Minutes of Meeting of: Council

Date and Time: Thursday 28 July 2016 at 7.03 pm

Location: Council Chamber, The Townhall, Enniskillen

Chairman: Councillor Mary Garrity

Vice Chairman: Councillor Bert Wilson

Present: Councillors: Diana Armstrong; Alex Baird; Mark Buchanan; Glenn Campbell; Sean Clarke; John Coyle; Josephine Deehan; Joanne Donnelly; Sean Donnelly; Keith Elliott; Raymond Farrell; Anthony Feely; Brendan Gallagher; Robert Irvine; David Mahon; Sorcha McAnespy; Brian McCaffrey; Stephen McCann; Marty McColgan; Barry McNally; Garbhan McPhillips; Thomas O’Reilly; Allan Rainey MBE; Paul Robinson; Rosemarie Shields; Chris Smyth; Errol Thompson; Howard Thornton; Victor Warrington

In Attendance: Chief Executive; Director of Community, Health and Leisure; Director of Environment and Place; Director of Regeneration and Planning; Head of Democratic and Customer Services; Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development; PA to Chief Executive; Democratic Services Officer

Apologies: Councillors: Debbie Coyle; Barry Doherty; Frankie Donnelly; John Feely; Anne-Marie Fitzgerald; Tommy Maguire; Sheamus Greene; Patricia Rogers; Bernice Swift

Member’s Request

A Member requested latitude from the Chairperson to speak about the proposed closure of the Bank of Ireland in Belleek. He asked that the Council write to the Regional Director of Bank of Ireland UK requesting that the decision to close the bank be reviewed. A number of other Members also expressed disappointment at the proposed closure. During discussion on this matter Members highlighted the following points:

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 There were 5,000 customers in the branch and if it closed the village would have no financial institution;  There had been no money in the ATM the previous weekend and also on two days during the week;  The branch covered the Belcoo and Garrison areas as well as Belleek;  Belleek was the second most deprived electoral ward while Garrison and Belcoo were the third most deprived;  The effect withdrawal of this vital service would have on Belleek, a centre of excellence for tourism within Fermanagh; and  The distance that residents, in particular senior citizens who perhaps didn’t use internet banking, would now have to travel to access their nearest bank.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor J Coyle, seconded by Councillor Farrell, that the Council makes representations to the Northern Ireland Regional Director of Bank of Ireland UK to request that the decision to close the Belleek branch be reconsidered. The letter also to seek clarification as to whether the ATM would remain if the branch was closed.

Councillors S Donnelly and Gallagher entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

1. Minutes of Council Meeting held on 5 July 2016

NOTED: that Paper A had been issued with the agenda.

Members raised the following points of accuracy within the minutes of 5 July 2016:

NILGA Local Government Annual Conference and Exhibition, 5 and 6 October 2016 – Page 10, Item 10.2

It was confirmed that Councillors Deehan and J Donnelly would attend the NILGA Local Government Annual Conference and Exhibition on Thursday 6 October 2016. The Chairperson and one other would attend on Wednesday 5 October.

Report on Community Planning Governance Arrangements – Elected Member Representation on Strategic Partnership Board – Page 13, Item 11.3

It was noted that under accuracy the minute should read that the appointment of Elected Members to the Community Planning Strategic Partnership Board was determined by agreement and reflected what the outcome would have been had the d’hondt system been applied.

Removal of Notice Board – Hospital Road Community Centre – Page 18, Item 16.7

The title should read Erection of Notice Board – Hospital Road Community Centre.

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RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor McColgan, seconded by Councillor Robinson, that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2016 be taken as read and signed as correct subject to the foregoing.

Councillors Deehan and A Feely entered and Councillor Elliott left and re-entered the meeting during the above item.

