The Sickling Process in Relation to Clinical Manifestations

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The Sickling Process in Relation to Clinical Manifestations J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s3-8.1.23 on 1 January 1974. Downloaded from J. clin. Path., 27, Suppl. (Roy. Coll. Path.), 8, 23-25 The sickling process in relation to clinical manifestations A. J. BELLINGHAM From the Department of Clinical Haematology, University College Hospital Medical School, London The knowledge of the detailed structure and function sites have not been defined but the polymeriza- of the haemoglobin molecule has led to a better tion is conformational-dependent as it only occurs understanding of the pathophysiology of the in the deoxy state which is evidenced by the standard clinical syndromes associated with abnormal haemo- test in vitro with metabisulphate which examines for globins. Not least of these is the commonest haemo- the sickling of cells as they are deoxygenated. globin variant seen in the UK, sickle haemoglobin Crystallographic and electron microscopic studies (Hb-S). Sickle cell disease is characterized by have shown that the tactoid formation is ordered painful crises and a chronic haemolytic state which and regular. The sickle molecules form long strands stem from the haemoglobin's tendency to polymerize which are themselves in bundles of six having a leading to distortion and rigidity of the red cell hexagonal cross section and also having a twist causing blocking of small capillaries and the red rather like the spinning of a piece of thread. The cells' premature destruction. twist is such that it takes a strand of 48 molecules to Haemoglobin consists of a tetramer of 2ca and do a complete turn (360°) which means the length 2f chains existing in two conformational states in required for this is approximately 3000 A (Finch, equilibrium with each other: these are known as Perutz, Bertles, and Dobler, 1973). copyright. 'deoxy' and 'oxy' conformations (Perutz, 1970). This equilibrium may be moved to favour one or Clinical Management other of the conformations by the ability of various ligands in the environment of the haemoglobin From this basic information of molecular function to bind preferentially to one of the states. For it is possible to build up a logical approach for the example, the binding of oxygen moves the equilib- management of the disease (a) by avoiding con- rium to the 'oxy' state while hydrogen ions and ditions in which there is predisposition for the a rise in temperature favours the 'deoxy' state. haemoglobin to be in the 'deoxy' state, and (b) by Inherited abnormalities of the haemoglobin mole- therapeutic intervention (with drugs) either to block cule may also alter this equilibrium as well as the site of intermolecular interaction or to shift the causing other functional disturbances such as equilibrium in favour of the 'oxy' conformation. instability and methaemoglobin formation. By There are three factors of physiological impor- correlating the functional disturbances of abnormal tance which tend to favour the deoxy conformation, haemoglobins with the site of the substituted namely, fever, acidosis, and hypoxia. The association on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected amino acid in the haemoglobin chain it has become between sickling crises and infection is well estab- possible to predict the consequences of a given lished and the results of malaria prophylaxis in substitution fairly confidently (Huehns, 1973). The reducing the incidence of crises is also well docu- substitution in sickle haemoglobin (f6 glu -* val) mented. In the UK fever is commonly the result of is on the external surface of the molecule and would mild viral infections for which prophylaxis is at first sight not be expected to cause any functional generally not feasible. A young child at school is disturbance. Furthermore in vitro, sickle haemo- frequently subject to recurrent infections and I globin is stable and yet in vivo it causes chronic wonder in this age group whether the incidence of haemolysis. The clinical manifestations of sickle crises might be reduced if prophylactic antibiotics cell disease arise from the ability of one HbS were used to protect from secondary infections. In molecule to bind to an adjacent molecule so leading the older age group such treatment has less to to polymerization of the molecules, tactoid forma- recommend it owing to the lower incidence of such tion, and sickling of the red cells (Perutz, 1971). infection, although a patient who is particularly at The details of the these inter-molecular binding risk might be considered for at least a trial period of 23 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.s3-8.1.23 on 1 January 1974. Downloaded from 24 A. J. Bellinghamn maintenance antibiotics. There is no doubt that re- operation and such procedures should be avoided. ducing fever helps to maintain the health of sickle It must be mentioned that orthopaedic surgeons patients, and the adequate search for, and treatment report using exsanguinating tourniquets with