Draft Audit Summary RSPO Survillance I PT BSP OK

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Draft Audit Summary RSPO Survillance I PT BSP OK Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Surveillance Audit Report Report No: ASA11_14007 Recertification against RSPO Generic Principle and Criteria 15 November 2013 and RSPO SCCS November 2014 Name of client Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 and Palm Oil Mill Kisaran Head Office: Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Kisaran, Asahan District, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia 21202 Date of Audit: May 16th to 20 th , 2016 Wahyu (RSPO Lead Auditor) Certification decision by: Abdul Qohar (Director PT TUV Rheinland Indonesia) Certification Body: PT TUV Rheinland Indonesia Menara Karya 10 th Floor Jl H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5 Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950 – Indonesia Telp +62 21 579 44 579 Fax +62 21 579 44 579 www.tuv.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT .......................................................................... 3 1.1 National Interpretation / Standard Used ..................................................................................... 3 1.2 Scope of Assessment ................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Certification Details .................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Location and Maps ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Organisational Information / Contact Person ............................................................................. 6 1.6 Description of Supply Base ........................................................................................................ 7 1.7 Actual production volumes and project outputs. ........................................................................ 7 1.8 Dates of Plantings and Replanting Cycles ................................................................................. 8 1.9 Area of Plantation (Total, Planted and Mature) ......................................................................... 8 1.10 Progress Against Time Bound Plan ......................................................................................... 9 1.11 Progress of associated smallholders or outgrowers towards RSPO compliance ................... 9 1.12 Approximate Tonnages Certified ........................................................................................... 10 2.0 ASSESSMENT PROCESS ............................................................................................ 11 2.1 Certification Body ..................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Qualifications of Lead Assessor and Assessment Team ........................................................ 11 2.3 Assesment Methodology & Agenda ........................................................................................ 12 3.0 ASSESSMENT FINDINGS ............................................................................................ 14 3.1 Summary of Findings pertaining to RSPO Principles & Criteria.............................................. 14 3.2 Status of Previously Identified Non-conformities ..................................................................... 41 3.3 Identified Non-conformances against RSPO P&C Requirements, Corrective Actions Taken and Auditors Conclusions............................................................................................................... 47 3.4 Description of Supply Chain Management System ................................................................. 49 3.5 Status of Previously Identified Non-conformities ..................................................................... 51 3.6 Identified non-conformance against RSPO SCCS requirements, Corrective Actions Taken and Auditors Conclusions............................................................................................................... 51 3.7 Noteworthy Positive Components ............................................................................................ 52 3.9 Issues Raised by Stakeholders and Findings Pertaining to Issues......................................... 52 4.0 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INTERNAL RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................................... 52 4.1 Date of Next Surveillance Visit ................................................................................................. 52 4.2 Acknowledgements of Internal Responsibility and Formal Sign-Off by Client ........................ 52 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix 1(a): Details of Revised Certificate ................................................................................ 