2. Declarations of Interest

Declarations of Interest were conveyed as follows:  Item 4.2 – Local Development Plan Steering Group – Independent Member Nomination – Councillor Irvine  Item 8.4 (of Minutes) – Remembering and Commemoration Events Working Group – Minutes of meeting held on 26 July 2016 – Councillors Campbell, McCann, McColgan and McNally  Item 21.1 – Verbal update regarding the proposed Regeneration Scheme for Station Green, Enniskillen – Councillors Mahon and Thornton  Item 22 – Confidential Report of the Policy and Resources meeting held on 14 July 2016 – Councillor Shields, Chief Executive and Director of Environment and Place

3. Matters Arising

3.1 Nominations for a Council delegation to attend a meeting with the Minister for Infrastructure - Page 2, Item 3.2(a)

The Chief Executive informed Members that the above meeting was scheduled to take place at 4.00 pm on Thursday 4 August 2016 in Clarence Court, Belfast with a pre-meeting to take place at 3.30 pm. It was noted that Councillor Buchanan was to replace Councillor Farrell and that Councillor Rogers was no longer available to attend the meeting. It was confirmed that the delegation comprised Councillors Baird, Buchanan, J Coyle, Greene, Mahon, O’Reilly and Warrington.

The Chief Executive also advised Members that the meeting with the Minister for Finance in the Townhall, Enniskillen on Monday 1 August 2016 was scheduled to commence at 9.00 am sharp.


3.2 Verbal update on the Farmland Flooding Scheme – Page 14, Item 8.6

The Chief Executive advised Members that Mr Alan Strong was available to attend a meeting on Wednesday 9 November 2016 at 6.00 pm to brief the Council on the Floods Review.

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3.3 Local Development Plan Steering Group – Independent Member Nomination - Page 5, Item 3.5

The Chief Executive asked Independent Members if they were in a position to nominate a member to sit on the Local Development Plan Steering Group as the next meeting of the group was scheduled to take place at 5.00 pm on 6 September 2016 in the Grange.

In response to a query from a Member the Director of Regeneration and Planning confirmed that Councillor Swift was already a member of the Steering Group.

The Independent Members present stated that they were not yet in a position to nominate a member to the Steering Group.

NOTED: that the Independent Member to sit on the Local Development Plan Steering Group would be confirmed at a later stage.

Councillor Campbell entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

3.4 Libraries NI – Reduction in Opening Hours of the Omagh and Enniskillen Branch Libraries – Page 5, Item 3.7

NOTED: that email correspondence dated 18 July 2016 from Libraries NI regarding Reduction in Opening Hours of the Omagh and Enniskillen Branch Libraries had been issued with the agenda.

The Chief Executive informed Members that he had written again to Libraries NI as the correspondence received from them on 18 July 2016 had not addressed the original request for clarification on the specific savings attributable to the proposed reduction in opening hours in Enniskillen and Omagh libraries.


Councillor Shields entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

3.5 Motion – Learning Difficulty Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust – Page 6, Item 3.10

In response to a query from a Member the Chief Executive confirmed that no response had yet been received from the Western Health and Social Care Trust in relation to the scoping exercise requested on the needs of carers, including carers for those with learning difficulties.

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3.6 Street Lighting and General Maintenance on walkways in Omagh – Page 6, Item 3.11

Responding to a query from a Member, the Director of Environment and Place confirmed that the pathway from James Street to Hillbank Fold was unregistered land, but that it was understood to be in the ownership of Transport NI.


3.7 Lough Erne Landscape Partnership Project – Page 7, Item 7.1

The Director of Environment and Place confirmed that the Lough Erne Landscape Partnership Project was to be managed by the Lough Erne Landscape Partnership Steering Group which comprised Officers from: the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Northern Ireland, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, The Conservation Volunteers, Waterways Ireland, Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN), The National Trust, Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, Upper Lough Erne Region and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. He added that the governance arrangements would be reviewed as the process went forward.


3.8 Orlando Nightclub Shooting Atrocity – Page 11, Item 10.3

In response to a query from a Member, the Chief Executive confirmed that it was intended to include the feasibility of recording Committee meetings as part of the overall review of meeting procedures.


3.9 Agricultural Liaison Group – Independent Member Nomination – Page 12, Item 11.1

The Director of Regeneration and Planning informed Members that correspondence had been received from Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) requesting that a representative from the organisation be included on the Agricultural Liaison Group.

The Independent Members present stated that they were not yet in a position to nominate a member to the Agricultural Liaison Group.

Following discussion it was agreed that the first meeting of the Agricultural Liaison Group on 12 September 2016 would take place at 2.00pm as originally agreed, and after which an alternative time for the December meeting and future meetings of the Group would be agreed with Members.

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RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor J Coyle, seconded by Councillor A Feely, that a representative from Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) be invited to sit on the Agricultural Liaison Group.

