men for the anger prompt, the majority used more when texting men for the amusement/laughter, excitement, and annoyance prompts, and the majority used the same number for both sexes in the sadness, happiness, and insulting/joking prompts (see

Appendix H).

In their anger prompt responses, 12% (6 out of 50) of the female participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Eight percent (4 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 2% (1 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 78% (39 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 0.16 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 0.1 (Appendix H).

In their sadness prompt responses, 16% (8 out of 50) of the female participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Twelve percent (6 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 46% (23 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 26% (13 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 1.06 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 0.92 (Appendix H).

In their happiness prompt responses, 12% (6 out of 50) of the female participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males.

Twelve percent (6 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 20% (10 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 56% (28 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 0.42 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 0.42 (Appendix H). MALE VS. FEMALE 27

In their amusement prompt responses, 2% (1 out of 50) of the female participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males.

Eighteen percent (9 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 12% (6 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 68% (34 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 0.16 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 0.32 (Appendix H).

In their excited prompt responses, 10% (5 out of 50) of the female participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Twenty percent (10 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 10% (5 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 60% (30 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 0.32 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 0.36 (Appendix H).

In their annoyance prompt responses, 2% (1 out of 50) of the female participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males.

Twelve percent (6 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 4% (2 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 82% (41 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 0.08 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 0.18 (Appendix H).

In their insulting/joking prompt responses, 14% (7 out of 50) of the female participants used more emoticons in the texts they sent to females than they did in the texts they sent to males. Twelve percent (6 out of 50) used more in their texts to males, 30% (15 out of 50) used the same amount in each text, and 44% (22 out of 50) did not use any at all. The average number MALE VS. FEMALE 28 used by each participant in the text sent to a female was 0.48 and the average number used by each in the text sent to a male was 0.46 (Appendix H).


The research questions investigated in this study were answered, to an extent, by the data collected. RQ1 asked if men use fewer emotionally expressive tools than women when text messaging. As a group, the data showed that men do indeed express less emotion in their texts.

For each emotion tested, the female group used more emotional tools, words, and phrases in their texts on average (see Appendix C). This also supported H1which predicted that women are more emotionally expressive in CMC than men in that they use more emotionally expressive tools in text messages than men do.

The answer to RQ2 was slightly less clear. It asked if men use fewer emotionally expressive tools when texting other men than when texting women. According to the data, whether the male participants used more emotional tools, words, and phrases when texting a male or when texting a female depended upon the emotion they were asked to convey. The majority of males used more in their texts to males than in their texts to females for the anger and annoyance prompts; the majority used more in their texts to females for the sadness, happiness, excitement, and insulting/joking prompts; and the majority used the same number in their texts to both genders for the amusement prompt. The most significant differences occurred in the anger and sadness prompts, but the differences were more minor for the other emotions (see Appendix

D). H2, which predicted that males would use more emotional tools when texting females than when texting males, proved incorrect because the majority of participants used more in their texts to other males for the anger and annoyance prompts and the majority used the same number for both sexes in the amusement prompt. . MALE VS. FEMALE 29

RQ3 asked if women use more emotionally expressive tools when texting men or when texting women. The answer to this question also depended on the emotion they were asked to express. The majority of females used more emotional tools, words, and phrases in their texts to other females in the anger, happiness, and excitement prompts; the majority used more in their texts to males in the annoyance prompt; and the majority used the same number in their texts to both sexes in the sadness, amusement, and insulting/joking prompts. The most significant differences occurred in the anger, sadness, and excitement prompts, but the differences were more minor for the other emotions (see Appendix E).

Although this study did not originally set out to investigate gender differences in emoticon use specifically, the most significant differences in emotional expression in text messaging between the two sexes proved to be in this area. For each emotion, there were more female participants than male who utilized this CMC tool and the females used more emoticons on average than the males did (see Appendix F). The majority of males did not use any emoticons at all for each emotion, but of those who did use them, the majority used more in their texts to females than in their texts to males (see Appendix G). The differences between the texts the females sent to other females and those they sent to males were less dramatic and for the most part they were fairly consistent between the two gender recipients (see Appendix H). The females were also more likely to “exaggerate” or extend their emoticons, or to type multiple emoticons in a row. Of the 700 texts written by males, only one contained a repeated or extended emoticon and it was only repeated once, “:):)”, and was sent to a female. Of the 700 texts written by females, there were 28 instances of extended or repeated emoticons. This is still a small percentage of 700, but noticeably more than the number of instances this tactic of emotional expression occurred in the male texts. And, eighteen of these instances extended or MALE VS. FEMALE 30 repeated the emoticon multiple times and five of these eighteen were extended five times or more, whereas the one instance of repetition in the male texts was repeated one time (see

Appendix I).

When it came to extending any of the emotional tools, words, or phrases, or letters in words, the males used this technique 21.1% of the time (in 148 of the 700 texts written by males) and the females used it 36% of the time (in 252 of the 700 texts written by females). The males extended their tools, words, phrases, or letters to the extent of five times or more 1.9% of the time (in 13 of the 700 texts) and the females did so 6.4% of the time (in 45 of the 700 texts). The average number of instances that each of the male participants used the extending/repeating tool throughout the study was 3.6, while it was 7.66 for the female participants. The average number of instances that each of the male participants extended or repeated a tool five times or more throughout the study was 0.28, while it was 0.98 for the female participants (see Appendix J).

The participants’ emoticon use and frequency of extended or repeated tools used in this study supports the idea that males use fewer emotional tools in text messaging than females do and their emoticon use supports the idea that they use fewer emotional tools when texting other males than when texting females. However, when the number of emoticons each male used is combined with the other emotional tools, words, and phrases he used, the total number difference between his texts to each sex is less radical and there are not always more used in the texts sent to the females.

Overall, H3 was supported because the data did show that certain gender differences in emotional expression in face-to-face communication are also present in computer-mediated communication; the females in the study were on average more emotionally expressive than the males. But not all of the expected gender differences were necessarily apparent in the text MALE VS. FEMALE 31 message data. The males were not always more emotionally expressive when communicating with females than they were when communicating with males as past research on communication differences would have us believe. Since the anger and annoyance prompts were the scenarios for which the majority of male participants used more emotion when communicating with males, an explanation could be that the males were more comfortable expressing their anger or frustration to other males than they were expressing it to females. This would especially make sense for the anger texts since the males were actually telling the recipient that they were mad at him or her directly, whereas the annoyance prompt involved frustration at a third party. Accordingly, the higher majority of males use more emotion in their texts to males for the anger prompt (56%) than for the annoyance prompt (36%) (see Appendix


On the other hand, some unpredicted gender differences were noticed in this study that are unique to this form of communication. Emoticon use and the use of repetition, extension, or grouping of tools were more prevalent in the texts written by women. Perhaps one reason for this could be that it is seen as “girly” or less manly by men to use these tools since men and women are socialized differently when it comes to emotional expression.

Of course, there are limitations to this study. While this study examined “text messages” written by the participants, these messages were created on a laptop computer rather than a cell phone keypad. So, the responses submitted may have been affected in that the participants might be more familiar with creating texts on a cell phone. However, the tools that constituted emotion in this study are the same as those used by people in other forms of CMC, such as or social media, which are activities carried out on a computer. MALE VS. FEMALE 32

The participants were also not given instructions as to their relationship to the text message recipient. So, one may have had a certain friend in mind whom he/she imagined to be texting in one part, while another may have pretended to text his/her significant other or a family member or even an acquaintance. The participant’s idea of his/her relationship to the recipient or how well the participant believed he/she knew the recipient could have affected the degree of emotion he/she was willing to reveal in the messages.

Perhaps the biggest limitation was that just one person was analyzing these texts, so there was room for human error in that she could have missed or miscounted instances of emotional tools, words, or phrases. But even more significant than that possibility is that others may disagree with the items that were chosen as emotional tools, words, or phrases or with the point value that each was assigned.

Future Research

Because limitations arose when only one person analyzed the emotional expressiveness in the texts, it would be worthwhile to reexamine this study with the help of a panel of researchers. If a group of people were to come to a consensus as to which tools, words, and phrases constitute emotion in CMC and how much emotion each carries so as to assign an appropriate point value, the emotional differences between men and women in text messaging may be more accurately found.

Besides the differences between male and female emotional expression in texts, a study investigating the way any demographic category uses emotion in texts, or even simply texting in general, would be intriguing. For example, the researcher noticed trends in certain words and phrases used by African American participants in this study that were not used by participants of other ethnic backgrounds. And people in one age group may use texting differently than those of MALE VS. FEMALE 33 other ages. Examining differences in the way demographics affects emotional expression and text messaging use could be a compelling area of study.

And finally, one enjoyable part of this study for the researcher was the possibility that she could determine the identity of a person if his/her personality was revealed in a text. While this study was anonymous, the researcher was acquainted with some of the people who participated beforehand. In particular, her sister, a close male friend, a close female friend, and her boyfriend were participants. These are people she knows well and with whom she communicates via text fairly often. As she analyzed each of the texts the participants created, once in a while one random text of the 1,400 she analyzed would stand out to her as sounding “familiar” or very similar to something that one of her close friends might say or text. For example, one of the texts written by a male for the annoyance prompt used the term “McDognald’s,” a name her boyfriend uses to refer to McDonald’s, and contained an insult she has frequently heard him use before. Messages written by one female participant used the terms “dense” and “totes hilar,” phrases that are commonplace in the researcher’s close female friend’s CMC interactions. Her close male friend actually uses a great deal of emotional tools, words, and phrases in his texts compared to other males, and the highly emotional responses of one male participant, which also contained a “ =] ” smiley emoticon that is characteristic of her friend’s texts, led her to believe she had determined which texts were written by him. And finally, her sister uses excessive grouping and repetition of tools in her texts quite often. One female participant used grouping and repetition in 12 of her 14 responses and actually made a comment that the researcher believes to be a subtle reference to a memory shared by her and her sister involving a fast food incident in the annoyance prompt. Each of the anonymous participants whom she believes to be one of her friends also possesses the same demographic information as the friend in question. MALE VS. FEMALE 34

So, the researcher is exceptionally confident that she has determined the identities of at least four of the participants in the study whose personalities she knows well. This discovery suggests that perhaps a person’s personality is distinguishable in CMC and a study investigating the extent to which it is displayed in a text message, or concealed by the limitations of CMC, could make a very riveting inquiry.


This study has shown that certain differences in the way men and women express their emotions in face-to-face interactions have carried over to computer-mediated communication.

As past research claims that males are generally less emotionally expressive in face-to-face interactions than females are, the results of this study claim likewise for text message interactions. But while past research shows that men tend to be more emotionally expressive in interactions with women than with other men, this study suggests that when it comes to text messaging, the extent of emotional expressiveness that men show other men versus women depends on the emotion they are expressing. The same was found true for women.

As the way we communicate becomes more and more technology-dependent, understanding the differences between female and male communication methods in CMC will become increasingly important. While text messaging is often criticized for its lack of intimacy and emotional limitations, this study demonstrates that we adapt to new types of communication and create new ways of communicating emotion through the mediums we have available to us.

Studying the ways that men adapt versus the ways that women do can help us to better understand and appreciate the differences in emotional expression between the two sexes.



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Appendix A

Please place an “X” next to the appropriate choice or provide an answer in the blank:

What is your gender? Male Female

What is your ethnic origin? White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Other ______

What is your classification level as a student? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Grad Student

What is your age? ______

On a scale of 1 to 5, how often do you use text messaging? Never Only when necessary A few times a day Many times a day I hold lengthy conversations through text messages every day or most days

Part One

Please create a text message according to the directions provided for each of the following scenarios as you would normally create one when communicating through texts. Assume the person you are texting is a member of the SAME sex.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are angry with him or her for losing your wallet.


Create a text message that shows the recipient you are sad or upset because your dog has just died.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are happy because you scored a 100% on a difficult exam.

Create a text message that shows the recipient that what he or she has just texted you made you laugh or was humorous to you.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are ecstatic because you have just won a new ipod in a raffle.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are annoyed because the cashier at a fast food restaurant messed up your order.

Create a text message that insults the recipient but shows him or her that you are only joking around.

Part Two

Please create a text message according to the directions provided for each of the following scenarios as you would normally create one when communicating through texts. Assume the person you are texting is a member of the OPPOSITE sex.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are angry with him or her for losing your wallet.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are sad or upset because your dog has just died.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are happy because you scored a 100% on a difficult exam.

Create a text message that shows the recipient that what he or she has just texted you made you laugh or was humorous to you.


Create a text message that shows the recipient you are ecstatic because you have just won a new ipod in a raffle.

Create a text message that shows the recipient you are annoyed because the cashier at a fast food restaurant messed up your order.

Create a text message that insults the recipient but shows him or her that you are only joking around.


Appendix B


M = Male F = Female

W = White B = Black or African American A = Asian H/L = Hispanic or Latino H/P = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander O (ethnicity) = Other & = Multiple Ethnicities

Gr = Graduate Student Sr = Senior Jr = Junior So = Sophomore Fr = Freshman

(#) = Age

1 = Never uses text messaging 2 = Uses text messaging only when necessary 3 = Uses text messaging a few times a day 4 = Uses text messaging many times a day 5 = Holds lengthy conversations through text messages every day or most days

Italics = Participant explicitly stated that they were experiencing a particular emotion + = Used more emotional tools in the text sent to a member of the opposite - = Used fewer emotional tools in the text sent to a member of the opposite sex


Text Sent to Text Sent to Participant Demographic a Male a Female # Information

(Same Sex) (Opposite Sex)

Words Used Words

Opposite Sex Texts Sex Opposite

Opposite Sex Texts Sex Opposite

Total # of Emoticons Used Emoticons of # Total

# of CMC Tools/Emotional Tools/Emotional of CMC #

Used (in Opposite Sex Text) Sex (in Opposite Used

# Difference Between Same and Same Between # Difference

Words Used (in Same Sex Text) Sex Same (in Used Words and Same Between # Difference

Total # of CMC Tools/Emotional Tools/Emotional of CMC # Total

f Emoticons Used (in Same Sex Text) Sex Same (in Used Emoticons f

# of CMC Tools/Emotional Words Words Tools/Emotional of CMC #

# o #

# of Emoticons Used (in Opposite Sex Text) Sex Opposite (in Used of Emoticons #

Grrr, way how did to you MWSr(22) lose manage 2 2 4 6 +2 1 0 1 1 4 my to lose wallet my :/ wallet?! ?!


