


\. Re- accredited by NAAC with 'A'Grade

Recognized by UGC as "College" With Potential for Excellence"




L7.7,2014 DUYVTJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR.524rOI (Autonomous) Re-accredited by NACC with .A' grade .& Recognized by UGC as college with potential for excellence PART- II HISTORY


UniFI Influence of Geography on History - Survey of the Sources - Indus valley civilization - its characteristic feature;; - Vedic culture - Early and later Vedic periods - post. - Emergerrce of Vama and system- Rise ofnew religious Movements - and in 6'h Century B.C Impact on society and culture.

Unit-II A brief survey of political conditions in ancient India- -Alexander's Invasion and Mouryas - Ashoka's Dharma. Its nature and prop-ogation - Mouran Administration -Economy-Art and Ar.chitecture. Unit-IIl A compulsory Historical visit to imporlant Historicaly sites A brief political survey of kushans, Guptas, puswabuthi and Rajputs polity and Administration - social condition - Caste system -position of women - Economy - Indian Feudalism - Art -Architecture - Education, Literature, Philosophy, Scicncc and Technology. THREE YEAR B.A- DEGREE EXAMINATION rIRST YEAR EXAMINATION PART - II HISTORY I - Semfuter

Paper-I History and Culture oflndi| upto 1526 A,D.

Timei 3 Hours Pattem of Question Paper Max. Marks:70 PART - A Answer rny TwO questions. Erch quBtion crrries 20 mrrks.

Olarks; 2x20r=40) 1. Describe the influence of Geographical conditions on lndian History and culture?

2,: Bring out the characteristic featues oflndus Valley Civilization?

3. What changes do you observe in the transition from Rig Vedic to Later Vedic pedod in the life ofAryans?

4. write an essay qn the Mauryan Administration? PART - B Answer any TWO questions. Eech question carri€s l0 mrrks.

(Marksr 2x10=20)

5. Write in detail about the Vedic literature?

6. Whal is Ashoka Dhamma and the steps taken to propagate it ?

7. Life and teachings of Goutama Buddha ?

8.' Wdte about the reasons for the down fall of Cupta Dynasty ?

PART _ (

Answer any TWO questions; Each question carries 5 marks. ' (Marks:2x5=10) 9. Magadha's Rise to Supremacy.

10. Sangam Literatue.

I 1. Kanishka.

12. Ha$havardhana.

THREE YEAR B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION DUYVURU RAIVIANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524101 (Autonomous) Re-accrerlited by NACC with .A' grade & Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for excellence PART.II HISTORY


Unit-IV r A briefpolitical survey of - Sangham Age - Satavahanas - Pollavas - Cholas - Chalukyas and Rastxakutas - kakatiya and vijayanagara - polity and Administration, Society - Economy - Art and - Architecture.

Unit-V 1I Invasions of Arabs, and Ghoris and Sultanate-A brief political survey, polity and Administration undcr Delhi Sultanate-society, composition of rural society, Nobility - status of women. Economic and technological development, Agriculture-Industry-Tr:ide and Commerce,Urabanisation, Art and Architecture -Fine Arts -Education and Literature. Unit-VI Itr . Impact of Islam on Indian Society and Culture - Bhakthi arid Sufi Movements Emergence of Composite culture. FIRST YEAR EXAMINATION PART - II HISTORY II - Semister

Paper-Il History and Culture oflndia upto 1526 A.D.

Timc: 3 Hours Pattem ofQuestion Paper Max. Marks:70 PART - A Ansrver any TWO questions. Each question carries 20 marks. ' (Marks:2x20=40)

1. Write in detail about the Pal lava's coDtribution to Indian culture in t}e Literary. Art and Arclritectural fields.

2. Write about the Socio-economic alld Cultural conditions ofthe Sultanate period.?

3. Write about the reforms of Mahammad - Bin- Tughluk.? 4. Cultural conditions during the Vijayanagar rule.? . PART- B

Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 10 marks, (Marksr 2xl0=20)

5.. What are the causes, courses and consequences of Gazni Muhammad's attacks on India ?

6. Write an essay on Kakathiyas. ?

7, Describe in detail about the Medieval Bhakti Movement in lndia. ?

8. Write an essay on Local Self - Govemment in the Cholaperiod. ? PART - C Answcr any TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (Marks:2x5=10)

9. Reasons for the down fall ofthe Vijayanagara Dynasty.

10. II.

I f. srikrishna Deva Raya..

12. Bahamani Kingdom.

H DUVITJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524IOI (Autonomous) Re-accr€dit€d by NACC with 'A' grade &

Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for excellence PART _ II HISTORY III SEMESTER PAPER III - HISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA (1526-1950 A.D) SYLLABUS (With effect from the academic year 20ll-20121 Unit -I: Survey of Sources - Establishment of Mugal Empire -Sur Interrugnam - Brief Survey o f Political Histofy upto I707 AD -Polity and administration

Society -Social Composition -Ulema -Nobility -Peesantry-artisans-slaves-Status of Women

Economy: Agriculture lndustries. l'rode and Commerce. Economic and Techonogical develooments:

Religion, Education, Literature, Art, Architectur€ and Fine Arts. - Decline and Disintegration of Mughal Empire Unit - II: Rise ofRegional Powers-Maratas - Peeshwas -Sikhs.

Unit -III : Advent of European powers Portuguese,Dutch,English and French Expansion and consolidation of British Ernpire-Wars-Diplomacy - Policies Pursued-Subsidiary Alliance Doctrine of lapse

Unit -IV: Economic policies and changes-Mercantilism and free-trade policies-Land Revenue

Setllement-Permanent-Ryotwari-N-4Ahalwari System-l;;igation Corrmercialization ofAgriculture Condition of peasants-Fam incs-De{cline ofCottage industries fdeindustrilisation) THREE YEAR B.A DEGREE EXAMINATION




(with effect from the academic year 20ll-2012)

Time : 3hours Max.Marks :70 ' sf,cTIoN - A

Answer any Two questiotrs. Each question carries 20 marks (20x2=40)

l. Write about the Historical Sources for Mughal History. 2. Describe the religious policy ofAkbar. 3, Write about the social and Economic conditions of Mugbal History, 4. Write an essay on military campaigns ofShivaji. , SECTION - B Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 10 marks (2xfF20) 5. W te about Shahjahan's Golden Age. 6. How for Aurangajeb was responsible for rhe downGll of Mughal Empire.

7. Write an essay on Peshwas Contribution for the Expansion ofMarata Empire. 8. Dalhousis Dotrine ofLapse and it's impact. SECTION _ C Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (5x2=10) 9. Batde ofPanipat 1526. 10. Mughal Art.

I l. Noorjahan

12. Porhlseese Colonies. DUWTJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524101 (Autonomous) Re-accredited by NACC with 'A' grade & Recognized- by UGC as college with Potential for excellence PART - II HISTORY rySEMESTER A'D) PAPER IV - HISTORY AND CULTURX OF INDIA (1526-1950 SYLLABUS (With effect from the academic year 20t 1-2012)

and Unit-I : Anti-Coloniat Upsurge-Peasant and Tribal revolts-1857 revolFcauses -resuhs nanlre.

Education-Emergence of unit -II : Factors for social change -christian Missionaries-westren movements New Middle Classcs -Crowth of press Socio-religious Relorm - mission Brahma Samaj -Arya samaj -Theosophicat Society -Ramakrishna Aligarah Movement

National Unit -III : Indian National Movement -Factors for the growth ofNationalism-lndian moverments Congress_Thaee Phases of Freedom struggle-revolutionary

of Princely States Unit -IV : Emergence of Communal trends-partition of India-lntegration into lndian Union. THREE YEAR B.A DEGREE EXAMINATION




(with effect from the academic year 20ll-2012)

Tirne | 3hours' Mar.Marks :70 SECTION - A

Answer any Two questions.Each question carries 20 marks (20x2=aD)

- l. Brifg out the contributions of Chdstian Missionaries in different fields in India. 2. Write about the New Social Classes that emerged in India during the British rule in India and asses the role played by them. 3. Givc the account ofthe growth ofpress in India.

- 4. Write about an essay on 196 century socio- religious reform movements SECTION _ B Answer any Two questions .Each question carries 10 marks (2xr0=20) 5. What are the factoG responsible fo! the growth of nationalism. o. wnte about Satt Sathyagaha. 7. Reasons for panition oflndia. 8. Services of Vallabhai Patel to independent lndia SECTION _ C Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 5 marks . (sx2=10) 9. Modemtes 10. Mohrnmad Ali Zinnah ' 11. Left wing movement ffi\ vlKRAtiA SiMHApURi LrNrVERSifi. SUrytlwr Daroamitta N!'I I { )pt. - Er4 003 IN B.A SYLLABUS


Unit -l : Nature of Feudalism in Euope and Asia - Geographicar Discoveries characteristic features of Renaissa$€ -significance of Reformation and counter Reformation Movemenl in Europe Emergence of Nation States.

Unit -II : Age of Revolutions - Glorious revolution (16gg) _ Ame can Revolution (1776) _ French Revoludon(1789)

Unit -III : Unifications ofltaly and Germany

Utrit -IV i Irdustrial _ Revolution - Ris€ of Capitalism Mercattalism _ Colonialism _ Capitalism

UDit -V : World between -1945 powers l9l4 Rivalry among Colonial Imperialist. Causes and Consequences ofFirst world war-world between two war" -League ofNations, Fascism in ltaly. Nazism in Germany, Militarism in Japan - Communist Movements in Russia ard china,

Unit -VI ;

Causes and Consequences ofSecond World War _ UNO DUVVURU R,AMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade) Recognized by UGC as "College with Potential for excellence" III B.A HISTORY VI SEMESTERSYLLABUS

Paper VII HISTORY OF MODERN WORD (1453-1945 AD) With effect from 2012-2013

Unit -I : Indusirial rcvolution and Rise of Capitalism Unification Movements in Cemany and lraly.

Unit - Il : World between 1914 -1945 Rivalry among colonial powers Impcrialist. Hegemony-Causes and consequences of tirst world war-world between the wars league of [ations, Fascism in ltaly. Nazism in

Germany, Militarism injapan Communist Movements in Russia and china. unir -lII : Causes and consequences ofsecond world war - LINO

Books Recommended:

l. Amaud.R. : The Second Republic &Nepoleon III 2. Aubry.O The Second Empire 3, Carlyle The French Revolution 4. Chavan R.S Nationalism in Asia

5. Can E,H. Intemational Relations between the Two world Wars l9l9-39 6. Mack Smith D: Italy A Modem History

7. Mahajan. V.D : History of Modern Europe since 1789

8, Mosse G.E : The Europeon powers & the Geman Question 1848-1871 9. Goltas Chalk,Louis and Donald : Europe and the Modem world VI(RAMA SiIviHApURi ijNi-vtsRSiT_r Dargamitta, N[,LLORI,] - 524 003



Unit -I : Influence of Geographical Featues on History: Sources -A Brief Survey of political and Cultural History from Satavaharas to vijayanagara. Growth and Spread of Jainism and Buddhism and their Contribution to Art and Architecture.

Unit -lI : The Qutb Sahis -A Brief Survey of Political History - Society, Economy ard Culture, Salarjung's Reforms.

Unit -III : Andhra Under Colonial Rule: Coming of European Merchant Companies - Conquest ofAndka by the British - Eady Uprisings -Administration -Land Revenue Settlements-Agrarian Condition -Famines Impact of Industrial Revolution on Andhra Fconomy - Sri Thomas Munroe lmpact of 1857 Revolt in Andhra.

Unit -IV ; Social reform and literary movements:Veerasalingam, Raghupathi Venkataratnam Naidu, Gurajada Appa Rao, Komanaju Venkata Lakshmana Rao, Non-, Adi Andbra, Dalit, Self-Respect Movements - New Literary Movements - Gunam Jashua, Boyi Bhimanna,Viswanatha Satyanarayana, Rayaprolu Subba Rao,Sri Sri.

Unit -V : Frcedom Movement in Andhra:Vandematamm,Home Rule,Non Co-operation,Alluri Sitarama Raju - Rampa Rebellion, 1922-24-ci\iI Disobedience and Quit India Movemelts Political Consciousness in Telengana: Nizam Andhra MahaSabha, Hyderabad - State Congress, Razakars, Police Action and Accession ofTelangana into lndia Union.

unit -vI : Leftist movements in Andhra and : Peasant Armed Struggle Tribal Uprisings - Komaram Bhimu-Bhoodan Movement

Movement for separate Andhra State : Andhra Mahila Sabha - Sree Bagh Pact- Martydom o[ Potti Sree RamulLr-Formation of Andhra State,1953 - Vishalandra Movement - State's Re-Organization Commission - Gentlemen's Agreement- Formation ofAndhra Pradesh in 1956. ------

DU\ryURU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Re-accredited by NACC with ,A, Grade) Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for excellence III B.A_V SEMESTER PAPER VI IIISTORY AND CULTURE OF (FROM SATAVAHANS TO 1956 A.D)

MODEL QUESTION PAPER (2012_2013) With effect from 2012-2013 Time : 3 hours Max.Marks :70 SECTION - I (20X2=40) Atrswer any TWO questio[s. Each question carries 20 marks

1. Write an essay on Cultural Cont bution ofkakatiyas. 2. Describe the Administration of Golkoqda Sultans. 3. Relorms ofSalarjung - Explain. 4. Impaat of 1857 Revolt on Andhra.

SECTION _ II (10X2=20) Answer any TWO questions. Each quesfion carries l0 marks

5. Wdte t}le about the growth and spread ofJainism and Buddhism and their Cont bution to Art and Architecture in Andhra_

6. Give an account ofThomos Munro in introducing the Rytwari System in Andhra. '7. Write about Andhra Under Colonial Rule.

8. Write the Impaat oflndustrial Revolution on Ardhra Economy. SECTION - III (sx2=10)

Answer any TWO questions. Each question caffies 5 marks 9. Gautamiputra Satakami l0.Astadiggajas

1 1. Kuli - kutub Shah 12. Vijaya Rama Raju of Vijayanagaram

DUWURU RAM1 woMEN's (AUToNoMouslIIyYA COLLEGE (Re-accrer ;A' Recognized crade) by uccdj:",1j1,,1*9.withas --Lofiege potential with for excellence,, HISTORY III B.A V SEMESTER SYLLABUS paper VI HISTORY AND CULTURE OF ANDHRA PRADESH (FROM SATAVATIANS TO 1956 A.D) With effect from 2 072_2013

Unit-I :

Influence of Geographical Featu on Historv: souces culturai -A Brief Survey potitical History ;;;:"t of and crowth and spread Buddhismandrheirc",rr;;;;;;:rl1;:il.";'n' or rainism and

Unit -II : The _A eutb Sahis Brief Survey of Political History society, saladung,s Reforms. - Economy and curture.

Unit -IrI : Aldhra Under Colonial Ruie: C off*ort* Andha Merchant companies bv rhe British - r-,, Lrp.i";nrotile. - conquest of -Land Revenue condition *Famines -t*r;"1 ;;;,*t .idmilishation settlemenrs-Asrarian Revolution on Andhra Munroe Impact Economv Sri - of lssz nevort in andsJ::l - Thomas

Books Recommended: l. Bipin Chnadra _ Modem Indra 2. Bipin _ Nalionalism lonialism in modem india 3 Bipin chnadra & others * Ind t*ggle for Independence 4. prasad Iswari - M"o,u"uu, ,nllj 5. L.p.Sarma _ History ofmedievat India 6. Vaidehi Krislma Murthy _ Indra 1857 and after t Venkata Rangiah _ Bharat Swatanrrodyama HH::, charifta in 8. p.E.Roberts _ History ofBritish India

-- DUWURU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGtr' (ATJTONOMOUS) (Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade) Recognized by I-IGC as "Cotlegc with Potentia! for ercellence" HISTOF.Y iii ts.A Vi SEiviESTER SYLLABUS PAPCT VIII HISTORY AND CULTURE OF ANDIIRA PRADESH (FROM SATAVAHAIIS TO T956 A'D) With effect from 2012-2013 Utrit -I : Venkataratnam Social Reform and Literary Movements:Veerasalingam' Raghupathi Naidu, Gurajada Appa Rao, Komarraju Venkata Lakshmana Rao, Non-Bmhmin' Adi Al

Unit -II : Freedom Movement in Andhra:Vandemataram,Home Rule,Non Co-operation'Alluri Sitarama Raju Rampa Rebellion, 1922-24-c\vll Disobedience and Quit India Movem€nts Political Consciousness in Telengana: Nizam Andhra MahaSabha' of Telangana into Hyderabad - State Congress, Razakars, Police Action and Accession India Union.