3.10 NewsQuest Media Group regarding article in the Impartial Reporter – Page 15, Item 11.4

The Chief Executive informed Members that correspondence had been received from the Impartial Reporter clarifying its position on an article that had appeared in the paper of 16 June 2016.

AGREED: to accept the clarification provided and consider the matter closed (Agenda Item 16.6.2).

Councillor McAnespy entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

3.11 Dog Fouling – Riverside Walk, Dromore and the Ecclesville Park, Fintona – Page 17, Item 16.2

The Director of Environment and Place advised Members that additional dog fouling signage had been erected at both locations, and all dog owners in the area had received correspondence informing them that there would be additional monitoring in the area.


3.12 Ecclesville Pond, Fintona – Page 17, Item 16.3

The Director of Environment and Place confirmed that there was an ongoing problem with trying to keep the pond visually attractive. The pond was rich in nutrients due to the run off from the forest feeding into it. He also stated that the pond had been cleaned once during the year and the Council’s Biodiversity Officer was reviewing options for future management of the pond.

In response to a query from a Member, the Director of Environment and Place advised that the possibility of stocking the pond with coarse fish was one of the options being considered.

In welcoming the ongoing work by Officers, a Member acknowledged that it was not easy to balance protecting the pond life alongside keeping the pond visually attractive. It was stated that some years previously the pond had been stocked as part of an angling fair for children and people with disabilities. The Member expressed a view that he felt there should be a plan to develop the pond area in the future.

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Councillors Farrell and Mahon left the meeting during consideration of the above item.

4. Minutes of Special Council meeting held on 19 July 2016

NOTED: that Paper B had been issued with the agenda.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor McColgan, seconded by Councillor Thornton, that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2016 be taken as read and signed as correct.

5. Report of Environmental Services Committee meeting held on 6 July 2016

NOTED: that Paper C had been issued with the agenda.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor J Coyle, seconded by Councillor Thompson, that the report of the Environmental Services Committee be approved and adopted.

6. Matters Arising

6.1 Central Government/Local Government – Waste Strategy – Page 6, Item 3.8

The Chief Executive advised Members that having considered the report at Committee, the intention was that the Council would confirm that it was content with the report and endorsed it.


Councillors Farrell and Mahon re-entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

7. Report of Regeneration & Community Committee Meeting held on 14 July 2016

NOTED: that Paper D had been issued with the agenda.

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The Director of Community, Health and Leisure requested that the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Committee meeting be adopted with the exception of Item 5.14 (iv).

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Warrington, seconded by Councillor Irvine, that the report of the Regeneration and Community Committee be approved and adopted with the exception of Item 5.14, part (iv) of the recommendation.

Councillor J Donnelly left the meeting during consideration of the above item.

8. Matters Arising

8.1 Suggested Governance Arrangements for Proposed Enniskillen Public Realm Scheme – Page 3, Item 4.2

The Director of Regeneration and Planning explained the purpose of both the Project Steering Group for Enniskillen Public Realm Scheme and the Project Oversight Group. She informed Members that it was proposed that the Steering Group would comprise Enniskillen Town Councillors and representatives of the business community. The primary focus of this group was to ensure effective communication, consultation and liaison with all relevant stakeholders.

She added that given the anticipated scale of the project and in accordance with the Council’s protocol on managing capital projects, it was proposed that a designated Elected Member Project Oversight Group be established and that one Member would undertake a link role between the two groups. The Oversight Group would have a particular focus on the project’s financial management.

The Chief Executive advised Members that although the project was still at the application stage, in order to move forward as quickly as possible a twin track approach was being adopted to establish project governance arrangements and to demonstrate the Council’s commitment to delivering the project as soon as possible, subject to funding being confirmed.

RESOLVED: that the Enniskillen Town Councillors be nominated to the Project Steering Group for Enniskillen Public Realm Scheme.

RESOLVED: that the following Councillors be nominated to the Elected Member Project Oversight Group: Councillors Armstrong, Gallagher, Irvine and Mahon. Sinn Fein representative to be confirmed.

RESOLVED: that Councillor Irvine would be the link between the two groups.

