National Spiritualist AssociationNS of Churches,A Lily Dale,C New York Nwww.nsac.orgew Septembers 2018 New NSAC Religious clude: Church Environment, Platform Remember to have fun!! Not every Decorum for everyone on the church person that comes through the doors Services Book Launch platform, including Mediums and of our churches is looking to be on a The new NSAC Religious Services book Healers Do and Don’t; plus much more. committee, on the board, or a plat- will be launched next month during The NSAC Religious Services book, a form worker. Most are just looking for Convention 2018 in Milwaukee. 258-page, hard-cover volume, can be a place to fit in and be wanted, not This new book has been published ordered from NSAC Bookstore, nsac just through God and Spirit but by us. to assist ministers, pastoral commit-
[email protected], 716-595-2000 or We need to provide this acceptance tees, and members who serve church- purchased at Convention 2018. and be welcoming, warm, and open. es at Spiritualist services. It is not only The concluding words of the Intro- How about a potluck luncheon? for those directly involved in Spiritu- duction by Writer and Editor James Throw a party, plan a field trip! Make alist services. It is recommended for Ehrhart state: This NSAC Religious time to just be us and have FUN! I’m every Spiritualist and for those who Services book is a tool that can help not saying we don’t have fun in our are investigating or studying the Reli- plant seeds for those now and in the churches, but Sunday services are re- gion of Spiritualism.