it' r:. MYSTICS {




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;,=...- 77.' 1.\ tr., , ltl \ a/e4- .- Pharaoh Akhenaton is considered the f irst monotheist. IIe nas a young brilliant poet. Letrs listen to him celebrate the rising sun. Arrls upraised in the position of KA (heart ), he revels in the creator's makings through the sun.

"You rise beautifully, O living Aton, Lord of Eternity; You' re glittering, beautiful, strong; Your love is great. It is mighty. Your rays give sight to all your creatures. They bring life to the hearts of men. You fill the two lands with your love. O God, you made yourself. You made evey land. You made everything on it. , A11 men, cattle and antelopes , . All trees that grow in the soil, All live when you rise for them. You are the mother and father of all you made. When you rise, all see. Your rays light up the whole earth. Every heart rejoices at the sight of youe When you riser a's their lord. IIow manifold are your works ! They're hidden before men, O sole God, beside whom therers no other. You created the earth from your heart. "

-Circa 1350 B.C.

Compiled and Published by:


Copyright - L992 Firet Edition PREFACE

Science is not the enemy of religion. The authorrs research has demonstrated that retarded exhalation encourages relaxation. Thom- 'When as Jefferson appeared to have the key when he advised, angry count to ten.' Today, we might add, "If that doesn't do it, count to twenty on the same breath.' It appears extended exhalation aff- ects the parasl4npathetic nervous system. This is the part of the autonomic nervous system that relaxes the body (The sympathetic nervous system of the autonomic nervous system, the "Fight or flight" mechanism, excites the body ) .

The point to be made is that prayer and prayer devices encourages parasympathetic ascendance. This forms an entree to our psychic or inner selves. For years religions and mystical teachings have encouraged parasympathetic ascendance through repetitive Prayers, beads, vowel sounds, mantras, incense, soft lights, relaxing music, congenial environment, urandalas, bells, candles' etcetera.

To help in this whole process of attunement with the God of our Hearts ' the author presents the following mostly non-sectarian pray- ers. He's found them helpful, in our quest for aid and succor to our God within. If you know some you would share, please submit them to " the author for an expanded edition of 'Prayers for Mystics. Thanks.

-Dr. John Palo . . . c€lrn€ into being heart and their came into being tongue. . . the heart thinks what it will and the tongue commands what it will... It is the latter (heart) which causes all decisions to be made, but it is the tongue which reports what the heart has thought out. Thus is all action, whether simple or complex, carried out..,. A11 is in accord with the command which the heart has devised and which has appeared upon the tongue. Thus is determined the pecul- iar nature of everything. . . . I was the maker of myself, in that I f or:ured myself according to my desire and in accord with my heart.

Ancient Egyptian Memphite Stone- Translated by -Dr. James Breasted

Our Father, WEO art in heaven, hallowed be THY name' THY Kingdom come, THY wiII be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and for- give us our trespasses as h/e ought to forgive those inat trespass agtinst Lls. Lead us when in temptation, but de liver us f rom evi I " Atrlen- -Jesus Christ, The Messiah, The Saviour

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pasture-; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my sout; ite guideth me in straight paths for Eis name's sake. Yea, though I walk tniough the valley of the shadow of death, I niII fear no evil, for Thou art with met Thy rod and Thy staff, they confort me. Thou pre- parest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies i Thou hast an- ointed rny head with oil,; my cup runneth over. surelY goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days oi my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the L,ord f orever . -Psalm xxiii

!{ay my eyes be satisfied daily with beholding him, when he dawns in this house of Aton and fills it with his own self by his beams' beauteous in love, and lays them upon me in satisfying life for ever and ever.

-Pharaoh Nchnaton

-l- O, GREAT SPIRIT, Whose voice I hear in the winds, And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me! I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.

LET ME WALK IN BEAUTY, and make my eyes ever behold the red and Purple sunset.

IIAKE trtY EANDS resPect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice -

I'{AKE I{E WISE so that I may understand the things you have taught mY PeoPle.

LET ll.E LEARN the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

I SEEK STRENGTH, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight mY greatest enemy myself.

I'{AKE ttE ALWAYS READY to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.

SO WHEN LIFE FADESr Ets the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

-American Indian PraYer

Love me in sinners and saintg, In each who needs or faints- LORD, I wiII love TEEE aa I can In every brother man. -Rossettirsister of Dei Grata. English Poet. 1830-1894 A.D.

Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows, Give me the strength to make mY love fruitful in service. Give me the strength to raise my mind high above dailY trifles, And give me the strength to surrender my strength to TEY will with love- -Tagore, Bengali Poet and llystic. Born I85I' A.D.

-2- With beautY may I wa1k. with beautY bef ore Ir€ r may I walk. with beautY behind Ir€ r may I walk. with beautY above III€r may I walk. with beautY below III€r may I walk. with beauty aII around Ir€ r may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beautY' lively, may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beautyr tiving again ' may I walk. It is finished in beauty. It is finished in beauty.