UDit -III : Leftist Movements in Andhra and Telangana : Peasant Amed Struggle - Tribal Uprisings - Komaram Bhimu-Bhoodan Movement

Movement for separate Andhra State : Andhra mahila sabha Sree Bagh Pact- Martydom of Potti Sree Ramulu-Formation of Andhra State,l953 - Vishalandra Movement - State's Re-Organization Commission - Gentlemen's Agreement- Formation ofAndhra Pradesh in 1956 Books Recommended: l. Bipin Chnadra - Modem lndia 2. Bipin Chandra - Nationalism and Colonialism in modern india 3. Bipin chnadra & othe$ - India's Struggle for Independence 4. Iswari Prasad - Mediaeval lndia 5. L.P.Sarma - History of 6. Vaidehi Krishna Mudhv - India 1857 and after 7. Mamidipucli Venkata Rangiah - Bharat Srvatantrodyama Charitra in threevolumes 8. P,E.Roberts - History ofBritish India 4,' .a


MODEL QTJESTTON pApER (2012_2013) With effect from 2012-2013

Tim€ : 3 hours Max.Marks :70 SECTION-I (20x2=4n\

Answer any TWO questions, Each question carries 20 marks

l. Describe the Socio-Cultural Awakening in Andhra in the l9'h and 20,h century. 2. Explain Chirala- Perala, Peda Nandi Padu Struggle.

3. Give an aacount of Telangana Armed Struggle. 4. Explain the causes for the formation ofAndhra.

SEcTION-rr (10x2=20)

Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries l0 marks 5. How did the English acquire Ceded Districts.

6. Write an essay on Vandemataram Movement in Andhra. 7. Explain Rampa Rebelliaul. (1922-1924).

8. Explain the Stages of Salt Satyagraha Movement in Andhra. SEcTION-rrr (sx2=10)

Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks ' 9. Nizam - UL - Mulk. _ I0. Gurajada Appa Rao. -' I l. Geltlemen's Agreement,



Re-accredited by NAAC with' A'Grade

Recognized by UGC as "college"with potential for Excellence"




23.7.20Ls DUWURU RAMAN'AMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR.524I 01 (Autonomous) Re-accredited ,A' by .&NACC with grade I{ecognizcd by UGC as college with potential for excellcnce PART- II HISTORY PAPER -'HISTORY AND CULTURE OF II\DIA UPTO T526

UnirI Influence of Gcography on History - Survey of the Sources - Indus valley civilization - its characteristic featurer; - Vedic culture - Early and later Vcdic periods - post. Vedic period - Emergcnce of Vama and caste systern- Risc of new religious Movements - Jdiriism and Buddhism in 6,h Centuiy B.C Impacl on society and culture.

Un it-ll A brief survey of political conditions in ancient lndia- Magadha-Alexander,s Invasion and Mouryas - Ashoka's Dharma. Its nature and propogation - Mouran Administration Economy-Art and Ar.chitecttrre.

Unia-IU A compulsory Flistolical visit to imporlant Historicaly sites A brief political suwey of kushans, Guptas, puswabuthi and Ii.ajputs polity and Administration - social condition * Caste system -position of women , Economy - lndian Fcudalism Art -Architecture - Education, l,iterature, Philosophy, Sciencc and Tccirnol ogy. THREE YEAR B.A. DEGREE E)LAMINATION


PART _ II HTSTORY . I - Semister Paper-I History and Culture oflndia upto 1526 A-D.

Time: 3 Hows Pattern ofQuestion Paper Max. Marks:70 PART - A Answer any TWO questiors. Each question carries 20 mark!. ' (Marks:2x20=40)

1 . Describe the influence of Geographical conditions on Indian History and Culture? - 2.. Bring out the chamctedstic Gatues oflndus valley Civilization? 3. What changes do you observe in the transition ftom Rig Vedic to Later Vedic pe od in tlle life of Aryans?

4. Wrile an essay on the Mauryan Administration? PART - B Answer any TwO questions. Each question carries l0 marks. (Marks:2x1(F20)

5.- Write in detail about the Vedic literature?

6. What is Ashoka Dhamma and the steps taken to propagate it ?

7. Life and teachings ofGoutama Buddha ?

8.' Write about the reasons for the down fall of Gupta Dynasty ? PART - C Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks. ' (Marks:2x5=10) 9. Magadha's Rise to Supremacy.

10. Sangam Literature.

I 1. Kanishka-

12. HarshaVardhana.


L DUYVURU RAMANAMMA WOMIN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524IOI (Autonomous) Re-accrcrlited by NACC with 'A' grade & Rccognized try UGC as collegc with Potcntial for excellencc PART-II HISTORY PAPER]IHISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA UPTO 1526

Unil-lV 1 A briefpoiitical suryey ofsolth India - Sangharn Age - Satavahanas - Pollavas - Cholas - Chalukyas ard Rasl;takutas - kakatiya and vijayanagara - polity and Administmtion, Society - Economy - Art and Architecturc.

Unit-V 1l Invasions of Arabs, Ghaznavids and Ghoris and Delhi Sultanate-A blief political survey, polity and Administlation undel Deihi Sultanate-society, cortposition ol' rural society, Nobility - status of wotnen. Economic and technological development, Agriculture-Induslry-frride and Commerce-Urabanisation, Art ancl Architecture -!-ine Al1s -Education and Literature. UnifVI I[ Impact of Islam on Indian Society and Culture - Bhakthi and Sufi Movemcnts Emergence of Composite culture. FIRST YEAR EXAMINATION PART - II HISTORY II - Semister

;Paper-II History and Culturc oflndia upto 1526 A.D.

Time: 3 Hous Pattem ofeuestion paper Max. Marks:70

PART - A Answcr any TWO questions. Each question carries 20 marks. (Marks:2x20=40)

l. Writc in detail about the Pal lava's contdbution to Indian cultule in the Literary, Art and Architectural fields.

2. Write about the Socio-economic and Cdtural conditions of the Suitanate l. Period ? 3. W te about the reforms ofMahammad - Bin- Tughluk.? 4. Cultural conditidns-during the Vijayanagar rule.?


Answer any TWO questions, Each question carries 10 marks. (Marks:2x10=20)

5.. What are the causes, courses and consequences of Gazni Muhanmad,s attacks on India ?

6. Write an essay on Kakathiyas. ?

7. Describe in detail about the Medieval Bhakti Movement in India. ?

' : 8. Write an essay on Local Self Govemrnent in the Chola period. ?


Answer any TWO questions. Each qucstion carries 5 marks. (Marks:2x5=10)

9. Reasons lbr the dorlln fallofthe Vijayanagara Dynasty.

10. PrarrlaRudra ll.

ll. Srrkrrshna Dera Ro1a..

12. Bahamani Kingdom. UNIVERSITY SYLLABUS


I Year B.A. programme (UG) Course _ CBCS

Semestcr - I

Paper I INDIAN HISTORY AND CULTURE (From Earliest Times To 6,17 A.D.) Unii - I Slrvey of-the Sources - Literary Sources- Archaeological Sources - lnfluence of Geography on History - Unity in Divcrsity - Prehisroric period - paleolithic. Mesolithic and Neotithic cultures Harappan Civilization: Origin. Extent, Urban planning- Nature of polity and Economic Organization, Sociery - Religious Conclitions Downlall ofthe Civilization Upit - Il

Vedic Civilization: Vedic Literature , Early Vedic and later Vedic Civilizations _political, Economic and Religious Conditions in the Society - Emergence of Varna and caste system _ Rise ol Nelv Religious Movements: Conditions of6h Century B.C. _ Jainism _ Vardhamana Mahavjra. Buddhism - cauthama Buddha.

Unit III

A Brief Survey ofPolitical Conditions in Ancient lndia - - Rise and Expansion of Magadha - Persian, Alexander's Invasions - Causcs and iti effects on India --the Mauryan Empire: O.igin - Chandragupla Maurya - Ashoka's Dharma, It,s nature and propagation _ Mauryan Administration, Society, Econom), Itcligioll, Art and Architecrure _ Downfall ofthe Mauryan Empire.

Unir Iv

Post - Mauryan Period in - Sunga. Kanva dynasties A brief political survey of Foreign invasions - Kushan - Kanishka - The Age of Satavahanas _ Brief political History _ Cauthamiputrasatakrni - Socio llconomic Religious Cultural Developments

Unit V

Age of Cuptas: Briel Political History - Development jn the Cupta period , Administrative System, Society, Economy, A11, Architecture, Literature, Science and Technology _ Golden Age .l.sang. ofCuptas - Post Gupu Period: Achievements of Harshavardhana - Hiuen UNIVERSITY SYLLABUS


I Ycar B.A. Programmc (UG) Course _ CBCS

Semester - Il


Unit I

A brief political survey ofSouth India - Sangam Age - pallavas - political History ofpallavas and their conlribution to Society and Ctulture - Aft and Architccture - political History of Chalukyan Period: Vatapi Chalukyas - Eastern Chalukyas ol - Rashtrakutas - Chalukyas of Kalyana - Development ofSociety - Economy and Culture. Unit ll

The Cholas: Political History ofCholas - Administration - Art and Architecture - India's Cultural contacts with Sourh-Easr Asia and Sri l.anka - Age of rhe l{ajpurs: polirical Hisrory of Rajputs Socio-Cultural Conditions. - Muslim Invasions: Arabs, Ghazniand Chori and their impact

Unit III

Age ol Delhi Sultanate: Slave Dynasty, Khilji Dynasty and Tughlak Dynasty polity and Administration under Delhi Sultanate. Socicty- Compositioll of Rural Society, Nobility - Status ol 'lechnological Women, Economic and dcvelopments. Agrjculture - Industry - Trade and Commerce - Urbanization, AI1 and Architecture - Fine Arts - Education and Literaturc. Unit IV

Impact of Islam on Indian Society and culture - Bhakti and SLtfi Movements Ramanuiacharya, Kabir, Meerabai - Emergence of Composite culture. - The Kakatiyas: political History of Kakatiyas Socio - Economic snd Cultufal Conditions Unit v

Vijayanagara Empi.e: Brief Political History - Srikrishnadevaraya - Administralion, Sociery, Economy, Art and Architecture- Bahamani Kingdoms. MODIFIED SYLLABUS


I Year B.A. Programme (UG) Course - CBcs

Semostcr - I

Paper I INDIAN HISTORY AND CULTURT (From Earliest Times To 647 A.D')

Unit - I of Ceography on Survey ofthe Sources - Literary Sources- Archaeological Sources - lnfluence uistory - unity in oiversity - Piehistoric period - Paleolilhic.14esolithic and.Neolithic cultures - Harappan Civilization: Origin, Extent, Urban Planning- Narure of Polity and Economic Organization, Society - Religious Conditions - Downfall ofthe Civilization Unit - II Vedic Civilization: vedic Literature - Early vedic and later vedic Civilizations -Political' Rise Economic and Religious Conditions in thc Society - Emergence of vama and caste system - ofNew Religious Niovements: Conditions of 6'h Century B'C - Jainism - Vardbamana ' Buddhism - Gauthama Buddha.

Unit lll of A Brief Survey of Political Condilions in Ancient lndia -Mahajanapadas - Rise and Expansion - Thc Mauryan Magadha Persian, Alexander's Invasions - Causes and ils cffects on India - propagallon Empire: Origin Chandragupta Maurya - Ashoka's Dharma, lt's. nature and - ofthe Malryan alministration, S-ociety, Economy, Religion, Art and Architecture - Downfall Mauryan Empire.

unit Iv polilical 5urvey oI Post - Mauryan Period in \o(h India - Sunga. Kan\a dlnasties A brief Polirical Histor) - Foreign invasions Kushan Kanishka - tnl ege of Satavahrnas - Brief Gauthamiputrasatakrni - Socio Economic Religious Cultural DeveloPments

Unir V

Age of Guptas: Brief Political History - Development in the-Gupta Period - Administrative Science and Sy"stem, Sociery, Economy, Art. Architecture, iultLrral Conditions' Literaturc' i!"nnoiogy Golden Age of Cuptas - Post Cupta Period: Achicvements of llarshavardhana - Hiuen Isang. MODIFIED SYLLABUS


I Year B.A. Programme (UG) Course - CBCS

Semester - II


Unit I

A brief political survey of South India - Sangam Age - Pallavas - Political History of Pallavas and their contribution to Society and Culture An and Architecture - Political History of Chalukyan Pcriod: Vatapi Chalukyas - Eastcrn Chalukyas of Vengi - Rashtrakutas - Chalukyas of Kalyana - Development ofSociety - Economy and Culture. Unit ll

lhe Cholas: Political History ofCholas Administration Art and Architectu.e India's Cultural contacts with South-East Asia and Si Lanka - Age ofthe Rajputs: Political History of Rajputs Socio-Cultural Conditions. - Muslim lnvasions: Arabs, chazni and Chori and their impact

Unit Ul

Age of Delhi Sultanator Slave Dynasty, Khilji Dynasty and Tughlak Dynasty - Polity and Administration und€r Delhi Sultanate. Society- Composition of Rural Society, Nobility - Status of Women, Economic and Technological developments. Agriculture Industry - Trade and Commerce - Urbanization, Art and Architecturc - Fine Arts - Education and Litemture.

Unit IV

Impact of lslam on lndian Society and culture - Bhakti and Sufi Movements Ramanujacharya, Kabir, Meerabai - Emcrgcnce of Composite culture. - The Kakatiyas: Political History of Kakatiyas- Socio Economic and Cultural Conditions

Unit V

Vijayanagara Empire: Brief Political History - Srikishnadevaraya - Administration, Society, Economy. Art and Architecture,Literature- Bahamani Kingdoms. DUV!-IJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524IOI (Autonomous) Re-accredited by NACC with ,A' grade & Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for excellence PART - II HISTORY III SEMESTER PAPER III - EISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA (1526-1950 A.D) SYLLABUS (With effect from the academic year 20ll-2072) Unit -I: Survey of Sources - Establishment of Mugal Empire -Sur Inte[ugnam - Brief Survey ofPolitical History upto 1707 AD -Polity and adminisration

Society -Social Composition Ulena -Nobility -Peasant y-aftisans-sla'res-Status of Women

Economy: Agriculture Industries, Trade and Commerce. Economic and Techonogical developments:

Religion, Education, Litenture, Art, Architecture and Fine Arts. - Decline and Disintegration of Mughal Empire

Unit - II: Rise ofRegional Powers-Maratas - Pceshwas -Sikhs,

Unit -III : Advent of European powers -Ponuguese.Dutch,English and French Expansion and consolidatiod of British Empire-Wars-Diplomaay - Policies Pursued-Subsidiary Alliance -Doctrine of lapse

Unit -IV: Economic policies and changes-Mercantilism and free-trade policies-Land Revenue Settlement-Permanent-Rvotwafi-Mahalwa.i System-l#igation Commercialization ofAgriculture {ondition ofpeasants-Famines-De{cline ofCottagc industries (deindustrilisation) THREE YEAR B.A DEGREE EXAMINATION



(with effect from the academic y ear 2Oll-2O12)

Time : 3boun Mar.Msrke :70


Answer any Two questions. Eich question carries 20 marks (20t2=40)

l. Write about the Historical Sources for Mughal History. 2. Describe the religious policy of Akbar. 3. Wrile about the social and Economic conditions of Mughal History. 4. Write an essay on military campaigns ofShivaji. ,I SECTION - B Answer any Two questions- Each question carries 10 marks (2xf0=20) 5. Write about Shahjahan's Golden Age. 6. How for Aumngajeb was responsible for the downfall ofMughal Empire. 7. Wriie an essay on Peshwas Contribution for the Expansion ofMamta Empire. - 8. Dalhousis Dotrine ofI-apse and it's impact. SECTION - C Answer any Two questions. Each qu$tion carries 5 marks (5r=f0) . 9. Battle ofPanipat 1526.

10. Mughal An.

I 1. Noorjahan

12. Portugeese Colonies. DUYIURU RAMA]\AMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524I01 (Autonomous) Re-accredited by NACC with 'A' grade & Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for €xcellence PART - II HISTORY IV SEMESTER PAPER IV _ HISTORY AND CULTIJRE OF INDIA (1526-1950 A.D) SYLLABUS (With effect from the academic year 2011-2012) jesults Unit - | : Anti-Colonial Upsurge-Peasant and Tribal revolts-l857 revolt-Caus€s and nature.

Unit -II : Factors for social change -Christian Missionaries-westren Education-Emergence of New Middle Classes -Crowth of press -Socio-religious Reform movements - Brahma Samaj -Arya samaj -Theosophical Society -Ramakishna mission - Aligarah Movement

Unit -III : Indian National Movement -Factors for thc grc\\'th ofNationalismlndian National Congress-Three Phases of Freedom struggle-revolutionary moverments

Unit -IV : Emergence of Communal uends-partition of India-lntegration of Princely Stales into Indian Union. .TIIREE YEAR B.A DEGREE EXAMINATION





(with effect from the academic year 20ll-2012) t

Time i 3hour$ Max.Marks :20


Answer any Two questions .Each question carri$ 20 marks (20x2=40) - .: 1. Bdrig out the contributions ofchristian Missionaries in different fields in India. 2. Write about the New Social Classes that emerged in India during the British rule in

- India and asses the role played by them. 3. Giv.e the accomt ofthe growth ofpress in India.

rl 4. Write about an essay on 19th century socio- religious relbm movements SECTION _ B Ahstrer any Two questions .E ch question carries l0 marks (2xlF20) i 5. Whirt arc the factors responsible for the gowth ofnationalism. 6. Write about Salt Sathyagraha. ' 7. Reasons for partition of India. 8. Services ofVallabhai Patcl to independent India :.:, SECTION _ C Answer any Two questions. [ach question carries 5 marks (5x2=10) 9. Moderates

10. Mohmmad Ali Zinnah

11. Left wing movement vlKilalviA SiI/iiiApURi iihti\,. TRS Dargamitta, il_r, N[,I_LORI 524 003



Unit -I : Influence of Geographical Features on History: Souces A Brief Survey of political and Cultural Flistory from Satavahanas to Vijayanagara- GroMh and Spread of Jainism and Buddhism and their Contributioo to Art and Architecture.

