What if the also Rises in the West… The New Global Dynamics 6, 7 and 8 July 2012 List of Confirmed Speakers – 3 July 2012


Ronny ABRAHAM – Judge, International Court of Justice Philippe AGHION – Professor, Harvard University Michel AGLIETTA – Scientific Advisor, CEPII Mani Shankar AIYAR – Member of the Council of States, India Hippolyte d’ALBIS – Best Young French Economist 2012 Yukiya AMANO – Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency Kym ANDERSON – Professor, University of Adelaide Masahiko AOKI – Professor, Stanford University Jean-Paul BAILLY – CEO, LE GROUPE LA POSTE Mustapha BAKKOURY – Chairman, Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy Patricia BARBIZET – CEO, Artemis – Commissioner, Dominic BARTON – Managing Director, McKinsey Roland BENABOU – Professor, Princeton University Jean BEUNARDEAU – CEO, HSBC Pascal BLANQUÉ –Deputy CEO, Amundi Cornelius BOERSCH – Member of the Board of Directors, Mountain Partners Gaby BONNAND – Consultant in prospective and social protection, Mutual Insurance Company Jean-Marc BORELLO – CEO, Groupe SOS Claudio BORIO – Deputy Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements Jocelyne BOURGON – President, Public Governance International Stephen BREYER – Justice, US Supreme Court Sylvie BRUNEL – Professor, University of IV Paris-Sorbonne Markus BRUNNERMEIER – Professor, Princeton University Michael BURDA – Professor, Humboldt University in Berlin Bruno CERCLEY – CEO, Rossignol Dominique CERUTTI – Deputy CEO, NYSE Euronext Pierre-André de CHALENDAR – Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain Jean-Louis CHAUSSADE – CEO, SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT Morald CHIBOUT – Managing Director, Autolib Herman CHINERY-HESSE – Chairman, SOFTtribe Michel CICUREL – Former Chairman of the Executive Board, La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild

1 What if the Sun also Rises in the West… The New Global Dynamics 6, 7 and 8 July 2012 List of Confirmed Speakers – 3 July 2012

Jean-Pierre CLAMADIEU – CEO, SOLVAY SA Benoît COEURÉ – Member of the Executive Board, José CÓRDOBA – CEO, Anesco

Yseulys COSTES – CEO, 1000mercis Kemal DERVIS – Vice President and Director, Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution Cheick Modibo DIARRA – Prime Minister, Loraine DONNEDIEU de VABRES – Managing Partner, JeantetAssociés Esther DYSON – Chairman, EDventure Holdings Anna EKSTRÖM – Managing Director, Swedish National Agency for Education Vernon ELLIS – Chair, British Council Steven ERLANGER – Paris Bureau Chief, The New York Times Carsten FINK – Chief Economist, World Intellectual Property Organization Bernard FOCCROULLE – Director, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence Philippe de FONTAINE VIVE CURTAZ – Vice-President, European Investment Bank Jeffry A. FRIEDEN – Professor, Harvard University Franco FRATTINI – Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy FU Jun – Professor and Executive Dean, School of Government, Peking University Pierre GADONNEIX – Chairman, World Energy Council Louis GALLOIS – Commissioner for Investment, France Clara GAYMARD – CEO, GE France Jean-Louis GEORGELIN – Grand Chancelier de la Légion d’honneur, France Alberto GIOVANNINI – CEO, Unifortune SGR Spa Valéry GISCARD d’ESTAING – Former President of the French Republic Boitshepo GIYOSE – Food and Nutrition Security Advisor, NEPAD Nadir GODREJ – Managing Director, Godrej Industries Antoine GOSSET-GRAINVILLE – Acting Managing Director, Caisse des Dépôts Pietro GRASSO – Chief Prosecutor of the National Anti-Mafia Bureau Jean-Marie GUEHENNO – Professor, Columbia Marc GUILLAUME – Economist, Le Cercle des économistes Esther GULUMA – Chair of the Board of Directors, Fairtrade International Mark HOBAN – Financial Secretary to the Treasury, United Kingdom Patrick HUBERT – Partner, CLIFFORD CHANCE Wolfgang ISCHINGER – Chairman, Munich Security Conference Paul JOSKOW – President, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Ivailo KALFIN –Vice-chairman of the Committee on Budgets, Member of the

2 What if the Sun also Rises in the West… The New Global Dynamics 6, 7 and 8 July 2012 List of Confirmed Speakers – 3 July 2012

Vikram KAUSHIK – Former General Manager of Tata Sky Hans-Peter KEITEL – President, Federation of German Industries Olivier KLEIN – CEO of Banque et Assurance, CAISSE D’EPARGNE Wolf KLINZ – Member of the European Parliament Charles KOLB – President, Committee for Economic Development Dmitry KONOV – CEO, SIBUR LLC

