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Class of 1891

Roll of 1891: Thirty Years After

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Abbott, Howard To,vnsend, '88-'89; '91 l. Lawyer. 2219 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota.

t Allan, Harry I"'incoln, '87-'90. Died, in Cleveland, Ohio, 16 March. 1896.

Allen, Hilah Lock\vood, B. L. TeachPr. 522 Cedar Street, Niles, Michigan.

Ames, Hcl n Eloise, 187-'89. Mrs. Neil S. MacDonald. 100 Hubbell A venue, Houghton, Michigan.

Anderson, J~lizabeth Viola, '87-'88. Mrs. James Chalmers. Frainingham, Massachusetts. - Anthony, Daniel Read, '88-'89; '91 1. Newspaper publisher, and !\fember of Cong1·css. Leavenworth, Kansas.

Ashley, Frank Riley, B. S. (Chem.). President of Western Chemical Manu­ factu1ing Company. Edge"rater, Colo­ rado. Office, 306 Colorado National Bank Building, Denver.

Atkins, Sara Frances, '87-'88; A. B., Bryn Mawr, '93. Mrs. Thomas R. Kackley. 26 West Thirteenth Street, Indianapol­ is, Indiana..

1 Babcock, Charles Ebenezer, '87-'88; '91 1. Banking and lumber. Necedah, Wis­ consin. nailcy, George Ed,vin, '87-'88. Dundee, Illinois.

Baker, John White, '88-'89. Address?

Balchvin, Itolla Joseph, '87-'88; '93-'95 m; B. S., 'fexas, '93; M. D .. , University of Pennsylvania, '98. Austin, Texas.

Ballentine, Elnrna McAllan, A. B. Mrs. Theodore H. Hinchman. 1049 Seminole A venue, Detroit. See Hinch­ man.

Bancker, Mary Clark, Ph. B.; Ph. M. '92; A. M., Col um bi a, '06. Kirkla\vn Inn, Rye, New York.

Barber, Grant S., B. S. (Mining) Superintendent of Iron Mines on Goge­ bic Range for Cor1igan, McKinney and Company.. Bessemer, Michigan.

Barnes, Gertrude Laura, '87-'88. Present name and address?

Bates, Lafayette Hosmer, '87-'88; LL. B. '93. Romeo, Michigan.

.,... Besto1·, May, '87-'88. Mrs. Wetzhold. Address?

Detten, Dirk Lawrence, A. B.; B. A. and l\'I. A., Hope College, '90 and '94. Clergy­ man. Minaville, l\1ontgomery County, Ne\v Yo1·k.

Biscomb, Joseph, '87-'90. State Agent of National Loan and In­ vestment Company. Kalamazoo, Mich- 1gan..

-tl~lair, James, Jr., '87-'89; Mech. E. '94. !\'lining Engineer. Died, at Burnside, Pennsylvania, 29 August, 19-13.

Blodgett, Charles Luther, A. B. Teacher in public schools. 95 Dela,vare Place, Chicago.

Bogue, Ella, '87-~88. Mrs. William 'f. Dog~;ett, Danville, VirgJnia.

Bradley, Samuel Stewa1·t, '87-'89. General Manager Manufacturers' Air­ craft Association, Inc. 501 Fifth Ave­ n uc, Ne\v York. See Corn,vell.

B1·adt, Eugene Frank, '87-'88. Ca1·e of Jones and Laughlin Steel Con1- pany, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

3 tUradt, Ida \ 1 ictoria, '87-'88. l\il rs. Eugene F. Bradt. See above. Died 23 February 1916.

Brandon, George Russell, B. S. (Mech. E.). Ho1ne\vood, Illinois.

Bro\vn, Albert Sidney, A. B.; '91-'92 1. President Bro\vn School of Correspond­ ence. Salt Lake City, tah.

Brown, Albert Simon, B. S.; M. D., Univ. of Ill., :96. Physician and surgeon. 402 North Spring St1 eet, Elgin, Illinois.

Buick, l\tlinnie 'l'hornton, B. L. ~[rs. Charles Belden Van Dusen. 700 Virginia Park, Detroit.

Dull, Follett Wilkinson, '87-'89. La\vyer. 'l'l1e Rookery, Chicago, Ill- inois.

Bullock, Phebe Josepha, A. B. 'l'eacher and missionary. 81 La\vshe St1·eet, Atlanta, Georgia.

Burton, Guy Vincent, '87-'88. Occupation and address '?

Butler, Augustus Seymour, '87-'89; '91 1. Allegan, Michigan. Butler, Wolcott Hackley, Ph. B.; J,L. B. '87. Real estate and insurance. 1010 Mon­ roe Street, Ann Arbor.

Butzel, Henry Magnus, Ph. B.; LL. B. '92. La,vycr. 1012 Union '!'rust Building, Detroit.

"fCad\\rell, Fred George, A. B.; B. D., l\1Ic Cor111ick Theological Seminary, '94. Died, at Bay \Tie\\'", Michigan, 27 August, 1901.

Calkins, Alfred Stone, B. S. ( C. E.). 106 14,irst Avenue, Joliet, Illinois.

