M VMM TWO SEMI-MONTHLY Published by DALE NEWS, Inc., Lily Da % New York, U. S. A. 10 CENTS PITTSBURGH PASTOR KEEPS HIS "DEATH BED" PROMISE HiggilS FlayS SPEAKS DIRECTLY TO CLOSEST FRIENDS THREE DAYS AFTER HIS Keeler-Slate Writer "Fake" Mediums FUNERAL Rm s Fifty Years Service w ,hln lh ! 5 a the legitimacy of the com aunica- Press Grabs Story l-:.iifr«>n"s Dean Doubles! ' , * ?," "" '*" tion. (See Page 2) from all parts of Many Prominent People I number of well known person- That Spiritualist mini* er was the country, press associations ill Education and ages have promised to return to Manifest Through His the Rev. Albert Joseph ^rey, a and reporters seized upon the in­ Parlor Ma°ic j earth in the spirit as soon after man apparently of Gen an de­ cident with the enthusiasm char­ ° : "passing on" as possible. Several scent, deeply devoted to his acteristic of the press when some­ in Howard H. Higgins is the !of tnem nave m^de a pretty bad For more than a half century mess of k and left church and its adherent . His thing of a mysterious nature to •.•.in of Emerson college, a small ,' oehind them the spiritualist world has been onl closest friends were his nu se dur­ the non-Spiritualist hits the news. v u England institution which j >' controversy regarding the marveling at the work of P. L. O. ing his last illness, Miss E izabeth i -is degrees of bachelor of Lit- ' success or failure of their efforts The policy of the , in­ A. Keeler, and receiving solace r Graff, also a sincere Spit tualist, •nr> Interpretation and bachelor ° communicate with those they fluenced quite generally by the be­ and comfort from his medium- eft and his assistant in the church : nt>. Mr. Higgins spends some ' I behind. liefs of the editor regarding ship. He has been a constant work, Dr. George J. Lingc ihoel. i ,ns spare time while not teach- But on August 5 in Allegheny, Spiritualistic matters determines visitor at Lily Dale during the r- and guiding the youth at j»a>t a Spiritualist minister, of Funeral services for th< "dead" the treatment which such stories summer seasons in that period and i:n.vrson in lecturing for the Ked-, consiCierable prominence in that pastor were held in a N »rthside get. in the winter has made his home ! •.r i bureau. Kimball building, \ locality, made the same promise Pittsburgh funeral home on Au­ The New York Times reported in Washington, D. C. where he ''I icago. ill. One of the numbers j on his deatn bed and less than a gust 19, the sadness of t e occa­ the Rev. Frey's "death" and the has sat for world famous char­ A! .cli Dr Higgins is prepared to' week iater communicated with sion lessened by his pari honers' faith of his followers that he acters including senators, con­ -i »• for his listeners on the lec- those nearest and dearest to him. faith that their leader w uld re­ would return in a factual man­ gressmen, governors, foreign dip­ ' i;r»- circuit is "Among the Spir- The incident is closed. Affidavits turn to them from the "spirit ner tempered with a bit of lomats and others. Marked in- He starts off with a period , are in the possession of the world'' and continue to e their facetiousness born of skepticism stances of positive physical results .ii which he demonstrates his ! PSYCHIC OBSERVER attesting "guide." (Continued on Page 2) following sessions with 1hi m are ihiiity as a magician and in the many. William Henry Crowell of ..!'I»T part of his show he "e\- the U. S. Treasury Department in 4 •( -••>" fake mediums. the closing moments of a fatal ill­ Why Not Be Fair? ness wrote a will so poorly it could • Dr. Hiu'tfins did no more than not be read and died without affix­ • \ - and did it fairly and honestly ing his signature. Through a slate • -hould have no quarrel with writing Mrs. Crowell received a M.i'-ricians especially when legible transcription of the will • ' double as college professors, properly signed. It was the first 'interesting foik. Personally case on record of a will being 1 • lsa\e ne\er seen one who did written posthumously. :> Hii^ins' \Jek\ll and Hyde" Liliuokalana, the famous •» • lormance by 'Meaning" at a "Queen Lil" of Hawaii, while in ^ iiiMb \* w England college dur- Washington presenting claims to t . the day and mounting the lec- this country for territory confiscat­ plattorm tor a go at hats ed in Hawaii personally exhibited i : rahuits in the evening. |'or to President Grover Cleveland sev­ UOIMI of old Emerson. the eral slate writings she received ,^tees should increase the dean's and reported that the latter ex­ -. !-\ for w e Jei'l sure lie would amined them closely. She added .». much mon- value to the in- that her case received much favor­ -' "it ion it they kept him out ot able attention as a result. • entertainment field. The Old Excuse Attacks on His Mediumship ' is r\ir the excuse of those Mr. Heeler's slate-writing has att.iek mediums in general been attacked at times. Thirty ' . t onlv the take's, the illegiti- : years ago it was Hereward Car- : t- and the insincere ha\e any- rington, confidential representa­ • riL- to tear trom them and none tive of Prof. James H. Hyslop of • * the-e should object to their Kew York. Soon after this attack -;.,t -ments. The legitimate and the officers of Lily Dale Assembly Miicere should thank them tor conducted an investigation of his • if eiusade. they point out. mediumship. In*. HiUL'ins can liardly expect to In the yellowed files of the as­ '-• . pe criticism trom Spiritual- -' - althouuh he does so MI a let- sembly may be found this printed •: to the PSYCHIC1 OBSERVER. report dated July 25, 1908. In T'.e Fort Wayne News Sentinel in part it says: \\?.a' appears to he an unbiased "During the forenoon of Thurs­ ••port of Or. HiL-gtns" address he- day, July 23, 1908, Mrs. Hum­ it a club in that city says: phrey, president; H. W. Richard­ Or. Higgins was \ ery emphat- son, vice president; and George < m his statement that virtually B. Warne, treasurer, selected two ..'1 .so-called "" is from the center of a newly opened i.