University of Michigan Law School University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository Yearbooks & Class Year Publications Law School History and Publications Class of 1891 Roll of 1891: Thirty Years After Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.law.umich.edu/class_pubs Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation "Roll of 1891: Thirty Years After" (1891). Yearbooks & Class Year Publications. 9. https://repository.law.umich.edu/class_pubs/9 This Directory is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History and Publications at University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks & Class Year Publications by an authorized administrator of University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Abbott, Howard To,vnsend, '88-'89; '91 l. Lawyer. 2219 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota. t Allan, Harry I"'incoln, '87-'90. Died, in Cleveland, Ohio, 16 March. 1896. Allen, Hilah Lock\vood, B. L. TeachPr. 522 Cedar Street, Niles, Michigan. Ames, Hcl n Eloise, 187-'89. Mrs. Neil S. MacDonald. 100 Hubbell A venue, Houghton, Michigan. Anderson, J~lizabeth Viola, '87-'88. Mrs. James Chalmers. Frainingham, Massachusetts. - Anthony, Daniel Read, '88-'89; '91 1. Newspaper publisher, and !\fember of Cong1·css. Leavenworth, Kansas. Ashley, Frank Riley, B. S. (Chem.). President of Western Chemical Manu­ factu1ing Company. Edge"rater, Colo­ rado. Office, 306 Colorado National Bank Building, Denver. Atkins, Sara Frances, '87-'88; A. B., Bryn Mawr, '93. Mrs. Thomas R. Kackley. 26 West Thirteenth Street, Indianapol­ is, Indiana.. 1 Babcock, Charles Ebenezer, '87-'88; '91 1. Banking and lumber. Necedah, Wis­ consin. nailcy, George Ed,vin, '87-'88. Dundee, Illinois. Baker, John White, '88-'89. Address? Balchvin, Itolla Joseph, '87-'88; '93-'95 m; B. S., 'fexas, '93; M. D .. , University of Pennsylvania, '98. Austin, Texas. Ballentine, Elnrna McAllan, A. B. Mrs. Theodore H. Hinchman. 1049 Seminole A venue, Detroit. See Hinch­ man. Bancker, Mary Clark, Ph. B.; Ph. M. '92; A. M., Col um bi a, '06. Kirkla\vn Inn, Rye, New York. Barber, Grant S., B. S. (Mining) Superintendent of Iron Mines on Goge­ bic Range for Cor1igan, McKinney and Company.. Bessemer, Michigan. Barnes, Gertrude Laura, '87-'88. Present name and address? Bates, Lafayette Hosmer, '87-'88; LL. B. '93. Romeo, Michigan. .,... Besto1·, May, '87-'88. Mrs. Wetzhold. Address? Detten, Dirk Lawrence, A. B.; B. A. and l\'I. A., Hope College, '90 and '94. Clergy­ man. Minaville, l\1ontgomery County, Ne\v Yo1·k. Biscomb, Joseph, '87-'90. State Agent of National Loan and In­ vestment Company. Kalamazoo, Mich- 1gan.. -tl~lair, James, Jr., '87-'89; Mech. E. '94. !\'lining Engineer. Died, at Burnside, Pennsylvania, 29 August, 19-13. Blodgett, Charles Luther, A. B. Teacher in public schools. 95 Dela,vare Place, Chicago. Bogue, Ella, '87-~88. Mrs. William 'f. Dog~;ett, Danville, VirgJnia. Bradley, Samuel Stewa1·t, '87-'89. General Manager Manufacturers' Air­ craft Association, Inc. 501 Fifth Ave­ n uc, Ne\v York. See Corn,vell. B1·adt, Eugene Frank, '87-'88. Ca1·e of Jones and Laughlin Steel Con1- pany, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 3 tUradt, Ida \ 1 ictoria, '87-'88. l\il rs. Eugene F. Bradt. See above. Died 23 February 1916. Brandon, George Russell, B. S. (Mech. E.). Ho1ne\vood, Illinois. Bro\vn, Albert Sidney, A. B.; '91-'92 1. President Bro\vn School of Correspond­ ence. Salt Lake City, tah. Brown, Albert Simon, B. S.; M. D., Univ. of Ill., :96. Physician and surgeon. 