Unit -lI : The Qutb Sahis -A Brief Survcy of Political History - Society, Economy and Culture, Saiarjung's Reforms.

Unit -III : Andhra Under Colonial Rule: Coming of Eruopean Merchant Companies Conquest of Andhja by

the British - Erriy Uprisings -Administration -Land Revenue Settlements-Agrarian Condition -Famines -lnpact of lndustdal Revolution on Andhm Economy - Sri Thomas Munroe - Impact of 1857 Revolt in Andhra.

Unit -IV : Social reform and literary movements:Veerasalingam, Raghupathi Venkataratnam Naidu, Gurajada Appa Rao, Komarraju Venkata Lakshmana Rao, Non-Brahmin, Adi Andhra, Dalit, Self-Respect Movements - Ner]' Litenry Movements - Gurranl Jashua, Boyi Bhimanna,Viswanatha Satyanaxayana. Rayaprolu Subba Rao,Sri Sri.

Unit -V : Freedom lv{ovement in Andhra:Vandematatam,Flome Rule,r-on Co-operation,Alluri Sitarama Raju Rampa Rebellion, 1922-24-ci\i\ Disobedience aqd Quit India Movements Political ConscioLLsnoss in 'Ielengana: Nizam Andhra MahaSabha, Hyderabad - State Corgress. Razakars, Police Action iuld Acccssion ofTelangana into India Union.

Unit -Vl : I-cftist movements in Andh|a and telangana : Peasant Armed Struggle - Tribal Uprisings - Komaram Bhinru-Bhoodan Movement

Movement lbf separate Andhra State : Andhu Mahila Sabha Srce Bagh Pact- Marrydom of Polti Srcc Ramulu Formation ol' Andhm State,lgs3 - Vishalandra Nlovement , State's Re,Orqanization Commission Gentlemen's Agreene - Formation ofAndhra Pradesh in |956. DUYYURU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE, (AUTONOMOUS) (Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade) Recognized by UGC as "College with Potential for excellence" III B.A HISTORY V SEMESTER SYLLABUS Paper V HISTORY OF MODERN WORD (1453-1945 AD) With effect from 2012-2013

Unit -I : Nature of Feudalism in Europe and Asia - Geographical Discoveries Characteristic Features of Renaissance -Significance of Reformation and Counter Reformation Mov€ment in Europe Emergence of Nalion States.

Unit -II : Age of Revolutions - Glorious Revolution t1688) American Revolurion (l77hJ - French RevolLrtion(i789)

Unit -III : Unifications ofltaly and Germany

Books Recommended:

l. Amaud.R. : The Second Republic & Nepoleon lll 2. Auhy.O The Second Empire 3. Carlyle The French Revolution 4. Chavan R.S Nationalism in Asia 5. Carr E.ll. Intematiooal Relations bet\reen the Two World Wars l919-39 6. Mack Smith D: ltaly A Modern History 7. Mahajan. V.D : History of Modem Euope Since 1789 8. Mosse G.E : The Europeon Powe$ & the German Question 1848-1871 9. Goltas Chalk,Louis and Donald : Europe and the Modem world DU\N'URU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Re-accr€dited by NACC with .A' Grade) Recognized by UGC as college with potential for excellence


Time : 3 hours Max.Marks :70 SECTION - I (20x2=40)

Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 20 marks

l. Write an essay on characteristic features of Renaissance and its results.

2. Write an essay on Reformation and Counter Reformation Movement in Eurooe. 3. Write about the nature ofFeudalism in Europe.

4. What arc the causes for the Emergence ofNation States in EuroDe.

SECTION - II (r0x2=20) Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries l0 marks

5. Write rhe Causes for the outbreak ofthe American Revolution.

6. Causes for the French Revolution ( 1789). 7. Write about Unification ofcermany. 8. Write about the causes for Glorious Revolution. SECTION _ III (sx2=t0)

Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks

9. Counter Reformation . 10. Boston Tea Party.

11. Garibaldi .

12. Montesquieu. DUWURU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Re_accredited by NAAC with .A, craJe) Recognized by UGC as ..Cotteg" *itn fot*tiJ'i-r excettence,, III B.A HISTORY VI SEMESTERSYLLABUS paper VII HISTORY OF MODERN WORD (1453_1945 AD) With effect from 2012_2013

Unit -I : Industrial revolution and Rise ofcapitalism _ Unification Movements in Germany and Italy,

Unit - Il I ' World between l9l4 -1945 Rivalry among colonial powers Imperia.list. Hegemony_Causes and consequences of first world war_world between the wars _league -Germany, of oations, tascism i,' Italy. Nazism in Militarism in japan Commrmist - Movemetts in Russia and china.

Unit -III : . Causes and consequences ofsecond world war UNO

Books Recommended: l. Amaud.R. : The Second Republic & Nepoleon III 2. Aubry.O : The Second Empire 3. Carlyle : The French Revolurion 4. Chavan R.S : Nationalism in Asia 5. Can E.H. : International - Relations between the Two world Wars l9t9_i9 6. Mack Smith D: Italy _ A Modem History .7. Mahajan. V.D : History ofModem Europe since l7g9 8. Mosse G.E : The Europeon powers & the German euestion lg4g_lg7l 9. Goltas Challqlauis - and Donald : Europe and the Modem world DU}M]RU'RAMANAMMA WC (Re-rccreut,"uoifflf.t-"nlttoTcE(AUroNoMou$ Recognized^ by UGC as coitege po*"i,"i ",,n i"iii"ult"n"" IJI B.A - VI SEMESTER pApER _ }TI HISTORY oF'MODERN woRLD (14s3-194s AI)) MODEL QIIESTION pApER (2012-2013)

With effect from 2 012:2013 Time:3 hours Max.Marlls ;70

SECTION _ I (20x2=40)

Answer any TWO questioDs, Each qu$don carries 20 marks l. Explain the causes for the Indushial Revolution. 2. Write an essay on the reforms ofmodemization ofJapan. 3. Causes and Consequences ofthe I World War, 4. Write about the Organs of [JNO.

SECTION _ IJ (10x2=20) Answer any TWO questions. I Each question carries l0 marks 5. Causes ofthe outbreak of l9l7 Revolution in Russia. 6. Write an essay on Nazism, 7. Causes lbr the failu.e ofthc League ofNations, 8. Write about Communist Movement In China. SECTION _ m (sx2-10) answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks 9. Rise of Capitalism. 10. Triple Entente.

I l. Militarism in Japan. 12. Mussolini. ir'Ni\,.'ERSi-i"y Dargamitta, Nljj-LOlu,. - 524 CC3



Unit -I : lnfluence of Geographical Features on History: Souces ,A Brief Survey of political and Culturai History lrom Satavahanas to Vijayanagara. CroMh and Spread of Jainism and Buddhism and their Contribution to ,{rt and Architecture.

Unit -II : The Qutb Sahis A Bricf Survey ofPolitioal llistory -.Society, Eoonomy and Culture, Salarjung,s Reforms.

Unit-III :

Andhra UnCer Colonial Rule: Coming of Europqrn Merchant Companies , Conquest of AndhJo by the British Early tlprisings Admin:istmtion Land Reveme Settlements-Agrari.ur Condition Frmines -lmpact oflndust al Revolrtion on Andhra Economy - Sri'Ihomas Munroe Impact of 1357 Revolt in Andhra.

Uuit -IV : Sociel reform and literury movementstVeerasalingdm. Raghupathi Venkataratnam Naidu, Gurajada Appa llao. Komauaju Venl(ata l,alishmana Rao, Non-tsrahmin, Adi Andhra, Dalit- Seli.Respect Mov€ments - Ncw Litefary Movements - Gunam Jashua, Boyi Bhimama.Viswanatha Satyanarayana, Rayaprolu Subba Rao,Sri Sri.

Unit -V : freedom lvlovemelt in Andhm:Vandemataram,Home Rule,Non Co-operaiion.Alluri Sitaromfl Raju Ranrpa RebellioD- 1922-24-ciyil Disobcdience and Quit India Movemcnts Politici ConsoiorNness in lelengana: Nizam Andha MahaSabha, Congress. Razaliars, Police Action and Accession ofTelangana into India Union, tlnit -Vl : I-ellist ovcnents in Andh|a and telangana : Pcasunt Armcd Strugglc Tribal Uprisings - Komaram Ilhin) r-llhoodan Movemcnt

lvlovement ibr separutc Andhra State : Andllra Nlalila Sabha - Sree Bagh Pact- lvlarry-dom of lotti Sree Ramulu-lormation of .{ndhra State,l953 Vishalandra lvlovement State's llc-Orgrnization

Commission Gcntlemen's Agrcement- Fomlation o1'Aodhra Pradesh in 1956. DUYYURU RAMANAMV{A WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AU',r',()NoMOUS) (Re-accredited by NAAC with .A' Grade) ,.Coilege R.ecognized by UGC as with potential for excellence,' HISTORY III B.A V SEMESTER SYLLABUS Paper \rI HISTORY AND CULTIIRE OF ANDHRA pRADf,SH (FROM SATAVATTANS TO r9s6 A.D) With effect from 2012-2013

Unit-I :

lnfluence of Geographical Features on History: sources A Brief Survey of poritical and Cultural l{is1ory from Satavahanas to Vijayanagara. Growth and Spread of Jainism and Buddhism and their Contribution to Art and Architecture.

Unit -lI : political The Qutb Sahis A Brief Sun'ey of History - Society, Lconomy and Culturc, . Salarjung's Reforms.

. Unit -lII : Andhra Under Colonial Rulc: Coming of European N{erchant Companies _ Conquest of - Andbra by the Bdtish - Early tjprisings -Administration l_and Revetue Scttiements_Agra arl Condition Famines Impact of Industrial Revolution on Andhra Economy Sri Thomas i Munroe - lmpact of 1857 Revolt in Andhra.

Books Recommended: 1. Bipin Chnadra - Modcm India 2. Bipin Chandra - Nationalism and Colonialism in modern india 3. Bipin chadra & othcrs India's Struggle for lndependence 4. Iswari Prasad - Metliaeval lndia 5. L.P.Sarma History ofmedieval India 6. Vaidehi Krishla Murthy - lndia 1857 and after 7. Mamidipudi Venkata Rangiah - Bharat Swatanrrodyana Chadtra in threevolumes 8. P.E.Robens - Flistory ofBritish lndia

./ DUV\'URU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Re-accredited by NACC with 'A' Grade) Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for excellence III B.A- V SEMESTER PAPER VI IIISTORY AND CULTURE OF ANDHRA PRADESH (FROM SATAVAHAI\S TO 1956 A.D)

MODEL QUESTION PAPER (2012-2013) With cff€ct from 2012-2013

Time : 3 bours Max-Marks :?0 SECTION-I (20X2-40) ; Aoswer any TWO questions. Each question carries 20 marks

l. Wrirc an essay on(ultural Contribution oIkakatiyas. 2. Describe the Administration ofGolkonda Sultans. 3. Rcforms ofSalarjung Explain. 4. Impact of 1857 Rcvolt on Andhm.

SECTION-II (10X2=20)

Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 10 marks

5. Writc the about the groMh and sprcad of Jainism and Buddhism and their Contribution i to Art and Architccture in Andhra.

6. Givc an account ofThomos Munro in introducing thc Rytwai System in Andhra. 7. Write about Andhra Under Colonial Rulc- 8. Write the Impact oflrdustrial Revolution on Andhra Economy. SECTION-III (5X2=t0)

Answer.ny TWO questions. Each question car.rics 5 m:trks a. Gaulcmiputrs SrlrLJrni . l0.Astadiggajas ll.Kuli - kut0b Shah i2. Vijaya Rama Raju of Vijayanagaram R-q,lognizcd t_tGC ..Collese by :!s t.ith poteliia! for ercellence,, HISTOR.Y iii ts.A Vi SENIESTER. SYLLAtsUS Paper YiII I{IS-TORY AND CULTUNT OT,NNIHRA PRADESH (FROM SATAVAHANS TO 1956 A.D) With effect from 201,2_2013 Unit -I : Social Reform and Literary Movements:Veerasalingam, Raghupathr Venkataratnam Naidu, Gurajada Appa Rao, Komarraju Vcnkata Lakshmana Rao, Non_Brahmin, Adi Andfua' daril serf-Respect Movements - New Literary Movements _ Gurram Jashua, Boyi Bhimanna,Viswanatha Satyanarayana, Rayaprolu Subba Rao,Sri Sri. Unit -II : Freedom Mov€ment in Andhra:Vandemataram,Home Rule,Non Co_operatlon,Alluri Sitanma Raju Rampa l?,ebellion, 1922_24_civil - Disobedience and euit India Movements political Consciousness in TelengRna: Nizam Andhra MahaSabha, Hyderabad - State Congress, Razakars, police Action and Accessiori of Telangana into India Union. Unit -fII : Leftist Movements in Andhra and Telangana peasant : Armed Struggle _ Tribal Uprisings - Komaram Bhimu-Bhoodan Movement

Movemcnt for separate Andhra Sbte : Andhra mahila sabha Sree Bagh Pact- Martydom of potti Sree Ramulu_Formation of Andhra Statc,1953 Vishalandra Movcment State's Re-Organization - Commission Gentiemen,s Agrccment- Formatjon ofAndhra l,radesh in 1956. Books Recommended: l. Bipin Chnadra - Modern India 2. Bipin Chandra - Nationalism and Colonialism in modem india 3. Bipin chnadra & others - India's Struggle for Independence 4. Iswari Prasad - Mediacval India 5. L.P.Sarrna - History ofmedieval India 6. Vaidehi Krishna Mudhy - India 1857 and aflcr 7. Mamidipudi Venkata Rangiab _ Dhafar Slvatantrodyama Charitra in thr€cvolumes 8. P.E.Robcrts Llistory ofBritish India DUI,/\,"JRU P"AMAIIAMIVIA WOMXN.S COLLEGE (AUTONO|viOUS) (Rc_accrediled by NACC wilh .A;a;;; Recognized by UGC as coilege *r,r, p"r""ifii"iir*""u"n"" III B.A - VI SEMESTER PAPER \1[ HISTORYAND.CUTTUNA OriIOrrRA PRADESH (FROM SATAVAHAI\S TO ,9s6;;;-- MODEL pApER QtTTSTtON (2012_2013 ) Wilh effect from 2012_2dl-l

Time : 3 hours Max.Marks i70 SECTION - I (20x2=40) Answ€r rrry TWO questions. Each question carries 20 marks l. Describe the Socio-Culhral Awakening in Andlua in the 19,h and 20,h cenrury. 2, Explain Chirala perala, peda - Nandi padu Struggle. 3. Civc an account ofTela[gana Armed Struggle. 4. Explain the causes for the formation of Andlu.a.

SECTION _ II (r0x2=20) Answer any TWO questions. . Each question carries l0 marks 5. [Ior.v did the English acquire Ceded Districts. ' 6. Write an essay on Vandemataram Movement in Andhra. 7. Explain . Rampa Rebellian (1922_1924). 8. Explain the Stages of Salt Satyagraha Movement in Andhra. SECTION _ III (sx2=10) Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks 9, Nizam UL _ Mutk. 10. Gurajada Appa Rao. I l. Gentlemen's Agreement. 12. Police Action (1948). D.R.W. DEqEEE WOMf,NS COI,I"TIQE - qUDUR .*.ccntrDrrf,L gY NA..*.c If,ifTH -.*., SPSR NELLORE DISTRICT

"Itr 08rI T|10u6|1lS C{] t T0 US iRo tvtBy 5t0f



l ) I]. A. I]IS'IORY I Yeaf ll. A. Pfogfamnrc (UC) Cour scs - Undcr CBCS Semcster I Paper - I (Core Papcr) ANCIENT INI)IAN HISTOIIY & CtiI,TURE ffrorn earlicst tim€s fo 600 A.I)) tlhlinn Hist rJ .rnl Culturc.lilttt Edrli.tt Time\ r' 64- A.D) tlnit I Survcy ofSources: Literary & Archac()logical Sourccs: Intlucnce olCcographv on Histof); Unity in DivclsitylTmces ot Slone Agc Clulturcs (Clifca 3,50.000 ts. C to 3.000 ll. Cl)r Indus Valley Civilization (Circa 3000 B. C to 1.500 11. C): Origin. llxlent. Salient Ircatures.

Unit Il Vcdic Agc & Iteligious Rclbrm Movcrnents (('irca I500 B. C to 600 ll. Cl): Societ), Polity. Eoonomy. Culture during carly and later Vcdic period: Jainisll and Buddhism: Causcs, l)octrincs. Sprcad. lmportancc and Inpact. tinil - Ill '1 r-ansitirrn fi-om l cn itofial Stdtes to l-lrrlcfgence of l-lmpifcs ((lirca 600to Clcntury to .100 Il. C): R;se of \4ahajanapadas - Causes lbr Magadho's Success: Pcrsian and I\'laccdonian Invnsions: MauNan Finpifc: State. Ilnperial Administralion. Economy, ,\shoka sDhamma. Aft & Arohitecturo. Signilicnnce & I)ownfall. (lni1- IV Conditions durirrg 200 B. C to i00 A. D.: Clentr'0l Asian Contacls Kushanas - Aspccts ofpol;ly. socicty. Econo|nJ-. Ilcligion. A[& Arch itecturct 'l he Agc of Satavith0nas: I'nltcm ofn dr inistlation - Social. ljcononric, Religious & Clullural Devcloprnents: Sangarn Agcr l'he Ihrcc Early I(ingdoms (Chola. Chera& PandyA) - Socict\', l,anlruaqc & Lilcftrlurc. tJnit V lndia bctuccn 100 A. l) & 600 A. D.: lhe Risc and Gro\\,lh ofCuplas: Administfotion. Sooiety. l-lconom),. ltcligion, Art. Literaturc and Scicnce & 'lechnolocy Dccline.


