Where There Is Life There Is Spirit
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PAGE 2 PSYCHIC NEWS, AUGUST 21,1976 Where there is life there is spirit whether animal, vegetable, there is life there is spirit.” WRITING to me about life must be thekey of all Wolverhamp- mineral, or even the etherie Spirit after death, a movement, motion, or life, YOUR comments, criticisms or complaints ton reader asked if we could realms. that is Brother process, operating while matter, unless ener- . “'M are welcome. Please see your name walk, talk, etc, in the next Such a posfcoop The the universe, can gised, does not move and will legible, in block letters, if not typed. world, were we “just a throughout letters. or nor also decay. So matter, of itself Editor reserves the right to shorten light floating in space”? Yes, be neither automatic We letters cannot be or fortuitous. The underlying and in its own degree, serves regret answered those are his words. Perhaps spirit acknowledged unless a SAE is enclosed. principle is the same in a no useful purpose until they indicate some of the yet appears. And we are not con- diversity of forms, each could not have ignorance which exists responds to an aware of spirit till matter Wake up, Britain! happen and cerning spirit life. initial happened, but know. impulse. moves. a week goes by we It is, of impossible HARDLY we build as a course, acorn always produces In our present environ- praise for George The structures actually to what spirit The without that knowledge may be, define oak, seed of wheat its ment we cannot see, feel, or Chapman and his healing guide result of is. We have no suitable ter- the the and are, and root a rose handle spirit except through Lang. usually ramshackle minology even were we able grain, the of its William open the vehicle of matter. By patients for faulty, very much to any ana- flower. Medicos send the hard to perform kind of matter I mean the substance and with him discussion, but core of lysis. healing even work is made up of those atoms, in all the treatment. He has our knowledge unshakeable. during Road, its degrees, shapes and den- villa in to Edwin Butler, Stirling So we could go on, justified been offered a which sities. So it Creator He to London, N 22. assuming that a reasoned seems the carry out his work: seems But we can arrive at some in universe has created could and force operates of the get all the help anyone conclusions which make governing so that we can under- Teeth are spirit test exactly and definitely matter wish. sense and revolve around two stand spirit. But this is happening in IN reply to Norman Bowyer (PN, important principles govern- throughout the universe. orderly France, not in Britain. Are we August 14), I would point out ing all realms of existence. JOHN Therefore it is of an ' going to lose him due to the man, only recently is, is nature, capable of planning, that the The first “Where there may say, “What has all British Medical Association’s had been talking to life there is spirit.” The with the will to carry out the You passed over, to me?” A lot, for at is, “Spirit cannot These three form the atom, plan, throughout all known this do with pig-headedness? his daughter least ten second because it of is is scr blind! Can its manifest its quality depending on the creation. means each us Why the BMA minutes with facts before the make presence individualised portion of it not medicos and incident. arrangement ofelectrons and That force we can term an see that teeth without matter.” matter, expressing and healers can work side by side? If This important, as it was The term “matter” must protons. Obviously some “life,” which we have seen,by was the demonstrating spirit power. Iceland can build a centre her meeting. I told her at everything that exists force or energy makes pro- the simple description of first include to be Psychic science tells us it is where the two work together, once her father had all his everywhere in all stages of tons and electrons revolve, atom already given, that Withdraw atom is far spirit only that counts, and why not Britain? The BMA faculties, including his teeth, in being, and made up of the and that is spirit. spirit. In the there than any- that every one of us is noth- should wake up, after all it is the spirit world. same things electrons and spirit and they cease to more atmosphere a ing but a manifestation of 1976, not 1876. G. G. Sharp. try keep Spiritualism protons. revolve, and start to disinte- thing else, acting as I to force spirit. Douglas Road, Acocks