Appendix C

Difference in Use of Emotional Tools, Words and Phrases According to Sex of Participant


Average Number Average Number Participants Who Participants Who of Emotional of Emotional Used Emotional Used Emotional Tools/Words/ Tools/Words/ EMOTION Tools/Words/ Tools/Words/ Phrases Used By Phrases Used By Phrases in One or Phrases in One or Each Participant Each Participant Both Texts Both Texts Per 2 Texts Sent Per 2 Texts Sent

Anger 94% 4.18 96% 5.46

Sadness 84% 2.56 96% 4.48

Happiness 98% 5.26 100% 8.08

Amusement/ 100% 5.36 100% 6.9 Laughter

Excitement 96% 4.82 100% 8.6

Annoyance 90% 3.88 96% 5.36

Insulting/Joking 96% 6.5 100% 6.74


Appendix D

Difference in Use of Emotional Tools/Words/Phrases By Males According to Sex of Recipient

Male Participants Male Participants Male Participants Who Used Who Used Male Participants Who Used EMOTION MORE in Texts SAME Who Used MORE in Texts Sent TO NUMBER for NONE AT ALL Sent TO MALES FEMALES BOTH Sexes

Anger 56% 18% 20% 6%

Sadness 20% 42% 22% 16%

Happiness 28% 38% 32% 2%

Amusement/ 20% 32% 48% 0% Laughter

Excitement 34% 48% 14% 4%

Annoyance 36% 22% 32% 10%

Insulting/Joking 32% 36% 28% 4%


Appendix E

Difference in Use of Emotional Tools/Words/Phrases By Females According to Sex of Recipient

Female Female Female Female Participants Who Participants Who Participants Who Participants Who EMOTION Used MORE in Used MORE in Used SAME Used NONE AT Texts Sent TO Texts Sent TO NUMBER for ALL FEMALES MALES BOTH Sexes

Anger 44% 26% 26% 4%

Sadness 34% 12% 50% 4%

Happiness 38% 28% 34% 0%

Amusement/ 28% 32% 40% 0% Laughter

Excitement 52% 30% 18% 0%

Annoyance 30% 36% 30% 4%

Insulting/Joking 26% 36% 38% 0%


Appendix F

Difference in Use of Emoticons According to Sex of Participant


Average Number Average Number Participants Who Participants Who of Emoticons of Emoticons Used Emoticons Used Emoticons EMOTION Used By Each Used By Each in One or Both in One or Both Participant Per 2 Participant Per 2 Texts Texts Texts Sent Texts Sent

Anger 10% 0.1 22% 0.26

Sadness 44% 0.6 74% 1.98

Happiness 20% 0.26 44% 0.84

Amusement/ 22% 0.3 32% 0.48 Laughter

Excitement 22% 0.3 40% 0.68

Annoyance 12% 0.12 18% 0.26

Insulting/Joking 48% 0.64 56% 0.94


Appendix G

Difference in Emoticon Use By Males According to Sex of Recipient

Male Participants Male Participants Male Participants Who Used Who Used Male Participants Who Used EMOTION MORE in Texts SAME Who Used MORE in Texts Sent TO NUMBER for NONE AT ALL Sent TO MALES FEMALES BOTH Sexes

Anger 4% 6% 0% 90%

Sadness 4% 24% 16% 56%

Happiness 0% 14% 6% 80%

Amusement/ 0% 14% 8% 78% Laughter

Excitement 0% 18% 4% 78%

Annoyance 2% 10% 0% 88%

Insulting/Joking 6% 28% 14% 52%


Appendix H

Difference in Emoticon Use By Females According to Sex of Recipient

Female Female Female Female Participants Who Participants Who Participants Who Participants Who EMOTION Used MORE in Used MORE in Used SAME Used NONE AT Texts Sent TO Texts Sent TO NUMBER for ALL FEMALES MALES BOTH Sexes

Anger 12% 8% 2% 78%

Sadness 16% 12% 46% 26%

Happiness 12% 12% 20% 56%

Amusement/ 2% 18% 12% 68% Laughter

Excitement 10% 20% 10% 60%

Annoyance 2% 12% 4% 82%

Insulting/Joking 14% 12% 30% 44%


Appendix I

Difference in Use of Extending/Repeating Emoticons According to Sex of Participant


Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of EMOTION Extension/ Extension/ Extension/ Extension/ Repetition (5 Repetition (5 Repetition Repetition Times or More) Times or More)

Anger 0 0 1 0

Sadness 0 0 14 4

Happiness 0 0 4 0

Amusement/ 0 0 1 0 Laughter

Excitement 1 0 5 1

Annoyance 0 0 1 0

Insulting/Joking 0 0 2 0

Total 1 0 28 5

Average 0.02 0 0.56 0.1


Appendix J

Difference in Use of Extending/Repeating Tools, Words and Phrases According to Sex of Participant


Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Instances of Instances of Instances of Instances of EMOTION Extension/ Extension/ Extension/ Extension/ Repetition (5 Repetition (5 Repetition Repetition Times or More) Times or More)

Anger 28 2 46 3

Sadness 3 0 21 5

Happiness 45 2 87 9

Amusement/Lau 34 4 63 14 ghter Excitement 41 3 105 15

Annoyance 12 2 35 2

Insulting/Joking 17 1 26 1

Total 180 14 383 49

Average 3.6 0.28 7.66 0.98

MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 Appendix K Results


M = Male F = Female

W = White B = Black or African American A = Asian H/L = Hispanic or Latino H/P = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander O (ethnicity) = Other & = Multiple Ethnicities

Gr = Graduate Student Sr = Senior Jr = Junior So = Sophomore Fr = Freshman

(#) = Age

1 = Never uses text messaging 2 = Uses text messaging only when necessary 3 = Uses text messaging a few times a day 4 = Uses text messaging many times a day 5 = Holds lengthy conversations through text messages every day or most days

Italics = Participant explicitly stated that they were experiencing a particular emotion + = Used more emotional tools in the text sent to a member of the opposite - = Used fewer emotional tools in the text sent to a member of the opposite sex MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 Male Results

1. Emotion/Feeling: ANGRY Create a text message that shows the recipient you are angry with him or her for losing your wallet.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

way to lose my Grrr, how did you 2 MWSr(22)4 manage to lose my 2 4 6 +2 1 0 1 -1 wallet :/ wallet?!?!

That is the last time I am so angry at you 4 MWJr(20)1 that I ever let you have because of my lost 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 a feel in my pocket! wallet.

5 MWSr(22)2 Dude, why did u lose Hey, what happened 2 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 my wallet?! my wallet?

dude i can’t believe hey next time could 6 MWSo(21)4 you lost my wallet! you keep better track 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 of my things?

7 MWSr(22)4 Wow. Thanks a lot FAIL. 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 man.

you’re a dumbass. 8 MWJr(21)4 are you dumb? you you owe me all kinds 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 owe me money of money and a bottle of wine

WHY DID YOU 13 MWFr(18)5 LOSE MY You lost my wallet?! 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 WALLET?!

Fucking find my I had important shit in 14 MWSo(19)4 wallet or ill kill your there, damn 4 2 6 -2 0 0 0 0 ass, no joke MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

MH/ Dude, what the heck? it’s ok, it’s not 15 PJr(19)5 where’s my wallet? go important. 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 find it!

Wow. Quit being gary Its cool. I don’t need 16 MWSo(20)4 and find my wallet. my wallet; I don’t like 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 money anyways.

Just tried to pay for Thanks for losing my 18 MWJr(20)4 my food, but then wallet. Now I can act 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 remembered I like a girl and lose my couldn’t. Thanks. purse.

how could you lose how do you not know 20 MWSo(20)4 it!?!?!?!?!?! are you where my wallet is??? 6 1 7 -5 0 0 0 0 serious????

Dude wth is ur Are you serious girl! problem! You have got How the fuck did you 25 MWJr(20)5 to be kidding me right lose my wallet, and 6 3 9 -3 0 0 0 0 now. Dip shit you where do you think better helo me find it! you lost it.

what happened? Were 26 MWSr(21)4 dude, what were you you busy? i had 3 0 3 -3 0 0 0 0 doing?! thanks... important things in there...

hey jerk, why did you lose my wallet when I So Why did you lose 29 MWSr(25)3 gave it to you for just my wallet at the 4 1 5 -3 0 0 0 0 5 minutes last night! movies last night?? Screw you jerk

How can you be such You think you could an idiot to lose my come with me to look 31 MWJr(21)4 wallet. Have some for my wallet? 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 respect for other Hopefully we can find peoples’ belongings it. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

34 MWSr(22)4 How did you lose my How did you lose 3 2 5 -1 1 0 1 -1 wallet!?!?! >:/ my wallet!?!

I am angry with you. (note: I would tell this individual in person My answer would not 36 MWSr(22)1 and then take from differ due to the sex of 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 that person only the the recipient value of the wallet individual. plus 10% for my time.)

Normally I wouldn’t Hey you lost my be texting someone wallet! Get rdy for an who just lost my old-fashioned 37 MWSr(21)4 wallet, but I had to let beatin!!! i don’t know 1 7 8 +6 0 0 0 0 you know how why i would give my disappointed I am wallet out to YOU with you. anyway. what was i thinking?!?

Hey, how the hell did you lose my wallet? Hey girl what 38 MWFr(18)3 I’ve got a lot of happened to my 4 0 4 -4 0 0 0 0 important stuff in wallet? I def need that there. We need to find back it ASAP!!

What did u do with where did you put my 39 MWSo(19)5 my wallet?! how wallet? ahhh 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 could you lose it?

What the fuck dude, your a fucking idiot. Your and idiot i didnt 43 MWSr(22)4 I’m going to get a time think you were this 7 3 10 -4 0 0 0 0 machine and re-raise dumb you, you fucking retard MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

44 MWSr(22)4 seriously? what the ur kiddin right? 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 hell man?

48 MBJr(20)3 wtf jo how d hell u how u lose da wallet 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 lose my wallet bay dats crazy

49 MWSr(23)5 Dude find my fucking Can u keep looking for 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 wallet it I NEED it

51 MWSr(20)4 what did you do with What di you do with 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 my wallet? my wallet?

What the hell man, What the hell girl, how did you lose my what in the heck were 52 MWSr(23)3 wallet? you better find you doing. Just please 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 it. trace your steps and try to find it.

wtf!!! bro! you lost really! how could u 53 MWJr(20)4 my wallet!!!!!! lose my wallet its ok i 7 5 12 -2 0 0 0 0 still love u

Why did you loose my wallet, you should You shouldn’t have have been more lost my wallet. You 61 MBSo(21)5 responsible. You need need to replace my 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to help me find it and money and help me replace my money that find it. was in it.

WTF!!! How could u What were u 63 MBJr(20)5 lose my wallet?!?!! thinking??!!! How 7 3 10 -4 0 0 0 0 could u lose my wallet

It us ur fault that u u lost ur wallet so now 64 MWSo(19)3 lost ur wallet, i cant i am goin to have to 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 believe u... pay for u MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

wtf i cant believe u its cool just get me a 65 MWJr(21)3 lost my wallet u gotta new one 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 pay me back

MH/ whatever man thanks thanks alot for losing 67 LSo(19)4 alot for losing my it... 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 wallet...

68 MWJr(20)3 dude, wtf? Seriously? Wtf? 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0

Hey, what the hell did Ugh, where was the 69 MWSr(21)3 you do with my last place you saw it? 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 wallet?

72 MWFr(19)5 dude where the hell hey where did you put 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 did you put my wallet? my wallet???

Your paying me back That sucks you lost it, the money I had in my don’t worry about 73 MWSr(21)3 wallet man!!! I don’t people make mistakes, 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 care if it was an we can figure out accident. some way you can pay me back.

75 MWFr(18)4 Bitch why’d you lose Wow you lost my 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 my wallet wallet?!

Hey man, what did Hey, Where is my 81 MWJr(20)4 you do with my wallet? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 wallet?

I am really upset you MH/ lost my wallet! I I am upset that you 88 LJr(20)4 trusted you and you lost my wallet! I 6 4 10 -2 0 1 1 +1 went ahead and lost trusted you >:( it!!!

90 MWFr(18)3 I cant believe you lost How could you lose 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 my wallet my wallet MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

91 MWJr(20)5 are you kidding me? are you kidding me? 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

92 MBSr(21)5 im pissed that u lost Smh, you lost my 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 +1 my wallet.....smh wallet, >(

93 MWSr(21)5 How did you lose my What were you doing 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1 wallet? to lose my wallet? :(

Fuck you dude for Hey thanks for losing 94 MWSr(22)5 losing my wallet my wallet, can you 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 help me find it

95 MH/ damn, whatever whatever, ill talk to u 4 1 5 -3 0 0 0 0 LSr(22)5 thanks alot later

96 MWSr(26)2 way to lose my wallet, I wish you hadn’t lost 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 jerk my wallet

Hey man alls I’m Seriously you lost my 97 MWFr(18)4 saying is THANKS wallet? why didnt you 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 FOR LOSING MY just put it in your WALLET purse?

98 MWJr(23)5 NEED MY Are you sure you 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 WALLET DUDE don’t know where it is

wow really?? I guess I can’t truly be too mad at you seeing as 99 MBSr(22)4 it’s my fault for letting same as same sex text. 6 6 12 0 0 0 0 0 you hold my wallet in the first place, but you WILL help me find it or reimburse me....

TOTAL 125 84 209 * 2 3 5 *

AVERAGE 2.5 1.68 4.18 * 0.04 0.06 0.1 * MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 *94.0% (47 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*56.0% (28 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *18.0% (9 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *20.0% (10 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *6.0% (3 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*10.0% (5 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*4.0% (2 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *6.0% (3 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *0.0% (0 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *90.0% (45 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

2. Emotion/Feeling: SAD Create a text message that shows the recipient you are sad or upset because your dog has just died.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

2 MWSr(22)4 my dog died today :( My dog just died :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

I’ve got some bad 4 MWJr(20)1 My dog has died. Now news: my dog had just 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 I have sadness. died, and I’m really upset.

Hey man, my dog died Hey there, I’m just 5 MWSr(22)2 2day. I feel bad. sad cuz my dog died 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 today.

yeah it has been really well i’m kind of sucky lately. ever 6 MWSo(21)4 upset. my dog lucky since lucky died i just 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 just died haven’t been the same.

7 MWSr(22)4 My dog just died :( Molly just went to 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 puppy heaven :( MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

8 MWJr(21)4 boris died this my dog died this 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 morning... morning...

13 MWFr(18)5 My dog just died... My dog just died... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I really dont feel like Dog died. need time 14 MWSo(19)4 talking, freaking alone 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 judas died

15 MH/ :( my dog’s dead my puppy died today. 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 PJr(19)5 :(

My dog just died. I’m Hey, my dog died 16 MWSo(20)4 not doing anything today. You wanna 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 today. hang out?

I don’t know, my dog My dog died. Who just died and I am 18 MWJr(20)4 wants to drink? having trouble 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 dealing with anything right now.

hey man, ralphie just my lil ralphie just 20 MWSo(20)4 passed away =[ i passed away =[ i loved 4 4 8 0 1 1 2 0 freakin loved that him soo much dog!

So lady just died and Hey girl my dog just all I wanna do is lay in died and I could 25 MWJr(20)5 bed. I could really use really use someone to 2 3 5 +1 0 1 1 +1 a hug and someone to cuddle with and hold. talk to. Are you free Can you please come to come over for a bit? over :(

Leon just passed away, Leon just died, i want 26 MWSr(21)4 i want to just be to be by myself right 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 alone for a while. now. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Hey, I need to talk, Hey babe, can you barney just got hit by a call me back, Barney 29 MWSr(25)3 car and died, it’s just died and I need to 3 4 7 +1 0 0 0 0 really bothering me talk to ya, it’s really man.. getting to me.

Hey, man could you come over here, Curly I’m really upset with 31 MWJr(21)4 just died and then fam my dog. Could we 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 is in need of some meet up and talk? support.

34 MWSr(22)4 Participant left blank Gypsy died :( 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1

My answer would not 36 MWSr(22)1 Well... my dog just differ due to the sex of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 died. the recipient individual.

