T H E O F F IC IA L G A Z E T T E OF TH E N w. p% . - , ' fl f. -.# e q*' .- =#. t .' S+. 'k<7'. - .X ' a kz :' ' ,1/fx . -- ' . j. x't vqy.-y ,; . t$ w<N. kc . Q. ' tx'. l. # '.k' toz '-pou;zswk . fN.x ij xi , x. > . g. v, z.,'e '--s; - . ( u . j. ..P. .) j j .,,.14.-qr j j -., f-. y . - .-))- 'ùr:xïr-;-:p-s.a---.- ,-...- r.-;pirt'L. EAST AFRIOA lk-t .. cn -&u:;-. ' > , -f . u,m.-.: ,:.:E..Ejzï--. < . lk . , s ç .Lqk. , . AND UGANDA . , 'f z' .-. '. t. iC.jgjj .. lj: .j,. y).-!y #!,. z=.,.;n.'.j z., jvr ;j * .j r. vt .n' 1. X 2.. s . y, w1 .t p. ' $-x ,. , , h, .. , ep.;y W ,.t) ). > .: 1;q0' '' ' tj /?,* . : .' . ,.,p-g + ' 4 . .... z y . .>.s u' %. '17.>..$:. .z;qz >: # 4ï . ' . 1 . t 74 o- & kx .,> . -- w a $ y. O x' z 1- M () 03. 4) o j . ..' PROTECTORATES, ?t c qlisl-l tb nnbt tc f1.)- C anlqct-ily ct r?-ts (41? a-1 ttsly.'s CvcttttnisAicnrrs. v()I. lx,- No. 179.) NAIROBI, APRI L 15, 1907. (PRICE 19 CENTS. TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S. EABT ATRICA PROTECTORATE. East Af rica Townsllip Ordinance 1903, Rules uncler . 113 Diseases of Animals Ordinauce 1906, Proclamatiolt uncler. 113 Lim'lt of issue of Sportsrnau's licences, Notice 1-e . 1 13 Cancellation of M r. DolbeyJs tnagisterial powers in Ukamba, Notice 3'e . 114 Permission to use clay, sand and stone by owners ancl oceupiers t)i Orown Lands, N otitte .re . 114 ktppointlnents . 114 Sessions at K isum u, N otice .?'t? 114 Currency Boartl Notice . .. 116 'w-akf Commission Final Balanee 6heet . 117 Firearm s l-egisterec't at M ombasa (luring Alarch quarter 118 Licences issued at ,, ,, ,, 124 yy )7 77 Alkchakos ,, g ,, ,, . 127 ,$. (ldition of M r. G.. 1l. Elkan's name to 11st of European residents of N airobi 5n the >1. A.. Ugaud.a nntl Zanzibar H andboolt for 1907, N otice re 127 Firearms registerecl at Kitui tluring M arch quarter . 128 , , 7 ) z, Nlrel-i .,: .,., .,., . 18 1 Tllo . District Engiueers, Ugantla Railway, to be adtletl to Sites Boards of Townships on Railway, Notice $.o . 132 UGANDA PROTECTORATE. Revision of charges for lnland Telegram s 132 (lanclitlates qualified in Language examination 132 UGANDA RAILW AY. Lalte Steanaers, N otice ,/-6 . 129 utklterations in Alixecl Train Tim e Table, Notice ve 130 Approxi mate tralllc return 101- M arcll . 131 GENERAL. Kaku alias T 1- icomclass Ananji ,Probate Notice in the estate of 115 Thomas Steere, Probate Notiee in the estate of . 1l5 (D. J-. 'Young ,, ,, ,, ,, Of . , . 115 Afowlabux, son of Hkji, Barber, Probate, N' otice ïn the estate of 11J Jairana, son of Allandjee, Probate Notice in the estate of . 11g M eera, son of Ohotta, ,, ,, ,, ,, of 11 subscription ltates for rf Official Gazette 77 131 133 113 THh OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907. E A ST A F R ICA P R O TE CT O R A TE . K isum u Tow nship zules. Tssued by His M ajesty's Commissioner for the East Africa Protectorate under th@ provisions of tho <1 East Africa Townsbip Ordinance 1903 (No. 23 of 1903.) '' Nairobi, F. J. JA CK SON A pril, 3rd 1907. Acting Comm issioner. (1). Any suspicious case of sickness occurring in the Township shall be reported imo ediately to the Police Ol ce. (21- Any' deatk occurring in the Township shall be reported immediately to the Police. Oë ce. (B). The Police receiving any report shall communicate the same af once to fhe Medical Of cer of H ealth. (4). The person to make any report of sick-ness or tleath is tlae owner or occupier (or their representative) of the Eouse, shop, hotel, boarding house, store or otller place, in which the illness or death occ-zrs, or in case of the owner or occupier being ill, the dtlty shall devolvc. upon a relatixe, agent, or servaut ()f the owner or occupier. I!1 case of any such sickness or deatll occurring in a camp, the repoz't shall be m ade by the headm an or other person in charge of the cam p for fhe time being. (5). No sick person shall be removed, and no corpse be disposed of until a certificate to. that efect suall have been issued by the M edical Oëcer of H ealth, or person appointed to do, SO. (6). Any person found guilty of a breach of any of the above rules will be liable to a. penalty of twt) hnndred rupees ûne, or imprisonment not exceeding two months, or to both. Any penalty imposed for a breach of these rules, shall be in addition to, and. not in substitution for,. any penalty to which an osender shall have rendered him