" " -from Nava jo Yeibichai

May it be granted unto me that I pass on unto the holy princes, for indeed, t am doing anay with aII the wrong which r did, from the time when this earth c€une into being. -Osiris

I Ermtoday . I am yesterday. I am tomorrow " Undergoing my rep- eated births I remain powerf ul and youn!1 . -Egyptian Book of the Dead

arise soleIY from God ! Guard me from those whose thoughts !h" Oh thoughts that arise head. Let me seek in mYself ' and in oihers, from the heart. -NARP PrecePtor

TEy wings ' arise TEOU SIIN of RTGETEOUSNESSwith healing under in darknessr in my heart; make TEY light there to shine ina ; perfect day in the dead of night ' -HenrY Vaughan, MYstic.

Out of the unreal, Iead me to the Real. Out of the Darkness r lead me into Light ' Out of Death, lead me to DeathleSsness. -Hindu Prayer

-3- Come LORD and work. Arouse uE and incite. Kindle us, sweep us onwards. Be fragrant ag flowers, sweet as honey. Teach us to love and to run. ' -St. Augustine, Apostle of the English. ?-604, A.D.

O GOD of unchangeable Power, Iet the whole world feel and see that things which were cast down are being raised up, that those which had grown old are being made new and that aII things are returning to perfection. -Gelasian Sacramentary, Gelasiue, Bishop of Caesar€dr about 476, A.D.

O LORD, grant us to love TEEE; grant that we may love those that love TEEE; grant that we may do the deeds that win TIIY Iove. Make the love of THEE to be dearer than ourselves r our families, than wealth, and even than cool water. -l'lohamm€d, Arabian Founder of Islam , 5-10-63 2 , A. D.

Let us go into the silence; O GOD' our Heavenly FATEER, before THy altar of love we come and in praise and adoration we lift up our voices unto THEE. O THOU great living light of the uni- vers€r we THY children ask THEE to grant unto us THY richest blessing and to remove all shadow of doubt from our minds as re- gards the Ii f e that awaiteth each one of us when hre too sha I I pass through the gates called death. But we thank THEE, O GOD' tnat the light of heaven has illumined our Pathway and that THOU hast given unto us this light that indeed is a living power to sustain and to uphold us at all times. -Sister E. T. CawdEY , an Af rlcan !'lyetic '

For health r pEosPeritY and happineas To TEEE f PraYr But most of all a smile to greet the newborn day. -Beatrice Colony ' Author

Sun of my SouI, TEOU SAVIOR DEART It is not night if THOU be near. O may no earth-born cloud arise To hide THEE from THY servant's eyes. -t{alter De Voe , American trtystic, Founder of the E}oist t'tinistry. -4- MY I{ASTER SAID !y Dr. John palo God, let thy light so shine through me that all may see' not me, but Thee.

oh God! Thy presence! Thy very preaence ! Make me with Thee. Make Thee with me.

Oh God! Teach me to feel good and beautiful thoughts. And, teach me to speak good and beautiful thoughts. But' most of aII, cod, teach me to do good and beautiful thoughts.

God, guide me into Thy nays. where thou art not, frustrate my efforts. where ny light is dinr and the road treacherous, be Thou rdith rne. wherever Thou art, Iighten my eyes and guide my feet to Thee.

Lord, may I have a part in Thy great worka.

God, shorten my memory of the hurts inflicted uPon me that I may continue in Thy ways. Eelp me to forgive and forget those incid- ents that may bar Thy manifestation8 through me.

where art Thou, oh God? AlL else fails to satisfy. I hunger for Thee !

cod- Give me Thy strength to do good. watch over me that I use your wisdom and power not only to fight evil and injustice. But ' also, for the greater work of changing these forces into things of beauty and goodness .

oh God! If Thou deemest a tragic accident'or death itself, best for my soul growth at this or any tine, let it be. The beauty of the fu1l realization of Your plan for rne will far outvteigh the tragedy of the occasion.

oh Lord, when will ny cry 'l.te!', 'tle!', '!{et' become "Theel', "Thee!', 'Thee ! '

LORD, teach me to know TEEE' and to know myaelf. -St. Augustinel Apostle of the English. ?-604, A.D.

-5- O GOD, where was I wandering to seek TEEE? o most infinite Beauty, I sought THEE without, and TEOU wast in the midst of my heart. -St. Augustine, Apoetle of the Englieh. ?-604' A.D'

O GODwho hast folded back the mantle of the night to clothe ua in the glory of the day, chage from our hearts all gloomy thoughts, and make us glad with the brightness of hope that we may effectively aspire to unknown virtueg. -Col1ect, from the 5th and lSth Centuries -

O ETERNAL LIGHT, shine into our hearts. O ETERNAL GOODMESS, deliver us from evil. O ETERNAL POWER, be THOU our support. ETERNAL WISDOM, scatter the darkness of our ignorance. ETER- NAL PITY, have mercy upon uE. -Alcuin , Archbishop, Englieh Theologian' 735-80{, A.D.

