Richmond River and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to [email protected] (deadline midnight Monday)

Commodor e Phill Robbins 0466668541 Club Newsletter Vice Commodore Jonathan Horsley 22/5/19 0412798505

Rear Commodore Chris Hallett Please Return Trophies 0414866998

Secretary Nola Hallett 0414866999

Treasurer Norm Hunt 66291366

Class Reps Gennakers – Duncan Dey – Col Woodbry Trailers – Ian Michie Monos – Graham Hams

Rowing Officer Gerald Anderson

Website Admin Pierce

Instagram/Facebook Admin

Trent Morgan All race trophies need to be returned to the club this Sunday in preparation Training team for the next presentation night. Jonathan announced that if any are not Graeme Turner returned that the holders must take them to the engraver themselves. If anyone from the club needs to return the trophy above they’ve done very ALL EMAIL well. CORRESPONDENCE TO: [email protected]

CONTENTS Race Reports for May 19th 1. Please return trophies

2. Catarmaran/ report 13. Monohull report 24. Trailer Sailor report 29. Gennaker report 35. Club Presentation Dinner 36. Interview 46. A revisit to Starts 49. Mr Wiley’s Winter Training Programme 49. Club weather station 50. Race Q’s 52. Use of Club tractor 53. Building Heights/Club shirts 54. Idle gossip 55. Upcoming away events 56. Crew available/crew wanted 56. For sale/wanted/free

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Catamaran/Trimaran Report (Jonathan Horsley)

A fleet of eight cats and one trimaran faced the starter with a light to moderate south to southeast breeze which was as predicted, 10 to 15 knots with gust to 20 knots. This being the penultimate point score race in which four cats are vying for second and third place in the competition, first is almost certain to go to Michael Cocks on “ ”. One of the four did not start, being so this was an important race for the other three contenders.

A standard SE course was set with the start off the Ramada using the monos bottom buoy. The start was delayed a short time, as top buoy had drifted in the current and had to be reset off Mobbs.

As the cats lined up for the start , , and jockeyed for the best start, with securing the prime position. , , , and followed behind having allowed more for the effect of the outgoing tide.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The first leg was a work to the Mobbs buoy which could be laid from the start. The result was a drag race with the larger cats heavily advantaged. “ ” used its superior speed to past beneath several cats and reach the buoy first. While started a little bit behind but closer to the start boat and was able to sail other the top of the other cats, with using the same tactics.

First Strike just before being passed by 2 FOOT Extra, Wokat showing the benefit of a great start with only “A” in front of it.

The view over 2 FOOT Extra as the wind strengthened on the first leg.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

“ ”’s lead was short lived as used its greater momentum to pass “ ” in one of the lulls in the breeze on the tight reach out past the green marker.

The first rounding of the wing buoy saw in third closely followed by , , and .

The next leg was short work past the sand spit then a tight reach along the beach to the gate.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The breeze gave plenty of fun and the cats were flying.

Flying Cats


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Once past “ ”, lead to the finish.

recovered from a slow start to battle with “ ”. 6

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

A second place for Michael in the flying ‘A’

pulled ahead after a couple of laps and set off after , the gap between two 5.8’s fluctuated for the rest of the race.

Chris and Seamus on the way to a win 7

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The bottom buoy provided challenges when other classes boats were arriving at the same time.

White Knight, a truly unique river racing craft

, and had a close race with the positions changing throughout.

The tide played its part with some misjudging the buoy rounding’s and having to take penalties. Only 1:03 separated these three cats at the finish.

crew were jubilant as they finished their first race since buying the cat.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Drew 52 with some speed


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Good boat speed for Alan and Jenny in No waiting

With a race including plenty of reaching, very little real working and no down winds, struggled home, the conditions did not suit the 162.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Shore Thing having a struggle

After the application personal handicaps won the race from “ ” and . 11

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

A third for Tony

Many thanks to the club members who volunteered to do the duty so the rest of us could go racing on beautiful autumn day.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Monohull Report (Trent Morgan)

