Mews Feature Entertainment

McGuinty The Sarah visits anatomy McLachlan Laurier Jf shines *% % cults IMr in TO 41 campus %P


"The tie that binds since 1926" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1997 WLU Student Publications Cord VOLUME XXXVIII • ISSUE TWELVE

National aspirations




focused and Laurier striker Ken Cartmill during action from last Saturday's victorious game against AL MacNEVIN The Hawks, looking incredibly McMaster. the team faces Western for the OUA championship. Cord Sports disciplined, took the lead in the second half on Today

strike rookie Roe. The Laurier Men's Soccer team pulled into a by Jimmy

After the season with a of in Roe's and first career OUA marker, players have commented that it was opening pair McMaster on Saturday with only one thing goal Many and tactical losses in their first three it looks as their heads: Halifax, the sight of this year's couldn'thave come at a more opportune time Anagnostopoulos' strategic prepa- games

are them the 2-1 lead ration the team to create so have gotten together and national championships. as the rookie gave they that allowed though they chances committed to Two striker would never relinquish. for goals on Saturday. winning. wins away from sending many "Frank has noted The will be today at J.W. Kenny Cartmill home, the mood could only be McMaster wouldn't go away though as us so prepared," game played

to was to us." Little Stadium in London. described as intense. they continued add pressure leaving four or Johnston, "nothing going stop

five the offensive to It has been road for the One is for sure, these Hawks will be Veteran forward Joe Wey opened the scor- men in zone looking even an interesting thing for the with score. Hawks this season to to where they are ready with their loyal supporters along ing only five minutes into the first half a the get well ball from rookie The Hawks will now face Western in a today. ride. placed header off a great from all Chris Worton. rematch a game they remember to

well from last Wey, who has battled numerous injuries season. Inside "There is I'd rather STUDIO his at always nobody have to throughout career Laurier, go PORTRAIT than to show for the Saturday through to get to nationals Western," seems up big games. News .3 .. said Co-Captain Mike Johnston about their Giid Photos was no exception. 0pini0nv,...... 6 in London The stadium, filled with mostly Laurier meeting on Wednesday with the CriAfial International. 9 Hamilton, first place "We will be to mtJJmrnmmifmß ..... supporters who made the trip to Mustangs. ready go." jfMHH UO Hawks roll StudentLife :..... the twine to the The will into Western with jK»*X One Six erupted as Wey tickled give ] Bxlo Two 5x7 2x3

less than a Feature .14 nothing victory being an accept- For ...... Hawks a one goal lead. On\ysQQ QQ of able outcome the team that denied m IB Laurier continued to control the pace against Sports. their their the show last the match the Marauders on trip to big season. 2t keeping ... toes when Mac "We deserved the win against McMaster until late in the first half ATtS ."26: :■ 744 - 5553 . . and we for evened the at 1-1 after a weird bounce will be ready Western," said head score J Classifieds .*!!*.. 27 coach Frank of his team. snuck the ball past Hawks keeper Mark Ignor. Anagnostopoulos T MjllMrr "T\ ■MIMi _Pi IJ ; M MlmmmmmmW| mm* VPMW ■MMPHMHfI


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Teachers defy government by News Bites Injunction walking-out against Bill 160 will possibly end strike

is a CHRIS PHILIPS given information for approximately The government preparing the Cord News two minutes. Byers believes that case against the teachers, of which On Monday, October 27, the teach- 98% of the teachers support the crux rests on proving

are ers in this province went on an ille- strike. that teachers causing students. gal strike to protest provincial Bill Many students have received "irreparable harm" to

160. homework to do, with the strike A legal injunction would swift-

The mood that ly the strike current suggests expected to last a minimum of two bring province-wide

weeks. to an end and force teach- most people support the teachers. As well, some businesses legally

be I'll ers back to worlc The judiciary 'To perfectly honest, probably have provided day care for their will not hear the matter until be sitting at home becoming a men- employees children for the duration

Paul of the soon- tal vegetable," says Thomas, a the strike. Friday, making Monday

12 est date for classes to grade student at Bradford Bill 160 is a piece of Ontario leg- regular

District High School. "Actually, I islation which will drastically affect resume.

want to join the picket lines with the the entire education system here in

because teachers I'm very much on Ontario. As the teachers see it, too

their side, but it on the cli- much could be to the depends power given WILLIAMS Bailey lucky mate around the strike and how Minister of Education.

confrontational it becomes." One of the main concerns that to be alive "I disagree with Bill 160, but I do teachers have is that budget cuts STEPHEN will have be Donovan Mercedes not think the teachers should be no longer to legislated. Bailey's

involved strike," Cuts to the will be made crashed as he was travelling in an illegal says system

PHOTO: home on the Sunday; second year Political Science stu- 'arbitrarily' by whomever is the QIiVV early

dent Shanna Brisbois. Minister of Education. morning.

School on the communities Teachers picket outside St. Michael Separate University The sprinter Some people are saying that Local will no longer record-breaking Avenue. All schools in Ontario have been affected the strike. to tax- by said he was "happy to be alive" teachers are being unfair parents be able to raise money through

dis- the accident which and students by springing a strike ation for their specific school following

student "how will a his car. A on them. trict. Many parents and teachers believe says, person totally destroyed pass- the be unfeasible since who works in a computer store be ing driver and However, Tom Byers, chief nego- The Conservative government this idea to stopped picked of the shaken and drove him tiator of Waterloo's Ontario believes this bill will improve the teacher layoffs will be part of the able to meet the needs stu- Bailey up

dents I work with that suicidal. home. Secondary School Teachers standard of education. For weeks, bill's agenda. are

the bill One to decrease is have for that." faces two and Federation, states that they have the government said had way spending They no training Bailey charges

retirement The would also like is to in court been telling parents since school nothing to do with budget cuts, but to layoff or force the of government appear on

retracted that when the teachers whose salaries to see teachers more time in November 28. contends stared in September to find care for statement older are spend Bailey

of the Teachers believe this will the classroom. The aver- that he skidded on blade ice, but their children because teachers saw contract Deputy Minister of higher. provincial

teachers have for schools is cur- have to deter- the strike as inevitable. Education, Veronica Lacey, was cause younger to no age secondary investigators yet

to states teachers to 3 3/4 hours Teachers mine if speed was a factor in the Many wonder how students will leaked the press. It as a job older, more experienced rently per day.

million be look to for advice within their are that the rest of the time accident. make up the time. Byers says that goal that $667 removed saying

from the education within schools. they are preparing classes, mark- lessons willjust be done at a quicker system and with students return. The would also like dealing one pace upon one year. government ing,

also those who The has stated that to in non-certified teachers. on one. The teachers are protesting Euthanasia Byers says that government bring the fact that will have as a York they no longer want to cross the picket lines will be they want smaller class sizes, but As Lorraine Ganesh, their time. allowed, but will be slowed and of yet have not provided specifics. University Concurrent Education input into own prep back on trial

The town of Battle ford,

Saskatchewan is once again the Easing the burden of the strike center of the Canadian Euthana- sia debate,

Robert Latimer, a farmer, is

the Students again being tried for mercy provide emergency daycare loßing of his 12 year-old daughter, Tracy. Stricken with cerebral

palsy, Tracy could not walk or

entertained and well cared for while talk and died of carbon monoxide

their in the vehicle. on temporary break from poisoning family's

Latimer was convicted in school. Mornings are spent at

University Stadium, where the 1993 and served nine days of a

sentence before emphasis is on sports. In the after- ten year being released bail his noon activities such as reading and on pending

crafts are held in the newly renovat- appeal.

ed Torque Room.

So far, Camp Laurier has

received positive feedback. "We Sex offender

have indication of what to didn't any

"but the expect," says Wong, speed gets short with which the student volunteers

issue is reacted to this a compliment sentence to the quality and character of the

WILLIAMS Laurier." Victims of Leaf Gardens students at Maple

Wong noted Stacy Gloster and employee, Gorden Stuckless, are STEPHEN Becky Innes in particular for their outraged over the lenient sen- help with the program. As captains tence handed down by Justice

of the volunteers David Watt on PHOTO: program, they help Monday. with any questions or concerns. Stuckless, who sexually

molested 26 between "The program is wonderful," young boys

skills. Numerous organizations have Ramona a and 1988. was sentenced to A couple of volunteers work on their child relational campus says Albrecht, thankful 1969

staff and students during the strike. in Services. two less a A come together to create a daycare for children of Laurier parent working Mail years day. probation- all to "They should run a day care the ary period was added

and main- it much hassle." Stuckless's sentence which JOSHUA MARSHALL many campus organizations. students, so that they can time, saves so during

tain sort of normal 20 children have been time he is to chemical Cord News Laurier Students for Literacy, the some routine," About undergo

In Foot Patrol, the Student Union President enjoying Camp Laurier and will con- castration. response to the province-wide Lettermen, says the Stewart With Laurier tinue to attend the end of Watt contended that teachers' strike, Laurier has set up a Emergency Response Team, Wong. Camp through proba-

other vol- from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 this week. tionary and corporal measures temporary daycare centre for facul- Hawk's Squad, and many running

in continue with interested in the would do more to ensure ty, staff, and students with children unteers interested helping are p.m., parents can Any parents public

those out their usual routines. should contact Stewart than a longer sen- from kindergarten to grade six. among helping program safely prison do here is The is broken into 884-0710 extension 3335, tence. The daycare, named "Camp "What we are trying to program two Wong at

on our staff, faculty, in hopes of keeping children or Joel Lynn at extension 3318. Laurier," is a collaborative effort of ease the burden parts

October 29,1997 3 CPRPNEWS Second Cup's co-founder talks to AYE

riches Rags to story inspires young entrepreneurs

MOHAMED BHAMANI Rob Dea It was Henderson, founder Then, after receiving a tip that said that he talks to groups all

Cord News of the of Association Collegiate Scarborough Town Centre was look- the time, because it is his way of giv- in idea is the best "Believing your Entrepreneurs (ACE) at Laurier, ing for a new coffee retailer, he and ing back to his community.

advice that I to who able for can give any young was to arrange 0' Dea his partner jumped at the opportu- He also said that talking to a

said Frank 0' Dea, to be the entrepreneur," night s keynote speaker. nity. group such as AYE is great because

co-founder ofthe Second met 0' Dea last After number of trials and he himself Cup corpo- Henderson year a can offer as living proof

ration, Canada's largest chain of at an ACE conference in Toronto. He tribulations, the business took off that whatever the circumstances, if

coffeehouses. specialty was so impressed by 0' Deas story into the most popular coffeehouse in you put your mind to it, you can do

0' Dea was the keynote speaker he invited him to speak at the first Canada, Second Cup. Following a it.

the first of future seminars AYE at many ever event. dispute with his partner, O'Dea "Most of us spend all our time

to be the Alliance for 0' has rich- put on by Dea a typical rags to finally sold his share of the company behind the curtain, when center Youth last Entrepreneurship (AYE) es story. He started out as an alco- to his partner. stage is where you really belong,"

Kitchener Hall. holic, in Wednesday at City panhandling the streets of Now, at the age of 52, he sits on said O'Dea.

The with Toronto. the Board of Directors for fifteen Formed in the of this evening began speak- spring year,

from number of the different Soon after his act in himself does not of eleven ers a cleaning up corporations. He AYE is a group made up

that make AYE. 0' the hold with involved with groups up the early seventies, Dea was a specific position any of organizations youth

A speaker from the Business campaign manager for the federal these companies. entrepreneurship, including ACE at WILSON

Development Bank of Canada election in his hometown of Oakville. "It Mr. 0' Dea's anecdotes Laurier. gave was BRAD information how individual for on an He was responsible the election that made the evening so reward- AYE is a networking group for

of the first Liberal can get financial assistance for a MP in Oakville ing," said first year Honours entrepreneurs, up to the age of 34,

business their the PHOTO: new through Young since late 1800s. Business student and ACE member to make contacts and gain the nec-

Pro- With this found Green. "He skills and to make Entrepreneurship Financing new confidence, Lawren is an inspiration essary resources On behalf of AYE, Rob As well, there was short O'Dea found and started to about business gram. a a partner a anyone thinking starting their work. Henderson thanks Frank O'Dea address from Kitchener mayor mail-order business that eventually their own business." Last Wednesday's event was the for his inspirational talk. Richard failed. Christy. In a post-address interview, 0' group's official launch.

Creating a university in

a virtual environment

Ohear JOSHUA MARSHALL Many students involved in the tional classrooms. They still design Cord News it the traditional their program prefer to courses, assign readings, guide

This National Science and classroom. claim have lead is They they discussions, tutorials, put up

Technology week, when students better access to instructors and lecture notes, and answer students'

and for add their professionals look to technology more time interaction. questions. To to courses,

to show the in future. A new program Some worry that the new tech- professors teaching Virtual-U may

is the future of education the have from changing nology may make teaching pro- guest speakers across the

and may someday make the conven- fession obsolete. Therese Laferriere, country, without having to worry

tional university obsolete. a University of Laval professor who about a plane trip to the classroom.

Virtual-U is internet been Virtual-U an university has teaching courses, Developed by Telelearning-NCE,

that brings together students and disagrees. Virtual-U is funded by the federal

from the "Insteadof Networks of Centres of Excellence professors across country questioning new tech-

around the is should be critical of NCE funds and globe. Virtual-U a nology, people program. The university

research and link computer university system in which the old," says Laferriere. "Once you helps researchers

students receive education discover that do then with to make theories a quality you can it, you companies

from their of the and own room, anytime don't fear technology anymore." projects marketable.

of fourteen day. Professors are as active in Telelearning is just one

The first of as in conven- program is the its Virtual-U classrooms networks of the NCE. kind on a national level, anywhere in

the world. And the on-line university,

ivS ' S which of 1996, has 5 ' « opened May seen students honoured at i x;W% -«■ English over 2 500 students logging on and choosing from 45 classes. department awards Since works night the system on asyn-

chronous time, which means that

classes be may attended any day or RICHELLE READ The Jane Campbell scholarship

time of the week, it is a benefit to Cord News for highest achievements hi the

students who work full-time or par- On Thursday, October 23, the General English program went to ents whoprefer to study from home. annual English Department Amanda Dart Shelley Durocher classes Although no are ever awards ceremony was held. received the Princess Cinema

still attended physically, students are The Flora Roy Awards are pre- Award for Film Studies students.

able to interact with other students sented to the three students who The Hugh MacLachlan

mIB "ikl * 1 y ■ r J *J 1 J JRIbS I in their on-line classes. A tool called have the academic stand- to the v ■ highest Scholarship, presented high-

Vgroups gives students the ability to ing entering their second, third, est achieving English undergradu-

in discussions, team and fourth of Honours who with engage debates, year ate is continuing gradu- and seminars. Audio and These awards studies award- projects, English. were pre- ate in English, was visual links are also available, letting sented to Chris Resetter, Sam ed to both Kathy Cawsey, who is

students speak to their professors MeKegney, and Aaron Hunter studying at Oxford, and Nathaniel

face-to-face. respectively. Leach, who is studying at Western.


