ISSN 1053-4415 A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY $8.00 VOLUME 33, NUMBER 2 SECOND QUARTER 2011 Letter from the Editor When I was fewer than a dozen years Lincoln, the raids by “Stonewall” Jackson, old, the centennial of the Civil War was cel- the massive transport of Union troops The official publication of THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO ebrated. It became a centerpiece of life, in southward, the defense of the railroad and RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY school and in the newspapers, along with the attacks launched against it. P. O. Box 24225 dozens of events to commemorate 100 Indeed, one worthy task—volunteers, Baltimore, Maryland 21227-0725 e-mail:
[email protected] years after this and that battle or happen- please!—is to compile a timetable of website: ing. It actually began with the centennial these wartime events so that they can be Missing Sentinel:
[email protected] of the Harpers Ferry raid, which, of course, properly commemorated as their anni- The Baltimore and Ohio Historical Society is a involved the B&O as a central factor. versaries roll around. A bibliography of non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving and disseminating historical information about At precisely the same time, I began my the B&O story during the Civil War is The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. lifelong fascination with model railroading also a good and easy project for someone Copyright ©2011 ISSN 1053-4415 and railroad history. So there it all is: today so inclined. SOCIETY OFFICERS I’m a B&O modeler, an amateur railroad There should be photo exhibitions Bob Hubler, President Bob Weston, VP Operations historian, a Civil War re-enactor, and the and research material published on the George Stant, VP Finance owner of a Civil War-era B&O layout.