I A.L. Bashanr. 'l he Worder Thal Was lndia l D.N.Jha- Ancient India 3 I) t) Kosantbi. An Inhoduction 10 1he StLrdy oilndian History 4 D.l).4 h:ilrL'n0JLl)31. S(iLIce t J \. cicr) in n cicnL Indid 5 B.N.\.{ukhericc- l he R sc and Foll ofthe Kushana EmDire 6 K.A. Nilakanthashasu A Hisbry ofSorr(h lndia 7 R.C.Maiuncldr, K.l(.t)utta&H.O.RoyChowdhufi (ed.), Advanoed History of Indi0 8 KLrnrkIm l{(,}. Ih( I Incr!(ll(( nl \4urrafcll! in Nonh InJr:r: cir:lrth to t'ourlh ((nturics B( Iton)ilaThxDar (ct. al). lndia: Hisrolical llecinnincs and the ConccDt ofthc Ar\an l0 M.l..K. l\,1u11lry,l']lc arrl Ptotolti.\toric lndhre |a-uLlcsh teto 500 B.( ., Ncw Delhi,:003

Stud} Tolr: StrdJ t()r|| lo locitl rDuscum of aI lcasl k) ||carb] historical siles is to be conductcd. Studcnls slmuld be asked to llcparc an iuventor) ofitcms prcservcd in Lhe useunl and

Studcnls can bc.sked to crcarc a caleDdar cha(ing thc dales ofkcy eyenls. This crn bc I D R N CoLLEQF fzarfcnonnorrlJ{uor.( "u?' 1f,ree yec,v B.ft ozTrez €rra"ninationA - f'ye-x" €xc.'ninc.*ion Sarf-i Ut{Toe'Y lo,ler-l Ccorn (o.ftr) Vndisn l4tsmey ft'ua &,tt+uye (ari f*Son ut tmes to 6 tf a. oJ TO' B, A I SQmesfQ( Hodti 4-utctfion faper (niT( el(et.fi,,omItrz ACadryn;c lta^r Zot/- I7J -Ilme Jecfion - t' fton - 3Hour/ l"lo'x; +o a 4e$aa treclr' 8!sVo'an (,:Au!t -'ng"ryf d't9d$1 alilf/r, t. ?flddf,C ,Aod,l AoAlSdtrrft ryn"oeJ 'ao$dto-@ryto Arglwo&o|? g kasbe pdbi,ulr , 9F4 drd Alil a.Jeo,q1t::l n ( c a( i,' .& uo xa *itu,"" I f J, i, x *0,.80 ru +'"iou; ir* 61 + : + /'"r {1ar :-cr d.^r ?3 0., q; od^rrt:l.r A u gJ frr l, dr ?{'JToYr J,r 5.s t &6 ^9 "{

-de jCs D go0 ireo..o n.ffiffi n$"ryJJwad,rbr rx16r, e4 '], S,Cvn', =t>_ zr-_, 4l i',Qu,o )t $1on Sds ?oC,,, (Aduil AJo"ryJdreJl$ 91s:r0 q rf"rj ;,1 I ,l a . I'qJ"1 r t^D a: d...) I.t 10.. -no,r'''-f A. d flu 14 d tl. .(r,.t,6 {r1.11 ),., 1..)" rr) l3 /. I , l,ll,r)D) 11 I 'J r ,r rl rpplicd to an hislorical evenl or lhe scquence ofevcnls-

B. A. lllsl'oRY I Ycnr B A. Progrom lc (LlC)Coorses-UnderCLICS Selrestcr - ll I'aPef ll(Core I)aper) (600 D to 1526 A' D') L,Al{t,Y N'ItrDIEVAL INI)lAN HIS'IORY & CULTUItI' A (lnlian IIisl('t)t (nl Cullurc.fiI"'t 647lo 1526 A'D)

lsangl'olil). society' Unit 1 ffi .,. ri.m r'h to t t'r' Ceniurv A D Challrkvas of & ;;ffi il a;l;,;" 'rrdcr - cutru'at -. tl roa u'-r *'u'i.i ,+ u, cu,'r.it,rriuuln unir - n::+:,Y'ili:i*';iil A D-: ;il;il; il;;; e."ii,.*''", I r''" o''ula tlmpire ti'om etr' ro l2 centurv i.crrrrrrc- L}pire.,+l:ll,l'iS'llli .r{ :l'1 l. r-n*,iu*, r.uces oi e*s t.init - tll (-onJilion\ in Indir on tllc c\e ot I ulKlsn i,liil.L'^]'.r",,, r\- .i (,'r,nnt.' / I ?{16 tn I 290 A.D.) undcl Slave D]anasty ln\Js|o|t.\'|tVJ||r..,,"',..,'''''',.'."::':'.:':: : : ; ;-':::i:i:;::: f,xpiLnslorr e I Linit - IV I)elhi Sullanate (1290 to 1526 A D ): Kll0lllsi - Disintegratku ot Adminislrati!e & Lcoltolnic Relblms -llre futhlaqs l)ccline& fechnology. ReligioI1 A|1 & thc l)clhi Sultanatc: Adfi inistralbrr. Society. llconomy. Architcctttlc rdcr the SLrlt.lnatc' (lullural ill lndia bctwecn Ij l) !urlrurrcs^ r/ r"'P(wLv! LJnit V Deleloplnent 'c of f',.ji"" S".i"i" -rf Clulturc Bhirkti arrd Suti Movenlents - l':rncrgcrrcc ComDositc",t ('ulturc-


, nttlt lnal, lO0 gC - ttOn C hlmp.rl(clc(5hrrr i, R ltirde. l

ofllrcir inspiringpersonalitici ir*'"","* nc their aulobiognph)- or biogrnph) "t*,-. '" ------a D K.d coltEqE - 6uouq &ttlo on'o{r^) e a col\ry Eefl"Pe trl,an"aolio ' -Lthl'' 1la, e rt}eo, g*a,.i, ndiqn ro,[ -! rtirlor,l PP,r'n Qn e ppat A:^+"'V ""rlal i##+r* +n6t++ A.D) ' Ltr e-* rT sPr'qlu - vo-rJ qu"fi (ltTi ra"*vo aua ^" $ft;' "w ^l ruW ^.t, 3la^t,^ l'1arv^!70 ., 1e^ arup,',, lsn urffi Adngtdagup ar-so-r,r,l t. o-"qrgrp dssJ"O a6d"t a,poa- qtx=agfx,oAt dWSdDZ q {f Tt"t*o-ou9lr, n'nu)et k,tdSu -avrkAap 6e{anabdildt! arros^oo**grp d aep d,4:d,t; 9-ocf W, 6a1',u^ Qoddw 1 6gAffi kfux lWuu- /^o:d1onaai ' ryd,#r T --aclioo ---- gyto--&bM q €JoA a"n 'o5'$ Wlr- @tu Adrtq-0fa51"8 c. A2a -rra1g, ao$a a':nn @rcln& ! cxtr 6a6p J*lr" :,als L. -r$Oei *O#oc'Fr afi^-,1rFt 3g$d't? rs -- d:D t kw,' & 6 tun-o t- * t6,B f ar4e {,iy" *:j *,,.it 5 a ** ^ 8. uW),n ks t6','oagnat * Gasan| v 4;fT ^" €,&)k g^uz)t, 2{f-lo ^u1rl @apfo 'as'tf'opefia['' 1 07'on$ '.ouoq. lo zok fuf;a rJ ,ra$f, lL fir9rfF B. A. HIS fORY Il Year B. A. I)rogmmme ((JC) CouNes - Undef CBCS Semestcr lll Papcr - | ll (Core Papcr) LA I l: I,IEDIEVAL & COLONIAL lllS I Ol{Y OF INI)lA { 1526 to 1857 A. D.) (Histolt an Cttuurc oJ ltldiq (1526- 1857)) unir- I lndia from I 526 to I 707 A. D.: Errergcnce of MuShal }.)npirc - Sources, Cond itions in India on thc ere ofBabur's invasion. Rricf Summary ofMughal Polily Shcr Shah & Sur Interegnum Expansion & Consolidation ofMughal Empire - Iiisc of Mitrathas &Peshwas. Unil - II Administration, Economy, Societr and Cultural Developments under the Mughals I)isintelrralion ol Muchal Emnirc. unir - Ill lndia under Colonial Hegcmon) : Ilcginning ofEuropcan Settlcnrents - Anglo- Frenoh Struggle - Policies of Expansion - Subsidiary Alliance & Dootrinc ofLapsc - Ccnrsolidation ofBfilish Dmpire in lndia uD to 1857 A. D. l.Jnit - IV DconoDric Policies ofthe British (1757-1857): Land Revenuc Seulcments Conrmcrcialiration of Agricultufe - lrnpact of Industrial Revolution on Indian Irdustry ; Adminislration of thc Company Regulating ChaderActs; Cultural & Social Policies: Flunranitarian I\leasures & Snrcad ofModern llducation t.h;t - V Anti-Clolonial Upsurge -Peasanl & li ibal Rcvolts - 1857 Rcvolt Causes, Naturc& Clonsequcnges.


I lti Chandra. Modcrn lndia 2 Bipan Chandra. Rise and Grorvth ofEconomic N0tionalism in India 3 C.A.Bavlv. Indi0n Societv and the Nlakine olthc British llrnDire 4 Ha$inslMukhia. l'he Mlrghals of India 5 Irfan Habib. Modicval lnclia: The studv ol'a Civilizntion 6 L.P.Sharma lh,.'Mughal Errpilc '7 It P,Du|l, India Todav 8 Sathis Chandra, Essays on Mcdicval lndian History Tripathi R.P.. 'l hc Rise & Falloflhc Mughal EmDirc

IIgiSgLUgI!: Studcnts should be asl(cd to idcntify sll1lctures bclonging to Mughal period or colonial De.iod aDd Drcsenl stalus. Make studcnts fu crcate o collage or collection ofjmages relatcd to a topic. lmagcs can be hand drawn. printcd. or clipped from a magazine or nervspaper. i_,/. N. ^t L0LLb q c Ll z4u*onomouJ llree-yeo.r B a Dexree exa",inationA -T yeo^r €y*.r"a*ion , ^ lart_ti #rsrc ey PaQer^ (bre fi fo,per) ffrstrry and ct,llure olind"f a -fo .nd Crrqe Le61A.D) { B./ itt Seme*er AoJsl Qu-efion faffr (uitie{fecrJtom Ez g!!d+!t!l_V ur ea rc - &o L1J -lTme:3Hours Eechon:L =:--- # ? Sa3_)0f ;r9ryn ,f 3B Eod,, (.),Jluj_r /dJrryJ.9fu$? Hd.y'. 1D fl or KS 6.t3 6dltv &o dyd;Lu I x g0'+0 t. SraJ doprr ds,.'o41r? ^3Q"Jo 3'jOoi6'J-U 3-r'"urU-ruo irio Oqt ,*'rr$ 1 'oOQd.ru3'r 3 (qos { o,i,r n"*r,,$ d., ol*J ;rJi$,r iJ'TJ 0d!"1^l 4 Ear 3d;ilc'r),1 4p,rp,S. 3dn"el rb"41 nocuoC? ,6echorr-O ::=- I $l $loF;i"su"r atdB Boil 6y{ud; f dj.q"J fu9fl"r& B^10=&0 63 6el$ Lcr .tp$?e,.r a' Ofif s"Jso4rtu? "nsJ srySJ.r (. ;b3ortr *$rDcJ o'$.,melo $*ro f,'ll 8^Jsolu9,.,.r! 3'1 0o'^D$ul ? 1- ipd.{ddowa eo-dfri dr l,r c.r 3 cJ i o ,{l t. -}$aoJotud &?Jo x"* h*rri 4)9d lolslo$n{sJo"d;i^rl .kchon$ q1.5't0 D $oB J,$u.n fJ3 Zodu6.SuJr iJr*{' JJiJ8tu{ 9 q. Rrlp,a d -,Jtd(d t0. wd"1io!r'..rrr 9qo./o rt. dalfdfuoF z3{,0^\ rq trC{1" rdo. B llis |ORY ll\'.af ll A Prosrilrmc^ {U(j)Coirrs.s - (lndcrCB(S S.rrrcslcr - lV Plplr l\'((inc Prpcr) SOCIAL |itI-[OR]l \lOvl:i\lt\T & lrRElil)O\.1 STRtIC(;l.ll t1820 to l9J7,\.D.l (llisk'r I (ultu'?4 h li (ltis7- t917, l;)r1 I Social Rclrgious & Scll'R0sfc.r \lo\ cr)l.rrlr: Sociil & (\rltrrill A\\ rkcnirg l}:rhrra Sr|naj. \r1a Sam:ri Ih|osophicalSocict\. Ranraknihr\ii \lis$ro|. ruigadr \'lo\c rcrr [nrar)ciparjon oi\\orncf - Srnrtrsle r\gainn Casr0:.lyorrhaPhul.. Narit\ilnir Ourv, j).i!xr. Dr ll R furbtdknl l .1 (' a\rl ,r\'' ' I Poiicie: Lrlii:r Yice.o\'( Rul!. a rd th€ Csresis offr!e&xl) iuolenrerlt Bi h of Lrdiitn \ruoritl ( oIqNss t.irr - lll I Frrcdo Stl..rslllc llorn l3Si to lr:0: \loC.mlc Phlsc -- l'arition olllcrgal - ] [,r,.,rgc,rcc ottNtilinuL Nirlir)rrrlisin Ss'adcshi & l]oycolr Nlo!rmcnt llornc Rnlc l\lor(ri).r)l t riI - lI I'fcedonr Srruggle ftom 19201() 19.17 (l|fldhiji s ltole ir tlle Narioral Nlove sL)l k: .''oti.r .rr, \lu\( I.nl \.rirr,:r, ( l:Irdr I Ror. Vu{lirn LcaeLrc Lt rlrc Crc\rb ol Conrn]lLr]aIsnr P$rilion of lndia Advc[r of licfdonr - hrc,rfrdor oJ-Pfflc.l\ ,statc\ intu |rdidI Union Silldar'\'alluirhai Patcl.


