Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Nanocrystalline Cdte Thin Films Synthesized by Using SILAR Technique

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Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Nanocrystalline Cdte Thin Films Synthesized by Using SILAR Technique JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS ЖУРНАЛ НАНО- ТА ЕЛЕКТРОННОЇ ФІЗИКИ Vol. 9 No 5, 05028(4pp) (2017) Том 9 № 5, 05028(4cc) (2017) Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Nanocrystalline CdTe Thin Films Synthesized by Using SILAR Technique Swapna Samanta1, D.B. Salunke2, S.R. Gosavi3,*, R.S. Patil4 1 Department of Physics, H.P.T. Arts & R.Y.K. Science College, Nasik-5 2 Department of Physics, KVPS, Kisan Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parola, Dist-Jalgaon 425111, (M. S.), India 3 Material Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, C. H. C. Arts, S. G. P. Commerce, and B. B. J. P. Science College, Taloda, Dist. Nandurbar-425413, (M. S.), India 4 Department of Physics, P. S. G. V. P. Mandal’s Arts, Commerce and Science College, Shahada, Dist. Nandurbar. (M. S.), India (Received 28 April 2017; revised manuscript received 06 June 2017; published online 16 October 2017) Nanocrystalline CdTe thin films were deposited on amorphous glass substrate using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique. The films are characterized using XRD, FESEM, optical absorption techniques and electrical resistivity measurement. The XRD pattern revealed that nanocrystal- line CdTe thin films has mixed phase of hexagonal and cubic crystal structure. The calculated crystallite size from the XRD measurement was found to be in the range of 9-12 nm. FESEM image showed uniform deposition of the material over entire glass substrate and film consists of interconnected spherical grains of nanometer size. Compositional analysis showed that the nanocrystalline CdTe thin film becomes cadmium deficient and tellurium richer. The optical absorption studies show that the films have a direct band gap of 1.51 eV. The room temperature resistivity of the synthesized nanocrystalline CdTe films measured by two probe method was found to 6.64 × 104 Ω.cm. Keywords: SILAR, Cadmium Telluride, XRD, FESEM, Optoelectronic properties. DOI: 10.21272/jnep.9(5).05028 PACS numbers: 81.20.Ka ,, 68.37.Hk, 8.66.Bz 1. INTRODUCTION strate surfaces to achieve good quality thin films and has been employed to fabricate several metal chalco- Binary compound semiconducting materials has genide and oxide semiconductor thin films [18, 19]. been extensively studied in the last few decades in order Keeping these advantages of SILAR technique in mind to find new suitable materials for the fabrication of low and only a few reports are available in the literature on cost and high efficiency thin film solar cells [1]. Cadmi- the deposition of CdTe thin films by SILAR method, um telluride (CdTe) belonging to II-IV compound semi- herein we report the study of structural and optoelec- conductors has attracted attention of many researchers tronic properties of nanocrystalline CdTe thin films for fabrication of the thin film solar cells [2]. Because of synthesized by using SILAR technique. a direct band gap of the order of 1.45 eV and high ab- sorption coefficient (~105 /cm) in the visible region, CdTe 2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS material in thin film form have attracted considerable attention as potential material for realization of high 2.1 Substrate Cleaning efficiency solar cell [2, 3]. Also nanocrystalline CdTe thin films are important because of their potential ap- Initially amorphous glass substrates of the size plications in semiconducting devices, solar cells and 75 mm × 25 mm × 2 mm were washed with double photovoltaics, radiation detectors, optoelectronic devic- distilled water (DDW), boiled in chromic acid for 2 h. es, sensors and nano-devices etc. [4]. Again, the substrates were washed with detergent, CdTe thin films have been deposited by a variety of rinsed in acetone and finally ultrasonically cleaned techniques such as chemical bath deposition [5], elec- with double distilled water before deposition of thin trodeposition [6], spray [7], vacuum evaporation [8], film. sputtering [9], pulsed laser deposition [10], magnetron sputtering [11], closed space sublimation [12], physical 2.2 CdTe Film Formation vapor deposition [13], thermal evaporation [14, 15] and Cadmium acetate [Cd(CH3OO)2. 2H2O], tartaric ac- screen printing [16] etc. Among all the available deposi- id [(CHOH.COOH)2], hydrazine hydtrate [H2N- tion techniques, successive ionic layer adsorption and NH2.H2O], ammonia [NH3] and Sodium tellurite reaction (SILAR) is an attractive technique that has [Na2TeO3] were used in the deposition of CdTe thin widely employed for thin film deposition, which is based films. on the immersion of the substrate into separately place The cationic precursor for CdTe was 0.3 mol l – 1 cationic and anionic precursors and rinsing between cadmium acetate complexed with tartaric acid at every immersion with ion exchange water to avoid ho- pH ~ 5. The source for tellurium ions was 0.24 mol l – 1 mogeneous precipitation [17]. This technique is suitable sodium tellurite along with hydrazine hydrate which is for coating conducting as well as non-conducting sub- * [email protected] 2077-6772/2017/9(5)05028(4) 05028-1 2017 Sumy State University SWAPNA SAMANTA, D.B. SALUNKE ET AL. J. NANO- ELECTRON. PHYS. 9, 05028 (2017) a reducing agent and ammonia. Ammonia was added (2θ) using CuK radiations with wavelength 1.5405 A°. for the decomposition of hydrazine and prevention of The surface morphology and composition was studied the precipitation of tellurium compounds. Hydrazine by scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and energy hydrate reduces the tellurium valency from Te4 – to dispersive spectrometer (EDS). To study the optical Te2 –, which is a favorable condition for the formation of characteristics of the nanocrystalline CdTe film, ab- CdTe in the presence of Cd2 + ions at 333 K tempera- sorbance spectra was recorded in the range 500- ture. The pH of the anionic precursor was ~ 12.1. 