Runway Safety Report
FAA Runway Safety Report Safety Runway FAA Runway Safety Report June 2008 June 2008 June Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20591 OK-08-3966 Message from the Administrator A successful flight — whether trans-oceanic in a commercial airliner or a short trip in a private airplane — begins and ends with safe ground operations. While within the purview and oversight of the Federal Aviation Administration, runway safety is at the same time the ongoing responsibility of pilots, air traffic controllers, and airport ground vehicle operators. Through training and education, heightened awareness, enhanced airport signage and markings, and dedicated technology, FAA is providing each of these constituencies with the tools required to significantly improve runway safety. The ultimate goal is to reduce the severity, number, and rate of runway incursions; this report details a number of accomplishments and encouraging trends toward that end. A glance at the Executive Summary provides an overview of runway incursion data as well as numerous initiatives either completed, underway or about to begin. Serious runway incursions, which involve a significant reduction in adequate separation between two aircraft and where the risk of a collision is considerable, are trending favorably. In fiscal year 2007, these types of incur- sions were down 23 percent from the previous year and at their lowest total during the past four years. Since 2001, serious runway incursions are down 55 percent. In August 2007, we met with more than 40 aviation leaders from airlines, airports, air traffic controller and pilot unions, and aerospace manufacturers under a “Call to Action” for Runway Safety.
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