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4 October 29,1997 JX>RDNEWS

Board Reports

WLUSU: BOD rejects the scholarship grid WLUSP: Meeting of the bored

STERLING LYNCH tive for first students had been received and JAMES MUIR consistec potential year surveys Photography's report News delivered Cord and wondered ifit would mean cut- another 60 had been issued to Foot Cord News of two short words b;

October 22 The hour all director David Trueman: Wednesday, was an backs here at Laurier. Patrol Volunteers. half meeting saw "super j

eventful for the Board of Stewart who admitted he would like to cool." The in this ! meeting Wong, He says get departments reporting a copasetic phrase compari- A number of of affairs. freedom from the heat Directors. important that he supports the Scholarship more surveys to non-WLUSUvolun- state son implies |

issues tabled with the central Grid the and teers in order to "the other Solutions has started of emotion or excitement, were Plan, presented pros get per- Imaging suggest- 1 the feasi- issue being possible implemen- cons of the issue and asked the spective." The data will be compiled preliminary work on website ing a calm, dispassionate attitude

tation of for Board and has extend- controlled alert- a scholarship grid stu- to vote on whether or not by First Year Council. bility , or a

dents Laurier. also that ed for a in which th■: entering they "conceptually agreed with the It was reported peer hiring Photo ness | affairs University administrators want notion of a scholarship grid." The representation had been secured for Business Develop- department's :

to certain amount of have to ment Officer. could be described guarantee a Board voted 9-4 against. It was a individuals who participate dept. as money to entering students based "straw vote" and is non-binding. in Academic misconduct hearings. Advertising is opti- outstanding or excep-

school mistic for resolution fine. on high grades. YVLU hopes Wong also announced that Scott Harris reported on the a tionally

to increase its Affairs to earlier The competitiveness with WLUSU win be a part of pre-budget activities of the Academic production "super Keystone

other schools, who have similar consultations He asked Board. Their will be last discussed their mar- pro- this year. prime concern problems, as scheme. for stu- Board Members to volunteer for week one adver- cool." grams attracting first year a professor accountability regarding only keting

dents. Administrators send committee that would draft and in tisement Although it is their had to a posi- teaching ability proficiency was improp-

out main the a second round of offers to meet tion Kate Johnstone was the the English language. erly formatted. concern, paper. - David Tnieman

first The Cord is on their expectations for year only BOD member who immediate- Michael Keriakos, VP: Market- reported department

that the lack of utiliz- schedule to meet enrollment this year. ly volunteered. The goal, Wong said, ing, reported Orientation a people

Board members the Electric the their first deadline. Alia Ahmed, will be "to consolidate a unified stu- Week video will not be released, as ing Cord, paper's

on-line The of the President Kate Johnstone, and Bryan McCouit dent position." scheduled, on November Ist. offering. Various promo- report

released as of are intended to site hits dealt with vacancies were concerned that money spent Oliver Martin reported on the Instead, it will be part tions raise mainly filling

such of the "Return Frosh from the of 500 for the on the committees. In on a scholarship program status WLUSU strategic planning. To Week" events paltry figure standing

would be better term. additional thus far. The is also addition, various will spent on improving WLUSU is currently circulating a in the winter The year paper departments

of the the video metal boxes conduct sessions the infrastructure school. survey to assess the mood of stu- time will allow production expecting distribution computer training the They did not think scholarship dents concerning the direction of team to improve the quality of the and increased availability of ency- in small groups under instruc-

tion of the administrator. money would be an effective incen- the Union. Martin reported that 100 product. clopedia software. systems

Communication is the key to ethics

MULLEN dis- and Janis sat above with and some evil." BETH and ethical investing were progress, accomplishment, con- doorways good prevents

different heads in The conference was held in the Cord News cussed, and in some cases disputed. tentment. many looking

had Paul Center and was was outlined his advice on how to different directions, but Martin This past Thursday and Friday The keynote speaker Dr. He many spon- sored the Series. Laurier held its annual Conference Michael McDonald, the director of communicate effectively, whether it only one body. by Laurier Lecture

busi- This McDonald McDonald is a former on Professional Ethics in Business, the Center for Applied Ethics at the be on a global scale relating to god, as portrayed professor

of the differ- of at the of Health, and Education. University of British Columbia. ness, or simply in a one-on-one it, is a reflection many philosophy University

ent in the world. He Waterloo. He is the editor of To an audience of professors, McDonalds talk focused on the encounterwith another person. perspectives

his introduction that — The Canadian interested WLU students, and mem- "inherent complexity" in creating a McDonald also drew a parallel identified in Dialogue

of Review and the bers of the outside business world, morally adequate global business between the many different per- this was the innate challenge cre- Philosophical of the Canadian ethics he had at the a ethic," an ethic that President three concurrent sessions were pre- ethic. He views as "building spectives witnessed ating "global

and in his own will combine different views Philosophical Association. sented over the two days. connections between people." conference, experi- many

such health that the with the Roman God Janis. into one solution that "does some Issues as care, McDonald emphasized ence,

busi- ethic that human rights, woman-owned key to creating an com-

subordinate bines all is communica- nesses, development, perspectives

global cyberspace, cultural diversity, tion. Communication is essential for TAKE A HIKE Liberal leader

visits Laurier LAURIER!


"It's one thing to talk about the

university from the vantage point of STUDENTS FOR LITERACY AND HANG OUT WITH

but don't Queen's Park, you really

understand it until you physically go MOTHER NATURE FOR THE 2nd ANNUAL

there," said McGuinty when asked

the reason for his visit.

Laurier ambassador lan

MacLean and a student representa-

his tive accompanied McGuinty on "WMM mm LITERACY" WILLIAMS tour. MacLean ushered the opposi-

tion leader through the Aird, Peters, STEPHEN Woods, and Arts buildings. Various features of theLaurier teaching cen- NI@¥EM®EIR 2MB ters and the campus itself were

PHOTO: brought to the attention of


JAMES MUIR "To understand the issues we WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITV Cord News have to talk to the students and to y The leader of the official opposition the President," stated the Liberal Jf in Ontario visited the Laurier Leader. Students' party

Liberal leader With visits like these by high- campus yesterday. and the Dalton McGuinty and his entourage ranking politicians current TMOM.I toured the university Tuesday strike by primary and secondary

morning and participated in closed teachers across the country against

President Harris' Tories, one can only door meetings with specu- Supported by the Environmental Awareness Committee and the better late that the Liberals are Rosehart in efforts to gain a preparing election which WLUSU Affairs understanding of post-secondary an agenda hopes to University Department. education issues. capitalize on education issues. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT [email protected] |

October 29,1997 5 CORD OPINION

the Cord Editorial Today's child, tomorrow's future

Cord The dire state of public education in Ontario

"The tie that binds since 1926" When the their teachers had had I reflect on present illegal teach- issues facing profession. enough.

ers' strike all While theirs which is the gripping Ontario, I can think is a profession Currently provincial government is

about the soci- to win court to order j 1 is Mrs. Barnes, my kindergarten integral to very foundation of our trying a injunction

teacher. eties ultimate and teach- the teachers back to work. A Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publication success progress, When David Johnson, We have all had our own "Mrs. ing is continually being minimized in Minister of 75 University Avenue West, Barnes." importance. Education was questioned what would Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5 You know, she the teacher that if teachers ignored the (519) 884-1970 ext. 3564 was happen injunction

to cut Johnson "I would think that teach- Fax: (519) 884-7723 taught you the basics: how and replied, tic a Advertising: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3566 paste, colour within the lines, and how to ers would not disobey an injunction. That

www.wlu shoelaces. She the teacher would be sad state of affairs for ,ca/~wwwcord/ tie your was a any educa- state affairs" democratic that patiently started you on your of society."

tional all those However it is "sad state of affairs" journey years ago. a bad isn't Feeling going to While "Mrs. Barnes" have that we live in a democratic that my may only that we live in a society a section values the contribution of teachers little. put together. played a small role in my overall formal so

Robin Whittaker in and education, she did teach me the rudimen- democratic We live a world not just a that has of who tary skills that I have taken from year to province a warped sense

teacher to teacher. and what is year, that val- important. Editorial Board the each teacher I've society We have to and celebrate Along way, come revere

Editor-in-Chief Katherine M. encountered has athletes and movie stars, while Harding expanded my mind, ignoring ues the contribu- Editor Robin C. and furthered the real heroes us - Managing Whittaker shaped my ideas, my goals. already amongst

The of would be where teachers. News Editor Sterling Lynch majority us not tion of that Associate News Editor Patricia Lancia we are today without the teachers in our teachers I am not suggesting teachers are

should Entertainment Editor Erin Keating past who have contributed to our present infallible and that we pander to

Assistant Entertainment Editor Tim Durkin and future. their every whim, however they do

McKenna deserve basic and admiration. Sports Editor Mike No matter what your opinion may be respect

Editor Tom and not students Asistant Sports Fuke on Bill 160, the Education Quality Teachers just their

future. that future Features Editor Jennifer Clarke Improvement Act, it is obvious Ontario are our Today seems to

be in and Student Life Editor Lorna Hiscock teachers' reached a breaking point of frus- Education has increasingly become the certain desperate jeopardy.

in International Editor Heath Applebaum tration by opting to go out on an illegal target of government cutbacks and Editorial by Katherine M. Harding Arts Page Editor Benedict Harris strike Monday. some respects for good reason, there was Editor-in-Chief Andrew On-Line Editor White 126,000 teachers did not displace 2.1 a lot of bureaucratic waste to be cleaned The opinions expressed in this editorial are those the author, and do not necessarily Production Vacant million students for of of Manager just the pure joy up. reflect those of the Cord Staff, the editorial spiting the Harris government, rather they However when the cutbacks began to board, or Wilfrid Laurier University Student cord Staff did it to draw attention to the deep seeded threaten thebasic classroom structure, the Publications.

Production Assistants Aaron Hunter

Olga Jordache

Angela Orticello

Jen Roberts Janette Roy Letters To TheEditor Sarah Schlefer

Circulation Manager Uoneila Gilbert

Classified Coordinator Kim Henderson

moved into the Turret and Copy Editors Irem Ali Suharto-napping not the first, nor likely the last American Turret sign was to Erin's Megan Atkinson leader to use questionable methods in pur- Wilfs since according Ms. letter

hit Chadwick Dietrich is illegal suit of U.S. interests. The United States is these were the only locations on campus I Noelle Fisher often criticized for the means it has by the promotion. As far as knew the big

the situated in the for Public Relations Coordinator Christine McArthur Dear Editor, employed in order to manipulate poli- Turret sign was Quad

has those who don't I am writing to complement the Cord on its cies of other nation states. It over- EVERYONE to see, even

assisted the the Turret or Student commitment this year to presenting read- thrown governments, in political enjoy services provided by Wilfs. ers with critical pieces dealing with real assassinations, invaded, enslaved, brutal- Publications Staff and ized and under the demo- It is irrelevant that Mr. liked the global concerns, not just current events conquered same Ryan

form of show. letter about his on the Photo Manager Stephen Williams at Laurier. cratic principles and government My was attack

to Photo Technicians Luke Martyn Secondly, I would like to comment on operating in the country today. Though this promotion. Maybe I am over sensitive

Joanne Spadafora Jennifer Clarke's article "East Timor and is true, the United States remains Canada's criticism of an organization to which I don't

the Karen Stegenga Canada The Complicity of Genocide." The largest trading partner and, some argue, even belong, however, all girls tell me

Administrator raise of issues such the influence its that in a male is a Systems Shayne Udkea attempt to awareness greatest on foreign policy. sensitivity good thing. how Advertising Manager Lars Pastrik as the Indonesian occupation of East Timor East Timor and Indonesia are certainly Another thing 1 am curious about is

concerned with but let's be have Ad Sales Representatives Vacant is commendable, but I am worthy of our concern, not hyp- my skills at my job (bartending) any-

the article ocritical. There evils. do with the situation hand. If Ms. Ad Production Manager Vacant one point raised in itself, Ms. are greater Next time thing to at

Ad Production Basas with I invite Assistants Richard Clarke announces that the East Timor Alert you have an all American Coca Cola, try Erin is concerned my boredom,

look at - Allison Cook Network (ETAN) intends to arrest President and remember the words of its president in her to take a my day planner one

who WLU - - of activities, Suharto, an invitee of the Federal 1992 "When I think of Indonesia A coun- a person supports

Administration Government, in British Columbia if the try on the equator with 180 million people, not belittles them.

of and Muslim ban This letter will be the final President Kevin MacDonald RCMP and Attorney General fail to act. a median age 18, a on hopefully

VP: Finance Mark Duke I find this quite disturbing for several alcohol - I feel like I know what heaven chapter of this saga, unless someone says

Board of Directors Christine When looks like." Heaven isn't so far else mean about If it seems Gergich reasons. a non governmental organi- away. something me.

Tom Lofkrantz tone and words that I am Hrubes Ryan Locke zation or interest group "arrests" someone Steven by my making

Michelle MacDonald Steve Metzger without the approval of the authorities, it is fun of this situation, it's because I am.

David Trueman called kidnapping and is highly illegal. Matt Roque

if initiated will Furthermore, even a move were The Cord not print anything that is racist, sexist, or homophobic in nature, as Unnecessary

deemed by the staff a voting body. The Cord will not in as print anything violation of its by the RCMP on Canadian soil, charges Code of Ethics, outlined in The Cord Constitution. Cord subscription rates are $20.00 would for addresses within Canada. The Cord is CanWeb never hold due to a loop- The term All procedural per printed by Printing. com- 'Roque' throwing mentary is strictly the opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect that of the hole known as entrapment. One should also Cord staff, the editorial board, or WLU Publications. consider the Dear consequences of violating the Editor, Electric of defence Contributors principles diplomatic immunity and I am writing this letter in my own

national if Suharto were of what was vicious and "Production Gap God" Paul McLean, Tina Tam, RW sovereignty appre- obviously a person-

hended. How would Canada react of Prime al attack character. Ms. Erin Cord: Hickey, Sarah Parker, James Muir, Eric Henry, Jeff on my Minister arrested Schouela, Thorn Ryan, Joshua Marshall, keg- Chretien were and held responded to my letter calling it "unwar- gers, Karen Ostrander, Chris Pearce, Al MacNevin, Ben by a foreign government for violating one of ranted and frankly petty." I'm sure that if www.wlu. Richelle Read, Danielle Fielder, Mohamed Umpleby, its laws? Perhaps we should also consider Ms. Erin had actually read my letter she Brad Marion Bhamani, Chris Philips, Wilson, Hensel, the for letter implications Canada's reputation would have realized that my original Beth Natalie Mullen, Navdeep Khattra, Vanderburg, and fact and international status as a result of com- was based entirely on was not ca/~ww Jeffrey Fila, Tanya Otterbein, Elizabeth Main, Matthew plicity in the deposition of another country's petty at a11... this letter is petty. Brodie, Alexis Arrowsmith, Gemma Warner, The WLU leader. I would like to know which of my facts Cafeteria Staff, Joseph Murphy, Mike Adorjan, Brad Ms. mentions of Clarke the "Butcher was misguided as they have been charged. Fetter, Marsha King, Michael Boyce, Ellen Justynski. K. Panama," George Bush. Bush is certainly I would also like to know when the big P.S. Never ever write an editorial when you're tired.

6 October 29,1997 QmsmMßM

Good Shaking Letters Policy

Living The Tree • All letters must be signed and submitted

with the author's name, student identifi-

Bill 160: cation and number. Be number, telephone very •All letters will be printed with the Dismantling afraid author's name. Letters can be printed

Public Education without the author's name only by per-

RW HICKEY SARAH PARKER mission of the Editor-in-Chief

Cord Opinion Cord Opinion • Letters must be received by Tuesday at of this At the time writing column, As October nears its end, it seems that week's issue rather noon for in our benevolent provincial govern- appropriate to discuss publication ment is busy spending taxpayers' death. Halloween, the of via festival in print, on disk, or e-mail to: money on propaganda vilifying spirits and the deceased, is the 22cord@ teachers. The Tories have of the And posi- indulgence season.

• Letters be double tioned themselves as intrepid sol- nature itself is attuned to the timely must typed, spaced diers, democra- theme. bravely defending and cannot exceed 500 words. the dictatorial different cy against "special But a death, one with HENSEL • The Cord reserves the right to edit any interests." more sinister implications, is per-

The Tories out that teach- the the death of the letter. and will not be point vading masses: Spelling grammar MARION while ers are not elected, as the heart. corrected. It is self-inflicted elected government, they are given not a wound, • The Cord reserves the to PHOTO: mandate educa- right reject any a public to shape nor is it a disease. Rather, it is a

This the in in is in vio- tion. is interesting; Tories response to a powerful, exterior letter; whole or part, that Congratulations to Dr. Robert Roseheart for his to choose champion democracy force: our government. And the lation of existing Cord policies. official Installation as our sth President on 0ct.24. whenever it's convenient. Clearly, it dying heart is Ontario. wasn't convenient when Toronto Ontario is and has been the

chose overwhelmingly to reject the geographical, political, economical, proposed Mega-Gty. Now, however, and social centre of Canada. the Harris government claims to be History confirms this. the voice of the people, but they're In the province where "good ignoring three key points. things grow," prosperity and

Firstly, no one directly voted for democracy has been an upstand-

of Education and tradition. ...and the Minister ing Even in times of poor We've got you coming... going.

effec- from the of the Training. Secondly, Bill 160 economy, storming all with return at student discount And we'll keep coming and going year regular departures prices. tively renders school board farmers down Yonge Street over you trustees, who are directly elected, 100 years ago to present day, the impotent. Finally, Bill 160 allows citizens' voice has at least been

the Minister of Education and heard. from Kitchener,/Waterloo to:

Training to raise taxes directly However, the Tories thought Toronto $22 Belleville $46 London $18 Sudbury $96 through an order in cabinet with- this needed to be "fixed" and boldly Guelph $10 Peterborough $40 Ottawa $85 out going before the legislature. mistook governing as a license for Other discounted destinations available. Check with your Greyhound Agent. the and the This Is a form of taxation without arbitrary use of power Price does not include G.S.T. representation. So much for right to privatize any social system. Surf to democracy. Orwellian in nature, Bill 142 is Pick-up service to Toronto at Frank C. Peters Building (on University Ave.) and the Athletic Complex (on King St.) The Tories' ads also pledge, the product of such thought. It is a at the Kitchener Transit Bays (Flag-Stops). Drop-off service also available. "more parental involvement," yet draft of non-voted-for measures

assistance parents' councils at schools across including reductions is "TRAVEL CUTS Ontario Bill 160. and the are against Why? recipient qualifications

They must have figured out that right to an appeal or an advocate, Student Union Building, 3rd Floor 888-8228 15 Charles Street West 741 "2600 class and the unwarranted invasion of you can't decrease sizes, as

the Tories are promising to do, privacy

when to let more than But the isn't you plan bypass surgery and full risk of 7.000 teachers go. They must have working, now at a

figured out that the quality of edu- massive attack, Ontario desperate-

seeks donor. cation will inevitably slip when ly a

'em hate uncertified "professionals" are left Teachers. Love or

to have to admire them. teach kindergarten, junior 'em, you stake kindergarten, art, music, comput- They recognize what's at immediate blows ers, guidance, and technical stud- beyond the to

ies. their body.

