Agenda Item No. 10

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

April – July 2016 And key decisions being taken in March

Agenda Item No. 10

Explanatory Note

The County Council is required to provide a minimum of 28 days’ notice for all key decisions to be taken by the County Council, the Cabinet, the Cabinet Members and by officers under their delegated powers. The Forward Plan also provides information on all forthcoming key decisions over the following four-month period. Key decisions to be taken in the current month are also listed in bold font.

The Forward Plan is updated monthly and is available 28 days before the beginning of each month on the County Council’s website It is also available from in , from all Help Points and the main libraries in , , , and

Key decisions are those which:

• Involve expenditure or savings of £500,000 or more (except decisions taken by the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Services under delegated powers in connection with treasury management)

• Will have a significant effect on communities in two or more electoral divisions that change or propose changes to the way local services are used or provided. This will include responses to consultation from Government and other public bodies on matters that directly affects people living or working in West

The following information is provided in each entry into the Forward Plan: Decision The title of the decision, a brief summary and proposed recommendation(s) Decision By Who will take the decision. Decisions taken jointly by two or more Cabinet Members are only listed once and shown under the lead Cabinet Member for that decision. Decision Month The decision will be taken on any working day in the month stated Consultation Names of consultees and/or dates of Select Committee meetings Background What documents relating to the proposed decision are available. Documents Background Who you can contact to obtain background documents (if available) Documents from Author The contact details of the decision report author Equality Impact Indicates whether the decision is required to take account of the Report Required? Equality Act 2010 Contact Who you can contact about the proposed decision

If you have any questions about the Forward Plan, please contact Charles Gauntlett on 033022 22524, [email protected]

Agenda Item No. 10 Cabinet


Total Performance Monitor (This Month)

The Monitor details the County Council’s performance in relation to revenue and capital spending, savings, workforce projections, performance and risk by portfolio against the Cabinet’s key priorities. The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance will be recommended to approve the Total Performance Monitor and any items of financial and performance management within the Monitor. The decision in May will include the Budget Outturn for 2014/15. Decision By Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance Decision Month Monthly Consultation Cabinet Board Previewed by the Performance and Finance Select Committee where possible Background None Documents Background n/a Documents from Author Vicky Chuter, 03302223414 Equality Impact No Report Required? Contact Rosemary Pugh 0330 22 22548

Revised Future Plan and Budget 2016/17 (New)

The County Council approved the budget for 2016/17 at its meeting on 19 February. Following the preparation of the budget papers two late notifications were received from the Government regarding the Transitional Grant, which was announced as part of the Final Settlement, and the Public Health Grant allocations. These notifications represented net additional funding of £6.169m arising in the Final Settlement and a shortfall of £2.870m in Public Health Grant compared with budget assumptions. County Council resolved that the impact of the funding changes contained in these announcement (including proposals for application of the extra funding and also addressing the shortfall) would be considered by the Performance and Finance Select Committee on 16 March and be subject to debate at the County Council meeting on 15 April.

The Leader and the Cabinet Member for Finance will recommend a revised budget to the County Council meeting on 15 April which takes account of the impact of the funding changes on the budget approved by County Council on 19 February.

Due to the short timescales involved, a Cabinet Member decision will recommend approval to County Council rather than via a public meeting of the Cabinet. Decision By The Leader and the Cabinet Member for Finance Decision Month April 2016 Consultation Performance and Finance Select Committee – 16 March 2016 Background Final Local Government Finance Settlement 2016/17 Documents Public Health Grant to local authorities 2016/17 and 2017/18 Background Steve Harrison Documents from Author Steve Harrison 0330 2223 391 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans 0330 2222 538

Agenda Item No. 10


Strategic Economic Plan – Delivery Programme (Moved from March)