Campbell, Elizabeth Alma, Ph. B. 409 East Madison Street, Ann Arbor.

Campbell, William Clark, B. S.; LL. B.; A. B., Trinity University, '89, A. M., '91. Address?

Chadbourne, Theodore Lincoln, B. S.; 1\1. D. '94. Physician. Vinton, lo\Va.

Cheever, D\vight Bissell, B. S. (Mech. E.); LL. B. '96. Lawyer. 1133 Monadnock Building, Chicago.

Chesbrough, Harry Sylvester. 651 Park A venue, Beloit, Wisconsin.

5 Clark, Eda !\lay, B. L.; B. S. '97. l\'lrs. Julius 0. Schlotterbeck. 533 East Unh·ersity Avenue, Ann A1·bor. See Schlotterbeck.

Clark, Lucy Durfee, A. B. 1\1 rs. Frederick Ter1·y. Teacher 125 Main Street, Geneva, Nc'v York.

Clark, Susie Adelle, '87-'88. l\1rs. Louis W. Holladay. Address?

Clayton, Charil's F1·ancis, '87-'88; Ph. B., Harvard, '92; M. D., Rush, '97. Physician and surgeon. 11324 Mich­ igan Street, Pullman Station, Chicago.

Codd, George Pierre, A. B. Member of Congress, from Detroit.

Coleman, James Melville, A. B.; A. 1\1:. '92; A. B., Geneva College, '87; D. D., Geneva College. Lecturer in colleges and seminaries. 123 East Eighth Street, Bloomington, Indiana.

Cook, Marguerite Bammcl, B. L. l\1rs. Erl Vinton Beals. 638 Se\vard A venue, Detroit.

6 Cool y, 'fhomas Benton, A. B.; l\'I. D. '95. Physician, specializing in pediatrics. 367 Parker A venue, Detroit; office, Kresge Building.

Coolidge, Lucy, Ph. B. Mrs.. Frank Han1sher. Clayton, Miss- our1. tCoope1·, Leon Luxley, '87-'89. Dif'd, Louisville, Kentucky, 26 Ma1·ch, 1906.

Corn\vell, Genevieve, '87-'88, '89-'93. Mrs. Samuel Ste,vart Bradley. 501 Fifth AYenue, New York. See B1·adley.

Crosby, James Moseley, B. S. (E. E.) General insurance. 35 Ionia Avenue, North West, Grand Rapids.

Curtiss, George· Sears, A. B. 114 . North Street, Athens, Pennsyl- van1a.

Dean, Elizabeth Whitten, B. S. 916 Olivia Avenue, Ann Arbor.

DeFoe, Louis Vincent, B. L. Dramatic Critic, New York Morning World. 250 West 88th Street, New York.

7 1·Dcnney, George Walter, '87-'88. Died, at Knoxville, Tennessee, 19 Oct.. ober, 1916.

DcPuy, Clarence Elbe1't, B. S. (Mech. E.). Professor of Machine Construction, J,c,vis Institute, Chicago. 411 North Elm\vood A venue, Oak Park, Illinois.

Donald ~on, Robert Stuart, '87-'88. Manager, Toledo Agency, Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. 7 'l'remaine Court, Toledo, Ohio. t Donoghue, ,John Thoma~, '87-'89. Died, at LaSalle, Illinois, 25 March, 1898.

Dorsey, Daniel Layman, A. B.; B. M. E., Purdue, '90. Secretary-Treasurer of Phoenix Caster Company, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Dow, Earle Wilbur, A. B. Professor of European Histo1·y, Uni- vcrsity of Michigan. 664 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor.

Drew, Walter Schuyler, '87-'89; '89-'90 l. La\vyer. Hammondsport, Ne'v York, t Eagan, James Edward, '87-189. Died, in San Francisco, 6 July, 1908.

8 Effinger, John Robert, Ph. B.; Ph. M. '94; Ph. D. '98. Profes~or of French, and Dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, University of Michigan. 1035 Martin Place, Ann Arbor.

Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncc~1 , B. S. (Biol.); Ph. D., Chicago, '94. University of Illinois, College of Medicine, Chicago.

Filkins, Charles Edmund, B. L. Retired. 1217 Fussell Street, San Bernardino, California.

Fitch, n,vight Henry, '87-·ss. East Jordan, Michigan.

Fleming, Marie, A. B. Mrs. Frederick M. Sullivan. 87 orth Nor\vood Avenue, Buffalo, Ne\v York.

Fletch r, Emerson Armor, '87-'89; M. D., University of Pennsylvania, '92. 128 Wisconsin. Street, Mihvaukee, Wis- cons in. t Fountain, Ethel, Ph. B. lvlrs. W. J. Huss y. Died, jn Ann Ar­ bor, 28 September, 1915. ·i·Friedn1~n ., Carl l{imball, '87-'91; A. H. a~ of class of 1891, '13. Journalist. Died, at Buffalo, Ne\v York, 27 December, 1918. tGaige, Frederick She1·burne, Ph'. B.; B. S. and J\11. S., Hillsdale College. Died, in Ann Arbor, 6 June, 1911.

Gilbert, Ada Murray, '87-'90. Mrs. Fred B. Close. Ra1npart Apart- 1nent, I"'os Angeles, Cal ifornia.

