United States Patent (19) 11 4,399,633 Haughey Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11 4,399,633 Haughey et al. 45) Aug. 23, 1983 PRODUCTION OF ALKAL METAL, OR 3,786,573 1/1974 Scheppe et al. ........................ 34/10 (54 ALKALINE EARTH METAL PEROXDES 3,789,513 2/1974 Mark ............... ... 34/10 3,879,856 4/1975 Barr......................................... 34/10 75 Inventors: Douglas P. Haughey, Chester; Malcolm H. Millar, Liverpool, both FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS of England 52-69711 6/1977 Japan .................................... 47/57.6 73 Assignee: Interox Chemicals Limited, London, 799251 8/1958 United Kingdom.................... 34/11 England OTHER PUBLICATIONS 21) Appl. No.: 252,323 Perry, Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Third Edition, 22 Filed: Apr. 9, 1981 McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. (1950), pp. 834-838. (51) Int. Cl’................................................ CO1D 1/02 Primary Examiner-O. R. Vertiz (52) U.S.C. .......................................... 47/57.6; 34/9; Assistant Examiner-Wayne A. Langel 34/10, 34/11; 71/63; 71/77; 423/582; 42.3/583; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Larson and Taylor 423/265 57 ABSTRACT (58) Field of Search ...................... 423/582,583; 34/9, Alkali metal or alkaline earth metal peroxides, for exam 34/10, 11; 71/63, 64.03, 904, 77; 47/57.6; 119/1 ple, particularly, calcium peroxide, are produced by (56) References Cited recovering a moist peroxide product from an aqueous U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS mixture, formed by reacting hydrogen peroxide and a 1,308,942 7/1919 French .................................... 34/11 hydroxide or oxide of the alkali metal or alkaline earth 2,290,862 7/1942 Canning . 423/583 metal, and drying the moist product by means of a pneu 2,350,162 5/1944 Gordon .........
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