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25.0: Energy Fields - General

Every object, whether living or inanimate, is comprised of atoms and is therefore endowed with an energy field. This field is a collective expression of all the individual atomic fields contained within the object. It has been known for thousands of years that crystals emit energy at different frequencies which will affect the human body in different ways: 1

The first historical references to the use of crystals come from the Ancient Sumerians, who included crystals in magic formulas. The Ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald and clear quartz in their jewellery. They also carved grave amulets of the same gems. The Ancient Egyptians used stones primarily for protection and health.

The human body, too, being constructed from atomic particles, has an energy field which is readily detectable both by other sensitive people and machines built for that specific purpose. This field which exists around each human being has many names; usually the ‘Aura’ or ‘Human Energy Field’. Of this field the spiritual healer and author Barbara Ann Brennan notes: 2

There are many systems that people have created from their observations to define the auric field. All these systems divide the aura into layers and define the layers by locations, colour, brightness, form, density, fluidity and function. Each system is geared to the kind of work the individual is "doing" with the aura. The two systems most similar to mine are the ones used by Jack Schwarz, which has more than seven layers and is described in his book, Human Energy Systems, and the system used by Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere of the Healing Light Centre in Glendale, California. Her system is a seven layer system, and is described in her book, Wheels of Light, A Study of the Chakras.

If we scale this up a little further, then, we can see that the whole universe is comprised of objects all of which have different energy levels and therefore we can assume that the universe has a similar but much larger energy field – usually, and not surprisingly, referred to as the Universal Energy Field. An alternative name was coined by the American New Age author Gregg Braden who used the term ‘Divine Matrix’. In his book of the same name he wrote: 3

There are three more attributes that set the Divine Matrix apart from any other energy of its kind. First, it can be described as being everywhere all the time ...Second, it appears that this field originated when creation did ... The third characteristic of this field, and perhaps the one that makes it so meaningful in our lives is that it appears to have "intelligence". In other words, the field responds to the power of human emotion.

Extreme emotions, both good and bad, are powerful; they generate waves of direct energy. This fact, according to Helen Wambach in her book ‘Reliving Past Lives’, we were given by a teaching spirit known as Seth who used the New York writer and trance medium as a channel. Helen, one of the earliest scientific researchers into past lives and reincarnation, explained that: 4

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A directed emotion operates on a subatomic particle, which Seth calls the EUG, or monopole - a tiny bit of energy with one magnetic pole and a magnetic field. Emotion pulls together the monopoles, which in turn form electrons, neutrons, and so on down the line. Thus, the world of physical reality is built up from the emotional energy generated by consciousness.

Perhaps this may explain, to some extent, why objects move when some extraordinary people become very emotional. This thought was brought to my mind after consideration of something Gary E. Schwartz, a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona, wrote in his book ‘The Afterlife Experiments’: 5

My dear friend Paul Pearsall has suggested that gravity and ghosts share the identical conceptual problem - they can be known only indirectly through their inferred effects on objects or beings.

Understanding of these types of events and the relationship of emotion to thought to energy seems to be a valuable avenue for further extensive research.

Brian Weiss grew up during the time when energy fields were starting to be considered and appreciated. He was an American psychiatrist who researched into reincarnation, past life regression, future-life progression and survival of the human soul after death. The conclusion he arrived at after over 40 years of such experience was that the physical and the spiritual worlds: 6

…are connected, that all is energy.

…and, during Brian’s formative years in the 1960s, the Cambridge schoolmaster and renowned mystic and spiritual writer Frederick Crossfield Happold recognised that: 7

...scientists have now moved towards a new conception of matter, one not as something solid and indestructible, but as a concentrated form of energy. ...matter is energy, and that it is only energy that is indestructible.

It was the exceptional scientist Albert Einstein who, as Sue Minns, the psychotherapist with many years' experience of past life work, recalled: 8

...proved that energy and matter are interchangeable. Matter is simply energy that has slowed down.

Scientists can readily research into aspects of life for which they can reproduce experiments and from which conclusions can be reached and verified. When dealing with animate beings, who exist as emotional beings and whose actions depend upon so many factors (thereby making each one unique), scientists have difficulty – results are not necessarily reproducible. According to Mary Carroll Nelson, the spiritual teacher Don Miguel Ruiz realised that: 9

We cannot take love into the laboratory and say 'This is love'. We do not prove that an emotion exists, but we know that love exists because we can feel it. It is not matter, but it is energy. It is energy because it exists. Everything that exists is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transformed. Energy has no

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beginning and no end.

This message of the indestructibility of energy has comes to us from many sources. Hazel Courteney was told by a spirit that the energy field: 10

...emanates from the beginning of time, it has always existed. Energy never dies - it is only transformed.

Linking energy and love was also a theme of the author and medium Julie Soskin who confided that: 11

Heart energy is what you call unconditional love. It is unconditional, it is not an ideal, nor is it a hope. It does exist! It is a heart-ray energy force which is the central line of balance of all forces - the middle path, the middle way. It holds the positive and negative energies of the whole cosmos. By this we do not mean the negative destructive energy, we mean the male and female energy as you understand it. It is the heart-ray that holds these forces, acting as the bridge.

Peter Spink recalled that the scientist Michin Kaku said in his book ‘Hyperspace’ that he believed that: 12

…one of the deepest experiences a scientist can have, almost approaching a religious awakening, is to realise that we are children of the stars, and that our minds are capable of understanding its Universal Laws that they obey. The atoms in our bodies were forged in the anvil of nucleo-synthesis within an exploding star aeons before the birth of the solar system. Our atoms are older than the mountains. We are literally made of stardust. Now these atoms have in time coalesced into intelligent human beings capable of understanding its universal laws governing events. We have the same laws on our tiny planet as there are everywhere in the universe.

We are stardust! The atoms of which we are comprised were brought into being during the creation of the universe and will continue to exist for ever. What an amazing thought.

This indestructibility and connectedness of all life in the universe is not just a recent, scientific, realisation: 13

“Throughout mankind's cultural history there has existed the metaphysical concept that man and cosmos are interconnected by a ubiquitous, all-pervasive sea of energy that undergirds, and is manifest in, all phenomena. This pre-scientific concept of a cosmic energy goes by many names in many traditions, such as ch'i, ki or qi (Taoism), prana (yoga), mana (Kahuna), barakah (Sufi), élan vital (Bergsonian metaphysics), and so forth." [Hal Puthoff, Searching for the Universal Matrix in Metaphysics]

This perhaps would account for many unexplained phenomena. One example would be the use of energy fields in the technique of psychometry which The New Zealand medium Jenny Crawford described as: 14

Psychometry is being able to read an object, be it a letter, jewellery, photos, houses,

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rocks, trees, and so on from its vibrations.

Another good example is dowsing; that mechanism that people down the ages have used to detect underground water, minerals, buried material, etc., may be explained by the existence of a Universal Energy Field, at least that is what Ralph Whitlock believed: 15

It seems that the only tenable theory [for dowsing working] is that the whole of Nature and of the universe should be regarded as one integral whole, and that it holds in store all possible information about itself. And dowsing is a method - imperfect and not properly understood, it is true - by which we can tap that store. Nor is the idea of a universal store of knowledge beyond our understanding .

Ralph was no scientist although he had a great appreciation of nature about which he wrote expertly for the Guardian. One scientist whose life overlapped Ralph’s was the Serbian / American Nikola Tesla. He was a natural inventor who developed his understanding of energy, particularly of electrical energy, from working with Thomas Edison. Nikola observed that the universe is a sea of energy and others following him recognised that matter is a form of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. In fact, the universe comprises about 98% energy and just 2% matter. This has been summarised by Michael Talbot and David Bohm: 16

Every cubic centimetre of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe.

This was very pleasing to Bede Griffiths who recognised that: 17

Modern physics helps us to realise that this whole material universe is a vast 'field of energies' which is in a continuous process of transformation.

In all dimensions and realms of life energies exist and colour the lives of those living in them. The Spirit World is no exception. Many people who have experienced Out of Body or Near Death Experiences have reported effects of energies. The author of books on past life regression, Michael Newton, explains that energies, in terms of sounds and vibration, have been reported to him: 18

Noise sensations start quite early after death. Some subjects tell me they hear humming or buzzing sounds right after leaving their physical bodies. This is similar to the noise one hears standing near telephone wires and may vary in volume before souls pull away from what I believe to be the Earth's astral plane. People have said they hear these same sounds when under general anaesthesia. These flat, ringing sounds become more musical when we leave the tunnel. This music has been appropriately called energy of the universe because it revitalizes the soul.

Change is the name of the game. Energy, by its very nature, represents and stimulates change and that change can be mind-boggling. Take the calculations which, according to Alan Young, the spirit teacher Mentor gave to us: 19

Of interest to those who participate in a healing circle or group is that Mentor confirms what modern physicists have been saying, namely that the energy or

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power of a group with a common vision increases in proportion to the number of people in the group squared. This means that 20 people in a unified group equals 400 units of viable energy, and 15000 persons in the USA with a unified vision would have the equivalent potential power of the total U. S. population without a unified vision. 64000 people with one mind could change the planet.

Once we really understand these energy fields, imagine the benefits for humanity. Trying to get a grasp of such potential has been difficult although, as Barbara Ann Brennan noted: 20

As the state of the art of our scientific equipment becomes more sophisticated, we are able to measure finer qualities of the UEF. From these investigations we can surmise that the UEF is probably composed of an energy previously undefined by western science, or possibly a matter of a finer substance than we generally considered matter to be. If we define matter as condensed energy, the UEF may exist between the presently considered realm of matter and that of energy.

And, to some extent, Greg Braden confirmed this: 21

While the existence of a universal energy field has been theorised, visualised, written about, and imagined for a long while, it's only been recently that experiments were performed proving once and for all that the Matrix exists.

Knowledge of this energy has stimulated scientists and researchers to delve more deeply into it because if we can understand it then we can use it. The spirit communicating through the medium Irene Bays tried to stimulate this investigation by telling us that: 22

The Cosmos is teeming with energy, it must be used; it is waiting to be used.

One aspect of this energy is in the form of electricity and of this, we have been told by the spirit teacher Zodiac, it is: 23

...but a crude form of Spirit power.

Perhaps this is why, as the American psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson reports that the Spirit World: 24

...can manipulate things that run on electricity.

I suspect that this is because electricity is a form of energy as Gary E. Schwartz explains: 25

Physics defines energy as the capacity to do work and overcome resistance. Energy is force. Magnetism, electricity, heat, and gravity are all examples of energy.

These are the more recognisable forms of energy. Of course, the real problem that science has with the concept of Human Energy Field, is that it involves people, and they can be a very inconsistent factor in any research. Brian Snellgrove, who was the originator of the use of Kirlian energy photography 26 as a diagnostic tool to examine physical and mental conditions, presented the facts that two classes of response were noted by the Kirlians [those using Kirlian Photography]: 27

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1. The effect from non-living objects was repeatable using the same equipment with the same settings 2. The effect from all living matter was variable and non-repeatable, even with the same equipment and setting.

So, whenever people become part of any experiment, perhaps the usual ways that science has of validating hypotheses needs to be revised. It can no longer be according to total reproducibility but must involve the attributes and gifts of the individual who is part of the experiment. Lynne McTaggart, who conducted much research into energy fields, argued that science must change: 28

Science can only be a process of understanding our world and ourselves, rather than a fixed set of rules for all time, and with the ushering in of the new, to old must often be discarded.

The good thing is, however, that development of understanding of quantum physics does lead us into the realm of uncertainty and which may be able to account, in detail, with unpredictability. The sort of situations which needs to be addressed was exemplified by Paul Davies: 29

There are, however, situations where nonlocal effects arise. In quantum mechanics, two subatomic particles can interact locally and then move very far apart. But the rules of quantum physics are such that, even if the particles end up on opposite sides of the universe, they must still be treated as an indivisible whole. That is, measurements performed on one of the particles will depend in part on the state of the other.

This is a natural lead into the realm of psychic phenomena and so, it is with some relief that Rosalind Heywood reported that: 30

We have seen that a slowly increasing number of scientists and other contemporary thinkers are willing to concede that psychical research is not a form of lunacy.

At the other end of the spectrum are the mystics who have direct and personal knowledge of spiritual experiences which are closely allied to them having direct contact with the spirit realms. In other words, they have attuned themselves to the energy field of the spirit world. The moment that the fields of the mystic and the spirit world synchronise is what most mystics would consider to be the moment of absolute unity with divinity. Perhaps the whole area of mystical experiences needs to be considered in the light of the unfolding understanding of energy fields. In the first volume of the ‘Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy’, R Blair Reynolds during his discussion of the cosmos and history wrote: 31

Consequently, in the context of this aesthetic-affective framework, God is no longer defined as the Passionless Absolute of classical theism, but instead is said to have deep personal feelings, which are sharable with creatures, and so is experienced as an all-encompassing matrix of sensitivity.

Sensitivity can be used to describe our response to the energies around us. The spiritual director Michal Levin believed that: 32

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The greater your sensitivity, the more you pick up on the energies around you. And the more sensitive you are to the energies around you, the easier it is to allow your perception of extend, to develop your spiritual intelligence.

There seems to be a relationship between the Creator, energy fields and the mystic which was expressed very well by Ursula King in her book about the mysticism of Teilhard de Chardin: 33

For Teilhard, the mystic is plunged into an 'ocean of energy' from which he draws 'undiluted joy'.

Turning this on its head, the impact of getting closer to the Divine would be getting more and more imbued with the energy given out by this Source of All. To some extent this was the thesis of the German Protestant theologian Ernst Troeltsch because of his dislike for anthropomorphic conceptions of God, so Hugh Ross Mackintosh tells us, he tended to: 34

...reduce the Divine Love to a mere energy of life...

This compares well with the usual communication method that mediums adopt to link with those in the Spirit World which involves bringing their energy vibrations into unison. The American medium described it simply as: 35

...by raising my own vibrations as they lower theirs so we can meet somewhere in the middle.

Even for man in general, all drives, passions and aspirations seem to be energy related. Carl Jung, the eminent and distinguished Swiss psychologist, described this as: 36

I see man's drives, for example, as various manifestations of energic processes and thus as forces analogous to heat, light, etc. Just as it would not occur to the modern physicist to derive all forces from, shall we say, heat alone, so the psychologist should beware of lumping all instincts under the concept of sexuality. This was Freud's initial error which he later corrected by his assumption of "ego-instincts." Still later he brought in the superego, and conferred virtual supremacy upon it.

I have an empathy with this perspective. I do believe that, from the evidence that I have been able to uncover, the power of thought is virtually beyond our ken. Probably the best summary that I have read came from Mary Carroll Nelson who reflected the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz when she wrote: 37

To vibrate at the same frequency as anything that ever existed is to access it.

If we raise our vibrations to that of the Spirit World, then we can experience what it is like to live there – that feeling of unearthly joy and unbounded knowledge which are often described as mystical experiences. Such intermingling of thoughts can also exist between two humans connected via the Universal Energy Field. Jacky Newcomb, a psychic, medium and author of spiritual books, described such an event: 38

You may have read accounts like this before where loved ones - living loved ones - seem able to communicate with each other even though their physical bodies are

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many miles apart.

This connection was described as a psychic link by another medium and healer Stephen O'Brien: 39

...we do have a psychic link with those whom we love, whether they are in this world or the next ... and distance is no object.

He went on to mention that: 40

...the spirit-people can travel all over our world, faster than the speed of light, and know what is happening long before news of it reaches us physically.

William Houff, a dedicated Unitarian parish minister and social activist, recognised that we should: 41

...appreciate that when scientists talk about fields, they are describing their experience. Nobody knows what a field is; we just know how it acts. And what it does is exert a force - that is, have an effect - over distance without any apparent connection between the source field and whatever the field acts upon.

This apparently instantaneous telepathic link between people separated by great distances has been well known and proven to exist. This, generally, is the recognition of one energy by another. A more significant impact is where one energy has a direct effect, either positive or negative, on another. For example, Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh in their book ‘The Path’ recalled that certain types of energy will sap our own: 42

Every time we find ourselves dominated by negative or extreme emotions, we are allowing external things to sap our energies, allowing these events to wield too much power over us.

Another person who has had personal experience of such draining influence is the psychic medium Gordon Smith who wrote: 43

...as a medium I knew that the spirit of her husband had used my energy to do this [to move a rose onto her lap during a reading] as during the transporting of the rose from one place to the other, I felt a dullness run through my body, as though someone had put their hand into my stomach and removed something. Energy had to be taken from me to allow the moving of the flower .

What I haven’t seen any experimental evidence of is the impact of places and objects on our own energy reservoir. The spiritual mentor Michal Levin who understood the impact of energies one on another wrote that: 44

The places you choose to be, the people and objects around you affect your energy. It’s common sense that we feel more comfortable in some places or with some people than in others. So do our pets. Places, people and objects all have a feeling about them.

In trying to capture some of the phenomena which are associated with energy fields, Lynne

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McTaggart articulated a number of points: 45

- The communication of the world did not occur in the visible realm of Newton, but in the subatomic world of Weiner Heisenberg - Cells and DNA communicated through frequencies - The brain perceived and made its own record of the world in pulsating waves - A substructure underpins the universe that is essentially a recording medium of everything, providing a means for everything to communicate with everything else. - People are indivisible from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated entity. It increases order in the rest of the world. The consciousness of human beings has incredible powers, to heal ourselves, to heal the world - in a sense, to make it as we wish it to be.

This provides a further link to energy fields – the power of human thought to create; to mould the future; to heal. In this way we can understand that energy is a theme that permeates many areas of complementary health care. Linking to this energy field has been the basis of many healers’ strategies. The spiritual healer noted that: 46

My colleagues and I never seek attunement with any particular healing guide. We know they are present, so we attune to the spirit realm.

The consequence of doing this is akin to the mystic sensing their Union with God. It is a marrying of energies or, as some say, a balancing of vibrations. Some people, and example being the journalist and medium Hazel Courteney, use the world ‘frequency’ where they would be better to change this to ‘vibrations. She was told that: 47

The context in which you talk about frequencies is totally wrong from a scientific standpoint. It would be more correct to talk about 'energy patterning'. Frequency is a measure of waves and on every level you have a full electromagnetic spectrum of waves but it is the underlying speed of the energy that matters. Many worlds, dimensions, speed bands, whatever you choose to call them, overlap, so that when you felt Diana inside your body and heard her voice she simply overlaid her speed band over yours. You became as one.

Outside the context of healing and science but within the world of séances, energy plays an enormous and demonstrable part, as Roy Dixon-Smith recalled: 48

During all physical phenomena, the temperature of the room wherein it occurs is liable to drop considerably; not only are cold breezes felt but thermometers have registered a fall of several degrees. This indicates that heat, drawn from the air, plays a part in the process; still, the main source of energy obviously lies in the human bodily organism.

It is possible that within this sea of energy which surrounds us, we are able, if sensitive enough, to use it to our and humanity’s advantage. But we have to understand it properly first. Experience coupled with an analytical and, dare I say it, scientific, approach will eventually guide us to better use of our own human and universal energy fields. In this way we will not only understand where we ought to be heading spiritually but also have a real appreciation of the cosmos within which we exist. Again, using words from Teilhard de Chardin: 49

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...the cosmos holds together not by matter but by spirit.

In summary I will leave with a quote from Gregg Braden’s book ‘The Divine Matrix’, in which he provides two conclusions which are the crux of his book: 50

1. There is something "out there": the matrix of an energy that connects any one thing with everything else in the universe. This connective field accounts for the unexpected results of the experiments' 2. The DNA in our bodies gives us access to the energy that connects our universe, and emotion is the key to tapping in to this field.

Whether emotion is the correct link, I do not know, but certainly our thoughts linked to the energy fields provide scope for spiritual expansion.

1 Downloaded 28 Dec 2015 from http://www.crystalage.com/crystal_information/crystal_history/ 2 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part II: The Human Aura. Chapter 7: The Human Energy Field, or Human Aura, (Pg 42) 3 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter Two: Shattering the Paradigm: The Experiments that change everything, (Pg 54 / 55) 4 Helen Wambach, Reliving Past Lives, Arrow Books, 1980. 12. What Does it All Mean, (Pg 198) 5 Gary E. Schwartz, The Afterlife Experiments, Atria Books, 2002. Appendix B - The Energy Is Love, (Pg 288) 6 Brian Leslie Weiss, Many Lives, Many Masters, Judy Piatkus, 2002. Chapter Sixteen, (Pg 208) 7 F C Happold, Religious Faith and Twentieth-Century Man, Pelican Books, 1966. 4 The New Dimension of the Physical, (Pg 61) 8 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 27) 9 Mary Carroll Nelson, Beyond Fear - The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz on Freedom and Joy, Rider & Co, 2003. Chapter Three: Silent Knowledge and Elements of Toltec Wisdom, (Pg 35) 10 Hazel Courteney, Divine Intervention, Cico Books, 2002. Chapter 12: The Long Road Home, (Pg 170) 11 Julie Soskin, Transformation, College of Psychic Studies, 1995. Chapter 8 - Spiritual Union, (Pg 70) 12 Peter Spink, Beyond Belief, Judy Piatkus, 1996. 10: Between Two Worlds, (Pg 146 / 147) 13 Downloaded 28 Dec 2015 from http://www.hermes-press.com/spiritual_energy.htm#3 14 Jenny Crawford, Spirit of Love, Llewellyn Publications, 2002. Chapter Nine - Hilarious Moments, (Pg 118) 15 Ralph Whitlock, Water Divining and Other Dowsing - A Practical Guide, David & Charles, 1982. 14 What is it? (Pg 132) 16 Michael Talbot and David Bohm, The Holographic Universe

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17 Bede Griffiths, A New Vision of Reality, Fount, 1992. 4 The Christian Vision of the New Creation, (Pg 90) 18 Michael Newton, Journey of Souls, Llewellyn Publications, 2009. Chapter Two: Gateway to the Spirit World, (Pg 22) 19 Alan Young, Cosmic Healing, DeVorss & Co, 1988. 8 Agartha - The Healer, (Pg 111) 20 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part II: The Human Aura. Chapter 6: The Universal Energy Field, (Pg 39 / 40) 21 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter Two: Shattering the Paradigm: The Experiments that change everything, (Pg 42) 22 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part Two: Chapter VII – Mysticism, (Pg 202) 23 Gems of Thought, The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Assn, 1989. The Force Behind Electricity, (Pg 148) 24 Laura Lynne Jackson, The Light Between Us, Arrow Books, 2016. Part Three: 32 Angel Way, (Pg 243) 25 Gary E. Schwartz, The Afterlife Experiments, Atria Books, 2002. Appendix B - The Energy Is Love, (Pg 283) 26 Kirlian Photography is a technique for recording photographic images of the auras of living creatures. 27 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 2 - The mysterious phenomenon of Kirlian Photography, (Pg 42) 28 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Prologue, (Pg xxiv) 29 Paul Davies, The Mind of God, Penguin Books, 1992. Chapter 6: The Mathematical Secret - How Can We Know Something without Knowing Everything? (Pg 158) 30 Rosalind Heywood, The Sixth Sense, Chatto & Windus, 1959. Chapter XVIII - The Future, (Pg 172) 31 R Blair Reynolds, Cosmos and History, ‘Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy’, Vol 1, #2, 2005. Ecstasy as World-affirming 32 Michal Levin, Spiritual Intelligence, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Part II: Your Journey. Chapter Four – The World of Energy, (Pg 74) 33 Ursula King, Towards a New Mysticism, Collins, 1980. II Eastern and Western Religions in a Converging World. 5: The search for Unity: From Monistic Pantheism to Mysticism, (Pg 113) 34 Hugh Ross Mackintosh, Types of Modern Theology, Nisbet, 1949. VI: The Theology of Scientific religious History, Ernst Troeltsch – Chapter 5: Jesus Christ, God and Immortality, (Pg 209) 35 John Edward, Crossing Over - The Stories Behind the Stories, Jodere Group Inc, 2001. Chapter 9: Camera One Closes in - I'm Over Here, (Pg 223) 36 Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Fontana, 1995. VII The Work, (Pg 235) 37 Mary Carroll Nelson, Beyond Fear - The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz on Freedom and Joy, Rider & Co, 2003. Chapter One: Teotihuacán, The Place Where Men Become Gods, (Pg 14) 38 Jacky Newcomb, An Angel held my hand, HarperElement, 2007. Chapter 4: Angels as Guardians, (Pg 105) 39 Stephen O'Brien, Visions of Another World, The Aquarian Press, 1989. 3 Whispering Voices, (Pg 49) 40 Stephen O'Brien, Visions of Another World, The Aquarian Press, 1989. 9 Séances, (Pg 108 / 109) 41 William Houff, Infinity in Your Hand, Skinner House Books, 1994. Chapter 1: What's Real? Quantum Theory, walking on fire and telekinesis, (Pg 10) 42 Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh, The Path, Viking, 2016. 6: On Vitality: The Inward Training and Being like a Spirit, (Pg 128) 43 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Six: Public Non-Reality - More to US than Meets the Eye, (Pg 118) 44 Michal Levin, Spiritual Intelligence, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Part II: Your Journey. Chapter Four – The World of Energy, (Pg 56) 45 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Chapter Twelve - The Zero Point Age, (Pg 294) 46 Harry Edwards, Spirit Healing, The Harry Edwards Spiritual Healing Sanctuary, 1978. Part One: Spirit Healing - Chapter Five - The Healing Gift, (Pg 44) 47 Hazel Courteney, Divine Intervention, Cico Books, 2002. Chapter 17: The Memories, (Pg 226) 48 Roy Dixon-Smith, New Light on Survival, Rider & Co, 1952. Part Two: Chapter IX: The Etheric Counterpart of Physical Matter, (Pg 157) 49 Ursula King, Towards a New Mysticism, Collins, 1980. I Unity of Life and Thought. 3: East and West: The Spirit of One Earth, (Pg 66) 50 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter Two: Shattering the Paradigm: The Experiments that change everything, (Pg 53)

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25.1: Energy Fields – Universal Energy Field

The sea that we find ourselves in is called the universal energy field. It is a vast ocean of energy radiating in all directions.