Goodell, ~Iertie Leora, Ph. B. Water color artist. 420 South Fifth A venue, Ann Arbor.

Green, Bernard Lincoln, B. S. ( C. E.). Vice President of 1"'he Osborn Engin­ ecri11g Company. 2848 Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio.

Griffin, William Edgar, Ph. B.; LL. B. '93. La\vyer. 39 LaSalle Street, Chicago. tGrjggs, Arthur Horace, '87-'88. Died, at l\1eeker, Colorado, 27 Ma1·ch, 1906.

Grjswold, Roger Wisner, '87-'89. President Vulcan Motor Devices Com­ pany. Land Title Building, Philadel­ phia, Pennsylvania.

10 Groves, Fannie r¥1ay, '87-'89. 205 North 'l"hayer Street, Ann Arbor.

1-Guitcau, Franklin Walter, '87-'88. Died, at Ann A1·bor, 3 July, 1891.

tHalleck, Warren Hamilton, '87-'88. Dro\vned, at Holly, Michigan, 6 July, 1890.

Hammond, 1\'lathevv Brown, Ph. B.; ?.1. L., Wisconsin, '93; Ph. D., Columbia. '98. Professor of Economics, Ohio State University. 1127 Ashland Avenue, Colu1nbus, Ohio.

Hapgood, Hutchins, '87-'89. A. B., Harvard, '92; A. M., Harvard, '97. Author and journalist. Sp1·ing Lake, Ne\v Jersey. ·

Hardy, Orville Richard, B. S. President of Dixie Portland Cement Company. 1011 James Building, Chat­ tanooga, 1,ennessee. flarris, James Hugh, A. B. Superintendent of Schools, Dubuque, Io,va.

Hastings, Grace, B. S. Mrs. Dallas Lore Sharp. Hingham, lvlassach usetts, R. F. D. 2.

11 Hatch, llarry James, B. S. (C. E.). Colonel of Artillery, Army. Care of War Department, 'Vashington.

Hatch, Ii cl en l..1ouise, B. L.; 1\1. L. '93. 50 West Euclid Avenue, Detroit, Mich­ igan.

Ha\\·es, Clark Center, '87-'88; '86-'87d. Manufacturer and deale1· in weighing lnncl1inc. ·. 906 South 60th Street, and 11~7 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Penn­ ~YlYania., .

fle~ly, Walter Elhvard, A. B. l~lgin, Illinois.

1-Iibbard, Ida Z., B. L. l\Jlrs. Arthur F. E\·~nson. 2274 Como Avenue West, St. l'aul, Minnesota. llicronymus, Robert Enoch, '87-'88; A. B., Eureka College, '89; A. 1\1., Eureka, '90. Community Adviser, University of Ill- jnois. rbana, Illinois.

Hig·ley, George o~nvin, B. S. (Chem.): 1\1. S. '93; Ph. D. '05. Professor of Chemistry, Ohio Wesleyan University. Delawa1·e, Ohio. 12 fl· n, Charles, B. S. (Biol.) ; 1\1. ~. 92; Ph. D., Northwestern, '99; M. D., No1th­ 'vcstern, '02. Physician. Pre~ident of Chicago Hos­ pital College of Medicine, Chicago.

Hjnchn1an, Theodore Henry, A. B.; B. S. (Mech. E.) '93. Consulting engineer. Washington Ar­ cade, Detroit; home, 1049 Se1ninole A venue. See Ballentine.

tl-Iink~on, V\Tilliain ,James, B. S. (C. E.); B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., '88. Djcd, in Detroit, 26 October, 1891.

Holden, George Steadman, A. B.; '91-·93m. Automobile dealer. 9 Central Street, Palmer, l\1assach usctts. t HoldC'n, Liberty Dean, '87-'88. Died, in Cleveland, Ohio, 14 February, 1906.

Holmes, Glenn Woolsey, '87.'89. Occupation and address ?

Holmes, Lydia Day, Ph. B. 909 North Monroe Street, Bay City, Michigan.

Honnold, William Lincoln, '87-'88; B. S. and E. M., Michigan College of Mines, '92. 120 Broad"'ay, New York.

13 Hoyt, John T. Noye, B. S. (C. E.). Structural Enginee1·. 425 Chalmers Street, Detroit. tI-Iuhbard, William Frank, A. B .. Died, in Detrojt, 29 November, 1898.

Hutchinson, Franklin Simpson, '87-'91. Lawyer. 49 A1·cade Building, Roches­ ter, Ne\v York

Hyde, David Lancaster, '87-'88. Address ?

Jaine. on, John Alexander, A. B.; LL. B.. , North\vestem, '93. Lawyer. Pa1·k Lake, Montacito, Santa Barbara, Cali­ fornia.

Jay, Mary Adelaide, A. B. Mr!. Edgar H. Ballard. Instructor in Spanish, and Registrar, Earlham Col­ lege, Richmond, Indiana.

Jenks, Stilbnan George, B. S. (Chem.); M. S.,, Kalamazoo College, '11. Horticulturist. Shelby, Michigan.

