
05 Two Worlds Are One Amongst various topics, Tony Ortzen tells how being in space had a profound effect on an astronaut, and 22 TV presenter Paul O’Grady describes seeing UFOs 30 Lighthouses of the spirit Sit back and enjoy some wonderful 09 Lifting the lockdown as trance teachings from Silver Birch churches start to reopen 30 A report from Bournemouth 32 Learn the art of , which was amongst the first to open again after psychometry Therapy dog is lockdown restrictions were eased 16 Craig Hamilton-Parker features the nominated for Health fascinating field of psychometry Making premises safe Hero award 10  Environmental Health Officer Geoff A Cockapoo and her owner who 35 When the white Nunn outlines the steps taken to make visit intensive care units could win angel calls Bournemouth church safe, as the an award A truly inspirational funeral service COVID-19 pandemic continues from famous trance medium J. J. 17 Hospital garden helps Morse 11  explorer to recover from 39 Ask a medium plans Russian week coronavirus Robert Brown answers your Plans are announced to host the Robin Hanbury-Tenison tells of questions about and college’s first ever week for Russian being placed in a garden to aid his students recovery 42 The agony of Principal explains why Top TV programme will 12 18 Marie Le Moyne college remains closed be based in haunted John West explores a terrible tale of Minister David R. Bruton says it castle torture in a castle tower is unlikely that the Arthur Findlay Due to the coronavirus crisis, this College will reopen until the spring of year’s I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of next year 46 Spiritual art Here! will not be held in Australia, Assistant editor Paul Brett watches but in a haunted Welsh castle psychic artist Alan Stuttle at work 13 Separated twins are reunited after a chance 19 ‘We all have the divine 48 Green man has encounter spark within us’ says colourful past Identical twins meet years after being medium Graham Jennings investigates separated in “a cruel experiment” Minister and medium Suzanne the Green Man’s origins and Gibson-Foy tells her psychic story some weird and wonderful British 14 COVER STORY New survey is launched 22 Dialogue with heaven Barbara White outlines some of 53 Classified advertising into the afterlife the ways those in the Higher Life Here’s your chance to take part in a communicate with us new online survey into life after death 60 What’s on listings 24 Table ‘talks’ with famous ‘dead’ author Roy Stemman reviews a new book 28 about a leading spiritual centre in Scotland

26 Behind the scenes at Camp Silver Belle Still wearing his reviewer’s hat, Roy comments on a title about American medium Ethel Post Parrish

28 Kyle’s cards have angelic angle Tarot expert Wendy Stokes explores a new oracle deck by angel expert 18 Kyle Gray

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Then came: “It means that you see things with your senses the way they are – you experience them viscerally and internally as a unity and a oneness accompanied by ecstasy. “All matter in our universe is created in star systems, and so the matter in my body, the matter in the spacecraft, the matter in my partners’ bodies, was the product of stars. We are stardust, and we’re all one in that sense.” Edgar later co-founded to the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Noetic, from the Greek word noetikos, means “inner/intuitive knowing.” In a nutshell, the institute is a non-profit parapsychological research institute. As well as probing consciousness, it undertakes research into other important areas such as healing, mindfulness, PAUL O’GRADY: “I’m just terrified of waking up one night and there’s this thing at the meditation and prayer. bottom of my bed like ET.” (Photo: Steve Punter) Later Edgar added: “I realised that the story of ourselves as told by science – our extraterrestrial contact was strong and Once best known as the female cosmology, our religion – was incomplete that beings were giving technology to the impersonator Lily Savage, Paul, who and likely flawed. US government. these days is much concerned with animal “I recognised that the Newtonian idea “In outer space,” he commented, “you welfare, continued: “These strange light of separate, independent, discreet things develop an instant global consciousness, formations are in the sky and we don’t in the universe wasn’t a fully accurate a people orientation, an intense know what they are. description. What was needed was a new dissatisfaction with the state of the world “The Army say it’s not them sending story of who we are and what we are and a compulsion to do something about flares up, so we don’t know, but I’m just capable of becoming.” it… My view of our planet was a glimpse of terrified of waking up one night and there’s Born in Texas in 1930, Edgar once said: divinity.” this thing at the bottom of my bed like ET. “We went to the moon as technicians. We “You don’t know do you? It’s like I’m returned as humanitarians.” Comic is serious about UFOs taking the dog round the orchard and I’ll During the Apollo 14 flight, Edgar look up and there are these weird lights. attempted to transmit information THESE days, most so-called comedians on I’m being observed... at 2.00 am.” telepathically to friends on Earth. The the radio or TV just don’t amuse me for a American singer Kim Wilde is on record results of the experiments were published single second. Whilst audiences laugh like as saying that she watched a UFO “about hysterical hyenas, I just think, “Well, what in the Journal of Parapsychology. 20 times the size of an aeroplane” hovering on earth’s funny about that?” Edgar was a firm believer in life above her back garden for two hours at her elsewhere in the universe and “90 per An exception is Paul O’Grady, who Hertfordshire home. cent sure that many of the thousands of always has a witty word or spontaneous At first, she thought it was Michael unidentified flying objects recorded since clever quip no matter what the situation. Jackson coming to haunt her. Kim was the 1940s belong to visitors from other I don’t know if he is interested in Michael’s support act during his 1988 Bad planets.” Spiritualism and the paranormal, but it tour. The singer added: In 1998, he called on the American seems he’s also a firm believer in UFOs. government to acknowledge publicly what Paul told listeners to his Radio 2 show “It was the day after Michael Jackson it knew about alien life. that he has seen a UFO hovering above his died and I thought, ‘He is coming back to Even as relatively recently as 2008, orchard. haunt me!’ Edgar insisted during a radio interview “I was listening to Kim Wilde and she “It was on a Friday night and I saw two that aliens had contacted humans multiple was going on about aliens,” he said on one lights in the sky that were static and silent. times. of his Sunday programmes. “I stood watching them above my Earlier, the astronaut said he had met “We’ve got ’em in Kent – I’m serious – garden from about 11.00 pm till one in the with officials from three other countries over Folkestone, Dungeness and Hythe. morning. apart from America who had personal I’ve seen them. I’m not the only one. I’ve “It had a profound effect on me. It encounters with those from other planets. got witnesses, so I’m not going out of my makes me think that somebody is looking Edgar added the evidence of mind.” after us.”


Meghan Markle’s meditational sparkle RECENTLY, there’s been a huge amount of hoo-ha concerning a new book which features Harry and Meghan, as many of us still think of them, rather than the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. In any event, it seems a massive shame that they have stepped back from their Royal duties, especially as the couple seemed able to attract and link with so many young people and various communities within the UK who, until their marriage, had no interest whatsoever in the monarchy. After their relationship became public knowledge, it emerged that Meghan practises transcendental meditation twice a day. Los Angeles-based Light Watkins, who spent some time with Prince Harry’s future wife, told the Sunday Express that meditation “is key to the chilled-out demeanour that is winning her admirers.” ACCORDING to a report from America, the Duchess of Sussex undertakes transcendental The former model explained that he met meditation twice a day. (Photo: Mark Jones) Meghan “through a mutual friend. I think she had been working on some diet stuff meditational practice and had been doing The great tragedy is that due to an with him. it on her own. unhappy marriage, Princess Diana suffered “She’d been obviously familiar with the “Maybe a week or two after that, she from various emotional and psychological came by my home studio and we did a little problems as well as an eating disorder. private meditation session.” Nonetheless, she was obviously a truly Mr Watkins added: “I took her through super mum and adored her sons. it and she had wonderful experiences. It Here’s a story I wrote a few years ago. seems like she was in a relatively good At the moment, with most Spiritualist space beforehand and in a better space churches still closed, though we are as afterwards. keen as mustard to do so, it’s still not “She was wonderful to work with and financially feasible to produce a printed seemed very appreciative.” Mr Watkins version of Psychic News. explained that he sends out a “daily dose For that reason, this issue is a mixture of inspiration” and Meghan “responds to of new items and some “best of” features those from time to time. I’m pretty sure from both Psychic News and Two Worlds. All she’s still meditating.” subscriptions will be extended once we are The paper added that transcendental back in print. meditation is also popular with celebrities Still in America, two identical twins who like Oprah Winfrey, Sir Paul McCartney are mediums made news in the British and Australian actor, singer and producer press with their claim that Diana returned Hugh Jackman. to tell them she would attend Harry and Meghan’s wedding. Terry and Linda Jamison said the ‘Diana attended princess would not miss the event “for the wedding’ claim world.” According to the twins, Diana told them: “I will most definitely be present for KIM WILDE watched a UFO “about 20 DESPITE their sometimes very public Harry and Meghan’s wedding. I was also times the size of an aeroplane.” faults, failings and foibles, I’m a huge fan of there for William and Kate’s wedding. (Photo: Andrew Hurley) the Royal Family. “It will be beautiful, like my own


ceremony with a horse and carriage. I am around them all more than they realise.” One press report stated: “It’s expected that Harry and Meghan will pay tribute to his dead mum – who died in a car crash in Paris in 1997 – in a number of small ways at their wedding. “Meghan, for example, will continue the royal bridal tradition of carrying a sprig of myrtle in her wedding bouquet, as every bride has since Queen Victoria. “The royal myrtle comes from the same plant grown at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight.” Out of interest, I did some homework to discover the symbolism behind myrtle. According to ancient Greek mythology, Venus, the goddess of love, visited the isle TWO mediums claimed that Princess Diana would “definitely be present” when of Cytherea, but was ashamed to show Meghan Markle married Prince Harry. (File photo) herself because she was nude. To hide her nakedness, Venus hid an afterlife. say that our dad had died.” behind a myrtle tree. She later adopted the Two days before she passed on, Mrs Grannytotwins wrote that her father tree as her favourite and it became known M’s mother was lapsing in and out of passed on when her granddaughter was as sacred to her. It is thought to inspire consciousness. two-and-a-half. lasting love, marital fidelity and prosperity. “One evening,” said Mrs M., “she On the first Christmas without him, the Apparently, the ancient Greeks so suddenly became lucid and pointed family was in the kitchen at her daughter’s revered the myrtle tree that they planted towards the end of the bed. house when her granddaughter came them around their temples and places of “‘Joe,’ she said, the name of my father running into the room saying, “Grandpa’s worship. who had died twelve years earlier. ‘What, here.” Mum?’ I asked her.” The girl “grabbed me by the hand, Telegram confirms The mother, who looked serene and took me into the empty sitting room and happy, replied: “He’s here waiting for me. I pointed at the sofa, saying, ‘Look, here he father’s passing can see him.” is.’ A reader named as Brunosmum said she “She could see him and was so happy. It ONE of the pitfalls of working at home once saw a dear neighbour, a lovely elderly made a difficult day much easier. She was is that despite my best efforts, the office woman who had been very ill, “standing at too young to be pretending.” is always bulging with books, boxes, the edge of the pavement outside her flat Markysparky said that when his magazines, pens, cuttings, etc, and items and looking toward my house with a big daughter was three, his granny, known as occasionally go walkabouts i.e. I misplace smile on her face. GG, passed on. them. “I remember thinking how well she Driving home from the funeral, the girl Here’s a case in point. A feature from looked and smiled because it seemed she the Daily Mail, which a reader kindly was now better.” “piped up that she was speaking to GG sent about survival after death, recently Brunosmum did not pull back the earlier (while the service was taking place, resurfaced when I was searching for curtain because she had just got up, was the children who were too young to attend something else. wearing a tatty nightie and her hair was a were in a room adjacent to the church). The paper asked readers for their mess. She added: “She explained that they had talked accounts after a study found that up to six “How I wish I had because a few days about being good, not telling lies, being in ten people see, sense or hear a “dead” later her daughter told me that her mother kind and being happy. partner. had never recovered from her illness and “It gives me some kind of hope Dozens of them responded “to say that died in hospital before the time I saw her. somewhere for something else after we you had indeed had contact with partners, But I did see her – and I can still see her.” shuffle off this mortal coil.” friends and even pets after death.” Karen Dunlop said that her brother was There sure is, as we know and our Mrs J. J. M. cared for her terminally ill in the Army, stationed in the Middle East, mediums demonstrate. It’s called the spirit mother in the last weeks of her life. The “when he saw my father in broad daylight. world. End of one story, but the start of parent had no belief in religion, ghosts or Later that day, he received a telegram to another!


Lifting the lockdown as churches start to reopen

In the UK, as in other parts of the world, life is returning to some sort of new quickly followed. normal as the coronavirus pandemic continues. At one point, all churches At that time I could not picture the throughout Great Britain were ordered to close. church ever reopening. It seemed unfeeling to even think of attempting to recapture As part of gradually lifting lockdown restrictions, churches were eventually the past when untold suffering raged in our allowed to reopen, but with stringent safety precautions in place. Thus far, country and around the world. relatively few Spiritualist churches have reopened their doors. Slowly, three of my colleagues One of the first to do so was Bournemouth Spiritualist Church, Dorset. and myself began to think of a few Below, we join Patricia Machin, its president, who describes the church’s first improvements to the church that we could service and how it prepared to make its premises safe. carry out while it remained quiet – a new pathway laid, repairs to a stone wall and TODAY is Sunday, August 2, 2020 and the outside lighting replaced. A new spirit and day of our first service of the new era, but a new life were beginning for us and for the how did we get to this point? church. This was something of a bold move We are very blessed to have on on our part, as very few churches were our committee Geoff Nunn, who is an considering opening their doors until Environmental Health Officer. September or October. Geoff compiled a professional risk Looking back to March 21, when I assessment that empowered us to open locked the church and went home to self- the church on Sunday afternoons from July isolate as bidden by Boris Johnson, it was 5 for private prayer. the start of the strange journey on which At that time, the two-metre social thousands of us embarked at that time. distancing guideline was in place and it In our most negative moments could allowed only eight available seats. But it we ever have envisaged a situation so was a start and gave us valuable experience dreadful? in implementing the many safety measures For people like me who were living in a required. relatively safe environment, the first few days of the lockdown felt rather like being Then the words “Places of worship can granted an unexpected holiday. reopen” were announced. In that moment I was well and allowed to leave my flat to take some exercise. The lockdown gave me the chance to do jobs that I had been putting off for lack of free time. I used my daily exercise time to walk the 100 yards to the church to check that all was well. It was still quite cold at that time, so I put the central heating on for a GROUPS at Bournemouth church sat to send We heard of day or two, so there was never a feeling of healing to the world. neglect. those who could There was even a degree of normality in The church became my refuge, a that post arrived and bills had to be paid. I beautiful place away from the world where not be at the was sad that the gardens, which had never I could sit and ask the spirit world to take looked more beautiful, would not be seen healing on wings of love to everyone who bedside of their by our congregation this year. was suffering. Once home again, there were hours Our church has a long history of being a loved ones as they of news of the suffering of thousands of centre of spiritual healing, offering contact people. We heard of those who could not healing sessions every weekday until passed away be at the bedside of their loved ones as the lockdown. It was natural that absent they passed away or even attend their healing should now to be sent. Groups funerals. pledged to sit at certain times to unite in No country was spared. Trusty Google sending healing to the world. told me Tibet suffered only one case and An absent healing list was posted on- that the patient had recovered. line and requests for names to be added

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 9 I experienced both excitement and frisson. church by large folding doors. These were I am delighted to say that 28 good souls I half wished that another lockdown would opened, increasing our seating capacity to attended the service, all wearing masks be ordered and I would be spared taking 60 seats. and adhering absolutely to the safety that step into a new era of church life. The medium we chose for this first measures. I arranged a committee meeting for service was Elaine Bevan, a wonderful Elaine, a wonderful servant of Spirit and July 18 and proposed a reopening date of speaker and demonstrator, who is also a Spiritualism, delivered a truly inspirational trustee and good friend to our church. August 2, to which the members agreed. address and a most memorable We had publicised the service in our Under the guidance of Geoff Nunn, demonstration of mediumship. new parish magazine Inspire, the brainchild we opted for one-metre plus for social of Geoff Nunn, but had no idea if anyone The energy within the church was distancing and to request the wearing would come. so beautiful. Everyone was happy and of a face covering. That gave us some 40 Having every conceivable Government perhaps a tiny bit relieved to know that the available seats. and Spiritualists’ National Union guideline church is still here with its warm welcome Our church hall is divided from the in place, all we needed was a congregation. and its message of love, light and healing.

Making premises safe BY GEOFF NUNN

THE process of reopening, initially for prayer and reflection, hand contact surfaces. progressing to hosting a regular service with distant healing, Providing information to the congregation is an important part of created significant changes. this process. We are fortunate that Paul The key to reopening safely is through with separate ingress/egress routes. The Gilliver, one of our healers, is proficient the process of risk assessment. This collection plate is on a table to the rear of in computing and maintains our website, involves looking at any potential hazards the church as the congregation leaves. keeping information updated. and ensuring suitable controls are put in Healing has always been integral to In addition to this, during lockdown we place to reduce the risk of harm. the church, so healers attend for distant reintroduced a church magazine, which Each risk assessment is unique to each healing on Wednesdays. People can also was posted free to members, as a means church or centre given the variations in attend should they wish. of providing information and updates as size, layout and facilities, and way the At the conclusion of the service/ well giving much-needed spiritual food building is used. healing session, a steward sanitises all before the church reopened. The written assessment was created with reference to Government guidance to allow us to reopen working to one- metre plus. For Bournemouth church, the key changes relating to the building involved taking several items out of use, including several fixed seats to allow for social distancing, kitchen facilities, the water dispenser and one of the two unisex toilets. Regarding the use of the building, we are fortunate to have a decent sized church with folding doors to the rear separating the church from the hall behind. The doors were opened to create a larger space with additional seating at the rear. Church services are now reduced to one a week on Sunday mornings. Three stewards are rostered – one to obtain track and trace information, another to ensure hands are sanitised before entering the church and a third to escort a person to a seat. A one-way system was introduced FOLLOW the arrows! Amongst new rules at the church is a one-way system.

10 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 NEWS Колледж Артура Финдли планирует Русскую Неделю or in plain old English Arthur Findlay College plans Russian week

FOR the first time ever, the Arthur Findlay College, Essex, is to host growing interest in spirituality and self- a Russian week. development. “As tutors, we will offer them a wide Course organiser Kitty Woud told variety of subjects, such as healing, Psychic News: “It will be a wonderful evidential mediumship, trance, psychic art opportunity to promote the gifts of the and philosophy. Spirit and Spiritualism to students from “The course will focus on practical work that part of the world. in group sessions and tutorials, but we “It would be very helpful if members will also give lectures to offer students of the Russian community in the UK and the necessary philosophy and theory of elsewhere are aware of Russian Week at mediumship because it is important to the college, so they can share this with give them a proper understanding of what family and friends in Russia.” mediumship is all about. Last year, a Russian student Kitty “met “To nourish the spirit within, meditation on a course approached me, asking if I was and contemplation will also be part of the willing to organise a Russian week at the KITTY WOUD: “Attending a course at the college week. college. is a unique experience for many students from all “Like any other week, students can “Apparently, there is a great deal of over the world.” also book private sittings with one of interest in mediumship and the paranormal the mediums and attend both the Divine in Russia, but they do not have a school Though Kitty does not speak Russian, “I and the public services to familiarise teaching mediumship and related subjects don’t think that is a problem. The number themselves with our religion. like the Arthur Findlay College. of translators depends on the number “Attending a course at the college is a “It seems that many Russians hardly of tutors employed on the week, and the unique experience for many students from speak English or not at all, so it will have to latter depends on student numbers. all over the world. be a week with translators.” “This means that on a stand alone Kitty told the student “it was a great course there will be six or seven of each “Once students have spent a week with idea and that I would love to run it, but I and on a shared course three or four. us, they want to come back again and again would have to submit her request to the “Non-Russians are also welcome on to learn more, to refine their mediumship Collegiate Committee, which I did and it the week provided they speak Russian. In and deepen their understanding. was granted at the end of 2019. case they don’t, there is really no point in “I believe Russian students are entitled “The Russian student has accepted my booking Russian Week, but they can select to the same experience. I intend to find offer to be the co-ordinator for Russian any of the other courses on the college out what their special needs are in the first Week and will also be working as a programme.” year we are running the course, so we can translator on the course. Asked if the college’s menu would be build a solid foundation for the years to “Together we will promote the course in adapted to Russian tastes, Kitty said: “I am come.” Russia, mainly through social media. There not sure what Russian students will expect Kitty, who lives in Huizen, a fishing is also a Russian Facebook page run by the in terms of food, but will find out well in village close to Amsterdam, ended: college to inform Russian students about time. “Mediumship is not just about the the week and to answer any queries they “Because I am the course organiser for phenomena, wonderful though they are, may have both on the teaching side of the French week, I know that French students but we hope to show our Russian students week and on practical matters. like to have croissants at breakfast, but the greater truth that lies beyond them. “There are no specific dates at the are not very fond of dishes like Yorkshire “I look forward to meeting and working moment because the 2022 programme has pudding, so I suppose the Russians will with them to give them an unforgettable not been released yet. have their preferences too. experience that is in keeping with the “The last week of September was “What I hope to achieve with Russian reputation of the college.” recommended because that week is a Week is to serve the needs of Russians national holiday in Russia and we are likely in the training and development of ■ For details of courses at the college, please to attract more students then.” mediumship and to accommodate the visit


THE Arthur Findlay College is based at Stansted Hall, which is known as “Spiritualism’s stately home.” Principal explains why college remains closed

MINISTER David R. Bruton, who is Principal of the Arthur Findlay make a significant loss during this financial College, told Psychic News last month why it has not yet reopened. year. “We are working hard to mitigate that David, who is also President of the loss through the promotion of online Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU), said courses and sittings, which are helping to that the problem “is two-fold. bring in a little income. “Firstly many of our rooms share “The college has agreed to keep all bathroom facilities, which makes it very courses under review and cancel on a difficult to open, as after a bathroom has week-by-week basis. been used, it needs to be fully cleaned “When a course is cancelled by us, all before a second person uses the facilities. students with bookings have received a full “Secondly, we have also conducted refund. some in-depth research with our students, “Unlike other parts of the travel industry, remembering that 87 per cent come from nobody has lost money. It is encouraging abroad. that many students have simply “Whilst most cannot wait to return to transferred their bookings to next year, the college, many are a little nervous, to which demonstrates their support for the say the least. college. This has been greatly appreciated.” “In addition to the problems with travel Turning to how the college will weather with some international borders still being MINISTER DAVID R. BRUTON: “Things are not the storm financially, David explained that closed and quarantine periods, a large going to be easy, but we will survive.” from memory, “it returned to profitability proportion of our student base is simply at this time, but spring 2021 is looking back in 2003 and has posted a profit in not able to travel at the moment. increasingly likely. each and every year since. “When we move to open the college, our “However, this is dependent on the ever- “The union has taken a prudent approach overheads will increase dramatically, so changing international environment, which to its reserves policy and created sufficient we cannot make that decision until we feel greatly dictates our planning process.” reserves, which will allow us to weather we are in a better position to guarantee Asked, “Are you willing to reveal how the storm. numbers on every course and not to much it has cost the college to close?” “Things are not going to be easy, but we jeopardise the future of the business.” David replied: “We have been working will survive. We very much look forward David added: “We cannot announce a with our auditors to produce a range of to welcoming our students back as soon as reopening date until we have agreed it. scenarios. we can do so safely for them, our staff and We have made no hard-and-fast decisions “It is without doubt that the college will tutors alike.” n

