l- DUWURU RAMANAMMA WOMENS COLLEGE: GUDUR (AUTONOMOUS) \. Re- accredited by NAAC with 'A'Grade Recognized by UGC as "College" With Potential for Excellence" DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BOARD OF STUDIES MEETING ON L7.7,2014 DUYVTJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR.524rOI (Autonomous) Re-accredited by NACC with .A' grade .& Recognized by UGC as college with potential for excellence PART- II HISTORY PAPER.{HISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA UPTO 1526 UniFI Influence of Geography on History - Survey of the Sources - Indus valley civilization - its characteristic feature;; - Vedic culture - Early and later Vedic periods - post. Vedic period - Emergerrce of Vama and caste system- Rise ofnew religious Movements - Jainism and Buddhism in 6'h Century B.C Impact on society and culture. Unit-II A brief survey of political conditions in ancient India- Magadha-Alexander's Invasion and Mouryas - Ashoka's Dharma. Its nature and prop-ogation - Mouran Administration -Economy-Art and Ar.chitecture. Unit-IIl A compulsory Historical visit to imporlant Historicaly sites A brief political survey of kushans, Guptas, puswabuthi and Rajputs polity and Administration - social condition - Caste system -position of women - Economy - Indian Feudalism - Art -Architecture - Education, Literature, Philosophy, Scicncc and Technology. THREE YEAR B.A- DEGREE EXAMINATION rIRST YEAR EXAMINATION PART - II HISTORY I - Semfuter Paper-I History and Culture oflndi| upto 1526 A,D. Timei 3 Hours Pattem of Question Paper Max. Marks:70 PART - A Answer rny TwO questions. Erch quBtion crrries 20 mrrks. Olarks; 2x20r=40) 1. Describe the influence of Geographical conditions on lndian History and culture? 2,: Bring out the characteristic featues oflndus Valley Civilization? 3. What changes do you observe in the transition from Rig Vedic to Later Vedic pedod in the life ofAryans? 4. write an essay qn the Mauryan Administration? PART - B Answer any TWO questions. Eech question carri€s l0 mrrks. (Marksr 2x10=20) 5. Write in detail about the Vedic literature? 6. Whal is Ashoka Dhamma and the steps taken to propagate it ? 7. Life and teachings of Goutama Buddha ? 8.' Wdte about the reasons for the down fall of Cupta Dynasty ? PART _ ( Answer any TWO questions; Each question carries 5 marks. ' (Marks:2x5=10) 9. Magadha's Rise to Supremacy. 10. Sangam Literatue. I 1. Kanishka. 12. Ha$havardhana. THREE YEAR B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION DUYVURU RAIVIANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524101 (Autonomous) Re-accrerlited by NACC with .A' grade & Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for excellence PART.II HISTORY PAPER ;[[ HISTORY AND CULTURtr OF INDIA UPTO 1526 Unit-IV r A briefpolitical survey of south India - Sangham Age - Satavahanas - Pollavas - Cholas - Chalukyas and Rastxakutas - kakatiya and vijayanagara - polity and Administration, Society - Economy - Art and - Architecture. Unit-V 1I Invasions of Arabs, Ghaznavids and Ghoris and Delhi Sultanate-A brief political survey, polity and Administration undcr Delhi Sultanate-society, composition of rural society, Nobility - status of women. Economic and technological development, Agriculture-Industry-Tr:ide and Commerce,Urabanisation, Art and Architecture -Fine Arts -Education and Literature. Unit-VI Itr . Impact of Islam on Indian Society and Culture - Bhakthi arid Sufi Movements Emergence of Composite culture. FIRST YEAR EXAMINATION PART - II HISTORY II - Semister Paper-Il History and Culture oflndia upto 1526 A.D. Timc: 3 Hours Pattem ofQuestion Paper Max. Marks:70 PART - A Ansrver any TWO questions. Each question carries 20 marks. ' (Marks:2x20=40) 1. Write in detail about the Pal lava's coDtribution to Indian culture in t}e Literary. Art and Arclritectural fields. 2. Write about the Socio-economic alld Cultural conditions ofthe Sultanate period.? 3. Write about the reforms of Mahammad - Bin- Tughluk.? 4. Cultural conditions during the Vijayanagar rule.? . PART- B Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 10 marks, (Marksr 2xl0=20) 5.. What are the causes, courses and consequences of Gazni Muhammad's attacks on India ? 6. Write an essay on Kakathiyas. ? 7, Describe in detail about the Medieval Bhakti Movement in lndia. ? 8. Write an essay on Local Self - Govemment in the Cholaperiod. ? PART - C Answcr any TWO questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (Marks:2x5=10) 9. Reasons for the down fall ofthe Vijayanagara Dynasty. 