Johnson, l,illian Wyckoff, A, B.; Ph. D., Cornell, '02. Teacher and community worker. Monteagle, 1."ennessee. Joslyn, Otis Wilbra, '87-'89; LL. B., ~1js­ souri, '98. Lawyer.. Charleston, l\1issourL l{eating, William Thaddeus, B. S. (C. E.); B. A., St. Ignatius College, Chicago, "87. Supe19intendent of construction for con­ tractors. 226 South LaSaHe Street, Chicago.

J{ebler, Lyman Frede1·ic, B. S. (Chem.); Ph. C. ;90; M. S. '92; M. D., George Wash­ ington University, '06. Chief of D111g Division, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agricultu1·e. Address, care Department of Agriculture. l{elley, Ed'\\1in Horace, '87-'88. Occupation and add1~css?

Kelly, William Byron, B. L .. ; LL. B.. , Cin­ cinnati, '94.. 8 Lenox Street, Chevy Chase, l\1a1·yland

Kendall, Arthur Jay, '87-'89, '92-'93; LL. M. '9'2. 421 Wesley Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois.

Kerl, Thon1as, A. B.; LL, B., Columbian (now George Washington) University, '94. Farmer. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho . • 15 Kerlin, I•~chva1·d Jefferis, '87-'88. Care of Sister Genevieve, St. Joseph "s Infirmary, Houston, 'rexas.

J{cyeg, John Pease, Ph. B., B. S. (Mech. E.) ,92. Lumber and engineering. Bend, Ore- gon. l(ing, I£dna Alexine Haskins, A. B.; B. Pd. and M. Pd., l\1ichigan Normal College, '91 and '96. Mrs. Har1·y Edwin King. 112 South Ingalls Street, Ann Arbor.

King, Ella WickeB, '87-'88, "89-'91. Mrs. William H~nry Walker. 1312 Seventh St1·eet South, Fargo, North Dakota. i-l{ing, Fred Echvard, '87-'90. Died, at Florence, Colorado, 13 Feb­ ruary, 1896.

King, Harry Ed'\vin, B. L.; Ph. D., '10; B. Pd. and M. Pd., Michigan Normal Col­ Lege, '91 and '96. 112 South Ingalls Street, Ann Arbor. See Edna King.

Kinnear, Lee Rock,vcll, '87-'88; '901. 1111 White Building, Seattle, Washing­ ton.

16 l(Jecnc, Gustav Adolphus, A. B.; Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania, '96. Professor of Economics, T1·inity Col­ lege, Hartford, Connecticut.

Knisely, Abraham Lincoln, B. S. (Chem.); M. S. '93. Care of Unjted States Food and Drug Laboratory. 3708 Cascadia Avenue, Seattle, Washington.

Krolik, Day, Ph. B .. Wholesale dry goods merchant; hon1c, 240 Rowena Street, Detroit. l.1amb, Chauncey Robert, '87-'89; '89-'901. Address?

Lamont, Robert Patterson, B. S. (C. E.). First Vice President American Steel Foundries, 1722 Judson ..#\venue, Chi­ cago.

Lan~, Ruth Winifr,ed, A. B.; A. M., Univer­ sity of Chicago, '02. 'feacher. 653 Willis Avenue West, De­ troit.

Leas, Nanon Fay, '87-'90. Mrs. Dean C. Worcester. 1274 Calle Agno, Manila , Philippines; care of American Philippine Company.

17 t Lewerenz, Alfred Courtney, A. B.; B. S. ( C. E.) 92. Civil Engineer, U. S. Navy. l)ied, in Detroit, 27 May, 1911.

Lc\vi s, Ed\vard Robert, B. L. Vice President United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. 47 Cedar Street, New York.

Lichty, David Martin, M. S.; Ph. D., Heidel­ berg, '06. Associate Professor of General Chemis­ try, University of Michigan. 922 Oli­ via Place, Ann Arbor. l )oughnane, Kittie, '87-'88. Mrs.. ''rheodore D. Halpin. Lapeer, ~lichigan. t Lovell, Harriett Agnes, A. B. Died, at l\farash, Turkey, 27 December, 1894.

J..,ovell, Mary Margaretta, '87-'88. Mrs. W. J. Smith. Address?

Lo\venhaupt, J essc, B. L. La,vyer. 5049 Drexel Boulevard, Hyde Park, Chicago.

Lo,vry, Florella Reid, '87-'88. Teacher. 109 Canfield A venue East, Detroit.

18 Mack, Robert Lincoln, '87-'88. Address?

Mahan, Grant, B. L. Manufacturer. Omaja, 01ientc, Cuba. tMaris, Willard Lorraine, B. S.; '91-'92m; B. S., Swarthmore, '90. Died, in Philadelphia, Pennsy1vanja, 11 December, 1895.. ~..

Marshall, Ernst, '87-'90. Electrical engineer, Great No1 hem Railway. 262 South Hainline A nue, St. Paul, Minnesota. '

McCracken, James Rowan, '87-'88; M·.. D.1 Detroit, '92. Frede1ick, Colorado. t l\tlcDonald, Marion, A. B.; A. B., Albion, '80. Died, at Shelbyville, Michigan, 3 F'ebruary, 1892.