12 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 Separated twins are reunited after a chance encounter

TWO identical twins who were separated at birth in what has been termed “a cruel experiment” have been reunited after a chance encounter in a pancake house. Reporting for Daily Mail Australia, Alison separated by their adoption agency to find Bevege said that Melanie Mertzel had no out whether nature or nurture governs a idea she had a long-lost sister. person’s life outcomes. “Suddenly,” Ms Bevege wrote, “at age “When they found out, both they and 23, she found herself looking at someone their families were furious at being duped she never knew existed – someone with and used. exactly the same eyes, voice and laugh as “Not only did they miss out on bonding TRIPLETS Robert Shafran, Eddy Galland and David her: her twin Ellen Carbone.” during their childhood years in what might Kellman found each other as young adults. A “bizarre coincidence” brought the have been their closest relationship, but (Photo: Cable News Network/Sundance Institute) sisters together after decades apart. They they are angry at not being told.” were raised by different families in New Ellen commented, “We were treated not During the 1960s, at least eight twins York City. like humans, but like animals.” The sisters and one set of triplets were separated, with Melanie was working at the said that New York City adoption agency the babies placed in different homes. International House of Pancakes, her Louise Wise Services would only confirm “Those in charge of the experiment had parents’ restaurant in Brooklyn, when they were twins, but not hand over any good credentials as advocates for social a woman who was behaving oddly records or information. justice at the time,” said Ms Bevege. “Yet the approached her. The pair were not the only ones experiment, now criticised as cruel, began “She saw me and couldn’t understand separated as part of the study. As PN has with the best of intentions. why I didn’t recognise her,” Melanie told previous reported, identical triplets Robert “Separating twins for adoption was not Australia’s 60 Minutes TV programme. Shafran, Eddy Galland and David Kellman begun for experimentation, but because A week later, the woman returned also found each other as young adults. it was thought to be the best thing for the carrying a photo of her niece, Ellen. She Robert was reunited with Eddy by children. As the years passed, however, the showed the picture to Melanie’s boyfriend. chance after attending the same upstate study began to be viewed as evil.” “That’s you,” he told Melanie. New York college as his brother a year after Twin expert Prof Nancy Segal said that “That’s not me,” she replied. he transferred. Everyone insisted on calling great damage was done by separating the “That is you,” her boyfriend insisted. Robert Eddy. twins and triplets at birth. “Don’t tell me who I am,” said Melanie. “I After the brothers were reunited, their “These individuals were deprived of know who I am.” picture appeared in the local newspaper, what could have been the closest of human Intrigued, Melanie spoke to the woman, where it was seen by their third brother social relationships, and not to have had who gave her Ellen’s phone number. When David. that, to be deprived of that, is horrible,” she Melanie rang, she was astonished by how The trio were born on Long Island, New added. their voices and laughs sounded identical. York, then placed in different families Two documentaries made about the The sisters compared everything they to study the effects of socio-economic experiment, The Twinning Reaction and Three liked and disliked, and discovered they were environment on the boys’ development. Identical Strangers, both said that some of mirror twins with Melanie left-handed and One family was wealthy, one middle class the separated children had to deal with Ellen right-handed. and one working class. mental health issues as adults. “Her dimple’s on the left side, but my Several researchers were involved in the Three of them committed suicide, dimple’s on the right side,” said Melanie. study, which received funding from the US including triplet Eddy Galland, who killed “We were like: ‘Wow. We’re mirror images’.” National Institute of Mental Health. himself in 1995. n When the twins met, Ellen was so nervous that she was sick. Ellen had always wanted an identical twin and had dreamed of it. “I was very, very shy as a child,” Ellen explained, “and clung to my mother. I would hold onto her leg when we went out anywhere. Basically, I feel like that’s because I was missing my other half.” The twins talked about how strangers came to study them, giving them tests and asking questions. “They did not know it,” said Ms Bevege, “but they had been used as guinea pigs in a secret 1960’s study that used twins ELLEN CARBONE and Melanie Mertzel were brought together after a “bizarre coincidence.” (Photo: Nine)


New survey is launched into the afterlife

A new book being published by the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) is to feature a chapter opinion of as broad a range of Spiritualists on whether Spiritualist mediumship has proven life after death. as possible. There is nothing in the least To find out the answer, Walter Meyer zu Erpen is conducting an online survey and will complicated about the questions. Here are publish his findings in the book. just a few of them: Walter works as a self-employed archives consultant in Victoria, Canada, following • How long have you investigated a twenty-year career with the BC Archives. He graduated from the University of British Spiritualism, either through self- Columbia with an arts degree in history, then with a Master of Archival Studies. study, attendance at Spiritualist Walter, 62, began his inquiry into the possibility of survival, mediumship and spirit church services or sitting in a communication in the 1970s through a Spiritualist church in his home town. development circle? From the 1980s, he visited and communicated with Spiritualist churches across Canada. • Has survival evidence received Those contacts culminated in the “Directory of Spiritualist Organizations in Canada,” which through Spiritualist mediumship saw six print editions and is now available online. influenced your beliefs? Walter’s detailed historical study of the Thomas Glendenning Hamilton psychical research • If you are not yourself a medium, do experiments in Winnipeg, Manitoba, began in 1991. you recall any instance when you His research in the field includes a decade of observation of psychokinetic table movements received what could be personal in a Spiritualist home circle. He has lectured and written extensively about the Hamilton communication from a surviving research and other significant Canadian cases, and is the Parapsychology Foundation’s spirit? Canadian representative. • How convinced are you that Inspired by the Survival Research Foundation, in 1991 Walter and a group of colleagues Spiritualist mediumship has proven founded the Survival Research Institute of Canada. Walter has worked for 30 years to preserve life after death? the records of Spiritualism and psychical research. Here, Walter answers questions about the book. The first point put to him was, “Can you tell readers something about it?” In your view, what constitutes good survival evidence via a medium? DR LEO RUICKBIE and Robert McLuhan Good evidence can result when a are the editors of the SPR’s forthcoming clairvoyant or clairaudient medium goes book, which is entitled Is There Life After directly to the intended recipient, and Death? Arguments, Theories, Evidence. without fishing delivers specifics about The call for chapters was widely the spirit communicator’s identity and circulated beginning in May and resulted in personality, including sometimes personal an incredible response – over 90 proposals and place names and/or shared memories. in less than two months, of which 26 were selected for inclusion. Hopefully, people from countries in different The book is intended to provide continents will take part in the survey. Are an accessible and multi-disciplinary you expecting any differences in their beliefs? discussion of the issues relevant to the There is no point in speculating. I would question of life after death. WALTER MEYER ZU ERPEN: “My grandfather rather wait to see the results, but if lots of My contribution will focus on the transfigured the face of British medium Irene PN readers respond, the data could reveal evidence for survival provided through Griffey in circumstances that precluded fraud.” more things of interest. Please complete Spiritualist mediumship and whether that the survey and answer as many questions constitutes proof of life after death. and reincarnation will be explored, as as you like. Other authors, including philosophers, well as a broader discussion of mental physicists, psychologists, sociologists and mediumship. What first drew your attention to religious studies scholars, will focus on The issues of suicide, the possible mediumship, Spiritualism and the the approaches that the fields of psychical nature of the afterlife and what it is that paranormal, and in which year? research, parapsychology and survival might survive death will be examined. My curiosity about life after death was research have brought to bear on the The publication date has not yet been heightened by the deaths of my maternal question. determined, but the SPR will issue a grandfather and great-grandparents. The phenomena of after-death press release when the book is closer to My first attendance at a Spiritualist communications, deathbed visions, completion. church service was with my mother, in near-death experiences, hauntings and The purpose of my survey, which does my home town of Nanaimo on Vancouver , electronic voice phenomena not take long to complete, is to obtain the Island, British Columbia, about 1975.


During the clairvoyance, the church The book is being published by the Society accept that the spirit communicator Oscar pastor, the Rev Nelle Beresford, saw a man for Psychical Research. In his famous psychic Wilde is who he claimed to be. I am glad standing between Mom and me, indicating messages after passing on, Oscar Wilde said that the “SPR holds no corporate belief that he was her father (my grandfather) of the SPR: on the nature or reality of the phenomena and providing his first name. “I have always admired the Society for studied.” The message was that Mom had Psychical Research. They are the most recently received a shock, which was true magnificent doubters in the world. They are Is there much interest in Canada in (I was the cause of it), and that I would be never happy until they have explained away Spiritualism in the media? walking tall in a period of three. The Rev their spectres. In the past, there were the occasional Beresford did not know whether it would “And one suspects a genuine ghost would public interest stories about a specific be three months or three years. make them exquisitely uncomfortable.” medium, healer or Spiritualist organisation For a troubled teenager, it was an Would you care to comment? when a charismatic individual managed to uplifting message that gave me hope; Given that the SPR’s mission has attract attention. it turned out to be three years before I remained unchanged since 1882, Oscar My guess is that today the media got myself sorted during a study year in Wilde, the spirit communicator through fills the public appetite with stories Europe. automatist Hester Travers Smith’s group, about ghost hunting and paranormal Though I instigated our church would have known the society’s purpose, investigation groups, or near-death attendance, Mom and a friend had which is “To examine without prejudice experiences. attended Spiritualist meetings in Nanaimo or prepossession and in a scientific spirit in the 1950s. those faculties of man, real or supposed, Do you think that the average Canadian which appear to be inexplicable on any accepts survival after death? Since 1975, Canadian sociologist Do you believe in survival after death? If so, generally recognised hypothesis.” Reginald Bibby has done a lot of research what’s convinced you? Travers Smith worked closely with into this question, which indicates that Yes, I do. A limited number of instances Sir William Fletcher Barrett, who was a a much larger percentage of Canadians of good survival evidence through prominent psychical researcher and one of believe in life after death than one might mediums were reinforced by a personal the SPR’s founders. think given the largely secular society experience, which I interpreted as spirit Her considerable analytical skills are Canada has become. communication. evident in Voices from the Void (1919) and In 1984, my grandfather transfigured (1923). Psychic Messages from Oscar Wilde Why do you think that possibly the majority the face of British medium Irene Griffey in Incidentally, in the early 1950s, both titles of scientists and academics are sceptical circumstances that precluded fraud. were republished by the Psychic Book about mediumship? In addition, I was fortunate to meet Club, which was affiliated withPsychic The popular images of Spiritualism Irish-born medium David Young, whose News. do not instil confidence: people sitting messages could be quite detailed when he Travers Smith leaves it to her readers holding hands in a darkened séance room was in good form. to decide whether it was the historical or the mystical medium – typically female Sitting with David before his Oscar Wilde communicating through her – sitting in a curtained off area at a fair demonstration of mediumship at a dinner . gazing into a crystal ball. theatre in Victoria, he would be a nervous On all paranormal topics, there is a wreck. With a packed house of people diverse range of beliefs. Though I believe Would you agree that too many people enjoying dinner and drinks, he feared that generally in survival, I am less convinced dismiss Spiritualism and mediumship he would not live up to expectations. of our ability to substantiate the identity without even investigating these subjects? Getting to know David as a friend of “controls” and cautious about alleged Yes, but this does not surprise me, as allowed me to see that his gift was genuine; spirit communications from well-known most people are not sufficiently interested there was no advance research possible in personalities. to invest the time that it takes. As we know, the situations in which I saw him work. Often it is difficult to find something there is no guarantee of good evidence of The Reverends Beresford, Griffey and unique in such communications that survival from a single sitting with any one Young were all ministers ordained or could not have come from the medium’s medium. recognised by the British Columbia-based subconscious. International Spiritualist Alliance that had I like to think of myself as a critical ■ To take part in the survey, please visit been founded in 1959 by the Reverends Spiritualist, and am also a member of the John and Doris Horning, and Beatrice Society for Psychical Research. survey/ The closing date for submissions is Gaulton Bishop. There will be some SPR members who September 30.

PSYCHICPSYCHIC NEWS | NEWSSEPTEMBER | JUNE 2020 2019 15 15 Therapy dog is nominated for Health Hero award

A THERAPY dog who visits patients battling for their lives in “Helen underwent training in hygiene, intensive care units (ICUs) has been nominated for an award. ward protocols and infection control procedures before the pair were allowed to visit patients.” Describing how the scheme works, Helen said: “We go in to a hospital when invited by the staff, patients or their relatives. We have a bag with Tilly’s things. “She sniffs inside and knows the blue collar and lead (the charity’s colours) means she is going to work. Tilly knows where to go when we get to the hospital and leads me in.” Helen and her husband, Steve, 54, teach mental health and first aid to NHS trusts and commercial companies. In her spare time, Helen takes Tilly in to the ICUs. Another patient who benefited from a visit by Helen and Tilly was Lilian Henshaw, 70, from Holmfirth. Helen had spent four nights in ICU with sepsis and was at a crucial point in her recovery. “I was frightened and knew I was fighting for my life,” she said. “Helen and Tilly’s visit was the best medicine. It was so soothing to stroke Tilly. It took my mind off reality.” Helen said that being “a patient, a family member or staff in ICU is high-pressured. HELEN MOSS visits patients in intensive care units with her therapy dog Tilly Rose (pictured). “We work with the sickest people. Some (Photo: Facebook) are unable to respond and others face a In conjunction with eBay and NHS the ICU. The patient’s eyes flickered – and long journey to recovery. Charities Together, the Daily Mail we held our breath to see if he would move “It’s been shown that stroking an animal asked readers to nominate people in again. can reduce blood pressure. But it also helps the healthcare sector who had made a “Sadly, he remained unconscious, so we with mental health, giving anxious relatives difference to their life or that of a loved one. settled back to chatting, which distracted another focus.” In Mailonline, journalist Sheron Boyle his parents from the stress of their present Tilly and Helen were nominated for an began by featuring a comatose man in his life. award as Health Heroes by Paul Knight, mid-20s, who had not moved for weeks. “A few weeks later, the man regained an ICU consultant at the Huddersfield and “His desperate parents kept a vigil at consciousness, and one of the first things he Calderdale hospitals. his bedside, the silence in the intensive asked about was Tilly. “Helen has the professional experience to talk to worried or grieving families, care unit punctuated only by the beep of “He could clearly recall our visit. It was or anxious staff, but Tilly is often the machines keeping their son alive,” said Ms such a powerful demonstration of what can icebreaker,” he said. “They’re a powerful Boyle. be achieved with pet therapy.” double act.” “The strained atmosphere was Fifty-three-year-old Helen and Tilly visit Nominations for the award closed last interrupted by a cheery ‘Hello’ from Helen patients in the ICU wards at Huddersfield month. Judges will select seven finalists for Moss, and the arrival of her Cockapoo, Tilly Royal Infirmary and Calderdale Royal the outstanding difference they have made Rose, who gently nuzzled the mother’s leg.” Hospital as part of a voluntary scheme to to people’s lives. A mental health first-aid trainer from bring comfort to patients. Each of the finalists will receive a paid- Skelmanthorpe, West Yorkshire, Helen “Helen’s daughter, Kelly, then a play for one-night stay in a five-star London introduced herself to the unconscious worker at Great Ormond Street Hospital hotel, and travel to and from London for patient. for Children in London, had witnessed the them and one guest to attend the Health “I explained I had brought Tilly, a therapy benefits of bringing dogs on to wards and Hero Awards ceremony at the end of the dog, to see him,” she said. “She put her encouraged her mother to look into it for year, where they will receive their award paws on the waterproof pad placed on the Tilly,” said Ms Boyle. unless circumstances prevent the event bed, then the patient’s dad took his son’s “Helen contacted the charity Pets As from going ahead. hand and guided it to Tilly’s head and they Therapy and was informed that to be The prize for the Health Hero of the stroked her. considered suitable for the task, dogs need Year is a luxury break up to the value of “I talked about Tilly and what we did in to be calm and friendly, which Tilly is. £5,000. ■


ROBIN HANBURY-TENISON prepares to leave Derriford Hospital to a send-off from medical staff. (Photo: Robin Hanbury-Tenison) Hospital garden helps explorer to recover from coronavirus

EXPLORER Robin Hanbury-Tenison, who was one of the first association between access to green people in the southwest to contract COVID-19, has told how being spaces and improved physical and mental health. placed in a hospital garden aided his recovery. “It subsequently worked with 30 President of the charity Survival “But with space at a premium and costs hospitals and 35 hospices to design healing International and previously Chief tightly controlled, gardens fell into the ‘not environments, with a strong focus on Executive of The Countryside Alliance, he essential’ category and many disappeared. gardens.” lives with his wife in Cornwall. “However, there is now growing Andy Jones, a professor in public health, Robin survived a six-week battle after support to have a garden for intensive care commented: “Whether the mood-lifting suffering from complications with the patients.” benefits come from being in contact with coronavirus. Specialist intensive care sister nature or being exposed to beneficial soil journalist Louise Atkinson Kate Tantam, who organised Robin’s Daily Mail bacteria, being outdoors helps our immune said that after contracting it in mid-March, garden visits, is a “fierce advocate of the systems work well. the turning point in Robin’s recovery came transformative health benefits of outdoor “We often reach for medication when with a trip to a “secret garden. spaces for the seriously ill, even during the we’re unwell, but exposure to health- “He was hooked up to life-saving COVID-19 pandemic.” promoting environments is increasingly equipment as staff wheeled him from the She told the paper: “Intensive care intensive care unit (ICU) to an outdoor is a very difficult place to be. You have recognised as being beneficial for both oasis of calm in the hospital, a moment little control. You’re in an unfamiliar preventing and helping to treat disease.” Robin now credits with his recovery.” environment and drugs can affect your Some years ago, Prince Charles The 84-year-old explorer and author level of consciousness. admitted that critics might view his organic commented: “I was lifted from the depths “Exposure to fresh air and sunshine, garden at Highgrove as an “expensive of a coma by the sunshine striking my face. even briefly, seems to remind patients indulgence,” but insisted that it helps to I remember opening my eyes and thinking, of what they are missing and somehow heal “damaged souls.” ‘I’m back’.” reassures them that they can recover. Launching an outspoken attack on the Robin caught the virus on a skiing “I have seen thousands of amazing “short-sighted” destruction of rare plants, trip and developed a dry cough just days recovery cases just like Robin’s. The effect fruit and vegetables, he defended the care following his return. After becoming of gardens like these can be miraculous. and money he had lavished on the grounds feverish and experiencing difficulty in “We find patients respond differently of his country estate in Gloucestershire. breathing, he was rushed to Derriford when they are outside ICU, often becoming Since buying Highgrove 40 years ago, Hospital in Plymouth and taken straight to more alert. The garden is a great place Charles has transformed its gardens by the ICU, where he was put on a ventilator. to assess recovery, such as swallowing restoring a wild flower meadow, planting Over the next six weeks, Robin drifted function or manual dexterity. unusual British varieties of apples and in and out of consciousness. At one stage, “As the patient improves, they might be using only natural fertilisers. he developed multiple organ failure as able to be reunited with a family pet in the The prince once admitted that he talked COVID-19 ravaged his body. garden, or even enjoy a beer. to his plants, although subsequently joked “He was clearly lucky to survive,” said “We take the patients out as often that he had changed this practice, saying, Ms Atkinson. “But he was also fortunate as we practically can, even every day if “Now I instruct them instead.” that the hospital where he was treated is it is clearly making a difference to their Colin Crosbie, a gardens superintendent one of about twenty in the UK to have a recovery.” at the Royal Horticultural Society’s garden dedicated ICU garden. The Daily Mail added: “There is a “Derriford’s garden is a small, paved growing number of hospitals raising funds in Wisley, Surrey, said: “I’m a great believer. courtyard with a raised flower bed. Its for such gardens, including King’s College I definitely talk to plants. close proximity to the ICU – and the staff’s Hospital in London, where the plan is “Most gardeners are quite tactile and belief in its restorative powers – means to convert its roof garden into an ICU- we do talk to them. Sometimes we talk seriously ill patients like Robin have access accessible space. kindly and sometimes we threaten them. to fresh air and sunshine, no matter how “Studies have also shown that time “There are times with a plant when you much life-saving equipment they require.” spent outdoors can improve recovery from say: ‘If you don’t do something, this is the The paper added: “Until the middle of conditions including stress, depression and end. You are not producing flowers. the 20th century, most hospitals were spinal injuries. “‘I’m very sorry; it’s going to be the designed to incorporate ‘natural areas’ for “A 2013 report by the independent compost heap.’ It’s amazing how they exercise and fresh air. think tank The King’s Fund found a strong respond.”