I -\nrl SJ,rL Lncr-!,iuc of I Llian \.rtrtrrr.rli:rn Ih0!rtcc. S.lL)if I mLn l)la\sc! 1|| Pirfi ion r|'h \o :(f. il, | ' \ r r,rl \l I iI ,irL. H'i'i.t. l . r' |\ .1 : ts(\r) Judrth (irndhr's i{ - T7t',,",t,,, Lr,;'.,'-r .t . t,ii a s Slr!gglc l'or Ind(l)endcrlce t Ch.rllric.. Jr\r Bc|M; Di\idri: llirdua('rnr1r-,1rli!m rnd Pftt:rior l0.ll-19.17 I l)c:rri :\ lt. S.cirl llic\lllonfd to 1|rdi,:n NrtioLraistt ' ll:lt'.:lu,,tr-I - _- I .loihi l ( . llllfxl{rhurr i rd thc I o]!as nl \lodtlrisatrof ir lrldir FJrk:r - - lLr S.r \lo.i.) r hrdrx I\si r., l 'rr ';' ll Srd(cs. [:ric. l'ca'fur|! fl]d tlrc llrl - lj Pr \lr-' .l] ll. \r'.t.1:r,'r lrr:.lorr Blar.rtr.r\idlrrirlltrrrrrrrrrrcr tlgj$dlf\: \s Drft ol l)l.rurl ,{s.essrrcui. lrrt.cr \\'or I n]a\ bc givcn or tcgiorral or local jxnd hisrnL! r.lrrcd Lo crLirrrrc. .cololr\. nr\rggIs. rrlari$rs. cultur'd] i nitutions irnd th.ir rnlli.ir.c (r:r rh. iocrc$

I h.\ n rlst! b. rskcd rr).rcarc r pl.\ ..itcrc.l Jr i|r]\ c\jnt io socixl fali'rnl rllo\cric0io. . t) K.vJ c)nEQE (Auilnon0uD=q0JiR.---44d-- tho* y^ B ^ ne1vce Etanlrvjian*- dd V'' ' tro;,rfu^ P^rl -ntL +lilh'\l ol Toaia [rcr+k n++A'rt . yapLv E lruru pia ari,r r'hW* E 'B A 'ro -se"nsfie'r t tf w nr t' tt) na S qu aX r+" tV I nc'o'tfu acdanl ^ P ^+,n- tJ,+ " 'fi"p t'4atvy' ", zLourt "+o Sechbn-'t T 8l9^ anua Af;p Ztt, -a"tn .^;3:l,qnlas\S axeo:4oM t. tl,zo 5dh*Del6r a-o"4rr, sro*Jwrq,6t--u sotloBg)itr6qp Bgfu1sa 1.t*nw,ln)',n45 ^Ad ' q @ocnf.', qsaowfiM E aa.r^ttut @-p aot*ryzs "*,14-soz{@ntaf"! zr.o$ edolorrr $an 7 er arrozu 6F' y'y$aau b pL agp $1a,t : psAotnp,t' s"tfoJ6 6l*T, jd)dtae; arq) @tr".a.ll fl^ __


1IT l{0lLt lu0u0i{s c! tmusfB0a,r0t $0r

Board of Studies Mectins


29 - 08-2017 B. A. IlISI'OITY I Ycar ll. A. l'rogrammc (Li(i) C--orrses - lindcr CIICS Semcster I l' pcr I ((l)fe Paper) ANC|liNT INDIAN HIS'I ORY & (ltlLTUllE (from carlicst timos to 600 A.D) (,!]A.D Jl,dly tl,*r"t uy!(!!unf,l" !!!!t"t{irlu' 1,, llnit I Survev ofSoLrrces: l,itcriry & Archaeologioal Sourcos; lnlluencc of(ieography on History-:Histor]: (Circa 1() i f Unity irirr Divtrsitl;Divclsitl; fraccs ol'Sto0col'Stonc Agc Cultures 3-50.000 ll. C i.000 B. ('): lndLrr VLrllcr Civilization (Ciroa 1000 B. C to 1.500 U. Cl): Origin. E\tcnt. SclicDt lrcirtufr's. I I -- Vcdic I trnit ll i V.'a;. n-gcAgc a& netigiousReligiotrs n.tirmrRelbmr Ur\crrrenr*Mo\,cments 1C(Cljrca u.,' 1500trOO B.A'C U ro f.Oo-tf600 l].. C;S,r"l"tf.C): So, Polity. Itcononr). Culture drrring carly ond later Vedic peliod:.lainism and ll*ldhisnt: ('auses. Doctrincs. Spread, lmportancc and lmprct.

l lnit -tll lrirn.iti.,n lrtrrr lrnit0ri:rl Srrr.s t,' I rr,.-gi'rc..,'l I ripire:rt:r'(ilr,rt,rtu(url r) r,' i.i(J0B.():IiisL'(rl \1dht-iarrapadas ('auses fbr Magadha's Success: Pcrsian and MiLerdoniln ln\ir\i('ns; \lJurlan [mpife: State. lmperial Aclmin istri]tion. Iiconcrnry, _ i ".\slr,'kir'sl)ltrmnrir. '^ti "j /\rt & ,\rclritcctrrrc-\{e,'.-'.':.,,.':. .l!M !,'!I!all _ " 4 J Llnit IV t onditit'ns du|inl 100 B. (l to 300 A. L).: Cclrrlnl Asiiln Corrlacts Kushauns I Aspects ofpolity. socictl. Econorlly. lteligion. Art& Alchitccturc; Thc Agc oI SaLavahaias: Patlern ol'Adrninistfation Social. llcouonric. lteligioLrs & Cultulal l)c!ek)pnrcnts: S nganr Agc: Thc Thrcc Early Kingcbms (Cihola. Chcla& I,andla) Socicl\'. l,aDguagc & l.itenture. L'nit V InJi..r hctneerr lon A. i) & ('n0 ni t- 1;1.,rrrh-'k;L.nr,rs '* I r Tcchnolopv Dcclinc.

I{clirenccs: i .\.1 . tii'i ,rlr t;rc u,ur.t..' thri tt r. t,^fir !l-]t.N! r,l,r.4l.isr:t l-'r!t, 3 l).D.Kosanrbi. AD InlrodLrction to the Stucl11l lndian IIisto| 3 F,l-q-.pq4!lyq' -sarg!"" jt44-S!1.'1u*'daG1"ai,' -l- l 155 N.l:1!klr9fj99. Thc l{iscl(i.c urrJand I'irllI:lllof ol rlr< Ku.lrrrrrr ILlLnitu: l!]ll.\.Vrrklroic,..lhL lh{1s!44!4pirc __ _- ETl..tyll,qrlqllaf . a-!tlrlr.,aS"-.:l4jn------l ll_ Lll t-.\l"iU$q! x4.I)r1l,r4lLc.x9)q!q*d!ffn lQ!.).1!h'anced Ilistoly- of Tndia __j i l-- l r1ql.,::lr"r::ltS EEqgCA$ S!M',,,AI!f)-r NS4l, I!4j,,ijis!41 , r"9rt1""a1qti"j ld 0 I ltonr il lh:rpar tcr. a1 t. tnJ iu J tistor.ical llcginnings and rho Concepr ,,lillga1:vql --- _ 1 \lrl|rlr). l0 [4 LK /r', -. ',,/ l/r/,,1 'ui.,4t t rv1\r,L\h /,/,/,,.'/,,/d/: \Lr$ l\.ll'i.2',UJ --

Sludy Tour: Studv t()uf lo locnl muscunr of at lcast to ncafby histoficrl sitcs is to be conductod. Sludenls should be asked to preparc an invenlo* ol'itenls prescrved irr lhc muscum and thcrr usagc- Slldcrrts can be asked 10 cfealc a calcnd0r charling lllc dalcs ol'lc) evcnls. I his can be 110s8 III,Y EAI{ DEGRED EXAMINATIONS l. 8.A., I.Semcster- Hi$tory Paper I-ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY AND CULTURE (FORM EARLIST TrMES TO 600 A.D )

( With Effed From 2017_18)

Timc:3Hours Max marks; 60 SECTION-I

L6goa o.3d 565 a,sLigr)$ x)ireso g.o$oa . I x2(F20M

.1. !.5$ qrdd6r.rod 66$$ sDl'jad$$Er;$ $EL$$) ?

2. .,ejn 066 e'd.t 6f cSo6cgrg$ E 6satu.! ,6,9 $Od$)o$ gob$)?

SECTIoN-II rl.6i 906 o',ld 53S Oodre$)e)$$Jr('.6o g,cd.roe . 2x10=20 M

3.rTd$ €$6)cJ ar€rb$d .f"J$s 35$ 5$ J86?

4. rboo s.o$)-.al SSg olD6o6!$ sgo:tD$, ? s. €f6)dr .t€$6 o'JDe , ,13.1s s.6J gsr.o$ sgo-.D$) ?

6-St 6Jo 30)od. 5@s$) $ dro) g.ob$) ?


Ill. 6 Eo6"!.5d53S -".l)rl)o1o$$rrcr$o €,o!oe . 4 x5=20 M

7. -)di 55 roes'

8. r'&)o'53 3o)gg

9.(f6 b iDg r..rgg r0. ES:i)Ld) r1 .$it$)$ r"sld

12.lldd6to d "A$)650 d 5 s6so" applied 1() hisl(n ical evcnl or thc scqlrc[ce olc\ cnts.

IIISTORY I Ycar B. A. Ploglamrnc (lIG) CirLrlses llndcr CIICS Selt)cstel Il Paper ll (Colc Papcr) IARLY Mlll)ltrVAl, INI)IAN lIIS'I ORY & Ctjl,Tultlil (600 A.D nr 1526,\. l).) (Lt.lion Hislory, ntt Cultnrc.frottt 647 lo | 526 A.D)

plarshLr J Unit f A Uis Ime-s:Aclministr.rtiorr lt.'trgr,'rr U;rr.'rr fsrra -R,tit"r'$rcict1, (lulturc I A. under Chaluk-vas ol Baddmi& I I [conomy ancl liorn 7"'to 1'" Ccltturl D. ] I llastcrn ilhalukr'as ol-Vcrqr. L hir ll . ,\u< nr:lrrr. rl'rij.rr l..tt'riru zl* 3" 1 .rrtrDic-s.\. l):t ,,rrrrinirt i,'nL t rrlrrrr:r' (entury ] I l)fvelopment & Art & Arciritccturc; l hc Chola Lrrtpirt- liorn 9'r'to l2 A D : _ i]tifCi liise 9!1!oftlre llmpircldnrinistr'.rtiorrlrmpirc. ,\dnl inistration aldand CultufalCultural l-ifc.l-if.^. _ l IDit-lll (\'rdirii'ns in Indir un rhe e\'c of'l'urkish lnvasions; Ilafly lnvasi(nlst Trdcos ol'Aral) 1290 l))anast)'l] l-rI lrrrasiorr. Chazni&Uh('ril Dllhi Sultanate (1106 to A.l) ) undcf Slave nit - rv I f l.-Lfli-s,'n'r"le t t:utr t,, I s:i al-I xLrlfr.t: Lxpursiorl .t cl.rnr,,tidati.rr't. & Icon.rric Rcforms - 'l he l ughlaqs - Decline & l)isintegratior ol i IAdministrutite l I tlr.' Dclhi Sultmrre: n drninistration, society. Itconomy, Technolog). Religion.- Art &

I Architccturc undcr thc Sultanale. I Un;t v l i-utru,,tt o.vclqrnrcnr in-tndia bclr"e.iilTa i3rC""tt'.i* .1. l.: rn1''c.r ,'r tstum l I on hdian Society and Culturc llhtkti tnd Sufi Movcrrrcnls - Ilnlcrgcnce ol L luq14,s1191,lL{y1c L

llelercnces: J- rof r,r CLrtrLrrat H;srr,'"-ot tnL]ia -tl""tr"',,.,,t.t- | ] ( hanpnkahksl ri- Ialradc. Itleology and Ilfbaniati(n1 : Soutir India ]00 BC ADl300 ] I (lhandfa. S IlistoN()1'NlediLrval lndia(800 1700) -r l( lull,'|ird\r\. B l) llr(Mrkirrg.l tarltNlcrlitr'rl lrr,ii:r. ID(llri. l')')ll a'i\ ili,/:rri,,r) 5 ll.rbi '. lrt:rn. Verli.rrl In lir: llrc\L.rJ\ ol r GI 6 llrutir'rultoHi I labibullah. e-rrV.A.B.M. nrcl bc lou'rauticnlouDdation olut:l,lu.stii" l\4uslirn truteRule in;n IndiatnOia l / Kurnlr Surril. lh. LllrfLcnLC ot the SLrlt.rn:rt. ol [)

TIME ; 3HouK MAX MARKS;60 SECTION-I 1.$5.$L5 55 ArdS $ A) od,$ (9$ar Jod$d$ br)o€6bo s6o iDiD? .r6a) 6$F g...ird s.6J g !r"e)$ D$6o;9!)?

2.dto erd6 6t ijog $ , $osbJ8g 3oS,!D 6b6 Ss$ are.s 6o'))iD ?

SECTION-II II.€r $o6uid55sdo6gt)o$nsre.$o go$oC, . 2Xt0=20 M 3.oEF 665 o ! ert ags :)6$e-. xrox)bdr?t.l) 50? 4.t gsgls)S 856$D , r'd6 $i"Ooas 6os s,55 5rrq,6: 5$o {f:r?

5. 306 $)6olD r$.6) 6.q)d)jetu .tr65 go:rod ?

6 .{g boolD Kr'$ 66J$$);6 r$O; go:rod?

SECTION III IlI. €. go6r,Cd53s d.eptueiJo$bdJ"eso g.o$oC, . 4 X5=20 M

7. s.!6

8. dod$ ;Degt

9. ergP$ dao$.

10. 5rrob5 e;od

tl. o.do6 EtqDdr

12. .96aD)o aJodcdr"6r,n l|..\. ts't1)RY Ill Ycar' li. A. l'r'r'rr':rnrnrc (l l(i) (irurses - lJndcr CBCS Senrcslcr V l)upcr V (( i)|! I'irpcr) AGE OF RAI'IoN,{I,ISM ,\NI) III"JMANISM rr& THE WOI{LD B|'TWE[N t5r lSr C]tiN't'tiRtOS (History oJ Mo.lem Wo l (1453 - I.\21 A-D))

Unit I Feudalisrq -Geographical Discoveries: Causes - Compass & Maps - PortugaL Leads and Westem World lollows - Conscouences: Unit lI The Renaissance Movement: Factori for th_e GroMh ofRenaissance - Characteristic Featues - Transfbrmation from Mediclal to Modern World; Reformation & Counter Rcformation Movemcnts: Thc llackground - Protestantism - Spread ofthe Movement- Counter Reformatiol Effects of Reformation UNit - III Emergence ofNation States: Cont butory Factors - England and other Nation States - Inpact due to the Emergcnce ofNation States.;Age ofRevolutions: 'lhe Glorious Revolurion (1688) - Odgin of Parliarncnt - Constitutional Settlem€nt - BiU of Righrs - Results. Unit - lv Age ofRevolutions: l he American Revolution ( 1776) - Olg]l4ggqlgll]Itdd - Causes - Course Declaration oflndependence, 1776 Bill of Rights, 1791 - Sr!'nr llcance Unit v Age ofRevolutions: Jhc lirench llevolution (1789) Causes - l eachings of Pl'rilosodhers - Course ofthe Revolutiou - Rcsulls.

References: I Burke. Peter. The Renaissance 2 C.J.H. I laves. Modem F,urope up to 18?0 3 C.D. Hazen, Modem Europe up to 1945 4 Christooher Flill. Fron Refbrmation to Inclustrial Revolutic,n 5 Elton, G.R., Refbrmation Europc, 1517- 1 559 6 F The Renaissance 7 Gi M.P.. The World of Humanism. 1453- l5l7 8 llilton. Rodncy. Tralsition l'rom FeLLdalisft to Capitalism 9 J.H.Parry, The Age ol Renaissancc 10 J.N.L. Baker. Histor! ofCeoqrunhical Discotcrics and Explor:rtions ll ThcNc\ ac bri.lsc F.conunrii llisrc") ol'Eurupc. Vo1.T.VTT. bqbgll{gl\ilndividual or group projects may be presented by the sludents regarding preparation of bibliography on various topics.

Students should also be $ked to construct glossarics to help thcm study arrd review lcssons while helping them 10 understaDd a largc army ofvocabulary worrls III B.A HISTORY



{ The World aetween 15rr &18rk Centr.rries

{ With Effect From 2017-18)


f udalisam {z1r}S$JSa",5o)-drff vessirc?e-6sr&e! i)oo5Jr btJ,e_ *fdJ.\d.5 X)$)e"3s:fcro 5)Oob bb;5r 6""() e9i)gdrr-boryo)/bd\bl$o .

UNIl:II $obbe}s O695s 66[i)0;- ]oxr6os :2)$6$b brbrl)deJsJ .le s"dr?"o x)s?J.io obgl p4Do- irdjobrjo $)oe e.r6o55 Oboo".3S $6J ao6i bon"Are)); J"ox)bAs -a)$g$,$i) 50ol)) bobbdri66jire);xDeDs Oa ;Jidso-Udlboe3Jao_46j;5ro"l& _ €.3bobLdcf6jb) i:Oo"el.


eJdJ3so"aJ"tre.r);-X);rs.Oo)S )e)$e,o""() -ao.ro6 i)Oo$) 56"g aJ.e5ob o"€.Jg|) eJab.36 aJ.8o$ o"ar"le Oe,r"5o;- 5*r"o obrto -SX:6 lb;5o 1688 A!66 $diooes_ o"a%o.J 5d6so xr$LeO6rJ$ -"rOs"e]).

I INTI'- IV 5pr"ooturlo;- e,.)Os" Sbio 1766 6:"e5.5 !;:oti erdodo s.6r?"q)_g$ir $5dogl,, d.5J5 OgdJ;i 1776- s$te)ogb.n-1791 odo,


Q*o"er_ol!i"j- O.O Si:Jo 1789 s"dr?.e!- (jdsiqier d6Ser_ fulo obg6 S$J])_ i:0qyel- 55051 III B.A YEAR DECIIEI EXAMINATIONS V,Semcster- History

Paper V -Age ofRationalism And Humanism The World lletwecn l5 th&18 fh Centuries

( With Effect From 2017-18)

Time | 3hours m{x mark;70


I.€. 906 t id ao(t) 06lt)$ $;$cr$o g'c$od. 2x20=40M

1. {t}SarJ 5e.so .,srpsi)?e5 $)l)J ar-{rJ'ct!? $6job.{iD$ e6 36j:roas }g J0J6?.

2,i.$bAs !l)56*$50 rr$rF 35o? od$ $ox)ho p o"S oA)6L ee"jJo Ja16 ?

3. odld ({eog'od) dg i.dots &r.s*bs))+$ st60ctD.D, itit)t d.;b.D asoo:lt$)?

4. eo8 b5$ d$isiu)$ tt6 S6o$rb?


II. b3,5 6o.b P{)o$ $$rc,.;so go$6a. 2x10=20M

5. er)s €sod$)s Oa $oirLd6f.5J$o 6:roas i.g J.l6 ?

6.5$Le) ijtrod,i Bcr.;s .ro"'.r$ oA), .9C 6i .Jogct Ja3 $16)a)$ o'66r'0lr $Olood5oa ?

7. drgs ur66 ,$d$$$0, rrd$ d6,So$r, ad&Sfodxroxt&6r, 66j;5)ort t,o$s $g$) 5go:Dsl)?