-»thing out unadulterated trick- bundle of slates at the general • : \ . performed by mechanical store of A. S. Dayton, placed up­ i ••ans by charlatans in a racket on the frames and writing surfaces ii 'ont. on Page 7) ("Editorial") of the inner side a special stamp, whose immediate duplication was an absolute impossibility. The TABLE OF CONTENTS What Is a Medium''" Maurice members went together to Mr. HARDANKLI Keeler's seance room in his cottage ^.•irjt" Photo.- — Dr. Edwin BOWr.RS b at Lily Dale. J- r, 'j& S brightest and the single window, \r- Kur FORD Plans v r.i-tor FRKY RfMjnis 1-2 fc as well as door, stood wide open. h'lV'ht Approach" — Dr O. L. tt Each visitor wrote her. or his, own Hri-tt V »i( >l*DINI si.ifh^ht- "l name upon a separate slip of pa­ I . .'? MUCINS Attack . .1-7 K'LLKK—Slat* Writtr 1-3 per, folded it tightly and deposit­ ' •' r; MYKRS' Mt-riiumship . 6 ed it upon the table beside the W t.. n- arc tho MEDIUMS? . . . \-tral Project:. M"--Mt;LDOON.. 4 THE MESSENGER slates. No names of friends in '. \«r-.- XK'KKKSUN Article .. -PHUT' Paint"'-' »»y Preiinita- j Spirit life were at any time writ- S An inspired conception of the Christ created by A. G. I arned, noted New York artist and Spirit­ t.i'M , ten bv the sitters. Ann Ta\ lor Pl-tii- Trip 2 ualist at the suggestion of a Catholic priest who urgt I the artist to portray a \irile saviour i "Neither the slips, the slates, or FEATURES NEXT ISSUE rather than the anaemic, characterless Middle Age pictn es that have been accepted by the Chris­ () McINTYRK Writes — J.»hn J. Mr. Keeler's hands were for one >-\riI.l. — "Scuiice Knows?" tian faith as the image of its leader. Lacking the soulful eyes, waving hair, and sweet expression -:.!r>T Within" -Alfred H. Terry — instant out of sight of three pair -|in;*" Draviri?- by KOME—Mar- of the face, Mr. Learned* s conception of the Galilean fill most satisfactorily the priest's commis­ of watchful eyes." , la IK-Cou HICKS. sion. The title "Messenger" was presented to learned ' y a trance medium. i Continued on Page 3)


AFFIDAVIT Graff and Lingenhoel Sign STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF ALLEGHEIJY. Affidavits Asserting Fact of Before us, the undersigned sonally appeared Elizabeth Gra ^ l||ing Frey's "Spirit" Message C duly sworn according to law, d n» "On Monday, August 22, 4:30 o'clock P. M„ I received1 sitting) from Maude KUnfe at ^ York, in which I receive^ a d Maude Kline Is The Medium Rev. Albert Frey in w*46$ JNt IS *•» is Albert. I want to let (Continued from Page 1, Col. 4) conditions a lot better. :^ Xingenh fore, I come back and I' "l|H»HI Ml and the Times' usual staid humor. work. 1 will give yo$ "•o. n>Avrr The Buffalo office of the United dence you have been Press asked for a story when it guidance. For many y #f vte OF P] SYLVANIA, ) for me. During my nasi fib TNf? OF Al "GHENY. J ss.: was known that Dr. Lingenhoel presence, and tell Geofj i me, the undersigned authority, per- and Miss Graff would come to hoel) though I be ab v'i^^H i M& appeared peorge J. Lingenhoel, who Lily Dale because it deemed like­ with you in spirit, •] ig duly sworn according to law, deposes ly that here they would fknd the ness in your faith in J S$% says: * .^ and Dr. Lingenhoel to inu$ me best facilities for communicating I left off at the Church On Monday, ^gust 22, 1938, at about 2:00 immediately with their true ELIZABETH GRAFF loved > ack P. M. I received a reading (or sitting) She Receives Message '•I have never had rea< In a Maude Kline at Lily Dale, New York, in friend. The Associated Press Kline before. He call me 1 ch I received :i direct voice from Rev. Al- wanted the same thing. one knows but myself, Andl'i t Joseph Frey in which be said to me he Dr. Lingenhoel and Miss Graff through from spirit he led wn satisfied with his condition on the other slipped quietly into Lily Dale, re­ German accent. &i sid v of life, and that he would like all of his "He continued. 'But§1w*hei $ fri ads to know^, that his life was better in ceived their message and as quiet­ and needed help I called her ;.H>«.?0 sp it. He told tee he did not realize that his ly slipped out. The PSYCHIC wants everybody in hia con mi id was fading as much as it did just before OBSERVER regrets t^at we were he will return to them a%d h he massed away, but that his mind is clear now. not privileged to talk with them can be more places nowM do ||1 o that he met his wife, son and daughter body to drag along. 1 wate gre $ri his ^arrival in |he spirit world. While they were hero. They re­ and two children and fern hap; W- He said he was well pleased with what I ceived a sitting with Maude Kline, ha e done for him since he passed away to the all together. Please let lily v 4 well known medium, and went a word.' 