

Plasticity and Constraints in Development and Evolution JASON HODIN* Science and Math, Seattle Central Community College, Seattle, Washington 98122

ABSTRACT Morphological similarities between organisms may be due to either homology or homoplasy. Homologous structures arise by common descent from an ancestral form, whereas homoplasious structures are independently derived in the respective lineages. The finding that simi- lar ontogenetic mechanisms underlie the production of the similar structures in both lineages is not sufficient evidence of homology, as such similarities may also be due to parallel evolution. Parallel- isms are a class of homoplasy in which the two lineages have come up with the same solution independently using the same ontogenetic mechanism. The other main class of homoplasy, conver- gence, is superficial similarity in morphological structures in which the underlying ontogenetic mecha- nisms are distinct. I argue that instances of convergence and parallelism are more common than is generally realized. Convergence suggests flexibility in underlying ontogenetic mechanisms and may be indicative of developmental processes subject to phenotypic plasticity. Parallelisms, on the other hand, may characterize developmental processes subject to constraints. Distinguishing between ho- mology, parallelisms and convergence may clarify broader taxonomic patterns in morphological evo- lution. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 288:1–20, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

As the fields of developmental and evolution- lar approach. I argue, on the contrary, that since ary biology continue to converge, an underlying innovations are manifest at the morphological pattern is beginning to emerge: namely that the level, it is necessary to integrate a morphological astonishing diversity of morphological variation with a molecular approach if we hope to uncover in plants and animals is built on a scaffolding of any such underlying principles. Specifically, I feel a seemingly quite limited set of developmental that the study of incidents of parallel and conver- programs. This pattern was predicted at least as gent evolution may offer the best approach to ac- far back as the mid-1970s by Emile Zuckerkandl complish this integration. (’76), at which time he wrote: Before continuing, I now provide definitions for several key terms. “Parallelism” is independent Functional innovation at the morphologi- evolution using the same mechanism. This is con- cal level does not appear to require any func- trasted with “convergence”: independent evolution tional innovation at the molecular level. One using an alternate mechanism. The third term in may wonder whether the formation, in the this class is “reversal,” or a return to an ances- course of evolution, of a limb of a land verte- tral mechanism (a special case of parallelism). brate from the fin of a fish requires the ap- “Homoplasy” is a broader term covering parallel- pearance of new endowed with novel ism, convergence and reversal: similarity not re- functions. I am inclined to believe that it does sulting from common ancestry. The definition of not. (p 404) “homology” is certainly more contentious (re- viewed in Donoghue, ’92; Abouheif et al., ’97). I So when we catch our collective breath from tentatively adopt the definition of Van Valen (’82): “startling” findings such as the apparent conser- vation of Hox and Pax gene functions, let us step back for a moment and consider the implications. There are optimists who feel that since the set of Grant sponsor: National Institutes of Health; Grant number: developmental mechanisms appears to be limited, HD07183. we are likely to come to an understanding of the *Correspondence to: J. Hodin, Science & Math, Seattle Central Community College, 1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122. basic nature of metazoan development and evolu- E-mail: hodin@ alumni.washington.edu tion via a reductionist developmental and molecu- Received 14 August 1999; Accepted 14 September 1999 © 2000 WILEY-LISS, INC. 2 J. HODIN “resemblance caused by a continuity of informa- various tiger salamanders (Shaffer and Voss, ’96), tion.” This definition highlights an important dis- when salamanders as a whole are considered, dif- tinction between homology and homoplasy, as the ferent steps along the thyroid response latter involves a definite historical discontinuity axis are blocked in different paedomorphic spe- of information. We should proceed with the real- cies (Frieden, ’81; Yaoita and Brown, ’90), leading ization that in practice the distinction between to a similar metamorphic failure. Thus although homology and homoplasy is often far from clear the genetic bases of the paedomorphic phenotype and that other definitions of homology (such as are clearly different (i.e., convergent at the genetic the “building block hypothesis” of Wagner, ’95) level) in different salamander species, similar de- may often prove more useful as heuristic devices. velopmental mechanisms (at the level of the gene The term “mechanism” in the context of con- network) appear to be involved, so I consider these vergence and parallelism is in need of some clari- disparate cases of paedomorphosis to have evolved fication. In an entirely reductionist approach, “the in parallel. In order to learn how development may same mechanism” refers to identical genetic bases. influence evolution, we should focus on similari- For example, paedomorphosis (reproduction at an ties and differences at the level of the develop- immature morphological stage) has evolved sev- mental mechanism (rather than, say, the genetic eral times independently in tiger salamanders (re- level1) when making evolutionary comparisons. viewed in Shaffer and Voss, ’96). Under the strict In Part I of this paper, I concentrate on some reductionist view, these independent instances of high profile examples in the literature where ho- paedomorphosis are considered to have evolved in mology has been cited as the cause of similarity parallel only if they are characterized by muta- between and chordates. It seems that tions in the same gene or genes. Yet, discovery of the possibility that these similarities are due to the genetic bases for homoplastic changes in many parallel or convergent evolution has been dis- organisms is not practically feasible. Thus, partly missed too readily. I argue that the apparent for practical reasons, I adopt a developmental defi- underestimation of the role of homoplasy in met- nition of mechanism. If the biological and mor- azoan evolution skews our perspective on how de- phogenetic changes are identical, then I consider velopment evolves. In Part II, I explore the it to be an example of a parallelism. Furthermore, possibility that the study of well-documented cases since developmental mechanisms often appear to of homoplasy not only yields useful information be characterized by dense networks of cross-regu- on evolutionary patterns, but also offers signifi- latory and feedback interactions among genes, cant insights into the ways in which interacting changes in several different members of a given networks of regulatory genes work to produce com- gene network could produce identical morphoge- plex morphological structures. I distinguish be- netic phenotypes. I consider such examples to be tween cases of parallel evolution, which may parallel evolution at the level of the developmen- indicate the presence of developmental constraints tal mechanism. In the case of the tiger sala- (a bias in the production of phenotypic variation manders, precocious sexual development versus due to ontogenetic factors; Maynard-Smith et al., delayed adult development represent different de- ’85), from instances of convergent evolution, which, velopmental mechanisms leading to a similar pae- I hypothesize, correlate with phenotypic plasticity domorphic phenotype and, therefore, an example (environmentally induced alterations in morphol- of convergent evolution at the level of the devel- ogy within a genotype) in underlying developmen- opmental mechanism. Alternatively, all tiger sala- tal mechanisms. manders might be characterized by delayed adult development via blocks in the metamorphic path- PART I: HAS NOTHING INTERESTING way. Even if these blocks were at different points HAPPENED SINCE THE CAMBRIAN? in the metamorphic pathway (which would be an With the advent of DNA sequence analysis, the example of convergence at the genetic level, since word “homology” is suddenly in every molecular mutations in different genes would underly the biologist’s vocabulary. References to “the verte- instances of homoplasy), the developmental tra- brate homolog” of, say, a gene are not jectories would be similarly altered and thus only commonplace but, indeed, are becoming the would represent a case of parallel evolution at the level of the developmental mechanism. Although 1Still, considering homplasy at the genetic level is useful in other the specific developmental mechanisms leading to contexts, such as understanding the evolution of function (see paedomorphosis are poorly understood among below). PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 3 cornerstone of discourse in modern developmen- nity. What followed was a flurry of conclusions tal genetics. In addition to the inherent problems (not hypotheses or suggested experimental tests) in using the same term to describe similarity at that the deuterostome-protostome ancestor had two different levels (morphological and molecu- the full complement of Hox genes expressed in a lar), there is a disturbing trend towards relaxing nested anterior-posterior progression. Data on the rigor applied to the term “homology,” even three more phyla (for a total of 5 out of about 30) when conversation is restricted to sequence simi- led Slack and colleagues (’93) to suggest that this larity. Thus, whatever Genbank spits out becomes conserved expression of Hox genes is the “zootype”: a homolog of the gene being studied, with some the primary synapomorphy (shared, derived fea- genes being “more homologous” than others. I ture) uniting the metazoa! Recently, De Robertis have no problem with the notion of degrees of ho- (’97) stated that the similar expression patterns mology (see Roth, ’84), but as do Aboueif et al. of the engrailed gene in and cephalo- (’97) and Doolittle (’86), I strenuously object to the chordates “tells us that segmentation was present equation of similarity with homology, for it leaves in the common ancestor from which the and out the essential historical component of the term. chordate lineages diverged 500 million years ago” The result appears to be that the concept of homo- (my emphasis). There is no indication that these plasy has been trampled underfoot on the yellow authors ever considered the possibility that these brick road to a unifying principle of development.2 similarities might be due to parallel evolution. The fact that developmental networks (such as Notch/Delta, steroid and their recep- Hox genes and primary axis specification tors; Pax6/eyes absent; patched/hedgehog) are uti- What is the appropriate test of the hypothesis lized in a multitude of tissues within a single that nested expression of Hox genes defines the organism points to their essentially modular na- metazoan ? The Hox gene cluster should ture. The analogy here is to the concept of serial be present in every metazoan, and the genes homology. I believe that herein lies the basis of should be expressed during development in a much of the confusion in the literature of late re- nested orientation along the primary axis. Since garding “process homology” (see Gilbert et al., ’96). 