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 17 NEWS Top TV programme will be based in haunted castle

longtime hosts Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly. Their base is the village of Llanfair­ pwllgwyngyll­gogerychwyrn­ ­drobwll­llan­ tysilio­gogo­goch, which has the longest place name in the UK. One press report said: “While viewers have become accustomed to seeing celebrities boost their careers by donning bikinis and going shirtless as they sweat it out in the jungle, the new batch will likely need to pack thermals for the new series. “As the stars settle into their temporary digs, they will no longer get the opportunity to luxuriate in the daily delight of an outdoor shower, as they will now be bathing in a primitive tin tub, according to The Sun.” The new location also means a change of weather for contestants, who will face a temperature of around 8.5C (47.3F) A PREVIOUS owner and a servant are amongst those said to haunt the 200-year-old Gwrych Castle. temperatures and winds in contrast to (Photo: Fulcanelli) the heat of the Australian jungle of 22C (71.6F). ITV’s top programme I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, which It is believed that cameras will is usually based in Australia, will be held in the UK this year at a be around the castle to capture any haunted Welsh castle. paranormal activity. ■ Richard Cowles, Director of working overtime to come up with some Entertainment at ITV Studios, said: “We terrifying new trials and challenges. pulled out all the stops to try and make the “Not only will there be creepy crawlies series happen in Australia. galore, but now they have the added aid of “Unfortunately, due to the ongoing playing with a haunted castle. They think it Covid-19 pandemic and despite us looking will make for brilliant TV.” at many different contingencies, it became Built by Lloyd Hesketh Bamford- apparent that it just wasn’t possible for us Hesketh in the early 1800s, the castle’s to travel and make the show there. frontage is 1,500ft in length. The building “However, we are all really excited boasts 18 battlemented towers. about a UK version of I’m A Celebrity. While The castle is said to be haunted by a it will certainly be different producing the number of beings, including a previous show from the UK, the same tone and feel owner, Winifred Hesketh, the Countess of will remain. Dundonald, who passed on in 1924. “Our celebrities will probably have to According to legend, the countess is swap shorts for thermals, but they can angry with her husband for taking all of still look forward to a basic diet of rice and her former home’s valuables. Some people beans, and plenty of thrills and surprises maintain that she, or another spirit being, along the way.” stalks the area in a white dress. Soon to start its 20th series, contestants, Locals also believe that the form of a who usually travel to Queensland, will stay servant girl who died after falling off a in the 200-year-old Gwrych Castle folly, a horse also haunts the area. Others claim Grade I listed country house in Abergele, that apparitions of former caretakers have North Wales, at a cost to ITV of £1 million. been seen around the castle, which has A source on the show told The Sun: 250 acres of land. “Producers are chuffed with the new During World War Two, around 300 location and are excited for a change in Jewish refugees lived at the castle, which scenery this year. has fallen into disrepair in recent years. “The Bushtucker trial crew, who The series, which usually returns to THE new series will be presented by longtime hosts work tirelessly all year round, have been TV in November, will be presented by Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly. (Photo: ITV)

18 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 ‘We all have the divine spark within us’ says medium PN REPORTER

SUZANNE GIBSON-FOY: “Life is about experiencing, learning and developing, and ultimately finding self, Spirit and God.” (Photo:

A minister and medium, Suzanne Gibson-Foy holds a number of awards from Luton, Beds, which was the first time I the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU), with diplomas in demonstrating and entered a Spiritualist church, and then some ten years later in north London. public speaking. An accredited healing medium, Suzanne is also an SNU tutor and holds Are you a full-time medium? What other jobs the union’s certificates of recognition in demonstrating, public speaking and have you done in the past? teaching. I am now more or less a full-time Additionally, Suzanne also served the Spiritualist Association of Great medium, with a little bit of psychotherapy and counselling on the side. Britain (SAGB) from 2015-2019. As a student, I had many jobs from Below, she answers a series of questions about her life and gift. The first waitressing and working in bars to point put to Suzanne was: “As well as being a medium, you are also a holistic generalised office work in university therapist, qualified counsellor and psychotherapist. In a nutshell, can you tell administration. After graduating, I became me something about your work in this direction?” a course organiser for a number of history courses at the Open University. UP until recently, my work was first encounter with Spiritualism? I then became a teacher and compartmentalised, so that the three I was born in Newport Pagnell, Bucks, subsequently Head of Department of different aspects did not feature together. in 1969. I was not raised as a Spiritualist History in the secondary independent I have a diploma in crystal healing, but and my parents were not at all religious sector, working initially in an all-girls’ do not advertise this and just work on or interested in religion. However, Nesta school in Bedford and then in a mixed family and friends. Crystal healing is a Wyatt, my grandmother, was a Spiritualist. school in Wellingborough. wonderful way to be energetically restored She was a healer with the National I taught history and politics, mainly and nourished. Federation of Spiritual Healers and a at GCSE and A level. I have to say that I The bulk of my work was as a serving platform medium, who held a miss the subject of history and also miss psychotherapist. I work in private practice diploma in speaking and demonstrating teaching. I was in that profession for over with Carlos, my husband, and deal with from the SNU. fifteen years. a range of issues including relationships, My grandmother often told stories anger, anxiety, loss, depression and low about her demonstrations and sittings. Who’s in the rest of the family? How do they self-esteem. The focus in psychotherapy is Over the years, she conducted many regard your mediumship? on understanding with a view to change. private sittings and at one point had many My main family is quite small, but While I still work as a psychotherapist, minor TV and theatre celebrities visit her. because of my grandmother, mediumship I now have a greater opportunity to I only used to see her once a month and is accepted. combine my skills to offer personal was rarely on my own with her as a child, so I think some are uneasy about it and do and spiritual development, which we never actually had discussions about it. not want to use the gift themselves, even encompasses energy work, mediumship From her stories, I believed in the though they have the ability and could and psychotherapy, a combination which I afterlife from a young age, so when my own develop it. I am not criticised in any way for thoroughly enjoy using. mediumistic happenings began, I knew choosing to follow that path. what it was. Initially, Carlos was not terribly Where were you born and when? Were you I did go to see her work a couple of interested in it, although supportive of my raised as a Spiritualist? If not, what was your times – once when I was seventeen at development. I think that over the years he


It is a privilege to be able to link the spirit world with their loved ones

has become a lot more understanding of it precious that circle was, as it took time but also travel around the country and and has become a champion supporter. to find another circle. I then joined an continent for courses and training. I do not have children, but am secretly open circle run by medium Daphne Cross, I also offer regular readings and hoping that one or more of my nephews which again I stayed in for about eighteen personal spiritual development in Higham or my niece will become curious. I would months. Ferrers near Wellingborough, Kettering then be happy to pass on all that I have I also started to go to the Arthur Findlay and Bedford. experienced and know. College at Stansted Hall around 2000 and I try to keep travel time to about an went two or three times a year for the next hour for a Sunday service or mid-week What psychic gifts do you have? How did decade. demonstration. they first manifest? From there, I attended more courses I am clairsentient, clairvoyant and with the late Glyn Edwards. I first met Glyn From a medium’s point of view, what makes clairaudient with the latter being the latest in 2002 and attended numerous courses a Spiritualist church really stand out? to develop, although present at the start. I with him. He has been a great source of When it is clean and tidy, well organised am also a healer and do trance. I know that both inspiration and encouragement to and friendly to all who enter. there is also a creative element present, me. A solid committee or leadership is the but have not developed that yet. cornerstone of any successful Spiritualist While I had mediumistic and psychic Where do you live? church, a committee which will work to experiences as a child, they were not many In a small market town in enable the church to become a community and not really concrete enough to say with Northamptonshire called Higham Ferrers. offering a range of events and services for real certainty what they were. I have lived there for about eighteen years. its congregation in which participation is My mediumship, as I understand it encouraged. today, started very suddenly when I Do your neighbours know you are a medium? Also, that they have an understanding was 23 and I became aware of smells, If so, what’s their reaction? of how mediumship works, so that particularly one aftershave and various As far as I am aware, my neighbours services, including the reading, are put perfumes that would appear very have no knowledge of my religious beliefs together with thought and care. pungently before my nose wherever I or activities. Finally, that they create a warm- happened to be. hearted and friendly place to be for After visiting many churches looking How long have you been serving Spiritualist everyone, medium and congregation alike. for answers, I was eventually led to a churches? meeting with a relative of medium Stewart I served my first church in 2002 with What can a congregation do to assist a Alexander, which resulted in forming my Daphne Cross, who worked at the SAGB. medium on the platform? first circle. It was a Christian Spiritualist church at It makes a difference when a Trance came first, and then clairvoyance Rectory Cottages in Bletchley, Milton congregation participates fully in the and clairsentience began to develop Keynes, Bucks. service, joining in with prayers and singing simultaneously. I began working in my own right the hymns or songs with enthusiasm. following year, so have been serving For the demonstration of mediumship, Where did you develop your mediumship? churches for seventeen years. it is helpful if members of the congregation I was very lucky because I first sat in a are open-minded about who might want to small home circle. We sat for trance and it How many churches do you serve a month communicate with them, that they speak lasted about eighteen months until I had to and in which parts of the country? up clearly if they are a recipient and stay move away from that part of the country in Generally, I work within the attentive throughout. the late 1990s. Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Having said that, we also have to I didn’t realise at the time just how Buckinghamshire and London areas, recognise that not everyone is able to be in

20 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 a positive and open frame of mind for lots diary, the old-fashioned type made of left in the hands of their disciples. Thus, I of different reasons and that’s OK. paper, which I would be lost without, and would like to talk to the real person and as many books as I could grab. experience his light for myself. What’s the most satisfying aspect about The second would be Emma Hardinge being a medium? Do you have any hobbies or special interests Britten in order to have a better I thoroughly enjoy being able to away from the psychic scene? understanding of the mechanics of communicate with the spirit world. It is a I love reading and visiting places of mediumship in her era and to witness the privilege to be able to link the spirit world historical interest. I spend a lot of time in tremendous drive she must have had to with their loved ones, as it is a healing cathedrals and monasteries looking at the achieve all that she did. experience for both. architecture and taking in the atmosphere. The third would be in I would also add that the message of the When I can, I go on a pilgrimage order to have her explain her relationship philosophy of the spirit world is extremely with Carlos and we walk the Camino with her guide Red Cloud. important and that we are all spirit with de Santiago, or Way of St James, to the The final member would be Joan of Arc, the divine spark within us. This information cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in as I would like to hear her talk about her and the experience of it should transform Galicia in north-western Spain. visions and her experiences of medieval our lives. I used to be involved in battle re- France. enactments from the Wars of the Roses What was the best day in your life… and the and have my own armour, but think I’m a What would you choose for a three-course worst? bit old for that now! menu? I don’t tend to think in terms of good I love the energy of crystals, so For a starter I would have something days and bad days. Five years ago, for occasionally have a mammoth day of which included a combination from instance, I had two great days within making my own jewellery. Spiritualism – one was becoming an mushrooms, cheese, garlic and aubergines. officiant of the SNU, which was a loving For the main course, a fish dish, such How do you relax at the end of the day? day of affirmation, and the second was The nature of my work means that I as lightly cooked salmon, and for dessert passing my SAGB audition. often work evenings and therefore don’t bread and butter pudding with cream. In 2017, I became an SNU minister, and tend to have the traditional wind down. a tutor of the Arthur Findlay College in I love the idea of sitting and reading a What’s your main ambition in life? December 2019. book while nursing a coffee or to have a To fulfil my potential – whatever that is Following one assessment week for the really good conversation. – and to be at peace with myself. college, I was so excited that I drove up the M11 and missed my junction by about 20 If you could invite four people, “dead” or ■ Suzanne’s website is at www. miles! I was on cloud nine and not just for alive, for dinner, who would they be and Amongst services the day. why? she offers are spiritual development The worst? When something bad The first would be Indian yogi Swami consultations, individual readings, happens the effects tend to last far longer Rama, who died in 1996. The work of great mediumship training courses, weddings, than a day. spiritual teachers is often limited when namings and funerals. What is your philosophy of life in no more than two or three sentences? Life is about experiencing, learning and developing, and ultimately finding self, Spirit and God. Don’t get too caught up in the small things, as they are just distractions. Find your greatness and don’t give yourself a hard time for all times that you fail to do so.

If you were stranded on a desert island, which three or four luxuries in life would you miss the most? During the last few years, I have travelled for a period of four weeks with a back pack, so can tell you exactly what I miss – a weak latte coffee, my cat – or at least some animal to stroke – books, especially those concerning religion, spirituality or history, and finally my phone, as I want to be able to contact home at some point.

Similarly, if you had to leave your house in an emergency, which three items would you grab on the way out? MEDIUM would like to meet Joan of Arc “to hear her talk about her visions and her experiences of My laptop, for all that is has on it. My medieval France.”


This month, Barbara White looks at various signs and signals sent from through the clear water of truth. loved ones in the spirit world. Can birds, leaves or a feather really be a As mind-blowing as the realisation is, 50 years ago no one had even heard of the message from the Beyond? Read on to find out! term near-death experience. Added to WOW! I would love to see your faces that, the visions, messages and apparitions as you read the title of this feature, for which now occur so regularly in hospices there are many possible reactions to and hospitals were still in the future. such a heading, which could strike you But that future is now. There is a reason as provocative, silly, unrealistic or a total why each and every one of us is on Earth at exaggeration, to name just a few. this very moment. Let’s first examine the protests of those Some knew in a previous life that they who believe that any contact with heaven would be reincarnating in order to spread is impossible. After all, heaven doesn’t the Spiritualist message. Others were exist, does it? A little indignation and meant to be here when all these truths bluster help to dismiss the very idea. exploded. Agnostics and atheists cling to the Here we are all gathered, prepared thought that all the advances in science according to our differing capabilities, to haven’t managed to find God in anything follow the path of truth. We can ensure which can be cut open. Of course they we are always open to the idea of spiritual haven’t, for God is spirit, not physical. communication. As for organised religion, some find BARBARA WHITE: “All we have to do is to think We are used to thinking of this contact comfort in the hopes and beliefs they of a loved one Beyond and they will know, as love as confined to clairvoyance, clairaudience sing and pray about in church. Yet we feel forges a magnetic link.” (Photo: Trinley Paris) and clairsentience, but it simply cannot be excitement when hearing of extraordinary limited or defined in such a clinical fashion. psychic and spiritual incidents happening think of a loved one Beyond and they will Yet when a medium stands up to give a frequently. know, as love forges a magnetic link. demonstration in church, it is precisely Psychic happenings regularly feature When we think of them, they are all these “clairs” that we expect. in magazines and , so your attention. They are tuned in to us at this Later we’ll explore some case histories reaction to the title could be exhilaration very moment, even as we busy ourselves demonstrating different ways in which the at the idea of communication with heaven. with everyday matters. spirit world, or heaven, manifests. Spiritualists, of course, have long known Loved ones are waiting for us to think But first, how can we make ourselves that such contact exists. of them or even speak aloud to them. We more receptive to spirit contact? A starting Burning curiosity on the part of shall consider various ways we can help point is to take ourselves outside our the general public is increased by the ourselves to be aware of them. homes and commune with nature, sitting testimonies of folk who have seen or There always has been contact with or walking among all the wonders that the spoken to family members or friends in the the so-called dead. This is nothing new. Great Spirit has created for our pleasure. hereafter. However, people were once persuaded to It is among the glories of nature that What I aim to convey in this feature keep happenings which would have been we can begin to communicate with people is that everyone can be in contact with considered abnormal to themselves. who have been part of our lives. Begin with heaven right now. In fact, once we have Currently, individuals are emboldened someone you lost who is especially dear. tuned in, we can remain permanently in to speak of such matters because It helps if you achieve a meditative state touch. publicity has made this acceptable. A large while concentrating. Whatever your “official” religion, those percentage of the population now believes What you can be 100 per cent certain of dear to you who have preceded you to the in psychic and spiritual phenomena. is that the specific person who is now in the afterlife are already in contact with you. It’s all happened at a breakneck pace, afterlife will hear you speaking to him or How can they be? Because Spirit is a meaning recent generations have seen her either in thought or aloud. world of thought. All we have to do is to the bursting of the dam of silence to let Since some of our thoughts are picked


DIALOGUE WITH up, someone to whom you were close is just a hundred yards or so from this road, likely to attempt to reply or send a sign. I was twice forced to stop before a zebra You have probably already had crossing when someone called my name. frequent conversations in your mind with No one was there, but a bus went over this person without realising they could the crossing in front of me at that moment actually hear you. Talk to them as you stroll without pulling up. HEAVEN along and know that the special person is This was a similar incident to Susanna’s, there with you. so maybe it was my too. I had BY BARBARA WHITE Have you ever noticed a bird come to never before heard a spirit voice, so this perch beside you, singing his heart out? was a double blessing! Many people believe that birds really do Here are two more stories readers sent come as messengers. Thank the person in to Theresa. The first concerns an out-of- Spirit for the bird’s visit. body experience, which are very common Or a leaf may flutter down in front of and occur when someone returns to their you. Pick the leaf up and again thank the body without getting as far as a near-death person for communicating with you. experience. Some people consider a feather to Gwen’s story is typical. After a major be an extremely strong signal. The most MANY people “believe that birds really do come operation, she felt she was being pulled likely explanation is that the individual as messengers.” upwards through a whirlwind and you are thinking of simply wants you to From that day, Theresa stopped running transported through the roof of the acknowledge contact. as much and began to walk and appreciate hospital. She awoke to find herself back in Best-selling author Theresa Cheung has everything in nature she saw around her. bed and in her body. written many books about communication The two women had come from heaven to Meanwhile, when he was five, Owen with the spirit world. help her. was in hospital and not expected to live. Her book Conversations with Heaven Now to some readers’ accounts of night His mother sat with him during the night. contains inspiring accounts which ordinary visions sent to Theresa. Take Kathy, whose Owen is convinced he visited heaven people sent to her about communication father died without saying what kind of that night and says that the colours were with loved ones. Later, I’ll give a cross- funeral he would like. like a Swiss Alpine meadow. section of accounts which I found the most Kathy had him cremated and her dad A white robed man approached him, fascinating and convincing. appeared in a vision to say thank you for “a telling Owen he must go back. He had to In all these accounts, Theresa great send-off.” “scrunch himself up” to get back into his emphasises that the language of heaven is Will saw his father leave his body, smile body. one of love. It is the only thing that matters. and wave goodbye to his physical body, as As a final note, remember that any Theresa lost her mother when she was he rose up and disappeared. dialogue between here and hereafter must young and missed her so much that she When Mary’s grandfather passed, be two-way to be meaningful. sank into deep depression. she was inconsolable. One night she had Acknowledge all unexplained sights, Her first psychic experience was when a vision that she opened her bedroom sounds and smells as potential signals from her mother visited her in a dream, or, as curtains to see her grandfather sitting loved ones who now reside in the spirit she calls them, “Night visions” because cross-legged outside the window but world. These signs could be the beginning they are more realistic than dreams, which floating. Mary had an intense feeling that of a truly divine dialogue. often vanish quickly from the memory. The visions never fade. Indeed, a great he loved her. proportion of the population experiences Next, here are some readers’ accounts them at times. of intervention and warnings by someone When Theresa was a young mother in Spirit. herself, she developed an addiction to Irina felt that her life was saved when running, which was ruining her life. One she was fifteen. Swimming in a rough day, she tripped and fell because her sea, a massive wave swept her away. A shoelace was undone. It was close to a “presence” beneath the water gently bench where she saw two women sitting guided her back to the surface. the previous day. Brenda was standing on kitchen units, The women had been talking about putting up some new curtains, when she Theresa, saying that the running obviously stepped backwards and fell onto the stone wasn’t helping her because she looked floor. As she fell, she had the sensation miserable. of being supported and landed without a This particular day there was a kind man single scratch. sitting on the bench, who helped her up Susanna lost control of her car on a after she tripped. Theresa commented she bend and felt “paralysed,” but heard a had seen two women with identical blue shout from her spirit guide to put her foot coats sitting there the previous day, but on the brake. This saved her life. they were not present today. On the very day I was researching these The man was overcome with emotion stories from Theresa, I had a real warning as he realised it was his wife and her sister, myself from Spirit. who used to sit on that bench before they On my scooter in heavy traffic and A LEAF which flutters down may be a sign of spirit were killed in a car accident. feeling nervous about crossing a main road, contact.

PSYCHICPSYCHIC NEWS | NEWSSEPTEMBER | JUNE 2020 2019 23 23 Table ‘talks’ with famous ‘dead’ author Complex psychic influences inspire home circle and help to create The Centre in Edinburgh BY ROY STEMMAN

A MAJESTIC Victorian listed townhouse stands imposingly on a Using these diverse skills, she found corner of Palmerston Place and Chester Street in Edinburgh’s West others with similar sensitivities willing to dedicate themselves to weekly End. séances where they could develop their As a prominent feature of a well-heeled mediumistic abilities. neighbourhood that is a mix of residential The challenge for them all was to and office accommodation, interspersed understand what their spirit team wanted with small guest houses and retail outlets, them to achieve. the exterior of 25 Palmerston Place gives Were they sitting to develop trance, only a hint of its glorious past and stylish healing or physical phenomena? At times interior. it seemed like a movable feast, often Next to the double doors through which changing direction in ways which were visitors enter is a large sign that satisfies beyond their comprehension. some of the questions which must intrigue Readers who have sat in a regular circle casual passers-by who recall that a decade or are contemplating embarking on such ago the building had fallen into a state of an initiative will find much in her book that disrepair. reflects their own experiences. “The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre,” Ann soon realised that both having the it tells them, is “a spiritual centre for the right people in the circle and also finding physical, mental, emotional and spiritual a suitable venue in which to sit each week wellbeing of society.” were essential, but these factors were not This statement dispels any further always in their control. doubts by adding, reassuringly, that it is However, she was certain that in time, a resource for the whole community and Arthur and the spirit team would guide welcomes people of all religions and none. them to the perfect place. Those who venture inside are always There are times when Ann’s accounts impressed by its architecture – particularly THE centre is “a prominent feature of a well-heeled of a Thursday night circle read more like a its central sweeping staircase that curls neighbourhood.” report from the early days of Spiritualism upwards to an engraved glass dome on the when rapping, table tilting and physical roof – and various large meeting rooms, Doyle the driving force of a team on the phenomena were far more common. one of which is occupied by the Edinburgh Other Side. That’s surely appropriate, since as well Association of Spiritualists, a Spiritualists’ For more than a decade, they have as writing the wonderful Sherlock Holmes National Union church. communicated with Ann Treherne, now detective novels, Sir Arthur also produced Yet little seems to have been written the centre’s chairperson, and a like-minded the excellent two-volume The History of about its 140-year past. Understandably, group of people who sit in her Thursday Spiritualism around a century ago. it is the present day that now dominates night circle. What’s more, some very familiar names with top mediums and speakers making In her independently-published book from Spiritualism’s more recent history – regular appearances. Arthur And Me, she tells the story of their Maurice Barbanell, Gordon Higginson and The centre’s website experiences and how they were guided by Arthur Findlay, for example – appear to be ( keeps its their spirit team to the building that now playing supporting roles in Arthur’s spirit finger on the pulse of current and future houses the centre. team. activities as the building enjoys probably Sir Arthur, incidentally, was born in the Some evenings, Ann tells us, the circle the most colourful and important period in Scottish capital and studied medicine at received messages via a table, which its long life. the University of Edinburgh. rapped out answers and almost climbed But who was responsible for As well as having paranormal abilities up a wall in its excitement. At other times, transforming it into a vibrant spiritual – particularly experiencing premonitions – a glass and alphabet placed on a table top and psychic centre? The answer is that its and also being a psychic investigator, Ann was the means of spirit communication. creation was inspired – even engineered – had a corporate background in banking However, the circle knew that modern by the spirit world, with Sir Arthur Conan and finance. Spiritualists are wary of using such

24 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 methods, preferring the use of mental corroboratory items of information, were new surroundings, the Thursday circle has mediumship to converse with their spirit given at the Thursday circles and recorded continued to meet and to develop their helpers. on tape, as well as being transcribed and mediumistic abilities. This need for caution was confirmed on printed out for the group’s own benefit. The intimation is that the phenomena a couple of occasions. Once, Ann quickly When the building came on the market, produced are stronger and the realised that a spirit being who was said to it was exactly as described. As well as communications even more evidential. be one of her relatives was not the person finding the ideal permanent home for their This will be the subject of Ann’s next book she claimed to be. circle, once a major renovation project was on which she – and Arthur, of course – are Even more frightening was the time undertaken, they, and the spirit team led already working. when a “materialisation” of an entity by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, also helped to appeared in a corner of the room that they create a spiritual centre that is in tune with n “Arthur And Me” by Ann Treherne all sensed was malevolent. It seems he was the needs of the 21st century. is available from Amazon. A 278-page well known in occult circles many years That, apparently, is not the end of the paperback, it costs £8.99. ago, when he had a sinister reputation. story. It seems that empowered by their Not only were circle members able to identify him from a photograph they tracked down, but soon discovered that he had actually lived in the building in which they were holding their Thursday circle. It was time for them to move on! Much of the book is devoted to lengthy transcripts of the circle members’ conversations, which some readers might find a little tedious, particularly when they all seem to be speaking at once or when sitters don’t ask questions that a reader would have asked. At least, this approach doesn’t leave readers wondering if the author is jumping to false conclusions or misinterpreting what is happening. They can judge for themselves. ANN TREHERNE: As well as having paranormal A description of the building to which abilities and being a psychic investigator, she had a they were being guided, and various other corporate background in banking and finance.