53 Appendix 3: List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 55 Appendix 4: List of Stakeholders Interviewed and Contacted ....................................................... 56 Appendix 5: Observations and Opportunities for Improvement ..................................................... 56 RSPO 1st Surveillance Audit Report - PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 - Kisaran Mill - North Sumatera, Indonesia Page 3 of 56 1.0 SCOPE OF CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT 1.1 National Interpretation / Standard Used The operations of the palm oil mill(s) and its supply base of FFB were assessed against the RSPO Gener- ic Principe and Criteria 15 November 2013 and RSPO SCCS November 2014 1.2 Scope of Assessment This surveillance I assessment was carried out on 1 (one) mill and 5 (five) estates (Tanah Raja estate, Kuala Piasa estate, Gurach Batu estate, Serbangan estate, and Sei Baleh estate) under PT Bakrie Su- matera Plantation by Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Group. The date of re-certification of this unit was April 13 – 16,, 2015. 1.3 1st Surveillance Details The details of RSPO 1st surveillance assessment of PT Bakrie Sumatera Area Sumut 1 - Kisaran Mill are as per table below: Table 1: Certification details of PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 RSPO Membership no.: 1-0036-07-000-00 RSPO Certificate no.: 824 502 14007 Date of first RSPO certificate & va- Issued: June 14, 2010 & validity: 2010-06-14 to 2015-06-13 lidity: Date of certification audit: May 25 to 29, 2010 Date of previous re-certification au- April 13-16, 2015 dit: Date of revised RSPO certificate & Revised: November 03, 2015 & validity: 2015-06-14 to validity (if applicable): 2020-06-13 CPO tonnages claimed: 34,989 PK tonnages claimed: 6,846 RSPO v1 2011-05-26 RSPO 1st Surveillance Audit Report - PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 - Kisaran Mill - North Sumatera, Indonesia Page 4 of 56 1.4 Location and Maps PT BSP Area Sumut 1 Figure 1: Location of PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 in North Sumatera, Indonesia RSPO v1 2011-05-26 RSPO 1st Surveillance Audit Report - PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 - Kisaran Mill - North Sumatera, Indonesia Page 5 of 56 KIsaran Palm Oil Figure 2 : Map of PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 – Kisaran Mill RSPO v1 2011-05-26 RSPO 1st Surveillance Audit Report - PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 - Kisaran Mill - North Sumatera, Indonesia Page 6 of 56 Table 2: GPS locations for all estates and mills included in annual surveillance assessment GPS locations Name of mill / Location estates Latitude Longtitude Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Kisaran 21202, Asahan Main office 02º59’04.6” 099º38’12.1” Regency, North Sumatera Indonesia Sei Baleh Village, Sei Baleh District, Batu Palm Oil Mill 03º02’26.7” 099º34’53.2” Bara Regency, North Sumatra Province. Sei Renggas Village, Kisaran Barat Dis- Tanah Raja trict, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra 02º57’50.0” 099º35’57.7” Province. Gerak Tani Village, Meranti District, Asa- Gurach Batu 3°20’45.0” 99° 58’23.4” han Regency, North Sumatra Province. Tinggi Raja Village, Tinggi Raja District, Kuala Piasa Asahan Regency, North Sumatra Prov- 02º54’04.2” 099º34’00.2” ince. Rawang Lama Village, Panca Arga Dis- Serbangan trict, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra 03º01’29.8” 099º39’30.3” Province. Sei Baleh Village, District Sei Baleh, Batu Sei Baleh 03º04’12.1” 099º35’11.0” Bara Regency, North Sumatra Province. 1.5 Organizational Information / Contact Person Contacts details of the company are as follows: Company Name: PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Tbk Kisaran Unit Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Kisaran 21202, Asahan Regency, North Sumatera Address: Province, Indonesia Sei Baleh Village, Sei Baleh District, Batu Bara Regency Contact Person: Mr. Andi Wahyudin Telephone: +62-623- 41434, +62-623-348614; Fax: +62-623-41066 Email: [email protected] 1. HGU (Land use certificate) No. 66.HGU/DA/85/B/151 with area of 18,556.01 Ha, valid from 13 November 1996 for 25 years. 2. HGU No. 020.HGU/1991 with area of 2,714 Ha valid from 7 De- cember 1991 until 31 December 2020. 3. HGU No. 026/HGU/BPN/1999 with area of 952 ha valid since 19 March 1999 for 35 years. Legal Permit * 4. Government directives: BKPM Decision Letter No. 257/T/Pertanian/Industri/1989 and BKPM Decision Letter 5. No. 1293/T/Industri/2008 regarding Capital Investment within the State (‘Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri’). HGU Area includes Aek Salabat estate that has not included in certifi- cation scope ) RSPO v1 2011-05-26 RSPO 1st Surveillance Audit Report - PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Area Sumut 1 - Kisaran Mill - North Sumatera, Indonesia
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