1993, Hox gene expression patterns have been ex- If a developmental module can be redeployed amined in at least three other phyla: Cnidaria, within an organism in the development of a vari- Echinodermata and Urochordata (Fig. 1). The ety of different tissues, then we should use ex- expression pattern of the only Hox gene (an ap- treme caution in assigning the term “homology” parent group 1/labial ortholog) that has been ex- to the discovery of the use of the same module in amined in ascidians (a urochordate) is similar to two different organisms. The latter discovery sug- that of other chordates (Katsuyama et al., ’95). gests that the module was present in the com- Hox genes are apparently not expressed at all dur- mon ancestor, but it does not show, for example, ing primary axis formation in the cnidarians that that the morphogenetic process in which it is used have been examined, much less in nested sets (P. was also present in that common ancestor and Cartwright, personal communication). As for echi- regulated by the module in question (see also noderms, only two of the ten identified Hox genes Abouheif et al., ’97). in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus It could be argued that it all started with the are expressed during embryonic development (Are- Hox genes. The discovery that both and mice nas-Mena et al., ’98), and the functions of neither not only have similar Hox gene clusters, but also are consistent with a role in positional identity that they are ordered in the genome and expressed along the primary axis (Ishii et al., ’99). Hox genes in the embryo in a similar manner, sent shock- are expressed at metamorphosis in cnidarians and waves through the developmental biology commu- echinoderms, but it is not clear if the genes are involved in axial patterning at these later stages. In either case, these results appear to contradict 2A particularly cogent example comes from a paper by Haerry and the concept of the zootype. Still, it is possible that Gehring (’97, p 12) in which they speculate that “Hoxa-4 may repre- sent a closer relative to the Drosophila Dfd gene than Hoxb-4, since the protostome-deuterostome ancestor had an em- the Hoxa-4 intron is functional in Drosophila, whereas that of Hoxb- bryonic, nested expression of Hox genes and that 4 is not.” This is essentially the same fallacious argument used to ascribe to sonic hedgehog the status of closest relative of Drosophila this pattern was lost in the highly derived echi- hedgehog on the basis of both being involved in appendage develop- noderm lineage. Clearly further studies with ad- ment. The argument becomes circular when it is then concluded that insect and limbs are homologous. I discuss two further ditional phyla are warranted (Fig. 1). Recent examples (tinman/Nkx2-5 and sine oculis/Six3) below. evidence suggesting that acoel flatworms occupy 4 J. HODIN thoracic segment of Artemia. In more derived arthropods (including insects and other crusta- ceans), the expression of these posterior Hox genes is nested, with the canonical, nonoverlapping an- terior borders (Averof and Akam, ’95; Averof and Patel, ’97). While the ancestral state remains equivocal until more basal species are examined, the intriguing possibility is raised that there may be something about the organization of Hox genes in a cluster that predisposes them to be expressed in a nested anterior-posterior pro- gression with respect to their chromosomal posi- tion (known as “colinearity”).3 Put simply, nested Hox gene expression may be a character subject to parallel evolution, not only within the Arthro- poda, but indeed among the “higher” metazoa as a whole. This hypothesis is eminently testable: we simply need to examine more species. Recently, Abzhanov and Kauffman (’99) have examined the patterns of expression of the anterior class Hox genes in the developing head of the isopod crus- tacean Porcellio scaber, and compared these pat- terns to the previously reported insect Hox gene Fig. 1. Metazoan phylogeny (after Ruppert and Barnes, expression patterns. Surprisingly, while colinear- ’94; Philippe et al., ’94; Halanych et al., ’95; Aguinaldo et ity of the three head Hox genes examined was al., ’97; Ruiz-Trillo et al., ’99). Here I have represented a hodge-podge of these various phylogenetic hypotheses. Dif- still observed (as it is in insects), different Hox ferent topologies yield similar conclusions. Underlined phyla genes were expressed in homologous segments. have Hox genes expressed colinearly during primary axis For example, while in insects, the maxillary and formation, while the italicized phyla do not (see the text). labial parts express the Hox gene pro- In the other taxa (neither underlined nor italicized), Hox boscipedia, the homologous appendages in the iso- gene expression patterns have not been reported. Examina- tion of Hox gene expression in phyla such as Chaetognatha, pod were found to express Sex combs reduced Rotifera, Priapulida, and Acoela would more fully test the instead. The authors concluded that arthropod “zootype” hypothesis (Slack et al., ’93). Solid bars denote head segmentation must have evolved prior to the phyla showing a metameric pattern of engrailed expression. segmental expression of the anterior class Hox Open bars denote phyla that do not show such a metameric genes. In this scenario, colinearity of anterior class engrailed pattern. The echinoderms are represented by an open bar since the presumed ancestral condition is non- Hox gene expression in crustaceans and insects metameric expression of engrailed (see Fig. 2). Although chi- evolved in parallel. tons (Mollusca) show a metameric engrailed expression Furthermore, while colinearity of the anterior pattern (Jacobs et al., ’94; Jacobs, personal communication), borders of Hox gene expression is a fairly consis- I consider the ancestral state to be equivocal for molluscs, tent pattern, the functions of these Hox genes do in which metamerism is generally believed to be a derived condition (see the text). “P” and “D” denote the protostome not always correspond to this pattern. For ex- and deuterostome clades, respectively. ample, while the anterior borders of Hoxa7, Hoxb6, Hoxb7, and Hoxb9 expression in the mouse a phylogenetic position near the protostome-deu- are at different axial positions, mutations in each terostome divergence (Ruiz-Trillo et al., ’99) make of these genes result in defects in the same verte- them an especially useful taxa for examining such brae (Chen et al., ’98). As these authors note, simi- issues. Still, from the available data some interesting 3There are two known counter-examples to colinearity. The C. patterns are apparent. For example, the nested elegans ceh-13 Hox gene is out of order with respect to chromosomal expression of at least the posterior class of Hox position (reviewed in Bürglin and Ruvkun, ’93), but is still expressed and functions in the anterior of the animal (Brunschwig et al., ’99), genes may have been independently derived in the as is expected from its sequence similarity to other anterior-class arthropod lineage. Averof and Akam (’95) found Hox genes. The Hox-B1 gene in mice is a bona fide class 1 Hox gene and is ordered on the chromosome in the expected position, yet its that the anterior borders of the Antp, Ubx, and anterior border of expression lies posterior relative to that of Hox-A2 abd-A expression domains all coincided in the first and -B2 (reviewed in Krumlauf, ’93). PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 5 lar results have been obtained from other Hox pared diverged from one another) can end up be- gene knockouts. Again, the possibility arises that ing less similar than genes within a cluster (which Hox genes are predisposed to be expressed coli- formed long before the divergence of the species nearly, despite the fact that they do not always in question). In such instances, of which the Hox function colinearly. gene cluster may represent such an example, as- These studies on Hox gene expression patterns signing “homology” to pairs of genes in different in metazoan embryos exemplify some shortcom- phyla is at best a questionable exercise. ings in the field of comparative developmental biology. For example, we currently have no satis- Engrailed and segmentation: homology factory biochemical model to explain colinearity. or homoplasy? Until we understand the mechanistic basis for Of the three phyla from which we have signifi- colinearity, it seems premature to conclude that cant functional data on developmental genes colinearity in arthropod and chordate embryos is (nematodes, arthropods, and chordates), two of due to shared history. The scenarios outlined them are characterized by overt segmentation. above for the possible parallel evolution of poste- Segmentation in the strictest sense (“a precise and rior and anterior class Hox gene colinearity in definite