HERE is the centre’s magnificent central sweeping staircase that curls upwards to an engraved glass dome on the roof.

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 25 Behind the scenes at Camp Silver Belle


SIXTY years after her death, Ethel Post Parrish is still remembered He has even compiled detailed accounts affectionately by the rapidly diminishing number of those who met of American Spiritualism’s main “profit centres” – the leading camps, churches her and experienced her mediumship. and other venues that attracted the top Fortunately, for those of us who never mediums and their wealthy patrons – in encountered this formidable woman or the period between the two world wars, the apparent miracles that occurred in information that has not, apparently, her presence, Ethel Post Parrish by Gerald previously been researched and made O’Hara conveys the story of her very available. colourful life in incredible detail. Camp Silver Belle faced strong Ethel was the powerhouse behind one competition. The exposure of blatant fraud of America’s most vibrant Spiritualist at a very similar Spiritualist centre – Camp centres, Camp Silver Belle, in Ephrata, Chesterfield – inevitably had an impact Pennsylvania, and its associated Mountain on Ethel’s business and career, though it Springs Hotel. has to be said that she appears to have She was also often centre stage, successfully demonstrated her astonishing working as a materialisation medium mediumship under test conditions at other capable of bringing the “dead” back to venues where fraud would seem to have life, cloaked in and apparently been impossible. looking and sounding exactly as they did Maurice Barbanell and Fleet Street when alive. journalist Hannen Swaffer were among Acting as the co-ordinator between the visitors to Camp Silver Belle. Both this world and the next was a spirit guide wrote glowing tributes to the evidence – sceptics would describe her as Ethel’s they received from the materialised spirit partner-in-crime – named Silver Belle. beings who appeared. Other mediums with similar In his book This Is Spiritualism, Barbanell mediumistic powers often worked even published a remarkable photographic alongside her. At its peak, Camp sequence that appears to show the gradual Silver Belle was a magnet not only for ectoplasmic creation of Silver Belle, with Spiritualists in the United States, but life, including her four marriages and Ethel Post Parrish visible in a curtained believers and sceptics from all over the her numerous spirit world connections, cabinet throughout the manifestation. world. as well as recognising her skills as chief But were Barbanell, Swaffer and O’Hara has done a superb job of piecing operating officer of what became a large numerous other witnesses hoodwinked together the complex story of Ethel’s and profitable enterprise. by a team of “spirit” impersonators

26 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 TAKEN from a series of photographs, this one purports to show the medium’s spirit guide materialising. who crept on stage during these public demonstrations? That was what was happened at Camp Chesterfield – a scam which was eventually exposed by infra-red filming by researcher Andrija Puharich that did untold damage to American Spiritualism at the time. Was Ethel Post Parrish a genuine In contrast, the pictures of Silver Belle’s materialisation, also taken with see-in- medium, a ruthless and cunning the-dark infra-red, would appear to be a powerful testimony to the reality of the charlatan or a mixture of the two? phenomenon captured on film. But was it? Canon William V. Rauscher, an Episcopal priest and highly respected researcher who was chairman of the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (1964-68), suggests in his autobiography Religion, Magic and the that the Silver Belle image have to be developed in a photographic are also fulsome accounts from those sequence was phoney. darkroom. who were totally convinced that Ethel’s Rauscher believes the photographer, Was Ethel Post Parrish a genuine mediumship had enabled “dead” loved ones Jack Edward, produced the sequence medium, a ruthless and cunning charlatan to appear before them and even to convey by double exposure, using previously or a mixture of the two? information that the medium could not captured images of smoke and drawings of I was hoping this book would provide an have known. Silver Belle superimposed on photographs answer, but as the author explains early on: For me, the genuineness of her “Some have argued that the focus of the of Ethel in the cabinet, with her assistant mediumship is still an open question. What book should be on Ethel’s mediumship, that Lena Barnes Jefts holding the curtain aside. Gerald O’Hara demonstrates is that she Others will beg to differ, of course, accounts of phenomena should be first. was clearly a very clever and competent particularly those who formed a “That would be a different book. The businesswoman, and many owed their committee to oversee the taking of the emphasis in this work is a narrative of the infra-red sequence and who testified to the life that Ethel lived.” belief in Spiritualism to her efforts. genuineness of the results. Having said that, long accounts of her However, Rauscher, an accomplished mediumship are grouped in an Appendix. n Running to 240 pages, with 24 magician, knows how easy it is to deceive As well as quotes from individuals illustrations, “Ethel Post Parish” costs £12.01 witnesses particularly when the results who believed she was a fraud, there and is available from

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 27 Opportunity and Change Blessings and Abundance


Kyle’s cards have angelic angle Tarot expert Wendy Stokes reviews “The Angel Guide Oracle” by Kyle Gray. Artwork by Jennifer Hawkyard.

THE text from the inside box of this 44-card set reads: “Thank you, blessing me with your presence and for angels, for reminding me of your presence and for revealing to me blessing these cards with your light, so that I can use them as a tool of spiritual growth what I need to know. I am willing to listen and receive… and to connect to divine guidance. Thank “Angels record our life and evolution. access our own intuition and clairvoyance, you for being here and for revealing to me They are extensions of divine love and are and to strengthen our connection to what I need to know. messengers from God. When we connect angels. We are encouraged to create our “I set the intention that this deck will act to angels, we connect to God. own interpretations using the card images as a bridge that brings us together, for the “They want to guide and protect us, and and titles. highest good and in the presence of love. send us messages, signs and reminders of Our use of the cards and the And so it is!” our true and highest aspirations. relationships we forge with them will The cards can be used for personal “We all have a guardian angel to guide create a bond or help us to remember the readings or for readings for others. They us and who knows us intimately because bond you once had with them. are based on the law of attraction, where they were created especially for us. The Guidebook provides information on you attract experiences and energies due “They help us to grow in love and each of the card titles, with a message and to your thoughts. wisdom, and are governed by spiritual an extended message, and also advice on The cards will match your intention laws. Though they are dedicated to us, they how to use the deck, although there is no by helping you to draw those which will cannot act for us unless we invite them. right way or wrong way to use them. reveal the message you most need. There They do not judge and will never abandon We are told to hold the cards close to is information on reversed cards that fall us. our heart and visualise a swirling golden upside down. “There are many angels available to light around us, which cleanses our energy These upside down cards strengthen us that have many spiritual duties and and that of the cards. the meaning given to that card. Spreads responsibilities. They want us to be Next ask the angels to bless the cards suggested are for a daily one-card reading, happy and live our life with purpose and and help us to work accurately with them. a three-card spread of Strength, Heart and compassion.” This is the prayer that is suggested: Challenge, a nine-card spread and a Future This deck is designed to help us to Do“Divine the angels of light. WorkThank you for Guidance card for the month ahead.


The cards have modern styling with An Extended Message reads: “You may enjoyable high colour artwork with multi- feel that your prayers aren’t being heard, cultural figurative paintings that feature but this isn’t true. young people between the ages of 20-30 “Angels have heard you and are years old. suggesting you take time to assess where Many are winged and have a halo. Some in your work or relationships you may be of the titles are Spiritual Growth, Surrender, creating barriers to success. Sacred Plan and Transformation. “When you are open to seeing and doing The creator is the award-winning Kyle things differently, you will experience the Gray, a spiritual teacher who had his first answers and miracles you need. You are psychic encounter with the spirit of his being encouraged to pray from a space of grandmother when he was just four years gratitude now. of age. “When you focus on what you are As a young person, he saw, felt and grateful for, you align your energy with the heard Spirit, which led him to his speciality miraculous. Heaven is encouraging you to in working with angels. welcome support in all areas of your life.” Kyle hosts a weekly show on Hay House Now 33, Kyle has, said his publisher, Radio called Angel Club and has several “been blessed with a strong connection Blessings and Abundance audio books and apps. His online courses to the angels, who have guided him as he are available for anyone who would like developed his intuitive gifts. to be a certified angel worker. See https:// KYLE GRAY: As a child, he saw his “dead” “After years of hiding his abilities, Kyle grandmother. was called to share the angels’ incredible Kyle is based in Glasgow. If you visit his messages with the world. “You are being encouraged to shift your website at you can learn “Now, Kyle dedicates his life to helping perceptions and recognise that even in the your angelic destiny number and receive a other people open to the angels through most difficult of circumstances a miracle is weekly angel message. his workshops, talks and online Angel possible. The artist for Kyle’s latest deck is Tribe.” Jennifer Hawkyard, who lives in West “Whatever miracle you need, it is Kyle regularly travels for sold-out Wales. She is a traditional and a digital available to you now. Your angel guide is events in the UK, USA and Europe. The illustrator, art director and graphic encouraging you to recognise that you author of seven books and co-creator of designer who specialises in vibrant, highly may have been blocking support by saying three oracle card decks, he has 151,000 colourful textural images. She is also ‘No’ to the things you wanted to say ‘Yes’ followers on Facebook and Instagram, and known as Jezhawk. to, and they are asking you to change that 45,000 e-mail subscribers. Here is a sample from the deck: “Your now. Message. Ask and Receive: Ask and you “When you begin to say ‘Yes’ to the ■ “The Angel Guide Oracle” are available shall receive. Your angel guide wants you experiences that light you up, you usher this month at £15.99. They are published by to know that help is available. increased levels of support into your life.” Hay House UK.

Do the Work Expect Miracles Manifestation PSYCHICPSYCHIC NEWS | NEWSSEPTEMBER | JUNE 2020 2019 29 29 Courage and Bravery

Composure WISDOM FROM THE LAND OF LOVE AND LIGHT BEYOND Lighthouses of the spirit

Over the years, many people heard Silver Birch speak through his medium nowhere else to turn. Maurice Barbanell. Most of the sittings were held at his NW London flat, but These are the mourners, the sick, the perplexed, the weary, all who think this was not always the case. there is no purpose left for them. Neither On one occasion, Silver Birch addressed the now defunct Council of the churches, the scientists, nor the Spiritualists. This was composed of representatives from the Greater World philosophers can be of any help to them. You have a saying in your world that Association, Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, Spiritualists’ National man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. It Union and Institute of Spiritualist Mediums. is when the human soul feels it has come Let’s begin by reading the guide’s opening words to members of the to the end of its tether, and the world of council. Questions put to him appear in italics. matter has nothing to offer, that the spirit gets its first chance to begin to be kindled, I REGARD it as a great privilege that you so that its light can gradually become should ask me to come and talk with you. I stronger and more lambent. hope that I may be of help in the tasks that The part you play is helping these souls lie before you. to understand themselves, the purpose for I am not a figure of all-wisdom, all which they are incarnated on earth and the knowledge, but I have lived longer than all gifts they possess, which should be utilised of you. in the service of others. I have acquired perhaps a little more In short, what they must do to fulfil knowledge of the universe and the natural themselves so that they leave earth laws which control it. What I have to say properly equipped for the next stage of may not be very new. There is no new their eternal pilgrimage that begins when truth, but only different ways of expressing death comes to the physical body. it. All this is part of a sublime plan. Those You are all fortunate because you who conceived it and who work to ensure are the recipients of knowledge and of its fulfilment are the ones co-operating evidence. You have an awareness of the with you. Larger Life and its reality. The important thing is that the You have an awareness of those – some bridgeheads which have been established of you can see and hear them, others by all the groups, bodies and societies that cannot, but know they are there – who you represent should be consolidated and are as much a part of the sublime plan as strengthened. you are. Their task is to ensure that it will Then you have the equivalent of continue to operate and follow its ordained lighthouses of the spirit shedding their PSYCHIC artist Marcel Poncin produced this oil path. painting of Silver Birch. beams so that the weary and lost ones I do not have to tell you that the truths can find their way to you and you can help you represent come to you as part of spirit power should flow into your world them to solve the problems which none a highly organised concerted scheme in ever-increasing measure, that more and other has been able to do for them. engineered by evolved beings. Some more human channels shall be found who This is the task on which you are all call them masters; others call them the can act as the divine emissaries on earth, engaged. This is what matters. This is also hierarchy. and furthermore that you should work your great responsibility. They are the ones charged with the together to see that you offer this very You are the chosen ones. In some cases supreme responsibility of ensuring that important knowledge to those who have you have chosen this yourselves, whether


MAURICE BARBANELL was Silver Birch’s medium for decades. you are aware of it or not I do not know. possible… its highest possible pitch. He should try to Yours is the responsibility because In our view, you should try to reach live in accordance with the knowledge he you have to offer a great truth, one that the largest number of people with the has received. is of inestimable benefit to the whole of fundamental message and evidence that He should seek time for meditation and mankind. It is very vital for your troubled you have to offer. for attunement. He should have recourse world lost in a materialistic morass. Every child of the Great Spirit should be to those with similar aspirations who will Lip service is paid to some truths that given the opportunity to acquire this truth, were established yesterday, but the largest which is a priceless boon, a rich spiritual help in the unfoldment of his gift. number worship mammon, seek power and treasure providing direction in the whole This you can do. Having trod this path, indulge in selfishness and greed, causing of life. Whether they accept or not is their you can point out the pitfalls, difficulties untold misery to millions. responsibility, not yours. and the temptations to be avoided. If you succeed in helping one soul to find The greatest of all objectives is to itself, to come into its own, then your life I would like to feel that one of our most become aware of the responsibility. It has not been in vain. important aims is to raise the quality of is a tremendous responsibility to be an mediumship rather than the quantity of ambassador for the divine. Part of our work is to try to publicise this mediums. If the priorities are right, all will fall into truth on a national scale. It has been It is felt generally that our standard, our line. When the spirit is right, everything suggested that we should try to interest or presentation, needs to be raised. Would you else will be right. But when priority is given call together every Spiritualist organisation agree? for a mass meeting for this purpose. I would agree that at any time in the to the things of the physical body, then Would this produce results? The objective things of the spirit, quality is preferable to everything will be wrong. would be to try to get the co-operation of all quantity. Spiritualists instead of individual bodies. Better to have one selfless, dedicated Would you say that a medium is helped by If you think it would help, why not try instrument capable of expressing understanding a little more of the natural it? It is better to have co-operation if you the fulness of spirit power than 100 law and therefore the mechanics of his undeveloped souls who are no credit to can achieve it. Your primary purpose must mediumship? always be to reach the largest number you mediumship. This is very controversial. Whatever I can. say some will disagree with me, but I have Another equally important purpose is Have you any suggestions as to how the to ensure that those endowed with gifts quality of mediumship could be improved? been using my instrument for many years of the spirit should unfold them wisely, be I can suggest many ways. It would seem and understand the intricacies of this form aware of the sacredness of their task and that I am resorting to quotations, but they of mediumship very well indeed. fit themselves by their lives so that they can be very apt. I think, viewing the question from every can be the instruments for the greatest Your Bible says, “Seek ye first the angle, that knowledge is always preferable possible spirit power to pour through kingdom of God, and His righteousness, to ignorance. With knowledge you are them. and all these things shall be added unto armed. With ignorance you are unarmed. It is not organisations that matter as you.” This is a question of getting the organisations, but what they do. Names do priorities right. ■ For a full list of Silver Birch books not matter. It is the service rendered that is Once an instrument is aware he important. possesses a gift that is divine in origin, he which are available, please go to www. The Great Spirit is not concerned with is charged with a great responsibility. He They are kept the names you give to your bodies, but the should order his life so that no action in in print by the Spiritual Truth Foundation, a means by which you express divine truths any way sullies or tarnishes his gift. registered Spiritualist charity, whose website and allow divine power to flow as much as He should strive diligently to unfold it to is at

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 31 Good, good, good, good vibrations! Learn the art of psychometry By Craig Hamilton-Parker WHEN mediums start out in a development circle, one of the first things they will learn is the skill of psychometry. The word comes from the Greek psyche (soul) and metron (measure), and literally means “measuring of the soul.” Psychometry is the psychic skill with the spirit world. These should not be of touching an object and describing used as part of a mediumistic reading. impressions about an event or person It is essential to put the object down associated with it. The term was coined when moving from a psychometric reading in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph to a mediumistic one. The medium could Rhodes Buchanan, an American professor say: “That was psychometry. I’ve given you of physiology from the Eclectic Medical things that I’ve picked up using my psychic Institute, in Covington, Kentucky. skills.” Then put the object down and say, Mr Buchanan noticed that some of “Now let me see what I can tell you using his students could distinguish different my mediumistic skills.” chemicals when wrapped in thick brown This is basic stuff, so it is infuriating paper. Some of these “sensitives” could when you see a high-profile medium also describe, from unopened letters, the passing off psychometry and photo- CRAIG HAMILTON-PARKER: “I worked on a movie about Jack the Ripper and was asked to hold some contents and the characters of the writers. reading as mediumship. You can’t hold of the items owned by his victims. The vibrations a “dead” celebrity’s hat and say you’re Mr Buchanan published the results of hit me hard and I felt sick to my stomach, but also these studies and his theories in a book in touch with their spirit just as a jar of had flashes of what happened.” entitled Journal of Man as well as a Manual photographs collected from an audience of Psychometry (Boston, 1889). cannot be used to make spirit contacts. In development circles, we use I’ve also worked with archaeologists psychometry as a stepping-stone towards PSYCHIC ARCHAEOLOGY on television. One of the most interesting psychic skills and mediumship. By holding was with wildlife TV presenter Chris Psychometry is an excellent teaching an object and talking about the vibrations Packham, who was runner-up for Britain’s aid, but also a fascinating psychic skill we feel from it, we can tell a lot about Most Sceptical Person Award 2001. I was to explore for its own sake. I worked on the object and its owners. We tune in to blindfolded and driven to various locations a movie about Jack the Ripper and was its residual energy, which is an energy and museums. Here, I held artefacts and asked to hold some of the items owned memory imprinted into the item. From was asked to give their history. by his victims. The vibrations hit me hard this, we can describe the character and Some items were real and some were and I felt sick to my stomach, but also had memories of its previous owners. fake. The museum curators would judge my flashes of what happened. success rate. Chris nearly fell off his seat From these feelings it is possible to gain PSYCHOMETRY AS A TOOL when I was given a battered violin and said an insight into who could have been the it was once owned by the writer Thomas Apprentice mediums and sitters often killer and his motives. This illustrates how Hardy. There was absolutely no way I could confuse this with mediumship. If the psychometry can profile murderers, but have known this. former owner is “dead” and the student unfortunately the policy of British police is Once you develop the skill of gives an accurate description of their life, not to use psychics. psychometry, it can open up fascinating personality and so on, they assume that With psychometry, we have a means windows to the past. I love to touch the this is coming from Spirit. It is not. It comes to look back into the past. I did some stones at Avebury ring in Wiltshire to from the memories imprinted on the fascinating readings for a famous French see what images and feelings cross the object. archaeologist who asked me to handle screen of my awareness. I cannot always Similarly, some stage mediums give various artefacts from Stone Age times prove that what I “see” is true, but it is an alleged spirit communications by holding and early history. interesting spiritual pastime. a photograph. This is face reading. It is The archaeologist was excited by the Doing psychometry on my travels easy to describe a person’s personality fact that what I was saying seemed to in rural India offered some of the most by looking at a photograph, but this is not confirm his theories about the ancient engrossing experiences. In the ruins mediumship. Today, a lot of psychism is landscape and lifestyles of the archaic of Mahabalipuram in Southern India passed off as mediumship. people from the dig where the items were overlooking the Bay of Bengal, I tuned Nonetheless, psychometry is a good found. in to the locations and described what way to get a reading started. It helps the However, I warned him that although I happened there. An expert whom we hired medium to connect with the vibrations was doing psychometry from the objects, to guide us through the sites confirmed of the person in front of them and make it was possible I was also receiving his own this. an inner connection with the person they thoughts by telepathy. Some people regard In a museum in Delhi, northern India, want to speak to in Spirit. No tools or mediums as infallible. It is important that I was given permission to touch Gandhi’s aids such as tarot cards, crystal balls and we always explain any potential flaws to clothes and some of the bed linen of the photographs are required to make contact our insights. saint Ramakrishna. In Varanasi, I sat in a


dark cellar on the seat of the miraculous let you experiment with them. future with psychometry because these yogi Trailanga Swami and felt the energy of It is important not to be given any clues vibrations are not imprinted on the object.) his presence in the past, and in the obscure or know anything about the object you All of this is said without the sitter Arundhati Guha Caves I sat where Jesus want to read. You should not know who responding. You simply close your eyes and allegedly meditated when he visited India. has owned it. speak. When you dry up and feel you have When you open to these things, Some mediums say that metal objects said all that you can, then you ask the sitter psychometry becomes a way of inner are best at holding vibrations, but that is to tell you what was right and what was transformation. For a few moments, it is not my experience. You can read just about wrong. like being in the company of these great anything. You can even read a flower that At first, you may be disappointed, spiritual men. We can feel it in holy places. has been held for a while. but as you gain confidence and trust I’m sure many also feel it in Spiritualist the unconscious clairvoyance to break churches and Stansted Hall at the Arthur TRY IT FOR YOURSELF through, you will find you will get more and Findlay College, Essex. more right. A time will eventually come Most people who try psychometry struggle when the sitter will tell you are 100 per to speak at first. They are worried about FILMING IN INDIA cent correct. looking a fool and getting things wrong and The skill of psychometry happens to all When filming the movie are confused about what to say. The key is Mystic Journey of us in everyday life. When you walk into , we met someone who collected to be a fearless fool. to India a building you may sense the energies of ancient relics and antiquities and was You must speak out and say whatever its past. prepared to allow the crew to film me comes into your head no matter how A church may have a peaceful vibration clairvoyantly reading their history. He stupid it may seem. In this way, the whereas an abattoir is imprinted with the would confirm or deny my insights. intuition can bypass the critical mind and fearsome vibrations of suffering. When we Unfortunately, the sound levels were genuine information will come through. buy a new home, we become sensitive to terrible, so we couldn’t use the footage I also tell my students to pretend that the “feel” of the place. but it was interesting to spiritually access they are the greatest medium that has We can also sense when a person strange objects from India, Tibet, Nepal ever lived as they do this. You know you is being truthful, is jealous, distressed, and China. are play-acting, so do not take yourself too projecting repressed anger and so on. The most interesting items I held for seriously. You will trick yourself into being Vibrations are all around us. Becoming psychometry, I found out later, were confident and unconscious clairvoyance aware of them increases our intuitive healing wands. They are made of wood will flow. understanding of the world and helps us to and crystals, and decorated with strange At first, only a small percentage of the make better decisions and choices. images and Sanskrit writing. They were things you say will be right, but once you bizarre contraptions, but when I held them, learn to speak out and say whatever is ■ Craig Hamilton-Parker’s books about they felt electrifying. I explained that I on your mind then highly specific things psychic development are available from believed that these objects were used for will creep in. Eventually, you will gain his website at You can magical healing and had to be placed in a confidence and can improve your latent watch Craig’s film “Mystic Journey to India” special way directly on the body. gifts. This happens when you add structure on Amazon Prime. In Spiritualism, we use hands-on to your flow. healing, but this was something quite I encourage my students to focus on different. Strange as it was, I felt it could describing the characteristics of the owner work. The energy from these weird objects of an object. There may have been multiple was very powerful. owners, so you must describe what you Spiritualists underrate psychometry. It feel is the most dominant person. is associated with fledglings and beginners. In your mind’s eye, you will picture Psychometry is used in circles and someone. You then describe what they fledglings’ demonstrations as a starting are like as a person, what illnesses they point leading to mediumship, but as you may have had, what personality traits they can see from my experiments, it is also an have, their hopes and fears and this sort of interesting gift to use in its own right. thing. For me it is a way of exploring the It is a bit like the way a medium past. Sometimes, these insights can be will describe a spirit personality when confirmed when an expert is with me, but doing clairsentience, but in this case the at other times it is enjoyable to link into information is coming from the object and history and feel that most of what you are welling up through the intuition. “seeing” is probably true. I also tell my students to add a timeline. GETTING STARTED This is not easy when you are allowing yourself to speak without censoring any Practising psychometry is one of the best thoughts and simply allowing everything in techniques to get you started on the path the mind to arise of itself. to becoming a medium. It is also a worthy Start with childhood. Let the gift to develop in its own right and can give you interesting insights into the past. unconscious produce pictures, feelings and You can learn in a circle, but it is also flashes of things from the person’s past. something that can be practised at any Then push yourself to intuit the recent time if you can find a few people willing to past and the present. (We do not tell the