Second last race of the year (apart from any winter series races) and a pretty good-sized fleet turned up. Four NS14’s: two with two crew – (Trent and Daisy), and (Charlie and Steffen); two with one crew – (Graham Hams) and (Graham Hodgins). There was Roy in the Aero, Des in his , and a newcomer – a 125 called , skippered by Jish Dousett. They started with two adults and a child and later had two adults, but unfortunately did not finish. Finally, a naval grey boat named after a Hank Mobley song from the 1960’s – an X factor entering the mono fleet, class jumper extraordinaire out of nowhere – Col Hinwood announcing himself in the mono fleet! He was sailing a newly purchased Impulse called ‘ . Great to have Col join the fleet, although we’re told will be competing in the CC’s next year.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The breeze was predominately from the South, with fluctuations as often happens. The SE course was set, the start East of the Ramada, first mark at Mobbs and another quite a distance past the green channel marker to make the triangle. The rescue boat charged off to reset the drifting Mobb’s mark in the fast outgoing tide just prior to the start. With a start boat favoured start line and a first leg which didn’t require a tack if a boat managed to get close enough to the start boat, the scene was set for what unfolded – a lot of excitement!

From ’s perspective, approaching the line drifting in the tide with no air in the sails, the sequence of events unfolded like a domino effect. Firstly F15 capsized to windward of just about all, maybe about thirty seconds before the start, and fell over F15 . Barry said he was concentrating on the gybe and didn’t see the gust coming. To his credit he was on the board very quickly and bringing it up before the start. This capsize certainly grabbed a bit of attention from those nearby and perhaps unsettled a few. Michael and Tara in may have got to the line slightly early because before the start time was up they had become entangled with the start boat, looked messy. Then, with a few seconds to go found herself in a good position to start, pulled on the sails and went for the line – perhaps a few boat lengths underneath the carnage. However, as soon as speed was built, out of nowhere, Charlie and Steffen in , windward of and closer to the line, suddenly came careening from the start boat area, running along the line, carving a big turn back towards , Charlie seemingly not holding the tiller – imminent collision. Trent had no option but to bear away slightly before impact but there was a large sound as the NS14’s collided - plowed into ’s bow, catching just behind her port bow. Unbelievably the whole start sequence was filmed in immaculate detail; the following link will take you to view it on YouTube:

The moment of impact, Roy starting well on the right


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Trent had thought at the time that Charlie had either been trying to avoid the entanglement with the start boat, or had run the line early and was trying to avoid crossing before the gun, bearing away to run the line and then lost control. Daisy thought Charlie was trying to avoid the carnage as well. Afterwards, Charlie said he had been hit by a gust, fell backwards in the boat, lost control of the main and also the rudder.

From shore, moments after impact

Straight after the impact swept along underneath , with ’s boom hitting Daisy in the head, leaving her with a headache for the rest of the day. As the boats cleared it all got a bit too much for Trent who, thinking that the boat had been holed, announced quite firmly and loudly (despite Charlie’s repeated apology) that he was most unimpressed with what had just happened… or words to that effect… that was a ‘brand new boat’ (well almost, at least 15

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

for Trent and Daisy). A shocked Daisy had never heard her father utter the succinct adjective before – that she did that day is much to her father’s shame :(

Looking at the start photos and footage, it was clear that Roy had got a very good start, just underneath the NS14 mess, as did Des who was a few boat lengths behind.

A good start for Des

Graham Hams had wisely stayed behind the carnage and didn’t cross the line with the first wave of boats but was in a good enough position to do well on the first leg. Likewise, Col Hinwood in his Impulse had avoided the mess (just, watch him dodge it brilliantly in the drone footage) and was behind the F15 start mishaps but he’d been jammed out of position to make the start by and had to turn back and try again. In the photos, Graham Hodgins appeared to be heading in the opposite direction to the fleet when the start happened – perhaps running away from the fuss!

After the collision and the boats having eventually cleared each other, Trent and Daisy pulled on the sails and aimed for the buoy and remarkably found themselves in the lead. Not only that, but they rounded the top mark first, before any gennakers as well.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

New ground for Trent and Daisy

This was a very different proposition to sailing . Trent and Daisy channelled the unusual emotions they were feeling into staying ahead and that’s what they did! Graham in , as reliable as ever, hot on their heels. Charlie in saw that in fact his boat had been damaged quite badly, a big split from the base of the to about a third of the way up – perhaps a foot or so behind the bow on the port side.

