. . . p% . - , ' fl f. -.# e q*' .- =#. t .' S+. 'k<7'. - .X ' a kz :' ' ,1/fx . -- ' . j. x't vqy.-y ,; . t$ w . g. v, z.,'e '--s; - . . ( u . j. ..P. .) j j .,,.14.-qr j j -., f-. y . - .-))- 'ùr:xïr-;-:p-s.a---.- ,-...- r.-;pirt'L. . EAST AFRIOA lk-t .. . cn -&u:;-. . ' > , -f . u,m.-.: ,:.:E..Ejzï--. < . . lk . , s ç .Lqk. , . AND UGANDA . , 'f z' .-. '. t. iC.jgjj .. lj: .j,. y).-!y #!,. z=.,.;n.'.j z., jvr ;j * .j r. vt .n' 1. . . . X 2.. s . . y, w1 .t p. ' $-x ,. , , h, .. , ep.;y W ,.t) ). > .: 1;q0' '' ' tj /?,* . : .' . ,.,p-g + ' 4 . .... z y . .>.s u' %. '17.>..$:. .z;qz >: # 4ï . ' . 1 . t 74 o- & kx .,> . -- w a $ y. O x' z 1- M () 03. 4) o j . ..' PROTECTORATES, ?t c qlisl-l tb nnbt tc f1.)- C anlqct-ily ct r?-ts (41? a-1 ttsly.'s CvcttttnisAicnrrs. v()I. lx,- No. 179.) NAIROBI, APRI L 15, 1907. (PRICE 19 CENTS. TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S. EABT ATRICA PROTECTORATE. East Af rica Townsllip Ordinance 1903, Rules uncler . . . 113 Diseases of Animals Ordinauce 1906, Proclamatiolt uncler. . . 113 Lim'lt of issue of Sportsrnau's licences, Notice 1-e ...... 1 13 Cancellation of M r. DolbeyJs tnagisterial powers in Ukamba, Notice 3'e . . . 114 Permission to use clay, sand and stone by owners ancl oceupiers t)i Orown Lands, N otitte .re . . . 114 ktppointlnents ...... 114 Sessions at K isum u, N otice .?'t? 114 Currency Boartl Notice ...... 116 'w-akf Commission Final Balanee 6heet . . . 117 s l-egisterec't at M ombasa (luring Alarch quarter 118 Licences issued at ,, ,, ,, 124 yy )7 77 Alkchakos ,, g ,, ,, ...... 127 ,$. (ldition of M r. G.. 1l. Elkan's name to 11st of European residents of N airobi 5n the >1. A.. Ugaud.a nntl Zanzibar H andboolt for 1907, N otice re 127 registerecl at Kitui tluring M arch quarter ...... 128

, , 7 ) z, Nlrel-i .,: .,., .,., ...... 18 1 Tllo . District Engiueers, Ugantla Railway, to be adtletl to Sites Boards of Townships on Railway, Notice $.o . . . 132 UGANDA PROTECTORATE. Revision of charges for lnland Telegram s 132 (lanclitlates qualified in Language examination 132 UGANDA RAILW AY. Lalte Steanaers, N otice ,/-6 ...... 129 utklterations in Alixecl Train Tim e Table, Notice ve 130 Approxi mate tralllc return 101- M arcll ...... 131 GENERAL. Kaku alias T 1- icomclass Ananji ,Probate Notice in the estate of 115 Thomas Steere, Probate Notiee in the estate of ...... 1l5 (D. J-. 'Young ,, ,, ,, ,, Of . . , . . . 115 Afowlabux, son of Hkji, Barber, Probate, N' otice ïn the estate of 11J Jairana, son of Allandjee, Probate Notice in the estate of . . . 11g M eera, son of Ohotta, ,, ,, ,, ,, of 11 subscription ltates for rf Official Gazette 77 131 133 113 THh OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907.


K isum u Tow nship zules. Tssued by His M ajesty's Commissioner for the East Africa Protectorate under th@ provisions of tho <1 East Africa Townsbip Ordinance 1903 (No. 23 of 1903.) '' Nairobi, F. J. JA CK SON A pril, 3rd 1907. Acting Comm issioner. (1). Any suspicious case of sickness occurring in the Township shall be reported imo ediately to the Police Ol ce. . (21- Any' deatk occurring in the Township shall be reported immediately to the Police. Oë ce. (B). The Police receiving any report shall communicate the same af once to fhe Medical Of cer of H ealth. (4). The person to make any report of sick-ness or tleath is tlae owner or occupier (or their representative) of the Eouse, shop, hotel, boarding house, store or otller place, in which the illness or death occ-zrs, or in case of the owner or occupier being ill, the dtlty shall devolvc. upon a relatixe, agent, or servaut ()f the owner or occupier. I!1 case of any such sickness or deatll occurring in a camp, the repoz't shall be m ade by the headm an or other person in charge of the cam p for fhe time being. (5). No sick person shall be removed, and no corpse be disposed of until a certificate to. that efect suall have been issued by the M edical Oëcer of H ealth, or person appointed to do, SO. (6). Any person found guilty of a breach of any of the above rules will be liable to a. penalty of twt) hnndred rupees ûne, or imprisonment not exceeding two months, or to both. Any penalty imposed for a breach of these rules, shall be in addition to, and. not in substitution for,. any penalty to which an osender shall have rendered him self liable. Provided that no person shall be ptzniqhed twice for the sam e ofence. (7). These rules shall be applied to the Township of Kiaumn in substitufion of Rules 161 and 162 of the Rules under the East Africa Township (lrdinance 1903 (No. 20 of 1903), dated. M ay 19tl) 1904. Nairobi, F. eT. JACK SON' Dated April 3r(1, 1907. Acting Commissioner. Proclam att-on. U nder the D iseases of A n im ais O rd inance l 906 . In pursuance of the gowers couferred upon me by Section 4kof the Diseases of Aniznals Ordinance 1 hereby prohiblt the m ovement of cattle f roul or into the Teita District. Nairobs, F. J'. JACK SON April 11th, 1907. Acting Com missioner. Notl-ce. A.s it Las becol'ne necessary to limit tlae num ber of Sportsman's licences to be issued in the British East Afz'ica Protectorate in amy one year the Plzblic are hereby notified that not Tnore than öt)0 sportsman's licences will be issued under the East Africa Game Ordinancc 1906 between the first day of A pril in one year and the thirty-ûrst day of M arch in the succeeding years. In ordel- to prevent disappointm ent Sportsmen intending to visit the Protectorate for the purpose of big Game shooting, m ore particularly towards the end of each such period, are advised to conamunicate with tlae Collector, Mombasa, with the object of ascertaining the laumber of Spol'tsman's licences wlaich have been issued during the then current year. Nairobi, F. .T. .T A ('7K R/')'V April 15, 1907. TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 114 N Ot1 CC . The appointment o' f M arch 25th 1907 conferring m agisterial powers in the Ukamba Province upon H ugll Ow en D olbey, Esq., is hereby cancelled. Nairobi, F. J. JAOK SON April 9th, 1907. Acting Com missioner. Notice. I have been instrncted by the Acting Comm issioner to inform owners and occupiers under conveyances and leases of Crown Lauds that they may use any clay, sand and stone suitable ' for building, roadmaking and similar purposes which may be fotuld under the lands so owne; .or occupied by them without frst obtaining the sanction of T'Iis Majesty's Commissioner and. without the payment of royalty. An Ordinance will he m ade conferring this right ou purchasers and lessees of Orowa Lands under b0th existing and future conveyances and leases. N airobi, J. M ON TGOM ERY April 9th, 1907. Com missioner of Lands. CoMlussloxEa's O:'FIcE, NM aom, April lbth, 1907. Appointm ents. The Sub-com missioners of the Provinces of Tanaland and Jubalantl t'o be Assistant 1, nspector Generals of Police within their respective provinces. Arthur Thomas Bonkam-carter, Esq., to be a Judge of the High Coart to date Augukt 1st 1907. To be an A ssistant Oollactor- C. E. Spencer, Esq., to date November 22nd 1906.

To be a W akf oom missioner in succession to M ahom ed bin Abdurrahm au. The Slaeikh-ul-lslam, to date M arch 25t11 1907. F. J. JACK SON Acting Commissioner. Notlce.