The Local Enterprise Partnership has secured a Local Growth Funding (LGF) allocation of around £250m. In order to maximise the leverage of these funds to support economic growth in West Sussex the County Council will need to invest significantly in the development of proposals and business cases. A total of £10.9m has been identified in the County Council budget for 2015/16 and 2016/17 to support the development of proposals. This report will recommend a programme of works to be developed by the County Council to maximise the leverage of LGF to most effectively support economic growth in West Sussex. Decision By Leader Decision Month June 2016 (Slipped from March 2016 to align with the Local Enterprise Partnership) Consultation Environmental & Community Services Select Committee 14 January 2015 (Economic Priorities) County Council 30 October 2015 Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Background Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan Documents Background Documents from plan#sthash.7PBF63SO.dpbs Author Duncan Barratt, 0330 22 23875, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ Equality Impact Not required Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans, 033022 22538

Approval of Investment in the Solar Farm (This month)(Moved from February)

Approval is sought for West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to invest £2m into a community- owned Solar PV scheme at Merston, near Chichester. The scheme is a 5 megawatts Solar Farm which will be owned and operated by the local community following a local share offer. The proposal is for WSCC to take an equity stake in the Community Benefit Society that would own the solar farm. The Society would be funded in the following manner: • Debt provided by Close Brothers £3.6m • Share Capital (WSCC) £2m Share Capital (raised via share offer by the local community) £0.6m Over the lifetime of the project (25 years), it is expected that the project will yield a total of £1.5m for redistribution as dividend payments to all shareholders. The net income to WSCC, after interest on capital financing costs, is projected to be an estimated £283k.

In addition, the project will generate an estimated £4.5m of surplus cash over this period, after dividend and debt charges, which will be made available by the Society for local community projects, such as tackling fuel poverty. Decision By Leader Decision Month March 2016 (slipped due to further scrutiny by Select Committee) Consultation Approval in principle has been given by the YES Programme Strategic Partnership Board. Business Case considered by the Assets Hub on 18 November 2015 and initially considered by the Strategic Capital Investment Board (SCIB) on 9 December 2015. Scheduled for endorsement by SCIB on 19 January 2016. Performance and Finance Select Committee. Background Merston Solar Farm Business Case, Version 9, 2015 Documents Background Tom Coates/Siobhan Walker Documents from

Agenda Item No. 10 Author Tom Coates - 0330 22 26458 Siobhan Walker - 0330 22 26456 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans – 0330 22 22538

Highways and Transport

Approval to Procure Real Time Passenger Information Contract (This Month)(Moved from February) This decision seeks Cabinet Member approval to commence procurement of a new Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) Contract to operate and maintain the existing RTPI System and to provide new RTPI displays as part of the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) programme.

The current RTPI Contract has expired and the new contract will seek to make savings on previous spend. Options for the length of the contract are being investigated. The length of contract is likely to be 6 years (life of LEP funding) with potential for a maximum of 4 year extension. Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport. Decision Month March 2016 Consultation West Sussex County Council Procurement, Legal and Finance. Environmental and Community Services Select Committee – 18 November 2015 Background None Documents Background NA Documents from Author Liz Robbins 0330 222 6383 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans 0330 22 22 538

Pound Hill and Three Bridges Parking Review Formal Consultation (This month)

Following an informal consultation held in mid-2015, proposals to review and extend the current parking scheme in Pound Hill & Three Bridges have been formally advertised alongside other proposals that seek to improve safety/access and increase the amount of parking for residents in the area.

The County Local Committee will be asked to make a decision on the next steps for a potential extension to the on-street parking scheme in Pound Hill and Three Bridges as well as a number of proposed amendments to waiting restrictions in zones G and F.