10. PratapaRudra II. I f. srikrishna Deva Raya.. 12. Bahamani Kingdom. H DUVITJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524IOI (Autonomous) Re-accr€dit€d by NACC with 'A' grade & Recognized by UGC as college with Potential for excellence PART _ II HISTORY III SEMESTER PAPER III - HISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA (1526-1950 A.D) SYLLABUS (With effect from the academic year 20ll-20121 Unit -I: Survey of Sources - Establishment of Mugal Empire -Sur Interrugnam - Brief Survey o f Political Histofy upto I707 AD -Polity and administration Society -Social Composition -Ulema -Nobility -Peesantry-artisans-slaves-Status of Women Economy: Agriculture lndustries. l'rode and Commerce. Economic and Techonogical develooments: Religion, Education, Literature, Art, Architectur€ and Fine Arts. - Decline and Disintegration of Mughal Empire Unit - II: Rise ofRegional Powers-Maratas - Peeshwas -Sikhs. Unit -III : Advent of European powers Portuguese,Dutch,English and French Expansion and consolidation of British Ernpire-Wars-Diplomacy - Policies Pursued-Subsidiary Alliance Doctrine of lapse Unit -IV: Economic policies and changes-Mercantilism and free-trade policies-Land Revenue Setllement-Permanent-Ryotwari-N-4Ahalwari System-l;;igation Corrmercialization ofAgriculture Condition of peasants-Fam incs-De{cline ofCottage industries fdeindustrilisation) THREE YEAR B.A DEGREE EXAMINATION II YEAR EXAMINATTON PART II - HISTORY PAPER III _ HISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA (1526-I957) III Sf,MESTER MODEL QUESTION PAPER (with effect from the academic year 20ll-2012) Time : 3hours Max.Marks :70 ' sf,cTIoN - A Answer any Two questiotrs. Each question carries 20 marks (20x2=40) l. Write about the Historical Sources for Mughal History. 2. Describe the religious policy ofAkbar. 3, Write about the social and Economic conditions of Mugbal History, 4. Write an essay on military campaigns ofShivaji. , SECTION - B Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 10 marks (2xfF20) 5. W te about Shahjahan's Golden Age. 6. How for Aurangajeb was responsible for rhe downGll of Mughal Empire. 7. Write an essay on Peshwas Contribution for the Expansion ofMarata Empire. 8. Dalhousis Dotrine ofLapse and it's impact. SECTION _ C Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (5x2=10) 9. Batde ofPanipat 1526. 10. Mughal Art. I l. Noorjahan 12. Porhlseese Colonies. DUWTJRU RAMANAMMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE GUDUR-524101 (Autonomous) Re-accredited by NACC with 'A' grade & Recognized- by UGC as college with Potential for excellence PART - II HISTORY rySEMESTER A'D) PAPER IV - HISTORY AND CULTURX OF INDIA (1526-1950 SYLLABUS (With effect from the academic year 20t 1-2012) and Unit-I : Anti-Coloniat Upsurge-Peasant and Tribal revolts-1857 revolFcauses -resuhs nanlre. Education-Emergence of unit -II : Factors for social change -christian Missionaries-westren movements New Middle Classcs -Crowth of press Socio-religious Relorm - mission Brahma Samaj -Arya samaj -Theosophicat Society -Ramakrishna Aligarah Movement National Unit -III : Indian National Movement -Factors for the growth ofNationalism-lndian moverments Congress_Thaee Phases of Freedom struggle-revolutionary of Princely States Unit -IV : Emergence of Communal trends-partition of India-lntegration into lndian Union. THREE YEAR B.A DEGREE EXAMINATION II YEAR EXAMINATION PART II - HISTORY PAPER IV - HISTORY AND CULTUR.E OF rNDIA (1526_1957) IV SEMESTER MODEL QUESTION PAPER (with effect from the academic year 20ll-2012) Tirne | 3hours' Mar.Marks :70 SECTION - A Answer any Two questions.Each question carries 20 marks (20x2=aD) - l. Brifg out the contributions of Chdstian Missionaries in different fields in India. 2. Write about the New Social Classes that emerged in India during the British rule in India and asses the role played by them. 3. Givc the account ofthe growth ofpress in India. - 4. Write about an essay on 196 century socio- religious reform movements SECTION _ B Answer any Two questions .Each question carries 10 marks (2xr0=20) 5. What are the factoG responsible fo! the growth of nationalism. o. wnte about Satt Sathyagaha. 7. Reasons for panition oflndia. 8. Services of Vallabhai Patel to independent lndia SECTION _ C Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 5 marks . (sx2=10) 9. Modemtes 10. Mohrnmad Ali Zinnah ' 11. Left wing movement ffi\ vlKRAtiA SiMHApURi LrNrVERSifi. SUrytlwr Daroamitta N!'I I { )pt. - Er4 003 IN B.A SYLLABUS Paper III HISTORY OF MODERN WORD (1453-1945 AD) Unit -l : Nature of Feudalism in Euope and Asia - Geographicar Discoveries characteristic features of Renaissa$€ -significance of Reformation and counter Reformation Movemenl in Europe Emergence of Nation States. Unit -II : Age of Revolutions - Glorious revolution (16gg) _ Ame can Revolution (1776) _ French Revoludon(1789) Unit -III : Unifications ofltaly and Germany Utrit -IV i Irdustrial _ Revolution - Ris€ of Capitalism Mercattalism _ Colonialism _ Capitalism UDit -V : World between -1945 powers l9l4 Rivalry among Colonial Imperialist. Causes and Consequences ofFirst world war-world between two war" -League ofNations, Fascism in ltaly. Nazism in Germany, Militarism in Japan - Communist Movements in Russia ard china, Unit -VI ; Causes and
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