7 Precio de "El Morning-Time- s "Es Cinco Centavos Or o 25 Centavo Mexicanos No Sé Pague. Maé ... t - r : - i.'." PROMOSTICO DBL TIEMPO cttucmm me mrfim. De Jt Atestada. WadWnirtott, OehiWe En 1: per wi...... i.. Nh Va México, Ariaos y el Oes- ele ....,.,.,...... H-I7- rdic, te die Texas,' ckspgjjHio viernes. cien Iftrw ...l.'..iKtffiK

AflO 35. sffaltoreifW. EL fcASp, VlÉRNÉfr 30 DE OCTUBRE LE !$,i4. CUATRO PAGINAS PRECIO 5 GTS. REFUGIADOS BELGAS LLXOÁNDO A HOLANDA? ÍK)NDE MlLlJÍ DE LOS .SUBDITOS armas tuvo lugar el martes, 4d torenistas, ta pronto como ía HILL: QUIERE QUE DEL REY ALBERTO KAN BUSCADO REFUGIO. - - CARRANZA LISTO minas ai esie uc Aguascaitcnies. convención de Aguascalientes ter- Dicesc nue en la refriecra perecie mine, según anuncia un mensa'jt ron 20 hombres de Triana v oüe de Naco, Sonora, el que agregí VILLA UNA 160 más fueron hechos prisionc que el ejército de Maytorena- - sí PRESENTE PARA EL COMBATE ró9( retira de la frontera hacia' Hermó-sillo- . MEXICANOS "DETENIDOS. k abe que ha movido El Gral. Hill afirma tener .infi- culpable! de formar cientes soldados y artillería para Algunas tropa hacia Per creérseles la campaña, NORTE, ' una expedición. proseguir y dice que EL forzará íombatcs en Nogales y tSxaaalalsBlBaa' Asociada. SBtBJBSSJBSSSSSSSSSSBSb De lá Prensa HermofUtb. Tex., 29.- SU INSUBORDINAC- EathTá) Graí.. Martín Triana y Laredo, Octubre Se recibieron informes por .el Tres, mexicanos, de or- tropaa'de lá división del Norte acusados cónsul constitucionalista Bcltrán "i expedición filibustera hübó un éricuentro. ganizar una respecto a que se está haciendo üii ION PARA CON EL contra Nuevo Laredo, la ciudad esfuerzo para lanzar un préstamo De la Prensa Asociada. mexicana opuesta a éste lado, fue. para la causa maytorcnista, dando ron detenidos anoche por el dipu-- ; bÍbbIbIbIbIbibHHÍbIbIEHbibIbIbIbI Washington, Octubre 29. Hoy en prenda la recaudación He Iás tacio ciei marsnai oe ios ustnuos GRAL. en la noche ae recibieron informes aduanas de Guaymas y Nogales. CARRANZA oficiales de que el general Carran- Unidos, Allen Walker, y algunos za tiene apostados 10,000 soldados oficiales militares americanos. Los CONTRA ALEMANÍA. BSBBSBBEBsBMBBBBBBMBBBsaBg g aaWfs papeles .isTP en León, 6 millas al sur de encontrados en la pose EL DEFENSOR DE NACO sión de los arrestados uto la sos La Academia francesa inculpa al PRETENDE QUE MAYTO Aguas calientes, encontrándose imperio alemán. listas para interrumpir cualquier pecha de que habían ya reelutado ' París, Octubre 29. La Acade- RENA HA RECIBIDO 700 BBJBBBBBBflDKvBiB V movimiento 1,000 hombres para una proyec EXFEDERA imJksISbBB99uTbTSIB que pudiera intentar mia Francesa expidió hoy una no- SOLDADOS Villa, en caso de que fracasaran tada invasión el o del mes en LES DE LA BAJA CALI trante. ta, protestando contra Alemania, los esfuerzos de la convención de imputa o FORNIA PARA USARLOS pocos la míe a Francia a sus Aguascalientes. lia habido desde hace aliados, responsabilidad de la CONTRA LAS FUERZAS lias un considerable de la Sd sabe además que el general aumento guerra ,así comq los "actos abo- QUE DEFIENDEN A NACO, los refugiados mexicaons que 11c Carranza cuenta con un conside- minables" que los alema- POR PARTE DEL PRESI gan aquí cada día. Los símpati ejércitos rable número de tropas acampa- nes han cometido. ' DENTE CARRANZA, Y DE- de retienen la das- en los cerros que se encuen- zadores Carranza manifiesta quc, en nom NUNCIA "EL HECHO ANTE ciudad de Nuevo Laredo. La nota LA CONVENCION. tran al sureste de Aguascalientes, bre de la civilización, la Academia y que la guarnición de León do- SE PREPARA HILL. denuncia la violación de la neu Se acusaciones por el mina perfectamente la linea férrea tralidad belga, y la destrucción Ue hacen que conduce a ' Gíal. Hill, comandante.de- Carran México. Dice que está listo para empren nobles monumentos del pasado. Naco, Son., la conven En. los "despachos de hoy en la der la campaña de Sonora. Expresa admiración por los ejér- zá en ante fa ción militar reunida en Ainiasca- noche se informa que se había re- De la Prensa Asociada. citos que están peleando contra lientes, que Toáé María gistrado un encuentro entre las San Antonio, Texas, Octubre coalición germanoaustriaca, y en- sobre quie- Maytorena, gobernador constitu fuerzas de Carranza, eme son a las 29. El Gral. Hill, que- - comanda vía "saludos alos soldados, cíonal de reforzado a órdenes del general Martín Tria- las fuerzas constitucionalistas, es- nes, animados por ls virtudes de Sonora, ha demuestran sus tropas con 700 soldados ex- na, y .otras tropas pertenecientes a tá listo a tomar la ofensiva en una nuestros antepasados, federales" de la Baja California, la división del Norte. El hecho de campaña contra las fuerzas may- - así la inmortalidad de Francia" con el propósito de. emplearlos en el ataque contra las' fuerzas que retienen en,estos momentos a Na co. Estas tropas han "sido traídas por agua de la Baja California a Especial para Hoy Especial para Hoy Guaymas, y de allí conducidas por Viernes trenes al norte. Xa protesta en . Viernes do. cnbrlUlia, :" ' para trajes cuestión dice: Guantes do (Credit . Cortea do nansa broches, ptur citara,- - Q a do Beñoro.da" - , Un telegrama a Madero. e- et.jpar . OUC , mío r , "Julio Madero, AguascalifenfesJ toa tenemos 'en cdbra nua ns nofí hnBanjjuranteel j. llegada .de 700 federales É É "Lá II IMMIIIIII. llll pero a Notralesi Sonora, nrocedentes de contamos eon todos lo ', jaremos' en ,laa 'rpettiraa de 'tamaños. Noviembre, pudlendo pagarse' la Baja California 'que recibieróil Primer piso, BenolUos. órdenes.. de...yenir de,' MaQtepaj iSnraMeíes&bá, fle áaíwáVen n- Diciembre. Primer pio. rfueníe telegrama que H. CH-to- qup ios uuicgauos uc .apata ucuc-ria-n ver, presidente de dicha comisión M tener el privilegio de estar con los científicos y los huertistas'. recibió del capitán Lucey, que yídtí-- En mi nombré, y en el de las XrÓ-p- se presentes en la convención j encuentra en vigilan DISCUTE EL 1 !9 que, están bajo mi mando, pro Rotterdam, ucr4iin iner lamuicn ci, ucrcciio uc n do los envíos a Bélgica : pero no- testo de una, manera tprmai, contra nabiar; ucDcrran tener.ci rim, Míe necno para al sino'slíasVa que esta alianza de Maytorena conel arreglos remitir DE LOS DELEGADOS DE derecho voto, Cada uno de los artículos ofrecidos aquf, representan un ahorro de pesos y centavos, por vapor ae rio, ia primera con- noniDres en la Dan partido conocido por su traición escrtDieran.sus Los clientes de 'La Popular" obtendrán HOY VIERNES, una excesiva cosecha. f r. i ti ; ' tj:ii u signación de provisiones. Todos dera y prestadora, protesta de res y cmenes. urrai. iicnjuimu mu mayoría Niegan los rumores. los detalles se han llevado a cabo ZAPATA petar la decisiones de Ia; el PARA TENER esta ciudad se ha hecho la con gobierno, holandés, para que de la con vención. Además dees En naya delegados más negativa por los no demoras en la frontera to, algunos dé'entre .los rotunda eran, no po acrentes de Maytorena. de. estar "Los cónsules alemán y amerf DEtíEGEO A VOTAR zapatistas, civiles y ESPECIALIDAD EXTRA ESPECIALIDAD EXTRA a los exfederales. Las tro cano están. prestándome, su coope drían estar presentes, y ni ser ad r usando mitidos como, miebros, por el he rCamisas Estilo Sastre para Calzado dé Nuestra pa- pas que han llegado a Nogales son ración. He recibido 150 tarjetas constitucionalístas que con el sello del gobierno alemán. PARECE QUE EL, PLAN DE cho.de que está pcrfectamente.re Señoras, a ra Señoras, a . . . . fuerzas, suelto-qu- los civiles-- np directa-mon- te han estado en la Baja California dando órdeens a sus autoridades AYALA, ACEPTADO POR .deberán vendemos estas camisas a Acabamos de recibir otro muestrario $1.00 y $1.60. del fabricante. No es tan grande como nor alerún tiempo. Manifiestan al de que permitan el paso de víveres LOS' ZAPATISTAS, SERA formar parte dcuia convención. En este momento el Grah An Diusas estilo sastre, color blanco, bordadas el primero; pero en ato vienen los tamaños mismo tiempo que han recibido sin detención, para el ministro EL PRIMER ASUNTO QUE por de u del ni en negro y y geles indicó que un compromiso el frente, hechas franela otras telas 2H H colores amarillo cañones de la península cantor americano en 'Bruselas, para los SE DISCUTA, ASI COMO rayadas. El mejor precio que Jamas a haya otras combinaciones de fabricante. Estos podría, fácilmente obtenerse, desde $3,05 niana. pertenecientes anterior necesitados belgas. TAMBIEN LA RENUNCIA visto en camisas de esta clase. Las tenemos en representan un valor normal de a el en que los todos los tamaños. Cada una 50a $3, OS. K escoger del lote S1.B5 mente los exfederales. Otro de los comisionados tele DEL- GRAL. CARRANZA instante zapatetas ai., a COMO deseaban .tener el privilegio de di Primer Piso. Los representantes de Maytore- grafía : "PRIMER JEFE DEL ayer que ha EJERCITO CONSTITUCIO rigir la- - palabra y entonces ten- na diieron Carranza 'He visitado La Haya hoy y vi la oDortünida'd de nrescñtar a un gran numero de al NALISTAS. COMO ENCAR drían J bía ministro "americano, .quién enlistado acá? GADO sus razones, por, jas cuales también tropas federales en Piedras Ne ba de visitar Qtros DEL PODER EJECU Amberes y debería acordárseles el privilegio gras, Coah., cuando fueron liber- puntos. Dice el mismo1: 'El pro TIVO. OTRA ESPECIALIDAD EXTRA de votar. , Esjpeáalidladl los prisioneros de Fort Win-- Extra tados blema de la alimentación y de Debe el voto Ta-- 1 ".29 en las vanas empleos en Bélgica Especial para el Times. dárseles B00 Yardas de Chiffon u gate, y distribuidas durante el in Después de que cada uno de los Contamos para Hoy Viernes cen fuerzas constitucionalístas que vierno, va a ser muy severo, y es - Aguascalientes, Octubre 29. r feta de colores modernos, P Ua delegación de apata no ha delegados de Zapata hablaron y operan en el Estado de Coahuila. probable que también en Holanda vendemos la yarda do esta un Buen Lote de Sweaters para sido aceptada como miembro con expusieron sus razones, el' Gral. Itegularmenta sea difícil. ángeles que la'conven- - tela a $1.76. Es de 36 pulgadas de ancho y PIDE EXPLICACION. plenos derechos en la convención, manifestóí - Niños a uno. "Aunque Amberes no résintió i "t'i . -- i muy propia para trajea: la usan para 91.00 cada Vehementes protestas han, en cion ucuena vuiar si ui.i jiii.ae también insubordinación del Gral. muchos los problemas sé y Excelente para A la perjuicios, derezado por los delegaód's carran que los expresados Jd ciega fondos forros. dar lucimiento Propios para nlfios hasta de $ artos. Amplia Villa con Carranza. del agua, víveres y empleos, son al extremo bajo de la falda y para obtener un cjstas, que preten- - dos debpra,n o, no .tener.el'derecho Rendlngote. selección por lo que respecta a color y estilo. El Gral. Hill, de' Naco, Son., ha agudos. Waelhclm, Malines, Du ardientemente plisado da efecto HOY VIERNES, a uc del voto. la yarda ,...... ,..$1,10 Estos sweaters valen regularmente $3,00 y los solicitad a la convención de ífel y Lierre están reducidas a rui ucii bcudiur aiguuus ios repre- "de no son Prevalece la impresión en', la Segundo riso. ofrecemos hoy VIERNES a...... Il.M que obligue al nas y no cabida más sentantes Zapata que ,,.é, Aguascalientes pueden dar ue asamblea que ge debe un Villa, de la di- que tercio de su antigua po miniares y esia manera, najo ci acordar Gral. comandante a un reconocimiento de- de reglamcrito ya aceptado, no tienen completo a los visión del Norte, a dar cuenta blación. derecho legados del ejército del Gral, Za HOY VIERNES, SERA DIA ATAREADO EN NUESTRO DEPT. DE LENCERIA al Primer a un asiento en la con su "insubordinación Je El cónsul americano en Gante vención. pata, desde el momento en que Nuestro espacioso departamento del Segundo Piso ofrece precios extraordinarios para fe." la convención. En llegó gran-- . ' ante misma hoy, y dice'que es muy Al comenzar esta mañana la.se- - han trabaiado en harmonía con los HOY VIERNES y es seguro que los clientes avisados nos visitara, temprano, el mensaje HUI añade varias indi i nvvwiunu ub vivcicp. am delegados de la división BOO s, sión se discutió "inmediatamente del'Norte, Uñón francas le 48 pulgadas y No. tela larga, A t Servilletas' lacroerlaadAi jr bas- a conven-cionista- - caciones ios generales blen en Bruselas, Charleroi y cer esta cuestión, y algunos que domina ya una gran mayoría batista do 40 pulgadas, O 1 corlo ilo 13 ya nías iaX tilladas, ya que su deber es arre- en 'mo i 1Q canías uay urgencia ue provisio mentos de excitación se creyó qué de los votos de la convención. Ja yarda Tela excelente- para prendas docena JLJLI las dificultades. Estas telas son apropiadasI2C Tamaño 33x33, da- glar nes. ' serepetirían las mismas desagra el de Ayala Interiores. Regularmente ven hectias de El telegrama es como sigue; Esta tarde Plan será para delantales, vestidos y masco con adornos florales, ta En Rozendaal v Berécn-O- o escenas ayer. demos la yarda a 13 Hoy Madero, Aguascajiente. dables de discutido en todos sus detalles y de nlfios. Regularmente He Regularmente vendemos la yarda .'Julio 2oon hay dos campamentos con Explicaren posición. el, Cor!, Gonzalez Garza espera vendemos la yarda a 30o y 36a. Viernes Únicamente, a $1,(0. rreolo epe-- '"Apreciaré mucho si se sirve 10 13 in 25,000 refugiados belgas, mujeres juos delegados Zapatistas, por que la convención inmediatamente Umte, yardas. corte de yardas.,, $1.19 clal. hoy viernes...., 117 llcver a la convención el asunto de MANTELES UE DAKABCO UAbTILIiADOH . WAMAKCO la mayor parte, con niños de pe. conducto del Gral. Angeles, expli- tomara una acción en DE PURO UNO DE 1 PULGADAS ese cuerpo ha arreglado ya las resuelta Jo Damasco mercerlsado dj.excelcnte calidad, cor Vo ofrecemos en Inmensa selección en los si cho y muchachos de corta edad. caron su presente posición. Ha a la renuncia de Carranza; mis dificultades existentes y si lia pe tqcapte media docena de erviiw5u . 8. Vale el Juego deseados estilos. Este damasco es eí que vende. Su condición es lastimosa. Están bían sídd enviados por el Gral. Zá; en (amafio 1.4 $3.60, eñtamaflo mu y dido al Gral. Villa cuenta y expli La discusión de la renuncia de o regularmente a fi.is $1.36 la aterrorizadas y no tienen un cen pata, afirman los delegados, tem tendrá, lugar juntamen- de 10,4 yarda. HOY VIERNEH especial a.. 95c cación de su insubordinación ante tavo. Reinan varias enfermedades Carranza ?7D poralmente, para representar al te con la que se emprenderá para (RETAZOM (RETAZOS! la autoridad del Primer Jefe, por- entre los refugiados, pero no con ejército de la que estos son cuestio- libertad, mientras sé estudiar el 'Jan de Ayala. Tamaflos- cortos: pero Otiles; telas lavables, roteaos de mantelería, franelas' de lana lisas' o bordados que creo las carácter ae epiacmia, comunicaba con generales, que propios para principales de la convención sus 'en tamaños faldas. He laxos de sedas, de géneros de lana, eaies, bordados, velos, 11. nes están esparcidos sobre una gran ECONOMIA DE $90,009, tones; todo, todo lo OFRECEMOH A PJUSCIO MUCHO MAB BAJOS q'CK IXW NORMALES. de que ahora está reu- generales BAJADO EN 8 GRADO. área. Cuando esto suceda se su- Washington, Octubre El esa ciudad, Gral, Benja- Cairsqctaasa uMed Hule para nida en De la Prensa Asociada. plicará a cada de los genera administrador general de Correos Seal" y 1A.s O," uno r. pulgada mín HUI." Washington, 2D. les que notificó a firma de De 37 pum4 de De If da Octubre El nombren un representante hoy una South ancho, blanca o del capitán Dean, del 15 de su el minis ancho, a cuadros y AUXILIO AMERICANO Warren por brigada, con el propósito de Carolina contrato para otros satUe. Regu color ana se dssse. caballería reciente- vends-m- americana, venir a Aguascalientes a . tomar trar' al departamento postal to4a larmeate veademos Esta kt lo DMtimáo para lea MgM qu han mente juzgado ante una corte parte en la convención. Por esta laremcsa anual de hilo para ama- la yarda' ",'i3ttc. regalar ideóte a 3 Jo yarda. ,Wss sajido de mi fait, marcial ea El Paso, Texas, ha si causa, 'dicen los mismos, delega rrar las envoltuars, de. muy cerca Por HOY. Y1BR. la' $ NM UNICA. clisISad para,. 4g De la Prensa Asociada. do encontrado culpable de falta de dos, al menos debería acordarse de m millón y medio de libras,, a msNth OC AlsaWSlBlBAlasrValBa fcsriERNHsl IOC Londres, Octubre 2i,-- Xa expe- cuidado en sus cuentas y senten- un reconocimiento temporal en 13 centavos la libra, de cordón de í..(. XJmlte, It yardas. XsBsssWt 9$ 0 fNfceJfls3(Hf dición y perfección cort que la co- ciados a ser reducido en su grado sns personasu. algodón. Se' estima que $0,QO Bubtséfdneo, "' ' gubtswdas. misión americana para auxiliar a militar. La próxima semana el Habla s4 Gral. Suclna. se economizaran este año por lá loa belgas, ti haciendo arreglos secretario de Guaira conocerá de El Gral, Buelna, hablando en sustitución del Cordón de algedási toaj , i émn, d3trHtir viveras etfe esc case. reprcscHtaooti.ée k carnMKÍst,; que .sera usado xcliMuvanKwte. t t EL PASO MORNING TIMES Vtone. 40 de Octubre de 1914, tt. MN MORNING, TIMES libertarlo, que se traslada a San espíritus siempre rebeldes, intro- la,- de combate en combate, hasta El casamiento tendrá lugar el dia Louis, Mo., en donde el cónsul duciendo nuevas reformas en su la captura de Monterrey de manos primero del entrante Noviembre, Mítrucl Dicbold. nor cxnrcsas ór programa de agitación, encontrán- de tos infidentes federales. verificándose con ee motivo un Especialistas denes del dictador Poríírío T5Iíz, dose por vez primera escritas Tas Toma parte en Ta conferencia baile en ersaloñrjñiSií Hall"; tic AUtdrfttftM tu U. Junta a JWhtéAd áM4a eslabona y prepara la cadena de palabras "Tierra y Libertad" en de Torreón; cu donde pone su bue- esta ciudad, la noche del mismo de Teaaa. como Ioctorea Ra tatradee emr le anulas é Cerreos é M ro, ame persecuciones que, por algunos un manifiesto mexicano. na r voltiiitad al servicios de sw día del matrimonio. Enrenaadadae 1 Crebro 8afanaadM no Al la revolución enca amigos, para solucionar cuestiones Son padrinos de e InfeccioM do la 8aara ArMamtaate alios, dejan siquiera descansar estallar esta ceremonia o Debilidad dat Alaterna NorTloaoi lócemela: aa con bezada Madero, Villarrcal, personal y militar, Valdcz apur- orraitASt a los jóvenes mexicanos que, por de carácter qué Ífosé y Epitacio Pérez y traumlaata tarallele para la Impound: X EKici 1 "rnwM, mm cuh sur Oregon. su ejemplo, ponen la base de ta que se siente antes que todo revo- pretenden dar al traste con la re- Srtas. Aurelia Campos y Lu ación completa y permanente ata eetlmuiaatM revolución actual, arrastrando a lucionario, se encamina a El Paso volución que se encaminaba al crecia r ierro. dafloaoa.' Curamoi bajo garantía ala pérdida da coBiuiiltiB" 1 muy poeea dtaa; mtSli'V un pequeño puñado de hombres y forma una columna que se en- triunfo. Ueatpe y 4a eparacloa doioroaa. Setrtctie. a curan pronto aoaorrea, Iftetüla, Catarro y a muy cortfa tlemp BL JA MORHINO TIMES miedo y tacha, que afron carga de la captura del de Villarrcal es cscoeido para ore UNA RETIRADA FORZADA EL PASO, TEXAS. sin sin puerto enfermedad e da la Vejiga. Eetomajre, Hígado, Piel, RlfloBca, Hydro- convención M. tan en suelo extraño loa más gran Ojinngn, al norte de Chihuahua. sidente a la militar de De la Prensa Asociada. cele, Varteoetl y bttaa eatenaédAde crOfüeaa del hombre y mujer. RBFHSSKNTARTES . tK AflUNClOS BX des peligros. La persecución con Aqui se le incorporan mexicanos Agúascalicntcs, en donde al de Bollcltam oa especialmente aquello llamado "caaoa laoarafaieaT TTtAIWKROSi Berlin, Ocbrc. 28. Las tropas los. hermanos Mogón que de los campos que no han pedido ver euradoa por otro doctorea. Nueva Terkr B. C Beckwilb, Acceda tra los hace llegan mineros clarar que la asamblea era supre alemanas austríacas s, y en Polonia, Fijewe en el namn-- del cuarto. Hay otro doctorea ea el minan Especial. Edificio de "La Tribuua. emigrar a Canada VHIarrca!, que de Arizona,, Nuevo México y lc-xa- ma y quedaba formalmente insta 84. S. Beckwltb, Agencia Es- según se comunica en un anun- - edtfleie de nombre aem4aate. Beaqae marte No. . Lout; a queda solo en aquella ciudad, em- y varios camaradas que ha- lada. pronuncia un discurso qui f pecial. Edificio del Tercer Banco NaclonaL viu utibiai cajjcuiuu- i!. i uuyi en caía, CONSUITA8 GRATIS. SK HABLE ESPAAOIb Agentes Viajeros Luiiur Barnard, onm prende un trabajo de agitación y bían leído sus escritos y comulga- revela lo que ha sido siempre, un j se han visto obligadas a retirarse Mttioa. propaganda eficaz, para provocar ban con sus ideales de redención. revolucionario tuuaiiuiuc y .un AJLuEMAIHIES Cobradores autorizados ta ta eiudadt 0. ante fuerzas rusas de refresco que DOCTORESlleraat Do S a. i. a S p. m. Miller, du Leign y una expedición armada a México, La paz de C. Juárez, trastornó vencido. MKtn aiado Andrus. avanzaron de Varso-vi- a Deaalacee Ue a. ra, a 13 ta. por esta parte de la frontera, frus- sus planes y tuvo que replegarse rompió con coi lvangorod, páselos de euscnipcioitt Villarrcal bus y Novogeorgicvak, después de Osarte Ne. a. Callo Meaa No. 20 M trada por la traición del capitán a Santa Rosalia, Camargo, de don pañeros lucha fines Al de Kreae." Segando Plan. Paso, Tcx&a, (ror correo, pago adelantada) de desde S haber causado repulsa a todos los Frente "tm El Diariamente y lot dominio, un .no..,M.oo Jiménez Castro, cuya infame de- de se dmee a Chihuahua para for 1910. Su alma inquieta no fciarUHeate y lot domingos, t nxii...ii.fa acompañó Ma ataques anteriores de los rusos. D4ritn)nt y lo domingos, a metes....) lación le valieron un ascenso y a mar el grupo que a avino al platonismo agitador, a la Diariamente y loa domingos, I mol, 7lc Sarabia y Canales cua- dero a la capital de Mexico. del re tet BMJor autot. coa ctueMowt catar, Juan César teorizante labor escritor TelerrafU'Ctrrcra corta. last. Internacional numsro de lo domingos, soismeate. años en San de Ulúa. Aun se recuerdan las palabras beldé, la del orador ftars. Tcler OPORTUNIDAD PARA tm aflo , HM tro Juan a pasiva tarea t..(l Üc vía con- INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL I'rimarll, (Por Butttrot repartidores.) En la denuncia que el cónsul dé Villarrcal en la velada que se la publica. Quiso ser SE ORDEN 'EXPULSION Superior. Comcrclil. Idlorau. cursos GANAR DINERO Diariamente y la domingos, t mes .7M Mallcn hace a las autoridades de dió a Madero en C. Juárez, a raíz secuente y empuñó el fusil como cipecltle. Eicobir Hermanos, Calle San Podemos comprobar con Boletines da TtUfOOO SOW. esta ciudad, de la presencia de los de la toma de esta ciudad el diez anteriormente habSa empuñado la De los alemanes y austríacos de Antonio I3ts; Teierono tm. internado, la Uolsa Petrolera do Mtxlco. que las Made- COLEGIO l'ALHORK. accones da. ALAMO DE PANUCO MONR1NG agitadores, y revolucionarios me- de Mayo de 1911: "Señor pluma. las posesiones inglesas. BC PASO TIMCfl. El r$o. Texas. Calle N. Oregon til valen actualmente 11. 2G mex., es decir PublliBed Every day in tne Vttr by ro, hay qüe recordar que no se Su ejemplo como el edificante Pekin, Ocbrc. 28. Lás autori le y Comercio. 10.25 mnn de su EL, PASO TIMES COMPANY. xicanos. 6C procede a la inmediata Cursos Infles, liipiflol valor. aprehensión de todos los inodados ha vencido al enemigo (los fede- tic Práxedis Guerrero, fué el coro- dades de Hong Kong y de otras Cuadrd docente completo y competente. Tenemos en esta acciones que recibi- entered In the Postoffice at Et Paso, cuses' diurots y nocturnas, internado bien mos antes do la alza que continuamos Yew, u second class mili matter, , en la incipiente expedición,, y rales), que si la revolución admite lario de sus predicaciones en favor posesiones británicas en China atendido. L. wilton. Directora. Teléf.. 3(30. vendiendo í $1.00 mex. no obstante PUBLICATION OFFICES: en su seno a los infidentes y a los xno un expidieron hov las órdenes de ex que sabemos' del aumento. que pudo escaparse, ac la revolución, iuc revo OH. UU1LLERMU U. ELLSWORTH. una oportunidad para ob THE 'ílilES BUILD1N0, 3 SOUTH Es buena quiere correr igual suerte que sus reaccionarios, y el nuevo gobierno lucionario lírico; sin un revolucio pulsión del territorio inglés de los Especialidad en erermedades de mujeres tener una buena utilidad, que Ira, cre- STREET. y ta operaciones quirúrgicas. Oficinas! por Mcrn-(n- revolucionario los acepta en su práctico. subditos alemanes austríacos, a ciendo diariamente tratarse do un Addreii n communication! lo, The r cantaradas y casi se entrega per- nano y gano t: Betunas ra. cano san Amonio negocio F.1 vol- zas . bien definido. Las acciones Timet. Pmo. Tesa.. sonalmente a sus nprcheusores. administración, contra Ud. Sus nuevas y profundas refor excepción de los que tienen edad ül reieiono mi, ncaiaeaeia son 'Valores al portador 'y se pueden En El Paso se emprende la ta- veré a empuñar las armas, para mas, en medio de una corrompida militar, que serán detenidos. La NO VENDA, compre ni eambte usted realizar on' un momento. de segunda Los tenedores de estas acciones están rca de cxtraditarlo a México; pero impedir una nueva reacción." 'Y sociedad, como la mexicana, lian orden comenzará a surtir sus efec Herramientas mano al ' HECHOS Y COMENTARIOS rifles, basta que sepa mía precisa de plácemes. la simpatía despueblo ame- Villarrcal lo 1ia cumplido. levantado ámpula'cn el corazón de tos el primero de Noviembre. 431. H. líobr. 101 & Escriba Usted 6 telefonee pidiendo ante Teléfono El mapas, ricano por los luchadores mexica- En la capital no quiso aceptar los retroexados, de los fanáticos Paso. detalles, prospectos, etc. HOMBRES DEL DIA. nos, se la gestión del go- ningún empleo público. Solicitó de los rutinarios, de los privile COMPRAMOS pedacerla le cobre y estrella ir cueros, Mexican Petroleum Stock los del dia bierno profiriano, y después de de Bar- giados, de los aristócratas, de to bronce, huesos, lana, jarcia, Entre hombres que representante consular a HERMOSA PROCLAMA. trapos, etc Herman Bloch y Co., E, Agency lu- que pes mas han sentido la revolución de ocho meses de prisión, en una celona, centro del socialismo y de dos los han vivido la vida Boulevard 305. Teléfono 6710. No. IS Buckler Bldg, Villa- - de décadas be contarse a Antonio I. cha en que se recurrió a todos los la anarquía en España. AUj torna tilente y asfixiante tres Que el hermano de la reina ex INSTITUTO "LYDIA i'ATTEIiSON" EL PASO, TEXAS. medios para enviarlo a su país, es a sus del socialismo, de oprobio y sumisión; pero que 03 S. Florence St. Tel. 3910. rreal. estudios mi pide a los soldados. para In- realicen la Escuela rarones. Internos y' externos. Perseguido en Nuevo León por entregado a las autoridades de rando le cerca la imperecedera serán las reformas que De la Prensa Asociada. Edincio moderno. Maestros experimenta Es- migración para su deportación; obra de el sacrificado de revolución entre el dos. Clases noctures do Cuando quiera vender Bernardo Reyes, emigra a los Ferrer, verdadera Londres, Octubre 29, Un des INGLES, ESPAflOL Y MUSICA. ORO O PLATA Unidos y se une a los agi- pero logra evadirse de la oficina Montjutch. hampa desheredada y misérrima pacho la Agenci: RECUERDE tados de Amsterdam a 10.oo de gratificación por cualquiera In- Que nosotros a, de de la nue cual carroña pulula en los tadores Flores Magón y Juan Telégrafos Western Vuelve Villarrcal a sentirse1 Rcuter, dice: ' formación de la 'persona que robó dos Pagamos precios mis altos que cual- enca- campos y ciudades mexicanas Co. Campo quier otro e Inmediatamente al con- en Laredo, Tex., en donde Union, de esta ciudad, y se revolucionario, y abandona la ciu cobertores U. 8. del do Infan por "El príncipe de la corona, Rup 10 ía. Agrnela tado; sin cobrar presupuestos mina, revolucionario, al ansiosa de nan v de justicia. tcrla. Calle "Times." pesamos y ensayamos dieron principio a la publicación eterno dad condal para ingresar como precht, de Bayaria, hermano de la mientras órgano mexi- centro de agitación de Los Ange- soldado Villarreaí' siempre, será un vi APflENDA USTED INOLES-Cla- sea noctur- del que, en la prensa en las hucstas vencedoras reina de Bélgica, ha expedido nas en el instituto "Lydla ratterson." 3, dlex minutos para ensaye de plata, la les, Cal. Otra nueva acusación Vido ejemplo que imitar. Florence &03, Tel. 3910. inedia hora para ensaye de oro. cana, asestó mas duros golpes a de Pablo González, con quien lo siguiente proclama: expiden ensaye y allí, los lleva a la prisión, en don- VV. TOVAR Y BUENO. 8e. certificados de 'dictadura porfiriana. Perseguidos iijíin tasos uc paisanaje y amistau del Cuerpo de AL COSTO venderemos todas las mangueras rundlclon'si se desea. . de, en compañía de los Magón, "boldados bexto para Jardines, l'outz a zinkler: Compramos o tratamos amalgama en Laredo por los esbirros de &i constitucionalismo contó con ihecesita Airrxojcsr Ejercito: Somos afortunados en y iireclpitjoos. Díaz, cambia su residencia a San purga un año de detención por de- un revolucionario consciente que Prerunt a Mtatt, Call! Text !to. 18 Taquigrafía Comercio. InsL International. No venda en otra parte antes de EiUüiecmo dffle lani. (Aqvertiwroent) tener como opositores a las tro vernos. Antonio, Tcx., en donde en com- litos imaginarios. aportaba su alma grande, hecha c i. AltKLLANU a, HIJO compramos y Cía. Refinadora y Compradora de. pas inglesas ; las 'tropas del pueblo moneda pañía de los hermanos Magón es- La serie de persecuciones conti- a la rebeldía, y su brazo fuerte, he- LLEGA SIN NOVEDAD vendemos mexicana da todas Metates. cuya envidia ha estado atareada clases: Mills Bldr. ioL Tel. tOM. Calle de San Francisco No. íio. cribe el Manifiesto a la Nación nuas hace cambiar el derrotero po- cho para la lucha sin descanso. por anos para rodearnos de ene SE SOLICITAN do la lee-- Un vapor de refugiados del que se Pos Señoritas bueno que dejó la más profunda huella lítico del grupo rebelde, y ! Desde mediados de 1913 se con migos que nos estrangulen. A presencia, que sepan contabilidad, para prisión, temía un accidente. C. en el ánimo del pueblo mexicano. tura, en la de los erandes vierte en capitán y conduce a sus esc pueblo debemos la actual guc de oficina. Dirigirse a Av. Lerdo No. 3. De la Prensa Asociada. Juírej. Méx. Da comienzo entonces una serie socialistas y escritores ácratas, de denodadas legiones a través del rra sangrienta, ror lo tanto, to Interesante,. Je persecuciones contra el grupo Europa y America, empapa sus Estado de Nuevo X,cón y Coahui Folkestone, Octubre 28. Se re Uft LOTTE Do 23xt0 y un cuarto de adobe, por la destreza del & Es saber quo en la cibíó noticia aqui esta noche, res bomba de agua, callo T. 1'. en (375. La enemigo y por todos nuestros sa mitad al contado y el resto en abonos. FARMACIA GRANDE pecto a que el vapor francés 215 , RIO crificios, ahora que nos veamos Weiss S. Stanton. "Amiral Ganteaume", que sufrió VENDEMOS papel de periódicos, por mayor 3ra. y Stanton 419 un accidente frente a Bolona ayer, frente a frente. Tel. 709. que no es. tan Ud. siempre lo que lleiró al puerto sin novedad. Dcmostradles DE LA DICTADURA A LA ANRJiUU. . Hallará busca. El fácil los de la Medicina de Patento Francesa. barco llevaba a bordo a muchos1 extirpar a alemanes Historia, ahora que nos enconta-- Historia Follllca de México, Productos de Mtxlco, etc. refugiados de Pas de Calais .. por' Itamóo Pnla. Escrupuloso despacho de recetas. remos con ese últimas-'r- e La tripulación cree auc el acci con ellos, enemigo Obra 'sensacional sobra la que es el mayor obstáculo para la roluclones ,en México con la muorlo do, los se debió a una explosión de Madoro, trágica, etc. La dente paz." Srcs. la decena la caldera. edición espinóla de venta en "La ideal; Oportunidad que IOS E. Overland) Internacional Doblr, Little DIAMANTES Una Se recordara el emperador Nprle, COS SUFRE GRANDES BAJAS alemán, al felicitar recientemente Plata; El Paso del S. Oregon. Pagamos los mas altos precios Precio del tomo i.oo. por diamantes, también oro y al comandante del cuerpo de ejér plata, en cualquier De la Prensa Asociada. NECESITAMOS un carro de nuesos. Her- forms. cito bavaro, por la bravura de sus man Bloch & Co. Calle Sau Antonio 235 J4 Londres, Ocbrc. 28. El buque tropas, dijo, según el Lokal An La Edición Española, del Paso Morning LINOLEO y tspetcs. algunos da bermoso GENEVA JEWELRY CO. de Wuerttemberg con su ejército zieger," de Berlin, " "Desearía que patronos. Linóleo' esc yarda. Fouu Times, hasta el 15 de Abril por ha tenido fuertes bajas al Norte los ingleses trabaran combate con ztnxier. N. Stanton 113, de Francia, según un despacho re los bávaros una vez más," MAIZ 11.50. frijol 11.70 las 100 libras., á. coc. la suma de $3.00 cibido por la Exchange de Paris. Stanton Teléfono siso. VA UD, PARA MEXICO? Cambie Los alemanes perdieron 2,000 FERRETERIA y pinturas Karatas, en li su dinero en la Avenida Lerdo No. y heridos en su desgra uenda ao mueoies ae ixvin. cane Stan 3, do Juárez, Junto a la agencia fi- muertos 110. ciado ataque nocturno sobre AVISOS OCASION ton nanciera o bien en la estación del El Paso Morning Times publica las noticias del día imparcial-ment- e de INGLES Clases nocturnas. Aprendizaje ferrocarril. Craonne y en la region menciona- paunore. prejuicio. Es el primer periódico que da las noticias más pido. Colegio 3130. y sin da hoy en el parte oficial francés una palabra una ola ves le Estados Unidos Lasbajas francesas solo llegaron una palabra una semana le U RENTAN 3 Cuartos amueblados con importantes de todos los centros de México, los y Un linea al mes. 11.00 cocina, familia particular, Magoffin "09. 100. AUTOMOVILES DE VISITENOS y vez. IlENTA Europa. Una información exacta, acerca de los acontecimientos de AUfcfUEa ACTIVOS. usted vuelva 01ra Fe de rreterta. pinturas, uarniccs y vidrios El Paso Auto Taxi tiene para alquilar 30 grandes ca- Mexico, es la demanda del pueblo que habla el idioma español en la EXPLORACION AEREA TIUKS" solicitamos asenies en los fettados planos a precios bajos. 409, callé Sur El autos de U0 WMtvw J J Paso. A. Yaffe. mino y taxis, durante toda la noche Norte de México y en el Sur de los Estados Unidos. Solo el en central en todas las poblaciones de la y todo el dio. La estación esta parte De la Prensa Asociada. JOSEPH COMPRA TODA CLASE 28. IIUNESr Desperdicios situada frente al Hotel 'Vaso del Times publica esta información lo mas exactamente posible y casi Paris, Octubre Tres aero le de cobre, bronce. Norte"Calle W. San Antonio planos alemanes reconocieron lio C:, El Vao, Te.. U. S. A. sine, fierro, hule. Ademas costales, No. siempre muchas horas antes de que lo hagan los demás periódicos. cerda y hueso en furgones enteros. US. Teléfonos 312 y 44. ayer la región de Scnlis, departa bL l'AÜO IltUN it METAL San 123- - coore, C Juárez, Chin., Avenida Juárez Una información completa se da por el Times acerca de la guerra vez conse Antonio ISO). Compramos iierro, 5. mentó del Oise y una bronce, buesos y Hule, etc. Teléfono 4260. por so europea, así como también las noticias locales de más importancia. guido su objeto cruzaron IHI'HENTA COMl'HAUA. SEA ORES COMERCIANTES POR bre la linea de los aliados en ai La lmorent aue perteneció a la extinta MAYOR; La Español entregada en el Ho. 310 de Edición en por nuestros repartidores a rección a Paris ; pero no pudieron Reforma Sdelal." situada APUNTES PARA LA HISTORIA. vendemos toda clase de mercancías la calle de Stanton, porpledad del Sr. Lauro La batalla de Torreón con planos des- a precios sumamente por cualquiera dirección en la ciudad, o por correo a cualquier punto de llegar a su destino debido a que por Correo y baratos ser Agulrre, ha sido comprada "El criptivos fotograbados de todos los sgentes exclusivos de las fabricas. les salto al encuentro la flota aerea del Norte", porpledad de los ares. Serrano Jefes que tomaron parte. Compramos los Estados Unidos o México, HASTA EL 15 DE ABRIL DE.,1915, Por el CorL Roque Oonzalex Garza, P, ganado. Aceptamos y del Vando, quienes tomartn posesión de cualquiera clase de dinero un pago francesa. mes Ramos Romero y 1, Pérez RuL costará solo $3.00. Esta oferta estará en vigor solo un tiempo muy ella el primero del de Noviembre. Precio Me oro; por correo wc de mercancías y al mejor Upo. Libreril "La Idesl." calle Overland tos. Por Violar la Ley. 113.00 mensuales; rentase casa t pletas. El Paso, Tex. En Chihuahua JUAREZ COMMISSION CO. corto. "calle De la Prensa Asociada. véndense los muebles, informan Ave, Aldama No. 3tí.' " " " Tereer riso del Edificio Mesa 107, Restaurant Oambrinus. "rirst National Bank," 317. Córtese el cupón inserto abajo y envíese inmediatamente al De- San Dieco. Cal., Octubre. 28. UUARANTEE ELECTRIC CO. Acusado de violar la neutralidad 1M&. partamento de Circulación del Morning Times. . , Teléfono México, HarrV Vodenberg, I iimiT.ii mái rimnibla en la eludid. con DP. W. OLVERA ZÜNIGA anterior capitán de detectives en para aparatos eléctricos y su compostura. 113 East Boulevard. Facultades de México y Texas San Dieco, fue hoy en arrestado ENSAYADORES Consultorio 4SB S. Stanton Alamo, C.fcy siendo deteni- B. está ORO Y PLATA mál tíu Teléfonos; SE COMPRA ORO do hoy, en unión de un operador A. R. LOW B ARDI CO. Residencia 3862; Oficina 811. Y PLATA CUPON a emán de la estación inaiamDrica Calle s. Rl Paso 107. Segundo piso. en cualquiera forma o caá y sus dos ayudantes, en Ensenada, ticlad. Precios sin coa Departamento da Circulación. Uaja California. petencta. Maralng Times, ' El Paaa MURIERON LAS VIUDAS CtrniKaiMs Moneda Contituciinallsta al lia da Hay: JOYERIA EL PASO, TEX. Silberberg Herraasiog Moneda de Carranza....,,,,,,,,,,..,. .,,...... 10 centavos Severest De la Prensa Asociada. Moneda de Chihuahua. 19 centavos bsqtuna Avenida lasa y Rovalton. III.. Ocbrc. 28. Las Moneda de Villa Vieja. II centavos Calle Texas :; .. Dmio preveeltaj la oportunidad qua u acial, V. JM-- T da oferta tup y para viudas de los üos mineros italia S. A MEXICO 1MIOKEKA.GE CO. Baa STaadace Frente al Banca Ríe fal efecto acompaño cea aeta aupen la turna Ja $3.00, oro, lo cual t nos, que murieron, entre otros, por can . Grande. , ee aervirá enviarme la Ediclóa ea EapanoL da El Paso Morning Tunea, la explosión Habida aquí lucran hoy en sus Jtaeta al 15 de Abril, a la direeeUa eiguleaui encontradas cadáveres chozas. Los medicos declararon í:. que habían muerto de dolor y CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE experimentados. Con mujeres Agencia le Comisiones en general, Alnada Sagtr ReHienes viemcTfáí de otras, estas precios por conatltucloBalUla y Feiurr,.. (Naaafere) poca Paramos los mejores moneda de banco. se estuvieron en la ue la Ofktea CMy Katleaal Bank Building Xa. JM, TeLjfoao 3413. Navelato, Sinaloa el dia ayer, y hasta por err-. niina tudo de Veadedares mayar de ' entrada la noche, esperando en Anear y (DireieWn) vano el regreso de sus esposos. kkM Y- - RuaUe fe Paaaaak, bac, PROXIMO NUPCIAL pf amo ka majeres Heos a canate de saoaeda coaaUWclonalUta. Tanatea Ageattee etaera que revístenos por otros. Mcclbiiao ittoero para venta ta To opersetoaes soa rsraetlMaas. Nuatrs opinion relative a te 212 West Oveeteoal Las invitaciones fiara el matri ealldad da ataerols es ceaceeWa. Street monio de José Vidal con U Srta. Ke aoa d4atut4o por aaete auiilrsa reftivoetaa de antees ra en Juérea. Guadalupe AITG 8 TO HE Saadoval se han re a. w. moíxiww. a vímu, cttiK. partido ya trc sus amUtaiies, READ TIMES WANT ABS i ÉL PASO MORNING TIMES TRES LOS DOS el resultado c que los Invasores DISMINUYEN LOS ATAQUE fpsa COIBATEI están más lejos de Ja costa fran- ' 1m T " cesa, que it principio d la batallá. El vigor de BMltM h. eMdo T en 1 lado alemán. HASTA EL EXTREMO En uno de los atatjucs nocturnos, los alemanes perdieron, según se De la Prensa Asociada. dice, dos mil hombres. París, Octubre 29, El vlffor de Hoy A del Mosa, los ataques alemanes, en ti Norte Viernes LOS FORMIDABLES EJERCI lo largo los fran es Dia de Retazos! TOS AVANZAN A PESAR ceses están avanzando lentamente fue disminuido hoy, después de DE SU ESFUERZO, entre Aprctíiónt y Saint Mihicl, haber intentado dos asalto) por con el animo de atacar a los ale sorpresa durante la noche, con maiics que están posesionados de grandes perdidas por ambos lados. Compren en el Unico Edifi- Esta en grave "peligro la frontera de Dobles Estampillas con este ultimo lugar. El resultado favorable estuvo cio de la Tienda de Depar- Holanda por lo cual esta parte de los áliados, quienes no I nación la esta vigilando. La declaración oficial alemana tamento a Prueba de expedida hoy, dice que sus fuer solo evitaron un rompimiento en Incendio zas se precisadas a sus lincas, sino que realizaron De la Asociada. vieron retirar- Prctsa se de Polonia, en vista de loa re considerable procreso y ahora rc- - Londres. Octubre 29.-J-- liml fuerzos rusos. ticncn firmamente (a linea del te de la resistencia hutnana ha lle- Nieuport y hasta la Siguen adelante los rusos. a Dibmude gado en la batalla dé Flandcs Oc vecindad dé Lille. Todo el Dia cidental y el combate,, que ayer Los rusos afirman sciruir ade Los oficiales que han regresado amainó un poco, casi cesó hoy. lante contrarios austríacos, quie- del frente de la línea de batalla Ha habido algunos ataques de in- nes aevanzaron por Galitzia y ata manifiestan que ha sido una tarca Valores fantería ,y estos quizá continúen; caron su ala izquierda, diciendo peligrosa la practicada por las tro- pera clfucgb de artillería lia ce- que cu la íronéra tle la Prussia pas nativas, por la noche, y a lo sado .según' noticias; de pasajeros Oriental han rechazado también largo de la costa belga. Destru llegados esta noche. la ofensiva alemana. Los mosco yeron, después de haberlos sor- EXTRA A esto se debió, indudablemen- vitas, por el mucho, tiempo de que prendidos, un cargamento de par- te, el rumor de que los alemanes: han dispuesto, y el inmenso nú- que, poniendo de esta manera fue se habían retirado, dejando por la mero de hombres que tienen, pue ra de acción a varias baterías ale en caaa ano paz su intento de llegar a los puer- den tomar la defensiva u ofensiva, manas que han causado gran dis tos del canal. desde el Báltico hasta los Carpa-- gusto a los aliados, quienes no Pelean hasta el extremo. tos. pueden alcanzarlos con su artille de los depar El hecho es auc ambos cicrcitos La mayor parte de Africa ha si ría. han peleado hasta lo último, tem do arrastrada al conflicto. Se di En la más completa obscuridad poralmente, y que el primer es- ce (lite los alemanes han invadido los nativos asaltaron y mataron a tamentos. fuerzo de los alemanes, de romper Angola, una de las posesioncs;afr- - los contmclas alemanes. Prendie i nuca uc ios aiiauos,tiia íauaoo. ; ron a un cobertizo en donde 1 canas de Jfortugal que lia habido fuco Nincuno de los lados nodía con combates en la frontera jlc.Jas.xa- - ios .carros uc municiones estauan Todo el dia tinuar por más tiempo, por estar lomas alemana y belga en aquel a cubierto, haciendo que todas las rendidos los- soldados sin dormir continente y que ios ingleses y granadas explotaran. y sin descanso por los diez días alemanes han tenido escaramuzas. que UNA FIERA LUCHA. el Viernes. (ha durado la batalla sobre aunque el asunto mas seno es la un terreno que, en la actualidad, en la Union de Sudafrica, - es un pantano. rebelión Anoche se- ha registrado entre Os- - no obstante que el Gral. Luis Bo- tende y Nieuport Los alemanes lograron, el sá- tha anuncia haber" derrotado al - bado De la Prensa Asociada. Retazos Retazos de Lanas- último, pasar algunos de sus Gral. Beyers, y tomado pri-- de Sedas hombres varios Amsterdam, Octubre 20. El Venga usted el sí necesita materiales a través del canal Yser, sioncros. El viernes es el día en que todos los retazos hechos durante Viernes de lana para y otros al día siguiente; pero las "Nícttve Vanden Dag" dice que traje. Colores y clases esplendidos, de tamaños indispensables. Hay gran alarma en Holanda. " la la semana, ae y arreglan para su conveniente fuerzas que se le enfrentaron eran sabe que algunos fugitive's han venta de traen se encuentran entre los retazos de lanas, que ofrecemos el ínuy En, Holanda reina eran, aprenc 1 formidables, y anillos ejérci- llegado esta mañana procedentes selección, y se les pénala precio, como a la mitad. Aquí se Viernes como a la mitad de su valor ordinario; tamaño de tos están disfrutando de un justo sión, .temiéndose que su neutrali 7 yardas y de 36 a 56 pulgadas de ancho, a saber: de Bruges y Ostcndc, manifestan encontrarán todas las clases nuevas y más solicitadas, en tama- descanso. dad sea hollada. La desemboca Paños, Crepé de Lana do, Los Alemanes volverán al ataque. dura del .Escalda, que. los alema- que anoche.se registró una fie ños de a 8 yardas : Velos de Monja, Paño Chiffon Se espera que Ids germanos ra lucha entre Nieuport y Ostcií-- Alcatraz, nes, ahora que se posesionaron Rayas Romanas Popelina dé Seda Panamas el ataque por Dunqucr-qu- e; des ""Amberes, encontrarían muy dc. Los aliados hicieron varias Sargas Francesas, Lana Fuerte Crepé Meteoros Seda China están trayendo nueva mente mu, y ia irpiuera oriental ue ios cargas a la bayoneta y los'alcma-ne- s Cuadros de Pastor, Popelinas de Lana y más municiones, asi como ca- Países Bajos, donde aquellos es finalmente se retiraron en di Crepé Tafetán Satín Mesalina Rayas anchas y angostas Tafetán de Lana ñones, pero toman la precaución tán reuniendo tropas, son los lu- rección de Middleburghe, dejando Tafetán "Pussy Willaw" Tafetán de Chiffon Cheviots de Lana "Charmeuse" v de preparar una segunda línea de gares de peligro. muenos muertos. Rayas anchas y angostas Crepé de China floral Pelo de Camello Lana para Capas defensas. Jil gobierno El periódico que los holandés declara añade ale Sedas Persas Sedas para Ropa Interior , Acordonado de Bedford Gabardinas Esta cesación del encarnizado está preparado a hacer respetan manes están llevando grandes ca . Cuadros Escoceses Henriettas cornbate parece haberse extendido la neutralidad del país a cualquie- ñones a ustenae de Knockc y Sedas propias para Blusas Seda Mouré " Chalis . f Lanada Cuadros de Lana por toda la linea hasta Arras; yj ra costa. JJrugcs. Sedas para Forros Sedas para Camisas Diagonales Crepé Egipcio Piel de Seda Gabardina de Seda Paño Chuddah Casimires PUEDE ENSENARSE EL CARA CTER Seda Egipcia Satfn Duquesa Franelas Francesas. Retazos n Retazos--de de Telas Lavables r Linos De la mucha, venta de nuestro departamento da telas lavables, tienen Nuestro departamento de Lienzos ha sido una de los mas activos que acumularse los retazos, tamaños cortos, pero que en la, mayor durante la semana pasada., 'Muchas señoras han empezado ya a parte de los casos se piden para hacer camisas, corpinos, blusas.para prepararen para la fiesta del Día do Acolfln do Oradas quo no esta, niños, vestidos, delantales, etc., todos al precio balo, usual del lejano, y esa "ha producido muchas ventas en dicho departamento. Viernes, Pía de IteUuos: por )o tío hay muchos retazos. Los hemos traído y seflaladoles, Tela Kindergarten Carranclanes precios uojoh para 01 vía. ue iieiuzus. Tela Devonshire Crepés a Cuadros Crepés a Hayos Retazos de puro lino para Mantelería. Popelinas Tela algodón para Vestidos Hetazos de Damasco merccrlzadó para Mesa'.' Calateas Madras Hetazos de Uno para lencería para Sábanas. de Algodón Lienzo Tafetán Hetazos de Uno para Blusas. Franela para Camisas Nansús Franela Bordada Percales (so Principal.) Retazos en el Departamento del Subterráneo Precios interesantemente bajos se han señalado a todos los reta zos que se han acumulado en la semana pasada en nuestraata reada Tienda del. Subterráneo. Esto ofrece una oportunidad excelente para que el publico se surta de vestidos para niños, delan- tales, etc. Aquf.se podrá encontrar retazos de percales, carranclanes, franelas para salir, satines, muselinas aderezadas iy no aderezadas, batistas, telas de algodón propias para vestidos y hules para mesa. Retazos de Olanes de Encaje Cuellos De lt pulgadas de ancho, vienen en tamaños de 3 2 y G 2 yardas, Cuellos do encaje y malla, en formas redonda, cuadrada y "V," oa 7 se ofrecen el Viernes & mitad de precio. mas nuevos efectos, asi' como flchús y cuellos para abrigos, que (Piso Principal.) generalmente se venden o 26 y 00c. 'Precio del Día de Hetazos el Viernes, o ." fe C DOS OFERTAS ESPISCIAbEfi DE ENCAJES. (Piso Principal.) y in- ADOltNOS PAltA EIj CUELLO. Tenemos un lote de Encaje Francés Alemán Valencianos, con tía serciones y extremos que coran, muy a proposito para trabajo Un lote u lazos corbata, cordones tango y otros, asi como muchos oaornoa para ei cuello, que o de fantasía, que valen hasta 15o yarda: El Viernes, la yarda a ti venden generalmente en y 35c, se ofrecen el viernes, sin limite en el número, a, 15c (Piso Principal.) (Piso Principal.) KETAZOS. ENCAJE CON HEMATE DE MALIjA. De Velos para matlnée, chiffon y para la cara, se ofrecen el Viernes Un hermoso' surtido de Olanes de Encaje con remate de malln, de a mllud le precio. 27 pulgadas ae aneno, que vaien nasia z,uu; ,'f.89c Velos de chiffon para Aumotóvllrs, en todos los colores que el Viernes, la yarda a i .... . se desee, y marcuaos especialmente a 48c (Piso Principal.) (Piso Principal.)