1100 nm by means of JASCO V-630 UV-Vis spectropho- The cationic precursor which is solution of cadmi- tometer. The resistivity of the CdTe thin films was um acetate is kept at room temperature (300 K) and determined by the standard two-probe method. the anionic precursor was maintained at 333K throughout the experiment. The adsorption and reac- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tion time in growth of CdTe thin film was 35 s and rinsing time was 30 s. Thus a single SILAR deposition 3.1 Thickness Measurement Studies 2 + cycle consisted of 35 s of adsorption of Cd ions then Nanocrystaline CdTe thin films were grown onto 30 s of rinsing with double distilled water, 35 s adsorp- amorphous glass substrate under optimised conditions. 2- tion and reaction of Te ions with preadsorbed cadmi- All the optimized preparative parameters used for the um ions on the glass substrate and then again rinsing SILAR deposited CdTe thin films are summarized in with double distilled water for 30 s. At the end, the first Table 1. In order to study the thickness mesurement SILAR growth cycle is completed. For this particular study, nanocrystalline CdTe thin films were deposited study we have deposited CdTe thin films with 30 SI- for various SILAR cycles on amorphous glass substrates. LAR cycles. After 30 SILAR cycles an adherent and After deposition of the CdTe thin films with various uniform thin CdTe thin film of thickness 200 nm is SILAR cycles, the films thickness was measured by obtained on the glass substrate. employing gravimetric weight difference method. Fig. 1 represents CdTe film thickness as a function of the 2.3 Characterization of CdTe Thin Films SILAR cycles. Film thickness was found to be about The thin films of CdTe were characterized for struc- 200 nm for 30 cycles. Growth rate was found to be tural, morphological, optical and electrical properties. about 6.7 nm per cycle. It is found that the film The CdTe film thickness was measured by weight dif- thickness increases linearly with the deposition cycles ference method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the up to 30 SILAR cycles; afterwards, film thickness was film were recorded on a Bruker AXS, Germany (D8 decreased due to the peeling off the outer powdery Advanced) diffractometer in the scanning range 20-80o layer [20]. Table 1 – Optimized preparative parameters used for synthesis of cadmium telluride thin film Deposition condition Cationic precursor Anionic precursor Chemicals used Cadmium acetate, Tartaric acid Sodium tellurite, Hydrazine hydrate, ammonia Concentration 0.3 mol l – 1 0.24 mol l – 1 [Cd(CH3OO)2. 2H2O] + tartaric acid [Na2TeO3] + HH (2ml) + ammonia pH 5 12.5 Immersion time(s) 35 35 Rinsing time (s) 30 30 Temperature (K) 300 333 3.2 Structural Analysis The nanocrystalline CdTe thin films were uniform and grayish in colour. The XRD spectrum of the nanocrystalline CdTe film deposited onto the glass substrate is shown in Fig. 2. The sample exhibits several obvious XRD peaks corresponding to the planes (102), (111), (420) and (214) based on JCPDS card no. 80-0090 and 75-2083. XRD patterns revealed that the deposited thin films are nanocrystalline in nature with mixed phase of hexagonal and cubic crystal structure. Appearance of peak at 2θ 37.33o is due to presence of impurity CdO2. For the peaks corresponding to 2 ≈ 29.09o and 43.59o observed in XRD pattern, we calculated the crystallite size using Scherrer’s formula [21]. Fig. 1 – Variation of thickness of the of nanocrystalline CdTe thin film as a function of SILAR cycles For nanocrystalline CdTe thin films, the calculated crystallite size from the XRD measurement was found to be in the range of 9-12 nm. 05028-2 STRUCTURAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF NANOCRYSTALLINE… J. NANO- ELECTRON. PHYS. 9, 05028 (2017) films were measured by using UV-Vis spectrophotometer at room temperature in the wavelength range of 500-1100 nm. The variation of optical absorbance with wavelength which is shown in Fig. 4, was analyzed to find out the nature of transition involved and the optical band gap.
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    eADMIUM AN eADMIUM COMPOUNDS Cadmium and cadmium compounds were considered by previous working groups, in 1972,1975 and 1987 (lARC, 1973, 1976, 1987a). New data have since become available, and these are included in the present monograph and have been taken into consideration in the evaluation. The agents considered are metallic cadmium, cadmium alloys and sorne cadmium compounds. 1. Exposure Data 1.1 Chemical and physical data and analysis 1.1.1 Synonyms, trade names and molecular formulae Synonyms, trade names and molecular formulae for cadmium, cadmium-copper alloy and some cadmium compounds are presented in Thble 1. The cadmium compounds shown are those for which data on carcinogenicity or mutagenicity were available or which are commercially important compounds. It is not an exhaustive list and does not necessarily include all of the most commercially important cadmium-containing substances. Table 1. Synonyms (Chemical Abstracts Servce (CAS) names are in italics), trade names and atomic or molecular fonnulae of cadmium and cadmium compounds Chemical name CAS Reg. No. a Synonyms and trade names Formula Cadmium 744-43-9 Cadmium metal; CI 77180 Cd Cadmium acetate 543-90-8 Acetic acid, cadmium salt; bis(acetoxy)- Cd(CH3COO)i (24558-49-4; cadmium; cadmium(II) acetate; cadmium 29398-76-3) diacetate; cadmium ethanoate; CI 77185 Cadmium carbnate 513-78-0 Carbomc acid, cadmium salt; cadmium CdC03 (93820-02-1) carbnate (CdC03); cadmium mono- carbnate; chemcarb; kalcit; mikokalcit; supermikokalcit Cadmium ch/oride 10108-64-2 Cadmium dichloride;
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