self liable. Provided that no person shall be ptzniqhed twice for the sam e ofence. (7). These rules shall be applied to the Township of Kiaumn in substitufion of Rules 161 and 162 of the Rules under the East Africa Township (lrdinance 1903 (No. 20 of 1903), dated. M ay 19tl) 1904. Nairobi, F. eT. JACK SON' Dated April 3r(1, 1907. Acting Commissioner. Proclam att-on. U nder the D iseases of A n im ais O rd inance l 906 . In pursuance of the gowers couferred upon me by Section 4kof the Diseases of Aniznals Ordinance 1 hereby prohiblt the m ovement of cattle f roul or into the Teita District. Nairobs, F. J'. JACK SON April 11th, 1907. Acting Com missioner. Notl-ce. A.s it Las becol'ne necessary to limit tlae num ber of Sportsman's licences to be issued in the British East Afz'ica Protectorate in amy one year the Plzblic are hereby notified that not Tnore than öt)0 sportsman's licences will be issued under the East Africa Game Ordinancc 1906 between the first day of A pril in one year and the thirty-ûrst day of M arch in the succeeding years. In ordel- to prevent disappointm ent Sportsmen intending to visit the Protectorate for the purpose of big Game shooting, m ore particularly towards the end of each such period, are advised to conamunicate with tlae Collector, Mombasa, with the object of ascertaining the laumber of Spol'tsman's licences wlaich have been issued during the then current year. Nairobi, F. .T. .T A ('7K R/')'V April 15, 1907. TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 114 N Ot1 CC . The appointment o' f M arch 25th 1907 conferring m agisterial powers in the Ukamba Province upon H ugll Ow en D olbey, Esq., is hereby cancelled. Nairobi, F. J. JAOK SON April 9th, 1907. Acting Com missioner. Notice. I have been instrncted by the Acting Comm issioner to inform owners and occupiers under conveyances and leases of Crown Lauds that they may use any clay, sand and stone suitable ' for building, roadmaking and similar purposes which may be fotuld under the lands so owne; .or occupied by them without frst obtaining the sanction of T'Iis Majesty's Commissioner and. without the payment of royalty. An Ordinance will he m ade conferring this right ou purchasers and lessees of Orowa Lands under b0th existing and future conveyances and leases. N airobi, J. M ON TGOM ERY April 9th, 1907. Com missioner of Lands. CoMlussloxEa's O:'FIcE, NM aom, April lbth, 1907. Appointm ents. The Sub-com missioners of the Provinces of Tanaland and Jubalantl t'o be Assistant 1, nspector Generals of Police within their respective provinces. Arthur Thomas Bonkam-carter, Esq., to be a Judge of the High Coart to date Augukt 1st 1907. To be an A ssistant Oollactor- C. E. Spencer, Esq., to date November 22nd 1906. To be a W akf oom missioner in succession to M ahom ed bin Abdurrahm au. The Slaeikh-ul-lslam, to date M arch 25t11 1907. F. J. JACK SON Acting Commissioner. Notlce. H is H onour Judge Bonham Carter will proceell on circuit and. hold Sessions at Kisum u on the dates and in the order herein below set out. K ISUM U DISTRICT R EGISTRY. M ON DAY- M AY 6TH 1907. Civil Appeal No. 2/07 Baran Sama Y ersus Sayad M ahom ed. No. 4/07 Sheikh Noor Din Versus Vally son of Ahm ed. No. 3/07 Sheikh Noor Din versus Ismail son of Samji. TITESDAY- M M- 7TH 1907. Civil Case No. 1/07 Tbe Aëministrator of the Estate of Grace M athews deceased. Tersus H arbay Narain Dass & Bros. M ombasa, W . H . PARKTNSON 115 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 15, 1907. IN THE HIGH CUURT OF THE EAST AFRIOA PROTECTORATE AT M OM BA SA . PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . CAU SE N0. 11 or 1907. N0TIcl oln APPLICAIION l'oB ADMINISTRATION O1? ESTATE 0F KAKU ALIAS 'êlucoMoAs ANANJI LATE OF M OMBASA DECEASED. Take notice, that applicatiou having been m ade in this Oourt by K xsHAvruâ.lu Vlzsluv Axp. PROMJI RlMouuoaolss of M ombasa for the administration with W ill annexed of the Estate of Kaku alias Tricomji late of Mombasa deceaged, the Judge of this Court will proceed to make a decree in the sam e unless cause be shown to tlae cvntrary and appearance in this respect entered on or before the löth day of M ay 1907. Mbmbasa, J. W . BARTH 3th April, 1907. Judge, H . M . E igh Conrt of East Africa. N OTK - TIV 'f4VII abore named ï.ç no'tr do oWfe# and open Jo inxv ection at f7l: Court.
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