Robert KOOPMAN – Chief Economist, United States International Trade Commission Eric LABAYE – Chairman of the McKinsey Global Institute Bruno LAFONT – Chairman and CEO, Lafarge Christian LAJOUX – President, Le LEEM – Director-General, World Trade Organization Mauricio LARRAIN – Executive Chairman, Banco Santander in Chile Eric LE BOULCH – CEO, CM-CIC Securities Hervé LE BRAS – Research Director, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Stéphane LE FOLL – Minister of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry, France Jean-David LEVITTE – Former Diplomatic Advisor to the President, France André LÉVY-LANG – Chairman, Institut Louis Bachelier LIEW Mun Leong – President and CEO, CapitaLand Limited Didier LOMBARD – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, STMicroelectronics Eric LOMBARD – Chairman and CEO, BNP Paribas Cardif Jorge LONDOÑO-SALDARRIAGA – Director, Colombia Humanitaria Florencio LOPEZ DE SILANES – Chair Professor of Finance and Law, Director, Corporate Governance Research Program, EDHEC Business School Gunnar LUND – Ambassador of Sweden to France Cecilia MALMSTRÖM – Commissioner, European Commission Paolo MANASSE – Professor, Bologna University Emma MARCEGAGLIA – Former President, Confindustria Christophe de MARGERIE – Chairman and CEO, Total Jean-Pierre MARTEL – Managing Partner, Orrick Rambaud Martel André MASSON – Professor, Ecole Normale Supérieure Shailendra MEHTA – Professor, Institute of Management - Ahmedabad Gérard MESTRALLET – Chairman and CEO, GDF SUEZ Pierre MONGIN – Chairman and CEO, Groupe RATP Thierry de MONTBRIAL – Founder and President, Ifri Mario MONTI – Prime Minister, Italy Andrew MORAVCSIK – Professor, Princeton University

3 What if the Sun also Rises in the West… The New Global Dynamics 6, 7 and 8 July 2012 List of Confirmed Speakers – 3 July 2012

Pierre MOSCOVICI – Minister of Economy and Finance, France Osamu MOTOJIMA – Director-General, ITER Organization Christian NOYER – Governor, Banque de France Yukio OKAMOTO – President, Okamoto Associates Erik ORSENNA – Member of the Académie Française Luc OURSEL – President and CEO, Areva Ana PALACIO – International Lawyer, Member of the Consejo de Estado of Spain Joakim PALME – Director, Institute for Future Studies Astrid PANOSYAN – Secretary General, GROUPAMA Josep PIQUÉ I CAMPS – Chairman, Vueling Airlines, Pangea 21 Jean-Luc PLACET – President, Fédération SYNTEC Henri PROGLIO – CEO and Chairman, EDF Deepak PURI – Chairman & Managing Director, Moser Baer Pierre RAOUL-DUVAL – Managing Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel Jean-Louis REIFFERS – Professor, Euromed Management Stéphane RICHARD – Chairman and CEO, Orange René RICOL – Chairman of the Strategic Committee, Ricol Lasteyrie Robert ROCHEFORT – Member of the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Mouvement Démocrate Augustin de ROMANET – Former Chairman and CEO, Caisse des Dépôts Nouriel ROUBINI – Chaiman and Co-founder, Roubini Global Economics Henri-Paul ROUSSEAU – Vice-Chairman, Power Corporation of Canada Ridha SAIDI – Minister for Economic and Social Affairs, Tunisia Guillaume SARKOZY – Chief Representative, Malakoff Médéric Christoph SCHMIDT – President, RWI Peter SELIGMANN – Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Conservation International Pierre SELLAL – Secretary-General, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luca SILIPO – Chief Economist, Natixis-Asia Carol SIROU – President, Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Finance Services France SAS Anne-Marie SLAUGHTER – Professor, Princeton University Peter SLOTERDIJK – Professor, Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design Vera SONGWE – Country Director, World Bank Maboula SOUMAHORO – Professor, University of Tours François-Rabelais Ousmane SOW – Sculptor René STEICHEN – Director, SES Board of Directors Scott STERN – Professor, MIT Rintaro TAMAKI – Deputy Secretary General, OECD Nobuo TANAKA – The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

4 What if the Sun also Rises in the West… The New Global Dynamics 6, 7 and 8 July 2012 List of Confirmed Speakers – 3 July 2012

Mostafa TERRAB – CEO, Office Chérifien des Phosphates Georges TERRIER – Managing Partner, Davis Polk Tidjane THIAM – CEO, Prudential Jean-Claude TRICHET – Former President of the European Central Bank Laura TYSON – Professor, Berkeley University Hubert VÉDRINE – Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, France Romas VIESULAS – Head of UK Sales, CA Cheuvreux Serge VILLEPELET – President, PwC France Frank VOGL – Member of the Advisory Council, Transparency International & President of the Partnership for Transparency Fund Philippe WAHL – Chairman of the Executive Board, La Banque Postale Hiroshi WATANABE – President and CEO, Japan Bank for International Cooperation Rémy WEBER – Chairman and CEO, CIC Lyonnaise de Banque Roy Bin WONG – Professor, University of California Los-Angeles YAN Lan – Managing Director Managing and Head of Greater China Investment Banking Lazard China

Shunji YANAI – President, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea ZHU Min – Deputy Managing Director, Internation Monetary Fund Martin ZIGUÉLÉ – Former Prime Minister, Central African Republic Lionel ZINSOU – President, PAI Partners Hania ZLOTNIK – Former Director of the Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations