Page 8—PSYCHIft AfEWS, JUNE 5, 1948 Kings Were Anxious To PROOFS FROM THE PENCIL ('Continued from page 7, column 5) hand, rapidly wrote on a sheet apparent communicators were try- of paper, threw the pencil down Attend His ing to conceal. and then rose over our heads, Seances In this case obviously Stead got gradually fading into darkness.” TN “Heyday a Wizard,” “ writing of his own uncommunicated impulse, Try the experiment fully and his knowledge from the subcon- At another time he was sitting the in life story of that most precipitated ourselves from our fairly. If then fraud be found, scious mind of the individual con- light with Home and a few friends enigmatic of . mediums, Daniel chairs under the table . expose it; if it be truth, proclaim cerned. It follows that when in- in his own house. The power was the “ ‘ Home, ... author, Jean Burton, has I said to Sir David Does it.” formation comes by means of good and he asked for message succeeded a in creating another it not seem that this table is But despite its one shortcoming, automatic writing as from a de- to be written. A pencil and some “ enigma. ” raised by some means wholly in- Heyday of a Wizard is an enter- ceased person—if that information sheets of paper were lying on the ’ With a psychic like Home, who explicable ? taining book and fully records .the proves on inquiry to be true, centre of the table. “ ‘ a law “ was unto himself and whose Indeed, it would seem so,’ multi-phenomena produced through though unknown before to the Presently the pencil rose up on nomadic social existence made any he replied.” Home’s mediumship. Trance, tele- writer—the simple inference is that its point and after advancing by kind investigation previous sitting of sustained well- Of a with Home, kinesis, spirit hands and apports are it comes from the mind of the de- hesitating jerks to the paper fell nigh impossible, the one burning Brewster wrote to his family, that some of the many manifestations ceased person which still persists. down. It then rose “ and again fell.” question to the man in the street he . could not conjecture how described. Stead’s strange gift is “ thus of Several attempts were made but is, Was Home ? ” they genuine could be produced by any FIRE HANDLING great importance to our quest and all failed. As kind of mechanism.” Miss Burton's book is obvi- Detailed accounts are given of sufficient weight has never been However, the experiment was of written to ously appeal as much to Home’s three most remarkable feats given to it by those interested in interest and value. I have no space the non-believer as to the believer of mediumship—levitation, elonga- psychical research. to pursue the matter, which is dis- it is a pity that this all-important tion and fire handling. Strange, too, is direct writing, the cussed at length in Dr. Nandor question was left unanswered. There is a description of the counterpart as it were of direct Fodor’s “ Encyclopaedia of Psychic Yet she should have found little famous levitation when Home was voice. Here again we have some Science.” difficulty in arriving at a decision, transported out of one window evidence though not as complete A special feature noted by for her work is full of unsolicited and in at another, and of his put- as usual from Sir William Crookes Crookes in experiments with “ testimonies to the powers of ting his face into a roaring fire and (page 108, Researches into Spirit- another medium is that no matter Home. withdrawing it unharmed, and of ualism ”). how thin the paper was, the pencil, The book is packed with accounts what is perhaps the most unusual of On one occasion he was holding though obviously used, produced of sittings attended by such eminent all forms of mediumship—elonga- Kate Fox’s hands with one hand no indentation. people as Prince Metternich, tion. There are records of seances and had a pencil in the other. It T hese means of communication “ Austrian Ambassador to the Court where he was observed to grow six was quite dark. which I have discussed today" have of NapoleorWHl, Horace Greeley, or more inches while two indepen- “A luminous hand came down value as evidence in themselves. editor of the American “Tribune,” dent witnesses measured the from the upper part of the They often show initiative and pur- growth. ” “ and Sir David Brewster, the British Home as Hamlet room he says, and after pose or simply knowledge and scientist—to mention just a few of Coming from one of Britain’s But it Miss Burton failed to draw hovering near me for a few technique of which the human in- any the hundreds of famous personages, most distinguished scientists, this conclusions about Home at least seconds took the pencil from my