repetition of all [mesodermal] structures arthropods represents another possibility. A second in each [body region]”; Willmer, ’90, p 40) prob- commonly encountered problem in comparative ably only applies to annelids, arthropods and chor- studies is the assignment of molecular orthologies dates, while metamerism (serial repetition of some to related genes in different phyla (I discuss sev- body structures) is more widespread in the Meta- eral additional examples below). With the Hox zoa. It is found, for example, in turbellarian flat- genes in particular, it is often difficult to assign worm guts, nemertine , rotifers, strobilizing relatedness among members of the vertebrate Hox cnidarian medusae, much of the Vendian fauna, cluster and their counterparts in other phyla. Re- brittle star and chiton body plates, and tripartite ports of gene cloning in development and cell lophophorates, chaetognaths and pterobranchs. biology journals rarely include alignment compari- According to the suggestion of De Robertis (see sons beyond the most similar gene and often uti- above and ’97), these disparate cases of metamer- lize only the default alignment settings in the one ism might all (with the exception of cnidarians and alignment program of choice. Furthermore, differ- the Vendian fauna) be variations on a segmented ent alignment programs and different alignment body plan already present in the protostome-deu- parameters can yield trees with very different to- terostome ancestor. Therefore, segmentation in pologies. Thus it is extremely difficult to judge the chordates and arthropods are considered homolo- basis on which authors claim that such-and-such gous. This implies that segmentation (indeed any a gene is the “closest homolog” of a mouse gene, trace of metamerism) has been lost numerous claims that subsequently propagate through the times in the evolution of “higher” metazoans but literature (see footnote 2). Relatedness among dif- has been retained in the chordate and arthropod ferent Hox genes is generally assigned on the ba- lineages. Again, the evidence presented for this sis of similarity within the highly conserved “ancient segmentation” view is that the engrailed “homeodomain,” the region responsible for DNA gene in annelids, arthropods and lower chordates binding. Consensus sequences for the assignment is expressed in segmentally-iterated stripes (Hol- of Hox genes to so-called “paralog groups” (related land et al., ’97; Fig. 1). genes that can be traced back to gene duplication These data suggest a hypothesis that segmen- events) are based on just a few nucleotides in the tation is the ancestral condition (ancient segmen- homeodomain and adjacent regions (Sharkey et tation) and a null hypothesis of parallel evolution. al., ’97). Needless to say, the greater the time since So how do we go about testing this hypothesis? two Hox genes diverged, the more difficult it is to Without any paleontological data, this hypothesis assess relatedness. Finally, Avise points out (’94, is very difficult to test directly. I propose that we p 12–13) that clusters of related genes are sub- look to the more widespread occurrence of meta- ject to concerted evolution (unequal crossing over merism among metazoans as an evolutionary leading to greater sequence similarity between model. Are independently evolved metameric neighboring genes than one would predict based structures built using similar (parallel) or differ- on the time since gene duplication). Thus, ortholo- ent (convergent) developmental pathways? To an- gous genes (which, by definition, diverged more swer this question one should: (1) establish via recently, at around the time the species being com- an independent phylogeny that metamerism in the 6 J. HODIN group of interest is likely to be a derived condi- ton embryos show a striped engrailed expression tion; (2) examine the developmental expression of pattern (Jacobs et al., ’94, personal communication), engrailed in the group of interest, as well as in a and metamerism in chitons is generally believed non-metameric outgroup; and (3) compare these to be a derived condition (Kozloff, ’90; Willmer, ’90; results to engrailed expression patterns in ceph- Ruppert and Barnes, ’94). alochordate and insect embryos. Absence of a Interestingly engrailed expression is also de- striped engrailed expression pattern in the group tected within the in brittle stars of interest tells you very little, but a striped pat- (Lowe and Wray, ’97), as well as in arthropods, tern suggests that engrailed is a character sub- annelids, and chordates. This suggests a possible ject to parallel recruitment in a similar process explanation for why one might expect parallel evo- (metameric organization), thus casting doubt on lution of striped engrailed patterns. Generally, the ancient segmentation hypothesis. metameric body structures contain iterations of Let us examine the occurrence of metamerism subsets of neurons. This is true in annelid and in the arm plates of brittle stars, which is almost arthropod segments (Snodgrass, ’38) as well as certainly a derived condition within the echino- brittle star arms (Lowe and Wray, ’97). So, if derms (from phylogenetic as well as from paleon- engrailed was expressed in these nervous systems tological data; Ruppert and Barnes, ’94). Although ancestrally, one would expect to then find a there is no striped pattern of engrailed during de- metameric organization of engrailed in derived, velopment in sand dollars and starfish (C. Lowe, metameric nervous systems. This would put personal communication), brittle stars show an ob- engrailed in the right place (in a segmentally it- vious striped pattern of engrailed expression dur- erated pattern) at the right time (during the evo- ing arm growth (Lowe and Wray, ’97; Fig. 2). These lutionary elaboration of segmentally repeated results suggest that a striped pattern of engrailed mesodermal structures) to be co-opted for use in may have evolved independently within echino- the specification of other, associated metameric derms in the brittle stars, suggesting that expres- structures (such as mesodermal tissues). In this sion of engrailed in stripes is not always evidence view, the ancestral condition is engrailed expres- of shared history (though this conclusion would be sion in nervous systems, and later, parallel co- bolstered if engrailed in crinoids is shown not to option of engrailed for specification of metameric be expressed in stripes; see Fig. 2). Similar cepha- structures. Again, this hypothesis is testable by lochordate and arthropod engrailed patterns might examining the expression of engrailed in addi- also be due to parallel evolution. Furthermore, Chi- tional metameric and non-metameric organisms. In summary, I concur with Abouheif et al. (’97) that without placing evolutionary-developmental comparisons in an explicitly phylogenetic context, it is impossible to distinguish between homology and homoplasy. Furthermore, the general assump- tion that such similarities are due to homology is creating a bias in research programs in this rela- tively young field.

PART II: PARALLEL (AND CONVERGENT) NETWORKS Pax6 in protostomes and deuterostomes: parallelism or homology? One of the classic examples of convergence in the Fig. 2. Echinoderm phylogeny (Smith, ’97) showing the metazoa is the evolution of the complex eye. Be- relationships among the five extant classes. Ophiuroids are cause the ultrastructure and developmental trajec- unique among the echinoderms in having strongly metameric tories of and vertebrate eyes are so arm skeletons (often called “vertebrae”; Ruppert and Barnes, different, the independent evolution of these struc- ’94). Chris Lowe (personal communication) examined en- tures had been widely accepted. Therefore, it was grailed expression in echinoderms from three of these classes and found that a metameric pattern of engrailed expression surprising to find that the Pax6 gene is a key regu- was present in the arms of ophiuroids (solid bar), but not in lator of eye development in both mice and fruit flies echinoids or asteroids (open bars). (Quiring et al., ’94). These results led Quiring et al. PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 7 (’94) and others to propose that the vertebrate and lethality, head defects, and supernumerary anten- invertebrate eyes are, indeed, homologous. Exami- nae in addition to eye defects (Shatoury, ’63; re- nation of the expression patterns of Pax6 in a wide viewed in Harris, ’97). In fact, if metazoan Pax6 variety of invertebrate embryos showed that Pax6 expression patterns are considered as a whole, in- expression always correlated with eye development volvement in the development of anterior struc- (reviewed in Callaerts et al., ’97). tures is probably as accurate a characterization This example really brings into focus the prob- of similarity as involvement in eye development. lems encountered with the use of the word “homol- In 1994, Quiring and colleagues proposed that ogy” to describe both molecules and . Pax6 may be the master regulator of eye develop- Yes, the “homologous gene” (properly, the “ortho- ment in mice and flies, and perhaps in all meta- logous gene”) is used to build both the fly and the zoans. The justification for bestowing this title mouse eye. But are they used in the same way? upon Pax6 was the finding that ectopic expres- The appropriate way to address this question is sion of the mouse or fly Pax6 gene in, for example, not to see if the mouse gene works in fly eye de- the fly leg primordium results in an ectopic eye velopment. The mouse gene was found to regu- on the adult leg. It seems to me that the concept late eye development in Drosophila (Halder et al., that there is a master regulator of eye develop- ’95), yet there is a functional Pax6 in C. elegans, ment at all predisposes us to think of metazoan an organism that lacks eyes altogether (see be- eye development as representing one conserved low). Based upon its sequence similarity, I wager developmental program. First, homozygous null that C. elegans Pax6 would also work in fly eyes. mutations in mouse Pax6 do not block formation A positive result tells you only that the biochemi- of the optic cup, suggesting that there is some- cal properties of the protein have