International House

Six-month programme I / 2014 January - October



Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V.

Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Clausthaler Straße 11 D-37444 Sankt Andreasberg

Telephone: +49 (0) 55 82 944-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 55 82 944-100 [email protected]

VR-Nr. 170295 AG Braunschweig StNr. 21/215/42153 FA

Editorial staff and layout (v.i.S.d.P.) Andreas Zieske

typesetting, image processing, graphics: herrkrüger - büro für gestaltung, konzeption und ton [email protected]


Dear Reader, dear friends of Sonnenberg,

Shortly after the Second World War in 1949 the first Sonnenberg conference with international participants took place. Our guiding principles, to which, as a centre of political education, we remain committed to this day, also date back to this time: “Talk together, Overcome preju- dice, Understand one another, Act responsibly”. Through our work we support the principle of standing up for one’s convictions, civic engage- ment and the idea of international understand- ing through meeting and learning together.

We have 65 years’ experience in international education and Sonnen- berg is regarded by those who know us at home and abroad as a place of constructive dialogue between nations. Alongside subject-specific competence, our House also of course possesses the technology to build the necessary linguistic and cultural bridges. It will be one of our priorities next year to consolidate further and to modernise our inter- national network, already represented by various foreign Sonnenberg associations. At the end of May, we will be holding a European network meeting with many foreign and home partners participating. The aim is to plan new, shared projects, to identify topics for future international activities and to bring together old and new contacts. All in all, over the next years, the intention is to strengthen the status of activities in the House which have an international dimension.

For the time being this all lies in the future. What you have in your hands now is our programme for the first half of 2014. Here, too, you will see lots of seminars with international participation or with international di- mensions. In addition, we offer a broad spectrum in the area of political education. What is new are some seminars dealing with cultural and artistic fields. In addition, we are offering meetings with a regional di- mension. We want to make the “highlights” of the landscape – UNESCO world heritage status and national park – more available. Please take advantage of the programme and keep up to date with any amendments by referring to our website. As a group or institution, you can ask at any time about “tailor-made” events. We should be happy to plan additional seminars together with you.

We should be delighted if you were to feel attracted by one or another item in our programme and we were able to welcome you as a guest in our House. On behalf of the Sonnenberg team, very best wishes

Andreas Zieske Chief executive


Society, History, Culture

Society and language in today Specialist seminar for Russian students 29.01. - 03.02.2014 Number: 15015 YOUTH page 8

Advertisement – Power - Identity A German, Polish and Italian youth meeting 23.03. - 30.03.2014 Number: 15105 YOUTH page 10

Scandinavia History and Present in Politics, Society and Culture 09.04. - 12.04.2014 Number: 15125 ADULT EL page 11

Sustainability and Efficiency – The Harz Mountains Water Supply a System with UNESCO World Heritage Status 05.05. - 09.05.2014 Number: 15155 ADULT page 12

Quality of life: Health in the socio-political context 12.05. - 16.05.2014 Number: 15165 ADULT EL page 13

1914 – 2014. Have we learned? 28.05. - 01.06.2014 Number: 15185 ADULT page 14

Germany today Regional and cultural studies for foreign German teachers. 15.06. - 28.06.2014 Number: 15205 MULTI page 15

Emigrants and Immigrants in Europe Migration yesterday and today 16.06. - 19.06.2014 Number: 15200 ADULT page 16

Picture Book Landscape : Harz Approaches to a Cultural and Natural Piece of History 25.06. - 28.06.2014 Number: 15210 ADULT EL page 17

Arisen from ruins On the history of the GDR 30.06. - 04.07.2014 Number: 15220 ADULT EL page 17

„Up to here and no further!“ – The Function of Boundaries 27.10. - 31.10.2014 Number: 15280 ADULT EL page 20

Politik, Demokratie, Partizipation

First Action Heroine: Gender roles and media in Europe A European Youth Meeting! 08.02. - 15.02.2014 Number: 15045 YOUTH page 8

Global Waters – Dem Quell des Lebens auf der Spur 28.02. - 07.03.2014 Number: 15070 YOUTH page 9


European Youth Circus 2014 A Youthmeeting for magicians, acrobats, clowns and everyone! 09.03. - 16.03.2014 Number: 15085 YOUTH page 9

Certificated Course: Competence for Europe 10.03. - 12.03.2014 Number: 15090 MULTI page 10

Advertisement – Power – Identity A German, Polish and Italian youth meeting 23.03. - 30.03.2014 Number: 15105 YOUTH page 10

Anti-fascism is more than being against Nazis 14.04. - 16.04.2014 Number: 15130 ADULT page 11

All we need in Utopia – Addressing chances and boundaries of economic growth and utopian alternatives 11.05. - 16.05.2014 Number: 15160 YOUTH page 12

Educational Role Play 14.05. - 18.05.2014 Number: 15170 ADULT EL page 14

1914 - 2014. Have we learned? 28.05. - 01.06.2014 Number: 15185 ADULT page 14

A fair future of energy? Global perspectives on innovations in the energy sector 02.06. - 07.06.2014 Number: 15190 YOUTH page 15

Germany today Regional and cultural studies for foreign German teachers 15.06. - 28.06.2014 Number: 15205 MULTI page 15