O THOU' wEO art the everlasting essence of things beyond space and time and yet within them; THOU WHO transcendest yet pervadest alI things; manifest THYSELF to us, feeling after THEE, seeking THEE in the shades of ignorance ' yet seeking nothing beside THEE. -John Scotus Erigna, Scot Philosopher in France. 875r A.D.

pierce with the arrows of TEY love the gecret chambers of the inner man. Let the entrance of TEY healthful flames set the sluggieh heart alightt and the burning fire of THY sacred inspiration enlighten it. -St. Anslem, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1033-1109 ' A.D.

I love TEEE because I love; I love that I may love . -St. Bernard, Fl, Eccleeiastic. l09I-II53 ' A. D.

-6- meditation of Let the words of my mouth and the O LORD RY my heart be acceptlUfe in TEY sight ' I strength and mY redeemer ' -psa l_m: one of the old Teetament Hymns .

have not thought; AtI that I ought to have thought and have not said; AI1 that I ought to have said and have not done; AlI that I ought to have done and and yet have All that I ought not to have thought thought; and yet have All that I ought not to have spoken spoken; Allthatloughtnottohavedoneandyethavedone; I for foxgiveness ' For thoughts, words and works, PraY and rePent of with Penance ' -Zoroaster, Founder of Ancient Persian Religiorl r about 7 32, B. C.

r pray to with bended knees, with hand outstretched, THEE, lnY LORD, O INVISIBLE BENEVOLENTSPIRIT! joy of the good mind ' Vouchsafe to me in this hour of , ThatlmaytherebybringjoytotheSoulofCreation. -zoroaster, Founder of Ancient Persian Religion ' about 7327 B.C.

all I have of Grant me to be beautiful within' and those rtithin ' outward things to b€ at Peace with -socratee, Athenian Philosopher. 469-399, B'c'

-7- IF THOU, LORD, art so good to those who seek, what shall THY goodness be to those who find? -St. Bernard , YE. Ecclesiagtic. 1099-1153' A. D.

Give rr€r O LORD, a steadf ast heart, which no unrtorthy af f ect- ion may drag downwards; give me an unconguered heart r which no tribulation can wear out; give me an upright heart, Hhich no unworhty purPose may tempt aside. Bestow upon me also' O LORD, tnY GOD, understanding to know TEEE, diligence to seek THBE, wisdom to find THEE, and a faith- fulness that may finally emhrace THEE- St. Thomas Aquinas, Christian Priest and t.lystic, called 'The Angelical Doctor.r L225?-L274' A-D-

Grant me fervently to desire, wisely to search out, and per- fectly to futfill aII that ig well-pleasing unto THEE. -St. Thomas Aguinas, Christian Priest and Mystic r cElIIed 'The Angelical Doctor. ' L225?-L274 , A. D. lrtay we know THEE more clearly, Iove THEE more dearly, and f oll- ow THEE more nearlY. -St. RichardrBishop of Chichester. Died I253.

O my GOD, Iet me walk in the way of love which knoweth not how to seek self in anything whatsoever. Let this Iove wholly possess my soul and heart, which, I beseech THEE may live and move only in, and out of, a pure and sincere love to THEE. Let me love iHng for TEYSELF, and nothing else but in THEE and for THEE. Let me love nothing instead of TEEE; for to give aII for Iove is a most sweet bargain. 'The ' -Dame Gertrude tr{oore, Chrietian l{ystic. Nun . 1256-129r, A. D.

Do TEOU meet us while we walk in the Way and long to reach the Country; so that f ollowing TEY light we may keep the t{ay of righte6usness and never wander away from the darkness of this world's night. -l-lozarabic Liturgy, !{ozarab, a member of certain ancient congregations of Spanish Christians which existed under the Moors and had a liturgy of their own '

-8- praise be to THBE, O HIDDEN Ot{E and MANIFESTEDONE. Praise be to THY Glory, to THY Might, to THY Power, and to TEY Great SKiII. O AILAE, to THEE aII greatness belongs. O THOU who pos?essest the power and Beauty ind Perfection. Thou art the Spirit of AII. praise to TEEE, O SOVEREIGNof all tr{onarchs ; to THEE, O }IASTER of all affairs; to TEEE, O CONTROLLBRof all things; to THEE, RULER of all BEINGS. THOU art free from death, free from birth and free from aII limitations. o rHou ETERNALONE, THOU art free from aII con- GOD of ditions I pur.€ from all things. O ALLAH' THOU art the Souls on earth; THOU art the LORD of Hosts in the Heavens. -Suf i Invocation, Suf ism , a system of t'tohammedanmysticism, developed esPeciallY in Pergia.

O LORD, I gasp in my desire for THEE, Yet can I not consume THEE. The more I eat- the fiercer is my hunger; the more r drink- the greater is my thirst. I follow after that which flieth from me, and as I followr mY desire groweth greater. -Ruysbroeck, Dutch t'lystic. L293-f38It A'D'

that I O LORD' THOU desirest my spirit in the inward Parts, may see TEEE as THOU seest rD€r and love TEEE as THOU lovest mg.