So stated the Deep Memory Process specialist and transpersonal psychotherapist Sue Minns. 1 This provides a graphic picture of the invisible environment in which we live. However, the Universal Energy Field (UEF) is a hypothesis that has yet to be proven, but which seems to have been given an additional boost by the developing understanding of quantum physics. Let me list one or two of the interesting aspects of quantum theory which impact upon the Universal Energy Field:

• As all matter and energy are interchangeable, then all matter is energy, • The principle of bi-location indicates that a sub-atomic particle can apparently exist in two places at once, • An extension of this reveals that a relationship at one point in time between two subatomic particles allows one of them to be instantly affected by a change in the other, independently of its location. 2

This principle related to non-locality is called Bell's Theorem. This is a quantum physics law that says that once connected, objects affect one another forever no matter where they are. Following the principle of Bell's Theorem...an invisible stream of energy will always connect any two objects that have been connected in any way in the past.

This was corroborated by the physicist David Bohm who found that individual electrons act as part of an interconnected whole.

• An electron can go from one place to another without traversing the space between,

In the spring of 2003, the Quantum Mind Conference on "Consciousness, Quantum Physics and The Brain", held in Arizona, USA, seemed in support of a relationship between quantum physics and a type of Universal Energy Field which affects each individual. An abstract to the proceedings stated that: 3

Furthermore recent experimental evidence indicates quantum non-locality occurring in conscious and subconscious brain function, and functional quantum processes in molecular biology are becoming more and more apparent. … Moreover macroscopic quantum processes are being proposed as intrinsic features in cosmology, evolution and social interactions.

There are many recently developed concepts which have a significant relationship to the Universal Energy Field. Lynne McTaggart, whose writings on the science of spirituality are well known, uses the term ‘Zero Point Field’ instead of Universal Energy Field in which she notes that: 4

The inescapable conclusion as Fritz-Albert Popp theorised, molecules speak to each other in oscillating frequencies. It appeared that the Zero Point Field creates a medium enabling the molecules to speak to each other non-locally and virtually

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Although there is no direct link between the Universal Energy Field and the Unified Field Theory, there may be points at which the concepts align. This Unified Field Theory combines the theories of the four basic forces of nature (electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force) by establishing basic principles that apply to all of them and by determining how they are related to one another.

Even though this is all speculation, there is a fundamental need to construct some similar theory in order to cope with what is being spiritually experienced. Let me try to give you an idea of what I have discovered about the Universal Energy Field. In summary, the mystical English poet, John Donne captured its essence when he wrote: 5

No man is an island.

…and from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s Ulysses:

I am a part of all that I have met

Other interesting historical allusions appeared in F. C. Happold’s book ‘Religious Faith and Twentieth-Century Man’: 6

The collective unconscious, in Jung's theory, consists of the inheritance of psychic experiences, not of one individual only, but of all mankind. Though there are differences of conception, it has affinities with the Universal Soul of Plotinus and, possibly, of Hinduism.

Much more recently, the New Age author Greg Braden argued that: 7

While the existence of a universal energy field has been theorised, visualised, written about, and imagined for a long while, it's only been recently that experiments were performed proving once and for all that the Matrix exists.

Perhaps the Universal Energy Field has been developing from the start of the universe; from the point at which creation began. This point was made by the psychic researcher Roy Dixon-Smith: 8

As life evolved from the plasmic stage, it branched into species each of which, from vegetation to mankind, developed and has maintained a common subconsciousness, alias group-mind, alias the group-soul of occultism, alias the common unconscious or racial mind of Jung's school of psychology.

We live in a universe comprised of spiritual, psychic and physical energies. It is through these that we are animated and continuously transmit our own energy – often referred to as the Human Energy Field (HEF) or aura. The sum of all such fields added to those of all other created things, lie within the Universal Energy Field. Whilst the words are relatively new, the concept is not. Over 2500 years ago in ancient China the concept known as qi (pronounced chee) was emerging. According to the Chinese-American author and physician Adeline Yen Mah recalled that the Early Han dynasty writer and philosopher Dong Zhong Shu (179 - 104 B.C.) defined the life-force qi this way: 9

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Within the universe exists this qi of yin and yang in which man is constantly immersed, just as fish are immersed in water. The only difference between qi and water is that water is visible whereas qi is not. But man's existence is as much dependent on this qi as fish's life is dependent on water. Qi is found everywhere in the universe but is less visible than water. Thus although the universe seems to be empty, yet there is substance at the same time. Man is engulfed in this vortex and, regardless of whether he is orderly or disorderly, is carried along on and on, in a common current...

Adeline also mentioned that the Song dynasty philosopher Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200) had this to say:

...Qi is the primordial energy which is the source of all beginnings.

Perhaps from a similar period and in ‘The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects’ the spiritualist and Buddhist Alexandra David-Néel explained that: 10

...there does not exist any current which is my mind, and therefore it follows that there is not a plurality of currents which are the minds of other individuals, but only a single current ... the sum of all mental activity at work without any cognizable beginning.

Closer to our own time, the Kirlian photography specialist Brian Snellgrove reminded us that the 18 th century born German physician and astrologist Franz Anton Mesmer postulated that: 11

...the entire universe is filled with a fluid less perceptible than gas in which all matter is immersed, and that the fluid carries vibrations in its substance. He suggested that the vibrations of this fluid, permeating as it did the entire universe, caused all existing physical phenomena. Mesmer, who was a physician and a natural scientist, also believed that each living body causes a direct influence upon other living bodies transmitted through a vibration of the ether.

The Spiritualist Roy Dixon-Smith also suggested that we shouldn’t find it too difficult to visualise: 12

...an etheric vibrational scale extending into the unknown above and below the limited range that comprise our physical universe...

A more recent description has been offered by the American author, spiritual healer, and teacher working in the field of energy healing, Barbara Ann Brennan: 13

As the state of the art of our scientific equipment becomes more sophisticated, we are able to measure finer qualities of the UEF. From these investigations we can surmise that the UEF is probably composed of an energy previously undefined by western science, or possibly a matter of a finer substance than we generally considered matter to be. If we define matter as condensed energy, the UEF may exist between the presently considered realm of matter and that of energy. As we have seen, some scientists refer to the phenomenon of the UEF as bioplasma.

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Dr. John White and Dr. Stanley Krippner list many properties of the Universal Energy Field: the UEF permeates all space, animate and inanimate objects, and connects all objects to each other; it flows from one object to another; and its density varies inversely with the distance from its source. It also follows the laws of harmonic inductance and sympathetic resonance the phenomenon that occurs when you strike a tuning fork and one near it will begin to vibrate at the same frequency, giving off the same sound. Visual observations reveal the field to be highly organized in a series of geometric points, isolated pulsating points of light, spirals, webs of lines, sparks and clouds. It pulsates and can be sensed by touch, taste, smell and with sound and luminosity perceivable to the higher senses. Investigators of this field state that the UEF is basically synergistic, meaning the simultaneous action of separate agencies that together have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.

Other investigators have taken a different route to explaining the Universal Energy Field. Roy Dixon-Smith used the concept of a ‘group mind’: 14

The group mind is a term used to denote an organising principle vested with the responsibility of evolving its own particular species, a mental co-operative society to which each member contributes a share in terms of personal experience and from which he, she, or it, receives unconsciously the benefit of the whole...

Alternatively, the American author, Michael Talbot, expands a view of the Universal Energy Field which started with the work of David Bohm and Karl H. Pribram who suggested that the universe is akin to a giant hologram. In his book ‘Mysticism and the New Physics’ Michael explained: 15

We might expect that here is the secret to the relationship between mind and matter. As Dr [Harold Saxton] Burr puts it [in The Fields of Life, Ballantine, 1972] "In the last analysis, the Universe is the unit, all of its parts are related to the wholeness of the Universe and the activities of its individual components. From the unified theory of Einstein - even though it lacked final, complete validation with respect to the law of gravity - it is clear that one of the characteristics of the Universe is fields which can be measured by instruments. It does not make any difference whether you call it an electro-static field, and electro-magnetic field, or an electro-dynamic field. The name is always a consequence of the methods which were applied to its study. In other words, there is one unifying characteristic of the Universe which we have ignored, and that is its field properties.

Another seeker of spirituality was the Unitarian minister William Houff who further described the concept as a hologram: 16

Even if the hologram were cut into many pieces, each piece would still contain the same original imager; only clarity of precision would be lost. Because of this peculiar holism, the hologram has become a metaphor or model for consciousness, including even Cosmos Consciousness. Karl Pribam, a Stanford University neuropsychiatrist, has suggested that the cosmos works like a great hologram and that the human mind works as though it were a fragment of that cosmic hologram.

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Translating the metaphor into conventional metaphysical language, one might imagine the cosmos as the mind of God and each of our minds as being less well- defined projections of that cosmic mind.

A different perspective has been presented by Rupert Sheldrake as Peter & Elizabeth Fenwick explain: 17

The theory of morphic resonance is biologist Rupert Sheldrake's attempt to explain how memory might exist independently of an individual brain, and could be accessed by other brains. He postulates the existence of 'morphogenetic fields'. A morphogenetic filed is part of the structure of the universe, existing everywhere at once. It is thus possible for matter to be influenced by this field at the same time in widely separate areas. He suggests that information relating to a pattern of behaviour can be transmitted from the brain to this morphogenetic field. This transmitted information modifies the field and the field in its turn modifies other similar brains so that they become more likely to reproduce this particular piece of behaviour. He uses his morphic resonances theory to explain, for example, how it is that when rats in one part of the world learned to run through mazes, other rats in other places seemed to acquire this ability simultaneously, and why scientists working in different places and not in contact with each other often tend to make the same discoveries at more or less the same time. Dr. Sheldrake believes that experiments which he and other workers have carried out have produced some evidence for this field theory, but so far the scientific world is not convinced.

This concept was further explained by Sue Minns in her book ‘Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth’: 18

Dr Rupert Sheldrake, a Cambridge biologist, believes that this infinite library contains what he calls morphogenic fields, or pockets of information. When enough individuals have accessed the information from one of these fields of consciousness, or pockets, it then becomes available for everyone else. This is sometimes referred to as the 100th Monkey Syndrome. This term was coined after observing the behaviour of monkeys on an island in the southern seas. One of these monkeys, having stolen a yam, inadvertently dropped it onto the sea, and noticed that it tasted more delicious without earth on it. Others in the troupe began to follow suit. The remarkable thing was that before long, troupes of monkeys on the other islands also began to wash their stolen yams. How had they got hold of this information? The theory is that when a sufficient number of the original troupe of monkeys were washing their yams, it created a 'field' of information. When this field had reached critical mass, the information it contained was then simultaneously communicated to monkeys everywhere.

Brian Snellgrove believed that this ‘100 monkey effect’: 19

...lends weight to the theory that each species has a type of information web that operates across both space and time to which individual members are attuned.

Confirming this thesis, the late Dr George Phaler, former head Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania Medical School communicating through Fletcher, the guide of the trance medium , remarked that when: 20

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...any great idea, a great new idea is born on earth, it is sort of broadcast so that several people may pick it up about the same time. We do it that way so that if one isn't interested or fails to stick with it, maybe one of the other people we've been bombarding will do so.

And perhaps the way that this is achieved is through the Universal Energy Field.

There have been yet other field theories which postulate some over-riding link between minds. In the same book, Sue also referred to yet another angle on the Universal Energy Field as recognised by the eminent psychoanalyst Carl Young. She wrote that: 21

Carl Jung, the psychologist, visionary and father of modern psychotherapy, called the universal energy field 'the collective unconscious'.

In explaining this concept of Carl Jung, Peter & Elizabeth Fenwick noted that this theory suggests: 22

...that part of the mind exists beyond individual brains and is a reservoir of human experience inherited from ancestors, independent of time and space.

The idea of one collective consciousness within which we live, for many, helps to explain their own spiritual experiences. One such person is the Scottish psychic and medium Gordon Smith who wrote that this consciousness: 23

...is the life force which runs through the universe. All life is a part of it.

...which he said is: 24

...ever changing, ever growing. It's we who seem to be static by comparison.

The American medium John Edward was involved experimentally with the academic Gary Schwartz, and he described the situation starting: 25

Back at Yale in the early eighties, Gary had begun ruminating on the whole idea of universal memory - the theory that everything is alive, eternal, and evolving. He had theorised that anytime two things share energy and information, they become a 'feedback system.' Whether its the hydrogen and oxygen that make up water, two strands of DNA, two heart cells, two people, the earth and the moon - these 'systems' are exchanging information and energy that becomes a permanent part of the universe. It accumulates over time and turns into memory. To Gary, this theory predicts everything from cell memory - for instance, the confirmed cases of heart-transplant recipients experiencing personality changes that match their donors - to near- death, out-of-body experiences, and ultimately, the survival of consciousness after death. The essence of the theory is that there's no such thing as true death - of anything, only transition.

It is interesting to think of this universal energy, this memory, as perhaps the mechanism which provides the so-called Akaishic record – that compendium of all human events,

DAJ 08/11/2019 09:28:53 25.1 Energy Fields – Universal Energy Field Page 7 of 18 thoughts, words, deeds, emotions and intentions that have ever occurred in the past, present and which are likely to occur in the future. My colleague Peter Matthews linked these two concepts in his discussion about reincarnation and wrote: 26

A similar concept to the Akashic record is the cosmic memory or universal consciousness ... Basically this concept considers that all things that have happened are retained in a 'mind' to which everyone has access.

Even in the first half of the 20 th century, the mystic and palaeontologist Teilhard de Chardin was hinting at some sort of over-arching energy field: 27

There was something more: around this sentient protoplasmic layer, an ultimate envelope was beginning to become apparent to me, taking on its own individuality and gradually detaching itself like a luminous aura. This envelope was not only conscious but thinking, and from the time when I first became aware of it, it was always there that I found concentrated, in an evermore dazzling and consistent form, the essence or rather this very Soul of the Earth.

Teilhard de Chardin, using the term ‘flux’ rather than Universal Energy Field, described how those who tune in to it can realise mystical experiences: 28

It is thus that a universal Flux, both unifying and irreversifying, appears and asserts its power; it transfigures the World that it illuminates, warms and consolidates - and we too are swept along in the Flux.

According to Sue Minns, there is a striking similarity in shamanic practice used the world over which indicates that: 29

...practitioners are tapping into a universal pool of knowledge, since their geographic locations and cultural backgrounds are too disparate for these beliefs and customs to have been communicated through word of mouth.

Communications from the Spirit World have also indicated that something akin to the Universal Energy Field does exist. In a communication from the spirit Astriel made during October 1913 and reported by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, the following thoughts were expressed: 30

Every star, as you know, is itself a centre of a system which comprises in itself not only the planets in revolution round the star, but also the particles of matter which suffuse that system, but are too sublimated to be cognized by any system of chemistry which is possible to those who dwell in physical bodies, and in their research are compelled to use both material instruments and material brains. These particles are between the purely material and spiritual, and indeed may be used both in the physical and the spiritual economics. For the two are merely two of many phases of one progressive economy, and act and react each on the other, like a sun and his planet. Gravitation is applicable to these particles also on both sides, and it is by means of this force - as we will call it, as being a name you know, and also a very little understand - that we cohere these particles together and are able, from time to time, so to clothe our spiritual bodies as to become visible to the photographic

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plate, and sometimes to the human eye. But we do more than this, and over a wider range. Were it not for these particles all space would be dark; that is, no light would be able to be transmitted from planet or sun or star to the earth; for it is because of the reflection and refraction of these that the rays are visible. Not that they are transmitted, for their transmission and passage depend on other elements of which we will now say no more than this: It is not the rays of light, nor is it the so-called light-waves which are visible to the human eye, but their action on these minute particles which, on the impact of these rays, become visible as waves.

Nearly 100 years later, Greg Braden was using the term ‘The Divine Matrix’ to describe his view of the Universal Energy Field. 31

This field is believed to be the quantum net that connects the universe, as well as the infinitely microscopic and energetic blueprint for everything from healing our bodies to forging world peace. To recognise our true power, we must understand what this field is and how it works.

Aye, there’s the rub, as Shakespeare’s Hamlet said in his famous ‘To be or not to be’ monologue. We have to investigate much further to try to understand the essence of the Universal Energy Field and perhaps it is necessary to look in greater depth at Quantum Theory. According to Michael Talbot, D. Bohm and B. Hiley in their book 'On the Intuitive Understanding of Non-Locality as Implied by Quantum Theory', they state that: 32

It is generally acknowledged that the quantum theory has many strikingly novel features … However, there has been too little emphasis on what is, in our view, the most fundamentally different new feature of all, i.e., the intimate interconnection of different systems that are not in spatial contact.

However, maybe there are alternative scientific ways to grapple with the concept of the Universal Energy Field. According to Lynne McTaggart, the American theoretical physicist Peter Milonni based at Los Alamos's NASA facilities speculated that: 33

...if the fathers of quantum theory had used classical physics with the Zero Point Field, the scientific community would have been far more satisfied with the result than they were by the many unanswerables of quantum physics.

Another person who has been involved in alternative approaches to general relativity and quantum mechanic was Hal Puthoff. He postulated that whilst: 34

...a particle is always a particle but its state just seems indeterminate because it is constantly interacting with this background energy field.

If we, through scientific and other research, can get to grips with the essential features of this evidence and experience, then we will be much closer to understanding the Universal Energy Field. Couple this with the notion as described by Peter Fenwick: 35

The attraction of transmission theories [postulates that mind and brain are different and are linked in some way] is that they allow for the concept of survival of personal identity after death, and thus give a meaning to life beyond the purely biological and cultural. They try to explain something that many people feel

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intuitively - that human beings, besides being individuals, are part of a greater whole. But once again we come up against the difficulty that at present [end of the 20th century] there is no known mechanism which would link brain to mind in this way, or which would allow memory to be stored outside the brain.

Once these two facets of the Universal Energy Field have been explored and explained, then we will not be in any doubt as to the existence of life after death and have a sound theory upon which to appreciate the interconnectedness of each of us. To continue with Greg Braden’s description: 36

...the 'us' that lives in our physical selves isn't limited by the skin and hair that define our bodies. Whatever we choose to call that mysterious 'something', we all have it; and ours mingles with everyone else's as part of the field of energy that bathes all things.

On the same topic, the famous British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote: 37

Professor Haldane, like all who follow Hegel, is anxious to show that nothing is really separate from anything else.

…and the prominent British researcher in the field of psychical science, Rosalind Heywood, referring to Whately Carington, a British parapsychologist and psychical investigator, said: 38

The results of Carington's work led him to think that our individual minds are less isolated from one another than we assume .

Similarly, the medium Julie Soskin also recognised that all elements within the universe have some type of connection to each other: 39

There is an extraordinary connection between everything. When there is knowledge of any description, it goes out on the ethers to every consciousness, so anything discovered on any level is known by all...

Such things may be available but this knowledge is very rarely recognised by individuals. It depends on our sensitivity to the vibrations of the Universal Energy Field. At the highest frequency of vibration each form of living matter is interconnected as our particles dance and spin apart. At the lowest frequencies we appear separate in the mass of our physical bodies. Put in its most expansive context, Barbara Ann Brennan declared: 40

Physicists state that there are no basic building blocks of matter, rather that the universe is an inseparable whole; a vast web of interacting interweaving probabilities.

The idea of a web was also in the mind of Bede Griffiths when he suggested that the whole world is a: 41

...web of relationships, and each one of us is a centre of relationship.

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Adeline Yen Mah remarked that the Austrian-born American physicist Fritjof Capra agreed that: 42

...the whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns.

Which dovetailed with her own Taoist view that: 43

All things are one because the 'tao' combines them in a single unity.

Taken to its ultimate state, then we may be able to agree with Julie Soskin that: 44

...it is important to understand that even if you have no connection to various areas of society, you can now connect with them automatically through the consciousness state, the collective mind-state. This will create a higher consciousness state from the actuality of the connection with the conscious mind. It is true, therefore, that one thought in one mind is everyone's thought in all minds.

…or as she said later in her book ‘Transformation’: 45

Communicate with people, communicate with everything, not just your fellow man but all the energies in your earth, above and below and in-between. You can communicate with all these energies by the knowledge, the openness, and the realisation of the light-force made manifest within your own hearts.

I think that the use of the term ‘light’ is a metaphor for ‘energy’, so that when the Quaker John Punshon used the term ‘light’ he too was referring to ‘energy’: 46

Roughly, the light was conceived as the means of Christ's intercourse with us, convincing, challenging, guiding and consoling us personally. There was one light, of which there was a measure in each one of us; we did not have our own individual share of it. Thus the light was the principle and source of all the unity we have with one another.

In a similar vein, the spirit of Diana, Princess of Wales informed Hazel Courteney that: 47

A light frequency is being beamed to Earth and we need as many people as possible to anchor and hold the light before it can do its work. You must become keepers of the light...

What this means in terms of the forces around us I do not know. What I can appreciate is that we share this fantastic Universal Energy Field. I, too, can acknowledge that there is an interconnection, at some level, between conscious beings in much the same way as was expressed by Professor Price, Professor of Logic at Oxford, in a broadcast talk [recorded in The Listener, February 13th 1947, pp, 277 - 278] afterwards published, and called ‘The Philosophic Implications of Telepathy’. In that paper, so Leslie Weatherhead reports, Professor Price wrote: 48

It is nonsense to suppose that minds are spatially separate entities. Minds are not objects in space. . . . We must suppose that on the unconscious level there are no sharp boundaries between one mind and another.

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Leslie also tried to provide a way of looking at the Universal Energy Field through the use of a continental analogy. He wrote: 49

These experiments, carried out at Duke University and elsewhere, and the discussion of the subject such as we find in Whately Carington's book, Telepathy an Outline of its Facts, Theory and Implications and G. N. M. Tyrrell's The Personality of Man [Penguin, 1946], go to underline the importance of Jung's theory of the Collective Unconscious and show that although in many ways men are separate personalities, in a true sense they possess a single mind. One might suggest the analogy of the continents, Africa, Asia, Europe, America, and Australia are separate, divided by the seas, but beneath the sea they join up in one great mass. If one can imagine something changing the chemical constitution of that mass from the centre of the earth, then, however separated by the seas the continents may be, they would be affected by the factor that operated from the centre of the globe. Similarly, human beings are separated from one another in many ways, but it may be that if one goes, as it were, deeply enough into their minds, there will be found a sub-stratum which is common to all.

