9 CFR Ch. I (1–1–00 Edition)
§ 51.2 9 CFR Ch. I (1±1±00 Edition) Simmental Association, Inc., American accordance with § 71.20 of this chapter, Tarentaise Asssociation, Ankina for assembling cattle or bison for sale.2 Breeders, Inc., Ayrshire Breeders Asso- State. Any State, the District of Co- ciation, Barzona Breed Association of lumbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands America, Beefmaster Breeders Uni- of the United States, Guam, the North- versal, Belted Galloway Society, ern Mariana Islands, or any other terri- Brahmanstein Breeders Association, tory or possession of the United States. Brown Swiss Beef International, Inc., State animal health official. The indi- Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders Associa- vidual employed by a State who is re- tion of U.S.A., Char-Swiss Breeders As- sponsible for livestock and poultry dis- sociation, Devon Cattle Association, ease control and eradication programs Inc., Dutch Belted Cattle Association in that State. of America, Inc., Foundation State representative. An individual em- Beefmaster Association, Galloway Cat- ployed in animal health activities by a tle Society of America, Inc., Galloway State or a political subdivision thereof, Performance International, Holstein- and who is authorized by such State or political subdivision to perform the Friesian Association of America, Inter- function involved under a cooperative national Braford Association, Inter- agreement with the United States De- national Brangus Breeders Association, partment of Agriculture. Inc., International Maine-Anjou Asso- Unofficial vaccinate. Any cattle or ciation, Marky Cattle Association, Mid bison which have been vaccinated for 3 America RX Cattle Company, Na- brucellosis other than in accordance tional Beefmaster Association, North with the provisions for official vac- American Limousin Foundation, Pan cinates set forth in § 78.1 of this chap- American Zebu Association, Red and ter.
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