Not pretty for Cosmic

He wisely chose to head in, later discovering the boat was taking on much Photo by Mark Pierce in the tower with his own accompanying caption - water. Charlie emptying his NS through his innovative f’ward bung 17

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The second leg was a fast one, a good reach, bringing boats to excellent speed in the gusts. Thankfully it wasn’t a tight reach which is often the case in the true Sou–Easter. This leg was a true test to see if (which remarkably didn’t have any visible damage) had boat speed to match the club champ. Thankfully she did and does (at least in that wind strength) and hopefully that will make for some good racing in the future!

The leg from the green channel marker past the club also brought out some great speed in the boats, a bit tighter to the wind to get past the point near the green marker, then the angle opening up a bit as most boats took advantage of the shallows to avoid the tide. On the first sail past the club Trent shouted an apology to Charlie (unrigging on the beach) for his outburst. Charlie said all was fine and later said he hadn’t heard any of it after the collision – amazing considering Jane recognised Trent’s voice as she took photos from the shore!

The leg from the buoy past the club to Mobb’s ended up requiring at least one tack. It was a bit hectic at times jumping onto the lay line for that mark (from port tack), trying to mesh in with the cats, trailers and gennakers approaching from further up the river.

As the race progressed, an order was established, the closest racing probably between Colin and Roy, Colin seeming to be able to keep a steady distance between the boats until the finish.

Close racing early on between Roy and Colin


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

A Caddy for Daddy - Col Hinwood’s return to the monohulls

Retro in the shallows Olde Golde reaching towards the club


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

A pied oystercatcher looking relaxed before an approaching

, and followed these two home, although the latter did not finish.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newcomer with an amazing name – Flotatious Groovy

Up front, managed to slowly gain distance on building up almost a leg lead by the fourth out of five triangles. This was whittled somewhat on the final triangle – perhaps due to lighter air with less strong and frequent gusts. It could also have been a result of sailing ability!

Nice shot of Alter Ego on the final triangle 21

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Graham Hams mentioned after the race to Trent that could have gone into shallower water against the tide – Trent had been unsure how deep it was, or the draught of the board. To be honest, enough drama had occurred that day and he didn’t want to risk the ‘brand new boat’ further.

Aquamarine on the run past the club

Despite the start it was a splendid day’s sailing, great weather, good breeze – a few tacks would have made it less of a drag race but difficult to set with that breeze. Many thanks to Roland, Ric and their two helpers in the rescue boat, Marieke Nyborg from Denmark and Kirah! 22

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Rescue boat personnel changeover

Also many thanks to Julie and Mark for their great work in the kitchen and the tower.

Thanks Julie and Mark 23

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Thanks also to all those helping with the launching and putting away of the rescue boat.

Trailer Sailor Report (Graeme Fleming and Paul Morris)

Graeme Sunday was another day when the wind refused to swing to a true SE. It hung in there around South which meant we didn’t get a true upwind. Some wanted not to worry about counting laps so we did the cat course with some long reaches which we don’t often get. Kites were still deployed off the breeze though there wasn’t any tacking upwind.

A good line up with , , , , and

The start was congested on the boat end with trying to muscle out .


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

ducked underneath and was first at the top mark closely followed by and . The angle looked tight for the kites with giving up but managing to get a run. in front at the next mark followed by and with and the rest following further back. and were close all the way to the bottom mark with not deploying the , with kite up made some ground and went round the bottom mark in front. retired on the next leg (kite problems?) with and close together for the next couple of legs.

Reg calling it a day, with the other Spiders neck and neck

A third over the line for the Spudgun 25

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The fleet became separated with the Spiders breaking away might report on that. At the finish it was closely followed by with making ground and 3rd over the line.

was next and it looked like then followed by

Paul Nice southerly breeze about 10 knots, what more could we want on an Autumn Sunday, well maybe just a few works and a tack or two but not to be. The start was always going to be chaos, run out tide, reaching start with a strongly favoured end right at the starting boat, just to keep the start crew entertained. So try to squeeze 5 of the 7 starters into enough space for 1 then what do you expect.