Green, where it should be, on top I will avoid making this grate —a process we call medium for an invisible death. which activated the electrons That puts us in our proper Birmingham. Doris Fisher Stokes, Sir Oswald read like a scientific treatise. place in the scheme of things, Mansions, Fulham Road, In simple terms I describe an We learn, then, what mat- and protons. Stoll possible explana- helps us to understand London, SW6. a particle con- ter is, and so grasp the prin- The only They seek Jesus electron as force is something of what spirit taining a negative electrical ciple of life. There are var- tion of that spirit, ieties matter, on recognised oijly really is, thus providing an “WHAT do Christians seek?” them welcome charge. A proton is a particle of dependent something Eric Woolley (PN August Make the numbers of electrons and by its results on visible item of knowledge of parti- asks containing a positive electri- value to those who 7). I cannot speak for all Christ- “IT is too often the case that charge. revolve in protons present in a particu- objects. This is why, as I have cular cal Both profess to be and call them- ians, or even for all Christian people wanting to learn about ether round a lar element. But the basis is already asserted, it is a state- space “Where selves Spiritualists. Spiritualists, but it seems to me Spiritualism visit a local church central point, a nucleus. the same in every case, ment of fact to say, he is over-confident and at only to find that unless they are variance with many scholars forthright, little or no effort is and Spiritualists in dating his- made to welcome them.” This torical events. remark by Alfred Fowles (PN Be that as it may, I am pleased August 14) hits the nail on the ‘l’m coming back as his research led him to conclude head! Bound to be read historical person years ago, an Jesus was a Nearly 50 as FROM OUR LIST OF PUBLICATIONS who was crucified and who at inquiring youth, I attended at man next time’ whatever exact date died. various times Salvation Army ALL PRICES POST FREE he Naturally as a Spiritualist meetings, the Bahai movement, Known. By Jesus, only The Scripts of Cleophas. Unknown But also believes that if Christadelphian gatherings, the —leading actress Through Geraldine Cummins. Arthur Ford. Fascinating like everybody else, lived on Church, Roman Catholic the Famous chronicle of apos- psychic revelations from after death. Freethinkers organisations to EVERGREEN actress Evelyn because she never stops talking tolic times written by one America’s famous medium. Spiritualists believe that, in name a few. Laye, 76, a natural psychic, tells anyway’.” who lived then. £3.00 $6.60 £1.77 theory least, it is possible for when, with Voices From The Southern at _ Came the time last “TV Times” readers actress says she was alive The Search. By Gertrude week’s The Cross. By Anne any discarnate human being to some trepidation, I decided to her rebirth ago. I am Clendenning. Many famous Wilkinson. of Survival and “thousands of years Phenomena from an Aus- communicate with any incar- attend a Spiritualist church. convictions. alive now and will be for millions people communicate when develops tralian direct voice circle. nate human being, and vice The only lasting memory of Dying, she says, is “just like of years ahead in some form or home circle un- 25p 55c must be address usual mediumship. versa. Therefore it that occasion is not the going into another room.” And, another, so you’re not going to The Way of Life. By Arthur possible to get to know Jesus. clairvoyance which fol- £2.07 $4.50 or the adds Miss Laye, “you can count” get rid of me. and Findlay. A guide to the Christian Spiritualists are long since forgot- returns. The Shining Brother lowed both on her making spirit “I hope when I come back I’m Speaks Again. By etheric world. £2.75 $6.05 engaged on that quest. The but cordial welcome I The it six: Francis ten the actress says took allowed to have a wonderful Laurence Temple. The spirit Mediumship Is. By answer to the question about when I entered the her What received years to adjust to husband’s voice and will be an opera return of St Francis of Horace Leaf. famous what we are seeking can be door. World passing. singer.” Assisi. £2.30 $5.05 medium tells how to develop given in one word, “Jesus.” I vividly recall, even to do death, Snettisham Ghost. By can “I not believe in Miss be at all The psychic powers. £2.05 $4.50 Some think sucb a quest futile Charlie Lowe’s hand- know he’s Laye “wouldn’t Factual re- this day, though.