THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“”) OF RELIGIOUS [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at ’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).


80.1% 95.8% 82.6%

{ { Commitment to 56.4% 50.7% observing halacha I daven at least 37.9% 01 is an integral part 05 once a day of my identity * only women were asked this question


58.4% 73.3%


{ 35.9% 39.1% I daven Shacharit { I set aside time 02 in a minyan 06 for

I regularly davven Shacharit I set aside time every week to study Age Age in a minyan Torah, Gemara and other Jewish subjects

18-25 46.4% 18-25 46.4% 26-35 42.7% 26-35 42.7% 36-45 46.7% 36-45 46.7% 46-55 55.4% 46-55 55.4% 56-65 54% 56-65 54% Over 66 73.3% Over 66 73.3%

* only men were asked this question



{ 53.2% 33.1% It is permissible { 19.3% to eat at a co ee shop Halachah is 6.1% 07 only if it has a valid 03 too rigid kashrut certication


72.1% 86.5% { Would I have chosen to be 04 religious? RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).



55.5% { Wearing modest attire 40.1% 27.1% { People should get is a vital component 14.8% 08 of a religious woman’s married by the 5.6% performance of mitzvot 12 age of 22




49.4% { { There is value 22.9% Women should have 24.3% in young women leadership roles 09 learning Gemara 13 in their communities


Advancing the role 52.5% { 46.5% { It is appropriate of women in society for women to take 26.3% has a positive e ect 18.8% 10 on leadership roles 14 on family values and 6.8% in synagogue telot family integrity

* the percentage of respondents who “somewhat agreed” with this statement * the percentage of respondents who “somewhat agreed” with this statement

Gender Highly agree 46.5% { It is acceptable to walk out of a state 5.2% 11.6% Male 48% 11 ceremony that includes Female 58.2% singing by women


The Reform and { { A person can be 30.5% Conservative movements 23.4% a traditional Jew 14.3% 22 should be given equal 27.3% 21 without performing standing alongside 8.1% 2.8% mitzvot Orthodoxy in Israel. RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).



51.2% 53.1%

{ The State of Israel must 29.4% provide humanitarian { 31.5% Non-Jews who live 13.1% 15 assistance to anyone in Israel should be seeking refuge within it 16 granted equal rights

* the percentage of respondents who “somewhat agreed” with this statement



47.1% 53.4%

28.5% { { 26% Women should 2.4% Haredi men must 17 serve in the IDF 20 serve in the IDF

Age Haredi men must serve in the IDF

41.3% { 29.7% 18-25 46.3% Every Jewish Israeli man 12.5% must serve in the IDF 26-35 49.9% 18 for at least 3 years 36-45 59.1% 46-55 56.9% 56-65 64.2% Over 66 61.7%


40.5% { It is legitimate 27.1% for a soldier to refuse 19 an order to evict settlers RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).



67.9% Tanach should be { 66.4% { Religious Jewish 42.1% taught in light of historical 37.1% education has become 18.3% 26 and archeological ndings, 23 more extreme in addition to classical in recent years rabbinic interpretations

Religious has become The Patriarchs should be depicted as Age Age more extreme in recent years ordinary people

18-25 36% 18-25 63.5% 26-35 41.9% 26-35 60.7% 36-45 48% 36-45 69.3% 46-55 52.5% 46-55 71.9% 56-65 61.1% 56-65 79.8% Over 66 63.6% Over 66 82.5%

67.3% 74.9%

{ 44.5% I support 28.9% separate-gender 21.2% { 24 education in I support co-ed 6.4% primary schools 27 youth movements

Judaic studies in religious high schools

Gender should be intensified, and secular studies

Judaic studies in (History / Literature / Art / Science) { 41.8% should be reduced religious high schools should be intensied, 15.6% 25 7.5% Male 19% and secular studies Female 11.3% should be reduced RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).



59% 76.2%

50.4% 68.9%

35.9% { { Religious Jews should Equal rights is play a role in struggles 28 a Jewish value 29 over social issues

71.8% 67.8%

57.8% { Social justice is 30 a top religious value

CULTURE AND GENERAL SOCIETY - openness and isolationism


{ Attending sporting events 45.8% { 22.7% Religious Jews must and / or entertainment 13.5% isolate themselves 3.5% 6.3% 34 (e.g. concerts and movies) 31 from secular society is a regular part of my life



34.5% { Facebook is an 15.5% { A religious home 24.8% 32 important and should not contain 8.4% useful tool 35 a television


78.3% { Religious and secular 59.8% people should maintain 33 close friendships with one another RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).