been conserved, thing that acts earlier than Pax6 in mouse eye not necessarily that its function within a certain development. Furthermore, ectopic expression of morphological structure has also been conserved. Pax6 is not the only way to produce ectopic eyes The commonplace use of the same gene within an in flies. Ectopic expression of eyes absent (Bonini organism performing distinct functions in a mul- et al., ’97) and dachshund (Shen and Mardon, ’97) titude of tissues reveals why this experiment is also have this effect (and like good members of a generally uninformative with respect to evolution- gene network, dachshund and eyes absent have ary history (see also Abouheif et al., ’97). Instead, also been shown to regulate Pax6 expression, and one way to address the potential similarity in vice-versa: Halder et al., ’95; Bonini et al., ’97; function of fly and mouse Pax6 is to examine the Shen and Mardon, ’97). Also, a mouse sine oculis black box in between transcription factor and mor- family member, Six3, can induce ectopic eyes in phological structure. fish (Oliver et al., ’96). So, if Pax6 is not the mas- There are two ways to account for the similar- ter regulator of eye development, what does it do? ity in Pax6 expression in invertebrate and verte- It does regulate vertebrate lens crystallin gene ex- brate eyes. In the first scenario (which I call the pression (reviewed in Cvekl and Piatigorsky, ’96). “ancient eye” scenario), the protostome-deuteros- Also, Sheng et al. (’97) showed that Pax6 directly tome ancestor had an eye of sorts under the con- regulates rhodopsin 1 expression in Drosophila trol of Pax6 (as, for example, a regulator of a photoreceptor cells and that the promoter ele- light-sensitive, proto-rhodopsin gene), and this ments that bind Pax6 are also found in some ver- association continued and was reinforced as the tebrate opsin regulatory regions. This suggests a respective eyes increased in complexity. In the sec- plausible scenario for the function of the Pax6 ond scenario (which I call the “parallel recruit- regulatory network in eye development. The Pax6/ ment” scenario), the Pax6 regulatory network was dachshund/eyes-absent/sine oculis regulatory net- independently recruited to function in invertebrate work may have been involved originally in speci- and vertebrate eye development. If the only de- fication of various anterior structures in primitive scribed function of Pax6 was in eye development, metazoans, and since it was in the right place, it then the ancient eye scenario seems fairly likely. was recruited to regulate the expression of struc- This is not the case: Pax6 is also involved in brain, tural genes in the eye (such as lens crystallins, nose, and pancreas development in mice (reviewed and perhaps opsins) in and verte- in Dahl et al., ’97) and head and sensory neuron brates independently (“right place at the right development in C. elegans (Chisholm and Horvitz, time” hypothesis; see below). Uncovering the na- ’95; Zhang and Emmons, ’95). Different Pax6 al- ture of this regulatory network, as well as its leles in flies show embryonic, larval or pupal downstream targets, should allow us to distin- 8 J. HODIN guish between the parallel recruitment and an- possibility. Developmental constraint in this con- cient eye scenarios. text refers to the predisposition of the develop- Recent data on the functions of sine oculis fam- mental system to utilize the Pax6 network in eye ily members may support the parallel recruitment evolution. Put another way, constraint in devel- scenario. Oliver and colleagues (’95a,b) found opmental programs (such as the Pax6 network) three mouse genes with close sequence similar- may be especially likely to lead to parallelisms in ity to sine oculis, which they named Six1, 2, and morphological evolution. 3. Six3 is expressed in the developing eye and other anterior structures, while Six1 and 2 are Developmental constraints and expressed in other anterior structures but not in parallel evolution the developing eye. Of these three genes, Six3 has I believe that the clearest definition of develop- the lowest percent sequence similarity with sine mental constraints was proposed by Maynard oculis, yet Oliver et al. (’95b) conclude that Six3 Smith et al. (’85) as a bias in the production of is the “functional homolog” of sine oculis since phenotypic variation due to ontogenetic factors. both are expressed during eye development. As it Wagner and Misof (’93) noted that “constraint” can turns out, there is another Drosophila gene in make itself evident at the level of the phenotypic this family called optix which is also expressed character (morphostatic constraints) or the under- during fly eye and head development. Sequence lying developmental processes (generative con- comparisons with the Six genes revealed that straints). Morphostatic constraints generally optix, not sine oculis, is the Six3 ortholog in flies imply variability in generative processes and vice- (Toy et al., ’98). However, this still leaves us with versa. Von Dassow and Munro (’99) provide a use- the unsavory situation that sine oculis is involved ful example. Different insects utilize distinct in eye development while its mouse orthologs generative processes to specify segmental identity (Six1 and 2) are not. The question is: what was during embryogenesis. In the short-germ insects, the role of sine oculis in the protostome-deuteros- typified by , all the seg- tome ancestor? The most obvious answer is that, ments are specified nearly simultaneously in a like all the members of this family, it was prob- noncellular, syncitial environment (reviewed in ably involved in anterior development and later Lawrence, ’92). By contrast, in the long-germ in- was recruited into the development of the fly, but sects, typified by the Schistocerca, the not the mouse, eye. segments are specified in a gradual anterior-to- If the ancient eye scenario is correct, it tells us posterior progression in a cellular environment that when you have a system that works, you con- (reviewed in Patel, ’94; Tautz et al., ’94). Still, both serve it. The parallel recruitment scenario, by con- processes eventually generate very similar-look- trast, offers us a model for understanding how ing segmented embryos, with the same numbers complex structures are built in multicellular or- of head, thoracic and abdominal segments. In ganisms. If squid, flies, and mice have all come Wagner and Misof’s terminology, substantial up with the same solution to the same problem variation in developmental (generative) processes independently, this suggests that metazoan eye underlie the production of a constrained segmen- development is “constrained” in some fashion. This tal (morphostatic) phenotype. could be for two (not necessarily mutually exclu- On the other hand, variation in the axial posi- sive) reasons. First, if we hypothesize an eyeless tion and morphology of insect appendages (mor- metazoan in which these genes were already ex- phostatic variability, such as the number of wings pressed in the head, they would be in the right and wing-like structures in different insect groups) place (the head) at the right time (namely, the is associated with tight conservation of Hox gene time at which eyes evolved in the respective lin- expression patterns (a possible generative con- eages) to be recruited for an additional role in eye straint). I believe that the explanation for these development (as described above). Alternatively, findings is that constraint at each level underlies there may be something about the biochemical the essential modularity of development. In the nature of the Pax6 network that makes it par- case of morphostatic constraints, a phenotypic ticularly good at regulating the inductive inter- character is maintained despite variations in the actions characteristic of both vertebrate and trajectories of development, such as heterochro- invertebrate eye development. Once again, our un- nies or canalization in the face of environmental derstanding of the biochemistry of this system is heterogeneity and the production of segmented far too rudimentary to be able to evaluate this insect embryos. In the case of generative con- PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 9 straints, conserved developmental pathways are parts. Such constraints apparently influence utilized for the production of different phenotypic evolvability (evolutionary potential; see below) characters, such as Pax6 function in the verte- since horn size is quite variable among related brate pancreas and the fly eye and appendage horned species, but is always negatively cor- variability in insects. related with eye size (D. Emlen, personal com- Although developmental constraints are often munication). Wagner et al. (’97) also discuss an invoked to explain biases in the patterns of mor- example of mechanisms of constraints with re- phological variation, in practice it is far from spect to digit formation in salamanders (see also straightforward to determine if the lack of vari- Wilkins, ’98; von Dassow and Munro, ’99). ability in a morphological feature is due to con- The “right place at the right time” straints or, for example, stabilizing selection on hypothesis, heart evolution, and that morphology (see Maynard-Smith et al., ’85). developmental constraints The presumed explanation for this difficulty is the general lack of knowledge about the mechanistic Although morphologically quite distinct, devel- bases for supposed constraints. Recently, however, opment of both the vertebrate and fly heart is some work on trade-offs (van Noordwijk and de regulated by members of the NK-2 family of genes: Jong, ’86; Houle, ’91; de Jong and van Noordwijk, tinman in flies and Nkx2–5 (among others) in ’92) in insect development has shed some light on mice. This finding has led to the now popular no- a potential mechanism for constraints. Nijhout tion that the protostome-deuterostome ancestor and Emlen (’98) and Klingenberg and Nijhout (’98) had a NK-2–regulated heart, which contrasts with noticed trade-offs in the growth of morphological the traditional view of convergence between these features in horned scarab and buckeye but- two organs (e.g., Beklemishev, ’69). Nkx2–5 and terflies. The beetles have two distinct