But eventually we all got away on the tight reach to the first mark, no protests no restart. The more gentlemanly sailors like those on and started away from the chaos and had a trouble free cruise to the next mark.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

From then on we didn't see the Spiders except in the distance. So tailed in the middle of the fleet and Norm in and Ian in had a good battle just behind the RL24"s. with their 4 person crew carried a shy kite from the pool down to the bottom mark but couldn't make up ground on Matt in

The party boat 27

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Norm had bearing down with kite on the downhill but the order never changed until the handicapper applied his magic and Bowlsey rose up the order from last to beat all but the Spiders.


Thanks to Frosty ,Dave and Amy for their last sail before the poor things head off for the snow season in Perisher.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Gennaker Report (Duncan Dey and Michael Wiley)

A nice Southerly breeze faced the gennaker fleet of five Formula 15’s and three RS100’s. Or at least it was nice in terms of its median strength. Direction and variability in strength proved to be less friendly.

The start was the cause of some post race amusement, when, to say that an unexpected gust unsettled the fleet, would be a gross understatement. With the line only able to be crossed on starboard tack and everyone wanting to start right on the boat, , with Barry and Ewan, chose that moment to position itself behind the line with a tactical gybe. Caught mid gybe by the gust, they promptly capsized onto Daniel and Pip in . Meanwhile, the carefully measured approach to the line of Michael and Tara in suddenly became an uncontrolled rush into the (fortunately soft) side of the starter’s boat; necessitating a penalty turn and a circle around the boat to recover its starting position.

All credit to Laura and Francine in who suddenly found themselves with the RS100’s in the prime starting position further down the line and bolted off form the line with the others trailing.

Towards the first top mark, Tom and Brendan in and had recovered from their starts and worked their way through the RS fleet and the other assorted monos to be in a position to take the lead as the boats set up for the run.

Initially the run was too tight for spinnakers, so most boats opted to sail high towards the first red channel marker before setting their kites. After that, their fate was in the hands of the gods and the gusts they unleashed. and both ran down, double wiring, with barely a tiller extension length separating them; being slightly faster, but unable to find a clear overtaking lane.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

When a gust hit near the second red navigation buoy, both were driven rapidly off towards the RSL. In the rush to down kites before mounting the rocks, capsized, forcing a rapid turn away by to avoid the falling , even as Tara expertly brought the spinnaker in under pressure.

That left in the lead with playing catchup for most of the rest of the race.

The pattern of the first run repeated itself; set the kite at the first red buoy, expect a gust and a dive towards the RSL at the second; with a single tack work back to the windward mark.

Only managed to break that pattern; twice being able to carry the kite nearly to the lee mark, but then sailing low and having to tack back up to the windward mark. On the whole, pulled away on the works while gained on it on the runs.

But such a bland description misses the adventure of the race. Much post race comment was made about ’s and ’s spectacular synchronised, double tea bag, kite up capsizes near the Ballina wharf. It was camera worthy enough to qualify as an Olympic Sport far more exciting that the swimming thing.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

No Toxic tea-bagging here

Indeed, double tea bag capsizes were all the rage among the 15’s. Every one of them had at least one capsize and and each had two; many of them double tea baggers. In the end, it was ’s double tea bag capsize on the last work that let sneak through to take a very narrow line honours victory.

Back with the RS100’s it was also Vince’s late capsize in that let Duncan consolidate closely challenged lead in into a safe first over the line of the Rs’s.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

It’s amazing how close the racing is between these two – must be great fun


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Garry in Hooray

Having a field Dey


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The always improving girls in secured a handicap victory over the consistently sailed .


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Thursday 20th June, 6.30pm at Ballina Golf Club (Asian Green Restaurant) Jameson Avenue, East Ballina

Come share this fun night with your family & friends

$30 per head $15 children

Trophies, Prizes, Quirky prizes + Lucky door prize

Please make payment asap into RRSRC account and indicate your name and number attending Summerland Credit Union BSB: 728728 ACC: 22288328

RSVP to Nola Hallett 0414 8669999 or [email protected] by Friday 6th June 2019 ** Please specify any dietary requirement when booking ** 35

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Get To Know A Club Member

Every newsletter will feature an interview with a different club member The questions are designed with a focus on sailing experiences. This week we interview the all-conquering Monohull class master - Graham Hams.

Name: Graham Hams


The grandchildren have selected from the mass of names that I accumulated on the ocean racers; deciding that I am “Tangles”. That unfortunate moniker (Mike Wiley has reason to believe highly accurate) stems from my short periods on the sharp end of yachts that almost inevitably lead to macramé knots of mind-numbing complexity formed from forward facing halyards after a few gybes and headsail launches – always as high up as possible please!