ro.vuos.. CAHRANCDANE8. Almohadas de Vestidos para Fondos hachos do tela parecida u Un gran surtido de plegados, carranclanes Pluma Salir la seda, con olanes AQn . "Estrella del Norte" a cuadros o fon rayas o colorea lisos, a,40C Tayas de la mejor rolldod, que z precios en Almohadas de plums, de lt por Espléndidos vestidos de (Subterráneo!) generalmente se venden a 15o pulgadas, cubiertas con cotí artístico franela de Señora, para la calle, se yarda; el Viernes, . n rayado y rioreaao ae ouena cauaau, oironi.en ei v (ornea, ua. uo iieia-e- n CAiaoNcrWiOS. yarda a ...... lUC colores asul Y rosa, que se ven- - zos. Hechos de buenas telas itrue Un loto de calzoDOlllos de tarlatan (Subterráneo.) por lo general en el viernes se sas lavables con rayas, nlAos, con den bonitas de buena calldd'para PODVO DE TADCO. conseguirá el par, QQ buen corte y tamaños ordl- - QC- oían en la rodilla;, e,l I - n Polvo de talco Oriental, en f prim don del York, narios y extra, a I par 1UC a "rehila Collin", Whvlrr Ctrdcn de Nucvi ...... uut Viernes, de , , ,.;..... latas una libro, a k . . , 1 UC La elegante Pepita Collins hace una embrollada pregunta. Escrit o de Eleanor Ames. (Almohadas, Segundo Plsoí) (Trajes, Segundo Piso.) (Subterráneo.) (Subterráneo.) íQué es carácter? pregunté a atención que poco a poco se tras- - ra villas. Aspiraron esos hombres Pepita Collins mientras se daba forma en admiración. el aliento de sus directores escé SWEATERS. VESTIDOS. CORPINOS DE SEDA. Entonces es algo nacido con no nicos? sarga para los últimos toques de "vcjiuellon." Sweaters de algodón grises, buena Vestidos de ninas. Frazadas de algodón, de 68 por 72, Un loto de Cornifln d otros, y no puede por lo misma "A Sarah Bernhardt le o decir "n" - mxvvi, ve .o cuauru't " jr ue unino, encaje mUY f no & Todo el dice que Utl. calidad, para, niños, con euetln y ,... r.tiñBñ. n minrru , 1 mundo sprenuerse, ic sugerí. una vez que el carácter dependía n..,i. ..iiu.j. rayas, t.í..lavables, asi como colores, u espienuiaos mo hoy i en grado maravilloso y yo lo "Que no puede aprenderse?' uci movimiento continuo. colones umivva lavables: Bf ofrecen lisos, se ofrecen ne Aun tamaAos hasta 12, a ... XV, rn - $1.95 l cuando observo en me contestó, volviendo repentina todo el cuerpo permanez f'. vlnr.. ,.Jl.tO comprendo la cuando (Subterráneo,) (Subterráneo,) (Subterráneo,) (Subterráneo.) o en" ei escenario; peru itu jiucuu caiu-carsel- mente hacia atrás con una disimu ca quietud, la exacta manifes- con palabras. lada sonrisa entre sus labios. "Sé tación del pensamiento retratado PANTALONES DE IONA. Pepita sonrió y volviendo la ca- que algunas veces no puede apren en el rostro atrae la atención del VESTIDOS, l'itAZADAH l'.MtA CAMAS DE FALDAS. de lona con pechera, Una gran mesa de vestidos ecd- - " NISO. Un lote de Faldas de tatnafio ra del espejo, me dijo: derse y algunas veces me pregun- auditorio dándole completa vida Pantalones extra. h.rhos da lona de excelente call, P "nos, necnos ue carrón. Un gran surtido de bonita frazadas para nenoras que usan corpinos de es lo que pasa por el to también si no se inculcará in- ai escenario. lr e "Carácter tamaAos desde hasta K c,a" ""'""' para cambas de niño, con uuornoa puigaaa, necnaa de sargas escenario haciendo que los espec- concientemente, "Entonces, el carácter es su- - 'jj,' artlsfas y "llablaudole a Ud. más claro, le ceptible de aprenderse,?", J4 anos n ifloi; hoya ... 0DC ofrecemos Hoy. cada una, en ye dad, en $4.95 tadores adoren a unos repliqué ' aborrezcan a otros. Hablando en dire que muchos autores y artis nuevamente. (Subterráneo,) (8ubtrrano,) (Subterráneo.) (Subterráneo.) otros términos, el carácter es algoltas verdaderos lian tomado bajo ,No puedo decírselo consecruri- - indescriptible. El carácter actúa su dirección a ejecutarse que no uau, me ja contestación ge re- sin palabras. Es la barrera que se- solamente eran desconocidos en el pita. Lo único que puedo mani- para al actor del artista, Es algo mundo teatral, sino que no tenían festarle es que 'yo también pre-- AUXILIO IMPORTANTE, por cable, la cantidad de cinco mil que se' ha abierto para mantener información respecto a )os que llena el teatro ni siquiera la buena presencia que gunto lo mismo, dejándolo para misterioso Washington Octubre 29. La dolares, a la Comisión Interna- a los 'prisoueros, en Cincha, por y herido? de todos lew cuando su poseedor sale silencio-samen- tc se requiere .en el escenario y sin que lo conteste alguna persoaa - al escenario pidiendo embargo,, han resultado unas ma- que lo epa." , Cruz; Roja Americana remitió hoy, cional de Auxilio para el fondo medio de la cual se puede obtener países, C&ÁTRO EL PASO MORNING TIMES VmW30 I OetaWe dé 19I convertido en escalón del indiví EL MOTIVO POR EL dualismo y no en la santa enseña HABRIA SIDO FATAL SE HA VERIFICADO 01 tic la nación, Roque González Garza tomó entonces la palabra, haciendo I ON DISPARADO ENCUENTRO ENTRE LAS CUAL ESTUVO EN defensa de Solo v Gama. Los de 10 legados entonces preguntarán si HUBIERA los SI ESTO ACONTE TROPAS DE CARRANZA demás generales de la división CIDO MEDIA CONVEN- PELIGRO LA CONVEN del Norte estaban de acuerdo. En CIÓN NO EXISTIERA. Nuevos Discos Columbia cabezados por el general Felipe Y EN Angeles, los generales del Norte, VILLA SAN 6IL, Lo más importante, en opinión de como un solo hombre, se levanta' ron, significando su aprobación uonzáles Garza, es el retiro de Carranza y ESTADO AGAOSGA- - Son exfrenMckmente populares nc consiguiente, una gran mayo nombrar DE e dudablemente que Ud. desea terrario. ria de los aue se encontraban tire sucesor. Lo invitamos a quo venga a oírlos en nuestro Almacén i SU PERORAGON sentes reconocieron el Plan de Ayala. Especial para El Times. LIENTES C 2764 ADELA (Val.) Otro instante dramático. Aguascalientes, Ocbre. 29, Se 75c EL COSTERO (Two-Ste- p) .Banda Española Otro de los momentos dramátí rumora que Carranza ha cortado SE ADUCE COMO RAZON 2771 ADIOS (Danza) ZY cos del día lo ofreció el coronel la comunicación entre Mexico PARA QUE LAS FUERZAS Alfredo Serrano, miembro de la esta ciudad y que tropas se en DE VILLA ESTEN TAN 75c LOS AGACHADOS (Two Step), .Banda Española caminan hacia el Norte. Kt, delegación zapatista. Serrano de CERCA DE LA CIUDAD, EN PRONUNCIAR LAS PA fendió a brazo partido los conccp Carranza teine 10,000 hombres Tenemos un surtido completo de discos' "Columbia" y 'Victor" en LABRAS DE QUE LA BAN DONDE SE REUNE LA tos vertidos por Soto y Gama en Leon y los carrancistas están CONVENCION, QUE SE TE español; el más grande, surtido de discos en español, en él Suroeste, para, DERA tERA UN TRAPO agrecrando nue los Zapatistas nun atriclicrados al Este de esta no LOS CIRCUNSTANTES SE ME QUE CARRANZA EN- - que nuestra clientela escoja lo que sea de su agrado. ca llevaban el pabellón tricolor blación. Se dice que las tropas VIE. TROPAS PARA APRE LEVANTARON AIRADOS Y cuando iba a luchar con sus her leí Gral. Carranza se retiraron al Si BLANDIENDO LOS HENDER A LOS DELEGA Ud. no posee todavía una de las manos y que, sin embargo, entra encontrar a las fuerzas villistas DOS DE AQUELLA ASAM AMENAZARON ban al combate llenos de valor el martes en la noche. GRAFONOLAS "COLUMBIA" O VICTROLAS "VICTOR" AL ORADOR QUE, IMPER BLEA. de fe en el triunfo do su santa Estos movimientos se cree nue le venderemos alguno de los muchos estilos que tenemos, con pagos fáciles TURBABLE E INDIFEREN causa, recibió una ova son con la intención de invadir berrano La movilización de soldados en semanarios. . TE. ESPERABA OUE PASA ción como ninguno de los delega esta ciudad y aprehender a los San Luis Potosí, por el Presiden- RA SOBRE SU CABEZA LA dos la ha este mo delegados y generales hostiles al .tenido hasta interino, TORMENTA. mento. gobierno de Carranza. Esta acu te Vcnustiano Carranza, por que 4 Después de que habla pación fue negada por los delega ha dado resultado el Ural. títvr hubieron mueva De la Prensa Asociada. delegados, se dos del primer jefe. Francisco Villa quietamen do los demás rcci una Aguascalientes, Octubre 17. bicron telegramas del general Za Al tener informe el Gral. Villa te fuerza al Este de Aguas (Rctrazado en transmisión) Un pata, alininos de del movimiento de tropas de San calientes, como una protección f autorizando a los generales divi división entre los dclctrados de ellos para presentar creden Luis Fotosf envió tropas de Ri dé las distintas sus siotics en Zapata y los de Villa fué práctica cíales como delegados en toda con de Romos a Cobre, teniendo militares que se hallan ciudad, mente lo que se observó en la se un encuentro en Gil, en Jos lími sesión en la última para forma. El informe de la comisión que ser aprehendi- sión de hoy, después de haberse que hace dias fué a México a en- tes de los dos Estados cercanos evitar puedan dos registrado una acaloradísima lis trevistar al general Carranza, no loando C0 muertos en el canino, por las tropas carranetstas. . Estas sido, movidas ya en di cusión que por momentos amena se presentara hasta mañana, des ie acepta el flan de Ayala. han zaba resolverse en motín. Después de una rección de Aguascalientes y el pués de que la convención haya acalorada dis por Por algunos instantes reinó una revisado y aceptado las credencia cusión que duro ocho horas la martes fueron sorprendidas completa delega Ies de los delegados Zapatistas convención aceptó en absolbto e las fuerzas villistas, habiéndose confusion. Los verificado dos de ambas partes sacaron sus Cuando se levantó la sesión, los Plan de Ayala. Los lelcgados un encuentro. Las tro LvHli22fiQsfek de CO al revolvers, delegados del general Zapata se carrancistas la reso pas Villa causaron bajas llevándolos nufvamcn combatieron enemigo, de te al cinto después de varios dis encontraban platicando amiga lución diciendo que dicho plan es antes que éste se vie cursos y arengas pronunciadas blemente con los demás miembros taña lleno le ideas anarquistas, ra obligado a retirarse hacia ban Luis por los demás miembros de de la asamblea. La proposición fue' presentada por Potosí El combate ocurrió cn-S- Gil, Ags., 22 millas al asamblea. el Corl. uonzñles y todos los del este de la cuidad, obre la via del le La explosion ocurrió poco cgados de Villa lo aceptaron. LAS CONDICIONES Por la adopción de este plan rrocarril que corre á San Luis. después de la llegada de las 2( Oficiales villistas habían sido Graf onolá Columbia "Meteor" delegados de Zapata, quienes nía el retiro de Larranza sera un he cho inmediato, pidiendo que se informados, del movimiento le la nifestaron que no traían autoriza gente de Carranza; y cuando se ción como delegados, sino como DEL PRIMER JEFE nombrara el sucesor en una fe cha próxima. verificó la movilización de una simples expectadores, mientras fuerza de importancia en San Luis observaban las miras de la con El retiro de Gobernadores. Esta Grafoñola de último estila, En pagos solamente de $1.00 a la SI ZAPATA Y VILLA RE Otra resolución adoptada se re Potosí, se supp que existía el plan, vención, pudiendo pedir sus ere SE por parte de Carranza, de enviar vale solo .$17.50, semana., creían NUNCIAN CARRANZA ficre al retiro de todos los trober dcncialcs si lo conveniente RETIRA A LA VTDÁ violentamente tropas á Aguasca- Se les lió cabida en el recinto en nadores nombrados' por Carranza PRIVADA. y la lientes pará aprehender a todos medio de atronadoras aplausos sutitución de ellos por los Este electos por el pueblo. los delegados de la' División del es él instrumento musical nunca mejor hecho qué se yéñdeTpor me- habiéndose invitado a los jefes de Norte y a otros jefes enemigos del nos de. $25.00, toca discos la delegación a tomar la palabra, Si no; convocará a su ejército y Por los sucesos últimos se ha y qué tanto "Columbia" como "Victor" y los luchara para sostenerse en el ordenado que los delegados asis primer jefe. Villa al saber esto, reproduce con un volumen lleno. El tono de Paulino martinez fue el priniero envió ramal ferro- ésta Grafoñola es claro, poder de la república. tan a la convención sin armas, lo fuerzas por el dulce y natural. en hacer uso de ella para delinear carril de Rincón de Romos y Co- del de Ayala, que que ha sido acatado. los ideales Plan bre, de sus líneas, y del último . El gobernador Felipe Riveras El Corl. Gonzalez Garza, dijo Visítenos y permita que se los mostremos Úd. y que toquemos algu- -' es en resumen, el programa del punto prosiguieron la marcha por a movimiento zápatista. Martínez del Estado de Sinaloa, ha hecho La mitad serían cadáveres. nos de los nuevos discos. una apelación a la convención de "Un solo tiro hubiera bastado via del ferrocarril, hasta ban en frases candentes manifestó a la Gil. Agttascalientes, para la protección ayer para que la mitad de la .con asamblea que si no era aceptado Se cree que los hombres que pe de la soberanía de su Estado, vención se hubiera echado sobre TRI-STAT- el Plan de Ayala por la conven en San Gil, con las tropas E debido a. los recientes actos come la otra mitad. Si un solo tiro se carón TALKING MACHINE ción, las fuerzas del general Zapa- íllistas, son los que fue CO. el - disparado la mismos ta continuarían luchando. Como tidos por Gral. Carranza al hubiera quizá mitad par arrestar a algunos de sus oficiales, le los delegados cadáveres ron comisionados ahaccr los contestación se le aplaudió fre serian que se menciona., y por el temor de que el mismo Deben discutirse asuntos de más arrestos arriba Calle Héticamente, siendo tal acto la El Gral. Villa ha temido hace Norte Stanton 118 el de sus importancia que la .aceptación del primera indicación le que la Carranza arrebate poder tiempo, este movimiento de parte manos, según los telegramas re Plan de Ayala, y no debemos de (La casa más grande dé máquinas parlantes en el Suroeste.) asamblea caminaba de acuerdo y es su cibidos ayer de la ciudad con tenernos en mcres futilezas de un de Carranza, esta principal con el Plan de Ayala, plan que razón de qué ha permanecido vcncionista. delegado vehemente. por pide la inmediata repartición de Guadalupe, en Riveros ha Esta convención debe retirar a en Zac, lugar de las grandes heredades que existen vlrtualmcnte estado a en porque Carranza colocando en su lugar a haberse dirigido Aguascalientes, en la república. prisionero uiiacau, allí ha los Larranza duda de su lealtad lia otro que umpln con su deber. Si de estado observando Soto y Gama el segundo movimientos en cia el 'primer jefe," El mensaje tenemos vida hoy y mañana, es- carrancistas. be Antonio Díaz Soto y Gama, que tiende tiene más fuerzas al sur oficial de Aguascalientes, fechado toy cierto le qup todo irá bien y que fué el segundo en tomar la pala de Aguascalientes, para impedir de cón- el 29 de Octubre, que no habrá temores por el pro gaucho en la persona un ma Franklín y le roba a las nubes Tizapán había durante-al-- , a de los delegados del dice: ( estado bra nombre que las fuerzas del gobierno se sul alemán. El ministro de la Ar el rayo: se llama y le general apata, empezó su Esta noche, en una sesión se venir." Watts en gunas semanas en poder de los za- - discur Los delegados dirijan hacia el norte. gentina protestó, alegando que trega la humanidad la deí so lleno de alegorías, yendo en as creta, se discutió el contenido de de Villa y Za fuerza patistas. un mensaje del gobernador del pata trabajan en harmonía y que Mugica estaba demente y era una vapor: se llama Galileo y obliga El gobierno dice censo la intensidad de sti$ nietá LLEGAN LAS TROPAS. que la lucha de Sinaloa, da por ver perdurara esta cu infamia detener, en la prisión a un a los astros a descender a sus te- fué obligada toras. IM publico aplaudía con Estado Felipe Riveros si por los partidarios de en que afirma que Carranza le ha ando se someta a la convención la Y la artillería para las fuerzas del loco. Sin embargo, los tribunales lescopios, porque el trabajador Zapata y frenesí ; pero al llegar a cierto pe que sus tropas se vieron f telegrafiado, que cuestión del de un gobernador sonorense. ordenaron que se mantuviera en uesue el mas humilde hasta,el más compelidas ríodo de su discurso los especta ordenándole no nombramiento a resistir" para prote- - De la Asociada. la cárcel. glorioso, es el súbitamente, obedezca las órdenes de la con- presidente provisional. Prensa verdadero aritista. ger a la capital. dores cambiaron NoL'alcs, Ariz., 29. "Para muchos el argentino es el veedadero de la Diaz Soto y Gama, al referirse vención. Lsta noche se notó que los dele Octubre sacerdote natu gados que combatieron eis cientas tropas mexicanas de taba Joco. Mientras estuvo libre raleza, el continuador de sus HOMBRES DETENIDOS. a la bandera, dijo era un "Asegura que los dos coman en lados obras nie ha la Baja a Se le veía frecuentemente orar en que habiendo recibido un planeta' rapo, y eso fué para que dantes de los batallones Cuarto y opuestos, dentro de la convención California llegaron hoy bastante al Nogales, Son., probablemente con ías calles, de la capital." agrio, erizado ue Los que sean útiles al servico que una oleada de le impi- (juinto han sido aprehendidos por salir fraternizaron con una abrojos, lo ha protestas las hermoseado, lo ha hecho darán detenidos. dieran continuar adelante. órdenes de Carranza y que apeló amistad y sentimiento notables, dirección a Naco para reforzar digno De la Va que bajo CONTRA LOS HERRERA. del Creador, y empanándolo del Prensa Asociada". nos delegados, dominados por la la convención para pedir jraran- - fuera del edificio en que se ven fuerzas de Villa, operan Mayto-- sudor fecundo del Ottawa (Canadá), Octubre 29. indignación, se avalanzaron tias para su gobierno. fican las sesiones. órdenes del gobernador Cuatro trenes más de tropas en J trabajo, tan hasta contrario a la sanere de las ba El gobierno del Dominio ha de. los pies del orado, gritándole y En la sesión secreta, el docu rena. viadas al Norte. OCHO MIL PRISIONEROS. Se componen de 300 tallas, lo fia en lo más cidido internar a los reservistas gesticulando. La bandera mentó iinnauo por carranza y hombres De Torreón se han enviado empapado mexi- y divino que hay bajo los cielos, en alemanes y austríacos que pudie- cana fué quitada de la tribuna y que trajeron los Grales. Chao, De la Prensa Asociada. de infantería, 200 de caballería cuatro trenes más de tropas per Castro y Obregón, fue leído. 100 de artillería con cuatro ame ei inmortal espíritu del hombn ran "llegar a ser útiles" a los ejér- allí fué Troya. Algunos de los de- Se .Manchester, Octubre 20. El fenecientes a la división del Nor citos asegura que Larranza estara con tralladoras y una pieza de artille Castelar. de sus respectivos países, legados, pistola en mano, gritaban embajador austro-húngar- te, en dirección de Parral, con ol cuando forme con la vida que ría de campaña. abandonen el Canadá; y a los demás encolerizados. Anto- retirarse a pri- propósito de combatir, y etxermi a los que vada si esto se considera indis accidentalmente se encuentra en no se considere peligro- nio Villarreal en vano pretendía SU nar a las tropas de Maclovio He sos, se les pensable para la pacificación del esta ciudad, hizo públicos hoy en OFRECIO BRAZO. LOS pondrá en libertad. restablecer el orden. De las ga- rrera, que hace muy pocos dias ZAPABAS Una orden a este efecto será lerías y los palcos, las espectado- ais, bato la condición de que la noche los dos siguientes "men A Pascual Orozco y a Huerta pa fueron derrotadas en el mismo también Zapata y Villa sajes inalámbricos: promulgada desde lueero. Gran res quisieron huir, con la esperan- renuncien ra cumplir lo que hizo. Parral al intentar capturarlo de des su de carác- Hasta llevados captura grupos de reservistas se en- za de 110 ser víctimas de las balas. mando fuerzas y su ahora María Luján, exministro manos de la guarnición que lo militar. dos en Evangorod 8,000 prisione José cuentran en varios puntos, y mu- Lo sgenerales Obregón y Hay, en ter Carranza también ocupaba. Estos trenes de tropas chos ros y 17 de Gobernación en el gabinete de de ellos carecen de dinero a un rato de alumbramiento, corrie- declara.cn el documento que si ametralladoras. Un co tueron enviaaos a la region pa- - empleo. Zapata y Villa no se retiran, no ronel y docicntos soldados rusos Huerta, ayer ha declarado que ron hacia la tribuna y empuñando rralense después de que la batalla EL GRAL. PACHECO FUE Se abrirán oficinas de registro, la enseña, renunciará y que convocará al se rindieron en las inmediaciones "Francisco Múgica, que trató de pidieron en nombre de habla tenido lugar en aquella po RECHAZADO DE TIZAPAN y las personas que se consideren ella el orden, cosa ejército para sostenerse en el de Jaroslau, Los moscovitas fue' asesinar al Gral. Villa, ofreció que obtuvieron blación. TRAS BREVE LUCHA. peligrosas para '"ayudar al enemi cumedio de aquel caos. poder. ron rechazados en Zalucze. Su también sus personales servicios Herrera se dice estar todavía en La le rocste de Sniatyn en el Pascie-- aj como go," serán detenidas, para ser in- Una demostración hostil. lectura este documento y tanto Gral. Huerta a Pas Mesa de Sandía, Dgo., y se afir "como -. I El dice ternadas prisioneros de cnusá una en- co, Durante los combates en cual Orozco cuando, estuvieren tenido-luga- Bbjerno que se ve obliga Durante estademostraclóti hos- profuiulodisguato ma nue ya ha r- una guerras prisioneros, tre la facción independiente de la Este Uosnia, además de lim en el poder, para al jefe do a emprender la lucha para Tales aun- til, el licenciado Soto y Gama per- haber asesinar escaramuza entre sus fuerzas y que estarán vigilados, convención, piado la región de enemigos, he- división del proteger a la capital. no serán maneció quieto, impasible, indife- que aplaudieron las de la actual Norte. las del" Gral, Villa que se enviaron llevados a medidas mos capturado dos cañones y por am ninguna prisión; y los rente a los epítetos que le lanza- incondicionales de Car una Esta oferta fué rechazada en su persecución. que tengan esposa ranza. ucna cantidad de municiones, agregó. De la Prensa Asociada. e hijos, podrán ban los delegados de las. lunetas. bos generales," Se dice que el padre de los He con euos "Fn Servia, entre los rios Drína en esa poca en Mexico, Octubre 29. La lucha vivir en los campamen Finalmente, cuando el orden fué "Mucica estaba rrera lia llcgado'con toda seguri tos de detención, a expensas del Acusados de Estafa. y bave tomamos las posiciones la cárcel de México. Fué puesto volvió a del restablecido, Soto y Gama reanu- Little dad al Estado de Sinaloa proce reasumirse hoy cerca gobierno. Rock. Ark.. Octubre 29. enemigas capturaiulo cuatro ame- en libertad, durante el pueblo de afue dó su discurso, manifestanijo que Ed. Spear, levanta- dente de U u rango. San Anucl, en las un politico, y Jack Por- tralladoras, 600 rifles y numerosos miento de Diaz, luchando en ras de la parti- - si se Je; rubiera dejado concluir, ter, Félix capital, entre Jos MORADORES COSTEÑOS. los dos de Hot Springs, fue prisioneros. las calles de la ,i - tí ti! rr i -- todos se' habrían convencido de x favor le éste en LA MEJOR BATALLA. "mus,:., uc ivimiiaiiu s.apaia y Washington. Octubre 29 T a ron culpables de lucer uso del "En un contra ataque empren El guerrero destroza, ia que él no trataba de injuriar la capital, en contra del presidente tala, siem fuerzas constiUicionalistas. Hnea del inar en Ofende, ha sutn correo para defraudar, en la corte dido pos los servios, JUlaa, un bandera, agregando que él estos fueron Madero. accedió a ponerlo bra de cadáveres campo inmen Kl CorJ. Fragoso, con caballe limpiada y sus moradores lo aue federal, esta noche." , redbie. recnazaaos. , en libertad debido a sua servicios so, y esos cauayere; sicmoran a la ría, infantería v urtilleria. capturo ron de habla pretendido decir era que Ja l,os aos casos órdenes Jas auforldidi. comprendieron "La situación en el centro, de prestados en la lucha mencionada. vez la peste por la tierra; en tanto Tizapán, que está con a ca- alemanas para bandera se habla convertido en na serie de estafas, por juego en unido abandonarlo, según Galicia permanece inalterabléXSe Durante el periodo en que Huerta que el trabajador teje y viste, la-- 1 pital medio eléc- lo comunica un trapo viejo, que los traidores. a Hot Sprint hace años. por de una línea eij un despacho el dos Los esta registrando un reñidísimo estuvo en el poder Jos represen bra y reparte el vino de la vida trica al GraJ. cónsul Ja verdadera libertad,, lian usado dos acusado de urbana, y arrojó Pa americano. Albert Tnlm. estuvieron hacer combate en el Suroeste de tantes alemanes le pidieron que entre Jos hombres, cincela y nue checo liasta las Hias te las son, fechado como tin emblema para cobrar efectivos y-- cerca ajrer en Ostcnde, y los cheques giro sde donde nuestras tropas cap Mágica fuera devuelto a la carecí bla 4e estatuas el mundo, pinta pú- fuerza; pie Ja bandera se haWa sus victimas. y montañas. No se ha JmcHo enviado por una mensajero esos . turaron ju,uuu prisioneros." por el asesínate cotnctioo por el aniwta Jas tablas y lienzos: se Ha- - blicas las bajas 4c' aiwtos Jados. cial a Sluis, Holanda. There Is Always Something Doing In El Paso and The Great Southwest Country Come To El Paso

METAL MARKET. The Circulation Yrty, 19,749 New York silver .'...... Ke lltjwl nti t ff4h 1,1, I September ArenMNi f y, St Louii lead ..t,...... IJ.J7H , St. Louis spelter Average, Days ...... HWGi.M BnJiy it.Ml ' V IN THK IHH1THWEST. Va 35TH YEAR. SPANISH SECTION 4 PAGES EL PASO. TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914. ENGLISH SECTION ,12 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS CARRANZA MOVES STRONG FORCE TO ATTACK AGUASCALIENTES