{ Rabbinic leadership 45.4% 49.1% today plays a relevant 24.7% { 8.4% Today’s rabbinic 21.4% 36 role in meeting the leadership understands 5.4% needs of society 40 my world

Rabbinic leadership today plays a relevant Today’s rabbinic leadership Age Age role in meeting the needs of society understands my world

18-25 24.8% 18-25 24.8% 26-35 23.3% 26-35 23.3% 36-45 21.9% 36-45 21.9% 46-55 19.6% 46-55 19.6% 56-65 15.6% 56-65 15.6% Over 66 12.1% Over 66 12.1%


31.8% 41.1% { { My plays an 18% Agunot are treated 18.2% important role properly by the rabbinic 7.4% 37 in shaping my lifestyle 41 establishment

Agunot are treated properly


47.7% by the rabbinic establishment { The rabbinic establishment 27.5% is actively dealing with 11.4% Male 20.6% 38 bureaucratic problems Female 12.2% in the marriage process

41.4% 37.3% { The rabbinic establishment is properly handling { The Chief Rabbinate 19.2% 6.2% 16.1% 39 bureaucratic problems of Israel represents 6.4% in the divorce process 42 the values I believe in RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).



{ Rabbinic leadership 45.4% 49.1% today plays a relevant 24.7% { 8.4% Today’s rabbinic 21.4% 36 role in meeting the leadership understands 5.4% needs of society 40 my world

Rabbinic leadership today plays a relevant Today’s rabbinic leadership Age Age role in meeting the needs of society understands my world

18-25 24.8% 18-25 24.8% 26-35 23.3% 26-35 23.3% 36-45 21.9% 36-45 21.9% 46-55 19.6% 46-55 19.6% 56-65 15.6% 56-65 15.6% Over 66 12.1% Over 66 12.1%


31.8% 41.1% { { My rabbi plays an 18% Agunot are treated 18.2% important role properly by the rabbinic 7.4% 37 in shaping my lifestyle 41 establishment

Agunot are treated properly


47.7% by the rabbinic establishment { The rabbinic establishment 27.5% is actively dealing with 11.4% Male 20.6% 38 bureaucratic problems Female 12.2% in the marriage process

41.4% 37.3% { The rabbinic establishment is properly handling { The Chief Rabbinate 19.2% 6.2% 16.1% 39 bureaucratic problems of Israel represents 6.4% in the divorce process 42 the values I believe in RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).


42.6% 34.5% { { The separation of Israeli couples should 14.1% 10.5% 18.8% religion and state would be given the option 7% 43 improve life in Israel 45 of civil marriage


75% 72.8% In the event of a

52.6% {

conict between 45.1% { The State of Israel halacha and civil law, 21.1% can be both Jewish 46 preference should be 44 and democratic given to halacha




43.9% { { I identify with Loving the and commitment to the political ideology the State of Israel 47 of the Right 50

Loving the Land of Israel and

Evacuating a small commitment to the State of Israel are { number of Jewish an integral part of my identity settlements and retaining 36.5% large settlement blocs 16.4% 48 6.1% is an adequate 18-25 83.6% political solution 26-35 79.2% 36-45 85.7%

43.9% 46-55 92.7% { The views of Religious 25.1% 56-65 93.6% Zionist politicians have 16.9% 49 become more extreme Over 66 96.1% in recent years RESULTS FROM

THE COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY Modern Dati Haredi Leumi Orthodox Leumi (“Hardal”) OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM [ Religious self-identification * ]

The goal of this survey is to take a close look at Israel’s Religious Zionist community, and determine how the members of this community resemble and differ from each other on various issues. The findings of the survey are based on a sampling of 3,416 Israeli residents who responded to the survey online. The percentage values in the graphs and tables represent how many respondents highly agreed with the statement (on a scale of 1- 10).


Length of Time Studying In Yeshiva Modern Orthodox Dati Leumi Hardal

I did not study at a yeshiva gevohah/ yeshiva// toranit 40.5% 38.2% 26.5%

I studied for one year 22.6% 15.1% 12.4%

I studied for two years 13.1% 12.2% 10%

I studied for four years 10.3% 12.9% 10.8%

I studied for more than four years 13.5% 21.6% 40.2%


Length of IDF Service Modern Orthodox Dati Leumi Hardal

I did not serve in the army 16.6% 13.7% 25%

I served for a year and a half 28.2% 35.2% 33.1%

I served for three years 37% 27.9% 19.1%

I served for more than three years 22.8% 23.2% 18.2%