North Western Flood Risk Management Plan You can get a copy of this document in other formats, such as: • Large print • Braille • Audio CD • Computer disk • Other languages To get a copy of this document in another format contact Rivers Agency at: Tel: (028) 902 53355 Fax: (028) 902 53455 Email:
[email protected] Version 1: 22 December 2015 2 Foreword There have been a number of very significant flood events during the last ten years which have had severe impacts on homes and businesses throughout the Province highlighting the vulnerability of many communities to flooding. These are clear reminders of our reliance on our critical infrastructure so the finalisation of these Flood Risk Management Plans is to be warmly welcomed. Climate change projections indicate that we should expect more heavy rain in the future and so flood risk is also likely to increase. Add to this the fact that sea levels are rising and it can be quickly concluded that flood risk must be proactively managed across government, with meaningful engagement with communities that are vulnerable to flooding. If the weather events we have experienced recently become more common, then planning for flooding is critically important. The EU Directive on, “the Assessment and Management of Flood Risk” was introduced in 2007 and is widely referred to as the ‘Floods Directive’. This legislation has been transposed into local regulations and it sets out a systematic approach to managing flood risk. Firstly it requires Member States to carry out a national risk assessment to understand the flood hazards and, using this information, to identify the most vulnerable areas.