The second rank is “Mr Bean”; which was scribed onto my sea boots and wet weather jacket by some kind soul after four rough days going to Hobart; high as a kite on every sea sickness remedy, when unknown to me I performed the crazy walk over the coach-house, every tack up a , freezing Storm Bay.

Preferred Name:

“Tangles” it will be!

Name and type of boat/s sailed at the club:

of course, our 38 year old NS14 that came up from Sydney with us. , another NS which I used when was sidelined for a couple of seasons with serious timber work problems. This’ll do, an old MG14 that belonged to a Sydney friend, was renovated and showed up on the results pages for a couple of seasons. The Impulse “ ” was my competition boat until Cameron decided it would be his boat (!). Last of all was the i550 that I bought with Mike Mills. That boat is now up for sale as Millsy has decided to be a rower not a sailor…..

Number of Seasons at RRSRC:

I think this is year 12 at the club.

Roles in the Club (now and previously):

Club Monohull class representative

Where did you learn to sail? In what class/classes of boat?

I learnt of boats in general when I moved from Cubs to the local Sea Scout troop. That troop had a lovely selection of 14 and 16 foot sailing skiffs and a couple of four hander rowing boats. During camps at the old Scout hall at Bayview on Pittwater the keen racers brought down their and


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Enterprise , and there were Dingbats (hands-up who remembers those) and a de Havilland .

Have you been a member of other sailing clubs, if so, which?

I have been a member at Lane Cave 12 footers, Greenwich Flying Squadron, Lake Burrendong Sailing Club (look that one up!), Balmoral Sailing Club, Hunters Hill Sailing Club and the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia.

What class or type of boats have you sailed in your life?

After scouts I had a VJ at Lane Cove, then moved to crewing a at Greenwich FS, a 12ft at Greenwich, a Northy at Balmoral, Alter Ego at Hunters Hill, the ocean racers as crew, ten foot skiffs at Drummoyne and Brisbane 18’s, and lastly up to Ballina….

Here is Alter Ego on Upper Sydney Harbour during 1985 with Meredith in “Adventure Land” on the bow.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Favourite and why?

10 Footers were the revelation of an already fairly broad sailing life….. the “Truant” took me to multiple Aussie championships.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The 4-hander “Commonwealth” at full steam off the Drummoyne shoreline


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

“Scamp” going down the mine on the Brisbane River – no buoyancy in these boats, so that’s the end of the day! The butt end of that spinnaker pole is all you can see of about 20 feet of pole that is well and truly inserted along with the kite!

Best sailing experience?

Lord Howe race on the first night when the breeze died out to a flat calm. Eating a pretty good stew on the leeward rail with a cup of red wine looking at the stars reflected in the inky water and seeing a myriad of small bioluminescent, pastel coloured jellyfish suspended in the water column beneath the boat seemingly going down forever.

Worst sailing experience?

Sydney to Hobart 1993 without a doubt.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

1995 was a better year, the photo was taken in the early dawn off the Victorian coast after a front hit. My watch had reefed down twice and gone to the third . The next watch dropped to the fourth headsail just after this…….Whacko!

Have a look at the keel cavitation and wake – some serious pressure on here.

Have you sailed at any state or national titles? If so, what ones?

The original Alter Ego won me the 1973 Aussie 12 footer titles on handicap – here she is with me as a 17 year old driving into the Balmain shore wing mark. Two-sail reaches were just as dangerous then as now.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

I was lucky to fall into company with Lennie Heffernan and “Wrecker” Ron Johnston who are multiple champions in 16 and 18 footers as well as being boat-building legends.

Sailing with them in various ten footers I ended up on the Aussie champion boat six times from 1998 through to 2005 when we moved away from Sydney. The images below are from Truant’s successful 2002 campaign on the Brisbane River (you can see the winner’s streamers at the masthead of the first image). ……and by the way; whoever said that gaff rigs couldn’t look close to perfect (this is a number 3 main cut from an early 1960’s 16 footer main on a short gaff and a number 2 headsail. Number 1 rig gaff is 3 feet taller, the boom 3 feet longer and the number 1 headsail goes all the way to the end of the bumpkin)


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Swinging hard – no foot straps allowed 44

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Best results in a series at RRSRC?