I can’t talk right I need to talk. I’m in now. Ya remember a bad place its been a 37 MWSr(21)4 Frank, well he won’t long day...i’ve been 1 4 5 +3 0 0 0 0 be eating the leftovers thru alot anymore.

38 MWFr(18)3 Bud just died ;( Bud died :( this sucks 1 2 3 +1 1 1 2 0

Dude my dog died 39 MWSo(19)5 been pretty upset my dog died today :( 3 1 4 -2 0 1 1 +1 about it lately!

43 MWSr(22)4 Dude my dog just died My dog just died 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

it sucks man i wont 44 MWSr(22)4 get to wrestle with her my puppy is gone :( 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 +1 anymore MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

wats good, i dnt even hey, just lost my dog 48 MBJr(20)3 feel good right now not really in da mood 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 lost someone close to to talk da fam

49 MWSr(23)5 my dog died bro :( not happy my dog 1 2 3 +1 1 1 2 0 just died :(

51 MWSr(20)4 My dog died my dog died. :( 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1

Oh my gosh man you wouldn’t believe what OMG My dog just 52 MWSr(23)3 just happened my dog died i don’t know 5 3 8 -2 0 0 0 0 just died. This really what i am ging to do. lucks I don’t know what to do

i cant talk right now im just really upset 53 MWJr(20)4 bro my dog just past my dog passed away i 2 3 5 +1 1 0 1 -1 away =( need some companionship

I can’t believe that 61 MBSo(21)5 my dig died. He was My dog died :-( 3 1 4 -2 0 1 1 +1 very important to me and my family.

I have bad news man, 63 MBJr(20)5 my dog died today My dog just died =( 2 1 3 -1 0 1 1 +1 smh

He died today, it sucks Hey my dog just died, 64 MWSo(19)3 b/c i am used to will you come over? 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 having him around

65 MWJr(21)3 my dog died :( my dog just died :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

67 MH/ Participant left blank my dog just died idk 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 LSo(19)4 what to do... MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

68 MWJr(20)3 wrinkles died.... Wrinkles died.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

69 MWSr(21)3 Aww man, my dog My dog just died.. :( 3 1 4 -2 0 1 1 +1 just died. This sucks.

72 MWFr(19)5 hey my dog just died. hey my dog just died.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I had him for so long, Ya he was a good dog, I can’t believe he is 73 MWSr(21)3 I’ll miss him. gone, no dog will 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 ever be able to replace him.

75 MWFr(18)4 My dog died :( My dog is dead :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

81 MWJr(20)4 My dog died. Sooooo my dog died. 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0

88 MH/ Participant left blank My dog died :’( I will 0 3 3 +3 0 1 1 +1 LJr(20)4 forever miss him.

90 MWFr(18)3 My dog died My dog died :( 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1

91 MWJr(20)5 my dog just passed.... my dog just passed... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

92 MBSr(21)5 man, my dog jus died :( my dog died 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1 today.

Hey, so my dog died My dog passed away 93 MWSr(21)5 today... Not feeling today... I could really 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 the greatest. Cheer use a hug. me up?

94 MWSr(22)5 Dude I’m sad my dog I’m sad that my dog 2 1 3 -1 1 0 1 -1 died :( died

95 MH/ yea its kinda sad but i yea its pretty sad but i 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 LSr(22)5 tried my best tried my best

96 MWSr(26)2 RIP doggie my doggie died :( 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I can’t believe my 97 MWFr(18)4 dog’s gone, I miss My dog died 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 him.

98 MWJr(23)5 idk man i will just had him since i was 13 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 miss him

man i’m not feelin too my dog jus died so im 99 MBSr(22)4 good about losin my kinda down right 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 dog. about now.

TOTAL 58 70 128 * 10 20 30 *

AVERAGE 1.16 1.4 2.56 * 0.2 0.4 0.6 *

*84.0% (42 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*20.0% (10 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *42.0% (21 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *22.0% (11 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *16.0% (8 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*44.0% (22 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*4.0% (2 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *24.0% (12 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *16.0% (8 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *56.0% (28 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

3. Emotion/Feeling: HAPPY Create a text message that shows the recipient you are happy because you scored a 100% on a difficult exam. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

2 MWSr(22)4 I made that test my I made that test my 7 4 11 -3 0 0 0 0 bitch!! woot woot! bitch!!!

W00t! I just passed a Cool! I just got a 100 4 MWJr(20)1 difficult exam! A++++ on the hardest test of 5 3 8 -2 0 0 0 0 + my life!

5 MWSr(22)2 Got a 100 on test!! Got a 100 on the test. 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 Sweet!!

ha HA! i just got a 6 MWSo(21)4 one hundred! woot 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 woot! one hundred on my difficult test.

Just got a test back. GUESS WHO’S A 7 MWSr(22)4 PERFECT FTW! GENIUS! 100% on 3 10 13 +7 0 1 1 +1 my exam!!! YESSS :)

8 MWJr(21)4 fuckin blew that test just gave that test a 4 2 6 -2 0 0 0 0 in the balls!! blow job!

13 MWFr(18)5 I just got a 100% on I just aced my test!! 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 my test!!

14 MWSo(19)4 Freak yeah! 100% Test=100% Im 4 1 5 -3 0 0 0 0 bitches amazing

15 MH/ guess what?! i got an guess what?! I got an 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 PJr(19)5 A on my volc exam! A on my exam!

I freaking gang 16 MWSo(20)4 I aced my exam today! 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 banged my exam wanna celebrate?? today. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Fuck yes I’m a Wow. I haven’t felt genius. Perfect score this good about a test 18 MWJr(20)4 on my Bio Test. score since I passed 5 2 7 -3 0 0 0 0 Whose the man? I’m the driver’s test. the man.

heeeelllll I got a 100, i got a 20 MWSo(20)4 yeeeeeaaaahhhh 100, i got a 100 hey 10 4 14 -6 0 1 1 +1 100%!!!!! yayayaya hey hey heeeyy =]

Yo brah I just aced the fuck out of my exam Girl check this out i today! Totally thought just aced my exam! 25 MWJr(20)5 I bombed that shit. We Thak you soo much 6 7 13 +1 0 0 0 0 are definitely going for helping me study out tonight to for it. You’re da best! celebrate!

I just won a karate 26 MWSr(21)4 i just punched that 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 test in the face!!! match against knowledge.

Sweet, just checked Hey sweetheart, my macro exam online guess what I just 29 MWSr(25)3 and I got a perfect did..... I totally aced 2 4 6 +2 0 0 0 0 score, party tonight to that accounting exam celebrate?? with Dr Moncata!

Dude, I just Hey! I aced the exam 31 MWJr(21)4 that test I was telling that we studied for! 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 you about yesterday.

34 MWSr(22)4 I got 100% on the I got a 100% on my 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0 test!!!! :D exam!!!!! :D MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

My answer would not Nice, I just scored a differ due to the sex of 36 MWSr(22)1 100% on that exam. the recipient 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 individual.

I freaking destroyed that exam’s life. I mean its only purpose Hey i got a perfect on in this world was to my test today. Are you 37 MWSr(21)4 give me hell and it proud of me?? do i get 8 2 10 -6 0 0 0 0 couldn’t even do that! a reward then?? What a worthless piece of garbage!!

Doing work! Just got Got a 100 on my econ 38 MWFr(18)3 100 on my Econ Test!! test! doin work all 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 Yeah Buddy day!!

OMG guess what i 39 MWSo(19)5 Guess what! i got a 3 5 8 +2 0 0 0 0 100 on the test i took! got a 100 on that exam!!!

43 MWSr(22)4 Straight up I got an 100 on the 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 dominated that test exam

just dominated that once again 44 MWSr(22)4 exam demonstrated why im 1 4 5 +3 0 1 1 +1 ridiculously smart ;)

wats good jo, just 48 MBJr(20)3 just killed dis exam 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 killed dis test wit a wit a 100 bay 100 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

49 MWSr(23)5 nailed the exam!!!!! i did really good on 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 my exam

51 MWSr(20)4 I got an A I got an A!! 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0

Hey, guess what i just Hey, I just got an A on got an A on my test. I my test. I am so 52 MWSr(23)3 am so glad it’s over, I happy, I hate that 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 hate that class. class

dude were getting shots on me tonight i 53 MWJr(20)4 messed up tonight i got a 100 on my test 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 got a 100!! xoxo

61 MBSo(21)5 I GOT A 100% ON I GOT A 100% ON 1 2 3 +1 0 1 1 +1 MY EXAM. MY EXAM1 :-)

63 MBJr(20)5 Passed that test with Got an A on my test =) 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 +1 an A!

Ur not going to I got an A on the 64 MWSo(19)3 believe this dude, I 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 just got an A on the exam! exam

65 MWJr(21)3 just aced that test aced that test! 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0

67 MH/ aced that test man just got a 100% on my 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 LSo(19)4 test! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

68 MWJr(20)3 dude, I just rocked it. Guesss whaaaaat! I 3 5 8 +2 0 0 0 0 byah! got an A!

Dude, I aced that I just scored a 100% 69 MWSr(21)3 finance exam. I made on my finance exam! 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 it my bitch. Awesome!

72 MWFr(19)5 haha ACED! haha just aced my 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 exam

Yeah I’m so excited that I got an A on that 73 MWSr(21)3 I aced that exam, it test, I studied really 1 4 5 +3 0 0 0 0 was so easy. hard though so I’m glad it paid off.

75 MWFr(18)4 I aced my exam!! :) Guess who aced their 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0 exam? i did! :)

I got a 100% on that 81 MWJr(20)4 I GOT A 100% ON 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 test I was telling you THAT TEST! about.

I aced my exam!!! :) It MH/ I aced that test I took! was difficult but I did 88 LJr(20)4 It was hard but I got a it and got a perfect 3 4 7 +1 0 1 1 +1 perfect score!!! score!

90 MWFr(18)3 Dude i got a 100 on I got a 100 on my 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 my exam exam!!! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

91 MWJr(20)5 got a 100 on the got a 100 on my 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 accounting exam! accounting exam!

I jus killed this exam 92 MBSr(21)5 :). got a 100% on my 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 +1 in class today, got a test 100%

93 MWSr(21)5 YAY! Just got a 100 Yay! I just got a 100% 5 4 9 -1 1 1 2 0 on my test! :) on my test! :)

94 MWSr(22)5 I got a 100% on my I got a 100% on my 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 test test

95 MH/ shit yea, lets party hell yea i got a 100, 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 LSr(22)5 lets drink

96 MWSr(26)2 jut aced that test! just got an A on that 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 test!

97 MWFr(18)4 Aced that exam, what Aced that exam, what 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 up 100 percent up 100 percent

OMG i can’t believe 98 MWJr(23)5 OMG I got a perfect 4 5 9 +1 0 0 0 0 on that test!!! my score on that test!!!

i cant believe i even 99 MBSr(22)4 passed the test! Let same answer 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 alone get a perfect score....

TOTAL 132 131 263 * 3 10 13 *

AVERAGE 2.64 2.62 5.26 * 0.06 0.2 0.26 * MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131

*98.0% (49 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*28.0% (14 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *38.0% (19 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *32.0% (16 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *2.0% (1 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages he sent to either sex.

*20.0% (10 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*0.0% (0 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *14.0% (7 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *6.0% (3 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *80.0% (40 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

4. Emotion/Feeling: AMUSEMENT, HUMOR, LAUGHTER Create a text message that shows the recipient that what he or she has just texted you made you laugh or was humorous to you.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

2 MWSr(22)4 HAHAHAHA nice HAHAHA you are 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 funny.

4 MWJr(20)1 LOL LOL :-) 2 3 5 +1 0 1 1 +1

5 MWSr(22)2 LOL haha awesome!! 2 4 6 +2 0 0 0 0

6 MWSo(21)4 hahahaha that is hahaha oh you so 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 awesome! funny.

7 MWSr(22)4 Haha solidddd. Hahaha excellent! :D 3 5 8 +2 0 1 1 +1

8 MWJr(21)4 dude i’m ike crying ;) 2 1 3 -1 0 1 1 +1 now!

13 MWFr(18)5 haha haha nice 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

14 MWSo(19)4 BWAHAHAHAHAH :) thats cute bae 6 3 9 -3 1 1 2 0 A! ;p

MH/ lol that’s funny. 15 PJr(19)5 LOL! where’dya come up w/ 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 that

lol that was more 16 MWSo(20)4 hahaha good one. funny than 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 Scategories.

18 MWJr(20)4 Haha! Good one. Haha! 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0

20 MWSo(20)4 bahaahahahahahhah bahahahahahahahah 4 4 8 0 1 1 2 0 aahhahaha =] a =]

Bhahahaha lmfao Girl you need to check 25 MWJr(20)5 rofl, dude that shit yoself, bhahahaha 8 4 12 -4 0 0 0 0 was fucking that is some whacked hilarious. up shit right der.

26 MWSr(21)4 haha =D that was =D you old sailor 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0 good. you!

Man, that was the ROFL, oh sug you 29 MWSr(25)3 funniest thing you’ve always know how to 2 6 8 +4 0 0 0 0 sent me all week make me laugh!

31 MWJr(21)4 lmao You. are. hilarious. 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0

34 MWSr(22)4 lol! LOL!!! 2 4 6 +2 0 0 0 0

My answer would not 36 MWSr(22)1 Very entertaining. differ due to the sex of 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 Well done. the recipient individual. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

hahahahahahah!!! 37 MWSr(21)4 lolz! WOW! tht one made 2 9 11 +7 0 0 0 0 me hit the floor

38 MWFr(18)3 lmao lol 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

39 MWSo(19)5 Lol. LOL :) 1 3 4 +2 0 1 1 +1

43 MWSr(22)4 Thats fucking hahaha wow 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 hilarious

44 MWSr(22)4 hahahaha haha oh boy ur 2 4 6 +2 0 1 1 +1 makin me chuckle :)

48 MBJr(20)3 lol u funny as hell for u know how to make 4 2 6 -2 0 0 0 0 dat me laugh bay

49 MWSr(23)5 haha good one haha good one girl 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

51 MWSr(20)4 lol lol 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

52 MWSr(23)3 Haha thats a good Haha that a good one 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 one.

53 MWJr(20)4 hahahah that great! hahahah lets hang out 5 2 7 -3 0 0 0 0 lol soon

61 MBSo(21)5 LMAO LOL or LMAO 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

63 MBJr(20)5 LOL!! LOL!! 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0

64 MWSo(19)3 LMFAO! LMAO 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0

65 MWJr(21)3 lol lol 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

67 MH/ lol to funny haha ur too funny 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 LSo(19)4

68 MWJr(20)3 lmao lmao 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

69 MWSr(21)3 Lawl, awesome. lol, awesome. 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

72 MWFr(19)5 lmao lmao 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

73 MWSr(21)3 Lol Hahaha thats 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 hilarious

75 MWFr(18)4 lol haha thats hilarious 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 lol

81 MWJr(20)4 Hahaha Hahaha 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

88 MH/ Hahaha that was hahaha that was 7 4 11 -3 0 0 0 0 LJr(20)4 funny as hell!!! funny!

90 MWFr(18)3 lol lol 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

91 MWJr(20)5 haha haha 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

92 MBSr(21)5 lmao LOL, :) 1 3 4 +2 0 1 1 +1

93 MWSr(21)5 HAHA... that was Haha! That was 5 7 12 +2 1 1 2 0 hilarious! :) seriously so funny! :)

94 MWSr(22)5 That was funny That was funny :D 1 2 3 +1 0 1 1 +1

95 MH/ hahaha no way, thats lol haha funny stuff 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 LSr(22)5 funny

96 MWSr(26)2 lol lol 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

97 MWFr(18)4 lol lol 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

98 MWJr(23)5 LOL LOL thats hilarious!!! 2 5 7 +3 0 0 0 0

99 MBSr(22)4 lol funny lol goof 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 126 142 268 * 4 11 15 * MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

AVERAGE 2.52 2.84 5.36 * 0.08 0.22 0.3 *

*100.0% (50 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*20.0% (10 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *32.0% (16 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *48.0% (24 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *0.0% (0 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*22.0% (11 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*0.0% (0 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *14.0% (7 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *8.0% (4 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *78.0% (39 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

5. Emotion/Feeling: ECSTATIC, EXCITED Create a text message that shows the recipient you are ecstatic because you have just won a new ipod in a raffle.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

OH MY GOSH I I just won a new 2 MWSr(22)4 JUST WON AN IPOD!!! WOOT 4 8 12 +4 0 0 0 0 IPOD!!! WOOT!!!