Emigrants and Immigrants in Europe Migration yesterday and today 16.06. - 19.06.2014 Number: 15200 ADULT page 16

Arisen from ruins On the history of the GDR 30.06. - 04.07.2014 Number: 15220 ADULT EL page 17

The world around as it relates to me A seminar employing theatre and experience-based education for people with a handicap 20.07. - 25.07.2014 Number: 15230 ADULT page 19


Summer Academy: On the track of nature Nature Photography and Painting in the 14.07. - 18.07.2014 Number: 15225 ADULT page 18


Environment, Sustainability

Global Waters – To track the source of life 28.02. - 07.03.2014 Number: 15070 YOUTH page 9

All we need in Utopia – Addressing chances and boundaries of economic growth and utopian alternatives 11.05. - 16.05.2014 Number: 15160 YOUTH page 12

A fair future of energy? Global perspectives on innovations in the energy sector 02.06. - 07.06.2014 Number: 15190 YOUTH page 15

Inclusion, Gender Mainstreaming

First Action Heroine: Gender roles and media in Europe A European Youth Meeting! 08.02. - 15.02.2014 Number: 15045 YOUTH page 8

The world around as it relates to me: A seminar employing theatre and experience-based education for people with a handicap 20.07. - 25.07.2014 Number: 15230 ADULT page 19

Europe, International Affairs, Globalisation

First Action Heroine: Gender roles and media in Europe A European Youth Meeting! 08.02. - 15.02.2014 Number: 15045 YOUTH page 8

Global Waters – To track the source of life 28.02. - 07.03.2014 Number: 15070 YOUTH page 9

European Youth Circus 2014 A Youthmeeting for magicians, acrobats, clowns and everyone! 09.03. - 16.03.2014 Number: 15085 YOUTH page 9

Certificated Course: Competence for Europe 10.03. - 12.03.2014 Number: 15090 MULTI page 10

Advertisement – Power – Identity A German, Polish and Italian youth meeting 23.03. - 30.03.2014 Number: 15105 YOUTH page 10

Scandinavia – History and Present in Politics, Society and Culture 09.04. - 12.04.2014 Number: 15125 ADULT EL page 11

All we need in Utopia – Addressing chances and boundaries of economic growth and utopian alternatives 11.05. - 16.05.2014 Number: 15160 YOUTH page 12


1914 - 2014. Have we learned? 28.05. - 01.06.2014 Number: 15185 ADULT page 14

A fair future of energy? Global perspectives on innovations in the energy sector 02.06. - 07.06.2014 Number: 15190 YOUTH page 15

Germany today Regional and cultural studies for foreign German teachers 15.06. - 28.06.2014 Number: 15205 MULTI page 15

Emigrants and Immigrants in Europe Migration yesterday and today 16.06. - 19.06.2014 Number: 15200 ADULT page 16

Auslandstagung in Pardubice (Tschechien) Europäische Geschichte im Osten Tschechiens 15.06. - 20.06.2014 page 21 ADULT

Development of personal skills

The world around as it relates to me: A seminar employing theatre and experience-based education for people with a handicap 20.07. - 25.07.2014 Number: 15230 ADULT page 19

Symbols for target groups YOUTH For young people

ADULT For adult people

FAM For families (parents and children)

MULTI For multipliers (teachers, trainer in youth and adult education)

EL Applied for for educational leave for participans from Berlin, Lower and North Rhine-Westphalia


Society and language in Germany today Specialist seminar for Russian students

Seminar for students of Moscow University. The seminar content will be guided by the interests of the participants. There will definitely be something on the social his- tory of the Harz, information on the German school system and the federal structure of the Federal Republic. An excursion will take the participants to Göttingen where a meeting with German students is planned and there will of course be time to explore the town independently.

In that oart of the seminar devoted to teaching German as a Foreign Language current German-language music will be one of the topics. The programme will be rounded off with discussions on the current socio-political situation in Germany. YOUTH

Dates: 29.01. - 03.02.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 17:00 / 9:00 Fee: € 320 Responsible: Lutz Heinke Number: 15015

Target group: Language students of the University of Moscow

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Multiplier training and professional in-service education

First Action Heroine Gender roles and media in Europe – A European Youth Meeting!

For the First Action Heroine Project, 60 enthusiasts from Italy, Germany and the Netherlands come together to discuss gender roles and media in Europe. Through editing some film scenes themselves, participants will become more familiar with the theme gender and gender roles.

At the beginning of the project, young people will reflect their own gender specific conditioning in a team building process structure. By doing a media project, they will have the opportunity to analyse well-know film scenes and will recreate them using camera work. The effect and the power of media will also be a central theme as well. Due to interviews with experts, participants will gain an insight into the themes of gender mainstreaming and gender equality.

The project will outline the following questions: What connections are there between our own (gender specific) experiences and political debates and goal setting in Europe? How should the images of men and women in Europe look? What sort of expectations do I have of myself as a young citi- zen of Europe? The collective, edited film pieces will be used in order for the content to be effective after the seminar is finished and also to give young people the chance to try out the role of being an active multiplicator – by presenting the project in their particular local surroundings with the help of the cinematic examples. YOUTH

Dates: 08.02. - 15.02.2014 Language: English Start / Finish: 17:00 / 10:00 Fee: on request Responsible: Nora Ludl Number: 15045

Target group: Young people from Italy, Germany, the Netherlands between 16-20 years old

Subject areas: Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International affairs, Globalisation Inclusion, Gender Mainstreaming


Global Waters To track the source of life

Water? I know that, it comes from the tap. That’s all there is to it, isn’t there?