By JOHN W. ItOBEflTS (Staff Correspondent Morning Time). Aguascallcntes, Oct. w. It is reported hnre tonight that Ocneral Carranta's troops havo cut railroad communications south of this city ahd that a large number or troops aro en njulo north rrom Mexico City. It Is known thst General Carranxa has .at least loioo men at Leon, twenty-si- miles to the south or this city, and a large forco ot Carrancistts aro entrenched to the east or Aguascallcntes. Forces sent by Ocneral Villa to check the GERMANS ON THEIR WAY INTO ANTWERPjPhoto shows .part of the Germans pn their way into Antwerp,, after the terrific bombardment, of the forts and the suburbs, pausing advance or carranclstas rrom San Luis Po- tJieii shfell tos! encountered- tho enemy Tuesday night to gáz't,the ffect tif oxi, svemluilings in theQut3kirt8'.pfttixe;ity. 'A, and a battlo ensued, which resulted In tbo Carranxa troops being forced to retire. T mm riai1frhtf- nf mv William 1. it was chargod In. the convention today rvnri.,1.av. th. DAY'S SUMMARY, . TURKEY DECX-ARE- Moran, or Fort Worth, made an South and the Interesllng that the Carranxa mobilisation to the father,, the wire tor.my husband talk. Several members or the and east was, for tho purpose or suddenly OF EUROPEAN WAR WAR ON RUSSIA IS club spoke, In tho inierC!t?or cdtbuiing - FIGHT- the descending on Die convention city In forco .enough ,and. to- spare,,, and can. not accept TROOPS - . inombers.with,thti the- delegates and generals' The twoj outstanding features or the j RUMOR IN TOKIO. idoa'thatia heavy vote snd arresting nomination-'o- f the off fce.'shnuld .IbVS should be polled'ln tho county at tho gen- who are known tq bo hostllo to the present Turkey- Bathe A$toclaM l'rttt eie,eiea,' saia Mrs. teiy iuu exeat war .are the. enlrtnrf ,ot Tokio, .Oct. a. m.). eral election- Tuesday, government in Mexico City. The charge was nomination. . ' írpm Committees were appointed, vchomently denied by tbe Carranxa delej. into. tne struggle, as reponed to see' that as gates. Vhe vn'tlnr-- i was secret The Russian ombassy, here big n vole is polled as possible rea- SeIerÍcv for nresldcnt bv Petrournd.'ind the retirement a frst ror tbo Villa delegates have been Informed or a son being. occted by a that tho strength or Paso twenty-tw- o billotv Wrs.illimlU sea lord of, the British admiralty" or announces that Turkey has a In tho right Tuesday at Ssn Oil, miles majority or 130" to'H for'Mrs: Talllfero. ' Democratic convention next year of Batteoberg. opened war on Russia. will bo to tbo cast on tho railroad connecting Prlnre'Louls based on tho voto polled In tho elec- Aguascallcntes with San Luis Potosí. Car- First Vice President Drifting ruled Great Britain warned 'Turkey to general deleítate leay-- tion Tuesday. ranxa forces were driven back toward Ban before 'the election' that 'any keep off and recent adlees from i TUIIKISII Cttl ISF.lt a loss or twenty dead and during- tho be TIll'OltOMA, Luis rotosl, wltb Inr bar scat election would Constantinople 'Indicated thai Tilrkey llOtlllAIIIIS - 150 at IN lipiHtAN- CrtUIEA. HELD ItUHP SESSION. prisoners. disqualified, and ordered tbe votes cast Intended to maintain . ber neutrality. Villa, Who is still st Guadalupe, had been the Wednesday rheetlng destroyed. AND BELGIUM the movement of tho troops Ndiv comes word .that a Turkish Illinois F.qtisl Kuffraiie Aioorlallnn Hears Informed of Miss F.Use 8. qrlfring, present first vice cruiser bis bombarded the nusslan Ill the Aitoclatfit Prcaa Mr. Mccormick's llrport. rrom San Luis Potosí, and sent a force or president, was 'nominated for by Tlicodoila, Crimes. Oct. SO. (Via men over the Hincón de liamos-cobr- port of .Theodoala, tin the Crimes, PetroKrsd.) From l:SO to 10:30 III! the Atioclatcd Cobre, a- administration faction. o'clock I'mi branch or the National railroads to member of tbe and that another Turkish cruiser has. Hits morning a cruiser win; i(.:"líl,í.0' session of Mrs. Wooten Cllne.. Wharton, Turkish f'' WA rumP the from which point they marched overland Elisabeth threatened the seaport of Notorossysk three funnels bombarded the station Equsl mirfrago association was held tu San Oil, which Is on tne border between member' of 'the faction, on Black Sea.' and city, damaging tho cathedral, the lato this artcrnqon to permit Mrs. Medlll Luis MRS. HAMIL the ARE REPORTED Mccormick, the states ot San Potosí and OF stated that Mrs. Kelly should be unanimous Under stress of pursuit by nrlllsh Greek church, a pier and som sheds. chairman of tho congressional or state A committee or the National ly elected first ivlce president the warships,, the German 'cruisers n Une soldier was wounded. branch Women's Plan ot Aysla Accepted. division, Mrs. Kelly and delegates from or tho husslan flank of Foreign Com- assorlallnn. to rinlth her report. an r fight In tho conven- but and.Breslsu early In the war look About 100 di'Ii'fratcs After- tire hostess chapter rcru'sed allow her merce rsught fire. At tho conclusion attended. tion today the plan of Ayala, tbe platform Jo refuge; at Constantinople. They were or Tho stale organlratlon, whlrli Is en- nsme placed before the convention.' Toe tliii bombardment the cruiser left affiliated or the Zapata revolt, was accepted In Its purchased by Turkey, but the' German In a southwesterly direction. with the national ldy, declined to aupnort Uto motion was made that Miss drifting- be tho program or tirety sfter Zapata delegates had been AS PRESIDENT offlerrVand' crew were retained. EXHAUSTED the national leaders, wiilcli accepted into tho convention as unanimously eicctea- in view or wcs. euy;s and a warn- Theodoals Is a nusslan seaport on the Included tho blacklisting of candidates op. ' pro Later they sallied forth tMised to members. withdrawal, and met with Immediate hy southeast coast or Crimea, about a equal suffrage. When Mrs, M- csrrsnxa delegates mado a stubborn delegates: ing was' Issued flussla that should ccormick took tho platform today to rnskn Tho test rrom the Russian warships meet these two hundred miles northeast of Sebastopol, right, and for a timo blocked every attempt Harall motion, and re- by which It Is connocted by rail. her report. Which waa a verbal one, stio to havo the Avala plan considered, de President put' the cruisers they would open fire. The ww limited to ten Sho ceived a of I'Nos." Mrs.- - Hamll de Novorossysk Is on tho northesst minutes. hd just nouncing It as a bunch or anarchistic Ideas, number . German warships have proved M cap- mado a good start, when tho time expired. Miss .Olrfnng elected, as the "ayes" former GERMANS TRANSFER MORE coast or tho Black sea and the over which tbe convention could not afford LONGVIEW LEADER CHOICE clared a eause of irritation throughout the . ital of the territory or the Black sea Tho delegates, on a vote, gave her flvo were in the majority. i ., Mefnrmlelr irk-.-ln- nr to yf" last two weeks to tbe. allies and tbey It. is slmoM directly. ODPOilift Thro-- morí. Mr. Thn to take UD Iho Zapata plan It. SERIOUS-OPERATION- i and was resolution DIVISION FOR AN- Mrs. A. Howard, the Ottoman givern-me- dosla at a distance or about 120 miles. talked rapidly, but not Colonel Garza, TEXAS c. or Hearne, 'have advised nesrly through when the bell rang. Tbe was Introduced by Gontslot nominated Mrs. Westbrook. to remove the Germans from rioor leader for tho Villa, or for second vice president. The motion Iluulsn Town Thrrstrned. unfinished reort was adopted. the vessels, but Turkey replied jthst LAND AND TRYING II was tho faction, and the northern delegates, almost OTHER TERM; immediately was made1 to close tbe nomina NOW Bv Me .tnucloleit i'rrn agreed by convention, if there a warmly championed the cause or a question. retro-gra- was any timo remaining regular to man. and motion to Ibis uss domestic Novorossysk, Caucasia, Via when the Moreios delegation. tions,. was carried, anotbor Meanwhile Turkey was under sur- program was completed, Mrs. Mccormick tbe ADMINISTRATION FAC- make the election' unantmous'was carnea, TO BREAK THROUGH AL Oct. The Turkish cruiser The acceptance or the plan Insures tbo veillance allies. Her In, which srrlved, today, would he given the platform again. The Car- AV. Baugh. or San Antonio by tbe action llamldleb. here r Immedlsto removal from power or Mrs P.'. on the Husslan seaports demanded the surrender or the city last speski-- failed to appear, and a dele- Mrs. Love, or Marlln, the atlaek gate moved Mrs. heard. ranxa, and the delegatos stand pledged to TION GENERALLY SUC nominated J. W. It Is pos- LIED LINES. FROM LILLE, and the government properties, threat, that Mccormick be rago administration, third vice president. The has not been explained, but but a motion to adjourn was passed. (coniinuou on z.) for sible thst her Inectlon Into tbe war enlng, in case or refusal, lo bombard motion to make, the election unanimous was IF the town. The Turkish consul and of- CESSFUL IN ANNUAL ELEC- ' may bring to arms some ot the Bal- WHICH, SUCCESSFUL, were The cruiser carnea. up to pres- ficials arrtsied. KleellóVlJjianlBious. kan states which hae the withdrew TION YESTERDAY; MRS, ílrs. Barlow's ent time remained quiescent. WOULD COMPEL ALLIES Way President Hamll then ihomlnated Mrs. A. The retirement' of Prince Louis or UATTENHKItG PRINCE Entries and the the KELLY OF ROBERT E. LEE It. BarloW, or El Paso, tor the orflce of Batteoberg from the British admiralty TO 'FALL BACK TOWARD UUITH HHITlfill NAVY fourth vice president, tbe nomination being will be learned with no surprise, ACCOUNT OF CIUTICISM Cars Will Start in the El rece ved wltn great applause, sirs, uariow for the British admiral, who held the :' Jt the AfoeMeú I'rttt DECLINES U, D. DUNKIRK. . Prince or CHAPTER TO being beloved to .all members of the post of first sea lord, has been' ther. London, Oct. Louis Paso-Phoen- C. whether administration or ubret of a newspaper campaign be- Dattenbrrg or the British admiralty ix Road Race MAKE RACE FOR OFFICE. Istratlon, for her untiring work and her cause ot bis Austrian birth and his? has resigned. many sacrifices Tor the sare or tne organ), Gerrasn. connection, la his letter of, His resignation Is said to be due to zatlon. Tbe motion to nuke tbe election resignation Prince Louts says he has the Áitfciated Prtit the campaign in some of the newspa- D. Moore of Tucabni'ArUona. driving a KUaeLJinr, will bo tho first of or him because of Ger- El'Taao-Phoenl- x to city. unanimous was made by member Hit been driven to the painful conclusion London, Oct. 29 The battle or tbe Yser pers sgslnst bis the entrant In the automobile rco atari from'thla opposite side, and was carried witn pro that Us birth and parentage has had man connections. in drawings, were held laat night at Hotel Tbe entire mornlnr and afternoon ses- and the serle' or ffgnls which has. taken Ha drew first nlo.ee ..the which tnnnA tnntmitft. the effect of' Impairing his. usefulness The court circular announces that Sheldon. Moore'a tho atnrtlng; point at tha Cement Plant nt of the nineteenth annual convention of name Of Van Wert, or tfar place along the whole front In 'Belgium or liattenberg car5wiU'lcnvo sions The Mr. John on the board ot the admiralty and Admiral Prince Uiult Mountain ttrrigTon morning of November 8. Oeorgo Leonard, of tbe United Daughters shall, present recording secretary, was hoping and France appear, with tbe troops' now was received by the king tonight upon o'clock. the tbe Texas division that he withdrew, thereby to O, Dunn'a'jlulck, this city, will bo tho second starter in the race. placed before-(h- convention. by Mrs. Kate tank of administra- exhauited, to have degenerated luto nu relinquishing bit appointment as a driving W, of of confederacy yeaterdsy wu devoted faellllate the the counter-attack- s tbe of Waco, of record. merous isolated attacks and of ure twentyJnlneentrlea In the raoo. There will bo no car No, IS In the to tbe election or officers for the year. Waver, for tbe office tis ta which he had detoled hls lWe. lord commissioner admiralty. There secretary Many in which the rains and losses are about or liattenberg Is an ad-- . race. cam as The following officers were elected i Mr. Inr to succeed herself. Along the battle fronts, both In Prince Louis Tho wlUtBtnrt follows: delegate lauded Mrs. Van Wert for ber equal between tho combatants. and iersonal aide to the king,. Leaving Charles Leland Hamll. Longvlew, president: aad the north ol France and In or mlral town, work In ornee, and begged that ber elec- c same story Is On that part tne name front nearest He was born at Orati, Austrls, In IBM, Time. No. CAIt. ' OWNKIL nrtiVEn. Mil Ellse S. Ortfftnr. Pallas, first 'Tics the attera arena, the r t). Moore Tucson also unanimous. Mrs. Van tbe sea where tbe Germaus have delivered or Prince Alexander .00 a.m. I Klel-Ka- D. Moore Mrs. T. &. Westbrook. Hearne, tion be made being lold ot Intermediate actions. tbe eldest son of v ü. tleorge F.l I'ssu president; In pretty' speech repeated attacks wltit dslly increasing hi Prin- 6:05 a.m. t muck Dunn Leonard presidents Mrs. M. Wert, little declined the The British admiralty continues t Hesse, He married cousin, 8:10 3 :, Lou üatser KI fasu second vice J. lore, or saying. "I promised forces in tbclr effort to make tncir way or a.m. Sluts - t:rnul it Ossser Marlln. third vice president; Mrs. A. D. office call attention to the effective service cess Victoria, daughter Louis IV.. 6 a.iii. 4 Hulck liordcrland Oarage Floyd Turner l.as cruce. N.M. my and before I left home to Dunkirk and eventually to Calais and or Hesse, and or .N M. L. i:i Paso Dirlow. El t'aso, fourth vice president; Mrs. husband children rendered by tbe warships off the grand duke Princes 6:30 a.m. 5 Veltq M. L. squill Naqulll - If any me, I would where the allies have Offered such stub dsughlrr. He i 8 Charles K, K. Cater Norenrl. Aria. It. 8. Mills, Lampasas, recording- secretary; that office were' offered North Sea coast; the rrenrh tell of Alice, Queen Victoria's a.m. Metropote' chesterfield to you high resistance, litera baa been another a 30 a.m. (I. n ii bol s L.'J. Fremeail I'hoenU T. Skyles, Dallas correspondlnr refuse. I want thank for the Cernían repuUe aad French prog- born was nsturtliied a British subject and 7 Bulck. l. Mrs. H. to upon nte, I day of comparative calm and although ti 6:35 0.m. s Flat.. 1'. Ballard Lot Andele Mrs. F. Durton, Houston, treas- honor you wish bestow but ress; the Germans speaking of Us enured the royal navy In isfis. Lowell; secretary; J. accept- My daughter to ma Uercujnj their mqrolnr bulletin claim :io a.m. Ctdlllae W. A. Bradford W. A. Brsdfnrd ArlJ, Mrs. San Antonio, not to - little said battles la France and Belgium in Dy manure Prince Loulf Is, related urer! W. I', liaurh. ago,- you love me any W mads some progress to the south' lo l"opesHrlford William Tremalne wm. Tremamo Mrs. K, not long 'Mother, don't progress I entirely have to Emperor William or Ocrmsny, tbe o:a.ni. Tooley Ray i:l psso recorder ot crosses; W. Saunders, that their tbe French In their com- t,w.m. II Flat ..'- - Men try Harrell Mrs. Clara Sterling-- Aus- more!' I told her that I certainly did, and satisfactory. of Itleuporl, emperor being the eldest son or viueen a.m. Fay La Salle Olobe, Arlt. Helton, historian; play this afternoon there Is no CM ta Americas Fred Mrs. W. Austin, she said, 'Well, you won't dolls with The Husstan nests are, accordlag Is munication sty Victoria's (blest daughter. The wife 7:oo a.m. II liulckr J. T. Ilutchlngs T Hutrlilngs Alsmogordo, N.M. tin, registrars T. Wroe, My as i. F.I M. MunlsYlUe, me any more, now.' work recording - the change. or Louis Is sister to the Husslan 7,01a.m. 15 S. W Auto Sales Co, noy reiK Paso custodian; Mr. V. Farrls, adrices.- putMag Germans and Prince km M. secretary bad lakén so much or my time In fact, as was expected, lbs Germans and cousin or the Oerman em-- . 7 1'Jt.m. IS Hulck Khnaon Bros, Johnsin Bros. Carltoso, K. poet túrrate. Auttrlaaa back. This, to a centals empress K, El lately that I bave not had tint to play seem to have transferred their more seri- peror. 7 15 a.m. 17 Ford. Trl Stste Motor Co. - Weltmau Paso The administration fiction controlled the stent. Germany has admitted, but 7 J. C. S. K. Moore Tueumcarl, If. M. - with my children, and I am" going hora ous operation further inland and to be Louis wain, is wulclC Jones majority or the votes, succeeding- the tte" Austrtaaa aver they are virtually Prince of Battrnberr served 7 a.m. 10 Marmon Mrs, W. U. Bhsnley Tom Brewer alobe. Arts. alter this convention to plsy dolls with my trying to break through tbe allied lines ErypUM wsr. was director or U Mrs. Hainll, MltS Grlfflng, Miss holding their ema. which, successful, In' the 7 so a.m. jo Ford si, i.. Miner M. I Nlllar Douglas, Aril. and Mrs. babies." report Uaat Greece has tskea from Lille, tr would naval intelligence; second in command 7,J5a.m, Southwestern Carb. Co. Jack Siullh Phoenix Sterling, Mrs. Vroe Baurb. the upon request or Mr The compel allies, wtio are holding tbe it Buick Kalis, or being- without opposition. Mrs. Weaver, the possession of southern Albania Is the 'or the Mediterranean neet. 7.Wa.tn- - Wjsjasaver Bullet Charles P. keen cms, r scene Besver Pa. election several name, and asked, through Ypres to the coast, to fail SjgfClislamnblia V. A. Co, H. Thomas Arts. was elected by the, Van Wert, withdraw ber causing a prate-wa- iapresslea la front in chief or the" Atlantic rieet, 7:15 a. Iiu O. State rxi niobe. Mr. Westbrook she accept another office, Dunkirk, 7:50 am. HSpacw-llarlfor- Hugh B. Miller il. o. Miller Phoenix faction, as wis Mrs. Harlow. ber ir would Mesne, but la MeMea paU4cal circles back toward Üeomnunder of the Third snd Fourth Mrs. Van Wert again took the floor, sUt-- ; 7; 51 a.BU. MfaMuts 8. W. Balea CO. C W. Tucker Kl Paso H I thai Crew Mill net Rest aad R'laforeeasenU. divisions or tbe borne fleet and second Mlitolladay F, I). F. Deemer Lt Crucei, JCM, Twe Ca Males or Presidency, that she equld accept no mor honors tUv4 He was appointed' ,jua.iu. niton Deemer inr be supported by . Great BrHala aad 'However, nothing or grest moment Is '"sea lord. first tea 8:05 1.111. 7f4fMmtex Horace Murphey, W. & Peue-- Only two ran for the ornee or and thanked the convention and 'especially 1.1 candidate France. to accomplished until the troop I lord in Ult. p. pukey . hoy Lester Ptsu being Mrs. present chapter ror many bcautMul likely be ttnlliut fltalca Lloara. t L. Kl . presMest, they lltrull. the hostess tbe righting. tteadUy ror a. fort- im ha lili. lh a.m., Singer C C itostf E. Cornu Paso 0. TslllTero. bouquets she 'ka received frota admlrta' who have been ittt'sifiKr Chas, o. MiUer Tucsoa; tacusatient. and Mr. W. Mr. sHIaAveata Misers ttrlke, been given some rest and re. la command of British squadron. :a.m. jtJiMiunell J, F. HelruBUk Art. C. E, Kelly, president or the hostess chapter, rriends during convention. "I never night fa ta tAe Associated Inforceiucnt arrive to mi up tne. great was chosen as candid ta by a secret caucus aw so many beauvtrul flowers before4 ' frf KVL'HY GNK MttMiLU VOTE TUE80AY. .MouutaSa'tlma, Muskogee, - . gap which have been made In both armies or the Robert E. Lee chapter, but refused she said, "and I cosm- rrom a section of, Okla., Oct- six hundred OFFICIALS. or Oklahoma company, a a result or the continuous artillery and to allow her ritme to be placed before the Tejas rained for Its flowers. I did sun miners tbe coal at CsuBiys KeprtMBtatloa la Ceafealieas ItefcreaLFKrlti itepresentaliva A. A, A.' Robert II. rt, Fl Paso. Mrs. Kelly also was nominated snow there were so many beautiful flower Henrietta, went on strike toptgbt becaun Uifaatry attacks. convention. Bssea oa Tuctasjrs siieuag. u. iiii'uui n,l k 1 HI that her and II touches me inoré deeply than I can IQ company refused to diseñar go fore- In the meantime there has been some ri..... t ruiiin. Pain for rirst vice president, but tiled - Young Men's Ixmocratlc club held an Ki Msbee, withdrawn. "I am president or say to bave txtn the. recipient of so snaoy man, according to advices reacwa Mtu afaarp ribting while each aid Is endetv- The Arixoaa iKpreteotstive Paso Auto pitjbJ irU. came be ' im pua tit ' M evauuvg, wban Arltosja iitpresculsllva A. A. A.- -0. P. Wsrd, phoeaix. Aril. .the hostess thKr. a4 a Daughter w Use . (ceaiiftued o s.) kogee loBlabl. estlhutiuUc nsetuff el Mio morning times It tras nortéesele .thai meas M the men ,po ihe rsrrat aMertet la aaataa hs thsla TEN THOUSAND MEN nitc. had roneht bitterly on OfajieaWe aides sjserminstloti of Oettaral Mactota rasrrera.il fiirina; the debele were Hhrtai tofeiher lUllHCIHElY M his brlaaaW, daftssaid. sMW ami appfrrnuy me pre wtassse (Continued From. Page ootl netf af mullí MAKES aVirtn rrom r cMf rwM a W NrJ üiíy Híiní rUIE sjgo. Tnree trsm ssams af sraafhe, weea seen Inii r,utRA7.A Üto the rsrrat ftrrst shartiy the BEAÜTY lh appomtrrvnt of his successor st the M"m arrajMw rM&r. im "WIÍITÉ po. inie dite, to w.ihk vH.t-- mmmn swtk. tate- - tirueit nv Atioeláltd Prrét Herrera Is Nlvarted MM M M hssiaMs, Having; twenty-on- a Another Mink or the blslform Which et te re HeW'a BarsaMrlllsv Has )een Mari uffrd for rlted the Ire or the Carranta delegate ll Washlnrton. Oft. HOfrill rénorta Dtir;, and unronrirmed restarts are (ha. TWE rmré frltr. ft rmln In trly sfde, i finally reived here lonirht say beneral Carranta art III a (ha people's Medicino beca vasa h( NEW HOOSIER which ror has place Wv round Veller Dr. nicle ll, provides the has lOjmo. Leon, miles Htlrmlih tsken between force. In Kilmer's removsl of all the governors of statM troops, si tv.entjf.sli of Ha reliable character and I is we sea tne vina iroetta m m Mrstm. fwip.Ho(t. TnJ retios of morphine appointed by and the substitution soulli of Aniascatlentea, ready to block any r.irranta I auccesa nf purifying. sferrera'a father la remeted la bar t ytéro tny only relief íóf short periods or sute exeoitire mourn ny tn people. aoutlrward movement or Villa forres in ho derf ertrlHts umo, oecm a stex liad Dflesitei Varri ta llltirin. ciTiii l ne asuasraiiantsa convention tans 10 nni rsYltallilng ha !ood and raMaw. rived aarriy m tae state r Bíseme, frew i tnal i elfcrt a peaceful ablution ot Meilco's stir- tp uridergo a un.cj operation In New As the result of the stormy arenes In the ng common diseases ana convention yesterday, when or the cnii es. the aiimaHa In Ypur Kitchen Orleans,, which, benefited me for two several t nrew gnus, n was iss Catranra' has cohsldershle force In of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, dr- - MAM WHS ATTKMtrrw SttLA'8 years, wnen uie same pain panto aei'rsics orciacn hill oiittieait ot As tisscallealei, and i aey a so gaye nirht at an Informal conference or the lead popela, loss of appetite, that tired feet Lint Sl'DTECTSH ljaMrWY. , nqK one was sick mal i era or all and rarrisoa drtmlnslca the railroad to f Today Up hopes or Ilvlnif. A adylMcrt both factions that delegate lon Ins;, debility. "francisco MuMci. who atlemaied for friend visitors lo the hail today dir. general VtHs, fl assassinate oeneral Fraewltca effered me to try your awamp-Uo- und I at should bn required, to direst themselves of lonisht'a dispatches told of a fishl forty Hood's Bursftparlll purifies and en once cummenotd IU mnea cast or aguascaiirniea ruesaar do hss services to hth OMrét Hmtl sad usinir The first their arms before entering the theater blood, in so doing: rest pawer, bottle did mo so much rood that I where tin convention la held, twer'n Cnirtnia troops tinder oeneral Trl riches the and raseuai orgico, wftffi tney were m purcnaseu two more bottles. I am now Tim declalnn of the conference Was ana and tnmu nf Villi's tnreea. Twenty 01 uerá tha human ewjHesn Breateat as put the northern military leader wit at Bqpin W recti were said nave uecn aiuei tha ítMCefery, iym on my second bottle and am feullmr cheerfully obeyed and very1 row men ap 7inn' to service possible. This medicine ha ttsa way." said Attorney Jose Marta Luiea, iiko a new woman. pamod gravel peered arim-- at the convention doorrwfirn ana iw tasen prisoners. ac;ajtni8ter of fore tan relations hx the Miter today. I a in morn been tested years. la pcrfecUir Hone as large as a bltr bean the gatrtenng"inrt st o'clock this HKHl.'MKI for It a eeamet, yesreraar, vtter was red and ing. Such as had pistols turned them over rilillTIXO IN pure, clean nnd absolutely safe, ata "tae r several small ones. have had HUB BV Vsetert hv theaa Iniuterú. Your phyáician will tell you too I not the o i no gusra wunom srgurocni. HI lit MEXICO UTV. well as of peculiar ana unequatca me- - -- own that least feeling of pain since taking your Carra r lo tu Imacarkes. Mulle wss st, that time in jut w Macaea Kwnmp.Hoot 1 my dlelnal merit. rty. Me had released Hi time much drudgery in the kitchen is responsible and feel It duty to Speaking or the putter, Colonel Oefx .Medro r.ltv. net. tí. Plsht n waa r Qat Hood's, and got It now from naty htm st recommend this great medlclnd to all aiiniSil asaln to4sv near 8an Ansel, oh II Ms Mm Felix Die; tsanaiair and fowht wHt lor, suffering- (VTsru pan mw many t w.Qmn'i humanity, nratofully yours, "Ve cannot afforii to risk the vary tiré outaklrts or the ostettal, between followers mufi Uss troops m streets Bf. swh wtew nrrom Mil 8. JUÜKl'Jt CONHTANCJC, or iie nation, sa a enanca pistol snoi mwm Of KmlHwio Zspua mm fonstltnilonauats. tat Pre s Ideal Melero. Me waa shows , Rapides Par. Kcho, La. wen cause, too ueisawes lo riv ai caen out llhertr dariar tae osrled. retta Ma 4rfltíiltf lisd-w- ex- artillery, A When ilia reached they Personally aDDeared before mm. thin er's throats, firecracker sad raptured Tliapan, wblrh area. reaerala are fcsrrlftif procured Mea pardatt far asslsteag , yo tmH tki.tH rest h rcomt.flHd$ ?o day July, Mrs. in the convention hall yesterdty ll wun ino capital aj m aicvHrs wttl be asked each to appoint a detéf a Msderd. Mastse. llth. of mi, that st leaat nne.íialf or the brigade delegáis ,wllt fttwinr When Mas left Constance, wild subscribed the lorhabove nrd rom h and these Ntiy, on restreasfiariasas Itnr wilk mile evejry day in thf ucieraiea in tne convention nan wouia pe nearby hills. Tne casuaiitca in me scitrn seme to Agustrsllefltes sad, represent (heK th. Huerta orftciaia, a7QU statement and made oath that the ueaa today. ncru not public Tlsapaq had been m aasMse ay tive itermaa gMSHfier, la tnsde farces hi the cdfiTcnHon. Fpr the reasoaa erara kitchen preparin and clearing after roals, sama truo In substance and In fact. "Orare and weighty maitera, far more Hie lia)ida or lr Zapita men for aeversl Wsuss returned to tail Because of Ma eessaa WM. MOItnOW. Notary Public Important that the substitution of the Ayala wa delegates argued, tney shohhi m ae af having kitred a Oenaan eaasalar mere Bnt yqw can av this injurious nd pun iur mat 91 uuauaiupe, are 10 we uii tu'iorernment says the flfhttos; was csrtJfd at least the temporary recegaltrsst aaatwuve. The Acgentlae hstntsier pfotaaaed rusted br the convention, and wa can af rori-ci- l i y the followers of Zapáis, and thai af the eenventlon. aa atujica ArgeaHBtan rae walking new Letter to on - wa an ava att with th won4rfnl Dr. & Co, ford to take no chances s chance shot its troops were compelled to resist in order Oeneral uueina. aaetkiaa- ror we caff. Hit Maiiaa was mesne a man Xlier uwm an to cspltal. that and Myia4 wton, N.Y. eiciicu nciegaio. pruUcl the rsncistss, sgreea tna W ociegawa mm ae Hot he jeiia ror meamiy., rwwaver, Hiwier Cabintt "Cfrransa la to be Impeached and dar Zapaia simy eouid m, brlvcd of hla liteh office hv this conven ZUBAHAN COMPtAiNS AOA1W IN properly ha tha eaurta ordered htm remanded to jalU roTC. WJ" Hwamp.Jtoot. W1I p0 tion and In the man who will ptStHIHj.VATIOX. corded tha prlKl'fe of the floor and ahattlsl TTstijics m twve tne ngnt to aerares too is aeiieran w w era Iter Yon. pc'fnrm the duties of provisional president un tkt Anoclat&t Preti mn crary. tiwtar tae rmte er sm iiaenr. í wilt hut they atrauld not, he lisa HyMttT Send, ten cents to Dr, Kilmer & Co. named. Washington, ttci. --Complatat that Ha lHlstd, Mrs h jssade a by giving orattafl h the it live niruuffji knuar V)u luiiltfirvw, w tuiiit mrjr nan Mesjco UtnKhnjnton, N, Y., sample alzó nq- mil lary. suthorlUes. on IB? Border.,, ware; Dim vwrf furnwitr xtimil streets of Cty,'i for a I have feara'for trja rutare and feel iiura llioir name to tha ng sad taken the eatfe bottle. U will convindo anyone. You efllfi I dlacrtmlnailnf wamst the wasluMOsttí that everything: win right re (d ahids by tho or the toajorlty will also receive a booklet of valuable Th adoption of the AVataynl impor- HUÍ in. favor OT'ine ataytorens . si daslons Is. mo Waco was lodrd with tho war fleparimeet of she coaventiefii This, Oaaeral iuehta information, telling about the kidney tant'ss It is rerarded ia of.rar less tn.lmii bp at tha GM- : Oea men I the hv'Htranr viihurm id held, several of mm could not do, sjaa Oantirmslssft of the attemfX ta slay and blaSdor, vyher writing, "bo aura than question of s; successor to tvsi charred Ml VranAKaui Villa, at OnadaJune oa Man tho Dally uarranss. Today the delegates represent aiiii.iinniit limn lurr. it they were not military men and the and mention El Paso Times. Zapat that tho American military officers VOfM day wis raeatved last night IC an effMat Regular fifty-ce- Inr and VUla worked together and rule provided that, aa civilian, sajar- - and size Were iivrn ldned hv SAVAril nf ihii aiiQW ueaerat niirs. iwn hj inaasam ffasn th AmaacarMfttaa bottles tor sale at all drug: stores. rnrit. orrter, a prlvliete freely. accorded q should be s mefAMf or .tho etmveauon eece. rne aaessage ronewst entativps of other divisions, it remains to Aaseles fiuaaests Censremlae. be seen whether this harmony wilt eon. layiqrtn y)e,men' .'"On MoNar. t puadahtp "CI Unite when the nuestlon of mnilni tha At this point oeneral Ahgett suggested Argentino,' Hull, was axseured. QV VILLA ANB ZAPATA a compromise pa aaa goae tne. purpose af aa- - Because of drought conditions there Is pniYisionti president is nro')nv wrora 1110 COALITION mat migm eaaiiy reacts tnre wtin coBBtderW fire danger In the uuurcmiuii. DÍJLIHJATE CONVENTWM, cd, since tha Zapatistas were perfectly seaainatmg uenersi y"' forests of willing - plot became known MuJtc was arreatd fall. roniyut wrteft tne m;ica;aies ten the ntft nu th A undated to caioy the privilege, of Hiaaking- the Kail this ' Prtll aun wss taxan perore a speeiai Aiiititalienti. Mexico. Oct.- S7 A coall rrom ine rioor ana wouia take aovantaga tnunil. where Be eonresssd ruin tlon of tho acHaatci nspresentint general of the opportunity thus afforded to give tended to assassinate tills, andTOsm4 Villa and General Zapsta practically r'ile ii9ir rcaiou wujr ney snouid Biso Ci y revelations which WlH cause a, sen-- n todar AWn pr tne rtatipnai .convonuoi, corded the Plivllega of ypllpg. when thisy are matte known. "El inn ano nrei-- Ancr ma upauata naa given tneir rea arier stormiest most esciwr sops lmnartant 'dheumeRts which oemcro 10r, the 'asíímhiy, wlinesKp, rot and explained each article in the etaa t ho Of Ayala, Angeles, mtsa aeverai persons prominent in june 11 inreaiepca w pre iihh n jmu Oeneral arguedi the eeqv Mta a Mir. as weu ai. s isrse sum t immor, Tha conven'ton for severs! mirjutes was vention cogiq men take vole and decide " ."Mnlles hi 1 hem known thréurhout S in contusion. The detcMtea resehed for finally whether pr not the delegates from America and In Mexico a aa assassin, and SUIT or their revolvers, hut finally yifliqea m ue the zapata, army should permitted to. waa forced to letra tha Republic of Ar- ca mina soeccnes or weir cguussuci voto. gentine becauae of the many murder, he nf Mlundcrtandlno. Action an Realgnatloa Expected. had committed. In 1he City of Mexico, In Outburst llesult Motel San ilx yeara ago Mullea The outnurat snoriiy ner mo rne impression prevails amonir the dele. the Carle, occurred gates aeaassinatea a uarman consular reprcsani' arrival of twcntvrilx' rroresentatlvei of that the Zapatista wtlt be accorded, tlrn rtar a dlanute aver tnoitev ñutiera. OVERCOAT Oeneral Zapa!. It tjeveloped that lley full recognition, since they are worktmr He fired nve shots Into tha Oerman orr canie not as authorised delegates, put. w Jn harmony with the division of the' north, otal'a body, killlna him Instantly. Mujiea 1 learn the views of the convention perore, which already controls a majority of the waa confined In the Belem prison, and dnr-m- r toiesraDhlnir for credentials. They were. convention YOtia, his imprisonment went Insane, lie was released the prison during- tha ten seats on tne piairorm amia cnoers This afternoon the nlaa or Avala will be 'from - accorded . naya irsgepy Mexico uiiy.- . Made in El Paso and the r eader were Inv ted to apeas-- discussed In detail and Colonel oontale in Vsuilo Marlines describid the idoali of Oars expects the convention will tike im- C6VEHNOB OF 8TNAL0A WÍKS inp pian or Ayau, ine pisuorm at .me mediate action on the realmation of Car? PRBTECTION FROM CARRANZA. By Expert Tailors. XoriatA movement. Informior the conven rnis. Tho tjueatlon of crrania' . oovernor Jose niveros of the state of Bin tlon in forcible tone that If it were not It is expected, win come up with ties, has appealed to the convention of gen accepted by thq convention Zapata's army the discussion of tha Zapa plan. erala at Aguaseslleatea for the protection waa of the sovereignty of his Mate government ias would continue to ne given Venus-tian- q itm. MILL WANTS OENERAL VILLA beesuae of recent acts of Oanera aahaaaaa 'at larfsAfsaaaaMa "from" an ovation, which was the first Indication his HEPitlMANDEO BY CONVENTION. ctrrsns lh arresting' severab of that the convention bl6ved in the plan officials, and the rear that Carraña will of Avals, which declare tor an immediate rreea ror a tune at least from the menses take the truuernatorlal power out of hla attack by Ooyernor division or the big landed estates In Mexico. of Wsytoren' dreded hands, according to an official message; Now cpnven-cit- Women Antonio goto y Gama, who spoke next 1 i.v'ipiiit feujHnit vi, nut, received hero yeslerdiy from tha 700,000 Uo governor has virtually ror too Zapatistas, precipnaica a cumax commander at Naco, sonora, has tlon The been $20 to jounu time to sena a few telegrams advls rlsoner in his capital st Cullscan ror $3$ which threatened to disrupt the conven we:ks because Carranta douhted his the Hooker Why? spoecn, or ing mo AKuucuiartres military convention sever! tiun. Tne rirst pari or ma run luyauy 10 uim. 111a uiutiai mcamarv. ucy phrases, was unanimously ap on matters, of procedure. According ir trie flowery artvlee rprelvprf thA at Aguascalientes, uctoner rv, louowst Because i the labor ?ayr--tl-f The largest assortment of newest woolens to choose plauded, but ono or ma meiapuors mis lval "Tonleht. in secret session, there was dts it gicte?t. from. carried, lie had compared the Mexican cqnsuiaie, ueoerai Hill, yesterday wired lh cussed the contents of a talagram from .greatest health sáyer they coitld put ino flag to a rag and was permitted to ccnventlort sugíestin; that QeneratYUUb the governor of tha state or Slnaloa; Jose not recognize who tele- hpmtjs. finish his figure of speech. Indignant rcaulrcd ta .tha authority of tha niveros, stated that Carranza bad their Most of thern avéoñfrh'í'. angry irat cjnoi, uun bíso 10 explain gome or pia graphed him. commanding him not to obey delgatea rose to their feet with seta the orders of the convention, and that he through the recommendation i friend? whp ana gestures, menean na recent of insubordination. This. den or the snouts tiio eral I ono or should only abide by those orders the piairorm was borne away py flcio. mil understands. the principal convention which were not antagonistic tp Jiposiarsr, purposes" for tbo convention was own to yonr 1$m& about EL PASO TAILORS gates from the place where tne orator whlch call. carranta. pa message tho was In an up together. The follows: "Oovernor Ttlyeros ssld that tha two eomt it. Do it now while you still have a stood and convention 'Julio Aguascal .cart Cor. Stanton IVlyrUe roar at once. Some of tho delegates, with Madero. entes. Hex. I menders of the Fourth and Firth battalions and would appreciate very If you had beep arrested by orders or Carranta, new Hoosier with all latent improve hands on their pistols, yelled at each, other much would the take up with the convention the rruestlpn and he appealed to the convention for guar We sell Woolens in s maa rury. as to antees for his government ments delivered for only $1, and Trimmings, Wholesale and Retail Afuonlo of con whether tho generals have yet Brings villareal, chairman the eliminated all tho existing Conditional Realanatlan Pretest. ventlon, pounded In vain ror order. Out dirrteultles and If they have yet asked villa to explain or the boxes, and galleries crowds or spec his signed by Csrrsnss snd brought hack fronfj insuorautaiion, ana 10 recognire jno Mexico city cnao, usuro ana the tatora started In a panic fur the doors, authority or ueneri Read Booster V Plan escape oegan. of the first chief, as I believe Obregon, was read. It said that Carrama hoping to nerore snooting Is ono or- - gree to to If Oeneral Obrcgon Oeneral Hay that this the principal and most would retire privte lire this This plan was by the "flopsier and and oihi essential points the convention ot generals was considered Indispensable for the paciru started delegates, however, tr prominent rushed nas to aeai wttn. cation ot the country. Impostar the oendl. Company' jUt seasons is strictly reg- to tho platform and, .standing by the flag, tlon that also Villa and Zapata resign their ago and New York and "BENJAMIN 0. HILL, commanda and military career. Return $95.00 succeeded in obtainuig order out of the "Oeneral.'1 their Car. ulated by the gpmpany as iolio w ; cnaos. rants also declared officially In the.docu Limit NINE Months. Bays Maytorrna Is Using Federals. ment init ir vina ana unais woum not 1, You may choose any of new Hoosiers orator Weathers lbs storm. uenerat 11m nas also 700 call upon army th During Mr. discovered that restan that ha would the the hostile demonstration Soto sonora stato troops, wno recently arrived to sustsln htm tn power, Tho reaamg "Whit Beauty," or 'Oak Interior" 3 Oama stood Impassively on the rostrum at nogaies. sonora, to re of the document caused considerable dls. Los Angeles and Return or with four runs $50.00 indifferent to the epithets the delegatus tnforce Oovernor Maytorena are In reality rontent among tne inaepenaam rauuon in at slightly lew price. on tne rioor. sinany wnen quiet was re the conference, who demanded tha uncon- former redarais and thus enemies to the ditional resignation of Parran," 2. $1 puts your your stored he resumed hla speech, explaining; cause or the revolution. discovery Hoosier in r3me at San and ne oeen This Francisco Return mat ir uaa permitted to nnisii 1119 $60.00 twas maue occasion ror a second mea RUSSIAN fcTEAHEft YALTA onc. $1 weekly quickly pays for it, his sentence it would have been seen that sage to tne convention, as roiiowsi limit SIX Month. ha meant no affront to the Mexican flag, UK BY TORPEDO 3. fixed, juno Madero. Aguascalientes. Nex. Th LAUNCHED BY COiUHfcN ..Tiie low cash by the factory What lie Intended to say, he declared, was arrive ot too st Nogales, sonora. that the becomo a rag Which Dl t1t Xttoeialed Pftit prevails strictly no extra fees. TICKETS ON SALE EVERY AND flíí hd wiwer taiirorma, wmcn yvera QTPereq m.)-- DAY ARE GOOD ON THE traitors to real liberty bad used as an xriii London, Oct. so WiH a, A there hy Maytoren, will prove that he has retrograd 4. vThis sajé is under Uw dlreét supervision emblem to obtain power and that the flag celebrated a pact with ctentiriclsm and dispatch to neuter's Tele- was coming to stand for Individualism my gram company, saygi of the iiuertism, in hme and m th n "A Kertch, saapart Hoosier Company, rather than a purely national emblem. the trooDS mv' command I n dispatch from a under tn Crimea, reports 5. Villa Generals gland With Zapata. rermal proteat to Ihe convention against tho the that near Takol The sale is strictly Jimited to pur small Limited Iloquo Gomales Oarsa. or Villa tac ligbibouse the Meemer Yalta, Sunset the or rtisln BMwice ouytorena ceta witn tne party from 'the Caucacui, was sunk by a allotment of new fiooslers. tlon. then roso and defended oama. The tinted ror t treason and crime. delegates asked tho generals torpedo launched hy tha Turkish ' ir other of 6. Your money back if you are not ed DAILY EAST AND WEST. the division or the north held the same '"Oeneril'" cruiser Ooeben. The crew and view. Led by Oeneral Four Angeles, the. The reinforcements .whore arrival caused were saved. with your Hoosier, Xaxhtk, which west to For further information call at generals of the north rose to a nun ami uenerat 11111 10 worry consisted or seo in "The steamer the 'rescue, was hy two tor- This guarantee you see protects you en- - CITY TICKET No. NORTH signified tneir approval, whereupon fsfitry, 900 cavalrymen and too artillerymen, struck . OFFICE 206 OREGON STREET standing vote recorded the great majority The latter were, Id pedoes sod sk. Many person aboard ' charge of four servlcet tirely. But this is the third day of the Phort 142. as ravorlngMhe plan of the Zapatistas; snie new run ana four macuine guns. were drowned.'! Another moment In day's waa sale; ' The allotment is going dramatic the From Noirales it reported last nlgbl MASTsWLY,. fast. You session came wnen coionci Airredo serra that Ihey wero on their war to Naco to NVHHN9 WAS should nos, or the. xapatlsta commission, defend jenn me commaaa. act at once Jng Osma's utterances, said the Zapatlatas Guns Are Former Federal Properly. Heppa Again Baaaeastrate PuMrlerlly la, AmetT-r- am not carry me menean nag watte ngni. According w local represeauHva or uov asissiaa - Ing againat ibvir brotnera. but entered bat. emor Maytorena iheae troops' are raen who Bu th ÁnooltM Pr't Oqr Salo of Aluminum- tie with courage tn their hearts and rifle have been fighting the cauae of the revolu lunwwi wmi., uci. mm mana m(i In their hands. A he stood there costless, tion ever since its outbreak and the only of the mterMtjaaal hHUtrd aarlaa here he; Quart Sanee Jpans has proved enormously wearing a brown shirt with a black band, tning federal about them is umr field iweeq Meisoartn tweea, guau cnainptnn, kerchief around hi neck, khaki trousers guns, wnicn tney captured rrom the Huerta and Willie Mappe. AmaHan champion, popular and every one has been sold hut ana leggmgs, ne was given tne most en forres tn Lower (California. played today, tha Awe risen demaqstMtas) anpthcr thuslsstlc ovetoo which the conyrnHon lu. On the other head It la claimed that the bis supertoHte t the J balkllae game, we have wired for supply and they accorded any previous apeaker. Cwranclitas have heao uay M M4ra running up Ma the as as ha the sfuwooa Will again be put on sale as soon as the new Our One WV Rates to Zapata In Touch WH Ueieoales. nei-r- enllsimr tha fensier hMSarsla re and eveaHtf famas agamst M6 taorM hy When the other delegates had spoken, leased from tho Amarla Wvtara.sasnt csmrt tnmsn. lot arnves, Houston $24 dn telegrams were receives! from OeaerM za at ton wtngate ana istas; Mssaa swea nave Hoppe shews d wanaegfal eoairat teday. pata authc-rjíin- wwo of ht representa- - been Ulslrlbulcd asaou the. various Car and the ehjat baMa ware rarely ssufs thas) W Give ft H. Green, Trading Stamp. W X Gslvtatrus Í2B.8Í1 1OO0 comjasnils Mil S 1 '9 iTiiTrrvi nimuujr 10 prvscni ranclsta th C&ehMto and frther i meets sssK. iwransg atsa was X Ausiia mlU "itheir, cred!Pla a delegates. The report states. , Mis hsth ran was fa, wtlb a tsd S ut uh fotnintisio, ireaasa oy uaacrai rinlabad M Ms claaa af ka sftsmssn wm Obregw, winch want Mexico CH to TROOf 0 SENT T8 HkPSC SKIT and 171 at .the of the erseta east. Interview Oeneral Carrwssa, wlH aot be HACLhVIU HSRHKMA'a. a vMas. test, ta ba aeitwtameaii imsmsi mada his pmsnted until after the taaveoMon aes your mora tram taada ar yhw troops record ef M the present sarta. Mtabeat tomorrow or the credcnVWs of the feepata hate been seat fro Torrean .emthwaxd be si w avesHat rasae, delegates, when tbe (tsar's session ad ROGERS journed the aapatt deligstisa were con H,YMN b ASM. Y MCATMN. versing in 1 rrlendly war wlirt Um re- Jt mainder of th daissataa, ; "My vtif mi I Pttaha Wtaaaaai Má Matsh far IMaaaadMed rt sajsaateasa vvasta usas Furniture Co. 9DMCCT 1 Dr. MiUt' N)rm for FR Ma-- Anwtotc Yew Way CIVH.IANH Vi CtNVK.rMM. ana apsams. Have wba-- xastea caw, ase., Oct. carl Marras. ioe-no-- ua n. 0e te Naw Ysnk X a. Wi a 'bar , snton st X ny futtn w. HgsassHTsj. atavs yeara eta ttanr, susai naa naa jmnu.M. - 'j .1 . www WW wessws (Staff Correspondvnt Maesung Times.) ovar aun riyvw, taa rirsaas, a ta M Mew Orleans nr nn X. q rxawi nilmn Jni.r r Aguascallrntes. Oct. M MavcU-i- he ic tTa vXe eeul af thair bout hará tsalsht, meals and berth free on steamer Zapata delegates have Ra4 keen hla; as9ía itJT said jet ac A saav'-b- aáaTTassaa uatU Vhono Ho, T. fledged a (taM UMI tasa thj cepted full msrassrs of the sppaared to abaw ata stal nebe - r Mt' aaaat aftarnaAa Vcbemeat swasea sgunst toager aisiaatl( Tbttradar ut conventloa, superior sim asM mea ar tha star eeaMata asut u. have Dea) ssuMH. by oblabome. Kljaaev's yace beaky ahawaej a0; stK are bmím. such icoffattton the and atar. Bairhi sasrvlvars rrasa bar aasw Camódate eMeiates, wha Msa at some taa erreet ar m are puauasasat be had bse ot. repreaasMaatvM Dr. Mlla NeMrvUie m pv asfiajot Tm.?at7JHFFn Tha asan at thus, U4f Mm jMei, in- - algiMe to a seat In tae ci east dew ' TtueaUosi waa ttasa w tsMtsornlng aaaaaksf snttaa Levy Grocery CoA ill Otkra hi tka vatatsatsr aar baaars hi shorter after saat cgavesMi a4!aM for Ssassasv Ita, coatTsésaoaa. Is. VMw ksard t Wet a Una It aeesuasl as unusA M wajasi lead aaca 4 essBeMy fraeraaiitl ifxxmt Aaacelvstf a Now sSHIwrnvnt so a rypetlHojs K yswrslair'a taBHlious scene. ' saJWrasi. Jf yon úfa 9Kh st'a1 Í" hftoSk CsaaaSslpkS Zapata, aa aav as xai The defecates, tartwah assMrai sríva I ' Angela, Uietr paatttoa. sítate ta Dr. ' . ara Ms epUiaet Thty saaiMjasi had keen t ay Oeavar) Zapata. .Wey aaarvusa a taasi II n . HnsT sWC The eat W aseas asas Ms sU (easayeraMly. as ak irwy IMativ saw restaad br H$U Attention reawaal aavaara. L , 0r4tfi,fmtf or mmikm, watte aasasainiisauj jtvisax. TasKtoswOct, bswiarl SiailaiMiaBlilMU x s.--.a a, as StIíbbsjm 'ftÉtfasjssv Ossv M flaW a. aa.). raas vstsasa HsM to sasaa etrsflsd aaaM aaaaj isa irwt tywB sssva sssM ssa- mi ns mm at Marsjsas laatajr. I tL AJO MORNBiip TIMES HAVE Of WW,. M hHWHB MM mi BEAUTIFUU LUSTROUS sran. - LUI TAR QNSHRED TO - .. i AUMw morning mMi. iiiuliM were (II? M rea to (Mwt tM raeareM mm! FLUFEI HAIR 25 CENT DANDERINE w aw ceaiMtrste vteeran M m pitead on ni In mm i CASCARCTS TOR LOOT PHOENIX and to divide the hm im roar elkstrtcti to b known a the first, seeisd..lj and dlatcrcta. I send fs Mm Ranantet or ratting IWr-- A Real i your real swrprlso win K proessed M MKXKAVfl rtHlNB CH.TY IN ! 'J 'wo delegates!m m H to UMTM ftarwi vw. . from each mm BOWELS TONIGHT BTATwt BHURKTT J"irí2" HmfM fro CWHT AT Ai mita ARRWfjA CAPITAL, To fee possessed of heed eC heavy, beau-- " iMful Mr! soft, lustrous, fiuffy.' "wavr tod -- ndtrteo Is, we bellete. the only sun Wtions a Hxaa'mif; , Bad Cold or PrfrHed L'arMflg hutlaai PH free from dMdrurr Is menUe a matter of . uesironr or aanarurr andiKill!in.- - . Amf u4 ,MMf nine Dmatme. víi Saw rHeaiseh ay lagfl at Banks aad Rustaess easy Mrl. Houses et Tawn. flU it Mid inexpensive to hire alee, vi wur t once. rui'naai, k kA U ,.,n :ort blr and Ion of it. Juit ret a If VOU Want to brore hAw nllv a&n I lhlt nrwu iiimu am .. thl. botile of Jfnowi ton's DanderlM haw M run a Special ire to The drug juur aw it is, manien tioin aim iTr, If Ttmti stores recommend Ntte M Utrlo Bandcrlne and carefully draw it I TM nrnaran for wUitr tAUowi! Sick Iwadaehe. bllloaaaWBas. coated lonme rnoenlx. Aria.. Oeu 90 inie rnetmt directed within ww halr-ta- and ten mhtutes there HwoUHi your inr one small 9 a. rru-- to by Sfeto Fresldent, hea and nose doggart with a cold Jose Franco, Trinidad Cordoba, Lorcnto .. appearance strand Orer to an of abundance rrcthnen, at a time. Your hair will be nrt. in,vl Mm. ciMrWt i4Mrf Mum. always irace mis to tersld- - Mwri. delayed, Luna and. Juan Moroyoqul were today tAurftaeit and en Incomparable gloss Mid E- and beautiful In just a few momcntsa de-- 1 Inrocttlon Her. - Abbott rermetlag food In HM bowel or sour, round guilty by a jury in the United .ínter tad try as you will you cannot find Hthlful surprise awaits one who- Music ..Mrs. Will Owen gassy stomach. States court ot conspiracy to Incite the I traes erar tn of dettdrurr or failing heirrfcut . ineadinar or Minutes. PeMenous matter eletted m mm Intestines Sacaton reservation Indiana to revolt. Tho rteport of Committee to Secure Funds to Hnstead Of being cast out of' fee system Is jury was out lust twenty m nutest riteo Mar kef to Oen. Barnard e. into tM mom. When this it aeveioped in the bearing of tba case term, and Mrs, Sholars Bee.rt..Mrs. W. P. Bautfe, San Antonio poison reaches the delicate brain tissue a which lasted six days, that the conspirators staled that she presara upr DAUGHTERS OF thought thf offices should not bo held for Hfort of Press BapartmeMss causes congestion and tfeat KtHi throbbing, ine sinr with a view 10. a long term of years by the same persons. Oal.&al Hews ,,.Mls EHse 8. Orlffing siccentng eeaoacM. descent on Phoenix for the purpoto of mo (Continued txe-- page 1.) Mrs. Howard, who was a teller of elec waco Times Herald cucareis immedHMy cleanta we stomach looting Danes and business nouses tion, was replaced by Mrs. E. P. lluichtn. ..Mrs. Edfth T. Lesslng remove le sour, undigested feed and roul and wreck inr the build In as. sen, or Marltn. bv order or President Mamll. Ban AMoaio EavreH gases, take the excess bile Irem the liver It wss brought out that meetings were tokens of love from my sitter paughters of Mrs. nurton was by, a majority ...... Mrs. Mabel Maatey Dates and .carry out all the constipated, waste held alternately In the homes ot .Encinas iiiq irfjiucucrjcy." ui w iu oi ior nra. nowira, a toiai or Houston Feti and enrosfete. matter and poisons In HM bowels. and Franco at which Cordoba acted as : Mrs. A. H. Howard IheRROpfetcd Mrs. sis voies bemr cast .....i, ...... Mrs. Mary E. Dry an A Casca ret tonight win surely straighten secretary and kent a record or tnn nm 'B. J, Howard, of Del rtlo. fof tho office sirs. Dausn nomlnatM viti rtr stn. Aurtta Statesman .....HIM Mabel Bass you out by morning. They work while you evenings. iun acted aa Intcrpretor fand First Vied, Pretídent Otirnng nominated Ing, or Austin, for as state Cb5ter Reports frwa T . sleep box from your druggist talking 10 the Indians gathered at the meeting, ;Mr..lu 8. Mills, of Lampasas, lira. Howard registrsr. and the motion was made and I nesoiunon. means your head clear, stomach sweet and while Morovoaut acted a m ssked that her namo bo withdrawn, which carried to make the eler.llnn imuitmnn. lABAOItacemenU. your liter and bowels Tegular for months. between In arranging for- - tho attendance 'request Immediately was granted, and tho Mn. Mamie wvhiik f.nr nr n.n.V uii. I Adjourned to Í p. m. vi uio irunsfnen irora tne reservation. motion to make the election of Mrs. Mills administration, then nominated mi nn.Tt. CaH 10 Order, by Stale PreMdeal, Mrs. J. M, Lugo and Francisco Molino, who Unanimous was carried. Darlow. or F.i Pin. fnr tt. hi.tnH.n nl Charles Lele&d. Hamll. Colisa Lea Fund. were alio tried, were found not guilty. Mrs. n. skyw,, or Dallas, was succeed hemclr. Thn nnmimtin r MKalfttvecatlon i.... Lord's Prive BU tht J.HOCHM Pfti mo cues against Teodoro cavetan. Mar. unsnlrnouny tejected eerrestieadiiH' aécre' Barlow .brought forth rrim.nrtin- - uintaiiM. Mttsfe. "Sweet and Low'' ...Mixed Ouartetle Washington. Oct. Replies favorable onista sad Francisco Bejeca. indicted with ' tne Daianee or wero "iary by ike ariiumtiteélleH c(foti ana many ocie gam requested that they " to the formation of the t,oeoep cotton the bunch, dismissed right , k ' allowed the honor of secondlnr am nnmUu.Ml"!'I Unf Imafeed Business unner instructions or the court. tor'TfaUtSri' I loan A secret ballet Ma Mejnlred.to elect the Uob, Miss Bar law. vlilhlv touehH hw ikw Amend ment. fund continued to reach the federal Sentence will be proiiounced bv indre treasurer,' "Mrs. I, lrí ufwtí, or button, ovaHen. accord ad rieeilnert thn nrrie. New Business. reserve board today. Menabtrs or the board Sawtello tomorrow. The .maximum penalty .r. I Meetteg, mo .present incumbent,)' B. r Howard, even though the motion was carried to make Selection of next Place of pointed out, however, that the necessity or otirnse or wmcn tnev atand eon or JMo. mq. rresoiuuon. vtctea two years m prison. Del being election unanimous, staling that tee ' of consideration or the plan by clearing h lBsBdsyii normnaioqror ine, ornee,- - nomination work was too dMTleult. uui nhn hut tnn Reading of Minutes, of Mrs. Burtontcaused a, discussion,tb' many Utile time to devote to the iiutiei to rlrt iiu. I Installation or orflcers house associations and "then by individual interstate Commerce Commission Rutina Cayigl t Hart Sdslber k Man delegates 'declaring that she thauld not; be tico totho nfrien"tbl vear. mi urkiwl"Auld Lang Syne." banks might delay action by sufficient sub order or the interstate commerce m;w v- to commission in eiecicu to roe sarao orne? for 'the fourth siateo isat sue greany appreciated ho atti' i - yx scrlbers to make, a definite announcement the case of Krskauer, Zork tude of the convratioh in wishing to give Mrs, AitYi Winkler and to fiearederata moje s successors, inc. vs. P. It N. T. her the office, but asked that her name be dead. impossible before the middle of'next week. Railway et al waa received in ki pn withdrawn. 8:30 p. m. Bill and Reception Tendered by Secretary McAdoo tonight made public last nigni. tus report or tho commission, There's a Si Mrs. Cox withdrew Miss Barlow's nomina. El Paso Morewg Times. a letter written 19 the chairmen of clearing which was received by Rufus B. Daniel attorney 1 Hon reluctantly stating that It would be nouse association ot leaning unsocial cen- for tba romnlalnint. ihovi iht Impossible to find, any one who could do ters urging, support of tho plan. Mr. Mc the commission hss found a rate or 11.09 aind An Overcoat Here the. work ao ArelL .or who would do ih KING WINTER REIGNING Adoo pointed out the certificates provided per hundred weight, which was applied PtAINVIEW work; tojjlmglyi asilas Barlow had done for subscribers' to, 'the rund will be ac- aiiiiiiucui 01 one carioad or iron cut. That we are anxious to have you come in and try on. durttw liw.pasrfytaré ahd further stating cepted as "securities" ss n .basts for the verts, k. d., moving rrom Canton, Ohio, that 'Mil tmow. had hrelf in issue of emergency currency under the to Lubbock. Texas, was unreasonahl m. '. .They are made by America's best cíothea makers alBught!W df Confederacy by Cold Weather Is Making Hselt relt d act. sorar as it exceeded a rate or her M cents per Hart Schaffner fie Marx -- Chicago cnoris to, runner tne cause. Throughout the European Thea- "This," said the secretary in his letter, hundred weight. Informal wa of and we'll be ter of War. comnlaint mighty Mrs. W. Ki Saunders, of Beiton. then wsa should areatlv facilitate the,' banka in raauo on August 7, tola, but being; unSble pleased to have you come in and see them. NURSERY nominated and. Miss Barlow moved iht her making and taking care or their subscrip- to obtain adjustment In that way a formal election' be made unanimous. The motion Bythe AuotlaleiPrtti tions." twtipiajiu was ion reu with tho commts Th Price to wis carried. Paris, Oct. Inr winter has made his sion on March 7, 1814, the case, was tried Quito DeseHse to Accept Resignation. presence' felt 10 the last day or two over How about getting that 110 gold offered in m on tne cut or last Julv and Modtrate . , Mrs. a, d. barlow, newly elected fourth the entire Held or operations In which the oh the Msde in America Page in last Sun decided on the sth of this month, making Has 'the largest and best stock vice president, wás granted the floor hvLi..ni. ... ., , days Times for the best rewritten ad? a rccura-o- í aeven inonins from the lime but' at twenty-fiv- e dollar you would find jt impossible .nr. Many answers' have already been sent In, lortnai complaint as filed. they have, ever had propagated "UD cuu,.u France and Tho nlchts The order to duplicate this value elsewhere. There materialc l'.V"V'":?riJZ'" "f" but you have an equal chance yet, and cans ior rensrstion to be mads nn nr h are - b4VB grade-r-includ- from varieties' that have- .been dent. Mrs. Barlow asked to be allowed the com' bM this has pot lnterrered until 8 p. m., Saturday, Oct. 31. fore December I, 1914. of an excellent ing Blue Serges or Oxfords tested and dd tho best, rperfeetly' privilege of "reslgnlngif Her "request was met U operations, which have continued, if you wish and the. coats splendid. - De Oro Defeats Georoe Moore. ' arc free from-as- disease. "We ake wiin- iroraeaiate, opposition Snntni ortha A. Pertinent Question. uy aaraimMrmiian Ha. MH.Mm nutr,tiíini- - ...... wi . . . By the A$ociatcd rrtf . Tne question has been invert in Other Prices, too, $18.00 up to $40.00 a Bpeclalty'lri pr'opáBatlnsr varié-- 1 I 'i10 accoraiug 10 orncera return Jiovr York,.-Oct- . 5fl. Alfredo De Oro. de- - w,íX.í.ro Chamberlain's delegates, the JinjTrito allow Ing from the rront. have auccceded in tak Tsblets superior to S at n pills?" The answer is, "They more And other good makes well ties seldom1 get kllle iter to resign was carried manimously. ing some or out or German rending his title billiards, are as at $12.50 and $15.00 that bjr the ardor the Oeorge mild and gentle in errect and mora reliable. ixsiucui men con-- 1 nigni during taey defeated W. Moore, or this city. frost, a j iiuu ruicu mat tne aiiacu, wnicn isnicted Besides they Improve the appetite, Prize winning maize and ventlon could not accept Mrs, ,errlble losses on the invaders, who seemed here tonight In the second night's play; SO cleans Barlow's ' ,u" omacn, correct Sudan grass seed for sale. Prices resignation. I for a time certain that main rorce would in 7 uuunirs. The total score now Íders of."E"tnn liver mii ih aisortTZ . . k...i. on application. Agents wanted mu. n,il. it.rinn, ci n iMrrv them throuarh toward their obleetlve. stands: De Oro, too; Moore, .67. Mooro made natural and healiby condition. whUe the edMrs, W. T. wroe fbr tn tho lnSB2??i.1. J"s. t high run or s and De Oro 4. The final V ow," J drastic effect. to sell on" commission. Th8 e,e'CHOn "Ss block- of' so points will bo played tomorrow often followed by constlpstion." For Sn"a,Cri.U,,0d1' W" NÍcWüdWSííTnlud?. ucaicr AQvertisement. . I Ihn river Yer. ah,n th lllvarl.n tmnnm night. "t Mrs. W. P. Saugh. or San Antonio, van I had their wish mimied that thnv hmiM Plainview, Nursery iucu uuuumieu io aucccea nerseu as I ncouoier too uruun, wnicn tney aid, to CAMERON SPEAKS AT BOIVIK. recorder or crosses, and was elected wlih cost. WANTS AMERICAN afVaaW.WVy.T1 saPsaMOT I ltttThe of thfl iTttni COPPER í 1 rialnvlow, Texas. nut nnuliki, forces In tlut rrfnn Republican Caadldate for Governor Wind- - IT Saal W sataas i safJ 1 fllaai I M.i ,0 nVB aermaas wen m band, ' Mrs. of Huniaviito "a "e lag Up Campaign In Mouth. a i ' elected aureimi t .'..St ibut ltToa lnforceawni are. moving in ' to Mrs. with Tt mat direction to contftiue the battle which lIV Times Special CorriOrtííf fit ' But British Government Offers Les Thsa na oeen. so wen oegun oy tne Belgians. Bowie. Arlr.. Oct. . Ralnh Cameron. oi ror Five Ship Along the entrenched line from the Alune. Republican candidato for governor, who Losds Under Selture. 1 to tne Argonne roreat mere is utile to re- - is winding up his campaign In this sec- mat ucaerai von aiucs seems or speaks cacci tion the stste. here Saturday. By the IlAjri, abandoned his attempt begun early Lawrence Blanks Is building a home on Áuóclaled Prrtt became Interested In iho steel corporation, week to break the. allies' lines and Kew York, Oct. govern look tnonet from nas neen to give many bis mother's ranch east or Bowie to be British ARGUMENT ENDED manufacturers back In lh. obliged way in ment opened nineties to juai-c- occupied by himself and wire. The build has negotlaUons to purchase refrain from producing a cer- aim hj rcuro u irenenca ai me rear. tain One East Wuerttemberg regiment, num- ing win be an adobe bungalow. tho American copper carried by article, which they had no intention Seasonable five to make. This, Mr, Dickinson bering a thousand men. Is reported to have Miss Baker Miss lllldegsrde said, showed Stella and steamers seised by English warships at ' been destroyed north of the Chalada, wood. Erlcson have, gone tq Miss Erlcson's home AGAINST that they engaged In deceit and false rep- In the Argonne .rea-lo- a TRUST . The Hermans were In the Chlrlcahua- - mountains ror a Gibraltar, but at price less than thewarer- - resentation to obtain, a sum or money. 4! Specials retreaUng. an brief Mr, after unsuccessful attack. vscatlpn. ago coal of production, accordinr Dickinson iben quoted rurther rrom wucn muy- - io ana to the- Genuine Apple New aeciaea return try The closing dsys of tho campaign aisiement Issued by American defente'g argument a ipeoch Cidér Cluster Dessert sunirue ma pursuing rrencn. rinds Iht Smelting L'MTED STATKS STEEL CORPORATION' which Bowie flooded with candidates on their iu uouuiug. company, today joined IS counsel ror the corporation said hsd hem , . . New Crop rne oermans marched two by two wnicn CIIAI1GEI) WITH VI0L.TI0.N Raisins. way the middle and with three oilier copper companies Of tXlZ delivered hy one or the most sctlvo figures through a rocky mountain diss, and had from western Dirts in send SHERMAN LAW, Perfectly Pure New Seedless Sultana reached within a few hundred yards of the of the state to spesk In Globe and Miami, ing sccreisry or Statu Bryan a telegram In Mho. Oary dinners during the panic of . t reocn cauij), wncn a rencn forester gave Safford, Blsbee, Douglas and wlllcox. Thy urania- mm io scck ine release or the 1P07. one paragraph or the speech saldt ISc Per Quart. Raisins. the. His I I alarm. comrades rushed rorward all stop off here going and coming, but vessels. bull by the ".tow. what ask or you ihat wo Try and heaped rocks at the end or the patch Insllliilrd Federal Gotrrnmrnt tu. avoid Some for . French Artichokes the attendance at the meetings In Howie Informstlon or the selxe or oniv three Dissolution Been In the rraud. tho lvinr. the and poured a murderous fire on the lor lias Prooreaa and Ihe resulting Halloween 10c, who to hss been small owing to bad weather. steamers had been received at the time the More Than Three Years. deceit cutthroat pracUcej 3 for 25c endeavored make their mcsssge was inu panics or past ny escape irom tne aerue, dui round the sent to Secretary liryan, but ui ine Being honest Walnuts Brussells Sprouts passage and imcr nueces io ine coDiter comnanles with csch other by telling the truth to eacn I blocked with rocks machine ' 25c Per Pound. w 15c Per Pound. guns. added two more to the HsL tho rrosncr in. By the Anoctatcd l'ri$ olhcr.f New Raisins HEADACHES ior waioe, gweden, and the Ascot, for rhilsdelphls, Oct. 29. Argument in the .Mr. Dickinson asked thu court to iierhin Seeded AGUACATES ...25c and when a French officer, with, a small Thousands ot xaea and wosaen uenoa. federal suit to iltssolvo the United States for Itself whether this had been honoralun auvanceu stiller trass . pariy, ta receive tne surrender headaches everv dav. nthr thnnamrt. k. . Jhe American Smelllnr ana nefinfng com- - Htcel corporation on tho ground that Its dealing. ine uermans reo penca tire. Killing ten or headaches every week or even month, and stui pány m us onerat on Would one or a of men the Frcndt. Tlw Infuriated others siaicmcni declares orrsniiatlon snd const tutes number such French troons have headaches oceaasooaUy. but not it Prtilih government h . violation of Sherman law. stop at Intentional , Has men openea a icrriiic lira wim inetr ma- ngarltMervala.ThebestIXo(orUoiteDaiiabI .i,nH erlou the tnononolliatlon? chine guns the toflad the canse ol many these b,ow ..V. American copper ndustry by was concluded todsy snd tho court took human nature changed; Can the leopard Watson Groceries and killed entire Oernian ol headaches. " change column. aodinmoat otcer oasea. traoirUig the eaase. baiu'ciuuing mat metal in t or no oig esse under sdvisement Just three his spots?" he asked. wUiremoveT-.aoast- give band. England's acllon ws declsred to yesrs snu tnreo usys srier ,tbe original - Your Are Famous for Quality petition or the government was filed against nsme, business and address In tnt ?VTrnment." ine concern and its subsidiaries. Who and What Are You Lookinr r COLORADO reUef. but the beadaebe returns as oeual7 and .íLí" column or The Times will you to . MINE TROUBLE treatment Is again necesaarr. If yousugertrom While the greater part or the copper in- - rid vsst is the ramifications of the cast help 210 and 212 Texas St cuno mure uusines. ('none soso about lu Phones 515 2 3 4 5. n " i carauea 01 ine five snips ana so enormous the record that a dec lilon and and and and has been aava It not looked for by lawyers-uni- ll next factory atgaeas degree. "'You rerined. the stslentent Collón Tu Ine Kates Money, L'nlled fAííT'tbesatUwUeUedla the eaa obtain seme Mlaeworkers' HUlrlrl Prrstdeal them at aU drariAate la an anasMtv. sen monh or It is bessemerlxed. or unrefined spring or esriy summer. Then. It Is tire Denies There Are tl.ww Minera copper Is By the Afoctottd Prtu ai tfuitu ut Hum nr n n lanins which used In larse uuantltlea in dieted, thst one side or tba other will carry at Work. Italy ror tho sulphate or to tne supreme or Washington, Oct. Postmaster General manufacture of line suit court the l.nlled today copper, rne suipnate is used In nuking Slsles, where another year or more might Iturieson awarded a South Carolina rirm the contract for sunnlyinr the nost. Slck-h- s adaebe. the moat nkerabU of all sick. wrist Is sstd to be the only suu.lsnre, whim slip by before a final decree shsll have Denver. Colo.. OeL M. of 'neeses, losea Its terrors when effectively destroys the been office department's entire annual supply Th alatement Tablets are phylloters, which rvacbed. of twine, J. F. Welbor president of the Colorado taken. When yoa feet an aUaek sontos on. imest ine great Italian yinryards. Jacob M. Dickinson, former secretary of wrapping about a million and na iron comDsny relative to tne nos. Mfta Mtutna, muu m tuUJ caaae, ase aUACX The ttrsre half pounds, st 13 ccnls a bound ror will betuwaitsed During aa statement asserts tbst nusnil war, In charge or the government siiht ot slble closing dawn of Colorsdo cosl mines, 08. ataaek take one lies of sulpbato copper are case, up cotton cord, It is estimated thai SM.oaj evoked a Mr. Tablet every two boora. Tbe feel asd of exponed by the took sll dsy In concluding stronr denial lonlrht bv John -- will be aaved this year by tha substltu, Coupon Lennan, Ho. IS, watea teaew, eaa ba.oWilind.aa bo other uig lanu. argument In support of , the charges that Camera president of District United lion of cotton way million-dolla- for Jute twine, heretorom 'Writs the names and. addresses t three Mlneworkers or America. The McLtnitsa tin r corporation wis formed HAM t cxcuitlTSly jicd, ., nonaubacrlbera to .tilla papar In spaces aisiement ssysi Ceaetne A.K TahUU FRANCE REJECTKII ' with menopollttle 11 actu- A tba ma hr AN OFFER OF ally exercised tho power The spol will Interest youYrMdveriltfl. provided bejow, present Times No, "President Welborn's atalemrnt that there eraw. At druggutt. of a monopoly in ment.) at Branch are U.UUU miners at wort: in colorado is MAUK BY GERMANY, thst suppresses, control! 11.5)1, we you it cotnbealnon'aiid with and will deliver to the ooin snsurd snd ridiculous. By thrAMioclattd Vrut prices, ills argument was largely in re- - HjuüO Oct, 3p m.)-T- he Your nimfl. special Model D Pre mo Camera, made by th "There were less thsn men worktar London. :3a a. bulla) or the apeeches by the cor- - business inn umku m ,h when was called. Of 11.N9 Dslly Paris made tlx "Who and What Are You Looking Eastman Kodak Co.. for this great distribu- ilia strike these Chronicle's corresponden) yorauun auomeys woo nau nun. For?" went out on strike. About Jfiea or inese ssserts thsi, with a view to delschlng preceded column or Tho Times will help you 10 tion, one Fremo Film Pack and book of com- have either left I be stste br are worbMsg Franca from the allies, Germany made fcignt lawyers participated in the srsu secure more business. Phone Mao about it, plete instructions, including ooo years' sub ai uuicr citipiuyiiicui. weiuorn a atanmant an offer to conclude peaee on the ment, which took up a period of eight day, (Advertisement.) that less than l.ouo or the orerstora' orlauial basis or the cession or Melx and possi- in which tipie they deHvetcd more than scriptltlon to tha monthly magaajna "Kodak-cry- ." employes are still on strike Is a deHberatn bly a portion or Aluce to Frsnce. VQfHB words, judges Ruffasgton, Mrl'hrr-so- n Osolels Cemfulffis Mtsieuri. miswpreseuisiion to uiven tn? pub nm The offer, according 10 the corre- and Hunt, formerly the commerce By thg A nocíate from tha seriousness or the present altas spondent, was rejected. of J Press by mail add 260 Insured pareal , , courl, and Woolleyf recen My annolnled to Jtolls, Mo.. Oct, 9 "ir the pisiform of lb It for peC lion, Wa cab show and make affidavit to ri The propossl, the correspondent lays, go tne rset that there are now 1.000 ainca wss conveyed Io rcrtaln Influential succeed Judge 0cor Cray, telimi, now! Demorrslic psrly adopted at the iisimnore drawing relief who were employed in the Frenchmen, who were expected to act nsve ocforo uiem so veeumes conistniug eonvcRtlon were printed aide by sida by f. Name uotoraoo mines before iue sirise was cassatt. as Intermediaries, The. propossl wss is.SW printed nageá or te&tliunnv anil ei- - Ihe aehlfvemenu or tbvL'nltud Mate con Any responsible party ran exaaune our that the Cernían government, hlbits; briers wllh more' than I.TW pages ot gress 11 nr would be proved thai the national, Address . books and verify this statement. 09 the rourage the French arnn printed srtuinenU: .1 J',tvDrllU'ii nasos administration has ihe y or United never having kent faith ulin nariv "I believe the pr.stdent the les and regarded Franca or oral argument, 'aselrfa numerous decu- - pledges." States, lias the riant to close down tha Ibm as a principal enemy, was ready to rtJT i nients, inch as aiiswefs or itefrixtants snd This declaration wss made here tonlaht or lake any oilier necessary sctlon 10 bring make peaee on terms not merely hon- many t' "an aoout inuujirin peace in uuoreao. rne orable but reno rg us for the republic. citations of cntefcae hsnded down by by Joscihus Daniels, aecrciary of the navy. i stale, with the aid or the cual romnántes, These terms would Incluí! fue lian: me supreme sna outer leaersi courts m cor sir. usiueis tonight rinutieo a three dsy la recruHtng . s militia rrom strikebreakers fer of Meis and the neighboring por- porttion cases, v. , tour of Missouri In Hmi Interests of the and inHi guards. If tha president war tion of Lorraine. The ault was Meetfgt Trrnion. If.. J., snl candidacy for ibe or Senator-Willia- 10 wunaaaw tuia rn Name tne iroons at tima wss neara by me saw rlrrult judges sit atone the entire stale Desna-rrst-lc 4. ,.r..,...... ,.... or .ng ARK WINNING i. and strad cl. down the mines or roreHH FRENCH ting at Km United. Hates rouri for itw dlr ticket; Andreas r. ilia ooeralors 10 accent hia croóos! lion IN BWTN AFRICA-M- n or . , .7. . , renewed or even mora bloody war by Use met new Jersey, ar trio steel rorport ForAbsfhttt Success tha AuocMri frtit Hon wss chartered m that juritdlcilon, Tin tte Made in America pastr. Sunday operators on siriaers seems rensin. Paris. Ocl. W. (11:11 D, tn.l-- A dlsDSIch Tlms, Xotc This Camera esmnot bo parchaseis at any store. Can essay Agency special eian tifter 1st tlv rase mi i&t days 110 in lord ror the ben rewritten, ad. I RaisiiMf ClskkssAn FtMai to the llttai from bordeaux saysi or ho accural llHtHti Haaa paper. BmmfrmmtUtQ BassbaH rrsaalse. "A renon receireo nere from lienerai 110. in.filno cities hearing the tesllmony tw bill, couiiiUfullnr the French forres oper- witnesses. Of the ludxft who took part hi Lalln American Trade. Kan Francis Oct. Cal.F.wtng and 'TERFECTIOiV' HEN ating against the Oermans In Equatorial prellniliisrles ka Itte suit, one, William M. Uy the owners or or the AuociatcJ I'rttt Frank Isb. the franchise AND CHICK FOOD til Africa, saya mat two rrencu coi Lennmg, Is dead, and another, Gtrorgo Oray, Atlantic city. N J . Ocl. . Ysnkee st- - San Francisco baseball team, received three ta occtiDlod Edoa October IS after aerl m gresslveness will to offers lodsy tor their plant. These hat retired. Osm Jsulltldusl dtremlant the hate be (empered wiirt offers K will prod isas tasare KsMa. haaJalslar ftrfiiitiar. In which the French Irooos case died, p. Morrsn. but Ibe more imille, g customs Ihn were lenisuve in nsiure ana are neuaved sawwed great bravery. has j, the suit. ol to have fmanstsd from W Hi. Anderson, Weks. tbaa ay fe4 en the -- an by gorematesH citation, fell ta the execu i4iin,Americsn before tha United dtats.t im is lumortaat rallroait atallon ran hope step In snevlag picture snagnate, and Thomas marital. an th Palanrs, plusly miles front lbs turs as tatjaesV, Io sud, fill ibe commercial irttey. ins ns r or a San Francisco Shealer la conchsSBssaf bit argument, Mr. Dkkln breach left by the cassation of European 0unJkixg Tho was Stenstene. seockliokler ta' Use Los TRY IT son today 'Mmmttud the question or intent Uworl there by reasoav of the war, sccord,, By Mail Basebetl and SU.VIK Aaies tM, James Ceffrotn, asertlarr Rfyaa iXaeasres 10 in rates and to gnc to keg to William H. k'let, s Hw York banker, jsjsjf AM MAMT TO OfMK A tM Js,OSJtST WMH AM prtMHowr, a For Sale By AH CumUs. nri color this n fHirn soiutij rila atn tier Groer X itocla It JVcss sllegattest governmrnl, he look up who addresssd the ranventlou of Ihe r rqm ev. dm nas minease 01 jemea 4t Jemies, V Je J afiwie Iiu wovfiH junto max1, Waterloo, lowa, uci, w. oiner mem the .sllsswdlssstlon or rrrtatn aleei mea.'sa ken. Hardware Manuraeturrrs' : lestia 4 Mkr aaast asaagitiflad twtaa aaasy Wa Am .orsser ciisiutwM.. ''no W kataat. )rar. Late H wee ber of the United states senate has been past years fan, by cauntel for Nat here tonight, r ssstAar Mm dagnsHniw stva stM leaev rumered that Beter W. D. tvltud uitnr timnaW bnr t lals at Tins, and Coffroü bad aeewed a tWriy-ste- op. Win Swd C, aa In his etteeas on President ) defense, aw teller thM use American mm mmAy blitr as s, smaavaaty yssaWI JaasJx, srt44 hf Urn. Won on Km rraneMec. TM waa atenled t Señalo Cutsunlns," ssld Secretary I san ass suing to say anything .about tuay enter Bouasj AiHca e Me O 1st aaVMsss tm b sha at asavsaliat. as ,' saaie ausi towlfht br i. Cal Kwaar. Wriolii-.i- t wmd Roto Dry an, la s speech delivered here this the momorimt the steel corpdrstiou Men," effort rich saSils.'' lie. entirely f)ia. HbouU an cn'loa Bat altea, the ateal wanM saM.'is mm par last av aMkgr ta a aMala hVastk 1st Tasa a afternoon. be said, bk1 hsve not Iniptacbed thee erroneous. Pwbllibed arHcle W:.ajSsH sttiriT Tfrtrtr liave to be raUHed br the aMeeclaea of like effect Ceast league 3sti Fs4t rsjhy The secretary of state eadorsed Ibe can hotter, baa am gobir to. read Jo ya not only sattieadiasr, bul sejajaeotai ta t'aclfie before ine sala rouas Connolly, ire be e'eeseyrilsbeii. M it IIiqiisiI issSsin waa aUdsy of Maurice the Drmoaalle has runs I rur toe urrenae asa sata Hie successful, tíetrWsa of IrsaV la that ine atraw-M.- f rrwtsi ami, appoaent of Seeeeer CutsuaMt. about taesa," country " EL PABO BANK A THUST OO, Tmm m sr. If you watH n tiaa use praeioeni la Nr. Dteattaton men rsaa rruas ine SMU' 4 Br awe? m PaMaM 11 mmd she back, ho ataraer kaafe shea Cuasseass HtMkt" of the ofposwg atdo ka ese weal See Made in Artfs page, hasslay TissjM. Ustatai bew two ssatv, ha tftarwsMitlu la I old (or iue beat RwrHttja n EL PA& MORNING Tfrit MOkNING TIMES' FORM CHART MORNING TIMES' pRM GHAJRT UM ARRIVALS' ' r- RémtÉÍim n - Lanrtl Ktiutta . Lmttiia irr ifiilnrnr rrn irtr íateíat Wirt to Tti Timtt V A I .11 Wire ,, IHHl.lt retel Tht Timet ctoudyi-vrf- 111 lHr 11111 -- OCX. LAUREL, Md., OeL M, AVeathtr track fast. P., It. Hit. feather fast. HUllllUf III cleirt , and f furlongt.', Time 4S, 1:014-- Six ruriongs. Time nt-i- , tsi-- , goodt won driving. Flttsr KM, :8 2141 Iii3 4. suri 9ae Ü08M Slart good won driving. ,. Index. Fin. jockey. Odd 1MQ JUAREZ F9. TNK Itorte. Wi.st. 4 W nfc RACE Mtcr, Es3 ITT 11 'And fes. iff lo" (MtljMtellcka ., i w t i'i 'i Wuder 057 Jester ...... Ill I 4 ,4 '31 floose mt Mamie ir...... t Mccehey tin Prince Albert .... II, II McEwen ym Fair Helen ...... , P7 4 f3 J'l Hopkins .....in r Pretrtm Book for Mm First Ms Beys rhasa 1017 OlfltOUde ,...,. ,,...109 7 Taylor - kufiv Home ...... 107 4 4 niuiuii w reriiroiar ravor nata vYttfe hm ws i itm Motcowa ....III Teah in Hacy m, n Larrerty Mex ...... 7M et I Hersenest M4t Ike PrtHc. V7 10 lio .,...100 II MeCat. íotiiflnrgeon- ... 0l K'l ' ural 8 8 71 7 rtlee n 10 7 McTaggart mr hi. Charlotte..., ...,.118 7' rat Timepiece ...los ' IM F. a. Welgie.i... ,....109 10 91 8 oros Mini or ,.,101 7 6 II l nv u. lili Honor.,, callaban IOS7 Tinsmtn ...... 109 II 101 9 Murphy ,f r AfUNtfthiti o 71 tO fichuttinger 9' ,is schnapps ..tw K7 lirtny Deep .....109 I 3 10 10 10 Hanover jBach succeeding dar, et it Bears tee Iron loro rroetor ,...... loo j V ti 0 steward 10 Santos ,,,,,..,1,, Ill 0 II II II' II J. Howard opening of the Jutrex Jockey club néeet, Meellcke, straight 11.10, pitee 8.10 show 3.80. Mamie K., pisco 4.0O, show f.00. l'alr ,1011 Irish General ... ..,.107 4 II. II II II Maloney serves to add a large number to the many Helen, thow t.io. scratched! Marvelous, rtlver King. lUrlrguin, , , 3 to. thoroughbreds that are quartered the Iwld Long tteach, field, place 199 to 70, ahow 17 to t. 'Jester, place to I, show to Meelieka, running ricnt back lo her fait rice, went to the front at atari ind Vrlrtfn lltKPI ,hn II I. A TI.Mt mi. an,n .n.l l,l,h IKIWrll. coarse, another carload arriving yeterdty swty throughout, Mamie lú torced the lasuo all the way, but' could not- wear Hie Long tlli and held bis rroet Vancouver, making the trip rrom rnn. Heach, showing sudden improvement, went right to the front lour Tjinnrrjiown --"'r "j'J" ' "n.i" rT. Froeiormquiirenr, field safe all lh way. Jester was outrun .early, bus finished fast end oulgamed entisn coiumnia witnoul misnap. The , , Prince Albert in final strides, osmonde briny Deep showed soma early or now quartered "kco0 nAce-- su furlongs, time .ru t, ms-- iif3(-i- s4ri;cood won rinlshed fast, .uer horses at the 242 peen. course bat passed the hundred mark and hACE-S- is rapidly reaching two hundred in nura imici. imrw. vi. hi. u m. í sir. FHWJnrkay , 'BEConb, Ix rurlongt Time Ml-t- , U1t-t- , I:1I4-S- . Start good; vron joeo .101 i i easily. ; nick'e ret, ti Hhininr Alu. y In pnx Lady Lightning , ..iot t .. i si s P steward Index-,,- Horse. Wt.Bt. H ftr. Fin. Jwkey, Odde the car which arrived yesterday Utero 3070 4 ., ,3 3 3 were, eleven neao, property neaurnont Belle ,.Wi i't Butwelt row Miss .101 41 I Pool 889 to tne or six dir 51(0 & 4 4 4 Kruier Mordecal loo Part , 110 8 i: 9 Mccabe Its to in ferent owners. Among the thoroughbreds vm Minda ,. , too a .. s si M Nicklaua I0M Dlrka J'l On 1047 coy , .111 1 (loose 38 to 10 the .majority were Ivortes that bad won SOOT Fred Levy ...110 6 .. 71 6 lllnphy 7081 l.uVla ....,.,,., f...... tU 4 4 41 J. Howard frequently during the nasi meetlnra or Soco Fiatbitsn .tot s .. 8 8 7 7 Button Daisy Cullen the SOTI , 107 8 M St 0 ! Lilly mol Piatt ,...,..,. tío It Jiitrex Jockey club and which, by their Camellia .. 381 litar Lumax 103 7 Collins S04S Sigma Alpha IIS to to 10 10 s constaran performances, bad become big .. Kederll OCT Lady S Mott S07I 107 10 London ...Ill 7' witu tna local fairy Godmother II .. ti II It Latterly s SI 8' Murphy laroritre racing public 747 7 ,. 4 ton Florin .....ios ( Comcracker ...tIS 7' It Waldron 90M , 9 g In the shipment jvere Quick Trip, Berfha Saturday, Tritler 1 lit 8 ei Martin 001 tc 13 I0 10' 10 Obert v. Andrew O'Day, tilck'i ret, straight .10, place 3.S0, fhow 3.00. Lady Lightning, place 1.40, aliow oold Letter ...... and the properly or 1701 Civil Lass .107 II II II Hanover w. OI S.W. Beaumont Belie, show 4.10. Scratched! Uncle Jimmle, lieheat, Avlatress, riiylla h. nradford. J. Pelter Jiad the frequent Antoinette. Marty Lou tos (0 IJ lt IS Acton winner, Nary tmiiy, and Chief Desmond T067 IglOO It II 13 13' Oross October Dirk's ret, away alowly, moved up with a ruth and. taking Hie lead, drew away '.....Ill and Ida Cummlngs. W. Covington brought easily to win with plenty In retcrve. Ltdy Lightning outbroke her Held and showed Miss Krulor. place ?0J to ahow tig to so. Dlrka, place 103 to so, show 49 to so. me 01a campaigner. Biackmate. who at OI i. rood speed, but tired at end. Ueaumont Belle ran her rar Camellia quit. one time raced In tne handicap, división Miss k'ruter was outrun to the stretch, where she moved up with a rush and drew si in juirex course, alona-- witn tne two forced-th- e year-ol- - , liSsi-s- , out at end to win going away. Dlrka issue all the way and outgamea Fels. E. H. Short broiurht Melt. ÍA-- 0 mllá'ahd a'sUWextti- m, 471:3, litsi-t- tits. Ctart rood; coy snowoa. goon couut never gei sou we will sale won galloping. re the tiring ai.eaa1Latier speedy but iar back, while W. DeDolt- had Light Knight have on was tiring. ni enq. nina stoppeo nntiir. or Indei. Horse. Wl. at. y. H , Sir. Fin, '"''key iai - 4. iioiams naze) u. All tAe tnor rtÁCtí-S- otighbreds shipped fine T! T THinb Ix furlongs, .ime :M3-5- , :48. l13l-5- . Start bad wón easily. In abane. , Jioj Thornhill ...,....M s t'l Hutweii j ne cook ror tne or tee the regular $3.50 tot 1 4 3f ' Sieward 237 nrst alt dars win Executor i" meet been, iras cnrr Field ....tot 4 4 i !' lt !' Hhininr Index. Horse. Wl. St. w u. at sir Fin, jockey. bss out for the past few days 9097 ,.to3 3 31 4 4 4 and: a perusal or It by the horsemen has Fascinating 3' Bcliuttlnrer 9037 Cannonade ...... tot 3' II 1 Metcair 67 .to HOT 1POINT IRON t'l 179 10 SO brought smiles to their facet, for 3.00, 3.30. 2.80. ran ton Nobleman ...... 107 S nice the Thornhill. straight place Executor, place ...nrnlilll as ir SO or money given away sway tost White Crown ..... 107 Í 4 31 rteylon 187 to amuni dally aver. hl Held and, sctlinr a fast pace under restraint, raslly held all the ages far In excess or any way to win In a rallop. Executor was charply cut otr at the half, rinlshed atrotlr and tH7 watcrwiteti 104 tl 10 3 Goose thtt riven at mnjamed Cliff Field at end. Latter hunr finally. 1119 Inex ...... 104 2 8 E ott previous meeting. Tne nrst oay pro lor $2.50 tost Chesterton ...... III 7 tl 41 S'l ' Taylor gram calls ror no lest than taAM In purses. 811 'urlor.gt. Time :WI-t- , :4t4l, IM3 Hurt rood; won easily. SI 10 Lady Jane Orey,... 109 I 1 31 71 7 Martin me Juarez handicap. With a or 4 8 91 Van valuation 2144 ton Iskablbble ...... tit Duaen fi,K oemg tne feature, mis is the first 1713 rirlek and Mortar.. 109 8 t to g. 9 Moil or a long or Index. Horse. Wt. fit. H H atr. Fin. Jockey 938 Duslness Agent ...... 109 9 9 81 10. 10 Oross list stakes that will ha nm t3)Lat Coin t!3 7 7. i' 5 i floral cooo sprudel ,100 10 II lt II 11 Murphy otr at tne coming meeting., (io)tiirh Noon tit t .. i I lak l ntitwell Milan. ,...... ,.. 107 11 It tt tl II Hanover A feature of the dally program thai ap S09I lloyal Varlyr ,101 5 5 41 6 3 McCahey peau to tne public and horsemen alike la SO. 13 10 S. Dlacb.JS Id S, 43 to. SO. sm llsirtno j... jíüCU 6 .. 8' 8 8' 4 . McTarktrt Cannonade, nlace et to show tfobleman. show tne overnight Handicap' each day with no sog i Double .,..to 3 w e f.' nurltngame While Crown, show s to Hcratchedt Tiwer. Earle si - ics win sow or seoo announced as tho 8 4 S"t 3 Cannonade went to a entering stretch and easily held her ad IMS Dinah Do ;.;t08 .. liution the front with rush purse. This will to 104 to .. V 01 7' 7 Shtlllnr v.marn at the nd. Nobleman wis forced back at hiir. around the leaders and tend brlnr food fields (il33)Stalwan llelent unit r or- s Only 4 1.1 horses' to post, giving Saturday w.tlJ 2 .. 3 81 wnn a rusn. .wnue thrown ouigamea at enor um.-- uo the (?03)Sir Edrar 3l Troxler nnisnea waierwiicn the so Trial ijy Juryt .113 4 .. 7i 7 9' ' Davles slowly, inex and Lady jane orey stopped. . public a chance to witness the best 9 tot norset ror victory sogi Garhage ,.,.113 .. tl It ft Davis . , atrlvinr aver Amarte' 8101 fumes 97 .. tot to4 to tl Callahan FOUnTII HACE One. and mile. Time :4-S- S47Í-B- 1H3 lesdlng race course, also it 2138 . and It gives tba 1i4nt-S- Ii48 4.8. Start good! won driving. owner a a 3.10. s.so. Hoyal Martyr, show 5.40. with horse of class chance to Hutler entry, straight ?.90. place ahow Index, Horse. St. M t v, Btr. Fin. Jnek . Odds, raw him Scratched: rruteclor, 'Coupled. tAdded, starters. Wt. for a purse or surricient value 7093 La Mode 103 1" Metcair 17 to 10 mare nia preparation or Last Coin, showlnr a high turn of speed, moved up with a rush from slow so and cost keep and followed High noon under to the stretch, and Ilorel had him Flying Feet ...... ,.110 ! 31 S Neylon 177 to Inr him In training Possible. restraint s Ooote . 371 to S0 under stout restraint at end. High Acwn howed a terrlft turn of speed and was eas- 50 Ask Ma too ' ' 1 ne eirnt stages Which have been in ily next best. Hoyal Martyr rinlshed fast apd gamely. Same or luianr.p. Sir F.dgar 1601 Howdy Howdy 100 3'l 3" 4 Smyth nounced closed S SI S yesterday and while tt will cult, ro8 uenrge moil .107 Taylor be, a row SOM Oold Coloi- 101 8 7 7 Al At oross days before the total number r can slx furlongs. Time :S3, 47 M24.&, start good; won driving, (MBO)Jtrninte oll , ,., 107 so 8' 8' 8 7' McCabO entries be determined, owinr 245 tito iiermuna ira e 4 Í Pool ha fact that any entry mailed last nirnt less Dick Deadwood 00 9 9 0 Campbell any 15 index. Horse. Wl. St. Vj v. Btr. Fin. J"fey num. pomi eilglDle, and also that cuines are oetng, received, at Laurel. La aois scallywag lot S sk 3" 8 McCahey ' La Mode, nlace 63 to SO. show s to 1. Plying Feet, place 33 to 10, snow to to to. El Paso Electric tonla and However, toa t 4 4" 3 Callahan snow so to 10. rost, here. it, la certain flu Aiylade .. i Ask Ma. gcratrnea.' uuine . or WOT Sherwood 110 4 , 3 ? I 3 Troxler La Mode outbrnke her field and was rushed Into a good lead, tired badly at end wist tne list entries when completed S097 tlrlar Path 110 3 II I 4 4" McTaggart and Just lasted. Flying Feet was forced to go wide turning ror home, but came again, win be round to contain the names of !0S5 Crossbun C3 s i. t S ü S Blillllng and would have won In another stride. Ask Ma, outrun early, rinlshed with a nrong mure nortes or ctass tntn ever before rush, and was going fastest at end.' Howdy Howdy hunr when called upon at end. while It Is a certainty that in muntitv Railway Co. Scallywag, straight 7.40. place 3.40, vshow J.30. Atylade. place 30, hów.SJO. , , 1:141-3- , inviui iur no uorei jotatey CiUD will show S.OT. FIFTH IUCE Mile and seventy yards. Time :SI4-S- :49. 1:40 aurpsssco. Ekfctrio Building Phoiw 2323 scallywag, well ridden, was kept close 10 the leaders all the way, and In a close 2139 44 start good; won driving. in was back rae opening race or the seamn. vhirh rinisti McCahey outrode Ills opponents at end. Axylade, probably best, taken Index. Horse. Wt. St. 4 ' t Btr. Fin. Jnekey.- at w,lth a with would have won. Sherwood will ba Inaugurated Thanksgiving Day start, rinlshed ruth, and riders reversed 8 13 to 4 with Urn prtar showed and bung on tlto Indolence .103 3 4 3, Collins brighter jjrospectr took lead In stretch, but. .bung finally Path speed to SO than ever attended a well at nd, toti First Degree . Ill I 13" S'l Nott r: !l prospective winter soss Little nean ...... 108 4 t I Metcair 89 to 30 meetlhr. will se) tho , usual Inaugural dash, over a distance or SIXTH rtACK One mile and a alxteenth. Time :WJ-S- , :48, 1M33S, t:3t-i- WS Pessle Latimer 108 S n Obert OIJA IOS S S McEwen iivo ana ruriongs, ages, t Start good; won driving-Inde- 105 itoy ...... ,.. for all 'lu toss Dank Dill ...... lit 8 1 Goose Horse. Wl. St. 14 U V, Sir. Fin. Jnrker The conditions of the race mv it 4 20, to' (S093Uoe Fin too t t ! tt tl Lafferiy indolence, olace to f. show 7 to to. First Degree, place 9 to show I S. slble ror the best sprinters quartered at 3 3 3 3" SI Doyle Little 3 to 4. , SIM San Vega.... lili S060 Col. Aiarch'L Hi tlOTDSoldler , ...... 103 3; nean. Show the track eligible and It la mora thin - 07 6 l 4 was Kent back me early, .pace, movea up graouany arm, iimrnmg imh. hace selling. Mile ana a six- It 16 Penally 4... 3' Steward Indolence off able that a splendid rtejd teenth.sixth J09S 2.. ..107 8 8 7 7 7 4 McCahey rati, auiiramed First Decree at end. Latter raced forwardly throughout and held on of horses will Ooldy nuswer me. StS3 Billows 081 W 107 (18)0111- - Í....1I4 3 S' S S 5 IHltwell well in the final drive. Little Dean allowed good speed, but tired finally, Bank Dill pugie can upon "Turkey Day. Si Milton B...i. Fisher S' 1184 Clinton 981 883 Afterglow , V., .105 I 41 4 4' S 6 McTaggart siimven some eariy speeq. Danomy Boy ill SII6 ' Stss Bonnie tost M. Í017 5 r. S'l é 71 Callahan TODAY'S SELECTION'S. El'e. Insurance lit STAVIFS Delia Mark '.....100 t 4 IUCF-4)- ne 48:1-- Chas. McF'n 107 MANUFACrrUIlED DAITjY S07Í Woor 103 7 7'l 8 8 8 8 KederlS SIXTH and mile.. Time :23 1:13 1:40, sito siio tuterpe 2140 lilSt-3- . Start good; won easily. soot sieepiand .. 107 3004 Oalley Slave, tit Dobson Latanl. 17 2068 Joe Finn, straight 13.30. place 8.10. show 4.10. Soldier,, place 5.10, show i.oo. Pen- Jockey. niue repT.. toj Barn Dance. Ill fndex. llorte. Wl. St. H it Sir. Hn. t nossie Crockett, 2058 107( Hlis Bres. Printing Co. 5.70. Haute Burton. Alice chad, nurd siss Marshon til ally, fhow 1 Meylon 77 to so went a good at and, making siio nonne Chance toe 9 Joe Finn, showing the, most speed, Into load the break SI S 193 to S3 to raced In behind the pace (SltoiBonanta Ill 3 t' root Thealrles. The Reach, oilm. Weather cloudy'tráck last. all the pare, lasted long enough stall'ort soldier. Latter Taylor 3S9 10 .CO to then and w:s catching the winner at the, end. Penally (I739)01ga Star ....110 8J 3. Cardigan, Sunset, lidos Hoo. the stretch, finished fast Metcalf Hoorm'f-ilt- ,. came a through the streich. Ouy Fisher tired badly In final furlong. toot Love Day iui 4. Lady Moonet. Brlnghurat. Lenehnre., h and IÍ.M with rush .104 4 4 4 3 8 Hanover Bnrton-Ltnr- tlx S068 Phil Mohr 4l 3. Bella or Bryn per roll. Co., ph. w. Ad. (SOfW)Joe Dlebold .107 6 3 3 3 6 6 Goose Mawr, sanvega Cbrtsto vertltcment. - S007 verena ...ik 7 0. 9 8 7 7 Collins game Into tho Army ntlilette 8084 Tom Klnj , i.- W 8 7" 7 8 8 Bonnie Elolse, Blllowi, JFOR FRESH OYSTERS: ALL TICKETS AttE SOLU. are pouring Insurance Man. Will you ho at tho.spotf Advertisement. j . headquarters so fast the officials in charge StWI Mockler ,..103 3 81 8 9 9 9 Served to alt styles, to' to ' Heaper-iLaur- Crowd at announced today no new ubscrlptlons 4 so. - Prospects tor a Donno Chance, place 31 to so. show 31 to so. nonania. place to 1. show 47 to' neriection. How about renins- that am mlt r,rtrrfí PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE Came. would be received. Lieutenant Meyor, sec- Olga IS S. Wavering. Louise Paul. WhlteiVeul. niver vinr x the Slar. ahow to Scratched! 3. Oakhurst, Dr; on the Made in America page in last sunt And, all kinds or Mexican III the retary and treasurer or the athletic counsel, Donne Chance, away well, went Into the lead at the hair and held Donanxa safe the, iluenner, Petulas. s ,dUet, hot or Attoelatcd l'rrit no days Times for the best rewritten ad 7, , cold lonches. v 9 sun Donanxa to form, but was not good enough today. vvtiif uanquet, Hanson. - West Point, N. Y., Oct. nequest for announced that all requests from old rest of the journey. went her best lutuy. answer- nave open in, Hoarleln Ctncinoiti Beer.- Sd wood must next Olga Star closed a gap and finished fast. Pbll Mohr and Joe Dlebold both tired Holiday. SDearhead'. eiwah. - aire lay sent re f tickets ror this year's football scrlbers be in Ids office beforo . have an equal chance yet, and Whisky. Í Thursday. final furlong. Slumber II. PilitrrmiA BBW BWKKWKY. Prop. Astrologer, until 6 p. m.. Saturday, Oct. 31. West Point will have 11.700 seals ror the t. Oerrard, Blllle Baker; game this year, whereas last year, when Independent Assay Offloa the game played at the Polo grounds LONCIIOnNS HIT THEIR STRIDE. arrived as soon as It did there Is no doubt LAUREL ENTRIES. , . but that many members of the squad would nTMU . ew York, the Arnjy alpno controlled 1.7,000 " Special Wire to . D. W. KrciHx-- (.T, XJL. ITeprtMor, University-Tea- Bids Fair lo Make Better' bave gone suit. f rtia fimu' Aft ttr Or ihifptt Aft M Ileeoni Than Last Tear, Tho present standing, or the Oklahoma' Laurei. mo.. ' oct. ,. FIRST nkcvnnu Oémlnt itMglfs. IzmmlmU gives ten I aaturdine 4;198 sill Diploma ialUtm Wwk Sptilal !t'lr fo TAc 7"fmc Texas gsmet Texas victories to w ;'i98 K4 Htptrtrt Ufa. See Made m America Page. Sunday Times. one TameMtne' im loj Austin. Oct. S9. With their season Oklahoma's rive and tie. ios Blier Kinsí. W4r. .orora., jtie best rewritten ad. Tet.. Y? sill ios . lot hsir over the .tintversity of Texas football aws neriection .. . OAc and ItborteiTl soTsnyniio losj 9HlVinr It-- M-- "team lilt Its stride and everything wtai. Cat. Su k( a CWU- -s kl JVeed Glasses; serait, 10a Texas St., has How about getting that 110 gold offered near Oregon - ail seems ravorable ror another great year raao.Tav. (Advertisement.) on the Mtde In America Page in last aunj SECOitD nACE Mile and ru"eenib. ror the Longhorns, Since their 33 to 7 !S07)Dr. Oklahoma university Dallas days Timet for the best rewritten ad7 Duenner. Ilil 9060 Peacock victory over at Many answers have already In (stoo)Petelu S069 last they have had no been sent tu Fiatbush Saturday relaxation you bave an equal chance yet. and ana oakhurst ... IIS SISO.Tay Pay.," POINTER Fino Shot Guru, from practice. Coach Allerdire bad but SU9I Early Itoj A 33 Revolvers, their until 0 p m., Saturday, Oct. 31. Light. nos aiuiK Huntins Kniver, CoaU enure squad wnn tne exception or ''T??,odo.ndo ., Un stoo Mordecal Wlmmer and Lltilerield In unirorm on í íñ '"nunip'n , S04 Dalfron .,. joo Camp Kits and Ammunition Monday following the game. ZZZ " Mome,. too Clark Held on w ti"r." "" !a wo All the work done was In slgnsl drill and ruin lif third nAqUr-Flv- furlongs Shelton-Payn- handling the passes. Such team drill at S03S Hanson SI0I e Co. ' lit Broom Leaf. 103 fies Arms tills wasT th Chief practice tho Texas (iou)lianquet .... m irwvjne win... coaches put .the Looghorns through prior ur. --arricie, m StOt Dervish , Cor, r.l w. Pata ud. Overland la. to (tho . OklaJwraamroe. . iw MU estimable ... toa mi U there la anything coach Atierdice de FOURTH RACE Mile anrf it.nih mands his meo. it Is that tho playa SI0J Spearhead , from 8114 Holiday ... 'tMlilfte?iIi n.i " ho devises shall be pertectly executed. It U0t8)Elwah..;.t03 Is not an uncommon thing ror the varsity race-s- .or an fifth ix ruriongs. lineup to devote nearly the whole UmiFlltterroW . ill Tur Traaia too trie moon on one or two plays. After out I0)8lumber II.. 119 1878 Brave Cun'r. 99 lining ltw Play on blackboard and by lec n springboard taei sea water Lady. 94 tures, the coach runs the play on the su, utdors IBS SIXTH nACF-l- Agents field, and then comes the real work. At rosy prospecta in "such vll Exclusivé (SosiiOerrard lerdlce, watching every movement, does .... Hi i Véneta Str'a ifM We 4a net seMeH orders or shJe faedi 1U dry UrrKory. and such" stock usually vuas u us Baker, lis 1984 fHr Fretful,, 108 not stop on this one play until every man S074 perrecny. Astrologer to Sfea Akourt .... toa as executed hit part ir there turn out to be deár ÍIJI Napier ..... tos 8190 Toa Hancock, loo are any words heard roost frequently on ills Autumn ,v, tíeustiaiLady Orant.T 98 cttrk rteid they are tne Longnornt lessons. S09S Dr. l)uuh'v. ita coatb'Mloud, Lef try that, oter."Thls - . KiniuuicK man. iui WU Poatefra'ct"! 101 It Hie work thtt enabled the Texana to j m iieage ftoae. tot conquerors or win rrom Oklahoma, the Weather clear; track fat I. Nlssourl.-- . To AUerdlc an4 Paterson'a speculative securities, LONGWELL'S work In perfecting the team play paying high rata of inter- LATON1A ENTBHiS. U largely attriiutaaJe the victory. . r ntr there wt 0111 a tingle :hero or the est carry large risks. HptcM Wire H Tht Timet AUTO BAGGAGE TRUCKS Oklahoma game to be picked by the am Clnclnaatl. O., Oct. s PirtST IUCE Sell Shoes" txt Clyde Inr. Five atut a balr rurinnn Wanan dents or the university It would soca London oiri. 10s tus 4t3Gt llliieiieia. tne mr Longnora jhwids- c- wno it7 Lime slam., ' 17 Fiosale Cfu tosf tear Planetary. ! 110 mide turn a wonderrul showing, in piss- the absolutely safe in- 9117 Hattta 101 tea Burn ii. no 4 "Best on ing the ror Longiwrn'- - marvelous 8107 Qo anywhere in XI nLgíit. aura Emh ball tin Alice Dudley 110 tltT Currtll 110 Paso day or Ii 70a coming heane -- vestment for the average 8040 . forward países. Every paaa ituencia Viva ...... IIDlw vtVi.2 e SOW B save your baga-agr- checks Loaarwaü'. Xt you are going away . made was accompanied by excrylttinr man or woman is a saving fieri rude 110 I S3 Little Putr" ita for pain. Betore, the rune the bUf.rcllow rould R ml.u ,V.L 51 ruriongs. fhone for IoagweH'a to take your baa)ae to tba eUUs Teu'M not beud nit throwing arm, owing to bank deposit paying '4, per Tn! """con 11., 111 In game. In 7o Beau cnipn. ill Blllv Hxrnjtt til never mtaa a, haya baggage Injuries received the nice tso Tna Bertea,, ill ,, train or your too late K yea ut spile or this fearful handicap. LlWflW cent compounded ami 11 Tba Heach.. Ill im;uauana perfectly the 1 game, es jete metorlan . lis weirs Tsjctoeke or tasHBsjfe (ruc--s. keJl cost; perfet aervlea. pasted until end of annually, where tkeir Ostple ..... til T M. Oreen. Ilk ..fter the tii be wat unable to UM hu 1780 Lambitalt ., II f; oiint su Irm at all and II was necessary to ppori money is secure over any 3109 Mao ...... Mil csulllvan .. Us It. Wlroroer In tackling received ,a kirk THIRD nACE Five and a JmM wtil,h put ati ann out or cMttWtton, number of years. has tlttl 083 It If doubtru) w bel her elthtr or the play tt7 Theresa B'l. AUeto .... 1W stew nooaea ... . He S0& B Pirat... 104 ers will ba able, to get ta the r un HMMOOt Me woe sunset LONGWELL'S SoliesleT next Satur-a-y, MMIAnna gruier Wl (et)Cra4n m all vie xtniet before the tMttanotna Hat TtiitM .... raw mi amy joe, (18 contest tna I'txas coaeke bad usett a4 least tlH Ctrrla Orw m, siw oc raw .... lit limen saen. in taw Oalattoaia fmm the eMvcn aicn who entered were never r. - "ey.U tS placed, Hot once durtor tbe rama was a KJr.,..w.íl'n-.. l4Kíl(l.,ifc,.;i." ..I TRANSFER aubkUtula bestur un M Ttxat warmed ro (fie4rlnce. He's, te SIQS Helat) Bar-é-! isa J In. This waa largely due to Uut cool a oa uiencairn , m(sW)Uoc4Mr .. tai castvqen aaary. i wtatber exltung. Warm weather baa Man J. i. Use g n.tut-m-m- realm Utdlct to he Lc boras . firinta nntia-a.- sMsti-Hage- ... 4 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