H is H onour Judge Bonham Carter will proceell on circuit and. hold Sessions at Kisum u on the dates and in the order herein below set out. K ISUM U DISTRICT R EGISTRY. M ON DAY- M AY 6TH 1907. Civil Appeal No. 2/07 Baran Sama Y ersus Sayad M ahom ed. No. 4/07 Sheikh Noor Din Versus Vally son of Ahm ed. No. 3/07 Sheikh Noor Din versus Ismail son of Samji. TITESDAY- M M- 7TH 1907. Civil Case No. 1/07 Tbe Aëministrator of the Estate of Grace M athews deceased. Tersus H arbay Narain Dass & Bros. M ombasa, W . H . PARKTNSON 115 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907. IN THE HIGH CUURT OF THE EAST AFRIOA PROTECTORATE AT M OM BA SA . PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . CAU SE N0. 11 or 1907. N0TIcl oln APPLICAIION l'oB ADMINISTRATION O1? ESTATE 0F KAKU ALIAS 'êlucoMoAs ANANJI LATE OF M OMBASA DECEASED. Take notice, that applicatiou having been m ade in this Oourt by K xsHAvruâ.lu Vlzsluv Axp. PROMJI RlMouuoaolss of M ombasa for the administration with W ill annexed of the Estate of Kaku alias Tricomji late of Mombasa deceaged, the Judge of this Court will proceed to make a decree in the sam e unless cause be shown to tlae cvntrary and appearance in this respect entered on or before the löth day of M ay 1907. Mbmbasa, J. W . BARTH 3th April, 1907. Judge, H . M . E igh Conrt of East Africa. N OTK - TIV 'f4VII abore named ï.ç no'tr do oWfe# and open Jo inxv ection at f7l: Court. IN TH E TOW N M AGTSTRATE'S COIJRT O F TH E EAST AFRICA PROTE OTORATE AT NAIROBI. PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION. CAU SE No. 132 ov 1906. Norlcl ol Alyrzzlc-NTlox Fo= ADMINISTIUTION o:a ESTAT, op TsoMAs STEERE Eso, IUATE ola Kzluczlo plrcllsEp. Take noùice, that application having been m ade in this Court by J'AMES W lrrurwMs EsQ., of' N 'yaudo Farm near Lumbwa for the administratioa with W ill annexed of tlae Estate of Tztollâs STZEItE EsQ,., late of K lrtlcuo deceascd, tlae D istrict Delegate of this Court will proceed, to make a decree in the sam e unless caase be shown to the coutrary and. appearance in this respect entered on or before the 29th day of April 1907. Town M agistrate's Offce, E. R. LOGAN Nairobi, 5th April, 1907. D istrict D elegate. N OTE .T Th,e 'IW JJ abo'ce 'zzcwzéd is xtl'?,n deposited and open io ï'pwytlc/ïo'?s ai fh8 Conrt. IN TH E TOW N M AGISTR XTE'S COU RT OF THE EAST AFRIOA PROTECTORATE A T NAIROBI. PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . CA USE No. 19 o#

N olqc, or AI7PLICATIfIX laos xoMlxlsn Aqqox Oy, ESTATE or Dlxls JAMES Yocxg EsQ,., LXTE or Llxor.c ozcx-ksso. Take notice? that application having been made in tllis Court by FsEpElucl Gloztgu 'Yb'rrxg Eso, .,of Nairobi for the administration of tlze Estate of D ENIs JAMES Y orwg EsQ late of Nairobi and Limoru, di' ceased, the District Delegate of this Court will proceed to m.,a ke a decree in the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered on or before the 29th day of April 1907. Town M agistrate's Ol ce, E . lt. LOGAN,

Nairobi, stL April, 1907. District Delegate. ' N tltl* Ce . lx T=a Esuq?p or Mowluxscrx s/o HAZEE, INDIAN, BAZBE=, wHo Dlxo A.T N,usosl, ox Tyfz 11 TH (nLEvlNT1I) pAy olp Mwscn 1907.

.M 1 creditors and' others having claims upon the Estate of the above-named deccased are required to send ip .writing tbe particalavs of their claim s, debts, or dem ands to the Distrlct Delegate, Nairobi,' on or before tlàe 29th (twenty ninth) day of April 1907.

Town M agistrate?s Oëca, E. .R . LOGA N April 15, 1907. THE OFFICIA L GAZETTE 116 Notl-ct Tx THE ESTATZ o>a JAIZUM s/o Axwxfuxe, Hlxolr, IxplAx, wHo otso A.'r NwtsoBf, ox ,1'HE 8'rH (EIGHTH) luv o:a MAECH 1907. A1l creditors aud others having claims upon the Estate of the above-nam etl deceased are reqlzired to send iu writing the particulars of their claims, d'abts, or demauds to the Distriet Delegate, Nairobi, on or before the 29th (twenfy ninth) day oî April 1907. Town M agistrate's Omce, E. R. LOGAN Nairobi, 2nd April, 1907. District Delegate. N*otice. IN TH E TOW N MA GISTRATE'S COU RT NM ROBI. ADNINISTR ATTON CAU SE No. 20 or 1907. ln the Estate of M EER ZV son of CH O'PTA M olaam medau, Indian, late Contractor of buildingss who died at AAIROBI on the 4th. (fomth) day of April 1907. A1l creditors aud others laaving claims upon the Estate of the above-uam etl deeeased are required to send in writing the partbculars of their claims, delots or demands to the District Delegate, Nairobi, on or before the 4t14 (fourth) day of Alay 1907. Town M agistlute's Offlce E. R. LOGAN N airobi, 10th April 1907. District Delegate. EAST A FR ICA P RO T EC TO RA T E. C u rren cy M oard . (a) Alssl's.&c:1' o14 N (Jo:s Ix Clzzcla-u lox- Tpotal amolznt of Otzrreney Notes in circulation on tlae tenth day of April 1:07. Als 15,93,000 Average daily amount of Curreney N otes in circulation durizlg the month ended the tenth day of April 1907. 11z 14,92 , 143 (h) A 'nsTazztc:r o.v Oats/ Itlslavl. Am ount of the coin portion of the N ote Quarantee Ftznd on the tenth day of April 1907. 11s 10,70,000 Average daily amcmnt, of the cclin portion of the Note G uarantee Ftznd during the m onth ended the teuth day of April 1907. Rs 10,01,429 (e) A IIST'IJZVO'T ()# SEOURITIES FORMING THE INVESTXD POTJTION OF T1u N o'zl G'flzutwxli.z FTJND ON TE(:: TENTH DAY OF APRIL 1907.

Nature of Securiiy. Nominal Value. Price paid. Latest known market price.

Trausvaal 3o/o 23.5,701-14-9 285,000 972+. gtzarauteed stock

Total ... . ) Om ce of the Currency B oard, H ENRY P. ESPTE M ombasa, qnno 1?:I'r &ll rrfzmctv Cnm rtaiqqinnmm . W a k F G o m m issio n . < F ln a l B a 1 a n c e S h e e t 3 1l t D e c e m b e r 1 9 o 6 . LIABILITIES ) lts. as. p. Rs. As. T'. ASSETS : Rs. l .&s. I>. Rs. ' As. s. Mosqlze of Manthiri 4,4)1 9 .J Mosque of J'uma Muhunzi 117 9 .). ,, Ibathi . 2,437 3 i ,, ,, Mweoyi Kflmbo . 8 0 0 ,, ,, Hamed bin Sheikh 15 12 .) ., ,, Naaman Basheikh 92 11 ). ,, ,, N'urijabu 1 ,622 1 1 t. ,, ,, Abdulla bîn Sheinltwa 46 8 0 W ell of M ahtlrlz 4: 6 0 '$Ve1l of Kiliû 3 6 0 ,, ,, Juma Mtlhuuzi 41. 10 -) ,, ,, Tnatlai ...... 0 6 0 ,, ,, M authiri . 2G 3 -) W akf Ali bin Khamis bin Ali 28 0 0 x ,, ,, M uijabu 4 14 () M azrtli Oelxetery . . . 20 8 0 Et ,, ,, Sud Malaamed Shikeli 27 15 () Muijabu Btlilding a/c . . . 1,437 10 (i cF#) ,, ,. Hamed bin Sheîkll . . , 16 7 ) Julxa Muhunzi Buildlng a/c 1 ,136 11 0 ;).q ,, ,, Ali bin Hamis (2) . . . 43 1 ). Eitension to 50 Commercial Street . . . 2,929 14 0 ;) ,, ,, Msalani 9 5 ) Balauce at Bank . 3,973 2 .1- j j ,, ,, Basheikh . . . 41 4 ). Casll on lland . 296 7 i ) ,, ,, Konzi ...... 0 13 () j k;.. ,, ,, M baruk bin Raschid 820 0 .) 1 jr XM W ells unattached . . , 836 8 0 '$ ') z:j 'EW-satkatfe os fo fK dheacmeais ebdi nM Salhlloemmmane ddaenc eNasaetdiv es 4,14527 12:3 )0 l tal l ; k 1

Total Rs. 10,09(3 13 -) Total Rs. 10,090 13 i >-

- - - - - 7 r.: 1 certify that I have exam ined these accounts in detail and that the (k >J. POW TER =Y( alance Rs. 4,269-9--) is correct. c Afombasa,M arch 20th, 1907. Secretary & M ombasa, April ith, 1907. l1. C. E, B ARNES 1$kakf Oommïssion. r3 Seyidie Provlnce. Firearm s registered at M ombasa during the quarter ended 31st M arcll, 1907.

; . Date. N ame. Firearm . Residence. Remarks.