4 MWJr(20)1 Shweet! Just won me I’m so excited! I won 3 6 9 +3 0 0 0 0 an iPod! an iPod! Cool! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

5 MWSr(22)2 I won an i pod. I won a new i pod in 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 whoo!!!!!! the raffle, pretty cool!

so how about we listen 6 MWSo(21)4 i just won an ipod! to some tunes... on my 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 NEW IPOD!

WHADDUP FREE Hey so...wanna free 7 MWSr(22)4 iPOD! iPod? Because I just 3 2 5 -1 0 1 1 +1 won one in a raffle! ;)

so i entered this raffle so i entered this raffle 8 MWJr(21)4 for an ipod and for an ipod and i 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 actually won. BOOM! actually won the damn thing!

13 MWFr(18)5 I just won an iPod! I just won an iPod!!! 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0

14 MWSo(19)4 RAFFLE=IPOD!!! New Ipod. Raffles 6 3 9 -3 0 0 0 0 YEAHAHHAHAHA rule!!

MH/ hey buddy, i won an i won an ipod during 15 PJr(19)5 ipod, do u wanna buy the rafffle! i’ll prolly 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 it frm me? give it to my mom.

I jost won an ipod. No 16 MWSo(20)4 I just won an ipod! way! that’s the first 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 time i’ve ever won anything.

Just won an ipod at I love my new ipod! I 18 MWJr(20)4 some raffle. I just just won it at some 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 good things can raffle. Jealous? happen to bad people!

I WON AN IPOD!!!! I WON AN 20 MWSo(20)4 YAYAYAYA IPOD!!!!!! 6 7 13 +1 0 0 0 0 YAYAYAYA MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Dude guess what I Hey cutie I just won just score a free ipod! you a new birthday 25 MWJr(20)5 Time to sell dat shit gift that ik you’ll realy 3 3 6 0 0 1 1 +1 on eBay n get sum like ;) drinking money.

26 MWSr(21)4 i just got a big W dude, im a lucky 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 under my belt. charm!

Oh hey dude, check Hey babe, just won this out! I just won the the raffle for the iPod.. 29 MWSr(25)3 newest iPod in the you want my old one, 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 raffle drawing.. my old still in new condition one just died too! too!

You should see what I You’re going to be 31 MWJr(21)4 just won bro! sooo jealous over what 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 I just won!

34 MWSr(22)4 I won an ipod!!!! :D I won an ipod!!!! :D 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0

My answer would not 36 MWSr(22)1 Would you like a new differ due to the sex of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ipod. the recipient individual.

Are you feelin lucky?? I jist won a music 37 MWSr(21)4 Cuz i was! and it was player!!!! whahoo 6 3 9 -3 0 0 0 0 sooo good!

Guess who just won a Just won myself an 38 MWFr(18)3 new Ipod? This Guy!! ipod!! I am so lucky 3 6 6 +3 0 0 0 0 right now!!

39 MWSo(19)5 HA! i won an Ipod GUESS WHAT! I 4 5 9 +1 0 0 0 0 today ! jealous? won an ipod today!!!

43 MWSr(22)4 I just won an ipod in a I just won a new ipod 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 bitch ass raffle lol MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

44 MWSr(22)4 IPOD!! hell yeah yo just won an ipod... 5 1 6 -4 0 0 0 0 giggle

48 MBJr(20)3 brother got a new ipad just won a ipad bay. 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 in dis bitch ohhhh yea

49 MWSr(23)5 bro just won an ipod I just won an ipod :) 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1

51 MWSr(20)4 I won an ipod! I won an iPod!! 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0

Hey, guess what i just OMG you wouldn’t 52 MWSr(23)3 won a I Pod. believe it i just won a 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 free I Pod.d

guess what bro!!!!! i i just won an ipod!! 53 MWJr(20)4 just won an ipod!!!! dance party at my 5 2 7 -3 0 0 0 0 place

61 MBSo(21)5 I WON AN IPOD! I WON AN IPOD! 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

63 MBJr(20)5 Hey i just won an iPod JUST WON AN 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 for free!! iPOD!!

Who just got a new Guess what i just got 64 MWSo(19)3 ipod, i did, i won in out of a raffle? A new 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 this raffle Ipod

65 MWJr(21)3 won an ipod!!! just won an ipod!!! 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

MH/ damn! im too happy 67 LSo(19)4 right now. just won an i just won an ipod! 5 1 6 -4 0 0 0 0 ipod!

68 MWJr(20)3 FUCK YEA! Guess who just got a 4 2 6 -2 0 1 1 +1 free ipod :p

69 MWSr(21)3 DUDE! I just won an I just won an ipod! :D 3 2 5 -1 0 1 1 +1 ipod! Be jealous. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

72 MWFr(19)5 totes just won an ipod sweet just won a new 1 2 3 +1 0 1 1 +1 ipod ;D

Dude I just won this Yeah I just won a free new ipod in some ipod in this raffle I 73 MWSr(21)3 raffle, its freaking entered, I’ve always 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 sweet. wanted one so I’m excited.

75 MWFr(18)4 I won a freaking I won a ipod!!!! :):) 4 4 8 0 1 2 3 +1 ipod!!!! :D

81 MWJr(20)4 I WON AN IPOD! So I just won an Ipod! 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 Hahaha

I won an iPod in a MH/ raffle!!! I really I won an iPod in a 88 LJr(20)4 needed one and I am raffle! So happy! 5 4 9 -1 0 0 0 0 really happy that I won it.

90 MWFr(18)3 dude I just won an I won an Ipod :) 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1 Ipod

91 MWJr(20)5 just won an ipod in a just won an ipod! 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 raffle!

92 MBSr(21)5 im geeked!!!!!! Won a iPod :) 4 1 5 -3 0 1 1 +1

Super excited! Just Guess who’s excited 93 MWSr(21)5 won a new IPOD! :) about winning a new 6 7 13 +1 1 1 2 0 ipod?! ME! :)

94 MWSr(22)5 I won an Ipod I won an Ipod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

95 MH/ im pumped i cant believe it im 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 LSr(22)5 excited to use it MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

96 MWSr(26)2 guess who just won a I just won a new ipod 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 new ipod

DUDE I JUST WON hey, I just won a 97 MWFr(18)4 A RAFFLE, and i’m freaking ipod 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 not lying

You’ll never guess So I just won a new 98 MWJr(23)5 who one that ipod... wanna check it 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 contest?... out?

bruh i jus won a new 99 MBSr(22)4 apple ipod, ebay ebay same answer 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 ebay.

TOTAL 121 123 241 * 3 12 15 *

AVERAGE 2.42 2.46 4.82 * 0.06 0.24 0.3 *

*96.0% (48 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*34.0% (17 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *48.0% (24 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *14.0% (7 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *4.0% (2 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*22.0% (11 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*0.0% (0 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *18.0% (9 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *4.0% (2 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *78.0% (39 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

6. Emotion/Feeling: ANNOYED Create a text message that shows the recipient you are annoyed because the cashier at a fast food restaurant messed up your order. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

The cashier at McDognalds needs to The cashier here go back and finish couldnt find her way 2 MWSr(22)4 grade school, then take out of a paper bag. 1 4 5 +3 0 1 1 +1 two weeks off of She couldnt be more McDognalds, then quit inept if she tried :/ because they are worthless

Some dumb cashier at The cashier at McD’s 4 MWJr(20)1 McD’s just messed up must have been blond: 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 my order!! she got my order all wrong!

got the wrong food I got the wrong food 5 MWSr(22)2 order. lame! order, not a big deal 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 though.

so i was at mcdonalds well looks like i’m and they gave me supposed to eat 3 6 MWSo(21)4 three mcchickens mcchickens instead of 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 instead of four the four mcdoubles mcdoubles. stupids. that i asked for. darn you mcdonalds.

Fast food place just Restaurant fail. I guess 7 MWSr(22)4 goofed up my order. they decided I wanted 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 +1 Weak sauce. something else...:\

no tip tonight. bitch i found a bitch for ya 8 MWJr(21)4 just couldn’t seem to to slap. can’t seem to 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 get it right. and ahaha tell her ass from her to that statement btw grass

That cashier just The cashier messed up 13 MWFr(18)5 screwed up my order! my order. Ugh. 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 Ugh. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Stupid cashier makes Some silly cashier 14 MWSo(19)4 me pay too much then messed up my order, 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 doesn’t fix it= fail lmao

MH/ that person’s being 15 PJr(19)5 she’s being Gary. slow. sorry im gonna 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 b late for Prom.

I’m never gonna see Wow this stupid troll you again because this 16 MWSo(20)4 won’t give me my cashier will have me 4 0 4 -4 0 0 0 0 food! starve to death before I get my order

Really enjoying my salad, thanks for Ugh. I hate it when ordering that for me they mess up my 18 MWJr(20)4 Mr. Stupid Cashier at order. Thanks for the 5 6 11 +1 0 0 0 0 McDonalds. I hope food I didn’t order, someone is enjoying jackass! the Big Mac I wanted.

some bitch at mcdonalds only gave mcdonalds gave me 3 me 17 large fries 20 MWSo(20)4 big macs instead of the instead of the 21 i 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 5 I ordered, is this her ordered, do they think way of saying im im some kind of fat or fat??? something??

Dude this fucker just Aight girl this dumb gave me the wrong ass at the counter just order and I have fucked up my order 25 MWJr(20)5 already been waiting and i’m ready to like 2 7 9 +5 0 0 0 0 her for 20 mins. Im pound him in da face. about to peace out of ughh we should this joint. ordered pizza! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

... god hates me and im so hungry! ...... i 26 MWSr(21)4 never wants me to eat. paid for food i didnt 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 want.

Man, this cashier at Burger King totally Seesh, some cashiers screwed my sandwich are idiots, totally 29 MWSr(25)3 up, totally put ruined by order at BK 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 everything but onion for lunch.. on when I said onion only!

The retard messed up Never come to Taco my freakin order Bell on Lincoln, they 31 MWJr(21)4 again, how hard is it to are sooo slow and 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 work in a fast food unreliable. restaurant.

34 MWSr(22)4 I cant believe they I cant believe they 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 messed up my order! messed up my order!

My answer would not 36 MWSr(22)1 I simply would not differ due to the sex of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 relay this information. the recipient individual.

My service was horrid. Yah they got my order They call that place a wrong again. oh 37 MWSr(21)4 restaurant? HAH. I’m well... i’ll jus head to 5 1 6 -4 0 0 0 0 goin to Cracker Barrel the good ol Barrel next Old Country time Store!!!!!!!

God, people at 38 MWFr(18)3 I hate McDonalds McDonalds are so 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 they are so stupid dumb they can’t even get my order right MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

dude this cashier wont im so hungry and this 39 MWSo(19)5 hurry up im starving place wont hurry up 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 with my order.

The people at These people are 43 MWSr(22)4 mcdonalds are fucking idiots 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 fucking idiots

u know if every the stupidity of this restaurant was as 44 MWSr(22)4 place astounds me awesome as u we 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 sometimes wouldnt be having these kind of problems...

so dey gave me a dey gave me da wrong 48 MBJr(20)3 mcchicken knowin i food bay mad as hell 2 4 6 +2 0 0 0 0 dnt eat dat shit, just now pissed me off

hold on this lady This lady at the 49 MWSr(23)5 messed up my shit restaurant messed up 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 my order

51 MWSr(20)4 The Mcdonalds guy The cashier just 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 screwed up my order. messed up my order.

OMG I hate fast food Employes at fast food 52 MWSr(23)3 places they never get places suck they can 4 1 5 -3 0 0 0 0 my order right. Those never get my order idiots. right.

this stupid asshole wow there are some 53 MWJr(20)4 messed up my order dumb people in this 5 3 8 -2 0 1 1 +1 wtf bro! world but not you ;)

I got cheated out of I hate that restaurant, 61 MBSo(21)5 some money at a the cashier cheated me 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 restaurant. smh out of some money. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I went to to 63 MBJr(20)5 McDonald’s and they McDonald’s messed 4 1 5 -3 0 0 0 0 messed up my order my order up! SMH!!

dude this guy just 64 MWSo(19)3 messed up my order so This person just 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i am probable goin to messed up my order be late...

65 MWJr(21)3 who messes up a fast who messes up a fast 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 food order? food order?

man im too annoyed i hate stupid 67 MH/ right now at this people..like this 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 LSo(19)4 cashier cashier that just messed up my order...

68 MWJr(20)3 fuuuuu, she is She is taking 5 2 7 -3 0 0 0 0 fucking terrible foreverrrrrr.

Those mcdonalds Ugh, they messed up 69 MWSr(21)3 people can’t take an my order again. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 order right. ugh.

damn just got the ehh just got the wrong 72 MWFr(19)5 wrong order this order no biggy 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 sucks

They couldn’t even get Yeah they messed my 73 MWSr(21)3 my order right there, I order up at that 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 don’t get it their job restaurant, it happens isn’t that hard. though, oh well.

My order at this 75 MWFr(18)4 Dumb bitch fuck up restaurant got messed 5 2 7 -3 1 0 1 -1 my order >:( up by the cashier. awesomeeee MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

81 MWJr(20)4 Idiots at Taco Bell Why are the workers 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 again! at Taco Bell so slow.

I am mad as hell the I am really mad that 88 MH/ cashier at this the cashier messed up 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 LJr(20)4 restaurant messed up my order. my order.

90 MWFr(18)3 The cashier just My cashier messed up 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 screwed up my order my order

they screwed up my mcdonalds just 91 MWJr(20)5 order and screwed up my 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 mcdonalds...so order...so annoying annoying

92 MBSr(21)5 SMDH Smh :/ 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 +1

The cashier at **food Seriously... How hard restaurant** just 93 MWSr(21)5 can it be to get my messed up my order. 5 2 7 -3 0 0 0 0 order right?! UGH Oh well... I guess I’ll deal with it.