The Rev. G. Vale Owen in discussing life beyond the veil with a discarnate entity, was told to: 50

…think of what people call "the difference of feeling" on entering a church, or a theatre, or a dwelling house, or any building. Each has its own suitable emanations, and these are in consequence of this same principle at work which we have tried to describe. It is spirit speaking to spirit - the spirits of the discarnate workers speaking, through the medium of the material particles and their arrangement and purpose, to the spirits of those who enter that place.

Places hold history as an energy field; the aura that they emit somehow reflects those who have had contact with that place. The North American psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson, in the introduction to her book ‘The Light Between Us’ experienced such an effect. She can, for instance: 51

...sit at a table in a restaurant and feel the distinct energy of the people who were there before me, as if they’d left dozens of bristling energy fingerprints.

This imprinting of energies was the conclusion, so William Houff recorded, that the author Aldous Huxley came to and which William considered credible: 52

...great cathedrals and shrines acquire a sacred aura through the spiritual experiences of their worshipers .

How this happens William Houff is circumspect. He considered whether: 53

...such an experience of “the holy” is innate to a place or is the result of interaction between that place and the human participant, I am not prepared to say.

The development of research and thinking on the topic of interconnectedness led Bede Griffiths, a British-born Benedictine monk who lived in ashrams in South India, to state: 54

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As the science of today says, the whole physical world is a web of interrelated being, and we are part of that web of interrelationships. So also our individual consciousness is part of a larger consciousness in which we all participate. That is the cosmic order, the cosmic consciousness. In that ... are included all the higher realms of being, the angels, the gods and the cosmic powers.

…and as Greg Braden reiterates: 55

...there's something within each of us that isn't limited by time, space, or even death. The bottom line of these findings is that we appear to live in a "nonlocal" universe where everything is connected.

Unfortunately, the forces and energies which connect us all and connect us with the Divine have not yet been well described. In fact, during a communication session with the medium Phyllis V. Schlemmer a teaching spirit admitted that: 56

We know not how to explain, to you and your humankind, the energies that exist and merge with the Source and still be of one individual. It is quite complicated.

Nevertheless, we are a cog in the cosmic wheel; we are individuals and yet part of the whole. We respond to the energies around us in the same way as we affect those which surround us. A simple example is the idea of Astrology – where the energies of the planets affect our characteristics. Another possible example is in the technique of dowsing, where through our own directed thoughts we can ‘find’ water or objects which we cannot see. Healing could be considered as another example. On this topic Leslie Weatherhead wrote: 57

Accepting the modern findings in regard to telepathy, one may claim that when a thousand people in a church are praying for John Smith, then, at a deep level, their mind is united with his, and their thoughts of courage, optimism and hope, their belief in Smith's recovery, and their vision of Smith as already made well, their thoughts of health on his behalf, and so on, are capable of invading his own deep mind, which is, indeed, part of their own. A congregation transmitting love and courage, hope and optimism, while holding to itself, so to speak, the mind of a sick person, can, in my opinion, alter his mental reaction, and this in turn has a profound effect upon his health.

Within the book ‘The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects’, Alexandra David- Néel, a Belgian-French Buddhist and writer, described another Universal Energy Field phenomenon: 58

In particular periods we see similar ideas arise among men separated by great distances and without there having been any material contact between them.

Thus it is not surprising that the Jesuit theologian William Johnston was able to write: 59

...the universe is so unified that every movement or action, however slight, has its repercussions throughout the whole. And man is part of this network.

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...part in the sense of being one element which makes up the sum total, as the mystic and palaeontologist Teilhard de Chardin believed: 60

...the total divine milieu is formed by the confluence of our individual divine milieu...

Perhaps this is a very limiting view. Certainly, our energies contribute to the whole but there is more to the Universal Energy Field than just this summation. Chi, the mystic Gordon Smith's guide who was speaking to a group of people whilst Gordon was in trance, indicated that: 61

...the mind in human form being like a small transistor radio, while the bigger consciousness which feed it with power was like a massive power station and could not connect fully to the small receiver, as so much power would blow it completely.

This integrated aspect has also been described by the British healer and exponent of subtle energy medicine Jack Angelo when considering spiritual healing: 62

What needs to be remembered is that we, as spirit beings, are bathed, as it were, in the universal energy field of the spiritual universe.

Thus in living our lives we should always consider these two facets; we are individuals and we are an integral part of the whole. Lynne McTaggart considered this dichotomy in the prologue to her book ‘The Field’: 63

Anyone seeking a spiritual life has had to wrestle with these opposing world views and fruitlessly try to reconcile the two. .. You could only understand the universe as a dynamic web of interconnection.

Similarly, Frederick Crossfield Happold, in his reading of Carl Jung, understood this tension and integration of the personal with the universal: 64

Jung found himself compelled to postulate, in addition to the personal unconscious, a collective unconscious, which everywhere manifested itself in similar ways, assumed similar patterns and obeyed similar laws.

Even those connecting with, and teaching us from the Spirit World are prone to emphasise the universal rather than the personal perspective. The discarnate spirit communicator who used the medium John Scott as a channel noted: 65

At this period of time there is a mania for theory and discourse centred upon this subconscious of yours. First make up your mind whether to call it your personal subconscious, or the subconscious of all. I need hardly say that I advise you to adopt the latter view as furnishing at least an adumbration 66 of the truth.

It is tempting for some to consider the Universal Energy field as representing their God. This could be that they view the Universal Energy Field as a vast, cosmic sea of endless possibilities and infinite wisdom … the Source of All … extending infinitely … beyond human measure. 67

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Let me digress a little and take you into the realms of theoretical astrophysics. About 13.8 billion years ago, the Big Bang sent mass-less particles and radiation energy zooming through the universe. Peter Higgs theorised that fractions of a second later, part of the radiation energy congealed into a type of Universal Energy Field which became known as the Higgs field. This is a force field that acts like a giant vat of molasses spread throughout the universe. Most of the known types of particles that travel through it stick to the molasses, which slows them down and makes them heavier. The Higgs boson is a particle that helps transmit the mass-giving Higgs field, similar to the way a particle of light, the photon, transmits the electromagnetic field. If, therefore, this Higgs boson particle could be found, then perhaps there is proof of a Universal Energy Field.

Scientists searched for the Higgs boson for more than two decades, starting at CERN in the 1990s and then, in 2012 at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), two experiments, ATLAS and CMS, reported the observation of a Higgs-like particle. With further analysis the new particle was confirmed as the Higgs boson in 2013. About 7,000 scientists from more than 40 countries contributed to this discovery. It resulted in a Nobel Prize in physics to Peter Higgs and François Englert, who first had proposed the existence of the Higgs boson in 1964.

Scientists still have much to learn about the Higgs boson and the Higgs Field which I’m sure is strongly related to the Universal Energy Field. I await development with eagerness. We have to look beyond where we are now and progress further than the Rev. C. Drayton Thomas reached: 68

You see, beyond our realms there is a great ocean of inspiration which you might call 'The Mind of God'. Part of us is always linked to that great source, but it can penetrate into our consciousness more easily than it can to your mind on earth.

I do not hold with this view. The Universal Energy Field is part of the created universe and not the Creator; it was developed in accordance with the Cosmic and Natural Laws which, of course, are immutable. Thus any effect that we create on our personal field by our thoughts, words and deeds, will have some impact upon the universal. This is a thesis which Jack Angelo subscribes to: 69

Peace on earth depends on the peace within our hearts and minds. Because of the laws that govern the effects of energy, balance and harmony have to begin with ourselves.

Such impact is really desirable and we should recognise our own contribution to it, and perhaps use this knowledge as a further stimulus to improve our spirituality. This, in turn, can be supported and aided by the Universal Energy Field itself; particularly in the arena of spiritual healing of which Leslie Weatherhead remarked: 70

Jesus appears to teach that there is a spiritual kingdom which men may enter through the Christian fellowship and in which healing energies are at work more powerfully than men have ever dreamed.

I believe that following a life based upon the teachings and examples of Jesus the Nazarene is the key, rather than specifically the religion of Christianity. Staying with the theme of exemplar, Carl Jung in his autobiographical book ‘Memories, Dreams, Reflections’

DAJ 08/11/2019 09:28:53 25.1 Energy Fields – Universal Energy Field Page 15 of 18 identified a few instances where he believe that he ‘tapped’ into the Universal Energy Field which he termed the ‘collective unconscious’. Firstly, in recalling his understanding of one of his patients: 71

By means of a relativisation of time and space in the unconscious it could well be that I had perceived something which in reality was taking place elsewhere. The collective unconscious is common to all; it is the foundation of what the ancients called the "sympathy of all things." In this case the unconscious had knowledge of my patient's condition. All that evening, in fact, I had felt curiously restive and nervous, very much in contrast to my usual mood.

Secondly, he remembered an event during WWII: 72

The unconscious helps by communicating things to us, or making figurative allusions. It has other ways, too, of informing us of things which by all logic we could not possibly know. Consider synchronistic phenomena, premonitions, and dreams that come true. I recall one time during the Second World War when I was returning home from Bollingen. I had a book with me, but could not read, for the moment the train started to move I was overpowered by the image of someone drowning. This was a memory of an accident that had happened while I was on military service. During the entire journey I could not rid myself of it. It struck me as uncanny, and I thought, "What has happened? Can there have been an accident?" I got out at Erlenbach and walked home, still troubled by this memory. My second daughter’s children were in the garden. The family was living with us, having returned to Switzerland from Paris because of the war. The children stood looking rather upset, and when I asked, "Why, what is the matter?" they told me that Adrian, then the youngest of the boys, had fallen into the water in the boathouse. It is quite deep there, and since he could not really swim he had almost drowned. His older brother had fished him out. This had taken place at exactly the time I had been assailed by that memory in the train. The unconscious had given me a hint. Why should it not be able to inform me of other things also?

People have certainly abilities which allow them to telepathically link with another at a great distance, and yet others can instantly be aware of events happening afar. Can we all learn to consciously tap into this Universal Energy Field? And if so, at what stage of human development would this be used for the benefit of humanity and not be exploited for personal gain?

Finally another question: Is the Universal energy Field capable of holding thoughts about you which were created before you were born – that is of the plans and major events which have been laid down for your life on earth before your soul was incarnated? If so, then could this explain Gordon Smith’s (aka The Psychic Barber) experience: 73

I'm sure these experiences of second sight [where predictions of the future are made] have nothing to do with my , even though as a medium I have been given information about future events in people's lives. When the episodes of second sight occur there is never any feeling of the spirit world around me, I am just aware that I am witnessing something that is outside time. I hear no voices and

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sense no one. It is a completely visual experience, other than a sound which resembles breathing, which vibrates at a loud, steady, rhythmic pace.

So, let me misquote Shakespeare’s Hamlet 74 and say:

There are more things in the Universal Energy Field, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

1 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 27) 2 http://www.starstuffs.com/physcon/science.html 3 http://www.neuroquantology.com/index.php/journal/article/view/23 4 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Chapter Four - The Language of the Cell, (Pg 88) 5 John Donne, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, published in 1624

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6 F C Happold, Religious Faith and Twentieth-Century Man, Pelican Books, 1966. 5 The New Dimension of the Spiritual Universe, (Pg 64) 7 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter Two: Shattering the Paradigm: The Experiments that change everything, (Pg 42) 8 Roy Dixon-Smith, New Light on Survival, Rider & Co, 1952. Part Two: Chapter VII: Philosophy, (Pg 133) 9 Adeline Yen Mah, Watching The Tree, Harper Collins, 2001. 6 Thousands and Tens of Thousands of Varieties of Qi, (Pg 99) 10 Alexandra David-Néel, The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects, City Lights Books, 1981. Chapter IV, (Pg 72) 11 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 1 - Historical Aspects of the human energy field, (Pg 14) 12 Roy Dixon-Smith, New Light on Survival, Rider & Co, 1952. Part Two: Chapter VIII: Physics, (Pg 151) 13 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part II: The Human Aura. Chapter 6: The Universal Energy Field, (Pg 39 / 40) 14 Roy Dixon-Smith, New Light on Survival, Rider & Co, 1952. Part Two: Chapter VII: Philosophy, (Pg 134) 15 Michael Talbot, Mysticism and the New Physics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Part One: Consciousness and Reality - Chapter Two: A Holographic Model of Consciousness, (Pg 58) 16 William Houff, Infinity in Your Hand, Skinner House Books, 1994. Chapter 1: What's Real? Quantum Theory, walking on fire and telekinesis, (Pg 11) 17 Peter Fenwick & Elizabeth Fenwick, The Truth in the Light, BCA, 1995. 17 Beyond the Grave, (Pg 261) 18 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 28 / 29) 19 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 1 - Historical Aspects of the human energy field, (Pg 35) 20 Arthur Ford, Unknown but Known, Harper & Row, 1968. Chapter 9 : Things Not So Trivial, (Pg 116) 21 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 28) 22 Peter Fenwick & Elizabeth Fenwick, The Truth in the Light, BCA, 1995. 17 Beyond the Grave, (Pg 261) 23 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Ten: Consciousness - Truths and Misconceptions about Consciousness, (Pg 196) 24 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Ten: Consciousness - Truths and Misconceptions about Consciousness, (Pg 196) 25 John Edward, Crossing Over - The Stories Behind the Stories, Jodere Group Inc, 2001. Chapter 4: Proving Grounds - Testing, Testing, (Pg 111 / 112) 26 Peter Matthews, and Reincarnation, Con-Psy Publications, 1997. Chapter 3 - The Evidence, (Pg 20) 27 Teilhard de Chardin, The Heart of Matter, Collins, 1978. Part I: The Heart of Matter - II The Human, or the Convergent a. The Reality of the Noosphere, (Pg 32) 28 Teilhard de Chardin, The Heart of Matter, Collins, 1978. Part I: The Christic -A. The Convergence of the Universe, (Pg 87) 29 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 11: Dreams & Shamanic Journeys, (Pg 146) 30 Rev. G. Vale Owen, The Life Beyond the Veil, Thornton Butterworth, 1929. Chapter VI: Astriel's Messages - Thursday, October 9, 1913. (Pg 152 / 153) 31 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter One: Q: What's in the space between? A: The Divine Matrix, (Pg 10) 32 Michael Talbot, Mysticism and the New Physics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Part Two: The Structure of Space-Time - Chapter Three: Superspace, (Pg 81) 33 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Chapter Twelve - The Zero Point Age, (Pg 293) 34 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Chapter Two - The Sea of Light, (Pg 36) 35 Peter Fenwick & Elizabeth Fenwick, The Truth in the Light, BCA, 1995. 17 Beyond the Grave, (Pg 260) 36 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter One: Q: What's in the space between? A: The Divine Matrix, (Pg 10) 37 Bertrand Russell, Religion and Science, Oxford University Press, 1960. Chapter VIII: Cosmic Purpose, (Pg 208) 38 Rosalind Heywood, The Sixth Sense, Chatto & Windus, 1959. Chapter XVI - Quantitative Experiments (2), (Pg 157) 39 Julie Soskin, Transformation, College of Psychic Studies, 1995. Chapter 9 - The Soul Mind, (Pg 80)

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40 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part II: The Human Aura. Chapter 4: Parallels Between How We See Ourselves and Reality and Western Scientific Views, (Pg 28) 41 Bede Griffiths, A New Vision of Reality, Fount, 1992. 8 God and the World, (Pg 173) 42 Adeline Yen Mah, Watching The Tree, Harper Collins, 2001. 6 Thousands and Tens of Thousands of Varieties of Qi, (Pg 106) 43 Adeline Yen Mah, Watching The Tree, Harper Collins, 2001. 12 The Lessons of Silence, (Pg 238) 44 Julie Soskin, Transformation, College of Psychic Studies, 1995. Chapter 10 - Use Your Magic, (Pg 84) 45 Julie Soskin, Transformation, College of Psychic Studies, 1995. Chapter 13 - The Union of Spirit and Matter, (Pg 112) 46 John Punshon, Encounter With Silence, Friends United Press, 1989. Beyond the Quaker Meeting - The Power and the Light, (Pg 112) 47 Hazel Courteney, Divine Intervention, Cico Books, 2002. Chapter 10: The Predictions, (Pg 146) 48 Leslie D Weatherhead, Psychology, Religion and Healing, Hodder & Stoughton, 1952. Section Three: Modern Methods of Healing Through Religion - Chapter 7: The Practice of Intercession, (Pg 244) 49 Leslie D Weatherhead, Psychology, Religion and Healing, Hodder & Stoughton, 1952. Section Three: Modern Methods of Healing Through Religion - Chapter 7: The Practice of Intercession, (Pg 243) 50 Rev. G. Vale Owen, The Life Beyond the Veil, Thornton Butterworth, 1929. Chapter VI: Astriel's Messages - Thursday, October 9, 1913. (Pg 155) 51 Laura Lynne Jackson, The Light Between Us, Arrow Books, 2016. Introduction, (Pg xiv) 52 William Houff, Infinity in Your Hand, Skinner House Books, 1994. Chapter 6: The Paths of Devotion and Witness and Action - Praise Allah, and tie your camel to the post! (Pg 66) 53 William Houff, Infinity in Your Hand, Skinner House Books, 1994. Chapter 16: Holy Ground – Treading Softly, (Pg 185) 54 Bede Griffiths, A New Vision of Reality, Fount, 1992. 9 The Ascent to the Godhead, (Pg 178) 55 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter One: Q: What's in the space between? A: The Divine Matrix, (Pg 9) 56 Phyllis V. Schlemmer, The Only Planet of Choice, Gateway Books, 1996. VI: Terrestrial Affairs - 20: Soul Matters, (Pg 292) 57 Leslie D Weatherhead, Psychology, Religion and Healing, Hodder & Stoughton, 1952. Section Three: Modern Methods of Healing Through Religion - Chapter 7: The Practice of Intercession, (Pg 244) 58 Alexandra David-Néel, The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects, City Lights Books, 1981. Chapter V, (Pg 79) 59 William Johnston, Silent Music - The Science of Meditation, Fount, 1979. Part III: Healing. 12: Cosmic healing, (Pg 132) 60 Teilhard de Chardin, Le Milieu Divin, Fontana, 1966. The Divine Milieu, (Pg 142) 61 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Ten: Consciousness - Guiding Light, (Pg 204) 62 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 1: What is Spiritual Healing? (Pg 3) 63 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Prologue, (Pg xviii) 64 F C Happold, Religious Faith and Twentieth-Century Man, Pelican Books, 1966. 5 The New Dimension of the Spiritual Universe, (Pg 64) 65 John Scott, I Lent a Hand to a Ghost, Psychic Press, 1950. Hereafter, (Pg 133) 66 Adumbration - to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch. 67 Downloaded January 2016 from http://www.hearttoheartassociates.com/core_energy.htm 68 The Rev. C. Drayton Thomas, Beyond Life's Sunset, Psychic Press, Undated. Chapter V: Added Powers and Wider opportunities, (Pg 34) 69 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 5: The Range of Healing, (Pg 87) 70 Leslie D Weatherhead, Psychology, Religion and Healing, Hodder & Stoughton, 1952. Section One: Earlier Methods of Healing Through Religion - Chapter 1: Christ's Healing Miracles, (Pg 48) 71 Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Fontana, 1995. IV Psychiatric Activities, (Pg 160) 72 Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Fontana, 1995. XI On Life After Death, (Pg 333 / 334) 73 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Eight: Strands of Time - A Collage of Dreams, (Pg 158) 74 William Shakespeare, Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

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25.2: Energy Fields – Human Energy Field

In the spiritual press and related media there is a lot written about the Human Energy Field – often known as a person’s aura. A quick search of the internet for ‘Human Energy Field’ will provide a cascade of other, often technical sounding, names such as halos, auras, bioenergetics, noetic balancing, human electromagnetic field, bio electric energy field, human bio field, and interspersed with these retrieved names come topics such as energy healing, chakra balancing, energy medicine, crystal healing, and, naturally, those that relate to spiritual development. In this chapter I will tend to use the two terms ‘Human Energy Field’ and ‘aura’ in exploration of some of its facets.

Since ancient times the Human Energy Field has been depicted as a halo surrounding, mainly the head, of spiritual people. As far back as when Exodus was written, reference was made to such a spectacle which was recalled on the web page ‘Alberti’s window’: 1

…the closest reference to a halo in the Bible is a description of Moses being surrounded with a “crown of light” or “rays of light” (from when he came down off of Mt. Sinai, as recorded in Exodus 34:29).

Subsequently, halos have been used within religious icons where they wanted to represent holy, sacred or saintly beings. Such religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. A couple of good examples are Giotto’s 14 th century ‘Last Supper’ and, from the 19 th century, William-Adolphe Bouguereau’s ‘The Virgin of Consolation’.

Even though this representation of spirituality has been used for thousands of years, it was often believed to be an invention which allows artists to depict a person possessing religious traits. This was, perhaps, because very few neither were able to see the Human energy Field of another person nor were they able to detect their existence by other means; the ‘I can’t see it, therefore it cannot exist’ syndrome. However, over the last few decades scientists have been able to demonstrate that there is such a thing as a Human Energy Field which can be detected.

So, what is this Human Energy Field or Aura? When asked this question the teacher from the Spirit World Silver Birch gave the following answer: 2

The aura consists of the vibrations set up by the body. There are many auras, but the ones that are known to your world are the auras that surround the physical body and the spirit body. All things have auras, even things which do not have consciousness within them. The aura consists of the vibrations that emanate from the body, and according to the state of the body, so there are different vibrations. Those who can see auras and can interpret them know all the secrets of the individual.

A more simple description has been given by the spiritual healer and author Barbara Ann Brennan. She understood that the aura: 3

...can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation...

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From this, we can see that a person’s aura is not a bland single coloured energy field; it is a vibrating pulsating, shimmering energy field surrounding the body. This was, in part, a description offered by the spiritual director Sue Minns. She also added that: 4

Observed by mystics, artists and healers through the ages, it was described by the Pythagoreans of ancient Greece as a 'luminous' body, a light body. Everything that has an atomic structure has an energy field. So everything from a pen to a planet will have an aura. Because the energy of animate life is more vibrant, it is easier to sense the energy field of a chipmunk than it is to sense that of a chair.

Perhaps, because of this additional characteristic offered by animate as opposed to inanimate objects, led the English medium Tony Stockwell to describe the Human Energy Field as an: 5

…energy that emanates from the spirit within the body.

And, according to the dowser Ralph Whitlock, the shape of the aura is: 6

For humans standing erect the shape of the aura is that of an egg standing on its small end.

This ellipsoidal description was confirmed by Angela Tarry, an expert on auras, in discussions with the medium Tony Stockwell: 7

Usually when we see an aura, the strongest part of it is from the waist upwards, and although it goes right round our bodies, it is weaker at the bottom.

The Human Energy Field exists as a consequence of the Natural Law by which everything that contains atoms, by their very nature, has an energy field. As Jack Angelo notes: 8

...everything is surrounded by an energy field.

To give additional credence to this comment, Chan, a , through the renowned healer Stephen Turoff, told us that as well as cars: 9

The physical body also requires a battery. In each case the battery not only holds a charge but also leaks a charge into the ether which creates a magnetic field around the vehicle. This field of radiation is called the aura. The human and astral auras are much more complex than others because they are always in a state of constant flux. At times the aura can be seen around the human body as a cloud of electrons that shimmers from head to foot. Its density increases and decreases with the mood of the individual.