In these parts, contact with water comes mostly in the form of drinking, personal hygiene and recreational fun. In the media, however, we frequently hear about water in the context of drinking water shortage, floods, climate change, water privatisation and virtual water.

In this youth meeting, we will look into the global dimension of water and plunge deep into the complex world. A colourful mix consisting of workshops, trips, explora- tion in nature, map game and some videos will mean you don’t get bored and will en- courage you discuss and argue the political, economic, regional and global aspects of water. And what does water actually have to do with my sports shoe?

This seminar is organised for young people from Germany and Italy of the age 16- 20. The seminar language is German and the units are partly interpreted. We will mutually help one another to understand each other through removal of language barriers in order to include participants of all speaking levels and, as a result, experi- ence other cultures. YOUTH

Dates: 28.02. - 07.03.2014 Language: German *) Start / Finish: 17:00 / 11:00 Fee: on request Responsible: Timo Steinert Number: 15070

Target group: Youngsters from Germany and Italy

Subject areas: Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International affairs, Globalisation Environment, Sustainability

*) with interpretation

European Youth Circus 2014 A Youth meeting for magicians, acrobats, clowns and everyone!

A circus is a place where people meet, laugh, live, overcome language barriers and develop their talents – and also see a fair bit of the world. We want to meet up at Sonnenberg and create a wonderful European circus. Participants from Hungary, Germany, Estonia and England will become magicians, acrobats and clowns and will speak about their collective European identity and their rights and prospects as an EU citizen. Anyone is welcome, even if you have no prior circus experience!

At the end of our meeting, we will perform a circus show to invited guests from the region. A media group will record our week and the development of the show. So everyone can take home the circus-documentary and make our European circus at Sonnenberg famous! YOUTH

Dates: 09.03. - 16.03.2014 Language: Engl. / Ger. Start / Finish: 17:00 / 13:00 Fee: on request Responsible: Nora Ludl Number: 15085

Target group: Young people from Hungary, Germany, Estonia and England between 14-20 years old

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Europe, International affairs, Globalisation Politics, Democracy, Participation


Certificated course: Competence for Europe For teachers of all subjects in all types of school in Schleswig-Holstein Guests from other federal states are most welcome.

“Education for Europe” does not constitute a distinct subject in school but is inte- grated as a dimension and aspect into all subject areas. In the area of educational targets, Intercultural Education and Global Learning are especially important for Ed- ucation for Europe. Globalisation means that people today, as well as being citizens of their own state, are also citizens of worldwide society. This includes the ability to be a European citizen….Source: Hamburg State Institute for Teacher Education and School Development.

What does this mean for daily activities in school/with the pupils? How can these requirements be met? We want to look at these questions and find answers together with you in our conference.

After its great success last year this conference is being offered again. Unfortunately, at the time of going to press, the conditions for participation and prices have not been fixed. They will depend on decisions to be made by the education ministers of Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine Westphalia and . If interested, look out for the latest information on our website. MULTI

Dates: 10.03. - 12.03.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 13:00 / 13:30 Fee: on request Responsible: Ute Grönwoldt, Lutz Heinke Number: 15090

Target group: Teachers of all subjects in all types of school

Subject areas: Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International Affairs, Globalisation

Advertisement – Power - Identity A German, Polish and Italian youth meeting

This is a European youth meeting for young people between the age of 16 and 22 who are interested in the influence of advertisement on identity and consumer behaviour. Every day we experience many different advertising messages, whether it’s on the way to school, on Facebook, watching the telly or reading a magazine. Advertising industries spend vast amounts of money each year in order to convince young people to buy their products.

In this seminar, we will discuss how successful advertisements work, what the message(s) behind them is (are) and how they influence our identity and our con- sumption. Furthermore, we will take a look at what sort of image the advertisement industry conveys about young people in Europe and what clichés and stereotypes are used to do so. Lastly, we will have a go at creating some television commercials ourselves in order to see how the mechanisms of advertising work. YOUTH

Dates: 23.03. - 30.03.2014 Language: Engl. / Ger. Start / Finish: 17:00 / 10:00 Fee: on request Responsible: Nora Ludl Number: 15105

Target group: Young people from Germany, Poland and Italy between the age of 16-22

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International affairs, Globalisation


Scandinavia History and Present in Politics, Society and Culture

Many Germans are drawn to the north for their holidays. Our neighbours in northern Europe provide attractive destinations, They enjoy a spectacular natural landscape and offer many cultural highlights. What is more, Scandinavian societies are seen as especially open and egalitarian. But what do we know about the history of Scandina- via? What do we know about the relationships between the different Scandinavian states and also with Europe and Germany? What effects has the less than pleas- ant experience of German occupation during the Second World War had for the relationship between Germany and Scandinavia? What challenges are the modern Scandinavian societies facing and what solutions are they finding?

In the seminar we shall look beyond the tourist image of the Nordic States to political and economic developments. The seminar aims to provide solid knowledge about the past and present of the Scandinavian countries. ADULT EL

Dates: 09.04. - 12.04.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 14:00 / 12:30 Fee: € 245 *) Responsible: Andreas Zieske Number: 15125

Target group: Interested adults

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Europe, International Affairs, Globalisation

*) in single room

Anti-fascism is more than being against Nazis

Today many young people are active in anti-fascist groups or take part in actions aimed against Nazis. This seminar aims to clarify what young people understand by anti-fascism. The basis for any discussion about fascism in the past and today is an evaluation of fascism based on political theory. What is fascism, how does it manifest itself, what are its political and economic goals, what political conditions fa- vour it? At the same time, current forms of fascism with its parties and organisations and, furthermore, its way of presenting itself will be examined, as well as anti-fascist protest and resistance.

The seminar will also contribute to planning anti-fascist actions, as well as encour- aging the creation of alliances and networks and try out methods of addressing the wider public.

In addition, alternatives to fascism which go beyond the “anti” will form part of the seminar activity.

Methods will include discussions, working groups, short talks, films and role plays. ADULT

Dates: 14.04. - 16.04.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 12:00 / 17.45 Fee: € 10 *) Responsible: Karsten Färber Number: 15130

Target group: politically interested and active young people and young adults

Subject areas: Politics

*) in double room

11 MAY

Sustainability and Efficiency The Harz Mountains Water Supply – a System with UNESCO World Heritage Sta- tus

Achieving world heritage status is not a “backward-looking” distinction. Through the example of the Harz Mountains Water Supply System, it is possible to trace politi- cally and socially significant developments in technology and science and their ef- fects on the economy and culture.

Especially today, when the effects of economic and technical developments are hardly visible beyond a single generation, the long-term nature of the planning and the stability of the building works are exemplary.

Planning, building and modernisation have taken place over centuries, in order to create a sustainable and highly efficient supply system. For centuries, this water system provided as it were the life blood of the whole Harz economic system and had, through the values that arose in this region, a lasting effect on developments in politics, culture, the way of life of the population far beyond the Harz area.

Even today the economy and the people in northern Germany profit from the sec- ondary uses (e.g. drinking water supply, water power) of “one of the greatest pre- industrial energy supply systems in the world” (UNESCO).

What motivated people at the beginning? What solutions with consequences ex- tending to the present day were found for the technical, economic and social prob- lems? And what can we learn from them for our current ideas in the areas of politics and society? ADULT

Dates: 05.05. - 09.05.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 10:00 / 13:00 Fee: *) Responsible: Karsten Färber Number: 15155

Target group: people interested in history, culture and nature

Subject areas: History, Culture, Nature

*) € 210 in double room; € 44 single room supplement, additional travel costs

All we need in Utopia Addressing chances and boundaries of economic growth and utopian alternatives

Economic growth is often viewed as a general solution for many global problems, such as; unemployment, famine or poverty. Economic growth is still today one of the most important goals of development and political strategies in many countries and institutions.

But can we sustain the goal of boundless growth in the face of resource depletion, climate change and the financial crisis? In the seminar, we will examine the pros- pects and boundaries of economic growth and alternative ideas and perspectives for our global community and for ourselves. 8

12 MAY

In the seminar we will be dealing with the question: how has the idea of economic growth risen as the key goal of development politics? Are there alternative strategies for growth? What are our own visions and ideas for a happy and fulfilled life? And how can we implement these visions? We will reflect on our own opinions as we try to think outside the box from conventional thoughts and come up with new ideas for life and lifestyle: off to our own utopia!

This seminar is organised for young people from Europe of the age 16-20. The semi- nar language is English. We will mutually help to understand each other by breaking down the language barriers in order to include participants of all speaking levels and, as a result, experience different cultures. YOUTH

Dates: 11.05. - 16.05.2014 Language: English Start / Finish: 17:00 / 11:00 Fee: on request Responsible: Timo Steinert Number: 15160

Target group: Youngsters from Europe of the age 16-20.

Subject areas: Politics, Democracy, Participation, Europe, International affairs, Globalisation Environment, Sustainability

Quality of life: Health in the socio-political context

Your quality of life depends to a great extent on your health. However, most people only realise that they have lost their health when they no longer have any zest for life, feel uncomfortable, are without energy and strength. Health is the most important thing in life. Only healthy people can perform and have the necessary drive.

In this seminar we shall be concerned with the following questions. What are the necessary preconditions for people to be able to stay healthy? How well does our health system perform? What can individuals do for their health?

On this last question the seminar will give information on various possibilities: relaxa- tion techniques, exercises to reduce stress, eating tips and exercise. ADULT EL

Dates: 12.05. - 16.05.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 16:00 / 13:00 Fee: *) Responsible: Monika Flügge, Lutz Heinke Number: 15165

Target group: Adults

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture

*) € 230 in single room; € 200 in single room for members; € 190 per person in double room


Educational Role Play

The participants are to become acquainted with theoretical approaches and impor- tant principles of ‘Educational Role Play’. Developing the ability to empathise and put oneself into the position of others is an important precondition for political education. For this, the methods of ‘Educational Role Play’ provide practical approaches which it would be difficult to convey solely at the level of theory. In the practical content- related work of the seminar one issue will be the democratic resolution of conflict situations taking the examples of the world of work and voluntary activity. ADULT EL

Dates: 14.05. - 18.05.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 14:00 / 14:00 Fee: € 285 Responsible: Frank Gerlach, Wolfram Müller, Number: 15170 Lutz Heinke

Target group: Adults interested in the topic

Subject areas: Politics, Democracy, Participation

1914 – 2014. Have we learned?