January 2 M r. A . Faraggiona 1 Mauser carbine .275 E. A. Prot. 6'. L. H oltler. do. 1 W inchester carbine '350 ,, do. 1 j,) 1$ riflc) .577 do. 1 V-illchester shot 12 bore cl0. 1 D B rille 12 bore ' do. 1 Browring pistol '32 ,, do. 1 Pocket revolver 6 ch. '28 ,. Mr. D . Franco 1 M auser '275 M ombasa IJ A. B. Lloyd 1 M annlieher rifle .303 U ganda do. 1 14 B high power rifle .450 ,, d0. 1 shot gun 12 bore ,, 3 M r. N . A. K enyon Slaney 1 ,, ,, ,, 12 ,, M ombasa do. 1 Autom atic colts pistol -450 ,, Rev. J. R. Deimler M aker A. H ew South Frere Town M r. A . D. Rump 1 D B shof gun 12 bore N aktzru ,J R. P. Grant l Lee-Enflelcl rifle .303 N airobi do. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, do. î 1 W ebley revolver 6 ch. .455 ,, .

M.r. D. Ghezzo 1 S B rifle .303 E. A.. Prot. G.. L. Hblder. 4 A . Faraggiona 20 Snider ,, 1t. K . Granville 1 D B shot gun 12 bore Albmbasa do. 1 Colts pistol '32 ,, M r. A . M arsden 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, 77 H enry Ishmail 1 ,, ,, ,, 12 ,, J. M acfarlane 1 S B rille .303 ,, T. Raynes 1 ,, ,, .275 Nairobi ,, G. B. Simon 1 Revolver 6 ch. .450 M om basa 5 . o yu jyojaer. ,. A. Faragglona' 1 S B rifle 6t0 bore E. .A.. Prot. ' ' Right Rev. Bishop Peel 1 D B shot gun 12 bore M ombasa M r. P. E. Bradney 1 ,, ,? ,, 12 ,, N airobi A. Claicle'n 1 H . & Rlclmrllson rev.6 ch. .303 7 A. Seaton W inton 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, H . $57. Rove 1 Tuee-Enfleld riPe *303 ,, do. 1 Mvebley revolver 6 ch. .455 ,, 7* Ph. Filios 1 M auser rille .25t3 M ombasa :7 J. W . H.. Parkinson 1 D 8 sllot gun 12 bore 77 F. A1. Jenkins 1 ,, ,, ,, 12 ,, ,, 8 ,, Nanjee Ramjee 1 Revolver 5 ch. .450 Samburu 1l. W . Smith 1 D B shot gun 12 bore Molo 77 J. Drake 1 'Brebley revolver 6 ch. .455 ,, 9 ,, Alfrecl Lemzil 1 T'owling piece 6 m/.m M ombaga do. 1 D B slaot gun 12 bore ,, 10 M r. G. H . M inshall 1 12 E. A. Prot. S. E. M . Stobart 1 ,, 12 ,, Nairobi JJ A' f. A. Black 1 ,, ,, ,, 12 ,, ,, (10. J Lee-Enfelcl ri:e .303 ,, d0. 1 W eble)r revolver 6 ch. .455 ,, Baron K alkerenth 1 M auser xifle *256 M ombasa Mr. K . M acfarlane W alker 1 Colts ravolver 6 ch. '32 Nakuru 11 A. E. Chamier 1 Cordite rifle .256 Fort H all flo. 1 S B shot gun 12 bore do. 1 Colts revolver 6 ch. .32 ,, M r. S. 'W alrontl 1 Mrebley revolver 6 ch. -455 E. A.. Prof. n? E. J. 'W hitelaouse 1 Automatic colts pisfol '45 Nairobi Lt. Col. J. W . Bell 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, d0. l'M .rifle tbsnaoothboreshot g.-16 Lt. 'Wr. R. H . Dann 1 S B rifle .450 (10. 1 MFebley revolver 6 ch. -450 ,, Mr. Y. tueder 1 Pocket revolver 6 ch. '32 Mwanza 7 7 R . B. 'W ills 1 Lee-Entlelfl rifle '303 Naivasha (10. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, 12 M r. S. Theologo 1 ,, ,, ,, 12, ,, Taveta C. M . Dalal 1 W eblçy revolver 5 ch. .450 Af ombasa 77 Daram sey K hatau 1. Revolver 6 ch. .450 ,, L. Renewecl JJ Jenraj Khatau 1 Pinfkre revolver 6 cll. Dissabhoy M . M ody 1 Revolver 6 ch. .450 .. 119 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907.

Date Name. Firearm . Residence. .1 Remarks.

Jany. 14 M r. Emile Tallian S B rifle .256 E. A. Prot. G. L. H olier. do. D B Express rille '500 ,, 15 do. M anulicher rifle .450 ,, ; ,, do. D B M ,sllot gun '2,0 bore ,, t ,, r. Fernbach Balint S B riqe .350 ,, I ,, do...... 400 ,, I ,, do. '- -' -a50 ,, 1 do. 1 D, ,B sh,,o t gun 12 bore tI ,, Count von H orthy 1 M annlieher rifle .256 ,, t' ,, do. 1 ,, ,, .256 ,, I ,, do. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, tl ,, d0. 1 ,, ?, ,, '20 bore ,,' ,, M r. Gino Zangheri S B rlfle .803 Uganda do. ,, ,, 303. ,, t

do. D ,,B rlti, e .340530 ,, j do. ,, , *450 ), do. Brescia revolver 6 ch. '450 ,, d0. ,, ,, ,, .450 ,, do. D B shot gun 12 bore ,, J.5 Count von Horthy riie 500 j E. A. Prot. G. L. H older. Count G. M archett i ,, shot gun 12 bore j Uganda ! ,, dc' . S W eblgy rev olv e O .x ao x - - - ,a .r 5c h . ' 32 ) , , yy . .1 J .n is' n O 'Ei g u n J. z r.l O 1*. e â ., , do. 1 ,, rifle -450 ,, do. 1 S B rifle .450 ,, do. 1 ,, ,, -303 ,, ,, M r. AV'. B. Jackson 1 Cordite rifle .400 E. A. Prot. 17 J. 0. L. (Mansergh 1 ,? .350 ,, J7 .A.. L. M aclaren 1 D B ,, ,, .350 N airobi do. 1 S 8 M annlicher rifle .256 ,, (10. 1 W ebley revolver 6 ch. .450 ,, do. 1 Colts revolver 6 ch. .850 ,, do. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, 16 M r. Saleh M olzamed Lakha 7 Chambers revolver ,320 M ombasa L. Renewed.

!.,' :)' R. W . Battye 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, 19 Capt. C. H . Stigan; 1 S B rille .256 E. A.. Prot. d0. 1 'W ebley rep. rifle '22 ,, 21 M r R. Ashton 1 M annlicher rille .256 Frere Town lL' Renewed. do. 1 revolver 6 ch. *880 ,, ,, M r. .A 6. Pagett 1 lver Jollnson rev. 6 ch. .380 Nairobi Capt. G. A. S. W illiams 1 S B sporting rifle .303 I E. A.. Prot. Mr. P. B. W illilv' s 1 Brebley revolver 6 ch. '38 . M ombasa ' IJ A.. Arensohn 1 ,, ,, ,, '45 N airobi 22 H . 1-1, The Kabaka 1 W inclaester rop. riEe '22 U gand.a 23 M r. F. M), Hill 1 D B shot gtm 12 bore Nairobi 1 E d o. 1 S B Mannlicher rifle .256 ,, j '' 11.. JG. . IRlarsrcihsoan 1 DS B Mshaouts egru nri f1le2 .b2o5r6e AKfiojmabbeasa ) 24 7' R. P. Bannerjee Chambers. revolver .880 ,, L. Renewed- :7 Rag. blzai Gemeg-ee Pocket revolver 6 ch, .:-)2 ,, ,, 77 R. Ashton D B shot glzn 12 bore Frere Town ,, H . Pigon W inchester rifle .803 N airobi d(). D B shot , gnn 12 bore t J, W . H. W ebber Lee Metlorcl rifle .808 ( James Swift Revolver 6 chambers -45 ' ,, Joseph Swift ,, ,, -45 John F. Swift ,, ,, -45 ,, do. D B slaot gun 12 bore ,, ,, R. 0. Hamilton 1 ,, ,, ,, 1: ,, (10. 2 Revolvers 6 chambers '45 ' ,7 - R . M . Suckhart 1 JJ ,, 45 ' T. M . Hamilton 1 ,, ,, 45 ,, A. Arensohn M . H . rifle .450 E. A. Prot. 26 ,, A.. B. Percival D B shot zun 16 bore N airobi 28 Sndi M sheila Lee' Spee d'- rifle .803 1 M awkurunge Tu' ROKOWOI. 3) Major E. Hills D B rifle .450 Nairobi . d0. ,, ,, 803 ,, do. ,, shot gun 12 bore ,, M r. H . Laws W ebley revolver 6 ch. .450 ' ,, ,, C. W . L. Bulpett S B rifle .275 ,, . do. ,, ,, 275 ,, April i 5,1907. THE OFFICTAL GA ZETTE 120

