S P I R I T U S – Z o o m Seminars for the Sensitive Sunshine Thoughts ALL COURSES THROUGH ZOOM Bookings Email:
[email protected] Minister Matthew Smith www.matthewinspires.co.uk Challenges or This life is a schoolroom of opportunity, and we are both Opportunities? teacher and student. We never stop learning. There are even Life presents us with experiences daily. times we must unlearn to Some are not as “challenging as others” learn. How we approach the situation is vital. We are spirit with a physical On The Horizon The word “challenges” if replaced with body not a physical body with a “opportunities” gives a completely spirit with all experience having Its mid-June and Mother Nature different focus. Just changing one word value and worth for spiritual is painting our surroundings with does not change the given situation but progression. Not always easy to colour and beauty. Wildlife is perspective. Spiritualism teaches us that accept particularly when we everywhere and we can see the the mind is the builder and as we think we allow the emotions to take us importance of Nature in our become. Thousands of years ago in one of out of our power. As sensitives lives. Until a few years ago I the temples in Delphi, the inscription when we become overly never had interest in my garden. “Know thyself” was written on the wall. emotional it detaches us from It was in my reality a space That simple philosophy is as true today as our life force. This always attached to the house.