The advertisements promise "a The teachers' strike is not about

back-to-basics" curriculum. salaries, summer vacations or

cards. is However, schools have not even standardized report It a

bolder Bill 160 is an received an outline for this curricu- much pursuit.

that lum, which is supposed to be inefficient piece of legislation the of democratic implemented next year. With funds ensures silencing in being cut from education, it's rights by placing more power

will be the hands of the and the unlikely that any money ignorant the Harris cabinet. allocated for the new texts and few; namely,

materials required to completely Complacency is not our obliga- for restructure Ontario's school sys- tion as citizens; standing up our

tem. rights is. And this is essentially

Bill 160 is not about improving what the fight is all about. teachers the education. It's about saving money. The are province's

on screen. After a memo was leaked to the last pulsating blip the

Opposition which outlined that For the rest of us, there's only

left do: don over an additional 667 million was one thing to your

to be cut from educational funding, ghoulish masks and frighten the

the Tories had to turn completely evil spirits away.

around from their initial statement

that they did not intend to cut one

cent. The government has also Cord recently admitted that the bill will

result 7,000 in the letting go of over

teachers - only a week ago they Opinion:

claimed it would only result in the loss of4,000. Bet you Our government is lying to us. They cannotbe trusted, yet Bill 160 can't have: will hand them the future of educa-

tion, part and parcel. just one!

October 29,1997 7 &M2QEUIIIQII

CultureShock Bitter Young Man

for home and ERIC HENRY there, this section is reserved." B. YOUNGMAN dad periodically some ing turkey, pumpkin pie, hook-

Cord opinion to hit them ers!" Boundaries were set up, traffic was Cord Opinion cooking, laundry, and up (guess why they are divorced?)

could have been controlled. this cash. I tell It a lazy night "Not way sir, it's one Parents, everybody has them and for some more won't even you what happens

front of the television. with when the spent in I way only." Every word was said everybody has butted heads with My relationship my parents religious holidays roll

tired. with around. But when it to was I wanted to go to sleep. complete insincerity and a them at one time or another. When got severely screwed up a couple of comes who is

when the tuition it turns Images were flashing in front of plastic smile. you live at home it is usually some- years ago they got divorced paying bill, into:

after of Dad: "It's not me. Like I said, if it were not for the The temporary anarchy that thing about curfews, ifyou could use 25 years marriage. Though my responsibility, you sounds bad, the best it." thousands of people surrounding reigned at the Turret last year is the car or not or when you got that it it was thing pay

trust this. since Mom: "I him me, it could have been my living directly opposed to the controlled C in math. for them, me on But, carried for nine

But instead it environment do condoms in and all months, and was in labour with him room. was Skydome, of Skydome. During "Why you have myself my siblings are grown

I at And concert the ushers sent need for for 15 hours, it!" and was the concert. I the people your room?" was a great argument up there was no a custody you pay

had been for half hour who front back house. And the end of the But since there Dad: "I didn't want the waiting an were dancing up to in my con- arrangement. was even little

act their the is I don't think since the opening for something seats. I found out that stand- versation went something along no agreement, everything bastard, even he's my

to on chair is also lines of "You don't screwed kid, And then it happen. ing your a big no- you screaming up. you pay! gets

The concert itself was amazing. no. Why did these people have understand!" Followed by slamming A prime example of this screw worse."

But to back to I don't claim to be a music critic, power over my actions? Because I of doors and a long stream of up: the major holidays. You know, get my original

do I be But had little of ticket muttered under the ones where sit down with did I have a Oh nor ever hope to one. a piece paper, a obscenities your you point ... point? ya,

amateur and stub that defined and and friends. You eat and with my uneducated opin- my role my breath. family your relationship your parents tell about ion is that I had a really good time position. But believe it or not, when arriv- drink like gluttonous pigs and that changes. They you more

and those Irish know Much culture based relative of drunk what is in their lives -1 boys really of our is ing at university, your relationship one yours gets way going on got

to and cartwheels a detailed of how put on a show. around accepted practices and with your parents change. They are ends up doing description dad's

the couch. know what examination lunch It's been a long time since I was proper behaviour. There are strict no longer hanging over your every across You prostate over one

about. time - what to at a concert. I think the last one rules for how things are supposed move, no longer there every day I'm talking (yummy!) they plan

both do not be, was Our Lady Peace at the Turret to be done. Order is valued over when you come home from school, For holidays now, my par- (which may or may

last That concert there to hear ents invite and out in but year. was a great chaos, organization over anarchy. no longer you yakking my siblings me over brought court, keep

different let rules the toilet after hard of for and records in case), and the stan- too, although in a very Sometimes we these into a night Christmas, Thanksgiving, just

The difference the too Easter and to decide which dard of how are of way. wasn't become strict while their drinking. we get proud they you...

to music (because I'm really not quali- enforcement becomes ever more Some people miss this, but the 'rent we want to spend the festive so long as they don't have pay the

with. To make bills. fied to comment on that) but the subtle. It is carried out not by secu- majority of people when they arrive holiday it weirder, Yes, parents are a wonderful

At but at think in this order: 1. to outbid each other: "Your breed. So when see them venue. the Turret, they pack you rity guards or police, by university they try you again,

in until else and freedom 2. which to the bar 3. father is Well I'm "hi," tell them that missed no one can fit. The bureaucrats, therapists coun- way serving turkey? say you

dance floor crowded with sellors. is that there and them, them and then is sweat- cute guy/girl over single. serving turkey pumpkin pie!" give a big hug

bodies. I must beware that tour And would counter bid ask where the hookers You ing, screaming If recall, We our Yes, you are now in a parent-free my father are.

there and will and with like "Well I'm never know. was one girl at the very front, guides do not become our prison zone you only see mom something serv

wedged into place by the surging guards. Nor should we be coerced

horde, begging for help. into docility. By allowing others to

In there complete contrast. Skydome control our actions, may

was structured. Each chair was come a time when there is no one

down left take bound into place, even in to us sheep out to pasture. Get wired: Electric Cord front of the Of need kind of stage. Helpful ushers course we some

to would be checking your tickets structure in our lives. But a little make sure you were where you protest or revolution every once then show to and while is belonged, you your a a good thing.

seat. "No sir, your seat is over

- IXlli " -

■ jj d HH jjy HJH

"' " *T«'' *■ :"- ,- k


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8 October 29,1997 CORD INTERNATIONAL

Human Rights Abuse in Afghanistan Taliban military rule oppresses women

ANGELA ORTICELLO al vision. the Walking through regime have returned women to clinics. However, these make-shift killer of children. CORD INTERNATIONAL impoverished streets of of and inferi- health centres positions subjugation are inappropriate for Under the Taliban rule women On 27th the September 1996, Afghanistan's Kabul, is local of all capital city, ority, stripping women providing emergency care, as they are subjected to frequent beatings of women Afghanistan awoke to made difficult with increasingly self-respect, economic indepen- are severely understaffed, unsani- for failure to comply with these find themselves In a living night- neglected roadways and the burden dence and dismissal from health and lack the tary resources to help oppressive laws.

mare. of these cumbersome with health wearing gar- women serious prob- For example, exposure of a Haunted by isolation, neglect, ments that force women to breathe lems. woman's wrist while paying for her and the of oppression, women the foul air of their sweat. own It is ironic that the Taliban are groceries often results in whip lash- Afghanistan have become victims of This is the degrading experience denying women health services ings from Taliban militiamen.

a Taliban rule. ...denied misogynist many women endure if wish while the they to at same time are produc- Crimes, such as adultery, have

For over a the year Taliban from their homes. laws that emerge education ing are perpetuating resulted in women being buried to Islamic militia has to In Muslim managed fact, women are not women's poverty and dependency their necks and then stoned to

maintain control over two-thirds of allowed to in public unless for health appear forbidden care. death by government militiamen. Their rule has forced and Afghanistan. their husbands a male or relative For example, in October of 1996, The Taliban rule is both un- withdraw women to from the public them. accompany 32 public bathhouseswere closed to Islamic and inhumane. Many of the sphere of the nation; denied educa- This law has employment, imposed trapped the women of Afghanistan. laws being enforced by the militia tion and forbidden employment, 35,000 widows in their these had existed living women are Previously houses are contrary to the teachings of the women are vanishing behind locked homes. With husband to escort order to that no in ensure poor women Qur'an. doors and hidden behind burqas. them in public, widows have and been vanishing children were guaranteed a hot Faithful followers of the doctrine The has abandoned and all-enveloping burqa subjected to a life of bath in cities deprived of running of Islam insist that the current

replaced the predominant skirts and ridicule. Isolated from and of poverty behind water electricity. oppression women in

and T-shirts (modern Western cloth- and friends left to As result this from family they are a of expulsion Afghanistan is a result of politics

that women of ing) Afghanistan on their own within the the and struggle locked doors public facilities, many women ignorance not Islam. wore before the Taliban assumed confinement of their homes. experience an increased occurence The Taliban militia justify their

a strict autocratic power imposing Women's standard of living has and of infections and sca- burqas. gynecological extreme measures by maintaining code of conduct. Now women's bod- suffered due to their that this will end moral immensely bies. the corrup-

ies are concealed from the public forced removal from the work force. The law chil- the directly impacts tion of state. This is simply unac- Before the Taliban eye. military dren's health, as they are now ceptable. Yet, the international com-

Draped in secrecy, women are females institutions which has had forced be bathed cold takeover, represented near- a grave to in water at munity continues to turn a blind forced meshed see through a 40% of the active work force in Females not to tiny ly impact. are permitted home, resulting in frequent respira- eye these tragic events as long as windowthat prevents peripher- Kabul. Laws this brutal be any imposed by to treated by male doctors; thus tory infections for young children. they fall outside the purview of

women are denied essential access Afghanistan's bitter-cold winters "national interests".

to health care. this health When will the world only compound growing powers rec- have been which claim FactSheet Only a few women crisis the lives oftens of ognize that something must be done lim- permitted to continue providing thousands each year, contributing to end these blatant violations of

ited health services in small, local towards the country's number one human rights? [Afghanistan

® Official Name:State ofAfghanistan

Government: 50-member Ruling Council ofislamic Republic President: Burhanuddin Rabbani ( Prime Minister: Bulbuddin Hekrnatyar (May 1996} Population: 22.6 million 1 tt|/'Take a seat. Capital City: Kabul Seat Sales. Languages: Pushtu, Dari Persion.Turkic Religion: Islam (Sunni, 84%, Shiite, 15%} j Charters. literacy Rate: 29%

Birth Hate: 43/1000 We've got them. Mint Mortality: 15Q1000 Monetary Unit: Afghani

Gross domestic Product: $3 billion (1989 est}

Per Capita income: $200

Inflation: 90%

Major Trading Partners: Europe, Central Asian Republics, Japan HPC Student Union Building Source: 1997 Information Please Almanac j ** lllAVtLl4ll3 886-8228

World Watch Owned and operated by the Canadian Federation of Students

the CABRERA, Columbia - 965 minority Tamils in biggest

the start Leftist rebels have launched their sweep in Colombo since of most serious attack against Sri Lanka's civil war 14 years ago. STii ibENTS sAV E Colombian of 8000 air democracy in more than A combined force police,

and searched for thirty years of insurgency. With force army troops

President rebels accused of a truck Ernesto Samper's govern- Tamil EVERY WEDNESDAY IS A earlier this month. ment seriously weakened by scan- bombing and dal, the country's two main guerril- Fighting between rebels troops TUITION BUSTER BARGAIN! la have called an "armed have now left more than 50,000 fr&r groups

strike" throughout much of the dead. 5 a valid Princess Cinema country in efforts to impede y

Sunday's elections. In recent HANOI, Vietnam - Vietnam's & a University or months, at least 53 candidates have Communist Party is warning jour-

this to been killed and more than 2000 nalists and editors week M College I.D. you pay only have withdrawn after receiving begin to promote the government-

death threats backed to or being kidnapped ideology, according $3.99!! at the box office. by rebels. reports from the ruling party news-

The If is V\ paper, People. more loyalty Pick up a Film Guide in the the COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - not shown to party, govern- Wilf's or 'The to see What's On! Security forces sealed the capital ment warned it will revoke publica- Spot' and swarmed through its streets tion licenses from newspapers and and buildings Saturday, detaining journals.

October 29,1997 9 CORD STUDENTLIFE

The frosh fifteen: a trial with

obsession and deceptions

ANONYMOUS I I not food had. I list- the I I need- way looked; if was so "fat," always eating meals alone in my began a daily diary weighed, more thought

Cord Student Life seek instead of bedroom life how ed lose. Theideal I wanted people would me out and basically living the ing long I exercised, everything to weight

The dreaded "frosh 15." After I TV I fat remained an unreachable, a few it always being the other way of a hermit. could not watch ate, how many calories and and

weeks students be around. tried to in made to unrealistic, The some may feeling 1 go out more, but (god forbid someone might be eating were the food, and goals goal. more weight I

little their heart I food count each All lost, the more I wantedto lose. a panicky as jeans no my just was not in it, only felt chips in the common room) and it lower the day.

all the and sad and out of You I not think- longer zipper way up place. Plus, while not was impossible to go out with other the while I kept trying to convince may guess was

out their much of drinker the first that, this those I started they are pouring of crop a in place, people because food would always myself was making me ing straight days.

tops, in all senses of the word. But happy. finding it hard to concentrate; I

for those that are still innocently in A typical day started with a could never read more than ten

the dark, the "frosh 15" refers to the twenty minute jog before a break- minutes and my thoughts always

first went back to food. It also seemed to weight gain that many year stu- fast consisting of dry cereal (no milk)

dents cold all experience as they explore and a piece of fruit before I wearily become unbearably the time

their I I with sweater newfound surroundings and went to class where planned my as layered myself

after sweater but felt independence. workout. The AC became my sec- never warm.

of hair started to fall out However, my story is about the ond hermit hole. I was there every- Chunks my

effects and but opposite this phase had on day dragging myself through aero- my joints constantly ached, I those me and how my life was changed. In bic classes, the super circuit, ignored warning signals and

the months before I started at the stair climber and on weights, ... just kept going.

I worried about and remember I I missed out lot Laurier, excessively on. Maybe you me; on a during my freshman the this weight gain and 1 tiled to find was the short (I can not say thin, year at Laurier. By

admit that 1 ways to counterbalance it. I had though), dark haired girl with the time I was willing to did

been talk have and always slightly overweight, but sunken eyes who would never a problem sought some

had miserable. I that I recently begun dieting and to anyone and looked help, found was no longer a

exercising and the pounds had been However, 1 still believed that I had loner by choice but someone who

off. did it isolated had been to dropping I not realize then, control of my life. In my not willing get involved,

but I when every day I was subtly becoming world, if burned more calories especially people were getting

more and more concerned about than 1 consumed I could maintain to know one another and friend-

the thin look." and formed. achieving "ideal This, my weight maybe, if I was ships were being

added with the seemingly trivial fear lucky, lose some. And losing weight What I had previously avoided as

the the of the of "frosh 15," was leading to an was equivalent being happy. threats to achieving perfect body

obsession with Christmas time, I no longer the parties, late-night chats, the overpowering my By ,

whole had about the dreaded 1 body image. to worry socializing during meals, now

By the time 1 started at Laurier, 1 "frosh 15." In actual fact, I had lost craved.

became was following a strict meal and close to thirty pounds and was Food not only a comfort

schedule. out enter to fill the but I exercise Unfortunately, alcohol was totally of the ques- into some part of the activities. rapidly losing more. In theprocess, I voids, my enemy as

other of life because in aspects my started going tion I could not risk con- I did not have faith in my resistance managed to totally alienate myself found myself hiding my room

The who had extra calories. In to from and lose all confi- whatever food I could awry. boy promised suming any my temptation. my peers bingeing on

me that love would be forever, extra I ate would I amused fit- dence in of abilities. hands and our mind, anything put myself by reading any my get my on never feeling

broke it off within two weeks of the pounds immediately back on ness magazines, books about health At this point, no matter how normal.

frosh week and I it hard unlovable than I and and much I lost it was finding making me more nutrition, my favourite, a weight was never

to fit in with the floor. food counter how and didn't work out Continued • See Frosh fifteen girls on my already was. telling me exactly enough I

1 the I into routine calories and each to burn the fat. The less obsession 12 blamed these problems on Soon, got a of many fat kind of enough I page


and Canada. YES is Your fall guide to with some hard work, preparation, Development of the learn and planning you can get a good one programs you can

a about summer job one. by visiting http://www.hrdc-

We suggest that you use a vari-

JEFFREY CAREER to FILA, ADVISOR ety of resources pursue several Weird Cord Student Life different employment opportuni- c) Ontario Summer Experience ties. Here is a list ofCareer Services Program. Though funding alloca-

do until the It is October. You are well into the resources you can use in your tions not come out

Fall term. You are probably busy summer job search: Spring, it is recommended that you But True working on group projects, class contact previous Approved and I want 1. Summer Job Binders: Last in about presentations, or essays year Employers the Fall poten-

to talk to about had 272 tial At you starting your Career Services summer summer openings. our front

have last GEMMA WARNER summer job search. Now, before job postings for positions that desk, we year's Approved

Cord Student Life the of from which contains you discount value starting ranged marketing and Employer List

information about your summer job search now, con- accounting to franchise work and previously fund-

1. 9% adults to than ed Only of are willing wait more five minutes for a wait- sider this: summer camp counselling. In positions and employers.

to ask for their er beverage order; 20% of adults can bear only to wait other words, come soon, come

minute. 1. and Graduate one Many organizations start often, check out our postings! d) (National Registry).