8.2 Enniskillen Business Improvement District Update – Page 14, Item 4.22

The Director of Regeneration and Planning advised Members that since the Regeneration and Community Committee meeting, a request had been received

8 Council Meeting – 28 July 2016 9 from the Task Team to ask if the Council would also consider providing in-kind administrative support to the BID. She further advised that the Council did not have sufficient capacity in-house to offer this support but there was the potential, if Council permission was granted, to allow the £15,000 contribution already approved towards the BID Manager’s salary to be widened out to also be used towards administrative support.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Thompson, seconded by Councillor Gallagher, that the Council does not provide in-kind administrative support, but that the agreed financial contribution of £15,000 may be used for administrative services as well as a contribution towards the BID Manager’s salary.

8.3 Meetings of Arts and Heritage Service Groups – April – June 2016 – Page 22, Item 5.14

NOTED: that recommendation (iv) of Item 5.14 had not been included in the adoption of the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Committee meeting.

Referring to the minutes of the Remembering and Commemoration Events Working Group, held on 14 June 2016, the Director of Community, Health and Leisure advised Members of the costs associated with the purchase of two gas powered beacons and the proposed lighting of these beacons at the OASIS Plaza and Castle Island on 3 August 2016 (to remember all those who lost their lives in, or associated with the Easter Rising 1916) and a second event to be held on 18 November 2016 (to mark the end of the Battle of the Somme 1916). He also outlined the costs associated with the provision of a copy of the 1916 Proclamation to schools within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Thornton, seconded by Councillor McColgan, that the activities outlined in the minutes of the Remembering and Commemoration Events Working Group meeting of 14 June 2016 be approved.

8.4 Remembering and Commemoration Events Working Group – Minutes of meeting held on 26 July 2016

NOTED: Councillors Campbell, McCann, McColgan and McNally declared an interest in this item but did not leave the meeting.

The Director of Community, Health and Leisure sought approval for the actions contained in the minutes of the Remembering and Commemoration Events Working Group meeting of 26 July 2016. These actions, which were further developed subsequent to the meeting of the Working Group on 14 June 2016, were:  A hard copy of the 1916 Proclamation to be circulated to schools within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area;

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 Beacon events at the OASIS Plaza, Omagh and the Broadmeadow, Enniskillen on 3 August 2016 to mark all those who lost their lives in or were associated with the 1916 Easter Rising;  An event to be held on Friday, 18 November 2016 to mark the end of the Battle of the Somme; and  A brief re-enactment of the reading of the 1916 Proclamation at the OASIS Plaza in Omagh on Saturday 10 September 2016.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor A Feely, seconded by Councillor Irvine that the actions outlined in the minutes of the Remembering and Commemoration Events Working Group meeting of 26 July 2016 be approved.

Councillors J Coyle and McNally left the meeting during consideration of the above item.

8.5 Fermanagh Heritage Gateway Project – Update July 2016 - Page 24, Item 5.17

The Director of Community, Health and Leisure requested approval to extend an invitation to the official launch of the Fermanagh Heritage Gateway Project at Enniskillen Castle on Thursday 22 September 2016 at 4pm to Mr MLA, Minister for Communities and to Mr Simon Hamilton MLA, Minister for the Economy.

RESOLVED: On the approval of Councillor Thompson, seconded by Councillor Robinson, that an invitation be extended to Mr Paul Givan MLA, Minister for Communities and to Mr Simon Hamilton MLA, Minister for the Economy to the official launch of the Fermanagh Heritage Gateway Project at 4.00 pm on Thursday 22 September 2016 at Enniskillen Castle.

Councillor McNally re-entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

8.6 Official Opening of Workspace Units in Kinawley and Rosslea

The Director of Regeneration and Planning informed Members that it was proposed to have the official opening of the workspace units in Rosslea and Kinawley in the early Autumn and she requested approval for the arrangements for the events to be put in place and an invitation to the official openings to be sent to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister and to Mr Simon Hamilton MLA, Minister for the Economy.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor McColgan, seconded by Councillor Thompson, that an invitation be extended to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister and to Mr Simon Hamilton MLA, Minister for the Economy to attend the

10 Council Meeting – 28 July 2016 11 official opening of the workspace units in Kinawley and Rosslea. Dates for official openings to be confirmed.

The Director of Environment and Place advised Members that the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs was unable to attend the official opening of Irvinestown Recycling Centre on 24 August 2016 at 11.00 am, but that she would be represented by the Permanent Secretary at this event.