Dude this fucking This cashier messed 94 MWSr(22)5 cashier messed up my up my order, I’m 5 2 7 -3 0 0 0 0 order, I’m fucking pretty pissed pissed

MH/ im erked and yea kinda annoying 95 LSr(22)5 annoyed rite now wish i wasnt here rite 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 now

96 MWSr(26)2 this moron cant even the cshier messed up 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 +1 do their job right my order :( MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

This lady just gave me This lady just gave me a bun with some a bun with some 97 MWFr(18)4 cheese on it when i cheese on it when i 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 asked for a plain asked for a plain cheese burger, lame cheese burger, lame

man the stinkin 98 MWJr(23)5 cashier messed my This cashier is an 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 order up again at idiot! McDonalds

man i jus got done tellin off this dude at 99 MBSr(22)4 the taco bell register same answer 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 for messin up my order, i dont even wanna eat anymore.

TOTAL 107 87 194 * 1 5 6 *

AVERAGE 2.14 1.74 3.88 * 0.02 0.1 0.12 *

*90.0% (45 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*36.0% (18 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *22.0% (11 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *32.0% (16 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *10.0% (5 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*12% (6 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*2.0% (1 of the 50) used more emoticons in his text message to a male than he did in his text message to a female. *10.0% (5 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *0% (0 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *88.0% (44 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 7. Emotion/Feeling: KIDDING, JOKING, INSULTING Create a text message that insults the recipient but shows him or her that you are only joking around.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

2 MWSr(22)4 You are such a ratard you are a ratard ;) 3 2 5 -1 0 1 1 +1 lol

LOL, sometimes haha, don’t worry if 4 MWJr(20)1 you’re just soooo out you don’t get it; it was 6 4 10 -2 0 1 1 +1 of it! an intellectual joke. (jk) :-)

5 MWSr(22)2 haha way 2 go dumb- haha epic fail! you’ll 5 7 12 +2 0 0 0 0 ass! do better though!!

haha yeah like your 6 MWSo(21)4 yeah like your mom! dance moves the other 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 oh! haha. night. hahaha just kidding.

Yeah, you’re 7 MWSr(22)4 Wow. You’re dumb. REALLY 2 10 12 +8 0 1 1 +1 smooth...NOT. :-P Hahaha kidding!

at least i’m not on the 8 MWJr(21)4 cover of crack whore ya freak ;) 2 2 4 0 1 1 2 0 magazine :p

13 MWFr(18)5 Idiot. haha Dork. =) 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 +1

Your face makes me You really suck 14 MWSo(19)4 puke =P Love you bro sometimes. Jk, lol. 3 8 11 +5 1 0 1 -1 love you ladybug!!!

you’re mean and you hey, remember what i 15 MH/ kept on making fun of told you last night, im 3 2 5 -1 0 1 1 +1 PJr(19)5 me. im not gonna talk joking about it. :) tya in a while... jk! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

You’re as smart as a 16 MWSo(20)4 lamp shade without You are such a gary lol 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 tinfoil.

Ur a stupid person jk. Haha, whatever 18 MWJr(20)4 You know I’m dummie. JKLOL! 3 7 10 +4 0 0 0 0 kidding.

if i was as ugly as you, i would shave my your a freakin idiot 20 MWSo(20)4 head and walk bahahaha jk jk 9 6 15 -3 1 0 1 -1 backwards bahaha jk jk !!!! =]

Haha okay skids don’t Alright mosquito bites 25 MWJr(20)5 shit urself again...lol i’ll jump ya up later, 5 1 6 -4 1 0 1 -1 jk ;) lol

yes, this explains why Well have we learned 26 MWSr(21)4 girls always are busy our lesson deary? ;) 1 2 3 +1 0 1 1 +1 when you are free!

Honey, your chicken Hey... NICE shirt alfredo last night?? 29 MWSr(25)3 Dude... NOT!!!! ;-) Burnt to a crisp, 7 5 12 -2 1 1 2 0 Which really means I loved it ;)

Your mom is so Well maybe you 31 MWJr(21)4 fiiine... Just messin shouldn’t be dating 3 2 5 -1 0 1 1 +1 man such a retard. You need a real man ;)

34 MWSr(22)4 You stink! :P lol You stink! :P lol 4 4 8 0 1 1 2 0

My answer would not 36 MWSr(22)1 I do not joke. differ due to the sex of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the recipient individual. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

you smell bad...like You’re soooooo all the 37 MWSr(21)4 smart! hahah jk jk time...especially your 10 10 20 0 0 1 1 +1 lol! breath.....wow that’s bad....hahah jk jk lol =P

38 MWFr(18)3 Dumbass! lol jk Just like a woman! lol 5 4 9 -1 0 0 0 0 jk

39 MWSo(19)5 your way to ugly for You know its true! :) 5 4 9 -1 0 2 2 +2 her! j/k jk :)

These people work at These people work at 43 MWSr(22)4 mcdonalds for a mcdonalds for a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 reason reason

44 MWSr(22)4 hey thanks for trying all beauty and no 2 3 5 +1 1 1 2 0 to look decent toady ;) brains ;)

48 MBJr(20)3 Participant left blank. u got a fat ass head lol 0 3 3 +3 0 0 0 0

49 MWSr(23)5 u suck lol ha yea way to be 2 4 6 +2 0 1 1 +1 dumb ;)

51 MWSr(20)4 Your an idiot. Your a goof. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

Your suck man you You suck, you alway 52 MWSr(23)3 freaking lucky duck win. 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 you alway win.

53 MWJr(20)4 god your such a your so weird!!! jk ;) 7 6 13 -1 0 1 1 +1 douche!!!! hahah jk

You looked really bad 61 MBSo(21)5 when you got drunk You are ugly, JK 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 Saturday. JK

63 MBJr(20)5 You’re so stupid lol You’re so silly 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Yeah it is because we all know that you I am hungry! Will you 64 MWSo(19)3 aren’t that great when make me a sandwich? 4 2 6 -2 0 0 0 0 it comes to street lol smarts, lol jp

65 MWJr(21)3 ur an idiot ha ur dumb ha 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

67 MH/ lol your an idiot haha ur a loser. 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 LSo(19)4

68 MWJr(20)3 Participant left blank. lmao, awe you know 0 4 4 +4 0 1 1 +1 im just messing ;P

69 MWSr(21)3 You suck, lol. You suck, lol. 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

dude what a we all know what an 72 MWFr(19)5 feeder... :p jk ice queen you can be 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0 jk ;P

73 MWSr(21)3 Dude quit being a You’re such a loser, 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 loser, jk. haha Im jk with you.

hey i hate youuu. jk You are sooo ugly. 75 MWFr(18)4 jk hehe just 4 8 12 +4 0 1 1 +1 kiddinggg! :)

81 MWJr(20)4 Just kidding! I was just messing 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 around.

MH/ You need to step You got nasty feet! 88 LJr(20)4 your game up Bro lol You need a pedicure 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 quick.

90 MWFr(18)3 your stupid... jk Your stupid... jk 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

91 MWJr(20)5 you’re an asshole you’re a jerk haha 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 haha MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Male Text Sent to a Female Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

92 MBSr(21)5 j/p j/K :) 1 2 3 +1 0 1 1 +1

93 MWSr(21)5 You’re such a dork! ;) You’re a crazy 4 4 8 0 1 1 2 0 goon! ;)

94 MWSr(22)5 Hey Cocksucker :D Hey Bitch :D 2 3 5 +1 1 1 2 0

95 MH/ ur a lame ur kinda a loser, just 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 LSr(22)5 sayin

96 MWSr(26)2 hey bitch. jk we’re hey bicth, love ya! 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 cool

97 MWFr(18)4 You suck, lol God you suck, nah 2 5 7 +3 0 0 0 0 you’re pretty cool.

yea like YOU could haha yeah we will see 98 MWJr(23)5 do it... haha... jk who gets the last 4 5 9 +1 0 0 0 0 laugh... haha jk jk...

99 MBSr(22)4 stop actin like a girl stop bein so sensitive 2 4 6 +2 0 0 0 0 lol girly girl

TOTAL 152 173 325 * 10 22 32 *

AVERAGE 3.04 3.46 6.5 * 0.2 0.44 0.64 *

*96% (48 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*32.0% (16 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *36.0% (18 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *28.0% (14 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *4.0% (2 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*48% (24 of the 50 male participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*6.0% (3 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *28.0% (14 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 *14.0% (7 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *52.0% (26 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

Female Results

1. Emotion/Feeling: ANGRY Create a text message that shows the recipient you are angry with him or her for losing your wallet.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

God. Are you serious WHAT?! omg omg 1 FWFr(18)5 right now??? I can’t omgosh we need to 7 7 14 0 0 1 1 +1 believe you lost my find it. :( wallet!!!?!?!?!

3 FWJr(20)5 How could u lose my I can’t believe you 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 wallet?! lost my wallet!!

You lost my You lost my wallet??! 9 FWJr(21)3 wallet?!?! :/ Where did you have it 3 2 5 -1 1 0 1 -1 last?

Hey so you owe me thanks for losing my 10 FWFr(18)5 money and my id’s wallet jerk 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 from my wallet.

Are you kidding me? 11 FWFr(19)5 What the hell? Where When did you lose it 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 did lose it and when? and where. You better find it.

12 FWSo(19)4 I can’t believe you I am mad at you 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 lost my wallet! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I can’t believe you So I can’t believe you lost my wallet! How lost my wallet, you’re 17 FAJr(21)4 could you do such a jerk! You 6 5 11 -1 0 0 0 0 something like that to should totally buy me me?! I trusted you. a new one.

Omg, what am I You seriously lost my 19 FWJr(20)2 suppose to do without wallet?! What am I 4 6 10 +2 0 0 0 0 everything that was in suppose to do now?! my wallet?!

21 FB&H/ It’s fine. I’ll take care Ok...I’ll take care of it. 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 LJr(20)3 of it.

Wow..really? How did you manage to lose 22 FWFr(18)5 my wallet ? You do ...wtf 3 1 4 -2 1 0 1 -1 realize that I have a lot of stuff in there ... :\

23 FWFr(18)5 thanks for losing my way to lose my wallet 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 wallet...jerk asshole

24 FWFr(18)5 k. coooool. k. cooooool. 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0

I’m really pissed right Honestly, I’m really 27 FWFr(18)5 now. upset right now that 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 you lost my wallet.

Dude I can’t believe you lost my wallet!! Are you kidding me? 28 FW&BSr(21 fuckkkkk. Do you at serioulsy? i’m so 8 4 12 -4 0 0 0 0 )5 least know where you annoyed. lost it at?! you hooker.

30 FWSr(23)4 HOW could you lose HOW could you lose 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 my wallet??? MY wallet MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

32 FWSr(21)5 >:O way to loose my >:[ thanks for losing 4 2 6 -2 1 1 2 0 wallet!!! my wallet

I know it was not your fault, but it really upsets me that you were careless enough Seriously? That really 33 FWSr(21)4 to lose something so pisses me off. 5 3 8 -2 0 0 0 0 important that was not even yours. Idk what else to say...I’m just upset.

Hey girl, I just wanted to talk to you about you losing my wallet. Hey, I’m kinda 35 FWFr(18)5 Im kind of really frustrated about my 5 2 7 -3 1 0 1 -1 upset about it and I wallet. dont know what to do :(

How you lose my How could use lose wallet! I mean like 40 FBFr(18)4 my wallet!?! I gave it how irresponsible can 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 to you thinking I you be, I gave it to you could trust you thinking I could trust you smh.

41 FWSr(21)4 I wouldn’t text them. You lost my wallet :( 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1

Im not mad im just Its no big deal, just a 42 FWSr(21)4 upset that its lost. hastle that i have to get 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 a new license.

WHAT DO YOU 45 FWSr( )4 MEAN YOU LOST WHERE IS IT? 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 IT! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

46 FBSo(19)5 damn g how the hell boy how the hell you 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 you lose my wallet? lose my damn wallet?

47 FBSo(19)5 Um, I need 2 talk 2 u, I really trusted you 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 ASAP!

Thanks again for How could you lose losing my my wallet? I asked 50 FWJr(20)4 wallet....now wat am I you to keep it in you 4 1 5 -3 0 0 0 0 going to do! backpack and you dont know where it is?

54 FWSr(22)5 I can’t believe you I can’t believe you 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 lost my wallet!!! lost my wallet!

I can’t believe you I really needed my 55 FWSr(21)5 lost my wallet. I really I.D. tonight. Thanks 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 needed my I.D. for losing my wallet.

I just wish you would 56 FWSo(20)5 respect my belongings Dude not cool. You so 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 like I would respect owe me. yours.

57 FWFr(19)4 Thanks for losing my I can’t believe you 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 wallet... lost my wallet!

58 FWSr(20)4 how could you lose i don’t see how you 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 my wallet?! could lose my wallet!!

wtf! how could you OMG!! how could 59 FWFr(18)5 lose wallet when i you!? :( 6 8 14 +2 0 1 1 +1 trusted you with it?!

I cannot believe you What happened? How 60 FWSo(19)5 lost my wallet! I have did you lose it? I’m 5 2 7 -3 1 0 1 -1 so much stuff I need in not very happy about there! -_- this... MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

so how do you lose a dude!! you gotta find wallet??? you know i my wallet! so not 62 FWSo(20)5 expected you to take cool! ugh wat am i 5 10 15 +5 0 1 1 +1 care of it. ughh!!! supposed to do now??? =(

You were irresponsible! So when You are an idiot and 66 FBJr(20)4 do you plan on getting you’re paying for my 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 me my money and my stuff. id’s back?

Well, I hope you find Dude. Not cool. Find 70 FWSr(23)4 it. Otherwise you’ll it. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 need to reimburse me.

ughhhh i just lost my dude i can’t believe u 71 FH/PJr(20)5 wallet!!! -___- lost my wallet 5 5 10 0 1 0 1 -1 ughhh!!!

I know it was an Dude, I can’t believe 74 FWJr(21)3 accident, but I can’t you lost my wallet. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 help feeling upset.

Do you have any idea 76 FWJr(21)3 where you might have Do you remember 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 left it or where you where you last had it? last had it?

Hey...could you come 77 FWSo(19)5 with me to find my Dude...I can’t believe 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 wallet since you kinda you lost my wallet.. lost it???

78 FWGr(30)2 Grrrrr.... you lost my You lost my wallet! 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 wallet. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

How could you lose i dont want to sound my wallet of ALL rude, but how could 79 FWFr(18)5 things?? That has you lose my wallet, of 8 2 10 -6 2 0 2 -2 basically my WHOLE all things! that had my LIFE in it!!! ;(((( entire life in it....

80 FWSo(19)4 u lost my wallet how u just lost my wallet I 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 am I suppose to feel cnt believe

Why the heck did you 82 FWJr(20)4 Why did you lose my lose my wallet??? and 3 6 9 +3 0 0 0 0 wallet??? I needed it!! how the heck did you lose it???!!!

83 FWJr(21)4 ahh really annoyed not happy at all with 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 my wallet is lost u losing my wallet!

WHERE DID U PUT MY Bay where u put my 84 FBFr(19)3 WALLET !?!?....I wallet at !..... 7 2 9 -5 0 0 0 0 REALLY NEED IT !!!!

omg i hate you right i hate right rodney 85 FBFr(19)5 now. i lost my trust in right now u so stupid 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 you and we cant be dont talk to me or friends no more. text me no more MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts


girl..how u lose my so you lost my 87 FBSo(19)4 wallet u gone have to wallet...well i hope u 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 by me a new id an know u gone replace license real talk all that was in it

I don’ understand 89 FWJr(20)4 how you l=could have Seriously? You lost 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 possibly lost my my wallet? wallet.