402 North Spring St1 eet, Elgin, Illinois. Buick, l\tlinnie 'l'hornton, B. L. ~[rs. Charles Belden Van Dusen. 700 Virginia Park, Detroit. Dull, Follett Wilkinson, '87-'89. La\vyer. 'l'l1e Rookery, Chicago, Ill- inois. Bullock, Phebe Josepha, A. B. 'l'eacher and missionary. 81 La\vshe St1·eet, Atlanta, Georgia. Burton, Guy Vincent, '87-'88. Occupation and address '? Butler, Augustus Seymour, '87-'89; '91 1. Allegan, Michigan. Butler, Wolcott Hackley, Ph. B.; J,L. B. '87. Real estate and insurance. 1010 Mon­ roe Street, Ann Arbor. Butzel, Henry Magnus, Ph. B.; LL. B. '92. La,vycr. 1012 Union '!'rust Building, Detroit. "fCad\\rell, Fred George, A. B.; B. D., l\1Ic Cor111ick Theological Seminary, '94. Died, at Bay \Tie\\'", Michigan, 27 August, 1901. Calkins, Alfred Stone, B. S. ( C. E.). 106 14,irst Avenue, Joliet, Illinois. Campbell, Elizabeth Alma, Ph. B. 409 East Madison Street, Ann Arbor. Campbell, William Clark, B. S.; LL. B.; A. B., Trinity University, '89, A. M., '91. Address? Chadbourne, Theodore Lincoln, B. S.; 1\1. D. '94. Physician. Vinton, lo\Va. Cheever, D\vight Bissell, B. S. (Mech. E.); LL. B. '96. Lawyer. 1133 Monadnock Building, Chicago. Chesbrough, Harry Sylvester. 651 Park A venue, Beloit, Wisconsin. 5 Clark, Eda !\lay, B. L.; B. S. '97. l\'lrs. Julius 0. Schlotterbeck. 533 East Unh·ersity Avenue, Ann A1·bor. See Schlotterbeck. Clark, Lucy Durfee, A. B. 1\1 rs. Frederick Ter1·y. Teacher 125 Main Street, Geneva, Nc'v York. Clark, Susie Adelle, '87-'88. l\1rs. Louis W. Holladay. Address? Clayton, Charil's F1·ancis, '87-'88; Ph. B., Harvard, '92; M. D., Rush, '97. Physician and surgeon. 11324 Mich­ igan Street, Pullman Station, Chicago. Codd, George Pierre, A. B. Member of Congress, from Detroit. Coleman, James Melville, A. B.; A. 1\1:. '92; A. B., Geneva College, '87; D. D., Geneva College. Lecturer in colleges and seminaries. 123 East Eighth Street, Bloomington, Indiana. Cook, Marguerite Bammcl, B. L. l\1rs. Erl Vinton Beals. 638 Se\vard A venue, Detroit. 6 Cool y, 'fhomas Benton, A. B.; l\'I. D. '95. Physician, specializing in pediatrics. 367 Parker A venue, Detroit; office, Kresge Building. Coolidge, Lucy, Ph. B. Mrs.. Frank Han1sher. Clayton, Miss- our1. tCoope1·, Leon Luxley, '87-'89. Dif'd, Louisville, Kentucky, 26 Ma1·ch, 1906. Corn\vell, Genevieve, '87-'88, '89-'93. Mrs. Samuel Ste,vart Bradley. 501 Fifth AYenue, New York. See B1·adley. Crosby, James Moseley, B. S. (E. E.) General insurance. 35 Ionia Avenue, North West, Grand Rapids. Curtiss, George· Sears, A. B. 114 . North Street, Athens, Pennsyl- van1a. Dean, Elizabeth Whitten, B. S. 916 Olivia Avenue, Ann Arbor. DeFoe, Louis Vincent, B. L. Dramatic Critic, New York Morning World. 250 West 88th Street, New York. 7 1·Dcnney, George Walter, '87-'88. Died, at Knoxville, Tennessee, 19 Oct.. ober, 1916. DcPuy, Clarence Elbe1't, B. S. (Mech. E.). Professor of Machine Construction, J,c,vis Institute, Chicago. 