Date. Nam e. Firearm . Residence. Romarkm

J'any. 28 M r. C. W . L. Bulpett 1 D B rifle .8 Nairobi do. 1 ,, ,, .450 ,a do. 1 ,, ,, *350 ,, 29 ,, N . J. Desai 6 Chambers revolver .450 M ombasa L. Renewed. Abdalla bin Delgoosh 1 D B shot gun 28 bore ,, ,, E. C. Crewe Read 1 W ebley revolver 6 ch. .450 Kisuma T. Quinn 1 ,, ,, ,, '455 ,, G. Meyer 1 D B shot gun 12 bore Mombasa 77 M nrarz Lal 1 M E carbine ,303 N airobi L. Reneved..

w. dLo. .Peacock l 1 Sw Beb rleifyle re.3v0o3l ver6 elz. 455/476Momb,, asa ,, , o o. ,u, uaer G. Md. Dean 1 1 S B rifle .400 Kibwezi . . o. ' 1 D B shot gan 12 bore ,, D1 F. Sehilliny 1 S B rifle 9 m/m Mombasa Geolrey W illzams 1 ,, ,, .404 Kibwezi G. L. H olcler- 31 ,, M aertens 1 M ausar rille .256 C. Free Siate' d0. 1 Pistolet brouning '32 Feb. 1 W . Grant 6 Comb. rifles and shot 577/450 Jinja Dr. Chevallier D B shot gun 12 bore C. Free State g M r. D . J. Young Lee EnfLelcl rifle .303 Nairobi Rev. E. W . Crawford D B shot gun 12 bore Rabai do. W ïnchester rep. rifle -803 ,, M r. G. J. H unt D B Shot gun 12 bore M ombasa Dr. J. W Arthur ,, ,, ,, 12 bore Kikuyu 1 6 M r. F. A . H eroe Bulflog revolver '38 M ombasa L. Renewed.. Cassim Kam ali ' cham bers revolver .:2 M achakos 7 ,, Karamali Simjee Snitler carbine ,, ,, C. Blanke 'W inchester riPe .405 Nairobi A . E. M assy ,, ,, .303 do. 1 D B shot gtzn 16 bore ,, L. H . Cubitt 1 ,, rifle .577 Entebbe 8 ,, E. Brown 1 Colts revolver '32 Uganda 9 G. A.. Stanley 3 D B shot gun 12 bore M ombasa I P. S. H . Tanner S B rille *303 do. W ebley revolver 6 ch '450 ,, ML G. Byron S B rifle .303 L. Renewed- do. ,, ,, .303 ,, ,, do. Colts revolver 6 ch. .450 M r. T. C. B. Tragett D B slaot gun 12 bore do. Lee Enfield. rifle *304 do. W eblelr revolver 6 ch. '38 M r. R . M . Byron D B Elpt. gun and. riQe -8 ,, L. Renewed. do. Revolver 5 ch. 32/83 do. W ebley revolver 6 ek. 450/458 ,, d0. D B shot gun 12 bore Right Rev. Bishop Peel Lee Enfeld rifle *303 7: d.o. 6 cham bers revolver ,, 1 1 M r. J. M attashaw 1 Pocket revolver 6 ch. .32 Nairobi 77 A.. Sellantl 1 M7ebley revolver 6 ch. .455 ,, 1R. H . T. Bltznt Brevete pocket pistol '32 ,, J. Patterson S B Lee speecl Iaiie .303 M ombasa L . 'Renewed. tl0. D B shot gun 12 bore d 0. W ebley revolver 6 ch. .450 ' do. S 13 Lee speetl rifle .303 ,, ,, do. S B Lee Enllelcl rifle .203 ,, Mr. N. A1. Gibbs S B cordite rifle .303 Njoro H on. R. Craven D B rifle 12 bore M ombasa

M r. J. C. Pereira chambers revolver '32 L. Renewed. J) (i7 . Schilling D B shot gun. 12 bore ,, do. Saloon rifle A , Parenti M auser Pistol do. 1 M 11 rifle .577 ,, M ax Kleizz 1 S B rifle .303 :1 Emil Blacttner 5 chambers revolver .380 ,, R . N . Talati 6 chamber ,, (10. 1 W ebley revolver 6 chambers ,, ,, do. ' 1 D B fowling piece 'C O Mr. Maneckjee P es t on jee 6 chambers revolver''88o ,, 77 A.. M arsden 1 D B Exp z'ifle .450 ,, H . P. Ekpie 1 D B shot gtzn 12 bore do. 1 W inchester expresB rifle .500 ,, 121 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1:07. . . - > 'Date. Name. Firearln. ltesiflence.1 uemarks.

Feb. 11 J. F. Peters 6 cllambers revolver *450 Kilindini L. Renewed. E. J. Dod j 1 S B rifle *303 M ombasa do. (' 1 1.) B sbot gun 12 bore ,, 12 ,, J. Macfarlane ) 1 S B 'Wiuchester rifle .405 1 Kili f't Mrs. Lesidaner 1 1 D B shot guu '410 Nairobi c1. o. 1 1 W ebley revolvez. .45 0 ,, Mr. S. Walrontl 1 1 Lee Erflelcl rifle .803 E. A . Prot. (10. 1 'D B sllot gun 12 bore ,, It. Starr 1 W incllester rep. gun 12 bore Kijabe A1) bin Bushir) 1. Snider carbine M om basa L. Reuewed. MJ. S. de Souza 1 D B slaot gun 16 bore j alerjee Dewjee Jamal 6 chambers revolver .320 7 7 -*i- lidina Visram 10 Snicler riflcs ,, do. 1 M auser Aut. pistol .800 13 (R. B. L. Premjee 1 German Alauser carbine d.0. 1 ,, ,, ,, ,, 'w' 11 Chart 1 S & W revolver 5 ch. '38 K ilindini Premjee Ramcllordass 1 W ebley revolver 6 ch. .450 Mombasa J7 Habib bin Abâalla 1 D B sllot gun 12 bore 71 G.. G. Angiolilli 1 ,, ,, 12 bore ,, Capt. fle C. lrelani 1 :. rifle .300 Ugaladtt do. 1 S B express rïfle .506 d.0. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, M'r. F. Tate 1 Bulldog revolver Nairobi :: J. H. W ilson 1 D B Exp. rifle :77/,500 Mombasa (4. L. uoider Capt. J. Corbett W ard 1 Lee M etford rîfle .t.) (.)8 Iu. Itenewed. 1.4 M r. D . L. Pereira l D B shot gurt 12 bore l . d0. 1 MFcbley revolver 6 ch. 450 do. 1 M'-inchester rep . rifle '44 M r. 0. M itcllell 1 S B repeating shot gtzn do. 1 Coits A Lzt. pistol .32 do. 1 S .B rifle -1,03 A'lr. Yuntzs bin Bushiri 1 Snider rifle 77 J . 11 . Wilstm 1 D B cordite rifle *1500 G . L . 1k' ol der. d0. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore 15 Sant Singhleewan Singh 5 chnnabers revolver .450 L . Rerl'e wed. F. J. Connor 1 Autom atic pistol '3. j? C. AT. Lloyd J D B shot gun 12 bore F. Gcove 1 M annlicher rifle .256 K halïlur Rahman 1 Bull dog revoh-er .4.50 16 Ll27eut. ltussell Oarr 2 A1 H earbines Nair,,obi

18 Bwana llti bin Sayid 1 Cap gun Mombasa L. Renewed. M I.. Charles Anderson 1 D B shot guu 12 boro 1 9 1-T. Spercer 2 S B cordite rifles '308 Nair,o,bi

J. F. Salema 1 S B Msuchester rep. rifle *450 M ombasa L . Renewed. do. J Revolver 6chambers .450 do. 1 S B shot gun 16 bore Capt. R. F. Ryan 1 W ebley revolver 6cll . 455 N air,o,bi M r. Paul Kuller 1 Pocket revolver .82 E. A . Prot. 77 0. C. Orm sby 1 S B Lee Eufield rïfle .256 K iu do. 1 D B slaot gun 12 bore 20 S. P. Liglzt, l ,, ,, ?, 12 bore N,a,irobi do. 1 Lee Enfeld rifle .308 M ohamed D ama, 1 Revolver scl't. .450 M az,e,ras L. Renewedz F. Collischonn 1 Pocket revolver .320 M ombasa 0. Tonks 1 D B shot gun 12 boro L. Renewed. do. 1 MTebley revolver 6 ch. .455 C. W . Gregory 1 S & W revolver 5 eh. 't;2 R. AY'. H amilton 3 D B slaot gun 12 bore d0. 13 S B sportiug rïfle .8(.)8 do. 1 Revolver :7 . 22 M r. Oswald M osley 1 13 B cordite rif le .450 E. A. Prot. Jl Salim bin Khamis 1 D B s'hot gun 12 bore M ombasa 17 Atta M ohamed 1 Colts repeating rifle '44 L. Renewed. 23 Capt. R . W . B. Eustace 1 D B shot gun 16 bore do. 1 S B ifle .7:$56 25 L. B. Davis 1 D. B shot gnn 12 bore Nair7o7bi d0. 1 S B cortlite rille .80:3 do. 1 Pocket revolver 5 ch. '82 do. lW ebley revolver 6 ch. .455 April 15, 1907. TII11 OFFICIWL GAZETTE 122

Date. N am e. Firearm. Resiclertce. Rem arks.