We are this field; the field is us. It is so close a representation of our inner being that anyone who can see it knows us better than we know ourselves. It is this field which we continuously transmit. There is a relationship between our spirituality and not only the quality of the field itself, but our ability to transmit it. The greater our spirituality the further from our physical bodies does our aura spread; it is said that the Buddha’s energy field extended up to 9 miles. The impact of this field can be felt by those around such a person as described by the well-known saint in the Russian Orthodox Church, Theophan

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So it is with grace, when it has permeated our nature it becomes visibly perceptible to all. All those entering into contact with such a grace-filled person feel an unusual force present within him, which manifests itself in different ways. When such a person begins to speak about something spiritual, everything emanates from him as brightly as the midday sun, and his words go directly to the soul, authoritively forming corresponding feelings and dispositions within. Even if he does not speak, he exudes a warmth which touches everything, and a certain force goes out, which stimulates moral energy and engenders readiness for every kind of spiritual action and exploit.

Whilst our own energy field does not have the same strong impact on those we meet, it does naturally have some impact which the Greek-Armenian mystic and spiritual teacher George Ivanovich Gurdjieff explained as: 11

The blending and fusion of the specific vibrations given off by different people take place mechanically, depending on their situation in relation to each other and on the conditions they are in.

And the spiritual investigator Roy Dixon-Smith noted that when people meet, there is an impact on both auras: 12

The aura is sensitive to those of others and it expands towards sympathetic vibrations and contract from the reverse.

This has also been recorded by the experienced spiritual mentor Michal Levin. In her book ‘Michal Levin’ she states that: 13

When you are with others you are affected by their energy. It’s almost impossible not to be.

When we are in general conversation one to another, there seems to be a ‘personal space’, which, when its boundary is breached by someone standing too close, most of us feel uncomfortable and perhaps step back. This reaction is a consequence of the forced interaction of our energy fields, and maybe those less spiritually sensitive have an aura which is closer to their physical body. This natural difference in the expanse of one’s aura was noted by Estelle Robert’s guide Red Cloud: 14

Man whilst in the material body is surrounded by an aura, a magnetic aura, that stands out sometimes a foot, or sometimes only six inches from the material body.

This Human Energy Field, however, may be much more complex than I have so far implied. In 1997 in a lecture at the College for Psychic Studies which Gordon Smith attended, it was noted that: 15

...consciousness had many layers and said that the physical form was only a small part of the overall energy field of an individual consciousness. At death a person's spirit returned to its overall higher consciousness with memories of its recent life, yet the higher consciousness could also project spirit energy into a new physical life

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at the same time.

...and, in consideration of the strata effect of the Human Energy Field, Stephen Turoff, in his book ‘Seven Steps to Eternity’ was informed by a spirit guide Chan, that: 16

...there is a threefold aura which relates to the threefold human constitution. These three parts are the physical body, the soul, and the spirit. The physical body is connected more to the etheric vibrations, the soul expresses more on the astral (mental), and the spirit more on the higher mental (spiritual).

The three levelled model was also described by the healer Jack Angelo who suggests that: 17

There are three main levels of being to explain the process of healing - physical, etheric and spiritual. Each level of a human being gives off energy so that a resonating field of energy totally surrounds the body. It is this combined emanation which makes the human rainbow, the aura or the human energy field (HEF). Some healers claim to see seven or more layers or levels within an aura, each with its own colour.

Adding a little more complexity, Sue Minns recognised four facets of an aura: 18

The first level of the aura, which extends just beyond the physical body, is known as the etheric double or template. Then comes the astral body, then the mental body and then the causal or soul body.

In her book ‘Hands of Light’, Barbara Ann Brennan referred to seven ‘layers’ of the Human Energy Field: 19

There are many systems that people have created from their observations to define the auric field. All these systems divide the aura into layers and define the layers by locations, colour, brightness, form, density, fluidity and function. Each system is geared to the kind of work the individual is "doing" with the aura. The two systems most similar to mine are the ones used by Jack Schwarz, which has more than seven layers and is described in his book, Human Energy Systems, and the system used by Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere of the Healing Light Centre in Glendale, California. Her system is a seven layer system, and is described in her book, Wheels of Light, A Study of the Chakras.

In an internet paper, Barbara went on to expand on the seven levels. She wrote: 20

The human energy field is composed of seven levels. Many people have the erroneous idea that this field is like the layers of an onion. It is not. Each level penetrates through the body and extends outward from the skin. Each successive level is of a "higher frequency" or a "higher octave." Each extends out from the skin several inches farther than the one within it of lower frequency.

Alternatively, a more simplistic approach is just to consider the aura as being a representation of the soul contained within the spiritual body as the American medium Arthur Ford highlighted: 21

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Many psychical researchers are convinced that the "aura" so often observed - and sometimes even registered on instruments - is an emanation of the second or spiritual body, which in normal, healthy earth-life interpenetrates and coincides with the physical body.

I’m not really sure that describing the levels of an aura are important to the lay reader. However, to the sensitive and in particular to a healer who can see these shimmering aspects of a person, it may be necessary to recognise which part of the aura is deficient in some way so that the individual may take the right corrective action – be it physical, mental or spiritual. And this is because, as Sur Minns quite rightly declared: 22

Our auras reflect the state we are in.

Therefore, you can appreciate that as our own spirituality develops, so do the energy fields which reflect us. We can ‘touch’ the energy fields of the Spirit World and those of the Universal Energy Field – even though we may not appreciate it. I think that the 19 th century psychic investigator Frederic W. H. Myers may have had this in mind when he conceived of the subliminal self as being in touch with a realm of spiritual forces from which it is able to draw energy to infuse into the human mind, ordinarily in limited quantities, but, in altered mystical states, in great floods, which elevate the mental operations and powers to exceptionally high levels. This maybe again links the energy field to mystical experiences which may be expanded to confirm our aura is our very own soul nature, it reflects our innermost thoughts, desires and feelings. A very poetic and memorable articulation of this was made by the 2 nd century Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and recalled by William Ralph Inge, English author, Anglican priest, professor of divinity at Cambridge, and Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, in one of his sermons: 23

The soul is dyed the colour of its thoughts.

…and conversely, our thoughts reflect our soul; that inner repository of who we are, or as the renowned Christian Mystic Elizabeth MacDonald Burrows wrote: 24

The field of energy surrounding a human form is most commonly referred to as an aura. It encompasses all thoughts and emotions within its radius and represents the level of consciousness of that individual.

This was confirmed to Betty J Eadie during her Near Death Experience and she was able to recall that: 25

Our auras, or countenances, display the feelings and emotions of our souls.

If that is the case, then all our thoughts and desires will be instantly reflected in our aura as Charles Webster Leadbeater, an influential member of the Theosophical Society, noted: 26

This [the aura] is the field of the manifestation of desire - the mirror in which every feeling is instantly reflected, in which even every thought which has in it anything that touches the personal self must express itself... As might naturally be expected, there is little of permanence about its manifestations; its colours, its brilliance, the rate of its pulsations, are all changing

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from moment to moment.

Stephen Turoff too reports that everything is recorded within our aura, including what had happened in our previous lives: 27

Everybody has a pattern-of-life. It is an imprint of every thought and emotion the soul has experienced, not only in one lifetime, but many. Some would argue it is the blueprint of the character, others would refer to it as the Akashic records. Both would be right.

Hence, it can be concluded that this energy field, although it continuously changes, stays with us for ever; we can never shed it as Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross confirmed: 28

It is important to understand that from the moment of our existence until we return to God, we always maintain our own identity and our own energy pattern.

Looking as this idea from an Eastern perspective, the 20 th century Japanese visionary Ryuho Okawa said of human beings that: 29

…as they progress spiritually and reach a higher level of enlightenment, the light increases and their aura begins to glow. Somebody who is spiritually sensitive finds it easy to judge their level of enlightenment.

…and he followed this with: 30

So the degree of development of a soul can be gauged by the quantity of light [around them] . In other words, in order to evolve, the soul must become a vessel capable of holding as much of Buddha's light as possible. For this reason it is important not to let anything into your soul that might deflect away the light…

From his experience working with many clients during his research using past life regression, Michael Newton concluded that: 31

...both our spiritual and physical consciousness project and receive light energy. I believe individual vibrational wave patterns represent each soul's aura. As souls, the density, colour, and form of light we radiate is proportional to the power of our knowledge and perception as represented by increasing concentrations of light matter as we develop. Individual patterns of energy not only display who we are, but indicate the degree of ability to heal others and regenerate ourselves.

If our aura reflects us accurately, then it must change from hour to hour as all our physical mental and spiritual bodies change. This Barbara Ann Brennan explained: 32

As a baby fixes his attention on an object in the physical plane, the aura tenses and brightens, especially around the head. Then, as his attention fades, the aura fades in colour; however, it retains some of the experience in the form of colour in the aura. Each experience adds a little colour to the aura and enhances its individuality. Thus, the work of aura building is also going on and continues in this way throughout life so that all of one's life experiences can be found there.

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So reading a persons aura is like looking at a daily paper – the headlines change from day- to-day. Silver Birch talked about reading an aura in the following terms: 33

Those who can see auras and can interpret them know all the secrets of the individual. They can diagnose the health of the individual. They know the state of his soul and his mind's unfoldment. They can tell the evolution of that soul, for it is the aura that enables you all to be read as an open book. Your aura registers all that you have said, all that you have thought and all that you have done. Your aura is your external judgment, for there you are showing to those who can see exactly what you are within and not as you show yourselves without.

If only we could see our own aura! That would be the way to appreciate what we must do to have a healthy body, mind and soul. Another spirit teacher White Eagle looked at the aura from the point of view of an external viewer: 34

If you could see yourselves when you are truly sending forth the light, you would see a great radiance flowing from your heart - from your head in many cases. Your aura would be shining.

And whatever you think, whatever you say, whatever you do is always, without exception, recorded in your aura. This was stressed by Sue Minns who wrote: 35

There is an 'energy' charge to each thought or feeling and it will register in the aura.

In fact, it is probable that the fields in the space around our body often provide a more accurate indication of our physiology and pathology than traditional clinical electrical measurements. If this is recognised in the Medical fraternity, and developmental research follows this pathway, perhaps the holy grail of diagnostic medicine can be found. Barbara Ann Brennan touched on this topic and wrote: 36

The aura is really the "missing link" between biology and physical medicine and psychotherapy. It's the "place" where all the emotions, thoughts, memories and behaviour patterns we discuss so endlessly in therapy are located. They're not just suspended somewhere in our imaginations, but they are located in time and space. Thoughts and emotions move between people in time and space through the human energy field, and learning about it is the way to get a handle on this activity.

The aura of a person is directly connected to the level of their health. A person is considered to be Healthy in terms of Physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional well being as well as highly positive spiritual energies. So a person who is healthy at all these levels has a bigger and brighter aura and vice versa in the case of an unhealthy person.

As there is seemingly a direct relationship between healing and energy, it is useful to observe that spiritual healers, in giving of themselves as energy channels must be careful that they do not deplete their own energy resources too much. Even though Cyprian Smith was a Benedictine Monk he did understand this aspect of healing: 37

When we act, and pour ourselves out in the world and in relationships with other

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people, this involves loss of energy, dissipation. But to learn to pour out while remaining inwardly detached, to be at one in movement yet also in repose, is largely what the spiritual life is all about…

Many sensitives can often deduce a person’s health by observation of their aura. At least this was the belief of C W Leadbeater: 38

It is well known that tiny particles of dense physical matter are constantly being thrown off from man’s body, in insensible perspiration and in other ways; and these particles also are visible to clairvoyant sight as a faint grey mist. These particles are in many cases crystals, and therefore are seen in certain geometrical forms; for example, the tiny cubes of sodium chloride or common salt, are among the most frequent. This purely physical part of man’s surrounding is sometimes called the health-aura, from the fact that its condition is greatly affected by the health of the body from which it emanates. It is a faint bluish-white, almost colourless, and has the appearance of being striated; that is, it is full of, or perhaps it might rather be said to be composed of, infinitude of straight lines radiating evenly in all direc-tions from the pores of the body. That at least is the normal condition of these lines when the body is in perfect health; they are separate, orderly, and as nearly parallel as their radiation allows. But on the advent of disease there is an instant change, the lines in the neighbourhood of the part affected becoming erratic, and lying about in all directions in the wildest con-fusion, or drooping like the stems of faded flowers.

Considering this relative to the Human Energy Field, Barbara Ann Brennan wrote: 39

As always, healing starts at home. The first prerequisite for any healer is self-care. If you do healing and don't take care of yourself, you will probably get sick faster than in any other situation. This is because healing requires a lot of work from your energy field, in addition to its importance for your own life. What I mean by this is that in addition to keeping you healthy and balanced, your field will be used as a conduit for the healing energies that are needed by others. Your field may not necessarily need the frequencies that you will be transmitting, but your field will have to transmit them anyway. In order to transmit a certain frequency required in healing, your field must vibrate in that frequency or its harmonic. Thus in order to give healing, you will run your field like a roller coaster. You will be constantly varying its frequency of vibration. You will be constantly transmitting different intensities of light. This will affect you. It will be good in the sense that it will speed up your own evolutionary process, because changes in frequency and intensity will break your normal holding patterns and will release the blocks in your field. It may deplete you if you do not keep yourself in top condition. In healing, you do not generate the energy you transmit, but you must first raise your frequency to that needed by the patient in order to entrain the energy from the Universal Energy Field. This is called harmonic induction and takes a lot of energy and focus to do.

This again links the Human Energy Field with the Universal Energy Field.

When we incarnate, some of our consciousness (or soul as I would call it) remains within the Spirit World and hence our aura, presumably, only reflects that part which is incarnated. I think that this point needs much further examination.

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There also seem to be other links between our health and our energy field. Apparently, according to Silver Birch, negativity has a significant impact on our aura: 40

Worry inhibits your aura, which is your spiritual atmosphere, and disturbs the psychic vibrations. Until you remove the blocks the power cannot flow through.

Something also seems to happen to this energy field during our transition to the Spirit World. To confirm this, I quote a passage from Carl Jung’s autobiography: 41

At the beginning 1944 I broke my foot, and this misadventure was followed by a heart attack. In a state of unconsciousness I experienced deliriums and visions which must have begun when I hung on the edge of death and was being given oxygen and camphor injections. The images were so tremendous that I myself concluded that I was close to death. My nurse afterward told me, "It was as if you were surrounded by a bright glow" That was a phenomenon she had sometimes observed in the dying, she added.

In those who are shortly to take their transition from Earth to Spirit World there is a noticeable difference in luminosity of their aura. Recalling a discussion about auras with the medium John Edward, the psychic researcher Gary E. Schwartz remembered that John had mentioned that: 42

...he sometimes sees a dim aura instead of a normal one around a person whose death is not far away.

Can anyone who chooses observe another person’s energy field? Christine Page, a seminar leader on subtle energy and energy medicine, recognised that the native North Americans believed that: 43

If you have a name, you have a vibration and if you have a vibration or frequency then the purpose of your journey on this Earth is known by all those who choose to look.

But even so most of us cannot see an aura. However, we can develop our inborn intuitive mechanism and our latent psychic potential to train ourselves not only to see the aura but also to interpret the different colours and shapes in the aura which can reveal a lot of unsaid information. There are many development classes and training sessions within spiritual environments that provide this type of service. It often goes hand-in-hand with spiritual development and with development of psychic talents. Roy Dixon-Smith gave us a view of what a trained person may be able to see: 44

…the human aura resembles a miniature aurora borealis and envelops the body in a cocoon of light extending outwards from a few inches to a foot or more; it varies in brilliance, beauty, and size, in accordance with the spiritual status of the owner.

Of course, developing your ability to ‘see’ auras also brings with it added responsibilities. It is a gift that we have and ought to be used for the benefit of ourselves and others; it should never be used trivially and for entertainment only. According to James Redfield, Michael Murphy and Silvia Timbers, in the journal 'Quadrant', physicist and businessman Edward Russell described several episodes in which he perceived auras: 45

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Discussing a difficult task with an employee, I must have asked the impossible, because a look of desperate, forlorn hopelessness came over him. Then his entire aura lit up with hundreds of little sparks. Sometimes a bright spark exactly between and slightly above two persons precedes intimate rapport based on a shared idea. I have observed lovers who appear to be contained in a common 'cloud of affection,' which I see as a mist or haze enveloping and flowing around and between them. Or during an animated discussion (when the sparks fly) I have seen luminosities literally flowing between the participants.

If you are able, naturally or with training, to see a person’s energy field, then this opens their life to you. Whilst this gift is a great honour, it brings with it a great responsibility. Therefore it is very important that, as Michal Levin believed, that anyone with this ability should: 46

...never ‘look’ at another person’s energy without a specific request from them.

It is not a gift to be treated lightly.

Not only is the newly trained person able to see the auras of others, but their own aura will have changed considerably. Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher who worked mainly during the first half of the 20 th century, described the changes: 47

Before this training, soul and spirit are undifferentiated masses. In such a state the clairvoyant will perceive them as interlacing clouds, rotating spirally, and having usually a dull glimmer of reddish colour or reddish-brown, or, perhaps, of reddish- yellow; but after this culture they begin to assume a brilliant yellowish-green or yellow-blue colour, and become a regular structure.

The state of a person’s physical, mental and spiritual health is reflected in their Human Energy Field through the colours displayed. Michael Newton, who for much of his working life has focussed on past life regression, wrote that: 48

The primary core colour emanating from the centre of the soul-being constitutes the level of advancement, while the secondary colour around the edges of the light, the halo, typically involves character traits.

In an earlier book ‘Destiny of Souls’ he mentioned that: 49

...energy colours [are] displayed by souls in the spirit world. These colours relate to a soul's state of advancement. ... pure white denotes a younger soul and with advancement soul energy becomes more dense moving into orange, yellow, green and finally the blue ranges. In addition to these centre core auras, there are subtle mixtures of halo colours within every group that relate to the character aspects of each soul.

...and he added in ‘Journey of Souls’: 50

In the visible spectrum on Earth, blue-violet has the shortest wavelength, with energy peaking in the invisible ultraviolet. If colour density is a reflection of

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wisdom, then the lower wavelengths of white through yellow emanating from souls must represent lower concentrations of vibrational energy.

There seems to be no essential difference between those colours displayed around spirit beings and those around incarnate humans, or, if fact, around any object. A brief description has been given by George Gurdjieff. Although he died in 1949, a book with the odd title of ‘Life is real only then, when "I am"’ published in 1974, states that: 51

The vibrations given off by the whole presence of a man in a state of complete relaxation constitute in themselves an atmosphere analogous to the spectrum of colours, having a known limit to its expansion.

The auras are so different for a person in relaxed or excited state of mind. Apparently so Charles Leadbeater tells us, it can be seen that as a person calms down after being in a highly charged state and: 52

...the emotion dies down, and the colour corresponding to it fades away - but not entirely.

...so confirming that the aura is for ever changing second by second. In general terms a more general overview of an aura was provided by the English medium Tony Stockwell: 53

Auras are composed of different coloured rays, and the shape, colour and strength of these rays reflect our unique individual make up and reveal our physical, emotional and spiritual state. Red is the colour of life and represents physical vigour, strength, energy and passion. Orange is associated with energy and health and indicates a strong personality. Yellow is associated with intellect and an optimistic nature, and golden-yellow is a sign of spiritual development. Green is the colour of nature, regeneration and healing, and shows a lively adaptable personality and a versatile mind. Blue is associated with idealism, integrity and inspiration. Indigo indicates a person who acts on their intuition and who rises above the physical world in their search for spiritual truth. Violet is the colour of spiritual enlightenment, insight and love. Black and grey reveal an aura that has been damaged by negative thoughts, emotions or illness. White represents ideals, truth and perfection.

The auras of those who are spiritually advanced or as C W Leadbeater called them ‘adepts’ is much more luminous than those of the general population. In the case of such developed individual he said that: 54

...the size of the causal body has enormously increased, and shines with a sunlike splendour far beyond all imagination in its glorious loveliness. Of the beauty of form and colour here no words can speak, for mortal language has no terms in which those radiant spheres may be described. Such a vehicle would be a separate study in itself, but one quite beyond the powers of any but those who are already far on the Path.

As I cannot personally see another’s aura, I am not able to comment on this account and, in particular, to know whether different mediums perceive the colours in the same way or in fact interpret them similarly. It is my gut feeling and very limited experience that leads me

DAJ 08/11/2019 09:29:19 25.2 Energy Fields – Human Energy Field Page 12 of 16 to conclude that there is a consistency across all those who see Human Energy Fields and from which I presume that where there are instruments available to assess an aura that the same colour emanating from the same part of the body would imply the same consequence.

Your aura works both ways; it emanates from your whole being and reflects who you are, and if there is anything affecting your aura then this is reflected back to your body. This brings out the necessity of protecting your aura from extraneous energies. Hazel Courteney was shown how to achieve this: 55

All I had to do was to visualise myself as being surrounded by a bubble of white light encased in a reflective glass bubble, so that whatever thoughts (energy|) people were sending out that drained my energy, would automatically ricochet back to them.

An alternative method was given to Stephen Turoff by a spirit guide known as Chan. He suggested a mechanism by which we could cleanse our aura of negative thoughts: 56

It would be best if you closed your eyes, then hold your hands out, palms upwards. Now think of a white light entering your forehead and flowing through your body, then bring it out through the palms of your hands. You must use your willpower to operate your thought.

Perhaps, we should all do this whenever we feel threatened by such negative or malicious energies. Of course, it is not unreasonable to believe that positive thoughts can impact our aura in beneficial ways. Betty J Eadie recognised that we can: 57

...recharge our own spirits through serving others, having faith in God, and simply opening ourselves to positive energy through positive thoughts.

An alternative, which I like to do, is to use the energies of trees and whilst embracing them to feel the energy pulsing through my body. The higher spirit who used the American medium Phyllis V. Schlemmer as a channel for his teaching remarked that: 58

If you are in an area where there are healthy trees, you may also take your solar plexus, and wrap yourself around the tree, and release the negativity to the tree, so it in its turn may transform it into pure clean energy, oxygen, and send it into the ether, so that there is no contamination.

I am certain that we will have instruments that will be able to reflect a person’s state of balance through assessment of their aura. The complexity, however, may arrive in the interpretation of the colours and hues which define the individual characteristics of the subject.

To set the scene in thinking about instrumentation to detect and display auras, I’ll give you a few words of science which I discovered on the internet: 59

Scientists and researchers today all around the globe have confirmed that the matter which appears to be solid in reality is NOT TRUE. This solid looking matter is actually made up of pure energy which is vibrating at a specific frequency which

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gives matter properties like shape, size, texture etc. These solid looking objects like a pen, book and even the molecules, atoms and cells in our bodies for that matter are actually made up of vibratory energy particles called electron, protons , neutrons and further more tiny particles. So when these particles vibrate in their nucleus, a small electrical impulse is generated in our body and according to the famous law of physics “When there is an electrical field around a body, a magnetic field gets developed automatically”. So the tiny electrical impulses in our body results in the formation of a magnetic field around our body which is actually know as the AURA- electromagnetic field of the body.

That, to a small extent, set the environment in which science can research into display of auras and interpretation of them, or as Roy Dixon-Smith noted: 60

...the aura has certain physical electromagnetic properties experimentally detectable.

Fortunately there are ways in which we can see our aura, although these may not be available to all. The International Centre for Reiki Training tells us that: 61

Over the last 50 years, sensitive instruments have been developed that can detect the minute energy fields around the human body. Of particular importance are Kirlian Photography and the SQUID magnetometer which is capable of detecting tiny biomagnetic fields associated with physiological activities in the body. In 1963, Gerhard Baule and Richard McFee of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY detected the biomagnetic field projected from the human heart. They used two coils, each with 2 million turns of wire, connected to a sensitive amplifier. In 1970, David Cohen of MIT, using a SQUID magnetometer, confirmed the heart measurements. By 1972, Cohen had improved the sensitivity of his instrument, enabling him to measure magnetic fields around the head produced by brain activities. Subsequently, it has been discovered that all tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations, which have come to be known as biomagnetic fields.