I have been lucky enough to win a few point-scores, mainly by turning up all the time!

Suggestions on how sailing as a sport could be improved?


Why do you go sailing?

The vast complexity of the activity fascinates me.

The sound of the water at the bow or running along the hull of a yacht is heaven. Trying to work out how to get that sound to be the best and developing enough skill in wood, metal, fabric, plastic to keep it that way is a life-long challenge.

Apart from the cheese/dips and crackers why do you sail at RRSRC on a Sunday?

I can only work in the garden for six days at a time before I get told to go away…..

Are there any sailing dreams you aspire to?

- 45

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Any boat you aspire to?

I used to want to own a yacht to see how that would feel; but having our Bayfield 40 for six years let me know that this particular adventure was something that I couldn’t share with Meredith.

Any advice for up and coming sailors?

If you are sailing on an estuary and the tide is against you:

• Get out of it if you can, • If you can’t get out of it, minimise it, • If you have to be in it, get it on the lee bow as much as possible.

Any superstitions or customs in relation to your sailing?


Would you like to share one thing that people at the club might not know about you?

Thirty five years doing chemistry in teaching hospitals has made me into a person that questions everything and requires objective evidence of failure or benefit – that’s why you see so many people walking away from a conversation with me about some arcane bit of sail/rig tuning with their eyes rolling in their sockets. Sorry about that!


After last Sunday’s monohull start effort here’s a return to a piece written by Col Hinwood from last December’s newsletter. Although he was writing about an incident prior to that it is very applicable to last Sunday.

In the words of Col….

I did a piece after the stuff ups of last Sunday (the 9th), one causing serious damage. This season we have seen some desperate moves, with way too many start line mishaps.

Start Line Rules

Anyone who ventures into Racing Rules advice sets themselves up for ridicule so .. be kind ..

Sure .. .. read the Racing Rules of Sailing but .. they can be a bit daunting .. also a bit boring ..

There are 2 Rules that pretty well cover most situations, so when in doubt on the race course , just do a mental check for these. There are whys’ & wherefores’ and variations but these 2 are the core Rules.

1. Port – Starboard .. pretty obvious ..


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

2. Windward Boat Keep Clear .. this just makes sense .. like if you overtake, or find yourself to Windward of a boat .. you .. not the other boat .. have to keep clear of any move the other boat makes .. like if she/he wants to go up .. then up you go to stay clear. They don’t have to behave themselves .. you have to keep clear. [They do have to allow you time to get out of the way but .. still .. keep clear]

Start Line … last Sunday Pointscore 101218, the Start Line had the Starboard end favoured. Every boat wanted to stay right out on the right hand side, & build up speed & swoop across the Line at the Mark [this time a buoy but most times a Boat]. Pretty damn cool. But wait … like everyone has the same idea !!

The Rule that applies is … Windward Boat Keep Clear. easy !! no excuses .. Keep Clear The actual Mark is immaterial .. doesn’t exist ..

If it means missing the Start Mark? .. Keep Clear .. bad luck .. do a tack & go around again & start behind everyone else!! If it means being forced to cross the Start Line before the gun? .. bad luck .. across you go & round the end to Start again.

No “Buoy Room”, no “Barging” .. .. Windward Boat Keep Clear .. one Rule … easy ..

Col living by his advice in the photo above from last Sunday. He wasn’t able to get across the line so he is in the process of turning around and trying again. Same for Mr Bond and Secret.


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Doesn’t mean hang back.. doesn’t mean don’t try to “win the start” to be a hero .. it just means that if you try it on .. & it doesn’t work out .. then be prepared to surrender & go back around. Beware of Adrenalin over-ruling common sense, making you desperately try to squeeze between a boat & the “Mark”.

A Start where Start Boat is on favoured end. [can be a big ugly 40 footer]

Slightly more complicated .. but same stuff really .. if you try to squeeze in & you are windward boat .. & miss .. be prepared to go round & do it again … always remember .. you have no rights !! zero .. nada ..

You are like a naughty puppy trying to steal a slipper .. sneeeky !! & when caught - run ..don’t stay & argue.. arguing just loses time .. you could have crossed & ducked around the Start Boat to Start again & this could be a winning move ..