A report summarising the formal consultation and including recommendations will be available. Decision By East Crawley County Local Committee Decision Month March 2016 Consultation Crawley Borough Council//Chamber of Commerce/Transport Operators/Residents in roads affected/East Crawley County Local Committee/Other Stakeholders Background Informal and formal consultation analysis Documents Background Documents from Author Jeanette Napper 01243 642105 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Monique Smart

Agenda Item No. 10

Integrated Works Programme (IWP) 2016/17 (This month)

The publication of the IWP includes the draft Strategic Planning – Major Schemes, Asset Management – Highway Maintenance programmes, Infrastructure Plan - Improvements and Local Sustainable Transport Fund programmes. Following preview and consideration of feedback, the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport will be asked to approve the amended programme of highway works. The report also seeks formal agreement to the programme of schemes that will be progressed if funding is secured from development. Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Decision Month March 2016 Consultation Environmental and Communities Services Select Committee, All Members, District and Borough Councils, Background Previous years IWPs Documents Background Peter Smith Documents from Author Peter Smith ext. 25356 Equality Impact No Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans, 0330 22 22 538

Approval of the draft West Sussex Minerals Local Plan (Regulation 18 stage) (This month) In May 2011, the County Council agreed to prepare a new Minerals Local Plan (MLP) for West Sussex in partnership with the National Park Authority. A commitment to produce the MLP is set out in the County Council’s approved Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (the statutory management plan).

A draft MLP has been prepared for public consultation under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012. Following approval by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport (and the SDNPA), the draft MLP will be published for eight weeks during April – June 2016.

The results of the consultation will inform the preparation of the Proposed Submission Draft of the MLP which will be considered by both authorities later in 2016. Following approval, the Submission Draft will be subject to a representations period during November/December, before it is submitted for independent examination.

The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport will be asked to consider the publication of the draft MLP for public consultation. Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Decision Month March 2016 Consultation Environmental and Communities Services Select Committee Background None Documents Background Rupy Sandhu Documents from Author Rupy Sandhu Senior Planner - Minerals and Waste Policy [email protected] 0330 222 6454 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans, 0330 22 22 538

Agenda Item No. 10

Introduction of a new Highways Improvements Prioritisation Process (This month)

Since 2011, highways improvements schemes identified by the County Local Committees as local priorities have been delivered through the Integrated Works Programme. The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport has initiated an Executive Task and Finish Group (TFG) to establish new process for the identification and prioritisation of community highway schemes which: • takes into account the needs of communities and align with Future West Sussex priorities; • is transparent, clear and logical to comprehend; • is legally compliant and appropriately governed; and • as far as possible, is future-proofed and can be achieved sustainably.

The TFG will report to the Cabinet Member in early 2016 and a decision will be taken on a new process by the end of March 2016. Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Decision Month March 2016 Consultation Environmental and Community Services Select Committee (ECSSC) 11 March 2016 Background Executive task and Finish Group Report and Terms of Reference Documents Background Alex Sharkey Documents from Author Alex Sharkey [email protected] 033022 26343 Equality Impact No Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans, 0330 22 22 538

Outcomes of the Review of Community Support Teams (Moved from March)

A decision will be taken on the future of the Community Support Team service following a review during January and February 2016.

The review of the Community Support Team service is part of the savings proposals in the Highways and Transport portfolio (Review of Highways Services) agreed at County Council in February 2014.

The service is discretionary and deals with local improvement of street scene following requests from local parish / town councils, partner organisations, local residents and also through issues identified as a result of routine inspections by highway officers.

Activities undertaken include: clearing vegetation overhanging paths, some hedge trimming, siding pavements and clearing unsightly weeds, sign cleansing, removing unlawful signs (including A Boards where backed by the appropriate enforcement instructions from WSCC), simple street furniture repairs and removal of sign clutter, hand clearing drainage grips and some ditches and clearing debris away from gully tops and small culverts. Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport. Decision Month May 2016 Consultation January / February - Parish Councils and County Councillors Background Community Support Teams - Service Requirement from July 2012 - Final Documents Agreed 19th July 2012 with BBLP Background Jonathan Ullmer Documents from Author Jonathan Ullmer

Agenda Item No. 10 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans, ext.22538

Approval of Developer Contributions Policy and Processes (This month)

The County Council’s processes regarding the use of developer contributions (both funds secured through s106 agreements and, in the future, the Community Infrastructure Levy - CIL) have been reviewed. This is primarily in response to legislative changes regarding the use of s106 contributions. The introduction of CIL across the County also has implications for the identification and prioritisation of County Council infrastructure, and the funding of such schemes.