male tinman are first expressed broadly in the visceral morphotypes: larger beetles have long horns and mesoderm and only later restricted to cardiac me- small eyes while smaller beetles have short horns soderm. Ranganayakulu and colleagues (’98) set and large eyes. Selection for beetle lines with long out to test whether the roles of NK-2 genes in or short horns always yielded beetles with, respec- flies and mice are due to homology or to parallel tively, decreased and increased eye size. Further- evolution by substituting the mouse gene for the more, the application of juvenile hormone (JH) fly gene in transgenic flies. Surprisingly, while the during larval development (which is known to con- mouse gene rescued the visceral mesoderm defects trol the difference between the two morphotypes) found in tinman mutants, it failed to rescue the results in short-horned beetles developing a larger heart defects! Furthermore, they mapped the do- body size. These beetles also develop large eyes, main of the tinman protein responsible for the while females (which never produce horns) show heart function to a small region at the N-termi- no significant change in eye size with JH treat- nus, a region of the protein that shows no detect- ment. In these experiments, the sizes of other body able amino similarity with Nkx2–5. These parts were not affected. It seems that eye size and findings suggest that while one of the ancestral horn size are truly (and negatively) coupled. Ex- roles of NK-2 genes in the protostome-deuteros- periments with the buckeye butterfly showed that tome ancestor may have been in visceral meso- removal of the hindwing primordium in a cater- derm development, Nkx2–5 and tinman appear to have been independently co-opted for heart de- pillar resulted in an adult with significantly in- velopment in the two lineages, an example of par- creased weights of the forewing, , and 4 allel evolution. Further evidence to support this foreleg. Again, other body parts were unaffected. idea comes from sequence comparisons of Nkx2–5 Interestingly, the increased forewing and foreleg and tinman. Here, again, as was the case for the weights were only apparent on the same side of Six genes discussed above, we find a situation in the animal as the hindwing removal: the forew- which the true orthologs (the genes showing the ing and foreleg on the opposite side of the animal highest sequence similarity to one another) do not were essentially unaffected (controls demonstrated appear to share the same role. All the NK-2 genes that this was not simply due to surgery). These findings led the authors to conclude that there is competition for a local resource in these insect lar- 4Of course, the formal possibility exists that the control sequences vae, a form of internal trade-offs. Alterations in for heart within the two proteins have diverged enough (from a com- mon ancestor’s control sequence) to make it unrecognizable not only the size of one body part appear to be constrained by DNA alignment methodology, but also by the functional analysis by correlated alterations in the size of nearby body described above. 10 J. HODIN involved in vertebrate heart development are ac- nomes of two species of , Haemophilius tually closer relatives of the fly ventral nervous influenzae and Mycoplasma genitalium (Koonin system defective and bagpipe genes (Rangan- et al., ’96).5 For example, RNase H activity is con- ayakulu et al., ’98), which function in the nervous ferred by a typical RNase H ortholog in H. system and visceral mesoderm, respectively. influenzae, while an unrelated protein with simi- In this parallel recruitment scenario for heart larity to the 5´-3´ exonuclease domain of DNA evolution, the “developmental constraint” is an polymerase I performs this role in M. genitalium. example of the NK-2 genes being expressed in the I believe the tinman story is only the tip of the “right place at the right time” (i.e., in the vis- iceberg. Examples of parallel evolution are com- ceral mesoderm during the time that hearts monplace, at least among the limited instances evolved) in both the protostome (e.g., insect) and in which people have explicitly looked for them. deuterostome (e.g., vertebrate) lineages. Metazoan Although there is substantial precedence for the hearts arise from visceral mesoderm, and NK-2 concept that the same genes and proteins are uti- family genes were probably involved ancestrally lized repeatedly in morphological evolution (Jacob, in the determination of these tissues. This should ’77), it is possible that current evolutionary theory, be considered a bona fide constraint on heart evo- with its emphasis on parsimony, may not be well lution, since it certainly represents a “bias [in] equipped to deal with the numerous findings of the production of variant phenotypes caused by parallellisms (and convergence) in morphological the…dynamics of the developmental system” evolution. Here I cite some of the examples that I (Maynard-Smith et al., ’85, p 266). Furthermore, have come across in my search of the literature, the reiterated use of a gene first in, say, a field of as well as an example from my own work on ova- cells, and later in only a subset of the progeny of rian development in insects. I discuss these ex- those cells is commonplace in animal development amples because in each case, the finding of [e.g., Distal-less in proximo-distal axis specifica- parallel evolution may indicate constraints on tion in insect appendages early, and later in the morphological evolution. Identifying the nature of differentiation of distal pattern elements in the these constraints may offer insights into the evo- butterfly wing (Carroll et al., ’94; see below); the lutionary potential (“evolvability”) of these lin- role of the C. elegans Hox gene mab-5 in several eages (see below). distinct steps (with distinct functions) in male tail morphogenesis (Salser and Kenyon, ’96)]. Morphogenetic hormones and A biochemical analog of the “right place at the developmental constraints right time” scenario appears to hold for nuclear Mangroves are a polyphyletic assemblage, with hormones receptors and their ligands. It appears the mangrove phenotype having evolved indepen- that in at least two instances, distantly related dently in 16 families (Tomlinson, ’86; Juncosa and members of the nuclear hormone receptor super- Tomlinson, ’88; Chase et al., ’93), six of which show family have acquired the ability to bind chemi- vivipary (Tomlinson, ’86). Farnsworth and Farrant cally similar ligands. The insect ecdysone receptor (’98) performed an outgroup comparison of man- and its relatives bind steroids (Kliewer et al., ’99), groves and non-mangroves in four of the six vi- but are in a different sub-clade than the verte- viparous families, monitoring the relationship brate steroid receptors; the vertebrate retinoid-X between abscisic acid (ABA) levels and the evolu- receptor and retinoic acid receptor are distant tion of vivipary and the corresponding loss of seed relatives, but both bind 9-cis-retinoic acid (Escriva dormancy. ABA has been shown to be involved in et al., ’97; Laudet, ’97). These might be examples the desiccation tolerance of dormant seeds as well of “right ligand binding region configuration at the as in plant responses to flooding and high salin- right time” and are probably examples of parallel ity (reviewed in Kermode, ’95). While one non-vi- evolution at the level of three-dimensional pro- viparous mangrove (Sonneratia alba) showed tein structure (see also, e.g., Govindarajan and levels of embryonic ABA more akin to its non-man- Goldstein, ’96; Graumann and Marahiel, ’96). This grove sister group, each of the independently phenomenon, whereby unrelated or distantly re- evolved viviparous mangrove species showed re- lated genes have evolved similar biochemical ac- tivity independently, has recently been referred 5Eleven such cases were found, as compared to the 233 protein to as “non-orthologous gene displacement,” and pairs shown to be orthologous between the two species. Extrapolat- ing, the authors predict that such cases in animal genomes should was shown to be quite common in a comparison number in the hundreds. Cases of both parallelisms and convergence of the proteins encoded by the fully sequenced ge- are grouped in this analysis. PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 11 duced levels of embryonic ABA. Therefore, these ture of adult organ formation in metamorphosing four independent cases of evolution of viviparous insects that would make this scenario possible. mangroves appear to include a common mecha- The previous two examples, viviparous man- nistic basis, as parallel hormonal modifications in groves and paedogenetic insects, have major evo- the embryo have evolved in concert with the evo- lutionary alterations in life history patterns in lution of vivipary. common that involve modifications in hormonal In insects, a unique type of vivipary is found in systems. The evolution of neoteny in salamanders some species of gall midges (dipterans from the (Frieden, ’81; Yaoita and Brown, ’90) and direct family ), which have evolved facul- development in frogs (Hanken et al., ’97; Jennings tative larval reproduction (called “paedogenesis”) and Hanken, ’98) and possibly sea urchins (Saito at least two times independently (Jaschof, ’98; et al., ’98) similarly involve hormonal modifica- Hodin and Riddiford, submitted). In both taxa, tions. Perhaps this is not surprising. Since life paedogenesis involves the precocious differentia- history transformations in a wide variety of mul- tion of the in early-stage larvae (reviewed ticellular organisms tend to be regulated by hor- in Went, ’79). The resulting oocytes undergo par- mones, modifications in hormone release and/or thenogenetic activation, and the embryos develop the cellular response to hormones are a likely fo- in the hemocoel (open body cavity) of the mother cus for evolutionary change in these systems (see . Ultimately the larvae hatch, consume the also Matsuda, ’82; Nijhout, ’99). Furthermore, I mother from the inside and burst out of the empty believe that these would appropriately be consid- . The newly emerged larvae repeat the pae- ered “constraints” on life history evolution, as evo- dogenetic life cycle if