2. Last had heart the Fall NGR is site year more people attacks on Mondays than any other recruiting in for summer a not-for-profit web on

Heart and which day. problems strokes peak on Monday mornings openings and have deadlines as 2. There are several provincially, you can post your resume

have found that the risk of crash — 3.Researchers a car quadruples during early as November. In fact, last and federally, funded summer for free

the first five minutes after driver call cellular - for Some of a places a on a phone year the three busiest months employment programs. which is about the hazard There several that same as driving drunk. summer job postings at Career these programs start accepting 3. are things

4. The numberof has to twins risen 30% since 1980. Greater use of fertility Services were November, January, applications as early as mid- you can do at Career Services

treatments and For more woman over the age of 30 giving birth are just and February. October. hone your job searching skills.

of the for the some reasons increase. example, you can have your

5. Music cassettes are the boxes of watch a 45- being heaped atop vinyl records and 2. Competition for summer a) FSWEP. This program provides resume critiqued, 8-tracks sales. CD's video at garage now out sell cassettes 4 to 1. employment is fierce. Last July, university students with access to minute on summer job

6. A has 35 all of them blue. the Service in mock inter- scallop eyes, are approximately 50% of students many student Public search, participate a

7. Each day, Americans eat 7.5 acres of to a Career Advisor collectively pizza. aged 15 to 24 who planned to Commission jobs. FSWEP applica- view, or talk 8. A who doesn't brush floss have person or regularly can as many as one return to school in the fall were tions are in Career Services now or about job search techniques,

billion bacteria each tooth surface. and on employed, while about 20% of stu- you can apply by going to resources, strategies.

9. If name is Jim Smith, there's a club that wants to no information about your you join, dents were unemployed. http/Avww. psc-cf'p. htm. For more

questions asked. The Jim Smith Society is made up of about 1,700 men Career Services, call 884-0710 ext.

who share the same name. Resources: b) Youth Employment Strategy. 4495, visit us at 232 King Street

10. A ten hat holds about three Level, to gallon only quarts. The good news about summer There are several employment ini- North, Main or go

jobs is that they are out there, and tiatives run by Human Resources http//

10 October 29,1997 CORDSTUDENTLIFE

Out Spoken

and All Homo's Eve lifestyles. Gay people are left with acceptance lifestyle. that New Year's, St. Paddy's Day, It is no small miracle then,

of the incredible cos- Devon &Taylor Groundhog Day (sigh), and yes, some most 1 have THOM RYAN Halloween. In many ways, tuming displays ever seen

bars Halloween. Cord Student Life Halloween is the most gay-identi- were at gay on

Dear Devonand Tayfor, Dear Devon and Taytwi fied of the lot. It's almost as though gay people

work the all There is a. bartender who After studying at the library The interesting thing about All people are masked on on perfect costume have their little Wilfs who has called — round, to works at caught one night, I Foot Patrol to Halloween is that it's one of the few Halloween disguise has become year only

tend watch the of walk home. live for and one my eye. I to part me I quite a dis- holidays in modern Western cul- the norm rather than the extreme spark lit one night

the bar that he works he October 31st. If a at so can tance away so by the time they ture which transcends most reli- on that single day. Gender appears night only, you're

When Bash I I all but and freak for excellent costume ideas serve me. he does, I got me home, felt knew them gious and cultural predilections. irrelevant, you only

but he is have few in dresses and a which embraces him a smile, always too fairly well. In fact, I became Despite Pagan and Christian to see a men community

to to that Halloween to the seek out the busy notice. I often see him on drawn to the male member. beginnings, Halloween has all but (togas, my ass) figure one hilt,

and would tike to talk to I take Foot lost tradi- out. nearest bar on and campus Now, Patrol every any moorings in religious gay Friday pre-

but I Do chance 1 kind An of extreme dif- to be enthralled. him, am just too shy. you can, even going places I tionalism, emerging as a new acceptance pare

him don't in celebration: does — the more radical the Contact GLOBAL e- think I should approach or really need to go, the of one which not ferences through

Wilfs and — will- mail at just keep visiting keep hopes that this gentleman will be explicitly or traditionally exclude costume the better and a [email protected],

the the walk home. to do it all in the of call the WLU Student Help Line at crush to myself? one to me Do you homosexuality. Christmas, Easter, ingness spirit Valentine's these visit web site at Signed, "WBf9#l Wonder* know how eise 1 could meet this Thanksgiving — even some mutual agreement: 884-PEER, or our

ideals which fit well with — dude? day have been heterosexually seem like homosexual bal.html. Dear Wonder Signed, "Ffcncy Footwork" encoded to block out alternative an understanding of

It's no wonder you're attracted

to one of the Wilfs workers. We Dear Fancy,

here at WIU have some sexy bar- So, you want Foot Patrol for

to meet club has future of tenders! Hell, we're all sexy here more than their walking capabili- this is a great opportunity hopes forming a

students chess team. For more information, atWLU. The best way to grab llife ties, huh? Like our bartenders, the professors and other in e-mail also have footers. — those in [email protected] or bartender's attention is to keep we some sexy archaeology especially

and Sex the If all know about this other fields. come out to the ordering Orgasms on you guy is meeting.

if he doesn't look that he's There are several social activities Beach, at you in a Foot Patroller, then

The Writer's Club a new light after that, at least he'll likely be hard to track down. including a Hallowe'en party and a

If are interested in you'll be drank. We're not pro- Keep Ming Foot Patrol if you're formal in the new year, in conjunc- you writing

with club. fiction, or non-fiction, moting excessive drinking, but really intent on finding him on tion the anthropology poetry, prose,

held second this is the perfect to rather an intoxicating exchange campus. IF you never find him at Meetings are every opportunity the with this bartender. Use this least you're walking safe. Good Monday at 202 Regina Street, room meet others involved in same

luck. 103 at 5:30. thing. approach to strike up a conversa- Campus The club's to create tion and road his vibes. Have fun. Yours, Devon and Taylor The next meeting is Monday, goal is a writers Yours, Devon and November 6. For more information, community among Laurier Tayior Connection

contact Doug Ross through e-mail at where you can share your writing

[email protected] call him and receive others' ideas and Jfyou need advice, write So Devon and Taylor and drop your letter off or work. The club is at the Cord offices. Anonymity guaranteed. at 747-5346. thoughts on your

the than to who is willing to Your guide to more open anyone

Chess Club in their ideas or 50 active clubs at Laurier. WLU participate sharing

works. You even This club is open to any student original can bring

whether the of others that Here's what to do: Archaeological Society who is interested in chess, in writings you

archaeo- want to share. This club is mainly for you are an expert or just starting

the fund out. is available The weekly are held on 1. Avoid exposing any part of your logical students as raising Coaching through meetings

books and from others. Thursday at in the Lion's Den body during the coldest parts of the goes directly to support the manda- by learning 10pm basement of the to bar excavation that each stu- The of this club is in build- (in the day. Sure, running the in your tory dig emphasis Brewery

coat dent must attend the current chess Huether Hotel). something T-shirt will save you the check, during sum- ing on your strategy Bring

but won't for held to and skills. along to share for friendly interac- your body thank you mer. Bingos are usually help

subsidize the at 5:30 in L126, tion with other writers. For more it. Dress in layers, with tightly knit raise this money to Every Thursday e-mail the club incurred students at chess are to information, at fabrics (wool or polar fleece) on the expense by players encouraged

and each or come inside, and a windproof layer out- various digs each summer. come out play against [email protected] The the side. The head However, for those in archeology, other. Boards are provided. out to meeting. Safety tip of is your body's single of heat that greatest source loss, so

too. the week means wearing your toque

MATTHEW BRODIE 2. Alcohol and caffeine are other

Cord Student Life factors in the You feel equation. WordOfTheWeek been warm inside when you've

Interested in taking a First Aid drinking them, but they hinder the v unbleached linen. Drink ecru (ek ru) n. or brown; the colour of course or renewing your old certifi- body's heat-producing ability. adj. very pale cations? Courses at the Athletics plenty of warm fluids to help your

Complex will be held on the follow- body maintain its temperature, but ing dates: Standard First Aid, avoid too much coffee. If hot drinks

November Ist and 22nd; aren't available, plain water is a

Emergency First Aid, November good substitute.

9th; First Aid Recertification,

the November 6th. Call Lesley Buck at 3. Take frequent breaks from A Limited Number ext. 2856 for details. cold. This lets your body warm up

better withstand brief of This week's safety tip is on to periods

toextreme cold. dressing to warm outdoors. of DOUBI F ROOMS stay exposure SINGLE and

Drinking 101 are available for


Singapore Sling STUDENTS • 3/4 oz. gin

• 1/4 oz. cherry brandy

• Mix in 3 parts orange juice, 2

— lemon, and a dash of on parts grena- Campus

dine. Build over ice and shake.

Layer the cherry brandy on top. and at University Place. Blow Job

(You can't use your hands) Please contact the HOUSING OFFICE

• 1/2 PHOTO oz. Bailey's Irish cream

• 1/2 oz. peppermint schnapps RLE 884-0710 (ext. 3218) • Top with whip cream

October 29,1997 • 11 cqbqsdibenluee

Haunted Hallowe'en


Across: Down:

2. fee supportive framework of 1. a burial ground

an organism 3. an ugly or grotesque sprite

that 5. what a ghost says is mischievous and some'

9. Mary Shelley wrote this novel times evil or malicious

10. the laugh of a witch 4. an outfitworn to create the of 11. a disembodied sou! abearance a person, place,

13. Jark-o-Lantern without the or tiling

face 6. All Bvc

15. one thai is credited with 7. 'Hie Rocky Horror Show

5. "I suck Mood." supernatural powers, usually van! to your

malignant 12. trick or ;

18. arachnophobia 14. often seen with a parrot and

19. re-animated dead body eye-patch children who 20. a body embalmed or treated 16. given to come

for burial knocking

17. to make frightened or frantic

outside Crosswurd and word search answers will be posted the Cord

office, on the thirdfloor ofthe NCC, the following weet

Frosh fifteen obsession I— What'sHappeningHere —,

10 the the well because of who Cord General ADHD Educational Continued from page controlling food, weight was accept you as Meeting Program

and and how look October November 7-9 controlling me making me you are not you on 31,1997 4, p.m.

It has only been recently that I unhappy. the outside. Cord Office Room 2C8

back and feel feel is welcome to Dr. Glumac, an adult can sit objectively look at I still worry about how people Today I healthy I better Everyone partic- George

the will and exude in the and child will previous year and the lingering react when they see me now about myself, 1 more ipate weekly Cord general psychiatrist, present

2:30 this educational seminar on atten- memories it leaves. 1 can truly say because I fear they will only look at self-confidence. This makes me meetings at p.m. every

out tion deficit disorder. that I have been to hell and back me growing fatter. People come up more willing to reach to others, Friday. hyperactivity

comments A of ADHD adults will dis- and I look upon the coming years to me now though, and tell me I trust them, and allow them into my Offer and sugges- panel

with both and look life. It is also nice tions about the edition of their anticipation trepida- good and, more importantly, not to feel guilty current cuss experiences throughout

tion. healthy. I used to dread hearing all the time about everything I do. I the Cord and make connections childhood and adulthood,

to to the and the other One thing I know for sure is that still continue go gym by meeting editors and

makes feel writers. Your article could be the Self-defense Seminar 1 probably would not even be alive work out because it me

without the I "I still but it is no I next cover November 9 today support worry good longer something story! received from well force I when I feel is invited to a self- my family, as as myself to do; go Everyone

the Laurier Health Centre, cafeteria to it. MBA Fair defence seminar based on Hap Ki about how up the Don who And freshmen with November 4:30-7 Do. This is of martial art staff, and on my floor especially 4, p.m. a style

Centre stresses effective and had the courage to confront me people will the onslaught of meal cards, par- Paul Martin that escapes about and it all and MBA defences attackers. For my problem. Throughout ties, drinking, enjoy Representatives from against

If Canada information this disorder 0 hate to call it an eat- react when just do everything in moderation. programs throughout and more contact there the "frosh the United States will be there and TaeKwonDo e-mail at ing disorder because is so you don't put on 15," through

much 1 if should more involved with it), have that's great. Even you do gain or so you. 00taekdo@machl see me learned of the health conse- they lose weight, just be careful it does

not lead to stunted of quences. " some way

muscles started feeding on now. My sft y(S thinking. 0v W BC

themselves to survive, my heart Your body deserves to be treat-

rate dropped dangerously low, and ed with respect just as you deserve

there these but I under- with are lingering complications comments now to be treated respect. After all,

with that I not stand. about my body am sure People were worried you only have one life and only one

this to last but did not be to are repairable. All was due a me year, they just body to do it in so good your-

fear of gaining weight and losing know what to say or how to intrude self, always.

control. in someone else's life. And it is hard

I still have demons for who has not traveled Due the Emotionally, anyone to personal nature of this

I to face everyday, but am getting this road to understand how crip- article, the author asked that their

It's stronger. been hard gaining the pling the obsession with losing name be withheld.

back have of weight and I the con- weight becomes to every aspect

stant fear that the pounds will keep a person's life. In my lowest of days, Editor's note: If you know someone

adding on. I no longer weigh myself I had no hope for a future; now I in this position, or are struggling because I'm scared what scale with disorder the can believe that there are good an eating yourself, If YOU need will say. However, I try not to let the times ahead to be experienced. call the Laurier Peer Help Line at fJDTIf/SI l/rf rule life Sure So believe when 884-PEER, talk to fVfffc weight my anymore. students, me I your Don, or NEW GLASSES, it that Health Services 884- hurts clothes are tighter that the only to feel good contact at my say way visit llll'HMiUffl and but some no longer fit, the about yourself is to accept the way 0710 ext. 3146. Please, talk to

whole time I was losing weight and are. Believe that others will someone. you Complete eyeglass packages from )QQ0U

(includes frame, single vision plastic J g * The Electric Cord lenses, scratch resistant coating) * 255 King St. N.(at University) Waterloo 888-0411

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I 816 CROWD - I

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pw bnk CORDFEATURE Cult Followings

TheAnatomy ofa Cult

RANDY WAECHTER may be placed on followers to

Cord Features devote all of their resources to the

Over This the last several years, cults "master's" cause. may include

atten- have received a lot of public their money, time and vocational or

tion and media hype. educational skills, etc.

Over time, the term "cult" has

become somewhat derogatory and 5) Control of information - In some

to context. content referred in a negative groups, the of the doctrine

The problem is that most of us is not revealed to potential converts

are a member of one cult or anoth- until they are considered ready or

er. until they have been with the group

The term "cult" is an all-encom- for some time and have made some

word with to passing many meanings. concessions it.

and Social this do Many critics Scientists Based on criteria, you

list charac- cult? about have acknowledged a of belong to a What uni-

teristics found among cults: versity? Does it have a charismatic

leader? What about the University

1) Charismatic Leader - Life in the President? Does he make decisions

group is said to center around a sin- on ideology and policy which are

gle person whohas authority. He or binding? Does he have authority?

she is the final decision maker, How about theDean of each faculty,

whose pronouncements on both or the Dean of Students? Are they

policy and ideolo- authority-fig-

and deci- gy are binding ures

upon the follow- sion-makers

ers. within the

Laurier students commu-

2) Regulation - nity?

