JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS (JEMC) VOL . 6, NO. 2, 2016, 111-119 ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS RELATED TO THE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT OF THE RAIL TRACTION VEHICLES IN JSC "SERBIAN RAILWAYS" UDC: 625.1(497.11) Original Scientific Paper Vojislav VUKADINOVI Ć1, Cariša BEŠI Ć2, Snežana BEŠI Ć3 1Srbija Voz a.d., 11000 Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, Republic of Serbia 2University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak, 32000 Čačak, Svetog Save 65, Republic of Serbia E-mail:
[email protected] 3Higher Education Railway School of Professional Studies, 11000 Beograd, Zdravka Čelara 14, Republic of Serbia Paper received: 14.11.2016.; Paper accepted: 28.11.2016. In the study, issues related to the operations management in railway were elaborated, with special emphasis on the operations management of rail vehicles and main parameters in its activities and in the railway functioning. The analysis of the current status, operation and functioning of the Serbian Railways was also provided, with a special focus on the study of the technical condition regarding exploitation, reliability, and availability of traction vehicles operation which is always actual and particularly important for ensuring the regular and safe functioning of train traffic in all railways in the world as well as in the railway of Serbia. The issue related to the exploitation reliability and availability regarding traction vehicles operation is also being analyzed which is reflected in development of the concept and creation of the methodology for assessment of the technical condition and indicators for determining the level of exploitation reliability, availability of the traction vehicle operation as well as functioning of train traffic and the models related to the operations management of rail traction vehicles.