em t)...... ,. im m itj-- m? BOWLING 90OKU. home he stepped over In Ofclahastu to visit mVKS ARWPrM MCXICANfl . are .to be planted In cotton In this atam next EASTERN RAILWAY RATES a uretner wm resides m mat mm. Ce.NVKms Mr CtvNsrmACY year is to be rubmltted to the voter at the iMTCVMnviifM Arm atwlhth) .un. flv, Hunter Lewto Mon ceufiT general election Tnasdsy, TMs an of 's)ft lHH0tmr f9"t9lilR4v4 imo-un-it, M Nasr: M in or rtMmx tint 4fiWC mm in; Nasi, in. day Besww.-va- Bounce was made .by High 547. afttroen far Sem where 9ftnhAtMttdrrt ment fftore linear . No New Fact tnlreMeed la JiM4ttyM he has accepted the rectora rt the Ws-cop- f'hoentx, Aria., Oct. . Seven of sentatlve R, B. Humphrey, of Trockmorton Total ReducMon." Toifits won Bailey, 4. h up 'For m- crease In Rates Eteept Kart-pea- r' church. Mr. Lewi ha built a the nine Mexicans on trial in the county, who recenUy made a canvas Fifty Cent Reduction.' Btcm Tca- Margin piss. large congregation rturtmr the hu ''For Per 1T4 H ne here ten United Staws district court hem for of the slate on the proposition. "Agamst Redaction." Raétaftctmer ...... M IJím Foul Judge springer. War. years or his pastorate at St. James church, Wooétmrn ,...,...... ,! 1 t having erected and run the rmo conspiracy to raid the bank and tHH Owing to the limited time the election The voter will he esneeted to scratch, ent Morgan IM lK-3- 14 MO military store ta Phoenix' August cannot be mad a e affair, but two Hnes, rearlflg the one he .11, 6c Page, Bp ihf church bundle here, aM organised kit favors. M4 m.Amerlca Sunday Times. Attottaitd Pre and built chapels both M LA Mela and Las were found guilty by a Jury today. the question will be submitted only In in wota tor ma .oesi art Washington, Oct. go. rtevlewHHf rgu all or aceempHshed Two was those vitally in ltemaa ...... t ih 9f?- -ia ju rewritten Cruces, it being largely were acquitted. Sentence counties interested and ..f menta presented to the intérnate commerce through his own efforta ami with money not pronounced. which arrsngements have been tnsdo to How getting gold about that 110 offered commission today by counsel for the thir solicited In the Esst. His work here ha The intended raid, which was frus- place the question on the special ballot. Ac ItTotaU ...... 1 8 W9-I-II7 on tae Mao .in America Pare In last Sun been largely among the atedents of state trated by police Informant, was part cording to Mr. Humphrey about fifty coun a colleges, 1 pop- m- day's times' for the best eastern railway systems seeking with whom he universally .plan vote on the though írltsrt Tea- rewritten ad? and WIN be especially of a to finance and equip a fore ties will nronosltlon. Hart ...... I&S.43I eany answers nare already been sent In general advance in freight rates, louii it ular, by Whom he or he fear the ni In Brandéis, special counsel, missed. Mrs. Lewis ha at endeared her- mea for revolutionary activities la that recent bullish tendency lky Xourston ...... 10 1W but you hare an equal chance yet. and the commission's Mexico. or the cotton mty have a tendency Cmif it'lM uccurra mo new aoauoeo oy me self to. a large circle of friends both in market Anthony, sr. . ... 101 BO 383 uniu o p. m., tsaiuraay, yet. 3U oniy rsci also Miguel Ortia, or conspira-lo- r, in to justify plea waa we Euro the Park and collge communities, and leader the AnHiony, Ji ... 119 in- carriers in La Cruce. A company of Las Cruces i ni - m pean war. No sneciriettlr showimr had been escaped when hi confederate Beit autos, carem. erlver. Phon m. rraler , ... les 15 Jeaasoa Open far Highest Bid. tauies was ai me train to wy lareweu to were arretted. lAairriisement. Bu the Aitoctated made, he said, as to the injustice of any me rector ana nis ramtiy. rrttt existing rates, and ne expressed um opinion UNIQUE Fort' smith. Ark., Oct. so. all a casA Prof. Hiram Madlev. ''the grand old man of CAPTAIN WARREN MCAN M ll ím M& lorr "it's mat the commission saw to grant the TOtSIS or Bld4lnr. Tho team that has the best ir fit Mesilla valley." met wltn a painful accident REDUCED TEN FILES FftR advance, thereby- - modifying Its previous Saturday driving lo Las proposition with the most money wtlt get nlrlit while Cruces CARaXKWir&S IN ACCOUNTS aglflgh. ios. ruling, ii would exceed us lege powers to aliena a poinieu nteemg. un ins am BILLlB niTCHIE and province, congress to ino near me major uflwrnyn piace, Rw tXt Attoetatci Press liign total Bsteman, six This was invade the or do neai, , Captain Murphy's Comedians the frank statement of Walter dare governmental he collided with a wagon and was hurled Washington, Oct. War- In an O Strlka out nbclnbelmer. Washington totlels. . ren Dean, United cav- Johnson, pitcher for the By head foremost from the striking on Firteenth State N, Fowler. Americans, making Mr. uranacis was followed f, b. james part or head, He was alry, recently a. "Love and Swgery" gJudge in denial today that and F. E. seBUag the back bis not tried before signed Paulson, retire shippers so badly Injured, however, but) he was able El Paso, CRAWFORD he had a contract to play with the or once ana at Tex, has been Two rteelor Abbott Tesm .met Frank crea and Charles to remove tho horse from the buggy shafts, found guilty or careleasness ns hi bu Louts teaerais. m. Johnston., appearing Pennsylvania to walk , 170 IT tío for which were badly broken, and accounts and sentenced to "When Their Wive Abbott con producers: waiters, in oehair home, leading tho horse After reaching be reduced Koger 130 H Football Saturday, Lutn n. ten filet in hi This im Can or lumber and livestock shippers, and llusn home Dr. carter was called hi and dressed lineal rank Complete change plays Mon- Joined the Reipmettt" Hall 1M IM 403 The younger element will have Washing on the or Ms head, and ease win be acted upon by Secretary of i... tiuticr, counsel ror tne Chicago Association the wound back ' Joker y .Xslcr ..., ., 14 IM 991 ton park to themselres for1 football Satur or commerce. at this writing the professor Is around Garrison next week. day and Thursday. Soderbolm 1M day when Lamar and the Y. M. A. as nothing Baa nappeeea. was a nar ...... tm tíi C sec All nothing been ir it four-a- cofnedy-dram- Three full reels of team maintained that had row escape. OKLAHOMA PACKBRY A a that ond meet. brought out at the new hearings to justify The Lamar team Is very fast and has not Misses Fluth and Elate Phetn entertained FILLING EUROPEAN ORBKR is with punch. NUTTYNESS ,. 760 ?oj- -íi tie advance or any specific rate and that see MtSAT, there the Toisis ...... m lost game In two year. The Y. boya. about rortv or their nrl rrtends Saturday FOR 15,00, POUNDS Foster Teain the relief sought by the carrier was be ft i f nowerer, to even raster La night and a most delightful time is reported. Regular Prices, Tomorrow Toatcr ...... I IÍ3- -. 401 cinr be than j ond the legal'power or the commission to Mr. ana Mrs. n. usrron ana cnuaren By th Ánodated Pr .... mar. and (romlse to' give the latter team w...... 'ISO 417 extend. have returned from a month' visit with Oklahoma city, Okia., Oct. to. An MARY FULLBIt in Yandemocr in trouncing, 15,080,080 pounds or IM 1(0 4M their first Eight hours waa allowed for argument. relatives and friends In Kansas Missouri and order for canned 'rultk .í. Judging' frdnt what the two trams hate the Arkansas meat. Valued at ti,MO,oeo and do- - "THE WITCH GIRL" Baker ,v... IM 411 time being equally divided between signed ror shown in' previous games they are very Miss was the week-en- the use or wsrrlng Euro- -- Ffnncr .... t, IS-3- 4I0 tnose advocating and those opposing the Esther Stuart pean nations, has been received and and Pord Sterling tu evently matched In both speed and weight. application, The case, ror the railroad was guest or Miss Margaret Mathes. Prof, and Spend your (die hour tho as Rlgney morning is being filled by a locsl packing' at well as in playing aBlllly. opened by George S. Patterson or the Penn. Mrs. J. W. left Tuesday company. Additional orders for dry Trey O Hearts" No. 11 FTouii : 7i9 eco The gamo should prove 'one of the fastest for noswell, where Mr. Rlgney ha been sylvania system,- who was followed by J. U college county salt pork have been received, the de- won Abbot, 4. ana most mtmstmg or season, and transferred by the to become mand being greater tho present Sunday and Monday l'olnts the Mlnslsh or the Wabash i O. E. Butterfleld agent of the extension department or the than Wigwam Theater iei. ,' well worth the jMmttHl admission which or the New York- Central, and others who supply. college. Mr. and Mrs. Rlgney are both 1 1 EHIgh total Soderholm. 431. v . tne boys are askMg. The teams will Jtoo (Continuous n. m. to 11 p. m. dealt uitn. specific phases or the case. rraauaiei or ma n. ra, a. u. mna uavo GERMAN CROWN PRINCE iTonlght iankers';Xaue. up as follows! Mr. Patterson urred that the nrooosed in wM r!riln nr rrtonrin ' hr. 111 IS REPORTHD WOUNBEB ALICE JOYCE In Y. M. C. A. Left end. Hunter, Kemp; creases were retsonule and declared the Miss Edna Oberholser. who ha been left Oaylord, 1. Clifford) asking1 the past two weeks. Is able to be out again. IN ATTACK ON VERDUN . r hicWam tackle. J. left roads .were not for them "as a mat- "GIRL AND STOWAWAY" Boni.n anji athletic club.. guard, J. C. Clifford) center, Browne right The bavi who have rented the Prof. Sage Jty the Associated Prttt ter of grace." Rome, Oct. M (via London, 1:30 a. One of tho Alice Joyce series at " guard,- York) right tackle, Collins, StofUj qungstow are moving in ana wiu do JCourctieiua No. 6 Final argumenta will be heard tomorrow home" to their friends by November 1. m.). Is reported here .the. Oer complete right cspu, quarter-bar- It that dramas Jone im 167601 end, ColIM, Schotteni morning. , Charles S. Taylor left with Rev. Hunter man i Shea; lert hair back, right appears crown prince ha been wounded Brown 104 IOS 311 Alter: half Clifford Thome, who In' behalf Lewis and family, ror an extended visit while leading an on THE GUIDING FATE," back, CocRorafl). Donahue. of to attack Verdun. 'Smith , ,. 13? 411 full back. several western state .railway commis- his old home in Virginia. 1 m Lamar Left end, Thurston; tackle'. Thaxton, who has been visiting nis It n Olograph. BIJOU 138 179 301 left sions and numerous 'shippers' organisation, Tom REBUILDING CITY JAIL. Fort. P. Boyd, Palmen guard. Coalson. Tan- - up .case or opposi- Mr. and Mrs, T. n, Thaxton, lert BOND OF WOMANHOOD" ITS IX left win sum the those in Barents. SUNDAY "Wages of Sin" kersly: center, Croom; right guard, tion in rates, Ooorge afternoon for his home at Marra, Dramatic production by Erie; to the advance while Texas. Force of Workmen Municipal Bas son. Howell r right tackle, nicnards, Butler; P. Brownell, or the Erie system,' will close Ftiltlna Shannon Fife .. Edwsrd IJlvolhln. a. rraduata of Colorido la, s Condition. 754 6 714 SI4S right Lochausen; Flake; quarterback. ror expected com- in end. the railroads. It is the Agricultural college, class 1914, has arrived A big of .workmen Is now ernptoyed In ÍCarr No. 8 Muod; ruii&ack. mission talca up case Novem- force Arthur Johnson icrt naif back. Norrisi will the at its to accept the position In the horticultural In or reconstructing city Jail. Gomex 121 ISO 395 Boyd, capt. or a made the work the lit C ber conference and dispose It within department vacant by the transfer The or one or "An American HetTe" Dirks 107 144 107 333 month or or lugney 10 ceils section the historie less. itoi. nosweii. have torn and 133' 141477 Look for the sqot. (Advertisement.) Amplifying his position, Mr, Brandéis Prof. J, M. Mann went to Csrthsgei N. M. bsstlle been out and modern a .complied Tuesday morning In answer to a request steel cages will be Installed in their' place. presented table from, the couege completed "wllf 'The Girl From the West" ' BEFEAT8 JAMES. to sup- to tne autnorities tor neip in 'When' this section is work ALHAMBRA Jare;..... i.f..l.X.807S J.ME statistics Introduced by the carriers J lie nature and cause or an un- commence on Beloved Adventurer Serlos port their claim that revenues fallen the remaining section. had usual ailment among the cattle or that com- A complete new plumbing and heating TOtilS 733 679 Brave rileher Defeated Brown Pilch- - off greatly In 1913 and In July and August or DEAN, DORE and DEAN 4 Is. by munity, some lo.ooo worth or cattle having system be installed the High game Courthesuc, 203; Carr, 303. the same Name. the current year. This indicated, he said, already succumbed to the disease. From will and build BlnginB, talking ft er.of ing and In first-cla- and danclnir I High total Carr, 'STO. By iht uoclaUd Prct that while there had been an'sa.ooo'.ooo de the information, received here It seems thst repainted otherwise placed trio who tnko the audience by Points won Co'urehesue, 3; Carr, I.' Oct. crease, in gross revenue August, the trie estile are poisonca from eating some and thoroughly sanlurycendltlon. Seattle, wash., soBUL James of last - - storm. Mllliean - an Mob.- - nnilnna nlánl; r Several thousand dollar will be spent on Strike outs and Conrcbesue. the Boston Nationals. Who was the main- actual result had been Increase or VaUghan gave Margin Two pins, coo In net revenues, rito gross Prof. John H. a very' Inter the work.' MUSICAL SHIRLEYS stsy of the Seattle Northwestern league decrease in est nr address at tne y. n. c. a. Tuesday Pending completion JFoul Judge Mcuttman. team .two years ago, appeared on a Seattle revenues, he said; was due to the Euro the of the work, a night on tho European war. He discussrd number of the prisoner bavo been pro- Beautiful scenic eloctrlcal & GRECIAN diamond again1 today, pitching the. Na pean war without doubt and with the de- na- t- for particularly tne surrenngs or neutral vided' quarters the county combined wlth musto of ford No. 6 tional against James or the St. crease in business' handled would go an in tions In times of war. using the oresent with at jail. It class mako I expected the Improvements com- the first their TODAY-OU-R ford 158, ICO- -4 Louis .Americans. The Nationals played crease in capital cost.because or idle equip- war as an illustration of that fact, citing will be not one of tho best' over seen 1, inn ana as exammes. pleted within weeks, Jlelrtrlck 149 13 130 411 a weak game in the .field, and .the American ment.. Yet that element, he argued, was united states ' ueinum hero. 'Armstrong S3 lift 103 3)0 won easily. 4 to II Bush Ditched cne upon' which thé commission had only though or course Belgium's sufferings are ...... 4..... greater or United Best care sta, Today's Pictures: MSt, 103 - .155 167 Americans. the opinion of various witnesses as far than those the States, ante, nil amera. Pbaaa MUTUAL GIRL '...... f,.,,.,: is? thdjlasHrintBgifor the to.lt ner very existence as a nation oeing in- (Advertisement) O McCue":, ,..,160 144 I Í1 , rt, II. E. duration. say. "WIIíTj. TIIK WISP" ....,.?..;.. Score'r'i. i ii ,' volved, to nothing or untold destruc A we'll Nationals 1 4 4 tion or- life and properly, while the. United TO VOTE ON ACREAGE REDUCTION. acted .drama and two Totals ,....7W C73 ceo sobs' Americans-..,- .. 4 3 1 MESILLA PARK, N. M. States has suffered only In a ftnanclal way. This week's vaudeville at the Bailey No: 7- . ', In view of the sufferings of Question - ALHAMBRA Is undoubtedly if - V, Batteries lames and. Kllltfer: James, Correspondent company to Be Submitted at General Elee- BaUey .1..;... 147 110 134 309 Bush Henry. By Timet Special Prof., Yaughan exhorted the large, lion me oesi yet orougnt OTHER GOOD ...w and 29 D. young men to a Next Tuesday. to tnis ,.V.....' 146 140 114 443 Mesilla Park. N. M.. Oct. Prof. E. of present take atand Roscnrcld Merrill of Dio department of entomology, has against war and to use all their Influence Bprdal Wrt to The Timet theater. Machold 117 128 155 430 See Made in America Page, Sunday Times. returned rrom a visit to tne nome or nis to make impossible such a spectacle as Is Austin'.- - Texas. .Oct 29 The cuestión of PICTURES ÍOaddls 165 183 169 .523 110 in gold for the best .rewritten ad. parents in Guthrie Center, Iowa. En route now seen, .in Europe. tbe desirability of a law limiting the acre- - Get this Eastman Camera for Next Sunday In whatever way you spend the day you will find that this camera will make it doubly enjoyable, for with it you can make good pictures of all the good times you have, of your home, your friends, and everything else you care about