resources are abundant, but lutionary patterns are certainly biased in these delay ovarian differentiation and metamorphose instances. into a winged adult under poor food conditions. In two of the species with independently evolved Close ecological associations and paedogenesis (Heteropeza pygmaea and Mycophila parallel evolution speyeri), precocious ovarian differentiation is as- Close interactions between organisms can often sociated with up-regulation of the Ecdysone Re- lead to reiterated evolutionary patterns and may ceptor (EcR) and Ultraspiracle (USP) proteins hence indicate constraints. Becerra (’97) and within 12 hours after larval birth (Hodin and Becerra and Venable (’99) investigated the chemi- Riddiford, submitted). EcR and USP heterodi- cal bases of the shifts in host plant use by merize to form the functional receptor for 20- beetles (genus Blepharida) on their host plants, hydroxyecdysone (Yao et al., ’93), which is critical New World frankincense and myrrh (genus Bur- for molting and metamorphosis in insects. In sera). Burseras use a variety of terpenes as chemi- Drosophila melanogaster, the ovary lacks both EcR cal defenses, and distantly related burseras seem and USP during most of larval life, then early in to have evolved the use of certain types of terpe- the final instar both appear and ovarian differen- nes independently. Consequently, some beetle spe- tiation begins (Hodin and Riddiford, ’98). Simi- cies that ancestrally appear to have exploited only larly, in both paedogenetic gall midge species, one sub-clade of Bursera can colonize new plants larvae that are destined to metamorphose (poor that fortuitously (for the beetles) produce a simi- food conditions) express only low levels of EcR and lar class of terpenes. In this case, parallel evolu- USP in the ovarian primordium until metamor- tion of terpene production within the burseras can phosis. Thus the ontogenetic mechanisms under- explain macroevolutionary trends within the ble- lying paedogenesis (precocious activation of EcR pharid flea beetles. The distribution of flea beetles and USP) seem to have evolved in parallel within is to some degree constrained by the evolutionary the gall midges. Since ecdysteroids appear at every patterns in terpene production in burseras. molt in insects, heterochronies in differen- Endoparasitism has evolved in hymenopteran tiation in insects may commonly be accomplished wasps at least eight times independently from ec- by changes in the timing of EcR/USP expression. toparasitic ancestors (reviewed in Strand and In other words, the use of the ecdysteroid-recep- Grbic, ’97) and in each case is associated with a tor system to evolve heterochronic changes may remarkably similar suite of developmental modi- represent a local evolutionary optimum (Sewall fications. Early embryogenesis in hymenopterans Wright, ’32): in this case, a simple developmental (as exemplified by honeybees; DuPraw, ’67; Fleig, switch may cause a macroevolutionary change in ’90; Fleig et al., ’92; Binner and Sander, ’97) gen- morphology and life history. It is the modular na- erally follows the Drosophila pattern (reviewed in 12 J. HODIN Lawrence, ’92): a large yolky egg, syncytial early galactosidase. Although bacteria do not undergo nuclear divisions, cytokinesis at the “cellular blas- development per sé, a recent study by Hall and toderm” stage, and segmental patterning via a cas- Malik (’98) offers some insights into evolvability, cade of regulatory interactions from pair rule to and thus developmental constraints. An E. coli segment polarity to homeotic genes (maternal and gene known as “evolved β-galactosidase” (Ebg) is gap genes have been difficult to find outside higher essentially incapable of effectively utilizing β-ga- Diptera, but see Wolff et al., ’98). Ectoparasitic lactoside sugars. Extensive mutagenesis has hymenopterans also appear to share the canoni- shown that only mutations causing re- cal Drosophila pattern (Grbic and Strand, ’98). placements at two of the 15 active site residues Many endoparasites, however, have undergone of Ebg can restore effective function. Furthermore, radical shifts in the patterns of early development. a phylogenetic comparison of 13 related bacterial Most endoparasites develop from tiny eggs with β-galactosidase genes revealed that the β-galac- little or no yolk and cellularize early (Strand and tosidase consensus differs from Ebg only in these Grbic, ’97; M. Strand, personal communication). same two active site residues. It seems that the These parallel modifications are likely related to evolutionary potential of Ebg to evolve into a func- the fact that endoparasitic embryos take up nu- tional β-galactosidase is limited to these two trients from the fluids of the host and can there- amino acid replacements. This may well be an ex- fore develop into sizable larvae from small eggs. ample of a local optimum; perhaps other active Early cellularization might also be a function of conformations are possible but may involve too small egg size. Most strikingly, in the two inde- many intermediate evolutionary steps to make the pendently evolved endoparasites that have been evolutionary jump likely. Alternatively, there may examined for expression of patterning genes, both simply be no possible alternate configurations. In appear to have lost pair rule gene functions, and either case, this seems to be a nice biochemical the earliest evidence of the segmentation cascade demonstration of an evolutionary constraint. An is the expression of segment polarity genes (Grbic analogous situation may explain the remarkable and Strand, ’98; Grbic et al., ’98). A similar situa- similarity between the independently evolved anti- tion appears to hold in so-called “short-germ” in- freeze glycoproteins in Antarctic notothenoid fish sects (such as in ; reviewed in Patel, and Arctic cod. Although both proteins are char- ’94; Tautz et al., ’94), in which segments are added acterized by Thr-Ala-Ala amino acid repeats, the progressively throughout embryogenesis. Perhaps notothenoid gene evolved from an ancestral trypsi- the more complex segmentation hierarchy is only nogen gene (Chen et al., ’97a), while the cod gene required when patterning “long-germ” embryos is completely unrelated to trypsinogens (Chen et (typified by Drosophila), in which all the segments al., ’97b). Therefore, the similar functional require- are specified during a very short developmental ments in the two fish have led to the entirely in- period. Unlike some of the previous examples, the dependent evolution of Thr-Ala-Ala–containing parallel alterations in early embryogenesis in en- proteins. Like the Ebg gene example, either the doparasites seem to indicate a relaxation of con- biochemical options for this particular functional straints on early embryogenesis in each of these role (antifreeze) are quite limited, or it is rela- lineages, leading to parallel losses of developmen- tively easy (perhaps due to codon bias) to evolve tal processes in these insects. Thr-Ala-Ala repeats. Occasionally parallel evolution may simply be Evolvability and developmental constraints the result of chance. I believe that the use of al- Wagner and Altenberg (’96, p 970) define evolv- dehyde dehydrogenase as a lens crystallin in squid ability (evolutionary potential) as “the genome’s and shrews represents such a case ability to produce adaptive variants when acted (Tomarev et al., ’91; Wistow and Kim, ’91; Gra- on by the genetic system.” Developmental con- ham et al., ’96). There are many different meta- straints can influence evolvability either by hin- bolic utilized as lens crystallins in dering the ability of a genome to produce a given different taxa, but the set of possible proteins is adaptive variant or by predisposing genomes to probably somewhat limited. Presumably squid and produce a given variant by a defined mechanistic elephant shrews just happened to come up with route (which, I argue, may likely lead to parallel the same solution. Yet some cases of multiple simi- evolution of this adaptive variant in related lin- lar transformations within a single lineage can- eages). As a possible example of the latter, let us not be explained as chance occurrences. Skeletal consider the evolutionary potential of bacterial β- changes in plethodontid salamanders (Wake, ’91), PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 13 cleavage modifications in direct developing echi- terning in both flies and mice is a process subject noids (Wray and Bely, ’94), and extreme dimor- to developmental constraints and that these con- phism in male fig wasps (Cook et al., ’97) are a straints are manifest by a limited subset of axial few striking examples. Possibly, each of the simi- defects following diverse perturbations. The im- larly transformed lineages was responding to simi- plicit prediction is that the vertebrate and arthro- lar selection pressures and either evolved different pod lineages are each characterized by parallel solutions to the same problem (convergence) or variations in axial morphology. Recent data from evolved the same solutions (parallelism). If the Averof and Akam (’95) and Averof and Patel (’97) solutions are convergent, then developmental con- on Hox gene expression domains in various crus- straints are probably not acting on the structure taceans suggest that the extreme variation in crus- in question. By contrast, if the solutions repre- tacean appendages overlays a stereotyped pattern sent parallelisms, developmental constraints may of variations in Hox gene expression. How these be involved. differences fall out phylogenetically is not clear, Still, developmental constraint is not the only so the jury is still out on arthropod axial parallel- explanation for multiple parallel transformations isms. Interestingly, a very similar scenario has un- within a lineage. A purely adaptationist explana- folded during vertebrate axial evolution. For tion is also possible: namely, the parallel trans- example, while the transition between the cervi- formations in question may represent the best cal and thoracic vertebrae occurs at widely diver- possible solutions in the presence of similar se- gent axial positions across , the anterior lection pressures. border of the Hoxc-6 expression domain is at the somite