Feb. 25 Mr. Colman Jam es 1 Revolver 6 cll. '45 N airobi 77 J. P. Clarke 1 D B shot gun 12 bore E. A. Prot. L. Renewecl. do. 1 S B corclite rifle .400 ,, ,, do. 1 Lee M etforfl carbine ,, ,, 26 M r. R . P. Tllom as 1 S B M armlicher rille '27$3 N airobi tlo. 2 D B shot guns 12 bore ,, do. 1 S B corlite rille .303 ,, clo. 1 M auser pistol .256 ,, M r. F. Bronsartvon Schellen- dorff' 1 M auser riie .256 ,, V- L. Hblder. 28 M r. 0. Gam ble 1 S B speed rifle .803 ,, do. 1 D B Lee Enfield rifle .350 ,, do. 1 ,, shot gun 12 bore ,, M r. Raschid bin Sud. 1 ,, ,, ,, 12 bore M ombasa J; H . A.. Youug 1 W ebley revolver 6 cll. .450 ,, L. Renewed . tlo. 1 M 11 spee: rifle '3' 03 ,, tlor 2 D B shot guns 12 bore ,, ,, M r. C. J. W acher 1 ,, ,, ,, 12 bore Nairobi ,, tlo. 1 ,, rifle 500 ,, d.0. 1 W ebley revolver 6 cl'l. .450 ,, Lieut. W ebber 1 M auser rifle 7.65 U gancla M r. Raschicl bin Saleh 1 D B shot gun 12 bore M ombasa M arch 1 = A. E. M etscher n ,, ,, 12 bore n L. Renewecl. do. Saloon ri:e 6 m/m ,, ,, 2 ,, John Oushny D B slzot gun 28 Lumbwa G. L. Eolder. J; J. D. Peffers S B rille 450/400 Kisumu 7: A. Simms D B shot gun 1 2 bore N airobi Rev. 1. M . Semler Smider rifle Frere Town L. Renewed. Mr. Rustomjee P. Mehta W ebley revolver 6 ch. 455 Mombasa ,, Jl Mbhazued J'etha Automatic pistol '38 n ), ;) Sorab b. Jangikhau M 11 riEes .803 ,, ,, do. S B rifle .303 ,, ,, J) G. Petrochilos Revolver 6 ch. *450 Kilimanjaro 77 Bazara Din S B cordite rifle .450 M ombasa L. Renewed. 77 Shabeck b. Shahad Lee M etforcl rifle .303 ,, ,, do. M auser riqe .275 ,, ,, JJ Bola Ram Cap gun smooth bore o, ,, AJ Latlha Karim Mrinchester rep. riie '44 = ,, JJ M ohamed b. Shahadad 1 D B shot gun 12 bore z, n 5 ,, Sheik Afohfl. Bhaiwaljee 1 Snicler rifle ,, ,, J' H . C. E. Barnes 1 M H sporting rille *303 ,, G. L. Holder. d0. 1 D B shot g'un 12 bore = a, 7J M ax 0. Fleishmann 1 W lzisler revolver 5 ch. .577 N airobi ' ,, (10. 1 D B riie and. shot gun 12 bore x n d0. 1 M annlicher ri:e .354 ,, ,, tlo. 1. D B ri:e .450 ,, ,, M r. G'. 0. Baxtoll 1 S B M agazine rifle *375 ,, do. 1 Automatic colts pistol -32 n 6 ,, N. C. Livingstone Leao mouth 1 D B exp. l'ifle .450 ,, G. L. l'lolder. ('lo. 1 S B cordite ri:e .375 ,, ,, d0. 1 D B ,, o, .360 ,, ,? M r. J- D. Tshorwood 1 ,, ,, ,, .450 ,, a, do. 8 D B shot guns 12 bore ;) x d0. 4 Revolvers 6 ch. '450 ,, ,, do. 2 American revolvers .380 J, ,, M r. F. A. Gray 1 A.f E z-iie .803 M ombass ,, G. L. Brown 1 Sharp suttle rifle .45 Nairobi x F. G. Foaker 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, x J. T. W . S- M cgregor 1 ,, ,a ,, 12 bore U gand.a = A . M cpherson 1 W ebley revolver '38 ,, x F. 0. W heatley 1 D B shot gun 12 bora Freme Town . . d0. Bull dog revolver 5 ch. 450 a, J, A. Ricllaldson W închester rif1e '22 Uganda ' 7 = Lewis A. Hall Pocket revolver 5 ch. 38 E. A . Prot. do. ,, ,, ,, '22 ,, n A. J. da Costa Fernandes Coltsrevolver 6 ch. '32 M ombasa :, J. F. M anley D B express zif!e .450 U ganda ,) W . A . F. Platts S B cortlite rifle .303 M ombasa cl0. D B shot gun 12 boz'e do. Revolver ($ ch, -450 ,o, 8 1,f1*. G. P. Gàen D (l2 shot Srun 12 bore Kilîrl,chni L. Renewed. 123 TH E OFFTCIAL GAZETTE April 1k5,1907.

Date. Name. Firearm . Residence. Remarks.

M arch 8 M r. G. P. Geen 1 D B exprcss rifle .500 Kilinclini L. Rbnewed.. C. M . Rogers 1 S B cordite riqe .303 Njoro G. L. Holder. do. 2 D B shot gltns 12 bore ,, d0. 1 Colts revolver 6 ch. .450 ,, do. 1 Revolver 6 ch. .300 ,,. d0. 1 ,, ,, .450 ,, M r. H . Von Gotsch 1 S B rep shot gun 12 bore M ombasa 77 L. Barbezat 1 ,, ,, riie .300 Nairobi do. 1 Colts revolver 6 ch. .350 a, H . Pickwos: 1 M auser rifle M ombasa G'. L. Holtler. eT. F. Gosling 1 A. and. N revolver 6 ch. :.455 ,, L. Renewed. do. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, r do. 1 L M riie .303 ,, ,, 9 M r. Gu Birch 1 Snider carbine Frere Town ,, 13 ,, Abdalla K han 1 D B shot gun 12 bore V oi 14 ,, Abclalali Datu 1 Revolver 6 ch. .320 M ombasa L. Renewed. 18 ,, R . M . Combe 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, r, !) E. P. Smythe 1 M auser rifle .320 M olo ,, 20 Lleut. Rlzssell Carr 1 D B shot gun 12 bore Nairobi 21 Mr. J. Quesnel 5 chambers revolver '32 Mombasa ;; R. Small 1 D B shot gurl 12 bore K isumlz L. kenewed. 22 ,, J. Pollock 1 W inch z'ep. rille .303 N airobi

23 ,, R. H . Nuttal 1 W ebley revolver 6 ch. Londiani L. Renewed.. do. 1 M aymlicher rifle ,, R ), 7J . Lumstein ($ chambers revolver -380 M ombasa ,, do. 1 Pistol 6 m/m ,, do. 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, M r. Giffortl 1 ,, ,. ., 12 bore N airobi ,, do. 1 Revolver 6 chambers .320 ,, J7 R. J. Goulston 1 D B slzot gtm 12 bore Entebbe do. S and W revolver 5 ch. '32 ,, 77 S. G.. Evans 1 W ebley revolver 6 ch. -38 Kikuyu

77 A. Y1. Gee 1 D B shot gun 12 bore Entebbe . :5 ,, G. W . Anderson 1 ,, ,,' ,, 12 bore M ombasa L. m cmewed. (10. 1 M H rille *577 ,, 77 V. F. M ayne D B shot gun 12 bore Entebbo do. S B rifle .303 ,, ,. 26 J. D. Isherwood ,, :, .3. 03 N akuru G . L. H older. do. Sportlng l-ifle .803 ,, 27 ,, W . E. F. d.e Lacey W ebley revolver .450 M ombasa

:7 . R. H . T. H andcock D B shot gtm 12 bore Nairobi : ,, K onraë Schauer ,, ,, ,? 12 bore M ombasa L. Reiewed. J7 F. Thomas ,, ,, ,. 12 bore Kilinëini ? 28 H p,n 77 . Broise Browning pistol .32 E. A.. Prot. 77 Kenneth R. Duntlas D B Express rifle *450 ,, G. L. korlder. do. M a7lser rifle .275 ,, do. D B ball & shot gun 12 bore ,, )) M r. G. A. S. Northcote S B rifle .303 Kisum u ',, do. 1 ,, ,, .450 ,, d0. 1 ,, shot gun 12 bore )) M r. E. Powys Cobbe 1 D B slzot gun 12 bore N airobi do. 1 J, Paraclox rifle '10 d0. 1 S B rifle '80:3 ,, M r. J. H ill W illiams 1 D B shot gun 12 bore ,, do. 1 M H Sp. rifle .303 ,, tlo. 1 W ebley revolver 6 cla. .450 ,, Dr. C. Breus H & R 5 chambers rev. '88 Entebbe M r. H . Boazman 1 S B rifle .303 Uganda do. 1 ,, ,. '450 ,, d0. 1 D B Bhot gtm 12 bore ,,