. , ifsmu. t Everybody in El Paso Should Have a Camera

'. . Amateur pKotofTaphy has been made so easy, arid there, i .such plaáauraiánd satisfaction. In picture yyith our perwwrm W'eata in them, that one who hasn't a camera is really; depriving himself of a jjXMtctW of pleasure, whiohwé could otherwise have, with practically no effort on his part.

So it is that arrangements have been made by tho presa of the country, as represented by the most en- terprising newspapers in the various cities, and the Eastman Kodak Co., by which a fully reliable, simaly, operatad camera can be placed in the hands of everyone. K r

Actual Size The Times kaa tWan selected to nuke the diitrtbutkm in EI Paso, Times strongly recommends" ' of Camera athe '7 its raaters.ta eassf thase excallent little cameras before the Atriijwtáen is over. ' lVfjtktM 2x3 ft " ' ' - picture. j mm tteTtaeé'erMYou Ycni undoubtedly have friends who should be subscribers té i a live,, enterprislnf ;japr as the the Premp 1 'Ki Tirneij. Camera No, the Times sloes not ask you to get their subscription er eanvass them in any yray, ' , On aaotker mvga mf 'lim issue ye will find a camera Fill out the aoutse and present I a well mack, substantial camera in every nepact. It loactt in daylight, ; cufeeL at;' Times st4ramm 9, IOC Teams St, together with the MmiatJ tmm'Ml,S9, and the 4Mmeram pack, iWekr irautctfnatic'huUer far tima and srwp iW expoeurM, an3 a carefully 4 of eeroislete f4ietefmphk..mstructios, asid sabsedptiofi to the monthly ma fajsme, am atryeurs. J j, . ' , tit tHd r4mi4cu4i tit el tiM vaty.fí aUty. Each camera wtifihroughly f TAKE AWTANTAGE Qf THO UNPARALlJetLED OFFER AT OM(X Kskk-Compan- y toH by tlw Eaittmaii batfara k k sant t. Z , it a - . Jt

ft" Oobo--W SO. EL PASO MOWING-TIM- FiU ltf the NKt Unite! Stat Stinat. t. smalt We stmt jwtted e alt thee won Carranca Leve Taste of Pevraf boot, howtmw, omM not lttw hi ewsm City The elecdofio held throughout UHe4 up tho sword 1" Tho vateo of Christ aneo molo Information reaching tke border from Melco tho "Put sysUMr slsel. exceedingly November wW, tncludo tho ftrst Utao Mm choice Speaks, In tho yaiwos of tho oankost'a rear. tee, ad ws artslr twr m im Yeor Indicates that ths tasto of power Is pleas- i for fcetore r ht tfoitoo- O'er ftolda of corn by flory okklo reaped had demsad a cerk Jacket Kb PAPO JIM KB WMrAllt,. to Q en. Venusttano and ho looks of United senators, who are now téetM by otar. ant Carranza, that And loft dry asnos; over tho trenches hooped a torrttsm tho war all. a Mea tt(rrt la n rostotrics it El raso, Tejí, a Mcow-e- Upon own one of greatest calami- direct voto íofathe people Instead of by st4o legisla- dead; etilo slow trMta his retirement as the With ñámeteos o'er starving waoned ftefcere mere dead than ftHra. FmHy tsm ties that couid the Mexican nation. In fact, tures, as formerly, And from present InélcaMoiw the Under a rain of Are; through wardo of woo overtake of the steamer wore rescued by miiuuno, tM-- boutiv ontoo STKErr. next senate Wltl show an Increase of üeme-cra-t I o Down wnicn a groaning diapaoen runa tr Tttm General Carranca, ts o enamored of the Job of direct- brothers, and Mo calleatt comrades) 4s Asares it eommuAleaiMni lo From tortured husbands, loven, toé boat. Lieutenant Jeltkéé ing the destinies of the Mexican natldn that he has members, far-of- THK MOHMWO TIME. El. fAljO. TBXA.V Of desoíalo women In tho their f homes. rewarded or the beard oi trad wHU meas. convention ho Twelve southern and southwestern state aro to bo Waiting heat1 comeo) lnr sent word to the Agussesllentes that to the stéft that never ototy How loot tho modal is the story O men bo Tho et bo would only resign as first chief upon the condition that classed as strictly Democratic- In the selection of United and brother! let that voko heard. escape TfcH War falto, try peace; put up tho useless sword I Admiral JeUteee'a second from death. Den. Francisco Villa retiro from the army and o Otates senators at the Impending election. Tfcoee will eommamsj fOflRlOlf ADVEntlílNO BEPnESEWTATIVEÍ. a ocowrod on 22,'lSll, when he was in Bul d ng. Zapat his command to a man to be be J. W. Smith,' of Maryland, JNcknam, of XoMMokyt Juo Mew Tort, p. C. Heekwith Special Aireney, Tribuns surrender Fear not the end. There is a story told of Admiral Tyrew's ftammlp Victoria, which was nwt CMrsfO, . a Beexwttti Special Airenry, Tribuna Dulldlnr. named by Carranza, Stone, of MIOMuri: Mark Smith, of Arkansas! Under Eastern tents when autumn nights grow cold, KjHH, a.,c Dtekwim pedal Arcncr. liirit han Bin Biar. In into and sunk by tho Camoerdown ln tho MsdHsN It Is evident from tho promulgation of this proposi wood, of Alabama; Clark, of Arkansas; Flotchor, of And round the ftro tho Mongol shepherds alt City Colleetors--O. Morgan Millar, Ed gravo response listening unto It; ranean, resulting In tho loos of 109 lire. At 1M Auihorltsd Ulb. tion that General Carranza has no Intention of retiring Florida; Hoke Smith, of Georgia; Broussofd, of With mm sienon. Once, on the errando of his mercy ben!, time of thto terrible catastrophe Admiral Jelllooo was I from his present position uhlcss forés Is applied to Louisiana; Overman, of North Carolina! K. D. ftorith, SUBSCMPTIu.l RATES. Buddha, tho holy and benevolent doWn with a sharp attack of fever and was eonOnod MUI ln Adranee.) compel him to tum loose. He knowa that ho has no of South Carolina, and Gore, of Oklahoma. Met a fell monster, hwre and floreo to took. blink. crash eamo he struggled STem Dtlly and Sunday, en yesr ....t4.oo Is Is possibility Whose awful volco tho hHhs and forests shook. to bio When the 4.CQ right to make the retirement of Villa and Zapata a It said thcro a bare of Progressives Dttly nd Sunday, sli months i,,.. "O son the giant cried, fata his bunk and staggered on dock clad, only w Mi umij ana sunaay, inreo monini ...,,...... f.M contingent of his own retirement, and his demand in being chosen In four states, Indiana, Colorado, Nevada of toacet" "thr Pally and Sunday, on Booth .75 la seated at last, and love shall yield to hate." pajamas. He stood on the bridge with ftao m his Toe Sunday one year 4 that direction ts an Insult to tho Intelligence of the and Oregon, but there la not much aporehenele en looking, mo Times, V The unarmed Buddha with trace hands ready for signals, when Suddenly the great , (By Carrier.) convention at Aguascallentes which haa assumed tho that acore. Of fear or anger, In tho monster's face. Pally and Sunday, one month .71 Republican In pity aaldt "Poor friend, eVen tnee love." vessel sank, and he was flung Into the whtrlln waToa. Kpanisb edition aame ratea a English. direction of Mexican affairs. The successors of sixteen senators will I hhSMOlf, sky-ta- ll , to do much to' iare evidently impending election; Perkins, Cali Lot aa he spake the terror sank Too weak with fever General Carranza Intends to turn loose be chosen at the of size; the huge abtcrrer.ee shrank perished It not boon reaueiled notify thm huilneis offlre to that sffeel To he would undoubtedly havo had la only under compulsion, and there are some evidences fornia; Brandcgee, of Connecticut; Brady, of Idahd; and dove; , postorrice addreia tn full, ineludtnr county and aula. Into the form fashion of a for a young midshipman who helped him to struggle nemu ny money oraer, orari or reirmerea mier. that ho Is even willing to compel Ms country to again Sherman, of Illinois; Cummins, of Iowa; Brtato w, of And where the thunder of Its rage was heard, sweetly aang fcway from tho sinking ship. Admiral Jotllcoe'a modal undergo the horrors of an Internecine strife before be Kansas; Galllnger, of New Hampshire; Root, of Now Circling above him tho bird: ii Tell operator which etnployt or "Hate hath no harm for love." so ran the song; went down with tho rest of his property, and when cotmectinr departments. wilt surrender his present control of tho situation. York; Grfenna, of North Dakota; Burton, of Ohio; wnai aepantneni you wnn ana connections win do miao. "And peace unweaponed conquers every wrong." the board of trade was informed of the loss tho haro After to p. m. and on Sunday arternoona and bolidaya) the fol- Another very ugly feature of the situation was tho Penrose, of Pennsylvania; Crawford, of South Dakota; ' John O. Whltjler. lowing departments will anawcr direct! wastold that he could have another medal by paying attempted assassination of den. Francisco Villa a few Bmoot, of Utah; Dillingham, of Vermont; Jones, of Ml.,, Mtnarar COM..,. Editorial and Ileporter for It. M.. Society Ed. and Bat. Mgr. tOSI...... Adr. and Ctrc Depta. days ago by an emissary from Mexico City, who ac- Washington, and Stevenson, of Wisconsin. History Repeats Itself. the ralla 10 the paper promptly, notify ,o Adrelrat Jelllcoe's third brush with death occurred If carrier dtllrer knowledged that he was sent to Villa's headquarter Of these sixteen states it will be resdlly recalled Chicago cTcr sny 01 me move leiepnonea. Journal. on land, when he accompanied Admiral Seymour, on upon for the purpose of killing htm. that Utah and Vermont are tho only ones that were History' has partly repeated Itself in odd fashion Any trroneoua reflectloaa Ihs aundtnr. character or his Unsuccessful attempt to relievo the Peking lega- reputation or any person, firm or corporation, which may Tho situation at Mexico City has evidently reached carried by tho Republicans In tho last presidential during the. last few days as regards both Belgium and appear In the columna of The. Tunea, will be gladly corrected tions during the Boxer rebellion. upon ita Detnr croutut to me attention or ins management. the point where a strong hand Js necesoary to grasp election they are the only ones that gayo Taft their Belgrade. - FJndlpg themselves In a hopeless' position, hey control of the situation 'and oust the scoundrels who electoral votes. In these'states, however, the result 1 'When Franco Germany went to war 1870 and in decided to retreat to Tientsin. On the way they dream removing men who are In their way through vory uncertain. ts believed tho Progressives are Belgium More Southwestern Progress. of It was thén, as later, "neutral." than Sighted' a large body of covalry, and. mistaking them the medium of the hired assassin; The man1 who era going to capture a few of them, and It Is morally cer thirty yeans all powers had solemnly The Tom Heed mine, at Kingman, Aria., haa Juat earlier the for a relieving force of Cossacks, signalled them. To ploya an assassin to do his dirty work Is Infinitely tain that Democrats are going to be elected from sev "recognize .the Independence of shipped the customary our rolden bricks to the pledged themaelves to their surprise the cavalry opened fire, and In Ihs worse than tho assassin, and the situation at Mexico era! of them. Conditions are not like they were when Belgium as a neutral state." And when Holland United States mint for Septemberaworking, worth struggle that followed Captain Jellicoe, as he then was, City Is evidently ono the decent Mexican peoplo can state legislatures controlled and were amenablf to the Belgium recently been detached) about 1100,041. (from which had charging at tho head of his men, was shot through not long tolerate. purchasing power of the almighty dollar. sign treaty, a French and refused to this combined the lung. This wound was dangerous e'nough, but It constitutional generals who' have assumed the From all Indications It seems to bo a very oafs bet English and a army were to the VV. O. Varrlndale, president of the Arkansas Valley The fleet French rushed was made much worse by tho next five daya' retreat direction of affairs Until a president can be legally that President Wilson will have a bigger majority to see Dutch land In Netherlands mike the Dutch reason. The to Tientsin, harassed by the enemy most of tho time. evidently bf really htm In next senate ho has In the present Curry county. New Mexico, has spent the past several chosen, are awaro the situation that with the than saw It and signed. exists In capital. one, and means additional stiffening, no doubt. outbreak Franco-Prussia- n Bel- days In Clovls, looking after the sale of a considerable the national that At the of the war Miss Lee Abhors Thought of War. for the presidential spinal column. gium ln position aho stood ' portion of the property. It Is understood that moro realized what a ticklish London CorrespondenceiNew York Tribune. The American navy department has completed a country, forces. than 1100,000 Is inyolved In the deal. an a buffer in the path' of both hostile Miss Mary .Lee, the, only surviving daughter ot new gun of a new type, which la said to be There died in, his' Virginia home a few days ago, promptly put little army on a war footing So she her Gen'.! Robert E. Lee,1 who haa Just reached' London tho largest and most destructive. naval englno of war Capt. Robert E. Lee. youngest son of tho hero of tho adopted every With new exhibits, new speakers, and better ln and rushed it to the frontier, and from Hamburg via Rotterdam today, gave a striking In the world. This gun, It la said, can throw a shell Southern Confederacy. Captain Lee Joined tho artil- aa every way than ever before, the agricultural demon other possible measure for defense. Just she' has Interview" at Hyde Park hotel, whero she wilt stay of 2,600 pounds weight with an effective range of IS lery service at tho outbreak of the war as a private now. done. Btratlon, run annually by tho railways and until she sallariOr America. ,. miles. 'X new artillery' monster, which tho war de- and took part In numerous engagements. He 1 crisis the agricultural extension service of the University of The tiny neutral state's danger at this aroused "I am a soldier's daughter and descended from a partment officials claim will probably be superior to later promoted to the rank' Of captain of artillery England. gov- Arizona, will leave Phoenix on November 18. It Is tremendous excitement ln The British long tine' of soldiers," she said) "but what I, have seen Oorman. alego guni that destroyed .ihafo.rta.fct Llego and served on the staff of his brother, Gen. W. H. F. Its to planned to effectively cover thp entire state, and the ernment formally "declared Intention maintain of this war, mnú What I can foraee of this 'misery and Antwerp, Is being planned and will probably soon Lee, Belgium." The, government fanners are all showing, a lively interest In the under tho Integrity of British which must follow, made me very nearly a be built. have taking. . also warned' both France and Germany to keep their woman. The Drlttsh Earl of Egfemont has a hórae that la neutrality Bel- hands off and "not to violate the of A battalion of Lord, Kitchener's new army was Cholera Is assuming alarming proportions in Gali always entered ln the races as Potoooooooo, and the Some extensive Improvements Inaugurated by the gium." marching by directly beneath the room Irr which. Miss cia and Hungary and is increasing with great .rapidity, explanation Is that the name of the steed Is Potatoes, Germany willingly agreed. tho telephone company at Sanderson, Texas, have Just France and And Lee was speaking. They started to sing '"It's o .Long according to the latest reports from that section. Ten but wlien-th- stable boy forgot how tcrnpell tho word kept. throng sol- been completed, to the great satisfaction of Sanderson agreement' was True, a of French Way to Tlpperary," and Miss Lee, who hadnever thousand cases were reported in ono day among the and, wrote Pot and finished with,"elght os, the lncl September", 1S70, people. New poles have been erected, new wires diers,' fleeing from Sedan, early In heard this now .Imperishable muslo hall ballad went soldiers at Kashau, and It is said about CO 'per cent dent ms,de such aft' impression on the earl that ho Belgian border. they came stretched and new cables Inaugurated. A new and poured over the But to tte window and stood for some timé silently look- of the coser are fatal within a few hours. Tho authori- adopted that method of expressing his horse's name. through necessity and not through choice, be- switch board will also be installed before thither ing at column "of khakl-cla- d men below .her, When ' powerless to- epidemic, It is the com ties are combat the and cause It was the nearest haven of refuge. And on éyes the contemplated Improvements are entirely four-legg- chicken, she turned to speak again there were tears in her said the Russians gavo up tho Invasion of Hungary An Atlanta man has a and tho they were duly pletcd. their arrival laid down their arms and and her voice broke. In order to save their troops from tho contagion. Incident but serves to Illustrate how nature seeks to "Interned." to say,' said, look- overcome-- every discrepancy in. her domestic economy. "Myather often used Miss Lee comes-repor- ts . Austria's recent attack on Belgrade la not a novel orí From Itoswell, of abundant d ing straight a table which was a picture of Lord The latest lists of casualties published In German It Is reasonable to suppose that a chicken at rains, which are said to hnveextended over all of experience for either the attacker or the attacked. lit Kitchener, autographed by "K. of K." himself no newspapers show that the claims of tho British' and stands a much better chance to outrun a Georgia coon army awfully arrayed," has "boldly eastern New Mexico, which puts an excellent season t fact, "an Austrian longer .Ago than lost Christmas, "that war is torrlbte French troops that they havo wiped out German bat than an ordinary fowl. It a in the ground for fall wheat sowing, and from all re- by battery beselged Belgrade," so often .that has should be very lost. I remem- talions absolutely correct. infantry alternative and the have Clovls going are The reserve got to be almost a habit. Here is the list: ports the and Portales countries are to A Now back Paris, accosted a re bered those words in the lost three months, and' I regiment No. 17 lost ln one battalion S00 wounded: in Yorker, from First, in MIS, when Belgrade was a Turkish posr almost break the record for wheat sowing this fall. the often wonder and wonder,, with many misgivings,' If another battalion of the same regiment' 740 .were spectacle woman on streets, and said ln explana only session. Austria captured and held the.clty; to in case war was "As say, killed at battle of tho Mamo'. Ilescrve infantry tion he had been, absent seven years and wanted this the last alternative. I the lose It again In 1690. .Second, In 1717, Prince Eugene's got, my The commissioners' court of Jtecvca county has 60 see If customs had changed. Ten days' service in tho I am a soldier's daughter and first full view regiment No. had "unassessable loss," and such Austrian army wrested Belgrade from the. Turks aftor ' ordered an election for November 31, to voto on Uto workhouse gavo him something of a change that ought of life ln the dark days of one of the world's great' phrases as "innumerable losses," "tremendous number a flerco struggle, and for twenty-tw- o yeara Austria formation of tho Toyuh valley Irrigation district, and him wiser. civil wars, but It has been an altering experience for dead and wounded," follow the names of several to make of city. the people of the Toyah valley section are Jubilant remained ruler me to watch, one. week In Germany and the ''next German regiments, came half century of Turkish rule, over the action taken, for It Is a foregone conclusion President Wilson says the Democratic party Is tho Then another week in' England, the handsome, the; strong and the again that the voto for the irrigation district will bo an over only real Instrument with which anything can be ac after which the Austrlans stormed and seized bravo of both "Countries marching away to kill or to Henry G. Kttlston, an amorous youth of 99 years, Belgrade, holding years time, then losing whelming one, and it will pot to long until tho now oompllshed for the American people. And It Is notice it three this get kilted, perhaps to return no more," perhaps to re- has just taken his fourth spouse In Grand Rapids, it again to the Servians temporarily' at least ln 1807. so portion party to Woodrow useless men. ,, enterprise, which means much for that of Mich., and It Is surprising that during all these years abls that the Democratic has have turn maimed and way. Is to really effective. "My say It west Texas, will be well under Irrigation a and amidst all thoso experiences Henry should not Wilson behind It become father used to was' not those killed in In Toyah How Jellicoe Dodged Dath. a quick always glorious success the section. have learned bettor. battle, often and a death for That the New York board of education disqualifies Pittsburgh Gaiette-Tlme- a soldier, but those who were orlppled and mangled La. N. SI., say crop mothers for employment as teachers, la pretty con- say Providence sits up After Reports from Luz, the largest The Germane havo established civil administration For ttjcy there's a aloft. and enfeebled that faced the war a world that ever produced In section of clusive evidence that the New York board of educa- To keep watoh o'er the life poor they could no placo of the finest apples that In tho Belgian city of Ostend, and about the first civil of Jack. not understand and that had for tion must have come into this world without any myself, New Mexico Is now being gathered for market. Many business transacted was tho formal demand for them. I think of all this, and ask Why must mother. long ago Im- 7 trees In the orchards havo absolutely broken down $1,000,000, to pay for the wear and tear on the Ger DIrdln'a familiar lines must havo (t be What can be worth It?' I feel close to the ndcr tho Immense load of fino fruit, and It ts reported pressed themselves on tho mind of Admiral Sir John English people, and1 particularly close to the English man military machine In taking the town. When General Villa appeared at Aguascallentes a that thousands of crows are dopredatlng upon the Jellicoe, commander-in-chie- f of the British home fleet, army. J have known many English officers and their . unexpectedly a few days ago. the peace conference In fruit to such an extent it is necessary to keep boys General Auffenberg, who was removed from his for surely no sailor has experienced moro narrow wtves and daughters. session there Is said to have immediately 'arrived at ln the orchards every day armed with shotguns to command In the Austrian army after meeting with a squeaks. Three times he" has escaped death by little "Last winter ln Egypt I had tho privilege ot aeeins''" the'concluslon that it was In the midst of hjt water. keep tho feathered thieves away. number of defeats, expresses tho opinion that scarcity short of a mtracls. something of Lord Kitchener, and I have high adm!- -' , exciting episode In his career occurred In ration him. much of I see n Eng. . of coin will probably soon bring the great European Lord Roberta tells the British nation to stop talk' The first for But what the hus been a splendid crop weed 1880, was serving as a on H. M. S, llsh press seems hysterical There of alfalfa war tu a close. Ing about German atrocities and get ready for war. when he lieutenant and without reason. The raised In lower Salt valley, In tho vicinity Monarch, near Gibraltar. The weather was thick and spy Instance, and the ceaseless-callin- g the river "Boba" s now eighty years of age, and still talks mania, for tho of Phoenix, Ariz., year, and on the Brewster stormy, early one morning a Glasgow steamer, vandals. I have known many Ger- this Japan Is continually forwarding to us a bouquet of with such sense as to attract universal commendation and tin Germans Huns and ranctCln particular, tho second crop. cutting han Just with the assurance of her honorable Ettrlckdale, was stranded off Europa Point,' on the man military men, and I cannot believe that these averaged 60 pounds per acre. J. D. Wcdgaworth, friendship, but It will be readily noticed that the yel- President Wilson has yet to Inform us whether or Spanish coast, about three miles from Gibraltar, with men are what English .Imagination has painted them. of Palo Verde, has also made two ropa of. seed this low boys continue to gather under their wings all tho not wo are to remain neutral with regard to the pend heavy seas breaking over her. All attempts of her From the beginning of the war I have been neutj-al- l year. Ills first crop on it aerea: showedup 20,400 islands held by Germany in the Pacific. Ing Mexican affair. But perhaps he expeeta his old crow to get the vessel oft failed. I havo tried to follow President WJlson'íT advice la pounds, while the second cutting crop brought him admonitions to still hold good. The Monarch had gone out for target practico and word and deed. My sympathy la. with suffering 15,800 pounds, worth from 9 to 11 "cents per It la stated In a London dispatch that a largo num had left all her boats but ono small ono heblnd. See- wherever It exists, with the brave men who are, fight-ln- r pound right at the thresher. Thcro will bo from 2( ber of Americana are among the Canadian .troops now , Future historians will bear evidence and testimony ing the almost hopeless position of the steamer, the and suffering in the trencbes'and wltl? tho brave to 2S cars of seed from. Buckeye, Liberty and Arllng being propared for the front, and If such Is the case to the fact that we sometimes have a very level commander of the Monarch called for volunteers, and women who In practically all homes of Europe are tori districts this yer, Ihey aro quite Hablo to beat tho Canucks to It. headed state legislature to assemble in Texas. Lieutenant Jellicoe and seven seamen got Into tho waiting and sufferings."

POLLY AND HER PALS-- - Pa Never Had an Eye for Fashions, Anyway. By STERRETT

' 1 I '!3sSalWsSSSBTt" . ..!. J ilB 1.1 I l . IStoCkfcoJ II. I m' mi im. hi, fvict lM SrkXKto! rOH! I Ste! t .TJStVW AT I I A PtTnCfMT, aBa 1 A PtTnCfMTí I A I a r ' I , w r fL. I V jsssssK? . 1


il '