Followers Does may at WLU be taught that regulation exist complete submis- to within the uni- the will of sion to required versity commu- PHOTO the leader is nec- nity? Are stu- submit to FILE essary.The dents at WLU leader's authority required to sub-

extend the will and to the will Cult leader of Heaven's Marshall Herff Applewhite, made headlines last April when he and 38 of can into mit Gate,

of life that his to hook with UFO. Most associate cults to be radical. areas and policies of followers committed suicide up a people as

leaders? are normally policies of WLU regarded as pri- Does

such of of former life before before school to do with and education. vate, as sex- WLU the authority part your com- your program starting university here? there about One needs realize that ual behavior, policy-makers ing to university, such as friends, Is information also to we

all vulnerable control. or extend nor- and old school? that couldn't are to marriage, leaders?" into family, your your university you the most freedom of mally private What about , control of easily obtain? Does it seem like you Probably important utilize speech and students issues resources? Do students in university still know very little about the uni- skill one can in dealing with

movement. or issues that shouldn't involve devote resources to the university? versity and the program you are cults is critical thinking.

enrolled Don't at face them? What about student behav- Do they spend money, time, in? accept anything

- will not conclusions value. Don't be 3) Separation Converts and poten- iour off-campus which has nothing resources and personal skills, such 1 draw any a sponge, simply

converts this matter. here around tial may be physically and to do with Wilfrid Laurier as athletic ability, at the university? on My intention is absorbing everything you.

emotionally separated from tangi- University? Do they become Does the university dictate what simply to make people think and Be critical, ask questions. Why

identifiable and how demonstrate that cults be the are? ble or influences from involved in issues such as this? resources you will spend might are things way they Why

do do Is there a former life - including family, The issue of separation is bla- much ofeach? more common than most people we certain things?

obvious. does and that "cult" is better to do friends, school, or employment. tantly Are you physically Lastly, the university con- believe, an way something?

and trol term. Be life is (somewhat) emotionally sepa- any information on its students? extremely vague active, a two-way

and Therefore could that be take both direc- - to 4) Control of resources Pressure rated from influences that were a Did you fully understand WLU we argue street, sure up

most of us are a part of one cult or tions.

another, but have become "main-

stream" because our society has Collective to the action, them as beneficial or tol- according accepted Clllt erable. (kult) n.

its influences are But what about cults way used, may "negative" like the radical "the-end-of-the- 1. A system of reli- enhance the or increase the that ana good world-is-upon-us" ones require gious rights total submission from its members? observances: the evil. Should its influence be abnor- There are a few things to know cult of Aphrodite.

about these of cults, 2,Zealous devotion then types especially mal, because it to to a ideal, precisely ifone wishes avoid them. person, First of all, knowledge truly is r excites and intensifies individual § Tne of this power. The more you know about a Object

group and how it functions, the it drives then on the road mtltowereof more efficacious defences. energies, are your these a cult; a sect to with all the Many people join organi- catastrophe greater zations because they are looking for

a belief system - they require some- -fwkmdWfrgnalls, Canadian energy. one to show them the way, a mean- College belief ing, if you will. What is your Dictionary

have one? -Emile Durkeim system? Do you Odds are that it has something

14 »October 29,1997 WRPrafflfii Praise the Lord, Music's

Anti-Christ is Here

SARAH SCHIEFER the Internet, and lived in its and those Mr. Manson was pleased to People, especially having eventually run course some good points

Cord Features find sites both too will I'll a plethora of adoring residence last year. I do have a stupid to live fortunately be made, perhaps change my views

Let start that I'm and deem- crushed beneath the wheels of about me just by saying hating the Anti-Christ. problem however, with him our on the world." However, what of the about tired I must that he himself as now a fourteen old kids who listen hype Marilyn just say although ing a figure as important progress. Right as family, as the year

Manson, or excuse Reverend claims to be me, fighting for what he the Anti-Christ. an Army we are limited as a minori- to his music and go to his concerts.

Manson. I I should believes and free- "America Laws bind But it is fact that Marilyn suppose in, individuality Manson states: will ty. us. important They're impressed by the

the fact that he is dom of it is be this to remember the law what is he doesn't whether not he acknowledge an speech, simply a joke paint me out to terrible per- is only care or ordained in the Church of of individ- what's that with priest trying to find some sense son, responsible for teen suicide, popular. Not right or wrong." gets in trouble, and sticks

Satan. uality in a mess of what boils down mass murder. I want to call their Marilyn Manson rejects conven- them.

I realize full well that in to writing money-hungry media manipula- bluff. I am the All American Anti- tional morality and society's self- So, while he may not be respon- this article, I am to the tion. Go I standards "When sible just adding Christ. ahead, be afraid. am serving stating: for teen suicide, and mass

that I so much detest. But I with to do all the he is for hype very have no problem the going things you think WE become the majority, we will murder, responsible using

to be at 1 happen an expert contra- music-making side of Marilyn I'm going to do. To them, it's the end decide who doesn't belong. As mis- his influential position as a musician

attribute I share Manson. his dicting myself, one I respect right to make of the world. To me, it's just starting anthropes and throw-away loads and charismatic leader to teach with Manson. and for Marilyn music,, people who like to lis trouble. I don't always have a good we will not submit to the main- children that it's all right to do horri-

To look into this ten to his for some insight music, that's fine by me. reason for the things I do. It's just to stream. You will become it. And fying things, and get into trouble.

Anti-Christ 1 went to I'm not to claim have little chaos. needs should be afraid. lie without the phenomenon, going to cause a America America very, very However, a peo- favourite for information, my source never listened to a blaring Beautiful it. Everything is so uptight. I do what I AM YOU." ple to buy into it can't exist, so the

do. If to be it." So have of has I I go jail for it, so I guess you don't really enigma Marilyn Manson

the end until of his As well as this line of egocentric to worry about surviving only to wait people tire

" bull, he claims: 'In God we trust' is times. Nature will decide along with costumes, and antics, before he

the most clever mass-hypnosis scam Marilyn Manson and his followers will have to use his own tips for

I'm times. ever perpetuated by man since the who belongs. Now, sure that the end Luckily for him, he

has than dawn of his existence." many of you, like me, understand probably already more

feels he this for what farce. hold him Why then is it that he it really is, a enough money to

You finished this and comfortable needs to use sleep deprivation tech- haven't reading through an early

his "wor- article those retirement. niques while dealing with saying, "Wow, were

shippers"? It's called a cult.

he I believe says it perfectly

when he says referring to 'Christian

America's Good-Guy,' "The bigger

and the lie, the more people buy it, Vocal Cord

as long as sales are good, the lies

and just get bigger more expen-

sive." He is the one proving this Katherine Harding & Natalie Vanderburg

statement. However, people do get

tired of buying lies and they will get tired of this one. What wouldmakeyousubmit Thankfully however, I have been

enlightened with Marilyn Manson s Tips for Surviving the End Times. I tosomeoneor something? will share some with you now so

that when the you are prepared

which the time comes, according to

Reverend, will be soon.

PHOTO "Civilize those you can and fuck

the rest. There are too many people RLE in this world. It is not our responsi-

to be taairigl&py'. ' Marilyn Manson has developed a loyal cult following with his bility constantly cleaning up after the weak-minded. will music and created a furor of controversy across North America. Nature

The cult about cults

would submit for and fame. LIAM CEILIDH justified panic. groups contact the spiritual world I money

Cord Features Of these thousands of new through mediums, live off the find- Jeff"Grover" Nicholson

made of and 3rd Eco. With the anxiety that has always groups, only the most radical ings parapsychology yr. the lurked deep in the human psyche - the headlines in the past five demonstrate the reality of universe. 'why are we here?' we begin to see years. paranormal

terms like "brain- some of the reasons for the rise in Some individuals define cults as "Experts" use

when New Religious Movements (NRMs). the deceptive recruitment prac- washing" or "hypnotized" cults. also claim The Aum cult in Japan, the tices, having false religious beliefs, discussing They of authorita- that cults violent, militias in the States, and Middle or under the spell an are dangerous,

and after children. England's Jesus Army are unrelat- tive leader. our

ed sects with wildly varying aims. While these characteristics In reality, the vast majority of Alcohol and a pack ofCraven As.

be of some "cults", cults choose to out of the Tbm They each represent, in the may descriptive stay Berger

most dramatic and radical fashion, they do not apply to the vast public spotlight, and peacefully 2nd yr. Communication Studies

their beliefs. & an abiding hunger for extreme majority. pursue Mo Gupta thousands Cult members the 2nd belief in an unbelieving world. Although there are (for most yr. HonoursEco.

the As traditional religion recedes of cults in North America today, part) choose to participate in

in the them into the West, unorthodox systems of majority of fall one of religious practices of the group chooses believe belief are increasingly moving into threemajor categories: much like one to

their place. They need not be reli- in Jesus, God, Muhammad, or Buddha. gious, either, at least not in the con- Communalists: These groups

of While be to be ventional sense. believe in the mutual sharing the it may easy

stand efforts of and lured into the "cult" of media I'm not submittor. They all on the margins of production common a be Western society, united only in decisions about the rate of con- sensationalism, one must TrudiHickson of "brainwashed" their conviction that they believe to sumption. weary being 4th yr. English

know the truth. Metaphysicians: They deny the into falsely defining certain

of evil and to Currently there are thousands metaphysical reality groups according sweeping

the attain- of fringe religious movements in take as their mission generalizations. and The of is our society, and this number con- ment of health, wealth happi- definition cult very

tinues to in this and to condemn it grow. ness. Included category are vague may

number alarms the Christian Science mean own This many groups. condemning your These beliefs people, however it is mostly an un- Psychic/ Spiritualists: and participation.

October 29,1997 15 CORDSPORTS

Hawks win one for Coach Gow

Even record at 1-1 on special night

JEFF SCHOUELA In the final frame, The Hawks

Cord Sports had some very good chances to get

The home opener of a new hockey the insurance goal but the Badger

and his and season usually brings optimism goalie held ground kept it a

this confidence one was no different one goal contest.

the Hawks as Hawkey doubled up Finally Brock drew a penalty

the Brock Badgers 4-2 to kick off with 10 minutes left, putting the

Coach 25th Wayne Gowing's Hawk power play to work and

behind anniversary season the Brezynskie finished a pretty tic-tac-

Hawks bench. toe that goal put Laurier up by two. The Hawks came out flying and They seemed to have put the

hits physical, including some great game away but Brock made it inter-

by assistant captain Chad esting when center Kent Nobes beat

Brezynskie. Schnare off a rebound.

The roc,kin' but large crowd was As the game went into its final

were quickly silenced by Brock's minute Brock pulled their goalie but HANSEL

first one goal only minute into the the Hawks stood up to the challenge game. That gave Laurier the early and iced the game when Bryce MARION wake-up call and they replied mid- Kipfer scored into the empty Badger

the way through Ist when Ryan net, to seal the win. PHOTO: scored Stover off a long rebound off It was a special night all around

a shot from the blue line. for Coach he hon- Gowing as was Laurier goaltender, Geoff Schnare, was solid as the Hawks opened their home schedule with a 4-2 win Late in the Kline for period Dave oured prior to the game his 25th

had Hawks coach. some good opportunities to put season as

he don't with his hustle and the Hawks ahead but was 'The ceremony was very special gives us a chance to win. We're on your calender because they tone physical

robbed to Other made it to win most of much better than the battle He 3-1 by some good Badger goal- me. people special going our games by get of play.. also put the Hawks up

and This for Waterloo. in the tending. that's what counts. was a hustling and just waiting our on a pretty power-play goal

Just three minutes into and chances to the in and Geoff 7:30 the sec- great victory tonight everyone put puck Game time November sth is third.

rookie Hamilton scored this team made this at the Waterloo - This rookie ond, Andy a on hockey night gave that to us tonight,"noted p.m. Recreation 2) Andy Hamilton

in about his showed power play goal the slot offanoth- very precious." Gowing stopper. Complex. consistent hustle all night,

er big rebound. Net-minder Schnare stopped 17 The Hawks will look to keep win- scoring a goal and adding an assist.

That the Hawks of Stars of the Game Bob - put up by one. 19 shots and he was a key com- ning play as the Hawks travel to 3) McQuat The veteran

Goalie Geoff Schnare kept the ponent in the victory. Western Wednesday and return defenceman continued his strong

Hawks on top by denying some "Geoff consistently gives us the home a week from today to face the 1) Chad Breznskie - The assistant play of late as he was solid at both

late in the second. the and Waterloo Mark this and the ends of the rink. Badger forwards opportunity to stay in game Warriors. one captain came out early set

Positive results Season in review from Kingston

MIKE MCKENNA this year's version of the offensive Jacyno who was an OUA second

the Women's volleyball team Cord Sports line consisted of three rookies, a team alt star. As season pro- Another OUA football season is in converted defensive linemen and gressed se did the line after getting

the books for Hawks and from last Western and Waterloo places a respectable fourth our one returning starter sea- run over by unlike usual, the Hawks won't be son. However, they were solid all in the first two weeks of the sea-

football in. the final week of the better and better TOM FUKE bronze medal game: a rematch playing season long giving Taylor room son, They got

CORD SPORTS the that beat October. he needed to be both the and the against Queen's team an impressive against pass run .

The Laurier Women's them earlier in Volleyball the tournament. it was a season where no one quarterback.

Team travelled this this also the knew what besides the to Kingston past Though was same to expect linebackers: B weekend the fact that the Hawks for to participate in annu- Queens squad that the Hawks beat weren't going Running Backs: C Unfortunately this group,

the al Queen's Tournament, looking to at Guelph tournament, it was to be as strong as usual Playoff Other than one strong outing by ir*juries all season long tostandouts

their that the improve on play at the Brock apparent Gaels had made expectations were high going into rookie Justin Praamsma and some CraigMellow and Rob Men limited Tournament few weeks the but of There a ago. significant improvement since then. season unfortunately itjust excitement in die opening game their effectiveness. were

The result: The from a Hawks were wasn't meant to be as the Hawks the season Granville Mayter, some bright spots though as Brian

nail-biting five-set in control of the are out of the post season lor fee the Hawks rushing attack was vir- Deianey and Dave Foss were able isi2MljrS n HH UA n TOi 65 loss to Queen's in m «» fifth set until the first time in the 90's. nonexistent. The Hawks to step In and show they could be w w vw" www wnn y vw* ww tually the Bronze medal end, but the With of five touch- very a lineup that consisted scored a total rushing solid players. .. the game, score with a lot of Gaels were able over 50% rookies:, it was a struggle downs and didn't get it done on the

being 15-13 in to pull out the all season for Rick 2mlch and his ground especially in the final two Defensive Backs; A-

the final set. who will for fiie when three OUA all-stars determination victory. staff, now get ready games of season ft mat- Havtng two of and better tered Hie "We played And while he next season Mgger Mid most keys tosuccess are in Has group gives them the high-

with a lot of of the Hawks of and heart" was impressed things. there but need to be used correctly est ranking any determination with the if the Hawks are to improve next units. Alan Ruby on the first team

and heart," noted improvement season. and Made MBes»Levine along with coach IViike's Card Russ Woloshyn, obviously Queens had made, Woloshyn was Report Robbie Syntons on the second the impressed with the play of his quick to mention that his team had Receivers: C+ team were the leaders of

young team. done just the same thing. Offense There weresome spots from defense all season long. Once

Pool with the Hawks play began "I'm really happy at [our] rate of Quarterbacks: B- the receivers this season but too again though, usuries to people

a strong Lakehead since he said. the it looked balls and like Jason Burke, and oth- defeating squad improvement Brock," Enlering season as many dropped untimely Symons,

by a score of 3-2, but the Hawks "We need to for- their effectiveness. just someone step though fourth year man Mark turnovers cause such a low grade. ers, limited

came a brick wall in ward and make kills would be the Grant sensational up against on a consistent man at quar- Corey was at Queen's in their second basis." match, los- terback for the Hawks. times but should have stayed on Special Teams: D 3-0. of ing Woloshyn was high in his praise Unfortunately for the hard luck the bus a couple of times. Brian This has to he considered one

The final of saw of Karen Galloway, who named weakest links the Hawks game pool play was Lough, an Injury in the opening Mcdure and OUA all-star slot back the in

the Hawks handle Brock 3-1: an to the TournamentAll-Star of this Team, of game the season changed those Zach Treanor also had their team season because you

important victory for the Hawks as rookie Shannon and of show Avery, plans. Rookie Kevin Taylor stepped moments and were impressive never knew what unit would

Brock is a team they need to beat in all of whom in and did included two Stacey McKoy, con- an admirable Job finish* considering the circumstances. up. Bright spots

order to make the playoffs. to the Hawks' on tributed success ing near the top in aB offensive cat- blocked field goals but untimely

"After that came the we up against a weekend. egories in the OUA. Defense miscues in virtually every game

team great in Guelph," said The Hawks play next on Defensive Une: B caused breakdowns on special

of the 3-0 loss to the the Une: The ineffec- Woloshyn Wednesday night, opening sea- Offensive B+ There were definitely some bright teams afi season long.

"but we son in London the Considered li in also Gryphons, really played against Mustangs one of the reasons for spots on the defensive ne this sea- tiveness the kicking game

and while berth in well kept the scores close." searching for a the the Hawks, downfall last season. son such as workhorse Jason hurt.

The loss put the Hawks into the playoffs.