(lo. 1 ,, z'ifle 8 bore ,, ' . : : M ombasa, S. 1u. I'IINDE 2nd April, 1907. 1-1. M 's. Sub-oommirsioner. . J J '

!L 1 April 1 5, 1907. TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 124 Licences ïssued at M om basa during the quarter ended 31st M arch 1907. LIQUOR LICENCES. 1t Serallabil bin Abubaker class 1. M r. F. M . o'souza 1 Poput M otichantl . M essrs. w . O'swalcl & Co. 1' Salim bin Bhakit souza, Junior and. oias 1 Sherifoo Hbosim L. .M . D'souza 1, Al'asus:i bin J'um a ?' Mr. Paul carrasco I Jamuadass Motichanql lt. D 'souza $1 K ameh bin Dazrza'u k' essrs. smith Mackenzie & f/0. l Salim bin Hamac-l M r. L. Bessou ' llarnatl bin Salim Tlze lndian stores (A.. visram) Chapsee Ramdass Trhe Alombasa (B. E. A..) Tra'dinz Abtlulhoosim Moola Sulemanjee & I). svntlic a'te Limi t'-ecl Abtltzlla bin M barak Bilali

M r. .,t. Fieueredo. - Mohametl Abclul K ader M essrs. Hknsing & c0. Saleh bin Abdulla Nad.i M r. 1T. G.. ltaascllou pxw x suox yips M essrs. Bousteacl Brothers . 77 Abdulhoosein Brothers Laljee Khanjee 77 C. R. D'Solzza & Co. M oganlal M . Bhutt Class l1. M r. 1l. G.. Raaschou Mohamed bin Umari . M essrs. Bousteatl Brothers K hamis bin Mohamed bin Juma Class 111. ,, C. R. D'Souza & Co. Majitl bin Ali 77 'W-. O'Swald & Co. Pershotam Liladar J) Souza Juuior & Dias Aliblàai Khanjee 7J L. M. Dlsouza & Go. Gorthandass Rugowjee M r. D . L. Pereira Ttzlsîdass Jetlaani k% Sons M r. M . R . D'Souza Alèohamecl .A.li Ballu Messrs. Szntt-h Mackenzie & Co. Rahïrntulla Valjee M r. L. Besson Poput Mbtichancl Messrs. Hansing & C0. Bllaujee Jbtha Class V. ,, M . M aclohn & Co. Jhelabhai K ripashenker 'Mr. Carl Schwentafsky Iszmail Gangjee M essrs. J. C. Botelho & Co. Purbasherlker Sewsllenker ' 'Mr. F. M . DJsouza M eheslzaclass Puri '' Paul Carrasco Francisco w eim er GOLD ztND sllzvlll?p SM ITI-IS. The Mombasa (B. E. A..) rfradizcg & D. j slaîdick Clzanga Syndicate Lttl. p Josab Moosa Afessrs. A . M . .D'Sa & Pereira Abdulrlleman H arum

111rln R,ESH M ENT ROOM LICEN CES. Xbrallim Rahim zlitl,a llrttll'a 'V'oi J. A.. N azareth Samvat Bhim Samburu J. A. N azareth Ladha Bim CLUB LIQUOR LIOENCE. Pragji P remji The Manager English Olub. plloopousitm x zkal.luonwjee OFFIOIAL BROK ERS. Sudi bin Kikulaclzo 1' H akil bin Awath . M . F. Costa Bir H ' K izn Suleinaan Singllo APPU & OO. f 17 ageiel tona ss Mool'al'z. ee Kltallj.ee . 11 Sorabj. ee (x. Saloimj jbin Awath M Fa js ju, su rj . M aelohn S Ali bin Suleiman ef u bin Maftaha Bechar Moorau.ee ORDIN ARY BROKERS. I-Tabib Ulah Ortnari bill Abubakari M ohnmed bin Burallim Ali bîn Salim Xanjee Nuka M ungi Zagoo bin Aham ed M ohametl bin Umer Abtlulla Kanjee Kltamis bin Mbaraka Karamali Kagsum Vitaldass Muljee M ambo bin Salim Sutli bin Sitaki Nasiblz bin Juzna T' aznu bin M sua M OXEY CH ANGERS. Songoro bin Ali Nasor Khaujee Nasor Khanjee xhamis bin Mahometl bin Juma Goolarnali Lacluck M agji singlto Appu & Co. Laduck Magji xeheshadass Plzri Laljee Gangji i premjee Khanjee

Albmbasa, S. L. 1. 1TNDE

.5th April, 1907. H . M . Sub-comm issioner. 125 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907. Licences issueâ at M om basa during tke quarter enclecl 31st M arch 1907.

Name. Date of issue. D ate of expiry. Remarks. ; SrosTsMAN's LlclxcEs. ' M r. .A. Faraggiona 2n(l January 1907 1st January 1908 :7 D. Ghezzo znd. ,, 1st Count von H ortl)y 14th ,, 13th ,, ,, M r. Fernbach Balint 14th ,, 13th ,, ,, #. Bronsart 'v'on Schelleniorf 26th Feb. 25th February ,, M r. M ax C. Fleischmann 5th M arch 4th M arch ,, M r. N. C. Livingstone Learm outh 5th 4th ,, PTJBJUIC OFFICEICS LICENOES. M r. G. H aroltl Osborne lotL January 1907 9tlz January 1908 77 R. K . Granville 14th ,, ,, 27th ,, 1907 77 5V. B. Jackson 15th February ,, 28th February J) G. J. M uir 18th M arch ,, 31st M arch SIITTLES'S LlclxcEs. M r. C. M . Rogers 8th M arch 1907 7th M arch 1908 1 Laxo TETOLDER'S LlcExcEs. r M r. Frederic G. S. Pape 15ih Jannary 1907 14th J anuary 1908 J. D. Isherwood 6th M arch 5th M arch A MMUNITION LICENCES. M r. Jolln W . N arton 1st February 1907 31st Jknuary 1908 . BLAETING ANb LICENCES. Mr. Sorabjee M. 2n(1 February 1907 1st February 1908 BIRD LICENCES. Rev. J. R. Deimler 8r(1 Jauuary 1907 2ntl January M r. R. K . Granville 4th ,, Brd. A. M arsden 4th ,, 3r(l G. H . M inshall 10th 9th K. Al . W alker 10th 9th Alfrecl Lemm 15th 14th R. M-. Battye 16th 15tl1 G. J. M uir 16th ,, 15th R. Ashton 21st ,, 20th 0, F. C. W aters 28th ,, 27th ,, Abdalla bin Delgooslz 29th ,, 28th ,, G. M eyer 29t1'z ,, 28th n

W . L.. Peacock 29th ,, ,, 28th ,, G. J. H unt 5th February 4th February T. C. B. Tragett 12th ,, 11th ,, Habib bin Abclalla 13th ,, 12th ,, D. L. Pereira 14th ,, 13th ), 7J 0. M itehell 14th ,, 13th ,, ,, J. F. Salema 19th ,, 18th 72 J. Petterson 21st ,, 20th 'Rlgllt Itev. Bishop Peel 21st ,, 20th Capt. R. W . B. Eustace 23z.d. ,, 22nd. M r. L. B. Davis 25th ,, 24th Paul M abruki 26th ,, 25th ,, Raschid bin Saleh 27tlt ,, 26th ,, O Gamble 28th ,, 27th ,, F. G. Foaker 6th M arch 5th M arch J. F. W . S. M cGregor 6th 5th Y'. C. W heatley 6th ,, 5th W . A.. F. Platts 7th ,, 6th

J. L. Likexnan . 13th ,, .12th

M ombasa, S. L . IIINDE April 15, 1901. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 126 Game Licences issued at Nairobi District for the qlzarter ending 31st, Alarch 1907.

Date. To whom issued. Resîdence. Remarks.