You lost my wallet. You need to find my You need to find it wallet soon. I can 100 FWSr(21)5 soon because I cant afford to lose 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 afford to lose what everything that was in was in there. there.

TOTAL 148 125 273 * 8 5 13 * MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

AVERAGE 2.96 2.5 5.46 * 0.16 0.1 0.26 *

*96.0% (48 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*44.0% (22 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *26.0% (13 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *26.0% (13 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *4.0% (2 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*22.0% (11 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*12.0% (6 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *8.0% (4 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *2.0% (1 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text message she sent to a male as she did in the text message she sent to a female. *78.0% (39 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

2. Emotion/Feeling: SAD Create a text message that shows the recipient you are sad or upset because your dog has just died.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

1 FWFr(18)5 :’( :’( :’( :’( Pugly :’( :’(((((((((( Pugly 4 4 8 0 4 4 8 0 died died

3 FWJr(20)5 :( my puppy died.... :( my puppy died 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

9 FWJr(21)3 My doggie just died :( My dog just died.... :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

10 FWFr(18)5 R.I.P charchar : ( RIP charchar :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I had to put my dog I had to put my dog down today, I’m down to sleep 11 FWFr(19)5 really upset about it. I tonight :( I’m really 2 3 5 +1 0 1 1 +1 think I’m just gonna upset about it stay in for the day.

12 FWSo(19)4 my dog passed away :( my puppy died 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1 last night

I just found out that my dog passed away. He was with my My dog passed away family for so long, I today :(. Now I don’t 17 FAJr(21)4 just can’t imagine know what to do 3 2 5 -1 1 1 2 0 going back to the without him. house and not having him greet me every day anymore. :(

Just wanted to let you My dog died 19 FWJr(20)2 know my dog died today...probably wont 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 today...might not be be up for much. up for much lately.

21 FB&H/ I’m really sad... I’m really sad :(.... 2 3 5 +1 0 1 1 +1 LJr(20)3

22 FWFr(18)5 :’( my dog died ... and :’( sooooo my puppy 2 4 6 +2 1 3 4 +2 it sucks .. died :((

23 FWFr(18)5 my dog just died :’( my dog just died :’( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

wahhh. my puppy is wahhhh )= im crying 24 FWFr(18)5 dead )= ))))==== buy me a new 6 7 13 +1 4 4 8 0 puppy. ))))====

27 FWFr(18)5 Echo just died :[ My puppy just died :[ 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

FW&BSr(21 This is the worst 28 )5 ever..jazzy just jazzy died :’( 3 1 4 -2 1 1 2 0 died :’(

30 FWSr(23)4 My dog just died :( My dog just died :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

32 FWSr(21)5 :’[ my dog died :’[ :’[ i’m sad my dog 2 2 4 0 2 1 3 -1 died

33 FWSr(21)4 Guess what? I’m so Guess what? My dog 4 4 8 0 1 1 2 0 sad. My dog died :( died :( I’m so upset.

Hey, sorry Im just not in a good place I’m upset and not in 35 FWFr(18)5 right now cause my a good place because 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 dog just died. I might my dog just passed need to talk to you away later.

I just don’t really feel I’m very upset like talking to because if my dog, I 40 FBFr(18)4 anyone, I rather be just don’t wanna be 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 alone, even though it’s bothered with an animal to me it anyone. was family.

41 FWSr(21)4 Participant left blank My dog just died :’( 0 1 1 +1 0 1 1 +1

42 FWSr(21)4 Bear just died :( :( :( Bear just died! :( 3 2 5 -1 3 1 4 -2

45 FWSr( )4 I would call for this I would call. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

OMG! sis my dog jst bay i am so sad right 46 FBSo(19)5 died like i really cant now, my dog jst died 6 3 9 -3 1 0 1 -1 believe this :(

47 FBSo(19)5 U wnt believe wat When you see me, you 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 happened to me! should give me a hug MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

My mom just called saying my doggy Not in the mood to 50 FWJr(20)4 died....could u talk right now.... my 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 possibly come over mom called....dog and keep me died...see u tomorrow company?

I’m really upset but 54 FWSr(22)5 my dog was I’m ok, thanks :) 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0 suffering. :-( it was best for her.

I’m so upset. My dog 55 FWSr(21)5 just died, and he’s My mom just told me 2 1 3 -1 0 1 1 +1 been a part of the that our dog died. :( family for 15 years.

56 FWSo(20)5 My doggy died :( My dog just died :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

57 FWFr(19)4 My doggy died :((((( My dog died :((( 2 2 4 0 2 2 4 0

i’m really upset. i just so i just found out my 58 FWSr(20)4 found out my dog dog died :( 3 1 4 -2 1 1 2 0 passed away :(

59 FWFr(18)5 :( :( :( :( :( :( :( : my doggie jus died :( : 12 4 16 -8 8 4 12 -4 ( waaaaaahhh! ( :( :(

Oh my goodness. My 60 FWSo(19)5 dog died, I’m really My dog just died. :( 5 1 6 -4 1 1 2 0 upset. I don’t know what to do. :’( MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

i cant believe my doggy died =(( ugh gonna miss him soo y lil doggy just died 62 FWSo(20)5 much, he made me todayyyy =((( why??? 11 4 15 -7 4 2 6 -2 smile everytime i walked in the house =((

66 FBJr(20)4 Ricky and Lucy :( Ricky and lucy died :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

70 FWSr(23)4 My dog died. D: Buy Dog died. Not cool. 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 -1 me ice cream.

omg! my dog just my dog just died ; 71 FH/PJr(20)5 died ;( idk what to do ( what am i going to 4 2 6 -2 1 1 2 0 do

74 FWJr(21)3 Scruffy died. I is sad. My dog died. I is sad. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

..We just put her 76 FWJr(21)3 down :( I’m going to We just put her down.. 3 0 3 -3 1 0 1 -1 miss her so much

77 FWSo(19)5 My dog just died... :( My dog just died.. :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

78 FWGr(30)2 My dog died My dog died. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Hey girl. I’d rather hey. sorry. id rather not talk right now, not talk right now, 79 FWFr(18)5 my dog just died and i my dog just died and i 4 3 7 -1 2 0 2 -2 just want to be just want to be alone. alone. :’((

80 FWSo(19)4 my dog just died I’m my dog just died i dnt 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 not in the mood wanna talk

82 FWJr(20)4 My dog just died :( My dog just died :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

83 FWJr(21)4 dog just died :( my dog just died :( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

:(...... my dog is :(....bay u wana by me 84 FBFr(19)3 gone.....seeing all a new dog....my dog 2 2 4 0 1 1 2 0 these dogs make me just die miss her

sarah 2:13 november 3rd 2011 whats wrong rodney im said right reply: im so sad right now can u come over 85 FBFr(19)5 now my life has been and hold me because i 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 ruined my dog got hit cant bear be here by by a car and the vet myself. i miss my dog had to put her to sleep. how else can i live, im over pissed.


87 FBSo(19)4 omg...pickles just died boo my dog just died 4 1 5 -3 0 0 0 0 i loved that damn dog

I really need a friend I am so upset right 89 FWJr(20)4 right now. I am so now. My dog just died. 4 2 6 -2 0 0 0 0 upset.

100 FWSr(21)5 Chloe just died : ( Chloe just died : ( 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0

TOTAL 130 94 224 * 53 46 99 *

AVERAGE 2.6 1.88 4.48 * 1.06 0.92 1.98 *

*96.0% (48 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*34.0% (17 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 *12.0% (6 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *50.0% (25 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *4.0% (2 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*74.0% (37 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*16.0% (8 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *12.0% (6 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *46.0% (23 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *26.0% (13 of the 50) did not use any emoticons, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

3. Emotion/Feeling: HAPPY Create a text message that shows the recipient you are happy because you scored a 100% on a difficult exam.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

WOOWOWOWOO Yayayayyayayyay!!!! 1 FWFr(18)5 OO!!! 100% babaay! !! 100% 9 9 18 0 0 1 1 +1 sugacuuuuube :)

3 FWJr(20)5 I got a 100 on my sp Guess what?! I got a 3 6 9 +3 1 1 2 0 ed test!!! :) 100 on my test!! :)

9 FWJr(21)3 I JUST GOT A 100% I JUST GOT A 100% 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 ON MY EXAM!! ON MY EXAM!!!!

10 FWFr(18)5 YAY! 100% hells yes! 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0


12 FWSo(19)4 I JUST ACED MY JUST ACED MY 3 4 7 +1 1 1 2 0 TEST! :) TEST!!!!:) MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

So guess what, I just found out that I got a I just got a 100% on 100% on my Cell and my Cell and Molec 17 FAJr(21)4 Molec exam that I’ve exam! I’m so excited 3 5 8 +2 0 0 0 0 been freaking out and you should be too! over! Finally all of lol those long hours have paid off.

Can you say Totally nailed my 19 FWJr(20)2 100%?!?! Because I test! 100%- YAYA!!! 10 8 18 -2 1 0 1 -1 can! YAYA! :)

TOTALLY RAPED TOTALLY RAPED 21 FB&H/ THAT THAT 10 10 20 0 5 5 10 0 LJr(20)3 TEST!!!!! :D:D:D:D: EXAM!!! :D:D:D:D: D D

Hell yes ! I just made Sooooo, I just owned 22 FWFr(18)5 that test my that testtttt . :) 9 4 13 -5 1 1 2 0 bitchhhhh !!!! :D

23 FWFr(18)5 i got a 100% on my i got a 100% on my 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 test!!!! test!!


Guess who just I just got 100% on the 27 FWFr(18)5 hundo percented her hardest test ever. 4 3 7 -1 0 1 1 +1 test?! Yay! :]

guess who just got a 28 FW&BSr(21 100 on their law i got an A!! :D 7 3 10 -4 0 1 1 +1 )5 exam!?! fuckkkk yeah! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

30 FWSr(23)4 I got a 100% on my I just scored a 100% 4 2 6 -2 0 0 0 0 test! Go me!!!! on my test !!!!

32 FWSr(21)5 oh yea!!! 100% !!!!!! guess who just scored 6 1 7 -5 0 0 0 0 a 100%

33 FWSr(21)4 WOOHOO!! 100% WOOHOO!! 100% 6 6 12 0 0 0 0 0 on my exam!! on my exam!!!!!

Guess what! I got a I just got a 100% on 35 FWFr(18)5 100% on my test!!! my test!!! :) 7 3 10 -4 1 1 2 0 Woot woot :)

Yessss!! Just got a 100 Yesss got an 100 on 40 FBFr(18)4 on my test, about my test, about freakin 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 time! time!!

41 FWSr(21)4 I just got a 100 on my I just got a 100 on my 2 2 4 0 1 1 2 0 test! :) test! :D

Guess what....i just ya i just got a 100 on 42 FWSr(21)4 got a 100 on my the exam that i studied 3 2 5 -1 0 1 1 +1 exam!!!! for forever :)

45 FWSr( )4 100% Woot! 100% Woot! 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

OMG! mom i jst daddy i jst recieved a 46 FBSo(19)5 recieved a 100% on 100% on my exam 4 0 4 -4 0 0 0 0 my exam! today

47 FBSo(19)5 GUESS WHAT? You are about to be 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 so happy with me!

50 FWJr(20)4 aced that test! :) I got an A on my test! 2 1 3 -1 1 0 1 -1

WooHOO!!! I got a I scored a 100% on 54 FWSr(22)5 100% on my my exam!!! :-D 8 3 11 -5 1 1 2 0 test!!!!!! :-D MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

55 FWSr(21)5 I got 100 on the test! Just got the test back 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 and I totally aced it!

56 FWSo(20)5 Yeah! Just got a 100% Just rocked that 3 4 7 +1 1 0 1 -1 on that test :) exam! Yeah buddy!

57 FWFr(19)4 I’m smart :) Sooo that test wasn’t 2 1 3 -1 1 0 1 -1 as hard as I thought....

i just got a 100 on my i just got a 100 on my 58 FWSr(20)4 exam!!!!!! :) exam that was really 4 3 7 -1 1 1 2 0 difficult! :)

OMG!! JUST omg! i jus scored 59 FWFr(18)5 SCORED 100%!! go 100%!! :D 11 5 16 -6 0 1 1 +1 me! go me!

I just rocked this I so just got 100 on 60 FWSo(19)5 exam I took, :) this test. I’m so happy 2 4 6 +2 1 1 2 0 right now. :)

I got a 100% on my AHHHHH! got a 62 FWSo(20)5 test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) 100% on my test 4 6 10 +2 1 0 1 -1 today!!!!

I GOT A 100%! I GOT A 100% ON 66 FBJr(20)4 #WINNING THE EXAM. 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 #WINNING!

70 FWSr(23)4 HAHA! 100% again! 100% on the exam. 5 1 6 -4 0 0 0 0 I win. Suck it.

i just got a perfect i got a perfect exam on 71 FH/PJr(20)5 score on my test!!! my test..you already 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 celebrating tonight! know im celebrating!!

74 FWJr(21)3 BAM. Aced that BAM, aced that mofo. 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 mofo. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Shit yeah all that 76 FWJr(21)3 Test. Conquered. studying paid off, I’m 2 4 6 +2 0 0 0 0 so happy

Dude!!! I just got I just scored 100% on 77 FWSo(19)5 100% on my my test!!!! 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 Kinesiology Test!

78 FWGr(30)2 I got 100%! I got 100%! 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

O MY GOSHH!!! I O. MY. LANTA!! i 79 FWFr(18)5 JUST GOT A ONE just got one hundred 10 13 23 +3 2 2 4 0 HUNDRED ON MY on my exam!! :))) TEST!!!! :DDDD AHHH!

80 FWSo(19)4 i just kicked but on i just kicked butt on 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 that exam that exam

82 FWJr(20)4 YES!!! I got a perfect YAY!!! I GOT A 7 8 15 +1 0 1 1 +1 grade!!!!!!! 100%!!! :)

Yay just got a 100% yessss!! 100% on my 83 FWJr(21)4 on a test!!! exam that was super 3 6 9 +3 0 0 0 0 hard!

:D.....YESSSSS !!!!.... HAHAHAHAHAHA i passed this test !!!...i !.....i just got a A on 84 FBFr(19)3 swear i thought i was the test....lol...what u 8 6 14 -2 1 0 1 -1 going to fail. get...i bet i did better than u

dang i knew that test was easy when i first studied that night that omg bay i just aced 85 FBFr(19)5 was a piece of cake this test, yo boo a 1 4 5 +3 0 0 0 0 and i got 100% on it genious that mean we gettin wasted tonight to celebrate MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts


hell yea...i just passed bae guess what...i just 87 FBSo(19)4 my exam...time to aced my exam 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 party

I just got an A on my Just got a perfect score 89 FWJr(20)4 test that I have been on my test! I’m so 1 4 5 +3 0 0 0 0 studying non stop for! excited!

100 FWSr(21)5 100% on cost exam!! 100% on cost exam!! 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 Woohoo! Woohoo!