There is one difference where things we can crash into are involved .. a boat is ALWAYS allowed to squeeze in, if it means otherwise she/he would have crashed into something [not a rubber Pinkie] .. a Start Boat .. a Channel Marker .. a rock wall ..always that boat is allowed to squeeze past … & then .. can be Protested for breaking a Rule .. like Windward Boat Keep Clear !! If you stuff it all up .. just go & do your Penalty turn & come back to the racing .. it’s all in the fun.

The LEETLE thingo that’s a bit different is .. once you are actually level with the Start Boat .. [might be that 40 footer Start Boat] .. like you got there without breaking the Windward Keep Clear rule, then .. you are safe .. you cannot be pushed into the Start Boat, you cannot be penalised for being windward boat & not keeping clear.[cause you .. can’t !! without hitting].

Complicated .. no just common sense .. Keep Clear but if you then cannot !! then .. safe for a brilliant Start .. maybe..

But Wait .. is it all really worth it ?? t

The risk of a Penalty, risk of collision, risk of being jammed into a pack?

At an O/D National Titles, the boat alongside you might .. beat you by 10 seconds .. so a good Start is important.

But in Club racing in our river, the most important thing is .. get a Start so that you have clear air – like not having a boat spilling bad air into the your sails the whole way up the beat = s l o w ..- then - “freedom to tack”, as in you have this brilliant plan involving the Tide & Wind .. .. right ..! but if you are hemmed in, & the boat above you is quite happy to sail into oblivion, & you can’t tack safely then .. there goes the Plan … man ..girl ..

A “Good Start” is not being on the Line at the gun, at the favoured end .. corny .. not enough .. it’s being able to sail like buggery up the beat, & do that brilliant tack across the front of the fleet … cool !!

[cause they have been fighting all the way up !!].

So sometimes a Start down the Line, .. when everyone else is hassling each other at the favoured Mark end …. is a winning move .. ain’t always obvious .. the game is winning .. the RACE .. not the Start! ..


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Mr Wiley’s Winter Training Programme

Hi all

As I’ve mentioned, I do intend to run a winter training program again this winter. It will consist of both theoretical sessions and on water sailing practice. In this case (with the permissions of the club), the on water sailing will include both skiff sailing and practice sessions steering a to give more people time to just get some practice helming a sail boat.

The theory will be very similar to last year, with the exception that there will be a stand alone class dealing with the racing rules (which I would guess some of last year’s attendees would like to come for). I normally let people know what will be covered in an upcoming class and provide written notes.

Now I know a number of you (at least 3) are away in June and, in addition, I am having a small BCC removed from the top of my foot very late May for which my doctor tells me he will not countenance the usual early return to sailing because of the thinness of the skin there and the longer healing time.

So it is all likely to start mid to late June.

In the mean time, if those away could give me their dates of absence, I will do my best to minimise what you miss to the extent practical.

Any club member (or intending member) can attend the theory classes, regardless whether they are part of the skiff group. If you know of someone who would like to be added to this distribution group, please have them contact me by email.

Conversely, I don’t like to pointlessly clog up email in boxes. If anyone would like to be omitted from the distribution list or only notified of the rules day please let me know.

Cheers Michael 0417 455 106

Club Weather Station

The clubhouse now has a Davis weather station on the roof, with a display panel in the clubhouse. There are two ways you can access our weather station. Firstly, you can find our weather station online at Log in with the following:


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Password: (I will email out password)

Secondly, you can download the WeatherLink app for iPhone or Android.

Download this app, set up your account and search for our weather station by map of Ballina or by name:

“Richmond River Sailing Club.”



From Graeme Fleming

FYI We used this app at the Sail Paradise regatta as it was compulsory for all Yachts. Amazing playback of races.

Welcome to raceQs, the innovative sailing program that will change the way you sail!


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

To confirm you registration please click to link below

Check out this video for a quick demo of the raceQs sailing system.

Download It Download and register the FREE raceQs app, available in the iPhone store or the Android market.

Go Sailing With just a push of a button, create your own 3D replays by recording a race with raceQs’ free smartphone app. The app is also a powerful race computer designed to help you sail faster. Learn More

Watch It After you are done sailing, login to your raceQs account on a computer to view your automatically generated 3D race replay. Learn more

Share It Easily share your replay with your crew, post it on Facebook, or replay it at the Yacht Club. If you prefer, you can always choose to keep your replay private.

