I PRAYERS t I j FOR it' r:. MYSTICS { I I I ',lrl'/ \\t i,r) tit' .,frl . + rft;:l/i ;,=...- 77.' 1.\ tr., , ltl \ a/e4- .- Pharaoh Akhenaton is considered the f irst monotheist. IIe nas a young brilliant poet. Letrs listen to him celebrate the rising sun. Arrls upraised in the position of KA (heart ), he revels in the creator's makings through the sun. "You rise beautifully, O living Aton, Lord of Eternity; You' re glittering, beautiful, strong; Your love is great. It is mighty. Your rays give sight to all your creatures. They bring life to the hearts of men. You fill the two lands with your love. O God, you made yourself. You made evey land. You made everything on it. , A11 men, cattle and antelopes , . All trees that grow in the soil, All live when you rise for them. You are the mother and father of all you made. When you rise, all see. Your rays light up the whole earth. Every heart rejoices at the sight of youe When you riser a's their lord. IIow manifold are your works ! They're hidden before men, O sole God, beside whom therers no other. You created the earth from your heart. " -Circa 1350 B.C. Compiled and Published by: DR. JOEN PAI,O 101 COOPERSTREET NEl{ YORK, NY I0 0 3 4 Copyright - L992 Firet Edition PREFACE Science is not the enemy of religion. The authorrs research has demonstrated that retarded exhalation encourages relaxation. Thom- 'When as Jefferson appeared to have the key when he advised, angry count to ten.' Today, we might add, "If that doesn't do it, count to twenty on the same breath.' It appears extended exhalation aff- ects the parasl4npathetic nervous system. This is the part of the autonomic nervous system that relaxes the body (The sympathetic nervous system of the autonomic nervous system, the "Fight or flight" mechanism, excites the body ) . The point to be made is that prayer and prayer devices encourages parasympathetic ascendance. This forms an entree to our psychic or inner selves. For years religions and mystical teachings have encouraged parasympathetic ascendance through repetitive Prayers, beads, vowel sounds, mantras, incense, soft lights, relaxing music, congenial environment, urandalas, bells, candles' etcetera. To help in this whole process of attunement with the God of our Hearts ' the author presents the following mostly non-sectarian pray- ers. He's found them helpful, in our quest for aid and succor to our God within. If you know some you would share, please submit them to " the author for an expanded edition of 'Prayers for Mystics. Thanks. -Dr. John Palo . c€lrn€ into being heart and their came into being tongue. the heart thinks what it will and the tongue commands what it will... It is the latter (heart) which causes all decisions to be made, but it is the tongue which reports what the heart has thought out. Thus is all action, whether simple or complex, carried out..,. A11 is in accord with the command which the heart has devised and which has appeared upon the tongue. Thus is determined the pecul- iar nature of everything. I was the maker of myself, in that I f or:ured myself according to my desire and in accord with my heart. Ancient Egyptian Memphite Stone- Translated by -Dr. James Breasted Our Father, WEO art in heaven, hallowed be THY name' THY Kingdom come, THY wiII be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and for- give us our trespasses as h/e ought to forgive those inat trespass agtinst Lls. Lead us when in temptation, but de liver us f rom evi I " Atrlen- -Jesus Christ, The Messiah, The Saviour The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pasture-; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my sout; ite guideth me in straight paths for Eis name's sake. Yea, though I walk tniough the valley of the shadow of death, I niII fear no evil, for Thou art with met Thy rod and Thy staff, they confort me. Thou pre- parest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies i Thou hast an- ointed rny head with oil,; my cup runneth over. surelY goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days oi my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the L,ord f orever . -Psalm xxiii !{ay my eyes be satisfied daily with beholding him, when he dawns in this house of Aton and fills it with his own self by his beams' beauteous in love, and lays them upon me in satisfying life for ever and ever. -Pharaoh Nchnaton -l- O, GREAT SPIRIT, Whose voice I hear in the winds, And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me! I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom. LET ME WALK IN BEAUTY, and make my eyes ever behold the red and Purple sunset. IIAKE trtY EANDS resPect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice - I'{AKE I{E WISE so that I may understand the things you have taught mY PeoPle. LET ll.E LEARN the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I SEEK STRENGTH, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight mY greatest enemy myself. I'{AKE ttE ALWAYS READY to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. SO WHEN LIFE FADESr Ets the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame. -American Indian PraYer Love me in sinners and saintg, In each who needs or faints- LORD, I wiII love TEEE aa I can In every brother man. -Rossettirsister of Dei Grata. English Poet. 1830-1894 A.D. Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows, Give me the strength to make mY love fruitful in service. Give me the strength to raise my mind high above dailY trifles, And give me the strength to surrender my strength to TEY will with love- -Tagore, Bengali Poet and llystic. Born I85I' A.D. -2- With beautY may I wa1k. with beautY bef ore Ir€ r may I walk. with beautY behind Ir€ r may I walk. with beautY above III€r may I walk. with beautY below III€r may I walk. with beauty aII around Ir€ r may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beautY' lively, may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beautyr tiving again ' may I walk. It is finished in beauty. It is finished in beauty. " " -from Nava jo Yeibichai May it be granted unto me that I pass on unto the holy princes, for indeed, t am doing anay with aII the wrong which r did, from the time when this earth c€une into being. -Osiris I Ermtoday . I am yesterday. I am tomorrow " Undergoing my rep- eated births I remain powerf ul and youn!1 . -Egyptian Book of the Dead arise soleIY from God ! Guard me from those whose thoughts !h" Oh thoughts that arise head. Let me seek in mYself ' and in oihers, from the heart. -NARP PrecePtor TEy wings ' arise TEOU SIIN of RTGETEOUSNESSwith healing under in darknessr in my heart; make TEY light there to shine ina ; perfect day in the dead of night ' -HenrY Vaughan, MYstic. Out of the unreal, Iead me to the Real. Out of the Darkness r lead me into Light ' Out of Death, lead me to DeathleSsness. -Hindu Prayer -3- Come LORD and work. Arouse uE and incite. Kindle us, sweep us onwards. Be fragrant ag flowers, sweet as honey. Teach us to love and to run. ' -St. Augustine, Apostle of the English. ?-604, A.D. O GOD of unchangeable Power, Iet the whole world feel and see that things which were cast down are being raised up, that those which had grown old are being made new and that aII things are returning to perfection. -Gelasian Sacramentary, Gelasiue, Bishop of Caesar€dr about 476, A.D. O LORD, grant us to love TEEE; grant that we may love those that love TEEE; grant that we may do the deeds that win TIIY Iove. Make the love of THEE to be dearer than ourselves r our families, than wealth, and even than cool water. -l'lohamm€d, Arabian Founder of Islam , 5-10-63 2 , A. D. Let us go into the silence; O GOD' our Heavenly FATEER, before THy altar of love we come and in praise and adoration we lift up our voices unto THEE. O THOU great living light of the uni- vers€r we THY children ask THEE to grant unto us THY richest blessing and to remove all shadow of doubt from our minds as re- gards the Ii f e that awaiteth each one of us when hre too sha I I pass through the gates called death. But we thank THEE, O GOD' tnat the light of heaven has illumined our Pathway and that THOU hast given unto us this light that indeed is a living power to sustain and to uphold us at all times. -Sister E. T. CawdEY , an Af rlcan !'lyetic ' For health r pEosPeritY and happineas To TEEE f PraYr But most of all a smile to greet the newborn day. -Beatrice Colony ' Author Sun of my SouI, TEOU SAVIOR DEART It is not night if THOU be near. O may no earth-born cloud arise To hide THEE from THY servant's eyes.
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