State of - XINGU INDIGENOUS TERRITORY September 21, 2019


As representatives of the 16 indigenous peoples of the Xingu Indigenous Territory (, , Mehinako, Kamaiurá, , Kisedje, , Yudjá, Kawaiweté, , Narovuto, Waurá, , Trumai, Nafukuá and Tapayuna peoples), we come before Brazilian society to repudiate the Brazilian Government’s intention to include the indigenous woman Ysani Kalapalo in the official Brazilian delegation to participate in the United Nations General Assembly to be held in New York City on September 24, 2019.

Once again, the Brazilian government demonstrates their disrespect for Xingu's renowned indigenous peoples and leaders and other national indigenous leaders, disrespecting the autonomy of indigenous peoples' organizations to make decisions and appoint their representatives at national and international events.

The Brazilian government offends the indigenous leaders of Xingu and Brazil by highlighting an indigenous woman who has been constantly working on social networks with the sole purpose of offending and demoralizing Brazil's indigenous leaders and movements.

The 16 indigenous peoples of the Xingu Indigenous Territory reaffirm their right of decision autonomy through their own governance system composed of all the highest chiefs of the Xingu people.

Not content with attacks on indigenous peoples, the Brazilian government now wants to legitimize its anti-indigenous policy by using an indigenous figure sympathetic to its radical ideologies with the intention of convincing the international community of its colonialist and ethnocidal policy.

We do not accept and will never accept the Brazilian government appointing our indigenous representation on its own without consulting us through our recognized and supported organizations and leaders.

Signatories of this letter:

Tafukuma Kalapalo / Chief of the Kalapalo People Aritana Yawalapiti / Chief of the Yawalapiti People Afukaká Kuikuro / Chief of the Kuikuro People Kotok Kamaiurá / Chief of the Kamaiurá People Atakaho Waurá / WChief of the People Tirefé Nafukuá / Chief of the Nafukua People Arifira Matipu / Chief of the Matipu People Awajatu Aweti / Chief of the Aweti People Mayukuti Mehinako / Chief of the Mehinako People Kowo Trumai / Chief of the Melobo Ikpeng / Chief of the Ikpeng People Kuiussi Suya / Chief of the Kisedje People Sadeá Yudjá / Chief of the Yudja People Mairawe Kaiabi / Chief of the Kawaiwete People Xingu Indigenous Land Association - ATIX