The First World War started a hundred years ago. Especially in Germany, the histori- cal significance of the Second World War has always been deemed greater than that of the First. But even in Germany attitudes towards the history of the last century are changing. Gradually, the historical consequences of the First World War are being regarded as more and more significant for the course of the century.

What do we know, on the basis of recent research, about the course, the end and the consequences of the First World War and what has Central Europe, the world learned from this catastrophe? These are the questions that will dominate this inter- national conference. ADULT

Dates: 28.05. - 01.06.2014 Language: Ger. / Engl. Start / Finish: 17:00 / 9:00 Fee: *) Responsible: Gerd Meister, Lutz Heinke Number: 15185

Target group: International conference for interested adults

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International Affairs, Globalisation

*) € 225 for ISA or SK members in single room; € 205 in double room; € 245 in single room


A fair future of energy? Global perspectives on innovations in the energy sector

In the face of climate change and depleting energy sources, we currently have big expectations on innovations in the energy industry. So how fairly will the fruits of in- novation be distributed amongst people around the world?

In the seminar we will take our personal hopes for innovations to the point of origin in order to think about various current challenges about the future of our energy production: what are the general conditions for innovation in society? How are we handling the risks which every innovation brings with it? Who benefits from innova- tion? The question about a just global distribution of risks, costs and usage forms the focus of the seminar.

The seminar is directed at young people between the age of 16 and 21, who live in Germany or Czech Republic. The seminar will be in English. We will mutually help each other to understand by breaking down language barriers in order to include participants of all speaking levels and, as a result, experience different cultures. YOUTH

Dates: 02.06. - 07.06.2014 Language: English Start / Finish: 17:00 / 11:00 Uhr Fee: on request Responsible: Timo Steinert Number: 15190

Target group: Young people from Germany and Czech Republic

Subject areas: Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International affairs, Globalisation, Environment, Sustainability

Germany today Regional and cultural studies for foreign German teachers

Berlin – Sonnenberg International House in the Harz region – Cologne/Bonn – these are the locations of a two week cultural seminar in summer 2014.

We will be spending three days in Berlin, where, amongst other things, we will be vis- iting the local Goethe institute. It is the federal centre for political education, whose task is to promote understanding for political issues and to consolidate democratic awareness. This will be followed by a visit to Cornelsen Verlag (a publisher). Shortly after that we will do various tourist activities.

After a stop in between at Wolfsburg at one of the most important car manufacturers worldwide, we will arrive at Sonnenberg. Sonnenberg is a conference centre and a part of international political education and is located in the middle of a mountain range in north Germany. At the centre we will be looking at the current socio-political situation in Germany and will be preparing different educational concepts in the form of presentations and discussions of culturally orientated modules for the German as a foreign language lesson. This phase will be rounded off with a visit to the culturally significant town of Braunschweig runswick).

Following a detour to the town of Goslar – a place of cultural and historical impor- tance – we end our seminar in Cologne and Bonn as well as visiting the Pedagogic Exchange Service and the ‘German wave’. 8


Our seminar is filled with orientated research, visits to various places, personal ex- periences and open discussions. At the end of the seminar you will have broadened your cultural knowledge and language skills, you will improve your understanding of Germany and will easily be able to organise a lesson that is full of variety on the ba- sis of original material you will receive and the work that you will have performed.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you: Volker Langeheine: [email protected] Lutz Heinke: [email protected] MULTI

Dates: 15.06. - 28.06.2014 Language: German Start: 17:00 on 15.06. in Berlin Fee: € 1076 17:45 on 18.06. in Sonnenberg Number: 15205 Leave Sonnenberg at 9.00 on 25.06.2014 19.00 on 25.06.14 in Cologne Finish: 28.06 in Cologne Responsible: Volker Langeheine, Lutz Heinke

Target group: Foreign german teachers

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International Affairs, Globalisation

Emigrants and Immigrants in Europe Migration yesterday and today

For many years the IHS has been cooperating with the Lutheran Women’s Associa- tion (DEF), Lower Saxony regional group. Together we offer conferences on political and cultural questions of general interest. In 2014 we shall focus on current and his- torical migration patterns in Europe. Within this area we shall be concerned through specialist talks and discussions with people affected with the following questions. How far was and is migration a cultural enrichment for our society? What is it that makes people migrate? What challenges do those who emigrate to a new country face? How far can societies integrate people from a different origin and different cul- tural backgrounds? How are Germany and Europe changing as a result of increased immigration.

In this we shall, on the one hand, look at how the Lutheran Church deals with and looks at migration. On the other, the specific position of women in relation to this topic will be examined.