tellect is incapable. the including some of the crowned surely should carry some weight late Harry Price did not. “ heads of Europe, who eagerly with Miss Burton. In a foreword, he writes : I more of sought admission to Home’s seances. It is significant that of all those can add little interest to Willingly and unwillingly, who regarded Home as a charlatan Miss Burton’s lively story of directly and indirectly, one Daniel and his times, except to BOOKS they tell of not could suggest a tenable inexplicable manifestations which hypothesis for explaining the tele- state that in my opinion Home they witnessed. kinesis which occurred in Home’s was a great medium; that he pro- “ duced genuine presence. Nor were any props,” phenomena at TROLLOPE’S and that he BROTHER accomplices or other accoutrements times was outstand- ing Brewster, showing an obvious of the charlatan ever found. among psychics by reason of FOR YOUR ‘ ’ LEISURE prejudice towards anything psychic, the fact that his power per- HOURS CROOKES’S DEFENCE (Cost postage was nevertheless compelled to sisted to the very end.” of for a single book is shown the price) The author’s inability to after admit that he not explain This is an entertainingly The Curse of Ignorance, 2 could formulate a decision was not shared vols., Arthur• Tertium Organum, P-D. Ouspensky. 355. the phenomena by any material written biography which derives Findlay. Each 15s. 9d. 6d. by that great psychic investigator theories. much of its charm from the rather Case Book for Survival, Alex. Baird. Lychgate, Lord Dowding. 7s. 6d. 6d. and scientist, Sir William Crookes, 10s. 6d. 4d. of Thomas Adolphus Trollope, unorthodox manner in which Heyday a Wizard (D. D. Home, the who favourably reported on Man’s Survival After Death, Rev. C. Medium), Jean Burton. 10s. 6d. brother of the famous novelist, quotations are flung at the reader. 4d. Home’s mediumship, thereby pre- “ Tweedale. 15s. 4d. The Teachings and Phenomena of Spirit- wrote of one seance he Heyday of a Wizard,” published Death is the attended cipitating a furore in scientific Not End, B. Abdy Collins. ualism, Ernest Thompson. ss. 4d. with Brewster : by George G. Harrap. Obtainable 6s. 4d. More Letters From circles. “ ” Heaven, Winifred “ My Son Sybil Paley. Then it (the table) quivered, from Psychic News Book Shop, Kit, ss. 4d. Graham. 6s. 4d. He vigorously attacked the ignor- Each Step An Awakening, Theodora Initiation of the became more and more agitated, price 10v. 6d. t postage 6d. World, Vera Stanley ant detractors of Home, pointing Horton. 2s. 6d. 3d. Alder. Bs. 6d. 4d. and was next at Here and Beyond the A raised one end and out that he not a Veil, Mother. Psychic Healing, Harry Edwards. 4d did attend seance 9s. 6d. 6s. then at the other, and finally was without taking obvious precautions. 4d. Magic and Healing, C. J. S. Thompson. SPIRIT OF YOOLL Faces of the Living Dead, Paul 15s. undeniably “ Miller 6d. raised bodily from the Prove it to be an error by 10s. 6d. 4d ground. How You Live When You Die, Shaw showing where the error lies, or, SENDS TIDINGS A Meaning to Life, Major Ripley Webb, Desmond. 10s. 6d. “ 4d. 16s. 4d. At that moment Sir David if a trick, by showing how the Psychic Faculties and Their Development, Witchcraft and Magic in Brewster and myself, each acting on trick is performed,” he told them. TO FRIEND Africa, Fredk. Macgregor and Underhill. 2s. 6d. Kaigh. 12s. 6d. 6d. Spiritual and Mysteries of Mental Healing, Murdo LOVETTE, demonstrat- Ancient South America, Macdonald Bayne. 21s. 4d. Xeßo>\ ‘ 55555555555555555E8!585555555555555858855555858585585558888555? Harold Wilkins. JOHNing at a recent M.S.A. meeting, 18s. 6d. Reunited, John Findlay. 6s. 4d. Magic Arts in Universal Brotherhood Federation was only one letter wrong with the Celtic Britain, Lewis From Life .to Life, Rev. Drayton Thomas. Spence. 18s. 6d. Bs. 6d. 4d. unusual, name of Henry Yooll when The University of Spiritualism, Harry Hypnotic Power, Colin Bennett. 6s. 4d. he transmitted a message from a Boddington. 15s. 6d. PUBLIC MEETINGS Orthodox Religion and Spiritualism, Rev. spirit of that name. Wisdom in the Stars, Joan Cooke. ss. E. J.* Payne. Is, 6d. 3d. 2jkl. KlKGS WAY HALL BATTERSEA TOWN Saying that the name was not Psychic Stream, Arthur Findlay. 15s. HALL Raja Yoga, Yogi Ramacharaka. Bs. 6d. 9d. JUNE 19th, 7 p.m. JUNE Yule but Yool, Lovette successfully 4d. 23rd, 7 p.m. Telepathy, Whatley Carrington. 12s. 6d. delivered the communication to a The Unwilling Martyrs, Mariam Pond. 6d. surprised but delighted friend in 15s. 6d. The Shining Brother, “ Laurence Temple. Mil. SHAW HKSMONO Voices of the Passed,” Major Webster 6s.
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