Republic of Serbia Ministry of Finance PUBLIC FINANCE BULLETIN 12/2020 Number 196 Belgrade, 2021 Founder and publisher Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia Belgrade, 20 Kneza Milosa St. ISSN 1452-0028 For the publisher Milica Jovanović Assistant Minister of Finance
[email protected] Editorial Ljubica Matić, Vladimir Malbašić, Ognjen Jančić, Marko Lisica, Milica Jovanović, Aleksandar Stojković, Danilo Vukojičić, Jovana Đerić, Jelena Drašković, Ivan Krstić, Rade Ćirić, Danijela Domanović, Valentina Osmajlić, Ana Tripović Editorial secretary Ljubica Matić
[email protected] Design and print Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia Circulation 500 copies The Bulletin is issued monthly CONTENTS CURRENT MACROECONOMIC AND FISCAL DEVELOPMENTS 4 I MACROECONOMIC TRENDS 10 II FISCAL TRENDS 35 Republic of Serbia Budget 44 Vojvodina Budget 60 Budget of Municipalities and Cities 64 Financial Plans of Social Security Organizations (SSO) 69 III PUBLIC DEBT 76 IV Methodological explanations 88 CURRENT MACROECONOMIC AND FISCAL DEVELOPMENTS In the period March-May, a state of emergency was declared in Serbia and a restriction of movement was introduced as a measure to combat the Covid-19 virus pandemic, and restrictions of various types and intensities continued in the following months, which caused disturbances in all spheres of social and economic life. The total amount of funds, which was made available to the economy and the population in 2020 through economic assistance measures, reached 12.7% of GDP. In addition to a set of economic measures, the Government of the Republic of Serbia also made decisions related to assistance to the health sector and pensioners, and the National Bank of Serbia adopted measures within its competence.