'Elizabeth, I want sp rjt world, i 4 away fully satisfied that the Rev. what you have done "&&. Al Chit message was entirely in the German Frey) last winter, as $ knoW r iai fuage and cotild not be understood by Maud Frey has kept his word and that good Spiritualist like you Kl ne or Mayflower (her spirit control). She, they had received a real and very through with all my h M; ude Kline, was blindfolded—I wrote a bal­ comforting message from him. lot but did not say anything about Rev. Frey, MI have received l»a% Iwoi <*0 If she could pee through the two large Affidavits Received my own loved ones and peri hr. idkerchiefs jtfli, Maude Kline, would not for my welfare, I hiTf^feK ki m what I waited, The PSYCHIC OBSERVER com­ hand. He asked me to pjfomi She gave me if lot of personal advice which municated with them by long dis­ church, as it had helj ^Wi ^ vory good and told me of some very im- those in need of spirit c tatyt guides Imp Controlled me at times of tance telephone ami received a He continued, 'I want i d—A little Indian Guide LITTLE SILVER brief description of the sitting know I have had good IOS- fST AR, who 1 hj|typfc known for years but never with Mrs. Kline. Again the press pital I was in. They $D 4d catch hei fefime gave her name clear—a was on the job to get the second let me pass out. This #d houj #i :Caae told me,.he, too, would help me—an worn out*." CI part of the story, the consumma­ REV. FREY «§j lv* ft Uan 1 who cpufti not speak English came He Speaks Tliree Days After His (Signed) Eliza I ough. He jgk$ my healer. He was a cliff tion of Rev. Frey*s promise to .41. n eller and as. hear as I could catch his name return. The PSYCBWG OBSERV­ Own Funeral. ft vp^He-WhoL'. fr ER relayed the story to the press Sworn and subscribed ijSeS XSigned)!George S: Lingenhoel. as it was received from Dr. Ling­ At Frey'» funeral, when Graff and ;c * - , x | [SEAL] this 24 th day of Aulgi enhoel and Miss Graff. It was Lingenhoel expressed their belief that he ^ ortf and subscribed before^ me (Signed) Harry widely printed. would try to communicate almost im­ V ia 24th day Of August, 1938. Notai T (Signed) Harry Heefc, But here in the PSYCHIC mediately, all Pittsburgh papers carried 1 My Commission Expi .^Notary Public. OBSERVER for the first time are story. When Frey spoke through the A c& -. Commission Expires, March 2nd, 1941. the affidavits sent to the PSYCHIC medium—not a line off comment was ,2 d,.1941. 1 r £ OBSERVER at our request. made by any Pittsburgh paper. -mm* ~m The question naturally arises •il'iiii^n w •••I *r why could Rev. Frey communi­ for sometl ng to spir- cate so easily and quickly with his fhuild upon. Life is a Working For The Harvest L loved ones when Houdini, Thurs­ * J^>rrent of experiences ton and others were unable to do By , especially for spirit CONVERSE E. NICKERSON K so without creating a great d«*al *> .•*? TO Ji fc In truth , widely known of discussion that ended in bit­ slumber. < od has call- medium, who has made New York terness and recriminations? the reality of the spirit wit] Jesus said "Lo the fields are tto the imp rtant busi- City his home for many years, was Well, we should say that being themselves and they forget white already for harvest and the understandin ; Him. As av visitor in Ltly Dale recently af­ Spiritualists all three of the prin­ the first necessary beginning workers are few." He meant must consci >usly exam- ter returning from his trip to Aus­ cipals in the Frey-Graff-Ungen- order to understand any r -4 that his disciples would go forth i Ithing called Death; we tralia. While in that country he Tioel incident were trained in the and preach his gospel and find is to know something of the w ifnestly appro; ch our con- delivered a series of lectures and matter of spirit communication. among the harvest field the ripen­ within us. ,*£ ins on that s bject. met *Mrs. Valerie McKeown who «• A They were sympathetic. They ed minds of many who should be If we are spirit here iod now^ later became his wife. Mrs. Ford wanted and expecced a message. awake to His message. then shall it not logically MISBIONAI Y was one of the secretaries for the They got it. The message of Jesus was the low that we go on In spirit? j Australian Society, of Psychical And already we Can hear skep­ message of scientific immortal­ Immortality is the desire of Research which sponsored Mr. tics add: ity. religions. It is to gain that pri Ford's lectures in Australia. that the reward of righteousness "Yes, they were all Spiritual­ Among the class of students After leaving Australia Mr. is offered by so many versions of ists. Of course, they got a mess­ whom Jesus raised to a position Ford came back to America and the Christian Church. lii reality age. THEY WOULD. of teachership were Peter and went to London. While there he Jesus taught that the soul was a Of course skeptics doubt. THEY Paul, even though Paul came into delivered a series of 27 lectures living thing already Within us, the student circle later and ex­ in four weeks. These were given WOULD, too. not something that would come to pressly by psychic direction and in Queens Hall and Wigmore Hall us with the signing of a church psjchic contact. before audiences sometimes aggre­ Paul and Peter were evangelists. I register or the affirming of gating 2,000 persons. They were Humanity Magazine they were the great preachers of creed. Our immortality is a scien­ sponsored by Mrs. M. A. St. Clair All blood is red - AJ1 tears, salt the Christ gospel. The definite tific inheritance, God hail given It Stobart who with Rev. G. Maurice Unlike any other publication now in to us at birth or before t&at event* existence. Vibrant with Life, Labor, thing about their ministry was Elliott has taken the lead in Love. Iairoed monthly; now in its as far as we know. Surely such tenth year. Its Editor. * **w;er; that they dealt directly with spreading the philosophy of Spir­ its home, a little ranch at the foot psychic manifestation. Peter di­ a gift, so surrounded with the itualism via The Confraternity of of the snow-capped Boekies; Its laws of spirit should be rightly mission, the aboUtion of Isn°ranc?