Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society for Psychical Resea PART lo^—DECEMBER, 1927 LIBRARY CATALOGUE COMPILED BY THEODORE BESTERMAN HONORARY LIBRARIAN PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS GLASGOW ; PKEFACE The Society's Library has been completely re-organised during the past year. The books have been arranged on the shelves by subject and date, many useless ones having been turned out ; the important collection of pamphlets has been classified and boimd, as have been several hundred books •"^w bookcases have been fitted and, finally, the present ; catalogue has been compiled on a detailed and luiiform plan. During the next few years the Library can anticipate a further and considerable increase in usefulness : the result of a generous grant of £250 a year for four years made by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust for the purchase of books and the Uke. At the end of this period those borrowing works, or consulting them in the Society's Rooms, wiU have at their disposal a thoroughly representative collection of books, pamphlets and periodicals on psychical research and on the neighbouring departments of psychology and philosophy. This development wiU involve, for some time, a great many changes in the disposition of the books on the shelves. For this reason the press-marks have not been printed in the present catalogue, and it is therefore at present impos- sible, without reference to the Library itself, to distinguish those books which are available for reference only, and not for borrowing. Such books are kept in cases 11 and 12 and on shelves i. and k. of case 10. In the explanatory notes attached to many of the entries, the books have been described as far as possible in the iii „.-i'. iv „ „ „ Preface words of "tlidK .'^ liters i- and tk-e Society does not, of course, accept responsibility for such statements. Where, for instance, a book is described as consisting of automatic writ- ings, this should be understood to mean that a statement to this effect is contained in the book itself. These explanatory notes comprise, further, a reference to the volume and page of the Society's Journal or Proceedings in which a given work may have been reviewed (not more than a dozen books and pamphlets so reviewed are lacking effect from the Library) ; a note to that where a work contains an inscription by the author and where it contains a in the case of pamphlets off bibhography ; and, printed from, or forming part of, a periodical, an exact reference to that periodical (these particulars have been successfully traced in all but some half-a-dozen cases). A word of thanks is due to Messrs MacLehose for the speed and accuracy with which they have carried out the printing of the Catalogue. Th. B. CONTENTS PAGE Preface - LiBKABY Rules ^-ii PART I Periodical, Serial, Society and Official Publications 1-25 PART II Books and Pamphlets 26-367 LIBRARY RULES I. The Library is open every weekday from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., except Saturdays, when it closes at 1 p.m. The Library is closed from Christmas Eve to New Year's Day, inclusive ; from the Thursday before Good Friday to the following Tuesday, inclusive ; on Bank Holidays ; and during the summer vacation. II. The Library is open to all Members and Associates of the Society, but books may be borrowed by Members only. Associates may borrow books on payment of 5s. for One Month or 10s. for Three Months. III. Readers have direct access to all the books in the Library, and are particularly requested not to replace volumes on the shelves. IV. Borrowers are required to fill up and sign a voucher for each book taken out. The vouchers are cancelled and returned to the borrower when the books are returned, and borrowers are held responsible for the books so long as their vouchers remain uncancelled. Books may be requisitioned by post, in which case vouchers will be sent and should be returned completed. V. The usual number of volumes allowed to each borrower is Three, and the usual time One Month, except in the case of books much in request, which are allowed for shorter periods. Books may be allowed for a longer period, on application being made, if they are not required by another borrower. Special arrangements may also be made for borrowers requiring a larger number of volumes. VI. Any volume may be caUed in at any time with seven days' notice from the Librarian. VII. Old books and books of special value or such as it would be difficult to replace if lost can only be lent out by special permission, on apphcation being made in advance. VIII. Borrowers are required to pay the carriage of all books sent to them. All books sent to the Library must be weU packed and prepaid. Borrowers are held responsible for any delay, loss or damage to books in transit to