McGraw, Harrison Beecher, A. B. Attorney at Law. 2659 Wellington Road, Cleveland, Ohio. ~

Mc,Graw, Thomas Arthur, '87-'88. Manufacturer. 8353 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit.

McLaughlin, John Aloysius, B. L. Muskegon, Michigan.

19 fiVlcSv:ccncy, Amelia Elizabeth, A. B. lJi d, in Ann Arbor, 4 January, 1914.

~le Voy, Martin, Jr., '87-'90. Addre~s? l\'Ieader, Clarence Linton, A. D.; Ph. D., 1\1 unich, 1902. Prof ssor of Latin, Sanskrit, and General Linguistics, Uni­ YPr~ity of Michigan. 1941 Geddes A venue, Ann Arbor.

i" ~,rleiser, Clara l\'1arie, Ph. B. Mrs. Joseph K. Freitag. Died, at Ja- 1na.ica Plains, Massachusetts, 25 Janu- ary, 1914. '

!\Ietheny, Sainuel Alexander Sterrett, A. Il.; A. B. and A. M., Geneva College, '90 and '94; M. D., J etferson Medical Col­ lege, '94; Ivl us. Doc., Geneva, '12. I>hy~ician. 617 North 43rcl Street, Philadelphia.

Middlekauff, Charles Wilbur, '87-'89; '911. Supreme Court, Springfield, Illinois.

Mighell, Ida, Ph. B. Teacher. Principal of Bryant School, Chicago. 3413 West Jackson Boule­ vard.

20 l\iiller, George Edv."ard, '87-'88; '901. Jones, Michigan. l\I ill er, J cnn:e l\'Iaud, Ph. B. Mrs. Charles Curtis Cutting, 428 Stu::ut Avenue, l{a1amazoo, Michigan.

~loo1'e, Reuben Rice, A. B. Salt manufacturer. 1213 Oakland Ave­ nue, St. Clair, Michigan.

1VI0 ~~1nan, Fault Ph. B. Iron an

Munn, Loyal Levi, A. B. ~lanuf acturer. 263 Stephenson St1·eet, Fr eport, Illinois. l\'Iurphy, Ed,vard Joseph, B. S. (C. E.) ;A. B., St. Ignatius College, Chicago. 52 B1·oalhYay, Room 926, Te\v York.

ichols, Walter Hammond, B. S. (Cheiu.): A. M., ColumbLa, '01. Superintendent of Schools. 1345 Webster Street, Palo Alto, California.

Oakley, Flora, A. B .. Mrs. Leroy• L. J an1es. .i\.ddress? .:?1 Olney, Frank Burt, '87-'91. President of Ludington Milling Com­ pany. Ludington, Michigan.

Osborn, David Loran, A. B.; Ph. D., Chica­ go, '00. Profe~sor of Sociology, Colorado Uni­ versity, Boulder, Colorado.

Page, Benjamin Eld1idge, A. B. General Manager of D. D. D. Company. 3845 Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago.

Paine, Sarah Adelaide, '87-'90. Mrs. Austin Elgin Wilber. 520 Hamil­ ton Place, Ypsilanti, Michjgan.

Palmer, Walter Truman, A. B.; A. M., Ph. D., Illinois Wesleyan, '01-'02. Life and Accident Insurance. Shingle­ house, Pennsylvania.

t Park, Samuel Culver, '87-'91; A. B. as of Class of 1891, '11. Jeweler. Died, at Salt Lake City, tah, 1920.

Parker, Lucy Anna, '87-'88. Mrs. G. Carl Huber, 1330 Hill Street, Ann Ai·bor.

t Pearson, Eleanor Brooks, A. B. Mrs. F. H. Bartlett. Died, in New York, 15 November, 1909. ll Pennington, IIenry Frank, '87-'88; '901. Care Chicago Law School.

Phillips, Nellie Genevieve, Ph. B. Teacher. 2467 Cass Avenue, Detroit. tPierce, Ne\vton Ba1·ris, '87-'89. Vegetable Pathologist. On staff of Pa­ cific Coast Laboratory and Wild Plant Improvement Gardens, U. S. Depart­ ment of Agriculture, Santa Ana, Cal­ ifornia. Died, at Santa Ana, 13 Octo­ ber, 1916. tPlant, William David, A. B. Resident Manager of the Chiapas Rub­ ber Plantation Company. Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. Died, at Saratoga, California, 16 ?\ilarch, 1916. tPray, D\\right Alfred, '87-'89; '911. Died, at Redlands, California, 3 Decem­ ber, 1900.

Pritchard, Bertha Edna, Ph. B. Mrs. Charles R. Wilkes. Allegan, Michigan.

Pritchard, Statia, '87- ~88. Mrs. William N. Ourslee. Odebolt, lo\\"a.

23 Rebcc, George, Ph. B.; Ph. D. '97. Cnre of the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg·on.

Reid, Rob rt Ivlinard, A. B. 2 <;azette Building·, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

·;·Rich, Albert Dykeman, Ph. B. Died, at sea, 22 January, 1896.

Richmond, Frede1ic Stephen, B. S. ( E. E.). 175 North Divi·sion StJ·eet, Chicago.