411 North Elm\vood A venue, Oak Park, Illinois. Donald ~on, Robert Stuart, '87-'88. Manager, Toledo Agency, Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. 7 'l'remaine Court, Toledo, Ohio. t Donoghue, ,John Thoma~, '87-'89. Died, at LaSalle, Illinois, 25 March, 1898. Dorsey, Daniel Layman, A. B.; B. M. E., Purdue, '90. Secretary-Treasurer of Phoenix Caster Company, Indianapolis, Indiana. Dow, Earle Wilbur, A. B. Professor of European Histo1·y, Uni- vcrsity of Michigan. 664 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor. Drew, Walter Schuyler, '87-'89; '89-'90 l. La\vyer. Hammondsport, Ne'v York, t Eagan, James Edward, '87-189. Died, in San Francisco, 6 July, 1908. 8 Effinger, John Robert, Ph. B.; Ph. M. '94; Ph. D. '98. Profes~or of French, and Dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, University of Michigan. 1035 Martin Place, Ann Arbor. Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncc~1 , B. S. (Biol.); Ph. D., Chicago, '94. University of Illinois, College of Medicine, Chicago. Filkins, Charles Edmund, B. L. Retired. 1217 Fussell Street, San Bernardino, California. Fitch, n,vight Henry, '87-·ss. East Jordan, Michigan. Fleming, Marie, A. B. Mrs. Frederick M. Sullivan. 87 orth Nor\vood Avenue, Buffalo, Ne\v York. Fletch r, Emerson Armor, '87-'89; M. D., University of Pennsylvania, '92. 128 Wisconsin. Street, Mihvaukee, Wis- cons in. t Fountain, Ethel, Ph. B. lvlrs. W. J. Huss y. Died, jn Ann Ar­ bor, 28 September, 1915. ·i·Friedn1~n ., Carl l{imball, '87-'91; A. H. a~ of class of 1891, '13. Journalist. Died, at Buffalo, Ne\v York, 27 December, 1918. tGaige, Frederick She1·burne, Ph'. B.; B. S. and J\11. S., Hillsdale College. Died, in Ann Arbor, 6 June, 1911. Gilbert, Ada Murray, '87-'90. Mrs. Fred B. Close. Ra1npart Apart- 1nent, I"'os Angeles, Cal ifornia. Goodell, ~Iertie Leora, Ph. B. Water color artist. 420 South Fifth A venue, Ann Arbor. Green, Bernard Lincoln, B. S. ( C. E.). Vice President of 1"'he Osborn Engin­ ecri11g Company. 2848 Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Griffin, William Edgar, Ph. B.; LL. B. '93. La\vyer. 39 LaSalle Street, Chicago. tGrjggs, Arthur Horace, '87-'88. Died, at l\1eeker, Colorado, 27 Ma1·ch, 1906. Grjswold, Roger Wisner, '87-'89. President Vulcan Motor Devices Com­ pany. Land Title Building, Philadel­ phia, Pennsylvania. 10 Groves, Fannie r¥1ay, '87-'89. 205 North 'l"hayer Street, Ann Arbor. 1-Guitcau, Franklin Walter, '87-'88. Died, at Ann A1·bor, 3 July, 1891. tHalleck, Warren Hamilton, '87-'88. Dro\vned, at Holly, Michigan, 6 July, 1890. Hammond, 1\'lathevv Brown, Ph. B.; ?.1. L., Wisconsin, '93; Ph. D., Columbia. '98. Professor of Economics, Ohio State University. 1127 Ashland Avenue, Colu1nbus, Ohio. Hapgood, Hutchins, '87-'89. A. B., Harvard, '92; A. M., Harvard, '97. Author and journalist. Sp1·ing Lake, Ne\v Jersey. · Hardy, Orville Richard, B. S. President of Dixie Portland Cement Company. 1011 James Building, Chat­ tanooga, 1,ennessee. flarris, James Hugh, A. B. Superintendent of Schools, Dubuque, Io,va. Hastings, Grace, B. S. Mrs. Dallas Lore Sharp. Hingham, lvlassach usetts, R. F. D. 2. 11 Hatch, llarry James, B. S. (C. E.). Colonel of Artillery, United States Army. Care of War Department, 'Vashington. Hatch, Ii cl en l..1ouise, B.
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