' 1 i

f VasWTaasssssssssssssssssmjesltf.li1s ' .' iHl iftnrtiMBft - - fa. hi, 4. . .ju"- ;, , ELf paso morning mmmmmmmtÉÉÉÉttáítlÉm times.. IÉBB a kcsHHttti sew of yetiew ww aiik rib Amreies, cat., where ihe wllf apeiid soma time vlsitisf iter staters. KELEASE YESSEL3 Mfi. w c Aum irTOiimrrmi tn Mr, and Mrs. H. L. i Spehie ittalnr4 Dallas and Waco, Tesas. , Rrlttsk tioteramert Kites Asuree H Will JasfNtsHkM Wiurninf. a number of intimate friends Moat tfcllght Not Hold Vfwli Now Bclatatd at fully on Wednesday (evening ai their home, Mft. W A. Taytór and children WIU be GltraHar. 0 4 Ml DaHss street, with a fetfeey dinner, in Big Springs the real of the week, visit-In- g i Hie occasiefi being their seventeenth wed the former's sister, Mrs. J. B. Slsk. The Japanese early sought, for tha Hit SU i dm anniversary. The decorations Were IhtAtéottaltitl'rri truth, and their earliest knowledge very attractively tarried out tn plhk and Mrs. Warren Letla and little son,, John, Washington, Oct. w. After a conference was the principio that their strength A between Sir Cecil Spring-Ric- e Acting White. cut glisa bowl or pink and while will arrive In ihe city this morning from ahd They chrysanthemums and aatnty melsttn hair Columbus Junrtlon, Iowa, to Visit Mrs. Tom Secretary Lansing, or the sute department. depended on a henlthy alorriach. hurst. MstUme a C. McDonald. II l'av. rents on a reriector were combined to Lea. They will remain here ror some lime. It was staled authoritatively that Oreal eat very ilttle and practice "JIu-Jlta- ser, Wi rentland, o. L. Meintyrei W. S. form a centerpiece. The évenhMT was most lititain would probably reieasp the retseii muscular exercise from youth tip-- (DetMeeted to the BecMers of lb Con tusiace, Kcnncui Nccaiium; game Mrs. 1, E. While IS in from the ranch carrying American copper detained at ' federacv.l rnjoyably spent with music and the The stomach la the center ot the body or rorty-tw- At the cloné of the evening spending a rew days with Mrs. 0. n. oiivfr. Ktve or the past; which our vitality, ' I dreamed dream near Marraste Hcrrslloa. those present presented the host and hos o II was teamed Italian government from radiates - A you by mr sities that the litre sat The reception and musical given last with a rocking rhair, with best wishes Mrs, M. Davis, of Clebourne, Texas, Is already has declared, an embargo on tho ex atrenuoalty, our fightlnt; strength. A , etroMMd tus mu, me l$ i imt jrou rimi wrctt nighi ai Eisv Home in honor or the for manv mora habtiy M versarles. Cov vislllnr relatives In the clly, nortaiion or cupper to thé belligerent conn itenithy atomach turna the food we of supreme Miss M. flowers lady commander. Mus ers were laid for Mesaré, and MSsdames trie.4, but the not for- OUt Souift in .tier pride, that notification had eat Into nourlahmont for tho blood or 'the wealth and west, and state commander. Mrs. Laura n E. r, J. McCarthy; John Lovrman. I, H. Mrs. Alary Webb has left ror ron Worth mally reached England, As soon as the fast or tho- (Htm nerves. Dr, Han, Maccabees, was an elaborate II. Birney and I. J. Ayefs, Miss to visit her son. She win also visit her Is through official channels, Mr and the Pierce's Ah, lias painted you Wlflsns. I. communicated Oolden Medical Discovery dear onel Nature with affair and enjoyed by all present. The Dorothy Wmans and Jt4tn Cribs. Mls sister in Dallas before returning home. per- refreshes k' me steamers nesunea to naty win ne tonen up tho walla. rlcsest brush; Kesri Spent entertained the following o mitted to continue their voyages, according and stomach Ahd in my.dreamlnsr I look into your eres C. L, Ovvrstrret. A quartet rompo of Mrs. B. Cochrane has let! ror East Texas the poisonous gaaes front tho red children! Madeline Blnwy, Lucilo and t. to the view of British orriciala here, unless ryntem. , . of.olended Muej L. Britten, K. Katlna, n. r. Jsekson. and I,. Frances Ajers. Mailrlce and Robert Win' to visit her mother, iiev. Cochrane will some other circumstances In connection your wave gave - The first day you start to take, this And caress hair, a or silvery Oreenleaf, several musical selections ant, joim and nobert Lowman. leave this morning ror Artesla,- where . he with the ships not yet reported, develop. Mb reliable medicine, Impure germs anil . 111. i which were, very entertaining. Mrs. Jose- Wilt be the pastor or the Southern Methodist yet Sweden and kl or It Is not known whether accumulations begin to separate In the And those lips the .icxtnre a rosej phine Forbes, commander or the Kl 1'aio Xaarr tianee at Wert Vkla cluh. church, there. llreeco havn declared embargoes on tbaex-- . nun. Hive, gave a miss what Mood nnd ore then expelled through ou ucrjrcr welcoming address snd A dinner dance was held last night at That's ponauen or copper. Liver, bowels Kidneys: Bins M. west responded; Miss Anna Dr. t. M. Richmond and wife, who have tho and the West Yaleta Country ciub by a party or you twsf, and the re- placa ar- There, ls sunshlno after shadow and, atolaroff rave a piano solo, which was been In Chicago the past tnonih are ex- incidentally British ambassador In ot the Impurities, thé kit rasoans. Among inose present were: Cal negotiations Were nnd veins trradaally get fresh dreanul not in vain, highly applauded. Mlas Stolarorr Is one or ti McCllntock, that's) what pected home Sunday, vealed that well under teries Mr. and Mrs. H. ft. Mr. and way Orcat neu- blood tho action of this nut as real as "ilio very flowers thai F.I Paso's most able musicians Howard Mr. Mrs. II. umet is guaran- between Britain and alt ihe vitalised and bend Mr. A. nowlMdi. and James neu- good blood on skin means and meet," Down gave a vocal soloi Miss Lsura B. Harl Mr. and Mrs. R. M, llsrvey, formerly or tral countries of Europe whereby the the that Parker, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart. Mr. teed to fflv government In rase would act as pimples, bolls, carbuncles, eczema, . And your Uro so puro and grand addressed the order, and I lie quartet closed M. Mr, Mrs. W, El paso, who have been living In tral each and Mrs. II. Sims. and W. consignee of alt products as rash, acne and all skin blemishes Will "That In., sweetening- others, may grow the program with a musical selection. Miss Ft. Brown, you Texas, returned lo JEl Paso and are the classed it Barbee, Mr, and Mrs. W, Misses contraband, The machinery ot disappear. Then you must remember West and Mrs. Hart were presented wjttt Clara Uuratneud at home at Dorbandt Place, several miles conditional Bar's. Fink, Fink. arrangement has yet lieen per- that when tho Mood la right, tho liver, beautiful bouquets or newer by Mrs. Cora MSyfleld, Fejghton, Anna. is Mire down the valley. this not Francis Gertrude It la fected, It Is Intended to pisco tho stomach, bowels and kidneys become) A day dream, a day dream, a day dream nroyles and Mrs. Annie O'liear, in behalf of belt Nick. Llnnlo M. Walcott, Mrs. J, X. but vigorous you perfect leavea 111 guarantee neutral government healthy, nctlvo and and or void we oruer. Messrs. Vernon Lynm, Waller Hoke, Miss Molina Hushes, who has been ror will ltnvn no more Indi nrtd raking Im- shipments as to insure against re- troublo with "A day, dream, a day dream of heroes so Those tn charge or the program weret Hart. A. a. Foster, Wallace, Ed Tinker, W, ins Ihe psst two months, is very much gestión, backache, headache and con- . Mrs. snd be among her mends exportation, , truef . , Frank Seotten, Mrs. Josephine Forbes, V Crosby, 8. M. Beat, A. Bardmann, qualities, In proved will out stipation. Dreamlnir by night, dreamlnr by day, Mrs, l.ulu Matties. Mrs. uiiu .Mau(cc jura, owsloy, BiKksaire. it.- m. hicks, nowan. hoiesOeneaeas, in a row days. In tho case of copper already en route Oct Dr. Pierce's Golden iledlcal Dis- Rosaline Ashley and Mrs. Frank. Seotten to Italy, Sweden .or Greece' the nrlUsn covery today at any medicino dealers; A day dream, a day dream, a .day .dream were in charge or the printing, committee. V. B. C. Ball. in purity. Mrs. W. L. Kluttx, or Satlsburg, X C, government will be guided by the ultímale It Is n powerful blood purifier, so pen- BroyleS visiting Dr. Mrs. W. C. Ktutta, at cargo, orrerlng to buy Im- or you; Mrs. Annie O'Rrar and Mrs. Cora The bail last night at the' Paso del is and destination of each etrating that It evon gets at tho or and 1810 Arizona street. copper to consigned indirectly 'Avday dream, a'diy dream,' of you, Just had charge the flowers Mrs. Wlmber. riorte given in honor or the delegates or KPcrfeotly believed bo puro deposits In tha joints and carries " ann jrouI-- .james B, Bowrn, Mrs. Abies, Mrs. Dora pssorssy Mrs. V, D. a to atrupp's ammunition, wonts in uermsny out of the system, the C, was grand success. Never raised, iaelllnff-)- jr C. Mapel, or Ml New them ,1101 Montana St., El Paso. Mattlciwereo'n the refreshment committee. an In ths Mr: and Mrs. J. or Austrian factories. la not n secret remedy for its in- very bal such enormous crowd been bis- street, yesterday afternoon ror plain it (Locirjilsferian.j, If." D. C.) Tho informal but delirhtrui reception Paso del. norte ballroom. Flowers, tints. tender Orleans left The ambassador made It that the gredients are printed On wrapper " ' rollowed tho prdtram. The ball ine rtast ana win do gone several weens. possible friction would ensure If ship- advice or freo on , --o after polled plants made It look so attractive cuit, cake, maf least Tor free booklet pretty and pers coun- V, M. Buffalo, Hiss Ormsbee Entertained. room was desorarcd with carnations and everyone looked their best and a good obtained from the consuls or tho blood, writo Dr. Pierce, and chrysanthemums and potted palms, fins, srriddla Miss Elbe! Brown, who Is visiting Mrs. tries to which they consigned their cargoes N. Y. Miss Jlcta Ormsbee or the Smelter en- - time waa bad by all. punch wss served during b? evenmg The c. cakes,nre boBBsl, George Myers in. Dallas, Texas, will return a certifícalo saying the neutral governments PItEK. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense ter'talned with a very delightful bridge in the receiving line weret Mrs. t. Is ushers wer:, Misses Edna Bcottoflj bale Kelly, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Stewart, or to resalt firest. Tuesaay evening. in question would not permit Medical Adviser sent free on receipt Paul one-ce- expense "party yesterday aftcrnoou, complimentary Slaughter; Mai Shetrield, Charles Carter and Chas, L. Hsmil, or , of 31 stamps to pay and, California: Mesdames its use. MUs Anslee Gaines, Is expected home to ;MlsS Clair Coleman, Miss Wlmber, The ushers ladles assist Elsie I.. Gritting, Dallas. M. B. from The principal object of the British ambas- of wrapping and mallín? only. fícese, tho .house bailas. of New York City, she been visit' was prettily In ing esrrled pretty bouquets of Van Marshall. where has sador's visit to Mr, Lansing was to correct decorated tho color scheme Ferris, llunsvtile. Wert of Ing several months, on Mondsy after, of orange and chrysanthemums J. F, Bunen or Hcarne. Westbrook or Calumet' for an Impression current yesterday that Great whtte.and noon. 0.-- Blanks, tho. Were tn Progresar Club Danes. Blvins, Miss Clara Britain would protest against Secretary sorlstlon. President J. ot used abundance throughout. Mis Aléame. of lnvlew. coca faxther Issued a proclamation today Madge Won The members end ladles otMhe Progress Austin, Miss Octavia Barlow, MCAdoo's order to collectors or customs organisation. Steele the first prize and Mrs. Sterling, of of otlier bak- - Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Myles and daughters setting aside November 17 and is as "gooU th consolation; a very club ertloved their opining dente In ttw Longviewr an ornccrs or titan asking them to withhold from publication LV. Peniland whilé atad toe outer tne Miss Alice Mylet, who havo been visiting roads days." Every able bodied man lu pretty ptn, over the' City national bank, Texas 'division., iiifC powders thii nature, or cargoes until so days arter part or county ex- enameled hat was, presented cluh rooms Yoric to the northern the is to f retty' satutnn. leaves and symbols or in new ana .wssnington,, returea ships had cleared American ports. The to devote, tho two days toward as- the honored guest,' Miss Coleman. At and it's rnoder El Paso Saturday. pected, th close' of the jamb an old witch walked Mitioween were used as decorations Ladle' Bible Class Enlerlalned. t nrltlth ambassador. Issued the following sisting in oi.ening up tho Lordsburg to me ate in cost. statement or explanation; Tucson rt.t.t which the association hopes Inter, thfr.room giving-- ' each: guest a fortune, ibrouahouu Tables were arranged in Mrs. Alien M. Orambimg entertained the ladies desiring to pisy Mr. and Mrs. B. n. DoClemmOns, who "Tho United Slates government his, of to make s part or the Borderland route. and. ,'as. the' fortunes, were read 'aloud, it rarijtiooms,ro.r the Ladles' Bible class or the Trinity Methodist moved to Arls., to hi Sarrord and Solomonvllle, tn Graham oev uanc-tn- Winslow. returned course, a pcrfoct right lo Issue was then announced that Miss Clalrllecse cams, wnue me younger ciijuycu Thursday in her apart-me- 'Insist 'on it whatever county, are with the cochtse ' church, afternoon Paso yesterday and win mane tueir noma regulations It rit. Foreign powers atnilated Coleman,- daughter, or Mr and Mrs. F. C. Punch and, dainty rerreshmcas were In apartments. thinks county organization and an errort is to the Knickerbocker at your grocers. ncret Itavo no reason to complain. In' New York , Coleman, op JSrown street. Was, engaged served during the evening. Among tnose Autumn leaves formed sn errectivo be made lo have tho' two daya observed Messrs. and Mesdamps. A. City this regulation has actually been In county. These two towns hope to to, Allen, Jones or Santa Barbara, Chin. present were; decoration In the rooms. The afternoon RECEIVED visiting Mr. and Mrs, In that Diumentbal, A. Mithlas, ft. Miss Ann Reese Is forco ,for some Tho publication or construct a road from Bowie to Olplie Mex, ..The wedding will orcur at the end A. Kline. S. was pleasantly rpent In sewing and listening HIGHEST a of Mrs. time. N. Solomon. A. II. Qoldsteln, A. AWARDS Ctls Coles. Miss Reese is sister II not a practice and and to eventually make It an automobile 'of the yeari Miss Coleman Is a very popu- - mumenthal. to snusicv Mrs. orirrun tenaerea manifests usual and .saw M. . Callsher, Vlctroia Coles. solely on local In highway to dam the lar young' lady or El Paso. Dlumenthalí Moy, J. n. vocal solo, which added much to tno WocU'a rW Foo4 customs dirrerent valley Martin Zlelonka, A. Sllberborg, 3, EnxwUtaa. Nothing In the regulations pre- Ittver A dainty salid course', was then served pleasure of the party. The hostess, assisted Cklus. STATE SUPREME COUnTi countries. Thero Is already a good road along tho Levy,, D. B. gtrauss. consuls or from and .Miss, Ormsbee. ihado such a very Aronsteln, Ben Cohn. by Mrs. C. Hoard served dslnty rerresh- - vents the neutral countries Southern Pacinc at many places between . t, Prlj EipoJtlon. communicating to tho or belligerents and and thoso familiar charming hostess. Those enjoying Miss C. A. Hirscn, J. frcuueninai., vnaucr Mrs. n. Aycrs, atra. a. a. uircn-flel- Motion to Advance Hearing on Case consuls Lordsburg Tucson vtinlhrrir. n. seaall:- Mesdamek, M. ments. J. rruw.Brab.l9U Texas, as Is now done, as to It believe that the entire highway OrmsBcc's hospitality wcro Julia Coldwell, w. Mr, W, D. Ollllspe, Mrs. Van, wcro olvlng Large Acreage In West details the destina- with Mayer, I. Bluménthal, E. Levy, K. Wolfe, necia I The or the or tha ran b put In ratrly good condition in twi Kate Krauíe, pora". Akin, Mary Lewis, C guests or the class. Wtrsto Tlmci tion of contraband Intention Is given to the q, u. jhisscb Austin, Tex., Oct. S9,-- state supremo government In regard em- days If proper support Madge .Steele, Harrlette Bryan. Emily 'Sat- - xnoJoerg, union;, ..lauiso neutral lo the good roads association, Tha Hedwlg . Maihlas, Levy, Wednesday granted a motion to aa members of Dlumenthal, Ethel Missionary Sotlely Enlerlalned. court bargoes." Southern pacific is in tho Orare Mayer, Eleanor siatmas. rans vanee hearing or the case or the state ,of Demands or American exporting Interests tp be waa ' work. It lias already donated ties Msthtss. Lena Jacobs, Delia Move, Irma Uti. M. L, Cadwallader hostess to va. and Great Northern were responsible McAdoo's along the :or Texss International tor Secretary used in constructing culverts Jacobs, Rebecca Goldstein, Jloso ooodman, the Mtsslonam society tho First Metho railroad company. This case, which comes order. Since ihe beginning or the war the entire route. . nose Aronson, Selma Zelgler, Estelle Levy, dist church, st her ranch eight miles down rrom Harris county, Involves the constitu- old general which gsvo only in manifest Kffie Zelgler, nos Hell, Eslclhs. Goodman, the valley. The party went down autos. tionality of the car shed law which requires vague or the or the stilpM program. protection afforded re- Information details U. S. ARMY ORDERS R. Pxrklns. Carnlvn Block. Beckr Merkln. Miss Brandenburg opened tne that must be tar cargo, a In- GRAY FOLKS an pairers, at terminal poluta of railroads has been replaced by preciso Hilda Jacobs: Messrs. Karl Bltimenthat; Miss Madaltne Flsk played Instrumental voice or all gooda In tho bottom. Shipping solo, while the class sang, "Blessed Be the whore more than rive men are employed tu thti AttaclaM Vrti: Kidney Mayer, Henry lieu, louis uroenoerg, or worx. Interests complained to the treasury bo. Oct. so. The following army - "Binds." Mrs. MacMullen gave a in this character Washington, Kaurman. Maurice ocuwirix, rrie That A to case or C. W partment. however, publication or i.ouii jh- uay ere, motion advance the that the orders were Issued today; Kaurman, U Weiss, irinnr uioc, uniry Sermon, rue topics iur luu PiKl va. stain nf Tmaa was alto granted. these new manifest operated Injuriously Chaplain Timothy P. O'k'eefe, Thirteenth Gray, Faded, Streaked Wkh Gray Wetller. Leo Pervln. Dsve Klein.. Arthur Oriental" and "Where lie ooes rin coming This case Involves the ownership of large to s to the Firth cavalry, by Mrs. the Individual shipper hy acquainting cavalry, transferred Bluménthal, KH Jrunp Joo B. Blaugrund, to America.'' Papers were read tracts or lana in west tbxss. with sp and upon tha explraUon of his present leave Hak Darkened Evenly. ' and Mrs. Valentine and Mrs. Action taken on alxty-on- annllca business rivals his method, They to Sidney i!llman, Chas Levy, It. Weinsteln. Herman Pqrter todav parenliy preferred to hq by for- or absence will join the regiment which M'ss Young g.avi tlons and ten motions. No decisions were searched Myer, Va. Lawtericb Callsher, Ed Itlrscb. Herman Arabian A. Jonea. .Nalo eign "cruisers than to expose ifio details of transferred at Fort s. ana nanoca uawn ujr mo cuun. , So or paragraph speclsl orders . Btrsuss-.-Cha- Schutr, I. Leo a recitation whteir was mucn enjoyed much 1, irerVír a 'chalice to CrV lhé" e'fíeEt óf Winner thirtr private business to their rivals. or 13, as relates lo capt. Charles Haas, or lbu"qucrque, L. Mrs. Pickles gave a consecration over tne aaeo October QrJJan Color I., B. SplU. Wl ssour ba maWclaap.or 01 LEU ROAII EXPERIMENT, C. Allen, Thirteenth inrsntry, Is revoked. Hair Restorer on your - "boxes a prayer. Fehbjnei Jpe Wolfe- Moore B. 8chwrlx. mite and ended wllh kkfagroV. DM'tkthM. BnUnnU It's GOOD HOADS II Y IN COCHISE. hair and scalp with tho, guarantee a I . Él of ...Mll.l New Try Putting Crude oil on Tellable dealer that It won't coat you I Cahwt b lar nvrUt t Mexico Will .Grove's. ono It Bunco for Mrs. Washington. Fort Bliss Concert. Higntvays in liona Ana i.ounij. alliens lo Gel .Out Notrmber 17 and 18 The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill cent unless beautifully darkens noeco nesta announces the lot Ji, Time Special Corrcaiioadcnf to Fix Highway, valuable aa General your Simply Todd. 1017 Mundy avenue. Director J t'p Tonic Is equally hair. apply to hair and Mrs. F. H.i program ror concert to be given N.- en Special contalna wellr scalp, morninsr. lowing the SanU Fe, N.. Oct. state Ml Time Cormpomlrnt Tonic because It the known nlcht and Tho gray entertained charmingly yesterday arterpoon this afternoon at Fort buss' ai s;so p. gineer's orrice will rumlsh one carload Bowie, Ariz., Oct. SO. Acting on Instruc- tonic properties of' QUININE snd IRON. disappears and the is' beautifully Blood, Builds hair home or guest, Mrs. by the Firieenth .cavalty bands, their psstor, Jtev. W. II. Evens, and his wife, or crude oil ror an Important experiment tions or the executive committee of the Drives out Malaria, enriches so evenly at her in. honor her. - soc. .darkened naturally and thor- or March. "Happy Bays" .Wlegand ullli n lllltn nartv. l .ch niruin innV nlnno in oiling gravel roads which Is to be tried Northern Cochise County Good Roads as- up tho Whole System, oughly (even "where Joins W. de llurtbcrn Washington. ,l)ougl. E. the hair the was-- "Encore" .. Klefer some little remembrance and the evening In Dona Ans county. Frsncia Lester, scalp) that no one can tell you have Xrls. The house pretlly decorated Overture, secretary or tho Dona Ana county road applied wltu white., chrysanthemums. The game selection, "ned miii- - ,..,s ..Herbert was spent in playing games and singing, up In addition About eighteen were board, has taken tho matter with the utopa'ltchlng scalp and dandruff and or bunco Was enjoyed during the after- Walts, "Santiago' .. corbin families represented. orrice or public roads at Washington In makes the hair black, fluffy, soft, lus- noon, artér- - 'which a dalniy salad course Song, "Hearts and Fiowrs't.M. ...Tobant " the efrort to secure government trous, beautifully dark and was servedr The' ladles Invited to meet Fantails, "Vision of Salome" ..... Lampe 0. K. P. ClrN. ir the experiment la succcssrui It Is abundant. Intermetzo, ''Love Dance from Madame .Miss Beartrlce Patcman will entertain the likely to result' In the genersl Introduction s harmless, not sticky or messy, Mrs. Washington were Mesdames J. Parker, lilghwsys In War on Groceries at a Glance oeorge urn- - Sherry" - Hoschna O, I'. D. girls at lior home on Montana or the use of all ror public but Is a clean liquid. Try It. Only IL B, McCllntocK. worse, ,.....-,(-.- New Mexico. ' ie street Tuesday afternoon. Special That Can't Be Beat 50c for a big 7.oz. bottle at Kelly & dorfr T Tusclu or Tucson, Arls.r H. J. March. "Mt. St. Louis cadets", ...Laurendu For Domestic Science Exhibit.' Values Pollard, and People's Drug Store, El Simmons. Freeman, V. Spence, J. J. Egsn, "The' star spangled Banner" Miss Manette Myers, state supervisor or Trading Stamps Given on Everything. Paso, Texas. people siip- - Oeorge Caniphulj, S. W, Berkshire, H. T. El. Paso firhoot Girls. Industrial education Issues a pies to all Green piled my jnall Advertisement. - Wsli, V. K. Bagglo, F. Seward, E. nines, Merlino of Missionary Society, The girls of the Ei J'aso School for Girls schools In the state ror in Dntavla Jams, regular 30c, at..... ,... ..20c E, Enrln, Hughes, tl. Sweeney, Tuesday afternoon tne regular mommy are busy making up packages to securing a great exhibit of domestic ll. Frank J. to send training work at the lobby's Orange Marmalade, regular 30c, at...... 200 11. Y, Ellls,J, H. MeBroom, J. W. Lorent-se- meeting or the Missionary society or tha the Xmss ship, for the poor children In science and manual 40e, - ot the state educational associa- Manor House Jums, regular at,.,,..,,, ...23o K. Otto aro- - Baptist' church,- met in tno cuurtii Europe, They were Ihe become meeting II. Christie.. 8. Prewltt, First first to tion in Albuquerque next month, since Its Telmo Jams, regular JGc, at...... 25a Ointlier, D, C. Button, Frank parlors. The topic of the ny was "Our interested In this work. ago torlous, Paul Inception a couple or years this brsnrli 40c, ait - Iñe Most Complete Line of B. Crawrord, II. D, Local Organization." Tho plans for the year New Mexico public, Monarch Pres., regular ...... 23a Turner; White. James or education in the Prea, Ginger, regular 50c, nt ..,25a McGregor; A. J. Fraser, MUse Hsllle Irvln, were read and roll call was csued and SOCIETY PERSONALS. schools has grown phenomenally and the Monarch Mane cioman, Eliza Simmons, Winifred answered by "My Way to Help the Mission exhibir will be made an adequate, exposi- Clubhouse Prep., regular 40c, at. ...280 try Society." A social hair hour was then tion or what has been accomplished in the .Krult and Jellies, quart, regular 10c, at...... ,..S5c Halloween Novelties woods. ,vr. r. wmtiocK. new Smith ar- way or teaching girls or New Pure Jams won Mrs, George spent and the hostesses were, Mrs. r. if. Hubert and family bate the boys snd 3 $1.00. . . . The first prize was by rived iff tho city Alpine, Mexico to their hands along wltli.thdr for t CamphutSr the secorui bjr Mri. T. Brown, Mrs. Schomp, Mrs", Payne, Mrs. from riei. smith iie 3Cc, , i. . Tuscli is the new presiding or El brains, Dundee Currant Jelly, regular at...... 25c by Marte Miss Moore, M' Elisabeth Hall. elder the Paso Route, IN Eli PASO. and the third MlJ cioman. dlatrict of tho M. E. They Good Work on Borderland Many Others Call and Let Us Show You. Winifred Woods gave a piano solo. "Scliop church. South. State Engineer. James A. French, wlio lias Mottoes, Garlands, o Eanlcrna, Card Club. are located at the district parsonage at 11 07 rrom a six days auto tour of thu $1.50 Jack waiu," wmcn was beauuruiiy Silent Twelte East Boulevard, returned Fancy N. M Apples, the box. False Facen and a largo variety or played, also "Valse Chromaltque," by Mrs. Otto Parkins entertained the Silent toads in the aouthern part or the atate as Chase & Sanborn Coffee and Tea, None Better. Indescribably Godard, 'Which was Miss Twelve Card club yesterday ariernoon at far as Silver City and Lordsburg praises excellent. Woods Mrs. P. Cnlflman. of Alnlnft. lit. .t,im.,i most highly the permanent character or IS musician, and her home on Montana street. Mrs. Lvl Sunflower Eggs at 40c; two dor. for 75c GKOTKSQtrá FIGUltKH. a wonderful her selections lo her home, much Improved. In the work now being done on New Mexico's were enjoyed immensely by present. Davis won (he first prize and Mrs, J, Ab health, hav. heavy IXJUll AliTOS AT YOUIt HEItVICH. those log undergone an operation at rtolston roads and saya thai despite recent Mrs. Washington, the guest or honor, was bott the second. Dslnty refreshments were hospital. rain ihe new work everywhere is stand TheEliteCufectrfneryCi. resented wnn a large Japanese rruu ass- served and only the members were pres ing up perfectly. IRULiLi S which; ent. wlw are Meadames V, Puckett, E, THE WEIGHT STORE et, the handlé of was tied with j, Mrs. 1.. nr M.rfa i ... Abbott, T. Oault, A. W. Young, Jnnoi. Tkt..' i. To Ibo Public. Service; Quality Winner, 0. city on account jlluesa,comlng!ib Levis Dsvls, E. it. Fraser, E, M. need. of receive "I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Byra Abbott, medical altenllon. Rftmtdv last winter for a severe bronchial JACKSOK Otto Parkins and Miss say I (bo Kate III Looking. rough and can conscientiously that tMallBurcment at Make you Wo Give Mrs. E. lllgnelt never took s medicine that did me so much Your Kaee the Correct easpe. Miss West to Sneak. left Thursday venlng ror Colorado to apend the winter son good." writes Mrs. u. w. Anarews, An GROCERY CO. Wrinkles, hollow cheeks, baggy eyelids tbat remind one of Miss Bina Weat, supreme commander of with her drews, ind. For salo by all deaier.i. STANDARD tllposs or dluipatlon, supurriuoua. hair and moles that coarsen and daughter. PHONKS 3532.33-3- the ftce, the, United states or tne Ladies or the Advertisement. TJ08.3I0 MIMA. Mscceoees, speaa ai we nign scnooi win Mrs. J. A. While left (Advertisement.) Mrs. this morning at S o'clock, on (he "Weed Monday for Los You are safe at the spoi. op Oenson aad Benefit or Commercial Education to PACK SPECIAUIST CHlCAOO. Room 963, Herald Building, trip corrects. all these defects, fio pam or tecoavealenet. Matty El Women." After 'that an auto will be Paso refrrencea can be given. , taken down the valley to the Valley inn at IP Yateta. where the Ladles or the Maccabees or El Paso have arranged a luncheon for Miss West and Mrs. Laura n. Hart, who Is SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES State commander of the state or Texas, Anta Mde for I p. C. The automobile ride tendered IDs dele Learn Spanish, It Is worm money. Learm it gales or the U D. C. convention wss LINCOLN SCHIOLuttjT soon, lea ra It right. Good OMtbeds. currad New twenty-eig- Don't To Records grand success, machines were Fail Hear These language. Correct translatloaa mada. LANWA6ES rlW. I. efrZALBJt. . oasted by the Ei Paso ladles anal a local IF RoeflM to aadi. (I, Buckler M. taesnber weal in earn carriage ta eipMta I ho stfMs. They rode all over the city and Troupe an declare we are tne siar city or Texas. Q71'jKow sJce Kai ,w. Toot. PW Hwik ft (RorirS) Palca Hawaiian Troupe 1 Rete o Kawlka (The WrtUtkof DvmI. . ...;.tóí Toots Loretto La Cruce, Merry GoMtpees. UO7 lUi JU,, ar.j. The Nemr Qosaioers' sewing club met Tooti Pale Hawaiian Troup at tt h4Mi or Mrs. II. P. Goodwin and C?Q79 iNwipo (To Love) I Academy pkaaaoMr Htmt the eriPmooi (yesterday ft (Shake Your Tooti Paka Hawaiian Troup. tn sewteg. Pretty white and yellow chrya Opü 2Kjwe Ft) anUtrmuaai were arranged In tha entertain, lag room, and a delicious salad course was The above Victor Records) are by Toots Paka and Her Troupe of Singers and Musicians. enjoyed. Qy Hie members were present. FamoujrBjaiian , HeUeMsaa Forty, - Mrs, Lea Orndorff Is entertaining this aft- - emoM v a Halloween party for a num DANCE HIT OF YEAR her of children In the neighborhood tot Mnle Lee- - Virginia. fHE Society Orch hoaoe of bar glrla, and (WHz HesiUtk) .f.McKee'a ,.o . QRQQjMiuetCf Society titeara O O O UMifhty , Rose ( Hesitation) ,í . . . . .McKee's Orch aad Tracker. Uk Tfte orr eers aad teachers or lUe First BantUI church wM bold a aneen of roHt fareace this evening st 1:39, wwti Mrs, Anas ssbbbbbHéIKbHÍsbbbbIbbbH t raaiM, m a, mk urasMe.

: HBiaw-lv- . .V,' ' iUdM mrnd Mm. M. W (Moialoa aatcrialnnd ; ( wsdaeldair rcveavieg at ska YaNey fm 'T02 South El Paio 9&eet wit a deMkHt dsawer. TkrV gweats uers:' Coleael aad Mrs. W. V La1hi. h. w fttauj aUSAjUMMG AMU Ul ftUIIMSL SUM - ton, Jr., Hate M. Mantos, and H, S. Leack, OpeiEvcuiip Üitil8 e'Oock las ckuces. sMMMt for lia cUtaatu asaraiias, ta a amuau sócanos, few mm IM SlalrttttesM at asur Ufa. aaa, Moot aawl tmt aa laartomv. ThaTWildiua kra

I iBMdtuitM rr .atareas ratalasT fes aWsiial, feMoasanasT tmsSm i Wnaaii lir MaaM a mumlttr at uw r' sarwawaw sVMMSjaV , rf s--.- alB P w-TS?.- 3j6a8 ELPAflO MORNING TIMES Fndár, October 30, 1914,

AMLttftneritsr I fsjMMf Ma- tter er?pitnbutHm. roa ieaW"f PECOS ON EVE OF iere In pipe ttmi by rrviy. Tew mve. k m railroad riKJHti, mm i. m stand MM you are already Mtereated M PRICES REDUCED orient mection, TMs will si i n You Bought. DEVELOPMENT ERA DOlnt. I m mlnr to watch this tMi- I The Kind Have Always fee a b boom. You're rot tbe nmieral more our copper, that is worth than all - ittrnMU surer mm miri,-- ' HTfl lm fitas MnfÍAfs nrJWI fn títm mmUU .v.nAMnMr.mT,(- AP riaiWíat títmt. VISITOR! KXPHF.M CHEAT COVKHHCNCE trtlttUmm SxvelAnmeala. Judge e. then la brief, 1.H rVTVRK W TffftlVlrlQ WEST i. stariey outlined been Dmnufiwtared Under the ropérrision óf Ohas. H. Fletoher ibr OTtrM TRXAS TOWN. ine irrmnon nrosoccis oi ine ixros cuu-h- try, meniteMng the Sand Lake .project, with 30 Tean-rth- e wnuine OAtjtorit. We riMMotfullr call dA "SHIELD or QUAU ' í .f a stone" eapscity or ta) to fwso cm the attention of&thers TY' New Water System Assures Law Insurance feet, MM can be rilled two or three time naie; ttnuinq ror nil ai nastier Hpringsl. a yrtr; tne To van vaney reservoir sues in mothors when pürohaáB Owtori to see that tie wrapper bears Mi denature in Sudas Brass Eiperlatenl Haeetsa. win store iom acre ireii mna ine mi ' valley jy m. the intial reseryotr of whici black. When the wrapper kremored the wune signature appoan on both aidei Ges Mexvfcle win a wrn bjwo acre irei. mis aiurre By Timet 8pectal Corretpendent all be develATied at .an early dale, mdi of thohótüé in red Parents who havo need Gastaría for their little onea in the peco construction work wilt be opened In Decern recoi. Tex., ocu commer lute, and strong eon clsl held Its October - Monday lirr fur Mwl severs! past need no warning against and preeent club meeting- trsctors are preparing- rirures.to submit. yean counterfeits imitations, but our nlghL The attendance wss large, and the In year. one, The wolk will t started early the call intrc--w program a most interesting inert several otner goo a isus were naa, among duty ia to the attention of the younger generation to the great danger of were sereril visitors, amone them belnr C mem one rrom u. n. jones, ana n. Troxel, promoter or oil development anoiner the rrom M. w. collie. Mr. ones nas made duolng into their familiea spurious mouioinea, - i itnstiers npnngs. nortnwest or uerej retnirkatita record In the ttevetaement II; Davis, tbe l known minina- lour- - raw land under pump water near Hoban is to bo regretted there nalist or the southwest, now connected with year, already bavin 'Ms farm almost It that are péoplo who are now engaged in thofr Morning this tno 'El rasa Times; n. it, iones, on a ñus iimin. Ho is not a man or one ' pumn-irn- - - nefarious businoes fg wno is tms rear aereioping Idea, enher, Jisvlna- alfalfa, sorghum and of puttingup and sélling all 'sorts of substitute, or what should gated fifm.BW llobsnpchas. Weinachi, one Dinerere). grnwinir on ine nunurea acres oi me ine vans cwnrvanon, more properly be termed counterfeíts, lbr medioinal preparations not only forS l in uruia iiurc, tmire, uu, tains Hsimornea: and a nun turkey .and chltkciw. He started drtlHwr It?thereH)re hlsiWetliMr Isle February, and did not start adults, butrworse yet, for children's meaicinei. devolvos.ori tho motherf the nrorram with rlcamw the brush away until the first day leloal ImnrovMrtenli. or iSM. ins imiiinry nas uecn wen re' to scrutiniie, closely what she giyes her child. Adults can do that for themaelvea that have been made, and the plans or the wanted!, Mr. Collie's talk was with rarer city counetl ror extensions or this work. encentó telephone service. Ills opinion that but the child has to roly on the mother's He stated, that, to date, about nine and, a lonrittinr servicie with the east would wittchiulufm hair miles or aewer pipe havo been laid, DC rstennsned witnin a snort tune was re with seven one hundred and celved with enthusiasm, as was his state twenty-clsh- t manholes, and six hundred racsi .mat, tne nas promisea y'a ror house connections. Thus rar tne bot4er local service. Letters from Druggists work as completed nas cost me city w.tw Prominent 'i' a mite. Tne last step in tne worr win do BELLHONTTe BOX, the erection or sewage disposal plant. addressed to Chas. H. Fíetcher. 25c '7fcfl&' fcftr now 75c at a mlnumum cost or li,W0. ran, a was peinar rattlme Athletic Club Schedules Sonle Good Cestral 'Gk, ef Bttntt,:xUk éáya: "We eakwtder yew OatHerlaf judre canon stated tnat test Bouts. Jfnt " brand, made or tbe new water tank and lowert lm1 olaM álaÜMt f .neáteláes 55c WecoJ' nou; 25c which was completed by tne contractors 'Joe Levy, manaa-d- or Joe niversr the á ros rtant a4 comad It" . The city fire engine, Mexican lightweight.'' fighter, Irrt ror Los Owl aty Dru- - Stores, of THUbnrg.Pa., ay: "Wo hare Bold yoarW and comfort of HMcheAMo an artealan well was used to Angeles last night- after spending- - the day Castorla foro saany yeara'wlth, aah that wo c&nnota The economy, efficiency fiump the lank run, and number or small In Paso in conference with Hoy Martin. aa'thtJréíraHs were located. The distance from tbe Levy retraía from aaylny a good word tar It whoa we get a chance." or lert with the Jdea of seeing Rivers Modern Gas Light depend the surrace'onnr ground to the bottom the coming arrangement Pav, aay: upon bowl or tank, mayor Is and to, some' whereby Jacob Broa., of Phlkéelpbla, "We take plesaure la the the stated. can on fight the mantle I You cannot good light ninety reet. This bowl is ten feet deep, and he put a In luarot hi near XMaoias í leoaer a uaaiorw aa oae ot ue oiaeet ana eewjoi ue prepara! get holds 3,332 gallons. The tank holds o ruture. Mr. Martin expects an eariy repiy - or usa upes ' m inferior and inefficient mantles. For gallons above' this point, or 100 reet rrom Levy assuring- hint the willingness ALCOHOL a 7F nwLr uaasai at aiaia uta mantel. rrom ine ground. Tower ana tans: cost to.-- of Rivers to meet some lightweight In the Keas ft McCaaa. of Knhwn Cltr. Ma., say: "Toar Caatoria always aireaf and were erected by Des Moines ;uarei- - arena, Dellmont accompanied this reason, we have determined to put lean MAiCmtmrtlnwi "W liiv iu raWttilitta tnr I rt aalv tTlnil VmÍ . firm. Levy to El Paso and yesterday agreed ull Tsa Welsbach and Reflex "Shield of Quality" Lower Insurance Rate Assured. enrage in two bouts, bis opponents to be Hare Atwaya Bought,' tie orlglaaL" in snito or tbe excellent nre protection af selected' Mr. Martin said last night bv engine, to later. arbe Vaegell Bro,(o Mlaaeapolla, Mina., aaji "We Tvlsh to say that ynWt Mantles within thereachof every user of light. forded the attached artesian that the first bout would be staled Thanks wells. Pecos has been In the. past penalised psy, bare at all time a larga (feasant! for Fletcher'a Caatorla at all of oar threaBi 50c In her key rate, because, or the lie giving y- or a system. atarea aad oar Br rSfcWd OjUil- .. A Uw lU Omím water With the Installation that It airea anlrersal satisfaction to trade." J ha. tm i or this system, tno Key, Tate win crop rrom TO THE PUBLIC Lois on (he west end 50 In Manhattan Heights, Félk Miller Drag Co., of Richmond, Va., sari: Tour Caatorla ia oae of ss cents to 15 cents or cents, which sav or Federal Street, ana our Dealer or Cat Company Ta Jmy ing- in insurance premiums, win in a lew the route or tbe proposed scenic highway, ness wmhu aHhr the neat aatla factory preparations ire have ever handled. It see ma ta ytars pay ror tne entire system. will be advanced In price 850 each on No uiaikrpw iwrMiieral aatlafy completely the puhlle demaad for each, aa article aad iteadliy ' WELSBACH COMPANY AS anotner pnaie or municipal improve vember 15, Present prices ICS to tioo each h menu has entirely over- Not Narc by-It- s , that 'not been ueayeii, eoie. Agent. (Advertisement.) otic. creating; a groarlas; 'sale merit' MANUFACTURERS looked. Mayor Canon- pointed to sidewalk building. This has not been pushed during jUfitnu "mmmtm P. A. Cadi4 of 'New:Orleai,-,jBaya:- - TWe handreeTery good hcasa'rf tne iweive Best autos, careful drivers. Phone 61a. last rew montns, ,out, during tne remedy demanded hy pnbUe xrhlle onr'ahelVet thoroughly months lust closing-- the city has spent Advertisement. the and are S3.C07 ror cement street crossings alone; the equipped wjth the beet of droga and 'proprietary articles, there are faSrtjf How about, getting 110. gold offered WhenjouifooaJ'Gas Lighting you prefer it citizens paying- ror the walks along- the that I Is on the Made In America Page in rtut. tf aay which, hare the aaeeaalng sale that your Caatorla baa" , street front. Tbo result Is that Pecos last sun' one or the leading- - towns or Its site in the day Times for the best rewritten ad? la. O. Sow, at ClaelanaU, Ohio, says: "When people In lncreaalag iumM state in tne matter or cement siaowsucs. Many answers nave already uocn sent in, pnrchaae remedy buying-I- t yeare; vrhen Protlt In Sudan Grass. but you have an equal chance yet, and bers. a' aad continue for It paasesM UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU DAILy UULLETIN. 11. C. Stewart, director or the Pecos Ex until o p. m., Saturday, uct. 31. the fad. or experimental stage and becomes a household necessity, theaff club, Observations Taken 8 p. perlment Station, then addressed the Afierferi Comfeft. at m., 7ilh Meridian Time, Oct. 23, 1911. . the new forage crop, Sudan Grass, being Réev for H eaa he said Its worth has beea firmly established. We caa and do,iS t Prefiní. tno or-- tne talk, RECORD,. , Sour StoMchJHartbKa --Temperature isubiect first division or nis iVITAL tlon gladly offer this klad. eC eoaimendaUon to Fletcher'a Castorla." tt, wind tatton briefly, he sketched the History or the Plant ' TVorra30rivui8snJeYtriat Lowest Velócltv liit94 since H was brought to this country In toos - Deaths. Highest or Dl- - Sleep. last State txr hours. rrom, us nome nouna APODACO neMandLoM At ( p.m. today, nlghL in Africa. .Tno first Alfred Apodao.,4IO6outh Kan of QKNUINE wealher.. rcctlon. hour. Indies. and a or' seed has increased since then; at-- ALWAYS' AbllHIO , Clear K - hair sas1strcet,' October St. Durlal ; Concordia CASTORIA ,., l M until this fall there are more than a million Amarillo Clear S .00 or tba Bigaatiire pounds or pure seed in the hands tile ex ' T Urn of Atlanta Clear W I .00 periment stations or tne state, ana tne Births, j si IlOlw!. Iitiho , Cloudy ww ; .oo - CASTANtJDA-i-T- o tho wlfe.0t,nayes Cas Huston farmers working- unaer ineir supervision ,i. I't. Cldy. SK .4. .00 and advice. Thus the seed market has tsacda, 1003 Hidalgo alley, October sis, a girl TE CkNXAUR COMTiXS ciitragu Clear V 10 .19 " been cornered. CAnuAJAL To the .wire or. Juan carbalal ( Cincinnati Cloudy W 12 .00 NEW YORK. Denver sudan bas tne same reeding Qualities or Clear SE 4 .00 Timothy, said Mr. Stewart. It la drouth-re- - Detroit Cloudy W U" .01 , girl. Minn. : sisung-- ana, wnnoui irrigation win yieiu nnlutii. Clear SW. 1Q .00 three tons- or hay to the acre. Its seed carillo To tne wire or josa carino, 309 IX PASO Clear E 4 .00 street, 28, a boy. Ualveston yield Is heavy, running as high as 2,100 Fourth October Clear 3 . . 8 .00 CHAVis or too Havre. Mont ' pounas to tne acre, unaer irrigation n wm to tbo wire Jose cnavis, Clear SE 4 .00 cut as nign aa live ions oi nay to me acre. Firth street, October 24, a boy. The Kind You Jacksonville 71 51 Clear SW 8 .00 a Ha?e Always Bought OA Seed was first sold at ten cents nound. FLOitES To tbe or iocs nores, st? i.mi nock ...... ;,eo.,i .. 18 Cleaf.. . wire to a dollar, and last Eighth'strésvottobee a ij Anireles ...... M, Í8J Cloudy aonsrs s. rirl.M l j "Mí Nastivllio' ;. 51 CO 1 V spring joia tor two Mr. oiewiri wlfe 'oTilgeitrtOi ArlasTSQ tb Cloudy I .00 prophesied that It would yet sell ror a dol viAHIA3Tr. te? New Orleans M 7i Ml Clear W 4 .00 Ocboa street, October 27, a boy. UaWliniWa now York lar berore Diamine time In the soring. TUB CSNTAUa COHFANV, NtW YORK OITr. M 51 40 Cloudy 8 SI .00 was impuro Omaha Clear warning sounded against the 8 4 .00 oi seru, biiicu it iiuau roauuy Marriage Licenses.) I'hoenlt Cloudy N 4 .00 strains ine any sorghums. Harm city. s. o.... with Jnlinunn arms or of the W. Davis, Jr., and Clear K 4 .00 The crop snouid be plantea in April or uunn, xs, lloswell Clear 8 4 urs uciooer mi. Sit. Louis M late March. For row culture It requires OFFICIAL STATEMENT' clear WW.,', 10 .00 to 5 pounds to acre, ror TRIBUTE TO BATTENBERG TROOPS FIGHTING ISSUED FROM 'PAH IS. Malt Lake City ., Cloudy WE the while TRANSPOnT HANCOCK ,4 .00 sowing 15 to 20 pounds are re- By Anociatcd-Pret- Kan Antonio Clear 4 !00 broadcast CAItRYlNG REGIMENT MiltlNES the t . 3 quired. About 8.000 pounds of tho seed bas Oct. The f San Francisco ...... Cloudy N 4 ORDERED TO PORT AU PRINCE (Continued from Page I.) Paris, í9. French In Santa Fu .00 been threshed In Reeves county this season First Lord of the British Admlral(y Pays its, orriclal communication Issued tonight. .,,i, Clear 4 .00 ciean-see- a BU thf Aitoclaled Preit Seattle 8; tnat wilt near tne lest or ine 10, uv says: ...... , Italn S 12 M is being year, he Washington, Oct. 29. Orders to pro- uiiin,ti,uH rirc oca , Washington' Cloudy station. It tested this LorcL orlng to hold the. positions; they present- - ,SW' 4 .00 on the Hastings, Kansas, experiment ceed with all possible speed from Do- si "There, Is no important news .to jreporl, Wichita, Kan Clear S 8 stated occupy or 10 secure Better positions according; Ytitna .00 rarm, in two suos as ensilage. minican waters to Port Au Prince; tbe wnicn to the.'.'.latest information re Cloudy 4 would' an advantage W .00 Slnrk Fjedlno Solution of Problems. rebel-hel- capital or Haiti, were sent By Timet Bptcial Conretponient Hve when the next ceived." ' big battle breaks. Doth claim to have been Tbe latter portion or Mr. Stewart's talk by the navy department today to the Lonaon, Oct. sv-uj- a. m.) The ad ' was concerning the profits rrom stock successful in this, and tbe orriclal reports ADUIRAL OP FLEET s" H as transport Hancock which has on board mlraliy has, Issued the. followlns; corre-- i ' farming in this section. He expressed It or are full of sentences such ss; "The enemy'sj WILL SUCCEED BATTENBERG. . his southwest would never a rull regiment marinea. M the SDonaenea between Prince Louis or Bitten. peen belief that the same time aiiacu paye repuisea. or "vve nave By Timet Special Corretpondcnt come into its own until it nsa taken up the battleship Kansas was berg and Winston Spencer Churchill, first made progress." PHINTIN& alfalfa ordered to Port AU Prince from' Vera lord or admiralty. Prince London. Oc. 30. (S:SU h. m.l The TImea ' stock farming In connection with the Louis,' in a The same things Is going on to tbe say It art. and small grains, shipping hay and grain crui. letter to Mr. Churchill, dated October SS, understands that nrnn Piihur '""I I I L where the Germans are pushing their, mlral or rieet, will succeed Prince Louis out to market In the finished product. No Tbe Hancock sstd: in - lUU should arrive tomorrow - ui iiaiiciiuerg- aa or aa- - country, he stated, is making a consistently tbe Kanaas Dear Mr. ChurrhllL- have liialv haon attack toward Verdun, while iirsi sea lora tne any and probably Saturday. to the iiiiraiiy. , successful showing agriculturally under The Tacoma driven the painful conclusion that tat French are doing all in their power system. This Is especially cruiser already la at Port juncture my ana parentage to keen them rrom fortress, ail other section au Prince and a or mis nirin have that in DEIIO.VSTRATION favored In the matter or climate, having the detachment her the effect or Impairing, In some respects, or' these prisoners and guns nutvMW marines was landed to pro- my attacks aro Vi FAVOH OF ALLIES. Í mildest or winters, so that stock may be last week userulness on tbe board of tho admir- lost by one aide or the other' while trenches The red without nair ins reea nemg wasted in tect the American consulate, after an alty, in these circumstances I reel 11 tn are London, Oct W (3:30 a. dispatch finest equipped shop in lot as la case In Ilia east pnderstandlng had be my duty, aa a loyal subject or evacuated. t m.)A El the the north and been reached with his maR to Router's Telegram company from Petro-gra- He urired Ilia, the farmer time the market both factions. esty, to. resign' my omca of first sea lord,- Anstrlaas and Germans Retire. or dated Thursday, says that Unmed!- -' Pcfso. Typesetting ing his hogs and cattle earlier or' later tio orriclal, report had reached Wash' noping mereDyvjQ racímate tne taaa or tne In Poland, where the Austrians and Oer ately Machines, arter It became known -' than the rarmers or the north, who crowd logtin today or administration of the great service to which here that Tur- on tho about the latest disturbances I have devoted' mv urn anil tn mm ihn mans .are retiring berore fresh key had opened hostilities against their product market this In au armies Russia, Cylinder Presses, and every fa- time of year with the effect of reducing ltort Prince, but earlier dis- burden laid on his majesty's ministers. brought up by "tfie;'dsslans"somethW British prices for their products. patches announcing that Davllmar "i am yours-ver- iruiy, and. French elstMd:ljfw;-tl-tlon- A fairs, barley, the sorghums, hogs and Theodore, having proclaimed himself "(Signed.) LOUIS OP BATTEN P.EIX0.. of their allies. The representatives cility cows, will make "Admiral," ago ' for handling all classes Mr. Stewart asserted, tuis president, was marching against the week drlyen back the German right. or those countries appeared on the balconle of country as, good as could be asked for by capital, caused the stste department Mr. Churchill, under .date' of October St, ' 'plied to as which was advancing on Warsaw, tbe nus- - and made, speeches, . to ask the navy department to e Prince Louis' rollows: Printing, from a visiting card to animals tnr all. and we should be able to tfy Dear Prince Louist slans have now struck at their center, or lo deal with a aerlou situation. "Tills no a produce the cheapest pound pork on the Is' ordinary war. tint atriirrtH somnwesi or ine 1'onsn capital, and, ac- - maraes wnn m proper iiiaimrcmem. ira between nations ror lira or death. It raises coramg to large publication work or tbe I'etrograd report, have, ' dairying possibilities are lmmenso, be Eassions between tbe races a most broken the or thought. An ordinary cow on the rarm will Jt erraces the old landmarks and reslsunce tbe last units of CALOMEL SELDOM produce an annual net profit of rrom thirty frontiers or our civilization. me armies which are trying to maintain to forty dollars, besides the manural value "I can not further oppose the wish you themselves north or the Pllltxa river. The ror tne SOU, wr. oiewari mi jui mumni bave during the last few weeks expressed llusslan cavalry has reoccunled itadmn. rrom a trio to tbe Itlo Grande valley, and to be released from the burden of where many men and guns and much war he believes that' within a year a which you have borne thus rar uas oeen SOLD HERE NOW Plwne 4993 42$ . San M with so uraicriu capiured. Antom'Sireei will have been started at Las Cruces, X. much honor and success. vu tne East Prussian and at Yalata, Tax, He advised agunst the COVERED BODY anxieties asa tons wnicn rest upon frontier, along Jersey preferring, the .Vyerahlre, Ilolstetn, the navar-- administration or our country ""o "io ucrmaua iook, tne offensive, or Shorthorn, as being good beef as well aro in uiemseivps enougn to try a man a aiucsiair claim IO SUCCCSS. f.In South Africa NWy Drug Sallrales, Jlakes Yon Slek as mill stocK, apirua, ana wnen to mem are aaued tne the altuallnn wTwr. t ' aaa, Drilling at Rustlers' Sprlnos. incredible difficulties of which you speak be more ravoriblí, -- yoa'teea ay's,Ww1c.w Like enera! Loui. Cothá, c. it. Troxel. a well known oil develop Just Fire. Could Not Slew At coma not at isit juncture, in rairness, primor, is ai me neta or the array ment promoter or the southwest, tben spoke ask you to sunoort these. which Is operating against ror a rew mtnulea to the club. He reviewed Night. Baby Also Had BretKW "The navv or tedav aad atMl more the the rebellious navy commandoes under Generals .Beyers the difficulties encountered by oil men lu or toatorrow bears the or your aad. Every drurglst In town vñur druri-la- an.-- or or ror Out on Ear. Cuticura Soap work. The enormously lcaBeadlna-lrfnt - influx eomraaaacrs, Dutctr the rare the lack mineral laws a9 h Í. '"J1 everybody's druggist has a great tbe public school Isnds or the state. He or capital ships, the score of thirty.-kno- t u iwauau, am gauiermg in tne rem noticed the law recently passed by Texas Ointment Heated, aants or the commando railing orr in the sale or calomel. They all said that cruisers, tne qeetroyera aaa suomartnes, of which Lieuten give California lias since been made a model by the gov, unequaled In wadern construction, wb.cn wiionei warns was mo the same reason, nodaon'a Liver Tmu leader. Ha - Alaska and the are to hand, are waa IS taking- its place. eminent for Its lands tn In Route No. 1, Cooper. romtnr Hoar the results wounded and fled 'across the Oermaa or me west , Tstss "I wa or labors which we have had In common "Calomel is dangerous people, slates , fokta with an Mchhtc aad know -- The wen now Deinr nriueq at numen waala boaV aim wmcn ins Boara ot .aamirairy owes It, while Dodson's via- uj so VV'oHld Mod Mine Liver Tone is perfectly Snrlnri. noribwest or here. Is the first BotcovsrsdvWtatHUnaBasaaw. MweaU murli to ypur.ald. . ibitUa. safe and gives better a In public school "The first steal which, secured the tlnolv With the presence results." said nnu. well drilled Texas on Kea Hat ,1 weaM of oermaa mises orf loent local druggist, Dodson's lanas. concentration, of, the fleet was taken by the coast or Ireland, which muta it Liver Tone Mr. Trmei reels tnat. ms nesriy as scien acrateti Ska Ue4 y n,,. Is personally guaranteed by every druggist, say- aUat rr lor tae steamer Olyiapk to pal waa A Golden iliu may determine, there Is a great oil eat ef A nuruirniiea w jruu mtta itw pain I reel tato a or sells H. larga bottle eons 0 oeata, pool section, he bello es tauct at waa Ikka it the séveraace Of our three reara nr nr. north Irelaad orL tau. tJL, and If It fails to easy In this and that Jaet aewspapers are askia relief ta the Hustlers Springs alte will tap the pool. ra. I aauM aa ricial aisorlatlaa. that ta aaMarsHr tai or liver sussess aad jcoasHaattoa, "I feel," he said, "that every ctttxen In "In all elrruaaatanees you are rlhi in vnnr ot vm vigurous mesauftfc.te arerecrf you have Tpaiy ta a your money State Limited oe aleef. at satatskt aaitat Ine continuation or ihi. s.tn for Met, tin valley snouut intereaiee, ror noimng ufv;,iuu. pi"i w wmcu 7uu,nave 'j... Dodson's Tone Is nleasant-tiiit- - in act' Ltvcr a could bring- you as great a boom as the I aat OfMmtm taim ed Is the. sata la whkh Prlace Maurice K U believed that yessels HylasT aeutral parely oil. I Mtts country or Ilattenbarc aaá airen Ms Ufa to nnr veretaWe remedy, karmleas to boat PREMIER TRAIN discovery of reel that rniM fMa are responsible roe awu ay. Children OF Is lo be congratulated upon tte fact that 2 and In wwei tallaat son Is now terv- - papers r aad adults. Take a spoonful ai jynÁ waaMUtiulawaiaa - or Th are also ttut ntmmimr a man wno nas money ana isa aaeans io at- - 11s- in aJfM and wake up reclina rinet no THE SOUTHWEST accuracy, open ratar Hh OaMeara Soa a4 Um pat aa ieywiinv hiuoi. rnrd thinks that he' eta an the oer accmt sar nrorouiin M. alck Madacke, add stomach or oU field here with the drilling oí but one Cuticura OtBtsaeat aa4 1 aai wM atulak. snect aadMiM: or our.colleantea nn iiui tMes. the preaenea of whom Is prated Kowejs. Two weakM Afea it doesn't grlpa or causa the Mate rnwineana.ta uoara. T'.we espiare or a man aa tbe twrth (flronventtaee the weli.i I I yours very- - eWre: all next day Ilka vloleat Leaves El Pato 2 p. Arig&a Tlm. Man Predicts Great GHrtk. m Cuticura Baa) aad Olalaaaa I waa remata, sincerely, of tb lirth or Fort watte rrartar calpaseL Take m. Arrive Lot 2:40 p. m. "WINTQN ClluScHILL." a " fi a dose of calomel today aaa , flashlight apparalus. tuasorrdw1' you w department of the l Paso MoeUig Times, souo4aMwfaaáIaavaaotUaafcalaari4 Tho report feat 'weak, sick aad ataca. thai lite flninssin hi u. unsealed. Don't lose a day Make your reservation early and let uajjjtake care rottowed Mr. Troxel. lie me aa inter ki AXawrT ar aaceiuM Portugaeaé ealeay work! Take of citing and most enthusiastic talk. '( was "Mr Vaay W a brthfam ait aa has "niLLtv mí tISbps th:y ÜÍ.JÍ ot Aasola Dodsoa' Liver fane lastead uut tn Pecos when you had the public auction ear aad bahlad H acva ka wauM elaa-- Uu .V!ff.?J URMA?. coaMnuaUoa. full of tlgor ami aaabitlM. rl ' you properly. or lots (mora than twenty-riv- a year sgoi, akla oar. It epvaai. ais aHatoaaraa By ia frtt wrh-- I look as your little a4 LantloR.' Oct. TW Excitant and beautinrt abriy roUad oaT, M gwaal Mr, city, It seems miraculous. You outet to I waaa4 Aaasterdaafi rnrrespoBdent ba proud or It. It Is going to be a great the CBticuFa Saas aa4 tatta su aa aa a, CITY TICKET OFFICE. big city la fact. I don't aae why me OtatsMot aarf Wy H ttr." sued, by'litavr Alaart to the Hftftui rant rival our rood town over oa MM Uto tWaa) Mm. Mary Mm, kM troofis, ' ' uranae. j was me secretary w Ja. M.WÍ. ""Mr tawas aava Been burned and ROBERTS-BANNE- R nri ' deaaroi-ed- . BLDG. Pasa'a board or trade. In IN, atut aw. out 3 ampia) Fr lay MaM aad Mere is look: was not nearly so srotBtalaardaa U Rtournlaar oar Has abate rouatry. Hut ates Hotel Tbe wosriwnui city of toMr it yaa waist a aksa aisar mt H'njlia aa4 saare ttssatals aaaasters wm fallow you. .lui naa if - beea brought abotst as the reauM or tawtni Haahaieaas. haaAs asft aaut waste. haeV Mva ta do faaa Ssa yjvmrj at we la- - AO iXW, and El t'aao owe touch atf per aa4 ?a4 aaaaa fsaa Irsaa to cttamber túít yaar.lwperallid dwy. Mf assaas. ss pnasperlty htr of coihiihssss. Itnhlna. aaaaa y Maa 4éma k aM asta. i am sure isai air, iroxei nas tne sawiy waaili r aaa ai On H Mil yaa can rulflll whti taa fwT 90nH9f fasr anal the backing to task a success of Ike sasiilniea yaw aiM." work la which tie Is Massed. I kaow aman aMa4 ar a aaaaahwat aVaaa UtanHai aataata wtTHavr sutk mm, mm, n. tóAD THE TJWIS CLAJÍÍFIED PAGES FOR feuLTS he has behind ilm. aad I believe that Í OaUaufa Oaataaaa. Arttwaa TjuUswaa ww wtsat surra,. El I'aso win be glad lo share the proíate say oa a luaaaaiy that is abuost sura la coma to you, otatantaa an aaW as had takea aaa weeaM In Mdfciaa rw aVaZ yataiji aaal rata a aasjailrsláia ' , Imt a saaapla la-- oil field. wt dettkwtd wui brlaar yeas af sxat aath $Um assu rijaasiicaniia. sut aerer used an. ctoaa rual fad lite aiaaalioa of la m awaaaa ! aa atura a.M oiaaa. jawnatw ah Uu toatc( dM poaata ta aatccaaf. sasiri .T. J,i.a sw vm, ay an ,iejamu - iiliaW.xaa, aa.'4, wkVaa, ateaty A 'eV Í a f ka ChampioiLip Another World's Record Established jj UNDERWOOD Oaf. ... . , , . . vwafrr . SPEED AND ACCURACY fi.'.-t- i .tit :: IN TYPEWRITING At the Annual Business Show, Ojctober 26th, 1914, operated by Emil A. Trefzger at 129 net words a minute. Underwood, for the ninth consecutive year." wins the Thousand jLfUiiai' Oliver liupiiy vup.