- vined through trance condition Religions. Poverty and Greed~ihe establish­ the things of spirit. Paul, by understood and not put upon the ment of a CIVILIZBB Civilisation. Mr. Ford declares that this Con­ A United World, and the Kingdom clairvoyance and by inspiration, basis of a Christmas tree gift re­ of Heaven upon Earth. ceived by good little children for fraternity is the most important preached and exhorted the peo­ »• step toward the presentation of »* I Have Said: !£e are Gods ple to know the truth about the some deed of virtue. * our philosophy to the public. Mrs. Entrance* Bookletjflwt Nobody Can Gods laws of the spiritual mi spirit world. Stobart and Mr. Elliott are leaders Buy: it *oea FRER with the Au­ also be considered rationally thor's blessra*. to ejwy subscriber Peter on the housetop at Simon in the Confraternity. for 193$. A dollar bin enroll* your the Tanners house, (see Acts 10) we shall have an intelligent, name anions the Eled for one full found out through his trance ex­ ligion. In order to confine all his efforts year. perience just what the spirit world The world we live inrstre tp propaganda work for Spiritual­ MEV. E. ANN 1 %YLOR HUMANITY wanted him to do. Paul, by in­ on into the hereafter. ;wit « ism Mr. Ford says he has resigned [ Dept. DN. Arrodat Colorado, spirational writing, wrote mar­ ity is with us on through \fhfiSpiritualist Ci urches in ln- ail offices In all Spiritualist organ­ V. S. A* - velous things that were to be for gates of death. 'The Sfweet ^ ' h&inois, Ohio ; ad New York isations. wisdom and edification to the and Bye' is right at hand 11 receive ; visitor this W—P» followers of Jesus and the evan­ consciously we as spirit! In his visitor w il he Rev. M j gelists of the world who were to do taste of eternity. .^ rpr pastor of teach men the power and glory of Let us have preachersprho f Fellowship, 11 TRUE MYSTIC SCIENCE

* i the soul within man. go forth and prea^£ * Spiritualism today needs just preachers do; ser a i@i Ibis mist A .Magazine Devoted to the Advancement of such evangelists as Paul and things and delve d t|e variouH Peter. thoughts parts of Tayiori SPIRITUALISM — PSYCHICS — OCCULTISM We need earnest people who Rouse men's minds aga, Florida, j will talk directly to the people will be done, ] d"ln# winlejrf SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFEK estiy of the phfl rfe friii»iaist &i^( about the Questions of life and 5 Issues for *j-00 death. ualism and they 25c A COPY t *-v 'J There are many materialists in reason things out. tfj the world today; they claim re­ Today as neverj 402 Corn Exchange Building Minneapolis, world of chaos ligion, yet they fall to believe in ffTmHri i





MEDIUM FIFTY YEARS i (Continued from Page 1) During the sitting words writ-? 1 ten in green color, appeared up * Z the paper bearing Dr. *Warn< signature. The paper h«fl at time been unfolded. Thf* Dfte * t read: "It is difficult to *£t a t 1 'J thing on slates not magn< t \ "At the close of the sitting last f ing one and one-quarte*| ho there were found upon tKfe lit 4 i &• i of the slates, one message f » pis.: a brother of Mr. Richardson; fo 5 «^f" # messages for Mrs. Humphrey ant­ her immediate family; two me8if.';| sages for Dr. Warne; and one an unidentified personality. Oj ? was written in yellow, frut th$ i others in common slate pencil, l\ I.. O. A. KEELEK small point of which was pla between the slates at the be ning of the seance." ;\ (Conclusion of Investigators % HARRY-ED The investigators concluded "The messages were not writt it By H0UD1NI in advance — a substitution slates was impossible—l£j& Keele| !'Aho^r'is a reproducti n of a sUte-writb*c received through the mediumship of Mr. Keeler this summer. The original was could not have written them ^tt*»M received^along with many others* by Mr, Henry* during a private "sitting** with Keeler. (Mr. Henry's name and address ii This floudini matter .... itted upon re< nest.) We are almost sorry w ing the sitting, for he could ttfl&| ' *f|t( are 35 signatU' >s on this reproduction—many are friends and relatives of the sitter* Mr. Henry. " Others are well brought it up again. Some­ have gained access to the insl" ^ * ^s^V^tmaavflffy m in SPlRrnJ vLISM—in daysgone by. Note signatures of JOHN SLATER, HARRISON D. BARRETT, FRANK surfaces where they wer^ foui|i| ;* ™ CORA L. V. Rl HMOND, J. CI~EQG WRIGHT. These have been verified, from records, as to their authenticity. thing alx>ut the versatile ma­ SHE J *dj£ $ ' *jf r ,m m \ f IMM MMMOMI*— -** *^ gician has IK'en arriving al­ without immediate detection." 