16 October 29,1997 «om§Em§,

The season's finally over

MIKE MCKENNA and understood what it would take

Cord Sports all Now season. we can enjoy the

Ever since week one this game had success others have had."

written all over it. important York started off quickly as

would Saturday's game make or speedy wide receiver Andre Batson

break the Hawks season as it would took the opening kickoff on a down to their battle come against reverse and went 50 yards giving York the Yeomen. the Yeomen the ball inside Hawk

for Laurier their Unfortunately things territory on first possession. didn't and go according to script for Two questionable penalty calls

the first time in over a decade the York had the later, ball on the Hawk

football team a Laurier played game 8 yard line and fullback Chris

that had Morrison absolutely no bearing on scored on an eight yard the standings. scamper putting the Yeomen up 7- The Hawks were already elimi- 0.

nated from the for the post season Morrison, who entered the game

first time in the 1990s made as they as York's second leading rusher, fin-

their of the east to only trip year ished with 128 yards on 14 carries face Torontoto the Yeomen. and was the main factor in the

From of that point view you Yeomen ball movement all after-

would think it was a meaningless noon long. but game, it "We're getting it

wasn't: not from with a MARTYN "It's going the York point of uncharted balance and the LUKE view, that is. chemistry of

looked for They waters now being success-

their first victory ful," said PHOTO:

Laurier over but we'll get Morrison. "It's Things did not go quite as well as the Hawks and their fans would have liked this year. since 1984, a uncharted victory that waters but ready for the now would give them the we'll get ready endzone. At this point the Lebar out of the offensive scheme O'Hara added a 41 yard field goal,

their first six for the chal- 14. the Hawks the little late this challenge." Hawks were down by picked wrong day to but it was too too on win season ever. to lenge." Things continued worsen as play catch up football. After losing day and the Hawks went home on

This From game 1 there, the the Hawks found themselves down tackle Phil White early in the second the short end of a 28-18 score in was a true sign of what a job Hawks had to come-from- 24-0 in the second half when Jeff the O-line three their final of great play half, consisted of game the season. head coach Tom Arnott has done behind and this time converted football, they Johnson ran the opening kickoff rookies and two defensive "It was an unfortunate way to since scooping the from even further behind before back 90 whom turn program got yards untouched for the linemen, one of (Jason have things out but we will the jaws of destruction (after of their own losing putting any points on major. Jacyno) played both ways for the have to look to get bigger and better

44 in a row). Arnott, a for- the board. games "We played a legit football team second week in a row. and prepare for next season." said Golden Sean Forrest mer Hawk assistant, put York up by two today," said Hawk coach Rick Not really the line-up that the Zmich.

much of deserves of the credit for touchdowns on one the most Zmich, who will get the (really) early Hawks had planned for this last A solid nucleus of players will be

York's first since bizarre of the next playoff appearance plays season. After jump on the recruiting season for game of the season. Quarterback back for season giving the

1985. He will his team to ten from Fabio the coach. Mark who of outlook to build guide catching a yard pass first time in his years as Lough, has had one Hawks a good on as

Western to face off Forrest looked to have lost the could Saturday against Brusco, "They are very sound, our guys toughest seasons one they prepare to make thier way the Hawk the able the back the Mustangs. the ball after cornerback were gritty but once again imagine was to step up for to playoffs again.

"It feels real Arnott knocked it of the second the Hawks good," noted Mark Miles-Levine out injuries hurt us and we couldn't Hawks in half. Disappointing as it was, when asked about the appearance his hands on the five yard line. keep up." Lough's first two touchdown should be able to rebound and get in the "We have mature then able to the With starters of the the playofls. a Forrest was pick Justin Praamsma, passes season brought back to the glory days in the near well ball bounce and team here, they were prepared up off a run it into Kevin Taylor, Rob Vickers, and Alf Hawks to within eight as Scott future.


Dear the Health and Fitness case of you finding a lump, it is

Awareness Committee, very important that you get your- Lately, I have started to get a little self checked out at Health Services MBA FAIR '97 worried about a bump that I have or by your family doctor where found the outside of breast. will do breast examination on my they a

It showed up about three weeks and perhaps a mammography. If a

be ago and it seems to growing. lump is found early enough it can

This also be cured and concerns me because my possibly only con- to all grandmother and aunt have fined to the breast. Breast self- students and the my Open public from Should I examination should be done passed away cancer. once a be worried? I would like to know if month on a regular basis to ensure

check detection. there is a way I can myself early out to that be with ensure I am okay. As Yes, men can diagnosed Clarkson Simon Fraser well, had not I an argument with my breast cancer. It is as frequent but boyfriend about whether men can an occurrence as it is in women

it Men tend be Dalhousie Texas A&M develop breast cancer. Please help does occur. to diag- International settle older and this the bet, dinner at WilfOs is on nosed at an age at

is the line here. I think that men can time the cancer at a more McMaster Totonto breast advanced The is get cancer but my boyfriend stage. cancer does not think so. harder to detect due to the small- Ottawa male Wilfrid Laurier Thank you, ness of the breast and the

Concerned Cathy lack of the bulk that is found in women's breasts. Almost half of Niagara Windsor

the cases of male breast cancer

the Dear Concerned Cathy, have felt lumps in area of the Saint York Breast is the Men need to be of Mary's cancer currently armpit. aware

breast leading cause of death among the possibility of developing women aged 35-55 years. As a cancer and must ensure that yearly

examinations woman, it is very important to do a are completed by monthly breast self-examination their doctor. because can detect the breast Please get yourself checked out you November 4 do self- Tuesday, cancer in its initial stages. Most and be sure to monthly lumps found in the breast during examinations; they could save your self-examination turn out to be life. Paul Martin Centre benign (not cancerous) but if one is Sincerely, found it should be checked out by a The Health and Fitness 4:30 - 7:00 Committee p.m. p.m. doctor as soon as possible. In the Awareness

October 29,1997 17 CQRPSPORTS

Men's basketball still perfect

Two exciting weekend wins back up early expectations

CHRIS PEARCE the he used rookie Chris stretch, exploiting Ryerson many when

CORD SPORTS defense from both inside and out- Poplofski to cover former Toronto

Fans who couldn't make it to the side. Jeff downplayed his role in the All-Star Dean Labayen in the dying

two Men's Basketball home games victory, though, citing the team's seconds of the game.

this past weekend missed out on combined effort. This strategy is in line with

the "If two thrilling performances by I can score 15 points and Kilpatrick's confidence-building

in and Gold. have 10 and this time boys Purple assists a game, everything aproach in freshmen,

Hawks down off: On Friday the wore else is just a bonus," noted the the strategy paid Labayen was

to and the Ryerson and eventually pulled away, Hawks' big gun. unable score Laurier won

winning 102-86 in a high-scoring Laurier was in control of the game.

Hawks led offense shoot-out. game from the beginning to end The were on

who had 22 On Saturday the squad defeated despite some questionable officiat- by Greg Sandstrom,

also the young York ing and a 23-point points in the win. Greg con-

the Yeomen for the effort from tributed 20 points to victory over

second time this With the Ryerson's veteran Ryerson, proving that the hard work

exhibition he in the season, forward Carl put during off-season was

them worthwhile. edging in a wins, the Harper. Harper's nail-biter that fin- size certainly Bob Papadimitriu added 14 ished with the Hawks upped resulted in those points against the Yeomen including Hawks winning points, but didn't four three-pointers.

a 69-68 intimidate the The performances by score. their outstanding With the wins, presea- Hawks. of the Hawks was lost somewhat in

the Hawks upped Saturday's the usually occupied by record to game empty space their son the fans. Coach understands pre-season against Kilpatrick

record to went that this is still the exhibition a per- Yeomen season,

fect 4-0 and a perfect down to the wire but would like to see more people

proved that the with the Hawks come to cheer on his squad.

high expectations squeaking out "Those guys are working hard,

heaped on their their victory in the and they deserve some attention,"

shoulders are not final seconds. commented the coach.

Hawks the road unrealistic. Laurier used a balanced attack and The go on for

next back Against Ryerson, the team used good fundementals to turn a 10- the few games, but will be their mix of size and shooting to fuel point halftime deficit into the one- in town for the Laurier Tournament KEYSTONE their and in the November 15-16. will also offense, process point victory. They they hit the century mark for the The Hawks started slow in this participate at the Naismith THE first 16 of 17 at UW from November time. one (even though they were Tournament OF

The Hawks had four players hit from the line), but eventually nar- 7-9. double digits in scoring, highlighted rowed the margin with some consis- COURTESY by Jeff Zdrahals 33 points. Zdrahal tant pressure. Picture perfect: WLU's Men's

effective was especially down the Coach Mike Kilpatrick surprised Basketball have a 4-0 record PHOTO:

Correction Big goal and High hopes

for Hawks of the Week Cord Sports would like to apol- Australia for MCKENNA ogize an error printed in last MIKE tag veterans in this year's line-up, and

week's paper. Cord Sports Galloway will be counted on for

In the Men's article soccer enti- big thing? as the season progress-

for - tled "Playoff Berth Laurier Female Athlete of the Week es.

Men's Soccer two - Mate Athlete Team," para- Karen Gafloway VofleybalJ of the Week- Jbtwny

second graphs were inadvertently com- Galloway, a year Roe-Soccer

bined, resulting in team veterans Physical Education and Boe, a rookie midfielder from

referred to as who student was the solid Great main continued his Britain being players Kinesiology Mississauga,

"hadn't seen much action during reason for the Hawks impressive play on Saturday as the Hawks

the season." fourth place showing at last week* advanced to the OUA West Final

Fly to I\lew Ho r i z s That information is false and end's Queen's Invitational with a win over McMaster. Roe on

the Cord would like to apologize to Tournament. Not only did scored his first career goal to all those who named. finish players were Galloway third in total kills, clinch the game and spring the

she was also named a tournament Hawks straight Into a chance to aS-stan As one of the few return- advance to the National Finals. Study OvnuAsi

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29,1997 18 October ..CQBDIEfiEIS

* * I i nrfi T4 T ii A weird weekend of This Week in

OUA women's soccer Hawk Athletics

I October 29

MIKE MCKENNA Finals E MISS'S SOCCER- OUA atWestern, 1 p.m.

Cord Sports Waterloo Waterloo MEN'S HOCKEY; vs. at Ree Centre, 7:30 p.m.

It didn't go exactly as planned for WOMEN'SVOrXEYBALL:at Western. 6:00pm |

Gee Gee's women's the Ottawa soc- MEN'S VOLLEYBALL at Western, 8:00 p.m. j cer team but on Sunday afternoon

the they were in position they want- October 30

all ed along: OUA Women's WOMEN'S HOCKEY:at York, 7:BO p.m. Champions after defeating the McMaster Marauders in penalty October 31

and them- kicks, thereby earning SHIMMING: exhibition vs. Waterloo, Guelph, (x.\ 5 p.m.

to this weekend's selves a trip WOMEN'S VOLLEYBAI £; exhibition vs. a John Fisher. 7:00p,m, national final in Quebec City.

The Marauders, who were one of October 31- November 1

of the BASKETBALL: CarletanTournament the many surprises tourney, MEN'S J will also be their to Laval on way

Unviersity later this week after stun- October 31- November 2 ning the field by making it to the WOMAN'S BASKETBAfL Western Tournament j finals.

The unscripted weekend seemed November 1 to begin right from the opening MEN'S HOCKEY; at Windsor, 7:30 p.m. game when it took a bad bounce off of the Universtiy Stadium turffor the November 2

Gee Gee's who had trouble MEN'S BASKETBALL exhibition at l putting Quern's, p.m . j the Brock Badgers to rest in the game's final minutes.

Ottawa, which entered the tour- Varsity Sports Briefs nament as the number one team in

Canada, looked tentative during MIKE MCKENNA

the Cord Sports their opener and Badgers came

close to the very sending Gee-Gees MARTYN on a long bus trip home early in the Women's Lacrosse

there the The women's their victories of the tournament. From on, LUKE Laurier lacrosse team got first two this weekend defeated the Brock and the Quarter finals saw many upsets as season past as they Badgers

YVillison the lower ranked team won the final PHOTO: Guelph Gryphons on Field. who continued her three gamesof the day. The Hawks were led by goalkeeper Jen Levi strong

Charlebois The upsets began when Joanna play this season leading the Hawks to their victories. Jody and Upsets were in the air at the OUA Women's Soccer Championships Hackett's goal in overtime sent the Charlene Zylstra continued to lead the offense with Danya Marshall and

Guelph Gryphons packing and Carolyn Campbell contributing to the attack in both victories.

the for Queen's into the semi-finals. Ottawa in Saturday's semi-finals set penalty kicks. The Hawks will now play waiting game to see if they qualify

Carleton, originally thought to be the stage for Sunday's showdown for In the shootout the Gee Gee's this weekend's championship finals at the University of Toronto.

4-2 in the laughingstock of the tourna- the OUA title. came out on top what will go

for their ment, then followed Queen's into the On a snowy and windy Sunday into the books as a 1-0 win semi-finals with a huge 1-0 upset of afternoon the two teams faced off second title in two years. McMaster the number for team Heather Bird Western Mustangs, the supremacy. Each played to goalkeeper was

MVP three team in the country going in to a scoreless draw through regulation named the tournament for her

the the tourney. time and overtime causing the heroics in taking Marauders to

Victories by McMaster and championship to be decided on the title game.

A day in the life of

a meal card

the of JESSIE GIBB he almost forgot to grab a big bag of ries from double dose cream

while he Cord Sports ketchup chips to munch on and sugar.

is first student. for the Wilfs has added a of low Joey a typical year studies big psychlOO variety

to menu. He lives in residence and is never midterm. fat alternatives the new

Now minute reflect The choices are noted a without his trusty meal card. After a lets take a to healthy by

the habits. He heart and are the long night of shaking it up on the on day Joey's eating provided by had.... Fitness Turret dance floor (as Joey's and his meal card have a little Health and awareness and that Team. Thursday nights often involve), he to much FAT it appears VASQUE® Clarion® boots built with construction wakes is the fast track to the Its to make the choic- hiking one-piece up with a need for a couple of Joey on easy right are a seamless of and A avoid masterpiece quality craftsmanship. A&W Bacon and Eggers. famous frosh fifteen. es, simply deep fried, cheesy single-cut piece of leather extends around the Of first foods. to cut down completely foot, course this breakfast just Being on your own for the Try on high the boot to flex naturally and So there lot of and sodium snacks. Instead allowing comfortably. wouldn't be complete without an time is difficult and are a sugar and can keep mind, feet, on the trail. other of microwave you your your order of hash browns and a coffee important decisions to make chips or popcorn, grab with will air double cream and sugar! than whatyou eat for lunch. a bag of pretzels or pop your

to By noon Joey has rounded up a When it comes making corn.

countless i; cut few friends and heads over to Wilfs healthy eating choices it is important There are way to of for lunch. He for the Bricker to one word in mind: modera- down fat intake, mustard instead opts keep For Wt Over Thirty Years

low fat on the side, Burger topped with cheddar cheese tion! mayo, dressing rather and mushrooms. On the side, fries Not enough of us realize that baked potato than fries! and there I think Dr. Nick said it best when gravy, what else? The friendly are just as many healthy

to choose from as unhealthy he told Homer: "If rub the food waitress suggests dessert and since options you —Adventure Guide

is on a of and it turns Joey nursing a hangover he ones. piece paper 382 Street North decides that Examine alterna- clear, that's window to King one of Stew's Big a few healthy your weight

that and his meal card ■fIL N2J-2Z3 Brownies might be the cure. tives Joey gain!" Waterloo, Ontario,

After For breakfast could For more information recovering from lunch Joey may enjoy. Joey regarding |wgL Pnone: 886-3121 select cereal issue other to remembers that it is fish n' chips or a bagel with jam this or any pertaining Email: of Juice health and fitness email the [email protected] night in the dining hall and rushes (instead cream cheese). please

eliminate Health Fitness Awareness straight over. rather than coffee would and

In fact he was in such a rush that caffeine and the excess fat and calo- Committee at HFA@[email protected].