no ill of, infections is a cornerstone in treatment. In this effects. Presumably, in thesecases thereare too few cells respect the use of an antipyretic such as aspirin, to block a capillary although they sickle under the which in a crisis has the benefit of also being an hypoxia and on release of the tourniquet they are analgesic, has much to recommend it. flushed clear in the reactive hyperaemia that ensues. Acidosis is a frequent complication of illness, Dehydration is also likely to provoke a sickling particularly if there is fever and anorexia, and, as it crisis: as a result of the circulatory stagnation, both predisposes to the 'deoxy' state, correction of hypoxia and acidosis will occur hence maintenance of acidosis is an essential part of the management of adequate hydration is essential and especially sickle crises. The use of an induced alkalosis for important in the anorexic and feverish patient. treatment, however, is more debatable. In crises it seems unlikely, owing to the vascular blockage, Anti-sickling Drugs that infused sodium bicarbonate will reach the site of the crisis in sufficient amounts to counteract Recently urea and carbamylation with cyanate or the localized acidosis. Likewise the continual carbamyl phosphate have been suggested as anti- administration of sodium bicarbonate orally to sickling agents. Urea in high concentrations in vitro induce an alkalosis is unlikely to succeed on two stops cells sickling, possibly as a result of its ability accounts. First, to maintain even a moderate to interfere with hydrophobic bonds which may alkalosis (pH 7 44) the dose of sodium bicarbonate be responsible for the polymerization. However, has to be high and taken at least every four hours the concentration of urea required to inhibit owing to the efficiency of renal compensation. Such significantly sickling in vitro is equivalent to a administration causes unpleasant side effects which blood urea in excess of 500 mg/100 ml (May and it is doubtful that most patients would accept. Huehns, 1974). Two clinical approaches have been Secondly in a maintained alkalosis red cell metab- tried using urea: (1) high dose intravenous perfusion olism is stimulated so increasing the concentration in established crises and (2) oral urea as a prophy- copyright. of the oxygen-linked ligand 2,3-diphosphoglycerate lactic. The use of intravenous high dose urea (2,3-DPG). In normal cells the increase in 2,3-DPG obtained blood urea values between 200 and 400 mg/ is such as to counteract exactly the effect of pH so 100 ml and consequently required intensive medical that the equilibrium between the 'deoxy' and 'oxy' care to maintain fluid balance in the face of the states remains unchanged (Bellingham, Detter, and osmotic diuresis. Furthermore first reports of Lenfant, 1971). It seems unlikely that the situation trials have not been encouraging. The use of regular in sickle cells will be different in this respect and oral urea has also been suggested but as the blood hence little chance of reducing the propensity of the urea achieved would be only about 60 mg/100 ml cell to sickle will arise. Clinical studies on the use of it would be unlikely to be of significant benefit. induced alkalosis in both crises and as a prophylactic This is confirmed by the first report of a controlled have failed to show any consistent benefit. It would trial (Lubin and Oski, 1973) although the reports of seem therefore that the use of sodium bicarbonate a multicentre trial are awaited. should be reserved for correcting acidosis rather As urea decomposes to cyanate in solution it was than for inducing alkalosis. suggested that cyanate may have been the active Avoidance of hypoxia is not usually a difficult agent which resulted in the initial encouraging on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected clinical problem although the advice to give a reports of urea treatment (Cerami and Manning, patient with sickle cell disease regarding flying is 1971). Cyanate binds irreversibly to the N-terminal controversial. Although a few patients do report valine of chains of haemoglobin (carbamylation) crises following flight in commercial aircraft, and is known to shift the equilibrium towards the where the cabin pressure is maintained equivalent 'oxy' conformation (Kilmartin and Rossi-Bernardi, to a 5000-6000 ft altitude most patients travel by air 1969). At any given oxygen tension there is a with no sequelae. Flight in unpressurized aircraft reduced tendency to sickle with increasing fraction and ascent above 10 000 ft is contraindicated. of the haemoglobin carbamylated. Carbamylated Hypoxia may occur secondary to other diseases, sickle cells however, are still capable of sickling if, eg, pneumonia, and it seems prudent to increase the fully deoxygenated. Thus carbamylation acts by oxygen tension of inspired air in these cases. The shifting the equilibrium between 'oxy' and 'deoxy' few reports using hyperbaric oxygen in an attempt states and not by directly inhibiting the intermol- to abort crises are not encouraging.
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