TOTAL 215 189 404 * 21 21 42 *

AVERAGE 4.3 3.78 8.08 * 0.42 0.42 0.84 *

*100.0% (50 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*38.0% (19 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *28.0% (14 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *34.0% (17 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *0.0% (0 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*44.0% (22 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*12.0% (6 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *12.0% (6 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *20.0% (10 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *56.0% (28 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131

4. Emotion/Feeling: AMUSEMENT, HUMOR, LAUGHTER Create a text message that shows the recipient that what he or she has just texted you made you laugh or was humorous to you.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

lmaoooooooooo Bhahahahhahaahaha 1 FWFr(18)5 hahhahahahahahaha h :) :) hilarious! 9 7 16 -2 1 2 3 +1 hahaha!!! :)

3 FWJr(20)5 haha haha :) :) haha 3 2 5 -1 1 1 2 0

Hahaha That was 9 FWJr(21)3 hahaha hilarious hilarious! You are too 3 8 11 +5 0 1 1 +1 funny! ;)

10 FWFr(18)5 LOL hahaha LAWL 2 4 6 +2 0 0 0 0

11 FWFr(19)5 hahahahaha that was hahhahahahahaha 3 4 7 +1 0 0 0 0 great love it

12 FWSo(19)4 hahahahahahahahah hahahahahahaha 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 ahha

17 FAJr(21)4 HAHAHAHA! You LOL you’re so funny! 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 crack me.

19 FWJr(20)2 Hahaha! :P Hahaha! :P 4 4 8 0 1 1 2 0

21 FB&H/ Bahaha!! Bahaha! 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 LJr(20)3

22 FWFr(18)5 bahahahahahahahah Haha :) you’re 4 3 7 -1 1 1 2 0 ahaha :) funny .

23 FWFr(18)5 haha haha nice 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0

24 FWFr(18)5 HAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHHAH 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 OMG IM PEEING. OMG IM PEEING. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

27 FWFr(18)5 Hahahahahah Hahahah :] 2 3 5 +1 0 1 1 +1

28 FW&BSr(21 bahahaha that was ahahah that was 7 4 11 -3 0 0 0 0 )5 great! totes hilar! hilarious!

30 FWSr(23)4 LOL lol :) 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 +1

32 FWSr(21)5 lolololol :] 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 +1

33 FWSr(21)4 HAHAHAHAHA hahahahahahahaha 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 LMAO! lmao!

35 FWFr(18)5 Hahaha :) Hahaha :) 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0

40 FBFr(18)4 Lmao owow lmao your crazy for 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 that one

41 FWSr(21)4 That literally made Haha :) 3 2 5 -1 0 1 1 +1 me LOL

42 FWSr(21)4 hahaha....thats hahaha...you crack 3 4 7 +1 0 0 0 0 hilarious me up!

45 FWSr( )4 lol :D yes! :D 2 3 5 +1 1 1 2 0

46 FBSo(19)5 LMAO! g that was jst LMAO! bay you are 6 6 12 0 0 0 0 0 funny as hell so funny

47 FBSo(19)5 LMBO! Lol you are too 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 funny.

50 FWJr(20)4 nice lol oh....(name) your so 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 funny

54 FWSr(22)5 lol!!!!! lol!!! :) 3 4 7 +1 0 1 1 +1

55 FWSr(21)5 Hahaha. That was hilarious. 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

56 FWSo(20)5 hahaha! omg too Bahahahahaha 6 4 10 -2 0 0 0 0 funny you’re killin’ me

57 FWFr(19)4 hahahahahaha!!!!! hahahahahaha!!! or 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 lololololololol!

58 FWSr(20)4 LOL! lol! that’s really 3 4 7 +1 0 0 0 0 funny.

59 FWFr(18)5 hahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahah 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 ahahahaha! ahahaha!

60 FWSo(19)5 Haha. That was Haha. That’s so 3 5 8 +2 1 1 2 0 fantastic. :D funny! :)

62 FWSo(20)5 bahahaha lmao!!! 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0

66 FBJr(20)4 Hahahahaha! hahaha good one :) 3 4 7 +1 0 1 1 +1

70 FWSr(23)4 I srsly lol’d just then. I srsly lol’d just then. 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

71 FH/PJr(20)5 lol you just made me i just died at the text 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 laugh out loud smh you sent

74 FWJr(21)3 HA. lawl. 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0

76 FWJr(21)3 Hahaha that’s great Hahahaha that’s 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 great

77 FWSo(19)5 Haha nice Lmao dude 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0

78 FWGr(30)2 That’s funny. That’s funny. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

HAHAHAHAHAAH HAHAHAHAH!! O 79 FWFr(18)5 AHAHAH!!!! im MY GOSH!!! thats 11 12 23 +1 1 0 1 -1 literally laughing out awesome!! loud!! :)

80 FWSo(19)4 omg lol omg lol 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

82 FWJr(20)4 Hahaha youre so Oh you... you are 6 3 9 -3 0 1 1 +1 silly!! crazy! ;)

83 FWJr(21)4 hahaha thats funny! haha u crack me up! 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0

lmao !...boy stop...u 84 FBFr(19)3 lmfao !.....girl stop makin my stomach 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 hurt

lmfao my stomach lmfao dufus that 85 FBFr(19)5 hurt right now in wasnt even funny 2 7 9 +5 0 0 0 0 laughter. although im laughing so hard i gotta pee.

86 FBSr(20)5 LBVFS YOU ARE SO 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 SILLY BOY

87 FBSo(19)4 lmfao...u dumb lol 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0

hahahaha You hahahaha That was 89 FWJr(20)4 literally just made me so funny! 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 laugh out loud!

100 FWSr(21)5 Hahaha Hahaha 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 170 175 345 * 8 16 24 *

AVERAGE 3.4 3.5 6.9 * 0.16 0.32 0.48 *

*100.0% (50 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*28.0% (14 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *32.0% (16 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *40.0% (20 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *0.0% (0 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*32.0% (16 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 *2.0% ( 1 of the 50) used more emoticons in her text message to a female than she did in her text message to a male. *18.0% (9 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *12.0% (6 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *68.0% (34 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

5. Emotion/Feeling: ECSTATIC, EXCITED Create a text message that shows the recipient you are ecstatic because you have just won a new ipod in a raffle.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I JUST WON A I just won an 1 FWFr(18)5 NEW IPOD!!!!!! :) ipod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hellz 12 9 21 -3 1 0 1 -1 WUUUT yeaaa WUUUUT!!!! mothafuckaaahhh

3 FWJr(20)5 I just won a new I won a new ipod!! 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 ipod!!!!

9 FWJr(21)3 I JUST WON AN I JUST WON AN 8 3 11 -5 0 0 0 0 IPOD!!! AHH!! IPOD!!!!

10 FWFr(18)5 Nbd just won an ipod WOOHOO free ipod 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0

I just won the ipod in Guess what!! I just 11 FWFr(19)5 the raffle! wooooooo!! won an ipod in the 6 5 11 -1 0 0 0 0 raffle!!!!

12 FWSo(19)4 I JUST WON A Guess who just won a 4 5 9 +1 1 1 2 0 NEW IPOD!!!! :) NEW IPOD!!!! :)

So I know you hate how I always win I just got this amazing 17 FAJr(21)4 stuff, but guess what I prize from a raffle, a 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 just won! A new ipod new ipod! I’m so from a raffle, so excited! exciting! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I JUST WON AN I WON! I WON! I 19 FWJr(20)2 IPOD!!! :) :) :) WON A NEW 6 8 14 +2 3 0 3 -3 IPOD!!!

21 FB&H/ I totally just won a Totally just won a 5 4 9 -1 0 1 1 +1 LJr(20)3 new iPod!!! Holy shit! new iPod!! :D

Whoop Whoop !!! I Uhm - so I just won 22 FWFr(18)5 just won an an ipod :) talk about 10 5 15 -5 2 1 3 -1 ipoddddddd !!! :)) my lucky dayyyy !

23 FWFr(18)5 I JUST WON AN I JUST WON AN 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 IPOD!!! IPOD!!


27 FWFr(18)5 Ah, I just won an I just won an ipod in a 5 2 7 -3 0 1 1 +1 ipod! Yaya! raffle! :]

28 FW&BSr(21 Guess what?!!? i just wooo! just won an 6 7 13 +1 0 0 0 0 )5 won a ipod! woot! ipod! best. day. ever.

30 FWSr(23)4 Hell yea I won an I just won an ipod :) 4 1 5 -3 0 1 1 +1 ipod!!!

32 FWSr(21)5 guess what i just i just on an 3 4 7 +1 0 2 2 +2 won.....and ipod!!! ipod!!!! :] :]

Omg omg omg omg AHHHHH I WON 33 FWSr(21)4 omg. I just won an AN IPOD!!!!! 6 5 11 -1 0 0 0 0 Ipod!

35 FWFr(18)5 I JUST WON A I just wont A NEW 3 4 7 +1 1 1 2 0 NEW IPOD! :) IPOD! woo :)

40 FBFr(18)4 Yess I just won a ipod! Yess guess what I just 3 6 9 +3 0 0 0 0 won?? An ipod!! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I just won an iPod in a I just won an iPod! Be 41 FWSr(21)4 raffle!!!!! woo jealous :) 5 2 7 -3 0 1 1 +1 hoo!!!!!

42 FWSr(21)4 I JUST WON AN I JUST WON AN 6 3 9 -3 0 0 0 0 IPOD!!! eeeek! IPOD!!!

45 FWSr( )4 I won an iPod!!!!! I won and ipod :D 2 1 3 -1 0 1 1 +1

yayyyyyyy! sis i jst OMG! bay guess 46 FBSo(19)5 won a ipod in a raffle, wat??? i jst won an 7 7 14 0 0 0 0 0 im happy as hell ipod in a raffle!

47 FBSo(19)5 YOU FINNA BE So, I you are about to 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 TOO JEALOUS! be too jealous

did you hear...i won an dude! i won an ipod in 50 FWJr(20)4 ipod! can you believe a raffle lol! 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 it?

54 FWSr(22)5 OMG!!! I just won a I just won an ipod!!!! 5 2 7 -3 0 0 0 0 ipod!

55 FWSr(21)5 Just won an ipod! So Totally just won a 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 awesome. new ipod!

56 FWSo(20)5 JUST WON AN BOOM! Just won an 5 4 9 -1 0 1 1 +1 IPOD! WOO HOO! ipod :)

Guess who just won I just won an 57 FWFr(19)4 an ipod..... THIS ipod!!! :D 5 3 8 -2 0 1 1 +1 GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

58 FWSr(20)4 omg! i just won a new guess what?! i just 5 5 10 0 1 1 2 0 ipod!!! :) won a new ipod! :)

59 FWFr(18)5 OMG! i jus won a omg! i jus won a new 6 4 10 -2 1 1 2 0 new ipod!!!! :D ipod in a raffle! :D MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I just won a new iPod! I can’t believe it! I Oh my goodness! I 60 FWSo(19)5 love it! I can’t wait just won an iPod. Be 8 3 11 -5 1 1 2 0 until I get home and jealous. :) can put new music on it! :)

OMG! GUESS sooo guess wat!?! i 62 FWSo(20)5 WATTT!!!! i won an just won an ipod!! 14 8 22 -6 1 2 3 +1 ipod!!! ahh! =D =DD

66 FBJr(20)4 Guess what? I WON I JUST WON AN 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 AN IPOD! IPOD!!!

70 FWSr(23)4 HELLZYEAH. New New iPod for free. 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 iPod. Free. Raffle. Awesome.

71 FH/PJr(20)5 i just won a new ipod i just won a FREE 4 5 9 +1 1 0 1 -1 for FREE!!!! :D ipod yessss!!

74 FWJr(21)3 I just won a free ipod! I gots me a new ipod. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 FO FREE

76 FWJr(21)3 AS;LKEIODNL Guess guess guess 3 4 7 +1 0 0 0 0 guess what I just won what I just won!!

I just won an iPod! Dude! Just won an 77 FWSo(19)5 Like legit just won an iPod!!!!!!!! 5 4 9 -1 0 0 0 0 iPod!!!!!!

78 FWGr(30)2 I won! I won! 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

EEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEE!!!!!! I JUST DUUUDDEE!!! i just 79 FWFr(18)5 WON AN IPOD IN won a freakin ipod in 20 8 28 -12 3 0 3 -3 A this raffle i entered!!! RAFFLEE!!!!!!!!!! :) )))))) AHHHHH!!! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

80 FWSo(19)4 guess what i just won omg... guess what i 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 a free ipod for free just won??

82 FWJr(20)4 Woo hoo!!! I just won Whoa!!! I just won an 6 7 13 +1 0 0 0 0 an ipod!!!!!! ipod!!! jealous...?!!

83 FWJr(21)4 ahhh just won a new I just won a new ipod 4 6 10 +2 0 0 0 0 ipod in a raffle!!! in a raffle!! yesss!!

Giiiirrrrllll !!!....i just Terrence !!...i just won 84 FBFr(19)3 won this ipod....i cant this ipod !...:) 5 4 9 -1 0 1 1 +1 believe i actually won

so i just won a damn hey bay i just won a ipod touch in raffle ipod she defly 85 FBFr(19)5 im so happy right winning. imma give it 5 3 8 -2 0 0 0 0 now today must be a to you because i broke good day yo other one. but im so happy right now


87 FBSo(19)4 girl guess wat...i just bae guess what i just 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 won a ipod won an ipod

89 FWJr(20)4 I JUST WON AN I JUST WON AN 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 IPOD!!!! IPOD!

100 FWSr(21)5 Guess what I won that Guess what I won that 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 ipod!!! ipod!!

TOTAL 241 189 430 * 16 18 34 * MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

AVERAGE 4.82 3.78 8.6 * 0.32 0.36 0.68 *

*100.0% (50 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*52.0% (26 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *30.0% (15 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *18.0% (9 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *0.0% (0 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*40.0% (20 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*10.0% (5 of the 50) used more emoticons in her text message to a female than she did in her text message to a male. *20.0% (10 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *10.0% (5 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *60.0% (30 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

6. Emotion/Feeling: ANNOYED Create a text message that shows the recipient you are annoyed because the cashier at a fast food restaurant messed up your order.

# of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Used (in Used (in Emotional Same and Same Sex Opposite Used Same and Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I said CURLY Ugh i never get the 1 FWFr(18)5 FRIESSSS!!!!!!! right order, they 7 3 10 -4 0 0 0 0 dumbass alwayssss mess it up!

Argh! The cashier gosh! the cashier 3 FWJr(20)5 messed up my order!! messed up my order 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 argh! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

I just got done eating The waiter just at this restaurant and screwed up my 9 FWJr(21)3 they got my order order...They get stuff 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 wrong, so it was really wrong all of the gross..... time...ugghhh

10 FWFr(18)5 never going to i absolutely loathe 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 mcdonalds again burger ing

This is dumb the Okay, this cashier 11 FWFr(19)5 cashier is being so needs to seriously 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 slow, I just want to hurry herself up. leave.

I cant believe she cant could she be any 12 FWSo(19)4 take my order right... worse at taking my 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 order?!

You won’t believe I’m so upset, I just ate what just happened. at McDonald’s and I I’m so frustrated totally ordered a because I ordered a McChicken, but they McChicken and they gave me a fish fillet 17 FAJr(21)4 gave me a fish filet, so instead. So then I had 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 then I had to wait even to wait for them to longer for them to make me a make me the right McChicken, I don’t order. I don’t even even like fish! like fish!

19 FWJr(20)2 Ugh, my order got Grrr. Order got 2 3 5 +1 1 0 1 -1 messed up :/ messed up. Great.

21 FB&H/ The cashier messed up Cashier totally fucked 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 LJr(20)3 my order... up my order...