level corresponding to this morphological Developmental constraints in practice transition in all cases examined to date (frog, fish, So how can developmental constraints be posi- mouse and birds; Gaunt, ’94; Burke et al., ’95). tively identified? If different types of developmen- Since the seemingly parallel alterations in axial tal perturbations (teratogens, environmental evolution in both arthropods and vertebrates are shifts, transgenics) tend to produce a similar set mirrored in the transgenic and developmental per- of phenotypes, developmental constraints may be turbation experiments cited above, I conclude that involved. The development of the vertebrate skel- axial evolution in these lineages is to some de- etal axis is a nice example. To date, about 50% of gree constrained by the expression patterns and the mouse Hox genes have been knocked out, and functions of Hox genes. some patterns are beginning to emerge. Skeletal defects appear to be concentrated at certain “hot Phenotypic plasticity and spots” (Chen and Capecchi, ’97), notably the convergent evolution boundaries between different vertebral types (e.g., Convergence is a widespread phenomenon in shifts in the lumbo-sacral border). In addition, seg- both plant (reviewed in Niklas, ’97) and animal mental fusions (e.g., rib fusions) appear repeat- (reviewed in Moore and Wilmer, ’97; Conway Mor- edly. Interestingly, Russell (’56) noted very similar ris, ’98) evolution. Yet very few studies have ex- results for mouse embryos exposed to X-rays while plicitly examined the developmental mechanisms undergoing organogenesis (6.5–12.5 days after fer- underlying the production of supposedly conver- tilization). Irradiations at earlier and later stages gent structures. In a landmark study of the had little or no effect on skeletogenesis, suggest- mechanisms of homoplasy in salamanders, Wake ing that the explanation for the similarity between (’91) identified several cases in which superficially X-irradiation and Hox mutants is not as simple similar morphologies were produced by very dif- as representing X-ray–induced lesions in Hox ferent developmental trajectories, including the genes. An analogous situation occurs with Droso- independent acquisition of vertebral joints by phila Hox mutations at the bithorax locus, in three distinct mechanisms and the evolution of which the haltere-bearing segment (T3) is trans- vertebral elongation in tropical salamanders by formed to a wing-bearing segment (T2). Either either the addition of vertebrae (as in Oedipina) temperature shock or ether application to embryos or by elongation of individual vertebrae (as in during a critical period around the time of blasto- Lineatriton). Such instances of convergence within derm formation yields bithorax phenocopies (Cap- relatively closely related taxa indicate that the devila and Garcia-Bellido, ’74; and references underlying developmental system is somewhat therein; see also below). flexible, in contrast to the developmental con- My interpretation of these data is that axial pat- straints indicative of parallelisms. If we take this 14 J. HODIN one step further, developmental mechanisms showed that the plastic bithorax-like response to shown to be convergent may indicate flexibility ether6 seems to result from localized loss of Ultrabi- in developmental trajectories within a genotype, thorax expression in the haltere primordium (which a phenomenon known as phenotypic plasticity (en- is normally required to repress wing formation vironmentally based phenotypic differences within there; see above). Since the developmental bases of a genotype; reviewed in Schlichting and Pigliucci, the bithorax-like phenotype was not investigated ’98). Turning this argument around, I hypothesize for the constitutive lines, we cannot distinguish be- not only that organisms exhibiting phenotypic tween parallelism and convergence in this case. plasticity for a trait tend to express interspecific Later, I discuss the possibility that genetic assimi- variability (genetically fixed differences between lation might represent a generic mechanism of evo- species) for that trait, but also that the mecha- lutionary change. While reading the following nisms underlying such variability are convergent. examples, the reader should keep in mind the pos- A corollary of this hypothesis is that lineages in sibility that genetic fixation of phenotypically plas- which phenotypic plasticity is the ancestral con- tic traits might have occurred by a process akin to dition are characterized by multiple instances of Waddington’s genetic assimilation (West-Eberhard, convergent evolution (Moore and Willmer, ’97). To ’89; Schlichting and Pigliucci, ’98). test these hypotheses I have searched the litera- Buckeye butterflies exhibit seasonal phenotypic ture for cases in which both the mechanisms un- plasticity (“seasonal polyphenism”) for the color derlying phenotypic plasticity for some feature and of the ventral hindwing: beige in the summer (the the mechanisms underlying interspecific variabil- linea morph), dark reddish-brown in the fall (the ity for that same feature are known. Additionally, rosa morph). The shift between the two forms is in my own work I have investigated variability in largely photoperiod dependent. When Rountree ovariole number (an indicator of ovary size) in and Nijhout (’95a) removed the brains of linea- fruit flies and honeybees with the same issue in destined pupae, they tended to produce the rosa mind. It should be noted that in many instances, morph, but injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone (which so-called convergent structures might be similar is not produced in brainless animals) rescued the at only a very superficial level. For the term to linea morph. When levels of ecdysteroids were have any relevance with respect to evolutionary measured in rosa- and linea-destined pupae, rosa- patterns, use of the term should be restricted to destined pupae had much lower levels of ecdy- similar structures that might have some aspect steroids during the “critical period” (the time when of their function in common (such that similar evo- injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone into brainless pu- lutionary forces might be expected to act on the pae rescued the linea morph). Therefore, the de- two independently evolved structures). velopmental basis of the plastic response appears Some experiments conducted almost 50 years to be the suppression of ecdysteroid secretion dur- ago by Waddington (’56) still have not been ad- ing the critical period in rosa-destined pupae. equately accounted for by a developmental genetic There is also intra-specific variation for this plas- model. Application of ether to fruit fly embryos tic response, and there exists a constitutive rosa results in some adults developing a bithorax-like morph in natural populations. Surprisingly, con- phenotype (see above). After selection for animals stitutive rosa pupae do not show the suppression that responded in this way, Waddington (’56) no- of ecdysteroids characterizing the plastic response. ticed that after only eight generations some flies Instead, their ecdysteroid profiles resemble those developed the bithorax-like phenotype without any of linea-destined pupae (Rountree and Nijhout, ether application at all! Waddington coined the term ’95b). Transplantation of constitutive rosa wing “genetic assimilation” to describe the phenomenon, primordia into linea-destined pupae resulted in and analysis of the spontaneous bithorax-like stock the rosa phenotype, indicating that the constitu- revealed that it was caused by a single dominant tive rosa phenotype is due to some factor or factors allele. Therefore, this mutation must have arisen within the wing disc itself, and is thus distinct fortuitously in the course of selection (otherwise from the mechanism that produces the plastic re- it would have been detected in the parental popu- sponse (ecdysteroid levels; though the constitu- lation). In a second round of selection, a similar- looking, constitutive, bithorax-like mutation arose 6I use the term ”phenotypic plasticity“ broadly, to refer to any en- in generation 29. This second mutation was also vironmentally induced alteration in morphology within a genotype. Thus, while fruit flies in their natural habitats would never encoun- a single dominant allele but at a completely dif- ter ether, I consider the phenotypic effects of ether application to ferent locus. Recently, Gibson and Hogness (’96) fruit fly embryos to be an example of phenotypic plasticity. PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 15 tive rosa phenotype may be due to alterations in ies widely within drosophilids (reviewed in Maho- the ecdysteroid response pathway specifically in wald and Kambysellis, ’80) and is even quite vari- the wing). Since the rosa morph is due to the ex- able within the melanogaster species group. For pression of two additional ommochrome pigments example, while the mean ovariole number varies in the wing (Nijhout, ’97), it will be interesting to among populations of D. melanogaster from 16 to see how the expression of enzymes involved in the 23 per ovary, the most derived member of the spe- synthesis of these pigments is differentially regu- cies group (Caccone et al., ’96), the island species lated in the plastic and constitutive rosa morphs. D. sechellia, has only 8–9 ovarioles per ovary. Fur- In any case, the plastic and constitutive rosa mor- thermore, ovariole number is determined during lar- phs are produced by convergent developmental val development, and D. melanogaster expresses mechanisms. marked phenotypic plasticity for ovariole number Colder developmental temperatures result in when reared at various temperatures or nutrient increases in body size and wing size in fruit flies. conditions (Savilev ’28; Delpuech et al., ’95; The increases in wing size due to this plastic re- Moreteau et al., ’97; Morin et al., ’97). Hodin and sponse in Drosophila melanogaster have been Riddiford (submitted) examined the mechanistic shown by several researchers to result from in- basis for plasticity and interspecific variation for creases in cell size rather than cell number (Par- ovariole number in flies of the melanogaster spe- tridge et al., ’94 and