The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV Edited by David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521414105 - The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV Edited by David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith Index More information INDEX Note: Page numbers in italics refer to maps and figures; footnotes are annotated n; plate numbers are given in italics (e.g. Plate 43) Aachen, council of (816–17) 247 account rolls 12–13 Abasges peoples 578n Accursius, Glossa ordinaria 124, 137 ‘Abbadids, of Seville 603, 604 Acerenza, province of 445 ‘Abbasid caliphate 9, 564, 566, 620 Acre 65, 562, 574 abbatia (abbey), use of term 353 siege of 45, 559–61 abbeys see monasteries; religious communities Adalard of Corbie, Statutes of 35 Abbo, abbot of Fleury 361, 493 Adalbero, bishop of Laon 4, 148–9, 167, 336, 366 abbots 15, 353 critic of Peace of God movement 192, 193–4 appointment of 360, 361 Adalbero, bishop of Metz 277 and n lay (secular) 361 Adalbert, archbishop of Hamburg/Bremen ‘Abd al-Mu’min, Almohad caliph 592, 611, 243–4, 258 612–13 Adalbert of Bologna 477 and al-Andalus 614, 615–16 Adam, abbot of Ebrach 550 ‘Abd al-Rahman III, caliph of Cordoba´ 602 Adam of Balsham (Adam du Petit-Pont) 399, ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir, caliph of Cordoba´ 599, 476, 492 603 Adam of St Victor 672 ‘Abd al-Rahman (Sanjul) 601 Adana (Cilicia) 541, 568, 588 ‘Abd Allah bin al-Aftas, ruler of Badajoz 603 Adela of Blois 343, 511, 544, 673 ‘Abd Allah bin Buluggin, ruler of Granada 604, Adelaide of Maurienne 549 605, 607 Adelard of Bath 436, 463, 481 ‘Abd Allah bin Yasin, founder of Almoravids 606 on music 472 Abdallah ibn al-Fadl 575 on philosophy
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