Riker, Abraham Linderman, '87-'89; '90-'911 Ca1·e of Nc,vcon1b-Endicott Company, Detroit.

Roberts, Ed\vin J., '87-'88. Ho1tonville, Indiana.

Robertson, Eugene Herbert, Ph. B.; Ph. l\'1. '93; M. D. '95. Physician and surgeon. Boulder, Colo­ rado.

Robertson, James, B. S. In Nautical Almanac Office, Washing·­ ton, D. C.

Hobeson, Opal, Ph. B. Mrs. Edward Siger:foos. 330 Fourth Street, Greenville, Ohio. Robinson, Thomas E

Rogers, Emma Winner, B. L. M1·s. Henry Wade Rogers. Care of Honorable Henry Wade Rogers, Post­ office Building, New York. l\lr.. Rogers is United States District Judge. tRoot, Cora Adele, '87-'88. 1\'lrs. William H. Rea. Died, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 8 April, 1895.

Ro,ve, George flerbert, B. S. ( E. E~). Consulting Engineer. Ber\vyn, Illinois.

Ryburn, William Forsythe, '87 ... '88; D. D. S. (lo\va) ''91. Milford, Illinois.

Sackett, Robert Lemuel, B. S. (C. E.); C. E. '91 6. Dean, Department of Engineering, Pennsylvania State College.

Sanborn, Mary Eliza, Pl1. B. Mrs. S. lr'Ving Richardson. San Gabri­ el, California. 25 tSchlottc1·beck, Julius Otto, B. S. (Chem.); Ph. C. '87;. Ph. D., Berne, '96. Professor of Pharmacognosy and Bota­ ny, and Dean of the College of Phar­ macy, University of Michigan, at time of h!s death. Died, at Ann Arbor, 1 .June, 1917. See Eda May Clark.

Schmidt, Carl August Lud,vig, '87-'88. Address? tScott, ,John Travers, '87-'88. Died, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 11 November, 1891. tScovel, Sylvester Henry, '87-'90. Died, at Havana, Cuba, 12 February, 1905.

Shafer, Morgan Clement, '87-'88; '911. Findlay, Ohio. tShartau, Gustavus Adolphus, Ph. B. Professor of Mathematics and Dean of Men, Oakland City College, Oakland, Indiana. Died, at Chicago, 16 June, 1918.

Sheldon, Hudson, A. B.; A. M. '99. Head of Department of Science, Lowell High School, San Francisco, California. 630 Third A venue, San Francisco.

2b "tShern1an, Ida May Ives, '87-'89 .. Mrs. Charles F. Wo1neldorf. Died, at Racine, Wisconsin, 28 August, 1907.

Sherman, Penoyer Levi, '87-'90; Ph. D., Mu­ nich, '95. Chemist and assistant manager of the Bokidnon Company, and othe1· enterpri­ ~cs of The Pbilippine Company, under D. C. Worcester, Cebu, Philippine Islands.

Sherman, Samuel Stevens, B.. S. Vice-President and General Manager, Denver Publishing Company, Denver, Colorado.

Shocmake1·. Herbert Bradish, A. B.; LL. B. '92. Lawyer. Phoenix, Arizona.

Shuler, Da1ius Parsons, B. S. (Chern.); Ph. C. '87. Metallurgist. Address?

Smalley, James Burt, '87-'90. Sales Manager. 1008 Church Street, Ann Arbor. tSmith, Edward Hurd, Ph. B. Died, Eddy, New Mexico, 20 March, 1896. Smith, Herbert Scott, A. B.; A. B., Har­ vard, '92; S. T. B., Cambridge, '96. Clergyman. Washington, D. C.

27 Sprague, Kate Laura, Ph. Il. 208 West Franklin Street, Jackson, Michigan.

Sprague, Laura Eunice, Ph. B. 1'eacher of English and History, Eras­ mus Hall High School, Brooklyn, Ne'v York. 580 East 21st Street, Brooklyn.

Starr, Harry Alonzo, '87-'88. Druggist. Santa Barbara, California. tStatler, lierbert Otto, ,87-'88; '92m. Physician. Died, at Kalamazoo, Mich­ jgan, 29 l\1arch, 1914.

Stayt, Annette, B .. L. Annette Stayt liall, Kettle Falls, Washington.

Stayt, Grace Adele, Ph. B. Instructor in Engli~h and Dean of Wo­ men, Knox College, since 1902. Whit­ ing Hall, Galesburg, Illinois.

Steiger, Frank Alexander, '87-'89. Civil Engineer. Vacaville, California.

Stillman, Paul Edwin, A. B. Edito1· and Publisher of 'Ille Jefferson Bee, a '\\'eekly newspaper, Jefferson, Io,va. .. Storke, Albert French, '87- 88; ~I. D., Chi­ cago, Hahn., '90. Physician and surgeon. 801 Washing­ ton Boulevard, Oak Park, Illinois.

Stuart, Margaret Jennie, '87-'89. MrR. Louis M. Sweet. 11 Park Avenue l\iit. Vernon, Nev.r York.