8. .e.DOs- $t6$ o'e.'joalo l?89 soda $)!rjod..D 55?


rII.6 906 rSd 53$ do(l) Oilo$ $sre"so g.o$oe. 2x5:10 M 9. r.Sta.l'6t

10. )S)d14 r or"o) $.)6

11. ,..5 s.ASs

12.J.&gPo6 d $6 :)o$&d.trij$ro B. N- FIISI-oIiY Itl Ycar B. A. Programmc (tJG) Courses - t,nclcr CLICS Scnestcr.- V Paper - VI (Corc Paper) HISTOITY & CULTUIIE OF ANDHRA. DESA (from 12tr'fo Igth Centurv A.D.) (Hittoryt and Cullure of Andhra from Sotnvalranas to 1857 A.D)

Unit - | Andbra during l2''& 13"' Ccnturies A.D.: Kakatiyas Origin & its Antecedents - Administration - Social & llconomic Lil'e Induslrics & 'iradc - Pr66iiior.r* nT- Literature and Culturc - Architccturc & Sculpturc Declinc: Thel-ge;iRcd-ai Kingdoms: Patonage to Litcraturc - Trade & Commerce. unit - Il Andbra betlvten 14' & 1 6'" Centuries A.D. : Vijayanagara Empirc: Polity, Administation, Society & Economy Sri Krishra Devnraya alld his cont bution to Andhra Culture Developmcnt of Literature & Architecture - Decline and Downfall unir - Ill Andhra though l6.'& l7'" Centuries A.D.: EvolLrtion dCqlpgqllqe ul!,re - The QutbShahis ofGolkonda Origin & D_ecline - Administration, Society & Economy Literature & Architecture. unit - IV The l8''& l9'" Centuries in Andhra: East India Company's Authority over Andhra ;Three Canatic Wars - OccrLpation ofNorthem Cilcirrs and Ceedcd Districts Early Up.isircilTasants and l ribrl Revolts. Unit - v The l8''& 19"' Centuries in Andhra: Impact of Company Rr e on Andhra - Adminislration - Land Revcnue Scttlemcnts - Socicty- - Education - Religion - lmpact Rcvolution on Economy Peasantry Famines oflldustrial - & =-Contribution ofsir'fhomas Munroe, C. P. Brown & Sir Arthir C-ofton - Impact of 1857 Revolt in Andlra Rcferences: BalenduSckharam. Thc Andhras Throuruh the Aees 2 K. Sathvanaravana- A Studv ofthe Historv aDd Culture ofAndhms l Mallampalli Soma Sekha.asarma, History of the ReddiKindogms 4 K.A.N.Sastrv- A Historv of South lndia 5 H.K.Shcrwani, History of the KutubShahi Dynasty 6 P.R.Rao. fli of Modem Andhra 7 KhandavalliLokrmirrLnjanam&BalenduSekharam, eroO)o.50€ TJobho

8 Surar aromPratep Rcdd) - eeo6)e1o5560€ 9 O.S.l.U"^,ln*o n"o. .ro6o.raog 10 r.xii,ii r. rt," P",a.ffi 1l B. REendftPt^sL\d, EdrU Me(liercl An({hft1Pr,l4!]!7.D!4-J!00 '4!:Ir:y D"k\}!ng 12 C. Sornas\rnd^r^ R^o, ,lediewl AnLlba fuadesl, A.D. 1000-l321A.D..Ne'rDcl i.20lI 13 R. Soma Reddy, Late Medievdl lndhra Pratlcsh, A.D. I 321- 1721 ,1.D., Nc\v Dclhi,2014 Ptoiect Work: Stud;rts moy bc asked to identif-!- ilmilies/ arcas/ institutions/ personalities/ monumcuts rel4ted to freedonr strugglc and prcpar'e djssertlltion undor thc guidance ofa teacher so as to equip thcm with bctler understanding of societ,v nDd hisloricrl proccsscs. This cxercisc should also aim at exposing lhe spiril offeseafch, anrllsis. cfiticisnt, illnovolion and inventiol'l among thc sludcnts. III B.A HISTORY


PAPER-VI History & culture of Andhra Desa (from 12rH to 19rH century A.D.J

(With Effect From 2 017-18)


12rrr -13rrr centuries of history:-s'6&obe {tc))g$ Sooob eJp65o $6}eS -i.o*Dg

$6obr egg Eselo - ir6!5rer $rOc(D r"Jldo-5.dbs6 $o$bo- r.S) $)Eoj) ?oJSV!)r _

3F6- a€ o"e!) olDdo - ifaer- $o:o5o s:OolD r.J)6 JD6o$) rc3ajo.


14rrr-16rH centuries ofhistory:- Sao$ Sdd o.ea,lo:- o.eogo:,r- :rOi"gs- $ofuf ir6o1D

!r85 bo${bQD- !SJ*65o.c$r)) $Oob rrogi $oxrho $rr.s.do- .}.6X)S6 ('A5)6 $0e!.)

.r.$)tr))SV -b{tSo.


16rH -17rr'r centuries of histor.v :-$O$$$ ;)ox)ho lfde?- 8cybo4 $&g,brl-:5aD<

lsrooiD t.?d -bOler$ ,$o$og, QrgS ,$dKrsd $O^tr!. d.g)ee)gv.

UNIT.IV lBrB -191rr centuries of history:- s!'dc so"bg ol))€p(})- egd$o"LrbeD SJg $60J),

69 S)oder"eD- ei1)() $0o5D noa$o Orbabe,r.g).

UNIT-V lBrr -19rrr centuries of historvr So::5 $c-r$d ero@6t pcJ.$or:)olc)S-

6rFS$Jo$o- )olDS, 56.$CeSo- $dt5o!6o- $60 ob)St O?rbo/ .rgSgFbop b63$oo Oer"$o . 68$)6re .lerd i)Oo$) g'$$) broo$) g6{Ds.trs-e -b6. F$5 $S,

5.0 g'5/sJ5, 1857 66.ba"rD Oc"bo. D.RW. COLLf,GE (AUTONOMOUS) GIJDUR 55052


V Semesler_ History

Paper VI - History &Culture ofAndhra Desa (l.rom l2rr, to l9 th CenturyA.D.)

Time; 3Hours ( With Effect From 2Ot7-18) Max Marks:70

I. €l 906 -.td 565 oodr gt)o6) ${ro$o g.droC . 2x20=40M

I . s.S.3oiD.! .$6ir5it Si'. do.t$)6$ .3lS b$ Jal6 ?

2.5ao$ S.t6 boJ.er.s SeSo 656r-r:rsrJ'o.o 55oo6oa ?

3. frfLod$6t':ro lqbiDo s,oo;re! i.o$h8g b6$o$ !sooro$)?

4.sdo6).D .rog 6tiDd g6t bCtS Cf6 dro dr$ i1o !er.!, r"aj $A€rer$ Sgoe)$)?


IL 563 6oa$ g{)q)6 rrcr$o g,o1)oC . 2xt0=20M

5. eo66t5D$6r odi.r.6 SqS fe6$) , -,6 bo,\.r) OSS sqs +.i5o.os) 5$6o:D$)?

6. 6*oddr 6ob5$e.:+s.ood so66g E6o tOd{$efaDoa$o? 7. gg.aJS obEt(D rAl 106$).)) 556o:D$)?

8. 1857 s$qDo a6,b.r.6) rrog 6i$) :) J€ pq JsDo6, drbsr.

SECTION-III goa IU. s r.ad 55i ao6 Br).)6 ssrFdo gc$oC . 2$=l0M

9. g sJg 650.ot).))

10. eSJ$) 6i'oo$o

11. r$534r a€

12. s6.$. $. g'5 B. A. llls Iolt \ III Year B. A. Ilrogranmc (tl(i)Councs [,rrdcr( l]( S Scmestcr - VI Paper - VII-(A) :: ([lcctivc l'nlrcr) HISTORY OF MODERN Et ROPE {from l')'r'( cnrur\ t,' lr)45 A. D.) (History oJ Moden lyotl.I (I 82 I - I 94 5,

Unit - I Industrial Revolution: Naturc and lm t. unit - Il Unification Movements in Italy & and thcir Im Unit - III Communist Revolution in Russia - Causes, Courso and Results - Impact on World Order. Unit - IV World War l: Age of I{ivalry in Europe Betwcen 1870 and 1914 - Rcsults ofthe War - Pa s Peace Confercnce - League ofNations. Unit - V World War ll: Causes, Fascism & Nazism Results; The United Nations Organization: Structure, Functions and Challenges.

References: I JAHobson. Imperiulism: A ShrdY 2 c.D. Modem Euro to 1945 l H.A.L.Fisher ofEuro 4 C.M.M.Ketelbey, A History of Modern Times 5 Grant and Tempcrley (ed), Europe in thc l8'" and 20"'Centuries 6 Da\ id I homson. Furope Since Napoleon 7 A.P.J.l avlor, The Struggle for Ma'tery in Europe E S.P.Nanda. History of Modern World 9 S.N.Dhar, International Rclations and World Politics Sincc l9l9

\qiggl[q!: Project work oq the consequenccs of industrialization & globalization an socidly and economy should be given to sttldents.

/ B. A. IIIS'IORY lll Year B. A. Progranme (U(i) Courses Undcr CBCS Semcstcr - VI Paper - VII-B r: (Elcctive Paper) IIISTORY OF EAST ASIA (from l9'r' Century A.D.to 1950 A.D) Unit I Pre-colonial China - The nature and structure ofthe haditional Chinese Socicty. Polity, Economy; Colonial Penetration in China -Tribute system, Canton system and their collapse - Opium W.fs and Treaties with imperialist powers and struggle for concessions in China - lncrcasing *cstern economic interests- Open_Door Policv. Unit II Chinese Popular Movements with special reference to Taiping Revolt - Cause, Nalure & Legacy: The Self-Strenglhcning Movement - Boxer Rebeliion and its conserluences - Rcpublican Revol"ttion of 1911- Role ofvarious social classes -Sun Yat Sen. Unir - lll Nationalism and Communism in China - Emergence ofthe Rcpublic and Yuan Shi Kai - New IntellectuiLl ideas and May Fourth Movement- Political crisis in the 1920's- The first United Front- Kuomintaog-Conmunist Conflict- Ten years of Nanking Government - The Communist Party under Mao Tse Tung- Red Army- Long March- The Chinese Revolution (1949)- ideology, causes and canca - the lstablishment ofthe Peoples' Republic ofChina Unit - lV Japan during Pre- Restoration Period - The Tokugawa Shogunatc- Encourtter with ihe West- the Pcffy Mission aDd thc opcr)i[g up ofJapan to the West - The crisis and fall ofShogunate - MeijiRestoration (1867-68) - Processes ofmodernization- social, military, political and educational - Popular and Democratic Movements - Meiji Constitution - Rise ofPolitical Partics. Unit V Economic Modemization - Emergcnce ofJapan as an Inperial Power- The Sino-Japancse War - Thc Anglo-Japancsc Alliance - The Russo- Japanese War - World War I and aller- Japan in the Pocilio and the Washington Conference - Manchurian Crisis - Failure ofthe Dcmocratic Systcm and thc Risc ofMilitaism i the1930's drd 1940's - Japan and the World War II Post War Japan under General MacArlhur.

References: I Allcn Gcorgc - A Shorl Economic History of Modern Japan 2 Beckmann Ceoree M - Modemization olChina and Japan 3 Beckmann Georgc M - The Mdking of Meiji Constitution 4 Bianco Lucian Origins ofthe Chinese l{cvolution, 1915 19'19 5 The Cambr dire Ijistory ofJapan Vols V and Vl 6 The Cambr dse I-Iistory ofChina Vol X ,| Chen Jerome - Mao Tse and the Chincsc llevolution 8 Frtz C.P. - Birth of Communist China Peller Ncthcnicl - I hc l- ar Lasl: A \ loclern Historl l0 VhackeH-ALl ofthc Far East in ModerD times Itroiect Work A project report on Sino-lndia Rclations; Chinese economic leadership; Japan's DrcSent status

10 I]. A, IIISTORY III Year 13. A. Programne (UC) Courses - Under CBCS Scmester - VI Paper - VII-(C) :: (Elecaive Paper) CONTE

Unit - I Debate on the origins ofthe Cold War - Emergence ofSoviet and American economic and military alliances: NATO, WTO, lMF. World Bank, Warsarv, qoMLC.qN. Unit - II USSR's relation l'ith the East Eulopean countries (1945-64) - The US foreign polioy in the Post 1vnr period: Truman Doct ne and Marshall Plan. Unit - lll l)isintegration ofEuropean Empircs and the emc.gence ofthe Tlird World - Thc Non-Aligned Movemcnt - Indo-Pakista[ relations - Libemtion rvar ofBangladesh - The Libcration Stuggle ofVietnam (1945-54 and 1954-1975) - Sino- Soviet relations - Sino- U.S. reldtions - SAARC. Unit - lV Bipolarism and regional conflicts: War in Korea Crisis in Cuba - Conilict in thc Middle East (Arab - Israel wars of 1948-19.67 , 1973) Activitics of P,L.O- lntifada - Gulf War of 1990 9 | - Unit - V Rcunilication of Gemaliy - Thc end of Socialist regime dnd the disintegration of USSft The end ofthe Cold War - The onset of Globali2ation - American Uni-polruism and its significancc for intcrnational politics.

Re1-erences: C.Brown&J.Mooney- t olJ Wur to ljitente Iq45-8i 2 Chajn llerzoa. Tbe Arab lsrecli W:rr 3 Eric Hobsbcwm, Agc ofLxtremes: lhc Slron Tucntieth Ccnlury lql4-lqql 4 H.HiPsins. Vietnanl 5 J In Deltnse of Globalization J.N.Dixil, Across Bordcrsr Fifty Yecrs of hdion's Iorcign Polic 7 Karuno Kaushik, llistory ofCommunist Russia 1917-1991 li LipyoneJ.Kim. 'Ihe Strategic lrianglc: China, the lJnited States and the Soviet Union 9 O.Leorosc and Richard Sissoi, War and Secession: Pakistan, India and the crcation of Bansladesh l0 M-Hastinss. The Korean War

Proicct Work: Project lvork on India's foreign policies - Strengdt & Challenges; Regional CooDeration: Intemational Relations

1L B. A. HISTORY III Yerr B. A. Progrumnle (UG) Coursos - Under CBCS Senre-iter Vl Papcr - VII-D (flective P!Per) BASICS OF .IOURNALISM

Unit - I O"f.iiion of Joumalism - Nature and Scope - Principles and Functions Mass Communication Media Conccpt of Foufth Estatc - Democracy and the Press Freedom ofPress - Limitation ofFreedom, Unit - II Earty tolms of Mass Communication Primitive Types of Joumalism - Proclamations -War Reports in Meciieval times - Significance of Print Revolution Telegraphic Communication - Morse Code Radio - Changes in Printing Techniques - Offsct DTP - Elcctronic Revolulion - Digitalization - Online Joumalism. unir - III Jonmalism in the Contemporaxy World- Press Commission of 194'7 - Newspaper Magnates - Corporate Bodies - Conrmercialization - News Agencies - Reuters - AP, UPl, AFT etc.,. TV & Joumalism. Unit - IV td.olog.i"" & the P."ss Social Ilesponsibility woman Issues - workers & Pea'sant lssues - Politicizatjon - Competition - Adve(ising and. Joumals Cost of Production and Marketing - Sensationalisation - Networking- Unit - V negi-i"g" of lndion Press - Jamcs llicky - Early Publications liom llengal - Contents of early English Journals - Indian Vcrnacular Pres - Aims & Objectives of the early Nelvspapers - D.;velopment ofPress alier Independence

References: Aece Ault & Emcry, lr)lroductiolr lo \,43ss Conlmdlliciltion ,) A'a BriRss, A Socirl llist.)ry ol \lcJia From C(rtcnbcl8l! lqlllMnet c.aGira-a-u.n,a rtirr*y ortteaiu 4 Kamat M V., Prol'cssionel Jorrrnrlisrn 5 N, Indian Journalism 6 Hermrn Ed\ ard and Nonl ChomsLy, lhe PoliticllFconomy ol \4ass MeJIx '7 Rarhavan G N S. The Press in lndia 8 fuvers Williams. Mass Media:rnd Societ

Proi€ct Work: Studcnts should be Siven assigmncDt to collect news on impoftant activities in their local areas and present rcpofis. 'Ihcy should also bc asked to prepurc lcpofis on college level activities and approach tho local reporters for the publication ofthe same'

Stualents can also be iisked to cfeate a qucstiolnaire and stLr."ey in the locality to gathcr an understandins about themotic issues likc lvater, sanitation, health for a prescntation' B. A. IIISl'ORY III Ycar B. A. Programme (UG) Courses - Undcr CBCS Semcstcr - VI Pap€r - VII-E :: (f,lectil'e Papcr) HISTORTCAL APPLICATION IN TOURISM

Unit- I Tourism: Definition, Natu.e and Scope, Concepts- History of 'lburism and its Development- Motivations for Travel-Tv! s ofTourism - Con cnts ofTourism Unit II Social and Economic significance ofTourism - Tourism as an Industry- Components of Tourism Industry - Attractions, Transpod, Accortunodation. Shopping, Entertainment, Hospitality, Airlines, Travel Agencies - Impact ofTourism on Physical Envircnrne[t. Unit - tll History as Toudsm prcduct- Archaeologiczrl and Historical Monuments -Ajamd, Ellora , Sanchi, Amaravati, , Mahabalipuram, Kanchi, Badami, TanjavurBrihadisvam temple, Pr-rri, Ramappa remple, Alampur, Halebid. Mukhalingam, Tadiparti, Hampi. Unit - lV Cultural and Pilgrimage 'l ourism- F'airs and Festivals- Ajmir, Amruthsar, Madhuni, Mount Abu, Warangal, Coa, Mahanandi, Tirupati, Lepaskhi, Simhachalam; Kuchapudi dance, K,hajuaho Festival, JagannathRathayatra, Flaminso Festival. Unit - v Field Trip & Viva-voce: It would bc compulsory for thc students to al.tend the field t p to the tourist centers/ histoical monlLments and submit a comprchensive Report 'l'he to the Department. Viva, Voce woLtid be based espeoially on figld tdp oftou st centeN / historical monuments in sunounding ateas. The Viva Vocewillbeofl0 marks, and Tour Report should be evolved for I 5 marks.