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 33 SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN 341 Queenstown Road, Battersea, London SW8 4LH OPEN PRIVATE Tel: 020 7931 6488 SITTINGS SEVEN DAYS Website: A WEEK DAILY Private Sittings: face to face, telephone or Skype One-hour Daily Demonstrations at 3.30pm, apart from Sunday which is at 5pm Evening Demonstration at 6.30pm on Wednesdays Spiritual Healing daily v Open Circles v Open Platforms v Beginners’ Trance Circle Hypnotherapy v ‘Living with the Light’ Circle v Psychic Art Demonstrations Distant Healing Circle v Bereavement Support Circle v Connecting with Guides Circle Guided Meditation v Sunday Service Thursday Evening Teachings 6.30pm - 8pm: Lectures, Philosophy, Open Platforms, and Understanding Trance Circle for intermediate/advanced students KEEP AN EYE ON OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS OF WHEN WE WILL BE RE-OPENING


J. J. Morse is regarded as one of Spiritualism’s finest trance mediums. illumined thinkers of all lands have upheld Born in 1848, he passed on in 1919. A former editor of “Two Worlds,” the hope of immortality, while visions, trances and open visitations from the spirit his Spiritualist funeral service is truly inspirational. realms have added knowledge to faith, Sadly, despite its beauty, the service is little known these days, so giving man the certainty that death does we decided to print it this month, for its words are still wonderfully not end all. applicable. But human life is not all suffering and strife. To each of us comes something of IN the fulness of time comes the gladness and sweetness. harvesting. The golden sheaves are The tender ties of blood bind hearts in garnered, and the husbandman rejoices loving unison, while those still holier links that his labour has not been in vain. He thanks the giver of all good whose laws of human love hold us firm and true to each have thus fulfilled His purposes. other when trials and disappointments fret We are ears of corn in the fields of life, us almost beyond endurance. ripening for the Great Reaper to gather Our children comfort us in age, soothing us in for the harvest home in the sweet our pains of body and mind. Tenderly they homeland beyond. minister to us when the spirit bids its adieu Man, too often ignorant regarding his to mortality as it goes to realise its greater heritage of continued existence, sees but freedom. gloom and sorrow in death. He notes the Sad it is when death comes to the drooping of the young, the failing of early accompaniments of pain and anguish, but prime, the steadily advancing snows of age. then sweet are the ministries of those His heart aches, the brevity of life seems nearest and dearest to us. so pitiful, the dread ending so swift that in J. J. MORSE: “In very truth to die is to gain.” Let us then give thanks with heart and anguish he asks, “What is there beyond?” God knows best, for assuredly His will and soul for the love that blesses and soothes He muses that if life be all, then all too wisdom rule all things wisely and well. in our hour of separation. But a greater brief is life. The little span of three score Death is the gateway of life. In very comfort is ours in the certain knowledge years and ten scarce affords him time to truth to die is to gain. In all ages the eye of that death, as men call it, is truly a part in know he truly lives. faith has caught glimpses of the serener the great plan of life. Youth and age alike ever feel the coming regions of the life beyond. As the rose buds and blossoms, making of the white angel all too soon. But truly, Prophets, poets, seers and soul- summer airs fragrant and the days

PSYCHICPSYCHIC NEWS | NEWSSEPTEMBER | JUNE 2020 2019 35 35 beautiful, so, in due time, the human spirit The tears of joy are also shed, of joyful At church or chapel buds, blossoms and is made ready to be thankfulness that wounds are healed, that transplanted to the more congenial life of the haven has been gained. Life and death are the servants of God, the Summerland beyond. The tears that give ease to sorrow, love and duty the incentives that link To die is as natural as to live. As the bud that relieve the overcharged breast, are people to their higher selves. A well spent contains the potentiality of the flower, so nature’s means to ease her children’s mortal life is man’s best acknowledgement we each contain the finer elements which griefs. Be not ashamed to receive our great of indebtedness to God and nature. are fashioned into our supernal forms. mother’s kindly help. Now in this place let each search Those forms, fashioned in life, are This silent form is to be removed from his heart in silence that the good or ill liberated by death that they may evermore its accustomed home. One face will be therein may be discerned, that one may be grow beautiful under the clearer skies absent from the family circle. There will be fostered or the other overcome. (Let the of the spheres of glory and light towards a vacant chamber, an unused chair, a voice company indulge in silent prayer.) which each and all of us are surely tending. no longer heard. We have not assembled to grieve, but rather to rejoice that the arisen one has How can we say there is no death? Reverently take away the discarded Because those whom we once counted escaped from darkness and found the light. garment; quietly bear it to its final resting dead are oft about us, not as phantoms of We pay soulful tribute to the eternal place. It is but the casket that hid the our dreams or articles of our faith. power. Within these walls there is no beauteous jewel. That which made this They are realities, the arisen ones of our insensate grief, no uncontrollable terror. form so wonderful, the form we knew so hearts and homes, the friends of former We know that death is liberation, a step well, has gone. years, parents, children, the loved and the “Nearer, my God, to Thee,” an uplift in the The immortal jewel it contained has loving. divine order of eternal progression. Today, as of old, the gates are ajar. now a richer setting, one more fitting to its God’s laws heed neither creeds nor Messengers come and go. Loved ones nature and high destiny. rituals. His only ritual is the order of His come to the aching and hungry-hearted to Bowing to the wonderful mystery of laws; His church, the universe, its members console them, to add further proof of life death, yet lifting our faces that they may be all mankind; His ministers the souls that hereafter to those who already hold such flushed with the glory of life, let us rejoice are seers, the hearts that live, the minds testimony, to cheer those who have it not. that another has gone a little further along that serve. His altars are human hearts Tears may flow. We are but human, for the road our feet are treading. sanctified by love and service. the great poet has truly said, “One touch of But the home is not vacant of the In honouring the departed, let us not nature makes the whole world kin.” presence of the arisen. The dead do not all forget our duty to the living. Unwisely Not cleansing fires, but cleansing depart; they are with us often, to help and to bemoan our loss is to becloud our tears remove ills and hatreds, cleansing cheer us on our way. judgement. It is not pleasing to the arisen, our minds, our loves, freeing us from The blessing of heaven be upon us, and nor is it helpful to the living. the impurities of unkindness and the hallowedness of this hour remain a Rather than unduly lamenting, let us uncharitableness. sweet memory for many days to come. recall the goodness of the departed that


great order of the universe. Life never done. ceases; it only varies in its moods and May we who still wear thy semblance forms. learn to use our garment ever wisely and We know death is but the doorway to a well, that we may return it undimmed by larger life. Upward lies the pathway of the aught dishonouring to our God, our fellows deathless soul. or ourselves. Earth and its limitations are left behind; All hail to the enfranchised soul that sense and time no longer thrall. To nature lately left this tenement. Let us, dear then what nature loaned. friends, rejoice in the knowledge that giveth strength, the knowledge that there For cremation are no dead. The life-containing spirit having finally The silver cord is loosened, the golden departed from its temporary earthly bowl is broken. The bond has been tenement, the body is now to be resolved freed. Never again shall the flesh be the into its original elements for mother earth prisonhouse of the soul now released. to use again in her own way. The one who occupied it will never need Also suitable for a funeral service is it again. It has done its work. It has served this verse by Sylvia Barbanell, which its purpose. is entitled “Some call him Death” We are about to hasten and sweeten the process of disintegration by Some call him Death whose hands efface, committing it to the purifying flames. With swift and certain skill, As fire and smoke ascend, so too The lines of pain that marked a face does the deathless spirit. Earth and its Now mercifully still. limitations are left behind. Sense and time At the appointed hour comes he, no longer thrall. As envoy of the Lord; To nature then what nature loaned. The With gentle touch he tenderly body is dead, but the spirit still lives. Severs the silver cord. we may emulate it. After interment Arise bright soul with living breath, If we needs must remember their ill, let Vanished is mortal strife; it be that we may avoid its like in ourselves Farewell to thee thou raiment of mortality, Greet then thy friend whom some call and do our best to prevent it in others. so wondrously fashioned to serve the Death – (Here introduce appropriate personal purposes of our earthly life; thy task is His other name is Life. comments to the arisen one.) Out from these walls, for the time being sanctified by our sympathy and love, let us follow this mouldering flesh that it may be decently returned to the great mother from whose vast stores it was first compounded. She will resurrect its elements for her further purposes. The late dweller in this silent form will never need it, or its like, again. It has done its work; it has served its purpose. Committal

Leaves have their glad recall. Flowers bloom and die, but they come again. Night and silence bring quiet and rest. Death smoothes out the creases from the faces of those who have suffered, leaving the face as tranquil as if an angel had said, “Poor, tired frame be at rest.” With the trees as sentinels we leave this empty tabernacle, while flowers, like silent watchers, keep their guard. Summer suns and winter snows will come and go. Oft our memory will turn towards the grassy mound that presently will rise above the form we leave beneath the earth. But life is growth and change, as in the SYLVIA BARBANELL: “Greet then thy friend whom some call Death – His other name is Life.”

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 37 Elizabeth Francis PSYCHIC & MEDIUM “A wealth of comfort, direction, advice and much needed communication”

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World renowned Spiritualist medium, minister and healer Robert Brown answers your questions

What is the best evidence you have received from another medium?

I really have been fortunate in having had excellent evidence. Some of the best, I find, is information that a medium relays about which I have no prior knowledge but which, upon investigation, I find to be true. For years, my mother had told anyone who asked that her brother passed with cancer. It was just something we all heard and accepted in the family. In the early 1970s, I saw medium Gaye Muir giving a demonstration of spirit communication at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, which was then in London’s Belgrave Square. The demonstration was just coming to an end when Gaye pointed to me and proceeded to explain that an uncle wished to link with me. She correctly gave my mother’s brother’s name and many other details that were spot-on, but then she told me that this uncle had “taken himself over”: committed suicide. I could not work out how the medium could be so correct in so many details yet so wrong as to the manner of his passing. I very nearly gave up with mediums, thinking it to be just guesswork. My parents had quite some discussions before they decided to tell the full truth. My uncle had taken himself over; they just did not want people to think badly of him. This was not too long after the war and times and even the Church’s teachings – my parents were Baptist – were different and rather harsh then. After they had come to terms with telling us the truth, a most amazing healing took place, especially with my mother. Instead of avoiding talking about her brother, she spoke openly and with great love for him, as did her siblings. It was through this incident I became convinced that there was great healing possible when mediumship is demonstrated truthfully, with honesty and integrity. Medium Bertha Harris often said, “I give it as I get it” and that became a kind of mantra for me. I find when mediums do just that, without altering or adding anything – giving exactly what they receive – they surprise the recipient and often themselves with the accuracy of the information.


Do you ever receive communications from your loved ones through your own mediumship?

I have, but even after years of working as a medium, I find it difficult to be objective when dealing with people connected with me. I think this might apply to all mediums, in varying degrees. We are vessels that Spirit can use, but we are also human. When facilitating for others we have the capacity to be empathic yet not get directly affected, whereas when one is involved on a personal level this is not always possible.

Have you ever received healing? If so, from whom and with what results?

Yes, I have had healing on numerous occasions and the first time was after a car accident Well, that is that had left me with a perforated eardrum. I was a teenager and very new to mediumship, amazing. You seem and while I totally accepted spirit communication I was very suspicious of healing. I also to have healed by somehow perceived healers as the “poor relations” to mediums. Thankfully I learnt to laugh at my own naivety and stupidity – soon discovering that true yourself mediumship actually comes from the fountain of healing. Because it was a car accident, lawyers were involved and I was required to go to a Harley Street specialist for diagnosis. This eminent consultant announced that my ear had healed as much as it was going to and that he would need to perform an operation. I recall asking him what was involved in that, and was not reassured with his explanation which was: “Think of your ear as a ham sandwich; you have two slices of bread and I have to insert the ham.” I was not convinced, except that the insurance company and my doctor all insisted that this chap was the best ear, nose and throat consultant around. While I was considering this, I was visiting some friends in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, a few days later, and soon realised the wife would often disappear without notice. One day I asked her husband where she had gone and he explained that his wife suffered from very painful shingles, and on certain days she went to visit a “healer”. I asked him if it worked, and he replied: “I don’t know Robert. All I know is she goes, spends an hour there and then I can live with her for another week or so.” I found this funny but wanted to see for myself. I got an appointment, went along – I believe the healer was called David – but I recall being very suspicious, looking around to see what was the motivation behind this healing set-up. I was surprised I could see nothing untoward, no demands for money, simply a dish for donations. It was all very pleasant. The healer did not ask me any questions but sat with his hands around my head and, after fifteen minutes, told me I would need another visit. This I made the next week. Three weeks after seeing the consultant I went back. I did not feel any different and had not noticed any change, but when the consultant examined me prior to preparing me for surgery, he exclaimed: “Well, that is amazing. You seem to have healed by yourself”. I was so excited that I did not have to have surgery, and was eager to recount my healing experience, but the consultant would hear none of it. He said he must have misdiagnosed the problem. I found that shocking: one of the leading surgeons in the UK was prepared to admit to making a wrong diagnosis rather than entertain the notion that some other form of healing may have taken place! I know this story made it into a little book whose title was something like A Room at the


Top and I am mentioned in the book. If any reader has that book please let me know the name of the unsung hero about whom the book is written.

What is your view of spirit messages that contain predictions about a sitter’s future?

I think this is where we start to go wrong. If people would only accept that the medium’s job is simply to prove that life continues. In itself, when done correctly, that is a miraculous revelation. How this kind of great knowledge has got twisted by some who seek mediums as fortune tellers, I really don’t know. I do know that Spirit do come through with things that may, could and sometimes do happen, but that is because they are trying to point a way, The day you rely to show that if we make this or that choice or decision it could lead to certain experiences, on any medium good and bad. But nothing is set in stone; nothing is written. So, while we may get glimpses of what to inform you might be, everything depends on how and why we react to things that confront us. what your future We have the most precious gift: freewill. It may be nice that someone can point out what may or may not happen down the road, but the day you rely on any medium to inform you is to be, is the what your future is to be, is the day you should lie down and cross your arms across your day you have chest, for at that point, you have rejected personal responsibility. You have given away rejected personal your freewill and have spiritually died. If, on the other hand, you receive information from Spirit and take it into account when responsibility you make your own decisions, this can be most helpful. Spirit may offer some insight as to what may be, but they do not know what you are going to choose because you have freewill, so how can these predictions be 100 per cent certain unless, of course, having heard them you allow them to happen? Which Spiritualist book do you feel has made the biggest contribution to our knowledge of mediumship and the afterlife?

As someone who is fortunate to have a library, gathered over all these years and numbering several hundreds, I have several contestants for this honour. The one that best answers the question would be On the Edge of the Etheric by Arthur Findlay. In addition, all mediums should read Ivy Northage’s The Mechanics of Mediumship which I believe has now been republished as Mediumship Made Simple. I am shocked at how many mediums I meet have no clue as to how even the basics of mediumship work. If you could invite five famous Spiritualists (living or passed on) to a dinner party who would they be?

My guests would be , , , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and William Thomas Stead (pictured in that order, left and below). I would like the table talk to be the question “From the point of view of the Spiritualism you knew and promoted, how are we doing today?” I would also like to have Mervyn Stockwood, Bishop of Southwark, to sit at the table as moderator. I would also like musical medium Rosemary Brown to play the piano as entertainment and psychic artist Coral Polge to draw all attendant spirits! n


The agony of Marie le Moyne

JOHN WEST explores a terrible tale of torture in a castle tower

42 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 (Photo: Windsor House Antiques) GHOSTS & HAUNTINGS

The dog ran home and was found by the postmaster on the doorstep, shaking with fear

BARNWELL CASTLE in Northamptonshire was built in the 13th century by Berengar le Moyne, a powerful nobleman. It is a now a ruin , closed to the public, but has acquired a sinister reputation due

to unexplained occurrences in the (Photo: Dave Winer) neighbourhood of the castle. A policeman patrolling the area once encountered a rushing wind on an otherwise windless night. On another occasion, the village postmaster was out walking his dog when the animal suddenly broke free and ran towards the ruined castle. The postmaster chased the dog to the southern side of the ruins, near the gatehouse, when he too was caught up in a gale of wind which seemed to rush past him. The dog, apparently terrified by this, ran home and was found by the postmaster on the doorstep, shaking with fear. It is also reported that in the 1930s, another policeman experienced similar phenomena in one particular area – the north-east tower – and vowed that he would not return there “for all the tea in China”. Local historian Tom Litchfield was intrigued by these tales and decided to find out what was behind the strange occurrences. In 1948, he and an engineer friend who was psychic carried out a series of séances using a board, in an attempt to contact the spirit or spirits responsible for the haunting of Barnwell Castle. Three séances were held: the first two at Litchfield’s house in Barnwell and the third in the castle’s ruined north-east tower. At the first attempt, on 20 September, 1948, contact was made with an entity (Photo: Michael Trolove) claiming to be a former Abbot of Ramsey


Abbey. He stated that the castle had been The ouija board was placed on a used as a court of justice and execution in stone slab and a storm lantern was lit to the 14th century. When Litchfield checked illuminate the ruined tower. The séance local historical records this information then began. Berengarius immediately came was found to be correct. through and was asked what he wanted At the mention of executions, the to say. “I will fire to warn you,” was his identity of the spirit appeared to change ominous reply. and the messages became more detailed. Suddenly, above and behind the heads Local historian The new spirit claimed to have been of Litchfield and his companion, came “Marie, uxor (wife) of le Moyne”. She then Tom Litchfield the crack of a whip or gun. When the two referred to “horror and untimely death” men turned, they saw to their horror the resolved to cease and mentioned a chest hidden in a dungeon head and upper body of a monk standing all further attempts where the remnants of a “ruined life” in the doorway to the courtyard. It is not resided – the ruined life being hers. Her surprising that, upon seeing the apparition, death, according to the communication, at communication they both fled the tower and raced home. had taken place while the castle was still Tom Litchfield resolved to cease all with the spirits of being built. further attempts at communication with When the spirit was asked, “How was Barnwell Castle and the spirits of Barnwell Castle and became your life ruined?” her reply was short and became convinced convinced that the use of the ouija board to the point: “By heathen rule enforcing a in the investigation had been a mistake. that the use of the brutish captivity”. Despite this, part of him still remained ouija board in the Litchfield and his companion then asked for her tormentor’s identity but curious about the case. investigation had she declined with the words, “Secret. I He decided to visit All Saints Church at been a mistake can never betray my soul’s secret”. All she Sawtrey, near Barnwell, where members of would say was that it was a terrible death, the le Moyne family are commemorated in adding: “He came quietly. Play not for time, brass memorial tablets. It was here that he he will win the race”. The messages then noticed the insignia of the le Moynes – it stopped. was the upper torso of a monk and in the Litchfield decided to research the claims monk’s hands was a whip or flail! made at the séance and found that a local tradition credited one of the le Moyne lords (Berengar) with walling up a woman alive in the castle. It was also discovered that a woman called Marie – wife of the lord – had, indeed, died during the castle’s construction. The second séance, held on 30 September, 1948, proved just as rewarding in terms of information. A Reginald le Moyne came through but quickly handed over the communication to Berengarius le Moyne, who was described as his successor and also, mysteriously, as the “second bastion”. Berengarius was asked about what lay in the bastion and he replied, “The horrid remnants of suppression which befell an honest lord. William forced my reason.” The inquirers asked William’s identity. “We call him covert in Ramsey” was the reply. It emerged that he was William, Abbot of Godmanchester, and a contemporary of Berengarius who had sold the castle and lands to the abbey in 1276. It was not known why he had sold William the property. Had it been done under duress? The message from Berengarius seemed to imply this. Had William become aware of Marie le Moyne’s fate? Was acquiring the castle the price demanded for his silence? The third and final séance was held on 9 THE Le Moyne Brasses at All Saints Church, Sawtry. November, 1948, in the castle’s north-east (Photo: Richard Humphrey) (Photo: Flickr) tower. It was to prove terrifying.


So what are we to make of this case? I also remember a lady who once had revealed to him could be erased from That the evidence given in the séances mocked my aunt’s use of the ouija his mind. later proved correct is certainly true. The board during one of her regular psychic So is the skeleton of a murdered woman names given during the first two séances demonstrations. The glass was seen – Marie le Moyne – really hidden in a proved historically correct, including the to levitate and fly towards the lady in secret dungeon in Barnwell Castle? The fact that a lady called Marie le Moyne had question. It missed her by inches, smashing evidence of the hauntings and the ouija died during the construction of the castle. against the wall and sending fragments of board sessions do appear to point to the This also tied in with local traditions glass flying across the room. Is this a power place of concealment as the north-east concerning a murder and concealment in to be taken so lightly? tower. the castle walls. And let us not forget the The consequences could certainly prove However, we’re unlikely ever to learn startling appearance of the phantom monk costly to those who see the ouija board the truth as the castle lies on private land and the subsequent discovery that the as simply a toy or a way to impress paying and the current owners are content to emblem of the le Moynes was, indeed, a guests during ghost hunts. leave the ruins and any attendant ghosts monk. Tom Litchfield never forgot what he well alone. So in this case the use of the ouija board had witnessed in the ruined tower of But maybe a prayer for the soul of Marie had proved useful … or so it appeared. Barnwell Castle. He died in 1985, deeply le Moyne and the hope that she can finally I have always been wary of ouija boards regretting the use of the ouija board and find release wouldn’t go amiss if you are so and remain very sceptical as to their use wishing to his dying day that the horror it inclined to visit the area. n in paranormal investigations. Can we be sure that the spirit wishing to speak is who John West is a writer, broadcaster and film producer. it claims to be? And is it really a spirit or In 2018, he teamed up with director Jason Figgis to something more sinister? produce feature films and TV documentaries. The first I well recall a medium once telling me of these was the documentary Simon Marsden: A Life in to stay clear of ouija boards. She explained Pictures and the film, Winifred Meeks, a ghost story set on that you could never be sure what may the Suffolk coast. be tempted to come through. Indeed, she John also has his own golden oldies show on Smart likened it to leaving your front door wide Radio, which is broadcast every Tuesday at 2.00 pm on open with the offer “to enter my home and do as you wish”.