Need more help now? Check out our website and FAQ. We would love to hear from you with your questions and suggestions by email [email protected]



Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

The raceQs Team

Commonly Asked Questions

Do I need to keep my phone on deck, in view of "open sky" like my GPS?

No, the app will still work below decks, safely stowed in your bag. You can even set it to automatically shut-off when your phone battery reaches various levels.


New Rules re Trailer:

1. At low tide you must ask one of 3 people to supervise (Chris Hallett, Jonathan Horsley or Col Woodbry)

2. At high tide approved drivers are ok to retrieve or launch on the ramp.

We will find a process that works and is safe for the RIB. - Phill


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Building Height Submission to Council

Hopefully many members put in a submission to Ballina Council last week.

From Phill:

We will need club support however for further actions as this will be a long campaign. We need all club members who support our plan to talk to friends, make Facebook posts and esp talk to any Councillors you know about how the proposed changes will ruin our sailing on the river near the town. Ballina will lose a colourful spectacle on the river.

Club Shirts

Here’s your chance to wear the colours of your club, to proudly display what you do every Sunday – wear a club shirt!

Royal Blue Club shirts payment required at time of order into RRSRC account with your name as reference BSB: 728728 ACC: 22288328

Email or text Nola with size [email protected] or 0414 866999

Mens Long sleeve polo - $37 Short sleeve polo - $35 Cotton T-shirt - $20

Ladies Short sleeve polo - $31

(As worn by Secretary Nola and Commodore Phill – Kids reflective safety vest optional) Cotton T-shirt - $17


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Wotif Offer to our Club!

Book your next travel or accommodation with Wotif and quote this code: ASF043153 and we will receive a donation from Wotif. Support our club when you or your family or friends travel.

Idle Gossip – Please send anything interesting sailing or club related to [email protected].

One for Dave Scott, lasers and foiling moths sailing together – at slightly different paces. This kind of manoeuvrability would have come in handy in last Sunday’s monos/gennakers start. The link is below:


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Upcoming Away Events

• Wivenhoe Winter Marathon 8 - 9th June. Captain Logan Campground, Wivenhoe Dam QLD. Open to all sail craft. Bring your own brazier for campfire

If anyone knows of any more events or would like an event posted please let me know – [email protected]


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Crew Available/Crew Wanted

Seamus, an enthusiastic from our last Learn to Sail course, is keen to continue his learning by crewing on any boat available. Seamus has already crewed on a NS14, Nacra 5.8 and Spider 550. Please help him continue his involvement with the club by giving him a place, if possible. Email his mother Jill at [email protected] if you have a spot for him

If you need some crew or are wanting to have a sail in a race please make your intentions known here by contacting [email protected]

For Sale/Wanted/Free to a Good Home

If you have any sailing related items for sale or if you want to buy something sailing related and want it put in the newsletter please let me know – [email protected]



Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Details are: Castle 650, Mr Squiggle, Sail Number 61. Generally good condition. New Doyle Main and No 1, near new No 2 and No 3. Older Main and No 1 (Still usable). Old Dacron Main. Spinnaker with launching shute. Near new 8hp Tohatsu. Trailer in good condition. New complete storage cover/tarp. Price $15,000.00 Neg. Ph Todd Goldsmith 0427002571.


Anyone interested in buying a Nacra Sirroco in excellent condition? Asking $4750 ono. Scott Lewin




Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

PRICE $3500 - Fibreglass Melville hull - Minimum weight - 2 Polyester sails - Magic Marine bag for spars - Carbon tiller and rudder box - Beach trolley - Good boat cover - Always stored under cover

For any enquires and further information please call Georges on 0431 213 774


I550 Sports Boat. Baby Faced Assassin


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website: P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Professionally built in 2007. Ply with west system. The boat is light weight and in very good cond. Double spreader carbon mast Alm. Boom Square top mylar main, high aspect mylar jib. Plus smaller jib. Mast head spinnakers and fractional spinnaker. Fold away canting spinnaker pole. Near new alum. Trailer. April 2020 rego. Outboard. $9000.00 See Graham Hams at the Club or phone Michael Mills 0432 648 267