-Ruysbroeck, Dutch l.lystic. 1293-138I' A.D. o supREI{E GOOD, TEOU hast deeigned to make us know that THOU art Iove, and makest us in love with that love; wheref ore they who come before THy face ehall be rewarded according unto their Iove, and there is nothing which leadeth the comtemplative sav- ing true love alone. -Angela of Foligno, Bleeees trtystic. 1309 ' A. D.

I It is meet that I should be enanoured of THEE' and whatever shall know to be THy dearest w111 that I will always do- -Suso, Christian trtystic. 1300-1365r A'D'

-9- Gentle Lord, cause some sweet fruit of good instruction to issue forth from our sharp thorns of sufferings, that we may suffer more patiently, and be b'etter able to offer up our sufferings to THY praise and glory. -Suso, Christian l,lystic. f300-1355, A.D.

O LORD, I pray f or all those whom THOU hast given rTr€r whom I Iove with a special love and whom THOU hast made one thing with me. For they are my consolation and for THY sake I desire to see them running in the sweet and narrow way, dead to self and pure from all judgement and murnuring against their neighbour. May they all attain to TEEE, O ETERNAI FATHER, to THEE who art their final end. -St. Catherine of Sienna, Christian Mystic. I 3f 4-1 3801 A. D.

Praised be TEY name, not minei nagnified be THY work, not mine; blessed be TEY Holy Name, but to me let no part of man's praise be given. -Thomas a Kempis , Christian lt{ystic. f 38 0-t 47 L ' A. D.

Teach us r good LORD, to serve TEEE as THOU deservest; to give and not to count the cost t to fight and not to heed the wounds ; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to ask for reward , save that of knowing that hte do THY wi I I . -St. Igrnatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus. t49I-1556, A.D.

O LORD if only my will may renain right and firm toward THEE' do with me whatsoever it shall please TEEE. For it cannot be anything but good whatsoever THOU shalt do with me. IF TEOU willest me to be in darknesse be THOU blessed; and if THOUwillest me to be in light be THOU again blessed. IF TEOU vouchsafe to comfort D€e be TEOU blessed; and if THOU willeet me to be afflicted, be TEOU ever egually blessed. -Thomas a Kempis, Christianttystic. 1380-L47L, A.D.

-I 0- from all sin O LORD, I wish for the love of TEEB to keeP TEY glorY and today. EelP me this day to do all I do to likes it or accolding to THY dear will, whether mY nature not. 'Oberland unknown -The Friend of God , from the " The chief of a religious union from the 14th Century'

hath inflamed Restless is mY heart, O LORD' because TEY love THEE alone ' it with such a desire that it cannot rest but in -Nicholas de Cusa, Cardinal. 140I-I454, A.D.

soul may always Govern all by TEy wisdour, o LoRDr so that my may choose ' be serving tgrn as TBOU dost will and not as I let me live Let me die to myself, so that I nay serve THEE; to TEEE, who in TEYSELF art the true life. -st. Teres€lr christian Mystic. I515-I582' A.D'

wish or ask ' if it Do not punish me by granting that which I ' offend TEY love which would always live in me -st. Teresdr christian l,tystic. 1515-I582' A.D.

us to Eeaven o GoD of the spirits of arl flesh, naturalize estate ' that and reconcile us to all the things of that high a slavish spirit so we may not drudge in the worla, nor act in with ingenuity in ways of Religion, but that we may serve THEE are set at of mind and with f reedom of spirit r €ls those that Iiberty. D" -B. Whichcote, Canbridge Platonist' 1609-I683'A'

and THOU offerest We are forced r O FATEER, to seek TE.EE daily, THEE we find THEE' TEYSELF dailY to be foqnd i whensoever we seek in the highway. in the house, in the fielde, in the Temple, and -John Norden ' l,tystic of the l6th CenturY.

Defend rn€r O GOD, from mYaelf. A'D' -sir Thomas Brown, English Philosopher. 1605-1682'

-11 - rn TEEE would we lose ourselves utterly; do in us what TEOUwilt. -Jacob Boehme, Geman lttystic and Rosicruci€lrl r f 57 5-I 624 A. D.

Guide III€' O LORD, in all the changes and varieties of the world; that in all things that shall happen, r may have an eveness and tranguility of spirit; that my soul may be whotly resigned to TBY divinest will and pleasur€ r never murmuring at rEY gentre chastisenent and fatherly correction. -Jeremy Taylor, Bishop and Author. I6I3-L667, A.D.

O that mine eyes might closed be To what concerns me not to see i That deafness might possess mine ear To what concerns me not to hear; That truth my tongue might always tie F'rom ever speaking f oolishly; That no vain thing might ever rest, Or be conceived within my breast; That by each deed and word and thought Glory may to God be brought ! But what are wishes? LORD, mine eye On TEEE is fixed, to THEE I cry, Wash, LORD, and purify my heart, And make it clean in every part. And when ftis c1ean, LORD, keep it, too, For that is more than I can do. -Thomas Elwood , English l{ystic about 16 3 9 , A. D.

