Great Issues in American History: a Compilation of Primary Sources

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Great Issues in American History: a Compilation of Primary Sources DOCUMENT RESUME ED 130 948 SO 009 526 AUTHOR Vance, Elizabeth TITLE Great Issues in American History: A Compilation of Primary Sources Related to Issues That Have Occupied the Attention of the American People from Colonial Days to the Present. Oregon ASCD Curriculum Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 333. INSTITUTICN Oregon Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Salem. PUB DATE Oct 76 NOTE 149p. AVAILABLE FROM Oregon ASCD Curriculum Bulletin, P.O. Box 421, Salem, Oregon 97308 ($4.75 paper cover). EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Bibliographies; Civil Rights; Civil War (United States); Colonial History (United States); Immigrants; Imperialism; Industrialization; Information Sources; *Primary Sources; Reconstruction Era; Revolutionary War (United States); Secondary Education; Slavery; Social Change; *United States History ABSTRACT This publication is a compilation of primary source materials related to issues that have occupied the attention of the American people from colonial days to the present.-It is intended for use at the secondary level. A prologue containscreation stories and poems on the origins of the world and man.Documentation of the primary sources is provided. Five chapters treat specific time periods in U.S. history. The time periods covered include the European Colonization of North America, 1492-1700; Founding the New Nation, 1770-1800; Establishing the New Nation, 1800-1865; Reconstruction, Industrialism, and Imperialism, 1865-1912; and International Involvement, Social Change, and Liberation, 1912-1976. Each chapter presents a brief introduction, identifies five orsix issues, and concludes with a bibliography of the sources of the primary materials. A general reading list concludes the publication. (Author/RM) - *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC Aakes everyeffort * * to obtain the best copy available.Neverthelesfs, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affectsthe quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makesavailable * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRSis not * responsible for the quality of the original document.Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from theoriginal. * *********************************************************************** U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED E XACTLY AS LLCEISED ; ROM THE PERSON OR ORGANZAUON ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF ,.,EW OR OPINIONS STA T ED 00 NOT NECESSARIL Y REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NAT.ONAL NS1. TUT E OF EDUCATION POSITION CR POLICY ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The preparation of this manuscript for publication services of Dr. Charles White, Professor of History, been an extensive and time-consuming project during l'ortlandStateUniversity,whoreadtheentire the past fifteen months. The effort, siems front some tnanuscript critically for historical accuracy, and gave dissatisfaction with materials now available to schools encouragement to the. writers. for teaching the facets of American history covered by The termwritersisusedhereinbecause Betty this publication, and a strong belief in the "issues" Hodges, Librarian atthe Albina Branch Library, approachtoteachingthehistoryofAtnerican Portland, prepared all of Chapter IV and part of democracy. Furthermore, itis the conviction of all Chapter V, thus relieving Beth Nance of a considerable who have worked on this project that the unbiased load. examination of all of the content of Ainerican hisiory facts, beliefs, aspirations, sentiments; documents, Beth Nance personally wishes torecogoize the histories, source materials; presentations, contributions of the following in making the project interpretations, and analyses; in short, everything that possible and successful: enlightens will result in an unbiased understanding Ed Edmo, poet and teacherinthe Urban of American history, and will eliminate the need for Indian Program, for his suggestions, critiism, specialstudies of minorities, corrective history amid encouragement; social problems, and separate disciplines. This bulletin Clement Azure, of the Indian Education Act attempts to present some issues of American history as Project, Portland Public Schools; a part of the total American scene; we hope that tfK. Sister France !la Griggs, .of the Urban Indian reader will not see this simply as a focus oirminorities. Program, for encouragement and readittg the manuscript; Many teachers will wish to use this publication and D:tve McCrea, my principal at' Boise School, OrASCD Curriculum I3ulletin No. 326 as a companion for helping