Stull, John McDonald, '87-'90. La,vyer. 46 City Hall, Rochester, Ne''" York.

Sumner, Katherine Eliza, Ph. B.; Ph. l\i. '96. 1\ilrs. Walter A. Cutler, R. D. 2, Grass Lake, 1\1ichigan.

Thayer, Rufus Calvin, Ph. B. Lav1yer. Hobart Building and 57 Post

Street, San Francisco, California. Thorpe, Edgar Miller, Ph. B. Publisher. Lansing, 1\1ichigan.

Tressler, Albert Willis, A. B. President, Bank of the Con1n1on\\·ealth, l\1ad! son, Wisconsin.

1"ro\vbridge, Edward D\vight, '87-'88. Industrial Engineer. 230 Parker Ave­ nue, Detroit. t'frun1bull, Ly1nan Benjamin, Ph. B. La\\1 yer. Jackson, Michigan. Died, fro1n auton1obile accident near Jackson, 10 July, 1920.

'l'ryner, Alice Freeman, ·s7-'88. 1\ilrs. Rowland Watkin Evans. Bloo1u­ ington, Illinois.

·;·'rurnbull, William Hall, A. B. Dietl, in Vancouver, British Coltuubia, 5 Ap1·il, 1916.

'futhill, Gab1·iel Cooley, B. S. (C. E.). 605 West Bethune Street, Detroit.

Van A1·sdale, John Arthur, A. B.; LL. B. '92. La\vyer. 1212 Prudential Building, Buffalo, Ne\v Y 01·k; home, 22 Soldiers Place .. Van Deman, Esther Boise, A. B.; A. !vi. '92; Ph. D., Chicago., '98. Piazza Esquilino 12, , ; or care of Carnegie Institution, Washing­ ton, D. C.

Van Syckle, Raymond Elmoine, B. S.; M. S. '95; LL. B. '95. La\vyer. 1729 Ford Building, Detroit. t \l' 001·hees, Martin, '87-'89. Died, at Tacoma, Washington, 17 No­ vember, 1903.

30 Wade, Gertrude Sibbald, '87-'92, 93-'94. Mrs. Walter F. Slocum, 5604 Ken,vood Avenue, Chicago.

\.Yade, Mulfo1·d, '86-'91. Life insurance, stocks and bonds. 714 Second National Bank Building, Akron, Ohio.

Walker, George l\Iorton, B. S. ( C. E.). Civil Engineer. !3316 Windsor Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri.

Walker, Thaddeus Henry, '87-'90; 1\-i. D., Detroit, '93. Physician, i·etired. Wal­ kerville, Ont~rio.

\Valw·orth, Albert, '87-'90. l(an~as City, Missouri.

\VarnPr, Ed,,rard Dodge, B. I'"'. R al estate. Care of W. H. Butler, .A.nn Arbor.

'Varrcn, Charles Beecher, Ph. B; A. l\L (Ho11orary), '16; LL. B., Detroit, '93. LaiNyer. 904 Union Trust Building·, Detroit.

Warriner, Eugene Clarence, A. B.; A. l'tf. (Honorary), '12. President of Central l\iichigan Norn1al School, Mt. Ple2sant, 1\1ichigan. See Ellen Wheeler. Watrous, l\farion Isabel, B. L. Mrs. James R. Angell. Care of the President, Yale University, N e\v Haven, Connecticut. tWatson, Joseph A., '87-'89. Died, at Lockv1ood, Michigan, 5 Febru­ ary, 1893.

Webste1·, Charlotte Huntington, '87-'89. Mrs. J. A. Ho\vell. 36 East Avenue, l\fiddleto\vn, New York.

Wheeler, Alice Be1tha, '87-'88. Mrs. Robert Webber Moore. Hamil- ton, Ne\v York.

Wheeler, Ellen, A. B. n·1rs. Eugene C. Warriner. Mt. Pleas­ ant, Michigan. See \Varriner.

Wilhartz, \Villiam, B. L.; LL. B., Chicago College of La\\1 , '92. La,vyer. 76 West Monroe Street, Chi­ cago.

Wilkinson, Thomas Lee, B. S. (Mech. E.). Consulting enginee1~. 404 Boston Building, Denver, Colorado.

Wilson, Edwa1·d Markley, '87-'89. Insurance, real estate, and loans. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Wood, Lt'slie Henry, A. B; 1\1. A., Universi­ ty of Chicago, '01. Head of Department of Geography, Western State Normal, ]{alamazoo, Michigan.

Woodworth, Ed\vard James, A. B. Secretary-Treasurer of Jackson-Auk­ ney Manufacturing Company. R. F. D. 5, Fort Collins, Co1orado. ACCORDING TO PLACE Arizona Phoenix: Shoemaker.

California See Pacific Coast.

Canada Walkerville, Ontario: Walker.

Colorado Boulder: Osborn, E. H. Robertson. Colorado Springs : Reid. D,enver: Ashley, Sam Sherman, Wilkin­ son. 'F'ort Collins: Woochvorth. Frederick: McCracken.

Connecticut Hartford: Kleenc. Ne'\V Haven: Marion Watrous Angell.

Cuba Omaja: Mahan.