references therein). Partridge cies group by comparing the trajectories of ova- and colleagues (’94) found that selection at inter- rian growth and differentiation in the various mediate temperatures for increased wing size also phenotypic and genotypic contexts. We found that causes increases in cell size. De Moed and col- the mechanisms underlying the plastic decrease leagues (’97) showed that genetically fixed differ- in ovariole number under different rearing condi- ences in wing size among three D. melanogaster tions are mostly distinct from the mechanisms ex- populations reared in a common garden were ex- plaining interspecific variation in ovariole number. plained by differences in cell number. Therefore, Thus, once again, plasticity was correlated with genetically fixed variability in wing size can be mechanistic convergence in this system. caused by either increases in cell size (the selec- Still, there are exceptions to this trend. For in- tion experiments of Partridge et al., ’94) or in- stance, honeybee larvae of a given genotype creases in cell number [as de Moed et al. (’97) develop either into a queen with hundreds of ova- found in natural populations], and is thus another rioles or into a worker with generally fewer than example where marked plasticity is correlated 10 ovarioles, depending on larval nutrition. Hart- with convergent evolution. felder and Steinbrück (’97) and Schmidt Capella Terminal height and leaf number are phenotypi- and Hartfelder (’98) have shown that this differ- cally plastic characters in two closely related spe- ence is due to differential cell death in the ova- cies of Lobelia (Lobeliaceae), L. cardinalis and L. rian primordia of workers in the honeybee Apis siphilitica (Pigliucci and Schlichting, ’95; Pigliucci mellifera carnica. In addition, the workers of dif- et al., ’97). There is also substantial genotypic vari- ferent geographical races of A. mellifera differ in ability for these characters. When the growth tra- mean ovariole number, with the most striking jectories of several genotypes of each species were instance being workers of the Cape honeybee examined, these authors noted that different geno- A.m.capensis, which have about twice as many types can converge on similar terminal phenotypes ovarioles as do most other races, including their by different developmental routes. For example, neighbor the African honeybee, A.m.scutellata (re- similar final height could be reached either by a viewed in Ruttner, ’88). Our preliminary results spurt of rapid growth early in ontogeny or by sus- suggest that the differences in ovariole numbers tained slower growth. between the workers of these two African races The insect ovary is a modular structure made is also due to differential cell death (Hodin, up of ovarioles, each of which can independently Crewe, Riddiford, and Allsopp, unpublished). mature eggs in an assembly-line fashion. There- Therefore, the mechanism of plasticity appears fore, ovariole number correlates with reproductive to be the same as that for intra-specific variation output, and hence, presumably, fitness. Still, there in this instance. may be trade-offs associated with having larger Another counterexample comes from work on , such as decreased flight maneuverability butterfly eyespots. Many butterflies have large cir- (Berrigan, ’91) or developmental production costs cular patterns on their wings known as eyespots, (Nijhout and Emlen, ’98). Ovariole number var- which are thought to play a role in predator avoid- 16 J. HODIN ance by startling potential predators. In the cial case of modularity, where, for example, pho- satyrine butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, there are two toperiod shifts can produce radical changes in seasonal morphs determined by temperature: a wing coloration while the development of many warmer wet season morph with larger eyespots, other morphological features remains unaffected. and a cooler dry season morph with smaller eyes- Evolutionary changes in such developmental sys- pots. Expression of the Distal-less (Dll) gene had tems are also characterized by flexibility, as evi- been previously shown to prefigure the position denced by the preponderance of convergence in of the eyespots in the wing primordia of the buck- such cases. Parallelisms, on the other hand, are eye butterfly (Carroll et al., ’94), and a similar pat- characteristic of developmental mechanisms that tern of expression is seen in the wet season morph are more constrained, such as the relationship be- in B. anynana (Brakefield et al., ’96). Pupal wing tween Hox gene expression and appendage type primordia of dry season morphs show a smaller in arthropods (Averof and Patel, ’97). In such situ- patch of Dll expression prefiguring the position of ations constraints may limit the scope of possible their smaller eyespots. Brakefield and colleagues variation. Yet the arthropod segmental plan is (’96) also examined butterfly lines selected at an clearly a successful one, so the constraint does not intermediate temperature for constitutive expres- appear to be much of a hindrance. The “success” sion of either large or small eyespots. The consti- of constrained developmental programs may be tutively large-spotted morph showed large patches attributed to one of two phenomena. First, the de- of Dll in the , while the constitutively small- velopmental system may be primed to respond to spotted morph showed small patches. Furthermore, selection in a given way, thus making the evolu- recent work has demontrated that the size of the tionary options more limited but the process of eyespots on the ventral wings is regulated by adaptation more efficient (a quicker route to an ecdysteroids, and that differences in the timing of adaptive peak, in Wright’s terminology). Alterna- ecdysteroid release in the large and small eye spot tively, constraints may necessitate the evolution selection lines mirror alterations in ecdysteroid re- of novel solutions to the constraints, thus yield- lease of unslected lines reared at warmer and cooler ing a phenotype with higher fitness. The latter temperatures, respectively (Koch et al., ’96; Brake- scenario may explain, for example, the evolution field et al., ’98). Thus, the mechanism of plasticity of complex retinotectal projections built on the (early ecdysteroid release yielding large ventral eye- “simplistic” morphology of the salamander visual spots, apparently via large Dll patches; later system, imposed by the constraint of large cell size ecdysteroid release yielding small ventral eyespots, (reviewed in Roth et al., ’97). apparently via small Dll patches) seems to be the As for convergence and evolvability, recall the same as the mechanism of fixed, genetic differ- Waddington genetic assimilation experiments ences in the selection lines. where a plastic ancestral population evolved rapid It should be noted that in the Dll example, as fixation of the bithorax-like phenotype under strong well as in the example of the honeybees, there still selection. As Schlichting and Pigliucci (’98) have may be instances of convergence within these taxo- noted, the plasticity of the ancestral population ap- nomic groups. Recall that on its own, Partridge et pears to have allowed for the rapid response to al. (’94) suggested that the mechanisms of plastic selection and that genetic assimilation likely rep- and genetically fixed differences in wing size were resents a relatively common mechanism for phe- the same. It was only after de Moed et al. (’97) notypic evolution. It is important to note here that examined three additional D. melanogaster popu- the ancestral population apparently did not har- lations that convergence was apparent. Perhaps if more independent cases of increased or decreased bor genetic variation for the constitutive bithorax- ovariole number in , as well as interspecific like phenotype: it arose de novo in the course of variation in eyespot size were examined, some in- selection. Whether convergent mechanisms are stances of convergence would be found. likely to arise out of such plastic systems by ge- Still, in six cases in which (to my knowledge) netic assimilation has not been addressed. In ad- plasticity and genetically fixed mechanisms of dition, there are no available data on the frequency variation have been compared, convergent mecha- with which assimilation experiments are success- nisms were apparent in four of them. The signifi- ful (since, presumably, negative results are not re- cance of this finding is in the notion of evolvability, ported). Thus it is difficult to determine how and I return to the concept of modularity to ex- common a mechanism for phenotypic evolution ge- emplify this point. Phenotypic plasticity is a spe- netic assimilation may actually represent. PLASTICITY AND CONSTRAINTS 17 CONCLUSION Averof M, Akam M. 1995. Hox genes and the diversification of the insect and crustacean body plans. Nature 376:420–423. 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Hodin J. 2000. Plasticity and constraints in development and evolution. J Exp Zool (Mol Dev Evol) 288:1–20. The sentences on page 8, in paragraph 2 of column 2 reads:

In the short-germ insects, typified by Drosophila melanogaster, all the segments are specified nearly simultaneously in a noncellular, syncitial environment (reviewed in Lawrence, ’92). By contrast, in the long-germ insects, typified by the grasshopper Schistocerca, the segments are speci- fied in a gradual anterior-to-posterior progression in a cellular environ- ment (reviewed in Patel, ’94; Tautz et al., ’94).

The sentences should read:

In the long-germ insects, typified by Drosophila melanogaster, all the segments are specified nearly simultaneously in a noncellular, syncitial environment (reviewed in Lawrence, ’92). By contrast, in the short-germ insects, typified by the grasshopper Schistocerca, the segments are speci- fied in a gradual anterior-to-posterior progression in a cellular environ- ment (reviewed in Patel, ’94; Tautz et al., ’94).

The terms “long-germ” and “short-germ” were reversed. The germ-type classification is key to the point being made in this paragraph: namely, showing that a similar-looking segmental plan can be formed by two rather different ontogenetic routes). The author regrets the error.