to make time available; and to fellow volume. st a fmembers fo r t hei rpa t ieneeand The writers and special editors wish to emphasize encouragement, and especially to Marge Brown, that the presentation of this booklet would not have our secretary; been possible without the help and support of many Janice Flowers, Rhonda Joseph, and Kiang Nge agencies and people. The Oregon Associationfor Goh, for their assistanceinreproduciog the SuPervisionand CurriculumDevelopment, which illust rat ions. sponsors the OrASCD Curriculum Bulletin, has given Dover Publications,forpernlissiontouse special support to this effort, and the Curriculum designs from their publication American Indian Bulletin staff has contributed extra Hine and effort to Design and Decoration. this issue. Special appreciation is due the Portland, EuniceMitchell, inydaughter,for her Oregon, School District for its generous support in ilssistance in typing and compiling documentations,andforhercheerful providing released time for the writers, secretarial and companionship through many nights of work; office services, and other support, all of which was and also to friends, Lois I Iamilton and Jean Bell negotiated and coordinated by Dr. James Fenwick, who assisted in typing; and Area III, Administrator for Curriculum Development. My husband, Ancil B. Nance, without whose patience I would not have been free to pursue this Professionally, the writers and editors have achieved project. a sense of "historical security" through the generous Beth Nance Betty Hodges Hugh Wood Janet Witter Great Issues In American History A Compilation of Primary Sources Related to Issues that Have Occupied the Attention of the American People from Colonial Days to the Present Elizabeth Nance Librarian, Boise School Portland, Oregon 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS A.cknowledgements C Ayr Prologue: A Diverse Heritage of Great Antiquity 3 Chapter I .1492-1700 European Colonization of North America 16 Chapter II 1770-1800 Founding the New Nation 30 Chapter III1800-1865 Establishing the New Nation 48 Chapter IV 1865-1912 Reconstruction, Industrialism, Imperialism 82 Chapter V 1912-1976 Internv anal Involvement, Social Change and Liberation 143 Epilogue General Readilig List 144 3 Prologue A Diverse Heritage of Great Antiquity INTRODUCTION The people we call Americans have long roots that original Americans taught the colonists to put fish into extend into a distant past on other continents. Even the the corn seed holes, and Indians learned to original Americans, who have been here for thousands English and Dutch while trading for EuropeanC.9dS, of years, were immigrants at one time. aninterchangehasbeentakingplacethatis Until recently it was common to speak of the United irreversible.Inreality, the contributions of many States asa "melting pot,"asifthe cultur.s of cultures have shaped American life, and have been immigrants were supposed to become so assimilated as visibletoany who werenottooblindedby to lose separate identity. As an eighteenth century ethnocentrism to see and acknowledge them. colonial writer described it: What was theculturalheritageof Europeans, Here individuals of all nations are melted into Africans, Asians, and the indigenous Americans, before a new race of men, wl,oe labors and posterity 1492? What were the religious beliefs that guided will one day cause great change in the world. them? What concepts prevailedof authority and Americans are the western pilgrims who are government? Impossible as itis to givc an adequate carrying along with them that great mass of arts, portrayalin justa few pages,this prologue will sciences, vigor and industry which began long attempt to provide some illustrations of the data that since in the east; they will finish the great circle.' are available. Four main streams of ethnic tradition Now a different figure of speech is being used to willberepresented: American Indian, European, describe the people of the .United States. The cultural African, Asian. The examples are not intended to be pluralism in which many are now taking pride is more definitivenorcomprehensive.Rather,theywill accuratelyportrayedasasalad,orstew.The represent only a sampling .of the vast literature that is ingredients are stilldistinct and enjoyed for their available, with a bibliography for further exploration. particular taste, and also appreciated for what they Some are from oral tradition, and some are quotations add to the whole. Not even the ingredients of a stew from recorded literature and documents. There are are ever the same again, once they have cooked two main sections; origins and social order. Selections together in the pot. Ever since the days when the have been made to emphasize parallels rather than contrasts. I. ORIGINS: CREATION STORIES AND POEMS
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