Alphabetical Index
ALPHABETICAL INDEX Names of authors are printed in SMALLCAPITALS, Subjects in lower-case roman, and Localities in italics. The minerals, localities, and authors mentioned in the 28th List of new mineral names are not included in this index Accra Plains, Ghana, gneiss, clinopyroxene, Anna Madeleine mine, Plaine des Lacs, New garnet, pargasite, 224 Caledonia, olivine, chrome-picotite, 326 Actinolite, Sp#zbergen, anal., replacement of Apatite, New South Wales, anal., opt., 6oi augite by, 857 Aphthitalite, Western Australia, 467 ADUSUMILLI (M. S.), KIEFT (C.), and BURKE Ardara, Co. Donegal, Ireland, staurolite, 672 (E. A. J.), Tantal-aeschynite from Borborema, Arsenopalladinite, Brazil, anal., opt., hardness, Brazil, 57I X-ray, 528 Afwillite, Ireland, stability of, decomposition to ASARI (T.), anals, by, 227, 228 kilchoanite, 544 Astrophyllite, Colorado, Greenland, Malawi, 'Agpaitic', use and misuse of the term, 729 Norway, and Spain, anal., opt., isomorphous AJAKAIYE (D. E.), see HUTCHISON(R.), 340 substitutions in, 97 A&ermanite, synthetic, A1-Si ordering in, 412 Atheneite, Brazil, anal., opt., hardness, X-ray, Akly deposit, Rajasthan, India, bentonite con- 528 taining mica, 788 Augite, composition of, crystallizing from melted ALBERTI (A.), see GOTTARDI(G.), 898 lavas at high pressures, 768; Italy, anal., hour- Albite, hydrothermal synthesis, effect of [NaOH] glass zoning in, 32i; Spitzbergen, anal., on obliquity, 455 replacement by amphibole, 857 Alice Louise mine, Plaine des Pirogues, New Available oxygen, microchemical determination Caledonia, chrome-picotite, 326 of, 895 ALLMANN (R.) and DONNAY (G.), The crystal AVASIA (R. K.), see SUKHESWALA(R. N.), 658 structure of julgoldite, 27i Almandine, Andhra Pradesh, India, anal., 807 BAILEY (A. D.), HUNT (R.
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