References: I Lucas Jr., H. C. 1r&/mation Technalogy for lulanagement.McErarv Hill. 2005 2 Shobita Chopra, ToLffism und Del,elopment in India, New Dclhi. 1992 3 Rrtandccp : Hantlbook of Environmcntal Guidelincs l,,r ln]ian Tourism 4 A.K.,Tourism Devclopmeru Principlcs and P/acric.,r, Nerv Delhi. l98l 5 Bhatia, A.K., Towismin India,Naw Delhi 6 VirendraKaul, ?ori.rm an.l the Economy, New Delhi, 1994 7 Gopal , The Geography oflndia, Delhi,1988 8 Ghulam Yazdan. The Art and Architecture ofDeccan 9 Burkaft A,J. and N4edlik , Torrism: Past. Present & Futllre : (l-ondon. Heinemann) l0 l\1.P. Bezbarui l, Tourism : Fulure Chrllcnscs and Opportunilics. ll John Anderson, Catalogue and Handbooks ofthe r\rchaeological Collcctions in the lndian Muselun, 2 Volumes tl Seth P.N. Successfr/ Iolttisn Pldnninq and Mdndpentert, New Delhi, 1987 l3 Allchin F.R. Ctlltufti To t ism in Intlia: It.t scooe ancl DeteloDment. New Delhi B. All. A. tS r'()ttv r Yc:|r B; A. Progr:rmDe (UC) Coorscs - I Inrltr' ( lt( S S€mestcr - Vl Paper - VII-F :: (Elective Papcr)


Unit - I Dating Teghniques in Archaeology - Rclative Tecbniques Stratigaphy - Absolute Dating Methods - Carbon l4 - Fluorine - Potassium Argon - Limitations ofCarbon 14. Unit - II Dendrochronology - Pollen Analysis - Petrology - Thermo Luminescence - ]ypllogy- Te(acotta, Metallio, Stone, Sarcophagi. Unit - III Post Excavation Activities - Collection and Classification of Artefacts Field Laboratory Services of Curator - Preservation of the Finds - Prepamtion and Publication of Archaeoloeical ReDort. Unit - ry Conservation & Exhibition of Ar(cf'acts - Mcthods of (lonscrvation - Organic Obiects - Vadous kinds of Metallic Obiects - Ncod rnd lntDorlllIcc. unit v Recent Trends in Indian Archaeology Urdcfwntcr Archtcr)lolly IrrililnIr)cliiln llstituteInstitute of - - I Oceanography, Goa - Recovcry of Subncrgcd Sitcs l)rv:rr:tku linvir)nmcntal Archacolosv. I I

References: Atkinson R.J.C., Field Archaeol Chakrabarti D.K.. Theoretical PersDectives in Indian 4!{4coktgY ian K., Arcbaeology, Principles and Methods Raman K.V.. Principles and Methods in Archaeo l aK.,7he Ne ' Archqeology.md Aftetmath Rao, S. R.- Dwaraka ExcavatioDs

Studv Tour; Study tourto uchaeological sites & museuins at least to lclll)y Iirit,li,,ll ,it,.rIIt,) be compulsorily undertakcn. Studcnts shouldbe asked to preparc notcs on llrcr)hi(\'t.,. |l,,\! |h, ! are collected and mainlaincd in the museulns.

tt ,'1ryl


. HISTORY III Year B. A. Programmc (UG) Courscs - Under CBCS Semester - VI Paper - VIII-,{-l (Clustcr Elective I'aper -1) CULTURAL TOURISM IN ANDHRA PRADESH

Unit - 1 Concepts of Tourismi Ndturc - Scope - Definilion Tourists & Excursionists Domestic & lntemational Tourists. Unit - Types of Tourism: tledtage Tourism - Pilgrimage Tourism - Recrcation Tourism Sports & Adventure Toudsm - Advance Tourism - Healtl] Tourism - Envilonment Toudsm. unit - III History and Tourism - Heritagc Sites - Definition Ancient Monuments Preservation Act of 1904, Act of 1958 and Act of 1972 - Archaeological Survey of India - Staqe Museums. Unit - IV Planning and Development of A.P.-fourism: APTDC - Aims & Objectives - Fairs & Festivals - Andhra Cuisine -Restaurants - Eco Tourism - Beaches & Hill Resons Mountaineerins ToLlrist Places in A.P. Unit - v Modalities ofConducting Toudsm: Field Work - Visit to a Site - Conduct of Research - PreDaratioD ofProicct ReDort

Refercnces: I APTDC Publications 2 Ashonh C.J, Markctint in lourisrn lndustrt 3 Bhatia A.K., Tourism Dcvelopmcnt 4 Clare, Gunn, Tourism Planning 5 Khan. Nafecs A. DcveloDment Touri\il11 in lndia 6 Krishna K Karama, Basics ofTourism 7 Marison A.M. l- taliw and Travel Markefin 8 RaneruMukcrh. Tourism Potelrirl in lndia 9 Sarkar ll. Museums and Protection ofMonuments and Antiouities in India l0 vi axmi K.S.. ll ofTourism

Field Trip: Compulsory field trip to destinations ofarchitcctural, archaeological- historical and cultural impo ance is to be conducted. Students should bc niade to prepare detailed reports on the hand-on cxpericnce thcy gaincd in such trips.

Students should be encouraged to create blogs for iocai site sccing placcs and to \\,ritc a.nd organize articles on those spots. B, A. I]ISTO]TY Ill Year Il. A. Programme (llc) Courses Under CBCS SeDtcstcr VI Papcr - VIII-A-2 (Cluster lllective l>apcr 2.) POPU|,AR MOVE\|ENTS t\ ANt) RA DtiS4. { t848 TO I956 A.D.r (History oad Culture of An(ll.raftunt Ig57 to 2014)

Social & Self nispect Movcments ,S,rcia ti,naiGIrs _t

Rcferences: 1 B. KesavaNatavana. PolitiLal crrd So.inl Frrcr,,rs in M,.dcm \xlhrc 2 K.V.Nafalalla Rao, Th( Iilcrgrnc( ot n ndhra Pradesh 3 M. Venkata Rantaial.l prcJcJr . it rctrc ti.ca"nri r-cconllt srrL.grlJ5lrL.g!lL. inIn A'rrllrrrn 'tdltf:t l,toJcslt 4 P.R.Rao. Hisl('rt'Hisk)ry ol-oJ M(de'n Andhrx 5 SarojiniRcgani HiHighlights of Freedorn Mo\ement 6 Srr,rjiniRe3rni. erooeY)(do.t.ca($)doij - J -J D " 7 V. Rmolrishua. Soeial Reibrn Movemcnt i11 Andhra 8 D. Kcsx\'r N:rrilanr. Moden Andhra & Hydcrabad, 1858 - t956 2016

Proi€ct Work: Wirh rhe ainr ofunderstaldilrg oflecirniques and methods ofrescarch aDd pr'cscntation, students should bc encouragcd to draft ar report on local writers- slr-uggres. numan rights novernenls, differeDt types ofsocial disorimiuation ctc. B. A. IIISTORY III Year B. n. Programme (UG) Courscs Under CBCS Scmester - Vl Paper - VIII-A-3 (Clustcr Ilectivc paper - 3) COM'I'EMPORARY HISTOI{Y OF ANI)HRA PRADESH (I956-20I4)

Unit - I Socio-Economic Changes in Andhra Pradcsh - Ri",cr p.ojictiE Infrastructt.al - Development - Uducation & Scicnlific progress - Rcgional politics - [nrcrgence of Telueu Dcsan Patv. Unit - ll Growth ofLeftist ldcology - Maxist & Iladical Litcraturel Naxalbary Move,nent _ Connrunist Activities - llcctoral Politics prescnt Status of Communist Movemem. Unit - tll Dalit Movemcnt - IJnderstanding Untouchability - Education -TGr.arure - Struggle Ior ldcntity - Dcnaod for Political Space. ljnit - IV Eady 'felengana lrends towards Bifurcation: Jai Movement 11969; - Mulki Rules _ Legal Battle - Jai Andhra Moveprent (1972) S ix poiDt Formula ( 1973). Unit - V llilirrcation of Andhra Pradesh: Porvcr Politics Economi; Discontentrnent Iliparian Dispules - Unenploynlent -Foundation of felangana ltastrasamili - Movements [br scparate Tclangana & unilied Andhra pradcsh Formation of 'felauEa a State (2014)


1 laricr. fhe Tclan Molcment - 1944-51 2 chi Suri. Agnrliun Movcrnent in AlLlluc. 192l-71 3 K. Ramachandm Murthy, Unveililg feliulgara State 4 P.R.Rao. Hi ofModcm Andhra 5 S. I{atnakar, A BriefHistory ofl'clanqana & Andhra pradesh 6 Sri Krislura Conunittce 7 lhrimela^-agireddy, India Moftsaqed 8 Y.V.Krishna Rlo, (irowllr of Clpitalisrn in Indian Asriculture: A G"" Sn,au ,,f ll 9 KattiPadlnarao. .J{ddd)So l0 Y. Chimamo, dgelc6jS)iJo€i It Nerls P cli ln 0Q29!1) _

Proiect Work: Strdcnts Dray bc asked to preparc assignrncnts oD loct caste struggles: regional disparities; aspirations; reccnt developments ctc., through intervie\.rs and verifying prcss repons.

77 t B.A HtStoRY



( The World aetween 15n &18fr Centuries

( With Efiect From 2017-18)


fudalisam (6rls$JDa"$o)-11)"ff3re,bsqE|e)-6$&e)) ;bool)) aereD- ar6)d6 $i!g.q;f.eeD boolD aa)i) 6?"e {,.$g6e?-i) Ose)J,/bdIS,$;So .


+oi)bas iD0g5$ e6tr;1)o;- $ot6ss g,ifs6 b6.b6e$ rle) s.dspe.D-asqr.bo obg& i.r6lO::rlo QeuO- Soa {rdJ$g Obodsg ir6j .rOnS fOo"loQr); }obh€S ;D6gS,nS) $oob gO bobbdrf -"xp65o_UultodJero_e6jiD!"ib _ 6jsre));;Dbs Os$ob&d#6jiJ i:Oeo.

uNtT- 1 er4l)bgo.a..tre!;-b;r"s"oq)s $erieo""eD -eolPo6, $oo$ A6g aJ.e5o$ o.e.-J() s6Jpg ar6o$ o.er"Je OCFio;- 5po"e obrJo -$)Xf Si:bo 1688 ir6g )d3ood5- o,ec5od

Fddso 5sr&q)oga$s -OoeoJ.

uNlT- tv JbJ"eobr,lo ;- e,iJos" Cb$o 1766 dr{t$ Obo6 eedodo s-dr! e))_gbJb)J }S.Jogrl .+.11.-11:r


Cir"eolpdo;- OoA SbJo 1789 s"drle_ dtdsSgo d6Se))- S:)So qbs/, g;$nD- OoeeD.Ill B-A H|STORY DUVVTJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) GUDU& NELLORE DT. (Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' crad€) Recognized by UGC as "College with Potential for Exc€llence"



1Il l08u ll0rJollr coxr ru [s fi atBr srDt'

Board of Studies Meetinq


14 - 08-2018 B. A. TUSTORY programme II Year B. A. (UG) Courses _ Under CBCS Semestgr - III paper _ III (Core paper)

qnd (History Cuhute of India eS26 _ j8S7))

India from 1526 to 1707 A. D.: _ _ Emcrgence ofMughal Empirc Souces, Conditions in lndra on the eve Unit I ofBabur's invasion, Brief Summary ofMughal polity _ Sher Shah & Sur - Intenegnum - Expansion & Consolidation ofMughal Einpire _ Iiise of Marathas &peshwas.

Administation, Unit - lI Economy, Sociely and Cultural Developments under the Mughals _ Disintegation of Mughal Empire.

India under Colonial Hegemony : Bcginning ofEuropean Settlements _ Anglo_French Unit - III Struggle Policies - of Expansion - Subsidiary Ailiance & Dochine of ;aDse _ Consolidatjon of Brirish fmpire in India up ro 1857 A. D.

Ecoromic _ Policies ofthe British (1757-1857): Land Revenue Settlements _ Lommercialjzation of Agriculture _ Impact Unit - lV oflndustdal Revolution on Indian lndustry : Admrnistration ofthe Company Regulating Charter Acts; Cultual & Social polici . I{unanitarian Measures & Spread ofModem Education

Anti-Colonial Upsuge p€asant Unit - v & T bal Revolts 1857 Revolt - Causes, Natur€& Consequences.


Paperltl - LATE MEDIEVAL & COL (Eistory and Cnlture of India (1526 - 1857)) Model Question prpe$ ( with Effect From 2018'19) Time I ShouB max marks; 60


I. 6 906 156' 565.s! !r,\€r ssrF$o l$t 1x2F2OM 1. aD.taDe E ()o rtl!'te ,$oiue ;so!6)es) 556o{DJD ?

2. sg.arldDBp e$ .1)0oos r'$x)$r$ g:cuD$) ?


IL 555 o06 !r)a6) $$rF$o gc6toa. 2\10=20 3. .rg)5 5,65FSSD SSOoipllD ? 4. $!tqg $og:.tj dtead S$5c,fossr f56o{951 5.qrd.t6lo d odfu.|o)e 5o$o$ Sj5Oo{D$) ?

6. $69:$6 3{Jo s!)s sd)e$ $d6 :)6!$e 1.e., 5$6o{DrD?


4 xs-20 Xl. 6 906 tsd 55i €.qp.b gr)o$ sStF $o g.c$oe ' 7.b).1e.D., Ogl Sg & er.s xtog$ra SEeodo 9. or05rtt!o6 tJcr 10. !.d€.j r.60 rr.'tg5o eva 12.65 eg':t B. A. HISTORY - programme II Year B. A. (UG) Courses _ Under CBCS Semester - IV Paper - IV (Core Paper) SOCIAL RXFORM MOVEIIENI & FRXEDOM STRUGGLE 0820 to 1947 A.D.) (History and Caltarc of ladia ( I E57 - 1917))

Social, Religious & Self-Respect Movements: Social & Cultural Awakening _ Brahma Samaj, Urit- I Ary- a Samaj, Theosophical Society, Ramakrishna Mission, Aligarh MovemJnt _ Emancipation of Women - Struggle Against Caste: Jyotibaphule, Namyana Guru, periyar, Dr. B. R Ambedkar.

Crowth ofNationalism in the 2d l{alf of l9d Century - Impact ofBritish Colonialpolicies Unit - lI under Vicercys' Rulo and the Genesis of Freedom Movem;ot - Birth of Indian National uongress.

Freedom Struggle fiom 1885 ro 1920: phas€ partition Unit - n Moderate of B€ngal - Emergenc€ of Militant Nationalism -Swadeshi & Boycott Movement -- Home Rule MovJment.

Freedom Struggle Unit - IV from 1920 to 1947: Cardhiji's Role in the National Movement Revolutiotrary Movement -Subhas Chandra Bose.

Muslim League & the Growth partition Unit - v ofcommunalism - oflndia Advent of Frcedom - Integration of Princely States into Indian Union Sadarvallabhai patel. Yf,AR Df,GREEEXAMINATIONS 440s IV SEMESTER- HISTORY

(History and Culture o!In lia (1857 - 1947)) Model Question paper ( With Effect From 2018-19) Tim;3hours

max Darks:60 SECTION.I


I. 6. 906 itSd 565 !,gL prt 6 ssr.eso isj)l

l. 19,20 l8lrg'oa$ )6$ i.ott g , $d 66jir! s) atro) g.c$oe g.{ 2. 19 5 tq.ed aroo$o. qrs s$$iD JHD so.ts g.6oa ?


lI. 533 doc3, gt\o$ 6!re5o g.c$oa. 2x1040 3.\So S5s.$oe1r5 EC.riD$ 'tf,6$e$ fJOosX|iD ? f. s5;r6, ea$s :nbd, SJeldjs$r()$ .rr6)gcd)oe

5. cj"6q1r6jo 606) 5){r.60o sboO$ }g Jet6 ?

6.Sitc6iqgdd6J$o So rtr05 g!cgD$) ?


