United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,071,913 Powers Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,071,913 Powers et al. 45) Date of Patent: Dec. 10, 1991 54 RUBBERY ISOOLEFIN POLYMERS duction, Chemistry of Natural Rubber, pp. 378-412, EXHIBITING IMPROVED 1960. PROCESSABILITY L. M. White et al., Industrial and Engineering Chemis 75 Inventors: Kenneth W. Powers, Berkeley try, Aug. 1948, "Gel as a Definitive Property in GR-S Heights; Hsien-Chang Wang, Edison; Technology", vol. 37, No. 8, pp. 770-775. Debra C. Handy, Basking Ridge; R. A. Crawford, G. J. Tiger, Industrial and Engineering Janes V. Fusco, Red Bank, all of N.J. Chemistry, vol. 41, No. 3, "Improved-Processing GR-S by Variations in Compounding", Mar. 1949, pp. 73) Assignee: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc., 592-596. Linden, N.J. D. L. Schoene et al., Industrial and Engineering Chem (21) Appl. No.: 131,938 istry, "Development of a Better Processing GR-S", (22 Filed: Dec. 11, 1987 Dec. 1946, vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 1246-1249. 51) Int. Cl. ........................ C08L9/06; CO8L 47/OO; Primary Examiner-Fred Teskin CO8L 51/04; CO8L 23/22 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-H. L. Cohen (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 525/87; 525/86; 57 ABSTRACT 525/98; 525/99: 525/191; 525/192: 525/193; A substantially gel free C4 to C7 isoolefin homopolymer 525/313; 525/314: 525/315; 525/319; 525/332.3; 525/333.4; 525/918; 526/339; rubber, butyl copolymer rubber, halogenated butyl 526/348.7; 52/525 rubber (e.g., chlorinated or brominated), or mixtures 58) Field of Search ............ 526/335, 339, 340, 348.7; thereof, comprising a molecular weight distribution 525/98, 99, 86, 87, 193, 332.3, 191, 192,314, such that the ratio of the moments of said molecular 315, 313, 319, 333.4 weight distribution, Mz/Mw, is equal to or exceeds 2.0, and that portion of said molecular weight distribution (56) References Cited which is equal to and greater than 4 times the peak U.S.
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