8.7 Somme/Guillemont Tour – 1-5 September 2016 - Page 25, Item 6.2

NOTED: that the following Councillors be nominated to attend the Somme/Guillemont Tour from 1-5 September 2016, namely Councillors Armstrong, J Coyle, Rainey, Robinson and the Chairperson Councillor Garrity.

9. Report of Policy & Resources Committee Meeting held on 14 July 2016

NOTED: that Paper E had been issued with the agenda.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Wilson, that the report of the Policy and Resources Committee be approved and adopted.

10. Matters Arising

10.1 Staff Matters - Page 19, Item 6

NOTED: that Paper F had been issued on 25 July 2016.

The Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development provided Members with a brief overview of Paper F outlining that the report related to a proposal originally considered at the Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 14 July 2016. She highlighted, that based on available working days of approximately 160,000 days per annum, the proposed changes to employee terms and conditions would result in a reduction in the available working days of 0.004%. If the Council were to employ cover for every additional annual leave day granted, this would increase the annual payroll bill by 0.004% i.e. approximately £82,000. She stated however that it was uncommon for the Council to employ annual leave cover unless in areas where it was essential for service delivery.

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RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Irvine, seconded by Councillor Thornton, that the Council approves the revised Employee Terms and Conditions as outlined in Paper F.

10.2 Correspondence – NILGOSC Review of the State Pension Age NI Seminar – 23 August 2016

NOTED: that details of the NILGOSC Review of the State Pension Age NI Seminar to be held on 23 August 2016 at 2.30pm in the Stormont Hotel, Belfast had been issued on 28 July 2016.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Baird, seconded by Councillor McAnespy, that Councillors Deehan and Thornton attend the Review of the State Pension Age Northern Ireland Seminar on 23 August 2016 in the Stormont Hotel, Belfast.

Councillor J Coyle re-entered and Councillor Warrington left and re-entered the meeting during consideration of the above report.

11. Report of Planning Committee Meeting held on 20 July 2016

NOTED: that Paper G had been issued on 28 July 2016.

The Chief Executive explained to Members that the late circulation of the Planning Committee minutes, which had only been issued earlier in the day, had been due to the Council meeting being scheduled, on this occasion, in close proximity to the Planning Committee. In light of the late circulation, the Chief Executive asked Members if they would like a recess to consider the minutes of the Planning Committee or if they were happy to proceed.

AGREED: that the meeting would proceed without a recess.

On the proposal of Councillor McNally, seconded by Councillor Thornton, that the report of the Planning Committee be taken as read.

Councillor Mahon left and re-entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

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12. Matters Arising

12.1 LA10/2016/0245/O – Dwelling House and Domestic Garage – Page 2, Item 3.1

In response to a comment from a Member, the Chief Executive confirmed that the Council’s Legal Advisers had been asked to consider recent case law in relation to in-fill sites with a view to holding a round-table discussion with Members and Officers.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor McCaffrey, seconded by Councillor Thornton, that prior to the September Planning Committee Meeting, an informal meeting of the Committee Members, relevant Officers and the Council’s Legal Adviser be convened to discuss current case law in relation to in-fill sites.

12.2 LA10/2015/0285/F - Greenfield site requiring re-grading of existing levels to form level plateau for new school campus with new site access road. To contain new Omagh Integrated Primary School building for 14 Classrooms with associated support accommodation with central open courtyard. Separate adjacent single classroom Nursery School building with Hard and Soft play areas. New Access Road, Car parking, Bus parking and drop off, footpaths, cycle path site boundary treatment, store and landscaping included – Page 14, Item 4.3

Members expressed ongoing concerns in relation to the Crevenagh Road, Omagh which was a main walking route to and from the schools and the town centre and presented risks to both pedestrians and vehicles. They requested that the Council write to TransportNI requesting that the road be widened and made safer for all users.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Thompson, seconded by Councillor Robinson, that further representations are made to TransportNI regarding safety concerns relating to the Crevenagh Road, Omagh.

Councillors J Coyle and Farrell left and re-entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

13. Delegation of Council Powers

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Gallagher, seconded by Councillor Warrington, that Council Powers are conferred to the Regeneration and Community Committee in September to consider the following matter:

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 Report on Final Draft of Preferred Options Paper for Local Development Plan

14. Correspondence

14.1 Department for Infrastructure – Flood Alleviation Budget

NOTED: that correspondence dated 6 July 2016 from the Department for Infrastructure regarding the Flood Alleviation Budget had been issued with the agenda.

