OF WYOM TE IN TA G Wyoming State Geological Survey S G E Y Ronald C. Surdam, State Geologist O 1933 E L RV OGICAL SU Green River Basin Water Plan II Groundwater Study Level I (2007-2009) Available Groundwater Determination Technical Memorandum Executive Summary Prepared for the Wyoming Water Development Commission Laramie, Wyoming 2010 Wyoming State Geological Survey Ronald C. Surdam, State Geologist © 2010 by the Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie, Wyoming This publication is available online at: http://waterplan.state.wy.us/plan/green/green-plan.html Individuals with disabilities who require an alternative form of this publication may contact the WSGS TTY relay operator: 800-877-9975. The WSGS encourages fair use of its publications. We request that credit be expressly given to the “Wyoming State Geological Survey” when citing information from this publication.: Please contact the WSGS with questions about citing materials, preparing acknowledgements, or extensive use of this material. We appreciate your cooperation. Use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement or approval by the State of Wyoming or the WSGS. Contact information: To order publications and maps, please go to, www.wsgs.uwyo.edu, call 307-766-2286, ext. 224, or email,
[email protected]. Cover: Boar’s Tusk, Quaternary volcanic neck, east of Eden, Wyoming, Photo by Meg Ewald, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GREATER GREEN RIVER BASIN – GROUNDWATER STUDY, LEVEL I Available Groundwater Determination Technical Memorandum This memorandum represents our current assessment of available groundwater resources in the Greater Green River Basin (GGRB) of southwestern Wyoming and small adjacent areas of Colorado and Utah.