Georgia Atlanta: Phebe Bullock. Idaho Coeur d'Alene: Kerl. lllinoi : Chicago and Vicinity Blodgett, Brandon, Bull, Cheever, Clay­ ton, DePuy, Eycleshymer, Griffin, Hill, Keating, Kendall, Lamont, IJo\ven­ haltpt, Ida Mighcll, Page, Pennington, Richmond, Ro\ve, Storkc, Gertrude Wade Slocum, W ilhartz.

Illinois Bloomington: Alice Tryner EYans. Dundee: Bailey. Elgin: W. S. Bro,vn, Healy. Freeport: l\1unn. Galesburg: Grace Stayt. •Joliet: Calkins. Milford: Ryburn. Springfield: Mjcldlckauff. Urbana: Hieronymus.

Indiana Bloomington: Coleman. Fort Wayne: Mossman, Wilson. Hortonville: Roberts. Indianapolis: Sara Atkins J{ackley, Dorsey. Richmond: Mary Jay Ballard.

Iowa Jefferson: Stilhnan. Odebolt: Statia Pritchard Ours1ce. Vinton: Chadbourne.

Italy Rome:Esther Boise Van Deman. l{ansa~ Leaven,vortb: Anthony. l\faryland Chevy Chase: Kelly.

.l\lassachusetts Framingham: Elizabeth Anderson Chalme11 s. Hingham: Grace Hastings Sharp. Palmer: G. S. Holden. l\iichigan: Ann· Arbor W .. H. Butler, Elizabeth Campb 11, Eda Clark Schlotterbeck, Elizabeth Dean, Dow, Effinger, Mertie Goodell, Fannie M. G1·oves, Mr. and Mrs. King, Lichty, Meader, Lucy Pa1·ker H ube1·, Smalley, Warner.

}liehi gan: Detroit Minnie Buick Van Dusen, Butzel, Codd, Marguerite Cook Beals, Cooley, Helen Louise Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Hinchman, Hoyt, l{rolik, Ruth Winifred Lane, Florella R. I.10\vry, Arthur McGraw, Nellie G. Phillips, Riker, Tuthill, Trow­ bridge, Van Syckle, Wa1Ten~ l\lichigan Allegan: A. S. Butler, Bertha Pritchard Wilkes. Bay City: Lydia Holmes. Bellevue: Robinson. Besseme1·: Barber. East Jordan: Fitch. Grand Rapids: Crosby. Grass Lake: J{athe1ine Sumner Cutler. Houghton: Helen Ames McDonald. Jackson: Kate L. Sprague. Jones: George E. Miller. Kalamazoo: Biscomb, Jennie l\1aud l\ililler Cutting, Wood. Lansing: 1 horp . Lapeer: Kittie Loughnane Hal pin. Ludington: Olney. Muskegon: McLaughlin. Mt. Pleasant: Mr. and Mrs. Warriner. Niles: Hilah L. Allen. Romeo: Bates. St. Clair: Moore. Shelby: Jenks. Ypsilanti: Sarah Paine Wilber.

~1innesota Duluth: Abbott. St. Paul: Ida Hibbard Evenson, 1\far­ shall.

Missouri Charleston: Joslyn. Clayton: Lucy Coolidge Hamsher. l{ansas City: G. !\JI. Walker, Walwo1·th.

New Jersey Spring Lake: Hapgood.

37 New \"'ork: New York and Brooklyn Ma1·y Bancker, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, DeFoe, Honnold, Lewis, Murphy, Em1na Winner Rogers, Laura E. Spra­ gue.

New York Buffalo: Marie }i,len1ing Sullivan, Van Arsdale. Geneva; Lucy Clark Terry. Ha1nilton: Alice Wheeler Moore. Hammondsport; Drew. lVliddletown: Cha1·lotte Webster Ho"veU Minaville: Betten. Mt. Ve1non: Margaret Stuart Sweet. Rochester: Hutchinson, Stull.

North Dakota Fargo: Ella l{ing \Valke1.

Ohio Akron: Wade. Cleveland: Green, Ha1~ry McGra\v. Colun1bus: Hammond. Delaware: Higley. F"in

Pacific Coast Filkins, Ada Gilbert Close, Jameson. l{eyes, Kinnear, Knisely, Nichols, Flora Oakley James, Rebec, Mary Sanborn l{ichardson, Sheldon, Starr, Annette St.lyt H:Jl, Steiger, Thay i·.

.:.>.. Pennsylvania Athens: Curtiss. Pittsburgh: Bradt. Philadelphia: Gris,vold, Ha\\1 cs, l\f cth­ eny. Shinglehouse: Palmer. State ColJegc: Sackett.

Philippines Nanon Leas Worcester, P. L. Sher­ man.

Tennessee Chattanooga: Hardy. l\1onteagle: Lillian Johnson.

Texas Austin: Baldwin. Houston: Kerlin.

Utah Salt Lake City: A. S. Bro\\'11. Virginia Danville: Ella Bogue Doggett.

W ashinigton D. C. Kebler, James Robertson, H. S. Smith.

Wisconsin Beloit: Chesbrough. Madison: Tressler. Milwaukee: Fletcher. Necedah: Babcock.
