Y Interview oichi Daikin Undergoes Transformation C o n t e n t s ……22 Group Leader and Senior Engineer Technology and Innovation Center IAQ Technology Defining the Researcher ③ Tomohiro Yabu Conventional air conditioners will become ……26 Vol. 03 systems that maintain temperature while 2018 stimulating the senses Key Technology ③ “Advancement” ……30 of analysis/evaluation technology ……33 O A Science Dream Created by People ……01 Introducing future of air conditioner Daikin thinks of Technology and Innovation Center Heating, Ventilating, Vol.03 8 201 Head of the Digital Nature Group, May. A Science Dream Created by People University of Tsukuba Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Technologytion andCenter va CarvingSpecial Article out Daikin’s Future with AI and IoT Inno Expo Report Special Feature Interview Carving out Recent External Presentations Daikin’s Future Yoichi Ochiai ……04 with AI and IoT Yoichi Ochiai Challenge Interview The digital nature society The digital nature society that is just around the corner. About How should the future that is just around the corner. look for technology? Professor, Open and Transdisciplinary If you remove the letters “lle” from the word Research Initiatives, Osaka University How should the future look for technology? “challenge” it leaves “change.” TIC seeks collaborative partners with whom to generate new value. For further inquiries, please contact:
[email protected] Published by Technology Phone. and Innovation +81-6-6195-7051 Center, Daikin (switchboard) Industries, Ltd. 1-1, Nishi-Hitotsuya, Settsu, Osaka 566-8585, Japan (within Yodogawa Plant) Date of publication: May 1, 2018 (Volume 03) Special Interview The title of this publication reflects the changehttp://www.daikin.com/about/corporate/tic/index.html which comes about through challenge, which is the aim of TIC and the heart of our corporate culture.