1%^' .tin to every chartered church or another . . . Xearly ier. Mr. Plu imer*s mes- eight churches have joined. The precautions and received 11 m r Binghamton Sept. 13-15 everything about his connec­ sages in all. one in Greek, one l^1^8* from Wet) er himself conference date, September 13, tions with the spirit world be­ German, one in French*, one jtffr that it was * reality he Elsie Butler iUints, Leader 14 and 15. Headquarters and reg­ fore ami after passing on is Swedish and one in Japanese f^, d the pro* tigation of istration, 138 Front St., Bingham­ being disputed. Chinese. Linguists available ncipation ] reclamation Binghamton is planning to en- ton, N. Y. the time pronounced the GreiJ8|W#A|$ ltte *»ediunv dP of Miss |Attain the New York Conference »nmimiiiimiinwi»mm^ . % Following t*e Webster A few excerpts from letters that French and Swedish messa Of N. S. A. Spiritual Churches, ac- The Late have come to our desk: grammatically correct. The rep 'came one f ira Lincoln feeding to Elsie Butler Bunts, lo­ MRS. J. H. It. MATTESON'8 Charles P. Kakow, one of our is signed by all six members of ho said that ie had since cal, pastor. For the past year, • '"i • Original most interesting Houdini corre­ board who took part in t^e in# $*jpfed£tliat Webster aspired the elaborate plans and a constructive Ion. spondents, says, that through his tigation. r program has been arranged,, and Remedies 14-year-old daughter, Betty Jane Message from Lincoln ift through th« years Mr. the committee in charge expects Are Manufactured and Guar­ % ? sent a letter to his Mr. Keeler in his slate >fwrtt as continued to give im- anteed by Her Eldest > . Daughter . wife in which he tells Mrs. Hou­ has brought many messages f» messages tot>< tjh the great 'A dini that she will never get in prominent people in the sprit lowly that luv ef influenced t V Develop Independent I Mrs. Nellie Wlittcomb touch with him through 'the bald Many times has Abraham tin in counties ways. Still Writing Dept. D.N., Angola, N. Y. (No Buffalo Office) headed saint." We believe he re­ indicated his presence by*'si forth in his modest eot- Send 25 cents (postage free) and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL v«t my booklet giving full instruc­ fers to the conjurer and business his name and the great W&r pr ily Dale > eh summer tions for the development in your Be sura and fat Green Label adviser of Mrs. Houdini, Dr. Ed­ dent, who many claim was * alft|:|||ib home in Washington, home of Independent Writing Me­ Nellie Whitcomb on aO my battles diumship, the most marvelous of remedies for chronic disease. ward Saint. Harry's letter ad­ Spiritualist or at least b^jteved all phases. vised his wife to "wake up and its powers, has sent lest of all * ate writers. (Do Not Send Postage Stamps) •* learn to see through that bald through' the mediumship: of PIERRE L. O. A. KEELER headed saint of yours. He's no Keeler. .'•' Dept. DN — Lily Dale, N. Y. BE A HEALER! good." & Instruction in the wondrous Art of MIND W. H. PI u miner oneeliteeov A CHURC I OPENS misssi••••••!•••••••••••••»••••; and SPIRITUAL HBAMNG. A fine pro­ in a pamphlet describing one « fession which is not over-crowded. Heal piritualist Tei pie of Love, by the CHRISTLY METHOD and the sick Others in a series of letters the seances at which Presid Send for your free • will beat a path to your door! Learn to *|£d Light, St. Petersburg, copy of "The Es- S from Kakow state that Harry Lincoln received advice and g& FREE render the blessed relief which thousands iorH|^ will open th latter part sentials of Spiritual Wisdom.*' I of sick, tormented, &riof-stricken» heavy- has communicated to him the a nee through the mediumship burdened and fearful are seeking. Special fi&ep|e^nber, accor ing to its ABSOLUTELY FREE! Noth- J training in utilising: DIVINE PROTEC­ statement that he (Houdini) Nettie Colburn, later Mrs. Ing to buy or sell. Stamp ap- nt, J. B. Ra fuse. The TION against threatening calamities. Send left no message before he died nard, the confirmation int a C predated. stamp and mention birthdate. We recog­ hurch is located at t ie corner of nize TALENT and SINCE1UTT. If sick. with anyone. He says the message from Lincoln impor ask for Folder G. Punninger "message" looks facts brought out in the, Colli ith Avenue and ' enth Street : Master Publishing Co. fNorth. Nellie Curry :; the pastor. 4931 V Hamlin THE HEALING MINISTRY like a blank piece of paper. seance. 146 Vermont Ave., Dept.

the Living, and the second and J FREDERICK W. COXSTAXTIXE far more extensive one published The CASE For ASTRAL PROTECTION in Vol. X of the 8.P.R. Proceed­ By ings, confirmed the belief that SYLVAN MlTiDOON such perception of phantoms was

more than chance could account' 1^5 A few people are skeptics be-j for, that there was some connec- • ct'.use with the sensory percep­ tion between the apparition and tion at their disposal they have the person whose ghost was seen. r.-ver come in contact with their The person whose ghost was seen >?, soul or that of anyone else. Mil­ was designated as the agent while lions more, strangely enough, are the person who saw the ghost of >»ire they have a soul but would the agent was designated the per- >*.. h* shocked at the suggestion that cepient. From my latest book, they try to get a peek at it. The Case for Astral Projection, I r ' j There is, perhaps, no other con­ quote an illustrative case. The cept on which most religions agent here was in a semi-conscious «4 assree than the existence of some state. I would call your attention sort of an other being—a spirit­ to the very unusual aspects of this ual body. But there is probably case. First, a lady believes she no phase of his religion on which left her body and visited her hus­ 1