(Photo: Richard Humphrey)

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 45 SPIRITUAL ART This month Paul Brett welcomes spiritual artist, author and Arthur Findlay College tutor Alan Stuttle (pictured right) to the Spiritual Art gallery. Here he shares his wide- ranging styles of work which include spiritually-inspired pieces alongside scenes from York and Stansted Hall. We also meet some of the dear friends and colleagues he has met whilst working at Spiritualism’s world-famous stately home in Essex.

“FOR artists many subjects inspire. We develop an idea and strive to capture it in paint,” states Yorkshire-based artist Alan Stuttle. Alan, who trained at both Stoke- on-Trent College of Art and the Royal College of Art, London, works mainly in watercolours and oils, and enjoys UK landscapes, historical architecture and portraits. He retired from teaching at the age of 29 to devote his time to painting as a professional artist. In 1972 he moved to York and opened a gallery there in Micklegate which was used as a base for travelling around the Oil paintings of David Bowie – “sketches of the changing spirit of a creative man and his dreams” country painting new subjects. In 1988 he who felt very deeply for his fellow man. “I could have been inspired to paint opened another gallery in Scarborough on “One incident l remember very well many more pictures of this outstanding the east coast. was when I had an exhibition at Castle and creative man – creative to the very Alan is also a Spiritualist, psychic artist Howard near York. lt was in aid of the end of his life on this beautiful earth, so full and tutor at the Arthur Findlay College, NSPCC and my paintings were there to of colour and life. All I could really do was Stansted Hall, Essex, so incorporates raise money for the children’s charity – a feel the creative energy of this outstanding spiritually-inspired work into his vast very worthy cause. It was organised with spirit, as we all do when working with portfolio. the patronage of His Grace The Duke of spirit-inspired art . I was fortunate to meet Mr Stuttle Westminster. “As a spirit artist I am inspired to create in 2016 as, by pure coincidence, I was “A number of celebrities were asked work in colour and words. What a gift it is attending the Wednesday night service to help by sending something personal to to prove that spirit is eternal.” n for an evening of mediumship by JV be auctioned. Many never answered, and Trust trustees Hugh and Margaret Davis some were very rude! But David sent one • ‘The Bridge’ by Alan Stuttle is available alongside medium Eileen Davies during of his stage coats from his Ziggy Stardust from Amazon JV Trust Week at Stansted Hall. period. It was a very generous thing to do, • For further details of Alan’s work, visit: This wonderful evening was opened and it raised a great deal for the charity. by an inspiring talk about art and spirituality by Alan where he displayed some of the paintings presented in this feature. Following David Bowie’s passing in January 2016, Alan was compelled to paint the three portraits shown at the top of this page. Here, he describes his work and his connection to Bowie: “During the many years l have worked as a painter, mainly of landscapes in different parts of the world, l have also been inspired by people – what they do, what and how do creative people become inspired to paint, write, sing. It is all a creation given to us by Spirit, and given freely with the greatest power we have... which is love. Love in what we do and what we create. Putting down in colour, words and music the very feelings direct from Spirit. “These feelings from Spirit inspired me to make a few small sketches of an outstanding artist, David Bowie. Not only was he a very inspired man, but a kind one Four examples of Alan’s colourful spiritually-inspired work

46 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 spiritual book or gift for FREE every artist we show Please do keep your artwork coming so we can display it in the magazine and with our followers on Facebook and Twitter. If we print your work in the magazine you will receive a surprise spiritual book or gift. Send your art to: Paul Brett, Psychic News, Unit 2, Griggs Business Centre, West Street, Coggeshall, Essex CO6 1NT or email to: [email protected]

The Arthur Findlay College at Stansted Hall, Essex

The Arthur Findlay College at Stansted Hall, Essex (left) and the adjoining Sanctuary (right), both views taken from the beautifully peaceful garden

From left to right: Minister Eric Hatton, psychic artist Coral Polge, musician Mike Rowland and medium Jill Harland

Scenes from York

From left to right: York Minster, The Shambles in York, and the city of York

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 47 Your paranormal and spiritual questions answered


Green Man has colourful past

Recently, I saw a representation of the Green Man three times on one day whilst on holiday in Norfolk. Can you tell me what he represents? – Paul McKenzie, Guildford, Surrey. The Green Man or “foliate head” is one of the most enduring symbols of life, death and rebirth. In ancient times, many such representations were to be found among rural and national deities. In the Greek and Roman world, every spring, river, woodland and glade had a genius loci or guardian spirit in addition to the general deities of nature such as the Greek gods Dionysus and Pan and their Roman counterparts Bacchus and Faunus. In his Odes and Songs, the Roman poet Horace declared that he owed his life to Faunus, who “lightened a blow” from a falling branch that would otherwise have killed him. These rural deities were typically portrayed wearing leafy crowns, masks or cloaks, and occasionally with a rustic staff or animal horns. Their functions included

THE Green Man is one of the most enduring symbols of life, death and rebirth.

fertility, protecting crops and livestock, death and resurrection. and ensuring a bountiful harvest. His wife Isis is said to have found They oversaw the annual cycle in his scattered body parts and put them nature of life, death and rebirth. Dionysus together again and, with the help of Thoth, had a dual role as a god of the underworld. resurrected him. He is thus likened to the The Greco-Roman deity Okeanos, scattered grain in the fields, germinating associated with Dionysus, was also a and bringing forth life anew. In that sense god of death and rebirth. His acanthus- he was the prototype Green Man. sprouting head, dating from the 5th Representations of similar foliate century BC, was found in the Turkish city deities have been found in other eastern of Mudanya. A leafy statue of Dionysus of countries with different religious the same period was discovered in Naples. traditions. They include the Lebanon, In Egypt, the deity most associated Iraq, India, Borneo and Nepal. with life, death and rebirth was Osiris. In Islam, Khidr or the Green One was OSIRIS: Originally, he was the legendary pharaoh Originally, he was the legendary pharaoh known as a righteous servant of Allah who taught the people agriculture. who taught the people agriculture. There and the possessor of great wisdom. (Photo: Tyszkiewicz) are various legends concerning his murder, In Western Europe, the various


Your paranormal and spiritual questions answered

deities of antiquity were assimilated non-Christian foliate heads. image is carried on May Day at folk and became what we have come to call The title the “Green Man” is relatively festivals. the Green Man. His image is found in new in the UK. It appears to have been Recently, there has been a revival of churches and cathedrals in the UK and coined by folklore enthusiast Julia, interest, and modern artists represent across Europe. Lady Raglan in 1939 in an article for the him in various sculptures, carvings and In Germany, he is der grüne Mann and journal Folklore. The Green Man is also ornaments. in France tête de feuilles, cracheur de associated with the eighteenth-century It is also a common name for pubs and feuilles or masque feuillu. Surprisingly, “Jack in the Green.” restaurants, and I’m not surprised you saw the Church authorities, who would have He is as symbolic of the eternal his image three times in Norfolk – there forbidden the representation of any cycle in nature of life, death and rebirth seems to be a Green Man something-or- other pagan deity, allowed these strange as he was in ancient times, and his other in every town and village! Some weird and wonderful British superstitions

A friend of mine is celebrating her 65th ground. birthday soon and I would like to compile All would gather in a circle while, as a special illustrated book of British custom dictated, he stood a few paces superstitions. Could you suggest some to apart and “hallered” (hallowed) it with include? – Audrey Dawson, by e-mail. “Hello Largesse!” In Suffolk dialect it is In bygone days, the agricultural year recorded as, “Holla lar, holla lar, holla lar- ended in the autumn with Harvest Home. jees!” While customs varied in different parts of The rest inclined their heads and Britain, they were broadly similar. accompanied him, prolonging the “o” The last of the corn, representing the sound. They also prolonged the final “lar” spirit of the fields, was left standing and while lowering their voices, then threw up ceremonially scythed and tied in a sheaf. their heads and yelled “jees!” as loudly as It was then decorated with ribbons and possible. green boughs, placed on the harvest This saying was thought to derive from wain with the last load of corn, and “á la largeasse,” a term used by medieval accompanied into the barn with shouting peasantry to solicit bounty from the and blowing of the merry harvest horn. nobility. Next, it was sprinkled with water – it no Each donor was afterwards thanked longer mattered if it rained! – and hung up by name. The day ended with everyone in the barn or farmhouse until the sowing shouting loudly, “Lar-jees, lar-jees!” From season. In some areas it was woven into neighbouring farms and hamlets the cry various shapes, a more modern variation “Lar-jees!”was returned. being the harvest doll. In Suffolk at the horkey (the Harvest Made homeless by the harvest, the Home supper hosted by the farmer), the spirit was thus provided with one for the same lord o’ the harvest was crowned with winter months. It was hoped that the a pair of rams’ horns. They were painted grateful being would produce a bountiful and decorated with flowers – shades of harvest the following year. Sometimes, the the Green Man? spirit was called the cailleac, a Celtic and A recent survey found that many of the Gaelic word for various female deities. superstitions of old survive in newer forms In Suffolk and Essex, the harvest and are observed by millions, although workers of old used to solicit “largesse” their origin and associated superstitions from passing strangers; they expected seem to have been forgotten. shillings. The lord o’ the harvest, the For instance, we all know that breaking elected headman (foremost with the THE last of the corn, representing the spirit of the a mirror brings seven years’ bad , but scythe), solemnly placed the coins on the fields. (Photo: Marilyn Barbone) in the first year of life it is unlucky for a


baby to see its reflection in one. Once she is fully dressed, a bride, too, should avoid looking in a mirror on her wedding day. Did you also know that in a house where a person has passed on, you should cover the mirrors as well as open the doors and windows so that the soul may escape? Returning to babies, it is believed that a from its first haircut should be kept for good luck, but the hair must never be cut in its first year nor, according to an old couplet, must nails – “Cut not its nails until a year has gone; then, mother, have no fear.” However, the nails may be “bitten short.” It has long been believed that certain animals are harbingers of good or ill. A rabbit’s foot has always been considered lucky, but only, says received wisdom, if certain conditions are fulfilled. It is the left hind foot that is lucky and only if the RINGS at the ready! Even today, many brides continue the custom of throwing their wedding bouquets animal has been captured or killed in a backwards. (Photo: cemetery, preferably over a grave! Is it really unlucky for a Fowl crowding together under a bush This custom was English. In other to cross your path? Not necessarily. If foretold a human quarrel. Hearing a cock countries, a pair of presumably new shoes it crosses from left to right and walks crow before midnight was bad enough, was given by the bridegroom to the bride towards you, it is lucky. However, if it but if you were male and heard a hen crow or her relations. walks away, the cat takes the luck with it. then heaven help you, for “A whistling In a few districts of Yorkshire a slipper Two or more magpies are a good , maid and a crowing hen, Are neither good was thrown at a bride as she neared her but a solitary one is always bad. This may for God nor men.” new home or more alarmingly a cake on be averted by a salutatory bow or by There were many superstitions a plate. This was for good luck – if she spitting. As the old rhyme has it, “One for concerning death especially in the escaped injury! – but if the plate was not sorrow, two for mirth; three for a wedding, countryside of long ago. A Suffolk belief broken or at least chipped, it was a bad four for a birth.” was that if you stood in a church porch omen. The bride was then lifted over the According to a recent poll, the robin is on April 25, which is St Mark’s night, threshold and sometimes carried a pebble Britain’s best-loved bird. Beware, though, you would see the apparitions of those in with her for luck. if you see it approach a window, for this is who would suffer some life-threatening Meanwhile, in London boiling water not merely unlucky, but presages a death. complaint in the year ahead. was sometimes poured over the doorstep So, too, does a blackbird pecking at a They would glide up the path and of a house where a wedding reception had window or a pigeon settling on a house. through the locked church door. If an been held to “warm the threshold for the Even a pigeon’s feathers were apparition reappeared, the person would next wedding.” considered unlucky. In Lancashire, their recover, the time spent inside being an It is usual for a modern bride to throw presence on a bed or pillow was indicative indication of how long recovery should her bouquet for a lucky bride-to-be to not only of a passing, but a lingering one. take. If it did not reappear, the individual catch, but in the past a pin from the bridal would pass on. veil would also ensure a marriage. In the days of log fires, coffin-shaped A piece of wedding cake passed cinders presaged a death in the household, through the wedding ring was believed to as did a candle wick curling towards bring dreams of future weddings if someone, which was suggestive of a the ring were placed under the pillow winding-sheet. at night. Conversely, it was thought to In Suffolk, when a body was laid out at be unlucky ever to remove it from the home, it was known as “lying against the finger. wall.” If there was an intervening Sunday, Finally, the number thirteen is there was an old saying, “If one lies against popularly held to be unlucky, especially the wall on a Sunday, another will lie there where thirteen people dine at the same afore long.” table. Also, if a body was found to be still Could this be because Jesus and his supple at the time of burial, that, too, disciples at the Last Supper numbered was indicative of another passing in the thirteen and the last person to be seated household. was Judas? is especially An enduring concerns unlucky, perhaps because Jesus was shoes. It is considered unlucky nowadays crucified on a Friday. to put new shoes on a table, but in the The paradox is that the number 13 past it was lucky to throw old ones. They features in some orthodox Christian ALTHOUGH the robin is Britain’s best-loved bird, were thrown after departing honeymoon festivals, saints and feast days and traditionally if you see one approach a window it couples, tied to a car bumper or even their similarly in other religions. Make of it what indicates an impending passing. aeroplane. you will! n

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PSYCHIC NEWS | MAY 2020 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 51 12 Woburn Walk, London WC1H 0JL Tel: 020 7387 0358 Website: or find us on Facebook Email: [email protected] Visit our website or contact us for details of our online classes and workshops for September 2020

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Gorgeous Angel Gifts and Psychic Angel Art Jayne Tunney at Angel Wings Art creates beautiful spiritual art to connect you with your Guardian Angel. Spirit of Awen, Ffwrwm, Caerleon NP18 1AG Lots of spiritual gifts including crystals, jewellery, South Wales’ little shop of magic figurines, cherubs and angels. Perfect for connecting with Here be dragons… and jewellery, singing bowls, clothes, angels and receiving wonderful messages through an incense, tarot and greetings cards, essential oils, books, music… whatever your spirit needs is probably here! angel card reading and personalised art. We host ceremonies to mark the seasons in our beautiful Mind Body Spirit Fairs, plus Development Groups and a courtyard surroundings, open to all. variety of treatments in our Angel Wings Holistic Room. 5 Arcade, Colne, Lancashire, BB8 0HX Email: [email protected] Like us on Facebook to see what’s new!

This collection of transcribed communications through ‘mind transference’ from Spirit Guides, Teachers and Beings of Light offers profound guidance and sometimes warnings to the whole of humankind. The author’s connection with these beings came as a complete surprise: while meditating one of these beings appeared to him. Since then they have been constant companions, bringing him their profound messages. Their appearance is tall and slim, dressed in a long white coat with a high collar. As the name suggests, they radiate light – you might know them as Angels or beings from higher dimensions or other worlds. Available at: or

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 53 A NEW BOOK BY ROCHELLE JONES Butterfly Tarot 66 West Yard, Camden Lock Market ‘Emma and Me: Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8AF

WEBSITES: An Unusual Biography’ FACEBOOK: Open 7 days a week for Psychic Tarot Readings and other services

We stock Tarot and Oracle Decks, Books, Recovering from ill health, Frances Taylor is taken Crystals, Sage, Palo Santo and a variety of on a holiday by her brother at a country hotel. She likes other items to help with your spiritual work everything about the hotel except for a portrait of Lady Hamilton in her room, called ‘The Lady Hamilton Room’. The sight of this curiously annoys her. ANGELS WHISPERS However, when something seems to be influencing her mood North Park Pavilion, and her dreams, Frances is greatly alarmed. When the strangely Weekly Glebe Road, Kettering, realistic dreams occur more than once over the following days, Northamptonshire NN16 9JT Frances comes to realise that something about the portrait, or her room, may be trying to tell her something, becoming the life Angels Whispers Events Page she knows, so real that reality itself becomes more like Angels Whispers is a group of ten volunteers that hold an interlude. Evenings of Mediumship throughout the year to raise money Convinced she is being shown the life of Lady Hamilton, as for non-government-funded organisations in our local area the dreams take her first to London and then on to Italy, is the To date we have donated over £8,000 to nine different life led in the dream really the life led by Lady Hamilton? organisations since we began three years ago And why is this life led in the past being shown to her? We’re open Friday evenings fortnightly 7:30pm - 9:30pm It’s £5 on the door and we also run four Saturday Night Available from Amazon and eBay Specials that are ticket only events to help boost our funds Price: $19.99 USD £15.99 UKP We have different mediums throughout the year Join our Facebook Group Page: Angels Whispers Events Page for details of upcoming events Enter as strangers and leave as friends ~ All Welcome

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PANDORA’S MYSTICAL Healing Hearts Spiritual Centre CRYSTAL UNIVERSE A superb platform medium every week, psychic surgery, Call: 07500 505484 healing, stalls, 1-2-1 readings & luxury raffle. Doors open EVERY Tuesday at 6.00pm for 1-2-1 readings Facebook: pandoras & healing. mystical crystal universe Platform demonstration begins at 8.00pm – 9.15pm. Natural crystals, original stone ornaments, crystal skulls, crystal balls, £4 entrance fee includes FREE buffet with cakes sculptures and other crystal products. Himalayan salt lamps, selenite. and all refreshments. Large church amethysts, citrines, clear quartz & coffee tables to order. Great selection of tarot and angel cards. HEALING HEARTS PSYCHIC SURGEONS Meditation and crystal classes. See contact details below for opening times Mediumship nights (dates posted on Facebook) (£5 minimum donation includes refreshments) I’ve loved crystals and picked up Spirit around me since I was a child. All profits above running costs to 4 charities – see website for In 2014, I had the chance to work in a therapy centre with my crystals and more details at: gave angel card, tarot and mediumship readings. In the summer of 2016, I moved to Yorkshire to follow my dream and work with Spirit full time. Or see our Facebook Page Come and visit me at these venues: Contact: 07455 227100 Monday & Wednesday: 4 Regents Terrace, Bridlington YO15 2PD Readings & small amount of stock (Please book readings) Bulphan Village Hall, Church Road, Bulphan, Thursday to Sunday, 8am - 5pm: Shambles Market, York YO1 8RY UPMINSTER, Essex, RM14 3RU Also, appointments from home (Barlby, North Yorkshire YO8) to view crystals or for a reading (please book in advance)

Wellbeing at With Complements 36b High Street, Burton Latimer, Kettering, Northants. NN15 5LB Telephone Su: 0755 730 0862 Su’s passion for helping others spiritually has kept growing since the therapy centre was established in 1997, so it now has three treatment rooms, a workshop room, several holistic therapists that work independently and the Align Crystal Shop. Therapies include Reiki, Rainbow Reiki, Reflexology, Psychic/Spiritual Readings, Tarot, Crystal Healing etc. For details of exciting workshops planned for 2020, visit the website or follow on Facebook at: Wellbeing at With Complements

RONALD HEARN Born on June 9, 1927, Ronald Hearn (pictured left) became one of this world’s greatest tried-and-tested mediums. Apart from public demonstrations, he reached countless thousands of people through highly accurate taped sittings and many TV and radio programmes The author of three books, London-based Ronald worked in the USA, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Germany and New Zealand as well as the UK Ronald passed to the spirit world on June 5, 2016 To read about his unique gifts, please visit the official Ronald Hearn website at:


Medium InghamPsychic Artist

Available for public demonstrations and workshops For Readings/Portraits call Sandy on 0791 802 8888 or email: [email protected] For details visit:

Shop & Readings LECHLADE ECLECTIC SPIRIT SPIRITUALIST BILLY ROBERTS’ High Street, CHURCH Lechlade, The Pavilion, Gloucestershire Memorial Hall, DISCOUNTED BOOKS GL7 3AD Oak Street, Lechlade, Tel: 07964 613742 Glos. GL7 3AY V V V SIGNED V V V Email: eclecticspirit@ Divine Service Thursdays 7.45pm GHOSTLY TALES: My name is Julie Hincks and I’m a Clairvoyant Medium working with an amazing A collection of spine-chilling tales team from the spirit world. I’ve had a connection since I was a child; to the point where mum had to serve dinner and kiss my spirit friend goodnight! An eclectic mix of true and I started a career working in finance, where I eventually progressed to Finance anecdotal accounts Manager earning a well-paid, guaranteed salary. I was guided by spirit to set up my own spiritual shop so I took a blind leap of faith, quit my job and opened Eclectic Usual price £15 Spirit (details above). It was quite scary but also very exciting and I trusted that NOW £7 with free postage spirit would lead people to me. I’ve now been open over a year and have never looked back. I offer Tarot Readings, Mediumship Readings, Reiki, Trance Healing and Aura Photography. When doing a Mediumship Reading I connect people with their loved ones in spirit so they can physically feel their presence and know they still walk by their side, as they SELF-HEALING WITH always have. I also connect people with their own spirit guides. THE NADI TECHNIQUE – I was also led to start Lechlade Spiritualist Church (details above) where I source different mediums each week to hold a divine service. Please do come and join us. THE HOLISTIC WAY A unique, self-healing system to energise the body and encourage optimum help Usual price £15 NOW £7 with free postage Payable through Paypal to: [email protected]

56 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 THE GREATER WORLD The Greater World Christian OWNED CHURCHES LEEDS GREATER WORLD Spiritualist Association SANCTUARY 14 Clarendon Road, Leeds, Founded in 1931 as a result of the two-world partnership West Yorkshire LS2 9NN between medium Winifred Moyes and her guide Zodiac, President: Margaret Bellamy The Greater World association is still flourishing Tel: 01132 456 623 Sunday Services at 3.00pm SPIRITUAL HEALING and 6.15pm TEMPLE OF LIGHT Wednesdays 10.00am until 12.30pm 221 New Road (Luton Arches), Chatham, Kent ME4 4QA President: Rita Davidson Membership fee £12.50 p.a. Tel: 01634 819 268 A free Newsletter is issued to all members quarterly Sunday Service 6.30pm LUTON The Greater World Church, CONTACT US: Tel: 020 7436 7555 64A Compton Avenue, Luton, Beds LU4 9AZ Cynthia Barnwell, GWRM Have a look at our bookshop Tel: 01582 584164 ALL CHURCHES HAVE SPIRITUAL HEALING email: [email protected] AVAILABLE ON THE PREMISES OTHER SERVICES ARE HELD 3-5 Conway Street, London W1T 6BJ THROUGHOUT THEWEEK


Please note that limited dates have become available for 2020 If you would like to book Steve for your venue, centre or church, please call Rob Green on: 07834 218427 or email: [email protected]

For full details of Due to the closure of churches, Steve’s tour dates centres and spiritual shops in please visit our March, the printed version of the APRIL 2020 website PSYCHIC NEWS MAGAZINE at: can be bought direct from us for just £2.80 plus postage Buy direct from our website

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VIOLET MOON SIMPLY THE BEST READINGS Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Spiritual Centre Telephone Readings £10 OFFICIANT SUSIE MATTHEWS Ruskin House, Contact Psychic Sarah on: 023 8033 8033 Is available for Mandela Room, Weddings, Funerals, Namings and or: 07799 644 005 Memorial Services in the Portsmouth area 23 Coombe Road As well as Private Readings Croydon CR0 1BD TAROT - REINCARNATION Email: [email protected] READINGS Or call: 07809 243283 Fridays: 7pm - 8.30pm What were your past lives? Demonstrations of Mediumship/ How do they affect your current life? PSYCHIC POSTAL READING £15 Clairvoyant Events Detailed reading within 7 days KELLY CUMMING Website: Introductory Offer £20 24 Baglan Heights, Email: [email protected] Write to: Port Talbot SA12 8UF Shirley Heelas, 14 Scratby Crescent, VIOLET MOON PSYCHIC Scratby, Great Yarmouth, JAMES - Medium Upstairs at Ashnaa Salon, Norfolk NR29 3QR Telephone Readings 6 George Street, Croydon CR0 1PA £15 by appointment Crystal sales, face-to-face Psychic, Tel: 0780 4871 958 ASSOCIATIONS Spiritual Tarot and Angel Card Readings Pre-booked appointment times available between ACCURATE CLAIRVOYANT 11.30am - 6.15pm Tuesday - Saturday THE BRITISH POSTAL READINGS Phone or Skype Readings Available PSYCHIC AND MEDIUM Palmistry included if able to send photos To book appointments: of both hands front and back, ASSOCIATION Mobile: 07930 809 172 or 020 8251 7165 stating right or left handed. Please send SAE, £25, full name, Shop Online: UK-wide directory of date, time (if known), place of birth, Email: [email protected] and any questions to: mediums and psychics EILEEN RENDLE Louise Ridley Foreman Experienced Clairvoyance c/o PO Box P1, Psychic/Card Readings Psychic News , One-to-one or phone reading FREE TO JOIN Unit 2, Griggs Business Centre, Phone: 01288 356802 For guidance, support and West Street, Coggeshall, advice contact us now. Essex CO6 1NT GENUINE or email: [email protected] EXPERIENCED CLAIRVOYANT BOOKS Accurate written readings £39 Please write to: SANDRA YVONNE Karen A caring Medium 111 High Street with over 35 years’ experience Ilfracombe EX3 9ET Offers Tarot, Runes, Crystal Ball, Mediumship/Clairvoyance and More Face to Face, Telephone and Postal Readings TAROT AND ORACLE Call me for direction and guidance on: READINGS 020 8765 9049 Guidance & Direction E-mail: [email protected] Oxford Area For an appointment call: 07849 756985 TERESA Clairvoyant Medium ~ Aberdeen Phone Readings – £20 DAVID SPENCER Tel: 0782 613 7619 Experienced Spiritual Medium/Clairvoyant JAN offering Medium and Psychic Intuitive Spiritually-guided Postal Readings Telephone Readings Send brief letter and £25 to: Card Payments £15 Mr D. Spencer, Tel: 07732 119433 22 Skylark Rise, Tavistock, Available from bookstores, Devon PL19 9FT Amazon etc.