THY creatures wrongl TEEE, o rEou sov'RETGN GooD. TEOU art not lov'd because not understood. -l{3flam Guyon, l,tystic, one of the Founders of the euietism. 1549-17L7, A.D.

Give to us r TEY children, that which we ourserves know not to ask. We wourd have no other desire than to accomprish TEY will. Teach us to prayr pray THOU in us. -Fenelon, Archbishop of Cannbrai. Author. lG5l-IZ15 rA.D.

-L2- men O my GOD me from the fatal slaverY that Preserve It madly call libertY - with TEEE alone is freedom. is true is THY truth that make us free. To serve TEEE dominion. -Fenelon, ArchbishoP of Canbrai. Author. 1651-1715' A'D'

TEOU LORD I know not what I ought to ask of TEEE; , than I only knowest what I need; inOU lovest me better THY child know how to love myself. O FATEER, give to that which he himself knows not how to ask. A'D' -Fenelon, Archbishop of Canbrai' Author' 155I-1715

ul in action ' ALITIGETY GOD, grant me TEY grace to be f aithf is to do and not anxious about success. l{y only concern in duty' TEy wiII, and to lose myself in tnnn when engaged as THOU It is for TEEE to give mv weak efforts such fruits seest fit ' none , Lf such be TEY pleasure ' A.D. -Fenelon, ArchbishoP of Cannbrai ' Author. l6I5-I7I5

me' If o LoRD, the sense of TEY love wellneigh overyhelms TEY loving kind- it be TEY will, bestow these many tokens of to TEY service - ness on those who know THEE not, to draw them -Brother LawrenC€r Christian Mystic' I656-I59I' A'D'

we may gladly Let TEY love so warm our souls, O LORD, that unto TEEB' surrender ourselves with all rte are and have altar of Let TEY love fall as fire from heaven upol !lt" by contin- our hearts, and teach us to guard it treeafully ual devotion and quietness of mind ' -Tersteegen, Poet and Ascetic. 1697-L769' A'D'

be TEY instnrment ' I aln born to serve TE.EB, to be TEII{B, to to seek ' a'k not Let me be TEy blind instrunent. r ask not know; I ask simPlY to be used' to A'D' -Newman, English Cirdinal and Author. 180I-1890,

-1 3- O GOD, l{ho hast comnanded that no man should be id le , give us grace to employ aII our talents and faculties in the service appointed for usi that, whatsoever our hand findeth to do, we may do it with our might. Cheerfully may we go on in the road which THOU hast marked out, not desiring too earnestly that it should be either more smooth or more wide; but daily seeking our way by TEY light r rnay we trust ourselves and the issue of our journey, to TEEE the foundation of Joy, and sing songs of praise as we go along. -Martineau, Unitarian Divine and ttetaphysician. 1805-1900 A.D.

LORD' what €rrn T, that with unceasing care THOU didst seek af ter me? -Holmes, Atterican Physician and Author. I809-I894, A. D.

If THOU speakest not, I will fill my heart with TEY silence and endure it. I will keep still and wait like the night with starry vigil and its head bent low with patienee. The morning will sure- Iy come, the darkness wiII vanish, and THY voice pour down in golden streams , breaking through the sky. -Tagore, Bengali and Mystic.

Dear GODand FATEERof us aII, forgive our faith in cruel lies; forgive the blindness that denies; forgive TEY creature when he takes, for the all-perfect Love TEOUart, some grim creation of his heart. -Whittier, Anerican Poet.

Exalt u6 with THEE, O LORD, to know the mystery of life, that we may use the earthly aa the appointed expression and type of the heavenly, and by using to TEY glory the natural body may benefit it to be exalted to the use of the spiritual body. -Char1es Kingsley, English Clerglzman and Novelist. I8l9-1875 A.D.

O LORD, make us we implore TEEEr so to love TEEE that TEOU may- est be to us a Fire of Ipve, purif ying and not destroying. -Rossetti, Sister of Dei Grata. English Poet. 1830-1894, A.D.


Ever-living God! thy najesty is proclaimed by the marvels of earth and sky. Sun, moon and stars tegtify of Thy power and wisdom. Day follons day in endless succession and the years vanish' but Thy sovereignty en- duies. Though aII things pass' Iet Dot Thy glory depart from us. Help us to become co-workers with Thee and endow our fleeting days with abiding worth.