The conference is open to all women interested in the topic but is primarily aimed at DEF members. ADULT

Dates: 16.06. - 19.06.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 15:00 / 12:30 Fee: *) Responsible: Andreas Zieske, N.N. Number: 15200

Target group: Members of the Lutheran Women’s Association (DEF) and interested adults

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Politics, Democracy, Participation Europe, International Affairs, Globalisation

*) for DEF members: € 210 in single room; € 195 im Doppelzimmer for non-members: € 240 in single room


Picture Book Landscape : Harz - Approaches to a Cultural and Natural Piece of History

A landscape is like a picture book and can be read and experienced in many ways. It is a reflection of change, history – and of human stories. At the same time, it is an expression of continuity, of authenticity as a symbol of nature. The concept of land- scape reflects aesthetic, social, political, ecological, economic, geographical and philosophical relationships.

In this seminar the figurative and conceptual network that is landscape will be used as a method to approach the natural and cultural history of the Harz. The image of a landscape arises in the head, like a collage it comprises many individual images. This image is not a copy of reality but a construct, marked on the one hand by individual experiences and on the other, as it were, pre-programmed by culturally determined patterns of perception, imagined images of ideal landscapes.

This hypothesis on the perception of landscape will be tried out in the seminar through individual experiences in situ, using the example of the Harz Mountains. Guided works will be arranged, which will provide insights into the great and varied picture book that is the Harz landscape. At the same time, the collected impressions and experiences of the group will be expressed artistically at an individual level in the form of collage- based images. At the end of the seminar a Harz Picture Book will be created, a group-specific natural and cultural history, based on landscape perception. ADULT EL

Dates: 25.06. - 28.06.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 14:00 / 13:00 Fee: € 285 *) Responsible: Dieter Klöppel, Andreas Zieske Number: 15210

Target group: Adults

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture

*) in single room

Arisen from ruins On the history of the GDR

Arisen from ruins and looking to the future… this is now the text of the national an- them of the German Democratic Republic began.

It is easily possible to read the history of the GDR on the basis of the text of this anthem, which was no longer sung from 1972 onwards. The GDR aspired to be the better German state. It failed to achieve this and failed. Nevertheless; this part of German history has also left its mark on the Federal Republic. History cannot just be brought to a conclusion. Several generations were marked by life in real existing socialism. How did the GDR come about and what has remained from it?

In this seminar we want to look back at the origins of the GDR, which already began in the then Soviet Union during the Second World War and look at its development until 1989. We want to examine the question of what everyday life in the GDR was like. What kind of role did artists and writers play? 8


In this the aim of the seminar is also to make participants aware of their own history. We want life in the GDR to come alive on the basis of texts, music and films. An excursion to Bad Frankenstein is also planned to see the Peasants War panorama there.

This seminar is aimed both at those who experienced this part of German history themselves – whether in the east or the west – and at those born later, who would like to learn about this part of history. ADULT EL

Dates: 30.06. - 04.07.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 16:00 / 13:30 Fee: *) Responsible: Michael Osann, Lutz Heinke Number: 15220

Target group: Interested adults of all ages from east and west

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture Politics, Democracy, Participation

*) € 260 in single room; € 230 in single room for members; € 210 per person In double room

Summer Academy On the track of nature - Nature Photography and Painting in the Harz National Park

The Harz National Park offers nature in the raw. The International House Sonnen- berg is located in the Harz National Park near St. Andreasberg in the middle of the forest and surrounded by mountain meadows. Nature offers a variety of motifs such as wild flowers in bloom, scented fungi, crawling beetles, gnarled trees, sunlit rocks as well as views over hill and dale and insights into the forest which man cannot see for the trees.

The IHS Summer Academy offers the choice of two artistic workshops: With the aid of charcoal, pen and pencil the graphic artist Detlev Kiep and the painter Nicole Meitner will offer insights into the representation of nature through graphic art and painting. Motifs will be sketched in nature on a pad and turned into drawings or paintings at the House. As well, still lifes will be tried out using materials taken from nature.

The photographer Christian Conrad will lead the workshop on nature photography. Nature will be photographed on a reflex or bridge camera during excursions and viewed and edited at the House. This will include the teaching of such techniques as macrophotography, image creation as well as digital image editing. Excursions will take participants into the National Park as well as the World Cultural Heritage town of Goslar. ADULT

Dates: 14.07. - 18.07.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 15:00 / 13:00 Fee: € 365 *) Responsible: Karsten Färber Number: 15225

Target group: People interested in art

Subject areas: Art

*) € 365 in a double room; single supplement € 44 aditional cost of material


The world around as it relates to me A seminar employing theatre and experience-based education for people with a handicap about community, relationships and personal needs.

In this seminar people with handicaps from different regions of Germany and Europe will come together. Amidst the nature of the Harz region we shall become aware of our relationship to ourselves and to others. We shall reflect and exchange views about our needs, but also about anxieties and conflicts in various contexts relating to living together in society and will develop together a vision of a successful society.

This will be achieved with the aid of methods based on theatre and experience- based education, in order to make use of non-verbal and other creative forms of communication and to create a sense of community. Thus we shall experience in the world of forum and improvisation theatre but also on the climbing wall what partner- ship at eye level really means.

Among other topics, we shall consider living together in groups and the relationship with carers and our fellows, also relations with colleagues and superiors at work, not forgetting the private sphere with partners or family.