SHIFTING SANDS TAROT POSTAL MEDIUMSHIP READINGS ISBN 978-1-9161899-0-4 Guidance on life goals, relationships, now available on CD only from discover hidden issues at work ANDREW WOODLEY CLEARANCE SALE Postal Tarot Readings Please send cheques/postal order for £20 to: Spiritual Antiquarian Books (approx. 2,000 word report) 5 Maes Y Ffynnon, Ex-Church Library Send question plus payment of £20.00 to: Cerrigydrudion, Shirley Heelas, Corwen, Wales LL21 9SE From £1.00 each, 14 Scratby Crescent, Allow ten days for despatch plus £1.00 p & p to UK addresses Scratby, Please include your name, address, (overseas postage please enquire) Great Yarmouth, telephone number and date of birth For a list, please e-mail: Norfolk NR29 3QR [email protected] Tel: 01493 730137

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THE GENUINE JESUS BAN-TREE HEALING A More Authentic with Channelled Autobiography Natural Universal Energies For a free pdf download go to The Hand Of Love Opening The Heart of The Soul Suffolk Borders By Appointment Only Please e-mail: CRYSTALS [email protected] or Call: 0739 518 7488

HEALING CLINIC Dr Brown, Spirit Consultant Every Tuesday morning 10am and 11am group sessions Donations welcomed CLEARLY DESTINY 12 Woburn Walk Euston, London WC1H 0JL DEVELOPMENT 020 7387 0358 CIRCLES THE SURREY HEALING SANCTUARY NEW HOME CIRCLE Penduckshaw, Like-minded, committed people HEALING Rabies Heath Road, invited to join a new Home Circle Bletchingley, Clacton on Sea area HEALER Surrey RH1 4NB Contact: (near Junction 6, M25) [email protected] PRACTITIONER Email: [email protected] ASSOCIATION Contact: Alec & Marilyn Nicolas Healing and spiritual surgery INTERNATIONAL (herbal medicine and SOUL MATES reflexology also available) The Gateway Church Building, THE FREE SPIRITS CLUB By appointment only For friends, romance or penpals 2A Northcote Street, (including evenings and weekends) Extensive register Cardiff Established 20 years CF24 3BH Tel: 01883 741800 Write to: Chairman: Mr Ray Williams Rebecca Snell, Free Spirits Club, Tel: 029204 65171 CONTACT AND ABSENT HEALING 3 Rhosyn Close, Newport, for people and animals. No fees Wales NP19 0BD Website: Melksham, Wiltshire or email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Contact: MIKE FISHER Tel: 01225 400310 The association was established in 1977 E-mail: [email protected] TRAINING & to promote the art of spiritual healing The HPAI maintains a register of all approved SPIRITUAL PSYCHOTHERAPIST WORKSHOPS practitioners, healers and healer counsellors P.Graduate Experienced, qualified, accredited The HPAI is an umbrella for LINGERTON LODGE spiritual healing organisations Situated on Scotland’s West Coast 07817 468361 We also provide professional and surrounded by ancient woodland. Jenny Dodson indemnity insurance Training, Treatments and Workshops See website for therapies we cover and to enhance your journey of self-discovery to further information re-energise, restore and reconnect you CLASSIFIED RATES with “self”. We also are able to offer membership and cost effective insurance for reiki healers 60p per word inc VAT Churches/Centres: ABSENT HEALING SPIRITUAL REIKI COURSES FOR PEOPLE AND ANIMALS 40p per word Develop the healer within. NO FEES Master Teacher 30 years’ experience Telephone Tony on: Website addresses = 4 words (inc. as NFSH tutor) Emphasizing the Spiritual 01923 801166 Discounts for block bookings E-mail: [email protected] Venues: Dorset, Surrey, Central London 2-3 adverts = 5%, 4-6 adverts = 10%, Email: [email protected] 7-12 adverts = 20%, Over 12 = 30% Web: MICHAEL CHAPMAN NFSH Tel: 0772 090 5123 Healing Clinics: France / Germany / UK Display adverts from For Appointments Telephone: £5.59 per single column cm (0044) 01970 832696 ANGELIC REIKI UK Official Or email: [email protected] Call: 01376 563091 Information, Practitioners, Website: Teachers, Courses. Email: [email protected] 07925 127222

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 59 Spiritualist Churches & Centres, and Spiritual Shops

WINDSOR PENZANCE BOURNEMOUTH ENGLAND SPIRITUALIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Adelaide Square, Windsor, SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 16 Bath Road, Berkshire SL4 2AQ Bread Street, Bournemouth, BERKSHIRE President: Denise Shoremi Penzance, Cornwall Dorset BH1 2PE Tel: 07976 815195 Tel: 07800 812973 Telephone: 01202 551751 READING NATIONAL Mediums’ Secretary: 07800 813533 Website: SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Richard Johnson 07780 661670 OPEN - SEPTEMBER EVENTS York Lodge, 81 Baker Street, Tel: 07505 493 153 CURRENTLY CLOSED Every Wednesday Reading, Berkshire RG1 7XY SEE FACEBOOK FOR DETAILS Open Healing Circle 10.30am -12.30pm Tel: 0118 950 7281 Monday: OF ONLINE EVENTS AND 7pm sharp Distant Healing Email: [email protected] SERVICES Service 7.00pm Sunday 6th 10.45am SEE WEBSITE FOR Thursday: Facebook: Windsor Spiritualist Followed by Healing BARBARA BREEZE FULL LIST OF ONLINE Church Group Follow us on Facebook: Sunday 13th 10.45am DEMONSTRATIONS, We are now also on Instagram Penzance Spiritualist Church DARREN ORLOWSKI SERVICES AND WORKSHOPS Sunday Divine Service 6.30pm All Are Welcome Sunday 20th 10.45am Free-will offering GEOFFREY HAYWARD CSNU Sunday 6.30pm 7.45pm Admission £3 Sunday 27th 10.45am Divine Service with Address Tuesday Evening of Clairvoyance DEVON ROSEMARY SPENCER and Clairvoyance Development Circle Private Sittings Thursday 7.45pm Mediumship EXETER Mondays 7.30pm - 9.30pm Saturday 5th & 19th September Open Circle SPIRITUALIST CENTRE £20 for a half-hour sitting Tuesdays 7.15pm Open Platform AND HEALING GROUP Date list available With Covid 19 restrictions in with York Road, Exeter, place. To book, phone the JILL PICKETT & IRENE HALL Healing Devon EX4 6PF Thursdays 8pm - 9pm church from 9am on the day and Healing OPEN Sundays & Wednesdays arrive at church at your given time. Monday 1.30pm - 3pm Come along and experience Please wear face masks The first sitting is at 10am and (excluding Bank Holidays) the lovely atmosphere Website: www. the last one at 12.30pm. Wednesday 7.30pm - 9pm Website: www.windsor Small animals welcome too Sunday 6.30pm Service All Welcome Open Platform Wednesday 1.30pm Mediumship KINSON Third Friday of every month at Saturday (as advertised only) CHESHIRE SPIRITUALIST GROUP 7.30pm with mentor Private Readings Kinson Community Centre, SPENCER ROSE MIND BODY SPIRIT Demonstration of Mediumship Saturdays – Occasional EVENT Healing: Pelhams Park, Kinson, Special Events Nantwich Civic Hall, Please check with centre Bournemouth BH10 7LH See website, Facebook or in Beam Street, Nantwich, See website for Tel: 01202 715754 Church for details Cheshire CW5 5DG Healing times on Sundays All Welcome Rosemary Douglas Events and details of Special Events KinsonSpiritualistGroup Website: and Development Groups CURRENTLY CLOSED MAIDENHEAD All Welcome Every Sunday 6.30pm SPIRITUALIST E: [email protected] Divine Service CHURCH Tel: 07828 187468 2nd Monday in month at 8pm York Road, See website for details DORSET Clairvoyance Demonstration Maidenhead, of next event CHRISTCHURCH All Welcome Berkshire SL6 1SH SPIRITUALIST CURRENTLY CLOSED CENTRE President: Sharon Silver CORNWALL 196B Barrack Road, ESSEX Tel: 0777 0433 129 BUDE Christchurch, EPPING Sunday 6.30pm FREE SPIRITS Dorset BH23 2BQ SPIRITUAL SANCTUARY Divine Service SPIRITUALIST CHURCH President: Karen Martin Thornwood Village Hall, Wednesday 1pm - 3pm The Parkhouse Centre, Enquiries: Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood, Healing Clinic Ergue-Gaberic Way, Bude, 07849 606437 Epping, Essex CM16 6ND Thursday 7.30pm Cornwall EX23 8LG OPEN FOR SUNDAY DIVINE CURRENTLY CLOSED Mediumship Demonstration CURRENTLY CLOSED SERVICES ONLY Jan: 01279 861515 Monthly Open Platform or Linda: 0796 3605 630 and other Special Events Service Every Thursday Sunday Service (Registered Charity 284561) please see website 7.30pm - 9pm at 10.45am Tuesdays http://maidenhead-spiritualist- BUDE HEALING CLINIC: Thursday Service at 7.30pm Healing: 1pm - 2.20pm Every Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Healing Freewill Donation A warm welcome is extended to all Visiting mediums who would Tuesday 10am - 11.30am Tuesday Service 2.45pm £3 Car Park and facilities for like to serve Bude Free Spirits Church accessible for Plus last Friday of every month disabled visitors please contact Carol wheelchairs and has loop at 8pm MARRIAGE and on 01840 770057 system for hearing aid wearers Evening of Clairvoyance £5 NAMING CEREMONIES All Welcome All Welcome All Welcome

60 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 This is a guide to the churches, centres and spiritual shops that advertise with us on a regular basis. During the coronavirus crisis all are closed unless stated otherwise but please do check with their websites and Facebook pages for details of when they will re-open. A full list of churches, centres and spiritual shops that stock Psychic News can be found on our website at

AWARENESS HEALING HEARTS Website: www. SPIRITUAL & SPIRITUAL CENTRE HAMPSHIRE WELLNESS CENTRE CURRENTLY CLOSED Sunday Divine Service 6.30pm Nevendon Community Centre, A superb Platform Medium BASINGSTOKE Thursday Clairvoyant Evening Off Nevendon Road, Wickford, every week, SPIRITUALIST CHURCH at 7.30pm (£2 admission) Essex SS12 0QH Psychic Surgery, Healing, 28 Victoria Street, Healing Email: [email protected] Stalls, 1-2-1 Readings Basingstoke, Every Tuesday 7.15pm - 9pm Mobile: 07847353054 and Luxury Raffle Hampshire RG21 3BT (doors close at 8.40pm) PLEASE CHECK FACEBOOK Doors open EVERY Tuesday Tel: 07544 548172 with leader ALISON CHAPMAN PAGE FOR DETAILS: at 6.00pm for CURRENTLY CLOSED Awareness Circle 1-2-1 Readings and Healing Monday 7.30pm AwarenessSpiritual Platform Demonstration begins Facebook: BasingstokeSC Beginners/Novices WellnessCentre at 8.00pm - 9.15pm Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service £3.50 (£3 members) Wednesday evenings: £4 entrance fee includes Thursday 7.30pm Mediumship Open Circle Entrance £5.00 FREE buffet with cakes and Open Circle 7.30pm - 9.30pm From 6.30pm until 8.00pm all refreshments First, Second & Last Wednesday Twice per month on Wednesday 1-2-1 Private Readings ------of month at 7.30pm £3 with DENISE PLUMB Spiritual Healing HEALING HEARTS Open Platform Open Platform (which is a freewill donation) PSYCHIC SURGEONS Third Wednesday of month Friday 7.30pm with Stalls Phone for opening times at 7.30pm £2 SPENCER ROSE From 8pm until 9pm (£5 minimum donation Spiritual Healing £3.50 (£3 members) Demonstration of includes refreshments) Monday 2pm – 3.30pm See website for dates Platform Mediumship with All profits above running costs Sunday 5pm – 6pm All Welcome our guest medium to four charities Refreshments of tea, coffee, See website for more details at: BITTERNE HERTFORDSHIRE cakes & biscuits throughout SPIRITUALIST CHURCH the evening Or see our Facebook Page Top of Lances Hill, CARPENDERS PARK Extended Services, Circles, 390 Bitterne Road, CHRISTIAN Spiritual Workshops, Holistic healinghearts.centre Bitterne, Southampton, SPIRITUALISTS Certificated Qualifications, Contact: 07455 227100 Hampshire SO18 1DR Bushford Scout Hall, Pamper Days and Bulphan Village Hall, Tel: 07731 938587 St Georges Drive, Mind Body Soul Events Church Road, Bulphan, CURRENTLY CLOSED Carpenders Park, Qualified Therapists for UPMINSTER, Essex Watford, Herts WD19 5HD Private Treatments including RM14 3RU Follow us on Facebook: Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, (Hall cannot be seen Bitterne Spiritualist Church Hair & Beauty from road – go up drive Official services offered: All Welcome between numbers GLOUCESTERSHIRE Spiritual Naming, Weddings 37 and 39 St Georges Drive) (including Same-Sex Marriages), LYNDA OLDHAM CHELTENHAM PLEASE CONTACT FOR Renewal of Vows, Civil Partnerships, SPIRITUALIST NATIONAL FURTHER DETAILS Funerals, Memorial Services CENTRE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Contact Chris Palmer: : Spiritual Healing Stanway Village Hall, Bennington Street, Tuesdays 01923 221918 Villa Road, Stanway, Cheltenham, 2pm - 3.30pm and 5pm - 7pm Sundays 10.30am Nr Colchester, Gloucestershire GL50 4ED Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Essex CO3 0RH Tel: 01242 703 288 Divine Service with Medium Healing Available PLEASE CHECK FACEBOOK Registered for Funerals, Also available: All Are Welcome PAGE FOR DETAILS Weddings, Coffee Mornings, Private An activity table 2nd Thursday, Monthly Naming Ceremonies, Blessings, Readings and Pathways is provided for children Evening of Mediumship Commitment of Union Development Group Guest Medium each month PLEASE CHECK FACEBOOK See website for details of our HITCHIN 6.15pm for a 7.30pm start for PAGE FOR DETAILS Special Events, Workshops and SPIRITUALIST CHURCH the Mediumship Demonstration Development Groups Whinbush Road, We offer: churches/cheltenham.html All Welcome Hitchin, 15-Minute Readings Follow us on Facebook: Hertfordshire (for a donation) Cheltenham Spiritualist Church FLEET SG5 1PZ Healings (for a donation) Sunday 11am Divine Service SPIRITUALIST CHURCH CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 2021 Gong Healing Thursday 7.30pm 193 Aldershot Road, Telephone: 07581 492507 10 Craft Tables ~ Raffle Open Awareness and Church Crookham, www.hitchinspiritualist Cakes and a Cuppa Development Group Hampshire GU52 8JS £3 admission Friday 2pm Healing CURRENTLY CLOSED Sunday Service 6.30pm Please arrive early if Saturday 7pm Tel: 01252 625976 Healing: you want a reading Evening of Mediumship President & Tuesdays 2pm & 7.30pm Lynda’s Mobile: Specials and Workshops Mediums’ Secretary, Demonstrations and workshops 07591 920603 every six weeks Marion Chilver: as advertised on website Follow us on Facebook All Are Welcome 01252 624986 All Welcome

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 61 Website: Saturday 7.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesdays 12.30pm - 2pm KENT We run Psychic & Spiritual Divine Service Fridays 6pm - 7pm Development Mornings, All Welcome For details of workshops BEXLEYHEATH Open Circles, and special events, visit our CHRISTIAN Healing and Meditation CLEVELEYS website: SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Mornings with free student SPIRITUALIST CHURCH www.progressivespiritualist 85 Lion Road, Bexleyheah, readings, monthly evenings of 93 Beach Road, Kent DA6 8NT Mediumship, Workshops, Cleveleys, E: [email protected] Enquiries: 07950 672200 Psychic Suppers, Lancashire Tel: 0116 2536098 Email: Psychic Fairs, Courses, FY5 1EW All Welcome Coach Trips etc. (Opposite the Travellers Rest Or see us on Facebook Download the full programme Public House) PLEASE CHECK FACEBOOK from our website or ring us! PARTIALLY OPEN LONDON PAGE FOR DETAILS Regular Events Every Sunday 2pm - 3pm for ACTON Sunday All Welcome Private Prayer SPIRITUAL CENTRE Evening Service at 6.30pm Each person will be allocated 10 The Cottage, Woodhurst Road, Tuesday WEST WICKHAM mins to sit in prayer Acton, London W3 6SL Afternoon Service at 2.15pm SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Every Monday 1pm - 4pm President: Elaine Jordan Spiritual Healing Surrey Road, Private Readings with PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILS Tuesdays 1pm - 1.45pm West Wickham, HELEN TAYLOR OSNU Tel: 020 8896 0184 & 7.30pm - 9pm Kent BR4 0LU Please book in advance by Sunday Service 6.30pm Open Circles President & Mediums’ Secretary: phone One Sunday per month Monday 7.30pm - 9pm £4.50 Alan Mitchell-Sleight Weekly Absent Healing Wednesday Service 7.30pm Wednesdays 12 - 2pm £4.50 Tel: 01959 573049 Wednesdays 12.15 - 1.15pm Healing Check dates at curch or E-mail: mitchellsleight@ Fridays 7pm - 8pm Every Thursday 7.30pm Facebook Our healers can send healing Large car park Open Platform 7.30pm PLEASE CHECK WEBSITE specifically to loved ones when A warm welcome extended to all One Wednesday per month Sunday Services 6.30pm you message or call us and All Welcome (doors open 5.50pm) request it to be added to the BALHAM Wednesday Evening healing book. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH THE SANCTUARY OF Demonstrations 8.00pm Awareness Classes Hamilton Hall, HEALING CHRISTIAN Open Circle Thursdays Every Wednesday 6.15-7.15pm 211 Balham High Road, SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 11.30am -1pm, 5pm - 6.30pm 8 week course £2 per week London SW17 7BQ Mills Terrace, Chatham, & 7pm - 8.30pm (paid in full where possible) Tel: 07933 332187 Kent ME4 5NZ Private Readings We are on Facebook and on the CURRENTLY CLOSED Tel: 01634 880039 Thursdays ~ Please book in web at: www.cleveleys Sunday Divine Service 11am Email: advance with Wednesday Service 7.30pm [email protected] Alan Mitchell-Sleight on Call us on: 07756 967803 Spiritual Healing Website: 01959 573049 12.15pm after Sunday Services Spiritual Healing WHITE FEATHER Private Sittings OPEN FOR SUNDAY SERVICES After the service on a Sunday SPIRITUALIST CENTRE See Facebook for details Sunday at approximately 8pm Claremont Community Centre, Open Circle Evening Service at 6.30pm (providing healers are available) Claremont Road, Blackpool, Mondays 7.30pm - 9pm Special Event and Wednesdays Lancashire FY1 2QJ (except Bank Hols) Saturday 12th September 2020 12noon - 1.45pm PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILS Development Circle 12.30pm to 5.30pm Workshops Tel: 01253 355595 Tuesdays 7.30pm with Coronavirus permitting Please see website or in church Every Friday PAUL GRANT Psychic Fayre to raise funds for for details 6.30pm Healing Come along and meet us our Church Restoration Fund Please visit our website 7.30pm Clairvoyant Evening See our Facebook Ad at: Private Readings with high www.westwickhamspiritualist followed by Open Circle Balham Spiritualist Church quality Mediums and Tarot All Welcome All Welcome Readers at a cost of £15 for for other upcoming events approx. half an hour All Welcome LEICESTERSHIRE BARNES Spiritual healing available HEALING CHURCH Various Stalls with crystals, LANCASHIRE LEICESTER Between 77-79 White Hart Lane, jewellery, clothes, plants, gifts, PROGRESSIVE London SW13 0PW scented candles etc. BURY SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Five-minute walk from Hot and cold food, snacks and SPIRITUALIST CENTRE 4 St. James Street, Lee Circle, Barnes Bridge railway station drinks will also be available. 3 Russell Street, Bury, Leicester LE1 3RE General Enquiries: See website for more information Lancashire BL9 5AX President: Marian Sawczuk 07581 534028 Tel: 0161 654 9282 PLEASE SEE WEBSITE Facebook: BarnesHealingChurch MAIDSTONE HEALING PLEASE CHECK WEBSITE Services with Mediumship PARTIALLY OPEN - PLEASE & SPIRITUAL Website: Sundays 6pm Divine Service SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS DEVELOPMENT Follow us on Facebook: Mondays 7.30pm Website: www. CENTRE Bury Spiritual Centre Wednesdays 2.30pm (M.H.S.D.C.) Tuesday 6pm Healing Thursdays, Fridays and E-mail: barneshealingchurch@ meets at Madginford Hall, (last registration 6.30pm) Saturdays: Egremont Road Healing is also available on Special Demonstrations Sunday Healing Service 6.30pm (behind the row of shops), request after the service as advertised Wednesday at 7.30pm Maidstone, Kent ME15 8LH Tuesday 7.30pm - 8.45pm Development Groups & Circles Evening of Clairvoyance £3 PLEASE CONTACT CENTRE Evening of Mediumship held every day of the week Special Events FOR FURTHER DETAILS Friday (fortnightly) Healing For details about our Open Tel: 07923 518148 7.15pm for 7.30pm start Saturdays 10.30am - 12.30pm Platforms, Circles, Workshops, Email: [email protected] Awareness Class Mondays 6pm - 7pm Special Evenings and more,