the Library. IX. Marking any book, whether by writing, turning down the leaves or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. vii PABT I PERIODICAL, SERIAL, SOCIETY AND OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS American Institute of Scientific Research (Section " B "). See American Society for Psychical Research, The (Section " B " of the American Institute for Scientific Research). American Journal of Psychology, The. Edited by G. Stanley Hall [vols. 1-6 ; the same, E. C. Sanford and E. B. Titchener, vols. 7-21 ; the same, and J. W. Baird, vols. 22-29 ; the same, without J. W. Baird, vols. 30-31 ; E. B. Titchener, vols. 32-36 ; Margaret F. Washburn, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, and Edwin G. Boring, vols. 37, etc.'] 8vo, vols. 1, etc. Baltimore 1887-1888; Worcester 1889-1911, 1916-1918; Albany and Worcester 1912-1915, 1919-1920 ; Ithaca, N.Y. 1921, inprogress. [Lacking vols. 3 (No. 1), 16 (No. 1), 29 (No. 1), 31 (No. 3), 32 (No. 4).] American Society for Psychical Research, The, Proceedings. 8vo, vol. 1. Boston 1885-1889. [No more published.] [Reference Copy.] American Society for Psychical Research, The (Section "B " of the American Institute for Scientific Research), Journal. 8vo, vols. 1, etc. New York 1907, in progress. Proceedings. 8vo, vols. 1, etc. New York 1907, in progress. Andere Welt, Die. Okkultistisches Volksblatt. Edited by Alois Kutschera. 4to, vol. 4 (No. 4). Vienna, 27 January 1923. Annales de Notre-Dame de Lourdes. Publiees par les RR. PP. Missionnaires de I'lmmaculee-Conception, avec I'approbation de Monseigneur I'fiveque de Tarbes. 8vo, vols. 25 (Nos. 3, 6, 9-12), 26 (Nos. 1-3, 10-11). Lourdes, June, September, December 1892 ; January-June 1893, January-February 1894. Annales des Sciences Psychiques. Recueil d'observations et d'ex- periences. Edited by X. Dariex. 8vo, Annee 1-14. Paris 1891-1904. A — 2 Society for Psychical Research [part Annales des Sciences Psychiques [Continiied os] : Annales des Sciences Psychiques. Publication mensuelle consacree aux recherches experimentales at critiques sur l©s ph^nomenes de t616pathie, lucidit6, premonition, mediumnit6, etc. Edited by X. Dariex, C. Richet and C. de Vesme. 8vo, Ann6e 15-17. Paris 1905-1907. [Continued as] : Annales des Sciences Psychiques. Publication bi-mensuelle illustree consacr6e [as before]. Edited by X. Dariex, C. Richet and C. de Vesme [Annies 18-20; C. Richet and C. de Vesme, 21-29]. 4to, Annies 18-29. Paris 1908-1919. [With Ann6e 20° the Annales became the organ of the Soci6t6 Universelle d'lStudes Psychiques. Wanting Ann6e 15 (No. 6), 26 (No. 7).] The Aimals of Psychical Science. A Monthly Journal devoted to critical and experimental Research [after vol. 1 : in the pheno- mena of Spiritism]. [Editor of the English Edition, Laura I. Finch]. 8vo. vols. 1-8. London 1905-1909. Annales du Magn^tisme Animal. 8vo, vols. 1-8. Paris, July 1814- [December] 1816. [Continued as] : Bibliotheque du Magnetisme Animal, par MM. les Membres de la Soci6te du Magn6tisme. 8vo, vols. 1-8. Paris [July] 1817- [September] 1819. [Continued as] : Archives du Magn6tisme Animal. Pvibliees par M. le Baron d'Henin de Cuvillers. 8vo, vols. 1-8. Paris 1820-1823. [The history of these publications is somewhat obscure, and it is not clear whether the continuations were in eacli case official.] Annali dello Spiritismo in Italia. Rassegna Psicologica. Edited by Niceforo Filalete. 8vo, vol. 27 (Nos. 9-11). Torino, September- December 1890. Annals of Psychical Science, The. See Annales des Sciences Psychiques, The Annals of Psychical Science. Annee Occultiste at Psychique, L', ou expose armuel des observations scientifiques et des travaux publics en France et a I'liltranger dans les Sciences Mysterieuses : astrologie, alchimie, symbolique, 6sot6risme, arts divmatoires, prophetique, psychisme, spiritisme, magnetisme. Premiere Annee (1907). Edited by Pierre Piobb. 12mo, pp. 302, diagrams. Paris [1908]. Ann^e Psychologique, L'. Edited by H. Beaunis and A. Binet [vols. 1-2 ; A. BLnet, vols. 3-16 ; Henri Pieron, vols. 21-24]. 8vo, vols. 1-5, 10-16, 21-24. Paris 1895-1899, 1904-1910, 1914-1923. 104] Library Catalogue 3 Archiv fiir den Thierischen Magnetismus. In Verbindiing mehreren Naturforschera, herausgegeben von C. A. von Eschenmayer, D. G. Kieser, Fr. Nasse. 8vo, vols. 1-6 (each in three parts with separate pagination). [Vols. 1-2] Altenbiu-g und Leij^zig 1817, [vols. 3-5] Halle 1818-1819, [vol. 6] Leipzig 1820 [no more published]. [The first part of vol. 1 is of the second impression.] Archives de Psychologie. Edited by Th. Floimioy and Ed. Claparede [vols. 1-17 ; Ed. Claparede, vols. 18, efc.]. 8vo, vols. 1, etc. Geneve 1902, in progress. [Lackmg vol. 9 (No. 36).] Archives du Magnetisme Animal. See Annales du Magnetisms Animal, continued as . Ai'chives du Magnetisme Animal.