AlL goodnes and truth are Thine, O lord. t/tay no evil estrange us from Thee, nor error darken our vision of Thy purPoses. HeIp us to discern Thy justice and to understand Thy will. In adversity and in prosperity' tel tfry law be a lamp unto our feet to illunine our Path' May we so Iabor in Thy service that our lives become a hymn of praise unto Thee. o God, who art the strength of all that trust in Thee, my soul is filled vrith gratitude for the nunberless blessings Thou bestowest on me. with a fatier's tender care Thou renemberest me every day and every hour. Teach me, o Lord, to obey Thy wiII, to be content with what' in Thy wis- dom, Thou hast allotted to me, and to share Thy gifts with those rtho need my help. Guide me. O Father, with Thy good counsel, and hold in Thy keep- ing th; lives of those dear to me. May Thy presence dwell within my horne; may peace and happiness abide in it, and love unite all who live under itl lhadow. And when, in Thy wisdom, Thou sendest trials and sorr- ois, grant me strength to bear them patiently, and courage to trust in Thy help. Guard Thou my going out and myeoning in, now and forever more. Amen.

o lord, how can se know Thee? where can we find Thee? Thou art as close to us as breathing and yet art farther than the farthermost star- Thou art as mysterious as the vast solitudes of the night and yet art as fam- iliar to us as the light of the sun. To the seer of old Thou didst say: Thou canst not see my face, but will nake all ltty goodness pass before Thee. Even so doee ihy goodness pass before us in the realm of nature and in the varied expeiiences of our lives. tlhen justice burns like a f laruing fire within irs, when love evokes willing sacrifice from us, whenr to the last full measure of selfless devotion, we proclain our belief in the ultimate trirurph of truth and righteousness, do we not bow down before the vision of Thy goodness? rhou livest within our hearts' as Thou dost pervade the world and we through righteousness behold Thy Pre- sence.

In this moment of silent connunion with Thee, o Iord, a still' snall voice speaks in the depth of ury spirit. It speaks to me of the things I rnust bo to attain holy kinship iitl ftee and to grow in the likeness of Thee. I muat do ny allotted task with unflagging faithfulness even though the eye of no fask-master is on me. I muat be gentle in the face of ingratitude or when Elander distortg my nobleEt motivea. I must come to the end of each day with a feeling that I have used its gifts grate-

-t 5- fully and faced its trials bravely. O lord, help ne to be ever more like Thee, holy for Thou art holy, Ioving for Thou art love. SPeak to ne, then, O Iord, as I seek Thee again and again in the stillness of neditation' until Thy bidding sha1l at last become for me a hallowed discipline, a familiar way of life, so that I rnay live on in deeds that bless-other lives and leave behind ne the heritage of a good narne. Anen.

we pray for all peoPle who at this hour are in tribulation, in sickness, in wani, in danger of body or soul . lfe name in our hearts those who are near us and in whose afflictions ee are afflicted. Let them see Thy help and grant then a blessed release from their trials.

Be with all men and women who spend themselves for the good of nankind and bear the burdens of others; who give bread to the hungry, clothe the naked and provide shelter for the homeless. Establish Thou, o God, the work of thair hands and grant the! an abundant harvest of the good seed they are eowing. we thank Thee, o God, for the rrorship of thig day and for the restoration of the body and soul which comes to ua through conununion with Thee. We rejoice thit fhou hast permitted us to be co-workers with Thee in the un- eolding of Thy divine plan. Thou hast set Thy blessing uPon labor, and hast enabled us to promote the well-being of all by the faithful l,ork ne do. Stlengthen in us, O God, the spirit of service and sacrifice. May rde never be ternpted to profit by inpoverishing and degrading the Iives of others. Uak! us realize the wrong of letting others hunger while we are surfeited with the bounties of nature. Irnplant in our hearts, e'e pray Thee, a sense of responsibility and comradeship- Reveal to us the ai,rine glory that abides in every soul, and the high di.gnity that invests all honist labor. Help us so to live that, by our own endeavorE, we may hasten the day when all shall toil and serve side by side as brotherst when love and syrnpathy shall stir every heart, and greed and rrant no long- er tnar the beauty of Thy creation. Amen. we gratefully acknowledge, o Iord our God, that Thou art our creator and Preierver, the nock of our life and t5e Shield of our help. l{e render thanks unto Thee for our lives which are in Thy hand, for our souls which are ever in Thy continuous goodness, which Thou bestottest upon us day by day. Truly, Thy mercies never fail and Thy loving kj.ndness never ceases. Therefore do we forever Put our trust in Thee.

And ye ehall see lt{e' and flnd }le when ye aha1l search for ue with all your heart. -Jereniah xxi x: 13