SrosTsMAx's LIcEN(;l. 2nd Janaary 1907 H . L. Beale llaîrobi 9th do do R. H oliday do 14th do do M . A. Black do 221st do do A. L. M aclaren do 31st (lo do N . V-. M cM illan do 6th February d.o M . Engelbrecht do lst M arch do M arquis H ornyold do 11th do do Priuce de Chimay do PtrBrzlc O.F>nlcBR's GAMIG LlcENcss. 281t1hd . Janduao ry do WE. . VR. . JBen. kWinask, eChaapmt . ) Nadiroobi 14 days. 15th do do H . 0. H arts, Capt. (i do .23rd do d.o E. 11. Gorges, Lieut.-col. 1 do zud. February do H . G. Simpson d.o 5th d.o d.o W . M . N ightingale do 6th do do E. H. llills, Major do 14 days. 14tl1 do do H . Powell do To date from Jan. 20th, 1907. 15th do do (J. H . Stigand, Capt. I do 231-d. d.o d.o A. D. Milne J (le 14 days. 2114 M arch do B. 'R. Graham , Capt. l d.o 14 days. 12th do do eT. T. C. Johnsoll do 25t11 do do C. -&.. N eave, Capt. do 14 days. 25th do do 1R. G. Stone t clo SETq'TjlyIc,'S LlcExrEs. 2nd. January do R. M . Dean ! K ibwezi 8rd. do do H. R. Wells t Athi River 11th (lo (lo A.. D. 'Wrelsteacl 1 N airobi

19th do d.o ,O. H . Tritton 1 do 29th clo do L. Barbezat clo 30th (lo (lo L. Tarlton do 81st do do C. W . Bulpett $ do 11th February do R. Carr do 16th do do 1. P. Lucy d.o 18th (lo d.o R. C. Preston clo 1st M arch d.o D . C. Brown do 9th do d.o G. C. Buxton d.o - LANDHOLIJEICS LICRNCES. 28th January d.o J. W alsh N airobi 6th February do eJ. T. Oulton do 14th do clo P. A. Bennett do 4th M arch (lo C. J. W acher Voi 28th do do P. J. Potgieter Lukenia BIRD LICINCES. 2nd January do T. DJsouza Nairobî 2nd do tlo B. Rt. Popiel do 4th do do W . A.. Burn do 4tlt do do J. G. D'Souza do 4th d.o (lo R. 0. H arries do 5th clo do ,T. Raoss do esth do do J. M . D'Souza do 10th tlo do W . M . Griess do 11th do do M ahome: Hanif do 12th do clo W . S. Routledge do 15th do do E. Egan do 19th do do C. H . Tritton do 19th do do Captain E. L. Sanclerson do 21st d.o do eT. Grice do 24th do do W . Steyens do 28th do d.o J. K . Creiglzton do 29t'h d.o do L. S. Pillay do 31st d.o do E. H.. Goclwin do 31st do dtl W . P. K napp do 31st do do & E. H enderson âo 2nd. February do C. Rand-overy do 5th do clo T. H owkings do 'rY 'ra rnl - . -L w. An Date. Residence. Remarks

BISD Llclxsl. 11tl1 February tlo M . H . Pigon N airobi 21st ilo d.o L. H . M acNalzghien do 231.d. do (lo R. H ocltliuott do 5th M arch (lo Revcl. (). E. Hurlburt do To (late from 5th April 1907-. 8th d.o do W . Robinson Kiambu 11th d.o (lo J. C. Fernandes Nairobi lcth do (lo S. P. Ligllt d.q 21st do do J. E. Prossor d.o 25th d.o do B. Jenkins do 25th do do H. B. Dooner do ( 27th do do J. Mottashaw do j .o do F. G. H amilton 4o 27tk do do Mrs. (/. F. Fischer do l 28th do do G. B. Ross (lo l 30th do do H. W Moore do 1 C. W . H OBLEY Sub-oom missioner. Gun and Other Licences issued at M achakos Station during the quarter ending 31st, Alarch 1907.

N o. N am e. Descriptiou.

G IJN Llclxclxs.

3462. N abi Bakhsh 12 Bore shot gtm 8 F. Traill 1 Single .450 rifle 4 do 12 Bore shot gun 5 do W ebley revolver (J do Rigby M auser rifle 7 Barket Ali Snicler rille 8 -R. S. Dalgairns L. M . rifle .303 9 do D B rifle *500 3470 E. J. H . Oorlof W inchester repeater rifle 1 tlo D B shot gun 12 bore 2 Nurbhoy M ibhoy & Co. Snicler rifle ;$ do Snider rifle 4 N zoa wa M anza Snider carbiue 5 d.o W ebley R 1 C revolver .455 6 do Snider rifle 7 N thiwa wa Tama 8 N degetha ,, ,, 9 do ,, ,, 8480 S. W . eT. Scholefeld D B shot gun 12 bcre 1 do rifle 500/450 2 do ,, paraëox gun .295 3 do Rook rifle 4 do S B .303 5 (-to D B ,, 8 bore G d.o W ebley A-evolver 450/455

Blsp LlcExcls.

N ame. Date of Tssue.

1466 Abdulla s/o Khalak February 15th 1907. ( for one year )

Collector. ' N otice. The nam e of M r. Gerald H . Elkan, N airobi, should be added to the list of Europeafk ' residents in tlle Handbook for East. Afrîca, U ganda and Zanzibar. ejjyjjk- A* 'JI TRAIo D istriet.

I'kre-alr'tn,s A cvfsftdy'c/'; dknA'l1'tfl P'?.;tzr/cr e1%(l1+tg .:.f&/. M alwlt 79*/.

No. of Gun Tax. Name. Place of abocle. Date of issue. Afark. Descriptiom. District. Remarks.

1 2578 AlX-. H. Pfiizruger Af' . u' lango (1-8-07 N o. 11i72 D . B . Shot gun K itui 2579 do. ,, ,, ,, 325 do. ,, 2580 do. ,, ,, ,, 2690 M auser llifle 2581 Valji Adamji Kitui 12-3-07 B. E. A.. P. Snider ,, 2582 do. ,, ,, No. 700 do.

B 11'4 Zfcczzccl issued J'ztzrf'zlg Q'aartev ezzW 'zzg 31st. Jp.f/rcpz 190T.

' 1 Number. Name. Nationality. Residence. Dste of issue. Date of Expiry. Amount Paid i Eem arks ! . 1

273 Mr. J. P. Pereira Goanese Kitui 2-2-0'7 1-3-07 1RS. 5/- pl

E. L. PEARSON , Collecto'r. * po c

N t) T I fl E r LA K E ST E A E R S. ou n d rl* s.

l3ul3Llc notice is herebv given tlaat a Railway S teamel' will sail via Krarungq u and Jiuja 112 accorclance wit'h the followino&- approxilzlate time table : SOUTHERN ROUTE (Via SOUTH LAKE PORTS.) HM td



Dep. Am*. Dep. Arr. IDey. Arr. Depv Am. Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr.

Thurs. 25 April .. . Fri. 26 Ap. Sat. 27 Ap. Sat. 27 Ap. Stm. 28 Ap. Sun. 28 Ap. Tuf). 80 Ap. Tue. 30 Ap. Fri. 3 'May Fri. 3 Mtky Fri. 3 Ma,y Sart. 4 .Mt%y Sat. 4 May Sat. 4 Msy Sat. 4 May Bun. 5 M&y Thurs. 9 May . . . Fri. 10 May Sst. 11 Mly Sat. 11 Ma'y Sun. 12 May Sun. 12 May Tue. 14 Ma,y Tue. 14 May Fri. 17 May Y'rs. 17 Ma,y Fri. 17 May Sat. 18 Ma,y Sat. 18 M&y Sat. 18 May Sa't. 18 M&y Sun. 19 May

> Bv 0rtDgR, =d tœ (Plurrlc Mwxwtu lt's OFFICE : A. E. CRU ICK SHAN K, % Cc Nairobi c , 30th M arch 1907. T. raëc M anager. < April 15, 1907. . THE OFFTCIAT GAZETTE IP ( VoiMDi Ri1L 1Y.

N O T IC E .


Public Notîce ïs hereby given that the following Tim e Table alterations wîil come into efect, on and from the 15th April 1907 :-

e &

N o m basa éo P o rk F /o een ce. P ork F/orence éo M om h asa.

W eduesdays and F rldays. F ridays. From Kibigori dep. 15-30 From Port Florence dep. 16-00 Kibos dep. 1:-27 Kibos dep. 16122 ' Port Florence arr. 16-45 Kibigori dep. 17-13 Sundays. Sundays and 'Kuesdays. From Kibigori dep'. 7-19 From Port Florence dep. 9-30 Kibos dep. 8-12 ,, Kibos dep. 9:-53 lh Port Florence arr. 8-30 ,, Kibigori dep. 10-48

L axe S kea m ets . M ondays. The Railway Steamer leaves Entebbe at From Nakuru dep 0-15 i . j 9-0 hours on Tuesdays. Elmeuteita dep. 1-13 j Gilgil deo. 2-25 .t A rrives M unyonyo- .Tlzesdays- Forenoon. = * & Naivasha dep. 3-30 0) Leave M' unyonyo- Wednesdays- baybreak. Kijabe dep. 4-50 .f' Escarpment dep. 5-35 Y Arrives Jinja- W ednesdays about noou. ', .) Lim ura dep.. 6-30 27 Leaves Jinj a- Thursdays- baybreak and xw uyu dep 7-30 gi . arrives Port Floreuce- Friday m orning. ,, Nairobi arr. 8-50 x On ojher sections of Line Timings remaiu unaltered. Sheet Time and Fare Time Tableg to be seen at al1 Railway Stations. By Order Traë c M anager's Om ce, A . E. CRUIOK SHAN K Y olwo.kl (IQ#.'Ia A1'qv.n% 1 9:7 . Traëc M aualer. I81 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907. U G A N D A RA IL W A Y . Approxim ate Statem ent of Public Coaching and Goods Tram c for the m onth of M arch 1907.