A Member stated her disappointment at the change of time for the meeting with the Minister and asked that those attending the meeting include the issue on the Flood Alleviation budgetary allocation and the timeframe for alleviation measures on the meeting agenda.


Councillor McCann left the meeting during consideration of the above item.

14.2 George Best Belfast City Airport – Best Local Food and Drink Product in Northern Ireland Competition

NOTED: that correspondence dated 19 July 2016 from George Best Belfast City Airport regarding the Best Local Food and Drink Product in Northern Ireland Competition had been issued with the agenda.

The Director of Regeneration and Planning sought approval to respond to the above correspondence indicating that the Council would participate in the competition.

In response to a query from a Member, the Director of Regeneration and Planning stated that, as far as she was aware, there was no cost to the Council, however she would clarify this matter.

The Chief Executive advised Members that the next stage was the selection of three products to proceed to the second stage of the application process. He sought approval for selection of the products to be delegated to Council Officers. Members agreed to this request.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Councillor Gallagher, that the Council participates in the Best Local Food and Drink Product in Northern Ireland Competition.

Councillor McCann re-entered and Councillor Thompson left the meeting during consideration of the above item.

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14.3 Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs – The Rural Road Network

NOTED: that correspondence dated 20 July 2016 from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs regarding damage and repair of the rural road network in the Council area had been issued with the agenda.


14.4 Donegal County Council Resolution – North West Radiotherapy Unit

NOTED: that correspondence dated 21 July 2016 from Donegal County Council regarding a resolution passed in relation to the North West Radiotherapy Unit had been issued with the agenda.


14.5 ‘Women in Leadership in a Changing World’ Conference

NOTED: that details of the ‘Women in Leadership in a Changing World’ Conference to be held on 22 and 23 September 2016 in Riddel Hall, Queen’s University, Belfast had been issued with the agenda. The consensus of Members was that the most beneficial day to attend was 23 September. Attendance at the conference on Friday 23 September 2016 was £110 per person plus travel.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Deehan, seconded by Councillor McAnespy, that Councillor McAnespy attends on Friday 23 September 2016 only.

On the proposal of Councillor J Coyle, seconded by Councillor Wilson, that Councillor Shields attends on Friday 23 September 2016 only.

On the proposal of Councillor Baird, seconded by Councillor Thornton, that Councillor Armstrong attends on Friday 23 September 2016 only.

On the proposal of Councillor McColgan, seconded by Councillor A Feely, that Councillor D Coyle attends on Friday 23 September 2016 only.

14.6.1 Brexit ‘Making Sense of the Crisis’ Conference

NOTED: that details of the Brexit: ‘Making Sense of the Crisis’ Conference to be held on 6 September 2016 in Baby Grand, Grand Opera House, Belfast had been issued on 25 July 2016.


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14.6.2 Orlando Letter – Clarification from the Impartial Reporter

NOTED: that this item had been discussed earlier under Agenda Item 3 – Matters Arising (Item 3.6).

14.6.3 Northern Ireland Environment Agency – Marlbank Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) Invertebrate Monitoring

NOTED: that the above correspondence had been issued on 28 July 2016.



15.1 Stroke Unit, South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen

A Member referred to an article that had appeared in the local press regarding concerns relating to the future of the Stroke Unit at the South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen, which was rated as one of the best units of its kind in Europe. He requested that the Council write to the Minister for Health seeking assurances that the Stroke Unit would not be removed, but rather would be retained, developed and properly resourced.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Farrell, seconded by Councillor Robinson that representation is made to Mrs Michelle O’Neill MLA, Minister for Health seeking assurance that the Stroke Unit at the South West Acute Hospital would be retained, developed and properly resourced.

15.2 Badoney Development Partnership

A Member advised that representatives from Badoney Development Partnership had requested an opportunity to make a presentation to the Council to update Members on their ongoing work and proposals for the Gortin area.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor McNally, that an Informal Meeting with Badoney Development Partnership be scheduled.

Councillors Campbell, McCann and Rainey left the meeting during consideration of the above item.