-15- o Thou givest meaning to the strlvinga of men. attune our hearta for communion Hith Thee. Ilott often, when everything else fails ue, do we yearn for Thee. In the stillness of the night, in the press of the crosd, in tne agony of inner conflict, we bos our heads, and Io, Thou art in our hearts ana ie are at peace. We know not, O Lrd, whether the gifts for which we ask are for our good, whether our trials and tribulations may not be a blessing in disquise, ",hether even the frsgrrnent of our shattered hopes and love rniy not minister to th€ upbuilding of other lives and the fuifillment of the unfathomable plan. So t',e do not pray unto Thee to make our lives easy, to give us happiness without alloy. Rather do we pray Thee to aid ui to be uncornpJ,aining and unafraid. Teach us to face life with faith and courage that we may see the blessings hidden away even rn its discords and struggles. HeIp us to irrest victory from the discipline of pain. l,tay tre realiie that liie calls us not merely to enjoy the fat- ness of the 6arth but to exult in heights attained after the toil of climbing, Thus will our darkness be ilLumined by Thy light and our weak- n."" ,n.i" strong by Thy strength, lifti,ng us above fear and defeat ' and sustaining our iteps with an imrnortal hope. Praised be Thou, O Lord, the stay and trust of the righteous.

o Lord, r shut out the din and fret and littleness of things that I may feel myeelf alone with Thee in the silence. As a child yields itself to loving arms, I yield myself to Thee, asking for nothing ' conplaining ' about noihing. Wh;t if rny labor is hard, what if my Lot is humble, what if my dreans turn into futile tears, if only there is peace of Thy near- ness in rny heart. There coues to ne in the stillness, despite the terror and tumull of life, a trust in a goodness that nourishes the roots of the grassblade, that giows in the flaning atar, and attains f ulf illrnent in ihe soul of man. Ho' healing and stiengthening is this communion with forth Thee ' o God! If only I could always abide in itl But I must 9o for daily biead, to the,restlessness of desire and agaj,n to the struggie +.rue. the fear of pain, to the disillusionment of dreams that never come Let me not go forth alone, o God. Abide Thou deep in the solitude of my heart, that I may trust in Thee and be unafraid in the face of the in- scrutable years, and see that everything happens for the best' Anen'

oLordGod,CreatorofalltheworldrThouhastblessednansithnoble powers. Teach us to seek the good thlt we rnay wisely use these Powers. we thank Thee for the duty of bearing Thy uord unto the children of nen. Enlighten ua that we may lpproach thia sacred task with an understanding of tfre mesaage that we 6riirg. May ee be filled with zeal for knowledge Iest ignorance leave us powerless. Strengthen Thou our faith, that vre may kindle the light of Thy presence in the hearta of others.

o cod, Thou art hidden fron the eyee of aII living and art beyond the cornpreheneion of all creatures. The keeneet eye fails to Penetrate beyond the sDal.leat portion of Thy univerae, rld ttre nind of genius caDnot com- prehend more Lhan a broken fragrment of Thy glory. The tongues of poets ind aager faltcr rs they seek to exprGas Thine incornparable wisdon and splendor. Yet though Thy greatnesa aurpasaea our understanding, we feel

-I 7- Thy nearness and are overcoDe with wonder and with awe as we behold the signs of Thy tnajeEty. Thy Iawa guide the creatures of earth even as they diiect the planets on high. within ourselves, we feel the stirrings of e heaven-soaring spirit. This enboldens us to seek Thy presence, o in- finite Creator, firm in the faith that we shall find Thee if, with sin- cere hearts, we seek Thee. As the flowers of the field drink of the dew of heaven and of the radiance of the gun' so would we' Iifting our spirits unto Thee, drink of the pure fountains of holiness. In Thee our souls rejoice, for Thou art our life and our 9on9. Amen.

Reader: Only for God doth my soul wait in stillness; from Eim cometh my hope. Congregation: Ee alone is rny rock and my salvation, I shall not be moved. Show me Thy ways, o Lordt teach me Thy paths, guide me in Thy truth. Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And having Thee I desire none else upon earth. tly f lesh and my heart fail, but God is my strength and my portion forever. Wait f or the Lord, be strongr, and let thy heart take couragie Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renevr a steadfast spirit within me. When many cares perplex rn€r Thy comf ort delights my soul. tty times are in Thy hand, and Thou wi It guide and sustain me even unto the end. with Thee is the fountain of life r in Thy light do we see light.

O God, keep my tongue fron evil and uy lips from speaking guile. Be tny support when grief silenceE ny voice, and my comfort when woe bends ny spirit. Inplant hunility in rny soul, and strengthen rny heart with perfect faith in Thee. BeLp me to be strong in teEptation and trial and to be patient and forgiving rhen others wrong me. Guide me by the light of Thy counsel , that I may ever find strength in Thee, my Rock and ny Redeemer. Amen.

-18 - The following are not prayers. They are not personal appeals to the God of our Eearts. However, the compiler feels they-throw Iight on and help make the whole process of prayer more meaning- ful .

Divorce not thy heart from thy tongue. -Anenope

your Iollow heart as long as you live---He will do right when his heart is straight.

Ptah-hotep, Grand Vizier of Menphis ( 2000 B.C. )

A hearkener is one rrhom the god loves; one whom the god hates is one who hearkens not. It is the heart which makes its possessor a hearkener or one not hearkening. The good fortune of a man is his heart.

-Ptahotep ( 2000 B. C. )

The wise is known by his wisdom, (but) the great (is known) by his good actions; His heart "matches" his tongue.


