Spirits Jesus on the Turin shroud Jesus on the Turin shroud

The Catholic Church has neither formally endorsed nor rejected the shroud, but in 1958 Pope Pius XII approved of the image in association with the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. Pope John Paul II called the Shroud "a mirror of the Gospel".

Other Christian denominations, such as Anglicans and Methodists, have also shown devotion to the Shroud of Turin. Historic inspired paintings

In Christian iconography, Christ Pantocrator is a specific depiction of Christ. "Almighty" or "all-powerful" Historic inspired paintings

Salvator Mundi – by Leonardo da Vinci painted in France for king Louis XII between 1506 and 1513. Historic paintings

Salvator Mundi, Latin for Saviour of the World, is a subject in iconography depicting Christ with his right hand raised in blessing and his left hand holding an orb.

Rediscovered 2005 – now lost track of. Historic paintings

Sauls conversion on the road to Damascus Guiodo Reni 1575-1642 Historic paintings

Conversion of St Paul Domenico Morelli, 1826-1901 Why don’t human beings, who are the lords of all creation, have wings? Is it enough that people live limited to the earth? Actually we have higher-dimensional wings. Once you die and shed your physical body, you will fly. / Sun Myung Moon Dec 19 1998

Angels and spirits… may be apparently translated from one place to another, and from one earth to another, even to earths which are at the end of the universe: so likewise may man as to his spirit, his body still remaining in its own place. /Emanuel Swedenborg Jesus Sun Myung Moon

Dante, Robert James Lees, Hurkos, , Cacey, Branham, Xavier … and many, many more were channels/bridges to Spirit World 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd

Jesus promised return Coming of Christ St John of Patmos Greece – Revelation hapter in Bible M Luther 1483-1546 Germany Nostradamus France 1503-1566 Swedenborg Sweden 1688-1772 Tagore India – 1861-1941 Nobel price 1913- Korea Lamp bearer of the East Fatima-Portugal 1917 – Lúcia Jacinta, Francisco 3 children

Yeats Ireland poet 1865-1939 ”1920” Blavatsky-Theosophy Besant-Krishnamurti-Bailey 1930s – 1945 The Reappearance of Christ R. Steiner 1861-1925 - Antroposophy Pastor Branham 1909-1965 USA – Serpent seed 1958 – Lucifer+Eve => Cain

Arthur Ford 1897–1971 Vanga 1911-1996 Bulgarian blind prophet Who Is He - Korean Phophecies The Prophecies of Nostradamus

X 75

Long awaited he will never return in Europe He will appear in Asia; One of the league issued from great Hermes, He will grow above all other powers in the Orient. 19th Century

Sir Author of Sherlok Holmes a devoted Spiritualist Jesus Spiritually inspired look by Swedish artist Bertha Valerius 1824-1895 Modern times Jesus & Sun Myung Moon 1935 Korea Powerful 3rd Adam He endured suffering unimagined by anyone in human history God alone will remember it. /DP73 Yang From Spirit 1 1 Body/World 3 From Natural World Yang 2 2 Yin From Physical Body


Vitality elements; • You should know that you are like two people in one.

• Vitality elements will allow your Spirit self to grow towards good spirit, (or bad spirit).

• Vitality elements will also allow for the Returning Resurrection of Ancestors and others in Spirit world. - Cooperating with us on Earth. The Returning Resurrection of the Spirits Moses Heavenly Elijah Kingdom ______Jesus ______



Growth- Completion- stage stage returning returning resurrection resurrection

By this, they too will receive the same benefit and enter the heavenly kingdom together. We call this completion-stage-returning resurrection (p. 146). 1st World War

One of the most arresting paranormal experiences on military record occurred in Europe at 10:30 PM November 14, 1915, was witnessed by French, German, Russian, Italian and British troops. Source: "One Step Beyond": The Vision.

The year 1916-1917 Jesus mother Mary, appeared in a revelation, for the three portuguese children Jacinta,Francisco and Lucia, outside Fatima Portugal. On the 13th of July they received a message that was to be given to the pope in the year 1960. Lucia fulfilled the promise and delivered the message, but the pope decided after some time, the world was not ready for it to be published. Thousands of people flocked to Fátima, drawn by reports of visions and miracles. Comment: The Fatima timing (1917 & 1960) is interesting. WW1 1914-1918, was the necessary condition for the Messiah/New Adam to be born (1920).

At that early time (1917) the Revelation already pinpointed the very last date for “The Marriage of the Lamb”,

True Parents wedding in 1960. At the time (1917) no one could predict how fast The Messiah would be accepted by his (Korean) people.

1946 SMM started his Mission as the New Adam… but was rejected by Christians in Korea.

He later commented that 1960 was the very latest date for his Holy Wedding. (His 3rd attempt – 3rd Marriage)

1960 Jesus formed by korean clouds 1950 during the Korean War The Jesus of Galilee will not return - it is not necessary. The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal - he will manifest again. /Ford-sitting 1965 Jesus who died physically cannot come back to physical life and appear to you. Human flesh is to return to the earth as dust, once it gives up the spirit. That is the truth and a heavenly law.

The fact that Jesus from Bethlehem in Judea could send a message to earthly people is due to the benefit of the age wrought with the arrival of the Completed Testament Age. Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the master of this era because he is the Messiah of the Second Coming.

/Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual Realm Jesus April 5, 2001 1950-1953 Testimony

During the Korean War, a wounded soldier makes his way back, despite being blind. Spiritual Guidance!

Source: "One Step Beyond": The Return. A MYSTERIOUS CLOUD - pastor Branham

On February 28, 1963, over in Arizona, U.S.A., 1963 a constellation of seven angels appeared to Reverend Branham in the form of a ring shaped-Cloud.

These seven angels came from the presence of God revealing to him the hidden mysteries of the Bible which were sealed in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation yet were ordained to be unveiled at the end time. A MYSTERIOUS CLOUD 1963 Many pictures were taken of this peculiar Cloud, some appearing in Life Magazine (May 17, 1963 issue); some in Science Magazine (April 19,1963 issue), along with a scientific report of how it was scientifically impossible for such a cloud to exist. The highest clouds form at about 10 miles, but this phenomenal cloud was 26 miles up, at which altitude water vapor does not exist. The original glossy prints reveal the full face of the Lord Jesus Christ as the picture is viewed from the right side angle "like unto the Son of Man, His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow" (Rev.1:13). During the filming of Inchong 1981 – Unification sponsored film; General MacArthurs ghost was captures on a random photo of a corridor door. (photo in the book ”Oh Inchon”) Returning Resurrection explains spiritual phenomena on many Digital photos Completed Testament Age

Angels-Spirits (in the tree) Cheong Pyeong Korea Photo: Einari Peura 2003 – Middle East Peace Initiative MEPI Bethlehem Jerusalem 3 photos taken within minutes 2008 Korea – CSG-translation team Birthday celebration Sunday School 2010-2016 (Bengt) Finland Rev Kim, Rev Balcomb with True Father 2009 End See more:

Spirit World Part 1,2,3 DP & Modern Prophecy DP & Prophecy Part 1,2

Halo – Sweden 2020 Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the most Holy Original inside us all!

Have a great Blessed week. :-) Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen inspiration by Bengt.

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