Republic of Serbia Ministry of Finance PUBLIC FINANCE BULLETIN 4/2021 Number 200 Belgrade, 2021 Founder and publisher Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia Belgrade, 20 Kneza Milosa St. ISSN 1452-0028 For the publisher Milica Jovanović Assistant Minister of Finance
[email protected] Editorial Ljubica Matić, Vladimir Malbašić, Ognjen Jančić, Marko Lisica, Milica Jovanović, Aleksandar Stojković, Danilo Vukojičić, Jovana Đerić, Danijela Domanović, Valentina Osmajlić, Ivan Krstić, Rade Ćirić, Ana Tripović Editorial secretary Ljubica Matić
[email protected] Design and print Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia Circulation 500 copies The Bulletin is issued monthly CONTENTS CURRENT MACROECONOMIC AND FISCAL DEVELOPMENTS 4 I MACROECONOMIC TRENDS 11 II FISCAL TRENDS 38 Republic of Serbia Budget 47 Vojvodina Budget 63 Budget of Municipalities and Cities 67 Financial Plans of Social Security Organizations (SSO) 71 III PUBLIC DEBT 78 IV Methodological explanations 90 CURRENT MACROECONOMIC AND FISCAL DEVELOPMENTS 1. Current macroeconomic developments 1.1. Economic activity Contribution to the quarterly growth of the GDP in pp (expenditure side) Gross domestic products. In the first quarter of 2021, gross domestic product (GDP) recorded a real year-on- 15 year increase of 1.7%. Observed from the production side, the most significant positive impact provide sections 10 of construction and wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles, transportation and storage and 5 accommodation and food services with a positive contribution of 0.8 pp each and the industry section with 0 a contribution of 0.7 pp. The most significant negative contribution of 0.4 pp came from section of professional, -5 scientific and technical activities and administrative and support service activities, followed by the section of arts, -10 entertainment and recreation, other service activities and activities of households as employers with a negative 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 contribution of 0.3 pp.