...... stupid fast food ...stupid fast food 22 FWFr(18)5 people need to learn to people .... they need to 1 2 3 +1 0 1 1 +1 be intelligent. learn to be educated :( MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

the frikin cashier stupid cashier messed 23 FWFr(18)5 messed up my order. up my frikin order 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 argggg

lol that awk moment lol that awk moment 24 FWFr(18)5 the newb cashier cant when the dumb dumb 3 5 8 +2 0 0 0 0 do their job....lawlz. cashier cant do their job lawlz

So, I’m leaving Ugh, I’m at McDonalds, and I McDonalds and they 27 FWFr(18)5 realize that I’m just messed up my 1 4 5 +3 0 0 0 0 missing my ketchup. order. How Really? It’s not that annoying! hard.

omg, this hooker at I’m so annoyed right 28 FW&BSr(21 the restaurant now, this dude’s a 6 5 11 -1 0 0 0 0 )5 completely fucked up fucking idiot. my order! ugh.

30 FWSr(23)4 This cashier is sooo UGH this lady is 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 slow ugh! soooo slow

ugghh, stupid guy uugghh, stupid guy 32 FWSr(21)5 messed up my order just messed up my 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 order

Seriously how hard is Seriously, how hard is 33 FWSr(21)4 it to get a food order it to get a food order 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 right at McDonalds? right at McDonalds?

Uhg, the lady at Uhhhhhg, this lady at 35 FWFr(18)5 Mcdonalds messed up Mcdonalds messed up 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 my order againnnn! my order again! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Man the stupid Man that stupid cashier messed up my cashier freakin 40 FBFr(18)4 order, I asked for 2 messed up my order, 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 burgers and he gave why do have people me 1! like this working here!

omg the girl at 41 FWSr(21)4 McDonalds screwed Wahhh :( 2 3 5 +1 1 1 2 0 up my order... >:(

ugh. this is taking so ive been here 42 FWSr(21)4 forever!! this cashier forever...the cashier 7 3 10 -4 0 0 0 0 just messed up my just messed up my order...grrr!!! order! grrrr....

45 FWSr( )4 I wouldn’t even bother wouldn’t bother 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 texting it. texting

G why the fuck this bay why the hell this 46 FBSo(19)5 lady jst mess up my lady jst fucked up our 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0 order order

47 FBSo(19)5 So what about I went I really need people to 0 1 1 +1 0 0 0 0 to McDonalds like their jobs.

Omg i went to mcdonalds and ordered a large fry and stupid cashier messed 50 FWJr(20)4 a carmel frappe.....and up my order! Im so not 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 they didnt give me a going back there large fry and they gave me a mocha frappe....im so pissed

The stupid person at The stupid person at 54 FWSr(22)5 McDonalds messed up McDonalds messed up 2 1 3 -1 0 0 0 0 my order! my order.... MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

The service here is Don’t eat at this place, 55 FWSr(21)5 terrible. No one has they can’t get anything 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the right order. right.

ugh this kid seriously Guy at the register 56 FWSo(20)5 had no idea what he totally messed up my 3 5 8 +2 0 1 1 +1 was doing...totally order. ugh so messed up my order annoying :/

This guy definitely 57 FWFr(19)4 this bitch is dumb... messed up my 3 0 3 -3 0 0 0 0 order......

this cashier just this cashier just 58 FWSr(20)4 messed up my order! messed up my order! 3 4 7 +1 0 0 0 0 ugh! so annoyed!

59 FWFr(18)5 sooo annoying -___- omg he jus messed up 4 3 7 -1 1 2 3 +1 he messed up my oder my order -______-

This stupid guy just messed up my order. I This jerk just messed 60 FWSo(19)5 asked for it a certain up my order at this 4 2 6 -2 0 1 1 +1 way and didn’t get it! restaurant. :( I’m pissed!

ugh, now i gotta wait this lady just messed extra long for this food up my order so now i 62 FWSo(20)5 cuz they messed up gotta wait longer!! 6 7 13 +1 0 0 0 0 my order!!! wtf!? ahh!!! they can never get it right!

This silly cashier This silly cashier got screwed up my order, my order wrong, I’m 66 FBJr(20)4 i’m allergic to onions. allergic to onions and 3 1 4 -2 0 0 0 0 I’m breaking out in now I’m breaking out. hives!! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Ugh, I hate ketchup. I I said no ketchup! I 70 FWSr(23)4 hate it. And I don’t can’t eat this. It’s 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 wanna drive back gross. Damn cashier. there. Bah.

She just messed up my the damn cashier 71 FH/PJr(20)5 f**$#! order i’m never messed up my order 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 goin back there im never going back

Gah, I wanted a snack GRah. I don’t think 74 FWJr(21)3 wrap and they gave Taco bell has got my 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 me a McChicken. order right the past 5 times I’ve been there.

76 FWJr(21)3 Fast food is not so fast I hate McDonalds. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 these days

Uh..asked for 5 sauces 77 FWSo(19)5 and they didn’t give Um...... seriously? 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 me any....ugh

78 FWGr(30)2 The idiot messed up That idiot messed up 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 my order. my order.

O MYLANTA!!! this awwwwwwww 79 FWFr(18)5 stupid cashier got my mmaaannn!!! this 10 10 20 0 0 1 1 +1 order wrong!! worst!! dumb cashier messed up my whole order! ;(

80 FWSo(19)4 people r stupid at i hate fastfood 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 fastfood places employees

82 FWJr(20)4 The cashier messed up The darn cashier 1 2 3 +1 1 1 2 0 my order :( messed up my order :(

really!? these people ug so annoyed the 83 FWJr(21)4 at the restaurant I’m at restaurant I’m at 5 4 9 -1 0 0 0 0 just messed up my messed up my order! order!! MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

G tell me why....this dumb lady just Omg bay this lady 84 FBFr(19)3 messed up my just messed up my 4 3 7 -1 0 1 1 +1 order....urghhhh !...i order...>:( need to go.

ughhhh. he just pissed me off right omg bay im bout to now i asked for a beat her ass she just fuckin double cheese messed up our order 85 FBFr(19)5 burger and they gave and she laughing in 5 4 9 -1 0 0 0 0 me a single with no my face you need to cheese im about to go come get me before i in there and smack the have to go to jail shit out of her.


girl this bitch just dat damn boy messed 87 FBSo(19)4 messed up my order up my order 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 im bout to snap

My order just got I don’t understand 89 FWJr(20)4 messed up. Seriously? how this person could 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 It’s not that hard. have gotten my order wrong. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

The stupid people at The stupid people at mcds messed up my mcds messed up my 100 FWSr(21)5 snack wrap. Now Im snack wrap. Now Im 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 just eating a chicken just eating a chicken strip strip

TOTAL 134 134 268 * 4 9 13 *

AVERAGE 2.68 2.68 5.36 * 0.08 0.18 0.26 *

*96.0% (48 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTIONAL TOOLS, WORDS, OR PHRASES in their text messages.

*30.0% (15 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *36.0% (18 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *30.0% (15 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *4.0% (2 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*18% (9 of the 50 female participants) used EMOTICONS in their text messages.

*2.0% (1 of the 50) used more emoticons in her text message to a female than she did in her text message to a male. *12.0% (6 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *4.0% (2 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *82.0% (41 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.

7. Emotion/Feeling: KIDDING, JOKING, INSULTING Create a text message that insults the recipient but shows him or her that you are only joking around. MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

1 FWFr(18)5 You are so ugly ;) Youre so dumb 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0 sometimes ;)

3 FWJr(20)5 You are so stupid ;) You are such a 3 5 8 +2 1 1 2 0 jerk!! ;)

9 FWJr(21)3 You are crazy! haha You are such a jerk. 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 haha

10 FWFr(18)5 sweet profile sweet new hair 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 picture....not cut.....hahaha

11 FWFr(19)5 You’re such an idiot hahahahaha you idiot 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 hahaha

12 FWSo(19)4 you would;) you would! ;) 1 2 3 +1 1 1 2 0

So I know how you like to be fashionably You’re a jerk because late, but could you try I haven’t seen you in 17 FAJr(21)4 to be on time tonight? forever! JK, but I 4 7 11 +3 0 1 1 +1 lol jk, but this really miss hanging ceremony is really out with you :(. important to me.

19 FWJr(20)2 I’s just kiddin’ :P Just kidding! :) 2 3 5 +1 1 1 2 0

21 FB&H/ Jerk...lol Jerk :P 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 +1 LJr(20)3

22 FWFr(18)5 You’re a whore :) You’re a 2 4 6 +2 1 1 2 0 dickkkkkkkk :)

23 FWFr(18)5 you’re so dumb haha ok jerk haha 4 2 6 -2 0 0 0 0 just kidding

you dumb slut. haha hahahah you dumb 24 FWFr(18)5 lol but seriously... fuck..lol jk but 5 8 13 +3 0 0 0 0 seriously..... MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

You are such an idiot, You are so dumb, 27 FWFr(18)5 hahahah. hahah. Just 4 6 10 +2 0 1 1 +1 kidding! :]

FW&BSr(21 you are so fucking You’re such a 28 )5 dense sometimes..but i douchebag. 6 2 8 -4 1 0 1 -1 still love you :)

30 FWSr(23)4 you dork! you dork ;) 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 +1

32 FWSr(21)5 hey loser,. lol what haha hey girl hey, lol 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 up?

33 FWSr(21)4 Wow. You are dumb. You are an idiot. 4 3 7 -1 0 0 0 0 Haha jk. Haha, jk.

35 FWFr(18)5 Psh, jeeze you are You are such a 5 3 8 -2 1 1 2 0 such a jerk ;P jerk ;P

C’mon we all know 40 FBFr(18)4 that you eat like 20 Ok fat boy!! lol j/k 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 times a day! lol j/k j/ k

41 FWSr(21)4 Slut ;) Jerk! 2 2 4 0 1 0 1 -1

42 FWSr(21)4 you are the worst thats just because you 4 2 6 -2 1 1 2 0 friend ever! :) suck at life :)

Yes because we all 45 FWSr( )4 know you soooo evil. You so would. jk :P 5 3 8 -2 0 1 1 +1 JK

man stop all that boy you need to stop 46 FBSo(19)5 wining, i was jst acting like that cause i 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 playing with yo ass was jst playing with yo ass

47 FBSo(19)5 Get yo big You are a lame! 0 2 2 +2 0 0 0 0 MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

your such a Wow nice 50 FWJr(20)4 klutz....but i love you move....better luck 4 4 8 0 1 1 2 0 anyways :) next time dude :)

54 FWSr(22)5 You suck :-P jk! You’re stupid, jk! 4 3 7 -1 1 0 1 -1

Wow. That was That was a stupid 55 FWSr(21)5 clever... lol. choice. But I still love 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 you.

56 FWSo(20)5 oh you’re such a How does it feel to be 3 3 6 0 1 1 2 0 nerd ;) a total douche? ;)

57 FWFr(19)4 You are really dumb, You SUCK!!!! jkjk :) 5 7 12 +2 0 1 1 +1 fo real..... i kid, i kid

58 FWSr(20)4 lol, that was dumb. lol, that was really 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 jk!!!! dumb of you, jk!

59 FWFr(18)5 i’ve had better ;) she’s not very 5 3 8 -2 1 0 1 -1 hhahahaha jk cute...haha

60 FWSo(19)5 You’re lame. :p You’re lame. :p 2 2 4 0 1 1 2 0

62 FWSo(20)5 totally kidding jkk!!! ;) 5 5 10 0 1 1 2 0 btw!! ;)

66 FBJr(20)4 you slut :) You and that big 2 2 4 0 1 1 2 0 head :)

You fail at You’re such a little 70 FWSr(23)4 everything. Srsly. girl. 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 Ok, I lied.

i can’t stand your big i’ll go to her job and 71 FH/PJr(20)5 head ass..jk ;) get her fired for that 5 4 9 -1 1 1 2 0 bs!!! ;) MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts

Yeah, I’m obviously You’d lose your brain of superior 74 FWJr(21)3 if it wasn’t for your intelligence and 1 2 3 +1 0 0 0 0 skull. looks. But I guess you’ve got the car.

I don’t want to see 76 FWJr(21)3 Oh lord you are the your face ever 4 4 8 0 1 0 1 -1 absolute worst. :P again..well until tonight that is hah

77 FWSo(19)5 Just kidding dude... Jk dude...geeze lol 1 3 4 +2 0 0 0 0

78 FWGr(30)2 You’re an idiot. :-) You’re an idiot. :-) 2 2 4 0 1 1 2 0

I mean this in the 79 FWFr(18)5 you suuucckkk! :))))) nicest way possible 10 8 18 -2 3 2 5 -1 wuuvv youuuu :D but.... youuu suuck!!! :))

80 FWSo(19)4 ur a hoe JK dumbass JK 3 4 7 +1 0 0 0 0

82 FWJr(20)4 Oh you are so You are so stupid 3 5 8 +2 1 1 2 0 dumb... ;) sometimes!!! ;)

I was jk your outfit I’m jk the movie you 83 FWJr(21)4 looked fine today! picked out last night 2 3 5 +1 0 0 0 0 was fineeee!

omg girl i was Omg !....did i hurt ur 84 FBFr(19)3 playing, im sorry...: feeling !....im sorry 4 5 9 +1 1 0 1 -1 (...... bay

thats why you ugly bay i cheated on you... anyways,, im jp why so u gunna risk our 85 FBFr(19)5 are u takin it so relationship because i 3 2 5 -1 0 0 0 0 serious u need a sense was playing with of humor you;you know i would never cheat on you MALE VS. FEMALE 50-131 # of CMC # of CMC Tools/ Tools/ Total # of # # of # of # Emotional Emotional CMC Difference Emoticons Emoticons Total # of Difference Participant Demographic Text Sent to a Female Text Sent to a Male Words Words Tools/ Between Used (in Used (in Emoticons Between # Information (Same Sex) (Opposite Sex) Emotional Same and Same and Used (in Used (in Same Sex Opposite Used Same Sex Opposite Words Opposite Text) Sex Text) Opposite Text) Sex Text) Used Sex Texts Sex Texts


87 FBSo(19)4 i cant stand yo ugly u dumb as hell lol but 4 5 9 +1 0 0 0 0 ass lol u my boo tho

That was a stupid 89 FWJr(20)4 thing to say. haha I’m You’re dumb! haha 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 just kidding

100 FWSr(21)5 I was just kidding I was just kidding 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 165 172 337 * 24 23 47 *

AVERAGE 3.3 3.44 6.74 * 0.48 0.46 0.94 *

*100% (50 of the 50 female participants) used emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages.

*26.0% (13 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *36.0% (18 of the 50) used more emotional tools, words, or phrases in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *38.0% (19 of the 50) used the same number of emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *0.00% (0 of the 50) did not use any emotional tools, words, or phrases in the text messages they sent to either sex.

*56% (28 of the 50 female participants) used emoticons in their text messages.

*14.0% (7 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to females than they did in their text messages to males. *12.0% (6 of the 50) used more emoticons in their text messages to males than they did in their text messages to females. *30.0% (15 of the 50) used the same number of emoticons in the text messages they sent to males as they did in the text messages they sent to females. *44.0% (22 of the 50) did not use any emoticons in the text messages they sent to either sex.