the ordinary man is more ignorant. band, miles at sea. Second, at the «*-!/, Generally speaking, every hu­ identical time, the husband f#' man being is made up of two coun­ dreamed she visited him! And, terparts, the material and the third, believe it or not, at the spiritual; as St. Paul in his First same time a thirst party—percep- Kpistle to the Corinthians said: ient — saw the projected- astral Mulfloon at His Desk in Darlington, **Fred#M €#nsta^fj •There is a natural ^physical) Wisconsin* . bod#4t tfcOT)fr fee ' Ms, as '^1 1 a:;%^fei%.whi0jihe saw his wife been a Spiritualist sinc^e he subtle body, spirit entity, fluidic l .% enigmatic occurrence wp| liiispok c 7 and has worn stiff bosom shii body, etheric body, luminous body, In a W&& M$'if - #lili# i&£ doorjlrf the stateroom. en of as 'Astral Pro|ae; sihee he was i3. put'^^ finer body, double, phantom, Sfce; ||poked about,; and seeing that 'Astral Exteriori za^tl^n ?fc William tJonstantine is not stul ghost, pneuma (Greek), rauch terms being synonymous h^jiasbamd^ fw|gjj not/ jfcbe only M ) I shift because of those hard bosoms ( Hebrew) etc. nf #f %i,iom, h*ts|tated a term 'Out-of-the-boJ m and wini collars. BfMgtaiaigpi The belief that everyone pos­ ienceV i^n |$^£|pi and advanced lb' Sid!!.. S$t|#ping 'down, she for tsomf^rt he^iays, ^^?Adri^:-, sesses an astral body did not t ' ft ,(['" in%'' thel|:eveii *y ^f|^id%#; *J5 have its origin with the advent Phenomenon of Beat] \&*. ^ ., i and after * gently tl^ evening o|:|n itibSti of modern spiritualism, but is age In the phenomenon loir j*. |iS&&mi0^va few moments, noonday. \ old, and in truth, the foundation the spirit leaves the U pon^ t waken- t^Sr i3ow, Sir. Constanti of practically all religions. The l?^£M^'$^ni, M^v^Wilmot nently. At all times: ^ul eighty—^ lo^tin^ 1% Indian's spirit, at death, went to jection, the ghost is 1%^ ^ripsellShear M& fellow r t|ose sl^f shifts. %$w the happy hunting grounds. The cation with its physical illiam4j. Tait, Ls*- Sliirituatiist fiUt^ ^ Si ancient Egyptians believed in apar t by means of a litie- nfich to his ^relf||oji spiritual body in man, which they psychic cord, vital mk 'J? -' $'&#$!&# feliol^f-halving *ij* tne years he has be;en 4^ called the Ka, and it was the Ka, fluidic cord, or silver^'$(' **• ^!J«W^|pVisit t$k W mt th^ Chufcfa pf/^pirte • * sH~ which, after the physical body was sort of elastic connect^ relat^Hwha.t he in, the Stktler ^otei in| dead and mummified, visited it which flows the vital I' >*.«* |de anfiHe, lying - •* si s^-etary, AJtSpne tfifK.'^ie w^s, the Ka as a sort of bird-like is grey, and although e|tj Mm pf#sid^f; ofHAe #i^ai^||i4 double of the deceased. &net •j* '.'.*t* infinite expansion, it nl .. ,;Wi;Jnlot sembly and M^he .pi^^t «b», In the recently translated ar|#ep afeptf^rS"5pt5onn.|'*^.^he . im- ' i«J > 2 in Buffalo tlii^ughi Ify. |lonstaa- a been written in the eighth cen­ ^fl^l-lfat I visited you." astral cord has its analo tine's influence; the last heing h^t tury A. D. and embodying teach­ ibid £^,husband that on umbilical cord of physi HS there this summer. |p|^|fcn«tm- n «»• ings thought by experts to beA t death, the astral co| phasized at great length. i days, and of late there ?U ai Ips :M|« tern. On the night . occurrence she had lain ence and inter^pt of ife^^oi^|n- considerable prejudice •^ns«k# ?(*> Orthodox Church tfcne thait mediums a^^splrtWal- hasty embalming and% a long time and at While many people, especially ists are now traded th^ "pipte^liHn h:x- m j t4$r i'«cltick in the morn- v on the claim that such <4 % * orthodox church goers, shun all of more liberal laws* ?I| ures are a painful sh< seenied t#.'her that she had ^ * * investigation into the dual na­ Some of those that knbw new-born spirit. *^& % H Mr iphyslca^ body* and went ture of man, it has always been l«9dern;Spiritumlisiiits^;|nai Mn i! 4 4 4 >J y^ ox H)s|jk ^it^usband^ crossing quite generally believed by them Voluntary Pro|i ** t '*-, itelfMKl pbe continued: Lhl --« •»•>•• «tm death; and while the word ghost a ^ projections: involuntar n#*ift.i8 the upper berth, .?L. f S • - • Common Sense. .^ecl|j|tl0i|| ' fty-V : is considered taboo and ridiculous uiuary. In the forniei '^1 l#it^ai me, and for a •, | would warn aiy-rs^ir/^Ar* when mentioned by a scientific ject, through no effort'^ }.i i it 1 ^asji^aid td go in; but ever, at the outset, tha|ihouifilhe researcher, thousands hold the suddenly awakens to ftni A%oin|t w^tf^fi) youitjiWc-bent take up the study of/astral pro­ «4 • word in high esteem when speak­ conscious in a phantom 1 4 jection and actually ^ilcceed in h.v ing of how Christ "gave up the ahjd 'lte&^ yoil^lnd, em- visible to physical vis|fii| 'y^Jl^lWent projecting he need ha^|^^> hopes ghost*' on Calvary. 1 V pass right through p]by| that he will at once hCf^abled- to 1 ;, The astral body is the vehicle jects—a ghost of a Wi ^A; Pi lulltiaiions,^ iiat is, as usually ^nd himself ri|||%here on aiice it is an exact duplicate of the | however> that gh08ts |g i^tioh; produced in theearth , among *the ear|1kl|r things Physical body, but is a body ot: are always conscious, fi fi5- ifth of th^*|lfpepien| by telepa- which he knoirs. Tripst#^ Car ^s- \: .lec.ric-like energy, luminiferous, I ^ w »-it - jected phantom can Pi ?om%h|a^it, in sftfite of the tant planets will not be im- .•manating what we commonly | tja„y eonsclous (dreA #& m* ^at^thj^l»jj^Q int©t case after prdbable, bvttt jiighly Uilpossible. rail aura, but normally invisible | fu„y unconsclous. i M »j« ith^ ^fete%athy leo.uld not *> * V He willfind he will ;£^be able to physical sight. Us exact com- ! ^| ,*"* •' I ghogt is traveUng abo They fnew little t& retain his iliirmil consciousness Position is not known with cer-: , ^ the body n an nac0T ( "&bQmi a s t rai^projection atai penetral^; the foj^iejparaiing tuinty. By some it is thought to; j ^ T M have ternied m |0|1S t^e-iaay^ljft how,su^h could the earthly from lb# higher be "fluidic" in nature. Sir Oliver | .ld tin& fresearch- spirits ;M the %ad fro#ftinte;to while others are of the opinion ltj ^ -• 3t1 and simUar to phv3l >rty§t°>£s' 'discouraging fact t|lme wfco hatye returM^ jto^pie is composed of highly refined * bulism or sleep walki] ^^;Mq«|ition Mitral pro- e'a^th'st 'atm4|#here' ;4^|ip«i'fhfve matter — - atoms and electrons: y til first f^fk spirit- |gist passed ^ bu^^j^f^^ot \ibrating at infinitely high veloci- j Astral Somnani! 