Mí le Machine You Witt Eventually Buy 9$

terá In a rand Rápida, Míen.; orderina- - the DISTRICT COURT Stanley Thompson, who baa been vliltlnr BARNES DECLARES T inenas asa rciauvei near rmiaaeipma, ra., T WHERE TODINE rAi" tha tisst mnmth.. raturnd hama Mondiv. 1 The teiegTaph operators In the local ornee V,V - J of the Southern Faclflc have been removed . OPENS AT to the. ticket office where they 'will do TUSCON IS WINNER I qoudib amy as irain aisvaicuors uio nuai III, Mrs.' 'Stanley LOs EFFORT TO BE MADE TO DISPOSE Mtrraret of Anrelei SOUTHERN PACIFIC MAN who spent a daya here .looking- over TRAFFIC The New Three Nations Cafe CRIMINAL DOCKET AT THE few OVER ' DEVELOP- ido vaiiey, rasa tavtuty 10 visit PRE8ENT"TERM. icu lor ti MENT OF DISTRICT. i Nexx .0 Alkambra Theater - South El Pa Street inenus. . need OUisesT Ask Serall, iM Texas 81 Good t&ags to eat, EreryÜHBg cleats iBtiHary. Iiqporlaal Cases taeludlng Murder 'aad Ar Cronlnd of tono Staple Ksypllan Cetton ad son, mu bc 1 ten up bj un near oreroo. t Every Day Jury lor. Investigation. Beromlno Important Industry A Special Diaaer 40c In Southern Arlrona. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , OPEN ALL NieHT Bu Timet Bnedal Corrctnondcnt Prescriptions filled and delivered AoJiers, --íny EAT AT Demlsr, N. M., Oct. 2 The Octobér terra Oovernment Hill Co. to Mr. Emily W. E. Barnes, of the traffic department at any time or night, tots 1 and J, block M, Oovernment the Pacific, who Mall court of sUthi judicial 6o, of Southern has Juit Order Filled Promptly, FLORENCE CAFE New mm mm of the dUtrlct th Hill Add.; April SB. an .extended tour of southern was convened by Judge Colin Neb-le- tt E.-- T nil dtstrlet James T. Smith to Maria Oontalei, and Arizona In the Interest of the A. RYAN & CO. renovated Bid remodeled and the last Monday morning and the lollowlntr company LEADING HOTELS tin been Plenty or lot n, Clock to, ess; Ei raso Add,: uct. is. adverilslnr department of' his Druggist lunch counter dliicoMlnued. Club House Cafe jurori were cnuen lor iuo icriu: Bailey. over the buslnois and agri- booths for ladiee and gentlemen. Quick fTana Kelly, Julius notch. Dare, Baker, J. 11. Wallace to P. II. and II. II. enthusiastic and ak Pay moA Be lot S3, blocar to, East El Paso Add.) cultural outlook in the section throurh service, rood rood popular price. itarry uean, Ka war a u. ,uurnwicx, uennii fio, It.-- Bro-n- V, Howard, 1. which he traveled. SAM. Prop. Snvder. Conrdon a. Aur. ?ex Street. YEE K, OF EL ottn oorman, n. u. nicnier, w. a iiowara, E. W. Kaysef and W. Mirr to W. T, "It la almost Imponible,"- said Mr. " PASO kiva HLiiinruei. ODvri rana. r. m. rtus' Bush, ,000; lots t and U, block. , East Dames' yesterday, DR. BÚRTON Mllllran, "to reallie the rut A. MMaMaaaAektfaykaaaBafVWv sell, James Qtorgtí, Edward F. El Paso Add. Oct 9. strides that are being-- made In the develop- Manuel l'Cll, niucn rrutci, n. iwo Matloaal Bank to Amada V. de DENTIST mann and John Toot. First. ment of IhU country which, but a few year) T, Calderón, e,oeo, lota 0 and 7, block , aro, was conuaTCd etmoit a hopeieis CoHege LOCKÍE . The report made Xy the rraad Jury, ) Graduate Ixulavllle Its I. THE first Mundy Heirhta-Add.- sept. the returntnr of three no true bills, lie n. Casar). Eaubliahed here aiaea, 1112. tor J, J. Kaater e ux. la Charles R..HuiiH, are aware of the HOTEIi AND AFAIITMENT STATE NATIONAL mat or Mrs, jerr naxweii, who wsirea "El Paioans. of courie. M11U BANK on a end n. nun urnaorrr, iota 2 ana iraniformailoa' that OS Bld. aminatlon in the Juttlee court charro t,i. wonderful hat etn Plione 10701 Milla KSTABIjISIIKD APRUj, 1881. of assault with a deadly weapon; Mohert 13, block 'P." llarue's to wrourht under Irrlration by pumpinr in Offlff Re. 3804. Corear and Stanton 8trU sanford. bound over on a charae of the Oovernment Hlli Oct. ft. ceminr and vicinity, but rurthur west u XI Pare, Tezaa 5 CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS gi.00, 000, GO inert or a norse ana riititono ureira boubq Joseph Zelmsn and wife to D. Baker Smith prorress Is no remarkable, ...... over on a charro of the larceny of two bur. lest K. . Sfgr. u. uarreu was en a lio and consideration, 1011 7 to to m rrac "Tucson, wnicn not so loar aro, usa mué lockle. Phone 1401 rotj cnaries íncuciea 6, Oct, Inter Paid on Saving Accounts charre oT forre rv on which he entered a tlonal block Alexander Add. i M, to be proud of astro Us somewhat hoary et Ju and to Rodarte, one 3 Diea 01 runiv vicenie Liraenu in. J. Robertson wire 0. ae, la loday or the Ilveat cltlei In .' MORKHEAD, President JOSEPH MAOOFFTN, dieted on a chure. of larceny on which he ,175. east ! or lot II, block M, Eut El thi southwest snd the center of one of the a 01 Add. Oct, C. N. BASBKTT. QEOnaB D. FLOR?, Cashier. aiso enierea pica auuir, twin nen Paso ft. meaf promiiior arrAuMaral dliirlcis in tn Weekly Rates. . Phone erro. win lie sentenced later. Enrltfue Oaaeroa. to Pftrlcta; Seatei del atato or Arizona, every cuss or proauca MMrtut crinuai caes. comoo. H.O00. 101s 1 ana 7, ana ess 1.1 or 3, IrnAuu Vrt ,h m ium, BiLnji J, OIXCHRI8T, Anet. Caefeier. Tiiar ire several lmnortint esses to be Ttf 3 Wtitmi8. I block Ootden HUI Add. I Oct. M. Tucson' and the yields' yaar or alftlfa, Staatea. i bretta-- to the attention of the (rand Jury i. this SpanUk - EiigKek "A new ao.room place not a hatej, ser wfeere the derendasta have been bound over Mornlnnida Hetrata neuty Co., ta I. 11. corn, beans and totted have been rater a rooming bouse simply a hem, fvery. 10 awin me action or inu pour, menr rarruson. Jr.. f60. Iota 1 aad 4. Mack 78. than ever before, Boekkeefiing.- - 5tiMgraphy thing new, clean, modern. Free M. r. Mrh it the ease of Mrs. Helen R. Meatli East El raso Add. i April it, 'TM Tucson, Fama company bia .taore CU.'a Tail, from depot. ana Mrs. Marram urpweit, wno were El Paso Irrtrated Laads Co. to. 8. Nakaalcl. than cos acres u tear aiapw erypttaa cot, R. F. DAVIS, Manager sub CHtcas. Mgr. over on a chirre of arton, reiulHnr frofn II 00, four tracts ef( laad on .tea latead of Inn this trear. sad has lust Installed Bid. 14 vr,wlih El l'ato'a laadtnr hytl. tse Bumtnr or tne cura: uuuamr iu hut. Pjtaaee 1484.14M. Traat una over cm cnarre me modem ria, eaaewiy. adapted to handllnr ta rriae, 00 of 111, rsserve, w thing larceny or cattle and the case or W. T. lit, III of laid acres: this tarlily of coMoh. WMIe the rrowtnr That is one SERVICEwe endeavor to do, ie to give you quick and Menlev whn nlaced under HJXO basd SepL n. or cotton in Atisena 11 a comparatively new wit efficient service, both in our contract department and in our to answer to the cturre of the murder of S. Makanlel ta A. H. BHaeary, Hm. SO Industry It Is no lonrer aa exporlment and tottvn oee. a circus aaveruiur acres' of land Wlaro reserve on the Wlaad expert cotton men who Invesilrated STUDY SHOétTHANn rissayer and. Chemist l or ML hare "delivery aervke. on the, Mht Oct. and betnr tracta ae, se aaa m af will become CaauwtMi aa will Tfw frt aM predict that tha state ere onr tteoonaphert hi conitant da CBO. W. CAOaaipf He paint riM. nici. reserve t Oct. n. an or neecy aiapie, atana. Learn the Ureei kfaun aimplni. "Write your trouble." evfH cases on wkicb inaicimwis were important producer tee - returned at tha last term of court wHi A. II. Bllnehry to H. W, Bread, jsaaaa Duruir bta recrnt trip throurh the adjoin- - Mill HWP. goum ue for this trial at tnti ifwos, u Clifford et el., 1760, to aerea of lead la bur stales Mr. Barnea was accompanied by ReyreaanUtvaraTljare ta Ua & Wtfiro reserve or the 8aa EMaarfa sweat; an einert Dhotorrapher aad a aamber Of Tuttle Glass Co. M. Paint ertMHtal aaMKlti fhllllp Eites, fouf ktl; en the Island Oct. ..;'.. views aaewipr ina inauawies ana rcaourcet aaa, fc.'Bl f'aM, Tavju meets, aesauit to kill, rtceivier 44ee a. 11. nlinelirv ta XI Faso IrKaaáaá were cátala M, which vW'kt taaorporawd property, larceny and unlawful Ce., 11, so aerea aa tee MeasM, Ma K . Baa, aea. Meat raMla: JoMaai aad Henry WtWtMM.M'ut ofaad la the aoociei ana otaerjiiteraaure, or we BMasrlo rfant, aa4 aetar teeaas ttf, u. aompaoy. Tha work taus aaaer-take- n wcfufi rw neer, ausuu 11 wiwi railroad wrapoa; JnHn H. Clark, uttertwr Hal met with the wejeeeet atiareval CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE Ism rhrfc Hut inn Arulra. assattlt Wtta ef,BatBeas iwn and aeemercM artanl I ipil to rob. latter eaae tee ry Pullálea Fefaksta. sattoas ilonr the. line aad l jvpaetad to CowhmImIbm Mwliaata. niflt 1nm mil kuJ.U - - - - flkrre4 ta tea tswmer tfial. 1. in a. have ma term results la briaeaer hato the Dr. Carl Smith. We .7 4 MefeWn aMMHMred that an effert V, block I , om RuiTtijaat. pr hlekK prtca en f4ral aa4 conitltutlonalUt ma ser. in q lat f Maffla Hornaed mobih hki.v, ravKK ww m ciear 00. "1 m nni wilt adjountnawf Ad.; jMicdlfriiHrr KIsHfKY AND uu temor court. Court- 10 euua a ease orea, as IKUIkK uam7yiovUnf S, aíter- the trend, Jerr A, oarcia, anca Mr. Barnifí ha contribuir! number of lMIirilü m a. ucnoaj we. . . kataraMlnr articles .id different tuhHcailont . , Reom.i 327-- Serrano and M huttd a thM, fM aa topics p.r(lnlflr to the hiatery, archseo. 'mím Cittlwlat IÑm "faltón. Kr.. has a. tawtom m, Mtai national Has Btaag. !!, ', mnuiiri wiu u aa 1111 loiaed cetojty M4 ta Kaaieter of Pcmtnr ef 8. croocb, to aalM a krfek reraf, aeaih attractions ornmimtne country servea cy mtkaa DUuii rlabl Wboea there at aulla a few. ihW 6U S It, Prande Miss Miste c. Mmw of Artesle. arrived la mt. he' aouthrni raelfle company, which will fall. per weeca ease ftpubtiem m material, 10 a virtue. BAM AJfTOKIO, nBtaa the city tuts wee a rew vtaii JMftCLTg. rsuii benefit Gunter Hotel rllh Dmilsyr rféastds. K TIMEB' Aaajjen '. Hf0J vttious communities. JfttijSC El Faso. Tesas, Oct. , . j MsA s)i tike ssttaAe Stephen e. arys of Mlcaaa, Arli., U a tétt Xm especially ecHausuaiiq over me LONGWELL'S Mr. Wycbe Oreer, peaerat WMfK, W fase or Tucson MXtm a, a. valley, nwes yriwr.r,,ifiaaw oouju jmluqcajmpwm a. lúeas of farwMkt M the MUnttN, Ttaui, cjir. 1 wlta s vlaw sr auAtlar. Dr.CJiaHek Fha 1 ,auae My Dear Mr. Oreer; W hM occaa Would Yea Beateva Hi Lsail CMmmmkiDér Jaraea A French an aa want accept Automobile, HactM, Uvtry. f a ja mm ally tat w ta Fiero la calumas af jw eiiie often mámenla with a tort auaijgMgjaHauei m visiter en his B ii 1 wejr pa Lrasvwf .a priKiea Bnasaeii. vileaaie paper a prt w reaeaet aaase reiervatloa aa much aa to ear "I ruiaatuAi Aute jw 1 Truca. W. Sean aad Ha cMe ta fresa Lords. woee. and I wishir W aav la you thai I was not convinced," watch laae ut to re UgBt a4 JUavr Ilaullng. a wMh tae KavMa aa I isere is oibm imi win ao mor. hw tete wat aad aeeot few ésas with atóte than pkeaea teeat aaatafy you ejf ibe exeeikaae of urta hiiiaiitiiaa. en gimlaar frteaas. aiMUt ferty apBHfiati aoawertec ska tin loe4 aaa Walk Rubier K. Carre! new yark. arrlva4 u itcrifwa iuan tacmeaj a praon Ml lateraaifl aaat Hel Ward at tHM luue, aatf w aeetaraa what we wee Mrs. Joha ta46u. reru. iiicl.. Uo 'K tadke VU la Iiiwilnr TveeeW, h'r he waa net bf we eaa aaaiy mal u I a a a a a a Be ereilwr, the aiv. T, W. cawN Dilvwr toohtnr for. ramaM tiaed thii remedy la aer raaUly for the peit special MaaUsjeaH mm TIBM4 aa tea aaa rreat aavecMW tan years, says of H. "I alwayi give FMcKletrtjanaí ir.'u, Heary Meaterey, Cat.. tuninW atediunt ta El Faao that will secare reeults. Courh Beinedy to say children f 4 when etck with or coja, like it J. Fee aie ay of the batted aVetae anay, arrWad In tee TBsnatcf yoa r wt aeertai any cobi t ,Wiialiiie. rny sjm was; payar kaiier kail oMaer baeauaa bey lake it ,tiowy,an,it,aw. Tiwwir.o te ron' atct, bat w reaaata 11 anrt aw mmm waw, wtUtngly aad it la free freaa aarcollca. P win . vsey tfatf never raiwa nt an Boaeaa e.Sl Isla .Suatliag. , A sssssssssssssssssssssssssW SBBPSKPw BBBt rwe rejatrai ar aaaiaa v qee. wao ws 70, si ay wnimaia iwwr a4 laa JU íhf for aaie an aa4trs4ayriiaaaBi. aaaa BJBJBJBJBJBJBJS tmnHMwm'tm mm wm- -n jfeoa4. 2" Faki. Mm iai.-H- " ! - W. - ÁLL. WRONG, HOWLE; ITSiÁLlTwfoOXGWV .u...,- - . i ' rs on-i- hi, tar,', l. niuijuui.. f,

' , rL

"" " ' í I FOUR. 3S tT VaJIaJ-- Y Nl'. - . ( SrOAGAT -- - EfeíSMi . prrs , , flush--t ujkij.,; nr-- that msjust u- M&zmml - MljO jxy '

' " . r ? rr ", ; ... ; : ' 111 rm Advertising Rate Card Male Help Wanted. SitwÜon Wanted. I Fignáhed Room For Rent ' Aptfteeati For Rwt EL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY stenogripber desire LEGANTE large bedroom, close in. Fh.t07z. FOR RENT Beautiful 3 and 3 room apart. ACCOUNTANTS. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. CLASSIFIED LINEflS. position. Address competent, care Time. meats; large, airy, outside rooms, sleep- Insertion. FOR' ilENT Well rurnlshed rooms, large I cent per ora rteh dally FALL. & MITCHELL ing porches,, dressing rooms, kitchenette, 3300. Rooms your Into per word an Sunday. stcnogrtpher'and office .'sleeping porches, heat,, lavatories and all THURSTON AUDIT CO,, Phone HAVE ojd Jewelry made new and I'.i crnu EMpLpYNENT .SEIIV1CE. steam beat, Janisar service, unfurnished, 4 City National Bank Bldg. artistic1 pieces; mod. prices) guaran- "JVi cents per word man wants position;"' reference. Address modern conveniences, in new homo, admir walking Apply .to If. B. work eeii'7 inertlon. nc-- distases Stevens teed. A, N. Lombard! Co., 107 s. El I'aso St. I JO per line per month. Best Steady, care' Time., , ably located, nil neyaoa. mono or phone 5Ste. ATTORNEYS. SS cents. Ko id taken for lesa than In the EXPEHIENCED position. HOTEL BEAUMONT, block toast or P. to an lrdcflt.Ho period (tf.) arg clerk deiifes D. LAWYEft, No ad run for Southwest, Can do rirst-cl- prescription work. Ad- Clean ritoms by week or day P.UFUS DANIEL. taken over the telepnone. Order lo discon- 033 Mills Building. Phone 313-- MOVINOI Movlngl call Odom's Transfer Co, In writing-.- ' dress Drug Clerk, care Times. tinue "If." ads must be made sea San Francisco St. t4 , Est. 100L DELMAh ROOMS, 417 N. Stanlon, run. .wtr., FOR RENT Furnished apartment or 4 cook,-als- mc-i- g.so iktiMmsea. AND All clairvoyant ads double rate. J5Í JAPANESE wants position, as help rree bams, i aay; up weekly, rooms, rirst floor, newly rurnlshed. all addi.no OPTOHETI1ISTS OPTICIANS. Display on classified pare Ui willing IP do any 0dvertlslnr store: work outside. clean and new; 1103 Nevada St. MauSjtai. 20 MUI BIdg. double price, fio cuts permitted. SI 4 S, El Paso 81. --y FOll IlENT Nice, clean rurnlshed rooms. Burroughs Adding NEED OLAS3K3T Soe Wood, 411 Overland. jfs.w ana up. rnone mm. see uregon. NICELY apartment DALTON Adding ,318 Milla LEGAL ÁñvEltTISINO. WANTED Work on surrey, by experienced rurnlshed and rurnlshed MachlatV St. OILNAMENTAL IHQN. NICE roorrli locauon in city, vn room. Phone 60M. Leral adrcrtlsinr at leral rues. oiPLOYEns ctEAnmo, house. . rodman and chainmajii speaks Spanish; front best m willing to work. crS... cire Times. 4Tospeci Ave. Manufacturera or ornamental iron and DISPLAY A'ri SPACE. Ecrllsh'Spanlsh stenorrapher, Cook ror ALL kinds or bottles bought, rrom wire work or all kinds. Southwestern, open rate, week days, per Inch, house, New Mexico. Man and NICELY rurnlshed front room for rent to to Illinois Bottle and Wire Works, 704. Texas, Phone flat boardlnr coupie genucman. v medicine bottle. column wide, eacn insertion. 73 cents. woman (or ranch, ISO per .month. Lunch cr c mo uraoae. Co.. IDOS E. Overland. Phone 1841. ? same,. Sundays, eacll luscrllón, 83 cents. counter rlrl, New Mexico, room and I'none not- - furnished apartment Tor rent. Phone 3128. PAINTING. Standing display ads, per Incn per month, board. f, speaks English and Spanish. Hotel Lau HlOHEST price paid ror any kind or bottle. THREE rooms, private bath, steam beat, 11. Nelson, 1401 Myrtle. Phone 5380. YELTON PAINT CO., 301 N. Ph. 1847. 15.00. 213 MILLS DLDO,- - rilONE 1304. rence, Hoom M. , , built-i- close Stanton. Jafgo features, In. Carolina Apart Contracts for amounts of display id ments. Phone 3737 or 632. CARPENTERS, space or readers subject to discount, CHAUFFEUIl, American, Wishes position. ELEOANT rooms,- beat, over, new PAC1ÍLNG. State wages. Box 133, care Times. steara Address union sank a Trust co.t sau Antonio. LONO 4t McCULLOUOII, carpenter! Jobbing HEADING NOTICES. & iwk GOODS packed by Gelger belt tbo gtobe. PAYEIl TWYNIIAM EMPLOYMENT AND IltONINO-Pho- 308. a specialty; repairing. Ph. 6781. Pure reading matter, each insertion; per AOENCY, WASIIINO furniture .Transfer,, storage repairing. Ph. TWO partly rurnlshed roeros, with sleeping NICELY line. 55 cents. Licensed and Bonded. porch, .lights and 113. rumlsned apartments, CAKI'EfS CLEANED. water rurnlshed; walking distance., 700 Mundy, Locals, per Une. esrli Insertion, 15 cent. All Classes rtallroad, smelter and us urann view Ave. within Wanted to PhOne- BUS. DU' SANi b. WELLBORN, KL.PASO TIMES CO., , Mining Men, Clerical Uelp, Cooks, Heat. . pUtlií. ,qf Acvery metal in any Publisher El Paso Mornlnr Times, Waitresses, Etc., Furnished. ONE' furnished bedroom, with ileeplnj Stetm and "vacuum, carpet clewing. Pb.'StW, PIAMAT wishes room and sleeping porch porch. Phone set. REASONABLE rurnlshed finish. Southwestern Iron and Wire Works, El Paso, Texas. Write, Wire or Phone Us Your Wsnls. or rgmfly pre- room, with bath, lie Lockie' AtJts. 7Q4 Texas Phone 5065. - Telephone 1441. in outskirts city; private CHIMNEY SWEKPS. St. 07. ferred. K..C. F., care Time. FOR RENT Two . bedrooms, nicely rur COMPLETELY, W. San Antonio Street. elegantly rurnlshed CHIMiSEY up mock or Hotel Paso Del Norte. nlshed, prívala family, walking distance. Sleeping porcn, SWEEP atores set and One West OET YOUH NAME Ut'lhe "What Are Tfou apartment sand targe wttn all guaranteed. Joe, at Le- BRANCH v Times. mono sees, tutus Amona. rrom ana oacic, porcnes, ciose on w, Mis- work TIMES MEN ror I1S0 monthly. Looking Fori" column or the It in .Fur, co., soft Phone 3704. riremen; brakemen, mora Can St.; no or children, phone 1484-- ral s. Stanton. Send are, postage. Hallway, care Times. will help you get business; LAROE rrom room, with or .without break- souri sick OFFICES phone ,5030 about It. fast and dinner. 403 Prospect. Phone 1218.. STOVES repaired up. Phone 7&S. ' FURNISHED apartment, with private bath. and aet TRY the City Plumbing Co. Better plumbing For or Us patrons (JOVEItNMH.NT are easy to get. tlx convenience positions uvi-j- , for less. Phone .3104. 813 N, Campbell St. The Time maintains branch offices at My free booklet. Y. 870, tell liow.. Write uk upson. i'none CIVIL ENGINEERS. l tie rollowln olaceii tocliy now, Earl Hopkins, Washington, Wanted to Buy. PRONTO PLUMBEItS, 303 Texaí, Phone 10Í3. NICELV rurdlahed apartment, with private DAVID M. WUITK 103 let M. tuto Citar mind, corner MUlm with h,..hr,,l ra Work guaranteed. and Mesa ve. Hlithland WANTED To buy second-han- tool and .n bitn; everytnmg new. i'none vjvu (Formerly Territorial Fxglneer and" Ehg'r U. '(xas Drur J15 awe, imt i ui aai:pi4mca. aiv o. ucoua. Store. Illghlaim t siKt Eat El i'aso Drur l)OYTo work, In irarage. Texas St. guns. II. Mohr, 309 S. El raso. SL S. Land com. or N. Méx.), civil engineer and l'AY CASH and saro Inoney on your plumb. Store, Aiaiued uoulevanl Dntr MODEHN' room, reasonable. Pbohe surrgyur. 1 uo will Apis. 1'uone owo-- lng work. All work guaranteed. Phone mt St.: WANTED To any .máko typewriter. hefted Store, Boulevard and Florence fits. buy CLEANING. 3087. El raso Plumbing Co., 91S bomb United Typewriter Co., 4 San Antonio. FOR RENT WniCHT ATTS. . Virginia. hoom, .very cloio tn and desirable, private Warn iArt and jtnherlrnlnn taken WANTED An .extra good reflnlsher'ror old LIST your bargain in estate with us. Cor. Montana and Stanton Sts., 3 and 3 new Zlnk-le- real 0711. rtrst-ciu- s HUG MANUFACTURERS. and furniture. Apply Foutx it We make a specialty or It. Anderson rooms cacn." New ana moaern steam uiununi, fnono work; 113 N. Stanton St. heated' building. Apartments have guaranteed satlaractiop or money back. Co., 318 BIdg. Phone 8803. HOUSfc-llo- hard llealty Herald juHNauN' ijv cooking. licit tile and disappearing Bring this sd and exchange It for em the HUUd made rrom old carpets. Fhone309. rrom any one 7t. eoi.N. Oregon. No sick. wood floors, bath tit .I'eraoBal. WANTEDhs .hear that knew WANTED To buy 4 or 5 room cottage with- Deas. lAicaica un ci i'asu s awcucsi dollar. Work called for and delivered, sts or wnrai'd in bridge gang with J. II, Hum- small rsi is. Bianion Ole SEWING MACHLNXS. near m in I block or car line; tiymen TWO elegantly furnished rooms (living and dcntlal street, MUNEY TO LOAN. SI5 Trust phreys Pearson. Mexico, Feb.. balance monthly. Address B..44, care room, Austin, A Marr, nulldln. Any Inrormailon will appreciated. ll.Ad down, bed living room ntted with disap- CLEANING ANO PREMUNO. easy be Time. pearing bed); large and Phone 4330, 3Q4 Sin Antonio SL SEW1NO MACHINES ror rent. Tba NAME In the "What Are You dress W. II. Minn, Lubbock, Texas. private tile bath running Phone 1104. fc ukt tuuit outside entrance; walking distance) HIIINO US YOUH CLOTHE TO PRESS Standard. Fouu Lookln? column or :ba Time. It ror Sunset Ztnkler, 113 N. I'ort' CAlt Any good make; must be bargain Heights; references required. Phone 60. Only M cenia a SulL Morebead, the Tailor, Sttnlbn. will tielu" you get mure business. Cill St. pliunn MM allout It. Female Help Wanted. cash, 3ti Texas S . w. ... KENT the easy running White and Stand- HOTEL PI.AZA under new management: TWO rooms, kitchen and bath, steam beat. vicbuu 9. WANTEO A glrl'a blcydoi In good completely ard! best machines tn tbo world ror fam- fthKM glasses? American optical Co.' WANTKD- s or 4 girl 'waiters. Apply little renoval'-d- ; moderate prices ueorgette APIS., 7ii m. aianton. EXl'EHT Cleaning and Dresslnr: nrlces condition; at reasonable price. Phone 34SC Phone 3S38. reasonable, ily use. Repairs guaranteed., Lafo, under First National Hank. capítol Tailoring Parlors. WHITE SEWINO MACHINE OFFICE, In run RENT rurnlshed apartment, ruuuo H. WANTED- woman WANTED To buy or lease vacant lots FOH KENT All newly rurnlshed. outside 333 8. Stanton. t II. L. Stewart, AgL Hellable ror general East El I'aso ror tenement with sleeping porch; no sick nor children. jewelry 211 San Francisco SL housework, no washing; must have ref- South and rooms, near car harp llfl Magoffin Ave. mono to. order. house-- ; Ulve (location and price, áW. M., Phone tog. xj, STOVES SET UP AND REPAIRED. erences; good home for right partyr Ad - r rillKAU WIFC never' misses vaudeville dresa P. 11, care Times. care- Time. BEAUTIFUL A.room furnished apartment. LESSONS, toe; firing. Mrs. Nafe, I'D. 1404. show, Saturday matinee at Vie Alnambra. i F.UHM.SHED HOOM; sleeping porch; (lose very targe rooms, largo oséis, largo Stoves set UP. Fhono Sd&' pantry, nice bsth, S aleeptng porches DETECTIVE AGENCIES. Ti it. a. SLOANt Am O. K. and m Salesmen In apartment absolutely saw aad V. Wasted. Special Notice. RUNMNU water, lights, bath, laundry, everything fine health. Write me. L. Sloane. Ml walking also on car BEN York Cliy. Bol.e Apartments, tot Texas. - handsome; distance; 1MK WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AOENCY. EL PASO THUNK FACTORY New wars- niaicoinbe itoad. New WANTED Town lota aalesman ror every IN common accord and sutinr our latere!, line, spqele! price jto permanent people. Investigation made in civil and7 couhiy In Texas, New Mexico and i criminal nouse, rarest location; positively lowest Arlionat with this date we bare dissolved the otrice FOH IlENT Modern rurnlshed room, close no cniiaren or sic. n izu nunuy. cases. ClOrtq 1st Nat. Bank BIdg. Phone 440ft. IttieraT'inotiey.maklnc proposition. Address lluPwenl under the name or THE AETEC In on W. Missouri St., with heat and rates. Phone 1034. Western Subdivision Co.. S04 Herald Bldg BHOKEKAOE k INVESTMENT CtlMPANY. In sleeping porch, ror gentlemen only. Phone BLANKETS AND QUIl,Ta a bargala. Fouli Kl SHEET METAL WORKS, Paso, Texas. thirty day reckoned rrom today, all per- 41 j&inyer. sons that neve auy buslnes pending' should DBS. BIIOWN fc OALLOWAY. 300 MUI UUlg ACME SHEET METAL WORKS-Oea- call ror definite arrangement. A. O. furnished l'liann AAA. i.hrr ihj Repair Shops. alease n, rnowc jua sheet metal coniractora or oil kinds. 411 us Youit cleanino. Alírtrio outlerrex. palacios; M. aparunenis. Texas 81, Phono 3130. j Men's sults.rleined and pressej. ,50c Hossl. TUVE Lucero; q HOOM ror rent. Call at White Elephant FUIlNISHED iDartaient. 3 rooms and bath; Ladies' suits rleaneU and pressed ,,..?&c 9 repairing: new part luad and car. c Call Apt k, Ladles' skirts and pressed. rleil tor all makes or stores. L. t. Peeler, Saloon. everytMag new; steam baat...... Jic D. 6 VV, IHUUI1. - dead cattle, horses, mule All Work lulled Tor and Delivered. wlia k II. Iron Works, corner E. Fifth NICE outside rooms, cold running Ikh aad ...u.ck iree. i'none jt immediately, 414 Cl'T ItATE CLWNINU WOHKS. and S. riurenca Sis. rtton 344. Mew:: American water gas heat. Vendóme Hotel, 31tH E. EL PASO SI0N CO.. Mesa. Phoa Its. I Phone &730. Howskeapiti.RoosBS Fef OET YULit name In the "What Are You oVtk 'raoarsr'Ubcatlon or 'Ainerscsa ywnmii ai. ruune awe. Rtat CITY SI0N CO., 3 N, Stanton. Phono IS47. MADAME JOIINSU. 417 Texas. Phono 3774. Looking Fort" column or the Times. It KlMtMO. lua Saa, Antoam St. FOH KENT Newly help you more decersM turmshed bedroom In THREE raralslMd aouieseepta; room, with TYPEWRITERS. wilt gel business. Call .Nttviy furals4HMl, bandsooely private liome; steam Heat; no 1134 porcn, A. C. Tulloch, phone two ll. tadtM. sick. lleentac no. ana cots wivw. susn alout apoiicsily oeaprlvila boouia lor mono eeo-- eaas-- . cwaurnu. ' KHAUOHT3MAN. TYPEWRITERS HAM WAH, Proprietor. Aniuna. Texas S. raoae 00 AH Classes and Office Supply Co. All of Work NeatJy Done. makes sold, 318 CUSHIONS mxde, furniture repairing, up. BEDUOOM, tumlshed; ran be used forvij Phone 3147. Hotel Menger, El Paso. reafed sa4 rvp4r4. . bolstering, HQUSEKEEPINO suite, with private bath; Texas Mills SL. Phoae mm, AgL Corona typewriter. work prices Vaguer,'1 week. ha i bed; no sick taken. Could rural in room, too sum av. Lost and Fowd. Phone (183. board or ror llgbthpusekeeplng. iw, Saa alto KiwHT UAS4H.I.NE. TAXW1KHMWT8. m. ror gentle, All haVtog ac. joíu i'uone aura," HOUSEKKEFINO suite; rooms QAh UtT Yuta NANC in the "What Are You NOTICE. CHED1TOHS psrtles Rio Orande, t u. OAS.. 7&: oil. toe. piumo smo. 30 Nursery. again (Woo mamona men. ill E. MrLELLAN BH0S. Phone Frisco. Looklnr Fori" column oí the Time. It counts the Pulhnan.Careleris asm. tVLT Lka. K2J3 111 re hereby afotlfled II l twip you fet mor business. Call PLAIAVIEW U UsLltY Mi YhV TargViT" mS Moo Sing, üvctttmp When visiting or shopping In EI rise step MODERN housekeeping apartments. Phone MCTEKl.VAKY WMMm. phone toío sbout IL x ' they to preteni 'at tbe office or AasUtt k at Hie llamona Hotel, centrally at best alork haye ever bad propagated him , te4d I Ma. EL PASO DION AND METAL CO., I&8S Marr, sol san A4a4o SL, by Noveer MO N, Stanton, Hooma with or wttteut Saa BR. H. A. XIOOINa-Ph- oae 363. 306 South FOU.NU-T- he Iwsl typewriter on the from varieties tint have been tested and do WW Antonio, dealers in scrap market, 14m ivii. war bsth. Hatea toe to II JO. specui r4M by housekeeping rooHsa. E. Missouri. iron, rubber, ore on. Hospital ror wre aad dag. Hoysl No. to beat, perfectly free from any disease. wisi copper, brass, bones, etc Phone 4a40. ' 4 We mafco a specialty or propagating varle-ti- e YOUH NAM m Kou HOU44' HUHEAU United Typewriter Co.. 8o Antonio. OET "WMt.Af FUMMUMtEO M.MASEH; rh. 1137. octavia aad Saa Aatoato-- c that seldum get killed by frost, rrlxe Looking Fori" at the TH4. it IliUtL MLAUtn ouw la aaarta ut lar. IM ROOMS. -- ALL KINtM ROOMS ILLINOIS 1H1TTLK AND Pfl 40 HKWAHD leadssir to the winning and grasa Call 77. loos E. Overland, phone H4I- - WIS4HIW WA441LN1. ' iur Infurnutlou malte Sudan seed for wUi help you set awf? Mrs. 3. W, Blaboe. Large, wet) fMWaiMd, las x. asaatoa. Phone roavlcMon or the party lut took, two sale on application. uusla. ' i prices Agents wanted pupas, sow about M. cool room st ressoniaij miss. WVVtsLXM. blNkeM, (rom Wintry camp to htti oa commission, Ampl kstiitng TSMtfaaewUr Mauro, raoaa. 3 K. itwourl Phone MIS. s ta- - Oesa. Phone Aa smh ' Hatavlew Nursvy, ractHM. owum) sui on. as. Address I' M., rare Times. plalnvMw, TUB HIM lag pUMrt rsrwMly beleagMag to iA. near a. Kl Paao 84. Tei" paper, ai tMJWNO tl up a Fouu fc tinkler. WATCHES eieaaed SOc, prms sac, ; tlw tkluncp 'Hornia Ssclsl" CHA! Wir UKiT LtaM brlndle Entllsb huUiluf 1 Nci. 3I tí. taatoa 84.. r. Lauro war rawed crystal I3c. Casfc rar 44 rata, year brass MUcaManeoyi. oisM rim unir. tas gaa Antonio. tsa. POTTER WELD1NO 311 .o4. ivy rollar. Suitable Wswtod Aguirre, has icen kuughl kf Correa del Theater. . Baob faen apsrlaii'nt 3101 Dearer Jewe4ry CO.. Texas Bt.UsaHl rewr4"to HMer. W coo ley, Mú orwile or Messrs. tserraaiJatul Vütdo, aS , weld your broken casting good a saw YOWtNAME None." dl Hit. KENNAW). : fwmtaas.i boaaa .,,., fee MATTH SJl) ISO DIM MM V. OCT in the Wbat Art Vi wtu charge. o4 oa the WfW. ato. . VR4WVATH aad sva as' to per cent on new rasttar. will take JM plt fweot house ,., He aJiktaasasaVtja4k) Experta on all kinds or anetal If yoy WM reach all tbo txopl 1st Novewate tmt, j4asa avaa to gat tawar Hoof...,.,,... weiaau. dm ,h0t butaCM C'B ir at a nssa4Md Hi DU SA.0 fc WELLI404AN. F4 Sasfl. J'hoae SW, jjf the time, t4yT4 want ids. phaoo'tofi) sfUt'lt' ta Humar. CHooas furassVa aw ". ..,...... MitHjDY ttwy are Dog't pasas; can amenice. f WANtep-- boae.ta El I'sau, Mcattea' bAIUf T o painimg, lay llnoloua or all at lUe Aluiutuiic tvea. MM la U4i say work ta exclnusv cheap H110.S-- Many new Jaewts k Zlnk 4e Crawford Theater BUtf. for horse, - - -pliers.4 ,'lH 'U II klata. 8., Howlcespisif Raesws Fcm Rastt. Htmses For Rastt, TrtUmnt. TurnltM;or Address - -- . Sfx vim. rm rent.' uc , . -.- Johsfc care Thaw, ir. l LEA3ANT, rooas. VIIUMIdU Vl.l.U IUU1I, ,UI IM (HNIK0 ROOM FURNITURE w aay to ML At tH'H AM 8A.NITARlL'lf, Will - fmilh " ,THK El Paso Poultry AockSkM bold pay you- to tee buying, Vewu lt. Come and lovk us, over, fc ZMV, 8AK vittnin llh.TEO rooms, cIom ta. 644 Fa. ' ' ' f'uuta Nice dining room and (or renti Its annus! exhibition NorTJ ui i. jgwla fc Zteklfr. t ZHtkkr- - reasonable. , Saa Anwuly. luslve. Fur catalogue iwatssauni ti nméHt aaeaaat aoueaaptac rooms; prl S ItSVMM.'CTTII I M.HT.KT 31'LE.sHlD rm. court close Im. I'none ETH 0. krrwao BeCatóf. Si. va tamtlyi ttfft. TWO Bloely reoas;-prlva- OCT YOUH NAME ta Iba "WDat TSSK SMMfl S44MHCMNLY econd address i, rox furalibiN WANTED To smf hand tool sa4 hEDIiOOMS cheaat el ta. iyfp - tutsaaMepUur roosM, KM aad sleeptag aaress. fi?fT Sunday 'or Laaklng Fort" ealumsi éf saa TÍÍsÍh csMtrunsar vfrtcKa in gun. H. NcSTSM.a. U I'aso SL , nrataa arter 8 p. days. Ms N WIN help ycu cat asura basteen. CM I H VIST THCATMCNT i'LKNis44i mom, m x.yJqm. Ti wets. I'stona w. in. week SlMa. I'luia iui aSKiUI it. UUili MS ' Drsnaaslfing. I l'HMSHKsi ruo ror gentiaataa. sacluding ro. roota. liusjag porch, aw awwt, U0HT bouKitae. ra aias for reaL Paeaa u i FINE FUHNITUHE If want II, It 1 W. A. WU.1 baih; ntwitu url. UNO. - toil Hajer I. RENT MoMiaamping 4aV In fc- ""l Auclloa data and Cui 7H fgt rooawi slock. Fouu Zkkkr DIIESSMAKINQ It or py day. Mrs, NEWLY room. kxA aaiolnlng, asá douMe. a Antoaso. - IMllll' - tKetM wt. rurnls4r4 tsi HOUSEKLEPIMl as famished reeaM, FOH t.'roi. phone- IM. ' smmsm, , lutosa, WaabiagkNs tranca private cWm ib bo smb. Sw Moa. UUH MAxSB a the am Waartand. . CAKE utttM vt '751 . taua. tsft "W toi Park, star NUM. fura44H-- rraer iiiiuPE fCM. trMt Ml'WC ovesssMkiog J Sell Every iaaig at AiifNia r V rWf " asliitan or Mm Ttaaa. 1 FASHI0NABL8' and ! rnp WMfa' ruralsttad vr arrtg :". aaga ya atoe laaataas. Cat rn; cAMtatL. sen tatluring, aurHl4'lr. iiarrl. Court, MACn MCN, TAKK NOttSjet íviarMMÍ. TUS MSMtT U a.m iioute piuca, rwtw ckn, misw ratina Ittaaa mu city, "H S nna: Ra aaai rssrTa ftt kMj04Jaliamskf SU N. tttaatua, aM. mm raasa áaskH. Fhsi.sUM .fcwoiuf Apply 4 t, X ursass. IMtiKKtWwa laaoMs. ata a. oe . tarsae. iwaapa; psaai. Wtaaa stja-w- . IN 4MSW-- dresiassaiaf. iowm i IVnr lIKi speewtty. 3M4 71 N fT0VKH-- .ta I ou wwa. ar sec , cteaa mult, wm r Stmt. st PES I KA IK. a,' ayiifars raaaa. Sjl-W- talaitaaiSiao re mi, ta. raa aaat ' smn mm Fc 1 uastar- - twa ÍWMalkaaJsj' WKf aVsjgk I'llLaaMAkiNO 3SH. KtriÜISMd ' WJMt 4le. I'h. TMMEai aa4 kMjSh, W4 ataaist SMW issatxa tor Raaat. Itm), Acr anai fitilml, a sick 'iW4S)V dresmaklag, st WtM Heat FU M )cd!U uw" Aa Ad Mara thai Vataai atara. tw naM.M nteaiy TtLY raralska4 pmi as aanir aaytSsr iasjatfc ibr. iW iim tms mm d. Fét tsOTLarsa. ruralaawa Jrswt ststsev .1. i l4aanLr lata inaiiaiaalagi as n fatsstry For rooia. io. HsksWjSStMl. nt sass (tat trci FIKaf 4ujEsvfc?Ts Sfuaah fca saaaa ssst - srfiN asi db ssagaaa as ar aaw. lHraai tauuT ssarHar r, M, List- - vinsv ssStS 4. hfaa. EL PAflO MORhg Ttm n tí tQ T0Ú About Your Wants-T-ry a little Want Ad

