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May 15, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 7889 terrorists by local and Federal law en- ognize the diverse experiences and con- portation problems in getting back to forcement agencies. Mr. Speaker, I sub- tributions of the Asian Pacific Amer- Washington, DC. mit it is wrong, and this type of nega- ican community to our great Nation, I Mr. LUCAS of Oklahoma (at the re- tive stereotyping must not continue. hope that we all take inspiration from quest of Mr. ARMEY) for today, on ac- This is nothing new, Mr. Speaker. them. count of illness in the family. One need only look at the history of When I envision America, Mr. Speak- Mr. SCHAFFER (at the request of Mr. this country to see that scapegoating er, I do not see a melting pot designed ARMEY) for today, on account of offi- of Asian Pacific Americans as for- to reduce and remove racial dif- cial business. eigners has been used as an excuse to ferences. The America I see is a bril- Mrs. WILSON (at the request of Mr. burn down Asian Pacific communities liant rainbow, a rainbow of ethnicities ARMEY) for today, on account of offi- in the 1880s and deny Asian Pacific and cultures, with each people proudly cial business. Americans the right to own land, contributing in their own distinctive f marry our own kind, and practice and unique way. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED many professions in the early 1900s. I submit, Mr. Speaker, I did not have Today, in a time of heightened ten- to be categorized as a Pacific Island By unanimous consent, permission to sion between the United States and the American or Chinese American or address the House, following the legis- People’s Republic of China, many Asian American or black American. I lative program and any special orders Asian Pacific Americans question do not hear anybody calling themselves heretofore entered, was granted to: whether the same issue of racial French Americans or British Ameri- (The following Members (at the re- scapegoating are being raised again in cans or European Americans. quest of Mrs. TAUSCHER) to revise and the case of Taiwanese American sci- Asian Pacific Americans wish to find extend their remarks and include ex- entists Wen-ho Lee. As my colleagues a just and equitable place in our soci- traneous material:) may know, Mr. Speaker, Dr. Lee is the ety that will allow them, like all Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, for 5 minutes, target of a heavy-handed Federal pros- Americans, to grow, to succeed, to today. ecution for the alleged crime of mis- achieve, and to contribute to the ad- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, for 5 min- handling classified materials while vancement of this great Nation. utes, today. working in Los Alamos National Lab. Mr. Speaker, I would like to close my Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. After 3 years, Mr. Speaker, after a 3- remarks this evening by asking, what (The following Members (at the re- year FBI investigation, however, there is America all about? What is this quest of Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) to revise is no evidence that Dr. Lee disclosed great Nation all about? I think it could and extend their remarks and include classified information, and he, in fact, not have been said better than on the extraneous material:) has not been charged with espionage. steps of the Lincoln Memorial on that Mr. PAUL, for 5 minutes, today. While Dr. Lee is in jail in manacles summer day in 1963 when a black min- Mr. JONES of North Carolina, for 5 and held in solitary confinement, ister by the name of Dr. Martin Luther minutes, today. former CIA Director John Deutsch, King, Jr., said, ‘‘I have a dream. My Mr. COMBEST, for 5 minutes, on May who similarly mishandled classified dream is that one day my children will 16. materials by accessing files through an be judged, not by the color of their Mr. SIMPSON, for 5 minutes, on May unsecured home computer connected to skin, but by the content of their char- 16. the Internet, was left off with a slap of acter.’’ Mr. WALDEN of Oregon, for 5 minutes, on May 16. the wrist. f Mr. Speaker, the double standard and f LEAVE OF ABSENCE selective prosecution has not gone un- BILL PRESENTED TO THE noticed. Asian Pacific American re- By unanimous consent, leave of ab- PRESIDENT searchers employed at the U.S. Na- sence was granted to: tional Labs report that they work in a Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin (at the re- Mr. THOMAS, from the Committee climate of fear and paranoia. As one quest of Mr. GEPHARDT) for today, on on House Administration, reported Taiwanese American scientist stated, account of personal business. that that committee did on the fol- ‘‘They want us to be Americans and Mr. BECERRA (at the request of Mr. lowing date present to the President, work in their defense labs, but they GEPHARDT) for today, on account of of- for his approval, a bill of the House of never treat us as Americans. They al- ficial business. the following title: ways treat us like foreigners, like Chi- Mr. ABERCROMBIE (at the request of On Thursday, May 11, 2000: nese.’’ Mr. GEPHARDT) for today, on account of H.R. 2412. To designate the Federal build- Mr. Speaker, incidents like these personal reasons. ing and United States courthouse located at 1300 South Harrison Street in Fort Wayne, sadden me. To protect America’s great- Ms. BERKLEY (at the request of Mr. Indiana, as the ‘‘E. Ross Adair Federal Build- ness, we should all be sensitive to the GEPHARDT) for today, on account of an ing and United States Courthouse. fact that full acceptance of and demo- airline cancellation. f cratic participation by people of all Mr. MCNULTY (at the request of Mr. races and backgrounds, including Asian GEPHARDT) for today and Tuesday, May ADJOURNMENT Pacific Americans, is crucial to our 16, on account of attending the state Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, Nation’s health and vitality. convention. I move that the House do now adjourn. I think the cases of Dr. Bruce Mr. STUPAK (at the request of Mr. The motion was agreed to; accord- Yamashita and Dr. Wen-ho Lee, and GEPHARDT) for today and the balance of ingly (at 9 o’clock and 07 minutes the hysteria surrounding Asian Pacific the week, on account of personal rea- p.m.), under its previous order, the American contributions, bear implica- sons. House adjourned until tomorrow, Tues- tions, not just for the military, the Mr. UNDERWOOD (at the request of day, May 16, 2000, at 9 a.m., for morn- government, and the media, but for our Mr. GEPHARDT) for today and Tuesday, ing hour debates. society as a whole. It asks the ques- May 16, on account of official business. f tion, how long do we have to endure Mr. VENTO (at the request of Mr. the attitude of those who consider GEPHARDT) for today, on account of EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Asian Pacific Americans and other mi- health reasons. ETC. norities as lesser Americans? Mrs. CHENOWETH-HAGE (at the re- Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive I applaud Dr. Yamashita and others quest of Mr. ARMEY) for today, on ac- communications were taken from the like him who have spoken out to en- count of travel delays. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: sure that racial discrimination is not Mr. ENGLISH (at the request of Mr. 7574. A letter from the Regulatory Liaison, tolerated. During this month as we rec- ARMEY) for today, on account of trans- Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards VerDate jul 14 2003 08:51 Sep 17, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H15MY0.002 H15MY0.