62 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 please see our website or demonstrations are charged at 13th JO GREEN Enquiries: Caroline Hackett our Facebook page £3.00 (£2.00 members) – unless 20th NATHAN POOLE on 07891 067478 Healing stated otherwise – and Sunday 27th (To be arranged) HOPING TO OPEN Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm services remain as a Same I.D. and Password applies MID-SEPTEMBER. Thursdays 10.30am - 1.00pm voluntary donation to all ZOOM services SEE WEBSITE AND A Warm Welcome Awaits Everyone Private Readings Meeting I.D: 689 400 7125 FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES REGISTERED FOR Saturday 26th September Passcode: FULHAM Demonstration of Clairvoyance MARRIAGES, CEREMONIES From 10am A very warm welcome awaits every Wednesday at 8.00pm & SACRED SERVICES 20 minutes £12 (members £10) friends old and new Doors open 7.30pm Payable in advance Come and meet us at Healing every week by BATTERSEA Ring Jeannine 07956 312753 our lovely church registered healers from SPIRITUALIST CHURCH to pay by card WEDDINGS 7.30pm until 9pm 46 Bennerley Road, Mediums: ROSIE, THERESA, NAMINGS ~ FUNERALS Visit our website at: Off Northcote Road, LESLEY TURTON, www.sydenhamspiritual London SW11 6DS JACKIE OTHEN & THE LONDON President – Margaret Cutler: SARAH JACKSON SPIRITUAL MISSION 020 7223 3156 Find us on Facebook: Ealing 13 Pembridge Place, WOOD GREEN Enquiries: 020 7622 4900 National Spiritualist Church London W2 4XB SPIRITUALIST CHURCH or 020 3573 3571 MARRIAGES SOLEMNISED [email protected] (Cnr of Maryland Road) E-mail: [email protected] NAMINGS High Road, Wood Green, Web: All Welcome Telephone: 020 7229 2024 London N22 5AR OPEN 1ST & 3RD SUNDAY OF PARTIALLY OPEN - PLEASE CURRENTLY CLOSED MONTH EDMONTON SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS Minister in Spirit: Sundays 6th and 20th September SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Church Activities Mrs Ida Stenning Service 6.00pm 14 Linnell Road, Fortnightly Sunday Service Enquiries: 020 8888 1992 London N18 2QW at 6.30pm Website: www.woodgreen CLAPHAM NATIONAL Telephone: 020 8887 9610 All other events are via Zoom SPIRITUALIST CHURCH www.edmontonspiritualist For Special Events, Courses & 11a North Street, Workshops please see our website WOODFORD Old Town, Clapham, Follow us on Facebook SPIRITUALIST CHURCH London SW4 0HN CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 2021 MORDEN 9 Grove Crescent, Enquiries: Tel 020 7498 5521 Last Sunday of month at 6pm SPIRITUALIST CHURCH South Woodford, PARTIALLY OPEN SATURDAYS Mondays at 1.30pm 214 Morden Road, Morden, London E18 2JR SEE FACEBOOK FOR DETAILS Spiritual Healing Tuesdays London SW19 3BY Sunday Service: 6.00pm 12.15 - 1.45pm & 6.30 - 7.30pm Enquiries Telephone: CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 2021 Tuesday: 6.00pm Reiki Tuesdays 7.30pm £5 020 8648 5369 Private Readings and Healing. Come and enjoy the Church Tel: 020 8544 1816 Readings end at 8.00pm empowerment of Reiki E-mail: MIDDLESEX Saturday: 7.30pm Open Circle [email protected] Evening of Clairvoyance Wednesdays 7.15pm £4 OPEN FOR THE FOLLOWING HAMPTON HILL Open Platform All Welcome SERVICES ­­– LIMITED NUMBERS SPRITUALIST Every 1st Saturday of the month Sunday Evening 6.30pm CHURCH 6pm - 7pm FULHAM NATIONAL Service and Clairvoyance Angel Close, Everyone is Very Welcome SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Thursday Evening 7.45pm Windmill Road, at our Church! Kelvedon Road, Fulham, Clairvoyance Entrance £2.50 Hampton Hill TW12 1RG London SW6 5BP All Welcome Enquiries: 020 8941 5177 EALING NATIONAL (Nearest Underground station CURRENTLY ONLINE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Parsons Green) VIOLET MOON MEETINGS ONLY. SEE 66-68 Uxbridge Road, Buses No. 11 and 14 SPIRITUAL CENTRE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS West Ealing, London W13 8RA Tel: 020 7736 7248 Ruskin House, www.hamptonhillspiritualists. (Next to Ealing Fire Station) PARTIALLY OPEN Nelson Mandela Room, Buses 207, 83, E2, E7, E8 Acting President: Derek Delves 23 Coombe Road, Croydon, Sunday 6.30pm Service Enquiries: Alison Working for Spirit Greater London CR0 1BD Thurs 7.30pm Demonstration st Tel: 07958 463529 into the 21 century PARTIALLY OPEN - PLEASE Evening Open Circles & Classes See website for days & dates Every Sunday except Private Sittings SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS Saturday 12th September Open Platform with Bank Holidays Website: OPEN: PLEASE WEAR A MASK Five Mediums giving 30 minute MARTIN TWYCROSS SEPTEMBER 2020 EVENTS private sittings for £15 Email: lorraine@ Open Awareness Circle with 11am to 3pm LINDA TWYCROSS Sunday Service at 6.30pm 6th SARAH JACKSON Booking available via our Fridays: 7pm - 8.30pm Mediumship Practice Circle 13th CHARLOTTE CODRAI Facebook Page or our email Demonstrations of Mediumship with PAMELA POLLINGTON 20th BARBARA POTTS address: Clairvoyance Events Open Healing Circle with

27th DONNA COLLINS fulhamspiritualist SHEILA SMOOTHY [email protected] Open Awareness Circle with Thursday Mediumship 7.30pm SYDENHAM SPIRITUAL 3rd GLENDA WALL We are holding only one & HEALING CENTRE SUSIE SHAW 10th JACKIE OTHEN Service a week at the Church on Venner Community Hall, Speakers & Philosophy Class 17th THERESA Thursdays at 7.30pm 1, Venner Road, Sydenham, with MARTIN TWYCROSS 24th OWEN WILLIAMS Our first Service is London SE26 5EQ Spiritual Healing th Mondays 6th & 20th September 17 HELEN NICHOLAS (Venner Road is opposite Every Wednesday from 7.30pm th 7.30pm - 9.30pm 24 (To be arranged) Sydenham Railway Station Weddings, Namings and £5 (£3 membs) Our 6.30pm Sunday Divine The hall is adjacent to Funerals arranged Open Circle with Services will be held online via Sydenham High Street) See our website for OWEN WILLIAMS ZOOM Bus routes: further details Please note that Thursday 6th JOHN JEMMETT 176, 312, 75, 194, 202, 450 All Welcome

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 63 HAYES Sunday Divine Service 6.15pm 1.30 - 3.30pm & 6.00 – 8.00pm SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Healing available after service SOMERSET Open Platform Albert Hall, Albert Road, We are a five-minute walk from Third Monday of the month Hayes, Middlesex UB3 4HR Uxbridge Underground station. ALCOMBE & MINEHEAD at 7.30pm Fledglings, training Telephone: 07949 186308 Tea and cakes after services CHRISTIAN speakers, demonstrators & All very welcome! Find us on Facebook: SPIRITUALIST CHURCH congregation required ~ Free Hayes Spiritualist Society Grove Place, Manor Road, All Welcome CURRENTLY CLOSED NORFOLK Alcombe, Minehead TA24 6EH Tel: 0783 110 4896 FARNHAM INDEPENDENT Wednesday 6.30pm - 7.30pm SNETTISHAM CURRENTLY CLOSED CHRISTIAN Healing Wednesday 7.30pm £4 on INDEPENDENT Summer Sunday Service at 6.30pm SPIRITUALIST CHURCH the door SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (March to end of October) Hale Village Hall, 1 Wings Rd, Service with Clairvoyance Memorial Hall, Winter Sunday Service at 3pm Farnham GU9 0HN 2.30pm - 4pm Healing Thursday Old Church Road, (November to end of February) President: Jean Harris Every Friday 7.30pm £4 (Next to the Rose and Crown) Healing Groups, Tel: 07936 708882 Open Circle Snettisham, Norfolk PE31 7NA a monthly Healing Day, CURRENTLY ONLINE Coffee Morning: Contact Sandra: 01485 541719 Healing Evenings, Open Circles, MEETINGS ONLY. SEE last Saturday of the month CURRENTLY CLOSED — Evenings of Clairvoyance FACEBOOK FOR DETAILS Jan - Nov 11am - 4pm PLEASE CHECK FACEBOOK all available on various days Follow us on Facebook Private Readings: PAGE FOR DETAILS during each month. Divine Service £15 for 20 mins Follow us at: See our website for the full Every Sunday 6.30pm - 8pm Bookable in advance day-by-day itinerary of what Free-will offering All Welcome SnettishamSpiritualChurch our church can offer you. Awareness Group Services www.mineheadspiritualist See Facebook or in church KENTON SPIRITUALIST Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Open Platform CHURCH & HEALING of the month at 3pm See Facebook or in church CENTRE Healing available after Service Healing After Services 35 Churchill Avenue, Kenton, All Welcome STAFFORDSHIRE All Welcome Harrow, Middlesex HA3 0AX ANGEL ATTIC President: Bette Kotecha NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Staffordshire’s Principal SPIRITUAL Tel: 020 8621 3103 Independent Psychic Centre, AWARENESS GROUP (Answerphone) WEST BRIDGFORD St Patricks Place, Stafford, Bringing Spirit to the people CURRENTLY CLOSED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Staffordshire ST16 2PN Glyn Hall, Cheam Road, Sunday Service 6.30pm Wilford and South Notts TEL: 01785 600994 Ewell Village, Thursday Clairvoyance 7.45pm Community Centre, or 07504 126336 Surrey KT17 1SP Visit: www.kentonspiritualist Wilford Lane, OFFERING ONLINE AND Enquiries: Betty Masters for further details Nottingham, PHONE READINGS Tel: 07786 741509 Special events Nottinghamshire Contact Rachel by email: Email: spiritualawareness throughout the year NG11 7AX [email protected] [email protected] A Warm Welcome Awaits YOU! Tel: 07787 136531 Private One-to-One Sittings, Sunday Services with OPEN — PLEASE BOOK Courses, Workshops, Clairvoyance THE LIGHT ON THE HILL SPACES BEFORE ATTENDING Social Events, Afternoon Teas, Entrance fee £4.50 HARROW SEE FACEBOOK FOR DETAILS Psychic Suppers, Doors 6.15pm for 6.45pm start SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Tuesdays 7.30pm Service £4 Classes & Groups, Open Circle, With regret, due to the current 1 Vaughan Road, Harrow, including Raffle (optional) Demonstration Evenings, coronavirus situation we are Middlesex, London HA1 1DP Fridays 1.30pm Divine Service Educational Programmes currently suspending services. CURRENTLY ONLINE freewill donation £1 Raffle and so very much more... Contact for re-opening dates. MEETINGS ONLY. SEE Saturdays 7.30pm Service Do call or email, check out our WEBSITE FOR DETAILS £4 including Raffle (optional) Facebook (Angel Attic) page HACKBRIDGE Website: Follow us on Facebook: for upcoming events SPIRITUALIST CHURCH www.harrowsnuchurch. West Bridgford Spiritualist A warm welcome is extended to all CURRENTLY CLOSED Church Proud stockists of Psychic News For information call Email: [email protected] All Welcome Jackie on: 0781 806 1063 Telephone: 07528 348 432 SURREY for further details Service Times: SHROPSHIRE Sunday 7.30pm - 9pm CROYDON KINGSTON NATIONAL Wednesday 7.45pm - 9pm DAWLEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH SPIRITUALIST Healing Services: GUIDING LIGHT Chatsworth Road, Croydon, CHURCH Monday 10am - 12pm SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Surrey CR0 1HE OPEN: SEPTEMBER 2020 Wednesday 9.15pm - 9.45pm Dawley House, President: EVENTS Sunday 7.30pm at start 22 Burton Street, Telford, Mr Alan Seymour CSNU, LSSNU Villiers Road, of Service Shropshire TF4 2ES Contact Tel: 020 8688 1827 Kingston upon Thames, All Welcome Contact us: 01952 507188 Email: Surrey KT1 3AR CURRENTLY CLOSED [email protected] Website: THE CURRENTLY ONLINE Email: SANCTUARY OF Facebook: MEETINGS AND ABSENT [email protected] THE SILVER CROSS Dawley Guiding Light HEALING ONLY. SEE WEBSITE Friends Meeting House, Spiritualist Church Also on Facebook FOR DETAILS Belmont Road, Uxbridge, Saturdays 7.30pm - 9pm President: Bernadete May Website: www.croydon Middlesex UB8 1QW Evening of Clairvoyance Secretary: Gerrie Chaney President: Linda Chant £3 at the door Telephone: 020 8401 6967 CLOSED UNTIL 2021 includes raffle ticket, tea, Sunday 11am Service Church Mobile: 07910 335 763 Tel: 07792 900194 coffee and biscuits Sunday 6.30pm Service Sunday 11am Divine Service Website: www.sanctuaryof Fridays: Specials as advertised Wednesday 7.45pm Service 6th IRENE GLOUX All Welcome Healing Every Thursday at Followed by AGM

64 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 13th MICHAEL LENNON Email: 20th ROY MACKAY [email protected] TYNE & WEAR 27th JANET GLASGOW Website: Monday 7.30pm NEWCASTLE Evenings of Mediumship Thursday 7.30pm UPON TYNE, 7th IAIN MASON Divine Service HEATON AND BYKER 14th PAULINE WALSH All Welcome SPIRITUALIST CHURCH THE 21st BARBARA POTTS 16 - 18 Tosson Terrace, Heaton, BUTTERFLY 28th LYNN ROSE & WEST SUSSEX Newcastle upon Tyne, FELLOWSHIP 2012 STEVE CORBETT Tyne and Wear NE6 5LX Wollaston Village Hall Community Centre, Open Platform ANGEL IN BLUE OPEN: SEE FACEBOOK FOR Saturday 5th September Storrington Village Hall, FURTHER DETAILS Bridgnorth Road, Stourbridge, 2pm - 4pm 59 West Street, Storrington, Telephone: 07809 532461 West Midlands DY8 3QA (unless specified in listing) with ANN BLACKMORE & West Sussex RH20 4DZ Sunday 4.30pm - 5.30pm LILY JENKINS OPEN: SEE FACEBOOK FOR Healing PLEASE SEE WEBSITE Spiritual Awareness Evenings FURTHER DETAILS Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Evening of Mediumship, with ANN BLACKMORE Social, Support and Monday 7pm Clairvoyance Special Events and Friday 4th 7.30pm & Mediumship Demonstration Thursday 7pm Afternoon Clubs Friday 18th 7.30pm Evenings Discussion and Open Circle Complimentary refreshments Special Event The last Friday of each month Specials as advertised served after each event Friday 25th 7.30pm £5 Starts at 7.00pm All Welcome Enquiries to: 07809 464165 Exploring Our Spirituality: Entrance £6 inclusive of See our excellent website at The Spiritual Cycle of Life — Raffle and Refreshments WILTSHIRE A Guided Tour by Spirit with Enquiries: Contact Val Harber & follow us on Facebook: JANET NEVILLE & 01403 865823 WILTON The Butterfly Fellowship 2012 STEVE BRIDGER [email protected] SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Psychic News available Distance Group Healing Light, Nature, Truth at our meetings Every Wednesday BARNHAM 3 Warminster Road, Large Car Park at 2pm - 3.45pm by donation SPIRITUAL CENTRE Wilton, Salisbury, Community Centre Barnham Community Hall, Wiltshire SP2 0AT All Welcome SUTTON YOUNG Murrell’s Field, Tel: 07892 685626 SPIRITUALIST Yapton Road, CURRENTLY CLOSED CHURCH Barnham PO22 0AY Follow us on Facebook at: STH YORKS Thomas Wall Centre, RING FOR DETAILS Wilton Spiritualist Church WHITHAM ROAD Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Contact Darren Hart: Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Surrey SM1 4DP 0774 945 4281 Includes a Demonstration 109 Whitham Road, RING FOR DETAILS Every Monday 7.30pm of Mediumship Broomhill, Sheffield, Enquiries: 020 8641 2630 Evening of Mediumship Open Circle South Yorkshire S10 2SL Sunday Service at 6.30pm First Sunday of the month 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each Tel: 0114 2664025 followed by Healing 6.30pm Divine Service month at 7.30pm Mob: 0742 266 5205 Clairvoyant Evening at 7.30pm We are a spiritual centre Everyone Welcome CURRENTLY ONLINE One Wednesday per month providing Evenings of MEETINGS ONLY — SEE We are a friendly independent Mediumship on a weekly basis WEST MIDLANDS FACEBOOK FOR DETAILS Spiritualist church and a monthly Divine Service All very welcome indeed We also provide Private SUTTON COLDFIELD Sunday 6.30pm - 8pm Do come and visit us! Readings as well as Healing SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Divine Service All Welcome Find details of all our latest Kenelm Road, Off Manor Hill, Sunday 3pm - 4.30pm events on Facebook: Sutton Coldfield B73 6HD Open Circle RICHMOND Barnham Spiritual Centre CURRENTLY CLOSED Tuesday 7.30pm - 9pm SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Serving all local communities Website: Mediumship 97 Church Road, Richmond, All Welcome Telephone: 0121 354 3266 Wednesday 11am - 1pm Healing Surrey TW10 6LU Follow us on Facebook at: Wednesday 1.30pm - 3pm Website: www.richmond CRAWLEY Spiritualist Church, Open Circle SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Sutton Coldfield Wednesday 7.30pm - 9pm Email: & HEALING CENTRE Sunday 6.30pm Service Open Circle [email protected] Capel Lane, Monday 1.30pm Service We also hold monthly Enquiries: 07507 703497 Gossops Green, Tuesday 7.30pm Special Evenings of Mediumship Follow us on Facebook Crawley, Mediumship Classes along with other Special Events PARTIALLY OPEN - PLEASE West Sussex RH11 8HL Thursday 8.00pm Healing throughout the year, SEE FACEBOOK FOR DETAILS CURRENTLY CLOSED Friday 7.30pm Open Circle including three Psychic Fairs, President: Maureen Hedger Saturday 11.00am Healing a Psychic Supper, EAST SUSSEX Tel: 01342 870657 For Monthly Specials & Development Workshops and Sunday Divine Service Workshops please see our Development Courses SEAFORDSPIRIT 6.30pm - 8.00pm Website/Facebook pages

Seaford Independent Wednesday 7.30pm 9.00pm All Welcome TO ADVERTISE Spiritualist Church, Clairvoyant Evening 3 Warwick Road, Seaford, £4.00 (Members £3.00) THE ADVERTISING IN East Sussex BN25 1RS Spiritual Healing DEADLINE IS THE PSYCHIC NEWS Tel: 01323 737407 Thursdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm TH WEEKLY DIVINE SERVICES E-mail: 8 DAY OF THE EMAIL: ARE BEING CONDUCTED [email protected] MONTH PRIOR TO [email protected] ONLINE VIA ZOOM AT Website: www.crawley THE PUBLICATION OR VISIT 7.30PM EACH THURSDAY PLEASE SEE WEBSITE All Welcome MONTH

PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2020 65 ADVERTISEMENT WALES SCOTLAND GUERNSEY GREECE THE ARTHUR CONAN THE GREETING PLACE GATEWAY CHRISTIAN DOYLE CENTRE FOUNDATION SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Home of THE EDINBURGH SPIRITUALIST CENTRE 2A Northcote St (off City Road) ASSOCIATION OF Douzaine Room, St Peters, CARDIFF CF24 3BH SPIRITUALISTS Guernsey, Channel Islands SPIRITUALIST CURRENTLY CLOSED 25 Palmerston Place, Enquiries to: Ann Jennings SOCIETY OF ATHENS Telephone: 029 20470461 Edinburgh, Scotland EH12 5AP Telephone: 01481 247185 “The Divine Light” Saturday 7.00pm SEE WEBSITE: www. Mobile: 07781 413218 Channelled Teachings from the Demonstration of Mediumship OPEN: SEE FACEBOOK highest authority of the Sunday 6.30pm Phone: 0131 625 0700 Email: Heavenly Kingdom. Divine Service Sundays 11am DIVINE SERVICE [email protected] Various spiritual leaders, from Tuesday 7.00pm Wednesdays 7.30pm Website: www.healingand Socrates and St. John the Baptist Demonstration of Mediumship OPEN CIRCLE (Except August) to Goethe and Newton teach Wednesday 7.15pm Full programme of Special Events, Our regular services are: invaluable lessons to humanity. Spiritual Healing Workshops, Talks and Courses Sunday 11.00am Website: Registered for the See website for details Address and Communication E-mail: Solemnisation of Marriage, Also available: Holistic Therapies • Monday 7.30pm Healing Group [email protected] Naming & Funeral Services Healing • Private Sittings • Saturday 10.30am Address: Aura Camera Readings • Victorian Website: Tearoom • Room Hire • Psychical Healing Clinic 12 Niovis Str., Research and Investigation Unit • Other services as announced Athens, Greece, All are welcome Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Everyone Welcome 11252 WEBSITE LISTINGS Advertise your website here for just £25.00 a year Call: 01376 563091 or email: [email protected] www.broniawestclairvoyantmedium. www.tomjohnston



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