The seminar is planned for people with slight and medium mental and physical hand- icaps. Those interested may participate individually or in a group and accompanied by a carer. ADULT

Dates: 20.07. - 25.07.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 11:00 / 13:30 Fee: max. € 290 Responsible: Timo Steinert Number: 15230

Target group: People with a handicap

Subject areas: Participation, Development of personal skills, Inclusion

5. STATT (Sankt Andreasberg Telescope Meeting) from 21. – 24. August 2014

In August 2014, the third meeting of the association “St Andreasberg Observatory” will take place on our campus. By this time the first construction phase of the St Andreasberg observatory on our campus should be completed. Accordingly, on 23.8.2014, the official opening of the observatory for the public will be suitably cel- ebrated. The opening will take place simultaneously with the North German Ob- servatory Meeting. Of course, we are hoping for the best possible weather for star watching and would be grateful if you could already note this date.

Thus, 2014 will be a “sparkling” year for Sonnenberg and we are planning for the second half of 2014 the first meetings with topics related to astronomy together with the Observatory. On the one hand, it will be possible for our guests, if the weather is fine, to observe the stars at short notice together with members of the association. On the other, we want to offer seminars and workshops for adults and young people around the topic “star watching” The first working titles are, for example, “Loss of the Night – Light pollution or the Rediscovery of the Starry Sky” and “Sun, Moon and Stars – Cultural History and Practice of Astronomical Observation”. We shall of course inform you nearer the time about exact dates and the formats of the events. However, in addition we should be delighted, if interested groups, above all school classes, would make themselves known to us as early as possible. Regardless of the above-mentioned titles, we could then offer “tailor-made” courses with topics related to astronomy.


65 years of Sonnenberg conferences – backstage Meeting former staff

65 years ago, the first Sonnenberg conference took place – which was, at the time, held at a youth camp in Wolfenbüttel. After meeting with the internees and volunteers in 2012, we have decided would like to expand the circle and meet with people in 2014, who were once working at Sonnenberg. We would like to share each other’s memories and reflect on the past. If you have any bits and bobs from old times lying around (e.g. pictures, videos or whatever!), then please bring them with you so we can have a laugh and reflect on Sonnenberg’s past. If anyone has any preferences/ ideas as to how we can hold such a meeting and how we can organise it, then please let us know. This could potentially spur on some future Sonnenberg developments.

The details aren’t yet clear. However, the date has been decided upon. And those that are already on the 2012 active website (thanks to the admin team!) will be in- formed about more recent changes:

In the lead up to the meeting in 2014, probably the biggest difficulty has been to find out the addresses of former Sonnenberg staff. Till this day we still regret the fact that the information didn’t get sent to everyone who was interested. Therefore you are asked to activate your remaining contacts in order to spread the word about this and also please send them to the preparation group: [email protected]

We’re very much excited about this. YOUTH ADULT FAM

Dates: 27.08. - 31.08.2014 Language: Ger. / Engl. Start / Finish: 17:00 / 9:00 Fee: on request Responsible: Aike Klein, Gerd Meister, Number: 25095 Lutz Heinke

Target group: Former employees of Sonnenberg

“Up to here and no further!” The Function of Boundaries

To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the “opening of the German-German frontier”, we want to discuss again the political and social function of boundaries. Boundaries denote ownership, influence, political and personal domains of power. Wars have been fought over the course of boundaries/frontiers – between states and among neighbours. There is the garden hedge, the boundary stone, the guarded barbed wire fence.

To be aware of one’s limits, setting oneself limits, crossing boundaries, including and excluding are central aspects of our lives, at the personal, communal and national levels. Boundaries are a pre-condition for security, protection, belonging, but equally a symbol for immobility and lack of freedom. The Berlin Wall underlines this.

In this Educational Leave Seminar, we intend to examine political frontiers, but also social boundaries. We shall ask ourselves the question of the necessity of bounda- ries and whether unlimited freedom is possible. There is also a planned visit to the Frontier Museum. ADULT EL

Dates: 27.10. - 31.10.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 16:00 / 13:00 Fee: *) Responsible: Monika Flügge, Lutz Heinke Number: 15280

Zielgruppe: Adults

Subject areas: Society, History, Culture

*) € 245 in single room; € 215 in single room for members; € 205 per person in double room


Conference abroad in Pardubice (Czech Republic) European History in the east of the Czech Republic

Eastern Bohemia lies off the tourist trail and is therefore not known to most people. It is too far from Prague to be part of European consciousness but is nevertheless a living part of European history. It is possible to discover, at only 120 kilometers distance from the Czech capital, numerous sites that enjoy UNESCO World Heritage status – picturesque old towns, imposing castles, charming stately homes, remark- able churches and healing spas. In terms of culture there are interesting museums and galleries, as well as musical, craft and industrial traditions. Life pulsates on the plains and in the hills.

The conference programme will offer excursions and talks, which will provide a var- ied picture of this region which is well worth (re)discovering.