There is also a need to ensure that there is appropriate and proportionate governance around the identification and prioritisation of schemes, and the allocation and release of s106/CIL for priority schemes.

A new developer contributions policy will be put in place which outlines the general approach that will be taken by the County Council towards the securing and use of developer contributions.

Revised processes for the different service areas will also be put in place. The processes will provide details about the identification and prioritisation of schemes, the calculation and securing of s106 contributions, the CIL process, and the allocation and release of received funds. Where appropriate, the policy and the process schedules will identify the senior officer responsible for each stage and relevant governance arrangements, including scrutiny and approval.

The new policy and processes will be put in place from April 2016.

Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Decision Month March 2016

Consultation Officer S106 Liaison Group, 11 January and 8 February 2016. Environmental and Community Services Select Committee, 10 February 2016.

Background None Documents

Background Michael Elkington Documents from

Author Michael Elkington – 0330 22 26463

Equality Impact No Report Required?

Contact Matthew Evans – 0330 22 22538

Agenda Item No. 10

A27 Chichester Improvements – Response to Highways Consultation (New)

The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport will provide a response to the consultation conducted by Highways England regarding improvements to the A27 at Chichester. There will be opportunities for members to consider and discuss the questions/options presented in the consultation before the Cabinet Member finalises his response. Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Decision Month April 2016 (subject to confirmation by Highways England of the consultation timeframe) Consultation Environmental and Community Services Select Committee Background None Documents Background n/a Documents from Author Darryl Hemmings and Neil Border Equality Impact No Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans ext 22538

East Grinstead Parking Review (New)

A decision is required from the North Mid Sussex County Local Committee on the potential next steps for a review of parking/waiting restrictions in .

Proposals to review the parking/waiting restrictions in numerous roads in East Grinstead were subject to an informal advertisement and public consultation during December 2015 and February 2016.

A report summarising these recent exercises, including details of representations as well as recommendations on how to proceed will be available. Decision By North Mid Sussex County Local Committee Decision Month June 2016 Consultation Council/Sussex Police/Chamber of Commerce/Transport Operators/Residents in roads affected/North Mid Sussex County Local Committee/Other Stakeholders Background Report on a public consultation on parking issues held in August 2014. Documents Background Miles Davy Documents from Author Miles Davy – 0330 22 26688 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Rachel Allan - 03302225409

Agenda Item No. 10

Highways Roundabout Maintenance and Sponsorship (New)

The County Council currently operates the maintenance and sponsorship activity in relation to roundabouts within the county. There are a number of local arrangements in place with other local district, borough, and parish councils around maintenance and sponsorship. The sponsorship activity was brought in-house in 2013 to better understand market potential, review data and determine historic arrangements as well as to conduct a full audit review ready for a new contract to be put in place in 2016.

The proposal is to let a five year contract to an external provider to manage the sales and marketing, signage installation, cleaning, maintenance of roundabouts and to provide a revenue return to the County Council. An asset list of approx. 248 roundabouts is within scope excluding small painted roundabouts.

The Cabinet Member will be asked to consider authorising the commencement of the procurement process to award a contract to provide maintenance and sponsorship of the County Council’s roundabouts, at no cost to the County Council with the opportunity to derive income. Decision By Cabinet Member Highways and Transport Decision Month April 2016 Consultation Officers within finance and legal services. Background N/A Documents Background N/A Documents from Author Jonathan Ullmer 03302 26426 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans 033022 22538

Review of On Street Parking Charges (New)

The County Council is responsible for managing on-street parking. This includes setting on-street parking charges at appropriate levels to deliver the County Council’s objectives for parking and traffic management.

The Cabinet Member for Highway and Transport last reviewed parking charges in early 2014 with the introduction of those increased charges deferred until July 2014.

