MSGR. DAVID L. CASSATO, ADMINISTRATOR REV. MARTIN RESTREPO, PAROCHIAL VICAR Deacon Anthony Mammoliti, Pastoral Associate Ken Wodzanowski, Youth Minister 718-490-4469 - email:
[email protected] S E O Mrs. Roseanne Bourke, DRE Telephone: 718-234-0041 R O M S Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Weekdays: 8:00AM (Italian) & 9:00AM - (July & August 8:30AM) Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Saturdays: 8:30AM (Bilingual) & 5:30PM Vigil Telephone: 718-259-4636 Sundays: 9:00AM (English), 10:15AM (Italian), 11:30AM (English) Fax: 718-259-3066 1:00 PM (Spanish)
[email protected] Holy Days: Please refer to the current bulletin. Website: S A S: Please call the M M rectory prior to surgery or in case of a serious illness. Mrs. Mary Carmosino, Music Director G P P P: Messa ogni primo Kateri Novoa, Cantor sabato del mese alle 10:30AM seguito da esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento, Rosario e Benedizione. S B: English: Call the M D: Holy Rosary every weekday after the Rectory during office hours to schedule an 8:00AM & 9:00AM Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena is every appointment for the Baptismal intake. In- Monday after the 9:00AM Mass. struction Class is required the Thursday two weeks before Baptism at 7:30PM. A B S: Fridays from 9:30AM-3:00PM—ending with Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Benediction. Español: Debe llamar primero a la Rectoría durante horas de oficina para hacer una cita. R E: Grades 1 - 8. Meets on Sundays at Los bautismos se celebran el Segundo Do- 10:00AM in the Church basement.