19 October 29,1997 • '

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~Box 0fr,ce "a azine 8 - In rnm Emu I W\ I M „ % Mm"TWO THUMBS UP! WA Y UP*M ■L iH CORD 'n *he company

/- men \ K \ T I rtt-l WED., OCT 29, 9:05PM and THURS OCT 30 9:25PM lj| and FRI..0CT 31 7:00PM |j| - urrendering to the sweet voice Sarah McLachlan surfaces at the Hummingbird Centre HEATH APPLEBAUM warm smile and powerful, yet unas­ CORD ENTERTAINMENT suming stage presence added to the Last week, Canadian singer-song­ ambiance of the evening. writer Sarah McLachlan brought McLachlan was backed by her solo tour to Toronto's impressive guitar solos and strong Hummingbird Centre for three drum performances, that enhanced unforgettable shows. Tickets sold the true depth of her bands improvi­ out in under 72 hours and each sational talent. Studies evening scores of forlorn fans paced Her tender, nurturing vocals on stration • outside the Front Street entrance in Biology • "Sweet Surrender" and "I Will mistry • vain, hoping to scalp tickets. Remember You," brought most of 1ication • One woman politely approached the audience to tears, a vivid testa­ ~ ucational me in the box office lineup offering ment to McLachlan's personal and Electrical up $200 cash for my seventh row artistic growth. The connection was History • 1linary • gem, but this was not a concert to apparent, as fans seemed to recite ngineering be missed. Sarah's captivating live lyrics word for word fu unison. ~eligion • performance seemed to place her Her confessional song writing, grams • audience into a collective trance, both revealing and courageous, stration • • Applied with a dazzling mix of emotionally­ delves into issues of life, death, faith, Science • charged lyrics and bittersweet piano lost love and personal adversity, and ~rt History ballads. continues to be an essential part of leering • Fans of McLachlan were thrilled her musical expression. Business Aviation by a two hour show that showcased McLachlan admits that nistration hit singles from all six Surfacing did not come easily; she ry • Child albums:Touch, Solace, Fumbling describes its contents as a long jour­ 1neering • Towards Ecstasy, The Freedom ney of self-discovery that took over 1al Studies Sessions, Rarities, and four tracks eight months to complete. The anomies • neering • from her brand new release album marks a milestone in her 11 Science Surfacing, which has already sold personal life: " it's about me finally Studies • over 3.2 million worldwide. growing up... finding my centre and eaching of Following this summer's learning to trust myself," she said ngineering Media • immensely successful Lilith Fair during a recent press statement. osophy • tour, which featured an all-star line­ This maturity comes largely ~ rintmaking up of woman artists, McLachlan from the fact that McLachlan, who y • Public took five days off before starting turns thirty in January, recently tration • rehearsals for her Surfacing tour, married drummer Ashwin Sood, mics and :ial lndivi­ which will lead her band across bought a new home and began o Arts • Europe, Australia and then back for plans for children in the near future. e Diploma more venues across North America. However this will not stop • Adult On this evening, Sarah opened to McLachlan's plans to bring back ic Perfor­ nunication a resounding burst of applause with another World Ulith Fair tour next Economic her latest hit single, "Building On A summer. stitutional Mystery," the first offering from her Judging by Sarah's growing ·echnology latest recording, then slipped into legion of devoted fans, her ascend­ record sales, Sarah McLachlan's istration • Mclachlan performed in Toronto last week. She played the piano intimate classics like "Hold On," ing popularity across the U.S., sold­ ten-year musical career certainly I Ethical with her elbows and lit it on fire. No, not really. Graduate "Possession" and "Elsewhere." Her out concert stadiums and platinum has ascended to new heights. tions for IOUid be Egoyan explores the Hereafter TOM HRUBES against the vast wilderness seems to ~ CORD ENTERTAINMENT highlight. just how isolated and frail A darling of the 1997 Cannes Rim the town is. Egoyan rarely lets the Festival, where it won Le Grand camera come close to his subjects, Prix, The Sweet Hereafter is a truly instead they are specks on an unique piece of Canadian Cinema. It imposing landscape; the vast empti­ d. tells the story of the citizens of the ness of the wilderness mirroring the small town of Sam Dent, who must each character's own emotional overcome the tragic loss of the desolation. town's children in a horrific school Egoyan, who for the first time bus crash. was working from a story he had Those of you unfamiliar with not written, is at his best. in this Atom E'goyan's other films (such as movie. He balances the difficult sub­ Exotica), The Sweet Hereafter may ject matter well; he keeps the visuals at first appear jumbled and confus­ of the accident understated, while IC ing. However, fans will recognize refusing to spare us the emotional his trademark style of shifting back impact. The most visceral moment and forth between different times of the film occurs when we are ~"" and telling the story out of sequence. shown washed-out footage of the 0 In this film there are three layers of 13 inside of the bus after the accident the story: the events leading up to ~ as the sounds of the children play and the actual bus crash, the events , ,. , ff! in the background. Although a few months after the bus crash Egoyan lifts much of the best dia­ when the lawsuits begin, and finally, Holm and Polley struggle through the devastating crash in Atom Egoyan's The Sweet Hereafter. logue directly from the novel, he the story of Mitchell Stephens, a also used many of his own plot lawyer involved in the case, and his standout performance belongs to lan drug-addicted daughter Zoe are mon with the parents of Sam Dent, devices that blend in well with the daughter. Holm, who resists the obvious temp­ remarkable. Although they never although she is still alive, he too has original material. Strangely, he The Sweet Hereafter features a tation of playing Mitchell Stephens . share the screen, (she always calls lost his child. chose to omit the climax of the vcord/ remarkable ensemble cast of as the movie cliche of the slick him), the moments have a brutal Perhaps the real star of the novel, the town demolition derby, in Canadian and foreign actors, all of lawyer. Instead, he is the embodi­ intensity as she torments him and movie is the actual town of Sam favour of a more muted ending. To .. whom capture the quiet grief of the ment of rage and cunning, a man demands money, while he desper­ Dent. Shot mostly in BC, The Sweet his credit, all the risks Egoyan takes small town. For fans of the book, who never yells because his low ately tries to maintain a veneer of Hereafter features breathtaking work; a literal translation of the look for a cameo by its author, scraping voice demands attention. fatherly affection. In the end, we mountain scenery. During the win­ book might have been a disaster - Russell Banks, as a doctor. The The scenes involving him and his realize he has something in com- ter scenes, the small town imposed his movie feels more like a tribute.

October29, 1997 • 21

::;.. £2EQ£m£BXmNMEM[ A beautiful loser's many faces


Cord Entertainment relaxed their so Go Home With Your Hard-On" on Manhattan," and would, in turn, be he when certain They practices digresses names or

Various Positions is the perfect title much that young Leonard often the 1977 album. Death of a Ladies answered with: "Then we take events trigger memories.

for Ira B. Nadel's tolerated" went to Cathoiic mass with the fami- Man. Berlin." loved this and mind real "mildly 1 my My only criticism of this

biography of Leonard Cohen. It the house- filled of of Greek Cohen stems ly housekeeper, same was images biography from the title from both the title of Cohens he later each other with that which like comes keeper hypnotized and fans greeting I so much: if Cohen's 1984 album, his The of this apparently person- undressed. section the book Alphavillian salutation. Sure, positions are so various, is this book favorite, al and an old Zen saying of which talks about Cohens maternal has nothing to do with Cohen's life premature? Is it not conceivable

how remains only change the same. grandfather, a Rabbi from New York se, but it shows to what extent that Leonard Cohen per could go

Cohen's life has certainly been one and world renowned Old testament Nadel to as accurate another drastic goes present through change in of tremendous from scholar, is As and full his artistic and/or change; poet to especially touching. a as an account as possible. personal life? He

novelist to to Cohen studied the Nadel writes in is odd pseudo-revolutionary youth, devoutly a very unique only sixty years old so the

to singer/songwriter guest star on book of Isaiah, not for any spiritual style. His stories jump around to suit proverbial book of Leonard Cohen is

Miami Vice. but to form sort of characters more so than defi- far from closed. knowledge some any being However, as

bond with nite timeline he tries fol- the stands his grandfather. (though to story now, Various Various Positions It is the countless colourful anec- low chronology). A typical passage Positions gives as full an account of

about like this: "In "the of Ira B. Nadel dotes Cohen that really make might go something grocer despair" as is current-

Vintage Canada, $17.95 book 1964 Cohen with and available. this interesting and hard to put worked so so ly 1 highly recommend

down. I fascinated to read with in that Cohen be was of whom he worked again fans, it of his music or

Nadel does not his Cohen lived Death of Ladies Man." his begin history the many places 1977 on a writing, pick up this book and

with Leonard he of favorite Nadel will tell the 1977 read it. Cohen, rather (Montreal, Hydra, post-revolution- One my accounts in a story from

it with the death of Cohen's Cuba) and the famous he the title shift begins ary people Various Positions concerns encounter and then back There are other Cohen biogra-

father, Nathan, in January 1944. has known and befriended through of one of Cohens best known songs, (sometimes rather harshly) to the phies but this is by far the best. It

Nadel then back and "First We Take Then of 1964. While sometimes doesn't goes even further, the years (from Jack Kerouac Manhattan, events matter how devoted a fan

how the Cohens and take Berlin." that this somehow be, there examining changed Allan Ginsberg to Johnny Cash We It seems in jarring, gives a more you might are things in

their faith, the Bob and would the book. It feels this book that will be relaxing orthodoxy Dylan). Ginsberg Dylan sang Greece, people actually greet personal feeling to totally new to with which followed Judaism. they background for Cohen's "Don't one another with: "First we take like someone Is telling a story and song , you.

An eyeful of sweet sky



know concert when to 7 You it was a good Working harti earn your undergraduate degree hold for you your pee the entire show, nol add value to this achievement by vompletinga grdduale degree which but we would less will both skills and the dihieve expect nothing give you superior Management qudlifualions to d

Professional Ac* Hunting designation. from Ontario's very own Skydiggers.

On Saturday October 25, they blew The needs who have foundation Accounting profession people u strong in noiv

husiness well lh«- education jnd skills ledders the audience at Mrs. Robinson disciplines ds as ti> become in away the s profession and in the business world. in Kitchener. They played several of

for from their new from their Our Program is designed specifically students non business songs recently

undergraduate hui ad valued is available to students degreeprograms standing released album Desmond's Hip City, with a business degree. JUSTYNSK! but mainly concentrated on our old

You will |;din valuable work experient e through our integrated favorites. Co op work terms. ELLEN The concert really got started with

rale last three Our have a 81% on the s "You've Got lot Nerve" and "Just graduates average pdss year a of

CA Uniform Final Examinations. over this Mountain." The audience PICTURE:

was hooked. There was such a. sense, CONTACT US NOW TO DISCUSS YOUR FUTURE! of loyalty and respect for the band. The Skydiggers (joined by local Kitchener boy Paul MacLeod) enter-

Master Never have we been front row center tained a crowd of loyal fans.

with than OF MANAGFMFNT & I'ROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING nothing more a friendly

nudge from a fan offering an interest-

of Toronto University fact about the band. to the local with old who ing and made reference con- grinding poor .Andy, was (itn of Faculty Management close lead the when she We were so to singer troversy surrounding Buggies and not least bit impressed njT| Mississauga Campus with him. not ygr. Andy Maize that we were being con- their artwork (must I say more?). jumped on stage But

«tvr> fun. [ vOJJTJi stantly showered by his energy- For the Skydiggers veteran, the even drunk-girl could spoil our ■ when induced spit (sigh)! What more can band outdid themselves and for the The icing on the cake was a

905-S2B-3985 - mfcMacctgWmgmt.utoronlocd - we say...cutie patootie! With his silly Skydiggers virgin, the band is highly fellow fan removed the play list that

dance and Another to the in front of moves crazy facial expres- recommended. faithful fan is was taped stage

the handed his sions constantly entertaining born. Their encore was the clincher Andy and it to us on way

from a audience, how can you not love him? which included an acoustic version of past. Our very own souvenir

What "Slow Fire." that will makes the Skydiggers even Burning concert we never forget.

lovable their social more is conscious- They are a solid Canadian band,

and of tried ness knowledge our communi- both highly entertaining and ener- Christine and Ellen also to

with other members the ty. They played "Penny More" in hon- getic. The only negative thing that can gyrate of

is our of the impending teachers strike, be said about this concert was the band but to no avail. There an

annoying drunken girl that insisted injunction against them. They cannot dis- on continuously embracing us come any closer then spitting I Time Square Presents: throughout the entire concert. Her tance to the band. Which they don't much. At attempts at befriending us were to really seem to mind all that UVE ENTERTAINMENT no avail. As was her attempt at least it's personal.


HaHoween benefit eoitcert for ROOF 'Cfi . J j * ￿ Friday October $1 at _t. 10pm

' ".. Featuring ySasola Pony (opener Mark PerakJ .... St. N a35 King , 3 Costume Frizes will fee Awarded ~v> |

' jUjitown Weterto© i (Mirier Myttery: trf for fcMM

—i ffiS fm TAM4ES

22 October 29,1997 CORDENTERTAINMENT

Signs and Squares Student compost?

TIM DURKIN iccarson from esoteric WLU show their UW, is an student composers stuff Cord Entertainment look and love through sex and

The Root of AH Squares advertises water. MARSHA KING

itself as "A simple play, Watch it. What they were striving for is CORD ENTERTAINMENT

You'U Get it"and that's pretty an excellent idea. There was a As I prepared to watch the Student

much true. This is not at all to series of monologues (each titled Composers concert last Wednesday,

insinuate that there isn't a bulk of via a projection on to the white I was reminded of the many

substance to it as well. Although back drop) in which the actors melodies I've tried to compose in the

comical on a superficial level there related why they were afraid of past. Trying out my new music con-

here. how is a lot moregoing on water, or much they longed to sisted of singing to a bar of soap and

Stan rubber duck the comfort of With two characters, (Sam he with their lovers. There was my in a

Varteniuk) and Worker (Sterling also some harmonizing of the five shower stall.

rocks and this Lynch), some a stick, actors that was pretty cool. Yet as the music began at

All A realized the of Hoot of Squares manages to hravfl and bold move was the concert, I magnitude

have to recreate and parody many modem addition of not only a tub onto what the student composers

but built conceptions including economics, stage, also a large moat go through. Instead of the friendly and front. Both used duck, our bodies, wandering into stage were constant smiles of my rubber

the these their music vagrants. extensively throughout play, composers place is the with like the line of live The dialogue quick with beginning a Stomp splash on in front a audi-

and at the characters constantly challenging fest and ending with them kicking ence, often mercy of per-

themselves to develop new ideas up their heels and soaking a largo formers other than themselves.

the of audience. most and "transfer meanings" portion of the Along the They are truly courageous as the which the used the of KING them. As such, square, way moat was for composers place a piece their floor Stan tapes to the at the begin- dream sequence and a part about heart in the music. Then, they await

the audience's reaction that ning comes to serve as a metaphor equating menstruation and gold to piece MARSHA

lor the entire play. Although this fish. on display.

a wee bit unrealistic, it The actors deserve credit The October 22nd concert sound.® major Don't all these students look a bit too happy to be tormented

well to for such forth of music works amazingly convey attempting mi innovative brought a variety new musicians and composers? The of notonly apotent and fight play bat and racy script, script was from the electro-acoustic music

the them- the electronic music of instruments, demonstrated a clear grasp of the one which allows audience a sparse and the performers second year only percussion different tex- various involved in creat- chance to absorb the vast amounts selves were left to develop each class to the rhythms of the percus- Bloomfield used many techniques

tures of to make an music, and most of the audience ofentertainment being thrust upon wordas ft heldmeaning ihr them. sion pieces. All of them were more percussion ing the in brilliant than the I melody. The rhythmic seemed to enjoy listening to con- theiii. As they did on Saturday All all, itwas a great night for simple melodies interesting All of the three could think of for bar of the music to a temporary styles. composition night, the last night Laurier theater. Although not a my soap changes heightened should be with there and duck. new level of complexity. the end students pleased run of the two plays. complete seß out, was quite a squawking By for don't think three of this work, I realized that a lot of their work. As me...1 Pisces is a Water Sign on the turn out on all nights. If

that I the in other hand leaves much to the Laurier keeps churning out perfor- effort goes into one composition. can ever sing same way

like it has From The music of this concert far the shower again. imagination, perhaps too much, mances and scripts this exceeded Each This play, written and directed by a bright future ahead, my expectations. that hues her duck. electro- composition was presented King acoustic

Letters music to the

Professional Research from the rhythms Literary Services of the Deadlines

approaching? grave percussion Ca,, "sfo 960-9042 w w ■ pieces qualityservice. I Choose Satan a hammer.