…and these perhaps all combine to provide us with the totality of our Human Energy Field. This was confirmed by Dr. Letari, a healing spirit who worked through the trance medium William Lilley: 62

The root cause of all physiological changes is incorrect chemical action, producing toxic properties, and in turn congesting the general system. A vicious circle, in fact. Every organism of the body, such as kidneys, liver, spleen, produce a colour in normal health. These colours gradually merge together resulting in what is known as the ‘psychic aura.’ By the colour produced when in disease, the spirit doctor can distinguish a diseased organ from a healthy one and thus prescribe the necessary treatment.

Another area of investigation was through Kirlian photography. This was first discovered by accident in the late 1930s by Semyon Kirlian. It has been the subject of some mainstream scientific research particularly in the areas of parapsychology and alternative medicine. Brian Snellgrove, in his book ‘The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography

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Explained’ published towards the very end of the 20th century, demonstrates that there was evidence that: 63

…there is an energy matrix in all living things, an invisible body penetrating our physical bodies.

Brian then extended this with his conclusions to his research: 64

1. The human body has an electrical aspect, part of which is reflected in a 'field' effect, not only within it but at a distance from it 2. This electrical matrix is affected by the physical and mental state of the subject and changes accordingly 3 The characteristics can be measured by standard electrical measuring apparatus including high impedance voltmeters. 4 The human body radiates light, which varies according to the psychological and physical conditions of the body. 5 If the body is placed within the ambit of a high frequency field and a sheet of photosensitive material is interposed, various patterns are obtained which may be due to a combination of the physical, mental and psychological state of the subject.

The general occurrence of the aura has also been detected by dowsing devices, the pendulum being the most suitable for the purpose as identified by Ralph Whitlock: 65

In general, the field of influence, as discovered by the pendulum, begin at about 20in from the animal's body...

…and he adds: 66

Dowsing has demonstrated that each of us is surrounded by an aura, and recently developed techniques, notably Kirlian photography, have made it to some extent visible.

We need to go further … with the help of the scientific community. I am certain that given the resources and lateral and critical thinking, humanity will be able to develop instruments which will detect and display the detail of the Human Energy Field so that accurate diagnoses can be made. Perhaps here lies the future of diagnostic medicine.

As a final thought on auras, the thought provoking book ‘The Cosmic Doctrine’, which contains knowledge channelled through the medium Dion Fortune, suggested that from one perspective: 67

...the universe may be conceived of as the aura of God.

To gain a much broader and much more detailed discussion of Human Energy Fields, seek out one or two of the many books on the subject which you may find in most bookshops. For example, C W Leadbeater’s ‘Man Visible and Invisible’ 68 delves into the different auras which surround a person and provides a detailed exposition including colour plates showing the nature of particular Human Energy Fields. It is a fascinating subject.

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1 Downloaded 9 th January 2016 from http://albertis-window.com/2013/09/history-of-the-halo-in-art/ 2 A W Austen, Teachings of Silver Birch, Psychic Press, 1993. The Eternal Link, (Pg 207) 3 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part II: The Human Aura. Chapter 7: The Human Energy Field, or Human Aura, (Pg 41) 4 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 27) 5 Tony Stockwell, Spirited, Hodder Mobius, 2005. Chapter 6 'God Works in Mysterious Ways..', (Pg 101) 6 Ralph Whitlock, Water Divining and Other Dowsing - A Practical Guide, David & Charles, 1982. 4 Dowsing for Objects, (Pg 42) 7 Tony Stockwell, Spirited, Hodder Mobius, 2005. Chapter 7 Up in Lights, (Pg 139) 8 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 45) 9 Stephen Turoff, Seven Steps to Eternity, Clairview, 2002. Chapter 4, (Pg 76) 10 St. Theophan the Recluse, The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1995. 26 The Activity of Grace, (Pg 125) 11 Gurdjieff G I, Life is real only then, when "I am", Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. The Outer and Inner World of Man, (Pg 177) 12 Roy Dixon-Smith, New Light on Survival, Rider & Co, 1952. Part Two: Chapter XI: Physical and Ultra- Physical Biology, (Pg 187) 13 Michal Levin, Spiritual Intelligence, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Part II: Your Journey. Chapter Nine – Spiritual Principles of Relationships, (Pg 212) 14 , Red Cloud Speaks, Tudor Press, 1992. Chapter Eleven: , (Pg 54) 15 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Nine: Reincarnation - A Spirit World or a World of Spirit, (Pg 184) 16 Stephen Turoff, Seven Steps to Eternity, Clairview, 2002. Chapter 4, (Pg 77) 17 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 42) 18 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 33) 19 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part II: The Human Aura. Chapter 7: The Human Energy Field, or Human Aura, (Pg 42) 20 Downloaded on 9 th January 2016 from http://lieske.com/hef.htm 21 Arthur Ford, Unknown but Known, Harper & Row, 1968. Chapter 5 : The Two Bodies of Man, (Pg 60) 22 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 31) 23 Dean Inge, Goodness and Truth, Mowbray, 1958. Sermon 10: The Discipline of the Thoughts, (Pg 86) 24 Elizabeth MacDonald Burrows, Pathway of the Immortal, International Publications Inc, 1980. Chapter V: Mind and the Cosmic Sea, (Pg 86) 25 Betty J Eadie, Embraced by the Light, Thorsons, 1995. Selecting a Body, (Pg 91) 26 C W Leadbeater, Man Visible and Invisible, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1987. Chapter XII: What his Bodies Show us, (Pg 62 / 63) 27 Stephen Turoff, Seven Steps to Eternity, Clairview, 2002. Chapter 4, (Pg 75) 28 Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, On Life After Death, Celestial Arts, 1991. Life, Death, and Life after Death, (Pg 61) 29 Ryuho Okawa, The Laws of the Sun, Element, 1996. Chapter Two: The Truth Speaks - The Evolution of the Soul, (Pg 35) 30 Ryuho Okawa, The Laws of the Sun, Element, 1996. Chapter Two: The Truth Speaks - The Evolution of the Soul, (Pg 36) 31 Michael Newton, Journey of Souls, Llewellyn Publications, 2009. Chapter Seven: Placement, (Pg 102) 32 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part III: Psychodynamics and the Human Energy Field. Chapter 8: Human Growth and Development in the Aura, (Pg 64) 33 A W Austen, Teachings of Silver Birch, Psychic Press, 1993. The Eternal Link, (Pg 207) 34 White Eagle, The Quiet Mind, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1984. The Master Soul is Constant: .. is a Tower of Strength and Light: Send Out the Light, (Pg 73) 35 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 1: The Body / Mind Link & Breathing, (Pg 5) 36 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part III: Psychodynamics and the Human Energy Field. Chapter 11: Observations of Auras in Therapy Sessions, (Pg 89)

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37 Cyprian Smith, The Way of Paradox [spiritual life as taught by Meister Eckhart], Darton Longman and Todd, 1996. 4 Melting, (Pg 51) 38 C W Leadbeater, Man Visible and Invisible, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1987. Chapter XX: The Health-Aura, (Pg 115) 39 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part V: Spiritual Healing. Introduction, (Pg 185) 40 Stella Storm, Philosophy of Silver Birch, The Spiritual Truth Press, 1998. Chapter Four: The Inescapable Natural Law, (Pg 43) 41 Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Fontana, 1995. X Visions, (Pg 320) 42 Gary E. Schwartz, The Afterlife Experiments, Atria Books, 2002. Part III: The Miravil Silent-Sitter Experiment. 12: Is There Such a Thing as Precognition? (Pg 169) 43 Christine R. Page, Spiritual Alchemy, C W Daniel Co, 2004. Chapter One - The Purpose of our lives on a Soul Level, (Pg 35) 44 Roy Dixon-Smith, New Light on Survival, Rider & Co, 1952. Part Two: Chapter XI: Physical and Ultra- Physical Biology, (Pg 186) 45 James Redfield, Michael Murphy, Silvia Timbers, God and the Evolving Universe, Bantam Press, 2002. Part Two - The Emerging Human Being; 3: Our Expanding Perception: Luminosities, (Pg 90) 46 Michal Levin, Spiritual Intelligence, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Part II: Your Journey. Chapter Four – The World of Energy, (Pg 51) 47 Rudolf Steiner, The Way of Initiation, Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912. The Way of Initiation: VII - The Higher Education of the Soul, (Pg 194 / 195) 48 Michael Newton, Life Between Lives, Llewellyn Publications, 2005. Part Five: Life Between Lives - Recognition of Soul Colours, (Pg 125 / 126) 49 Michael Newton, Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Llewellyn Publications, 2005. 1: The Spirit World, (Pg 6) 50 Michael Newton, Journey of Souls, Llewellyn Publications, 2009. Chapter Seven: Placement, (Pg 102) 51 Gurdjieff G I, Life is real only then, when "I am", Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. The Outer and Inner World of Man, (Pg 176) 52 C W Leadbeater, Man Visible and Invisible, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1987. Chapter XI: How Man Evolves, (Pg 59) 53 Tony Stockwell, Spirited, Hodder Mobius, 2005. Chapter 6 'God Works in Mysterious Ways..', (Pg 102 / 103) 54 C W Leadbeater, Man Visible and Invisible, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1987. Chapter XXI: The Causal Body of the Adept, (Pg 118) 55 Hazel Courteney, Divine Intervention, Cico Books, 2002. Chapter 15: The Move, (Pg 204) 56 Stephen Turoff, Seven Steps to Eternity, Clairview, 2002. Chapter 4, (Pg 78) 57 Betty J Eadie, Embraced by the Light, Thorsons, 1995. Healing – and Dying, (Pg 67) 58 Phyllis V. Schlemmer, The Only Planet of Choice, Gateway Books, 1996. VI: Terrestrial Affairs - 19: Adventures in Consciousness, (Pg 276) 59 Downloaded on 8 th January 2016 from http://www.noeticbalancing.com/library/human-energy-field-and- aura/ 60 Roy Dixon-Smith, New Light on Survival, Rider & Co, 1952. Part Two: Chapter XI: Physical and Ultra- Physical Biology, (Pg 186) 61 Downloaded 9 th January 2016 from http://www.reiki.org/reikinews/sciencemeasures.htm 62 Arthur Keith Desmond, The Gift of Healing - The Story of Lilley the Healer, Psychic Press, 1944. Book II: In the Present. Chapter Four: Letari Turns West, (Pg 41) 63 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 2 - The mysterious phenomenon of Kirlian Photography, (Pg 44) 64 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 2 - The mysterious phenomenon of Kirlian Photography, (Pg 51) 65 Ralph Whitlock, Water Divining and Other Dowsing - A Practical Guide, David & Charles, 1982. 4 Dowsing for Objects, (Pg 41 / 42) 66 Ralph Whitlock, Water Divining and Other Dowsing - A Practical Guide, David & Charles, 1982. 10 How Does Dowsing Dowsing Work? (Pg 91) 67 Dion Fortune, The Cosmic Doctrine, Helios Book Service, 1966. Chapter X: The Beginnings of Consciousness, (Pg 48) 68 C W Leadbeater, Man Visible and Invisible, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1987.

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25.3: Energy Fields and Thoughts

Spiritual texts regularly inform us that all our thoughts, words and deeds are important and always have an impact. The latter two we can generally appreciate and understand the consequences. Our thoughts, however, we consider to be personal and secret and we believe that it is only the creator of the thought that is able to perceive it, and that it seems to have no impact on those close to us or upon the wider community. How wrong can we be! Even as far back as 1947, so Leslie Weatherhead informs us, Professor Price, Professor of Logic at Oxford, in a broadcast talk afterwards published, and called ‘The Philosophic Implications of Telepathy’, writes that: 1

It is nonsense to suppose that minds are spatially separate entities. Minds are not objects in space. . . . We must suppose that on the unconscious level there are no sharp boundaries between one mind and another.

Adding to this, the mystic Martin Israel recalled that the statement was sometimes made that: 2

...thoughts are things, though facile, has a real truth behind it.

Around a similar time, a spirit communicator who used John Scott as a channel tells us that we tend to: 3

…localise thoughts too much, as if there were some receptacle in which they are confined. Thought is not like that; it has no local habitation but passes in active movement about and around your being, leaving its traces as it goes, depositing certain attracted portions, making up what you may call your character and ideas, which in themselves have a fixity but are not rigid and unalterable.

Perhaps we can think of ourselves as being like a comet, leaving a trail of invisible thoughts behind us, the impact of which starts now and lasts for ever – the tail never disappears. If each of us is like that, then imagine the debris our collective thoughts leave behind and the potential consequences of them. This idea is not new. Michael Talbot in his book ‘Mysticism and the New Physics’ referred to a paper 'The confluence of Psychiatry and Mysticism' by psychiatrist Stanley R. Dean in which he: 4

…lists a compendium of mystical beliefs that are gaining wider scientific acceptance. Among them he articulates the hypothesis that thought has universal 'field' properties which, like gravitational and magnetic fields, are "amenable to scientific research".

He may have been stimulated by other works within the psychiatric field. The mystic Frederick Happold noted that Carl Jung: 5

…argued that the unconscious, and more particularly the collective unconscious, was the fount from which the deepest insights, the most profound wisdom of mankind sprang, in short, that the spiritual urge in man lay in the unconscious.

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Perhaps the interconnectedness of all beings with the Universal Energy Field is what the Scottish medium Gordon Smith experienced when sitting by a waterfall feeling quite depressed: 6

Suddenly I became aware of the sound of a branch creaking in the distance and of the tiny trickle of water some 10 feet from where I was sitting. It was as if someone had turned the waterfall off and yet they hadn't. Without lifting my head I knew which tree I could hear the creaking sound from and not only was I aware of the trickling stream, but without looking I could describe every stone that the water was rippling over. I was seeing every blade of grass around me individually, yet without looking at any of them. A sense of calm ran through me like nothing I had ever felt before in my life. Suddenly I was alive - awake to the life around me and the life that was in me. I felt connected to everything that was alive. Every living thing was a part of me and I was part of it.

This implies a link between thoughts and the Universal Energy Field which has a knock-on effect on the Human Energy Field or aura. Our thoughts represent the impact of our philosophy of those events which beset us. The world bombards us with incidents with which we must cope and any activity must be preceded by thought – what action, if any, to take. These thoughts of ours affect our emanating aura on a moment to moment basis as indicated by the spirit communicating through John Scott: 7

It is not difficult for me to notice new elements in this congeries. The most recent ideas stand out from the rest, some of them are forming up and seeking their rank in the standing army, they do not form an integral part of the main body. They join up gradually, losing a part entirely and adding, as a rule, but a fragment of what constitutes your mind.

Another spirit, the guide of Estelle Roberts who was known as Red Cloud, discussed the relationship of a person’s thoughts and their aura which: 8

...is magnetic and its vibrations are the thoughts radiating from the mind which are reflected in the aura. Remember that this aura is governed by the mind from within, not from without, and so there is a perpetual outward radiation, or in the words of your Bible, "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." It is the thoughts thrown out into the aura that form the power over you, guarding you from obsession.

I will again provide a very poetic and memorable articulation of this which was made by Marcus Aurelius and recalled by William Ralph Inge, English author, Anglican priest, professor of divinity at Cambridge, and Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, in one of his famous sermons: 9

The soul is dyed the colour of its thoughts.

…and conversely, our thoughts reflect our soul; that inner repository of who we are, or as Elizabeth MacDonald Burrows wrote: 10

The field of energy surrounding a human form is most commonly referred to as an aura. It encompasses all thoughts and emotions within its radius and represents the

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level of consciousness of that individual.

A similar notion formed part of the ‘Sacred Tibetan Teachings on Death and Liberation’ which recognises that: 11

...everything that appears, rays, sound and lights, as a pure reflection of one’s own mind, without falling into the error of believing in the concrete and objective existence of the various phenomena which appear.

How far this auric field extends depends on the individual and how that person taps into the Universal energy Field. Telepathy seems to have its origins in this mix of fields – non-local examples of such telepathy have been well documented; one twin being aware of events happening to the other twin although they are separated by thousands of miles. Another variant of this is the potential that was considered by Leslie Weatherhead: 12

Accepting the modern findings in regard to telepathy, one may claim that when a thousand people in a church are praying for John Smith, then, at a deep level, their mind is united with his, and their thoughts of courage, optimism and hope, their belief in Smith's recovery, and their vision of Smith as already made well, their thoughts of health on his behalf, and so on, are capable of invading his own deep mind, which is, indeed, part of their own. A congregation transmitting love and courage, hope and optimism, while holding to itself, so to speak, the mind of a sick person, can, in my opinion, alter his mental reaction, and this in turn has a profound effect upon his health.

This notion of collective thought was extrapolated by yet another spirit known as Mentor. Alan Young recalled that he said: 13

Of interest to those who participate in a healing circle or group is that Mentor confirms what modern physicists have been saying, namely that the energy or power of a group with a common vision increases in proportion to the number of people in the group squared. This means that 20 people in a unified group equals 400 units of viable energy, and 15000 persons in the USA with a unified vision would have the equivalent potential power of the total U. S. population without a unified vision. 64000 people with one mind could change the planet.

That is power enough; enough to move stone blocks? This was an idea that Tony Stockwell had: 14

When I was preoccupied with these thoughts, my spirit guides reminded me that when we use our collective spiritual energy to connect with a heavy inanimate object, the object can become as light as a feather and can be tilted or moved. I also believe that the pyramids were constructed at a time when there were very special people - mystics and seers - who knew how to draw on the same eternal energy. Having placed their hands and fingertips on the massive slabs, they could have used their collective energy in the same way that we, with the help of spirits, use ours to tilt or move tables.

This may not be as absurd as might be at first thought. Michael Talbot in discussing the impact of Quantum Physics of mystical states understood that: 15

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The original connection between the observer and the observed discovered by the quantum physicists therefore has to do with the technical difficulty of measuring atomic systems. From Heisenberg's findings there is no necessary indication that the consciousness of the observer affects the measurement, only the tools that the observer is forced to resort to, affect it. But later discoveries have caused some physicists to suggest that the human mind can affect matter.

So positive collective thoughts may have very concrete and beneficial effects. Another spirit, whose teachings are contained within Irene Bays’ book ‘Entwining Lives’, expressed the same thought in a different way: 16

For love sent forth freely, undemandingly, is of far greater value than you realise, for you build around you a vibration of great value.

Our thoughtful love for others will always have an impact on them, and we can, through application train ourselves to create using our thoughts alone. At least this was the understanding of the late Diana, Princess of Wales. Through the journalist Hazel Courteney she told us that each of us: 17

...can create with your thoughts, just learn to play with the energies.

Confirmation of this came from the spirit teacher White Eagle who revealed that: 18

Thought can create good health, thought can heal; but thought can also inflict pain and disease, disrupt and destroy the bodily, mental and soul life of man.

Thoughts always have consequences; ‘good’ ones will produce positive benefits and ‘bad’ ones will create the opposite; as the high ranking spirit informed us through the mediumship of Phyllis V. Schlemmer: 19

Be aware that your thoughts can put things into action for the greatest benefit, but they can create much difficulty when thoughts are in error.

This means that we must be disciplined in our thoughts. On this, White Eagle explained that: 20

When people begin to understand what they are creating by their thoughts and their actions and their emotions, they will perhaps understand the great need for discipline in their life.

...which leads us to accept the veracity of the evangelist Billy Graham’s statement: 21

Energy out of control is dangerous, energy under control is powerful.

Of course, the real problem is that because we cannot measure the impact of thought, it is impossible, at the moment, to prove its efficacy. remarked: 22

Such results are not to be so measured, for they are imperceptible by man’s science. They are spiritual, varying in various cases: different as are the agencies at work.

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Taking the idea of the relationship of energy and thought a little further, imagine what the impact of all our collective yet undirected thoughts could be; it is probably as directional as a clowder of cats. If we could focus in some concentrated way our thoughts then we could change the world. In ‘The Field’ Lynne McTaggart referred to a model of the universe suggested by Braud which he believed could be under our control: 23

Our wishes and intentions create our reality. We might be able to use them to have a happier life, to block unfavourable influences, to keep ourselves enclosed in a protective fence of goodwill. Be careful what you wish for, thought Braud. Each of us has the ability to make it come true. Braud had shown that human beings trespass over individual boundaries. What he didn't yet know was how far we could travel.

Distance seems no object. Nevertheless, imagine being able to see the thought patterns which surround two people standing close to each other and discussing spirituality. These considerations led the Armenian born mystic Gurdjieff to write: 24

First of all, you must know that throughout the entire Universe every concentration, to whatever species it belongs, has the property of giving off radiations. .. When there is contact between the radiations of different cosmic concentrations, blending of the vibrations takes place according to their 'affinity'; similarly, when the vibrations given off by two people comes in contact, blending occurs among those of the vibrations that correspond to each other.

Oh what a tangled web we weave – to take Sir Walter Scott’s quotation out of context. It is not just in this world that thoughts of two people impact on one another. Gordon Smith, the Scottish medium, was given the following knowledge by a spirit communicating to him: 25

He said that he was in a state of luminosity and wasn't aware of having a body anymore - he still had some sort of vehicle but it wasn't so important. In his new state he could expand his knowledge just by encountering another spirit. Everything that they knew was shared and so each grew in awareness.

It is not surprising, therefore, that for someone who is very sensitive to people’s energies their experiences go beyond what most of us can realise. For example, Gordon Smith disclosed that: 26

There were times when I would hear people thinking

I have talked generally about the positive impact of thoughts, but we must be careful not to have negative or evil thoughts as they can have very significant and deleterious consequences. In his communication to his daughter Winifred Graham, her father Robert George Graham pleaded: 27

Do not think evil of anyone. Thoughts are of momentous importance, for they can make the aura change its colour. A brilliant aura is sometimes wrapped round in a cloud of evil thoughts that defile its touch and texture. A very bright aura, naturally, is not often cloudy, but any anger or bitterness makes it less helpful and good.

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If we then consider the state of our planet, it is not surprising that in a conversation with Hazel Courteney the spirit of the late Diana, Princess of Wales told her that what is seen from the Spirit World: 28

...is that the majority of thoughts (energy) being emitted globally are negative. Thought creates ... You must grasp this concept and soon. You can change your life, your health and your planet. Nothing can be created unless it is first a thought, and from thought comes action, and from action comes a result.

Thought energies are transmitted from one source to another, but do not just remain a single directional force. Apparently, so the Rosicrucian Lonnie C. Edwards understood, the masters have taught that: 29

...strong negative thought vibrations act as boomerangs, returning their energy to the sender with increased velocity.

If this happens to negative thoughts, then consider the personal benefits when good positive thoughts are transmitted. Bear in mind, therefore the consequences not only of your actions but also of your thoughts. If you project a thought into the Spirit World the consequence may be as articulated by Gordon Smith: 30

Most people don't realise that when they send out a thought it might well be picked up and often answered by someone on the other side.

The transfer of thought from one mind to another is the essence of inspirational thought which comes from the Spirit World to those who are sensitive to ‘hear’ it. White Owl, the guide of the medium Stephen O'Brien described this process in this way: 31

The medium has fields of energy about him; these are seen by us as pulsating light. I, too, have 'auras' such as these. We in Spirit exist at a much higher frequency or rate of vibration than you do on earth. When I wish to be beside my medium I firstly have to think myself close to him. By this act of concentrated and purposeful will, I descend from my higher world, lowering the frequency of my spirit body to approximate the frequency of the auras about my medium. When the two wavelengths are closely vibrating at roughly the same rate, attunement has taken place. After this it sometimes can prove very difficult to retain this at-one-ness. There are many factors involved which can prevent attunement being held. Communicating from my side of life is not an easy process. It may look easy when it is working proficiently, but I can assure you it is not a simple matter. When I am attuned to my medium a great many of my thoughts can pass through his mind. And thus I make myself heard in your world.

Of course, this is just an extension of the fact that most communications within the Spirit World are achieved telepathically. Pamela Young, a medium and mystic, knew that: 32

Everything was thought form in the Spirit world. .. Thoughts are powerful living things.

