The 2nd International Conference on Technical Education Thai Poetry Machine Translation to English Automated Evaluation VS Human Post-Edit Sajjaporn Waijanya Anirach Mingkhwan Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management King Mongkut’s University of Technology King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand North Bangkok, Prachinburi, Thailand
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract- Poetry Machine Translation output is very will not concern only the quality of the meaning important, the output of poetry translation should still be correctness, it should concern to the quality of the poetry. The evaluation of translation will present the quality of translator but Evaluation is still a research topic prosody and correctness as well. In case of the poetry in itself. The reference of evaluation is very important for translation, Thai poetry has the complex prosody and automated evaluation method. It is very difficult to prepare Thai language is more complex than other languages. original reference for the poetry. The result of Human Post- Even through many researchers try to translate the poetry Edit can use for reference. This paper will focus on the Thai but there are a few published of The Thai poetry poetry type “Klonn-Pad” and aim to translate into English keeping terms of prosody. The results of translation translation by human in other languages and not found in between Forward and Backward translation will be MT world. compared by Automatic Evaluation and Semi-Automate by The previous researches by authors have presented an using Human Post-Edit. The Human Post-Edit Evaluation algorithms of Thai Poetry Translation to English with use HBLEU (Human-Targeted Bilingual Evaluation prosody keeping [2] and has analyst the quality of model Understudy) HMETEOR (Human-Targeted Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering) and compare with statistical MT by BLEU and METEOR HTER (Human-Targeted Translation Error Rate).