Dear Editor, Death to the Chickens,

For Hallowe'en I intend to dress Ben Harass One of the highlights of the con-

cert was the warm viola melody that up as a graduate from Wilfrid Karol created in his Laurier University. My costume will Dear Editor, Gostynski piece for and be black mortarboard, It's as if can't walk down the called Sonata viola piano. Thin a gown, a you Paper Budget? The music contained new and a mask made of string, card- street anymore. many

recent in down- ideas of the twentieth while board, and SHAME. Under my My experiences century, for Rent a movie from our store and "I town Kitchener reflect this. I was a personal feel past gown I will wear my got drunk reflecting

down street when eras. a first stu- once and fooled myself into thinking walking King Gostynski, only year receive a second rental of \ Video I cars with dent, shows a lot for Jumbo had a good time" Laurier drinking many passed, shaking promise

bass I thought. future compositions, as do the other shirt. Under that shirt I will wear rhythms. "Ignorant," FREE With this coupon! j %Bndg|OrtE. don't these students whose music was my fleecy "Laurier Low Life" pull Why people just point per- Waterloo their out of the formed. I over. And under that I'm going to huge speakers car " "** ' - ■ - 886-0500 It is obvious that Owen BJoomfiekJ's Gold wear a tee shirt that says "I love the windows? stupidly piece Bug

to to. I would these men need attention. Maybe was exciting listen Consisting Offer excludes new releases. Not valid stupid boring Hip so much Expires 11/20/97. with any other offer. need medical kill for them." This set up may be a they attention, as

but it natural for their burst eardrums could be little bulky, seems the striptease to follow. bleeding ail over their custom car

I the attention Hopefully, people will stop me seat covers. suspect is and give me candy. they want sexual. My suggestion? loud Traditionally, Hallowe'en for me Psychiatric. Souped up cars,

This and attitude has been a boring, boring day. bass, a pompous "go

in hand inhand. year, 1 plan to raise a little Hell. Now hand

can throw at houses. I Souped up cars are one step anyone eggs H plan to take this vandals' tradition from pimp suits complete let f away | cc s | one step beyond. I will throw hens. with platform clogs. They are com-

I mitments to a life. already have two, they are called tacky ful- "Bloody Projectile" and "Feathers Unfortunately the path to true

not the Over From Above." Anyone with con- fillment is lowering suspen- 13,000 Used CD's Instock Over 13,000 Used CD's Instock Pj and nections in the farming world sion on your Taurus putting ( Q K-W, Cambridge and Guelph's I K-W, Cambridge and Guelph's around the license should contact me as I am obviously sex-lights plates. Largest Selection Largest Selection H in true is and bath- need of more live hens. About The path fartjokes

humour. twenty in total should do. I have room

laid have the to out a route for Laurier, and If ever you urge USED CD OUTLET a bass amplifier in time permitting, the whole down- install giant your / and ( 1 down town core of Waterloo. My goal is to car, try sitting quietly re- | the make mid-campus drive run ankle evaluating your life. Spend 385 Fairway Road S„ Kitchener (Canadian Tire Plaza) 893*2464 would have on the deep in chicken blood (the goriest of money you spent 402 King Street N., Waterloo (Between & 834*737 I of true worth: Harvey's Burger King) all the bloods). I will then empty a car, on something

415 Kespeler Road, Cambridge from 622*7774 garbage bag full of live chickens Porn. (Across McDonald's)

23 Wellington Road into the muck and chase them with Ben Harris E., Guelph (Across from K.F.C.) 823*5 3 4 1 KM

23 October 29,1997 • SffiREMBBIMBfImi

Wilf's possessed Taking it back to the old by the Devil's skool: RUN DMC at UW

NAVDEEP KHATTRA The music before and after the the crowd how he got his name. His

and Advocates Cord entertainment performance was provided by DJ mixing scratching boosted the of CLYMAXXX three X's crowd's and his mic RUN DMC, one hip hop's most (the represent energy, got

three he and DJ to influential and innovative rap acts, the turntables uses) everyone participate.

live at Fed Hall this Mastermind, both of whom well Once the crowd warmed performed past are was up Saturday.

of RUN The group consists (Joseph Simmons) DMC (Darryl

McDaniel) and Jam Master Jay

(Jason Mizell). 'Hie trio got together

in Queens, New York after graduat-

ing from high school in 1982. Since

then, they have released eight

albums, and they plan on releasing PHOTO another in 1998. RUN DMC has WILLIAMS RLE for and been around sixteen years j. hip hop itself has been around for known DJ's. They did a great job, Watch out! They're still here. STEPHEN about twenty, which helps to explain providing phat tracks, beats and RUN DMC burst their pioneering role. breaks. CLYMAXXX's use of three and onto the stage

The the turntables his music and - the show in full group were first rappers sets apart now was swing.

radio and that's that he is in The distinct of PICTURE: to get major exposure on one reason group's use lyrics, I CLYMAXXX MTV with their Aerosmith duet on demand. (DJ spins beats and showmanship was obvi-

at the erin keating "Walk This Way." They had entered every Friday joker.) ous. They're smoky devils. Before the the CORD ENTERTAINMENT the Top 40 hit list and appeared on concert started, They performed ten to fifteen

could be felt the air. The Devi's Advocates graced the Since the Devils' aren't criticiz- it again with their next hit "You Be anticipation in 1 songs, this was very refreshing

in WWs last Illin'" from the album could hear about because other will stage Saturday night ing specific people or opinions.the "Raising people whispering many rappers

with their hellish from their "I can't believe three or four humonr. They live act is somewhat different Hell." excitement. perform songs and

so leave. The crowd also were welcomed by a very' large, the bit that they do on Speaker's Due to such an extensive pres- RUN DMC is in Waterloo, that's appeared to

audience Ml of comic Corner. did the is I heard this. very eager Although they bring ence in hip hop history, expecta- strong" just one comment appreciate

In short, a potential and. in most eases, beer. some Lauricr specific issues into tions of the concert were high. At in the washroom. RUN DMC is group

that how to Contrary to what many people their act, it was largely a typical 10:00pm the lack of attendance was The show began at roughly knows pump up the of the Devils' That's how- clear, which was due to 11:30 with the Jam crowd and them involved. If may think, comic carwr improv act not to say, probably appearance get

but it Master and the crowd a RUN DMC fan and did not start on Speaker's Comer. ever, that it was bad; it was merely the high ticket price of $16, .Jay (the DJ), you're ever

that the to with sudden have the chance to catch them in Both spent a number of years different from what some people was also apparent shortage was eager respond a

and have of was not to flow of towards the I recommend doing improv at Second City, may expected, people going dampen people stage. concert, attending, The Jam Master won'tbe Andrew now writes for YTV. When it was obvious by the crowd's anyone's night. started by showing you disappointed.

asked if he realized how that the Devil's popular response Advocates

the hit on Speaker's Corner is, are immensely popular no matter Andrew said no. He said that there what the medium.. Their act kept in A Cord was no clear feedback until of the crowd in stitches, and Shopping they meet started doing clubs (about a month was both entertaining and Interac- literary quiz ago). tive, . U2's Popmart Identify the

DANIELLE FIELDER truly memorable event was to fol-

CORD ENTERTAINMENT low, as the band left the stage, and a following

lemon turned disco ball More than 50,000 screaming fans, a giant came

life. Thousands and 200ft. golden arch backed by a huge to of tiny lights quotation the domed TV screen, and one gigantic metallic lasers were projected on

lemon. So U2 as the lemon sur- author began Sunday night's ceiling spun, (both concert at the Skydome, their first rounded by smoke, across the stage.

Canadian date their the lemon on Popmart Coming to a stop, opened and text): tour. Opening the show was Third to reveal the four band members

descended Eye Blind, a rather disappointing inside, who then a silver "Fool!" choice, who played for half an hour, staircase to the stage to perform and exhausted their popular mater- "Discotheque." The audience went said the ial in about ten minutes. They were wild as , sporting a silver polka

followed by Howie 8., a sort of dot suit, one of costumes he many Professor. underground techno artist whose wore throughout the show, came

bore resemblance of lemon and music quite a to out the began to

the and the audi- dance. It moment "Do Pop album, got was a enjoyed by you the kind mood for in true U2 ence in right of everyone, a spectacle

the show to follow. thai style. imply I attended the show with high While the Skydome is not what I

expectations, and got exactly what I would call a prime location for a the sins of

came to see: a dynamic mix of light concert - the acoustics are generally

and sound, and a wide of I was to note that range poor- surprised the mind are albums sound I songs from old and new. the quality was good, and Bono was in his element, darting was told that it was good through- trivial and about the stage, and belting out out the stadium. Some of the seating

to than not songs a more appreciative was altogether desirable, espe-

while the in the 500 while other the sins of audience, TV screen flash- cially level,

had ing images of lemons, shopping seats on the concourse level a

sound and carts, and colourful images. As U2 s great view. In spite of the the flesh the Pop has not been as successful as seating factors, though, audi- their previous albums, the band ence cheered throughout the show, important? the didn't focus on their new release, as proof of fact that they really

rather what the crowd didn't where but played care they were sitting. What kind of really wanted to hear: our favorites The band played for a solid two

from War, The Unforgettable Fire, hours full of rockin" tunes, even an idiot are The Joshua Tree, and Achtung coming back for an encore.

with Baby The lineup obviously catered The show came to a close

CKCO -TV to U2 fans but didn't have a an extended version of "One," and you?"

rehearsed quality as Bono kept the the band left the stage amid loud Mind-boggling! Mind-bending! in the show moving with improvised lyrics screaming and clapping from the Please leave Answers NY i Magazine and fans. mailbox of the staff quick song changes. 53,000 It was an absolutely production The t\)l{ Letterman Styluses. of the concert includ- and if in the offices. Winners w$ Highlights amazing concert, you are a Cord

ed duet and The true receive a wonderful prize a featuring Bono U2 fan, you can't go wrong.

with slow rendition of The band show of and/or harsh lesson about Edge a soft, gave a worthy a

"Sunday Bloody Sunday," followed their fame, a real crowd pleaser human deceit.

by "Staring at the Sun." But the thatwon't soon be forgotten.

24 October 29,1997 CORPENTERTAINMHg

It's a whole whack of EarCandy for you

that is connected with that and somehow famous. indelibly acquire a taste A child violin prodigy, she

Jazz. One can't be the then actu- has help but caught for vocalist, you may produced a number of albums,

in the toe fervor of up tapping ally find a way to enjoy this CD. consisting of either classical instru-

McShann's sound, his as style is It takes a couple of spins before mentals or pop albums which are

infectious and his voice is enraptur- any of the songs start to stick out on analogous to a 'techno-acoustic

Recorded in ing. in Edmonton this disk, largely due to singer fusion'. This is her sixth album, an

1996, McShann hasn't lost "Blitz" Ellsworth's instrumental with three tracks: a step Bobby monoton- one,

the since starting scene 50 years al growling. "Long Time Dyin'" is a "Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto,"

a "Violin Puccini's ago. Prompted by younger peer blues song played about as heavily Fantasy on record to here McShann and "Promises" is the - again re- as possible 'Turandot'," and "Happy Valley"

establishes himself as a master. band's ridiculous attempt at a bal- The 1997 Re-unification Overture.

Tim Durkin lad. Aside from that, heavy thrash is This last track she premiered on

The Book of Secrets the of the The the name game. songs June 30, 1997 at Reunification Craig Cardiff

Loreena McKennitt "Save Me," "Genocya," and"The Concert in Happy Valley race course Judy Garland! You're never home...

Warner Brothers Rip N' Tear" feature some of the in Hong Kong. Ramona Records

CD the This contains easily most more enjoyable rifls that the band "Butterfly" is the most loved vio- Craig Cardiff makes beautiful music I've relaxing, soothing music ever has ever come up with. lin concerto among the world's in one part. His delicate command it's heard. However, not background As compared to previous Chinese population. It is the longest of the guitar is refreshing, and his of music by any stretch the imagi- Overkill albums, this one is better track (26 minutes), and has the arpeggios are lovely threads of joy. nation. most Chinese If to because less emphasis is put on traditionally arrange- comparisons are be made,

On her latest Cardiff that offering, Loreena showcasing the guitars and D. D. ment. is a lyrical smoothy

McKennitt has combined the Celtic would be of - Verni's bass actually blends in with It has a few contrasting periods Dave Matthews proud

which she well there's music for is known, the band as opposed to sticking out of tempo and tone, which underlies actually, a striking resem- with traditional sounds from very from it (this had become particular- the story of two young lovers who blance between their voices, as well

Eastern For The die and reunited after death throughout Europe. ly annoying on 1993's W.F.0.). are as as their groove.

the album is but The criticism I have many of the songs (such as Television Personalities playing on good, butterflies. The juxtapositions are only real for

voice like to less effective than this CD is that the and "Prologue") she uses her They Could Have Been Bigger than few could stand to listen this. It perhaps in, say, song names

with vitals little to an instrument, dispensing the Beatles depends on whether or not you Carmina Burana, however any are a awkward find in

"The lyrics. In Highwayman" velvel wear leather jackets and Slayer change would negate the style of Cardiff's CD packaging, which

McKennitt the of the I can't this If like metal the makes this reviewer s a uses poem believe is a serious patches. you you might piece. job difficult same name written by Alfred Noyes album. It should be relegated to Dr. enjoy it but there is really nothing "Turandot" (11 min) is a piece one as far as naming specific songs.

Demento's of here. and below written about Chinese a full-size Garland for her lyrics. This Ls easily one of catalogue silly songs new Underground a theme, yet However, Judy

tracks Chinese. The old of the best on the CD as about dog poo and fish heads. Some is where this band shall stay. it isn't traditionally poster (actually an photo

to Cardiff's mother I'm includes McKennitt's music has turned a poncey British man singing "Ever Brad Fetter violin accompaniment is attached told)

this information, not pretty mediocre poem into a song such a groovy fella, get 'im out the the main riff by Mae, and she does though nearly

con- the usual that evokes everything that is groovy cellar" is not what I want to a good job of elucidating and as accessible as CD insert

and Another hear. the emotional texture belied be. But who cares? romantic beautiful. of Every song is so stupid. They veying might frankly

favourites is "Dante's the other I this CD to listen to my Prayer" couldn't have been bigger than The by instruments. got good which with and that's what I Cardiff opens and ends Divinyls. "Happy Valley" represents the music, got.

of between British is local talent with Gregorian chanting. The songs are lousy with lame exchange power a an exceptional

I'm I With The Book of Secrets, cliches a la "If I had three wishes, and Chinese in Hong Kong in 1997, sound. just glad finally have a

CD I when I have McKennitt has surpassed her earli- I'd wish for...THREE MORE!!!" Gag. and new hopes for Mae's grandfa- can put on a can-

These need ther's homeland. The shortest track die-lit dinnerto make. er work, which is definitely not an boys some lyrical help,

the from the album it is Robin Whittaker easy feat. Her haunting Celtic maybe they could call boys on (6 minutes), possi-

most it is accom- melodies and beautiful voice are a Bow Wow Wow. Fortunately, this is bly the effective, as

reissue Chinese Women's necessary edition to any music a from the early eighties panied by a

It's been because I Choir; who, behind Mae's lover's collection. in my if this was a new album, chanting

hunt them down in minor create at stereo since I got it, and it'll be there would and destroy swv violin set a key, for awhile. their master tapes. Why velvel ReleaseSome Tension first a mysterious and anticipatory erinkeating records decided to reissue it is Peeps Republic Records tone, which soon transforms into a

had better then theme. debatable. They probably a big SWV are back and are celebratory

Of how laugh about it. Well brother, I'm ever. course could they not Mike Adoijan

to with the all-star line not laughing. This is a disgrace be up they put

music. And Release Some Tension bad pop as everybody together.

second full fea- knows, pop music is a cess-pool (Their length disc)

has-been tures a who's who, filled with grunge morons including

and sluts. Redman, Snoop Doggy Dog. and Ul'

Ben Harris Kim.

if heard them Of course, you've ><:

ladies before you know that those

can go it all alone too. Unlike the

first album, where Coko did all the

lead vocals, Lelee and Taj get a

chance to be in the spotlight too this jimmy Wrtherspoon

time. are one of the w/ the Junior Manee Trio. Together they

Jay McShann finest acts around.

Sisters With Voices is what Hootie's Jumpin' Blues. they for The makes them Stony Plain are sure. cover look like hookers with voices but Stony Plain continues to release the the absolute classics of jazz and blues somehow when you hear music, with these two masterpieces. Both the cover just turns into a parody

seventies Wrtherspoon and McShann show an Overkill (though a pimp type

of amazing aptitude for blending From the Underground and Below humour) typical portrayals.

CMC Check out this disc. blues, swing and jazz into one

Since the thrash Tim Durkin sound. Everyone knows the "big emerging from fi'ip£ ;; 1 Overkill names" in blues and jazz but these scene of the mid-eighties,

done little to its raHHQBM two are masters that deserve has very change Bs While similar wKf^rB^igg^M respect and listenership. sound and style.

first such as Metalllca and Witherspoons Q) was cap- groups for tured live in France, 1969 and is Megadeath have opted (or at released here for the first time. It least attempted) a more bubble

rock sound, this act still showcases some different sides of gum clings

thrash the legend especially with the laid to their heavy sound and has fi back version of "Ain't Nobody's little to show for it besides their

Trio MBMMfcBBMr iwiaNijHt^B Business." The Mance is a per- logo. fect compliment to Witherspoon's This album is pretty consistent ImggqS*!*ii.. Thun Frl JH to with the rest of their material. It is innovative style and manages deliver time. If have heavy metal, loud and proud, and -_~v every you any jj| jljlj j|| , g^B| these from riff riff Vanessa-Mae. inclination to develop an interest in guys just jump to

can't far with with little for The China Girl, The Classical Album2 blues, you go wrong regard continuity.

this describe death, EMI picking up album. uninspired lyrics

McShann murder, destruction and all that Vanessa-Mae never felt but Jay is a true original, anything If British until she became pioneering the Kansas Gty sound other hokey stuff. you can get by

October 29,1997 25 CORD ARTS

26 October 29, 1997 TORMilWSSIflffig

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you clean the * the Master? Bm* TV? Vl '|II ■■MM ■

are ? lf a M'me falls m the forest> does any°ne reai,v °

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