EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 16.10.2018 C(2018) 6705 Final
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 16.10.2018 C(2018) 6705 final ANNEX 1 ANNEX to the COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION establishing the list of proposals selected for receiving EU financial assistance under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)-Transport sector following the SESAR call for proposals launched on 6 October 2017 based on the Multi-Annual Work Programme pursuant to Commission Implementing Decision C(2014)1921 EN EN ANNEX List of proposals selected for receiving EU financial assistance under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport sector following the 2017 SESAR call for proposals based on the Multi-Annual Work Programme 2014-2020 Estimated Total Maximum EU Percentage of EU Member State Code Title Applicant) ** Type Eligible Costs of Financial Financial Concerned* the Action (€) Contribution (€) Contribution Deploying Flight and Flow-Centric ATM in European 2017-DE- DFS Deutsche Core Airspace (Step 1 & 2) in line with the European DE Works 27,965,305 13,982,653 50.00% TM-0114-W Flugsicherung GmbH ATM Master Plan 2017-EL- AIA's evolution into a high-performing node within Athens International Airport EL Works 4,500,000 2,250,000 50.00% TM-0158-W the European ATM network S.A. AT, BE, BG, DE, DK, EL, ES, FI, FR, HR, HU, IE, 2017-EU- SESAR Deployment Programme Implementation - SESAR Deployment IT, LT, MT, NL, Mixed 465,771,968 232,219,902 49.86% TM-0076-M 2017 Alliance (SDA AISBL) PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, UK, US 2017-EU- Entidad Publica ADS-B Deployment in SW FAB ES,PT Mixed 9,314,410 4,657,205 50.00% TM-0120-M Empresarial ENAIRE 2017-EU- PRISME (PBN Regional Implementation and AT,ES,SE,SK Pildo Consulting S.L.
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