" " I bring the whirlwind that you maY know each other ' -fron CheYenne Ghost Dance

r "lile shall live agrain !

-from Dakota "Ghost Dance'

Religions are like rivers. They all lead to the a.une ocean. -Ghandi

-19 - "Peace in the world can be secure only where there is universal human freedom, when as individuals are free to go and come i to speak, think, worship, assemble and associate freelyi to earn their daily bread, and enough of it, by voluntary labors, to feel secure and rrithout fear in their daily lives; when every man, whatever his race or color or creed, whatever his culture or origin, can walk with full dignity and on a pLane of eguality with aII other nen. certainly, for aII peoples rrho have enjoyed freedom, peace and freedom are inseperable. '

-Ralph J. Bunche

"We have learned that we cannot live alone in peace; that our well- being is dependent on the well-being of other nations far away--- 'the We have learned the simple truth r ds &rerson said, that only " way to have a friend is to be one. '

-Frank1in D. Roosevelt

"The cultivation of the spirit of brotherhood is nerely the fulfill- ment of the purpose of God that all the children shouLd live together as one fanily.'

-Harry S. Trunan


Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are yet when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all nranner of evil against you f alsely, f or my sake.

Matthew 5: 3-Lz

Whosoever will be great among your shall be your ninister.

llark I0: 43

-20- them likesise' As ye would that men should do to you' do ye also to Luke 6:31

It iE more blessed to give than to receive' Acts 20:35

Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks' I Thessalonians 5: I7,18

was with God' and the In the beqinning was the Word, and the i{ord word was God . was not any thing nade AIl things rtere made by hint and rtithout him that was made. of men' In hin was life; and the life was the light And the word was made flesh.

John I:I 13r4rL[

Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only. James L z22

BIBLICAL ( OT,O TESTAI{BNT ) one f rom The Lord watch between me and thee, when Yre are absent another. Genesis 31:49

him' But if ...thou shart seek the rord thy God, thou shalt f ind - if thou seek hin with all thy heart and with all thy soul Deuteronomy 4229

thy Thou shalt love the Icrd with all thine heart ' and with all soul, and with all thy might. Deuteronomy 5:5

-2L- The Lord seeth not as man seeth i fox ruln looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord lookech on the heart. I Samuel L6 z7

And ye shall seek m€r and find n€r when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:I3

Seek good , and not evi I ' that ye uay live ' Amos 5: 14

As thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. Obadiah l:15

The highest distinctions is service to others.

-George VI of England

Let us then try what love will do.

-$Ii lliam Penn

Comer Dy friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer wor1d.

-Alfred Tennyson

The vocation of every nan and wonan is to serve other people. -Tolstoy

-22- A PieCE of God

One of the best stories I know about a psychic heart is an old Afri- can tale from Uganda. It seems the highest god, Kabezya-Mpungu, had four children- the sun, the moon, the darkness, and the rain. There was no earth or sky, nor were there any aniuals or hunan beings.

Then one day Kabezya-Mpungu created the earth and the sky. He created the many ani.mals, and he created rnan and soman. Man was much like the animals, except that he was endowed with reason.

Kabezya-[pungu called his four children together to tell then that he was about to leave then, and he cautioned them to be temperate while he was gone. He htanted no harm to llan and the animals. But while he was gone, he would send dorrn to earth, in his placer Mutima or healt- a piece of hiurself to look after his creations.

Kabezya-Mpungu then left. AalI that remained of him on earth rras Mutima or heart, a piece of God no bigger than a hand. However, it was not Iong before Mutina grew 1onely for Kabezya-lilpungu.

"where is Kabezya-Mpungu our Father?' Mutima asked Sun, l'loon' Darkness and Rain.

ALI they could say was, 'Father is gone and rte do not know where.'

Mutima criedr "Oh, how great is my desire to colrqune with hin fully again . "

Then Mutima looked at his charges, nan and woman-the ones Kabeyza- Mpungu had endowed with reason and intellect. lrlutima made a decision. "I will enter them, " he said, "and through their reasoning powers I will seek my return to God from generation to generation." And this is exactly what lfutirna did. Ever since that time man has had in his chest Mutima or heart, a piece of God. And' now, with [tutima in them, all human beings have a longing for God and keep looking for ways to find cod. I As mystics it would aeem rte all have a larger than normal piece of

Mutina or heart. For mystic is drivenr more than others, to seek i -l cod. The mystic knows that love and the aeeds of creation flow from the heart, the psychic heart.



Buddha taught that all men are brothers. IIe advised we 'embrace aII living things with kindness. r


Even older than Buddhislllr Hinduism the religion of most Indians tells us 'Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done unto you. r


One of every 7 humans are l{osleus. }lohanmed in about 600 A.D. stated rNo one is a true believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.'

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

-Jesus Christ

Do not to others what you would not have others do to you.

-Hebrew Proverb

What you do not want done to ygurself, do not to another. -Confucius

Ee who is saved all by hinself l.s logt. -Buddha