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This was further explained by a spirit during a conversation with the regression analyst Michael Newton: 33

Dr. N: And do you speak to these people? S: No one speaks, we communicate by the mind. Dr. N: Telepathically? S: Yes. Dr. N: Is it possible for souls to have private conversations which cannot be telepathically picked up by others? S: (pause) ... for intimacy-yes. Dr. N: How is this done? S: By touch-it's called touching communication. Note: When two spirits come so close to each other they are conjoined, my subjects say they can send private thoughts by touch which passes between them as "electrical sound impulses." In most instances, subjects in hypnosis do not wish to talk to me about these personal confidences.

The impact of the Spirit World should never be underestimated. The energies which are directed from them have immense consequences for the universe. These beings are the directors as suggested by a spirit known as Astriel talking to Rev. G. Vale Owen in October 1913: 34

What we want you to understand is that there is no such thing as blind or unconscious force in all God's Kingdom of Creation. Not a ray of light, not an impulse of heat, not an electrical wave proceeds from your sun, or any other star, but is the effect of a cause, and that cause is a conscious cause; it is the Will of some conscious being energising in a certain and positive direction. These beings are of many grades and many species. They are not all of the same order, nor all of the same form. But their work is controlled by those above them, and these are controlled by powers of higher grade and sublimity still. And so these great balls of matter, whether gaseous or liquid or solid, whether star or comet or Planet, are all held together, and their forces energised and given effect not by the operation of some mechanical law, but by conscious, live beings at the back of, and working through, those laws.

Perhaps, then, there will come a time in Man’s evolution when humanity can come close to communication telepathically rather than through just our voices. This is not just an aspiration. A very highly developed spirit predicted, through Phyllis V. Schlemmer’s mediumship that: 35

...there will come a time when we'll just be able to communicate with thoughts...

And all this power is through thought alone! Whilst we can never in this world hope to harness or have at our disposal that sort of power, we can by our own thought have an impact on ourselves and our surroundings. Lynne McTaggart wrote: 36

We had far more power then we realised, to heal ourselves, our loved ones, even our communities. Each of us had the ability - and together a great collective power - to improve our lot in life. Our life, in every sense, was in our hands.

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Use the power that you have; develop it for your own spiritual benefit and that of your relatives, friends and community.

1 Leslie D Weatherhead, Psychology, Religion and Healing, Hodder & Stoughton, 1952. Section Three: Modern Methods of Healing Through Religion - Chapter 7: The Practice of Intercession, (Pg 244) 2 Martin Israel, Healing as a Sacrament, Darton Longman and Todd, 1984. Chapter 6: Deliverance from Evil, (Pg 56) 3 John Scott, I Lent a Hand to a Ghost, Psychic Press, 1950. Psychology: (Pg 54) 4 Michael Talbot, Mysticism and the New Physics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Part One: Consciousness and Reality - Chapter Two: A Holographic Model of Consciousness, (Pg 46) 5 F C Happold, Religious Faith and Twentieth-Century Man, Pelican Books, 1966. 5 The New Dimension of the Spiritual Universe, (Pg 67) 6 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Ten: Consciousness, (Pg 192) 7 John Scott, I Lent a Hand to a Ghost, Psychic Press, 1950. Psychology: (Pg 54) 8 Estelle Roberts, Red Cloud Speaks, Tudor Press, 1992. Chapter Eleven: Obsession, (Pg 54 / 55) 9 Dean Inge, Goodness and Truth, Mowbray, 1958. Sermon 10: The Discipline of the Thoughts, (Pg 86) 10 Elizabeth MacDonald Burrows, Pathway of the Immortal, International Publications Inc, 1980. Chapter V: Mind and the Cosmic Sea, (Pg 86) 11 Sacred Tibetan Teachings on Death and Liberation, Prism Press, 1999. Preface, (Pg 11) 12 Leslie D Weatherhead, Psychology, Religion and Healing, Hodder & Stoughton, 1952. Section Three: Modern Methods of Healing Through Religion - Chapter 7: The Practice of Intercession, (Pg 244) 13 Alan Young, Cosmic Healing, DeVorss & Co, 1988. 8 Agartha - The Healer, (Pg 111) 14 Tony Stockwell, Spirited, Hodder Mobius, 2005. Chapter 6 'God Works in Mysterious Ways..', (Pg 112) 15 Michael Talbot, Mysticism and the New Physics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Part One: Consciousness and Reality - Chapter One: Observer and Participant, (Pg 23) 16 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part Two: Chapter VIII – Phobias, (Pg 208) 17 Hazel Courteney, Divine Intervention, Cico Books, 2002. Chapter 5: The Happenings, (Pg 68) 18 White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 1, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1994. IX: Healing from the Spirit – The Power of Thought, (Pg 133) 19 Phyllis V. Schlemmer, The Only Planet of Choice, Gateway Books, 1996. VI: Terrestrial Affairs - 19: Adventures in Consciousness, (Pg 273) 20 White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 2, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1986. VII: Fairy Tales, (Pg 83) 21 Billy Graham, The Secret of Happiness, Educational Book Exhibits, 1974. Chapter IV: Happiness through Meekness, (Pg 35) 22 William Stainton Moses, Spirit Teachings, The Psychic Book Club, Undated. Section XIII, (Pg 102) 23 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Chapter Seven - Sharing Dreams, (Pg 182 & 184) 24 Gurdjieff G I, Life is real only then, when "I am", Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. The Outer and Inner World of Man, (Pg 175) 25 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Two: Life After Death - Spiritual Evolution, (Pg 34 / 35) 26 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Seven: Altered States - Out of my Mind, (Pg 137) 27 Winifred Graham, More Letters From Heaven, The Psychic Book Club, 1943. The Shining Road, (Pg 70) 28 Hazel Courteney, Divine Intervention, Cico Books, 2002. Chapter 7: The Birth of a Master, (Pg 119) 29 Lonnie C. Edwards M.D., Spiritual Laws That Govern Humanity and the Universe, Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, 2015 - Kindle version. Chapter 11: The Law of Thought 30 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter One: Mediums and Psychics - Delivering Messages, (Pg 9) 31 Stephen O'Brien, Visions of Another World, The Aquarian Press, 1989. 7 The Coming of White Owl, (Pg 84) 32 Pamela Young, Hope Street, Coronet, 2011. Part Three: Pamela's Journey, (Pg 171) 33 Michael Newton, Journey of Souls, Llewellyn Publications, 2009. Chapter Three: Homecoming, (Pg 38) 34 Rev. G. Vale Owen, The Life Beyond the Veil, Thornton Butterworth, 1929. Chapter VI: Astriel's Messages - Thursday, October 9, 1913. (Pg 154) 35 Phyllis V. Schlemmer, The Only Planet of Choice, Gateway Books, 1996. II: Planet Earth - 8: Accelerating Earth's Evolution, (Pg 113) 36 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Chapter Twelve - The Zero Point Age, (Pg 296)

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25.4: Energy Fields and Health

Over the last few decades the picture of the relationship of energy and healing has changed dramatically due to a significant increase in both evidence and scientific interest. It is no longer always looked on with suspicion; it now carries an air of respectability even though it is not yet considered to be ‘main stream’. In 1999 the magazine ‘The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine’ published an article by Victor J. Stenger in which he wrote: 1

Conventional medicine follows conventional biology, conventional chemistry, and conventional physics in treating the material body - a complex, nonlinear system assembled from the same atoms and molecules that constitute (presumably) nonliving objects such as computers and automobiles. Medical doctors are in some sense glorified mechanics, who repair broken parts in the human machine. Indeed, any stay in the hospital reinforces this image, as you are hooked to devices that measure blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation, and many other physical parameters. You are almost always treated with drugs that are designed to alter your body's chemistry. You usually get better, every time but once, but, unless you are a physicist, you tend to view the whole experience rather negatively. No surprise, then, that alternative practitioners find many eager listeners when they announce that they go beyond materialism and mechanism, and treat the really important part of the human system - the vital substance of life itself. People's religious sensibilities and images of self-worth are greatly mollified when they are told that they are far more than an assemblage of atoms - that they possess a living field that is linked to both God and cosmos. Furthermore, the desperately ill will quite naturally seek out hope wherever they can find it. So a ready market exists for therapists who claim they can succeed where medical science fails.

Not only do we have that situation, but traditional scientists, following customary logic and scientific methods, have begun to clarify the roles of various kinds of energy in the healing process.

The atoms that constitute me are similar but different than those from which you are constructed. Because of this uniqueness of constitution, it is not surprising that our personal Human Energy Field is also unique. Taking this a little further, because energy is vibrational in nature, then our vibration patterns will also be very different. This was confirmed, through the writings of Alan Young, by Mentor, a spirit teacher who says that: 2

…death is not an end to viable expression but a change in vibration. Vibration is the common denominator of all forms of life. It is also the means of identifying individual life forms.

…which Alan enhanced by remarking:

That is, each form of life, whether plant, animal, or human, has its own unique vibrational pattern. Each individual life is special and important for the harmony of all life.

This relationship between energy waves and healing provides a vehicle for scientific consideration and research. Another ‘fact’ which may stimulate further scientific activity

DAJ 08/11/2019 09:30:24 25.4 Energy Fields and Health Page 2 of 8 was revealed during a conversation with a spirit communicating through the American medium Phyllis V. Schlemmer. At the end of the discussion one of the listeners summarised the teaching as: 3

It is known by science that only 5% of the DNA within each cell is used to build a physical body. So about the other 95% we don't know anything. I think the other 95% has a certain specific function, in relationship to energies and in relationship to healing, the low frequency fields and the magnetic fields.

Another facet, according to the spiritual councillor and psychotherapist Sue Minns, Professor Alan Wolf, the American theoretical physicist specializing in quantum physics and the relationship between physics and consciousness, lies the process of spiritual healing. He said that: 4

“...the fundamental proposition is that everything is vibrating, everything is vibration. If you can vibrate with it, or attune whatever it is that is vibrating, a resonance is created; then you have a way of transferring energy back and forth”. This is known as the tuning fork effect. If two people each hold a tuning fork that is pitched to the same note, and one tuning fork is sounded the other will start to vibrate as well, as the resonant energy is transferred between the two.

As each life has its own vibrational pattern so does the universe in terms of the Universal Energy Field. When these two fields are in tune or approximately so, then healing energy can flow from one to the other, as the teaching spirit White Eagle promised: 5

There is an invisible power that will heal, but we have to prepare our body, mind, and soul to allow this divine healing to flow in.

Mentor again revealed that: 6

Waves of positive energy passing through a physical body heal, cleanse, and attune by aligning all the bodily energies. They do their work, then pass out of the body.

And it is possible to absorb these energies from all directions as the spirit communicating through Irene Bays’ mediumship revealed: 7

Upon the Earth plane those in a physical body are also receiving revitalisation. For you too draw up the energies through the soles of your feet, energies which are sent up to you from the Earth plane. .. But the energies do penetrate [thick soled shoes] and this is why those who walk for their relaxation, gain fresh energy.

These rays of revitalisation are all around us, and the more we can align our vibrations to them through spiritual development, the greater will be our health and our healing. As an aside, we can enhance our spirituality and therefore our healing potential through the regular practice of meditation or as the New Zealand based psychic and medium Jenny Crawford says: 8

By meditating, we are recharging our batteries and brightening our own inner light.

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Irrespective of the development process, Beatrice Russell’s communicating spirit outlined the broad mechanism which is involved: 9

As the Cosmic Rays coming from outer Space pass through your body, they leave behind them a precious fluid, that is to say, as Substance which becomes a fluid the moment the Rays touch the body. When this fluid comes into contact with another fluid secreted by one of the endocrine glands - the pineal - the two combine. Instantly a chemical reaction takes place and the fluid disintegrates into a misty vapour which permeates the whole body. Every part is affected. The brain becomes more reanimated, the nervous system becomes more stabilised, the senses more acute, and the wall of separation between the material and spiritual is less complete. This is the real life force, often too loosely spoken of. In many people no reaction takes place; only in those whose pineal gland has been enlarged by spiritual development can this transformation take place. Mediums who are born with an abnormally large pineal gland are prone to produce a coarser form of this substance called .

Harmony between the Human and the Universal Energy Fields, therefore, is essential. Another way of looking at the impact of energies was suggested by Brian Snellgrove, an original of the use of Kirlian energy photography, who thought that the energies of a healer balanced that of the patient and thereby provided a healing power, suggested that: 10

...healing is about the balancing of the subtle bodies and the temporary cancelling out of interference patterns. ... Such modulation could partly explain the mechanism of prayer.

I do not think that this is the total mechanism. I believe that the healer using his or her own energy field is able to supplement that of the patient so that one of two things can happen. Either a spirit healer can use the healer’s energies to empower ‘spirit to patient’ healing or the healer somehow complements the patient’s energy field so that they can accept the healing benefit of the Universal Energy Field. The healer Jack Angelo figured that, in general terms, a healer worked in a way similar to this: 11

When a healer attunes himself to become a channel for healing energies, his mind reaches levels beyond the physical. It must do so for this is where healing energies originate.

Whilst some research has been carried out into this phenomenon, most of our understanding of energies and healing is derived from experience; experience over thousands of years of the ability of people to heal others. In ancient China it was appreciated that there are a number of different life-forces and they referred to each one as qi (pronounced chee). The Chinese-American author and physician Adeline Yen Mah tells us this force, qi: 12

...influenced the flow of blood. What, then, directs qi? It is directed by yi (intention of the mind), Thus, qi was seen as a psycho-physiological force connected to the flow of breath, blood and inner thoughts.

This understanding of the linkage of directed energy and healing, although changed in description, continues today. Sue Minns confirms that: 13

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It has been proved that directing energy to the whole person rather than specific, localised areas is more effective. But remember that energy always follows thought; simply surrounding that person with the energy of peace and love is enough.

Not surprisingly, other practitioners take a different view. Interested in many forms of spirituality, the author Heidi Sawyer believed that the healer ought to: 14

...look for specific areas within the energy field of the person being treated. These may relate to emotions or physical conditions that need to go through a healing process. The psychic energy is then built to a much higher vibration, so the lower frequencies of the offending energy can be dispersed and released.

Notwithstanding this, if we understood these energies, then we would understand our ability to heal others and ourselves, and we all possess this potential. In a conversation that the journalist Hazel Courteney had with the spirit of Diana, Princess of Wales, she explained that in simplified terms: 15

...the amount of healing energy a healer is able to expend depends on how much of the pure frequency his or her body can hold and channel. This pure healing frequency usually channels out through the hands of the healer into the energy field of the person they are healing, which encourages the body to heal itself. How much of this pure frequency each person can retain depends on the individual.

We must remember that healing is not just about the physical body; it encompasses the mental and spiritual bodies too. The latter, for those living on the earth plane, is a replication of the physical body as Jack Angelo reminded us: 16

[Kirlian] Photographs of people with missing fingers or limbs also show the energy matrix as complete which supports the findings of clairvoyants and healers that there is a complete blueprint of the physical body existing at a higher frequency (the etheric level).

I expect that the aura which may be seen by sensitives is a composite view of the physical mental and spiritual auras. In this way anyone who can see it will be able to provide an holistic diagnosis of any problems or as the medium and healer Stephen O'Brien states: 17

Sensitives can read the entire life-story of objects by becoming attuned to the vibrational fields around them.

…and what is seen is precisely what the patient is emanating; it is a snapshot of their health at that particular time which is a restatement of Jack Angelo’s view: 18

The Human Energy Field also presents an up-to-date record of a person's health.

In fact, a good description of this auric field was given by the spirit teacher Silver Birch who said: 19

The aura consists of the vibrations set up by the body. There are many auras, but the ones that are known to your world are the auras that surround the physical

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body and the spirit body. All things have auras, even things which do not have consciousness within them. The aura consists of the vibrations that emanate from the body, and according to the state of the body, so there are different vibrations. Those who can see auras and can interpret them know all the secrets of the individual. They can diagnose the health of the individual. They know the state of his soul and his mind's unfoldment. They can tell the evolution of that soul, for it is the aura that enables you all to be read as an open book. Your aura registers all that you have said, all that you have thought and all that you have done. Your aura is your external judgment, for there you are showing to those who can see exactly what you are within and not as you show yourselves without.

If we could but harness this by some technique in which anyone could view a person’s energy field, what a marvellous diagnostic tool we would have. It would not be based upon tenuous and statistically based risk factors but on accurate knowledge of the health of the particular patient.

In some respects when we interact with other people we may be, in some way, interacting with their aura and automatically and instinctively making a judgment about them or even just sensing what they are like. This was suggested by Brian Snellgrove that: 20

...we detect the energy field - or aura - of other people 24 hours a day whether we are aware of it or not.

Your energy field has an additional and important role to play in your life, and that is as a protector as Winifred Graham’s father told her: 21

The "Aura" is very much questioned by unbelievers. But I assure you it plays a very large part in the world, both as a protecting power and a worthy warding off of unpleasant influences.

…and he went on to say that your aura: 22

…varies with your spiritual and physical condition, and is always more marked when in mental and bodily health. You must try and realise that you are surrounded with a mystical armour, which is fireproof against the burning darts of foes in both spheres.

This was confirmed by Estelle Roberts’ guide Red Cloud: 23

You are given an aura of protection to keep the material body in alignment with the ether and the pressure of air around you of many pounds per square inch. It also protects man from interpenetrating too far into the astral world in the first stages after death. It is a protection for those who mentally are not sufficiently advanced to enter the astral world and grapple with its power.

So this energy is not just a shield but a power that we can harness in life to spiritually improve. Lynne McTaggart went even further: 24

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We had far more power than we realised, to heal ourselves, our loved ones, even our communities. Each of us had the ability - and together a great collective power - to improve our lot in life. Our life, in every sense, was in our hands.

This ‘power to heal’ is universal in its application. It is not only a power for righteousness; it is not only a power that can bring us victoriously through all the experiences of life, but it is also a power that can keep us in health. Believing that ill-health is mostly due to a lack of life, the London-born mystic Henry Thomas Hamblin in his book ‘Divine Adjustment’ clarified this comment and wrote: 25

A plant that lacks life-energy through living in a poor soil is subject to diseases or parasitic invasions. The same plant, nourished in good soil, or soil enriched by the use of fertilizers, would possess such powers of resistance that the parasitic diseases would not be able to attack it successfully. It is the same with man. If he lacks life, then he may manifest various weaknesses, diseases and disorders. The more attention he pays to these the worse they may become; or if he apparently overcomes one set of symptoms, then another disorder soon appears. Ill health, disease, etc. cannot be eradicated by attacking them, for they are only results, or effects, and an evidence of deficiency in life-power. What is needed is more life- power. If we concentrate upon this, instead of upon our ailments, then there is some hope of success, because we are seeking to remedy the cause, instead of fighting against the effect.

As we have seen, this Human energy Field does need to be nurtured and refreshed. It can be replenished through the Universal Energy Field and we can, through our own actions, help this process. One way is to let nature be the source; hug a tree. Irene Bays wrote, on this topic: 26

The trees send forth considerable energy that is of great value to man; and it is because of the destruction of the trees that much aggression is taking place.

Adding to this description, Sue Minns confirmed that: 27

Trees have a particular dynamic energy field and, just as each human being does, every tree has its own unique frequency. Sitting under a willow tree, for example, helps remove headaches. Pine trees have a particularly cleansing effect as they draw off negative emotions, and an oak tree will offer strength and support.

Therefore, Julie Soskin suggested that: 28

So if you truly want to observe your planet as a physical life force, all you have to do is to observe the trees. Link with their energies and speak with them...

…or as the spirit communicator teaching us through the mediumship of Irene Bays informed us: 29

You all have the understanding that to place your arms around a trunk of a strong tree is to revitalise yourselves. For from the power within that tree, the vitality and the energy is coursing up towards the heavens, towards the Sun, towards the cosmic rays. So you too will draw up the vitality, and receive strengthening and healing.

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This is not a new phenomenon. As the dowser Ralph Whitlock realised, it goes back at least to the practices of the native North American Indians who: 30

…used to stand with their backs pressed against the trunks of certain trees to absorb the energy they believed to be pouring from the living wood. The German Chancellor Bismark is said to have adopted the same stance under an oak, half-an- hour a day.

What a very simple and effective way to replenish those depleted energy reserves. The next big step is to understand the whys and wherefores of the relationship between our energy field and health. Gregg Braden expanded this and wrote: 31

...the 'us' that lives in our physical selves isn't limited by the skin and hair that define our bodies. Whatever we choose to call that mysterious 'something', we all have it; and ours mingles with everyone else's as part of the field of energy that bathes all things. This field is believed to be the quantum net that connects the universe, as well as the infinitely microscopic and energetic blueprint for everything from healing our bodies to forging world peace. To recognise our true power, we must understand what this field is and how it works.

Even if we don’t fully understand the energy fields around us, we do know that using them correctly will certainly enhance our physical, mental, and spiritual well being.

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1 The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine , Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring/Summer 1999. 2 Alan Young, Cosmic Healing, DeVorss & Co, 1988. 8 Agartha – Death, (Pg 113) 3 Phyllis V. Schlemmer, The Only Planet of Choice, Gateway Books, 1996. VI: Terrestrial Affairs - 20: Soul Matters, (Pg 294) 4 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 5: Healing, (Pg 64) 5 Alan Young, Cosmic Healing, DeVorss & Co, 1988. 9 White Eagle – Healing, (Pg 117) 6 Alan Young, Cosmic Healing, DeVorss & Co, 1988. 8 Agartha - Cause and Disease, (Pg 112) 7 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part Three: Chapter X -Thoughts of Love (Harmony and disharmony), (Pg 342) 8 Jenny Crawford, Spirit of Love, Llewellyn Publications, 2002. Chapter Twelve – Meditation, (Pg 159) 9 Beatrice Russell, Beyond the Veils through Meditation, Lincoln Philosophical Research Foundation, 1986. Cosmic Rays – I, (Pg 16 / 17) 10 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 6 - Into the unknown - the body electric, (Pg 112) 11 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 2: What Spiritual Healing Can Do for You, (Pg 19) 12 Adeline Yen Mah, Watching The Tree, Harper Collins, 2001. 6 Thousands and Tens of Thousands of Varieties of Qi. (Pg 100) 13 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 5: Healing, (Pg 70) 14 Heidi Sawyer, Why My Mother Didn't Want Me To Be Psychic, Hay House, 2008. Chapter 11: Healing: Psychic Healing, (Pg 131) 15 Hazel Courteney, Divine Intervention, Cico Books, 2002. Chapter 5: The Happenings, (Pg 81) 16 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 45) 17 Stephen O'Brien, Visions of Another World, The Aquarian Press, 1989. 12 Psychic Powers, (Pg 151) 18 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 43 / 44) 19 A W Austen, Teachings of Silver Birch, Psychic Press, 1993. The Eternal Link, (Pg 207) 20 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 6 - Into the unknown - the body electric, (Pg 105) 21 Winifred Graham, More Letters From Heaven, The Psychic Book Club, 1943. "Auras", (Pg 17) 22 Winifred Graham, More Letters From Heaven, The Psychic Book Club, 1943. "Auras", (Pg 17) 23 Estelle Roberts, Red Cloud Speaks, Tudor Press, 1992. Chapter Eleven: Obsession, (Pg 54) 24 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, Element, 2003. Chapter Twelve - The Zero Point Age, (Pg 296) 25 Henry Thomas Hamblin, Divine Adjustment, The Science of Thought Press, 1998. Chapter Five: A New Vision, (Pg 73) 26 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part Three: Chapter X -Thoughts of Love (Harmony and disharmony), (Pg 342 / 343) 27 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 3: The Aura, (Pg 33) 28 Julie Soskin, Transformation, College of Psychic Studies, 1995. Chapter 12 - The Overview, (Pg 102) 29 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part One: Chapter IV - Healing (Absent Healing), (Pg 49) 30 Ralph Whitlock, Water Divining and Other Dowsing - A Practical Guide, David & Charles, 1982. 4 Dowsing for Objects, (Pg 42 / 43) 31 Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2009. Part I: Chapter One: Q: What's in the space between? A: The Divine Matrix, (Pg 10)

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25.5: Energy Fields and Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit term for ‘wheel’ which describes the vortex like energy which occurs at various points in the body. Within the human body, and I suppose animals also, there are channels through which the life force moves and at certain points on these channels lie the chakras. Different teachings consider different numbers of chakras, although it is generally accepted that there are seven that are the most important. Jack Angelo described the chakras as: 1

The etheric structures were seen by Indian seers (rishis) as bell-shaped appendages with stems connecting them to points on the spine. The rishis called them chakras (wheels) since their insides seemed like whirling vortices of light with 'spokes' radiating out from a central point. These are the force centres or 'energy centres' of the human body. The Chinese call them 'dantian'. These centres allow energy to flow in and out and they contain regulating mechanisms to control this flow.