XI. or $o6 oid 53i ror.$ et\e)6 ASre.So g<$oe . 4x5:2o 7. $S$ 6dr$o6 $d$SA 8. 5o'6 ;Dcr5 ijod6'5 9 .5$0c6r o.d gs66

10 .rFo6 -reOSS a,tlo.Jo

1 1 .reAo.a$q)

12 ..rib :)od -IFSD dr6 e6$$o DUWURU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COI-LEG::GUDUR (Autonomous)

Re - accredited bY NAAC with 'A' Grade

Recognized by UGc As "College with Potential for Excellence"







I Year B. A. Programme (UG) Courses - Under CBCS Semester I Paper I (Core Paper) ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY & CULTURE (from earliest times to 600 A.D) (Indian Hktory and Culturcfrou Earlicst Times to 647 A.D) unit - I Survey of Sources: Literaty & Archaeological Sources; Influence ofGeogBphy on History; Unity in Diversity; Traces ofStone Age Cultures (Circa 3,50,000 B. C ro 3,000 B. C); Indus Valley Civilization (Circa 3000 B. C to 1,500 B. C): Origin, Extent, Salient Features.

Unit - U Vedic Age & Religious Reform Movements (Circa 1500 B. C to 600 B. C)r Sociery, Polity, Economy, Culture during early and later Vedic period; Jainism and Buddhism: Causes, Doctrines, Spread, Lnportance and lnpact,

Unit - III Transition from Territorial States to Emergence of Empires (Circa 600to Century to 300 B. C): Rise ofMahajanapadas - Causes for Magadha,s Success; persian and Macedonian Invasions; Mauyan Empire: Stat9, Inpedal Administration, Economv, Ashoka'sDhamma, At & Architecture, Significance & Downfall, Unit - IV Conditions during 200 B. C to 300 A. D.: Central Asian Contacrs - Kushanas - Aspects ofpolity, society, Economy, Religion, Ar.t& Architecture; The Age of Satavahanas: Pattem of Administration - Social, Econonic, Religious & Cultural Developments; Sangam Age: The Three Early Kingdoms (Chola, Chera& Pandya) Society, Language & Literatue. unit - v India between 300 A. D & 600 A. D.: The Rise and Growth ofGuptas: Administration, Society, Economy, Religion, Aft, Literatwe and Science & Tecbnology - Decline. 11058 IIIJf,'AR DECREE EXAMINATIONS I' B'A" I'Semester- Ilistory 600 A'D AND CULTURE (FORM EARLTST TIMES TO ) PAPCT I-ANCTENT INDIAN HISTORY q esliotr papers Iwith Effect From 2017-18) Model

Max marks; 60 Time r 3Hours SECTION.I

1 ,0=20M I.$906 d'sd 563 .,sb$ttr6 $stF$o g"6oa ' 3815)$) ? .1. J5$ ll6ddi 60g) d.J$$ $)rt5o6aD''r6r p06$)o5r g'ob5'D? 2.c.tE od5 !n66 6i c3oddtg,6) tdc'{n!r) 'r5 sEcTloN-n 2xl0=20 M Il.5. go6ta6'55$ao6g{)o6$$tF$o gd)oe'

3.rr"d$ aD6p6 at6rarsr6 fSlg 53s 5$ )86?

|'goQ)$D ? 4. (l)try) F.r$Dt6 W ol',rrob$'

d$ gstq)$ $go4)sD ? s. e9f sr6 rd$6 ulg ,B$el$ E

6$.) SOlo* 3e$SD $ gdD$) ? 6.$t 'itOJ SECTION trI g'dooe 4 x5=20 M Itr.6 906!'56'55! t(,)'bot)ae)lt$te6o '

7. a)d! 55 QoaE'

8. e$d'54 9o)Es

9.'f6 b Og rd6g

10. dr$Ld.)

11 ,:1r33$)s tds

12 ..Jd6 610 6' ' 05)650 6' 5 s65o" 2205B

B. A. HISTORY CBCS I Year B. A. Programme (UG) Cou$es - tjnder Semester - Il Paper - ll (Core Paper) AL IAN TORY & CULTURtr to 15 (ndian Eistory and Cultweltom 647 to 1526 A'D)

Harsha&His.|imes:AdminiStration,Religion-Hiuenl.sang-}olity,sociciy,Econonyand ofBadani & Eastern Chalukyas ot Culture from 7'h to I16 Ceotury A D under Cbalukyas Vengi

to Cultural Development & ,q* ottu* puttuuu. aoring ?'r'& 8'h Centurics A D: Contribution 12 A D : Rise ofthe Empire' Art & Architecture; The Chola Empire from 9ir'to Century Administratioo and Cultuml Life

Larly lnvasions: fraccs ol_Arab C-onai i*. in tnd;u on ,he eve ofTurkish lDvasiousl (1206 1290 A D under Slav€ Dyan{s1y' Invasion,Ghazni&Ghori; Delhi Sultanate to )

& Consolidation' Administrative Delhi Sultanate (1290 to 1526 A D ): Khaljis: ExpaDsion Disilltegralion oftlre Delhi SultaDate; &Economic Reforms - The Tughlaqs - Decline & Unit - IV Religion' Art & Architccture under tlle Administration, Society, Economy. Technolo!ry'


cu|turalDevelopmentinlndiabetrveenl3.l'&l56CelltudesA'D.:ImpactoIIslamon unit- v lndiansocietyandculture_BhaktiandsufiMovements_EmergenceofConposileCulture. I. B.A.,II.SEMESTER. HISTORY 2205 B


Model Question paper (With Effect From 2017-18) TlMf, : 3Houn MAX MARKS; 60 SECTION-I

.Lego6 r.56' 563 adl$t\ 6 $$teio g'oJtoa ' 1 x20=20M

g 1.5rr.$16 65 rbdg sAJo.as r*$ar Jo6$d$ 6$ro.dro 5go iDiD? r'.!t5 J'*5 B.t:tr, 'dj Sroitr 550oOsD?

2..U.. !,rdd 6l so$bag $g$qD 65s 5s$ 5s6o6oa ?


II.€. go6!.0d555 oodog{ejsrb5J.F$o g'c6oe . 2x10=20 M 3. .,g' d65 Pg 95, bgs solot $0;)}6..l)) 5a ?

4. &.g5gera 4t6sD , €66 6$4oAiJ +$o E dj $)arst sgo {)5D ?

5- 6td>. rrt'g(ro( *);S abooa o.<6oC ?

6. 49 a6J$$)6) t1r05 o.<6roC ?


lII.6 go6r.56'5tt ir.pfbot)e6x)dto'6o gcd)oe . 4 x5=20 M

7. s56

8. OodS iEro€9

9. tug'$drdt

10. 3r)dt5 a)od

11, o6to6 ltgodt

12. odaDlo 6odolr6 B. A. HISTORY 55051-A Itl Year B. A. Programme (UG) Cou$es Under CBCS Semester - V Paper-V (Core PaPer)

(Eistory of Modetn Wotkl (1453 - 1821 A.D)

Leads and Feudalism -Geographical Discoveries: Causes - Compass & Maps - Poflugal Unit - I Westem Wo d Follows - Consequences;

Characteristic Features The Renaissance Movement: Facto$ for the Growth ofRenaissance - Transformation from Medieval to Modem World; Reformation & Counter Re{brmation Unit ll Counter - Movements: The Backgound - Protestantism - Spread ofthe Movernent- Reformation Effects of Reformation

Rights-Results and other Emergence ofNation States: Contributory Factors - Englan-d Bill of ---Nultion The Stut"t - I.pact due to the Emergence of Natiorr States ;Age of RevolutioDs: unir - III Bil+oiRights cf"ri"". t.r"frti", tietgy - origin oflaiiament - Consritutional seftlement - - Resuhs.

AceofRevolurions:TheAmericanRevolutionllTT6)-OpeningofNcwWorld-Couscs-' --- Unit - IV iour.. - O""tu,ution of lndependencc lTTb - tsill ofRigbls' 1791 -Sigrrificancc

AseofRevolutions:TheFrenchRevolution(1789).Causes-TeachingsofPhilosophers- Unit - v ' course ofthe Revolution - Results' Itr B.A YEAR DEGRNE EXAMINATIONS 55O5I.A V.SEMtrSTf,R- HISTORY

Paper V -Age ofRationalisrn And Eum.ntutl The Wortd Betweetr l5 th&t8 th Centuries Model qu€stion papers

( w.e.f. 2019_2020) Tim€ | 3hours max marks: 60 sf,cTroN_t I.eQo6 o.i6' 563 a,66pr16 SsrqFsogrd)oe. I x20=20M l. Cr$ss:J Seso e$rp$$?ds sDpJ otsrctr? so6Jobdr)ii e6 sdJ:roas $g JaJ6?

2. DoA 5f$ d$;s$)6) rt6 6ooi$iJ)?

Sf,CTION-II IL 5$t 6od, galo6 Fnrr$o g.ofroa. 2x1010

3. g$od$)s gA tirs x)o$&6f,.rJ5ro s..'oa;s i.g JaJ6 ?

4,.rCDtg odDdo d,160$ o.c"Jo bc.)aD$D rb6o6 !50o6oC, ?

5. ir6s ur46 df6iD$, re65 f6$e$, !.6!S$d$o$&dr| €drlood.ro$io $g 690Q)$.>)? 6.!rDos. $S6ogt{t.e.'5g 16 &$6 s.dro$ Dsoodsod ?

SECTION-III III. €t goa !.ad 555 pe)).b B{.)6) $srF;so g.droe . 4x5=20 M 7. p0trarlSt

8. 0.5) 6'14 $ .rtoD i..rs

9. aS E ASF

lo.fuaroE d $6 Soxrbdd6j$o

11. !'aSdo$t obl'to

r 2 . a,Sd dED) D69€ Sp6o 55052-A HISTORY

III Year B. A. Programme (UG) Courses Under CBCS Semester - V Paper - VI (Core Paper) HISToRY & CULTLRE oF ANDHRA DESA (from 12th to lglh centurv A.D') (Eistory aad Culture of AndhruJrcm Sstswhanas lo 1857 A.D)

Unit - I A"dh* d,rtntDtrE-* centuries A.D.: Kakatiyas - o gin & its Antecedents - Administration - Social & Economic Life - Industries & Trade - Promotion of Literature and Cultue - An And Architectute - Decline; The Age of Reddy Kingdoms: Patronage to Literat$e - Trade & Commerce.

Unit - ll ,Andhru b.t*ein 14tn & 161h Centuries A.D.: : Polity, Administation, Society & Economy - Sri Krishna Devaraya and his contribution to Andhm Culture - Development of Literalure, Aft And Architectuc - Decline and Downfall.

Unit - III A.dht" ttrughT6m& t 7s Centuries A.D.: Evolution of Composite Culture - The QutbShahis of Golkonda - Origin & Decline Administration, Society & Economy Literatue, An And Architecture.

Unit - IV ThJlim& ttrC"rturiei in Andh.a: East lndia Company's Authority over Andhra - Thdee Camatic Wars - Occupation ofNorthem Circars and Ceeded Districts -Early Uprisings Peasants and Tribai Revolts.

Impact of Company Ilule on Andhra Unit - V Tll" 1 8*& I 9" C"nturies in Andhm: - Administation - Land Revenue Settlements - Society - Education - Religion - lmpact of Industdal Revolution on Economy - Peasantry & Famines - Contdbution of Sir Thomas Muffoe, C- P- Brcwn & Sir Arthur Cotton Impact of 1857 Revolt in Andha III B.A YEAR Df,GR.EE EXAMINATIONS 55052 -A V.SEMESTf,R. HISTORY

Paper V - 12'h to I (Hislory and Culture ofAnlhtulro Satevdhanus to 1857 A.D

Model Question papers

( w.c.t 2019-2020)

Tim€ : 3hours max marks; 60 SECTION-I

I.€.906 J'id 565 .,sbosJs) ssr"F;so g'c$oa . 1 x20=20M

g6ob.D ge.6od$D6d.r 1 E i.dx)Sit 6bS 55 Ja!6 ?

2. .roet diSD56 od$!.6 si)S 5e.6SD, !.d) 5o.)aD6SF SEg i.$o.eli, bsooi$$, ?


n. 533 ao6 Br)o$ 6ire6o g:c6oe. 2rl0=20M

3,5.io adr 6o55$..,-.s.ood cro6i6t pdro s.td.brD Jal)oalb ?

4. do.)ard cEDBpr.)) .!.a3 i)oa'"E|) lSOo{D$) ?

5. 1857 5'o!o A6rbar.$r crod 6$S.D b JgUqr$$Do,ir dr"b$?

6.rrodg6l s) 6'di.-.6 $A);5 5F;i$r,r.6 5ol.)) ,35$ sEs i"so.o$ S$OdD$) ?


III. 6 906 !'i6' 555 r.r)6 e6)og) i)5rF6o gdroa . 4rts20M

7. 96Ji 6so..tueD

8. eA)5)6c.o.$o

9. !,$s$roe

10. xr5.5.g'5 s

11. o.0&16

12. drr.lrD O6.be).b)

605ELO I -A ts. A. HISTORY programme III Year B. A. (UG) Courses Under CBCS Semester _ VI Paper - VII-(A) :: (Elcctive l,aper) HISTORY OF MODERN EUROpE (from 19th Centurv to 1945 A. D.) (Histotr of Modem ll/otld (tt2j _ 194S))

Indusbial Revolution: Origin, Nature and Impact.

Unification Movements in Italy & Germany and their Impact.

Communist Revoiution in Russia Causss, Course and _ Unit - Ul - Results Impact on World Order.

World War I: Age of Rivalry in Europe Between lg70 and l9l4 _ Results ofthe War - Paris Peace Conference - League ofNations.

World War II: Causes, Fascism & Nazism - Results; The United Narions Organization: Structue, Functions and Challcnees. IIT B.A I4}*R,. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS 6O5ELO 1 .A VT StrMESTER. HISTORY Paper - VII-(A) :: (Elective Paper) HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE (from 19ri Centun to 1945 A. D.) (Histor! of Moden Wo d(1821-1945)) Model Question paperf ( With Effect From 2019-20) Time : Shours max marks; 60


I.€.g06 5'id 564 a,6!er)6) x$rreso g<$oa . t x2{F20M

1.$09$d 9{5o r,Sn itD ?@5gdo F6q'cD, g0@o$ gd)od ?

2. AodS eboit c6D€$)$6 ri., UCr6 s.d..$)o$ 56b$$$ ?


n. 5$5 Ao6gt)o6 srreso g.d)oe. 2xl0=20

3. rtao $srPstr? 6.5 $)rrt tgPodsDdtr ?

4. oqq...J&$A Sot..lD6).troJ Xrod5$)n god))$, ?

5, tu)641 pSoiJ c&r€ pod$)e$ rtEDo dcdD$) ?

6. Earb Jtg6SdjSr$D ;$o.50 g$D pDarJno$o $g6:D$) ?


III.6 g06 !.cd s$s {!!t_€!)9!9 b$re6o g"otoa . 4x5-20 M 7. iSao rr$rFs$ ? 8. tod S{t6

9. rtis

10. tld !,ouo$sDa bs)A 1L sg $r6L)

12. 0306 rr8.t$ Sos ( W.g.O )



Unit- I: Basic Concepts oflnternational Relations i. Meaning, Nature and Scope oflntemational Relations 2. (a). Balance ofpower (b). National interests (c). Collective Security (d). Diplomacy

Unit-Il: Approaches to the study of lnternational Relati l. Idealism - Woodrow Wilson 2. Classical Realism - Hans Morgenthau 3. Neo - realism - Kenneth Waltz

Unit-III: Phases of International Relations (1914-1945) l. Causes for the First World War 2. Causes for the Second World War

Unit-IV: Phases of International Relations (1945 onwards) 1. Origins of First Cold War 2. fuse and Fall of D6tente 3. Origins and the End of Second Cold War

Unit-V: lnternational Organisation 1. The role ofUNO in the protection of Intemational Peace 2- Problems of the Third World : Struggle for New Intemational Economic Order

-- IU,YEAR.DEGREE f, X*MIN{{IONS 607CLA.I-A -:a I €BC.S1SYLI:ABUS - SEMESTER WS&.€O*96) \ snMEsrER- \'I \III. B.A. POLITICAL SCIENCE PAPER: VItr-C-l (Cluster Elective): INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Model Que.stion paperf ( With Effed From 2019-20) Time:3houN / max mark; 60 SECTTON-I

I.€.906 o.ad 56i q,6L gt)6 $$teso g'c$oa . I x20=20M

qbgL sscts$) SDOo')t b665 sSooQ)sD 1..rodf6o$ $oooe!)) !,5 36$) er8$) , ' 2. qOd) e5o6o €oat SCrd o% , €$o6y|) x)JoxtSos) iJo)oi$sr) ?


II. 53i 606 Bt)46) $$tF;so g.dDod'. 2xl0=20

J. b$tej )ao$$) 5t 5$6) tdt}sorP ts6oo5) ?

4. e5o6 !.oAC bo$o6oiJdo6' oS$q'..5$StA i'gt$ dt6) b6t 0odoa ?

5. 50116$ e,SrP 550 ? 3l aotloa?

6. dod$ tle $t6$ 06)$J d))6$) $ .$'6) g'obsD ?


UL 6 906.tsd 55S r.pfb g{).)6 $5tF5o g'd>oC ' 4 x5=20 M 7, s$b C66 (collective Security)

8. 3r)6 !.gd g.bdlrCs(de) Detente

10. eetao)S 14 arg:q)

11. P6;str orfo

12. 56' r,6sdo