fj44t aaVstatVa StJak. Ownir y ru MQNBV II) LOAN. 84 TfUtt ff THE GEAlíi HSR do good own mtmf,,,- FOR 8A1.K It Sana) Rn' MARKET WOULD Mm RXf'IMJJ.f: MMC avi IfBitBY'tu Bmiding." coiwte w4fj those la aavtf rnaaa U laM th raault nr vemtoma loan, ait Trust moaey ewawr urge " ! '!"" Tim k, overland at, ho win have to 8mM. 'or - 'i.! . mere chance. Service that riaJly b. I small amounts, in a proponiioit that will "n ho FOR IMHtT. TJffiJlA.SE "What Are Y. bring large retnrns. For hstervlew serves can oniy ronm irom urn f cuiumn ot ino Times. work, a Uiorough knowledgfi kATfltKSAES md t,0," fPfl. JC VJff ' WW'H I', 11. BOX M, hi reea,rfofl of ' xiaagkar- - SBLIlL .,. mon eusHiMs. ca WW apartment, partly rurnlsbed, (M. MsBT IiMUTHN ON MONTANA ST. rRMWVS BAY. the business In band and a ron OKT TOUR NAM W IfM ' Are You ' slant desire 10 sailufy the R. BAILEY LANB CO., . blWloW, a1waa,l ftMn, a WiUKY Tft LtlAW Lookm For eolii nwá M IfaY Tames. It C large) nnirt-- hm Al The ummuil growth of few an Trust Building. youif ttfmn, vxmcts. r.Mr M ix4 HwtMi the id will help get more husmeas. Call Kat. kllchrn rablnet, bMement and heatmg ff Hay N4 - our business bis pent duo the ?tM. row juete. or rnon solo rt rbwe toes. m Meia Ave,, afnr Flailed Thrre- we render". May we serve, 3ALBminr mveieé iai.i about ijnil vliw.,U"rul m ' ' service I roame; downtown; rent HO...... 75. gricc; a years' lease, a, care Times. W whistle; c w CiraTIS-MAN- roam; clew f(KAL TREATMENT eliminates the WtKul KetiH, I Wet frm CO., rem its; tow IMM MB drink Clewasjad hAl kesetnent and sfeaM IHeck and fined (tratera. vft). pay phones 40tt or 11 " ' mvko, night phone 174. BOX UOAEYU.ÍOÜ can IStatt Ml Hi- CfHcago, S roam M 1. h. k.j tm HP P. 0. 901. HF oa Hwt trtnaHaptf toe). iialMuats.' i It von a re Mfawkm Jural (wlalg tR.th,,vHjrV SfiSM Jlowcr .the" ft room: rt'ntownt HMfé. N SPLuajri oirr home six rooms: futí (tasto, diwnpftd. real eel ate, vendor s.yVprcUcl Slttl.lMWn RITBA rnftd mat .of turns 4oW.' Ü Myrtle Ave.; eleee Ib all csaiMdergblo roenia; ...t.,. fea 6 vhy we YHey We have some of the best located build strentlh developed In the Issl M rooms: rood location: km; iese..,. , 8 rHckífisi cheap for rooms more the! El that's are land expert. Ing sites in the rtty and can Mease yuu on hour to I.WO cash: hari jbelle; ,th4 export dealings 'M room!; downtown; transient; r. 7?i i mptum1. mono Kl, rAWl LOAN ANrt RAI.TY CO. almost any loeewty mat yu VMM to iwe in. H (s well wt you froir a wc a wheM had assumed 1 steam neat: tMHn..MW It are buMHng a M M- - WAnVkd To' lease cfaé? rcHemft.tt; Seo h first id uve time, worry td nod fountain or MOMKY T9." LOAN. SIS 'TrttaV BsWteg. home, either ott yor. own r with to ireat iie. The rqrkt closed firm. UKc MARTHA Him. ,88 MYRTLE AVENUK, tren. we Mil rooming nouse cicraaiTciy, siaflil. Address Cigar Stmd. care Tim. purchase one, tall W ua before; don't - eonseajuemly youfjust w jgtj you . e Wing the (1 Frlre tor Ihe- Nrateai Correct cn Uro sise you wish. Easy term gTaas Rajajit bny. , Jnnished provisions varying - gfJa)a) PlSO4avel to4em bincalaw. aM bullt-- Answer of yHo fhtmf Até. Trouble to Show Yau. yrwiscuuni lor casn. route- UHUen ,ur ?ftts FOR fufnlsbe'bufgalow' osi retmreij) km cah, effiee cy term,!. '"o ur were JAS., A. McMAHON. " rr. uiai lata iiualieU, .m)C-l- it r IiEASE taken part payment, to build MCKMWt Ave., for M HOUTH OtlEOON ITislatT. (sot S.0OOllB,lilllliplM J0jp 901 J. tnio St. Phone pt 36x1(0 MONTANA TNKST.IfOíipS, ... in for Ihla wmlr ' day:, 'give possession Nov, 'sf préfen feel, bwweaa aM Seraotti Jtt aveHUos, óf rew ua caro Times. couples peopie SU.. MS tier fnnt. s4i ' We have several 4, t aM 6 room home mm' barrels flour were ; rooting ,.M,.,,,t,M..M,. Texicia "or wins chlidrcg) located oa tMs borne which " iv iiviti oceu usposeu or ror export rooms; rent f-- ...... v.U. TM street of wi sopa ANNUAL income UflOO guaratiteed on real Í, WATW, will be slowed to show you ir 'you aré from the Pacific eossrand there was a'good 0 rooms cioso in: pisce, ,..,.)., esMW. 13, of Kufopran government M rooms new tilico .... "v, ,iTviimeni of interview, RtKJM rUfMsjie coll.age. ckM tit. Phone, desirous of securing a residence on this Ufl Íflk i?01 i 3(07-- bo'nr after flour at Minneapolis. H rooms: light housekeeping (.no un iraes. Sote popular n reel. Bulls til (JsTsM Anunnsun-ni,i,Kr- W'ro further encouraged by 7 Inclurtlnr dIido ...... 8S0 OWINO to a recent I m mjanll Phon Ft an Mi co St. i ntAi, i m,, asaertlons that room! lnliiri 4tf 1 Pho ' all of Uta Heandlnavlui iñiM., I rooms) eloso m ...... 1.58 wi lira luruuure. ana lease m (fa tipil ll. ft Budflor. land were buyers or ui W sos ... my (1 active wheat. rooms: rent ..l,.... i.thi hoicl in Ung Beach. Cal., the locatlen t BUNOALOW AT COST a rooms and bath Export demand for corn helpqd to rally se or Which the In il-- 1 - ttKMMr rent tita sflo is belt the rlttf Wrlin br Kifl "laiKtil H lwiji time, Pal- screened sleeping Porcav heating plant: that cjereal. It Was said SMJXM bushels hsS M rooms: rent WO ...... tjxo ... .a.iiiau wtf,.i.DHi; nccu, t.ai. miire lollcgev modern. K O. Box 010. DAILY BULLETIN. been bought hero to good ....i.....i .ahip. rent a otci? rooms. SPAjilSH-Pr- r New Mexico' FarmX aerea of fino al. meM and 70.000 busiutfs at Nov V,rlr Wt su rooms, oo.lo.biins$ oworwBltyl kicallon'W of. travo."l4-Bueki- Blflg. siesta neat, running wsver la tt. faifa, tpo acres or bearing orchard. 40 acres yorable weather tended at first Vo ease tho teso per month. , LBXRN .SPANISH. In other crop: arietta, welt, also canal laarttet somewhat. CREEL. WrW Night classes at Lvttla Patlerset lMtttut. BUJWALQWS FOat SALE. extensive Improvements; near 'good town; Casts appeared .to bo governed chlerly by Austin fc S. - OlT A1IITSINP.SSL. Two very deeirawe bungalows, railway station oa side of farm t one of the thu coure ot oahar trrjm. F.uropcn call nares'H'J Tnñia rnu 'wtth 4 glased raoxof n uhi well located t raéws and beet firma In the southwest. Will trade for juigian waa aW?T8' slecplBg porch; billH- - iacoifM rT2 PÍ,lM,, traite KiailLVil'''.,7 reaiureet cattle rwei' or El Pah' property. d to n sxpajadtd in a' noticeable man-ite- AftfJ We are bunlnea nnriMlnii uid2iin mi TyftsmrriUrs,'' every convoawnce. Extremely cheap ,i " LétiU show you what we have, VOtl Imlt'wMil - WM1!..'onft . gr lln uflh an vthln J MUnluJ ;4,S5o, FackerV Mylw',cJiPcJtcd Sm fMi rpolHons-cl- stores, LET U3 OVERHAUL your rrwcWne fdr ,?S. 3WMaT- im a riher sharp toóos, break 4n provle,1 Tlie atores, etc. Grocery, Two. Republics Building. market previously V. 'VALLEY LANDS jtore, gelling $m Room; iifit un itm nun 11 crane uogs. dally. Invoice 12,000 wiin Up and down the valley. typewriter uo.. o HOMia AND VACANT CITY J9mall manufacturing busi- uti bm'amohio. WANTED AT ONCE. Wheat Decen (l.t3H: May. (I.IOU. rnOfETY ness, big profits ...... 1,460 Have dlent who wanti to b com Deo ?r,i63M,ci May, No iron le to show jrou. --14-, r--rrr Alta 7Bc. 8lx twq autos, xiuuiiiiujr jiuusu uargais, - modern bttngalo,. near Oat Oeceeiller, May, M salesmen and Let í at your - service. Close tn, 8 rpom..,,..., Vlstiach09V, 'kjow what Pork-laa- ajy, Wsj; Uiy, (u,o7. 'f.aVrdJUillUkl-V- . aU) ' C, ÜELDÉN CO. Moat market, awcir fixtures.' OET YOUR NAME hi tba 'Wkt Arc Yti áTi U im lln W. REALTY agar LArfM WILL. RAMEY BROS.. los ttt stsnton 81.' Phones stmd, Sm AnKwtq .. am. i Loftklag Fert'V eoltm of tte Tme. Ul VALLEY- rKVSH BW Jp matter what you want, see will help you get more buslnaaa. Call "CHEAPEÍI HUN NOW- - , First national pank Building. KI Faso, Texas, Oct. as, 19U. naby Editor, D AllO Am rooming: house; Iqcs. HOWELL REALTY CO.. WW Tec, rnqae pppfl fnout it coming Care Times, El Paso, Texas Anna lion cannot bo best In Et Paso; rent bct. m Herald In fact eastern buyers are FINANCIAL Clark, age 9 years. 9 months and 9 days; lease: well furnished and In now. The government will be SITÜATIIN Dwlght Alanton Clark, age 3 years, 3 moderrt. tPhone 1672. tbrowlns dirt on two or the uiwer months and 9 days, corn July 19. tsif, at valley thirty OWNEft canals within days. We olí Magorrin avenue; xtow live at 1323 Wyo" LEAVINO, CITY, UKT are only allowed water tor tan good VOUIV JIAME. In. tbe "What Are You acre. Steady Improvement .Cenllnuei hi Ike e inlng. and. will sell old established, LAOKinr comma or We own over l.OeO, in various s(ea Enjoy thla In Of BAnoAms, paying reauuraets .good tori" ise ruae. ii Hardwood riuanciai niuisuoD .ana Their plciuro (ptearcd the lssuo hpQMmq uovsE ' 1 location. you (racu, we UiSiwafl hum unrsiow, ftoors, X S8," 1914. 110 win oeip get more empatu, .ai, lull mull at "ffiM Money Easier. October Your close lrit'renl only Price 00. phone about it. shortly, 8 If any of the following on g run lots, at half cash. MAllVllA BUSH. per month. Only seáo: easy terms. ' FRANK i. ETIE, latere!-- you we WIU be pleated io Wejlt hi Piedras r ' Ave., only so. - only eoo; Real Estate end Bental Agency, 'at."' m Myrila El Paso. Texas. . is rooms! rent ' gp. fuU dejcrlntlon QfrX you É. ÁtiocMtd 1130 cash,' balance easy. rhono "J69. Mills, St, In rUt bunjealoW, on írMii Prtit 8. show themr this new flow Yprk'.OcL --8(eady Improvenvmt MILL NOTHLNG. 16 rooms: all new furniture. l30 Estate DaWs. S acres close to Canutillo, good Rio Orando hardwood floor cash, monthly St: conunuea toiiay in tbe domestic financial balance' payments. house, nice and throughout. excepting Wicheni on. This ,was Hade M rooms: running iq and cold . ANDBS1N REALTY COMPANY, in .alfalfa. IIW ran cro.T 'porch; heating' plant: south flluat accenluaied not oniyliy llemoeratle Candidate In New Hleo 318 Herald Bidg. Pfeon. Price glassed the ronger Investmenl demand, Mío Campalnn Cost, water: 8 private baths. Only tiflOQ; Liquor Saloon Near posiorftcc 5&0 am. o? arrea. Ja lu rino, atand'or.lalts, but Wlllioul tflso' cash, balance monthly. T"1 na (oreign interi Splendid Cigar store Beat location. 00 ANDEMSON-FlLLE- n REALTY COñ balance ls la' cdrn; not k iieTter '"'i;i"'koiaaitagici fecial IFire tb TAe TliHrt I rooms of furniture for sale and Restaurant STO da v.... or valley. Vrteé nice in a (iroest mod-fr- n fiS,tLfvíro for a loan of (io, cash feeelots loo t and 8 Buckler Bidg, piece soli ib tne ttH BomeHiinr 0,866 for six on a SW cent Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. ao.Campalgü l'rlce half procoryr-Cai- b, recelpta too a acre. huHgalow, hcaing plant, hard- months tier bf tes: 400 .tno short-ter- cash, easy. VanclBros.,1 688. 13 paved 5& afld ba' a sis. market for numerous by the .various candidates Tvero balance VUow AUSTIN & MARR, acres, faies road.- all' In wood rioors, fL front MSUe WS arllve. Mnnnu nn tl,.,A -- .11 Bee LANE, with 115 Jlatn Sj., Crawford Theater, Opp. p. Capia Dulldteg. Telephoao 4W0. alfaira, in live heart or the La cnlon with tho secretary or gtato' tn Macon Co., u.mtvu aii irenu. consiueranio tiurty. filed rtcalty tío Mills Bid?. diiirlct. Frico 117 an acre. day Joans cuier accordarico 'with tho state law. MACiiiNE3- -ie B1LLARD ! IENBY PHONE Oí. a belnr made at ku tier wm P(ign,e 879, skwinq a week. Fouu k ti aeres" at" Chamboreao," good, The COtlOn Mont aUliatlnn bouse, In sear- s, bungalow, iiiiiiuh .nml,.. B, CÍ Hernandez, rtepubilcan candidate U)10A0DU3 fc LK ll room about half fine ptwae today, " ing race paved rat, (8.7M; wben local tntcreta evinced for' congrui. spent (ioo.i In addition to 1558. V orcbarl and vineyard,' llrtohoap their abuity to TO THAPEt-3,oo- o equity la El Paso, lots road and main ditch, price, Hoo an S&OO will handle thla. V arrlvn at a settlement with travel end bote expenses; II. B. Fergusson, KING large, newly furnished rooms, with at tuxx) clear, irrigable land; UELLHKI1Q IL to congress on valued. for BLAIR. Thorte 144. aero. UA8S1UV fltfcl., Woro outstanding- - at candidate for slceplnr porch and rarag-o- good beating Address K. Y,, ore Times. acres at Chamboreno, fine,...level (II Mills St. Phono OH). the outbroak J the tbe pcmccmio UckM. also spent (500, turn " el si war. The financial aide ot the plant: fine' location; terms. For sale by plqce of land, on mam ditch, race proposition ing cash oyer xo jlie .slato committee owper. Plwne MM, - Sheldon. .Both rboaes. paved road. Price am an' acre. wi further complicated by ther refusal of SUTXL HO- CKAR STANB rUTUR FOR ..ra micriur uaiiai iq join in me pian pead-in- - Francia C. Wlltoo, Prorreastve candidate are V COLES ti Hn03-.- , Heal, Estate and A number ot tracts, ai; n.ríimrr. BEDS! BED31 We overstocked In line lar planted to fruit, on "easy term to more definite iiiiirinm rmm for congress limited blC expenditures to beds,. and will rive an extra discount tq surance, luorenousa HtocK. t'coo tw. ly invettment, R. H. Thome, self get. st 150, while Ado)ro P, iltll, who Is making move suit purchaser. We own all Or the. them, l'ouu k Zlnkler. DOUOLAS CRUWH.L, accept soma good fan F.fnrlf Bt.. W pao. Td- - Prediction or trad ImnrnvAmant tho race' for corporation commissioner on C above and would Voiced by Itie executive ImarH ,.r Real Esttte,, insurapce. let Mill Rldg. city property as part payment on MONEY TO LOAN. 31S nulldlng. ih. tho Deniocratlo ticket, says bo didn't spend Gilt Edgej Rqowíbíí Hqhw, Board iuid Trust Sfates corporation d Rara. aanie and nuke terms on the balance fd steel were a cent, itugn 11, wuitams Ma Jann mc- - ' No an El B. P. HAM.METT' SON." ar by banking commercial im- - better investment an earth than steam roostp and board, Pros ' to suit. FURTiliUP with real .recreaiton and Teor. resnectlvely ReDubllcan and Pro cas.) nouse i'arx.prps, heated W Haamett Block, Phone ire. patrons- - Aihembrn faeaterT preveuicnis in various Motions or rroin No trouble to show, ceunu-y- . the gressive 'Candidates com- K-- rt, Oregon? re.m m.,t,,t.t.,f law Bank; clearinkg aaoweda more for corporation e Kan.; rent MO ROOM BOARD t loot HORACE; 0, STEVENS, CO. I'AvkD STREET--S level 7ctt( at (sto tendency Willi continued missioner, gava up (300 and Williams, AND sleeping porch. LA UNION FARMS oav n paid wm .contraction tii. 8 n. Sptendld location: gas ranges.,., 674 N. Btanton.' near Estate aad Insurance, (With Hawkln Bros.). Hit for: (is Der monin wpv is seeking reflection, spent the larger? sod t w, aw, The Bank 8 iwMyrtia AveritBo: Neo down,,,, JAS. WATTS, wij,ipii, poi 0 statement was arnln amount. 300 HA VINO larte, home oh Mon i. noteworthy, 6 homelike...... 104 Stq Francisca &L Phone 4. tmefly for its continued gam $ It. Charming Magotrui;. 3 suites 560 tana street, beautifully furnished, would n which in past - "Who g4 Wlmt Aro Y fupi.iuus uioiai, tne week CATAON 'MUST, BEI EM) SUIT, 10 Trans, RmaWSM) Anton, rent I .. Special like- 'Md room several adults. amounted to over (0,000,000, to wnlcb an 1B06. It TTansieflt l.080,000 wte..,ll,ioo Phone Leokiaij; For? f,YW,OW SUQUld DO '"wcaao fn popo tieeÜAr tXambw Xclloa i Elegant rtmsr-suii- beauty: harg, i,o SELECT board: desirable rooms' for gentler ttoo- - iudje la. 16 it. private baths; all new: rnodern.,. 1,000 men; Four-roo- . modern bungalow; CON'FKCTIONKRIES. AiiMan new wibxkv V, OOO reasonable, tuis n, stanwn. Alia Vista anttv. 10 Hanstonwiext CUy Hall...,..... moke your own terms t METAL MARKETS. feTprcfsI Io s BOULEVARD CONFECTIONERY. U Boule Wirt Tht Timet . s beautiful rooms i finest new rum: aettton. Fe, n. M., blocks rrom Library; furnseo, con- II A for the best kftchen cabinet M,oop. vard?Fresh fruits lad CinoBif. iot ElrclrolvllB Coenrr. 3at Oct. States W) Udgo U Vopa today servatory: terms .,, ,( m niauo. ruu iui bungalow; some casta; orinas, roone Bv ihtlttocMtd Vreti William dented tbe 1 W.u.M-tcm-- (33 per motion of for United Slate Senator ñTexasi rent M geiiilonwn, balance month. up. Co, New York. Oct. SO. Electrolvtle mmk. i.wUeni Mi half cash , ,750 FOR" select 'board an4 rooms. Z l,300. STOVES set prvln Fumliure Thomas 0, CatrOn 10 dismiss tbe complaint .5, Mrs, Depew. 70 Myrtle,. Fbonq 3ae-- v"u p or uuriy 34 iwellest rooms in city: .oo dowp. ir you are looking for alee Fotr-roq- b(iuglawj rurnlsp.edi I'lione Ttiif. in gaiart aenaior by BROa.r bouse., hardwood floors, gtean beat, 1. " m suit roufnt lad TOWLE. WITH PARK CONVALKSUENT HMÍ FOR TUBERCUV Pon. A, Moun Day. Defendant Is charred 115 Main St.. Crawford Theater. Tbone 698, n i corner 'tots, beautiful view, on N. )r. .v. New L0S1S Hlgh.claaa accommodations; fates we have it., Only as.oeo: York ttllvar. .wrongfully, Inatlgtílngr cbfrgus ot Paris and Sis, toa sl. terras. FouT;roora, bousu n twq lqls; gait Rntúlal Wirt! ta The Tim am. MONEY TO LOAN. 3ts Trust Building. reasonable. Frankfort Fori a. ileal uargaui-n-ito- ry. ciose in. on h. lt lans. ("A ik anybody.") laient uso of tho malls' against Moun car to uoor. , mow . paper, Ba misa Fttone mi-- El St., DAM. atone ta E1,PM? i or, wci. Mercantile W P Julius. 0. bay, 'also a dorondant In Pso ufouaa worts llioo. TUHHáHM BATHS. 14 ner rent. r pij, NEAL'S. UK .Mesa Ave. Iiooms strictly up ine money, Nice frame; well tbe case. Is ordered tO answer3 to the com Houses For Sale 84 feot on Overl. little CLANSAOEH lias returned, 4oeJ N. )rejfon liar silver, ,8l4c, d, near firr ttprt located-o- wo egr llnef Jioo down; plaint on or before Mirch 1, 1815. you moot, at a Mérlrteei (w per month. ODD liOCKEitS--ir want bargain, here ROOM and board, close la. Phone 403. balance " KRAUT AND PICKLES. SL Louis MéUl. ,ta, your place. It ?lpklr. p t.400.. . Fouti only MOO, ' 'aitppty of ARKANSAS HIMNO TReUBLEeL room at Nevada. i tefrsce; tenas. Two tots oa IIUI street i good ten-- . miKXAi-mih- 'fir'aat lVAi9dffi'r board and lita A nicer s.roam coture" West' nf Catun (Ud 1 Mesa, rptwe tic 5? Lead lilgber at A house, with sleeping porch, lo- pie!?. 4U o I'l.t?"'!'Spelter and nominal (looai.w. ' Heights. Uw UlldT.CLAba accouuaadauoaa for conva 1400, '. at Epb( iJousr Bomed aad Battle Fought Be cated ln.Swtset In best leseeijtii time. ceal.r TAK.4HUJ nelghborbood: HÍQ0, a small cash and easy Prices reasonable. Phone 407-- a Good adobe. Psjo rn cr laeeniHanes ana Hiae ufaras. In,-- lou, on earner oa Mesa ato.i beautl' 6ÜR winter woolen are worthy of yoair El monthly Including Interest.. ROOM AND BOARD one or two péopleu tut REALTY CO., currency, 80, Bu AtiocíaM for view: pavedt tnjuo. term. This u 13. 13, Morgan Bidg. Inspection. Alterations and repairing, fif fntt ww. fine tor an lnirtmunt alti noonull, PHQNK 4, Mexican gold. 4ft. Hmiin, Ark., oct. eight un yeUíM9t8BTe.iTM&f, ruutiu ... - rhone, 1,(49. PARIS TAILOR SHOP. ron Manean pesos (El Paso buying price). 40. occupied Houses bad been burned at tbe ROOM and board, reasonable, til Montana. REPA1H1.NQ. ' VIII currency. tBUi rrr!.n,Z LISTEN (q thlst We have a bricK, rire. Insurance, Kotary Work. Carrama " n company's mino so. 3. at " SO: Cldiuiahua an. big sleeping porch, Joeateo. on southeast you to all all 'ukjpiii 'ccm:u &nwnms. curreonr. Prairie Creek, night, a took if want reach the people 4, 11, QMITH nivw last battle corner on Montsmt St., for $3 ,500; ttoo cash, um use want aaa. SONS. between the loce;idlarJe United easy monthly payments, This !; unta "EVERY ONS A BARGAIN." Parts Tailor Shop, 403 N. Otagoa. Vboa tL E ernelUr pe and the balance QeiUna. bmi juaruing la your chance. See Will Marr, at Foil convalescents, room, board and sleep-- Pbese Ut. pa jtm ot. ttnrtaia properly, AU8TIN fc MABR'8. 4 ROOMS Norh side, (1,500; (HO down, Its ccbrdmg to report vechln here today, petailf Hne ubi- aro rBnkaown. a CONVALESCENTS .HV l&ff ,t"ni h HW90 juouiloaj, cf tro A snap. Dandy on Room and sleeping Ulepbon Jradleg FOR SALE borne Ariwna ,11 it, Til 1'LliiklMV wins to tba district are c porcuo i usBt eooimg i rate reasoatoie. "' St.: aoutb rroati Hellberg Blajr, IB30 t ROOMS A beauty, on Meat; easy down and it has not feeaa Mamod whether riobcrU-Batw- Bidg. Aritos. Highland park car. Phone W Via auio. sevM.rasseuer car tearea Olobt 4 418 X- erm yfiu Ll VFrSTflK AKCTa, anyone raruclpatiag la Mw fteht- - was In QBT YQUH NAME ,1a tne f'Wha Ara You dally. Time ( bours. jko reervauan at gPIHNOSf SPRINOSl If you want a good Looking ixuiumoQ IIUIN, mu AUW jured. are sure of tbe best resultif Fori' Ilutan or Ilia Ttmaa II 5 4iOOMSEvery conYcniec.(j only IIQO uioa, v"y Fort Worth Llveftoek. spring lot us tend you one on tral, Fouts disr Lme. flpcefal IFfr f o Til Riots have putea sl Míe mines or ii your ui cwouBru to v. cesis casq ñíw hJf li5 ' PUSIUS. can Time. tun k iinkier. . will get a good fountain peo free. na S Fort Worth. Texas. Oct. M r.inin su the company severs! bm alace the .ooen mnn snan ,rne m Want, Ad Hoy. s ROOMS por eelpti, 4M0. lncludlm tOO calve, ateara. shop policy was pu m opergtipn there last itiTCHEN $1 a week, - Basement and t rteéekf chef; FOR SALE Modern eroom residence in cabinets "The sell- KI FaaU 6,764J0 stacker steers. Aprjl. plañís Uta company Heights: H.750, Hollberg k OOOD HOME COOKINO, MESA. Leave Auto safe. S. bt.. dally, la. H.Wt6i cow, Surfaco uf were Sunset term. Sll eluding Sunday, 4:41 . m. Ratiaainga a, UU1IS, tl.aDM destroyed in days or rioting In July. Blair, 418 r Bidg. it 5;nvwwicalvo, (8.t0íftkío.lei.. viriwani thr LIBRARY TABLES II a week. Foutx ft rOR. aALt Ufl acres, two SECURITY REALTY CO;. l(ve Lgf (.rue pesiaiiice oauy, SNViUfl' iockr .cows and At mm No. 4 the rigbtiftg (t tint time a Firat National Bank Bütldtng. log sunaay. lor El I' at 10 a. w. heifers, lt.iuti.lt), , was severo two ztklr. 3,00o. Top, 7,to bulk, (4 mine guards were Pot Stock For Sale. MAIL LUW. Hgrateseipis, killed. room aqd board. Wf N. Stanton, Fbos. uuiii uuuo iiuuw. lurmsueai Buauioi leaving Angora MCI., and farm iror(ementst one luanr aarviaa nalb aa too. Welhers, fi.H9 Twelve United State marsh! were sent FOR SALE Persian, aad - kittens. Slant cluSTan IMPOSSIBLE, to muie No. 3 a day ago guard Beauties. 80 w. ei pao at.- pnoao-i- loo eacbí 13 turkeys, w few Io BOARD and toom, reasonable. 601 Nevada. Must be sold in tbe next io day. Price, That la what people 'sM about moa wbo were. Httw lUlfl.alrape for work. value tot Sunset Heights, but they Siaaton, Capitán and 'hOu. Through fart , Ck! Mwifaak. ROOM and' board, reason able, close today. Values on an way 40. iMtsper fast" la. New Mexico. are there te moia fa. AtffBdlte Pftq, Your name, - mm Ftnattr Sle, Ut ere ase more Jtggaga V busuieaa- and sddraa in mi, will rapidly, because mlK.. eftratY us m PwuU , Cblcaao. Oct. W.Haaafcacalnu inon Who Are You Lookm population Is Mcraaslng povwo 10 per , and What vari Mcrlflce keuse of furniture'; El Paws U fraet exeat at pound. Market aleady to 5C abava l&n nhenlnr. column Tbe Time WILL wWcb wa - of will help to Ut Ule for a rowiui. rumw own. FT Sd4raanWca)s'l4sAc)oasj8 A (Mug wMwau. uiu,wtiruii, scu4r yeslaailajr- tetara mer pfcaaa mi Hm ut AuétiM 'amTyb.W'' Qwnars and oargtorf. rbon itf. yt.PlH. boam. mfm it. . m" XJteiMi - - FOR SALl-Vl- very cMap If aoM at First NaWonilgyk uHny. aiaY7'w tBm- WAK,- FAMf, TH WAMPIIW1, pace. uMi noom Apt., OaMa ReellDt. IAS. Marlcat firm t, Lasota oit aleta. A bungalow, alaanlo, with larut RAIUROAD TIME geeya. 4ar(, cslvci, VVfaf II far NAME ki Are You NEW PAHLOH SlIltKH porch l country club all bluL.i, TABLES f.fili frf yfa4 wfr OUT YOUR the "What district! TU rr.Matti. tjjy Leoktag Fort" column of tke Ttaaee- - II leather uphelsteriatg at 113 features: buffet, bookcases, window Maw, Tale a. EffjaHv 4. low. fUm you awe CaU rouu uiKier. hardwood floors and all will g4 JMtate. k ele.; mtxkra co, (Mouatfln fima phone tm aOoirt iu NKW veniencesj large, substantially built Hrage, NEWMAN wmvam 0lr.) , aysasm, - ih a pome w. Kania CM- LSHatark. pnce, wm icnces: uuiii tor m m I4u utate, iwuraftft. t,r. Arrtv. preseM owair year ago a4 tetal mol V IM4IIIWHIM FOR stMiw ease, two ahoe.hlM Kansas city. mfOat. lirHogs-llecelp- U. kake -- -- HA bow ea River, Mate LimHad, ehatrsi m good eonditumi U an offer t wa hlva nnlara in I ooltua lawaw .JaMlki S. pmq. reobt rifles we are aolAa ta aali - a;anias,, win, canHt-e- rrom ine . heavy. (? 7J7.4) Mar. prices. Address m tl M ' msllrp houiA tn HIV. vvi aa.air7. rtow ww waul M cash will handle same; M nIl tt ONE Remington good here .i0--r- oo afaw MeWe 44 5 ,Ti1 trokg. BütMláÑrT tpsawrlier. ta .rondt Um t K, tsri MONEY LOAPV TrtW tloni 1 bed. snattreaa aatd scrliu-i- : 1 sew 10.7! wwHarn fll js. ;ronii ttajo a aSIJBWIOJO. awari, fO.TWVI II, 4 0i4n Sllt(TlUij:M.,M eill WANTEB To ky eM.MMl Ford auio: front: I ;. mwM M am aatHi ewHW. koo FKCIAL !AMAlN-tM- tr atoa. w. Clfarlai ..,f,,,.,M.o..Wi(tfpj Mrcs tug (44. Myrtle, 7.f Mar M VWg. pdosm art, care Taaae maMaa. 8clfr'i, m m. (iVoo busgatew. : MM 4l 8 ewMaa siai ,...,...., MUM , uwh iib. HOLL-TO- for le. Flr Hi WofoL si week, route 4t f Cappar City Specie ...i,,t.. K.iV eat. tlOtMl HOC (OoO modawi kaw, est a m ia Hm small ca puweol, nU MiUaaa J ...... m.xirw1"- - ÍU 1 Oft ficuKfi .HA CAM. Pamer M.gauM tM W4a, New York, saax, - Nr. MwwiaiiaVar Dtrn't WM for nwerty here. From ' ' . r Soiitbra uol war- m AaHef ft run tor saiet js jcisa ai. exchanre h. the'Norja Arrl, kat advlea to- letg n. Acre to acres mile Yateagi see EspreM ikiMaji aeoilnuad (I HnH - FAforTicXA!. i vr m w. our Dome mod Per blf Mineo ...... M0.m man-u- FOH ÍAI.K-- Iíl twhl sisedoiBeter. He uvimi, tax (ewalt rash pswmeM, per manan. ' ...,.. day, prices a alplal ty nuoKa axing T Juet ti tilaffit or cast oa us, uil u Hnt ' bHv I'sto :iod.iil er la marM aaflsMU Iba uUlU Hi 'reatoilte tank, eatra ef Mr. AUo nía fur Acre M aerea Ysleta. sMtwaaa far IU aeafrNarfkw IenarL Mt. la. FOA SAUf--l Mmw rwaasNHtt, gaed 1M4 taw (.speed Yate. Friday snot br4sa eoinnlsUMd Mat tbev HH tWKlorllyTeete you. roam J iiinnm - emu wm awi cl ami Betwroay, (.wo sk. Kmt,MIH Ulani , m fpund II Jma taapooliJle to obtain firm . . , offer to forviirf pi)Mf)4 M Photte im-J- . m Per AfftWt a4 SMMtf (44. GsmhI lor SU. PIANO far sale- aaoa. ta Df CM aaaa). ataste near rereait faairVs. Dliire am nUHW I h)m believed, has Wen preity well afeaAi..wi For sale Thorou(fd jaiaeWt tfor, HM Arreza sre Liverpool WHY uhvw your uW furstnuue wseai - go Mi rr m4i, 1, 1, 1 mn4 4 th Saat--r mtm rewirtaii further raue auv mo is tuoma,- ORANB P4rved road) m ysai; ; From Arrive, Mon W we tM tiM hiasian Maya for tHeeiiio. tlx ftto bouse, a'nuoMi ,.,..,,,.,,,,- (iep.m. tba avie or laaaiarv.Prtieiiarv rdnl usan SkFlwillana4p wl aieafflM vU. brick, soum front, caved street. retainlM MeWHAM INVIVTIUafrCO, iww - ttacta Wajrt (fiaoil, wjucli, l lhe eurrar- - i Mera. WANTED 4tae ranges Ki i wall, beautiful lawns worm MOjoeq. For ejkf. IjnFaw Xw aoM emMsm quick goods. Fiw)M Hue. t ouu l staaii !, arte I'boivs MM, kMBant LtM444 .:30a.n. iH7r7cobar turn in jfew FOR 8ALttvral tecoM-kté- i o4 NEW LatUii)AIr-l(mMsa- t ,v ew. aouth frM, e f full lou. ctaa to w or. baaatjkg pisMt: Hsmwiim, kHMwe Mi Lljttj4 (mIh fo mm ceaawM iwuri in trad. Wadtu M ruber ressa-tr- aseepisif aursaeji nuoMt Kaawaa ...... ,,i,,M(raiiwg.aa, W eilMaji aa Km sarasa: i: a 4HM4 a) (JU44 ft, t fsai L'alupffe ) Ilrii7 ey vnt, 1 ,.t).,.M,.;Waji . koul M!rafi4a. im unn' MMfttflki WfiMNaM Mlf éaMaM fed uiiaal Lks4.,;,,, ;0p.a t month.. ' t't tai. in fT Wicai. i4ta) ail buiit-k- mi msuiww u.t h mm wia tes Taaag A dpeMtai IMMvraF amuertv aaial far ' Fraaa MM Arrrva. lata ( raat IWM .t,....i..u.it., ., OfflM beat tt a. My ha M.) M 1 Sk sawaili aw a ishmhi evututMt U tt ( A mandi an ' - V ia H. MOHR ONLY wataral mestiMd. WNitW. UM Mil. 02 ftaUil ttmlBít. fs) .iiicisa J flaillW! Ot 1a ljlpH ac ka, f aaetlaai k4 , g iiiimhm;hhi f4A Mifwiy 1 M aiaalaaat aseeissseai eT (4a)4a( Pskjapt OMaV . rr fMI (ppat( fMajl ft tr-- ft EL PASO N1NG TIMES Friday. OctoUt 30, Él My tin. (sfcw lUíW'í HTíWWSfc HINCH CONDEMNS t DNSANiTARY HOMES ELINOR GLYN'S

aawinr-vr- B in ' sa.vta nt FXEVKMOHBgWaOvhitv TO AM LATtorr aovnu "The Man and th Moment'' grlpplnit stoty Uta seaaoa. t- Mr,teelarrd lX Wra gepartwest M He Tltámast ot -i A Special Purchase and Sale of Uqftt lor Hunan himwwi. "TKefPaktce of Dárkened Vkdovn Mar Hatilaj) JtottiMuy Aa adveatttra stary wKh a- thoutaad thi iris. At l meellng cHy ye of the council ' " tenlay morning aomé rorty houses, con- - 'I. ' MMarí,, Silk Chiffon, Lace Novelty tawstag-- over one hundred rooms, were . ,Voa Hattea Tho lovo story of a Balkan KIbj. "... Blouses the or and reeaaMMnded by hotrd health for ' (tetirttctlon ttntaaHary "Kent ICnovvlee: 'qucbraig'v "Ji : owing to alleged '" j coMMtkms. A resolution reepilrtoc tM ; Joseph C. Uaeela. , owner or agents or the premises to sp 1! L ,i pear béfore the council Kovember sad , pía" Royal Happine' At $2.95, $3.95 $4.95 how' cause wby the recotntneadatlont or and or not' be carried the hoard health should NEW BLOUSES TODAY AT $2.96 An unusual Showing, of Lace, Flowered Chiffon. out. and the dwellliuri rated. J'Achicvemcht" The renort or tho board or aeaitn rw Xi Temple Thurston. Shadow Lace trimmed with atin, solid color crepe de chinea and black, lace effect with the .week ending October showed 30 mo were white set and chiffon linings. New lace, satin and self roll collars and long set-i- n sleeves. deatos and at births, or deatn special nnd Amerkafli. 18 Mexicans and 3 negroes. Of A purchase of .the .newest blouses of .the season offered as an un- - 11 Mexicans Amerl ueorso Among xou. A.cie.r ';. 0 jH the births were aad 7 iisu n&run, luinoroi ' 7 usual Thrift-Da- y Special at , cans. There were 37 cases of contagious "'.': "' ' : diseases In tho city during- - the week, "Todays Daughter"7' which IS were diphtheria. The depart ' JcHwphine Doscám Bacoa. BLOUSES TODAY Mostly NEW ment's Inspectors condemned 233 pounds or NEW AT $3.95 BLOUSES TODAV AT $4.8SL-- R a- - T Y omens. Basque Models in black satin, white and VA rrim.aftd tss pound or meat. There were and ... new markable blouses at the price. Crepe de chines, 8W bead or cattle and 1,817 grocery stores navy with pretty roll collars, white and flesh Ad saeat markets inspected. satins. Pussy-willo- colored crepe de chines trimmed in colors, taffetas, Roman stripes, Aa ordinance was adopted accepting the solid color silks, shadow laces paving on North Kansas rrom Blacker to black lace effects with white chiffon linings and novelty ClncHwstl and the maintenance bond of and shadow lace models lined with chiffon and solid color silks. Also many fancy combina the company was approved. .The bid of the southwestern raving' com trimmed with flowered chiffon. The latest col tion effects. New roll land semi-ro- ll collars paay for the paving of Dlax avenue from lars and sleeves prevail. Choice and the latest short and long sleeves. QP Main to Boulevard was accepted. Work Today $3.95 Choice Today os this paving Is to commence at once, 4 , ...... t)T7) A nrotest was dresented by' Tbomast ft. Buckham and others against the adoption of an ordinance granting Thomas H. Buddy' to establish a plant for the disposal or Milk Bldg. dead animals In the vicinity of the city Toilet Specials A Sale of Silk aiaeossi worm. Action on use wnoie mat Dresses $ ter was postponed pending .the nxlng of. .95 a date when psrtles to the controversy may - ' Today Only For Street and Evening Wear ne Heard. spector Oeorge Holmes, the"U Angeles ond panel was called before a jury was Aceordlnr to the terms of the proposed .of ' 60c Melba Foco Crrnm, police department, .ts'.to El' Paao and will obtained. ordinance, the plants which Is to be erected start west witn taa prwoners as soon as Today UUCoj. NEW 7 a ..t,,. collection just in of the most charming Eve-r- X cost or several, tnousaaa nouars. is papers Oovernor night Prophylactic Tooth A Street and requisition are honored' by Way Laundry; rood work; Ptu ins. 35c 9C ning Dresses to be completed and in operation within Colquitt. Both ths' - prisoners are young1 BruMhca .... imaginable for Special Selling Today and Satur- one year aflcr the grantlnp of the necea men. Dr. Anns Ileum, buckler Bldgw ovw EllM. 00c Boxes Java IUco "3Q day. The Street Dresses are clever new styles iri tary nermit. crepe do chine PetltloDs Acted Upon. Powder .. Ol atirt.-- Ajl BREVITIES, Ameritan Iron and Sleet JastHal. and the Winter colors and black are represented, "Long The. petition or F. E. .Hunter and others Bv the AuaeiaM Fret 13XTKAI 1 Birmingham, 29, EXTRA! tunics, deep girdles, new roll collars ánd long set-i- n sleeves are for a'sewer extension through lota to lx. (AdrcrtlsemeaU.) Ala., Oct. Leaders la the ft .25 Boxen river'a Imported' Ai features. ' block w, in East El Paso addition, was iron and ateel industry of the country rcrerrea to tno sanuary discussed the past, present and future or rca. Flornmyn und IO TrcfleFaco committee. Or. Ebert, Dentist, MUÍ Bldgr. in nit Trie Evening Frocks are dainty creations of rich messaline. in A Detlllon of Austin & Mrr for a flro the business at the annual banquet of the Powder QCi hydrant at Piedras Oklahoma American Steel .! every wanted shade. Bodices made, and streets TAKE NOTICE N6 more on west Iron and institute here to. UnU are of prelty shadow lace over was referred to tho fire and building com lot the night. Elbert II. arty, chairman of the flesh colored chiffon. Extra deep girdles end or Federal .Street, la Manhattan Heights, board or directors or and the akirt and tunic tnltlee. along- - proposed 'scenic the United States' Steel The, petition or A. M. Bcbett to the route of the corporation, presided. were are acco jdion plaited for dancing. Girdle front trimmed with beau- erect an highway,' wilt be sold at present prices or The addresses -- awning at 1701 Aiamed avenue was re optimistic both a to the steel industry - per lot after Kovember 15. tiful floral corsage. These dresses will bé on rerred to the fire and building- committee. tm and two and' as to the general business prospects. EXTRA sale today On that date an advance la price of ISO ana incy are sure to attract me largest me peuuua oi urn imperial garage to per Whité Glace throng of the a gasoline lot will bet effective in this location, Dr. Jamteson, or kidney, blad- $1.00 M Install tank at ito Mills stree II. Agent. diseases month. 'The values are unapproachable in El Paso at c Leavell. Sole and 318 Mills Bldg. Gloves I UO der, skin rectum. Kid 88c rautee. Míalas Company Incorporated. The petition or Jose Chaves to Install Phone 1 for auto baggage trucks. dcnulne French Md since stoves gasoline 201 By the AtBOciattil Fret$ lank at South Stanton was S9A-T- in wrist length and shown in white granted. Santa Fe, Oct. rtlvervlew Steamer Proteus Safe, Mining company Rincón. Nv M., todty point - of only. Paris stitched backs. The claim oMli& voodlawn BfttUIno- com 'Incorporation New Orleans, Oct --Wlretes mestaget EXTRA SPECIAL: pany riled Its articles of with the tho Our regular 11.00 Sellers, OQ r for damages to a wagon amounting com received here today said Southern Pact, state corporation' commission. The .49 to tfl.K) was flc steamer Proteus, which lost a, propeller Kit ra ftneclal Today...... OOC granted. nanv. runitillwd at 110.000 in oraranlzéd to a. Dawson, yesterday in toé gutr, "would Teacft $2.50 Sweater Coats 8. meat inspector, was arrant do a general minlar business. Incorporators! tat v : . ed a month's leave of absence. passes late tonight. The Porteos is being Lewis E. carl, Clyde m. Becker. ). n. convoyed The petition or the El Paso Rubber com u. Manes, by the El Orleate. A SPECIAL group of Women's All Wool Sweater Coats secured in pany Koonce. A. W. Duke. C. Ware, O. the to install a box for free air at 313 D. Divers, B. Heryn Mania. C C and W, S. , Try new market under price. Mostly plain and fancy knit stylcs.and San Francisco street was granted. as. statutory ageau the Bar. You gel tht Demcy Lewla Is named T. F. Xelsh, Prop. Jhrift-Da- y trimmed with .large pearl buttons. Shown in red, gray, brown, The petition of Juan Oarley for sewer best navy; and extension to his white. A sample of styles 'regular residence in block 78, Don't tire your baggaga cheeks lo any lot staple; In 12.60 values. As the casi aaaiuon, was granted. Lon For nw wall paper, see Ootdlnjr,, til ti one on the. train. Save them for swell's Trust numner is limited early shopping will be necessary to avoid to ,mn me petition or. property owrters for sew, quick ajuto delivery service'. Phoae 1, Bid. Ph. il7. Lowest prices. SPECIALS er extensions in blocks 136. m and 138. disappointment. Whle they last. Today, each lax5f on the" 230 NEW SILK BOOT HOSE 17o east jii ,i'tso addition, was granted. flooring- -!. If. aad II.U Chief Arrastroaa Jab. Fire Chief, W. W. Armstrong yea- -, Extra good black fibre silk boot The petition or William II. Buries for per .roll. Burton-Ling- co. va. returned sower j terdty rrom New Orleans, where be hose with strong cotton thread tops, ciiumiQu on lose wooa street to aK Aiamo Heights was referred to the sanl Murder Coa vidian Sustained. leaded the convention or the interntHoaaj; heels and toes. A wonderful value tary Association of Fire Engineers over tea' committee. fioeota! Wire to The Ttmti nt the regular 25c price. Ex Special today $5.00 Tho ordinance accepting caving on North cities throughout the united States sad to fS.50 santa re, n. si.. un . too new we' Cantda were .represented, and tra Special Today, the pair. 17c ansas street and tno bond or the Ten sunreme today nanaea aown according Bitullthlc company ico court Armstrong the discussions of the for maintenance' was the Judgment mf the dls . on - decision suststnlnr papers read, rare extremely interesting-- WOMEN'S 50c NECKWEAR 30c passed tne nnai readtng.- triet court ror Union county in the' caso of Tho. x protest was presented by Thomas n. convention meet next year at Cincinnati. An entire new showing of all white Q:gg Cipriano Garcia, convicted',or murder, The Chief, Armstrong sets in Organdto, Modart FrontLace Buckham agulnst the ordinance submitted or was re returned, charge of the collars and cuff Corsets conviction Francisco uarcia. by Thomas It. Buddy denne department, yesterday. Swiss and Lawn. Organdie veatpes, I versed and the case remanded to the court ventees, pique Vntnom Xortt Unit PI Dswon ana suppress .nuisances. Both men were; tried pique collar and cuff mini in mr below for rctrlaL sad Notice, Lady Maccabees r sets, vestecs with lace collars and convicted of the murder or Jose nivera All members are .requested to semi-ro- ll reg- fioormr . ai.as inri n m n attend a separate collars." All LIMITED group of Odds and Ends of Good Modart Front Lace Corsets which wmcn occurred, ro wu. special business meeting Friday artemoon - vo ro. oo. Aaveriiae - 50c values. Extra- umiwuutraI ular QA sold formerly at $5.0.0 to $8,50 and offered today it. atJ:. at the r. of H. Hall. Vtolttag- mem Special at ...... 4, OVC A as an Extra Special, for The Success succeeds the Pullman Cafe, bers are invited to attend. Mrs. Josephine cleah-u- is -- Forbes. Rosalia' M. Ashley, B. Kl quick Here an opportunity to secure the best Front Lace Corset made THE BIG Km 18 Pf UABJX (Adv.) WRITING PAPER 15c ItUItD'S decided saving in price. Early shopping necessary, Cummins, physician sad surgeon, 620 Phone 1 selling at a as these are sure to 0 ft J Sr. for taxlcabs. An unusual value for today. sell out fast. Your choice while they last, Today at IN THE COURTS. Milla Bidg. Pnone 1338. Jlurd'a "Dovetone" linen writing p Jury Notices Served. paper. New shapes In. 24 en- - Just Court Anneal. Methodist Conference Adjourn. Officers or the sheriff's ofrice have been VOJOpCB BI1U BUt'CUl W S2.00 Corsets S1.00 )) of aril UU. Outing 1 r Gowns 50c ' (James It. Harper, Chief A. M. By the XtMOdated Prett working overtime for the past few days Today, the box. Justice! Walt sg ap ...... XUV. rwt WO new models marked originally to showing extra good, soft nau ana a, rvmggins, Associate Justices.) Washington. Oct, With a formal serving Jury notices and other court doen. ti,ooo,oeo JL ANEW Motion! Submitted Charles Olnther. inter peal to Methodists to contribute. menu in preparation for the coming 'term BUNGALOW APRONS sell $2.00.' In the lot is ex R1 GINGHAM at an Gowns for the chilly Winter' vener, vs. Boss CamDO de Zabalraitlo et at.. during as a runa to support reiirea of court. 26c Navy and white check Ging- cellent front lace style made of good nights. Shown in white grounds with pink from El Paioj motion for rehearing (two ministers pr their widows and orphans, tho aprons. DlDOd oír Neinoaisi-Epi- s ham buneulow in coutil and a back lace style made of fig- or blue stripes and with cases). Washington conference WARNING All 'persons expecting' to pur solid red or blue; Kimono sleeves, or without collars, Motion Overruled Galveston, tiarrlsburr copal clergymen selected to raise the money chase lots on the weat end or Federal pbeket and belt. Extra' ured batiste with double skirt. Today Trimmed with neat, little finishing braid. adjourned tonlpftUTh la 'conference was the street, in Manhattan Heights, along tha Today m iuq or tho Special 25c you can buy either model You will find these excellent values Terrazas, rrom F.l Taso; sppollant's motion uuiiu step im(.iJiii tu yiv.iuo route propoied scenic highway, are , tfi to mo copy or petition in relief rund on the twta anniversary of the hereby notified that present prices or I14J rued federal court. or Methodism. METAIi SILVER PARTY GASES at $1.00 Today at ...,(. DUC Motion oran tea Miguel goto et el. vs. The founding Another conference to tsoo per lot ror this location "wilt be party State Texas, will be held in Chicago shortly after the changed on November IS. on that date $1.00 New "metal" silver of from El Paso; appellant's new year. cases with pretty chased and fancy motion to advance aunaaissioa; set ror no, an advance in price or 50 per lot will be effective, C. II. Leavell, Agent. floral designs. Assorted color moire vember li, , your ror Sole linings. Equipped mirror, )!.ana Save baggage checks (Advertisement) with neversea itemanaca Jeanette an quick delivery service, pnone 1. card pocket, powder box. Up stick nose Bergere vs. B, J. Parker, from Harris. pocxeu runcy B, . ana Dill meiai ra J.'n. Vance vs. A. Miller et al., from Bidg-.- Special aim miitvin Dr. Pagel, DenUstnob. & Baa. handle. Extra Martin. Today ...... $1.00 Reversed 'and Remanded as to Certain The swellest bar la town. Finest goods Parties, aad Affirmed aa to Others W. L. the Gem. picksoa vs. F, in Lights et L, rrom Harris. it TheUnionBank PIONEER PHONE Bryaa Dreams of laDosslhle War;' SvMs Filed the County Court. PLAZA "IRe Store of Service"1 4580 By the Attectatri Prett a (A.'S. J. Eyiar. Judge,) Des Moines, i.,-Oc- Bry Gpi . J. Commercial National Bank vs.-- T. J. Cor, an, secretary tonlgiit predicted and Truft gin, suit aa Bote, two; suit filed. - kof,vat, U'ntetns drop In and tee this prorrm. Lubln big estate, Betxwood, and are very that by cnristaut ar, uit year ptocs ?' rem0Te1 ,0 " unaertaklBi treaties, ,war the United Bltlle Itttehle, tlie funnteit tnui that ever oeauurui. establishmeiit or McBean,. U maktor between' Simmons Hart a(lre Court. States and other countries almost liapos lived, play the laad In lbs company, Arthur Johnson la two installments of rprd. An inquest win be held todar by (E. B. McClintock. Judge.) wc .Mary Beloved "An VVpKt B. B. Neciintock, slble, will hare been signed with wactl Tomorrow have Fuller for the "The Adventurer," American Western Grocery company va. nonqulllo pr Amusements time. Don't fall to see her. Alio IHIress" and "The Olrl From the West," r. i.oie, wno was es years or age, as cally all the .clvlllxed nations of the - (Advertisements)' rirst . Ellctoao. ult on account, ttí7.8J suit . Sterling-. Sunday Monday "Trey will alto on the 'program. Ki?ln.m.?. had spent a world. Ford and be portionn.Jdor his lire in Mexico., rued. Bryan o' llearti" Mo. it, Monday "The Firth Man," another y coate Secretary closed his caaaeatsa toar to El piso and making his home When rev. Wetera oro eery compaay v. The rtio or lows wttn an address aere w which DM Pv" at" UNIQUE TODAY. special tn three parta. olutionary activity in nelghborutr laaak ic company, gar WKIir public the re. Graade VaHex Tntat he urged the voters of the state ts 'lift Netola but comedy the Unique today Tim nuou. made Imponible the rurther werktor ntshmeat la suit vs. Ellatedoj suit rued.' up pr it O' of his properties. He la survival ay Ma ine nanai rretiaeat wtmob." KjUMtoWSaafauso aH food ones tt that. A big Today the DIJou will Bond W&t. THE WlSt" ALHAMBRA. He tonight ror Otaaha. to uai feature "The wire and one sister, Mrs. EHea wwaaai, WANTSM Ut UW ANGELES. left where "Lve end Surgery," by brand or Womanhood," a Lubin dramatic pro? Today's "movie" drama is one that' win who resides In El Paso. morrow he will begin a tour of Ntorsaka. jkw mmainy with a tiriad new Una or hold your attention from beginning to end, It Was Mr. Cole's custom to chat wHh duetton by Shannon lire, told HaM V ArrtWMr that csanot be beat. And an wno.hu t Manager Crus announced yesterday Mm) the rhtidrea or toe fiatiey scel M toe Twa Mm re FUt4 by KBCVtL'8. Joker comedy, very beautiful tale, demonstrating1 the old (his is the lsst week; or yaudevllle he rinvnen tot Mes station. ssmI to had TSMSf wata w caaienua city. aad mad maay ' agassr Bet, tunchet. saadwtctos. Istascttil' taa "Whea Ttoer Wive Jointed the Ilert ailom, "That one or rnake't 'MUI the best yet offered at the wr irrleaM toe Jota Harta sad Mia Ft Williams, rormei tourh nature youngsters Ma raaMMea Is. ato omcera private patrol moat." TM natnbtnatlon would nuke a all men kin,." Tue can an AUnbra.lr Twq trtos, who dsace, durtar ef a service la Lo s spectator, ra. tstv Btsatsa, li excellent oae jtnr. or toaatool. Angelas. Cal under arrest In 1140 it it. wooáts latosa eeavulte with laughter, l)y and many or the scenes were taken tbe l and play many musical. ustrumeata, The ruaera this city st wut behekl tots sftataeea By taake up the rare program. rrom tot fawtowa-a- t a tmswrr vwm iircicrira two A large stock et rsWtor at best o'etee. youag w rate aaatr Cowing i'Lt'i MUerables,'. lite famous wetaea vaaroraia city. Is sjaaUty, 11.10 per rati sad us. Laator Lim- - picture which msde such aa lmpressioa nAtabBV si riiianaaa two months sgo in Paso, sala Ealtos ItoitM atojlae toato aM atoled wtotntmrr m muc pouct. cowm - - " un nkxt to vkxt m v ALICE JOYCE gKHIilH Tee.lV, f m'fy Ttostaa. SURE TO aV JaieelaM frw The W ad- BE GET Wl --AHce Joyce will be seen at the Wigwam l'ao police aapatimaa toAay in another or those vised Yesterday mornuur ct a asator rati. Ttaas and Artasaa Fstr aa satwr. Iñí Two Republics Life splendid two bery wtoto occwrrto a CarrlsaM at s rnr rel drama In ibe Alice joyee serlaa II a. m. Thwadajr. Twa tblaraa asaacto the ta eHd "The Olrl and the 8towaway." Houm mUmrn CarrtseaoceathMr aaM Wtl. REAL RESÍN0L Piteas 1 for mm ara. Insurance Company aa4. Uka aU or this series, it u a mm. llaiB Duna, ta tiarlnye. aMHtothto up I tote story. There will also be a ttoastn aevareur aaa. orr wta a wbjcii tnaastf - chapped tasa Maad that ÁM avoaea mm wlUtaut aa honest policy Is Ms si Litofrapb, 'The Ouldlog Fate."" taaaa rrew XMaa's pattum.- Tto eat. Far baato Wtrstaa ABank Mek th .to theM vea htm lor support rUJ toe house sasa, ttotwa Hiriawiato ' wun 4tr' sasyit deato. to tan where pro ff yati waa a rfd ef ecteuw, ptaaaUs, RcqulmmnH of AH W ,s4sssj to tok ohoAo of , Aunrrwtiuai. rfu44 to . r4 toffH th. lMTk.g.7rH' Wlf M CHar Dane reeto of to raslaajrant satw..ra and stoat stotraaatot; tain tnapttoas, mm irHssMiu. Mk. it year .taa club la toltour ftva. ttf jsa LeglHmak Business, Hfa( ftm dy aaat mm fry evening at uta tottor. stt. accept. ,aa "satotituta" Jtottoat. MBlatoJ to .BiÍBjéAt ahouM happea to atas lee Ma eniptoyira. . m fr rvU rf aireat. amate II are prvvtosd. o4- af ;"' Msstata list i r a aame ar aartaia totoy ItoatoW M Stitoar. Whether Urge or Small; mm asa "tos tos ,Mre m .hi Al IrW fcwsf; tm tosa have a hosM " 1 i jlsti fl mr ton," jttoAstot - lit a WW tsaatruputous Your Account Solicited, wt - to. Mt. tttouStoMa tortus taar Wottom- - af ito ym aot afma HéUsBáM - stortor arriatoi twa lasaatrlil Wt ., M ixta mo Twa Jto-- tllm fs aJ ortltr toew Aa or fOK to tat ay ttoy ati or lnsWsiHto.T trtaata aT sad prtoVjto aitsftaspay tasaat Ttttta to ww M fursvMtoCl f'tomiHi I'aaw iMstotaM m tot tostoto Mr tas. naa trutoiy wt, af Utttt tuto pattar, ar tor 'last sprtor wtto etot PscaSw' ssassatstw' aast aatte attr to rttawrani ta asa. asaVMllitte sslHIIM (toriS VlrgtoU aaal Hlo 9$'9Mtttfi. Stoat aal- aaHl u( Orastto ssBst w3aWrettiáv J ' Kvasr draato atotja teaatos iTtoiaot, at tto Ostorato sato 1 at saw yeatonlay i, CW or as Mrta X ttaart al psMM It so atitof'at - Qrt ociart U Jury ds csttol tatoy artar Maatt y- piHsy airtet, UiV4tuy rail t urn pasf. mm la ito wiissto yaras la tos t salara inisti rstoaln tota hw. stow yr was esto you ay la tot ottotot blue aacka yM to tmim a Etata tour. stalaaasss iaisd ttos of tos wat raiseasBsa tor a rrasa, asthsU MP Mr tt 44 ruaaaw wtoto liTaji larnatr m tot wul to aafa UUaa. far saarato r, Loan Wat lyinsiol, asad fotasat tto) ijtoM' ttot lrto rubawry toi tosa 5r naa, atnvt ta si a. wtttaas. toari taUura bast toa tna cauaa f BMipu itoi&astatWtoa