Knowledge of these energy points was hinted at in the Upanishads - those religious texts, the earliest dates from around the 6 th century BC, which contain the spiritual concepts of Hinduism. Subsequently they were developed in other Indian texts particularly the yoga sutras, which placed the chakras as part of our Human Energy Field or aura. As Michal Levin pointed out: 2

Indian and Chinese texts have recorded the existence of the chakras for thousands of years. They are an integral part of the traditional medicines of the East. Interestingly, Indian and Chinese theories differ slightly. But that does not seem to affect the efficacy of the systems – which include acupuncture – based on their existence.

This history was briefly mentioned by Mary Carroll Nelson who confirmed that: 3

Chakras usually refer to the seven energy centres found from the crown of the head to the base of the spine along the central axis of the body. The concept originates with the Hindu and Buddhist systems.

Another way of describing them was provided by Michal Levin in her book ‘Spiritual Intelligence’ which suggested that: 4

The chakras are like junction boxes. They take in, send out and process energy. Each centre concentrates on a different range of the energy spectrum. Which means they take in energy of a particular frequency, generally getting ‘higher’, or ‘finer’, as you progress up to the crown chakra at the top of the head.

White Eagle gives us a feel for the relationship of the chakras to spiritual development: 5

With development of intuition, it is the heart centre and the brow chakra, and lastly the crown of the head which are being brought into operation.

White Eagle further expands this ‘heart-centre’, explaining that: 6

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Normally you think with your brain; as you read your brain is even now interpreting our words: but many people make the mistake of accepting the intellect as the only reliable judge of truth. The head-centre can indeed play an important part in the spiritual development of man; but do not forget that there is a mind in the heart. The heart is a wonderful organ possessing many more secrets than medical science has yet discovered. It has an etheric counterpart which is important in the growth, life and death of the physical body; it also has a spiritual counterpart which we call the heart-centre or heart-chakra, and in the heart-centre is the jewel, the Christ-Light.

…and Grace Cooke, the medium who White Eagle used to convey his messages, wrote: 7

The chakras or etheric centres most used are: for the astral, the solar plexus; for the mental, the throat and brow; while the celestial transmission comes through the heart and crown of the head centres.

However, for most of us, as Heidi Sawyer recognised, the chakras: 8

...are invisible to the naked eye and exist as energy points at a slight distance from the physical body.

...and she then went on to explain that even though you cannot see them, you can at certain times sense their presence: 9

...you will know of their existence: each time you have felt a lump in your throat, butterflies in your stomach or a gut feeling, you have experienced the motions of the chakras.

There are hundreds of books available in bookshops which describe the system of chakras in detail. If you want to know the details then seek out a book which suits your current state of understanding. I have mentioned a number within this chapter specifically those by Sue Minns 10 , Michal Levin 11 and Heidi Sawyer 12 , and in Laurie Worger’s book ‘My Treasures For You’, you can find a number of pages dedicated to a description of one of the accepted views of chakras. One aspect of the impact of chakras is within conventional medicine specifically the central nervous system. White Eagle explained that: 13

There is a connection between the etheric body and certain main psychic centres, in the head, at the throat, the heart, the spleen, the solar plexus and the base of the spine. Students of medicine will recognise these centres as focal points of the nervous system. These centres again are connected with different spheres or planes of spirit life. They are like flowers with petals; as you begin to develop spiritual awareness, these flowerlike centres start to develop; they revolve, they have life and light, and throw out beautiful colours. Your guides and helpers recognise immediately your place on the path by the vibration and light and power they can see in these centres.

More specifically, within his description the really interesting aspect of the chakras appears in their apparent relationship to the human endocrine system: 14

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One of the functions of the chakras is … to keep the glands healthy.

…and further on in Laurie Worger’s book he expanded this and explained that: 15

...when the aspirant is in good mental and spiritual health the ray colours of the crown chakra petals are gold, purple, blue-grey and rose. It corresponds in position to the pineal gland in the brain... Chakra number six, placed in the centre of the forehead is of two colours, blue-grey and rose. It is interesting to note how this ties up with the pituitary gland, the main purpose of which is to deal with the growth of the body, with blood pressure and with the aspect of sex hormones dealing with the mental and spiritual character of a person... Chakra number five is situated in the throat behind the Adam's apple, the colours of which are blue-grey and green. This corresponds to the thyroid and the four parathyroids which in the physical body deal with metabolism and also stimulate physical and mental activity... Chakra number four, half way, three above, three below, so it is divided into two colours, the red of earth and gold of the Heavens ... So within the Heart Centre there is a place for the Temple for us to build and to enter. It is here that we face ourselves and are given the opportunity of free choice, free will, for the balance is fifty per cent each spiritual and physical. The physical gland relative to the heart centre is the thymus which atrophies at adolescence and is generally considered to be used to retard puberty. Chakra number three is in the position slightly below, and to the left of the chakra number two and is over the spleen. It is related to the pancreas which in its turn has much to do with metabolism. It is also in attunement with the solar nerves. Chakra number two is over the solar plexus. Its colours are red and green. It corresponds to the suprarenals and the adrenals in the physical body, which in their turn deal with the associated sympathetic nerves and as we all know, with the emotions. Finally we reach the base chakras; situated at the bottom of the spine and having colours in the proportion of two brown to one each of red and yellow. Therefore understanding the meaning of these colours it will quickly be seen that its work is to be the first refining influence over the testes and ovaries, which in their turn are concerned with the reproductive system and sex hormones.

This relationship of chakras to the endocrine system of the human body was also touched upon by the spirit communicating through the medium Irene Bays who linked them both with health: 16

There are occasions when absent healing can be used to steady the mind of a soul in torment. To concentrate upon the crown chakra, the pineal gland, is to concentrate upon matters of the mind, and a great soothing, and a great relief can be given.

The interfaith minister and psychotherapist Sue Minns added another aspect of the pineal gland when she wrote: 17

All schools of meditation state the necessity for consciousness to be focused between and behind the eyes. This is the location of the pineal gland and is the

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place of the third eye or brow chakra - the centre associated with insight, intuition and inner vision.

The significant relationship to the aura is perceived through the colours which are associated with the chakras. In summary Jack Angelo advised that: 18

The basal chakra is associated with the colour red or deep pink; the sacral chakra with orange; the solar plexus with yellow; the heart with green, the colour of balance; the throat with sky blue; the brow with indigo and the crown with violet - the colours of the visible spectrum. There is a chakra above the head which is associated with the colour white.

…and the medium Robert Brown expanded this description and included what many people understand of the relationship of chakras to health: 19

Chakras or psychic centres are those points in the etheric body that act as a vortex for the energy that a medium needs to work. There are many minor chakras, but the seven principal chakras are located approximately at the following locations on the body. Each has a purpose but none work independently. 1. Base of the spine. Entrance of all life force. Colour is red 2. Region just around the navel or belly button. Intuition and 'gut feelings'. Colour is orange 3. Spleen. Acts as a filter for 'raw feelings'. Colour is yellow 4. Heart. Healing. Colour is green 5. Base of the throat. Hearing spirit. Colour is blue 6. Located between the eyebrows... Sometimes called the third eye. The colour is indigo 7. The crown chakra. .. The entrance of all spiritual knowledge. Colour is violet.

Normally, for a healthy person, the chakras are what are known as being in balance as Irene Bays noted: 20

All chakras must be in balance, for if they are not then the physical body is out of balance, and this leads to various complaints and illnesses, to disabilities and pain.

Confirming and extending this, Michal Levin noted that:

For spiritual and intuitive development, and physical health, the chakras must be as free of obstacles as possible, and as open as possible. And in balance.

This balancing was recognised by Jack Angelo who seemed to concentrate on the heart chakra: 21

If we imagine the two forces of spirit and matter moving towards each other through the chakras, the heart chakra is where they meet. When this chakra is functioning in harmony with the rest of the energy systems, the two forces are able to blend.

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Chakras relate to the whole person; they are an integrated systems of energy points which interact with each other. They ought not to be looked at independently. Sue Minns in her book ‘Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth’ emphasised that: 22

It is important to look at the chakras as a whole system since they affect and interact with one another - similar to an orchestra, each chakra having its own 'note' to contribute to the symphony. If one of these centres gets out of sync, it will affect the others, which try to compensate in order to maintain a state of balance.

All aspects of our lives are impacted upon by our energy field and associated chakra system. The healer and author Barbara Ann Brennan made this link in her book ‘Hands of Light’ in which she suggested that: 23

Each layer of the aura is associated with a chakra. That is, the first layer is associated with the first chakra, and the second with the second chakra, and so on. These are general concepts and will get much more complicated as we delve more deeply into this subject. For now we will list them to give you a general overall view. The first layer of the field and the first chakra are associated with physical functioning and physical sensation—feeling physical pain or pleasure. The first layer is associated with automatic and autonomic functioning of the body. The second layer and second chakra are in general associated with the emotional aspect of human beings. They are the vehicles through which we have our emotional life and feelings. The third layer is associated with our mental life, with linear thinking. The third chakra is associated with linear thinking. The fourth level, associated with the heart chakra, is the vehicle through which we love, not only our mates, but also humanity in general. The fourth chakra is the chakra that metabolizes the energy of love. The fifth level is the level associated with a higher will more connected with the divine will. The fifth chakra is associated with the power of the word, speaking things into being, listening and taking responsibility for our actions. The sixth level and sixth chakra are associated with celestial love. It is a love that extends beyond the human range of love and encompasses all life. It makes the statement of caring and support for the protection and nurturing of all life. It holds all life forms as precious manifestations of God. The seventh layer and seventh chakra are associated with the higher mind, knowing and integration of our spiritual and physical makeup.

The implication of this is that those who are able to ‘read’ the energy field through its colours will be able to diagnose problems, both spiritual and physical, that the person exhibiting the aura will have. This suggestion was impressed upon us by Grace Cooke: 24

To the clairvoyant the centres (chakras) will appear in the aura of an ordinary person like discs of dull light. By the size and appearance of these discs or centres, a clairvoyant may assess the spiritual and psychic state or condition of the individual.

Through psychic development most people can learn to ‘see’ another person’s aura, and by getting in tune with our own chakras this understanding can be increased. Laurie Worger advised: 25

It is important to understand that these 'magnetic sheaths' or spiritual bodies,

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maintain continual contact with the spheres wherein they were formed. So we can 'tune in' to these spheres when we learn … how to use our own built-in instruments. These are the Chakras or sending and receiving valves situated in the first and most dense of our spiritual bodies called the Etheric Body.

Laurie also remarked on the necessity of clear chakras in order to ‘feed’ our spirit: 26

Clairvoyantly the etheric body is seen to be surrounded by an atmosphere quite different from that of the air necessary to maintain physical life. One which likewise supplies the etheric needs which does not inhale but draws in through the seven vortices or chakras.

There are significant caveats to all spirit development. In the poem Shri Namdev Gatha, poem 2037 by St Namdev, he denounces the use of miraculous powers, which accost a person at an early stage in his spiritual progress. These powers rob the person of his spiritual wealth and he loses all merit: 27

Pierce through the six chakras, and ascend upwards; Listen to the Melody Divine arising there. Through the Melody, the turbulent mind is quelled; Realise that only thus is thy practice made fruitful. Crossing this stage, miraculous powers accost thee; They try to lure thee towards their own way. Entangled in these, here the yogis stay deluded; What benefit then is achieved by the practice of yoga? Yogis toil hard and subject their bodies to hardship and penance; They gain miraculous powers which, in turn, prove a hindrance. Depriving the yogis of spiritual wealth, they desert them...

So we must all be careful in our personal spiritual development to make sure that we don’t focus on the gift rather than the giver; concentrating upon meduimship rather than enhancing our spirituality. We should accept with gratitude those gifts which we are given rather than seek out specific talents. In this search for enhanced spirituality it is necessary to recognise the part that the aura and the chakras play. Grace Cooke reveals that: 28

Communication with all levels of spirit life is made via the nervous system and the etheric body through the main nervous centres or plexuses called chakras...

The British international medium Robert Brown confirms this and wrote: 29

...when a medium is working well he or she is using all seven chakras.

…and more specifically he tells us that with the gift of clairaudience: 30

...we need to direct the energy to the throat chakra.

This particular chakra Julie Soskin refers to when discussing the whole area of chakra understanding: 31

It is important that all people accept the intuitive state on whatever level they can,

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even if they just accept the instinctive psychic level that is animal in its quality. For that acceptance allows them to tune to their higher mind, to their soul self and that sets off the reverberation of light within the individual. This shifts their own difficulties, their fears, enabling them now to access through the throat areas of communication intuitive states of the crown and third eye centres. When you understand this, you will understand the necessity for clearing the lower chakra levels, which is a paramount step to the change in your evolution.

The chakras, as part of our energy field, are the focal points for our energy balance; we accept energy and stimulus from the Universal Energy Field about which Julie again comments: 32

...so you now begin to have true union within the body, within the chakra centres vibrating in light and the true union of the mother / father / child / holy spirit / god- force.

These chakras, these vortices of energy, are also the centres which are used by those in the spirit world who are supporting and teaching us. White Eagle teaches us that: 33

The humblest child of God is not without his or her guardian angel. The chakras of your etheric body are focal points through which these guides and angelic helpers make their contact.

To broaden the impact of other energies on the aura and in particular on the chakras, White Eagle makes an interesting observation: 34

A person is influenced all the time by the planets. These planetary influences play upon the human life through the chakras, which are the windows of the soul. Each chakra has a link with a planet and the colour associated with that planet…

Finally, to leave an additional thought in your mind, the idea of chakras or at least points and lines of energy, are not unique just to sentient beings. A high ranking spirit communicating through the medium Phyllis V. Schlemmer confirmed that when a guest at the séance asked: 35

And when you speak of the chakras of the planet, are you referring to what we might call power centres in the landscape at different points on Planet Earth?

...the reply was:

What you call ley-lines, yes

Food for thought! Energy point and lines seem to infuse our whole universe in some form or other. Anyway, from these brief comments on the chakras, you can see that they have such an important role to play in our life that we ought to spend some time getting to know them particularly within the context of our spiritual development.

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1 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 48) 2 Michal Levin, Spiritual Intelligence, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Part II: Your Journey. Chapter Six – Head, Heart and the Rest. (Pg 112) 3 Mary Carroll Nelson, Beyond Fear - The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz on Freedom and Joy, Rider & Co, 2003. Chapter Seven: Tools for Transformation - Part Two, (Pg 94) 4 Michal Levin, Spiritual Intelligence, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Part II: Your Journey. Chapter Six – Head, Heart and the Rest. (Pg 115) 5 White Eagle on the Intuition and Initiation, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 2004. Part One: What the Intuition is, and is not - V: The Nature of the Intuition, (Pg 48) 6 White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 1, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1994. VII: The Mind in the Heart, and the Awoken Memory of Reincarnation, (Pg 96 / 97) 7 Grace Cooke, The New Mediumship, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1994. III. The Etheric Body and the Windows of the Soul, (Pg 39) 8 Heidi Sawyer, Why My Mother Didn't Want Me To Be Psychic, Hay House, 2008. Chapter 7: Psychic Chakras - the Energetic Dustbins, (Pg 87) 9 Heidi Sawyer, Why My Mother Didn't Want Me To Be Psychic, Hay House, 2008. Chapter 7: Psychic Chakras - the Energetic Dustbins, (Pg 87) 10 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 4: The Chakras 11 Michal Levin, Spiritual Intelligence, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Part II: Your Journey. Chapter Six – Head, Heart and the Rest. (Pg 108 – 152) 12 Heidi Sawyer, Why My Mother Didn't Want Me To Be Psychic, Hay House, 2008. Chapter 7: Psychic Chakras - the Energetic Dustbins: (Pg 87 to 98) 13 White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 1, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1994. V: Spiritual Faculties – Clairvoyance, (Pg 71) 14 Laurie Worger, My Treasures For You, The Percival Book Company, 1965. Chapter 8: The Endocrine Glands, (Pg 84) 15 Laurie Worger, My Treasures For You, The Percival Book Company, 1965. Chapter 8: The Endocrine Glands (Pg 85 – 88 inclusive) 16 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part One: Chapter IV - Healing (Absent Healing), (Pg 42) 17 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 2: Meditation,(Pg 24) 18 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 56) 19 Robert Brown, We Are Eternal, Hodder & Stoughton, 2004. Part Three: Appendix, (Pg 191 / 192) 20 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part One: Chapter III - The Chakras, (Pg 35) 21 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 52) 22 Sue Minns, Soulwork - Foundations for Spiritual Growth, College of Psychic Studies, 2003. Chapter 4: The Chakras, (Pg 43) 23 Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam Press, 1988. Part II: The Human Aura. Chapter 7: The Human Energy Field, or Human Aura, (Pg 43) 24 Grace Cooke, The New Mediumship, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1994. III. The Etheric Body and the Windows of the Soul, (Pg 37) 25 Laurie Worger, My Treasures For You, The Percival Book Company, 1965. Chapter 5: Concerning the Cosmic Christ, (Pg 56) 26 Laurie Worger, My Treasures For You, The Percival Book Company, 1965. Chapter 7: The Chakras, (Pg 80) 27 J R Puri & V K Sethi, Saint Namdev, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, 1978. Part II: Selected Poems of Namdev - Miraculous Powers, (Pg 34 / 35) 28 Grace Cooke, The New Mediumship, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1994. III. The Etheric Body and the Windows of the Soul, (Pg 39) 29 Robert Brown, We Are Eternal, Hodder & Stoughton, 2004. Part Three: Appendix, (Pg 195) 30 Robert Brown, We Are Eternal, Hodder & Stoughton, 2004. Part Three: Appendix, (Pg 197) 31 Julie Soskin, Transformation, College of Psychic Studies, 1995. Chapter 10 - Use Your Magic, (Pg 85) 32 Julie Soskin, Transformation, College of Psychic Studies, 1995. Chapter 10 - Use Your Magic, (Pg 88)

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33 Walking with the Angels - A Path of Service, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1998. Part Two - 16. Guarded and Guided by Angels, (Pg 116) 34 Walking with the Angels - A Path of Service, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1998. Part Two - 20. Healing: the Balancing of the Elements, (Pg 132) 35 Phyllis V. Schlemmer, The Only Planet of Choice, Gateway Books, 1996. III: New Light on Earth's Ancient History - 10: The Seeding of Humanity and the Aksu Culture, (Pg 125)

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25.6: Energy Fields and Meditation

All the energy fields which are around each of us are affected by thoughts, and none more so than when we are in a state of meditation. It is in the quiet and calm of meditative practice that our vibrations increase as the rhythm of our life slows down. With this change in energy frequency comes an improved link with the Universal Energy Field which infuses our own aura with renewed energy. So it is through the process of contemplation, meditation and prayer that we can refresh ourselves and replenish our reserves as represented by our aura. One way to achieve this is to follow the advice of the spirit who used the medium Beatrice Russell as his channel: 1

See yourselves continually bathed in these rays, particularly before, and during meditation.

Such visualisation is often a fundamental element of energy restoration through meditation. The English medium Robert Brown said that: 2

A good test for inspiration is to think of a subject, perhaps one you know well, and sit as for meditation. Open all the centres [chakras] , but especially direct the energy to the heart. Reflect on the ... [subject] ... and what it means to you and see the energy especially going to the heart and the crown chakra.

These Cosmic Rays or the Universal Energy Field is what animates all life. The Openhand Foundation expands this and informs us that: 3

Some call it "Universal Life Energy" or "Unity Consciousness". Gurus, mystics and sages have spoken for centuries about universal life energy. It has been called many things including: Ki, Ka, Chi, Xi, Prana, Netter, Ihund and Biomagnetic energy to name but a few. When we raise our vibration and increase our energetic sensitivity, a natural flow of the moment can be perceived as a sense of 'rightness'. When we follow this flow, we move into alignment with the universe and life feels increasingly harmonious.

This magnificent energy field permeates everything which is analogous to the sun shining on all – nothing and no-one is excluded. Everything is connected to it and the energy from it is continuously being absorbed by each one of us through our own aura or Human Energy Field. We can increase this flow of vital energy through contemplation, meditation and prayer. There is, as Deepak Chopra says: 4

One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgment.

Part of this meditative process is to breathe correctly. Beatrice Russell’s personally- published book ‘Beyond the Veils through Meditation’ informs us that: 5

Reception of these [Cosmic] Rays is largely dependent on right breathing and this is one of the reasons why the control of the breath is strongly urged by Seers.

…and she further adds: 6

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Conscious acceptance of the [Cosmic] Rays is accomplished by right breathing. .. all that is required is that the natural rhythm of the breath should be longer and deeper, thus being slowed down. The result of this will be felt immediately by the in- pouring of the Life Force through the entire body.

This sensation of a force permeating the body was also described by the New Zealand medium Jenny Crawford: 7

Praying helps to raise my vibration to a higher level, which is like turning on a switch within my energy field. I focus my energy and attention to the top of my head, which is known as the crown chakra area. I visualise this area opening up like a flower with a golden light shining upon it, and when I have finished communicating with the spirit world, I visualise this flower above my head closing up again.

The effect of such meditation is to align the frequency of vibration of our own energy field with that of the Universal Energy Field which is compatible with that of the Spirit World. What opportunities this provides, as Michael Talbot noted, are legion: 8

It is as if we are on a long journey of discovering the structurally lower portions of the human nervous system. It is the cerebral cortex which gave us our language making abilities, but to experience reality beyond our verbal training we must retreat to the body-knowing - those holographic portions of thought which literally lie beyond words.

As we quieten our natural and physical mind, we become more and more attuned to those other energies which support and guide us, and move into the arena described by Andrew Harvey in his excellent book ‘The Direct Path’: 9

When we plummet deep into our real nature, the boundaries that separate us from the rest of the world start to disappear.

Andrew also remarked that: 10

Meditation is, in fact, an act of service to others; you know that if you are a happy, more peaceful, and integrated being, the lives of all those who come in contact with you will be subtly altered and the effects of your growing transformation will be felt beyond even your immediate circle throughout the cosmos, because all beings everywhere are connected in the web of the real.

Your aura expresses your physical and spiritual health and it is this that is reflected in your life and to others. This impact upon others was commented upon by the Jesuit theologian William Johnston: 11

Some scientists are open to the hypothesis that in meditation a life-force is released which is more significant than nuclear energy.

…but perhaps not as powerful. In the same way that any flowing out of energy depletes the source, so any directed channelling of one’s energy needs somehow to be replenished.

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Meditation can be the mechanism whereby this energy depletion can be reversed. White Feather, the guide to Geraldine Pengelly, told her that: 12

You understand now, child, that you can come here at any time you wish: peace and tranquillity are just a thought away. During your busy times you will think of this place [where she goes during meditation] and know that when you have completed your chores you will be able to replenish your strength at this, your special place. As your energy levels rise, you will be able to "travel" more quickly and more often. When you use your energy for Spirit, child, as you do, you must replace what you use, thus maintaining the same steady flow and enabling even more awareness than you have at present.

Brian Snellgrove too recognised the need to refresh our auric field: 13

Our energy field is our unique imprint on the universe. Only when viewed from the constrictions of our five senses is it limited or finite. It may be found in the future that mantras, prayers, meditations are a way of preserving the integrity of the energy field.

Through such preservation we will be able to offer more healing, more energy to those who we meet that need it. Spiritual energy can be directed by concentrated meditation, which is how prayer and spiritual healing work.