1*. l mi •'VJJ JK p the^I^ill stand |i§>babl|r ftm^the;; ******* '' ^ ties. The ghost, in a $| 6 no con nliprlan'^ whp "Astral Projection** Explained somnambulism can J| -1. ii. wim^ ^^ - hi| p^ical |0fly,; w 0W¥m^ onef.;jw talking In order to make the term tivities of a most? ii|* lionai}^uc^|i ^s#|! m ^^naieMhe stu^ia remark' r: Astral Projection** clear to those type — not only r<_ _, fo silgi ance in tton dd|i tal^ pia#J!.^^ i«*y Fffl readers unfamiliar with the sub-; which have occurred'^^j Mf ries "^Mrtever. ject, I quote a paragraph from my ject in the past, hu# . 5 » • , i&? 0t pr* ^,it*''m. *«i3a^*tt*iTO*i*«*hJ'*iEs»*a«*r •W^m.!»W book, The Projection of the Astral ;some which are destine tSWc **' " HI lUxty, written in collaboration j in the future. Often ite feet with Dr. Hereward Carrington, | ghost, in a semi-conscio ¥W (Prinripalist)

Director of the American Psychical! tion, visits a far 4$j » .. • m ii } m ISS *. Y % % Th - Institute and Laboratory* pub-i which the subjeel v J f^*V* . -3 £•*: S 4r ^g^£ints l lished in England in 1929: \ physically and oftmMjSj ,'• lit Urt f; fa^4. .- * ^m .» -? i4The spirit counterpart, or!This is not evide^^ mi i Founder and |*ini»tu., astral body, is capable, under cer-; lived there before, ja^^ ijici >dies higher and more #1.^' pi^ tain conditions, such as syncope, j maintain, hut of tut the ectionable accniemeiifo 30 •JSt iblic cipalinm is »n op|tti|#mU! trance, while fainting, while under!place wJnile project! §., ^! n* ''Mfli the influence of an anaesthetic, stances are numerous uanes during sleep, etc., of entirely antly gifted personal] N. H '- Sf; a Alt»MPtaat«Hpc^ ,; withdrawing and separating itself ghost of a living p 1 c&Sl from the physical body and travel- distant place, days; u>

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y r. a n 6 c vk* 6 PSYCHIC OBSERA R SEPTEMBER 10th, 1938 number of pictures of W. T. Stead, j "Spirit" Photography Expiated some of which showed only his j There is a great difference of SPIRIT PHOTOS A FACT face, while others showed him in , opinion concerning this subject. full figure. One of the pictures Many claim that , ema­ contained a beautiful photograph nating from the medium himself, BUT STILL ENIGMA is utilized to build up an etherial- By DR. EDWIN F. BOWERS of a bride, identified by several of the members present. ized ~- not materialised form, (Continued from August 25 Issue) At the prearranged time the which is photographed by rays as yet unknown to science. -1, t killed in an auto racing accident group at the seance in Leeds Dr. Bower* first article phoned, giving a description of Others claim that some psychic a few months before.) Myers re­ spirit photography with John of which it is difficult to,describe, to know that you have come parisons proved that eleven of •-;< Myers and Mrs. A. E. Deane exudes from the me4itun, and through, to prove your survival." the Leeds prints bore "extras" in their "developing circle" takes on the "thought forms" The voice then left Myers, went identical with those produced at and the strict test condition projected by members of the audi- to the other side of the room, and the same time in London. with which they surrounded ence or circle, and are then photo­ addressed Lady Segrave. It said: And thus, in a manner simulat­ their investigations. He out­ graphed. "Olive, what do you think of the ing television, Myers' guide had lined the tests applied by Conan Doyle believes that "the picture Myers took of me last been able to Imprint identical Maurice Barbanell of the supernormal Images have every week?" "extras" on prints developed in Psychic News of Ix>ndon and appearance of having heen pro­ "It is the finest I've eve* seen seances, held two hundred miles others to Myers' Photogra­ jected on to the sensitive plates, of you, Henry," Lady Segraye re­ apart. phic mediuinship. independent of lens or camera/' plied. Nearly AH Identified Still others contend that, In Lady Caillard "I posed especially for you, »» Out of approximately five these psychic pictures, the spirit *1 Myers was two hundred and Sir Henry continued, because you thousand photographs taken dur­ permits his memory to play upon fifty miles away when he received were not here last week.** t ing the four years Myers was ac­ radiations that emanato from the mm the wire, urgently requesting his On this same plate the flee of Ctp tive in this work about four photographic medium* and by attendance. He arrived the fol­ SwafFer's aunt appeared* iConH <§Fbf& same afternoon, n Leeds, thousand showed either spirit means of some unknown and fa- lowing morning, but ;oo late to meriting on this photo * packet was procured face* and forms, designs of vari­ visible ray impresses his image on secure a camera. said, "No one would doubt tfyia be­ photograi tier, and ous types and pictures, or else car­ the plate. However, a package ol sealed ing a Swaffer: look at her J*oae, packet w. 3 opened ried definite messages in the hand­ It is all "passing strange" — plates was quickly secured at a However, perhaps the mo&t re* signed by * ven peo- writing of the one purporting to either utterly bewildering or abso­ neighborhood shop, and at Myers' markable demonstration of Myers* re participate ig in the communicate. lutely convincing—depending up­ '4 suggestion, placed directly under amazing