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15.3 Schedule of Meetings for September 2016

In response to a request from a Member, the Chief Executive confirmed that the Schedule of Meetings would be reviewed and re-issued to Members.


15.4 Devenish Island

A Member raised concerns regarding the withdrawal of the ferry service from Trory to Devenish Island despite the fact that this service continued to be publicised. He also stated that he had received complaints on how untidy Devenish Island had become and he highlighted the need for further investment, both on the island itself and for roadways approaching the area.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Thornton, seconded by Councillor Irvine, that the Council makes representation to:- (i) The Northern Ireland Environment Agency regarding the withdrawal of ferry services to Devenish Island and the need for greater emphasis to be placed on keeping Devenish Island tidy; and (ii) Minister Michelle McIlveen MLA, Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs seeking major capital funding for Devenish Island to enhance approaching roadways and facilities on the island.

Councillor Smyth left the meeting during consideration of the above item.

15.5 Staff Shortages in the Western Health and Social Care Trust

Concerns were raised by a Member regarding the adverse impact understaffing, in many departments within the South West Acute Hospital was having on the provision of services, particularly in relation to understaffing of Doctors and Doctors-in-training.

Members also expressed concerns in relation to difficulties with recruitment of nursing staff including District Nurses, the significant workload placed on those who were working in the community as District Nurses due to the staff shortages in this specialism and the potential for a downturn in the number of young people choosing a career in nursing if the proposed withdrawal by the UK Government of Nursing bursaries is implemented.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Deehan, seconded by Councillor McAnespy, that the Council writes to the Western Health and Social Care Trust and the Department of Health regarding staff (doctor) shortages throughout various departments within the South West Acute Hospital and the impact these shortages have on service provision.

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RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor McAnespy, seconded by Councillor Farrell, that the Council writes to the Western Health and Social Care Trust and the Department of Health regarding the difficulties recruiting nursing staff, including district nurses.

Councillor Clarke left and Councillor Smyth re-entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.

15.6 Request from Northlands Addiction Treatment Centre

A Member requested that representatives from Northlands Addiction Treatment Centre be invited to a meeting to provide Members with an opportunity to inform the Council of services provided by the Centre.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor Deehan, seconded by Councillor Armstrong, that an Informal Meeting with Northlands Addiction Treatment Centre be scheduled to enable the Centre to appraise Members of the services they provide.

15.7 Enniskillen Castle Museums

A Member highlighted the need for coach parking at Enniskillen Castle and also the requirement for a jetty to enable boats to stop off at the Castle. This was particularly relevant for boats travelling to and from Devenish Island as the newly refurbished Enniskillen Castle Museum contained an exhibition on Devenish Island and a joined-up service between the two would benefit both.

RESOLVED: On the proposal of Councillor O’Reilly, seconded by Councillor Thornton, that the Council investigates: (i) Provision for coach parking at Enniskillen Castle; and (ii) Provision of a jetty that would act as a stop off point for water taxis going between the Museum and Devenish Island.

Councillors Baird, Deehan, McColgan and Smyth left the meeting, Councillor Clarke re-entered and Councillors Armstrong and Farrell left and re-entered the meeting during consideration of the above item.


AGREED: On the proposal of Councillor McCaffrey, seconded by Councillor O’Reilly, that the following reports are considered “In Committee”, as the reports contained information which was exempt from publication under the Local Government (Northern Ireland) Act 2014.

18 Council Meeting – 28 July 2016 19

The Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development left the meeting at this juncture.

The Chief Executive reported that during Confidential Business the Council considered and agreed the Confidential Minutes of the July Council Meeting and received an update report on the Drummee Contract dispute. He further advised that during Confidential Business the Council considered and adopted the Confidential Reports of the July Regeneration and Community Committee and the July Policy and Resources Committee and considered and agreed the Confidential Minutes of the July Planning Committee. He reported that verbal updates had been provided on the Station Green Regeneration Project and the annex to the rear of the Townhall.

The Director of Community, Health and Leisure reported that during Confidential Business the Council had also received an update on the ‘Call-In’ process for Quinn’s Corner, Carrickmore and the process going forward on this matter.

Councillor Wilson re-entered the meeting at this juncture.

The meeting concluded at 9.39 pm.

Signed: Chairman

Signed: Clerk and Chief Executive


19 Council Meeting – 28 July 2016