Recognising this is important for all those engaged in spiritual healing and, more generally, in spiritual development. The psychic Jenny Crawford believed that meditation has significantly helped her to: 14

...fine-tune my connection with the spirit world, enabling me to work on raising my vibrational level. It has help me to receive and pass on to my clients vital healing and understanding from the spirit guides who work with me.

So, science has demonstrated the beneficial effect of meditation on the physical and mental bodies – it has yet to fully assess and appreciate its impact on the spiritual. But, believe me, it will come. Use meditation as a natural part of your life and through your energy field live with your focus on your Creator and humanity.

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1 Beatrice Russell, Beyond the Veils through Meditation, Lincoln Philosophical Research Foundation, 1986. Cosmic Rays – I, (Pg 18) 2 Robert Brown, We Are Eternal, Hodder & Stoughton, 2004. Part Three: Appendix, (Pg 196 / 197) 3 Downloaded 17 th January 2016 from http://www.openhandweb.org/universal_life_energy 4 Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Bantam Press, 1999. 1: The Law of Pure Potentiality, (Pg 13) 5 Beatrice Russell, Beyond the Veils through Meditation, Lincoln Philosophical Research Foundation, 1986. Cosmic Rays – I, (Pg 17) 6 Beatrice Russell, Beyond the Veils through Meditation, Lincoln Philosophical Research Foundation, 1986. Cosmic Rays – II, (Pg 19) 7 Jenny Crawford, Spirit of Love, Llewellyn Publications, 2002. Chapter Four - What to Expect When Visiting a Medium, (Pg 32) 8 Michael Talbot, Mysticism and the New Physics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. An Afternote on Language, (Pg 183) 9 Andrew Harvey, The Direct Path, Rider & Co, 2000. Two: Practicing the Path - Eighteen Sacred Practices for Transformed Spiritual Living, (Pg 110) 10 Andrew Harvey, The Direct Path, Rider & Co, 2000. Two: Practicing the Path - Eighteen Sacred Practices for Transformed Spiritual Living, (Pg 112) 11 William Johnston, Silent Music - The Science of Meditation, Fount, 1979. Part II: Consciousness. 7: Return to the market-place, (Pg 91) 12 Geraldine Pengelly, The Red Man Cometh, Athena Press, 2006. Everything Happens for a Reason, (Pg 106 / 107) 13 Brian Snellgrove, The Unseen Self - Kirlian Photography Explained, C W Daniel Co, 1996. Chapter 6 - Into the unknown - the body electric, (Pg 116) 14 Jenny Crawford, Spirit of Love, Llewellyn Publications, 2002. Chapter Twelve – Meditation, (Pg 157)

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25.7: Energy Fields and Akashic Records

I’ll let the English medium Robert Brown provide a simple statement of what the Akashic Records represent: 1

They are basically the sum total of every life.

…and from a clairvoyant and perhaps the founder of the New Age movement Edgar Cayce, a broader description: 2

The Akashic Records or "The Book of Life" can be equated to the universe's super computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.

This term ‘Akashic Record’ is only a recently constructed term as Wikipedia informs us:

The Sanskrit term akasha was introduced to the language of theosophy through H. P. Blavatsky (1831–1891), who characterized it as a sort of life force; she also referred to "indestructible tablets of the astral light" recording both the past and future of human thought and action, but she did not use the term "akashic". The notion of an akashic record is attributed to Alfred Percy Sinnett, who, in his book Esoteric Buddhism (1884), wrote of a Buddhist belief in "a permanency of records in the Akasa" and "the potential capacity of man to read the same."

In 1908 Levi H Dowling, an American preacher and mystic, published a book entitled ‘The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (full title: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ: The Philosophic and Practical Basis of the Religion of the Aquarian Age of the World and of the Church Universal) which, he claimed was a transcription from the akashic records, where, according to Alan Young, Levi claimed: 3

...every thought of every living thing is there recorded...

In the spirit teacher White Eagle’s eyes, this represents an element of God; the perfection of life: 4

Life is so perfectly organised and planned, that every step is noted and recorded. Not only actions but also aspirations and thoughts are recorded, as well as the effect of thoughts and actions upon those who cross and re-cross your path of life.

This latter concept implies that these akashic records have a significant relationship to the Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect. The New Age therapist Diana Cooper, in her book ‘A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws’ made a direct link between the two ideas: 5

The balance sheet of your karma is known as your akashic record. Your personal record is kept by your guardian angel, who is with you throughout all your lives and is also know as the recording angel.

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To many, the term ‘record’ implies a set of physical records or a type of library wherein everything is documented. I have even seen them referred to as the ‘Universal Computer’. Other mediums and channels have reported words of spirit teachers which also imply a tangible record. The spirit who channelled his teaching through Irene Bays when describing aspects of the Spirit World said that halls exist in the Spirit World wherein: 6

...were records of lives that were past and lives that were to be, for all were records of spirit.

The Irish medium Lorna Byrne also implied records to be in a sort of ‘book’ form: 7

At times his [a specific angel] arms were full of books. Not reading books as we know them, but books full of pathways.

Many of the world’s religions also give their followers the view that the akashic records are in book form. The Indian Muslim leader Maulana Mohammad Ali explained that: 8

We are told that every action, however great or small, is written down: "And the book shall be placed, then thou wilt see the guilty fearing from what is in it; and they will say: Ah! Woe to us! What a book is this! It does not omit a small one or a great one, but numbers them all" [Qur’an, Surah 18:49]

My friend and healer Peter Matthews, from his understanding of different religions realised that: 9

Mention has been made of the Akashic record which is a term used in the East to describe a kind of heavenly Library which records all the events in the world.

…and from Jenny Crawford, an accomplished spiritual teacher, came much more up-to- date metaphoric description: 10

All our deeds on earth are recorded in the gigantic spiritual computers sometimes called the Akashic records.

Others have taken a more mystical view as the Norwegian intellectual Jostein Saether did. In a description of one of his mystical experiences he wrote: 11

The Akashic Record was woven out of layers with each layer having been as though created by one individual. It was a wonderful tapestry of the most beautiful transparent colours such as we would never find in the physical world. Only a rainbow can hint at what it is like. I was as though in a still space in the midst of the akashic fabric while at the same time maintaining a distance from the various links between the layers. The mood I experienced with Aslaug Nysaether at Rostadheimen as she set up her loom, passing each thread through the correct eye in the harness, is something I can compare with the work of those being in the spiritual hierarchies as they impress our earthly destinies into the astral light. Each karmic thread passes through spiritual openings in the Akashic Record, right back to every event in former times; all are still present there.

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Most mystics, seers and prophets prior to the 19 th century placed life’s records squarely in the hands of God. For example, the Rule of St. Benedict advises each monk that he must: 12

…recognise that he is at every hour in the sight of God in heaven, and that his actions are everywhere visible to the divine eyes of God, and are being reported to God by the angels from moment to moment.

…which fits in very neatly with the Russian saint Theophan the Recluse’s view? 13

So that you do not do something, just remember that the Lord is close by and watching.

More recently, Richard Harries, the 41 st Bishop of Oxford, wrote that: 14

...but nothing happens outside the knowledge and tolerance of God.

The spiritual teacher Red Cloud, who was the guide to the medium Estelle Roberts, follows a similar line: 15

...not one feather falls from a sparrow's back that is not known of the Father. Everything is known and automatically registered.

As agents of God, the Persian Ab ū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Mu ḥammad al-Ghaz ālī, usually known as just Al Ghazzali, born 1058 AD and who became a renowned Islamic theologian and philosopher, impressed upon us the idea expounded in the Qur’an that: 16

The Muslims believe that two angels, who are changed every day, attend every person to observe and write down his actions. [Qur’an, Surah L:16, LXXXII: 10- 11]

Apparently, one of the real problems in today’s society is that we have lost track of the fact that every thought, word and deed is somehow, somewhere recorded. The implication for our life is tremendous. This sad event has been bemoaned by White Eagle who said that: 17

Even the idea of a recording angel has been forgotten, but we tell you that an angel has been appointed to watch over your actions and your response either to the voice of God, or to the tempting of the Devil, which is another word for the lower mind.

...and he further added: 18

Does not the Bible tell of a recording angel? In this progressive age you have set this idea aside as nonsense. Believe us, beloved children, the recording angel is a reality, though not in the crude sense fostered by the old teaching. The guardian of the law watches over, records and guides the outworking of the karmic law, or the law of cause and effect.

I will now give you a description, taken from A W Austen’s compilation of the ‘Teachings of Silver Birch’, of what I consider the akashic records may be. When asked to describe the Human Energy Field or aura Silver Birch replied: 19

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The aura consists of the vibrations set up by the body. There are many auras, but the ones that are known to your world are the auras that surround the physical body and the spirit body. All things have auras, even things which do not have consciousness within them. The aura consists of the vibrations that emanate from the body, and according to the state of the body, so there are different vibrations. Those who can see auras and can interpret them know all the secrets of the individual. They can diagnose the health of the individual. They know the state of his soul and his mind's unfoldment. They can tell the evolution of that soul, for it is the aura that enables you all to be read as an open book. Your aura registers all that you have said, all that you have thought and all that you have done. Your aura is your external judgment, for there you are showing to those who can see exactly what you are within and not as you show yourselves without.

I could not put it better myself, although I think it needs to be expanded. Everything that I say or do is preceded by a thought which triggers the activity. These thoughts are encapsulated within my aura; my Human Energy Field. It is a natural process and can never be gainsaid or prevented as Red Cloud highlighted: 20

It (the aura) is magnetic and its vibrations are the thoughts radiating from the mind which are reflected in the aura.

I can understand that thoughts are etched into the aura, but I’m not sure that the consequences are. Jack Angelo, a teacher in the field of subtle energy medicine and spirituality, seemed to appreciate that everything was contained within the aura: 21

Everything about another person, including their life experiences, is stored in the energy field.

This may be true – I have no way of judging it. However, if thoughts, their causes and effects, are contained within this energy field then I’m sure that this can be considered as being ‘everything’ that is needed to be known about a soul. In order to give you a ‘feel’ for the scope of what is recorded I’ll give you a number of quotations from those who have felt it necessary, for whatever reason, to record their views on the akashic records. In this list I include William Stainton Moses, Michael Newton, John Oxenham, Irene Bays, Mokichi Okada, and Dannion Brinkley respectively.

...yet that every act is registered, every thought recorded, every habit known as a factor in the future character. 22

In the spirit world nothing is insignificant. No act goes unrecorded. 23

...every thought, and word, and deed of every man, woman, and child is recorded. 24

Now when I say the Will of Father God, I mean if it is written, for in the Akaishic records everything is written. 25

A person can think, wish, or feel in any way he chooses, but his thoughts and feelings at any given time are automatically registered in the spirit world. 26

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No thought, word, or deed goes unrecorded in the universe. 27

The last reference, by Dannion Brinkley from his book ‘Secrets of the Light’, is to the universe which I will push a little further and suggest that there is a relationship of our aura, our Akashic record, to the Universal Energy Field. This field may provide a collective perspective but it certainly does supply a link between all the individual energy fields. It is a complex matrix connecting everything with everything from a cause / effect standpoint. All thoughts are stimulated by something (its cause) and every thought has an impact in some form or another (its effect). Perhaps this matrix is all that is necessary to understand the triggers which people have and the impact that they have on others.

Therefore the combination of the individual’s Human Energy Field and the Universal Energy Field gives us the totality of the akashic records. This relationship has often been touched upon by many of the great minds of the past. For example, both Gordon Smith and Bede Griffiths refer to Carl Jung’s ‘collective consciousness’ which I believe equate to the Universal Energy Field:

I also believe that our life force never dies and that Jung's collective consciousness stores everything that has ever occurred. 28

...Jung was led to conceive the 'collective unconscious' as the repository of the inherited experience of humanity... 29

I’m sure that Jung was impressed with the idea of collective consciousness whilst developing his psychoanalytical theories. Many others too have had similar experiences. During her Near Death Experience (NDE) the author Betty J Eadie learned that: 30

...all thoughts and experiences in our lives are recorded in our subconscious minds. They are also recorded in our cells, so that, not only is each cell imprinted with every experience we have ever had. Further, I understand that these memories are passed down through the genetic coding to our children. These memories then account for many of the passed on traits in families, such as addictive tendencies, fears, strengths, and so on.

In terms of memory and the akashic record, the past life regressionist Helen Wambach offered an interesting slant on the mechanism: 31

Maybe all the lifetimes ever experienced, all the feelings felt, are still out there in great waves in the universe. Maybe the right brain is an instrument for tuning into these waves, and not a storage area for memories.

Irrespective of the process, another person whose NDE had a life-changing impact was the American neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander. He told us that his own NDE has convinced him that: 32

...there is a secret part of ourselves that is recording every last aspect of our earthly lives, and that this recording process commences at the very, very beginning.

Often descriptions of the experiences in the Spirit World by those abiding there provide a

DAJ 08/11/2019 09:31:42 25.7 Energy Fields and Akashic Records Page 6 of 9 hint at the integrated aspect of energy field. One such spirit, communicating through Gordon Smith, implied that through a person’s energy field (their aura) not only can their records be understood but also the knowledge that they possess: 33

…he was in a state of luminosity and wasn't aware of having a body anymore - he still had some sort of vehicle but it wasn't so important. In his new state he could expand his knowledge just by encountering another spirit. Everything that they knew was shared and so each grew in awareness.

Because everything is recorded and is accessible, then, when we return to the Spirit World, we will be unable to forget anything – a far cry from those of us on Earth who have forgotten most of what we have been taught or have experienced. The 20 th century American medium stressed this in her book ‘The Other Side and Back: 34

"Forgetting" is an impossibility on The Other Side. Transcended spirits have immediate access to every memory of every life, every experience, and every person they've loved on this earth. In fact, it is not unusual to be visited by loved ones from past lives we don't even consciously remember.

Some hypotheses which have been suggested in order to explain mysterious phenomena of akashic records also include the Universal Energy Field as a component. In his explanation of the technique of dowsing Ralph Whitlock believed that the only tenable theory is that: 35

...the whole of Nature and of the universe should be regarded as one integral whole, and that it holds in store all possible information about itself. And dowsing is a method - imperfect and not properly understood, it is true - by which we can tap that store. Nor is the idea of a universal store of knowledge beyond our understanding.

If this suggestion of the akashic records being contained within the Human and Universal Energy Fields is valid, then it ought to be possible for an individual to ‘read’ their own or another person’s record. This will depend upon their ability to attune to the vibrational level of the energy fields. This possibility, according to Mary Carroll Nelson, was proposed by Don Miguel Ruiz: 36

All of us have a potential ability to contact the vibration pattern of anyone who has ever lived. These patterns of lives, called the Akashic records, exist at an etheric level.

The publisher of Jostein Saether’s book ‘Living With Invisible People - A karmic autobiography’ in their foreword explained: 37

...Saether was able actively, and in full consciousness, to 'research' his past lives. (In older esoteric texts this is referred to as 'reading the Akashic record'.)

…and Jostein himself wrote from his own experience that: 38

As the Imagination lights up in the soul temporary access to the Akashic record is obtained.

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And often in meditation, as Grace Cooke, noted, we can have some access to our own akashic records: 39

A large screen on a wall upon which pictures appear is often seen in meditation. This is a symbol of the akashic records; often people see their life's record as on a film...

These records are not created for interest only; they have a very serious set of uses. An important one is to be able to reflect the spiritual development of each person – this determines much of their life in the Spirit World. Commensurate with this is the use of the akashic record in assessing the value of a person’s life once they have passed into the Spirit World. The communicator who channelled information through Beatrice Russell reminded us that he told: 40

…of the charts of your lives, which will be shown to you when you pass over; and the responsibility for your actions and thoughts, which lies with each of you.

The Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, and Christian mystic, Emanuel Swedenborg in his visions of the Spirit World recorded for our benefit that: 41

Upon his internal memory is inscribed everything in general and in particular that he has thought, spoken and done in the world from his will, and that so completely and particularly that no detail is lacking. This memory is man's book of life, which is opened after death and according to which he is judged.

Not long after passing to spirit you will be shown a representation of your life which is not a threatening judgment but a way of showing the good as well as the not-so-good aspects of your life. In ‘Entwining Lives’ Irene Bays writes: 42

...with harmony and love around them they can be shown those records. There is no case for giving out orders of merit. It is simply a case of the progression you have made.

This retrospective personal panoramic review of life which each soul is treated to not long after arrival in the Spirit World is, according to Maulana Mohammad Ali, referred to in the Qur’an: 43

And We have made every man's actions to cling to his neck, and We will bring forth to him on the resurrection day a book which he will find wide open. Read thy book; thy own self is sufficient as a reckoner against thee this day. [Qur’an, Surah 17: 13, 14]

All the above discussion on the akashic records has been confined to individuals and past events. There is no reason, as far as I can see, that the records do not include predictions for future events. Consider the fact that before I was incarnated on this planet I agree, with those of much higher spirituality, those learning experiences which I needed to further develop my spirituality. These were expressed as thought which, so we are told, are contained in the Akashic record thus implying that future events may also lie recorded there. This was a view held by Peter Matthews who believed that: 44

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...it also holds a record of all future events as well.

No less an Authority than the Qur’an provides us with the view that collective souls can also have a set of akashic records which, I presume, are more than a summation of the individual comprising that group. So that families, communities, towns, cities, nations could all have such records. Maulana Mohammad Ali expressed this view through the Qur’an: 45

Not only has every individual his book of deeds, but even nations are spoken of as having their books of deeds: "And thou shalt see every nation kneeling down; every nation shall be called to its book - today you shall be rewarded for what you did" [Qur’an, Surah 45: 28]

This brings to book those politicians, scientists and company directors who significantly influence the direction of the people within their ambit. Collectively we have a responsibility. So remember that every thought that you have is inscribed on your personal and communities akashic record for ever. Will this give you some stimulus to change; to improve your lot; to follow your spiritual destiny?

1 Robert Brown, We Are Eternal, Hodder & Stoughton, 2004. Part Two: Chapter 7 - Life after Life, (Pg 137) 2 Downloaded on 18 th January 2016 from http://www.edgarcayce.org/are/spiritualGrowth.aspx?id=2078 3 Alan Young, Cosmic Healing, DeVorss & Co, 1988. 4 The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, (Pg 48) 4 White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 2, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1986. VIII: In Harmony with Life, (Pg 97) 5 Diana Cooper, A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Chapter Eighteen: The Law of Karma, (Pg 98) 6 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part One: Chapter XI - The Search for Spirituality (Spiritual Guidance), (Pg 112) 7 Lorna Byrne, Stairways to Heaven, Coronet, 2011. Chapter Twenty-four: A Narrow stairway to Heaven, (Pg 194) 8 Maulana Mohammad Ali, Introduction to The Study of the Holy Qur'an, The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at- Islam, 1976. Chapter II - Essentials of Religion: Section 3 - Life after Death, (Pg 94) 9 Peter Matthews, Spiritualism and Reincarnation, Con-Psy Publications, 1997. Chapter 3 - The Evidence, (Pg 19) 10 Jenny Crawford, Spirit of Love, Llewellyn Publications, 2002. Chapter Ten - What Does It Mean, Jenny? (Pg 130) 11 Jostein Saether, Living With Invisible People - A karmic autobiography, Clairview, 2001. 2. The spiritual breakthrough and early experiences, (Pg 106 / 107)

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12 The Rule of Saint Benedict (Translated by Abbot Parry OSB), Gracewing, 1997. Chapter VII Humility, (Pg 25) 13 St. Theophan the Recluse, The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1995. 42 unceasing Remembrance of God, (Pg 187) 14 Robert Llewelyn (ed), Julian - Woman of our Day, Darton Longman and Todd, 1986. On the Brink of Universalism by Richard Harries, (Pg 50) 15 Estelle Roberts, Red Cloud Speaks, Tudor Press, 1992. Chapter Nineteen: Questions and Answers, (Pg 94) 16 Al Ghazzali, The Book of Knowledge, SH. Muhammad Ashraf, 1991. Section III, (Pg 87) 17 White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 1, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1994. IV: Wisdom from Beyond the Veil – Your Guardian Angel, (Pg 60) 18 White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 2, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1986. II: The Brotherhood of Man and of Angels, (Pg 27) 19 A W Austen, Teachings of Silver Birch, Psychic Press, 1993. The Eternal Link, (Pg 207) 20 Estelle Roberts, Red Cloud Speaks, Tudor Press, 1992. Chapter Eleven: Obsession, (Pg 54 / 55) 21 Jack Angelo, Spiritual Healing - energy medicine for today, Element, 1991. 3: The Human Energy Field, (Pg 43) 22 William Stainton Moses, Spirit Teachings, The Psychic Book Club, Undated. Section XXXI, (Pg 276) 23 Michael Newton, Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Llewellyn Publications, 2005. 6: The Council of Elders, (Pg 224) 24 John Oxenham, Out of the Body, The Psychic Book Club, Undated. Chapter II, (Pg 24) 25 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part One: Chapter IV - Healing (Absent Healing), (Pg 43) 26 Mokichi Okada, Johrei - divine light of salvation, Society of Johrei, 1984. Part One: The Road to Salvation: 2 Realisation of Human Hope: Paradise on Earth, (Pg 83) 27 Dannion Brinkley, Secrets of the Light, Piatkus, 2012. Part 3: The Seven Lessons from Heaven - 22 The Panoramic Life Review, (Pg 181) 28 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Ten: Consciousness - The Diamond, (Pg 206) 29 Bede Griffiths, A New Vision of Reality, Fount, 1992. 1 The New Physics, the New Biology and the Evolution of the Material Universe, (Pg 17) 30 Betty J Eadie, Embraced by the Light, Thorsons, 1995. Selecting a Body, (Pg 93) 31 Helen Wambach, Reliving Past Lives, Arrow Books, 1980. 6. The Mysteries of Hypnosis, (Pg 80) 32 Dr Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven, Piatkus, 2014. Chapter 34: The Final Dilemma, (Pg 164) 33 Gordon Smith, The Unbelievable Truth, Hay House, 2004. Chapter Two: Life After Death - Spiritual Evolution, (Pg 34 / 35) 34 Sylvia Browne, The Other Side and Back, Piatkus, 2000. 1 Help from the Other Side: Our Angels and Spirit Guides, (Pg 36) 35 Ralph Whitlock, Water Divining and Other Dowsing - A Practical Guide, David & Charles, 1982. 14 What is it? (Pg 132) 36 Mary Carroll Nelson, Beyond Fear - The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz on Freedom and Joy, Rider & Co, 2003. Chapter Two: The Vision of Teotihuacán, (Pg 20) 37 Jostein Saether, Living With Invisible People - A karmic autobiography, Clairview, 2001. Publisher's Forward, (Pg vii) 38 Jostein Saether, Living With Invisible People - A karmic autobiography, Clairview, 2001. 2. The spiritual breakthrough and early experiences, (Pg 90) 39 Grace Cooke, The Jewel in the Lotus, White Eagle Lodge Publishing Trust, 1973. XI - The Interpretations of Meditations, (Pg 111) 40 Beatrice Russell, Fragments of Truth from the Unseen. Unknown Publisher, 1951. Summary, (Pg 57) 41 Emanuel Swedenborg, Divine Providence, Swedenborg Society, 1949. Chapter VII: Man is admitted interiorly into the Truths... (Pg 164) 42 Irene Bays, Entwining Lives, Stonecliffe Publishing, 1994. Part Two: Chapter III - Thoughts of Love (Brotherhood of Man), (Pg 180) 43 Maulana Mohammad Ali, Introduction to The Study of the Holy Qur'an, The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at- Islam, 1976. Chapter II - Essentials of Religion: Section 3 - Life after Death, (Pg 95) 44 Peter Matthews, Spiritualism and Reincarnation, Con-Psy Publications, 1997. Chapter 3 - The Evidence, (Pg 19) 45 Maulana Mohammad Ali, Introduction to The Study of the Holy Qur'an, The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at- Islam, 1976. Chapter II - Essentials of Religion: Section 3 - Life after Death, (Pg 94)

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