gift was when identical^ and placed a a box. 0f the "extras" ninety per cent on the degree of receptivity of the the casket. After the funeral psychic photographs were ob-^ lousiy been arranged have been identified as relatives, investigator and the results he ft cortege had started the packet tained simultaneously ia ^Leed^M * S roup ID Let is would friends or historical personages, secures. was secured, taken to a photogra­ and in London. Spirit messages ^^^^swUs Of lb W sitting and almost without exception the Sometime we shall know the pher's dark room, opened and de- received from W. T. Stead* *»m-: ed time. messages were recognized as perti­ answer to what many believe to \ eloped. One of the plates showed ous journalist, who went dow in J^ondc , Myers, nent and highly evidential. be an enticing but insolvable ^ a clear photo of Lady Caillard. 011 the Titanic, advised that th ^trance, asked he sitters It may be asked—how do these enigma. When we do, we may her husband, Sir Vincent, and Sir experiment be tried, asserting *" 6«W id care to;> ggest the siftttt "extras" ever get on these wonder why it took us so long to . it would be successful. of anythin unusual photographic plates? learn this answer. At a "direct voice" seance short­ One si -gested a Stead Manifests ly afterwards, (during which ma­ ro. er the vo t "love," terialized spirits speak audibly For the London seance Estelle" le tbJpfL a bouquet < flowers, i America's Foremost Spiritualist School * and intelligently) there were pres- Stead, daughter of the publicist Of widch requests v re noted. i * » nt Lady Segrave, Lady Carey, and head of the Stead Burea IssiS^c^ thought of I r father's i bought a packet of printing paper; -M the wall ii different . MORRIS PRATT INSTITUTE Lord Cottenhaia, Hannen Swaffer 2 < 1 ; nd many other notables. These papers were retained by h tn life, f . WHITEWATER, WISCONSIN and locked in a strong bos at thj ead then'di pped the ' , Psychic Development—Public Speaking Sir Henry Segrave Stead Bureau. Just before e at a time, n the de- > Finally a voice came through seance the packet was takefe fr ih. Wbeii removed, PREPARE FOR A PUBLIC CAREER! saying "I want to thank you, the box and opened, and m ton seventeen*,; vpers eon- Myers, for the privilege of com­ mittee including Miss Stead chic * **ex^ii » Among REV. A. E. HANSON, Kept. D.N. WM ing through on your plate. I am Maurice Barbanell signed each '.'•5a cross, a QUojuet of WRITE Whitewater, Wisconsin, U. 8. A. Sir Henry Segrave." (He had been them. word u e" and a i ISk. ' **j 1" &s mMm'Mm[MMMM^MM wmmmii\mmj®m3sm MJIJIM i —ff > QOOD BOOKS TO READ 3 ** -Psychic Science f*n* Spiritualism "»* it- MM "-«*• — ****** :"sv r AIMLESS DEAD $ .25 1.00 EDGE OF THE ETHERIC _; 1.75 Moon Trail ^White Eagk vt J. ft HIRTH OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM •*»Oi , ICHINGS „U. ...*, 1.00 PAIILSH THE HEALER ~ 1.75 C. E. Nickerson >StatntOB Most Maurice Barbanell PRAYER ROOK X-RAYED .25 w WITH LIFE ., ,.. 1.00 PSYCHIC LIFE OF JESUS 1.75 4 M. A. St. Clair Stobart #ary Pickfo r * Rev. G. Maurice Elliott THE REVELATION .25 COMFORTHP .1. 1.00 SPIRITUALISM IN OLD TESTAMENT 1.75 Phillips Brooks a u rice Barha< ell Rev. G. Maurice Elliott SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE .25 TRIOI 3 Moon Trail .Arthur Fine ay ROCK OF TRUTH , 1.75 J. Arthur Findlay ETERNAL TRUTH .85 STUD NARY - - J- 1.00 Paul Vogel »i N, Telestic Gull 1 TEACHINGS OF SILVER BIRCH 1.75 T A. W. Austen HUMAN AURA, HOW TO SEE IT .50 WHEN Afcjfc TRUTH ._- ... 1.00 Harry Boddington JI Hannen Swafi r £i<(t CASE FOR ASTRAL PROJECTION 2.00 PHILOSOPHY OP SPIRITUALISM .50 ii0Cwtf"teronD? ... - 1.00 Sylvan Muldeon \V. H. Evans f r^:vt^ary PickfOi l ETERNAL VERITIES ~ 2.00 PSYCHIC DIRECTORY .50 ...... 1.00 Marcella De Cou Hicks W. C. Hartinan M Mary Pickfoi t PSYCHICS AND MEDIUMS - 2-°° PSYCHIC HEALING .50 BIBLE ...... **«. 1.25 Gertrude Ogden Tubby Harry Boddington iverse Niche son TORCH OF KNOWLEDGE 2.00 TRANCE STATES—SPIRIT CONTROL .50 ^» |kED MAN 1.25 J. Arthur Findlay Harry Boddington Erifceet Thompson Seton THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY 2.0O

ABCOF SPIRITUALISM .60 te'r-li $ om .._ •** 1^5 Dr. Alexander J. Mclvor-Tyndall Lloyd Tester ^William E. I srt EXTRA-SENSORY PERCEPTION .... 2.50

ALL WORLDS CALLING .60 rf....•..». •») 1.50 Joseph Banks Rhine ;W T Lloyd Tester ?5^JM - - Stea« D. D. HOME-—HIS LIFE AND MISSION ... 2.50 THE BRAN TUB 60 SPIRITUAL 4M ,~.'..*. 1.5U Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Lloyd Tester St. Clair ^ tobart HOUDINI AND CONAN DOYLE .... 2.50

GOLDEN GRAIN .60 •I"5 ^JOK ... -•—»• 1.50 Ernst & Carrington Lloyd Tester «« Brenda*' HOW TO BE A MEDIUM ... 2.50 MAXY MANSIONS .60 ARKNESS 1JM> W. H. Evans Lloyd Tester fSmith-tayi< r THE LAST CROSSING ... 2.50 PERGEMIN .60 ALIST MANl AL 1.50 Caroline H. Hayes HAS~~Vol 1 +„„ 1J50 MAN THE UNKNOWN „ — ... 2.50 WHY IS IT? raldine Cmr. Ains Dr. Alexis Carrell Lloyd Tester 1J50 SPIRIT TEACHINGS ..™ 2JW GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD dine Cur nins Stain ton Moses CHAUdaWS1^ ^*—...... — 1.50 Henry Drummond TOWARDS THE STARS - - 2^JO . Edwin F. B >wehi PREFACE TO SPIRITUALISM (N.S.A.) Dennis Bradley Mark Bar wise |#-'SaifjtrH .~ 1JVO Jennie O'Hara 1 incock UNFOLDING UNIVERSE ... 2.75 SPIRITUALISM—WHAT IS IT? SOUN) 1JS0 J. Arthur Findlay Alfred H. Terry Maurice Barb net! BEYOND NORMAL COGNITION - ADVENTURES IN INSPIRATION 1.00 1.50 J. F. Thomas Hannen Swaffer CASH FOR AND AGAINST PSYCHICAL DAVID BRANCH'S FIIiOSOFY 1.00 1»75 BELIEF ...... 0. L. HIETT Murchison