This review will examine whether there is a traffic management reason to vary any of the current on street parking charges. Decision By Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Decision Month July 2016 Consultation Background None Documents Background Chris Barrett Documents from Author Chris Barrett – 0330 22 26707 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Matthew Evans – 0330 22 22538

Agenda Item No. 10

Residents’ Services

West Sussex Record Office Opening Hours (This month)(Moved from February)

Proposal to change the opening hours of the West Sussex Record Office Search Room in order to focus more resources on widening participation:

(1) Proposal to close the Search Room to individual researchers on Mondays to focus more staff time on cataloguing, digitisation and in particular to accommodate group visits by schools, colleges, universities, community groups and other organisations.

(2) Proposal to suspend late-opening on Thursday evenings, when demand is very limited, to focus resources on improving access to the collections and outreach events. Decision By David Barling, Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services. Decision Month April 2016 Consultation Other Record Offices including the SE Benchmarking Group prior to the survey West Sussex Record Office User Forum prior to the survey West Sussex Archives Society prior to the survey West Sussex Record Office volunteers consulted prior to the survey Public consultation of Record Office with an on-line survey and hard copy survey for completion by users and visitors 9 Nov 2015 – 1 Jan 2016 The National Archives Engagement Manager for the SE Background West Sussex Record Office Opening Hours Survey 9 Nov 2015-1 Jan 2016 Documents Background Wendy Walker (see below) Documents from Author Wendy Walker, Lead Manager for Archives and Records, West Sussex Record Office, email: [email protected], telephone: 033 022 25388 Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Tracey Guinea, Democratic Services Officer, telephone: 033 022 25388, email: [email protected];

Review of Services, Opening Hours and Charges at Household Waste and Recycling Sites (New) The Cabinet Member will be asked to that a review the services available to the public at Household Waste & Recycling Sites (HWRSs) in order to achieve savings targets. The items being reviewed are the opening times of the sites, the option for charging for some non-household waste items and a review of the mobile service. Decision By David Barling: Cabinet Member for Residents' Services. Decision Month April 2016 Consultation None required Background Documents Background Alan Storer, Contract Manager, Documents from Wastes Management Services, 1st Floor, Northleigh, County Hall, Tel: 0330 22 22 117 E-mail: [email protected] Author Kevin Carter, Head of Commercial Services Equality Impact Yes

Agenda Item No. 10 Report Required? Contact Tracey Guinea, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 033022 28679 Email [email protected]

Procurement Strategy for Residual Waste Streams (New)

For the Cabinet Member to approve the procurement strategy for the future management of residual waste streams in West Sussex. Decision By Cabinet Member for Residents Services Decision Month March 2016 Consultation Cabinet Member for Finance Senior Advisor for Economy and Place District and Borough Councils Background N/A Documents Background N/A Documents from Author Kelly Goldsmith, Waste Strategy Manager Tel: 0330 222 7714 Email: [email protected] Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Tracey Guinea, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 033022 28679 Email [email protected]

Community Highways Volunteer Scheme Review (New)

A decision will be undertaken on the future of the Community Highways Volunteers scheme following the findings of the review of the scheme.

The Community Highway Volunteer scheme has been in existence since 2012 and during that time they have supported Highways by inspecting over 2,900 highway defects. In this time period there have been changes in the mechanisms that members of the public utilise to report defects resulting in improvements in the type and quality of information being received e.g. Love West Sussex, Customer Hub and District/Borough Highway Teams. This has impacted, and will continue to impact upon the volume of work allocated to Community Highway Volunteers.

The decision on the future of the Community Highway Volunteers scheme will take account of how it fits with the needs of both the community and County Council. Decision By Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services Decision Month May 2016 Consultation Environmental and Community Services Select Committee 11th May 2016 Background To be published at a later date Documents Background Sue Furlong, Principal Community Officer Tel:03022 23834 Documents from Email: [email protected] Phil Edwards, Service Manager, Communities and Public Protection Tel: 033022 22545 Email: [email protected] Author Sue Furlong, Principal Community Officer Equality Impact Yes Report Required? Contact Tracey Guinea, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 033022 28679 Email: [email protected]

Agenda Item No. 10

Officer Key Decisions