Further information and registration please directly from Jan Čapek under Jan. [email protected] ADULT

Dates: 15.06. - 20.06.2014 Language: German Start / Finish: 18.00 / 9.00 Fee: *) Responsible: Jan Čapek

Target group: Interested adults from different European countries

Subject areas: Europe, International Affairs, European History and cultural values

*) € 420 in single room; € 390 per person in double room

Dream job and the reality of work Seminars on “Work-related Political Education”

The International House Sonnenberg offers seminars relating to the world of work within the framework of political education for pupils at all types of schools. The seminars are conducted with single or several school classes from one or differ- ent schools. Every seminar programme is designed individually.

We shall consider the topics: · What is work? · Changes at work: job descriptions, qualifications, social skills as a precondition for working, · Work experience, · Working conditions: good work – poor work, precarious working conditions, unem- ployment, the future of work

A variety of methods will be used, e.g. discussion, films, work in small groups, short talks, presentations, role plays, simulation game, games and exercises. YOUTH

Dates: 4 - 5 Tage Language: German Start / Finish: 9:00 / 13:00 Fee: *) Responsible: Karsten Färber

Target group: school students in mainstream and vocational schools

Subject areas: Society, Politics

*) under € 100 per person


Chief executive Tel: +49 (0) 5582 / 944 -114 Andreas Zieske [email protected]

Educational staff

Nora Ludl Timo Steinert Lutz Heinke Karsten Färber Youth education Tel: +49 (0) 5582 / 944 -115 Nora Ludl [email protected] Timo Steinert [email protected]

Adult education Tel: +49 (0) 5582 / 944 -165 Lutz Heinke [email protected]

Work-related political education Tel: +49 (0) 5582 / 944 -148 Karsten Färber [email protected]

Organisation of conferences – service for visiting groups Tel: +49 (0) 5582 / 944 -113 Sylvia Wiedemann [email protected] Jürgen Schlamelcher [email protected]

Finance and HR departement Carola Engelke

Reception and Seminar Organisation / ISA-Assistance Daniela Kecap

Clerical assistant Gaby Hildebrandt

Public relation Bastienne Gebhard

Housekeeping Frouwe Hitzen

IT-Systemadministrator Matthias Langner

Domestic technics Werner Hildebrandt Jörg Cravello


Terms and conditions of the Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V.

1. The Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V. offers educational conferences and seminars for adults, young people, families, organisations and commercial enterprises and conducts these on its own account or in cooperation with partners.

2. Generally conferences are open to all people; however, in the interests of ensuring a successful conference and taking account of antidiscrimination practice, participation may be subject to certain conditions. If these are not fulfilled, participation may be refused. Domestic animals are not allowed.

3. It is normally necessary for participants to make a firm commitment to attend through prior registration. This can be done in writing, by telephone, fax, e-mail or internet website. Applications are treated in the order they are received. Between four and six weeks before the conference participants will receive a written, binding confirmation of their participation, giving details of the fee to be paid and of how to pay in advance. In urgent cases or when there is insufficient time this information may be given orally. Once this has occurred a binding contract is regarded as having been made.

4. The conference fee (price) given in the description of the programme is to be transferred, stating conference number and dates, to one of the bank accounts named by the Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V.

5. When a single room is reserved an additional supplement of 10€ per person per day is charged (5 € in the case of Sonnenberg members). If different prices are mentioned, the lower price applies to school pupils, students, apprentices, those doing military or civilian service as well as those unemployed on presentation of suitable proof. Children pay according to age in accordance with the prices advertised.

6. What is included in the conference fee is stated in the relevant conference programme description. There are no repayments if a particular service is not used. We reserve the right to amend prices if increased costs occur. Bed linen and towels are provided.

7. Cancellations made up to six weeks before the start of a conference or within three days of booking confirmation will not incur any charges. If the cancellation occurs up to a week before the start of the conference 75 per cent of the conference fee demanded is to be paid. In the case of later cancellation or failure to appear the entire conference fee is due. If you are unable to participate, you may find a person to replace you, provided that the other conditions are met. In the case of group registration, e.g. for youth conferences, special cancellation conditions apply.

8. Participants are required to fill in the standardised participation lists giving the information required fully and correctly as well as providing their signature. These lists are necessary as proof of participation for those giving financial support or sponsorship. Almost every conference offered is supported by public and/or private sources.

9. Special rules may be applied for guests from abroad.

23 How to find:

The nearest motorway exits 4 from south Göttingen-Nord 4 from north-west Salzgitter-Goslar, Rhüden and Seesen (A7/E45) 4 from north-east Braunschweig- Nord (A2/ E30) and Bad Harzburg (A395). Next Airport is Hanover (140 km). Sonnenberg can also be reached by public transport (60 min. Approx. from Gos- lar): Please type on the site the destination „Internationales Haus Sonnenberg“ (at the counter please ask for: Sonnenberg, Internationales Haus Sonnenberg).

A free bus transfer from and to Bad Harzburg station is available to participants, who arrive by train, for all conferences listed in this programme. Please book your seat at least 10 days in advance. Please note the exact time of departure of the bus as stated in the individual conference programme.

Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V. l Internationales Haus Sonnenberg Clausthaler Straße 11 l D-37444 Sankt Andreasberg Phone +49 (0) 55 82 944-0 l Fax +49 (0) 55 82 944-100 [email protected] Bank details: Sparkasse Goslar / Harz DE64268500010052000171 l BIC NOLADE21GSL