C orrespon din g m 4m th of prelriim s year : () O a?clll* 1,1 g' TU lkZJf!1 C ...... 1Et, S . 6 4 , 7 6 7

Total Rs. ... 3 20,886 ecrease s. 3,.573

Traë c M anager's Oë ce, G. A. STAN LY. Nairobi, 8th April 1907. ufor Traë c M anager. Firearmg registered at Nyeri Sfation during the quarier encling 31st, M arch 1907.

N ame. Daie. N ationality. Description. Remarks.

Veljee Virji 2nd. Jan. 1907 Indian No. 32 six ch. revolver H. Scott 7th English 13717,6/77 comb. rifle and. shot gun J. Macclougall ,, ,, 2122,450/455 W ebley rev. J. Macdougall ,, ,, 10/317 .303 Lee Metforcl C. W . N eligan ,, ,, 7771 revolver W ebley 6 ch. C. W . Neligan ,, ,, 5/98 Mauser ri:e C. W . Neligan ,, n 117719 Revolver S. & W . sch. C. W . Neligan ,, 9/2751.450 double cordite rifle B. W . Neligan ,, 4/177 D B slzot gun J. De Vries 8th C 189,10/360 1.303 Lee M etford ri:e Stzleiman bin Seycl 12th ,, Swahlli 22316 D B shot gun W . T. H ales 21st ,, 658 .450 Martini transferred from M r. J. Dries J. De Vries ,, .450 Martini W . T. Hales ,, 6/775 D B shoi gun

H . SILBERRAD Acting Collector.

N O Y IC M .

A.ll Applications or Rem ittances should be sent to the Editor

The rates of stzbscription are as follows :

0% year. Six months. Three mon ths. Single Cpy

Cents. Rs. Cants. Rs. centm subscriptsons (1.,0*1 delivev) .. . 4 t) 2 0 () () 1.9 subscHptions (Including laostar ) ... 50 27 () :5

Rg. Cents. Price of one Copy one month oltl ... 0 nk six menths old 0 '

April 15, 1907. TH E OFFICIA.L GAZETTE I32 I N otice. - The nam es of the D istmct Engineers of the 1st or 2n'.:l M aiutenance IDivisions should be addetl to the Sites Boards of townships sitlzated on the Uganda Railway within their respective divisions. N airobi, F. J. JAOK SON April 13th, 1907. Acting Commmissioner. U G AN D A PR OTECTOR ATE. ' Inland Telegram s. R evlsion or Charges. Tt is hereby notifed tlaat t)n and from the 1st day of April 1907 the system of transmit- ting the names and addresses of the receivers, anci the names of the senders of inlarld tele- gram s free of claarge will be discontinued and a charge of 10 cents per word will be made for the whole m essage, including nam es, addresses and text. In accordance with the foregoing the rates for inland telegrams will be as follows on aud Trom the date given. Oltplx&uv. IJItG&LXq?. .

'' , . 1' ,' Rate în cental Rate in Rupees Rate in cental 1Rate iu Rupees and 2 . C'Llrrenolr. alld allrlas. CklrrenfF. ' allllas. Not exceecling l 10 words. Re. 1 0 cents Re. 1 0 Rs. 2 0 cents lRs. 2 O 11 ,, ,, 1 10 ,, ,, 1. l.lu. ,, 2 20 ,, ,, 2 3 12 ,, ,, 1 20 ,, ,, 1 3 ,, 2 40 ., ,, 2 6 .uL I 1 13 ,, t ,, . 3. (h , , ,, 1 5 , , 12 ($ () , , , , g o.) 1.4 ,, l ,, 1 40 ,, , , 1 62) ,, 2 80 , , ,, 2 l 3 1 5 ,, ,, 1 ;50 ,, ,, 1. 8 ,, 3 0 ,, ,, 3 f) 1 6 ,, ,, 1 60 ,, ,, 1. 91. ,, 8 20 ,, ,, 3 3 17 ,, j ,, 1 /0 ,, ,, 1 11 ,, 3 40 ,, ,, 3 6J1.-

18 ,, ,, 1 80 ,, ,, 1 13 ,, 3 60 ,, ,, j.s 9.w . 19 ,, ,, 1 90 ,, ,, 1 141. ,, 3 80 ,, ,, 3 ). 3 20 ,, ,, 2 0 ,, ,, 2 0 ,, 4 0 ,, ,, 4 0 aud so on, longer lnessages baing charged 1*:01- at the same rate. Entebbe, H . H ESKETH BE LL Apcil 1st, 1907. His M ajesty's Commissioner. N O T I C E . ' . T-lis Excellency has authorised the Publicatiop of the follo

Candidate. Language. ltesult.

Sergeant Major 1t. Allen Arabic Passed* Captain 11. M . Tufnell Arabic Passedf D r. A.. G'. Bagshawe Lunyoro Bonu.s f ,50. Dr. C. A.. W iggins Kîswahili Passed (Obligatory) Dr. R. A. L. van Someren Kiswahili Passed (Obligatory) Oaptain A. 1I. C. M acGregor Arabic Bonus f 50. $ Major J. A. Meldon Arabic Bonus f 50. 8

* Sergeatlt M. lagor R. Allen has passau' lthe standard examinatioa, bar is not eligible for a Bonus. . t The exarninatiou passed by Captain H . M . Ttzfnell is that required by the local conditions of M ilitary service. $ The Bonuses to M ajor J. A.. M eldon and Oaptain A. H . 0. MacGregor have been 1113 THE OFFISIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907 S H I P P 1 N G 11 E P O R T M OM BASA IIARBOUR M ON TH OF M ARCH 1907.

pate Name of vessel Gaptain Gross Cargo Nationality To From Bound to To ns W hflm consigned l Arr. Dep.j s t .s. J'u'ba W nson 506 General. British. E. A. Prot. Wadn Feb. 24 March 1 Kismayu Gouverueur carsteens :3:3:36 German Hansing & co. Zanzibar March 2 2 Hamburg

W illsher 3005 British. S. M. & Co. A êen 4 5 Zarzibar Ulrich 2816 German. Harsing & Co- Bombay 6 ,, 6 Gkarbie'h Pillich 641 British. S. C. Italiana Zanzibar 8 Btill in Itarbour Bundesrath Greëwc 2084 German. Hansing & C0 . ,, 12 12 Bombay

W ilson 506 British E. A. rrot. Kismayu 12 16 Kism ayu

Nerbudda W illiams 3025 S. M(. & Co. Bombay 14 15 Zanzibar Nuddea Willsher 3005 Zanzfbar 15 15 wclen General 1 Mahlbauer 2361 Germtm Hansing & (/0. 1: Bombay Itegistan Scoit 284: British. S. M. & Co. Londo n 19 S0 zanzibar Pohlens 2926 Gemnan Hansing & Co . Ham burg ) 23 24 Barawa S. Jaser 33O Zanzibar A. A . Visram Zanzibar 23 23 Benadir Coast Zanzibaa' Altschwager 1270 German W &m . CO'Swald Hamburg 25 25 zanzibar o. w jlson 5O6 British E. A. Prot. Kism ayu 25 stjll jn Harllour

I-loldt 2724 German Hansing & (/0. Bom bn,y 26 26 zanzibar Kilwa Nurudïn 330 Zanzibar A. A . Visram Zanzibar 29 29 Reiobstsg Ihle 2028 German Hansing & Co 1 . 28 28 som bay

Markgraf. Volkertsen 3680 29 ctl I-yam burg

S l .S . Admiral Doherr 6000 General German Hansing & Co . Ham burg Feb. 5 Afarch. 5 Zanzfbar

Nidderdale M exander 4240 British J. W hitlark- &v Co. London ' 15 Burgerm eister IFiedler 5904 Germ an H ansing & Co t . Zanzibar l p .15 16 Hamburg Kilwa Nurudin :$30 Zanzibar .Y. A. 'Visram 26 26 Zanzibar Djenanal: Durrande 3802 French M. Af. Marseilles 27 21 Aradagascar ltiviere 3810 jMacdaarg as- 28 l 28, Marseiues M AN-OIF-MTA'B., S.S. Atarco Polo N.Coarazze l Italian Zanzibar 15 1G Benatlir Coast SAILIA-G -%o'llIP . B I (' 1 .K.jrox )Ir Thorsen 1l 1.3131. Timber Norwegian S. M. â; Co. (Fredriksllald jj 5 27 lvsa zsuzibar H . PIDCOCK Port Oëcer.

1- 10 A IBA S A 11 A IIB ()U.R .

h l'.vqh, TJ. 'ikbiev c J llolltbasa, 15llt io eMpf/'?z zhn-il 1907. - ' 15 16 171 l18 j kla gO 21 j1 22 j ua 24 :5 l :6 27 28 29 ao t . l 1

1 i1 4 l 't t) 4: 1: ar,' ut . A I . 5 5 7 t6 4 4 1 7 3 1 ' !8 1 i7 j9 0 3 ,.11 ul () (oi! (; s()! 1 16. u (s' u 4: :y sej 4 u$)t t; uu I 1 r% rn q i >v n (-> M t' *!- - - , ------.- . - - - - . - , - - - - à . - - ! - .- - 1, - -- 1 - - / /