International Journal of Historical Archaeology Flowers in the Garbage: Transformations of Prostitution in Iran in the late Nineteenth-Twenty-First Centuries in Iran Maryam Dezhamkhooy1 & Leila Papoli-Yazdi2 # The Author(s) 2020 Abstract The archaeology of garbage project was conducted in 2017-18 to investigate the daily garbage of inhabitants of two districts of Tehran. Among the discarded materials, we recognized scattered evidence of prostitutes’ daily life. Finding such evidence gave us an alibi to work on the historical documents in order to trace the patterns of prostitution in nineteenth-century Tehran. In this article, we configure “the geography of prostitu- tion” and the politics of marginalization in the largest city of Iran through investigating the material culture found in garbage fills, surveying the city plan, photos, written documents, and archival data. Key words Garbology. Prostitution . Iran . Modernization . Women . Recent/ Contemporary past . Red district Introduction This paper is a narrative of prostitution and its transformations with the advent of modernism. It does not render a meta-narrative or a general history of prostitution in the recent history of Iran. The authors try to present a detailed narrative, as far as the sources allow, of everyday life of prostitutes in Tehran, Iran. We also endeavour to develop a chronological framework. Archaeologically speaking, the evidence presented two forms of narratives: an official history including states’ policies of prostitution, and * Leila Papoli-Yazdi
[email protected] Maryam Dezhamkhooy
[email protected] 1 Humboldt Stiftung Allumni, Tehran, Iran 2 Department of Historical studies, University of Gothenburg, Box 200, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden International Journal of Historical Archaeology an unofficial, intimate history that can be traced in memoirs, autobiographies, personal notes, photos, and garbage.